#TAOM theory
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onlysomewhatsane · 4 months ago
One thing I'm curious about is how do the characters know that them not being drawn anymore means they'll "die" or at least stop coming to life every night? Have there been other characters in the past that stopped getting drawn?
It would make sense since at least two out of the four are pretty clearly from sources geared towards older kids/teens (Giorgo and Sosuke). Winn is implied to be from something more recent/still airing. And even Albie says that a sequel to the movie she's from came out at least somewhat recently since she's still marveling at the new dress and the dolls sold because of it. But at the same time Winn says that there hasn't been a new character in a really long time. Then again, she's kinda shown to over exaggerate things/be the most childish.
There's also the fact that they all talk about how Pip is growing as an artist, so I wonder if her improving at art correlates to them coming alive in some way? Like maybe they only started coming alive when they were recognizable as their intended appearance or something. If that's not the case though it could open the doors for some really funny flashback scenes with whoever was around at the time (whether that be characters Pip no longer draws, just our current four in the past, or a mix) being drawn as stick figures or with really wonky proportions. And what happens if Pip draws OC again? Will they remember what happened before the murder? We know they aren't aware of the surroundings while "asleep" in the sketchbook but it would kind of be hilarious if the murderer just completely failed at their mission because OC got drawn again.
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sparetwin · 4 months ago
Showed a friend the TAOM pilot, and her theory is that Pip is being bullied, and that OC’s death will be related to the bullying.
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call-me-chips · 4 months ago
Okay, hear me out...
So, we pretty much know that the person most likely to have murdered OC is Pip, because artists are hard on themselves and yaddayadda, but I wanna throw my little theory in the theory pool,,,
What if everyone is the "murderer"??
What if each one, on their own time, woke up and tried to kill OC, but all either failed or gave up.
Winn could have tried to get rid of OC by spilling water on the graphite drawing, but that either didn't work and she made more mess on herself than the drawing, or she heard someone else start to wake, which startled her enough to spill the water on herself instead.
Sousuke could have recruited the dog to help him. With the dog's name being Weeaboo (or smth like that), they could share some sort of anime connection. Maybe because of his name, the dog can actually understand Sousuke. Though that is a bit of a stretch, tis still a possibility.
There is no evidence I could think of to say what Giorgio or Albie did, but the fact that Giorgio IMMEDIETELY made himself detective, effectively removing him from the list of suspects, is suspicious.
When the four woke up, each one thought that they were the murderer and their tactics had somehow actually killed him.
Then each person has to try and defend themselves and blame others to try and take the blame off of themselves, each one thinking "If I hold out for long enough, they will give up and we can go back to how our life was."
Because I'm sure they all feel guilty for what they did, but they don't really regret what's been done because now the threat of being replaced is gone.
But hey, that's just a theory
Aaaaaannnd cut.
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eteledhasanaxe · 3 months ago
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Claim your stars now guys
(I know I messed up Almond Blossom's name, please fix it yourself lol uh the program crashed so I don't have all of these anymore and I don't wanna go through the effort of waiting forever for it to work again)
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toptophat · 3 months ago
Imagine if no one killed him, and it was just OC running away because he realised "oh shit, I'm gonna suffer aren't I?"
Like if my OCs were able to Toy Story their way into reality, i feel like they'd definitely hate me with how much trauma I put them through!
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dragon-flies-72 · 4 months ago
I've seen a lot of theories on who the murderer is in TAoM (CHECK IT OUT IF YOU HAVENT ITS ONLY AN EP LONG BUT ITS SOO GOOD) but I've not seen one on Winn yet which surprises me because she was the first one I thought of.
1. First of I find it real strange that she didn't notice OC was missing when she woke up? I get that she was startled by being covered in water but her page is right next to OCs, you're telling me when she woke up she didn't even register the ripped page?? This is probably my biggest reason, the page being ripped seems to be a really big deal to all the characters so surely Winn would've made a big deal of it once she woke up.
2. Also, I hate to be that person but she was the first one to start pointing fingers. Instead of assuming something else she accused Albie seemingly out of nowhere? (Ive watched the episode a few times and i dont know why she immediately accused Albie? I get she was first to agree with Giogno but they all did so it cant be that)
3. Then there's the conversation we first here when they wake up
"So you're saying you just woke up like that?"
"Yeah what the fluff is this wet stuff"
From this conversation alone I think it's safe to say Winn woke up first (or second), if Albie did I think she would've seen Winn wake up and therefore wouldn't have asked that initial question. (For the record this is assuming she saw Winn wake up). From the sounds of this conversation anyone would assume Albie was either second or last to wake up, I'm betting on last because it makes the most sense that Winn wakes up first, then Souske and finally Albie. It also seems like Winn is typically the first to wake up as she awoke at 12:01 the first night so safe to assume she's usually first or second awake.
4. I haven't seen many people address this but there's also the possibility they didn't wake up dirty, we can see that they move around the room whilst Pip is asleep so it's plausible that the murderer could've woken up ripped the page out and whilst disposing of it they got covered in dirt or water, the dirt option seem less plausible because that would mean they left the room (its mud sooo) leaving Winn as the only option
Anyways thats just one of my many theories, i think it could genuinely been any of them (might start making cases for all of them lol been a while since ive gotten back into murder mystery) or Pip ripping it out, bullies ect (those just seem a bit too predictable to me). There no way of telling at this point all the characters are a bit too sus so we're just gonna have to keep speculating whilst waiting for the next sketchbook!
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angelicdreamboat · 4 months ago
guys what is sousuke is the murderer, he was drawn with a sword, a jagged sword, so he could’ve ripped the page with his sword,,,
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theviolettulip · 3 months ago
OMG YOU GUYS my little cousin might be genius--
What if the liquid on Winn isn't water, but SALIVA. Specifically the dog's saliva.
Full disclosure, I have no idea how that fits into anything, but my cousin is going crazy concocting theories about who what when where how the murder happened, and she mentioned this possibility.
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the-sky-queen · 3 months ago
My favorite theory abut TAOM so far is that since Giorgio's game is probably from Japan, he can probably speak Japanese, but he chooses to pretend he doesn't so he can ignore Sosuke XD
Poor Sosuke oh my goodness XD
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red-balloon12 · 3 months ago
My Thoughts On “The Art of Murder”
(Spoilers below)
*Sees Detective Twink Boy for the first time* Oh no….he’s gonna be the fan favorite tumblr sexy-man, isn’t he? (I WAS RIGHT-)
Oh, hello Pomni from the popular indie show “The Amazing Digital Circus”-
Is Winn saying “Hot Soy Sauce”? (It’s honey soy sauce)
Is…..is that Sasuke?
The princess is gonna be the least liked….isn’t she? (That’s still being determined but I’m leaning towards yes)
An Ace Attorney reference in MY INDIE ANIMATION PILOT??
OC looks like he’s straight out of Cuphead…but he’s adorable
….did they say “Hot pops” or “Hop-pops”? (It’s Hop Pops)
Damn…they’re all kinda assholes huh?
The lyrics are a little redundant but the song still slaps!
Okay so all of them have a motif for killing OC. Interesting…
And we’re back to the beginning
Oh shit, Soskue is on the chopping block first
So you guys are probably wondering who I think killed OC. I think no one killed him. But there are three theory’s as to why.
First: I think everyone tried to kill OC at some point but everyone failed by either chickening out at the last minute or by failing the execution. All four of them had a motif for killing OC since all of them were scared by the idea of OC replacing them. Sosuke and Winn are the obvious suspects because Winn has water on her and Sosuke has mud on him. Sosuke could have been in kahoots with Weeaboo (b/c of the name) and he might have had the dog rip out OC’s page. He might have accidentally gotten trampled by Weeaboo in the process.
BUT I want to shed some more light on Giorgio. He was quick to rule himself out both because he’s the detective and he has a self proclaimed alibi of waking up after everyone else. But a good detective knows that everyone is a suspect including themselves. So for him to say that is already sus to me. And then there’s Albie. Admittedly, she doesn’t have a or of dirt on her but that doesn’t erase her having a motive like everyone else.
Here’s what I think happened. If we aren’t counting the dog, Sosuke, Giorgio and Winn probably tried to do the deed themselves and failed due to the dog coming in and ripping the page out itself. Albie might not have had it in her to do it because her being a princess (princesses are usually kind and just) might have been part of her conscience. (Although that could have also been a motivation to do it as well since she clearly doesn’t want to be a stereotypical princess.)
Second theory: No one tried to kill OC and it was an accident aka: Weeabo did it.
So it’s very likely no one tried to kill OC. After all, the dog has the paper on its paws. Weeaboo probably has access to the outside and the outside is muddy. He could have gotten wet and muddy, went back inside and to Pip’s room and then accidentally ripped out OC while getting Winn and Sosuke dirty. The “water” on Winn could have also been dog saliva.
The only thing that makes me not confident about the water being drool is that dog drool has a smell to it..a bad one. And when Winn tasted the water, she said it tastes/smells like disappointment. Ya know what else tastes like that? Water.
Third and most far out theory: Pip ripped OC’s page herself.
This theory has the least evidence advocating for it but I’m still gonna argue. As we saw in the beginning of the video, we say Pip struggling to draw OC’s other arm. She could have simply scrapped the whole drawing together. I know from personal experience that if I get stuck on one aspect of the drawing, I’m scrapping the whole thing. There’s another thing. Pip could have just not liked OC’s design anymore. It’s normal for artist to say “I like this” one night, sleep, wake up the next morning, looking at the art and say “Oh I don’t want you anymore.” And then scrap it. This all could have been Pip.
One thing is for certain though….
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artystozka · 4 months ago
I ended up taking a peek at the TAOM merch before I saw the full pilot. I was a bit confused on how they were gonna keep OC a relevant character if he was in the figurative family guy death pose throughout the whole story. But simply ripping out his Paige makes a lot sense.
Side note: Do you really think It's one of the suspects who "killed" OC? or an outside force? like Pip herself cus she started to get bullied over him.
To identify the most likely suspect I go with "means, motive, opportunity" criterias:
Sousuke, Albie and Winn: motive and opportunity.
Giorgio: only motive.
Pip: means and opportunity.
I don't think it was any of the characters. The reason being: they are too small and weak. It takes them some effort to flip a page. I doubt any of them could tear a whole sheet off and then effectively dispose of it. If it was one of them, they definitely had an accomplice.
For now I completely write off Giorgio, as he's the only one with an actual alibi. But with my years of watching detective shows I definitely learned one thing: if the character is the least suspicious + is my favourite, 8 times out of 10 they're the murderer, so there's that.
Pip herself is the most likely one for obvious reasons. However, one thing still bothers me. If she wasn't satisfied with how OC turned out or something like that, why rip the whole page off? He was drawn by pencil, she could just erase him. There's no reason to damage a perfectly good sketchbook.
Now, the theory I stick to, which I'm sure is not an original thought, is simple bullying. It's all based on assumption that Pip could tend to bring sketchbook to school. OC could have been a reason for classmates to laugh at Pip or start throwing her sketchbook around (which is I believe to be reason why Sousuke's page is covered in mud). That would also explain the liquid on Winn. If Pip was crying over the torn off page, her tears would definitely get on Winn's page. After all, Winn was on the same spread. But, of course, this theory is not backed up by anything and is just the most logical, in my opinion, version of what happened based on what we know so far.
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kpopfanfictrash · 5 years ago
TAOM! Seokjin: can you tell me more about your thoughts on parallel universes?
“Obviously,” Seokjin says, folding both hands before him. “How long do you have? I mean, do we exist in all of them? Some might think yes, we do, but if you’re operating under the Hartle-Hawking theory that only the laws of physics are similar in every universe, then of course there are some universes we don’t even exist in! Like, there are probably whole universes where the dinosaurs continued! Maybe we humans never even got out of the sea! Ooo! Maybe there’s just oceans for miles and-”
“Now you’ve done it,” Gina mumbles, slumping low in her seat. “He’s never going to stop talking now.”
[ send my characters from The Art of War More a question ]
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