#but i’m stresseddddddd
tvugly · 11 months
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butchreyes · 1 month
i’m literally at the emotional climax of glass houses (part one) and my brain fell out and got covered in dust bunnies. my head is currently empty as i try to rinse it off in the sink. 🤯
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yugiohz · 1 year
one thing about Europeans they will put their toddlers on their bikes and then drive on the main street like it’s nothing
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mindninjax · 3 years
On my third cup of coffee. 🥲
It’s gonna be one of those days yall.
Please be prepared for manic marq energy.
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pprincesscut · 6 years
anyone else wanna yeet themselves off a roof bc of adore delano?
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loyalltae · 8 years
Fiver Tag
Thank you to @yoongster for tagging me! Love@you!
 5 things you’ll find in my bag
 * £££££
* Phone
* Earphones- these literalTAE ;) come with me everywhere...
* Keys
* Language book... 
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom 
* Posters. Posters. Posters. Maybe some more posters... Not necessarily on the walls, but they`re there.... Lurking
* Teddy bears... 
* School books.
* Print outs of language learning resources 
* DVDs and video games 
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life
 * Live or study abroad... Nowhere in particular ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
* Get a horse... 
* Learn to dance and an instrument
* Pffftttttt I don't know what else wimps out
 5 things I’m currently in to 
*BTS. BTS. BTS. BTS. x999999999999999999 (and more)
* Kpop ;)
* Assassin's Creed
* Attack on Titan Second Season comes out soon and I`m hyped for it!
* I'm really interested in earthquakes at the moment?? I don't know why...
5 things on my to-do list 
 * Reviseee. I have exams next week and I am not ready! 😅
* Learn Korean, somewhat fluently...
* Stop being so stresseddddddd
* Catch up on Hwarang
 5 things people may not know about me
 * I am a straight A student (most of the time)
* I am a massive fan of the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit... Highkey
* I used to be really sporty. In the past I have been in A LOAD of sports teams: football team, cricket team, track team, tag rugby team and rounders team... Pffttt not any more... I sleep too much
* I am terrified of doctors and will do almost anything to get out of going...
* I suffer from eczema... I`m grasping for ideas here!
I'm pretty boring, buttt.... I hope this was interesting :) 
Nominees (don't feel pressured into this) : @joonwings @taendency @randomlazymusiclover
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