#Synchro You
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ultrakdramamama · 5 months ago
[4K 클린버전] 박재범 & 온유 - 가끔 (원곡 : Crush) #싱크로유 3회 3라운드 l KBS 240930 방송
[4K Clean Version] Jay Park & ​​Onew - Sometimes (Original: Crush) #SynchroYou 3rd Round 3 l KBS 240930 Broadcast
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averysmolkirbo · 1 month ago
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u got games on ur phone?
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ywpd-translations · 10 months ago
Ride 755: Kaburagi and Doubashi!!
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Pag 1
2: He counted for three second and then accelerated!!
3: I'll go, yon
4: to the
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Pag 2
1: Sprint line ahead!!
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Pag 3
1: One person jumped ahead at 700m from the sprint line!!
2: Yaa!!
3: That guy's so fast!!
He's steadily accelerating on his own!!
4: He counted for three seconds and then accelerated!?
Usually, when one catches up they stop for 10-30 seconds to rest their legs
5: He did it for three seconds!?
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Pag 4
1: That guy doesn't follow the usual road-racing common sense, Orange!!
I know!! San-na, just now I was also
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Pag 5
1: Thinking the same thing!!
2: Those two are chasing too!!
3: Get behind me, we're accelerating!!
7: Fifth stage
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Pag 6
1: “Orange”
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Pag 7
2: Houruraaa
3: Ugh
4: Oi oi, he's so fast!! Seriously!?
He really got something like this in him!?
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Pag 8
1: Houuu
2: ruaaaa
3: How hard did you work, Orange!!
4: During this past year
5: How much have you sharpened yourself?
I know it'd be wrong to tell you at a time like this, but let me tell you!!
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Pag 9
1: Reckless guys are the coolest!!
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Pag 10
2: You got closer
4: You did great closing the gap, Orange!!
5: 600m left until the sprint line!!
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Pag 11
1: Hold on and don't fall behind!!
3: From now on I'll do it!!
4: Burst open!!
Don't tie it down!!
Crush it!!
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Pag 12
1: Feelings at full throttle!!
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Pag 13
3: This is bad
4: Buaaaaaah
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Pag 14
1: Aventador!!*
(*NdT.: the kanji are read as “bullfighting” but the reading says “aventador”)
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Pag 15
2: Hakogaku and Sohoku lined up in one go with the guy riding in the lead!!
3: Seriously!?
4: Don't let him get in between, get your bike close to mine, Orange!!
Got it!! San-na!!
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Pag 16
1: But
2: The seat in the back is empty, yon
3: Spread out!!
4: Uh oh
5: We won't let you
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Pag 17
1: count up to “three”!!
2: …. tch
3: You caught up and got here, but looks like you've run out of options now!!
So what will you do
4: Mountain bike guy!!
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Pag 18
1: What incredible tension!! Each one of them has their own style!!
No but don't those two guys give you the chills?
2: I've noticed it before
3: Hakogaku's Doubashi and Sohoku's Kaburagi, even though they're from different teams and so are enemies, they're cooperating while running!!
4: This is something you won't find in other sports
5: Like in soccer or volleyball, you'll never see opponents coming together and cooperate!!
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Pag 19
1: “Having multiple opponents at the same time”, that's what makes road racing unique!!
2: This is
3: the exciting thing
4: about road racing!!
5: Until the sprint line-
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Pag 20
1: - there are 500m left!!
3: You don't follow the common sense of road racing....
That's why
4: we caught up to you using the “common sense of road racing”!!
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zeravmeta · 29 days ago
to this day i will never get over how konami just abandoned the design potential of pendulums in favor of links generic combo spam. like right off the top of my head i can already make up 5 whole deck gimmicks using basic pendulum mechanics alone
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anthurak · 2 months ago
Help, my once-small-and-manageable 'What if Yugo got kidnapped instead and Rin got Clear Wing Synchro Dragon?' AU idea is rapidly snowballing into a whole-ass ARC-V rewrite with a growing list of goals/ideas/concepts including but not limited to:
Revamping the not-Clear-Wing Dimension Dragons with actually distinct elemental identities (I feel like Odd-Eyes should really be a FIRE monster...)
Making the Dimension Dragons actual CHARACTERS with arcs like Clear Wing and Rin having a whole 'past-life enemies to present-life lovers' story and Dark Rebellion turning out to be an older-brother figure to Yuto and becoming besties with fellow protective-big-brother Shun.
Revamping the entire collective arcs of the Yu-boys and Bracelet girls into a narrative that actually REJECTS the idea that they should be merged back together. Like a big part of Yuya's and Yuto's characters ends up being them fighting against merging.
NONE of the Bracelet Girls getting mind-controlled and/or fridged. And also playing key roles in the final battle dueling against Zarc.
A collective arc for the Dimension Dragons that ultimately has them rejecting Zarc and rebelling against him in various ways and siding with the Bracelet Girls and Yu-boys (that aren't Yuri).
My previously explored 'Alexis Rhodes gets a full Cyber Angel/Herald/Drytron deck and is the biggest fucking badass in the whole show' idea, which now also includes her teaching Yuya Ritual Summoning which ends up becoming one of the big secret weapons against Zarc.
Aki and Sherry are also present in the Synchro Dimension, are dating/married and utterly loaded with Revolutionary Girl Utena references.
Everything/everyone just being a whole lot gayer in general. I realize that is hardly a revolutionary take in this fandom, but I felt it was still worth mentioning XD
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ygoartreviews · 3 months ago
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Power Tool Braver Dragon
Where to even begin here? Power Tool Dragon is cool enough on its own, but we've gone a step further here, because funnily enough, this actually isn't OG PTD. It's actually our good pal Life Stream Dragon wearing a sick suit of armor that is modeled off of PTD, only it's been upgraded in several areas. Most notable and striking is the weapon upgrades; PTD's original right arm has been turned into a powerful hydraulic clamp, while its left arm has a massive and deadly looking version of the drill from Double Tool C&D. Also, if you look closely, its tail shovel has been turned into what is likely a pair of pliers (or maybe a flamethrower? It's hard to tell where the flames are coming from lol). It's interesting to compare this card to PTD, as PTD actually has very little red in its design, but this card went a little wild with red accents. They do fit very nicely with the swirling flames at its feet, though. Another interesting note is that the two cards share the same background, only rotated a bit. Final point: the prismatic shine effects off the clamps teeth, the drill, and the background add nice little bursts of color contrast.
Rating: 10/10, The bravest dragon of them all :)
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artzchao · 1 year ago
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This is how dragons will look at you while there's a face-up Field Spell on the field.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 1 year ago
Oh I REALLY like the detail of Yugos bike still running on momentum, makes me wonder how thats utilized/controlled in a presumably sans yusei 5ds
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WELL YOU CAME TO THE RIGHT PLACE ANON: HOUSE OF THE DOG DEEPLY AND MORBIDLY OBSESSED WITH ARC-V'S SYNCHRO DIMENSION'S WORLDBUILDING the second they hopped over to New Domino im already locked and loaded ready to overanalyze every scrap they hand me.
like i cant stress Enough that the Synchro dimension has architecture invoking the The Fucking Future Floating Buildings. The Hyper Tech Evolved Society (it has produced violent and horrifying classism the likes of which we could barely fathom before.) They Still Have Momentum It's Powering the Damn Bikes
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waywardstation · 8 months ago
So when I played Violet a while ago and I took Miraidon to climb the mountain that surrounds the great crater I came across some Garchomp floating around near the top.
It looks ridiculous and funny in the game when they just hover in place and then turn towards you to pursue you… I just saw a video of that on X and it reminded me of Jörmun and “I wont leave you behind“ and… is Jörmun due to her size able to fly???
If so then she got a hell lot more dangerous in my book. Maybe she isn’t due to being battle-worn but she’s still fast!
This is one aspect of her that I’ve been fighting over with myself for a long time, because depending on whether she can fly or not will split her up into two different designs and behavior/fighting dynamics.
Jörmun is an Alpha. In IWLYB I really emphasize how massive she is and how while not literal, her build gives the appearance that her musculature has outgrown her skeleton. She is HEAVY.
I’ve had two thoughts on this — either she has become overgrown to the point she can no longer fly (and can only glide short distances) or I give her a much bigger wingspan to accommodate for her body. (Because in my head I do imaging that realistically those flaps on those arms help them fly)
Option A would sort of keep the same Garchomp build, but Option B would turn Jörmun into a wyvern/pterosaur with the sheer size of the wings I’d need to give her. An actual dragon guarding the mountain.
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It would be SO SO FUN to write (AND DRAW) her like this big beast with huge wings to give her flight — because you’re right, I think that would make her so much scarier. You could not escape her on land or in the sky.
But, as of now, I’ve been writing her as option A — she isn’t capable of flight due to growing out of those wings, but she can manage to glide short distances. Because it has been fun writing her as this hulking monster that is almost too heavy for her own legs, and crashes back down to the ground with the struggle to fly.
Also, it has given me a reason to keep her secluded up in the mountains; if Jörmun could fly, she would be an absolute terror to the Pearl Clan settlement (and she is at some point in HFBE), but if I strip her of flight, she will probably opt to stay higher up in the mountains — it would be easy for her to glide down, but she would not want to climb all the way back up that mountain.
TLDR, I go back and forth on this, but right now I have that she can only glide short distances, as she cannot fly.
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omarwolaeth · 1 year ago
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Duel Runners run on energy generated by their (assumedly expensive) Momentum Cores, so their power supply is as infinite as how much you can move it. Can't say the same about real life though.
(Text written from linked post's images)
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dkettchen · 4 months ago
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coldmirror's neuer Podcast 👌
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candyredappledragon · 1 year ago
Pov you are now a Swadloon
am i doing this right?
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f1gure-skater · 2 years ago
Super niche, but I just saw someone comment on something saying that they can't comprehend the fact that figure skating qualifies as a sport and as a figure it kind of just ticked me off? Of course the skaters seen on TV are really good at it and they make it look easy but the amount of work that goes into training that isn't seen in competition isn't as pretty as what's shown on the screen. There's a lot of off ice training for cardio and strength in the form of fitness classes and there's also the on ice cardio training which is running program parts in addition to the full run through. AND THEN, so it looks good, there's ballet, and on ice movement, and theatre on ice etc. etc. etc. which makes you THINK it's more of an artform but I've gotten so many bruises from falling that I don't think I can call it art, more like pain. Honestly figure skating is a dangerous sport, there's so many risks that can lead to injuries, I've a couple of friends who have gotten concussed from bad falls and I call myself very fortunate for not having gotten any bad injuries that cause me to take time off (knock on wood) but all of the gross stuff that happens out of the shiny costumes is what gives figure skating the right to call itself a sport.
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anthurak · 2 months ago
Roseknightshipping in ARC-V Ideas (using heavy AU/rewrite elements)
Imagining Roseknightshipping in ARC-V is really fun and silly thanks to the existing AU setting causing an apparent lack of Yliaster and a definite lack of Yusei Fudo. Meaning that all we really have to go off of is Aki’s and Sherry’s shared Rose/Flower/Knight motif and potential for mutually fucked up backstories.
So for my now-rapidly-snowballing ARC-V AU/Rewrite, I’m having Aki and Sherry show up to the Friendship Cup in Neo Domino as basically the ultimate wildcards. Their backstory is that they were both in the same fucked-up Boarding School/Duel Academy that was run by this timelines version of the Arcadia Movement and basically went through a whole-ass Revolutionary Girl Utena plot together before finally hooking up, blowing up the academy, feeding Divine to Black Rose Dragon and riding off into the sunset together.
And now they’ve entered the Friendship cup together as the big mysterious wildcard duelists who nobody is quite sure where they stand. Like they’re clearly not working with Shinji or any of the other Commons, but definitely want to make a lot of trouble for the Topsiders. Maybe Aki is using a retooled version of her ‘Black Rose Witch’ masked-persona, with Sherry possibly using her own take on a secret identity.
Aki and Sherry here both use the fully-expanded ‘Rose Dragon’ and ‘Fleur’ archetypes, with Black Rose Dragon and Chevaliar de Fleur as their ace monsters. Along with using Ruddy Rose Dragon and Baronne de Fleur as super-aces.
(Alternatively, in a similar vein to how Jack uses an alternate version of Red Dragon Archfiend in ARC-V, Aki could use a similarly retrained version of BRD. Say, ‘Black Rose Revolution Dragon’, for obvious reasons XD)
They also have a shared ultimate-ace that they summon when dueling together that is basically Baronne riding Ruddy Rose. It also uses their own flashy gimmick take on Synchro Summoning similar to Accel Synchro or Double Tuning that I admittedly haven’t fully thought out yet. Thoughts so far is that it’s a ‘Hybrid Synchro’ method that uses two Synchro monsters that are both also tuners.
Either way, it’s definitely meant to be a VERY unsubtle metaphor for lesbian sex and both Aki and Sherry being switches XD
Ultimately it’s revealed that the Roseknight duo’s motivations are that Jean Michel Roget was the one behind this version of Arcadia, or at least co-opted/bankrolled them as part of his plan to take over Neo-Domino and betray Academia (somewhat paralleling how Arcadia in 5Ds was trying to oppose Yliaster), and Aki and Sherry are here to completely wreck his shit. Which they do in epic fashion during the climax of the Synchro arc (probably replacing Reiji’s/Declan’s duel with Roget in this version of events) before also feeding him to Ruddy Rose Dragon and mysteriously vanish into the night.
Notably, Sherry and Aki don’t really ‘join’ the heroes following the events of the Synchro arc. Mostly because I made them a just a bit too OP and having them stick around makes thing a bit too easy for the heroes. I mean Sherry runs Baronne for Ra’s sake!
Instead, in this version of events Aki and Sherry are meant to show up, be awesome/hot, kick ass, make every girl in sight start questioning her sexuality, leave and refuse to elaborate. And then make a triumphant reappearance in the final battle to help beat down Zarc.
Again, it is honestly kind of funny just how EASILY you can make a whole-ass Utena-AU with Sherry as Utena and Aki as Anthy:
Sherry LeBlanc is a new student at the prestigious/mysterious/overlydramatic ‘Arcadia Duel Academy’, gets into a duel with some seemingly random asshole, kicks his ass, and suddenly finds herself engaged to the mysterious ‘Rose Bride’; Aki Izayoi and just like that we’re off to the races. Just replace ‘sword duels’ with ‘Monster Duels’ (though Sherry can still do a bit of swordfighting, as a treat) and maybe have Sherry driven to be a Knight rather than a Prince, and we’re set XD
I mean if you think about it, Aki is kind of PERFECT as an equivalent to Anthy? Rose-themed, mysterious powers, super-traumatic past, manipulated by a total scumbag, the true ‘power’ at the center of the academy that everyone is fighting over, she even has a secret identity!
Heck, because we’re in the Synchro-verse, we can easily switch out RGU’s fixation on cars for 5D’s fixation on motorcycles! Maybe not with Sherry or Aki actually turning into a motorcycle, but maybe Black Rose Dragon can do that instead?
As for more specific/random character interactions, ideas and headcanons;
In the present of the show, Aki ends up playing a key role in Rin’s new arc/role/focus as the Synchro-protag and wielder/partner of Clear Wing Synchro Dragon (for a reminder, in this AU, Yugo got kidnapped by Yuri/Academia instead of Rin) as an older, more experienced rival/mentor figure. Essentially paralleling Jack’s role in Yuya’s arc.
Like Rin’s route in this version of the Friendship Cup at first has a very similar trajectory to what Yugo did, with Rin dueling Celina and pulling off a win via Clear Wing evolving into Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon much like what happened with Yugo. Only for Rin to then go up against Aki and get completely trounced, forcing her into some character development.
Specifically; Rin goes into her duel against Aki riding high off her previous victory, believing that Crystal Wing combined with Windwitch – Snow Bell is unbeatable. And in fairness, a Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon with effect-destruction protection IS pretty hard to deal with.
Only for Aki to slap down Mark of the Rose to take control of Crystal Wing. Which incidentally, is visualized through a rather homoerotic sequence of the spirit of Black Rose Dragon basically seducing Crystal Wing XD
And if that wasn’t bad enough, after blasting Rin with a direct attack that drops her lifepoints nearly to 0, Aki proceeds to get around having to give Crystal Wing back next turn by using CWSD as synchro-material to summon Ruddy Rose Dragon. Which to add more injury to injury, banishes Rin’s entire graveyard, including Crystal Wing, plus all the Windwitches that Rin was going to use for her burn strategy. Leaving Rin with quite literally NO way of dealing with the 3200 ATK Rose Dragon.
On her next turn, Rin tries to restart her burn combo using Windwitch – Winter Bell, which she also summons in defense to buy time. Only for Aki to use Thorn of Malice (which has been retooled to work with any Rose Dragon) to give Ruddy Rose Dragon piercing damage and finish Rin off.
Later, Rin as well as Celina end up running into both Aki and Sherry, leading to Aki giving Rin the character-development advice she needs. As well dropping cryptic, mysterious and juicy hints regarding her connection with Black Rose Dragon that parallel Rin’s developing bond with Clear/Crystal Wing, which actually parallels some additional advice Jack gives Yuya.
In this setting, it turns out that both Aki and Jack have variations of their Dragon Signer marks, but rather then representing them being chosen by the Crimson Dragon, they instead represent the bond each of them have with their respective dragon partner. Which is made even more interesting by the fact that Rin has had her own mark ever since she summoned Clear Wing for the first time, while Yuya has had a mark flickering on and off for some time now.
Basically, it’s all meant to imply that Black Rose Dragon and Red Dragon Archfiend are similar to the four Dimension Dragons as powerful monster spirits in their own right, and hint as to what might come later for the characters.
Also, the whole meeting definitely starts with Rin and Celina accidentally walking in on Aki and Sherry making out and the OTHER half of the conversation comprises of Rin and Celina learning that girls can like girls. After the whole discussion, Rin has a whole HOST of new thoughts weighing on her; how to improve as a duelist, this strange bond she has with Clear Wing, and also girls might be hot now?
Meanwhile, all that Celina is thinking comprises of ‘Holy shit, girls are hot’, ‘How long have girls been hot?’, ‘Holy shit all the girls in my deck are hot’, ‘I want to make out with girls now’, ‘Can I smooch the girls in my deck?’, ‘Hey Rin do you wanna make out?’ and ‘Oh shit I said that out loud, didn’t I?’
Needless to say, things get a bit awkward XD
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ygoartreviews · 9 months ago
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Ghoti of the Deep Beyond
I thought maybe the name of this archetype was a reference to ghosts (considering that this monster looks ethereal and ghostly), but it's actually a reference to one of those fucked up ways to spell "fish." Which is why all of these guys are fish (or fish adjacent, like this guy). It doesn't explain the otherworldly look they went for, but that's okay, because it's still really cool and beautiful regardless. This monster specifically evokes eldritch creatures to me. That probably has to do with the multitude of glowing yellow eyes, serpentine body, and the fact that it's clearly floating through the void of space. Somehow. Man, I think I just really love the celestial void colors present along the length of this monster's body. Idk if those rocks are supposed to be part of its body or part of the background though.
Rating: 10/10
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