#THANKS!! alksjdhf
swordsmans · 2 years
i wanna know about this medieval/fantasy au! i’m nosy
it's! pretty scattered and i'm basically trying to work around the one scene in the fight club that will not leave my head, and there are a couple of competing versions, which basically how this whole outline format works. i just... dump everything out and then pick and choose what pieces i like best.
so, there's a version where zoro is a cursed sword demon disguised as a human who was summoned once but could not find his way back to hell, keeps killing every subsequent swordsman who tries to wield his sword, and then is like "fuck it i'll do it myself". in this version he wipes the floor with everyone in the fight club/tournament, accidentally reveals his demon form or w/e and luffy is basically like "i'll free you if you hang with me" and zoro's like "clearly i have no choice. clearly there are no other options" and agrees to be his bodyguard/right hand/something-something. this version revolves around luffy being On The Run for various reasons, and involves mihawk as another (higher) sword demon or smth serving the Big Bad
then there's a version where zoro is just A Guy, maybe already a low-ranking recruit in the royal guard, and luffy is already a prince but sneaks out to do unprincely things (of course). fight club scene happens (instead of a ~demon thing~ they just think zoro cheated or smth), luffy is like "yes, excellent" demands that zoro become his personal guard because he would totally let him get away with shit (and he's kinda cool). this version is more lighthearted/less macro plot heavy, and mostly involves miscellaneous shenanigans in this weird nondescript au. mihawk is (maybe?) captain of the guard, nami is always 0.2 seconds away from committing regicide, and mostly it's all just comedy with light plot flavor sprinkled in.
they're very different ideas for the same au which is why this document is just Soup lol
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hugs-and-stabbies · 4 years
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starswake--archived · 4 years
2 4 10 and 23!
wendy hello!! thanks for sending in an ask 
2. Who is your favorite character?
OKAY GOING DOWN THE LIST OF FAVORITE CHARACTERS, after Diluc, I actually really like Bennett T - T He’s one of the two characters who I have the highest friendship rank with presently because I use him so often, and honestly????? Everytime I unlock more of his backstory, I just start crying my eyes out because kid, you deserve so much good in the world I’m so sorry about your luck....
And he’s honestly not that apologetic about it too,, like the last thing I had unlocked said something about how he’s so happy he has friends despite his bad luck, and that means he can ward off all their bad luck by taking it in for himself and bennyboy pls protect yourself i’m going to cry 
4. Which characters do you have (count all of them)?
As of now, I have 13 characters! Aside from the given 4, I have Chongyun, Bennett, Fischl, Noelle, Sucrose, Albedo, Razor, Xiangling, and Barbara :) 
10. Favorite element?
I don’t think I really have a tier on this BUT my first would be Anemo (answered here). Second is Pyro (answered with the Diluc q lol). And my thiiiiird would have to be Hydro lol And this is more from a bias perspective just bc I myself feel more in tune with water above other kinds elements as a person. I only have Barbara as a Hydro user so it’s also really hard to say how much I like Hydro BUT I like the idea brought up by the Oceanid about how malleable water can be and how it could change forms (also seen with Childe’s weapons as well,,, his weapons are so cool...). 
So I guess more or less, I like the idea of Hydro than I do the use of it ^^;; but hey, that might change when I actually get a Hydro user that I would frequently use lol 
23. Bow, Sword, Polearm, Claymore or Catalyst?
THATS SO HARD BC I LOVE SWORD AND POLEARMS SO MUCH.... It’s so swift and fast !! And I generally like melee and speed for my characters alsdhal I guess, judging by my usage of characters, I have a tendency to use sword characters more than...polearms, but I mean I only have Xiangling as a polearm user.... so idk 
genshin impact asks
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pyshcic · 4 years
@masensons    asked :      ❛ Do you think I don’t know what you’re doing? It’s actually kind of outrageously unsubtle, the fact that you’re being this bold about it, I’m honestly kind of impressed? ❜ LMAO
        the  way  she  leaned,  so  casually  strewn  about  in  an  armchair,  with  so  still  a  stature,  any  mortal  eye  would  have,  upon  catching  a  glimpse,  thought  she  a  painting  overtaking  the  wall  of  the  cullen’s  living  room   (  titled  “  studious  vanity  ”,    the  painter  depicting  that  small  little  creature  with  a  book,  holding  it  gracefully  in  a  single  hand  above  her  head  as  she  peers  towards  it,  a  small,  pocket - sized  mirror  underneath  the  angel’s  thumb,  pressed  tight  against  the  words,  so  that  she  only  peers  back  at  herself    –––   there  was  no  actual  mirror,  now,  of  course.  no  literal  reflection;   but  there  might  as  well  have  been,  with  so  glossy  a  stare  at  the  page  floating  so  far  from  her,  it  was  clear  she  stared  past  it,  even  before  she  moved  her  gaze  to  meet  that  of  the  voice  . . .  )   graceful  motion  brought  her  upright,  legs  crossing  and  book  leaving  her  hand  so  quickly  that,  in  a  flash,  it  sat  suddenly  folded  on  her  lap,  the  title  clear  as  day:   frankenstein.
       “  i  take  it  you’re  still  in  a  sour  mood,  then.  ”       an  expression  plays  across  her  features  with  significant  weight:   sincerity  in  her  innocence,  gravity  to  her  naivety.   of  course,  she  was  no  such  thing.   she’d  been  frustrated  by  his  mood  for  too  long,  now,  and  she  had  no patience  for  his  off - putting  silence.   things  had  to  be  taken  care  of  delicately,  with  a  real  sense  of  poise,   soft - hearted  hints  dropped  on  the  not - so - rare  occasion.  she’d  stood  outside  his  bedroom  door  the  previous  morning  and,  with  a  dramatic  air,  so  well  done  she  had  the  brief  thought  that  she  should  have  been  an  actress,  sighed  so  loudly  it  would  hardly  be  missed  by  any  member  of  the  family.      “  darling,  i  can’t  possibly  know  what  you’re  talking  about  . . .    you’ll  have  to  spell  it  out  for  me.  ”        a  wretched,  sweet  little  smile  takes  hold  in  one  of  her  classic  saccharine  stares,  but  she  loses  the  focus  of  it  quickly,  dropping  the  facade  as  she  let  her  head  fall  back  and  rest  against  the  chair.   mouth  shuts  and  she  stares  at  the  ceiling,  force  to  her  thoughts,    [   when  have  i  ever  been  subtle  . . .  you  should  know  how  insulting  that  is.  ]    
       “  beware,  ”     she  says,  tone  a  little  regal,  as  if  she’s  reciting  something.     “  for  i  am  fearless,  and  therefore  powerful.  ”      neck  twists  again  and  she  cranes  to  stare  towards  him  yet  again.     “  have  you  read  this?  ”    question  plays  off  her  tongue  with  only  a  shadow  of  a  smirk,  book  instantaneously  in  hand,  being  waved  now  in  his  direction.
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innosen-a · 5 years
aaand for the new year we’re starting off with this new icon made by this creative bean @doltage​ !! 
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imrisah · 7 years
Dude your panel (hope that is the right term) where Bull is about to get beat up? The one at the very bottom with with the hand in the forefront, and covering half of Bull's face? Very fuck good A+ GOOD SHIT. Like if this wasn't something where people knew he had one eye, the suggestion of him losing one in that panel is super clear and just GOOD SHIT DUDE!!! I hope that made sense haha. The foreshadowing of it, despite fanbase knowing whats up, is SO WELL DONE FUCK
holy shit thank you pal alksjdhf 
there are actually some readers who have never played da:i and don’t know much about bull, so this makes me feel a lot better!
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nakamotens · 7 years
you guys are seriously so fast!!!
alksjdhf thank you!! we’re sure there are a lot of blogs who are just as fast as us though~ 
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frostironficrecs · 7 years
Hey there ! Hope you're good and having a nice day
Here is the Top!Tony rec list, which does have some Dom!Tony on it, and then the Alpha!Tony rec list
Pining Loki (Sorry-not-sorry in advance that there are,, a lot of STARSdidathing works on this list alkdf):
Let’s Be Alone Together- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsA friendship that can stand the test of time and a man who adores him for who he is; this is the most valuable thing that Loki possesses and he will not risk it for the world. Or, more accurately, he will not take a risk of his heart. Because love is only useful if the person loves you back, and Loki isn’t about to take chances where Anthony is concerned.This is one of the sweetest fucking things ever, damn, I love STARS, just, it’s just the right amount of angst, and just the right amount of pining and aaa
The Astronomy of Manmade Stars- babyblueglasses, T, No WarningsLoki has turned the life of a recluse into an art, right down to the technologically obsolete candles and stolen magical tomes. Yet when an armored man stumbles in past his forbidden window, Loki finds himself obsessed with unraveling the mystery man’s secrets. Firstly, his name.Buddy, this was fucking cute, he’s a lovelorn teenager with a happy ending, how could I not love this fic?
Not Your Choice- STARSdidathing, M, No WarningsIt’s all fun and games until someone falls in love.Hoo Boy, this one has a major Tissue Warning, like dude, aaaaaaa
Longing- Scotch, E, Chose No WarningsAs Loki serves his sentence in Asgard, he thinks back on where he went wrong. He wonders if a certain mortal could have seen the good in him, and it’s the only thought that keeps him sane in his solitude.Aksjhjf to put it crudely, Loki jerks off, accidentally sends these fantasies to Tony through dreams, and then Tony (my wonderful amazing boy) comes and rescues Loki from prison. This fic,, is,,, it’s a ride asdjfjk
Doing the Right Thing- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsAnthony finds something he was never meant to see and it forces him to make a decision. But is it better to wreck his relationship with Loki… or to wreck his Prince’s future?Tony is a nosey motherfucker, and snoops, and then doesn’t regret his mistake at all, bc they’re in looooooove. (And while it is slightly openended and slightly depressing, I refuse to believe that these two idiots would ever break up)
I Know I’ve Made Mistakes (I’ve always been afraid)- dls, T, No WarningsLoki and Tony had been together since the Trickster cleared his name of the Chitauri invasion and the Avengers defeated Thanos. They pledged their lives to each other, except a lifetime didn’t quite mean the same for a god as it did for a mortal. Loki set out to correct that, but with a few detours first.Parallel universes and pining Loki galore.
Quiet Comforts- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsLoki knows what it’s like to fall. He knows what it’s like to rage and be misunderstood. He knows a lot of the problems that can plague a man like Tony Stark, and in turn, Loki knows the ways that he can sooth him.This is open ended and angsty please don’t murder me, IT’S REALLY GOOD GUYS (and also I may or may not be planning on making a slight fix-it fic for this, but you didn’t hear it from this blog, no siree)
Tony Stark’s Secret Diary- Sparcina, E, No WarningsLoki has never meant to fall for a mortal. He doesn’t do love; he doesn’t do loss. When Tony starts avoiding him, Loki discovers something in the mortal’s room that could change everything.Now it’s Loki’s turn to be a nosey motherfucker! With a decidedly… happier outcome, one could say akjsdhf
Criminals & Forensics (series)- STARSdidathing, M, No WarningsCriminal mastermind Loki Laufeyson is enamored with forensic scientist Tony Stark to an extreme. A courtship of a sorts follows their meeting.Lots of feels, lots of pining (on both sides at the end of part 1), so much happens here, and it’s done so well just!! Aaa!!!!
It Isn’t Always Easy- Schadenfreudessa, E, No WarningsLoki’s fallen from grace, fallen from power, and fallen from the Bifrost. Now, he’s falling again, but this time it’s for one of the very team that beat him. Somehow, Tony Stark has become the focus of Loki’s sexual fantasies, and he won’t quit until he makes them happen.Coming from the amazing author Schadenfreudessa, writer of the hit series Of Monsters and Men (another series which features some serious Loki-and-Tony pining, go read it), comes another amazing fic that I could not put down once I opened the tab. Does get a bit squicky for me at one point (non-con kissing, but nothing more really), but overall, pretty good nonetheless.
I Could Look After You- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsWhen Anthony is injured in battle, all Loki wants to do is help. But he’s barely accepted as a member of the team when he’s useful, let alone the rest of the time. Anthony might treat him differently than the others, but Loki has no reason to think he’d want a former enemy around when he’s vulnerable and wounded.What may seem like some major angst and rejection turns out happy and amazing.
My Little Iron Man- STARSdidathing, T, No warningsThings aren’t always what they seem, but Loki does not trust anything that comes from the Avengers. Especially not something so innocent and… childish.(Another fic inspired by more amazing artwork by NovaRain, and here it is!!)You know that feeling when you read something absolutely adoraable, and you can’t help but let this horribly goofy, big, cheesy grin creep across your face? That’s what this fic is in written form, I’m not kidding, it’s amazing, and it’s cuteness concentrated.
Lay With Me, Stay With Me- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsLoki is avoiding Anthony. The Prince said something Anthony can’t get out of his head, and the distraction causes him to lose focus when he shouldn’t have. The near death steels Anthony’s resolve to find out just how truthful Loki was being when he asked Anthony for something they both knew better than to speak about.AaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA this is pretty much the opposite of Doing The Right Thing (Loki being pessimistic and Tony being hopeful here, vs DTRT with Loki being hopeful and Tony being pessimistic) and it kills meeeeee (except there is still a semi happy ending that could definitely lead to more, and that is horribly exciting, isn’t it? It is, it really is.)
Concerns of the Heart- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsSomething is bothering Loki. It’s painfully obvious to those who know him, and it’s making him retreat from others. Only, unlike in the past when he would come to Anthony for help or distraction, this time he is avoiding the weaponsmith, too. Anthony is more worried than he’d care to admit, and he’s determined to do something about it - to show Loki that, whatever it is, he doesn’t need to weather it alone.(Inspired by this artwork by NovaRain and guys, it’s amazing)I am absolutely not planning on also continuing this, nope, not at all, I’m totally not imaging all the amazing and sweet directions that could arise out of these two courting each other, of course not. I’m also totally not writing the outline in my head as I type this out. (STARS and Nova, if you two are reading this, I love you both aaaa)
Some Secrets Were Meant To Be Told- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsLoki had been the most annoying, insulting member of the Avengers since he first joined what felt like centuries ago - or he would have been, if he wasn’t perfectly nice to everyone else except for Tony. He frustrated and sniped at the Engineer at every available opportunity. Tony had no idea what the Mage’s problem was - but apparently, Thor did.Loki being a little shit is my jam, guys, like, it’s one of the best things I’ve ever read alksjdhf
And then a Dom!Tony fic that’s not on the Top!Tony rec list:
Breaking the News- i_am_a_mole_and_i_live_in_a_hole, E, No WarningsThe Avengers aren’t officially aware of Loki and Tony’s… arrangement. That changes when Loki kisses Tony in the middle of a restaurant, and Tony fucks Loki on a rooftop in Manhattan. Honestly, I laughed quite a bit at the end, bc Tony was so aghast at what had happened after everything. A pretty good fic, all in all
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ohmyshownu · 7 years
praline: a popular book you haven't read yet?
Alright i haven’t read a book for pleasure bc of college, so I have no idea what books are popular alksjdhf all I can think of is fifty shades and I REFUSE to read that trash lol
Thank you so much for asking!
ice cream asks
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