resistoflex · 10 days
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Resistoflex Spring Isolators are perfect for reducing vibration and shock in HVAC systems, heavy machinery, and industrial equipment.
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possumtailpark · 1 year
man how does anyone function with remembering things. I pulled out of a derealization/depersonalization episode, so now I'm remembering everything all at once rn and it sucks.
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jethroq · 4 months
votescolding for the UK elections is funny, because Labour is already poised to win like it was a puppet election in a dictatorship, but are also very systemstically removing leftists and pro-Palestine candidates, while giving some of the safest seats for Tory MP’s who have jumped ship because the party is in freefall, and some of them are also very virulent Islamophobes. And Keir Starmer has basically just said Labour will do everything the Tories have done but ”smarter and more responsibly”.
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apple-unofficial · 5 months
Ow... Trying to turn off HURT...
( @totally-roku-tv)
Roku are you awake now?
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rotten-ash · 2 years
If only it was only the oldest vampires that were bloodthirsty monsters that inevitably cause death and suffering no matter what they do. Hm.
It's systemstic.
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hello hello, I know it's been A While since you posted this, but I would love to hear you talk about music (if you want to of course). I need more punk music and folk music and punk-folk music in my life SO badly. It just hits different, you know?
!! feel free to hit me up anytime !!!!
ok so my experience is mainly from the uk, and im a second gen punk, i have refrenced a few times growing up in that scene so thats just a disclaimer
so punk: originated in the uk as a anti establishment movement, as counter culture, and its still going!
a common punk and folk tradition is songs taking the piss: songs told from the point of veiw of the rats in charge, and laying bare just how awful thay are, so if a song sounds dogy give it a second listen, theres a certain voice that you will learn means there taking the piss
my punk band recomendations:
the partisans : a great band, my favorite album is their self titled one, and its one of my favorites ever! their good old yelling about the goverment and cops sukcing, with other comentery, alot of anti war aswell and just genral good songs to yell along with.
you cant go wrong with x-ray specs an awsome band, oh bondage up yours and i am a poser are classics for a reason,
crass is another classic, the chorus of big a little as was a nursery ryhme to me, and bloody revolutions teaches you more about how shit that idea is that 10000 words of litritcher (im a big believer in music as a radicalizing force, one that can educate and inform) systemstic death is great aswell.
another punk band is AOS3, the ones i know are battle of Trafalgar, jungle out there, to dream the impossible dream and wheres the real country gone, they are all epic.
now i will have to diverge to the great genre of post punk, mainly characterized by being able to hear the words and being slower, they can be nihilistic, but are great in there own right, and are good for people who love punk but cant deal with the loud noise.
it rose out of punk, because as mutch as i wish it could go on forever, people burn out, are sent to sites, your older and you cant sing like you used to.
the zounds the best band ever in my opinion, the curse of the zounds is the soundtrack of my preteen angst, and is a banger, did he jump being 8 minuits of reflection and anger at sociey and its roles, listen to it, its trans as fuck, demystification speaks of wanting to understand, knife talks about wanting to be more than a subculture, speaking to the burnt out people that just want to go home, true love is the aro anthem in my heart, dirty squaters is great, this land is a post punk retelling of woodys tichilar song of teh same name, and is an anthem of its own, new band speaks to the everchangig music industry... its a great album, listen to it
and the new(er) album the redemption of the zounds another banger, cry genie cry is a masterpice, and damage is amazing, listen to it to.
an honourble mention to this land- single version which is even better
joy divisions album unknown pleasures is another amazing album, and broke the taboo of using synthesizers
on to folkpunk,
folk punk is two communitys based around protest and protest music that looked at eachother and said we aint to differnt. and then made some banging music. theres a reason alot of hippies went punk, and why alot of travelers are both, there two sides of the same coin. my main expericnce is form a festival i go to, whitch is old punks, hippies, and travelers, and some romani. the melding post of music is glorious to behold!
no better example is jay terrestrial and his two bands, firepit collective a folk and bluegrass band, and inner terrestrials a punk/folk/dub band, one of the best gigs of my life was the inner terrestrials playing a acoustic set. its showed how folk and punk are on a sliding scale, and its all good music, tales of terror and heart of the free are both amazing, but so is there whole discography
sidenote here: alsmost all of the bands i will be talking about are british, so they deal with british politics, alot of them with nature and mother nature, a bunch of white men yelling about freeing the land can come across as bad to americans, but different politics are at play here.
for other folk punk bands i dont have mutch, but look around and im sure u will find more
so! onto folk, ive mentioned firepit collective before, and there great, they have more songs but to the lost is the only album they have put out, its still an amzing album and i love its so mutch
another great folk band (i swear i have some that aint bluegrass) is the wild turkey brothers. they have two albums but like this only better is the better one, eat drink and be merry is the first song i learnt on guitar, and they are free to download,
talking of ben paley here is mcdermots 2 hours some of my fav music ever, taking it on, darkness and sail and north and south hold special places in my heart, as does Stór mo Chroí.
the hedgerow crawlers god this is the sound of my childhood. both albums are amazing, ranging from somber, to pisstakes to speaking the truth, its a great band
i dont have mutch more recomendations, unfortunaly there is a limit to even the internets ability to hold information. and alot of the music i love will never be recorded on anything other than shakey phones
thank you anon, i hope you and others enjoy this, and that this helps others enjoy this music thats so niche
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55tfn9 · 1 year
🔌⚡ Understanding Fault Currents in High Voltage Power Systems: Key Insights and Considerations 💡🔍
Fault currents play a vital role in the safe and reliable operation of high voltage power systems. Let's dive into some essential aspects and considerations!
1️⃣ Magnitude: Fault currents in high voltage power systems can reach exceptionally high levels, impacting equipment and system stability. #FaultCurrentMagnitude #PowerSystemSafety
2️⃣ Transient Nature: Fault currents are transient and short-lived, quickly rising to peak values and decaying as protective devices activate. #TransientFaultCurrents #SystemStability
3️⃣ Equipment Impact: Fault currents pose significant stress on power system equipment such as transformers, circuit breakers, cables, and conductors. #EquipmentProtection #SystemReliability
4️⃣ Protection Coordination: Coordinating protective devices is crucial to isolate faulty sections while maintaining operational continuity in the rest of the system. #SelectiveTripping #ProtectionCoordination
5️⃣ Fault Analysis: Conducting fault analysis studies helps identify worst-case scenarios, calculate fault current magnitudes, and assess potential risks to power system components. #FaultAnalysis #RiskAssessment
Understanding and analyzing fault currents are essential for designing effective protection schemes, selecting suitable protective devices, setting appropriate relay settings, and ensuring the reliable and safe operation of high voltage power systems.
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astromechs · 2 years
having a real what's the fucking point day tbh
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timeisacephalopod · 4 years
I absolutely hate when people from a privileged positions use ‘gone too far’ arguments because they never apply that mindset to the status quo. You know what’s too far? Gender reveal parties resulting in massive fires with serious environmental impacts just because some straight cis people wanted everyone to know what their baby’s genitals looked like.
But sure, that fake gender neutral Santa thing was what took ideas of gender too far.
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void-tiger · 3 years
Cats, new doggo: if you don’t like it why are you doing it?
Me: …good question. :((
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300iqprower · 3 years
Nasu: “I didn’t put Tsukihime on Steam because I want it to have multilingual support before we do that….but just getting it in English and Chinese was the biggest hurdle we faced.”
Maybe, just maybe, please hear me out Mr. Anonymous-mushroom-fucker, if you didn’t infamously treat localizers like shit, translation wouldn’t be such an issue.
Oh and a reminder this is the dude who’s also so up himself he originally wanted NO pc released because he believed the game deserves nothing less than to be “experienced on a big screen.”
[LOOOOOOOOOOOTS of anger in this one starting now. And swearing. Maybe just ignore my spite riddled angst but its still getting posted so I dont bottle it up to the point of insanity.]
The coward who won’t show his face in public so he doesn’t have to face criticism. Who’s apparently so shy but also will absolutely not hesitate to have his name be the only one in the writing credits even when he did the least work. He’s a two-faced, scratch that, a no-faced cowardly cunt of a sellout.
But it’s okay! Because Rancer Ga Shinda, and funny mushrooms! Because Unlimited Budget Works maje pretty anime! Because Heaven’s Feel sad! (which is the worst of the three routes. Gratuitous rape and trauma is not a compelling narrative, and the good parts work because it contrasts with the other routes rather than because it’s amazing on its own) NO. FUCK YOU IF THINK ANYTHING HE’S EVER DONE EXCUSES EVERYTHING ELSE HE’S DONE. IT DOESNT.
I have outlined before why Nasu is a terrible person as a creator, but I cannot state enough how terrible a *person* he is as well. I’ve also compared him to Hideo kojima, another creator who has made beloved and rightfully acclaimed games that nonetheless contain varying degrees of questionable at besr content are are surrounded by downright problematic creative decisions, with a cult like army of followers defending their every word feeding into to their ego on a feedback loop. Kojima has the exact same kind of tone deafness and near peerless level of pretentiousness that makes me despise him AND Nasu, but ya know what? To what little credit Kojima has, he doesn’t condone pedophilia. Which Nasu absolutely does through his tacit and continuous approval of certain. goddamn. servants. But of course inhumanly despicable and easy target cases aside (SOMETHING THAT IN NO WAY MAJES IT LESS UNACCEPTABLE), Nasu is also: pretentious, narcissistic, avaricious, arrogant, entitled, bigoted, a xenophobe, exploitative, a liar and hypocrite, takes credit for other people’s work, blames those with less power than him for his own fuck-ups and scapegoats while claiming to protect his colleagues, I could go on if i wanted to make a Systemstic list BUT THE BOTTOM FUCKING LINE IS THAT I AM SO GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING SICK OF PEOPLE DEFENDING HIS EVERY WORD WHEN HE IS SO OBJECTIONABLY HORRIBLE. ALL BECAUSE OF WRITING THAT PEOPLE CAN DEMONSTRABLY DO BETTER THAN HIM BECAUSE LIKE GEORGE LUCAS HIS TALENT BEGIND AND ENDS WITH THE CORE CONCEPTS.
………..god I need to stop caring so much about things I can never change…
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chrysanthemumpink · 3 years
The politics of this show is what really bring Falcon & The Winter Solider. It’s talking heavy political themes like boarders, terroism, supremacy, and imperialism... and not doing a good job of it. All of those things are systematic issues in need of systematic address. But what FatWS does is take those systematic problems and makes them plot points channelled through individual people.
(Very Very long rant and description of what I mean + the stuff I wish had happened instead)
There’s a terroist/revolutionary organization called the Flag Smashers. And they want to return to a pre-return world that was borderless. (i think!) But truth be told, we don’t even know, or see, the political world that the Smashers invision. They say a world “pre-snap.” But what is that? There’s a little dialogue peppered in but the Marvel Universe hasn’t really explained what the world was like during the snap and after. So descriptors like “boarderless” & “together” seem like buzzwords rather than rallying cries.
But back to the flag smashers, there’s isn’t even a real organization here. Just Karli. The narrative *says* revolutionary groups but we only see a singular person. And this treats the systemstic things that she is forced to represent as a matter of personal will. Everyone has personal stakes.
And the reason the narrative does this is because they’re trying to do that thing where *everyone* has a point. On some level, you can sympathize with each character. Even John Walker can be sympathized with.
And it doesn’t work because systematic issues aren’t solved through sympathizing. No matter how much white ppl wish that it were so, systematic issues aren’t addressed through abstract concepts like forgiveness, love, or even pain. They are addressed through tangible legislation, reparations, organization, and implementation. But this is a superhero show. It’s Marvel. Everyone came to see lasers, guns and punches. ESPECIALLY since this is a Captain America tale. And that’s fine to an extent. But not like this & not with the political themes this show wants to deal with.
What the are doing is militarizing a social issue. As if the conflicts mentioned can be solved through industrial war fare. And ngl, stories of anarchists going too far will never truly be genuine in this context. All these stories of ppl going “too far,” just begs the question of who is doing anything at all.
ANYWAY, this is long. But Marvel has always suffered from bad villains. In the movies, you almost never know what it is that the villain actually wants. (Quick, Yellow Jacket was the villian in AntMan. Why? See!)
Even Thanos’s motivations were narratively flawed. It happens with most superhero things though because there has to be some dark concept about being Jesus or saving the whole entire world or man vs beast. In an attempt to be grand, villains and heroes become flat. And FATWS is doing the same by making the conflict largely political. People don’t represent political ideology, they exist within it as individuals. So I wish this show had dealt with these characters by letting them be individuals moving through the world & politics...not the world & politics moving through them
Like imagine how much more we could get if Karli was just a girl who randomly showed up one day as a super soilder and starts trying to murder people in an attempt to reduce the population. All because, in her mind, when half the world is gone... things were better. She surprisingly doesn’t kill anyone because Falcon manages to get through to her. He’s a Trauma Counselor. Karli is then taken into custody, but the real mystery is who is this girl? & how did she get the super serum?
And it turns out that she stole the serum with the group called the flag smashers. And this organization wants exactly what Karli wants...to reduce the population. But unlike Karli they are a collective rather than an individual. And they have a plan in place to create as much serum as possible so as to prepare an army of unstoppable force. Now Bucky & Sam have to find them, learn where they are getting this serum, and stop them.
But uh oh! Bucky breaks Karli out of prison because he knows what they want to do. The serum has been lost to the US government for years. But now they have Karli to experiment on & have an attempt to reverse engineer it. Bucky can’t let that happen & gets her out. So Sam & Bucky are kicked off the mission & are now fugitives on the run with a radicalized teen super girl. Not long after, though, they see a new Captain America has been crowned.
It pisses them off but what they don’t know is that John Walker desperately wants Karli back because he wants the super serum. He wants the power & will stop at nothing to get it.
Meanwhile we learn how the world has changed through Karli’s stories. We see what happened to those left behind. And in exchange, we see Sam’s perspective as a returned person, and Bucky’s perspective as a Super Soilder who should have never lived to see 2021, let alone all the extra shit. We can also explore how Bucky, unlike Cap, can’t go back and live the life he was supposed to live. And how Steve got to get a happy ending...and he was left behind.
They still need leads so they break Zemo out too. Sam says something along the lines of “i guess we’re just breaking everyone out of prison now.” And since Sam is back on the run, Shannon Carter shows up like “hey you’re back on the wanted list! Me too. Yay!”
Zemo & Shannon get them a few leads. And as Karli begins to open up, she reveals that she didn’t mean to try & kill all of those ppl. One minute she was fine & the next...she snapped. Like her body wasn’t hers. And now she has nightmares about what she did. Turns out the Flag Smashers have also discovered how to brainwash and control their soldiers like Bucky was. And they, more than likely, plan on doing this to all their soldiers.
Meanwhile the Dora Milaje show up for Zemo. We find out how Bucky was freed from control while in Wakanda. And its revealed that he also broke Zemo out because that was the only a way to have Wakanda come to him. He asks them to take Karli and help her, like they did him, but they say they can’t take any fugitives....not now.... (😢). But she also says Bucky can help, and so can “your partner.” And Falcon’s sitting on the step behind him. And to piss Bucky off, Falcon also has Zemo and throws him to the Dora Milaje. And one of them reminds him to save one of his Sister’s plates for her. And Bucky is like... “you know her???” Because why not.
I know i’m rambling but do you see how all of that instantly tightens the story and engages with all of the themes. With much better pacing and scope. And it still would give us space to explore the characters and the world.
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airiin220 · 4 years
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I dunno why I drew my OC like that X,D
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anthonycoldwinter · 4 years
So I made this video last night responding to a Candace Ownes facebook live video where she says that we shouldn’t make George Floyd out to be some marty because of his criminal past. That jewish people don’t go around praising their criminals.
My response was simply that I haven’t seen anyone saying Floyd was out here living a heroic life, which she claims. I feel like George Floyd is just a current symbol for what systemstic oppression is. We’re not angry because Floyd was murdered, we’re angry because a black person was wrongfully murdered by a cop because he was black. AGAIN! We’re upset because this keeps happening to us, and Candace feels like “racially motivated police brutality is a myth”!
I have a bunch of comments saying how wrong I am about my stance, I just wanted to know how you guys felt about it. This video is an hour long so I understand if you don’t have the time to watch it all, but please let me know what you think if you can.
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windbagwrites · 4 years
Civilization has been plagued by pandemics for millennia and humanity has come out on top, every single time. Plagues have come along and wiped out parts of humanity for a very, very long time. Now, a new challenger has stepped onto the ring. The dreaded COVID-19 has shown itself and is prepared to lunge itself unto humanity, fangs out.
The human race, as a species, is not in as much danger as how the media portrays it. Other pandemics like the Spanish Flu were more dangerous than the virus we deal with now. Several years of preparation have been used to make sure to keep casualties to an absolute, bare minimum. The only reason this certain pandemic has been able to cause mass hysteria is because of the fact that we have better communication systemst than before. News spreads fast which helps in keeping the public aware while making information easy to obtain for the researchers trying to manufacture a cure. Personally, I am not saying that the media broadcasting data is a bad thing but it seems to rile up folks more than necessary. It is causing people to be more frightened than necessary. It is good to keep the public aware and weary to make sure the population doesn't get wiped out but this is frightening folks a bit too much. In my experience, my grandmother has been telling me safety precautions but for the wrong illness. Nevertheless, it is still useful information so I digress. The thing is this could be happening to other people as well. There might be people who are stockpiling information that isn't helpful for the threat that they are trying to research about. COVID is only succeeding this far becuse of the vocal reportings of the media and mankind's own incompetency of finding information. If we all just stick to the guidelines distributed by WHO and other health orgainzations, we will be able to get through this like our predecessors. Due to all the available technology, this virus will be eradicated within a couple months. Humanity will survive this like everything else Mother Nature has thrown at us. The famous saying, "Prevention is better than cure.", really applies to the world's current situation.
In my opinion, the world should be aware of the virus but not afraid. There is always a boundary never to be crossed. Too much is too much. To be preventing yourself from doing other daily activities that are still fine to do in this trying time because of your fear is just fear developing to overcaution. To be frank, that is really bad for your mental health and it could give you paranoia to even the most mundane things. So, I like to keep this in mind, be aware not afraid. The world does not need to be rich to survive this epidemic, the world need to be smart.
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g2deal · 5 years
November 2019 Update: The best Windows 10 update yet! @How-To Geek
Via: How-To Geek / Credits to: Chris Hoffman
The latest Windows 10 November 2019 Update is a smaller update than normal that's way faster to download and install.
But that doesn't make it any less important! In fact, it's probably the best Windows 10 update ever, turning its focus to system stability.
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Microsoft came up with a solution that makes the user's life much easier, since most of the changes were already included in previous patches, by installing a sort of “cumulative update” for those already running the May 2019 Update.
Read more: ➤ https://bit.ly/2rlpBex
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