kittyspotatoes · 4 years
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TES Drawtober Day 27!
27. Draw them in a different TES game/era!
— Vestiges in Oblivion story? Please, this has been on my mind since the start of the month I afujjrhurg take it. Take it and make it stop repeating in my brain.
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druidx · 3 years
October Roundup/ WIP Whenever
What have I been doing?
Panicking about NaNoWriMo and Christmas, mostly 😅
I’m finally able to travel, so I’ll be spending three weeks over the holiday period in Denmark with my Gentleman Friend (whom I haven’t seen IRL since August 2020). So I’ve been trying to get all Xmas gifts sorted, all queues filled, and other ends tied before the start of Nov and the delve into NaNoWriMo.
That being said, this month:
I finished 2 out of 3 of the pieces I set out to finish this month.
I’ve also refreshed my memory about the world and plot of my NaNo work - a continuation of the Modern Oblivion AU from last year.
As prep work for re-writing some of The MOW Files series (an original universe), I’ve been creating their appearances on HeroForge with thoughts towards putting up character profiles here. I was also flicking through some of the longer two stories and... wow did I like convoluted plots back then 😅
What’s coming up?
National Novel Writing Month! Some of you might recall I went mad-cap and completed it in 4 days last year. I’m not planning on doing that again, but I have taken the second week off so I can get lots of words done then. I really want to finish the novel I’m working on so I can get it edited and up on AO3 for the people who are waiting for it. I’ll probably give it an intro post at some point, as I don’t think I did one last year (or if I did it was rambly AF), but in a nutshell it’s the Main quest of TESIV: Oblivion told as a Modern/ Fix-it/ Everyone Lives/ bodyguard-romance AU.
In Case You Missed It
Here are the works I’ve completed this month:
To Make an Ethereal Connection (Starbound) :: Tumblr ~ AO3 :: An old glitch muses about the path he’s chosen as he shares a meal with a novakid.
The Insomnolence of a Troubled Mind (TESIV: Oblivion - Modern AU) :: Tumblr ~ AO3 :: Martin can’t sleep, Baurus find out why.
About a Mentor (TESIV: Oblivion) :: Tumblr ~ AO3 :: K’Rin L’Rue is asked what Arch-Mage Traven was like as a mentor
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dru-reblogs-stuff · 3 years
Check in tag!
Thanks for the tag @corkytheguar :D
1. Why did you choose your url?
My main is DruidX, which has been my handle on nearly every single platform ever since.... well, since the World Wide Web became a feasible thing to have in one’s home ^.^; Because this is the blog to which all other random interesting things are thrown, I thought I’d keep in theme with “Dru reblogs stuff”, for I am Dru... and I am reblogging stuff XD
2. Any sideblogs? If you have them name them and why you have them?
Technically @/dru-reblogs-stuff is a sideblog already. It gets more personal stuff, and also everything I like that’s interesting to me. I keep thinking I should narrow it down further though, and make seperate fashion & star wars blogs, because I rb that stuff on the regular...
@/druidx is my main, and is my Writeblr blog, for, well, all my writing, other people’s writing, and writing related advice/ resources.
@/dru-plays-starbound is the blog I used to rb Starbound stuff, and also post my starbound builds to. I haven’t updated it in a while, thought there’s lots of stuff still to post... I just haven’t had the inclination to fight with a graphics program and screenshots.
@/nine-blessed-hero breaks my naming scheme sadly, but this is now my dedicated Elder Scrolls blog, for art and fanfic. It’s also not as well kept as I would like it to be (I’ve got 600 items in draft to read though and comment on, so it’s slow going).
Finally there is the essentially abandoned @/things-my-rm-says-to-her-lego. This started as an out-of-context quote blog for things my roommate muttered while sorting/ building the old Lego her parents dropped off ~October 2020. I have no idea what to do with it now said roommate is no longer saying strange things to her Lego...
3. How long have you’ve been on tumblr?
I’ve just passed my one year anniversary, 18 May -- or at least, the anniversary of my first post which I’m sure was made only a week or so after I joined. Basically I joined up not long after the Lockdown was made official in the UK.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Yes! It’s just “q”, because I am both lazy and basic.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
As mentioned above, I joined not long after the Lockdown was made official in the UK. Because I had more time, I was looking back at old works and wanting both to share them and to get advice on how to get better. I’d heard somewhere that Tumblr was to writing as DeviantArt is to art, so I figured I may as well join and see what I could get out of the experience. Again, because I suddenly had more time, I bought TESIV: Oblivion on Steam and started to get into TESblr as well as Writeblr (which incidentally, is how I met the wonderful Corky ^.^). 
6. Why did you choose your icon?
I wanted something that reflected my interests (boy do I love Tea :D), but also wasn’t fussy, so I found a site filled with free SVG icons and picked this one out. I’ve had a lot of complements on it, so clearly it was a good choice ^.^ I’ve tried to keep the theme of teapots over all my blogs.
7. Why did you choose your header?
I don’t think any of my blogs have a header because I just couldn’t find anything I liked?
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
Across them all, it’s a “Last Line Tag” game one, posted Sep 22 2020 with 328 notes.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
28, across the board.
10. How many followers do you have?
I feel that’s somewhat defeating the point of not having them public. Let’s just say I have enough.
11. How many people do you follow?
181; just enough to keep things interesting, but not enough to be overwhelmed.
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
No; the most I’ve done would have been an incorrect quote.
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
I’m currently working from home, so it’s a permanent fixture on one of my background virtual desktops, ready to be flipped over to when work is dull or when I’m procrastinating writing.
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
I think someone tried to insinuate I’d offended them once, but they hid in the tags and I could never work out if it was my tags they were arguing against, or the post in general (it was a rb). But generally no; I’m Internet Old and just done with the Drama so I don’t engage.
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
They can jog on. If I think it’s important, then I will chose to rb it, but telling me I’m a horrible person if I don’t? That’s a surefire way to ensure I dislike you and your cause, and will ignore you out of spite.
16. Do you like tag games?
<Points to this post> I fuckin’ love tag game, my dude. I’m bad at doing them sometimes, but I honestly adore when people are thinking about enough to say “You know who’d want to do this? Dru!”.
17. Do you like ask games?
Slightly less so, because again, I’m bad at keeping up with these things, and a full askbox hangs over my head like the sword of Damocles. But that you chose to poke me with a question about me or my writing that you’re curious about, well; it does warm my heart.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
im-a-seraph-winging-it, rewrit, adelinewriting (though she’s no longer on Tumblr) maybe? idk ^.^; I guess not knowing is one of the nicer things about Tumblr; it makes everything a little more personal.
19. Do I have a crush on a mutual?
Yes. I’m not saying who (it’s sort of embarrassing to be the age I am and have a crush), but they have a unique and exquisite writing style, and I care for it very much.
20. Tags?
I’ll do my usual bods: @aquadestinyswriting @alias-levi , but I’m also curious about @homesteadchronicles @writtenbyrain and @scribeofred (0 pressure tho! I know this is an unsolicited tag)
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receptikuvaronline · 5 years
TESTIVAL 2020: Finale konkursa za najbolji tradicionalni recept 2019. godine – upoznajte finaliste
New Post has been published on https://recepti-kuvar.rs/testival-2020-finale-konkursa-za-najbolji-tradicionalni-recept-2019-godine-upoznajte-finaliste/?TESTIVAL+2020%3A+Finale+konkursa+za+najbolji+tradicionalni+recept+2019.+godine+%E2%80%93+upoznajte+finaliste Recepti+i+Kuvar+online
TESTIVAL 2020: Finale konkursa za najbolji tradicionalni recept 2019. godine – upoznajte finaliste
TESTIVAL 2020: konkurs za najbolji tradicionalni recept 2019. godine ušao je u finalnu fazu. Na Festivalu testa, testenine i hleba TESTIVAL 2020, u subotu 29.02.2020. u 13h, u Dorćol Platzu, Beograd, Dobračina 59 b, održaće se finalno ocenjivanje i svečano proglašenje: najboljih šest tradicionalnih recepata je izdvojeno i o njima će odlučivati stručni žiri.
Osim poklona za najboljih šest recepata po mišljenju stručnog žirija, biće dodeljen i poklon za najbolji recept po mišljenju publike, na osnovu glasova prikupljenih preko Fejsbuk aplikacije za glasanje.
Upoznajte finaliste konkursa za najbolji tradicionalni recept 2018. godine
Posna suva paprika punjena semenkama, Gvozdena Živković
Posna suva paprika punjena semenkama – Gvozdena Živković – Recepti i Kuvar online
Priganice, Vesna Pavlović
Priganice – Vesna Pavlović – Recepti i Kuvar online
Zeljanica, Verica Poznanović
Zeljanica – Verica Poznanović – Recepti i Kuvar online
Prebranac gravče na tavče, Danijela Žikić
Prebranac gravče na tavče – Danijela Žikić – Recepti i Kuvar online
Kolač sa šljivama, Vesna Marošanin
Kolač sa šljivama – Vesna Marošanin – Recepti i Kuvar online
Carigradska oblanda, Snežana Kitanović
Carigradska oblanda – Snežana Kitanović – Recepti i Kuvar online
Na Festivalu testa, testenine i hleba TESTIVAL 2020, u subotu 29.02.2020. u 13h, u Dorćol Platzu, Beograd, Dobračina 59 b, održaće se finalno ocenjivanje i svečano proglašenje: najboljih šest recepata je izdvojeno i o njima će odlučivati stručni žiri.
Pojedinačna ulaznica za Festival testa, testenine i hleba TESTIVAL 2020, za odrasle: 200 RSD. Besplatan ulaz za decu do 18 godina.
Za prvih 100 posetilaca sa plaćenim ulaznicama na poklon tekstilne torbe, kao podrška ekološkoj inicijativi za izbacivanje plastičnih kesa iz upotrebe.
Pročitajte još:
Portal Recepti i Kuvar online je svrstan u TOP 50 sajtova u Srbiji!
Ukoliko vas interesuju svi naši recepti, kliknite na link: RECEPTI. Zbirke najboljih recepata naših saradnika nalaze se u sekciji kuvar, ukoliko želite više da pročitate, klikinte na link: KUVAR. Ukoliko želite da pogledate našu naslovnu stranu, kliknite na link: RECEPTI I KUVAR ONLINE homepage.
Ne propustite nijedan recept – Recepti i kuvar online na Facebook-u. Ostanite u toku, pratite Recepti i Kuvar twitter obaveštenja!
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druidx · 3 years
January Roundup/ WIP Whenever
What have I been doing
I can’t believe that Jan is already almost over! My three weeks in Denmark were obviously spent with as little screen time as possible, but that didn’t stop me from writing Bring the Fire; Brave the Cold, on the plane on the way over. I also started an original piece - Mouth of Silver - on the way back, using the Homestead Fall ‘21 Prompt List as inspiration, but that has yet to be completed.
Most of my time this month has been spent working on The Ruby Falls, my  TESIV: Oblivion Modern/ Fix-it AU. This is going slower than I would like... I gave up trying to pick up where I stopped at the end of November, as that section needs more thinking over, and instead have gone back to the start to re-write/ edit what was done for NaNoWriMo 2020. Even though it’s going slowly, I think what I’m adding is better than what I had before. I feel like the background characters have their own distinct voices and personalities now, the main character is reacting things in a more believable manner, and generally the lessons I learnt about subtext and description last year are really coming through. Overall I’m pleased with progress on this.
I also had a little look into posting original works on Royal Road, and I must say what I’ve seen so far is favourable, so I think I’ll be trying to use that site more in future.
What’s coming up
As mentioned, I want to post more of my original works up on Royal Road. I also need to take some time to update my Tumblr master lists and upload anything missing to AO3.
In a similar vein, I’m in the process of creating two more blogs - One dedicated to reblogging only writing advice posts; and one dedicated to reblogging other writers’ works. I have over 1500 items in draft, most of which fall into one of these two categories, and I think they deserve their own space. I’d like to keep this blog for my own works & positivity memes.
That said, most of my time will still be spent concentrating on The Ruby Falls... Which means that my time spent on other writing projects will be negligible (sorry in advance to anyone who’s request I’ll be ignoring; and sorry to the 70-odd WIPs I’m abandoning...). I said in my 2021 Year in Writing Review I desperately want to finish this monster fic, so the idea was that I’d have it completed by April, and posted by Oct which I still feel is doable, so I’m excited to get on and get it done :)
Rain and Blood (FF/Titan) :: Tumblr :: Two officers get an unwelcome surprise on a rainy nightwatch
Bring the Fire; Brave the Cold (TESIV: Oblivion - Vanilla) :: Tumblr :: On a snowy day at Cloud Ruler, the theory of magical fire production is discussed
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