#SynapseIndia CSR
shamit-khemka-csr · 5 years
Shamit Khemka – Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
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Shamit Khemka, the founder of SynapseIndia, underlines the benefits of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs. By supporting various social and environmental causes, an organization gives back to society. It sends out a clear message to the society that the organization is running business in an ethical manner.
CSR programs are not only beneficial for the society and environment but also for the businesses that support them. The way an organization supports CSR, it sets an example to employees how to take care of society and the environment. Employees feel more engaged and it leads to higher employee satisfaction.
Sometimes, emotions of target customers are attached to a social or environmental cause. They prefer to buy products or services from socially responsible companies. CSR programs also help a company to improve its public image. When companies genuinely stand out for good work, their efforts are appreciated by the whole community.
Click here to know more about Shamit Khemka : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmAlJxPK31c
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shamitkhemka · 6 years
Successful CSR through diversity & safety of female employees
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Lately, companies have experienced an unprecedented increase in awareness of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Today, businesses are supposed to play a proactive role in socioeconomic development more than ever. This trend has prompted the umbrella of CSR to expanded unprecedentedly over the past few years. The industrial world has seen a dramatic rise in awareness about issues like ecological impact created by companies, sexual harassment in the workplace, and diversity in organizations. The problem of sexual harassment has become especially crucial in terms of the reputation of an organization. A new study by the Harvard Business Review concluded that even a single sexual harassment claim can substantially reduce public perceptions of an entire organization's approach to gender equity. This can be even more damaging than a claim of financial wrongdoing.
The CSR executives of a company should work together with leadership across the company to tackle these important issues. Such measures help prevent potentially reputation-damaging incidents from ever taking place. Companies need to create a culture of inclusion and representation that will serve all employees, clients, and customers.
Shamit Khemka (Founder, SynapseIndia)
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shamit-khemka-csr · 6 years
Shamit Khemka – Be more socially responsible as a business
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Shamit Khemka, the founder of SynapseIndia, believes that modern-day businesses cannot afford to avoid corporate social responsibility. CSR has become central to the reputation of a company, both in terms of as an employer and as a brand. Today, business owners operate in a global world. This means that they are no longer competing with the local business community. A global market exposes businesses to competition created by companies abroad selling similar products. Hence CSR programs become crucial to increase a brand's awareness and reputation.
Shamit Khemka says companies should create volunteer CSR programs that truly benefit the community and society. Such programs convey a message to the public that the company cares about society. It is also useful in giving employees a perspective that the organization has a value-addition for them. The employees would feel that they can contribute to society through the company's CSR program. Becoming socially responsible is a good way to set a company apart by showing that you are not focused only on profit-making.
Click here to know more about Shamit Khemka : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss2qoMrJ0T8
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shamit-khemka-csr · 6 years
Shamit Khemka – Understanding the objectives of corporate social responsibility
Shamit Khemka, the founder of SynapseIndia, uses CSR programs as a tool for making effective contributions to society. He sees CSR as a creative opportunity that can benefit both the business and society. CSR initiatives are central to management practices at SynapseIndia. The company supports organizations that serve the need of underprivileged people of society.
Some innovative companies have made strategic partnerships as a way to create value for both the business and society at the same time. Such partnerships focus on major areas of impact between business and society. These initiatives are driven by creative solutions that solve challenges faced by both partners while doing good to society.
Business leaders need to understand that all organizations have limited resources and efforts. Hence they should keep their CSR programs focused on issues that matter to them the most. They can start by analyzing the current portfolio of CSR initiatives. By better understanding the objective of CSR programs, companies can contribute more to society.
Click here to know more about Shamit Khemka: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HRDFrhfKrk
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shamit-khemka-csr · 6 years
Shamit Khemka: Social Welfare Through Effective CSR
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Shamit Khemka, an IT leader with a philanthropic heart, has always stayed at the forefront of corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. He's launched a significant number of CSR programs through SynapseIndia, the IT company headed by him. As a managing director of the company, he continuously encourages the management team to roll out social welfare programs that benefit the less privileged communities of the society. For example, his association with the International Chandramauli Charitable Trust has helped the nonprofit organization expand its programs.
The Trust provides education and better living opportunities for children from poor families. Continuous support from SynapseIndia enabled the nonprofit to drastically change the lives of many needful children. Besides, Mr. Khemka has always shown immense sensibility to environmental issues. He is especially focused on the looming risks created by the phenomenon of climate change. To contribute to the global efforts to reduce the intensity of climate change, SynapseIndia does its bit by adopting a number of sustainability practices. Efficient use of energy and water, reducing emission, and use of solar energy are some of the major sustainability practices at the company.
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shamit-khemka-csr · 5 years
Shamit Khemka: There are 4 Types of CSR which exist in the corporate
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Shamit Khemka, the founder of SynapseIndia discusses about 4 different types of Corporate Social Responsibilities. These are discussed below:
a.) Initiatives on Environment Sustainability:
This particular corporate social responsibility is limited to the society benefits. For example, organizations plant tress to stop pollution and to reduce the carbon footprints and green house gases. So, this kind of CSR is basically for the environment shaping.        
b.) Philanthropic CSR:
This type of CSR activities are involved into donating money, resources, time to various charities in domestic, national and international levels. For example, donating money to the to the charities for natural calamities, educational programs, human rights and more. Companies do donate for these noble causes.
c.) Ethical Practices for Businesses:
This kind of CSR focuses on fair employee practices. Maintaining equality and rights for the employees is the basic of this CSR.
d.) Betterment of Economical Responsibility:
Companies also take part in the betterment of economical responsibilities. For example, there are several manufacturing companies which think of reducing the cost of their products and it helps the society and the citizens.
So, these are basically 4 types of corporate social responsibility types which different organizations follow according to their suitability.  
6. Watch Video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpuJqeYxyoU
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shamit-khemka-csr · 5 years
Shamit Khemka – corporate social responsibility in the IT sector
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Shamit Khemka, the founder & managing director of SynapseIndia, is a strong advocate of meaning CSR in the IT industry.
Technology companies are increasingly strengthening their position in the market by giving back to society. CSR signifies the relationship between a business and the community in which it operates. This relationship is a mutually beneficial one that flourishes when the business starts investing for in the welfare of society.
The technology industry is leading the trend of CSR and has become a key player in driving social change around the world. The information technology is also catching up with the trend with a rise in the overall amount of investment in CSR.
A number of CSR trends have emerged in the IT industry over the past few years. Brand activism, for example, has grown immensely. Corporate leaders and reputed executives have given political statements related to issues ranging from immigration to gender equality. Climate change has become another simmering issue among corporate leaders. Many brands have, in fact, taken bold moves as part of their efforts to mitigate climate change.
For more, Click here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss2qoMrJ0T8
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shamit-khemka-csr · 6 years
Shamit Khemka – social & environmental responsibility of a tech company
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Shamit Khemka, the founder of SynapseIndia, has constantly emphasized the need for more effective CSR activities in technology industries. Corporate social responsibility (CSR)  should include strategies that are ethical, society friendly and beneficial to community development. Mr. Khemka has introduced a variety of social welfare programs under CSR initiatives of SynapseIndia. For example, SynapseIndia provides support to education needs of less privileged children in society. Initiatives like these reflect the company's CSR mission to produce long-term results.
Mr. Khemka is also aware of the need to serve the global business community in terms of his CSR. Companies need to be more responsible than ever in the face the rising concerns over the threats of global warming and climate change. Mr. Khemka ensures that SynapseIndia consistently minimizes its impact on the environment through a set of effective measures. Actions like improving energy efficiency, reducing water use, and recycling waste, ensure that SynapseIndia remains environmentally responsible.
Click here to know more about Shamit Khemka : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmAlJxPK31c&t=1s
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shamit-khemka-csr · 6 years
Help offered to Chandramauli Charitable Trust in land acquisition under SynapseIndia CSR
Shamit Khemka, founder of SynapseIndia, has always shown activeness in providing aid to many social causes and awareness programs. Carrying out Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program has been a crucial part of the organization's ideology. Recently, the company helped a Varanasi-based Trust - International Chandramauli Charitable Trust - with land acquisition. This strong move has now come as an assurance of a better future for the underprivileged children of the society
The CSR program of SynapseIndia thrives upon the universal truth - “Sharing is caring”. Since its year of inception, 2000, the company has never left any opportunity to provide aid via various social drives. Furthermore, the company has been an active participant in social awareness campaigns, thus, helping in the upliftment of the society.
In the words of the founder, Mr. Shamit Khemka, "Contributing to the society is the first step of nation's development. Also, it is necessary for everyone to ensure the well-being of those in need, especially, the underprivileged children of the society." As a prominent tech company in the IT world, Synapseindia has contributed with the same understanding for the growth of the nation.
Together with Chandramauli Charitable Trust, SynapseIndia aims to bring a significant change in the life of children in need.
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shamit-khemka-csr · 6 years
Chandramauli Charitable Trust kids helped under SynapseIndia CSR
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Shamit Khemka, founder of a well-known IT giant – SynapseIndia - has always provided help to International Chandramauli Charitable Trust on multiple occasions. Focusing on the growth of children staying at this Varanasi-based Trust, sweaters were gifted as a part of SynapseIndia CSR program
The tech-company has always come forward and helped the Trust which has led to its seamless growth. With the providing of sweaters to kids of Trust, the company has once again ensured their better living during the cold winter season. In the words of the company's founder, Mr. Shamit Khemka, "Helping the little kids of Chandramauli always brings joy to our hearts which ultimately keeps us motivated to help them more and more." Considering the wellness of the Trust and its kids, SynapseIndia has never missed an opportunity of providing such help.
Building the society together
Since the year of inception, 2000, the company has contributed to various social awareness campaigns and programs. Furthermore, the organization understands how important it is to keep the society in the progress loop to help build a promising future. Working with determination, the company proactively participates and ensures that such a growth of the society never stops. SynapseIndia's association with the Chandramauli trust is a collective effort towards the same.
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shamit-khemka-csr · 4 years
Corporate social responsibility creates a positive impact on society
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In the world of business, corporate social responsibility plays a key role in exerting a positive impact on the people. Companies showcase their duties towards people outside the professional realm to make this world goes better. The same is reflected in the actions of Mr. Shamit Khemka, who is the founder of SynapseIndia. For years, this prominent personality is associated with International Chandramauli Charitable Trust as a part of its CSR activity.
Doing this a positive impact on society has been created. According to Mr. Khemka, it is important to contribute equally to the people and the environment outside the professional realm. Support public values and their role towards the society to make this world a better place to live in. Get engaged in several social activities that can bring benefit to the people of all types and age groups.
For more click: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HRDFrhfKrk
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shamit-khemka-csr · 4 years
Embracing business responsibilities towards the society with CSR activity
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More and more companies are adopting the measures of social responsibility in order to give back something of a valuable concern. In a similar fashion, the top-rated IT Outsourcing service company, SynapseIndia is supporting International Chandramauli Charitable Trust in Varanasi for years.  The founder of SynapseIndia, Mr. Shamit Khemka, is long associated with the trust, helping children to move towards a better future with the aid of quality education, Yoga practice, and religious learning.
Not only this, Mr. Khemka has also supported the trust to maintain safety and security during the current situation of COVID-19. Accordingly, children are staying inside in the self-isolation period and engage in manifold activities to best utilize the time.
Mr. Khemka is not only successfully running a business but also contributing maximum towards the society. All the good deeds and support to the trust is an indication of the change that will exert a positive impact on everyone else.
For more click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m5vE0DD25A
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shamit-khemka-csr · 5 years
Embrace the Power of Corporate Social Responsibility for Creating an Impact
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Organizations that follow Corporate Social Responsibility, showcase careful consideration of the human rights, environment, and towards the whole community.  SynapseIndia, the IT Outsourcing service company is also the one that embraces, responsibility towards the society and for the betterment of people. This is the reason, the organization follows the CSR activity, ideally associated with International Chandramauli Charitable Trust in Varanasi. 
According to the founder of SynapseIndia, Mr. Shamit Khemka, contributing something towards the social well-being of the society, generates trust and reliability. It further increases brand awareness and gets recognized on a global front. Also, the CSR activity further assists in engaging more and more customers, creating a positive impact. 
The International Chandramauli Charitable Trust supports the education and progressive livelihood of children. Here, students receive ancient and modern education under the leadership of influential figures. Additionally, the children of trust also participate in regular Yoga sessions to promote health as well.
For more click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HRDFrhfKrk&t=1s
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shamitkhemka · 5 years
Shamit Khemka: Know the objectives of the CSR Projects for any organization
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Shamit Khemka, the founder of SynapseIndia, is associated with International Chandramauli Charitable Trust and it is a CSR project for the organization. In this blog, I will discuss the major objectives of various serious CSR activities.
According to the CSR policy guidelines, an organization should always help to the society to be benefited and spread awareness and the right concerns. For example, an organization can do something like creating awareness of cleanliness, tree plantation and by promoting the importance of traffic rules etc.
The action items or each and every initiative of CSR activities should be documented properly and these should happen with appropriate manner. Proper documentation is a good practice.
Last but not the least, it is mandatory that all employees from the organization should take part in all the CSR initiatives and make all the events successful.
So, these are the basic guidelines for any organization to follow and support any CSR project.
For more, Click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ss2qoMrJ0T8
Shamit Khemka (Founder, SynapseIndia)
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shamit-khemka-csr · 6 years
Shamit Khemka: Empowering the Society with Exemplary CSR Initiatives
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Shamit Khemka, the founder of the trusted IT outsourcing company SynapseIndia, is committed to empower the society and the environment with exemplary corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. He has created a business model in which CSR holds a crucial role and the company is accountable to clients, stakeholders, public, environment and the society. Giving radiation-free working environment to the employees by fitting radiation chips in the office premises, utilizing eco-friendly solar panels and extending substantial support to non-profit organizations like International Chandramauli Charitable Trust are some of the major efforts of Mr. Khemka.
He believes that business organizations owe a lot to the society and environment. With a vision to empower the society, he has been contributing to the welfare of women, unprivileged children and other social causes for a long time with humility. Under his guidance, SynapseIndia has funded hundreds of healthcare organizations, educational institutions, old age homes, women shelters, etc. The company has also supported various initiatives to tackle climate change.
For more,Click >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxMQnJQz6uA
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shamit-khemka-csr · 6 years
Shamit Khemka: Ongoing SEO can get permanent ranking
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Shamit Khemka recommends SEO on an ongoing basis for businesses in the USA or elsewhere to achieve top ranking on Google. There are many digital marketing agencies that can be relied upon for helping you achieve top ranking on Google. However, your chances of staying on top will increase only if you go for ongoing SEO. According to Shamit Khemka, your website will rank high on Google only as long as you keep optimizing it for Google through SEO.
Besides being a tech savvy person Shamit Khemka is a great philanthropist as well. As part of SynapseIndia CSR, Shamit Khemka and SynapseIndia support the International Chandramauli Charitable Trust in Varanasi. The trust is fully dedicated towards the welfare of the children in society, especially those who are underprivileged. The trust ensures that each child gets access to education besides fulfilling his/ her basis needs (of food, clothing as well as shelter).
Click on the following link to watch related video of Shamit Khemka Follow Shamit Khemka on twitter
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