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pisces-magazine · 3 months ago
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hannie-dul-set · 1 year ago
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p — PARK SUNGHOON x gn! reader. g — ceo! sunghoon and secretary! reader, humor, romance. w — swearing, sunghoon being a weirdo, a misplaced marriage proposal. 1.3k words.
requested by — anon: menace to everyone but you x the opposite of that.
note — i hate the cold angsty male ceo trope. so instead i turned ceo hoon into a weirdo that's a little bit too in love and doesn’t understand the concept of workplace boundaries which stresses you the fuck out!!
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when you got promoted from being assistant secretary thanks to your ceo’s former secretary resigning, your co-workers did not throw you a celebration.
“you called for me, mr. park?”
instead, they threw you an advanced farewell party. it was nice working with you, said the cake dusted with stray confetti on the day of your promotion. they’re celebrating your inevitable resignation. they’re sure you’re going to follow suit after you predecessor within three months max because according to them—
your boss, park sunghoon, is the nastiest fucker in the planet.
“take a seat.”
you gulp, making cautious steps into your ceo’s office. he’s signing a stack of documents while you take your sweet time delaying having to sit in front of his paper-stacked desk, setting them aside the moment you sit down, sharp eyes immediately zeroing into your soul, and you start sweating.
there’s a bet on the line on when you’d eventually quit. today marks your fourth month here, and you’re pretty sure heeseung is going to win because you are in fact this close to sliding your pre-written resignation letter over his desk, adding onto his pile.
not because he’s terrible, like they all say. not because he’s temperamental.
“sunoo told me you were sick,” sunghoon starts. “why did you come to work today?”
but because you fear your boss might be a little bit in love with you.
“is...is that the only reason you asked for me?” you hesitantly say, picking on your cuticles and trying to avoid eye contact because the concern drowning your boss’s expression is just enough to drown you as well.
“you don’t look well,” he avoids your question. of course you don’t look well. you’re very, very uncomfortable right now and the main cause of that discomfort is him. “you should go home. i’ll tell jay to drive you.”
you’re pretty sure jay isn’t going to be happy with that. 
“mr. park—”
“i thought i asked you to call me sunghoon.”
your mouth is left hanging open. you’re flabbergasted. you take a second to recollect your thoughts. “...mr. park. sir,” you emphasize. you should at least be the one reminding him of your hierarchical roles at the moment. sunghoon looks upset that you’re not abiding by his request, but says nothing in protest so you continue. “i ran out of sick leaves. and there’s still so much work to do, i can’t just go home.”
“you ran out? well i’ll just give you more.” sir, that’s not how it works. “and jungwon can take care of your work. you should go home and rest.”
jungwon wouldn’t be too happy with that either. you feel your stress levels rising, headache incoming, because he’s just not listening to you. this crazy bastard, you think to yourself.
but maybe you were thinking a little too loudly.
“can you say that again?”
you slap a hand over your mouth with a gasp.
“say it again.”
you’re fucked. you just called your boss a bastard right to his face. “i’m—i’m so sorry, mr. park, i didn’t mean to—” but maybe that’s a good thing because that means you wouldn’t need to debate about resigning if he’s gonna fire you. “i apologize. i’ll accept any punishment you’ll give me.”
“no, say it again,” he hums, sounding a little too happy after being called crazy and a bastard, and you get a bad feeling. a really bad feeling. “i felt like we just got closer because of that. swear at me again.”
there’s a smile playing on your boss’s face. 
“i— i don’t think that’s appropriate, sir.”
jesus christ, he’s a bit more in love with you than you thought.
“why not?” when sunghoon gets up from behind his seat, circling out from behind his desk to lean back against it right in front of you instead, you start fearing for your life. he looks at you, arms crossed in disappointment, and he looks a little too good with rolled up sleeves and slim-fit slacks. 
crap, were you just checking out your boss?
his crazy is rubbing off on you.
“you have no trouble with swearing at and laughing around with the others,” he says. “why can’t you do the same with me?”
he is not normal, you think. thankfully not out loud this time. “sir, you’re my boss. i’m just your secretary. there’s a big gap there. i can’t just treat you the same way as i do with my co-workers.”
your boss takes in your words. he remains quiet with a stoic face for a few moments, and with each passing second of silence, you feel half a year of your life being shaved off. “ah,” he finally makes a sound after a good minute and a half. “should i give you a promotion, then?”
oh my fucking god, he’s nuts.
“boss, there’s an urgent thing you need to—”
“did i permit you to enter my office?”
your eyes widen, slapped in the face by a whiplash when your fellow secretary jake suddenly pops into the office, only to be cut off by the sharp glare and icy tone of your boss. jake’s hand doesn’t leave the doorknob when he nearly stumbles in shock with a stack of papers pressed to his chest. you see the look on his face. it’s the face of someone who’s about to get royally fucked over.
“n—no, sir. but these documents are—”
“then why are you in my office?” holy shit. so this is what they meant when they said ceo park is a bitchy demon from hell. jake looks like he’s about to piss himself. you’ve never been on the brunt of his temper— likely because he’s biased and has feelings for you, which has always felt burdensome. but now you’re a little thankful because you’d probably cry if he snapped at you like that.
“i’m sorry, i’ll leave now. i apologize.”
with that, jake makes his hasty retreat, and you’re once more left alone with your crazy boss. 
“where were we?” he says. “oh, right. your promotion.”
you’re starting to feel dizzy. 
“i’ve never liked how seojoo handled things. you can take his spot as the sales department head.” you have to stop him. you have to stop him before he actually fires a competent employee and gives you their spot as a courtship gift. “wait. i think you’d prefer working in HR actually. it’s a shame ms. kim is going to lose her position, but i can just—”
“mr. park—”
“sunghoon,” he cuts you off. “call me sunghoon.”
you look at him, exasperated. “sir,” you say. “i don’t think this is right.”
sunghoon raises a brow. “you don’t like HR? which department would you prefer then?”
you can’t. you can’t do this anymore. you make the mistake of letting your eyes wander out of stress, because they inadvertently land on the shiny gold glint of his nameplate, which is a terribly bad move following after his question because sunghoon notices, and sunghoon gets the very, very wrong idea.
oh, no. oh, no no no no no—
“i see.”
he doesn’t! he doesn’t see! you aren’t coveting his seat! you just want to go back to work and stop dealing with your insane and far too in love with you boss!
“i’m afraid i can’t give away my position as ceo,” he tells you. you swallow, shutting your eyes because you don’t want to acknowledge the mess you’ve just accidentally made, but your lack of vision definitely doesn’t interfere with your sense of hearing.
what you hear next sounds clearer than you’d like it to be.
“how about the position of being the ceo’s fiancé instead?”
that’s it.
“i will be getting back to work now, mr. park.”
there is something very wrong with your boss. it’s not in your job description to fix him.
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WHAT’S WRONG WITH CEO PARK? © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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redflagsandbanners · 2 years ago
hii so just wanted to let u know im rereading now the halftime air was sweet perfume on ao3 rn and i was planning on finishing it before coming here to bathe you in praises about it bc honestly i cannot go more than a couple of days without remembering some scene of phrase from it even after almost a year of having read it for the first time? i swear even as i write my own stuff sometimes i think about your fics and how you shape the sensations of the scenes using the temperature and the light, to convey the feeling of the scene, the memories, everything man. so i just couldnt wait to come yell at u so yeah youre writing is just /that/ amazing fr dude
also i could not get that image of the fruity four plus will and mike just staring at the vine in chapter 11 so i drew it (im shit at drawing but the scene just begged to be drawn i swear) but i cant show it on anon (which is prob for the best lol) but yeah your fic is amazing (+ your other fics too i mean (that kinda music just soothes the soul) I reminisce about the days of old is just SUCH A GOOD ONE SHOT) so yeah thanks for existing hope life treats you well and just know u have a fan somewhere in this lovely green earth who is absolutely obssesed w the way u write
(also im so curious about how the fic ends. im not asking for more chapters bc i know how it can be sometimes w writing but like, if you have any notes or ideas of where the fic was going to go in the following chapters or anything i would love to hear about it if u wanna talk about it) (also sorry for the long message)
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I'm losing it what do you mean you drew it I'm literally dropping on a knee and giving you my eternal devotion. Letting you know the fic is not forgotten as my brain likes to taunt me about it and I DO have an entire fucking plan for it up until the battle. The ending? No idea. Do they win, do they lose, I honestly don't know. This fic has a habit of doing whatever it wants. The only thing missing is motivation but messages like this jesus christ do they help. Have a wonderful day as you just made mine. Hope Ronance praises us with some content soon <3
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saintkeaton · 1 year ago
L u n a t i c H e r o 💀
we really are just one big organism 
my kids & me & the cats & the trees
there’s very few rules to follow
it only looks like a million paths 
but it’s one big road man 
& there’s no yesterday & there’s no tomorrow 
in the present moment with Alan Watts 
what a lunatic hero 
read a few Kerouac books & now I think I’m a scholar
thank Christ for another lazy Sunday 
I’m nervous & have the typewriter blues 
can you run out of things to say? 
I’m thinking maybe you can’t 
now there’s splinters in my feet 
& I’m looking through the neighbors window 
borderline copyright infringement 
daydreams of a bear in a 10 gallon hat 
my mind goes to goofy places 
looking through old vacation photos 
that early 90s brown filter 
feeling mortal & aged in my skin 
placing sentence over sentence 
in an attempt to clean house 
in an attempt to stay alive 
the cars drive too fast on this road 
nightmare thoughts of Pet Sematary 
I remember every movie I’ve ever seen 
wrote them all down in a list 
you don’t need a rhyme or reason 
freedom is the key component here 
could go on for days in the same fashion
as my mind turns like a wheel 
a broken splintery wheel mind you 
my sons plastic sword lay in the yard 
& 100 cans of cat food 
& the homemade wreath my mother made 
how do you stop thinking about death? 
how do you pretend life is normal? 
there’s nothing here but the ticking clock 
a few game shows to watch 
the beer & weed always run out 
& you’re secretly mad at me
as I dump my thoughts on Tumblr like a therapist 
a blind injection of no love 
maybe this will get a few likes & keep me hanging on 
I’m thinking of a new poem 
& she promised to make breakfast this morning 
I smell no bacon cooking 
& there’s nothing wrong with how I feel 
I got too stoned______early in the day 
now it’s the motor mind salsa 
& I probably don’t need this hoodie anymore 
& I feel like jerking off 
all the trash is piled up in the spare room 
& the cats ate some raw chicken 
people keep recommending that I read Dostoyevsky 
man, I’m reading the Goosebumps books 
I’m reading the backs of cereal boxes 
my brain has stopped developing 
my brain is set in concrete 
just one big organism really 
time time time time 
glorious feelings
knowing there’s nothing to do today
I crave boredom 
I crave numbness 
so sick of the ultra meta-thinking 
folding the universe into a cube 
don’t be so depressing dude 
there’ll always be forest fires and mud floods & bullshit to watch on TV 
having entertainment is not the problem 
overstimulation to the fucking max 
so I return to my throne of shame
poisoning my soul through my eyes
my heart beating out my chest
my god! I can’t even make it one day
most of what I feel happens on accident
tired of the human race  
tired of the rat race 
but I really shouldn’t be complaining 
there’s breath in my lungs 
(choked out cigarette lungs)
it doesn’t matter what medium I have to use
I’ll get my point across one way or the other 
my own little psychological torment 
alpha beta delta gamma sigma omega 
what hides outside the spectrum for us? 
what curses have we not uncovered? 
I bet your mommy still gives you milk money 
I bet your mommy still tells you “good night”
I bet your mommy still loves your daddy
fuck all the rules that you think are rules 
& lay out the mind dump 
in an orderly fashion of course 
I bet your mommy follows the rules
for most of my life, I didn’t apply myself. the kid sitting in the back of the classroom, trying not to fall asleep. I couldn’t comprehend math, but I could fill a sketchbook up in a couple of days.
I never drink water
I only drink Mountain Dew 
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I’m going to write a bunch of poems & bury them under the house 
I’m gonna turn myself into a lunatic hero for nobody 
eyelids keep closing
losing my consciousness 
in full bloom of 10,000 onlookers
& a bathtub full of nickels & dimes
I’m burnt out
I’m landing the plane
still, just one organism sitting here, waiting on breakfast 
10/29/2023 1:29 pm
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themculibrary · 1 year ago
Smut - Praise Kink Masterlist
A Soul as Sweet as Blood-Red Jam (ao3) - pringlesaremydivision steve/bucky E, 2k
Summary: It slips out. It just – slips out, and it takes half a second before Steve realizes what he’s said, and then he wants to die.
Or: Steve's daddy kink comes out to play while he's in bed with Bucky.
do you know what's worth fighting for (ao3) - Pericardiaca steve/tony E, 4k
Summary: Steve tries to return to the present after returning the infinity stones, but something goes wrong. Or does it go right? A stevetony fix it fic that also (tries to) fix the time paradox issue. With a sprinkle of angst and the soft ending they deserved.
Electric Feel (ao3) - voluptuous_panic steve/bucky E, 5k
Summary: Steve leaves a present for his boy.
Failing To Not Fall (ao3) - neverthelessthesun steve/tony E, 6k
Summary: Steve was failing to not fall in love with Tony Stark.
AKA the one where Steve thinks he’s Friends-With-Benefits with Tony, and Tony thinks he’s dating Steve.
Good Boy (ao3) - triedunture steve/bucky E, 13k
Summary: Bucky is still adjusting to life with the Avengers, and Steve is willing to do whatever it takes to make him feel comfortable. Increasingly, though, what seems to make him comfortable is strangely intimate.
Surprise, Steve! You're a gentle dom and Bucky wants to be your pretty pet!
If Your Heart Is A Dog Fight Then I'm Ready To Go To War Like (ao3) - fandomfluffandfuck steve/bucky E, 78k
Summary: Bucky isn't used to alpha's being the nicest to him, he knows why even if he doesn't get it- he's a male omega. A very rare subset of the already rare part of the population that's second gender isn't beta. Which is what makes it all the more shocking when his "perfect match" walks in during one of his shifts and is irrefutably nice to him.
This is that story. The story of how they went from a patient nurse relationship to an alpha omega pair who's bond is unbreakable.
love has claws which maim (ao3) - whatshouldntbe steve/tony E, 585k
Summary: Yet another Dystopian!Marriage of Convenience AU with a/b/o dynamics that no one asked for. Angst with Happy Ending™ 100% Guaranteed or Your Money Back. This has an extremely experimental and dramatic tone that shifts unexpectedly at times.
No Because, No Reason, No Explanation, No Solutions (ao3) - BlossomsintheMist steve/tony E, 93k
Summary: He let his hands rest, warmly, on Steve’s shoulders, against his neck. “I just want you to fuck me, soldier,” he managed to get out, breathy. “I want you to fuck me, yes, in my ass, and not stop. Again and again, until it’s out of your system.”
Steve and Tony and a marathon sex encounter. That's it, that's the fic.
nothing left but scars (ao3) - SailorChibi steve/tony E, 6k
Summary: Steve wakes up to the fact that no one ever compliments or even says thank you to Tony, and that he has fallen into the same trap of painting Tony with a specific paintbrush.
This is how he showers a very confused Tony with praise to make up for it.
oh don't you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me (ao3) - suzukiblu bucky/darcy, steve/natasha/sam, bucky/darcy/steve E, 187k
Summary: Darcy is thirty feet out of Stark-cum-Avengers Tower when she starts craving cinnamon rolls--the sticky-sweet iced-up old-fashioned kind, yummy and messy and dripping gooshy icing all over your mouth and hands and down your yuuuup, yup, that is a super, super fertile omega that she is smelling, holy shit is it ever.
“Jesus Christ,” she groans in frustration, then follows her alpha instincts (and, more easily and importantly, her nose) to go track them down. They’re in the middle of New York City; middle of the day or not, not checking on somebody who smells like that is, like, the ultimate dick move.
Pavlov was a Jerk (ao3) - BeneficialAddiction clint/phil E, 77k
Summary: Clint Barton: World's Greatest Marksman, submissive, high-functioning disaster.
When Clint comes in to SHIELD he's been on his own for almost four years, and he's been keeping himself level using conditioning techniques he's learned from a lifetime of abuse and neglect. Phil Coulson is the first to notice the imbalance – Clint's system seems to be all punishment, no rewards - but Phil's tastes aren't exactly average and it's none of his business anyway. Certain that what he wants is not at all congruent with what Clint deserves Phil keeps his distance, until a mission gone wrong sends the archer tumbling into an nasty case of subdrop and neither of them have any other choice but to take a chance on the other.
Proprietary Information (ao3) - notlucy steve/bucky E, 85k
Summary: Okay, so Bucky Barnes has a crush on Steve Rogers. The guy's gorgeous, talented and, oh yeah, the Chief Design Officer of the biggest tech company in the world. In other words: he's so far out of Bucky's league that he might as well be in a different stratosphere.
Rise or Fall (Give His All) (ao3) - neverthelessthesun steve/tony E, 7k
Summary: Tony is self-conscious about his height. Steve tries to make him see it’s not all that bad.
Romance me (ao3) - ririsasy tony/stephen E, 67k
Summary: Tony just wanted to go to The coffee shop Peter keep telling him about in the Bleecker Street area, the one with a nice caramel coffee, he didn't know that the place is crowded enough that The billionaire has to share a table with a handsome, middle-aged man, who dresses eccentrically in his blue robe, and thick book in his hands just to enjoy his coffee, he never imagined that the guy will be someone so important in his life, ending all his conquests as playboy and actually making him consider about settling down for the first time in his life.
Sucker Punch (ao3) - yellow_crayon steve/bucky E, 15k
Summary: Steve Rogers is not the blushing virgin everyone thinks.
(Five times they almost get caught and one time they do.)
The Corruption of Peter Parker, by Harley Keener (ao3) - dontstudywritenovels harley/peter E, 3k
Summary: Harley really wants to fuck Peter so hard that he’s crying for it. He settles for wooing the fuck out of him instead, and maybe making Peter cry when the younger begs him for it.
Think I'm Finally Clean (ao3) - fuck_me_barnes steve/bucky E, 4k
Summary: In which sub Bucky wishes for rougher handling by normally gentle dom Steve, and gets probably more than he bargained for.
you're the fireworks flyin' on the fourth of july (ao3) - IamShadow21 steve/bucky E, 2k
Summary: Steve's got ninety-five years' worth of Bucky's birthdays to catch up on.
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arobinwithoutbatman · 11 months ago
((Welp, teh job search has destroyed my soul so hopefully Knightfall won't hit me too hard. We did the Prelude... forever ago time to start things for real.))
...Mad Hatter has a pet chimp? ...okaaaaayyyyyy
Oh and Hatter knows he's being watched cause he's still intelligent under his delusion so yup, Bane's lackeys are getting tracked now I guess
Does brainwashing and other forms of mind control generally work like that? Probably not. Does it still make Hatter creepy as fuck because he does in fact know how the brain works? Yes. I hate him.
Tim in a fight with a chimp. This is fine
Cool that's Hatter dealt with
Maxie Zeus... don't know that name... and ventriloquist missing Scarface this is... mkay
And someone called Amygdala... *Jesus you're huge*
Tim very unhappy with the dead body by Bane's apartment
-Inhale... Exhale...- I'm all for showing grace to the neurodivergent and mentally ill but for the love of God, these specific people are in fact very dangerous because they kill with intent to do so
Oh! Oh Tim spotted a falcon! He knows that's a problem!
Okay but that face tho. You good, Tim? Looking a little maniacal there
Oh wonderful, Zsaz is being dealt with next issue
Oh. *Oh i hate him* Loathe. Utterly despise.
Jesus Bruce is super jumpy. Understandably so but don't strangle Tim, fuck!
Cool Gordon's job is on the line but then again, this Mayor sucks
Okay I would like to never see Zsaz again, he's horrible no thanks please stop existing
And uhhhh Bruce isn't doing too well. Which is a shame cause obviously I know this ends with Bruce getting his back broken
Bruce is still not doing well and Tim is still following Bane and tyring to tell Bruce this
Oooohhhhh no, TIM BEHIND YOU
Okay unharmed but blindfolded and bound. Not a great situation but could be sooooo much worse
Yeha good job Tim make the guy mad! You can't see, how are you supposed to land on that tiny ledge safely?!
Aaaaaand now Croc's here and he's pissed but at least he can see now
Cool, drowning in a sewer this is fine!
Okay Tim's gotten himself out of his problem
Aaaaand Joker's partnering up with someone
Oh and Bruce's therapist is starting to get too close. That's not good, lady, you know that
Cornelius Stirk. New name. And he apparently has a hypnosis thing going on and something about historical figures? And also who Joker visited earlier
Oh okay Gordon's job and life are in danger and Joker and Scarecrow are talking and I hate everything about this
Cool Gordon's wife still hates Batman and the mayor is getting spooked and Scarecrow and Joker teaming up is The Worst, keep them well apart in the future thanks
Oh wonderful, no guards, Gordon's getting blamed for everything and Firefly is out and about and the fire service has been cancelled and are probably gonna strike!
Oh for the love of- Tim knows how weak you are rn! He's not blind or stupid!
Good! Split the work! Let Tim help! Jesus fucking Christ. I'd alos say take a break but Gotham is about to completely collapse and there's still Bane to worry about
Well that cover implies that Poison Ivy is showing up
Oh good, Azrael's out and about *without telling anyone*
Bane has immediately figured out Bruce too... shit
So now everyone's figured out that the Mayor is missing and have gone to find it and that it's clearly the Joker behind this. Haven't figured out Scarecrow yet
Cool, Ivy's dealt with
Welp, Riddler is back on his bullshit
Oh and Firefly is still being a prick
"Your problems don't matter. You don't matter." And that's exactly why *you're in the middle of burnout you utter baffoon!*
I really hate that one detective who's always smoking and eating donuts rather than doing anything helpful
Oh I *do not* like this cover
Cool, explosive ice cream, why not
And Bruce walked right into a trap and now he's been dosed with fear toxin and is seeing Jason dying
"Just a boy good at heart, more brave than a man... too brave to become a man. Just a boy, his parents felled in blood, his own life ripped and torn from the world he protected. Just a boy but never to breathe, speak or move again. Just a boy, but far too brave to face the stark lurid madness of a grinning killer. Just a boy-dead- but to his killer nothing more than a sick joke! Just a boy but forever gone." Bruce's thoughts and the entire time he's screaming Jason's name while punching the beating the absolute shit out of Joker.
So Joker and Scarecrow are escaping and then Bruce has hte Mayor... please get a better Mayor, this guy was an ass
Cool, got the Mayor out and he might actually be okay with Batman's existence now
Aaaaannndddd Bane's people are attacking Batman. Cool. Great. Awesome
Yup there it is. Thrown all over his Manor and Cave and his back broken and that's volume 1 done... fuuuuuucccckkk... I'm gonna chill for a couple more hours and head back home adn then get through volume 2 tomorrow
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mattyfizzle · 2 years ago
"RIP Backpage... You will be missed dearly buyt never forgotten as you will live on in the hearts of every mark ass trick, trick ass mark, scip scap scallwop as long as there are Johns paying for sex."
Imagine if the ghost of backpage past decided it was going to haunt every John who tried to skip on on paying a hooker after they fullfilled their verbal contract plus some. Recently, a buddy of mine offered my homegirl 40 dollars to suck his dick to which she obliged becuase she was broke and homeless and needed the money. After getting past the insulting amount of the offer she blows him down with as much energy as she could muster, after a 3 or 4 day run during which she did not sleep even a wink.
$40 bucks doesn't buy the most epic blowjob right guys....
The guy was such a creep that he violated her only rule which was to keep his hands off the back of her head. Her reason doesn't matter she told him before she accepted money and he agreed but for moment one he kept trying to slam a square peg through a round hole. Some girls like it when you do that and some girls only tolerate it but this day in age even if you are paying for it you don't get to do whatever you want... now check this out, I have been the receptient of numerous free blowjobs from this girl.....top notch and I never put my hands on her not once....but this guy not only touched her head but it sounded like he was trying to orce her to do something she didn't wanna do and why the fuck would you do that bro she already has your dick all her her mouth. She tells you the third time as she has to stop what shes doing, remove said dick from her mouth stand up and come and get me to tell me what happened.
I thought she was just going to my neighbors for a fucking sandwhich jesus christ
I said. "Well do you have the money still?" I asked her calmly.
"Yes," she says and then adds, "I dont' have to give it back do I, I still did what I said I was gonna do." These damaged drug addicted streetwalkers from the streets of Portland man, tugging on my heart strings.
"No you don't have to give it back... do you want to go spend it right now or do yo you need to save it for something?" she answered with a resounding....
"Give me 20 of it and when you need to spend it I will give it back to you I promise ok. Thats your money I don't want anyone to try to punk you out for it or talk you out of it or try to borrow it or even just have you lose it. Here's a receipt if you worried about trusting me but you don't have too. It sounds like this guy didn't quite rape you, but he should still be talked too and officially warned by another man so it has the right effect does that sounds like a proper move going forward... or do you want this guy to get smacked around its up to you...
Just know that your words here have effects in the wreal world.
You say smack him around and I will smack him around five minutes from now until he feels that same fear and anxiety you felt with his hands on the back of your head.
She thanked me the only way she knew how... with a good old fashioned blow job that curled the toes and loosened the soul a llittle bit...
The moral of the story is don't be a fucking lame and offer yoru homeboys friend money to suck your dick...
get a real hooker and spend real hooker money.... also.... giving money to a hooker is a one way road... once they get it, they are not giving it up. Follow me for more great street smartz stories, tricks and tips from a Pimp {me} to help save you {Simps} one Pimp or Power move at a time.
The ghost of Backpage past has now spoken and after haunting said Pimps and ho's it must now head back to where ever it came from oly to reappear again when it is needed to play
"Captain Save a Pimp"
0 notes
pvremichigan · 2 years ago
The door swings open, and shuts with moderate force. A groan escapes the man as Jack enters the house, a tired and exhausted expression adorned on his features. Within these moments, he passes Mich who is sitting on the couch, to which he enters the kitchen. Slouching over the kitchen counter, he rubs his temples with disgruntlement. It is quite evident that whatever happened prior has unsettled the young immortal. To no surprise, this would stir some questioning. "It's a long story. But long story short: people fucking disappoint me. I ended up trying to help this young girl who has a demon clutched to her soul, but not only does she end up catching feelings for me, she is now seemingly throwing a tantrum because she got rejected. I'm tired." "… I need a drink."
Holding the booklet she had bought not too long ago upside down, the woman was desperately trying to figure out this one page of crossword puzzle. Goodness this was difficult... Perhaps if she turned it the right way- No that can't be it. C'mon, think...
The woman jolted in her seat at the aggressive swing of the door. The slight slam didn't startle her as much, but she watches with wide, surprised eyes as the man she knows all too well walks on in with irritated stride. She cocks a brow at his frustration, and opens her mouth to question.
"... So uh... What-"
Before she could finish, he just began speaking. Tightening her lips into a thin line, she slowly shuts the book to listen to Jack detail her about what had transpired. Her heart seemed to sink with skin running cold when a girl was mentioned to have caught feelings for him. More proof that she can't ever trust other women. Especially around IJ... That icy anger subsided for a moment when he confirmed she had been rejected. Hearing that a tantrum followed that rejection, Mich couldn't help but pause before snorting to herself.
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"Jesus Christ, was she a child? What grown woman throws a tantrum when she gets rejected?"
Thank god there was no mirror nearby because hoo boy she'd feel like a hypocrite if she had to take a look at herself. Though, she was cheated on at a very low point in her life. She wouldn't necessarily call what she did a tantrum. Maybe more along the lines of...
A crime.
However, with a satisfied smile, she happily hopped up off the couch and strut right over to the alcohol cabinet. In celebration of him doing the bare minimum of rejecting a girl because he's taken (her standards are incredibly low at times) and the satisfaction Mich receives from the misery the girl felt with said rejection, she was now pouring Jack a nice and relaxing drink. The guy deserves it... After all, he's finally figuring out that people aren't worth it 90% of the time. Something she's restlessly tried to prove to him time and time again.
"And a drink you shall have. Did she cry? OH, did she try to take it back and say you weren't worth her time anyways? I adore when they do that, it makes them look fucking pathetic. Shows how hard they're trying to cope."
This might not be helping... But let her indulge! It's not often in her life she got to celebrate being chosen over someone else romantically! Better yet that she's not the one acting like a child!
"C'mon, give more details. The more information you give, the more liquid courage you receive. We both win."
Oh boy...
"How sad, honestly. You go out of your way to just help someone in need and that's all it takes for them to fall head over heels for you."
OH BOY... Sounds familiar, if not a rhyme of another tale hm?
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kiaxet · 2 years ago
5,7, and 13 for the music ask!!
5. Ramble about a song
So. Y'all are familiar with Regina Spektor? Hopefully? Regardless, we're talking about one of her songs: On the Radio.
If you've been on tumblr for more than a decade (oh god where does the time go), then you remember when we didn't call it shitposting; we called it nightblogging, with the idea that these bizarre, absolutely buckwild posts were likely being made around 2 AM local. Sometimes nonsensical, sometimes poetic, and almost always absolutely hilarious, nightblogging posts had an odd flow to them that worked, in a "what dimension are these from" sort of fashion. (The Denny's tumblr at the time was good at them to a frankly terrifying degree; whoever ran that blog was native to the environment and took advantage of it.)
On the Radio is nightblogging in song form, all of it packed in a framework that starts us off, over and over again, with "this is how it works." The first verse flows from one bizarre event to another, always escalating, and while you have no idea what the hell is going on or whether any of it's real, you're still along for the ride. There's a flow, from happenstance to happenstance, and the chorus takes a hard left turn to reference a completely different song and repeat the title for a little while.
The second verse rolls up, once again informs us that this is how it works, drops about half a dozen oddly worded life truths, follows it up with the single best description of love (not romantic, not platonic, but a secret third option just love) that I've ever heard in my life, fucking references November Rain again, and repeats the chorus until fadeout.
I was introduced to this song sixteen years ago, whereupon it upended me completely, and it has stuck with me ever since. "You laugh until you cry/you cry until you laugh/and everyone must breathe/until their dying breath" has lived in my soul for well over a decade and shifted a few things while rattling around in there. Jesus fucking Christ, Regina. Hell of a crash course on how it works.
(Never have I wanted to thank an artist so badly for fucking me up so thoroughly. I still put this song on on the regular, and it still throws me for a loop on the regular. Zero regrets.)
7. A song for which you like a cover more than the original
I have quite a few answers for this - ask me about my love of college a capella groups sometime - but my go-to will always be this one.
13. A playlist name without context
I'll give you three: Warrior, Scholar, and Healer.
(One of them only has one song on it, because some people have to be difficult.)
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lost-between-letters · 2 years ago
Acquired Taste
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Pairing: Jack Kline X Reader (she/her)
Requested by: @cherryyyangel
Word Count: 1,710
Summary: Jack discovers his love for music and Y/N discovers that having a cuddly crush sucks. (Or maybe that it doesn't at all)
A/N: remember how I asked for Jack prompts? Like a million years ago? Yeah, this is one of them, sorry that it took me so fucking long - but hey, I'm back! (We're ignoring that this fic is just three moments in a trenchcoat, okay?)
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"What are you doing there?" Jack leaned down and peered over her shoulder in an attempt to get a better look at her phone.
Y/N looked up, startled by his voice cutting through the music blaring through her earphones. And his presence behind her. She could have sworn that she had been alone in the library a few moments ago. "Hm?"
"On your phone," he clarified and pointed at the list of songs she was contemplating, "what's that?"
"Oh that." Y/N stopped. Stared down at the device. Was he asking how Spotify worked or about the concept of music? "I'm making a playlist. For the next road trip."
"But Dean's choosing the music?"
Jack's forehead crinkled up cutely and Y/N had to physically stop herself from reaching up and smoothing it over. Instead she snorted once. "Yeah and it's always the same fucking three albums. No offence to AC/DC but there's only so much I can hear of back in black before I start to bite things."
"That's true." Jack nodded and pulled out a chair for himself.
Y/N swallowed the giddy feeling she got when their knees touched. Angels. No concept of personal space. That had to be it.
"And Dean's okay with your playing your own music in the car?" Jack's voice pulled Y/N from her daydreams. The second time today.
She snorted again.
"One, I don't particularly care if Dean is 'okay' with my choice of music," Y/N made air quotation with her fingers that made Jack laugh, "and two, I'm using earphones. Saves me quite a lot of headaches usually."
"That's very smart."
A moment of somber musing followed where Y/N alternated between watching Jack's face and pretending that she wasn't.
Then, Jack perked up again. "Can we share?"
"What?" Her weird staring obsession?
"The earbuds," he clarified, "I wanna know what kinda music you like."
Oh. Yeah, that made much more sense. Y/N scrambled for them, hoping that her cringing wasn't showing too hard on her face. "Sure, here."
"Thank you," Jack smiled politely and plucked the tiny bud from her fingers as if he was totally unaware of what their brushing fingers did to Y/N.
Which was mostly due to the fact that he probably was totally unaware of what their brushing fingers did to Y/N. Jesus Christ, she had to get a grip.
Then, Jack tapped her forearm excitedly and pointed to her phone. "I like that song!"
Oh, he was going to be the death of her. Why did he have to have good taste on top of everything else?
"Me too," Y/N smiled weakly when the familiar tunes of her favourite song filled her ear. At least Jack was too absorbed in his own mind to notice that her voice wasn't as cheerful as it should have been.
Having a crush sucked.
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Twenty minutes into the drive, Y/N felt something poke her shoulder. Grudgingly, she pulled one earbud free and looked at Jack.
Who was smiling at her hopefully. "Can we share the music again?"
It took her a moment to remember what Jack was referring to - she had been halfway asleep already when they had entered the car. "Uh, sure."
Y/N handed her left earbud over and stifled a grin. It was just music. Nothing to get excited about.
She skipped through her playlist, rearranging and deleting a few songs that felt too off to listen to with Jack together. Too intimate, too much like baring her soul already. Not that she would say that out loud.
"Can we keep listening to the last one?" Jack asked softly when Y/N changed her mind just short of the chorus.
"Oh, sure." And really, she had to expand her vocabulary sooner or later.
It didn't help that Sam was watching them, an amused sparkle in his eyes at her fumbling. So Y/N glared at him through the rearview mirror to which he merely raised an eyebrow.
Jack - unaware of the silent argument - nodded once and scooted a little closer so that the chord of the earphones was hanging loosely between them. "Thank you. I really like your music taste."
"Thanks," she said softly, afraid that if she spoke any louder she might be squealing. Good job at playing it cool, Y/N.
It didn't get any better when Jack's head dropped on her shoulder another twenty minutes later or when he snuggled into her side like he belonged there.
She pointedly ignored Sam and Dean's glances while she tentatively relaxed against the boy next to her and drifted off.
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Slowly, a habit formed from there on.
At first, the sharing-music-thing was strictly related to the long hours on the road when neither of them could stand Dean's tapes anymore.
But soon Jack got his own phone and set up his own Spotify account. He was almost constantly listening to music then, together with Y/N or on his own.
They had multiple shared playlists to which they listened to almost every waking hour. It drove Dean up the walls for some reason.
Not that Y/N cared particularly about what Dean thought about her music consumption or who she shared it with. She had to admit that it was pretty funny though to see him fume whenever he spotted the two of them connected by the chord of the earphones snuggled up on one of their beds. Which was all of the time.
"Hey Y/N," Jack was leaning against her doorframe - he was hovering uncharacteristically.
"Hi Jack." Y/N smiled and didn't even try to fight the warm feeling bubbling up. "Did you turn into a vampire or why are you waiting to be invited inside?"
Jack frowned at her (admittedly awkward) joke. "I never quite got that piece of lore. What sense would it make that a vampire couldn't get inside without explicit permission?"
"Dunno, makes you feel like you're somewhat in control?" She guessed half heartedly.
"I don't get it."
Y/N chuckled. "Yeah me neither. Did you want something Mr vampire?"
"Oh uh-" it actually looked like Jack was blushing, "-I uh wanted to show you a playlist I made."
Her heart was doing somersaults already. This is not a rom com Y/N scolded herself before her hopes could get the better of her. So she planted a friendly smile on her face and patted the empty spot next to her.
"C'mon then. Show me."
Jack smiled back somewhat nervously and sat down a little closer than she had anticipated. But again, no protest from Y/N. He nearly dropped his phone when he unlocked it though he managed to reduce the shaking to a minimum when he handed the earphones over.
Y/N was positively melting.
It got better though.
The first song in the playlist was a familiar tune - it was the one she had played for him when they had started this.
She was bobbing her head to the beat by the time it moved to the second song - a much slower one. More romantic, maybe a little cheesy but she liked it.
And Jack seemed to do so too. He was watching her intently so Y/N spoke up. "It's really good! I like the playlist."
"Thank you." Jack was still studying her, a glimmer in his eyes that she couldn't pin point.
A wave of sadness crashed into Y/N unexpectedly. Surely, Jack didn't know about the implications of making a playlist full of romantic songs for someone. Probably just had discovered them by accident and wanted to show her.
Deflated by her own mind, Y/N dropped back against the pillows, fighting to keep the smile on her face.
But something must have slipped.
Jack's expression fell. "You don't like it, do you?"
"Of course I do," she assured hurriedly, "I really like all those songs."
Somehow, that seemed to make it worse.
Jack pulled his legs up to his chest, eyes trained on his phone. "But that's not what I meant."
Colour her confused.
When he made no move to elaborate, Y/N reached forward and placed a tentative hand on his knee. "What did you mean then?"
"You don't like what I was saying with the playlist, right?"
And God, Y/N would give her left arm to wipe that expression off his face. But Jack wasn't making sense right now so she had to keep asking.
Surely he couldn't mean what she was hoping he did, right?
"Can you say it directly for me then? Maybe I like that better," Y/N tried again.
Jack just looked at her miserably. "I was trying to say that I really like you. But you don't like me back."
Dumbfounded, Y/N stared at him but Jack was already barreling on with a smile that looked closer to tears than anything else. "And that's okay! I just - I just need a moment."
And then he got up to leave.
He made it to the door before Y/N had processed what Jack just said.
Faster than she thought it possible, she had jumped up and blocked his way. It was definitely possible that she was feeling a little dizzy from the motion though.
"What do you mean I don't like you back?"
"You don't," He said but his voice was wavering, "or do you?"
"Wasn't that painfully obvious?" Y/N asked, a helpless laugh stuck in her throat, "Jesus, I've been pining for you since you dyed Dean's apron pink with me and you never noticed?"
"I didn't," Jack was looking down at her so earnestly, so full of painful vulnerability that Y/N just had to reach up and cup his cheek.
Briefly, time froze. Did she really do that? Jack's eyes were wide as saucers, maybe not as surprised by the touch itself but the intention behind it. Not that Y/N could blame him.
She was pretty sure that the last time she had had this kind of courage scraped together she had just killed her first monster.
"Can I kiss you now?" Y/N was whispering. It felt wrong to break the silence but she had to. Or else the tension might kill her.
Jack turned his cheek deeper into her touch. Reached around her waist gingerly. Tilted his chin just a fraction and let a radiant smile overcome his face. "Please."
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General Taglist: @immrbrightsideee, @fandomfoodiedancer, @lovesfandoms, @nyotamalfoy, @stixnstripesworld , @foxyjwls007 , @amythedoctor , @alexxavicry
Jack Taglist: @sweater-weather-spn , @xoxokiaraaxoxo @theslawstee (no blog found, sorry)
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xtrafluffyteddy · 3 years ago
Night routine
Pairing: Eddie munson x reader, Billy hargrove x reader , Steve harrington x reader
Mentions: cursing, shenanigans, grumpiness, otherwise fluff fluff
Part of the home for wayward souls series
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Your night routine was sacred it was the only thing that helped you sleep at night and you never really skipped it unless 1.you were drunk off your ass and couldn’t remember to do it or 2.it kept getting interrupted like it had been tonight
You were beginning to do your night time routine already starting to wash your face when a loud crash rang through the house, you set down your face mask cream and groaned rolling your eyes “what was that?” You call out hearing a bunch of hushed frantic whispers then Steve answering “nothing baby don’t worry about it” followed by a series of yeahs and don’t come in here’s. You just decide that it wasn’t worth the effort to check just wanting to finish your routine so you could go to bed
Right as your about to wash your face another crash is heard this time louder than the last, you groan and slam down the wash cloth face only half washed as you stomp to Eddie’s room where the commotion is “now what in the fresh hell is goin on what’s with all the bangin” you place your hands on your hips when you see all three of them standing on Eddie’s bed “would you believe us if we just said we were play fighting” you have them a ‘are you serious’ look “okay okay there’s a huge roach” Steve confesses
You roll your eyes then flinch back when the fucker comes flying at you deciding to join the three boys ontop of the already to small bed “Jesus Christ you didn’t tell me it flies!” You use Billy as a human shield as it starts flying again “I just wanted to go to bed” you groan “now I’m stuck in Eddie’s stinky room held captive by a cracked out roach that probably got into some of Ed’s special goods” you snicker but then hide again when the roach flies towards Steve
“Hey! My room isn’t that stinky fuck! you smoke in here one time!” Eddie defends before falling back off the bed when the roach flies right for his face “Jesus Christ!” He shouts deciding to take cover under the bed
“Hey!” Max shouts banging on the door “stop bein so loud in there!” She cracks open the door confused as to why three of you are standing on the bed and why Eddie is hiding under the bed “what kinda-��� she begins only to duck when the roach comes flying at her next “Jesus!” She whips off her shoe with ease solving the problem in an instant “thanks Max” you call only getting a grumble and a goodnight from the red head
You step down with the help of Billy and Steve as Eddie comes out from under the bed all four of you sharing a look before bursting out laughing “Billy your face was so funny” you cackle much to Billy’s dismay “hey I wasn’t the one screaming like a girl” he looks towards Steve who puts his hands up in defense “at least I didn’t hide under the bed” all of you look over at Eddie who just flips you all off
You yawn “I’m going to bed makes sure to clean up the mess or it’ll stain” you shuffled out of the room only to be followed by the three boys unknown to you. You began getting undressed turning around to grab a shirt only to be met with the three boys who stood in the doorway “Jesus!“ you shout immediately covering your chest “why are you covering up its not like we haven’t seen it before” Billy teases before brushing past you climbing into your bed followed by the other two who make themselves comfortable “so y’all are just gonna sleep in here then?” You turn to stare at them once you pull on a shirt “yup” “yeah” “definitely” before they all drag you in with them smooshing you between them followed by a series of good nights and soft kisses this was the best part of your night routine cuddling up with your favorite boys
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sluttywonwoo · 4 years ago
pretend || j.ww x reader
Summary: reading thirst tweets with your co-star/boyfriend’s best friend makes things a little tense
Warnings: swearing, smut mentions (18+)
Word Count: 1.8k
a/n:  originally posted on my tom holland fic account ( @wazzupmrstark )
The sound of Mingyu cracking his knuckles next to you sent a shiver down your spine, making you cringe instinctively. You turned to glare at him and leaned away from the noise.
“I hate when you do that!” you groaned.
He smirked. “I know, that’s why I like doing it.”
You looked over at Wonwoo, who was sitting across the room with the crew, and pointed to Gyu. 
“Can you tell your best friend to stop being annoying?”
“Can you tell your girlfriend to stop being dramatic?” Mingyu retaliated.
“I’m not picking sides!” Wonwoo shouted back and held up his hands in surrender.
You let your jaw drop. “I’ll remember that, Jeon.”
“Baby, I-” Wonwoo started to defend himself, but fell silent when the producer got up from her chair and approached you and Mingyu who were sitting behind the camera. 
“Which one of you wants to take this?” she asked, holding up a large insulated jug full of paper strips. 
“I’ll take it,” Mingyu offered and set the cup in his lap. 
“What a gentleman,” you said, fighting the urge to roll your eyes. 
“You’re lucky you’re pretty,” he muttered, “because you’re so fucking annoying.”
“Thank you.”
“It wasn’t a compliment.”
The producer gave you both a sideways look. “Are you guys alright? Should we take a minute before starting?”
“No, we’re fine,” you assured her.
“We don’t actually hate each other,” Mingyu added, “this is just how... we are.”
She didn’t look any less concerned, but nodded anyway. “Okay, well remember what your director said about playing up your chemistry to promote the show. And when we call action just give a quick slate and start reading the tweets.”
She walked back over to her spot next to the cameraman and took a seat before looking over a checklist that had been handed to her and writing some notes on it.
“Nervous?” Mingyu whispered to you as you both waited for your cue.
“A little,” you admitted. “You?”
“I’m a bit on edge,” he concurred. “Mostly because your boyfriend is about to watch me read filthy comments about you on-camera.”
You glanced over at Wonwoo who gave you an encouraging smile and a thumbs-up. “He’ll be fine. How bad can they be?”
From a distance, the producer you had just spoken to called for everyone to be quiet on set and signaled the cameras to start rolling. You perked up and straightened your dress, waiting for Mingyu to take the lead. 
“Hi guys, I’m Kim Mingyu.”
“And I’m y/n y/l/n.”
“You might recognize us from our new Netflix series, Breaking Curfew, where we play opposite each other in what you might call a... complicated romantic relationship.”
“We’re enemies with benefits,” you summarized. “And today we’re here with Buzzfeed to read thirst tweets about each other.”
“Ladies first,” Mingyu said and held the cup out to you.
You closed your eyes and sifted through the strips of paper with one hand, selecting one at random. 
“Okay, this one’s about you. ‘Kim Mingyu has the prettiest eyes’.” You grinned as you watched your co-star’s cheeks turn pink. “He’s totally blushing right now! We haven’t even gotten to the good stuff!”
“Thank you very much to whoever tweeted that,” Mingyu said and cleared his throat. 
“I agree with this person,” you continued, “you do have really pretty eyes.”
“Aw, thank you, y/n.”
“You’re welcome.”
“My turn.” Mingyu closed his eyes and rummaged around the cup before picking one. “‘Someone tell y/n y/l/n that I’m single and I get a discount at Olive Garden if she ever wants to let me take her out on a date’.”
You chuckled. “I do like Olive Garden.”
“She’ll get back to you on that one, mate,” Mingyu said quickly and let the crumpled piece of paper fall to the floor. 
You took that as a sign to move on so you reached into the jug and pulled out another tweet.
“Oh, this one’s about me again. ‘Y/n y/l/n scissor me challenge’.” You clapped a hand over your mouth in shock and thrust the slip of paper towards Mingyu.
“You know what, props for being so bold. What do you think, y/n? Are you going to take them up on the offer?”
“I’ll think about it,” you managed to choke out, sending Mingyu into a laughing fit. You fanned yourself with your hand as you tried to recover and motioned for your co-star to read another one. “Your turn.”
“‘Kim Mingyu and y/n y/l/n are my dream celebrity threesome,’” he read. “What a compliment, don’t you think?”
“Oh, for sure,” you agreed and winked as you held your hand to your ear in a call me motion. 
“These are just getting more and more vulgar, aren’t they?” Mingyu asked. 
“I don’t know that anything can beat the scissoring one,” you pointed out as you fished another tweet from the bucket. “Another one about Mingyu, okay. ‘I wanna suck Kim Mingyu’s soul through his dick then spit it back in his face’.” You blinked at the piece of paper in front of you in shock, scanning back over it to make sure you had read it right the first time. “Jesus... christ.”
Mingyu smirked and nudged your shoulder with his. 
You ignored him and pointed a finger at the camera in disgust. “I cannot believe you made me read this with my own two eyes. I could have lived my entire life without seeing those words in a sentence together!”
“I think that’s the best compliment I’ve ever received,” Mingyu countered, running a thumb along his jawline cockily. 
“No, I have beef with whoever tweeted that now.”
“You’re just jealous that I like this tweet better than the threesome one.”
You sighed. “This interview was a bad idea. Your head is already so god damn big.”
Mingyu opened his mouth to retaliate, but paused like he had thought better of it and took a deep breath to compose himself. 
“Anyway, moving on.”
You watched as he sifted through the tweets and chose one from the bottom, reading it to himself and grinning slightly before reading it aloud. 
“‘Petition for y/n y/l/n to start an OnlyFans because I just know her tits are incredible. I can feel it in my bones’.”
You brought your hands up to your boobs self-consciously and laughed. “I don’t know about that, but thank you.”
“I’ve seen them,” Mingyu added nonchalantly, “and I can confirm that twitter user ‘geminisuns’ is correct.”
“What? Do you know how many sex scenes we had to shoot? We’ve seen each other naked plenty of times.”
You looked back over to the crew and made eye contact with the producer. “Do you see what I have to deal with?”
“Maybe we should take a quick break,” she suggested and motioned for the cameras to stop rolling. “Get a drink, freshen up and be back here in five.”
“Do you think they’re going to use that part?” Mingyu asked as he followed you over to the water cooler. 
“I don’t know, dude,” you sighed in annoyance, “but great fucking job. The whole world already thinks we’re boning.”
“I don’t know about the whole world.” You glared at him. “Wonwoo knows we’re not.”
Wonwoo. You had nearly forgotten that your boyfriend was there on set with you. You looked around for him, and saw him still sitting in his designated guest chair looking at his phone. You could only imagine what he must be thinking of all of this. You should probably say something to him. 
You told Mingyu that you’d be back and made your way across the room to Wonwoo. Even from a distance you could tell that he was upset. 
His knuckles were pale and his jaw was tight. He didn’t look up at you when you approached him. 
“Sorry this is taking longer than expected,” you said, brushing a stray curl out of his eyes. 
“Don’t worry about it,” he murmured in response, still not looking at you. 
You sighed and draped yourself across him, slinging your arms loosely across his shoulders as you leaned down to see what he was doing on his phone. He was scrolling aimlessly on Instagram, not even liking any of the posts. 
“If you’re bored you can leave,” you said curtly and stood back up. 
“I’m not bored.”
“You’re not even paying attention to the shoot.”
“Trust me, it’s impossible not to. I’ve been trying to tune it out for the past ten minutes with no luck.”
“Why would you not want to pay attention?” you demanded even though the answer was sitting right in front of you. “This is a big deal for me.”
Wonwoo swallowed and finally looked up at you. “I know, baby. It’s just- do you know how hard it is to listen to my best friend talk about doing all of these dirty things to you-”
“He’s my best friend too,” you pointed out in a quiet hiss. “The only reason we’re together is because of him.”
Sometimes you felt the need to remind Wonwoo that you had known Mingyu longer than you had known him. If Gyu hadn’t brought him to set all those times back when you were filming in the fall, you wouldn’t even know about each other’s existence. 
“I know that.”
“You’ve done interviews like this before,” you argued. 
“I know,” he repeated.
“Then why are you being like this?” He didn’t answer, so you kept going. “You know my bare ass has been on tv, right-”
“Don’t,” Wonwoo warned and grabbed your wrist.
You gasped and flexed your fingers gingerly in his grasp, challenging him. “Don’t what?” 
“Don’t... act like I want to fuck your best friend?”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “You’re enjoying this.” It wasn’t a question.
“Don’t pretend like I’d rather fulfill those tweets with him instead of you? Give the people what they want?”
You had to bite your tongue before you went any further and said something you might regret. Your words had already had the desired effect. You didn’t even have to look at Wonwoo’s lap to know that he was struggling not to get hard. 
You could see it in his eyes. The arousal that had turned the warm brown into black. The way he was looking at you told you everything you needed to know. You wondered if you would even make it back home before he’d break, if he would pull the car over on the side of the road and take you then and there. 
Your knees were weak at the mere thought of what you were in for later that night. Making Wonwoo jealous was admittedly one of your favorite pastimes, purely for selfish reasons. Possessive sex was arguably the best sex. The teasing, the hair-pulling, the choking, the face-fucking, all hit different when Wonwoo was reminding you who you belonged to. 
Wonwoo released your wrist from his grip and raised his eyebrows expectantly. “Are you finished?”
You shook your head and grinned. “Just getting started.”
lmk what you thought; i always appreciate feedback!!
wonwoo tags: @wonw00t
shoot me an ask to be added/removed from my taglist
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dreamwritesimagines · 4 years ago
Burn The Witch 12 - Bad Surprise [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful support and feedback my loves ! ❤ Here’s the next chapter, I hope you like it as well and please let me know what you think! ❤ Thank you! ❤❤❤
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, fake dating, mentions of blood, sex, violence, death, manipulation, language, guns, knives.
Summary: Sometimes plans have to change.
Series Masterlist
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Every job required something from people, and your job was no different.
Being a spy was not a conventional profession, everyone knew that. You were expected to be on the move all the time, be a good liar, be a good fighter, be whatever the job told you to.
And most important of all; never show fear, which you were usually fine with. You had learned long ago how to keep your calm in times of crisis. You had even managed to keep your calm facade when your last mission required you to play Russian Roulette with a target in order to keep your cover.
But this? This was something else.
Bucky cleared his throat to stifle a laugh as he looked down at you.
“Is it just me or are you using me as a human shield against a peacock right now?”
Your eyes snapped up at his for a moment before you turned your gaze to the peacock again, taking a subtle step to Bucky’s right to keep him between you and the animal.
Coming to the zoo was his idea, and you thought it could be a fun experience. You had never been to a zoo before, and it would count as one of the old times dates, so you were almost giggly by the time you got there.
Right until now.
“I think peacocks don’t have souls.”
“Alright.” Bucky sipped his coffee while you tried to ignore the fear bubbling at the pit of your stomach, eyeing the peacock that walked around the area behind the fences.
“I’m serious,” you insisted “What if it attacks me?”
“It’s not going to attack you Y/N.”
“It could,” you said, “It looks like it wants to attack me.”
The peacock fanned out its feathers all of a sudden and let out a squawk, making you jump out of your skin.
“Fuck!” the curse left your lips and Bucky’s eyebrows rose, an amused grin pulling at his lips.
“Sorry!” you said quickly, “Sorry, I…I don’t trust peacocks.”
“You got mugged in a dark alley and got shot, and a bird is where you draw the line?”
Correction, you were once held at gunpoint by the Italian mafia and peacocks were still where you drew the line.
“That’s not a bird.”
“….Peacocks are birds.”
“No, that’s the devil looking like a bird,” you said, “In-in bird shape. Bird shaped demon.”
“Okay, how about we see some other less threatening animal?”
“Let me check—oh my God Bucky they have sharks, I love sharks!” you said, waving the brochure in his face and he pulled his brows together.
“Sharks fall under the less threatening animal category?”
“Of course they do!” you said, looking at the brochure before looking around, “I think the aquarium is over there, let’s go.”
You grabbed his hand to entwine your fingers with his as you both started walking towards the huge blue structure.
“So I feel like I shouldn’t ask because I know you can’t exactly tell me the details,” you said, “But you’re not going on another mission soon, are you? This week?”
“I don’t think so,” he said, “Why?”
“I’m kind of planning something.”
He tilted his head, “What are you planning?”
“Not a club, relax.” you said, “Although I find it quite ironic that you’re this unstoppable brave superhero with super strength who gets intimidated by dancing.”
“I’m not intimidated…” he grumbled under his breath, making you giggle.
“Whatever you say,” you sang, and reached the entrance of the huge building and you pulled your hand out of his.
“Excuse me sir, is the aquarium still open?” you asked the security guard by the door and a small smirk appeared on his lips.
“Yes but it is closing in ten minutes sweetheart.”
Jesus Christ….
You smiled politely at him, batting your lashes.
“Oh—“ you took a look at the sign, “I just want to see the killer shark and we’ll be out. In five minutes. Please?”
He eyed you up and down but seemed to snap out of it when Bucky cleared his throat behind you as if warning him, making the guy gawk between you two.
Even you had to admit you seemed like a quite unusual couple. You were wearing a short white sundress with ruffled sleeves and sweetheart neckline with your hair loose while Bucky looked as if he was there to kill someone, a complete opposite of you with his dark jeans and black leather jacket as well as leather gloves.
You didn’t even have to turn your head to know that he was glaring at the guard before the guy shifted his weight, then stepped aside.
“Thank you!” you said, grabbing Bucky’s hand as you led him inside. He followed you without any objections whatsoever, in complete silence as the sight of blue filled your vision along with many fish swimming behind the glass.
“You don’t even see it, do you?” he asked softly and you pulled your brows together.
“Does anyone ever say no to you?”
You approached the label by the glass, “You do.”
“Do I?”
“All the time,” you nodded, still reading the label but your head shot up when you felt him tug you by the hand. A giggle escaped from your lips as he turned you around so that you could look up at him, then wrapped his arm around you to scoop you up, making you squeal.
“All the time?”
“Put me down!” you said, your laughter echoing in the empty aquarium halls and he tilted his head.
“Not until you explain yourself,” he teased you, “All the time?”
“Sometimes, sometimes!” you said quickly, “Very rare times I might add!”
“Mm hm, I thought so.”
“If you drop me, I swear to God—“ you started but was cut off when he pulled you into a kiss, making you wrap your arms around his neck. He took a step with you still in his embrace and you gasped as you felt your back hit the thick glass, but every single protest you could think of seemed to disappear from your mind as you lost yourself in the kiss. You raked your fingernails over the nape of his neck, making his grip around you tighter-
Then someone coughed.
Bucky pulled back instantly and you turned your head to see another rather annoyed technician leaning on her hip, watching you with her brows raised.
“Aquarium is about to close,” she said, pointing at you, “Take it elsewhere.”
Bucky put you down and you tried to fix the skirt of your dress, trying to look presentable.
“Sorry!” you said as Bucky mumbled an apology beside you as well, and the technician shook her head and walked away, talking about how she wasn’t getting paid enough for this. You covered your face and let out a whine but Bucky chuckled, causing you to lower your hands to stare up at him.
“Why is this entertaining for you?” you exclaimed and he held your wrist, gently steering you to the exit.
“Come on.”
“We can never come here again, ever.” you insisted as you followed him outside. It didn’t escape your notice that he bumped his shoulder into the security guard’s quite hard, almost knocking him over on your way out and your jaw dropped.
“That was mean!”
“Nah, he had it coming. Are you hungry?”
“But you could get in trouble. Besides, he was a nice guy—“
“Uh huh, a nice guy who was ogling you.”
You pulled your brows together, pretending to be confused, “Oh I’m sure you misunderstood.”
He tilted his head and pulled you closer to wrap his arm around your waist, then brushed his lips against yours, making you sigh.
“Bucky, it was mean and you can’t just kiss me to distract me—”
“I can try,” he murmured to your lips before kissing you again and you looked up at him when he pulled back with a grin.
“Fine,” you admitted, still pouting. “I’m hungry. Starving actually, let’s eat something.”
You were finding it harder and harder to convince yourself it was time to go home after every date with Bucky.
Scratch that, you were finding it harder and harder not to invite him upstairs.
But of course, you would have to report it back to the General and discuss the further strategies with him and for some reason, it felt more of a betrayal than this whole thing.
Surprisingly enough, it was something you wanted and not something you would will yourself to do because of the mission. There was no denying it, he was an attractive guy and you really liked spending time with him and you kept having dreams about him and whenever you were with him you had this lightness in your mind, as if you were a different person.
A better person, maybe.
You shook your head at your thoughts and left your apartment to knock on Keith’s door.
“It’s me, open up.”
You heard footsteps before he opened the door and a boyish smile pulled at his lips at the sight of milkshakes in your hand.
“Jesus, finally!”
“I made it at home, can’t promise it’s good,” you said as you walked past him into his apartment and stepped into the living room, “What are you watching?”
“James Bond,” he grinned at you, “Hey, have you ever tried milkshake with gin?”
“Me neither, let’s try it.” He said, taking the big glasses from you to pour gin into them. You sat on the couch and took a look at the screen.
“How many times have you watched this again?”
“Like a hundred,” he handed you your glass and you took a sip.
“Not bad,” you commented, putting your feet up on the coffee table. He sat beside you, keeping his eyes on the screen.
“What did you do today?”
“Had a date.”
“With Barnes?”
“Yeah. At the zoo.”
“He took you to the zoo?” he asked and you nodded.
“And peacocks are fucking scary,” you muttered, “And hey, we learned that Bucky is the jealous type.”
“The guy was dating people back at 40s, I could tell you that much myself.” He snorted, “Chloe says you went on a mission with Julian?”
You slipped a little on the couch, “He’s an asshole.”
“I know. Is he really that bad in bed?”
You shrugged your shoulders, “Nah as much as I hate to admit, he’s pretty good. Unfortunately.”
“So top or bottom?”
“He goes either way to be honest, that comment was more about me.”
“About you?”
“Yeah, I like to be on top.”
“Suddenly everything about you makes sense,” he murmured and you took another sip of your milkshake.  
“Don’t try that with Barnes though, the guy is from 1940s. He’s probably used to missionary only, you don’t want to give him a heart attack,” he wiggled his brows, making you scoff.
“Shut up.”
“Chloe is right, maybe you should go full on vintage on that when the time comes.”
You turned to look at him.
“Speaking of Chloe,” you said, “Anything you would like to tell me?”
Keith’s grin faded slightly and he shifted his weight, “Like what?”
“Bringing her coffee, taking her out to the field…” you trailed off, “What gives, man? I thought we had a deal.”
“We never had a deal,” he defended himself, “You slammed me back during training years ago at the academy and told me not to even think about it when you saw me looking at her.”
“No,” you shook your head, “Five years ago, in Ireland. That undercover job, the one that almost got you killed? We made a deal.”
He swallowed thickly, looking down at the milkshake before taking a sip. “Y/N…”
“Keith, you can’t,” you insisted, “She deserves a normal life, a normal family and kids and a dog and stuff.”
“I know,” he ran a hand over his face, “I know.”
“I don’t know.”
“You’re a spy,” you said, “You said it yourself, spies die like flies.”
“Not all of them,” he said, “General is still alive. He has a family.”
“Yeah, one in a hundred,” you said, “Face it. That’s a very low possibility for us.”
“You don’t think you’ll get to grow old and have a family and all that?”
You pulled your brows together.
“No,” you said, “Of course not. I’m probably going to die in one of these missions.”
“You don’t believe that.”
“Keith, I can’t have any of those,” you said, “I can’t. I…it’s impossible.”
“Don���t you want to?”
“It doesn’t matter what I want,” you muttered, “I made my choice ages ago.”
“Y/N,” he sat up straighter, “Do you want to?”
With a very bad timing, your imagination went overdrive and a strange scene flashed before your eyes. You laughing in Bucky’s arms, watching two kids playing in the garden-
You shook your head, trying to shake off the thoughts.
“I could never have that,” you stated simply, “You might love Chloe and you might also be lucky enough to have her love you but…it’s not the same with me.”
“I’d say Barnes loves you.”
A bitter smile pulled at your lips and you bit inside your cheek, taking another sip of your milkshake.
“He loves someone who doesn’t exist,” you managed to croak out, “He loves my cover. He could never love me.”
Spending the night at Keith’s and drowning your sorrows in gin and milkshake meant that you would have a killer hangover the next day. Unlike Keith, you didn’t have the luxury to sleep until the noon, seeing that you had a cover job to keep so for the whole day until noon, you walked around like a zombie.
Coffee helped though. Just a little.
Thankfully it was a slow day at the shop. After serving a couple of people, you had nothing to do other than seriously considering sticking your head in the freezer to get rid of the hangover.
“Long night?” Tara asked as she walked past you to put the straws into the cup and you nodded, groaning.
“Remind me not to drink, ever.”
“I make that promise to myself every Monday, does not seem to work.”
You chuckled, “Have you ever tried to mix gin into milkshakes?”
“Don’t,” you shook your head as you helped her to move an empty milkshake container into the kitchen. “It’s a terrible idea and I’m experiencing the consequences of that mistake right now.”
“That sounds like a fun night though.”
“Fun night, terrible morning,” you let out a laugh as you walked out of the kitchen but as soon as you did, your eyes caught the sight of the man in the shop. Your smile was wiped off your face as the familiar anger filled your system.
Jesus Christ, this day sucks.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” you asked and Julian had the audacity to shoot you a grin.
“Whoa cute outfit,” he said, eyeing you up and down, “Holy shit I didn’t even know I was into this whole thing, I’m having an epiphany.”
You looked over your shoulder to see if Tara was still in the kitchen, then turned to Julian.
“What are you doing here?”
“I was craving milkshakes,” he stated, “Hey, would you recommend Lavender Macaron?”
“Get the fuck out of here.”
“I think I’m gonna go with Lavender Macaron, makes me think of France,” he said, “Fun times.”
“Fun for you maybe.”
He shot you a look, “Come on Y/N, we didn’t leave the honeymoon suite for two days. That was the greatest-“ he lowered his voice, “Mission I’ve ever had.”
“You’re putting this entire operation in—“ you started but stopped talking as soon as Tara walked out of the kitchen. Julian raised his brows for a moment before smiling at her and you went under the counter to grab his arm.
“Y/N, is everything okay?”
“Just peachy,” you said as you dragged him out of the shop, and he heaved a sigh, following you.
“No I’m serious…” he said with a chuckle as soon as you both stepped outside, then motioned at the uniform, “This is something else.”
“Why are you here?”
“I heard that it was good, I did not think it was this good.”
“I’m seriously two seconds away from punching you.”
“How come you never dressed up like this for me when we were dating?”
“What the fuck are you doing here?” you insisted and he shrugged his shoulders.
“I was around.”
“And I’m supposed to believe that?”
“Believe whatever you want,” he said, “Your shop has good rating, although I’m beginning to believe it has less to do with milkshakes and more about the waitresses.”
“Julian I swear to God—“ you started but you were cut off when someone cleared his throat, making both you and Julian turn your heads. Your stomach dropped as soon as you saw Bucky watching you two with a frown and you withdrew your hand from Julian’s arm.
“Bucky,” you breathed out, “Um-hi.”
“Hi,” he said without taking his eyes off Julian, and you could almost see the wheels turning in his head.
He was trying to decide whether he was a threat to you.
“I didn’t…I didn’t know you were coming.”
“I figured I could drop by,” he said, crossing his arms, “What’s going on?”
Fuck, you had no idea how to turn this around. Thankfully neither of you had said anything about the mission, so it was more than likely that Bucky just knew you knew each other, but other than that, your cover wasn’t blown.
“Nothing! Nothing at all, he’s just—“ you stammered, trying to come up with an explanation, “He’s um—“  
“Oh come on Y/N, don’t be one of those secretive people,” Julian said, “You hate secrets. You’re Bucky, right? I heard about you.”
Bucky just raised his brows, his glare on him unwavering but even if it was quite chilling, Julian was a trained assassin just like you were, so he was used to it. Instead he curled his lips, looking between you before offering him his hand.
“I’m Julian,” he introduced himself, shooting you a grin as if you two shared an inside joke “The evil ex-boyfriend who’s gonna take her from you.”
Chapter 13
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years ago
I admit that i enjoyed act 3 but it feels like really rushed i have so much complain with that.
The build up until act 2 was so good it give us so much premise but the final blow si meh. Sorry that i want to share thing long rant with you
1. Why the final talk is with yae, no offense to her but we need ei to explain not to mention she witness khaenriah downfall so she can give us more information, i feel like they do it for the plot armor so they can just keep dragging this
2. So many things that quite inconsistant, the shogun is show no mercy to anyone that even did a little thing outside what she think its right, how come she can still have a talk with signora, when sara is falling like that, and also there is no clarification about sara right now.
The traveler was so done at first they refuse to help thoma and ayaka at the beginning. But they seem so happy and forget everything how come they are not RAGE ( okay maybe this is to bias and personal) when this nation provide nothing about our siblings information and also why they are not mention anything about their problem in ei stroy quest. Its nonsense! She is right in front of youu, ask about your siblings, ask about khaenriah, ask about ukmown god!!. How come they can just forget like that. Also mihoyo really waste the potential about twin things i thing ei will give us so much help bcs of the sympathy that we both rn lost our twin but noooo.
3. Kokomi seem lost some brain cell, she make a very succesfull grand intro but she become meh in act 3, how come a great strategist like her let the sus sponsorship slip just bcs they are desperate, not to mention her screen time is really small and her role seem so unsignificant and it feels lile she is a plain npc.
4. The awesome world quest that we have done doesnt get any mention at all! Inazuma owe us so much with cleansing sakura, thunder sakura, tatarigami, obarashi quest. It has so much potential that yae or ei or anyone else aknowledge what traveler has been done but nooo.
cracks knuckles... i suppose it's time for my promised dissertation. interestingly enough, you touched on a lot of the main issues i had with chapter III.
i think that if i had to pin the main issue, it's a lack of overall cohesiveness? we were jumping all over the place without the chance to ever flesh things out. inazuma is a smaller cast, but i feel like we didn't get to see any of them shine. since i'm most interested in the genshin characters, i'll break down my problems by going over everyone and their (lack) of impact on the story.
was ayaka not questioned or placed under suspicion for being close to thoma before his escape? i wanted to see her broken up over her duties as they relate to the yashiro commission, paired with having someone she genuinely cares about in danger. it would've been an interesting struggle if she was forced to choose one or the other. instead she just kinda took a back seat.
speaking of thoma, i don't even have anything to say, because he just... was there? for .0001 seconds. said "lol this sucks ig" and that's about it. i know we're going to get a story for him in the future since he's a 5* but i'm not getting my hopes up 😭 then in the raiden shogun's character story, man is peachy keen! be upset with the raiden shogun! have some inner conflict! even if it's just using loaded language because he's under surveillance for going against the raiden shogun, that'd be so cool. saying something like,
"Traveler, what's with that expression? Oh please, there's nothing to worry about. We're under the Statue of the Omnipresent God's protection. Nothing bad has ever happened here." *wink*
i also don't know what to say about gorou. he was... there....... i think. what is he fighting for? what are the stakes for him? what makes him place so much trust into kokomi? i'm out of things to say about him because i don't remember anything he did or said.
kokomi... oh kokomi... i was so hyped. so excited. i thought that maybe we could see a foil to the raiden shogun. that she'd have a moment where she's forced to realize, just like her opponent, sacrifices must be made that will hurt people who will never understand why she made them. or maybe something to show her military prowess. but instead she just accepts a mysterious patron's help (?), sees her people aging like the grateful dead from JJBA, and goes oh well. that sucks. what can ya do. oh bye traveler i guess, good luck with that. ????????????? HUH... similar case to thoma where she's gonna get a character story but like. she won't be the leader of the resistance anymore. that was her whole shtick. they took her shtick away. also she forced me to interact with more NPCs whose names i've already forgotten so i'm tilted about that still.
KUJOU SARA... AN INJUSTICE. A DISGRACE. a slap to my woman loving face. the build up was there. yae miko's comments about sara probably knowing the tenryou commission is involved in shady dealings, but is choosing not to think about it. sara being forced to confront reality and challenge her adopted father with the truth. being able to blaze a new path for herself in the process. when she started running to the raiden shogun i was ultra hyped up. sara, a devotee to the shogun for so long, was about to see her god interacting with the same people who led inazuma to this awful state. how would she react? would she stay ignorant, like yae miko so coyly said, choosing to look away in favor of following her god's footsteps? or would she be forced to recognize the raiden shogun isn't as divine as she once thought, and challenge her belief system?
we open the door to see the raiden shogun. the loading screen ensues. the camera pans to the ominous room, clouded in darkness, hinting at the ominous confrontation that is to come. the music takes a serious timbre. and then...
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well fuck that potential character arc i guess. (we still don't know what sara made of any of this since she poofed out of existence from the story at this point)
kazuha also was handed a similar treatment. we've been with him for a while longer now. he is our introduction into inazuma, the one who first gets us emotionally involved by regaling us with the bittersweet tale of friendship that led him to becoming a wanted criminal. a kind soul who loves nature yet was dealt a cruel hand by fate, forced to watch his home nation turn into a hostile place, where his dear friend ultimately perished as a result. we get the scene with his friend's vision lighting back up. he parries a block from the raiden shogun, in the same area where his friend was killed by her. the parallels. the drama. except this time, he wasn't too late. he protected the traveler where he "failed" to protect his friend in the past. did he feel redemption at this? or was it a bittersweet reminder of what could've been?
WELL i guess we'll never know because we didn't get to talk to him again 😭 idk who got a bait and switch worse, him or sara. jesus christ mihoyo.
then we have signora. why is the raiden shogun talking to her? does she know about the gnosis being taken, and if she doesn't, what was her plan to get it from the archon? what does she think about scaramouche? and oh, okay, we're fighting here now. good fight + god tier music. pog pog. okay, now we've beaten her up, and raiden shogun wyd— wait no not signora her lore is still on CUPS not YET raiden shogun and— ah she's dead. okay. non nerds who didn't read artifact lore are going to know nothing about her. signora has such an interesting story, and yet... well. ok.
then we get raiden shogun redemption (?) arc. i was hype for this as well, though at that point, idk why i bothered being hype. i knew they were gonna do a cute power of friendship something or another, and i'm good with that, so long as it's executed well. what i was envisioning was like seven different buffs to correspond with the seven different visions, the dreams of those whose ambitions were stolen serving as the spear to penetrate the raiden shogun's heart of stone. maybe a hydro vision giving us extra healing for a time, with the voice acting over it being like,
"Even if the rest of the world forgets us, let our will carry you through this one final time. Succeed where we couldn't, Traveler."
so on and so forth.
but instead we got— you get the idea at this point. why bother spelling it out anymore.
at that point i was surprised the raiden shogun didn't go "oopsie woopsie!! we made a fucky wucky!!!" because that was the vibe i was getting. i love ei, don't get me wrong, but i wanted to see her challenged with what she had done to inazuma in the past year. maybe meeting NPC #2345259 who lost her sister to the vision decree or something, reminding ei of the love she held for her sister... being forced to come to terms with the extent of what she's done in pursuit of eternity.
anyway. please for the love of god mihoyo hire better writers for the main story. that is all i ask. thank you.
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mashep23 · 4 years ago
Be Quiet
Pairing: Surprise Chris Evans Character x Female!Reader
Word Count: 713
Summary: You may not have volume control but he's definitely more vocal.
⚠️ Warnings: 18+ ONLY. SMUT. NO MINORS. Sneaky public sex, dirty talk, vaginal sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), creampie.
💥Author's Note: REPOST. I'm so sorry, my original post is no longer up somehow 😭.
Pure smut. Maybe a touch of sweet...if you squint. No plot, even if you squint. Thank you to @river-soul for your invaluable beta work and encouragement, and thanks to @whisperlullaby for your fellow horny hoe thoughts. All mistakes are my own.
Disclaimer: images are not mine.
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He has you bent over the back of the couch on your tiptoes, dress rucked up to your waist and panties down by your knees when he finally sinks his cock into you. A loud moan rips from you at the feel of him spearing into you, stretching you. He immediately claps a hand over your mouth as he begins to thrust, leaning low to growl in your ear.
"Fuck, honey. I said we have to be quiet."
You nod, but quickly fail again when he releases your mouth to grip you harder. He angles his hips in a deeper thrust, hitting your sweet spot with each stroke causing you to clutch at the couch, knuckles white, and keen. He presses his mouth to your sweaty temple, panting hotly as he relentlessly drives into you again and again.
"Jesus christ, you feel so fucking good, taking me so well. But you're not doing a very good job of keeping your mouth shut. Do I need to stuff it full to keep you quiet? Huh?"
The thought makes your eyes roll back and your walls clench and flutter around his thick cock and he growls in response.
"Oh, you like that idea, do you? Want my cock down that pretty throat, princess? Bet you'd look so good gazin' up at me with those lips wrapped around my dick. Fuck, you're squeezin' the shit outta me."
He gives you a blessed break from his sinful words to straighten and focus, hips pounding even harder, but it's mere seconds before he's speaking again.
"God. You know what I think, sweetheart? I think you like when I talk to you, tell you everything I wanna do. You fucking love this right now, don't ya honey? Getting fucked in the middle of the day, bent over the couch while everyone is right outside. Shit, your sweet little pussy feels so good, I can tell you're close. Come on baby, come on this cock."
His strokes hit your g-spot relentlessly but it's his filthy mouth that sends you over the edge faster than anything you've ever experienced. You come hard and fast with a loud cry and he follows, hips stilling after he drives deep and holds himself there. The fluttering of your walls around him makes his eyes roll back and a guttural groan leaves his lips as he starts grinding and rocking into you as you both come down from the high.
"Holy shit," he half laughs, and you're both a bit giddy as you giggle a little. "That was fucking intense. You okay, honey?"
He presses kisses along the exposed skin of your shoulders around the straps of your dress as his arms wrap around your waist to help you straighten. You're grinning as you nod and murmur, "yes," because he's already reaching down to pull your panties up your legs and straightening your clothes.
You look over your shoulder at him with a quirked eyebrow and he grins roguishly. "I like the idea of you having a mess of me in your panties while you walk around the party."
Turning to face him, you smirk as you reach for his softening cock and gently tuck it back into his pants. "And I like the idea of you walking around covered in me."
You stretch on your toes to kiss him briefly before turning to leave. "I'll meet you out there," you toss casually over your shoulder with a wink and a grin.
He laughs and nods as he heads toward the patio doors while you dip into the guest bathroom to make sure you don't look like you were just railed at a barbeque. Hair fluffed and lips glossed, you make your way outside to the coolers for a drink. Your friend, the hostess, sidles up next to you, a knowing grin on her face.
"So, I'd say that you hit it off just fine with our handsome, newly single neighbor." She says with barely contained glee that her matchmaking was successful.
Your eyes find him across the yard as you bring the water bottle up to your lips. Your gazes meet and you both smirk. Turning back to her, you wink and agree. "Yeah, I'd say Andy and I hit it off just fine."
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miracleonice87 · 4 years ago
Cape Cod Confessions - Kevin Hayes
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a/n: this one hit me outta nowhere and I blame my Philly loves @broadstbroskis and @princessphilly for enabling me 😉😘 (jk you know I adore you.) writing this one actually made writing feel fun again. I'm grateful for that. also hey, I'm writing for Kevin Hayes now! keep that in mind for the next prompt list lol.
warnings: I think just swearing. also heads up, this is an OC. I like them and I ain't sorry.
word count: 4.4K+
The familiar scene in the yard of Kate’s parents’ summer home on Cape Cod would normally fill her with contentment and peace, as all her family and closest, lifelong friends were gathered together in celebration. Her brother was marrying his college sweetheart in twenty-four hours, and Kate had every reason to be happy.
Today, though, after not being part of such an occasion for many months due to work obligations back in Seattle, Kate felt strange pangs of guilt and discomfort. Days like today made her wonder why she had ever left Boston in the first place.
And seeing her childhood best friend Kevin manning the grill, his nieces and nephews hanging from his long limbs as he promised them he would play with them as soon as the food was finished, made her wonder why she had ever left him in the first place.
How she had ever left him in the first place.
Kate was still lost in her own thoughts when, from across the lawn, she heard a shrill scream, followed by an ecstatic, “Auntie Kate!”
Her goddaughter Neila’s voice was unmistakable, and Kate set her purse on the grass just in time to catch Neila on her running jump, all the way from her Uncle Kevin straight into Kate’s arms. Pure joy flooded Kate’s soul as she caught Neila, giggling, and held the little girl to her chest.
“My beautiful Nene!” Kate exclaimed, kissing her cheek. “I missed you!”
Neila pulled back, pushing her hair away from her face. “I missed you, too,” she said sincerely before throwing her arms around Kate’s neck again.
A moment later, Neila wriggled out of Kate’s hold and turned toward the crowd of family and friends on the patio.
“Auntie Kate is here!” Neila announced, eliciting chuckles from the adults. Except for one — Kevin, whose eyes had already been glued to Kate since his niece’s initial squeal upon discovering her arrival. He’d turned his back on the grill to find his niece holding onto Kate’s hands and hopping backwards in an effort to pull her to join the party on the patio.
Kevin looked on as Kate threw her head back in laughter, and he felt the sort of distinct happiness that he only found when Kate was near. He couldn’t stop staring, mesmerized by how radiant she looked in her lilac sundress, with her curls thrown over her shoulders… that is, he couldn’t stop staring until his brother clapped him hard on the shoulder.
“Steaks are gonna burn, Kev,” Jimmy said loudly in order to bring Kevin back down to earth. Kevin simply nodded and turned back to the grill. Jimmy’s eyes traveled to where Kate stood reuniting with her immediate family, and a soft smile found his lips.
“She looks beautiful, no?” Jimmy spoke into Kevin’s ear, more softly this time. He was always more than willing to publicly embarrass his little brother when it came to an array of subjects. But Kate wasn’t one of them. Jimmy wouldn’t dare.
Kevin only nodded, again. Jimmy squeezed his shoulder, then scooped up his little son in his arms and headed to see his old friend.
Kate’s parents, her older brother Patrick, and his fiancée Joelle had just finished taking turns greeting her with hugs when, over her brother’s shoulder, she spotted Jimmy carrying Beau.
“Baby Beau!” Kate gasped, holding out her hands as Beau smiled and reached out for her. “Who let you get this big?!” she questioned as she took him in her arms. He simply giggled and laid his head on her shoulder.
“Hello, Kathleen Paige,” Jimmy greeted, using her full name as he had for Kate’s entire life, no matter how much she had hated the Irish moniker as a young kid.
“Hi, J,” she replied fondly, leaning in so that he could wrap her in a hug and plant a kiss to her forehead. “Your boy is getting way too big,” she told him, tickling Beau’s belly and making him laugh.
“Tell me about it,” Jimmy said. “How are you? You look great.”
Kate glanced downward, tucking some hair behind her ear.
“Thanks. I’m okay,” she replied uncharacteristically dryly, switching Beau to her other arm. “It’s good to be home,” she added without elaboration.
Jimmy nodded in understanding.
“It’s good to have you home,” he agreed, then tilted his head toward the house. “Kristen’s inside. She can’t wait to see you.”
Kate beamed at the mention of Jimmy’s wife, one of her closest friends for years now.
“I can’t wait, either,” she said, just as Beau reached back toward his dad, making them both laugh. “Here, take your mini me. I’m gonna go finish my rounds,” she told him as her eyes flickered in search of the younger Hayes brother.
Jimmy retrieved his son and smirked down at her, his own eyes dancing.
“You do that,” he encouraged, teasing in his tone.
Kate rolled her eyes, but, just as Jimmy had anticipated, she headed straight toward the barbecue next, passing at least a dozen other people who had been waiting to see her.
“Hey, grill master,” she said, her hand gently coming to rest on Kevin’s back.
Her touch took him by surprise, and he nearly fumbled the tongs in his hands as he turned to greet her, his tall frame towering over hers.
“Hey, Katie girl,” he spoke, and Kate realized just how much she had missed that voice speaking those very words. She could only grin like an idiot.
Kevin pulled Kate in, his arms crushing her against his chest, and she hugged his waist as she felt his heartbeat against her ear.
“Missed you,” she said simply.
“Missed you, too, Kate,” Kevin said, his voice rumbling against her cheek. She pulled back to look up at him with a relieved sigh as he grinned at her.
And in that moment, she finally felt some of the contentment and peace she’d been searching for.
Hours later, after the cookout lunch and the rehearsal dinner, when the attention-commanding nieces and nephews had long been put to bed, Kevin found Kate where he’d always found her on summer nights at the Cape — down at the boathouse, her feet dangling above the water, her short stature prohibiting them from actually being submerged.
“Fancy meetin’ you here,” he found himself saying — immediately followed by an internal monologue of, God, Kevin, why are you so fucking lame?
Despite his pathetic attempt at humor, Kate still smiled up at him.
“I knew you’d find me eventually,” she replied, letting her gaze drift back across the water.
Kevin hummed in response as he set down the pair of beers he’d brought and took a seat on the dock beside her.
“I’m surprised you’re not with the girls,” Kevin said. “They’re up there poppin’ bottles in the kitchen.”
She laughed softly at the thought. “Nah, just needed some time to think,” she told him.
Kevin nodded, knowing not to press any further if Kate wasn’t feeling forthcoming.
“Well, I come bearing beers,” he said, offering her one of the bottles.
With a grateful sigh, she murmured a “thank you,” and accepted the cold beverage. And that was just another item that fell somewhere in the middle of the long list of reasons why Kevin adored her — because she never needed champagne or an apple martini or a Mai Tai. A beer that matched his always suited her just fine.
Kevin was smiling at the thought, and when Kate caught him, he quickly saved face by lifting his bottle in the air.
“A toast,” he announced. “To Pat and Joelle.”
She nodded, lifting her beer toward his. “To Pat and Joelle,” she echoed, clinking the neck of her bottle against his. “Cheers.”
Kate took a long pull, looking back across the cape, and after a few silent moments, Kevin casually reached for her ankles and swept her legs atop his lap, his free hand resting on her shin. It certainly wasn’t anything unusual — anyone who knew Kate and Kevin and their relationship knew that they had always been affectionate with one another. (So much so, in fact, that on many occasions, Jimmy had muttered, “Jesus Christ, just fuck already.”) But it had been so long since he had initiated such a gesture that Kate would have been lying if she said her breath didn’t catch in her throat a little.
She sniffed and made work of picking at the label on her bottle, trying to act as cool and collected as possible.
“You look great, Katie,” Kevin eventually piped up, interrupting the silence and making Kate feel somehow more nervous and more at ease all at once. She tucked her chin to her chest with a breathy chuckle. “I mean it,” he added earnestly. “I should’ve said it before, but… anyway, just wanted to tell you now.”
She tilted her head up to look at him, and Kevin had to remind himself to breathe as she shot him her famous pursed-lipped smile, pushed to one side of her mouth.
“Thanks, Kev,” Kate said softly. “You do, too.”
“How’s work?” he asked, assuming that he’d be posing a simple, run-of-the-mill question, one that might lighten the mood and give his heart rate a chance to slow a bit.
But Kate snorted, lowering her bottle from her lips after a swig. “What work?” she asked cynically.
Kevin’s brows furrowed. “What do you mean?” he asked, confused.
She cleared her throat, turning to face the full moon instead of him. “The magazine shut down,” she finally admitted. “It’s been almost a month now, I guess.”
And for once in his life, Kevin was speechless.
Kate had started working for the small, independently-owned Pacific Northwest tourism magazine five years ago — the publication was the whole reason she’d moved to Seattle in the first place. She was so proud of her photography that was featured in each issue, and so was Kevin — though Kate didn’t know it, he had subscribed to the magazine after her first photo was featured in an issue early in her time on staff. And since the monthly magazines were mailed to his place in Philly and not in Dorchester, he realized that he would have had no way of knowing about the shutdown if it weren’t for Kate directly.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Kevin asked gently, concern evident in his tone.
She shrugged. “Not something I really felt like talking about this weekend,” she replied, rubbing her hands along her upper arms to warm them from the cool ocean breeze. “Not necessarily something I was all that proud of.”
Kevin’s heart sank. “But it isn’t your fault, Kate,” he said, squeezing her calves. “You didn’t have any control over the magazine going under.”
She heaved a sigh. “I know, but…” she began, tipping her head back wearily, “it just feels like everything’s crashing down around me in Seattle. Half a dozen of my friends have moved away in the last year, my freelance clients are dwindling seemingly by the day because everybody and their mother think they can be their own photographer, and now the magazine’s gone. It just feels like I’m failing at everything, Kev. Failing at life.”
“Hey,” Kevin said firmly — immediately. He nudged her chin with his thumb so that she was looking straight at him, those sea blue eyes of his suddenly the only thing she could focus on, as all of her self-doubt was washed away, even before he continued to speak. “You are not failing. You’re 28 years old. This is just a part of growing up, Kate,” he assured. “This shit happens to everyone. Remember when I got shipped to Winnipeg and then to Philly so quick? I went through the same shit. I felt like nobody wanted me, like I couldn’t do anything right. But it got better. It always does, Katie. Especially for people with as good a heart as you.”
Kate sniffled, wiping at a lone stray tear with her knuckle.
“Thanks, Kev,” she said softly, followed by a few more quiet sniffles. “You’re the best. Reasons why I love you,” she blurted out before she could stop herself.
Kevin’s brows lifted and his eyes widened as he looked at her, wondering if he’d just heard her correctly.
As with the physical touch, it had always been this way with Kate and Kevin when it came to their long-simmering feelings for one another. One of them would slip up and say some shit like “I love you” or “you’re so hot” or “come home with me,” and then try to play it off or walk it back, while the other person was left reeling, unsure of whether or not the other had truly meant what they’d said.
“I mean, you know, like I—”
“I love you, too, Kate,” Kevin said without hesitation, not walking anything back, interrupting Kate’s hopeless stuttering.
She glanced at him, taking a few chugging sips of her beer, and shook her head.
“No, you don’t,” she asserted flatly. “You’ve had a lot to drink. So have I. It’s a wedding weekend and we’re—”
“No, Kate,” Kevin insisted. “I mean it. I-I love you.”
And Kate suddenly felt really dizzy, like, really dizzy, and not because of the alcohol or the day she’d spent in the sweltering July sun. Dizzy like her best friend since diapers had just fully admitted that he love loved her in a manner far more sincere and more convincing than all those other times before.
“I… I gotta go to bed, Kev. Big day tomorrow,” Kate said abruptly. She drew a deep breath, swung her legs out from beneath Kevin’s hold, and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before pushing herself up from the dock and heading for the steps. “‘Night.”
“You did what?!” Jimmy asked on the golf course the next morning, coughing as he nearly choked, not because of his cigar smoke, but due to pure shock upon hearing his brother’s declaration.
“I told her I loved her,” Kevin said. “And she told me I was just drunk, and I told her I wasn’t, and then she went back to the house.”
“I think I need to lie down,” said Keith Yandle, Kate and Kevin’s mutual lifelong family friend, as he dramatically took a seat in the golf cart.
Jimmy stood slack-jawed in front of Kevin, waiting for more.
“And?!” he finally prompted.
Kevin shrugged. “And I haven’t talked to her all morning,” he said, earning groans from Jimmy, Keith, and Noel Acciari, another longtime member of the crew. “But I don’t regret it. And I’m bringing it up again tonight.”
“At her brother’s wedding? What, are you nuts?” Jimmy accused.
“No, that’s perfect,” Keith bellowed. “You know how girls get about weddings. All gooey and shit. Just get her a couple drinks at the reception. She’ll cop to loving your sorry ass, too. We all know she does. This has only been about three decades in the making.”
Kevin hated to admit it, but Keith was right, and he knew that Jimmy knew it, too, as Jimmy stood with his hands on his hips, sighing as he exhaled cigar smoke.
“Alright, fine,” Jimmy said, putting his hands up and rounding the golf cart to take the driver’s seat. “That’s not your worst idea ever, Yands. And you know what, Kev? I’m proud of ya. I wasn’t sure ya had it in ya.”
Kevin let out a singular chuckle and adjusted his golf hat.
“Neither was I.”
“He said what?!” Kristen said loudly from the makeup chair as Kevin’s sister Justine squealed in the hair chair next to Kate’s.
“He told me he loved me,” Kate replied incredulously, still not convinced that last night was anything more than some fever dream. “Like, actually loved me. And I didn’t say it back. Because I’m an asshole.”
“No, you’re not,” Kristen assured firmly as Justine waved Kate off. “He caught you off guard, that’s all. You’ll have plenty of time this weekend to make it up to him,” she said, waggling her eyebrows.
Justine flung out an arm and squeezed Kate’s elbow.
“Wait, are you gonna say it back?” she asked in a sharp whisper.
Kate just pursed her lips, smiling crookedly.
“Jesus fuck,” Kevin muttered as Kate walked into the narthex of the church to be lined up for the walk down the aisle. Noel elbowed him in the ribs.
“We’re in a church, bud,” Noel muttered. “You’re gonna get struck down, and I’m gonna be standing next to you when it happens.”
Kevin barely heard him as he watched Kate approach her brother, who let out a “wow” at her appearance and pulled her in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Wow was putting it lightly. Her hair was left long and curled, save for a few pieces pinned back from her face, and she donned an elegant, v-neck, pale blue bridesmaid dress that appeared to have been designed just for her. Her makeup, though simple, was flawless, accentuating her strong features, making her hazel eyes, in particular, impossible not to notice.
Kevin had never seen Kate look more stunning in all his life. And that was saying something.
Kate turned toward the groomsmen next, her eyes immediately locking with Kevin’s, despite Jimmy’s wolf whistle and Noel’s “damn, Katie.”
She shot them both an eyeroll before refocusing on Kevin.
“Hi,” she said dumbly.
“Hi,” Kevin repeated. “You look beautiful, Kate. Perfect.”
There was that pushed-to-one-side, pouted-lip smile that made Kevin’s pulse race.
“Thanks, Kev,” she replied. “You look really handsome.”
Kevin gave her a grateful smile, then took a step closer to her.
“Can we talk later?” he asked, softly enough that he hoped no one else could hear and then subsequently give him shit for asking such a middle school question. His breath against her ear sent shivers through Kate, and his low tone made her mouth go dry.
She nodded, looking up at him doe-eyed and unable to form a single word. He nodded, too, and before she knew it, he was reaching for her hand, brushing a soft kiss against the top of it, and giving it a quick squeeze.
Kate didn’t have a chance to overanalyze his actions because the wedding planner quickly marched through the group, announcing that Patrick and his groomsmen needed to make their way to the altar for the start of the ceremony. Kate stepped forward to pull her older brother in for one last hug and a few whispered sentiments, then she smiled shyly at Kevin, smoothing her hand over his lapel as she passed, unaware of the knowing smile that Jimmy and Kristen shared watching the two of them.
Back at her parents’ house for the reception, Kate was well on her way to a hangover for her flight back to Seattle tomorrow. Naturally, she’d been seated next to Kevin at the head table, and though the two of them hadn’t yet found time for an actual conversation, they each knew it was coming, which only increased the number of trips they’d both already made to the open bar.
After the meal, Pat and Joelle were invited to the dance floor in the middle of the yard, beneath twinkling string lights and the glow of the moon, and the strains of “Marry Me” by Train came over the sound system, filling the salty air with the peaceful guitar melody.
Kate’s jaw dropped just slightly, but enough for Kevin to take notice.
“That asshole,” she whispered.
Kevin held back a laugh at her reaction to this significant, romantic moment in her brother’s life.
“What?” he asked quietly.
“This is my wedding song,” she told Kevin incredulously, putting her hand to her chest. “I’ve said that since I was, like, in middle school. He knows that.”
Kevin wasn’t sure if it was the drinks or how breathtaking Kate looked or the feelings he’d long been pushing down finally bubbling over, now that he had let his little confession slip last night, but he suddenly heard himself say, “We can use it, too. Nobody’ll remember by then.”
Kate stiffened in her chair and snapped her head toward him.
“What?” it was her turn to whisper.
“Oh, come on, Kate,” Kevin said, sipping his whiskey casually. “Let’s not kid ourselves. That’ll be us up there someday.”
And there was that goddamn smile of hers again — Kevin knew she was trying so hard not to pull a full-on, megawatt grin, which was fine by him because he was perfectly happy with this version. Preferred it, actually.
She cleared her throat and shook her head.
“Don’t hold your breath, Kev,” Kate replied lightheartedly. But her tone was… less than convincing, some might say. Even less convincing was the way she almost imperceptibly leaned closer toward Kevin, whose arm rested loosely around the back of her chair.
And at that, Kevin smiled into his glass.
Somehow, even in the midst of her own brother’s lively wedding reception, Kate still found her way to the boathouse. Kevin hadn’t even bothered to look for her elsewhere — once he noticed that she’d disappeared from the dance floor, he grabbed two Boston Lagers from the bar and headed for the dock.
She smirked when she heard his footsteps.
“Want some company?” he asked on his way down the wooden steps.
“Only if it’s you,” she replied, the flirtation evident in her tone.
Kevin smiled, pleased with that answer, and took his familiar spot next to her.
“Nice day, huh?” he asked, again pulling her legs across his lap before nudging the second beer into her hand.
“Really was,” Kate replied, clinking her bottle against Kevin’s for yet another toast.
They sat wordlessly for a few minutes, staring out at the water, listening to the laughs and chatter and music from the party up in the yard.
Eventually, Kevin cleared his throat, drawing Kate’s attention.
“Listen, Kate, about last night,” he began, but Kate’s anxiety spurred her to interrupt.
“No, it’s okay, Kev,” she said, shaking her head quickly. “You don’t have to explain—”
“No, I do,” Kevin insisted. “I-I don’t know if you’re getting it.”
She frowned. “Getting what?”
Kevin opened his mouth, looking into her eyes, then closed it again with a humorless chuckle.
“I meant it,” he finally said. “I said I loved you. And I meant it.”
Kate couldn’t break from his gaze despite the flipping sensation in her stomach, and despite the warmth creeping up her neck. The intensity of his stare was foreign to her — she was so used to happy, joking, jovial Kev, who never took anything too seriously. Even his earlier comment about their supposed future wedding reception had been tinged with sarcasm.
There was no ounce of him that was kidding now. That much Kate could see.
“You’re perfect for me, Kate,” Kevin continued. “You always have been.”
She blinked, tucking her loose waves behind her ear.
“Kev, I—”
“Wait, wait,” he laughed to himself, shaking his head before taking a long pull from his beer. “Listen, you gotta let me finish, because it took me this long to get this far. Okay?”
She nodded. He took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on hers.
“I love you, Kate,” Kevin said. “I love you in the worst way. The most real way. Not just some fleeting, fling-type shit. I mean, I want it all with you. Everything. The whole fuckin’ thing. Ring, wedding, babies in little ‘13’ jerseys. Nice house, a dog. Picket fuckin’ fence. I want what our parents have. And our siblings. You’re the only person I wanna share that with. Ever.”
Kate was crying now, blissfully unfazed that her mascara tears might stain her pretty makeup. Though, they didn’t, because before they could, Kevin’s thumbs had wiped them away, and after rubbing his fingers together, he smoothed his thumbs along her cheekbones.
“And I’ve always known it,” he continued. “But it took you going away and coming back for me to work up the balls to say it.”
Kate hadn’t flinched this whole time, Kevin noticed. In fact, her eyes grew brighter and her soft smile a bit more noticeable with each word he had spoken. But she had yet to utter a word. He studied her in anticipation.
“You gotta say something, Katie girl,” he said nervously. “I’m dyin’ here.”
But there was little left for her to say, she realized, and so instead, she leaned in, cupped Kevin’s neatly-bearded cheeks in her hands, and kissed him like she had never kissed a single soul before. And Kevin kissed her back, his relief evident in his tender touch, in the way he exhaled softly against her mouth.
As soon as Kate pulled her lips from his, hers curled into a breathless smile, and she leaned her forehead against his.
“I love you, too, Kevin Hayes,” she whispered, her fingers combing through the hair at the back of his head. “I’ve loved you since forever.”
“Be with me,” Kevin blurted, as if he actually needed to. “Like, officially. I wanna do this with you.”
She nuzzled her nose against his and circled her arms around his neck.
“Oh, we’re doin’ this,” Kate told him, beaming. She pressed a kiss between his brows and whispered, “Can’t get rid of me now.”
Three summers later, in her parents’ yard on the Cape, Kate twirled around the dance floor to “Marry Me” by Train with a tall, reddish-brown-haired, blue-eyed boy from Dorchester, the very one she had loved since she was a little girl, long before she even fully understood what love was.
But now, Kate knew exactly what love was, because she knew Kevin.
Her newly dubbed husband leaned down to speak softly into her ear as her song continued to play.
“Remember that night we finally got together, when Pat and Joelle had their first dance here?” Kevin asked. “And I told you, ‘someday it’ll be us up there,’ and you told me not to hold my breath?”
Kate hid her face in his chest and felt her face warm, chuckling bashfully. Her recoiling only caused Kevin to hold her tighter and press a kiss to the top of her head. His thumb and forefinger found her chin and angled her face toward his.
“I’m glad I held my breath, Katie girl,” he said, his voice low.
Kate nodded, her eyes damp with unfallen tears. “I’m glad you did, too, Kev,” she said.
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