{ Responding to this }
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Snap Sondoria could no longer bare to sit through and watch this pest of a Pokemon continue speaking to her mother like that. While she may not know the 'why', she is somewhat aware of what he is doing. And she absolutely hates it. She despises it to the point that she wants this Sylveon hybrid to be chucked straight into the depths of Earth's core. Oh how she would love for his smug face to be melted off. That way, that irritating expression of his would never to be seen again. The Celestial Eevee exposed her teeths, as she released a low-pitched, deep throat growl. To her, she had just about enough of this charade. She was trembling, as Sondoria is just about ready to blow up. So, not holding it in any longer, she let her anger burst out. Spewing a slew of non-literal fire at Lief's general direction. "Shut up! Quit being an absolute Tauros turd already!"
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"Sondoria, no." Symania frowned as she turn back to face towards one of her daughters. Disapproving of the princess's outburst. "Please, refrain from acting out to our visitor.
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"Can you not see that this stupid idiot is looking down on you mom?!? First he whines about not being taken to the landmarks, even though he never asked to be escorted. Then he disregards your words, even though he was JUST complaining about needing to be convinced. And then, THEN, this careless flying Rattata decided to call you a nerd. A NERD! Mom, he is trying to insult you!" Sondoria turned to face Lief once more. "Disrespectful Pokemon like you needs to be BANISHED!! GONE! DISAPPEARED FOREVER!"
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"Sondoria Orym Malvaniel, that is enough!" Symania would slam her paw down, as her body fully face its direction towards the oldest daughter. The queen couldn't tolerate the outcry coming from the mouth of the princess. The very princess who is meant to be well-behaved to outsiders. "This discourteous behavior is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. I won't allow this to go on, Sondoria.".
"!! Mom, he--"
"I am aware and unbothered of the matter. He is still a visitor, Sondoria. He, as many other Pokemon, is rightfully justified to be within my kingdom. What is undeserving is him being spoken so ill-mannered by someone who should of been more mature. My dear, I've taught you to be the better Pokemon in such circumstances and to not dwindle yourself to cause conflicts. Aggression will only grant poor resolutions…"
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"…" All this Celestial Eevee could do was pout. Swiftly turning her head away, as she didn't wish to have her disapproving eyes be seen by her mother. She didn't appreciate being spoken like this in public. Especially in front of him. And yet, despite not feeling too please with the words, she didn't try to protest. As much as a hard pill as it is, she didn't quite fully disagree with Symania. Well… While she feels like Lief didn't deserve of her mother's patience, nor time of day, Sondoria didn't find herself rejecting at the thought that maybe she was being a little too aggressive with her words. Maybe…
Soon enough, her starry eyes would slow drift towards back to Lief. That self-thought about her aggression had already been washed away, once her eyes met back with the Bug-Fairy Pokemon. Her feelings of annoyance rising back up once more.
Her eyes, of what she saw first is..
The face. That cheeky, self-satisfying face. Sondoria still hates seeing Lief's little expression. Oh how she just wanted to punch that look off of him. Every fiber of her being just wanted to deal with him herself. Just… If she could bite him, be it on the leg or that dainty wings of him, maybe that could teach him a lesson to not be this careless of the royals. Perhaps… Just one bite…
Before the princess could even do anything, the queen would stand forth between both Lief and Sondoria. It is as if she was read like a book. Then again, her sheer obvious expressions and the chomping motion says it all… Her intentions became rather clear to the present audience of what she was attempting to do. Or moreso, the very least, was planning to do. All Symania could do was release a deep sigh from between her lips. Unapproved of this behavior. Without another word of lecture, she would face her head towards the youngest.
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"Ondorus, my dear. May you kindly escort our visitor to seeing the sights of our landmarks? I'll need to hold a proper discussion with your sister…"
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The young prince gasped. His eyes widen, the singular pupil of his would shine with pure glee. He would seem that he really couldn't contain his absolute joy, as Ondorus tail was swaying back and forth in great speed. Never has he ever been given such a big task before! Well… At least to him, it would seem to be like something that holds of incredible importance. Before he could declare his excitement and gracefully accept this, Nuria would seem to speak up. Seemingly beating him to his words.
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"… I can take and show him around.". Alas, Nuria wouldn't dare try to express or state why she suddenly became the one to offer to be the one to escort Lief. Especially considering that the task was given to her younger brother. Much to the dismay of Ondorus, as it was something that he greatly looked forward to doing. "I'll show him the areas you've mentioned."
However, despite of such a lovely offer, Symania could only decline with a shake of a head. "No, Nuria. I need you to remain here. I need to hold a proper discussion with you as well. Now, Ondorus. Please take out lovely visitor around.".
Even though Nuria wishes to speak out about this, she already saw how the scene already played out between Symania and Sondoria. So, she chooses to not speak further. Knowing that things wouldn't lead towards her way anyways.
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Ondorus excitement rose once more, as he would shake his head up and down like a bobble toy. Without wanting to let this opportunity go, head would bounce upwards and direct himself towards the western path. "Come, come, mister! I'll take you alllllll over to see the fun places!". His toothy smile was shining as bright as the stars. Revealing how utterly happy he is to be able to lead Lief throughout the kingdom. Indeed, he was definitely looking forward to taking Lief all around Valinthea. The young prince surely wants to ensure that his best will make the Simbobeon very happy. Or at least, he hopes that he can bring in some form of cheeriness. Even if just for a bit!
{ @ask-team-misfit }
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abominating · 3 months
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Elden Ring Names .ᐟ
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duxwriter · 8 months
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"O' Saint Symania, foolish in your ways, rotten and broken, we send vows for your protection"
WIP (?)
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chaoticcomposition · 4 years
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a) you can’t tell me theotae hasn’t danced with her bodyguards and staff before
b) hot elf guard gossip
in conclusion, e l v e s 
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iironwreath · 3 years
Festive [Iona]
Iona swore—a satyr nearly trampled her toes as it skipped by. Fairies flit to and fro, drinking and singing, some more moth-looking than humanoid with multiple sets of eyes and downy antennae. The entire city was a party dawn to dawn, the borders between Feywild and material plane blurred into nonexistence. It was more chaos than Iona enjoyed, but she had the night off to do with as she pleased. 
Iona shouldered her way through a knot of elves and into a small glade in one of the many affluent estate gardens. She’d lost track of Eireann, but there she was: chatting up Symania, cheeks flushed apple-red and posture loose. 
Iona approached. “Really?” she directed at Eireann.
“Why not?” Eireann demanded, turning a frown on her.
“Hey,” Symania cut in, mock offended. “I deserve flirting with.”
Iona waved her hands. “I agree. I just mean—you’re my coworker. She’s my sister.”
“You’re an Emerald Archer,” Eireann whined. “You have, like, two hundred coworkers.”
“That’s not what I meant.” 
Eireann heaved the most theatrical sigh, shoulders dropping so far Iona thought her shawl of autumn leaves would fall off. “You’re such a killjoy.” She went to set her fists on her hips, but missed the first time and tried again. “Would you rather I flirt with Lady Theotae?”
Iona fixed her a deadpan look. Eireann cracked up and Symania grinned. “That’s what I thought. It could be worse. You should be grateful.”
The scent of heavy wine wafted from Eireann’s mouth as she spoke. “Are you drunk?” Iona asked. “You’re being rude.”
“Why aren’t you?” Eireann challenged. Her words slurred, but they otherwise flew out unhindered. “Wait, I know: Syngorn’s got its thorns in you, and Syngorn cares too much about keeping up appearances. But look around you, love; everyone is partying. I dunno who you’re trying to impress by being a stickler on Elvendawn. I wanna spend time with you while I’m here, but not if you’re gunna be all intense about it.”
Iona’s heart stung and fumed. Eireann had a shortcut to her most tender feelings. She often forgot, in Eireann’s playful nature, that she was every bit as insightful as druids were famed to be. Iona had a tough rind, but with the right knife, people could cut to the quick of her. 
There was ribbing, and then there was this: a deeper, heavier concern buoyed on alcohol. 
“I’m not trying to impress anyone. I drink; I’m just not drunk, and even if I didn’t drink, it wouldn’t matter.”
Symania backed away from the familial bickering. Eireann swayed into a straighter posture and flicked her fingers—spots of ambient blue-green light darted towards her, drawn to her magic. The colour in her cheeks receded into its normal healthy glow.
“I don’t want to argue, Eireann,” Iona said, losing the edge in her voice. “I know you have your issues with Syngorn, but repeating them to me isn’t going to change anything while you’re here.”
Eireann sighed. “I know. Sorry. I’m not really angry at you. Just what—I wish you could’ve spent more time in the Feywild. I’m not the only one who wants you to relax.”
“That's not the way to do it. There’s no reason you can’t spend more time here. You won’t get bullied by faerie dragons or be asked to give up your teeth.”
“I don’t fit in here.”   
“I don’t fit in the Feywild.”
An uneasy silence fell over them. Iona snatched a bottle of wine from a passing elf and took a swig. She offered it to Eireann, who accepted and drank, then belched. Iona snorted.
“Even if Syngorn didn’t have its ‘thorns’ in me, I’m reserved,” Iona said. “I’m never going to be like you. We have different ideas of what relaxing is. I’m more like mum, and you don’t give her flack for it.”
“I know. But I know you. I can tell you’re not relaxed. I don’t need a chaperone.” She polished off the bottle and set it on a patio table laden with other empty drinks. “Say what; have a drink, come dance, see how you feel afterwards. You don’t try to stifle me, and I won’t try to make you step too far outside your comfort zone.”
“That’s called compromise,” Iona said. “I don’t know why we didn’t lead with that.”
“Eh, like you said, I was drunk. We’re stubborn, besides. Bet you don’t argue with anyone else.” 
“Not as much, even when I want to.”
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Title:🎁🎄Special Solstice🎄🎁(Christmas parody)
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Moon:Hello everyone,welcome to the special solstice (Christmas parody) this story that I decided to do with creativity and madness hehe,on this day December 24, also this day I decided to publish it on this special day,it is a special day to start this story¿Don't you think it's fantastic, dear reader? With nothing more to say,get ready to dive into a long story but with humor and fun so ... let's start the story!
Today was a happy day for the inhabitants of new mushroontown, today is solstice is very similar to Christmas, there were people playing in the snow making snow angels, snowmen, skating, fortresses, sleigh rides, ah I almost forgot about the snowball war.
While with the boys, Lan was with ian they were very huddled with many blankets watching TV, the two nerds did not like the cold, they did not want to catch a cold because of the cold blanket outside it looked like a refrigerator, instead Han, yan, zan and Barley saw a lot of people having fun in the snow from the window, at that moment Han told the others to go have fun, the others agreed with that, but Lan and ian didn't want to go to the snow with them.
Han: Because you don't want to go with us, come on, it will be fun, we will do a lot of crazy and fun for us and for you, why don't you want to take this opportunity with us?
Lan: First of all, it's very cold out there, it's obvious that I'm going to die from the tremendous cold I'll have there when I get out. Also, I don't want to catch a cold, I don't like to get sick.
ian: and secondly we would prefer that you were all with us, being well seated, watching TV and having hot chocolate with cookies, do you want to join?
ian turns around with a plate of cookies to give to the others, but the boys were not there, Lan and ian decided to look for them, han, yan, zan and barley were about to go out the door and they gave when Lan e Ian were behind them. The Others wore snow clothing such as jackets, scarves, hats or ear muffs to cover the cold and snow boots.
Han: Oh yeah we were so bored to hear why you didn't want to have fun with us, but trust me I'll be a little rude to you * winking at barley, zan yan *
Lan: What are they plotting and hiding doing? * Looking at both *
Zan: Gentlemen, if you'll excuse us, yan and me will go get something in the kitchen * grabbing yan by the arm quickly straight into the kitchen *
Lan: Could you at least tell us what you are hiding?
Han: Oh brother forgive me for doing this, I hope you will excuse me.
Lan, ian: ???
¡☆P O M☆!
Lan and ian were knocked out by zan and yan by two cooking pans, handore decided to dress them in snow clothes and take them to fun with them, it was all part of her plan.
Han: Alright guys, you'll have a lot of fun with us soon.
Zan: I think so
Yan: He will be excited when we arrive!
Barley: I'll carry the two nerds on my back like two sacks of potatoes
❤ After❤ 
Lan woke up little by little opening his eyes and saw that he was in the snow, he thought it was a dream but it was not a dream, then he looked everywhere in surprise and saw that Lan was wearing a snowsuit and ian was also wearing a snow suit. ian was still unconscious, Barley was carrying Ian and Ian like two sacks of potatoes, then Barley turned around and realized that Ian had woken up.
Barley: Oh apparently Lan woke up guys, maybe he's in a good mood to be with us!
Lan: Oh no… I want to go home right now!
Zan: Calm down, Party Pooper, much later we will go to your bat cave, we are almost in the fun zone.
Han: There are great friends waiting for us, we will do a lot of crazy things!
ian: Landore * waking up * where are we?
Lan: Welcome to the nightmare, it's good that you wake up.
Barley: Good thing the little wizard woke up!
ian: Oh no, don't tell me we got knocked out by them
Lan: Sure, but accept it, we give up, we'll have to ...
ian: Please don't say it ..
Lan: Playing in the snow.
ian: ¡¿WHY IS LIFE SO CRUEL TO US?!* Screaming desperately *
Then ian began to complain begging the others to take him home, but they said no, after a while the others reached their final destination, there were some nice friendly people waiting for them in a bridge.
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ike: wow they came just in time!
ian: Wait a minute that voice sounds familiar to me, ikeshia?
ike: Oh ian I thought you weren't coming, plus I think you're in the mood for fun!
Ikeshia did not come alone, she brought company, along with her sister Nixine and with other relatives of the Swiftmoon family, of that family, there were 3 male elves with purple hair and mint green skin, there was one with purple eyes called Ruven Swiftmoon, there was another who with green eyes called Kindroth Swiftmoon, there was another with brown eyes called Adelion Swiftmoon, behind them another member of the family appeared, it was a girl with 7 years a little shy, she had coral colored hair like ikeshia and nixine, her eyes are yellow And she had two pigtails with pink bows. They all brought their clothes for the snow, also Ikeshia had two rabbit-shaped earmuffs to cover herself from the cold.
Ruven,Adelion,Kindroth: Wow,the lightfoots arrived just in time
Han: we came to break your skull!
Ruven: We'll see about it Handore, plus how he convinced the two nerds to join us. * Looking at the two nerds carrying like two sacks of potatoes *
Adelion: Barley you can get the two nerds off your back, I hate seeing them carry these two.
Barley lowers Lan and ian from his back delicately, also Lan was a little nervous he thought that the 3 brothers of ikeshia were going to kill them, but on the other hand ian knows how to play in the snow since he was little, but Lan was his first time in playing in the snow.
Barley: Lan are you shivering, are you cold or are you ... scared?
Lan: Scared no no no, I am too cold, because I should be scared I was never hmm ... scared never ever!* Shaking from fright or maybe from cold *
Barley: Guess this is your first time playing in the snow on solstice, come on Lan is that true?
Zan: Seriously Lan you don't know how to play in the snow,?!
Han: Come on Lan you don't have to be afraid, even if it's your first time playing in the snow.
Yan: We can teach you how to play in the snow, for example: Han, Zan, Barley and ian and me can teach you how to have fun!
ian: We can help you beat the 3 brothers of ikeshia, so you will be invincible and you will be a champion.
Lan: Well that's fine .. what do I have to do to learn?
ian collects snow on the ground and turns it into a snowball, then gives the snowball to Lan, ian explains how he throws snowballs.
* In this scene he has a little reference, let's see if he understands this reference guys, stay tuned *
Lan: throw it like that? * throws the ball boringly *
ian: Not like that, it's not done, do it with force.
Lan: Oh I understand.
While the swiftmoons were talking, then a snowball hit ruven and the ball was thrown by lan, causing ruven to throw a ball towards lan very hard, that's where the fun begins.
Lan: BALL! * Throws another ball towards ikeshia *
ike: Wow good aim Landore * brushing the snow off his face *
Lan: SNOWBALL! * Throws two balls at kindroth *
Kindroth: Snowball War!
The swiftmoons vs The lightfoots started a battle, snowball war, The lightfoota started creating lots of snowballs to attack them, both families started throwing snowballs, until Han stopped them.
Han: Wait guys we are missing something, is ... STRENGTHS! * Screaming * 
Lan, Yan, Zan, Barley, ian: STRENGTHS!
Kindroth, Adelion, Ike, Nixine,Symania(Symania is the name of the little girl): STRENGTHS!
Ruven: Let's see who makes the best fortress in the world!
Han: We'll see about that Ruven, our strength will be better than yours!
Han: Get together guys we have to make the best fortress very best and big!
Lan,Yan,ian,Barley: Understood Handore!
Ruven: How about there!* Points to Ruven towards a field of snow *
The guys were running fast towards the snowy field, the field is ideal for a great duel of snowballs.
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Lan: Han don't you think there is something missing? We need something for the swiftmoons not cross our territory.
Han: Oh sure, but first we will make a line for none of you to cross!
Han grabbed a stick on the ground and put the stick in the snow and started running like a flash, making a big line until he reached a tree.
Lan: Woah what speed you have han!
Han: Thanks Lan, now let's start preparing for battle!
The lightfoots and The swiftmoons: Let's battle it!
The lightfoots began to build their fortress quickly and making it much better and bigger, Han saw Lan and ian having fun building the fortress, Han liked that both nerds had fun with them.
While with the swiftmoons, he was not going to do it with his hands he had a very fast way to make a better and great fortress, they did it very fast, Ruven whistled at the lightfoots to show them his snow fortress.
Ruven: Look and cry friends The best supreme snow fortress of the swiftmoons
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The lightfoots: 
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The others had no words to describe how big the SwiftMoons fortress was, it was the best fortress, it was very big, the others had questions about how they could finish so fast, until ian spoke
Ruven: One word: Magic
The 3 brothers looked and pointed at ikeshia, ikeshia shows them her magic necklace, she helped them with a bit of magic, she also had her necklace on, the lightfoots were shocked and surprised.
Han: So if she can do magic, so can we, Lan and ian his staffs! * Han snaps his fingers and two staffs fall from the sky *
Lan: Bro, how did you do that?
Han: Spell to teleport things, think of something you want it to be and it will appear falling from the sky, just  snaps the fingers and that's it.
Han: Now prepare the fortress and make it a thousand times cooler than me!
Lan, ian: Ok understood!
Lan and ian along with their staffs did their best to finish the fortress and fast, while the swiftmoon fortress prepared the snowballs to attack the lightfoot territory, but this time with magic.
Lan,ian: Done!
Han: Hey swiftmoon fortress!,admire the great supreme lightfoot fortress!
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(imagine that those people are zan,yan,ian,Lan and barley)
ike: woah what a beautiful fortress, look great 👍!
ian: oh hehe thanks ike *blush*
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Kindroth: It looks better but our fortress has statues, you are not within our reach.
Lan: Oh sure thank you kindroth, statues have been said!
Kindroth:Not proble-....wait why?!
Ruven: You really dumb, did you have to spit that out ?!
Kindroth:Sorry Brother :c
Lan made with his staff a lot of snow sculptures but,in owl shapes and wolves, unicorns
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(I wanted to add those snow sculptures, they seemed really wonderful)
In addition, Lan made a snowman with his staff in the shape of an ian.
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(Guys I dare you to make a snowman, but ian lightfoot version, also you don't have to make the nose, just give it a big carrot (like its big nose) then put it on and voila, an ian lightfoot snowman)
ian: Wow he looks like me, I like him he's my twin now, oh and the other sculptures look great.
Lan: We are welcome to come up with a plan, to attack the swiftmoon territory?
Han: Obviously yes and our plan to attack them will be very brilliant, but this time with magic!
ian: You don't think it's enough magic to make them hurt, I mean I don't want to be a spoilsport ruining the plan, it's more I prefer to stay with my snow twin, watching how you throw snowballs into enemy territory.
Han: Ok, you will be the secret weapon, when we run out of opportunities to attack enemy territory, that's where you come in ¿okay?
ian: Ok han :)
(Now a music to put this very interesting story)
(I love this song it fits perfectly for the story)
The lightfoots entered his fortress to start creating snowballs that Barley brought with Zan and Yan, on the other hand they have brought binoculars to see the enemy territory up close, Lan prepared some spells to join them with the snowballs, while the 3 brothers from ikeshia were preparing to attack them with magic, ike was also with his little sister symania, making snowmen before starting the battle.
Han: I see you as a loser this time I will defeat you when I am the best, you will fall to shame, HAHAHA! * Evil laugh while watching ruven with his binoculars *
☆Meanwhile in swiftmoon territory☆
Ruven: Useless he won't know what awaits him, I bet I'll win and he'll lose, don't you think so nixine?
Nixine was not paying attention to his brother, Ruven, Nixine called him something, the attention was Han, she began to feel feelings towards him, however, she was like in love, but suddenly Ruven interrupted him from his fantasies.
Ruven: Nixine!,Nixine!,earth calling nixine!,Stop thinking about your crush!
Nixine: Yeah yeah whatever I'm just looking at the enemy
Ruven: You only look at him as in love,
Nixine: I hate that you dislike my first love, you are such a killjoy, every time I meet new people you always appear saying they are bad people.
Ruven: Sister I'm only doing it for your good, after that incident that happened a few years ago ...
Nixine: Please I don't want to remember it, it makes me feel weak every time you say it.
Ruven: We better not talk about it, let's just enjoy this.
✩Meanwhile in the lightfoot territory✩ 
ian: Rock paper or scissors!
ian was next to the rock-paper or scissors snowman, the others saw him strangely playing, with a snowman of himself.
Lan: The guy is weird apparently, but let's let him have fun while we are ready for battle.
Barley: It always happens every solstice, sometimes my little brother, he always played and chatted with snowmen that he always did, others thought him weird talking snowmen.
ian: Very well I will name you ian 2 twin!
Yan,Zan,Barley: This is too weird
Han: Lan could you tell me what time it is to start the battle?
Lan: It's barely noon at this time they are slow.
Han: It'll give us time to make more snowballs, how many snowballs do we have right now?
Lan: Since we started throwing snowballs we had few or more snowballs, but unfortunately we have 34 snowballs.
Zan: 34 snowballs left ?!
Yan: Impossible that we have spent so many snowballs!
Barley: Plus the enemy territory is doing it fast!
ian: it's because they do it with magic, don't you see?
ian pointed out where Ikeshia is multiplying snowballs, with her magic necklace, Symania linked the snowballs like a pyramid with Kindroth and Adelion helping her, Ikeshia said a spell called Multiply-Magnora, this spell made things multiply by two or three or more objects, ikeshia I learned it about 2 weeks, Han managed to hear the spell that said ikeshia.Handore looked for his binoculars as something caught his attention and it was Ikeshia doing magic.
ike: Multiply-Magnora!
Handore saw how ikeshia's eyes changed from purple to pink, then his magic hands were activated to later create a light, and that light was moving from one place to another, (an example my dear readers):
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Then ikeshia enclosed the light in both of his hands, then ikeshia opened his hands and the light turned into a small bright yellow star, Han was shocked when he saw the magical act that ike did, Han began to memorize the details and movements that ikeshia did with the light, then ikeshia approached symania along with its luminous star, symania had a single snowball then ike released the star and the star floated towards the snowball and entered towards the ball, then the snowball moved creating lots of snowballs everywhere.
Ruven: How did sister come out?
Symania: The result was excellent!
Ruven: Great with that I can beat my enemy Han!
Han: Haha, do you think Ruven? I already found out about your magic secret that you have, I have to tell the others!
While with others
ian: Since then I was always so cowardly to face unicorns.
Zan: Wait apparently ian 2 wants to tell me something * Approaches the doll * Aha oh what an interesting fact.
Yan: What did him tell you?
Zan: He said that when the action starte
Barley: It will start when Handore says the orders to attack.
Han: Gentlemen, I have something to tell you that will surprise you!
Lan: Let's see, tell me today's gossip.
Zan: Did you see the disturber *Just kidding*
Han: It's more than that!
Yan: Bro already tell us what you say kills me with doubts!
This story will continue ...
Moon:What did you think of the first part ?,I got tired of writing so much until my poor hands have cramps oof,but I wanted to leave it up to here so that my hands do not suffer any more anyway,give a like or say something about this story or reblog!
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Moon:Also be patient while my hands rest after suffering from so much writing,when I have taken my break I will do the second part long or short...
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(blueespeon) Nahi @ Symania
[The yellow mew bows respectfully] Queen, was it? Does the royal family fight like this often?
I understand that having children can be rough sometimes, but based on what I have seen, this does not feel like a rare occurrence.
Well this was rather quite the sight to see. It has been far long since she has last seen a Pokemon within the Legendary category. Regardless of this, she would not treat the lovely Mew any lesser or greater than any other Pokemon. Instead, she will see them as more of an equal.
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Once the mention of violence between her family had been mentioned, all the queen could do was let out a deflated sigh. She felt a great mix of defeat, disappointment, and ashamed. "Unfortunately, it is only my two daughters… Such display is sadly a habitual occurrence. The fight would only cease once either me or Althidon separate them."
Then, her words grew deathly silent. Taking a rather long moment to contemplate on something. But perhaps it may be best to speak it out. Better to inform the full truth than to let one assume that the princesses were attacking one another, for the sake of some barbaric reasoning.
"… When they were my young little starlings, the two would get along so well. They were as attached to each other as the conjoined Vanilluxe." Symania would lightly chuckle at the memory of her little princesses bonding happily together. Something that she always thought so fondly. But now, her ears would only hang low. Her gaze begun to avert away from the Mew. Her once tranquil tone had shifted to disheartenment. "After… After their father pass, they've drifted apart… Nuria and Sondoria… Neither wish to be in the same room as the other. They remain staying away from one another for so long. For years, there was silence… Then, soon after, they begun yelling at each other… And finally, physicality… "
"In my period of grief, I should had done a better job as a mother of maintaining the two's relationship…". Is what she wished she could of said in a more audible tone. And yet instead, she chooses to quietly mutter such sentence to herself. As if regretted for not doing better to stop this from escalating further. She turned towards the Mew and briefly bow her head down apologetically. "My sincerest apologies. I take full responsibility, as I should had done better to prevent it. I will ensure that the next time, there will be no chaotic display."
{ Responding Ask to @blueespeon }
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"I see that we share similar ideals." Symania chimed, fully agreeing with the Simbobeon. She too would never side with harm, nor abuse towards another child. "However, please duly note that I wish to remain vigilant. As even with one's appearance, I cannot eye of a Pokemon's true intention. So I must state what needed to be spoken."
"Now, as for your wish of being convinced to linger within my kingdom…". Wait… Was that… A flaming gleam in her eyes? And was the queen… Ambitiously grinning? It would quite clearly appear to seem that she is determinedly ready to fill the flying hybrid's ears with a slew of words upon words. Excruciatingly dedicated and willing to do what she could to persuade Lief.
"• If you are someone who only prefers to stay on the basis of sight-seeing, I'd happily advise to visit areas within Valinthea. Such as Gliodus Pond, Celestidea Garden, the four Meteor Pillars, The Statue of Origeon, and the field of blooming Starlight Fruits. There are many others, but this is simply my recommendation~. Hm… There is but one other small landmark I truly wish to suggest to take sight. However, it is something that doesn't normally stay put and solely requires flight to access.
The majority of livable structures from within my land purely focuses on the comfortability, satisfaction, and safety of my citizens. Should you move from this plaza and take sight of the living quarters, you will take immediate notice that most homes are designed base on the diversity of the Pokemon. From marble to stones to mud blocks and to even pure crystalize materials. The focus is never solely directed towards aesthetics. To put it simply, I want to ensure the piece of land that the resident chooses to live on would fit directly towards their ideal environment. Granting them a freedom of choice towards their desire home.
Should you ever be harmed to the point of injury, I would always set forth my own finances to treat my people to achieve full medical services from Valinthea's doctors. To both citizens and outsiders, I will always do what I can to grant them the utmost of proper health. This while ensuring that the doctors are paid well for their services.
There are no mandatory curfews. Regardless, a selection of guardsmen are set to become more active during the fall of night. For those who are more of a night-Noctowls, it is an absolute must to protect them from danger and observe to prevent anyone from causing said danger.
We wield a place for children who had become lost, abandoned, and have no home to turn to. With the aide of both a Flygon and an Absol, the Pecha Sprouts facility is under care. I solely brought up this particular information, as I have a rather instinctive feeling that you may hold some form of entertaining joy with the little ones. They do hold quite a fond interest towards outsiders~.
If you ever are in need for a hearty meal and an endearing closed-quarter environment, I'd highly recommend visiting the newest resident's inn, Nobuyuki. Many are welcomed and always leave feeling satisfied. My, I cannot deny how divine the meals are, hmhmhm~. Due to the more outgoing stylistic choice towards the building, it is quite an easy location to spot. Most notable is the angelic-like winged roof.
Within this land, you will be treated as an equal. No matter where you were born, no matter your wealth, no matter the type of Pokemon you are, you will always be set within the same stance as others. While yes, the royal status may be seen as greater by most, you will not be treated nor seen as someone beneath by said respective royals. You will be treated as a person, as a fellowship, as someone who matters like the rest within this world. Discrimination will not be tolerated, as it holds no place here.
My citizens are kind, friendly, and welcoming Pokemon. For a considerately handful of residents that you would meet here, you will be greeted with open arms. It is of a community whom strives for their homes to retain a loving atmosphere. I am confident, as long as you are accommodating and civil, that you will not be plighted in a unfavorable situation."
"While it would be ideally pleasant to have someone new here, I will not force you to remain. It is by your choice if you wish to stay or depart."
{ @ask-team-misfit }
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Prologue: The Tale of Introduction
The golden rays of the sun descents, illuminating its warmth down upon the colonial terrain. Throughout the land lies a leafy paradise. Although, the natural coloration of the woods seem to differ from the norm. It's filled to the brimmed with Jacarta-colored oak trees. All the while the vast, opulence of foliage that is looming above would share a hue similarly to the galactic universe. Such unnatural colors would bring upon complete amazement!
You couldn't help but approach within the woods. Your movement would emit the sound of 'crackling' from beneath your feet. Peering down, you would take notice of a large patch of gravel. Wait... Upon further inspection, the designed of the gravel would wield more of a star shape. Looking on ahead, it would appear to be leading somewhere from within this bizarrely unique forest. Feeling a wave of inquisitiveness and wonders of where this path may lead, you couldn't help but venture forth. Consumed by curiosity of where this may lead.
As time went by and your travel nears, you suddenly halted from your path as something from the distance caught your eye. Seemingly what would appear to be an immense structure of the sort. You've decided to approach closely, to better examine of what is ahead. After reaching to your destination, you would be immediately welcomed by a faint draft of an early, floral aroma. Alongside the endearing scent, there was also a cease of silence. All of quietness had been diminished by the merry, sing-song chirps coming from a group of cosmic-like Swablus! They appear to happily whistle together up on the branches of the trees. Alas, despite the welcoming from nature, this is what had primarily attracted your attention. No... Instead it is the structure that was mentioned.  You've reached upon the intended destination of the structure. But instead, your front was introduced by a risen scabrous, silver gate. Along the connecting gates would come upon an enormous wall, that stretches throughout the entirety of both the eastern and western section of your view. The wall itself would seem to be made up of dark-starry granite. Completely standing out from the rest of the forest! Although, the wall seems to have seen better days. Base upon your frontal perspective, there would appear to be an incredible amount of unsymmetrical cracks, claw marks, traces of scorched markings, and even pockets of holes varying in differing sizes. Even the lower parts of the wall would attain scatters of unattended overgrowth! Such as royal blue vines and moon-shaped Gracidea blooming all across the place.
Nevertheless, this doesn't deter you. Instead, you would enter through the gates. Wishing to see all this land has to offer! You've survey the sight of the surrounding area. Firstly, you take notice of a prosperous, large nation! Buildings and homes severely vary in materials and height. And yet, the establishments seem to share a common theme. All of which would remind one of space. Farther ahead, there would be a central area that holds a fountain! It would have a Meloetta-shaped statue in the middle. The posture stood elegantly, in a more of an arabesques style. The water spray straight from the mouth to downwards into the fountain. The light splashes into the water would remind one of the sounds of rain, pitter pattering onto the ground. Although, upon closer inspection, the liquid in question seems to hold eerily similar appearance to an item known as Stardust. Surely it is consumable... Right?
Shaking off the discomforting thought, your eyes would wonder as you travel around the kingdom. It hadn't taken long until you've spotted an enormous hill. There were many homes scattered onto the hill! But, what rests upon the very top, was a incredibly massive palace! From what you see, you could determine that the royal palace shares a similar design to the wall. And yet, it appears to be made of a more differing material. Base on the size of the building itself, you could only make a determined guess that it contains an absurded amount of rooms! Throughout all sides of the building would appear to be crystal-like windows, holding a sort of planetary pattern. Each one showing an image of different planets, be it Saturn or even Uranus! And lastly, the entryway of the palace would have an enlarged garden. Just like from what you've seen from the outer walls, this area too have moon-shaped Gracideas blooming beautifully from all around. 
Many of the residents would walk by. Some minding their own business, while others welcome each other with positive communication! Each and every one seem so kind with one another! You have begun to have taken notice that the paths of this kingdom is bustling with activity! It was utterly astonishing! Before you could be able to make your way to scurry and explore all there is to offer, you've quickly shift your attention towards a stentorian voice.
"Mom, please!". The voice cried out. Upon viewing who is speaking loudly, it would appear to be a Eevee of the sort. Albeit rather... Different. Her colors appear to be a mixture of blues and white, while the patterns of her body wield more of a constellation. Her posture seem to hold of a mix signal. Her head held high, showing a form of dominating stance. And yet, her expression is distorted to form a look of distress.
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"No, no! This isn't what I've asked for!" Cried the Eevee. She would raise up her paw, only to immediately slam it back down to the ground. "I've wanted to see the world OUTSIDE of Valinthea! To see other kingdoms! Not meet and greet OUTSIDERS! Those are two completely different things, mom!".
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Opposite from the Eevee was another Pokemon that is twice her size. This one body seems more complexed in design. The galactic patterns hold more of a purplish-pink hue, while scattered throughout her body adorn crystals of varying sizes. She seems to be a hybrid, but couldn't quite pin-point of what mixture of Pokemon this creature could be.
This Pokemon demeanor would be more of a somber, calming appearance. Her expression would retain a more at ease look. "Sondoria, my dearest. Please, lower your tone" She said with peace and elegance waving through the tone of her voice. "Must I remind you that I cannot allow you, along with your siblings, to venture outside of Valinthea. It's far too dangerous, sweety. I know that you are fully aware that my children's safety will always take priority."
To Make light of the matter, the larger hybrid would slowly move her paw towards Sondoria. At least, until it finally met its destination by resting said paw on top of the little Eevee's head. Giving the Eevee a light ruffle, as the hybrid shine the brightest of smiles to her.
"Think of this as an opportunity~! You'll be able to communicate with various species, learning about their homeland and way of life! You may even be able to create a friend amongst these outsiders!". The last sentence, her words seems to be chiming with sheer delight. It is as if her tone shows a way of hoping that her daughter could create a potential friend. "Ah, how I'd love to see my shining star form such endearing bonds~!"
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Unfortunately, the hybrid's message seems to have delivered an opposite effect. As soon after those words were spoken, Sondoria eyes would quickly advert away from her mother's gaze. She would even brush the paw away from her head. "But... I already have a friend. Xanthe. She's the only Pokemon I care about to have as a friend. Did you... Forgot about her?"
The hybrid would open her mouth. And yet, only deathly quiet air could escape. The mother would look like a Magikarp out of water, gasping for air. She knows what words to speak and yet, she struggles to speak them out. She wasn't certain of what would be the proper set of words to respond to her daughter.
Before the situation could continue to linger any further through its awkwardness, someone else had decided to butt in and intrude into the conversation.
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"You numbnuts! This made up "Xanthe" friend of yours doesn't count." The newcomer said in a very nonchalant tone. "You've never even met her. Sending letters all around to some rando doesn't mean anything. Heck, for all we know, this "Xanthe" person is probably some lousy Snorlax luring you for your crown. Or maybe some loser playing a sort of lengthy, lame prank on you.".
The smaller hybrid would smack her lips as she says her tail to the side. "Xanthe doesn't exist. Xanthe isn't real. Learn to finally open your eyes and quit stupidly trusting those you've never even seen. Yeesh, I've seen Slowpokes smarter than this. Then again, I am not surprised coming from the likes of you."
"N-Nuria!" The mother spoke in shock, as she was rather taken aback by Nuria's direct words toward Sondoria.
However, Nuria could only shrug her shoulders. "What? I was only speaking what we're all thinking. Mom, I refuse to keep sugarcoating just to protect Sondoria little wah-wah feelings. It is as light as day: Some scum is messing with her and she is too blind to see that she has no REAL friends. Not my fault that my older sister couldn't handle the truth."
"Shut... Up..." Sondoria murmur. Expressing a rather aggressive emotion. If her eyes were a weapon, it would be shooting a massive amount of daggers directing towards Nuria's head.
Despite being told to quiet down, Nuria would only speak with a sharp snap. "Hmf, no 'big sister', I will not shut up. What? Did you really think I was going to continue to parade around your delusions? Give you a pat on the back for falling for a 'friend' that never even existed? What do you want? A gem encrusted cookie to satisfy your stupidity? Psssh, of course that would be something that you want. Sondoria, you--"
Before another word could ever be uttered out of Nuria's mouth, it would be briefly interrupted by Sondoria tackling the young hybrid onto the ground. "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP! YOU SHUT YOUR TRUBBISH MOUTH NOW! I AM SICK OF YOU ALWAYS BAD MOUTHING!"
"--Ugh!!" Nuria would slap her paws against the top of Sondora's head, doing her bestest to shove the Eevee off. She would only growl and snap her jaws at the older sister. "GET OFF OF ME, YOU FREAK!"
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It soon turned into a full blown fight, as the two began to tussled one another. During their physicality, the mother would try her darnest to separate the two as immediate as possible. Doing whatever she could to pull the two away with minimal damage.
Unfortunately, the crystalline hybrid seems to be struggling from ending this, as the two sisters refuse to back down from throwing punches and pulling each other's furs.
"Nuria! Sondoria! Please stop this!" The queen pleaded. All the whole using both her paws to try to push the two away from one another. Sadly, with little success. "You don't have to fight! Please! There are other ways we could--!!".
And then, there was a sudden surprise from a familiar voice beaming from behind.
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"Mama! Mama!" The smaller Eevee screamed in sheer delight, as he glomped his mother from behind. Of course, proceeding to smoosh and bury his face against her oh so fluffy tails. Of course, being careful not to accidentally press his face against her crystals. "I saw papa show Susu how to kick butt! He went all boom-bam and wah-POW on the dummies! I wanna go pow pow on the dummies too!"
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The more taller and slender Zoroark hybrid, who was trailing behind the young boy, had chuckled at his enthusiasm.
However, that laughter was quickly washed away and turned into a grimming concern once he had taken notice of the situation at hand. Seeing both daughters fighting against one another, while seeing his dearest wife in distress.
Immediately the Zoroark hybrid would take action. Swiftly sprinting into the two princesse before he would grabbed each of them by the scruff of their necks. Soon after, he would take them apart from each other before setting them down. Although set in opposing directions, to keep them away from one another.
The man would stay in-between the two, ensuring that they wouldn't try to up and go round two on each other. The two daughters had cease their attacks, due to the hybrid blocking their paths. At best, they would just growl at one another's direction. Which is well... Relieving. Well, to an extent. At least they are no longer trying to harm each other. The Zoroark hybrid does remain his stance, as he is trying to remain alert and making sure that he continues to be the wall to stop the problem from further escalating.
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"Hmf, pathetic looking Feebas."
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Nuria scoffs. "Says the grotesque Garbador."
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A draconic-canine comes running in. Seemingly out of breath. "Huff, huff... Boy, you guys are fast! Didn't have me time to, huff, catch my breath!".
Immediately his words was brought to a pause, as he noticed the stance and tension of the family. Well... Minus the little prince, who is at eternal bliss with rolling his body all around his mother's tail. "Uh... Should I... Ask what is happening?--".
However, seeing the sign of the king quickly shaking his head in disapproval, this blue canine would only zip his mouth shut.
Not wanting to poke the Beartic to cause potentially further issues, he would let his pale-golden orbs gaze around to a different direction. At least, in hopes of changing to a topic that could cause the situation to, well... Lighten itself.
It was then his gaze met with yours. Finally, your presence has taken notice! Gee, did that took a while.
"O-Oh!" The draconic-canine hybrid made his way towards you. "You must be a new traveler to Valinthea! Welcome! Welcome! I hope that you are enjoying your stay so far!"
"Erm...". He awkwardly gestures towards the family across. "T-They are the royal family who rules this part of the land!.. Please don't mind on what you've saw, as it was just a little, erm, 'hiccup'. Yeah, haha. Ah...!! Trust me when I say that they are the most wonderful, most kindest of Pokemon that you will ever meet! Give them a chance and I am sure that you will not be disappointed~!"
Now that you are in the same presence as the royal family, what will you say or do?
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Lief: "So you're telling me you guys are all royalty, and you're THIS dysfunctional?" He had a wry smirk on his face as he looked over them all. "You'd think a family of royals would be more held together. More regal, you know. And you guys are hoping to welcome visitors, too?"
He gave a low laugh. He never was terribly fond with royals, and seemed to enjoy ripping this family a new one based on their ettiquite alone. "Look, the Gracidea here are nice and all, but I'm not exactly feeling very homely right now. Like, you there. Miss. Your daughters just tried to kill each other. No one wants to see that."
If one were to drop a pin, you could definitely hear it hit the ground. Lief's choice of words had brought great silence to both the family and draconic hybrid. Especially with how the blue canine dropped his jaws in great disbelief. Never has he ever heard someone spoke negatively to the royals before! This... It left the boy utterly speechless!
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The first to battle through the tense atmosphere was Ondorus. Plopping out from between the furs of his mother's tails, he would hurry his way towards the direction of Lief. Once their paths had connected, the young prince would spin around before quickly halting himself to create a sort of heroic pose! He stuck up a welcoming paw towards the Simbobeon. "Hihi mister! Welcome to Valinthea!" He states with sheer confidence. "I am super sorry that you don't feel happy with here and us! But but but I hope that I, papa, mama, and sissy siss can help make things better! Because everyone is welcome and I want everyone to have pretty smiles! I hope to make you happy and get a pretty smile too!" Both Nuria and Sondoria didn't seem to quite settle well with Ondorus sentiment. This mostly leans towards them finding the hybrid in front of them is deserving of no positive enforcement, after what he had said to them. However, despite holding a feeling of disagreement, neither would dare utter their distaste.
Well… At least, not Nuria.
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Sondoria, on the other hand… She felt her blood rising, heating from anger. The celestial Eevee was seething, enraged of how impudent and careless the hybrid's words was spoken out. She was feeling more hot temper than the blazes on Rapidash's mane. All she could do was snap at him, raising her voice. "Dysfunction?!! You… You come waltzing in here to spew out the most disrespectful thing, insult us, and THEN proceed to complain that this place isn't homely?!! It's pests like you that doesn't deserved to be welcome he--" The Eevee's words was brought to an immediate halt by a paw brought near to the front of her mouth. Her mother had chosen on silencing the princess from conveying her words any further. "Sondoria, no. I'd advise to please not speak any further of this matter." While the crystalline fox's voice was filled with serenity, it also was granting a sense of discipline. Not wishing for her daughter to spout another negative remark, as enough trouble had already been caused. Ideally, this is not the introduction she had hoped to have on the first welcoming day to her kingdom.
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The queen, finally, had took her approach. She didn't advance too closely to Lief, ensuring of boundaries of the two. So instead, she had decided upon herself to choose a more respectable proximity. Her pale blue eyes retain its set gaze to Lief's. Tranquility… Serene… Direct…
And then…
She apologetically bow down her head. The queen had chosen to show remorse towards both the public view of barbaric behaviors and for her not doing a better job from preventing such a circumstance to begin with. "My apologies. I am aware that such inferior display is rather quite unacceptable. I, Symania, take full responsibility and promise to ensure that such behavior will not happen again…"
"Mom!" Both Nuria and Sondoria spoke in near unison. Both daughters were readying to protest, as neither felt that the apology was justified. However, before either could speak, they were meant with a piercing glance from Symania. Immensely taking the hint, the two would begrudgingly keep their mouths shut.
"Mentioned by my youngest, Ondorus, I promise to make certain that you will be welcomed, as well as have a splendid time in my kingdom. All I request is to be respectful towards the Pokemon, Valinthea citizens, of my land. I care not if you choose to speak ill of me. As long as you do not show harm or intolerance to my people, then there shall be no issue." "As for my children…" Symania would take a slight glance directing at her kids. "If they do or say something of poor etiquette, then you are free to create contemptuous remarks. I do not mind aiding my children to say, as you Pokemon of this age like to state, 'growing a backbone'.". Although quiet, the queen seems to lightly chuckle at that. Much to the dismay of the daughters. "Ah, but I would best advise avoid laying harm to any of my children. It would be dearly unfortunate to grant a severe unpleasant experience to the newest visitor."
{ Responding ask to @ask-team-misfit }
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chaoticcomposition · 4 years
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wanted to design theotae’s other bodyguard & iona’s friend & colleague, sym, b/c elves & I’m gay
she’s currently with us in the feywild but has to act twice as unimpressed about the party shenanigans since iona isn’t around to do it with her
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iironwreath · 2 years
Should [Iona]
Once Orla was comfortable, Iona sent a magic letter asking for a spell to ferry her back to Syngorn. The covered wagon would have to stay behind—either become Brambleview property or driven to Syngorn. Iona liked the idea of it being a thank you gift to the Gilded Thorns for allowing her sister into their home, small as it was, even if they could afford fifty of them.
Theotae waited for them outside the main gates, Symania with her. Her arms were folded behind her, and she straightened when their small troop stepped onto the road. Open skies became occluded by vast, magic redwood and the near horizon twinkled with the golden ramparts that shielded the city. Homesickness ebbed away.
Theotae smiled reservedly but genuinely, but catching a glimpse of Iona’s expression, it dimmed. 
“Welcome back,” she greeted, a question in her voice. 
“Thank you,” Iona said. “Apologies for the delay. There were some…hiccups.” She had no reason to be opaque, given the two Emerald Archers were there to experience Orla’s situation with her, but saying it aloud reminded her of the source of her most recent stress.
Theotae turned to the side and gestured for her to follow. “You’ll have to fill me in.”
They passed into the city. The Emerald Archers broke away to return to the Beryl Keep, but Iona and Azariah continued with Theotae and Symania to the Raethran Estate. Theotae’s air continued to be the nonpareil professional, like this was ordinary business with her Aegises and the court druid; Iona matched accordingly. 
Theotae brought them to the library. A few staff milled about, but they dispersed with their books and polite nods as Theotae led her to a corner lounge with an active fire crackling in a grate. Symania gave Iona’s arm a quick squeeze before she left them to privacy.
Theotae embraced her and a minutiae of tension fell away. When she drew back, she held her arms and searched her face. “You look troubled.”
“Worried,” Iona supplied, throat tight. 
“Would tea help?”
Iona nodded, grateful. Theotae nudged her towards a couch—it didn’t look like a request—and disappeared as Iona folded herself down onto a cushion.  
Theotae returned a minute later with a tray laden with a pot, cups, and a small bowl of fresh fruit. She poured Iona’s—added what she liked, which warmed her—and wordlessly handed it to her. She sat on the coffee table beside the tray opposite Iona and crossed her legs, waiting.
“Orla is fine,” Iona explained. “We were delayed because she got sick, but she recovered and we arrived in one piece. I hope we didn’t worry you?”
Theotae shook her head. “I was never worried for you or if you could handle yourself, just her. That’s why I sent two guards with you: to reduce that worry. A bit like having you and Symania; more for show than anything.”
Iona filled her in on the rest between small sips—sips meant to steel herself for whatever sentence would follow, to steal tiny breaks from the suffocating weight of her worry. It didn’t take long to explain, but her words hung like lead in the air.
“She’s in capable hands,” Theotae said after a moment. She placed a hand on Iona’s closest knee. “They’re treating the root and the symptoms. I have faith she’ll pull through, Iona.”
“Faith isn’t enough to stop me from worrying.”
“I know. I’m not discounting the worst—should it come to pass, I’m here for you. But we can be prepared for that while still hoping for the best.”
“I’ve been hoping for the best since she was born,” Iona murmured, wringing her cup in circles. “It wears on you. It scares me to think of her not making it now, when we’re so close.”
“This is the first time she’s had a cure on the way instead of blindly guessing and experimenting,” Theotae said. “It may not feel like it, but it is the best chance she’s had.” 
Iona nodded, a sigh escaping her lips. She made to sip again and—empty. She frowned at her cup. Theotae lifted the teapot invitingly, but Iona shook her head and set both teacup and saucer back on its tray. Theotae held the bowl of fruit towards her, so she plucked two blueberries that had tumbled from the top of the pile and were sitting at the rim.
“I had an idea for our date,” Theotae said, directing them to brighter subjects. “I think it may be more beneficial now than ever. You treated me, so I’d like to treat you.”
Iona pinched a blueberry between her fingers. “What’s that, my—” She cleared her throat. “Theotae. Sorry, I’ve fallen back into it while I’ve been gone.”
Theotae smiled, swinging her legs apart. “I own a cottage on the Menagerie Coast. I’d mostly forgotten about it, but my father recently visited with mother, and it’s well looked after. Do you think you could afford the time?”
Heat climbed into Iona’s face. She shoved the blueberries in her mouth to temporize while she chewed over an answer. A whole continent away, mostly alone with Theotae—
It sounded like heaven. 
Her worry for Orla scratched at her desire to go, but being in Wildemount wouldn’t change how quickly it would take her to get to Westruun in a hurry, now that Orla had been safely delivered. Iona could travel freely with magic.
“That sounds…pleasant,” she decided. “I’ll have to check in with the Emerald Archers, but I think I can spare it. I’ve already spent a month transporting my sister, I doubt they’ll take umbrage at a few extra days.”
“I don’t think it’s a matter of ‘can.’ I think you should. As far as the Emerald Archers are concerned, you’re still my Aegis, and you go where I go.”
Iona smiled, mind already made. “So hypothetically, if you took a vacation right now, I’d be forced along?”
“Hypothetically speaking, of course. If you have any reservations, just know that we’ll be able to return to Tal’Dorei at a moment’s notice. I’m sure Elspeth will reach out to you if Orla takes a turn.” She cast her gaze to the side, into the darkened spaces between columns of shelves. “It’ll be good for me as well, really.”
“It would. I’ll come.”
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iironwreath · 3 years
Astringent [Iona]
Back at the manor, inside the main study, Theotae whirled. “Leave me,” she barked at the guards. “Resume your posts.”
Once everyone but the Aegises cleared the room, Theotae bent over her desk at an angle, her body all serrated lines of tension and fury. Her fingers arched into claws, her hair frizzed—even her circlet looked sharper than usual. Iona watched as impassively as she could, her heart unsteady on its feet. 
She witnessed it all first-hand: estate to gates, Lady Theotae escorted her half-brothers out of the city with a retinue of guards, haranguing them all the while. Syngorn was not a small city; the march could have been nothing short of catastrophically humiliating for the half-elves at best, or traumatic at worst. One of them, the blonde boy, was teary-eyed, his voice quavering with barely-contained sobs and pleas.
Iona could say or do nothing, only watch the razing. She’d known Theotae for over fifty years and she couldn’t determine how much vitriol was genuine versus an act. 
Symania looked to her, matching her uncertainty, then exited as well. Iona hesitated, turning to join her.
“Wait,” Theotae called, raising a hand. She took several slow, deliberate breaths, her shoulders softening. She rose precisely, primly, raising a fist to her chest. Her chin tilted just so, her confidence wavering in degrees.
“Do you think I was too harsh?” she asked, sounding like the wind could carry her voice away.
Iona pressed her lips together. Theotae didn’t always ask her opinion on such intimate, personal matters. She considered it carefully in the presence of a noble so shaken up with all the power to banish her from the city, too—but she was also her friend. 
“Do you want an honest answer?”
Theotae looked out the ceiling-length window to her right; the sky had since turned overcast. She didn’t answer straight away, then, “Yes. I doubt it’ll sway my mind, but I’d like to hear it.”
“Those were your brothers,” Iona said, “and you kicked them out of the city. I think you provided a demonstration of what all half-elves must think happens when they come to Syngorn.”
Theotae winced, then doubled down. “It was for their protection.”
“I think protecting them would have been taking them in kindly, with hospitality.”
“The city would have treated them like worms.”
“If it’s certain they’ll be treated like scum, then you could have set an example. I think you of all people have the power to turn minds, my lady.”
“It would have happened even with my protection. I did it so they’ll never have to know.”
“Then I think you could have communicated that.”
Theotae waved a hand and began to pace, her expression pinched and aggravated. “They wouldn’t understand. I didn’t have what they wanted. There was nothing I could provide for them, and nothing I could find if my reputation is in pieces.”
Iona doubted that, but her own confidence swayed, her next argument shrinking back on her tongue. Centuries worth of Theotae’s baggage with no porter but herself were coming to surface, leading her to make decisions with a clouded, uncharitable mind. 
“And I find out my mother is having more children, unbeknownst to me,” she continued, her voice barbed once more. “Does that mean she’s out there still? Does she abandon all of her children once they reach a certain age? Or was the Chroma Conclave a convenient excuse? Why bother at all if she’s not going to fight for them?” 
“I don’t know. Perhaps she’s doing the same, trying to keep you safe.”
“Safe from what? Until I have proof otherwise, I have no reason to believe it was ever for my sake. She acted selfishly, and—” She breathed out again, through her mouth. “It’s different, if she is. I drove them away; she left.”
Iona didn’t know which was better. Family abandoning family, either way. No, Theotae didn’t know them, but she also hadn’t tried.
“I hope you don’t think too poorly of me, Iona," Theotae said, quieter, collecting herself in front of the window. 
“You chose what you thought was best for them and yourself. I think your decision was made from a place of honour even if your execution was...harsh. Whether that was the right decision or not, I’m not sure.”
Theotae glanced over her shoulder, weary. “Do you think they’ll return?”
“I doubt willingly.” She sighed shortly. “It’s difficult to watch you turn what might be your only family away when my sister isn’t allowed in the city. Perhaps you might seek them out in the future, if they don’t return?”
Theotae glared out the window, hands in fists by her skirt, eyes cutting and immovable. “I don’t want to regret it. Not yet.”
“Then I’ll give you space, my lady.”
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Well I improved the nixine design and made some changes
Also, nixine has a flying badge on her jacket, nixine found it in the attic, since that badge belonged to her mother, shalia was a young pilot, she was the best but Shalia I had to stop being so to start a family, and take care of their sons and daughters (Ruven, Kindroth, Adelion, Symania, Nixine, Ikeshia)
Also, nixine has a rose-shaped brooch,ike made it especially for her (by the way, ike loves create jewelry, that's why she creates necklaces and bracelets)
Moon: I spent so many days without seeing you friends but ... I came back!, Since my disappearance is for nothing less than...TASKS,SPENDING TIME WITH MY FAMILY AND VISITING MY GRANDPARENTS, BAD INTERNET CONNECTION, the worst punishment I've ever had but I'm here so ... there you go friend The Moonartist is back!
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iironwreath · 4 years
Herald [Iona]
Iona’s expectation – or lack thereof – for when Theotae would return remained the same. As the days spilled into weeks, she accepted that the time passage would be months or years. She’d been her aegis for over fifty years, and alive for over two-hundred. However many passed, it wouldn’t compare. In the life of someone who lived to be seven hundred, a single year, or even ten, was a drop in the bucket.
Work consumed that time, initially. Ceremonies, speaking with officials, collecting money, and general administrative duties kept her busy; all tasks Iona had done before, but never for long. She was trained in the art of combat and being vigilant. Patience extended into her temporary job, but only so much that it was passable. She didn’t have the advantage of being a noble. Eventually, the High Warden provided a proper stand-in.
None of it stopped Iona from missing her. No amount of replacements made her home feel less empty without her. 
She and a second bodyguard framed the door to Lady Theotae’s study. Iona did a double-take when she spied Theotae walking up the hallway, still clad in the armour she left in. Her mind almost tricked her into thinking it odd she was outside a place Iona guarded, but that had been her entire year – protecting her house and her reputation instead of the woman herself.
She smiled, unable to resist, Theotae’s appearance a herald of relief and heartfelt joy. Theotae returned it, albeit tiredly, stopping in front of her.
“Welcome back,” Iona greeted, before remembering to bow. The other guard mimicked her.
“It’s good to be home,” Theotae said, voice almost wispy, like smoke. “Can I relieve you to speak?”
Iona nodded. “You’re in charge. I’ll let Serania know.”
Iona poked her head in to explain. She didn’t miss Serania’s brows unknotting at knowing her work would return to normal as well. Iona exited the office and Theotae led her downstairs to the grand entrance and out onto the front lawn, then through a side archway into the gardens proper. Iona simmered with questions every step of the way, but held her tongue. Theotae had answers – she’d waited twelve months, she could wait a minute more.
Theotae walked differently, subtly. Slower, with her chin held less high. Her posture shifted further when they entered the seclusion of the hedges and flowers, like the mother of all exhaustion pressed down on her shoulders. Concern flared in Iona’s lungs.
Theotae stopped by a circular, marble fountain and turned with the same weary smile. “Is this where we hug?”
Iona tilted her head. “Is it? I didn’t think you were the type.”
“They’re growing on me.”
They embraced, and it was like the garden sighed in relief, like everyone could stop holding their breath about how and when Theotae would emerge from the Feywild. Iona kept it brief, but held Theotae firmly in its time. She knew even with whatever vulnerability this was, she wouldn’t break.  
When they split, Theotae slumped onto the edge of the fountain. Iona joined her, knees folded towards her and hands clasped politely in her lap as water burbled gently at their backs.
“Are Symania and Azariah alright?” Iona asked, the question bursting from her.
“Yes, they’re fine, everyone’s alright,” Theotae assured her, bracing her elbows on her knees. “More than that. We brought back our mother as well as my father.”
Iona straightened, nearly balked. “He’s alive?”
“He’s been alive this whole time. I would introduce you, but he’s suddenly found himself immeasurably busy. Our mother went to Westruun with the others.”
“I see.” A pause. “Did you find the answers you were looking for?”
Theotae explained the story at length. Twelve action-packed days of knights, the City of Starlight, being held hostage, learning of her heritage, and the most wicked place of all: the Theatre. Who its master was, his demise, the contract. Her death.
Iona sucked in a breath at that, but soothed her nerves just as quick. Theotae was alive, in the present, her death no more than a paragraph on a page. She wrapped up with their escape and how she’d learned of the time inflation. Iona soaked in the story, lips drying together in her silence. The sun inched along in the sky while she remained fixed, another statue in the garden to hear a story she wasn’t a part of but deeply moved by all the same.
The yearning staked in her was disappointed for being absent. She wanted to be confided in, wanted to be available for the thick of her strife as Theotae was for hers. It was fortunate she had Azariah and Symania, two women of greater wisdom – and was she not confiding in her now, catching her up? Lowering her shield?
“I can’t say that wouldn’t have happened if I were there,” Iona eventually said, wetting her lips. “Sometimes it comes down to the skin of our teeth.” She shifted, wanted to put a hand on her forearm, her hand, anything – she settled with laying it on her shoulder, beside a leather pauldron. “I’m glad everything turned out alright, in the end.”
“I see my estate is still intact,” Theotae joked, tipping her head towards the mansion breaking the line of hedges, its higher floors bundled in trees.
“I would’ve needed a few more weeks to run it into the ground." Iona squeezed once before dropping her hand. “When we realized you would be gone longer, they gave you a proper proxy. Much didn’t actually change for me.”
Theotae’s eyeline softened, towards the stone pathway. “Things may change now that I've returned.”
“In what way? Does your father take over?”
Theotae scoffed. “Oh, no. He needs to retire. He’s going to retire. I’m not giving up my position.” Some of the Theotae Iona knew best emerged, leaning back and lifting a foot onto the fountain’s curb to drape an arm over her knee. “But Syngorn – it’s become clear to me that we’re in need of change. I don’t know how, or when, but – I think that’s what I’d like, moving forward.”
“I've been saying that for years,” Iona murmured, not without a pinch of bitterness.
Theotae’s brow knotted in apology. “I know.”
“What really convinced you?”
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