#handore lightfoot
skye-starlight · 4 years
Hey @moonlightingarts​ I think I started ship nixine with handore if you don't mind if I do it, but anyway, also look for ship dynamics very similar like them
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(credits to their respective authors)
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For my friend @skye-starlight she wanted some Hanxine as she asked me to do it style chibi, so it turned out well apparently.
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Got an idea for a Blue Angels thing: Ian messes up a growth spell and accidentally shrinks the Angels, the little Angels run around getting into mischief while Ian and Barley try to stop them
@bluezey​ Forgive me for making you wait to answer your question for so long, due to issues that crossed my life but I'm happy when you came up with that idea!
☆゚. * ・ 。゚,The Blue Angels☆゚. * ・ 。゚, *:・゚✧❤️Some Stories To Tell❤️*:・゚✧
Story-Title: A Miniature Adventure!
Ian and Barley were looking everywhere for Han, Zan, Lan, Yan all over the house, under every object and avoiding accidentally stepping on them.while with our little friends They were in the kitchen looking at how amazing it was,but Lan was trying to find ian to enlarge them and go back to their normal size, Han, Yan, Zan didn't want to revert to their normal sizes.
They wanted to explore and have fun and they separated to climb objects and jump on them,Landore he decided to correct them so they do not separate.
Lan: Guys don't break up the objects
let's go find ian, stop having fun you handore!
Han: No Landore I prefer to explore and have fun with Zan and Yan!
Zan: Come on, leader, have a little fun and we just want to have fun!
Yan: Yes, how bad can it be?, Despite being tiny-
Yandore could not finish what he was saying, as he felt a few steps making everyone jump, it was like a tremor,the boys saw Blazey approaching and Blazey saw small figures and was getting closer and faster,until Blazey stopped was in front Lan with the others,then Blazey starts giving Landore a big lick, but instead of that lick Landore had gotten into his mouth.
Han: Oh no ..... BLAZEY TAKES LANDORE OUT OF YOUR MOUTH! *I jump on blazey's mouth*
Zan: Wow, that was unexpected
*Inside blazey's mouth*
Han: Blazey take landore out of your mouth is an order!
Blazey spits landore together handore with blazey's saliva, then Zan and Yan e blazey approach the two of them The others were disgusted by the saliva but it's okay.
Han: Believe it or not, but at least Ian is fine, isn't he bro? Umm ... Landore are you okay?
Actually Landore had a traumatized face (From the saliva and feared for being eaten by blazey),but he will already pass during the 24 hours.
Han: Him seems to be traumatized and his face describes that they are screaming and his face full of saliva, her hands don't move, we better ride in blazey!
The boys mounted to Blazey until his destination: the bathroom but there was going to happen something unexpected ....
Han: At last we arrive
Zan: I love how the bathroom looks like that if we open the sprinkler to have fun!
Yan: Great idea!, That would be a real adventure!
The boys along with Blazey climbed onto the tub of bathing and handore asked Blazey to open the shower, then the sprinkler was opened by falling large drops of large water, the others were amazed by the wonder of the sprinkler.
* While with Ian and Barley *
Ian: I think we were not lucky to find them
Barley: Calm in some way have fun, if Blazey is with them
It was there where Ian I hear the bath sprinkler away It sounded (Ian is all heard) Ian I thought if someone opened it, or just that person simply if someone bathed.
Barley: Hey, what's wrong? *Looking at it*
Ian: Hey, do you think someone is bathing?
Barley: I do not believe, but for some reason it would be ...
Both brothers put their hands on my chin, thinking until suddenly it made them think of something else.
Barley, Ian: Oh no ..... that's bad!
Both were running towards the bathroom Handore hear someone approaching and was Ian and barley.
Ian: Blazey!?
Blazey jumps on Ian, dropping the others towards the bathtub Ian took off blazey from above and barley approaches the bathtub, trying to look for the others until a tiny hand came out of the water moving, in that they han come out of water to breathe.
Barley: Handore we found you!
ian: Are the others okay ?!
Han: No time to talk we have to rescue Landore! His leg was caught by the chain covering the hole in the bathtub!
ian put his hand and there under the water, zan and yan tried to remove Lan, in that ian took out the cover of the bathtub together with zan and yan, then the hole absorbed the water with a swirl of Water.
Han: AHHH Help me! * In the whirlpool of water *
Barley:I have you Han !!* Grabs quickly from the water *
ian:Ok I think you guys caused us little problems *closing the shower head*
Barley: and my only question you will have to answer: Why does Landore have such a face
Han, zan, yan: Long story
ian: ok and now we will go back to normal size
Han, Zan, Yan: Ok okay
The others come out of the bathroom, later Then ian uses his spell so that the boys return to their normal size, also landore still had a traumatized face and they decided to put him on the sofa and covered his face with a sheet.
ian: Hey, what happens if you don't react?
Han: Who knows, sometimes it always happens but during the 24 hours, Landore will react again and forget what happened ...
Yan: Hey, someone wants to draw Ian's face while he's in shock * pulling out two black markers *
Han: Okay okay
So han, zan made drawings in Lan's face, while ian, zan decided that they decided to do their personal stuff, but barley joined han and zan for fun, apparently Lan will have rage and anger when he realizes who I drew him face.
Moon:I know it was short for lack of inspiration but Thank you @bluezey for this idea you gave me! Maybe if you have more ideas for the blue angels, don't hesitate to ask!
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skye-starlight · 4 years
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For @moonlightingarts​!
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skye-starlight · 4 years
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for @moonlightingarts​
This made me think of Lan and Han I found him on my social media
(Credits to their respective author)
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Title:🎁🎄Special Solstice🎄🎁(Christmas parody)
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Moon:Hello everyone,welcome to the special solstice (Christmas parody) this story that I decided to do with creativity and madness hehe,on this day December 24, also this day I decided to publish it on this special day,it is a special day to start this story¿Don't you think it's fantastic, dear reader? With nothing more to say,get ready to dive into a long story but with humor and fun so ... let's start the story!
Today was a happy day for the inhabitants of new mushroontown, today is solstice is very similar to Christmas, there were people playing in the snow making snow angels, snowmen, skating, fortresses, sleigh rides, ah I almost forgot about the snowball war.
While with the boys, Lan was with ian they were very huddled with many blankets watching TV, the two nerds did not like the cold, they did not want to catch a cold because of the cold blanket outside it looked like a refrigerator, instead Han, yan, zan and Barley saw a lot of people having fun in the snow from the window, at that moment Han told the others to go have fun, the others agreed with that, but Lan and ian didn't want to go to the snow with them.
Han: Because you don't want to go with us, come on, it will be fun, we will do a lot of crazy and fun for us and for you, why don't you want to take this opportunity with us?
Lan: First of all, it's very cold out there, it's obvious that I'm going to die from the tremendous cold I'll have there when I get out. Also, I don't want to catch a cold, I don't like to get sick.
ian: and secondly we would prefer that you were all with us, being well seated, watching TV and having hot chocolate with cookies, do you want to join?
ian turns around with a plate of cookies to give to the others, but the boys were not there, Lan and ian decided to look for them, han, yan, zan and barley were about to go out the door and they gave when Lan e Ian were behind them. The Others wore snow clothing such as jackets, scarves, hats or ear muffs to cover the cold and snow boots.
Han: Oh yeah we were so bored to hear why you didn't want to have fun with us, but trust me I'll be a little rude to you * winking at barley, zan yan *
Lan: What are they plotting and hiding doing? * Looking at both *
Zan: Gentlemen, if you'll excuse us, yan and me will go get something in the kitchen * grabbing yan by the arm quickly straight into the kitchen *
Lan: Could you at least tell us what you are hiding?
Han: Oh brother forgive me for doing this, I hope you will excuse me.
Lan, ian: ???
¡☆P O M☆!
Lan and ian were knocked out by zan and yan by two cooking pans, handore decided to dress them in snow clothes and take them to fun with them, it was all part of her plan.
Han: Alright guys, you'll have a lot of fun with us soon.
Zan: I think so
Yan: He will be excited when we arrive!
Barley: I'll carry the two nerds on my back like two sacks of potatoes
❤ After❤ 
Lan woke up little by little opening his eyes and saw that he was in the snow, he thought it was a dream but it was not a dream, then he looked everywhere in surprise and saw that Lan was wearing a snowsuit and ian was also wearing a snow suit. ian was still unconscious, Barley was carrying Ian and Ian like two sacks of potatoes, then Barley turned around and realized that Ian had woken up.
Barley: Oh apparently Lan woke up guys, maybe he's in a good mood to be with us!
Lan: Oh no… I want to go home right now!
Zan: Calm down, Party Pooper, much later we will go to your bat cave, we are almost in the fun zone.
Han: There are great friends waiting for us, we will do a lot of crazy things!
ian: Landore * waking up * where are we?
Lan: Welcome to the nightmare, it's good that you wake up.
Barley: Good thing the little wizard woke up!
ian: Oh no, don't tell me we got knocked out by them
Lan: Sure, but accept it, we give up, we'll have to ...
ian: Please don't say it ..
Lan: Playing in the snow.
ian: ¡¿WHY IS LIFE SO CRUEL TO US?!* Screaming desperately *
Then ian began to complain begging the others to take him home, but they said no, after a while the others reached their final destination, there were some nice friendly people waiting for them in a bridge.
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ike: wow they came just in time!
ian: Wait a minute that voice sounds familiar to me, ikeshia?
ike: Oh ian I thought you weren't coming, plus I think you're in the mood for fun!
Ikeshia did not come alone, she brought company, along with her sister Nixine and with other relatives of the Swiftmoon family, of that family, there were 3 male elves with purple hair and mint green skin, there was one with purple eyes called Ruven Swiftmoon, there was another who with green eyes called Kindroth Swiftmoon, there was another with brown eyes called Adelion Swiftmoon, behind them another member of the family appeared, it was a girl with 7 years a little shy, she had coral colored hair like ikeshia and nixine, her eyes are yellow And she had two pigtails with pink bows. They all brought their clothes for the snow, also Ikeshia had two rabbit-shaped earmuffs to cover herself from the cold.
Ruven,Adelion,Kindroth: Wow,the lightfoots arrived just in time
Han: we came to break your skull!
Ruven: We'll see about it Handore, plus how he convinced the two nerds to join us. * Looking at the two nerds carrying like two sacks of potatoes *
Adelion: Barley you can get the two nerds off your back, I hate seeing them carry these two.
Barley lowers Lan and ian from his back delicately, also Lan was a little nervous he thought that the 3 brothers of ikeshia were going to kill them, but on the other hand ian knows how to play in the snow since he was little, but Lan was his first time in playing in the snow.
Barley: Lan are you shivering, are you cold or are you ... scared?
Lan: Scared no no no, I am too cold, because I should be scared I was never hmm ... scared never ever!* Shaking from fright or maybe from cold *
Barley: Guess this is your first time playing in the snow on solstice, come on Lan is that true?
Zan: Seriously Lan you don't know how to play in the snow,?!
Han: Come on Lan you don't have to be afraid, even if it's your first time playing in the snow.
Yan: We can teach you how to play in the snow, for example: Han, Zan, Barley and ian and me can teach you how to have fun!
ian: We can help you beat the 3 brothers of ikeshia, so you will be invincible and you will be a champion.
Lan: Well that's fine .. what do I have to do to learn?
ian collects snow on the ground and turns it into a snowball, then gives the snowball to Lan, ian explains how he throws snowballs.
* In this scene he has a little reference, let's see if he understands this reference guys, stay tuned *
Lan: throw it like that? * throws the ball boringly *
ian: Not like that, it's not done, do it with force.
Lan: Oh I understand.
While the swiftmoons were talking, then a snowball hit ruven and the ball was thrown by lan, causing ruven to throw a ball towards lan very hard, that's where the fun begins.
Lan: BALL! * Throws another ball towards ikeshia *
ike: Wow good aim Landore * brushing the snow off his face *
Lan: SNOWBALL! * Throws two balls at kindroth *
Kindroth: Snowball War!
The swiftmoons vs The lightfoots started a battle, snowball war, The lightfoota started creating lots of snowballs to attack them, both families started throwing snowballs, until Han stopped them.
Han: Wait guys we are missing something, is ... STRENGTHS! * Screaming * 
Lan, Yan, Zan, Barley, ian: STRENGTHS!
Kindroth, Adelion, Ike, Nixine,Symania(Symania is the name of the little girl): STRENGTHS!
Ruven: Let's see who makes the best fortress in the world!
Han: We'll see about that Ruven, our strength will be better than yours!
Han: Get together guys we have to make the best fortress very best and big!
Lan,Yan,ian,Barley: Understood Handore!
Ruven: How about there!* Points to Ruven towards a field of snow *
The guys were running fast towards the snowy field, the field is ideal for a great duel of snowballs.
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Lan: Han don't you think there is something missing? We need something for the swiftmoons not cross our territory.
Han: Oh sure, but first we will make a line for none of you to cross!
Han grabbed a stick on the ground and put the stick in the snow and started running like a flash, making a big line until he reached a tree.
Lan: Woah what speed you have han!
Han: Thanks Lan, now let's start preparing for battle!
The lightfoots and The swiftmoons: Let's battle it!
The lightfoots began to build their fortress quickly and making it much better and bigger, Han saw Lan and ian having fun building the fortress, Han liked that both nerds had fun with them.
While with the swiftmoons, he was not going to do it with his hands he had a very fast way to make a better and great fortress, they did it very fast, Ruven whistled at the lightfoots to show them his snow fortress.
Ruven: Look and cry friends The best supreme snow fortress of the swiftmoons
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The lightfoots: 
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The others had no words to describe how big the SwiftMoons fortress was, it was the best fortress, it was very big, the others had questions about how they could finish so fast, until ian spoke
Ruven: One word: Magic
The 3 brothers looked and pointed at ikeshia, ikeshia shows them her magic necklace, she helped them with a bit of magic, she also had her necklace on, the lightfoots were shocked and surprised.
Han: So if she can do magic, so can we, Lan and ian his staffs! * Han snaps his fingers and two staffs fall from the sky *
Lan: Bro, how did you do that?
Han: Spell to teleport things, think of something you want it to be and it will appear falling from the sky, just  snaps the fingers and that's it.
Han: Now prepare the fortress and make it a thousand times cooler than me!
Lan, ian: Ok understood!
Lan and ian along with their staffs did their best to finish the fortress and fast, while the swiftmoon fortress prepared the snowballs to attack the lightfoot territory, but this time with magic.
Lan,ian: Done!
Han: Hey swiftmoon fortress!,admire the great supreme lightfoot fortress!
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(imagine that those people are zan,yan,ian,Lan and barley)
ike: woah what a beautiful fortress, look great 👍!
ian: oh hehe thanks ike *blush*
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Kindroth: It looks better but our fortress has statues, you are not within our reach.
Lan: Oh sure thank you kindroth, statues have been said!
Kindroth:Not proble-....wait why?!
Ruven: You really dumb, did you have to spit that out ?!
Kindroth:Sorry Brother :c
Lan made with his staff a lot of snow sculptures but,in owl shapes and wolves, unicorns
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(I wanted to add those snow sculptures, they seemed really wonderful)
In addition, Lan made a snowman with his staff in the shape of an ian.
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(Guys I dare you to make a snowman, but ian lightfoot version, also you don't have to make the nose, just give it a big carrot (like its big nose) then put it on and voila, an ian lightfoot snowman)
ian: Wow he looks like me, I like him he's my twin now, oh and the other sculptures look great.
Lan: We are welcome to come up with a plan, to attack the swiftmoon territory?
Han: Obviously yes and our plan to attack them will be very brilliant, but this time with magic!
ian: You don't think it's enough magic to make them hurt, I mean I don't want to be a spoilsport ruining the plan, it's more I prefer to stay with my snow twin, watching how you throw snowballs into enemy territory.
Han: Ok, you will be the secret weapon, when we run out of opportunities to attack enemy territory, that's where you come in ¿okay?
ian: Ok han :)
(Now a music to put this very interesting story)
(I love this song it fits perfectly for the story)
The lightfoots entered his fortress to start creating snowballs that Barley brought with Zan and Yan, on the other hand they have brought binoculars to see the enemy territory up close, Lan prepared some spells to join them with the snowballs, while the 3 brothers from ikeshia were preparing to attack them with magic, ike was also with his little sister symania, making snowmen before starting the battle.
Han: I see you as a loser this time I will defeat you when I am the best, you will fall to shame, HAHAHA! * Evil laugh while watching ruven with his binoculars *
☆Meanwhile in swiftmoon territory☆
Ruven: Useless he won't know what awaits him, I bet I'll win and he'll lose, don't you think so nixine?
Nixine was not paying attention to his brother, Ruven, Nixine called him something, the attention was Han, she began to feel feelings towards him, however, she was like in love, but suddenly Ruven interrupted him from his fantasies.
Ruven: Nixine!,Nixine!,earth calling nixine!,Stop thinking about your crush!
Nixine: Yeah yeah whatever I'm just looking at the enemy
Ruven: You only look at him as in love,
Nixine: I hate that you dislike my first love, you are such a killjoy, every time I meet new people you always appear saying they are bad people.
Ruven: Sister I'm only doing it for your good, after that incident that happened a few years ago ...
Nixine: Please I don't want to remember it, it makes me feel weak every time you say it.
Ruven: We better not talk about it, let's just enjoy this.
✩Meanwhile in the lightfoot territory✩ 
ian: Rock paper or scissors!
ian was next to the rock-paper or scissors snowman, the others saw him strangely playing, with a snowman of himself.
Lan: The guy is weird apparently, but let's let him have fun while we are ready for battle.
Barley: It always happens every solstice, sometimes my little brother, he always played and chatted with snowmen that he always did, others thought him weird talking snowmen.
ian: Very well I will name you ian 2 twin!
Yan,Zan,Barley: This is too weird
Han: Lan could you tell me what time it is to start the battle?
Lan: It's barely noon at this time they are slow.
Han: It'll give us time to make more snowballs, how many snowballs do we have right now?
Lan: Since we started throwing snowballs we had few or more snowballs, but unfortunately we have 34 snowballs.
Zan: 34 snowballs left ?!
Yan: Impossible that we have spent so many snowballs!
Barley: Plus the enemy territory is doing it fast!
ian: it's because they do it with magic, don't you see?
ian pointed out where Ikeshia is multiplying snowballs, with her magic necklace, Symania linked the snowballs like a pyramid with Kindroth and Adelion helping her, Ikeshia said a spell called Multiply-Magnora, this spell made things multiply by two or three or more objects, ikeshia I learned it about 2 weeks, Han managed to hear the spell that said ikeshia.Handore looked for his binoculars as something caught his attention and it was Ikeshia doing magic.
ike: Multiply-Magnora!
Handore saw how ikeshia's eyes changed from purple to pink, then his magic hands were activated to later create a light, and that light was moving from one place to another, (an example my dear readers):
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Then ikeshia enclosed the light in both of his hands, then ikeshia opened his hands and the light turned into a small bright yellow star, Han was shocked when he saw the magical act that ike did, Han began to memorize the details and movements that ikeshia did with the light, then ikeshia approached symania along with its luminous star, symania had a single snowball then ike released the star and the star floated towards the snowball and entered towards the ball, then the snowball moved creating lots of snowballs everywhere.
Ruven: How did sister come out?
Symania: The result was excellent!
Ruven: Great with that I can beat my enemy Han!
Han: Haha, do you think Ruven? I already found out about your magic secret that you have, I have to tell the others!
While with others
ian: Since then I was always so cowardly to face unicorns.
Zan: Wait apparently ian 2 wants to tell me something * Approaches the doll * Aha oh what an interesting fact.
Yan: What did him tell you?
Zan: He said that when the action starte
Barley: It will start when Handore says the orders to attack.
Han: Gentlemen, I have something to tell you that will surprise you!
Lan: Let's see, tell me today's gossip.
Zan: Did you see the disturber *Just kidding*
Han: It's more than that!
Yan: Bro already tell us what you say kills me with doubts!
This story will continue ...
Moon:What did you think of the first part ?,I got tired of writing so much until my poor hands have cramps oof,but I wanted to leave it up to here so that my hands do not suffer any more anyway,give a like or say something about this story or reblog!
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Moon:Also be patient while my hands rest after suffering from so much writing,when I have taken my break I will do the second part long or short...
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Well Halloween is over, but sometimes I wondered what Lan, Han, Yan, Zan would be like in Halloween costumes or are they too big for that.
Well I did not have time to draw them with their halloween costumes, but I decided to draw nixine and ike as the two forms of spinel, Also they han, yan, zan they like halloween, but Lan does not like it since he says he is too adult for that kind of thing, but the others forced him to put on his costume and go to various houses and look for sweets.
Lan his costume would be a vampire, Handore would be a Pirate one with a sword but on fire, Zan would be a werewolf, and Yan would be a cowboy.
Lan: I hate that you forced me to look for sweets and dress as a vampire * he said while walking with the others to look for more candy *
Han: Arr! Take it easy, Count Lancula (as dracula) There is little left until this fantastic night of terror ends!
Lan: Whatever you say Captain Handore...
Han: Arr! Let's continue my comrades, let's continue with the search for the sweets * he said while drawing his sword towards the sky *
Zan: *Howling Wolf*I love halloween!
Yan: Yiha! * Cowboy Scream *This will be legendary! * Cowboy voice *
Lan: I want this to end -_-
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✩The blue Angels✩ ✩Mini short scenes✩
Title:✩Landore's chemistry jokes✩
*Lan's first joke*
Lan: What happened when oxygen went on a date with potassium?
Han: I don't know Lan ... why?
Lan: It went OK.
*Drums play in the background behind Lan*
ian: Good chemistry joke Lan!
*Lan's second joke*
Lan: Hey zan
Zan: What happened Lan?
Lan: Why are chemists great at solving problems?
Zan: Emm I don't know
Lan: Because they have all the solutions.
*Drums play in the background behind Lan*
ian: Landore the joker does it again!
*Lan's third joke*
Lan: Hello barley
Barley: Hi Landore What happened?
Lan: Why did the white furry bear dissolve in water?
Barley: I really don't know
Lan: Because it was polar.
*Drums play in the background behind Lan*
*Lan's fourth joke*
Lan: Hey moon, What do you call a tooth in a glass of water?
Moon: Why Lan?
Lan: A one molar solution.
*Drums play in the background behind Lan*
Moon: Oh haha that's funny
*Lan's fifth joke*
Lan: When I walked into the chemistry lab, someone threw sulfuric acid at me and someone else threw sodium hydroxide at me.
Yan: and why aren't you dead?
Lan: I stayed neutral.
*Drums play in the background behind Lan*
Fun fact: Landore despite being leader and very nerdy guy, he knows how to be funny with his nerdy jokes.I'm sorry Yan it seems Lan will be your replacement
It also occurred to me to make a kind of short scenes of the blue angels, where they show their hobbies,tastes among other things, and at the end of that a curious fact will appear that you may not know about them.
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Story Name :Cookies
1- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/629468384016384000/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
2- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/629478492793454592/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
3- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/629509681488019456/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
4- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/629549960413773824/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
5- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/629562617477873664/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
6- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/629625846351691776/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
1- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/629653554827821056/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
2- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/629885887833063424/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
Story Name: scares that make you laugh
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1- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/629698172661399552/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
2- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/629722570466492416/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
3- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/629741495592927232/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
Story Name: Truth or Dare
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1- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/629987950942388224/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
2- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/630097736048508928/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
3- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/630255399000489984/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
4- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/630435026337775616/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
Story Name: What happened last night?
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1- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/631112857608683520/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
2- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/631190388413284352/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
3- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/631292833410777088/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
4- https://moonlightingarts.tumblr.com/post/631379836808675328/the-blue-angels-some-stories-to-tell
¡Notice for my readers to read my stories!
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Lan: Dear readers who admire our stories, our writer moon is very busy these days.
Han: So be patient folks, she will re-upload our stories where she has some free time to do them.
Yan: Do not be discouraged friends, we will be with you very soon!
Zan: Also it's just a notice so you guys know.
¡Very soon I will upload more stories of the blue angels!
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This is awkward: Nixine has a secret crush other than her friends
I will explain it to you in a story maybe long or short
It had already been 7 days and nixine was desperately looking for her mint green rabbit, nixine had lost it since she was with some friends doing mischief at night, she lost it since her backpack is semi open when she was escaping from the police, since then Nobody knows about his stuffed animal but a certain boy found it and will look for the owner of that stuffed animal.
*At the swifmoon family home*
Nixine: It's been 7 days and I don't even know where it is, I'm going crazy ike I don't know what to do anymore! * Hitting some pillows in ike's room *
Ike: Quiet very soon we will get it, we just hope that someone with a good heart brings it to you safely.
Nixine: I am irresponsible to lose everything, but you are very responsible taking care of your things like your little gift * looking at ikeshia's necklace *
Ike: I also think that I get used to having a little magic in my life, but I don't want to use it for so long, so as not to cause chaos.
Nixine: Like what happened to the curse of the dragon that was caused by your boyfriend * Mischievous smile *
Ike: and here we go again * covering her blush with a star-shaped pillow *
Nixine: Come on just admit you like him, plus he has a certain affection for you, they are both nerds and they like magic!
Ike: You only say it to make me embarrassed in front of me and my friends!
Nixine: Yeah yeah whatever but they just admit it!
Ike: Ok, whatever you say, I admit, I like him.
Nixine: My little sister is already growing up!
In an instant someone knocks on the door, then enters a mint green elf woman with loose coral hair was the mother of nixine and ikeshia.
Shalia: Nixine I have good news! * Grinning a big smile *
Nixine: What is it about?
Shalia: Someone with a good heart found your lost bunny plush
Nixine: Really ?! * Grinning *
Shalia: She's waiting for you downstairs to give you your stuffed animal
Nixine, shalia and ikeshia went to the room where a curly haired elf boy with red eyes was sitting on the couch in a black jacket with a white shirt and ripped jeans with red shoes, nixine blushed when she saw someone similar to ian, it was one. of the cousins ​​of ian very similar.
Shalia: Handore lightfoot meet nixine swiftmoon my daughter.
Han: Oh it's my pleasure * gets up from her seat to greet nixine *
Nixine: Hi Handore how are you * blushing *
Han: Very good and you?
Nixine: Well ...
Han: Is something wrong? * Curious question *
Nixine: No no no nothing's wrong I was just going to ...
Han: Oh sure I forgot! * Him said it while grabbing the stuffed rabbit that was next to the couch*
Han: Tada! * Showing the stuffed rabbit to nixine *
Nixine: Bonnie !, Awww thanks handore! * Hugging han *
Han: You're welcome Nixine * corresponding to the hug *
Then they spent about 4 hours of conversation with han and nixine, they wanted to get to know each other more and nixine began to feel new feelings towards han.
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Oh dude I'm too dumb doing this kind of thing, since I was so bored with nothing to do, I just did it for fun.
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Good amazing poses
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Apparently Barley along with Lan and Han went to a crazy party,
¿Lan why are you wearing a princess crown?
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Protecting ian
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 Thanks to @blueberry-starfoxing​ Thanks for sending me this image
Ian and his bodyguards
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Continuation of the previous chapter
✩Back to the present✩
Day:❤ Sunday❤ Time: 11:47 AM
ian suddenly begins to give him a horrible stomach ache and Ian notices it and looks at him worriedly, as if something is wrong.
Lan: Hey ian ... are you okay? * Worried * Ian: No..I'm not well at all lan..I need to go to the bathroom * gets up from the sofa *
Suddenly, ian starts to get nauseous, he decides to run to go to the bathroom, ian had already reached his destination and closes the bathroom door and begins to vomit, while with Ian he listened to ian vomit every so often over and over again.
Lan: What happened to those four * he asked as he lay on the sofa looking at the ceiling *
I did not know anything about han, yan, zan, barley since last night, Ian worried about his 3 brothers and about barley too.ian comes out of the bathroom relieved, then he comes to the living room and notices that lan was worried, ian felt too sorry for him.
Ian: Landore are you alright? * Asked shyly *
Lan: It's nothing .. I only worry about the boys, and I don't know where they are,
Ian: So they are lost? * Sits next to Ian
Lan: I think if ... I don't even know about them, they are surely injured or dead * He starts to worry and Ian wanted to cry *
Ian: Lan don't worry for sure they are fine * he said while calming him down *
Lan: I hope so ... well ... let's get on with the story
Ian: Oh I almost forgot,you can continue.
✩Going back to the flashback✩
Day: ❤Saturday night❤ Time: 8:30 PM
Zandore had already completed the challenge that ian gave him, ian enjoyed how he saw zan suffer, since he wanted his revenge.
Zan: Well let's get on with the game, then I will destroy you all when this gets out of hand, it will mean that the game is over.
Lan: You wish zan.
Zan: We'll see, lan * Zandore starts spinning the bottle *
Then the bottle stopped and pointed at ian
Ian: Oh no ... * worried and nervous *
Zan: Oh yeah! * Surprised *
Lan: Zan don't even think about making a cruel or difficult joke on ian!
Han: heard well zan nothing of evil and suffering to ian!
Zan: Ian truth or dare?
Ian: dare .. * forced himself to say it *
Lan: Why did you take the dare?
Han: You should have chosen the truth!
Ian: I don't have any more options guys .. sorry
Yan: Please no other dare!
Zan: I dare you to eat some toxic mushrooms that are in the forest ...in time in hours of night
Barley: Guys no one at this hour can go to the forest there is danger and darkness, above all that is crazy!
Ian: I do not care anyway I will go to the forest, by myself, without they help I will fulfill that dare * He said it while looking for a flashlight and ran to the forest *
Lan looks out the window seeing ian go to the forest alone, the others decided to follow him, with flashlights to see in the dark.
* While with ian *
ian arrived at the entrance of the forest, the two moons illuminated the sky, there were also signs with warnings that said: Be careful when passing, go back the way you came, you will not leave alive, ian ignored and decided to turn on the flashlight to go for toxic fungi,
Ian: Apparently it's giving me chills and fear, damn I think they won't make it out alive  *He said it while with the flashlight he looked for the mushrooms*
then ian sees a path with lights, apparently someone kind decided to illuminate this terrifying forest
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Ian: Great I think it must be my lucky night! * Follow the path of lights *
* While with the others *
The boys had reached the forest, Ian had his staff and was afraid that something would happen to him or his brothers, han did not need a staff, since he had magic hands with fire,
Lan: Well guys, we have to split up.
There were 3 trails with three signs, the first trail had a sign that led to a river, the second trail led to a field of giant carnivorous plants, the third led to a glowing trail later.
Lan: Barley and Yandore will go the first way, Zandore will go the second way, Handore and me will go the third way,
Lan: There is no time to waste! Yan, zan, barley: understood!
The others parted ways and decided to look for ian ...
This story will continue.......
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Continuation of the previous chapter
Landore had already finished cleaning and tidying up the house and goes to the living room where ian was, having coffee to relieve his headache and ian turns around where he heard Ian's footsteps, Ian arrives towards the living room and sits next to ian, to tell what happened last night.
Ian: Now are you going to tell me what happened last night? * He said it while taking another sip of coffee, and put it on the table next to the sofa, and then drink it again *
Lan: Ok here we go I'll tell you but ... it will be a long and embarrassing story for you ..* Putting his hand on his neck *
Ian: Ok I'm ready to hear it
✩ What really happened last night.....
Day: ❤Saturday night❤ Time: 7:02 PM
It was night, the blue angels together with Barley decided to play true or dare again, as the boys promised to play another day, and zan had many extreme and difficult dare for the boys.
Ian was so scared, since everyone promised to play it again but ian did not want to play it again, he did not want to meet another challenge like the previous one it was too much for him, but he had no choice but to force himself to meet another zandore challenge.
Zan: Alright guys, before I start I would like to tell you that there will be changes and believe me they are very difficult for everyone, especially for ian * looking at ian *
Lan: You better not complicate it zandore, we don't want ian to feel hurt because of you* Puts his hand on ian's shoulder *
Han: Landore is absolutely right, don't make it so hard for ian * Him also puts her hand on ian's other shoulder *
Yan: They are right zandore, could you put a dare or truth to iandore less difficult?
Zan: Ok that's fine * Cross fingers behind his back *
Barley: Ok let's get started!
Zan: Whatever you say,barley! * started spinning the bottle and the bottle kept turning *
While with ian he was a little nervous and sweaty, luckily Lan takes out his blue handkerchief and wipes the sweat from ian, at that moment the bottle points towards zan, ian is relieved.Zan didn't expect that, since it was his first time, the bottle chose him.
Zan: My God, he chose me!
Lan: Who among us would tell Zan the truth or dare?
Han: I think ian should say so.* Giving a little blow to ian's shoulder *
Yan: That was not expected zandore?
Barley: It seems someone would be embarrassed.
Han: Come on ian it's time for your revenge for what zan did to you! * Shaking ian *
Yan, Barley, Ian, Han: Revenge! Revenge! Revenge! * They said it over and over *
Ian: Well well ok revenge has been said
Yan, Han, Barley: YEAH!
The 3 turned to see Ian excited and crazy saying revenge nonstop
Lan: Revenge! Revenge! Revenge! Revenge! YEAH! * Lan stops and turns around where everyone was looking at him weirdly *
Lan: What happened,Can't I have fun?
Han: Sure ... but I never saw you that way brother ..
Lan: Despite being a leader, I do have a sense of humor
Barley: I thought you were boring
Lan: That hurt but it doesn't matter
Ian: Ok let's go on, zandore truth or dare
Zan: Dare * Said it without fear *
Ian tries to think what dare he would give zan and the others decided to help him, to choose and barley came up with a dare for zan and says it into ian's ear.
Ian: It's time for my revenge * Mischievous smile *
Ian: Zandore lightfoot I dare you to eat garlic without cooking it >:)
Han, Yan, lan, Barley: OOOOHHHHHH !!!!
Ian: Also the dare goes along with another dare  * Mischievous smile *
Han: Oh my god double dare this got interesting!
Lan: What's the other dare called?
Ian: letting one of us ice your back, chest, or butt
Barley, Han, Yan: OOOOOHHHHHH
Lan: HAHAHA IN YOUR FACE ZANDORE * He behaves like crazy *
Zan: Maybe it doesn't scare me or make it so difficult for me
Lan: But you should!
Han: Doesn't it even scare you a little?
Barley: I bet he's scared inside and doesn't want to show it
Zan: I'm not really scared (Not one bit)
Lan: I'm going to look for garlic in the kitchen * he goes to the kitchen to find the garlic *
Han: And me for the ice in the fridge * He goes to the fridge to get ice *
Ian: I'm so bad * Mischievous look and smile *
Barley: Too much but it's also your revenge
Yan: Good thing that I always bring my camera * Preparing the camera to record * Zan: Also I'll kill them when I finish this once and for all * Terrifying look *
Ian: Oh we'll see * Serious look with an evil smile *
Yan: Apparently someone decided to be on the dark side * Looking at ian *
Barley: My little brother scares me a little now
Han, Lan: We have already arrived with what we need!
Handore carried a bucket, with ice cubes and very cold, that was in the fridge, Landore found a garlic that tasted bad and had a disgusting smell, ian smiled maliciously to see Zandore suffer, but Zandore looked at him strangely and was a little nervous.
Ian: Let the revenge begin!
Yan: How cool * Starts recording *
Handore approaches zan, and puts the ice cubes on his back, and zan begins to feel how the cubes freeze him on the other hand landore approaches zan and gives him the garlic and zan begins to eat it, barley just looked at his little brother with a look, very malicious along with such a wicked smile,
this story will continue
Later you will understand what happened to them. Who knows what happen next part of this story
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Continuation of the previous chapter
Day: ❤Saturday night❤   Time: 9:20 PM
Let's take a look at the others .. We started with Yandore and Barley ...
Barley and Yandore decided to go to the river in addition they heard a sound..the water seemed to move and it was a river, it also had a bridge but apparently the bridge was half broken.barley did not trust much of that , but yan decided to take a step to see if the bridge was in good condition to cross.
Barley: Wait! * Pulling yan's arm *
Yan: Hey what's up !?
Barley: Don't you see how the bridge is?
Yan: Please barley ... it's just a little bit broken and ...
Barley: Dangerous
Yan: I know it's dangerous ... but I also need to know if it's safe
Barley: But what if you fall?
Yan: I'm not sure about that ... but it will only be a small step, that's what I'll do.
Barley: Well ... whatever you say.
Yandore was ready to step on the bridge..barley was a little scared, he had a feeling that yan was going to fall, then yan gave a slight footfall to the bridge, apparently the bridge is in good condition.
Zan: See, I told you everything that ibar was going to be fine.
Inadvertently he fell off the bridge, the bridge had a hole
Yandore had fallen, he also suffered a strong blow to his body, and the current carried him towards a waterfall, while with Barley he decided to see with his flashlight where yan fell and saw him, being taken to a large waterfall.
Barley: Oh no that's not right * Running to save yan*
Now let's take a look at zandore
Zandore was still on the way he took, he also heard a noise.
Zan: Who's there?! * Defense mode * don't make me draw my knife! You heard me right!
Zandore decided to pull out his knife.
Fun fact: Zandore to be the kindest can be violent due to his anger problems when someone bothers him, he learned it from Han when he was bad before, he decided to be like him
Zan decided to hide in some bushes, behind those bushes was a scared baby bunny, zan caused tenderness to the bunny, the bunny approached him since he was afraid of the dark, zan decided to grab the bunny in his hands, zan decided to continue looking for ian, until then ...
Zan: Oh no, it's a carnivorous plants * whispering *
There was a sleeping carnivorous plants that impeded the passage of the road, the bunny decided to snuggle up to zan, he was afraid that the bunny would be eaten by the carnivorous plants,
Zan: It be better to go through them without making noise.*whisper*
Zan decided to tiptoe through the carnivorous plants together with the baby bunny, unfortunately the bunny started to squeak a little, he made a carnivorous plant wake him up from the noise.
Yan: TIME TO RUN! * Running *
 Zandore decided to run and also made too much noise and woke up the carnivorous plants, also the bunny falls from Zan's hands, the carnivorous plants saw him and decided to eat him, zan kept running then he realized that the bunny was no longer In his arms, he was in great danger, he is surrounded by carnivorous plants, the plants opened their big mouths to eat the bunny, at that moment Zan felt something in his body and it was nothing less than his violent part, he reacted in the most aggressive way , and also takes out his knife and then runs to where the bunny was, he decided to cut off the heads of the carnivorous plants that were surrounding the bunny, zan grabs the bunny and puts it on his head, the bunny holds tight from Zan's head, while zan decided to cut off all the heads of all the carnivorous plants.
Now let's take a look at han and lanHan and Ian had reached a lighted path and followed it, they also heard a laugh, a silly laugh, they both looked both ways there was nothing, but then ian appeared but drugged,
Now let's take a look at Landore and Handore
Han and Ian had reached a lighted path and followed it, they also heard a laugh, a silly laugh, they both looked both ways there was nothing, but then ian appeared but drugged,
Ian: Oh hello sir blue tie and you sir violent! * Drugged *
Han: I don't think it's right * whispering to lan * Lan: Apparently he ate a toxic mushroom * Whispering to han * Ian: Hey are you talking bad about me? * Hiccup * Lan: No no no of course they weren't, but I have to ask you something. Ian: Whatever you say sir with blue tie Lan: Tell me, don't you feel illusions?
ian you saw it as rare illusions like lan in the form of a blue tie and han with a killer mask, ian felt a noise in a bush, it was a unicorn, but in his illusion he saw him as the most beautiful woman in the world, then ian approaches him Unicorn,
Ian: Oh my god you are the most beautiful woman in the world * Drugged*
ian grabs the unicorn and begins to kiss him while with lan and han he looked at him strangely, then han let out much laughter, Then ian grabs lan's tie and starts to imitate him
Ian: Look at me, I'm Landore and I'm more handsome and more attractive than all of you! * Drugged *
Han: Hahahaha * laughs too much *
Lan: not funny 😒
Another fun fact: Lan is a handsome but not that much
Ian: My love, my life I love you * drugged and giving love to the unicorn *
Han convulses and laughs too much,Ian decided to grab ian's arm, but ian refused.
Ian: I can take her home, I don't want to be separated from my girlfriend, I don't want to leave her alone ... * I ask drugged *
Lan: Good but don't make any mess, because if I don't take it out! Ian: Ok sir in blue tie
Han, Ian, Ian together they went to the exit, but Han told Ian to take Ian home while he tried to look for Yan, Barley, Zan, in the forest, so han decided to go to the first path, lan takes ian home with the unicorn,
Time: 11:59 PM
Lan had already come home while ian went to her mother's room and grabbed her mother's makeup, also made up the unicorn as a woman,
Ian: Let's go to sleep my sweet unicorn * ian takes it to her room and also Ian went to sleep on the sofa *
❤ End of flashback❤
✩Back to the present✩
Day:❤ Sunday❤ Time: 12:28 PM
Lan: Now you understand what happened yesterday Ian: Sure but I wonder what happened to the others
Suddenly someone kicks the door hard and it was Handore with the othesr badlys injureds, also zan brought his little friend the bunny and gave him a name called snowball
Han: I don't want to go back to that forest anymore I almost got eaten by a carnivorous plant
Lan: Why does Zandore have a leash attached to you?
Han: Madness, violence, anger, etc ...
Barley: I also hurt my eye but I also put on a patch
Yan: It looks like a pirate
Han: Anyway, what did you guys do?
Ian: I was telling ian what happened to last night and also, he was drugged all night and getting passionate with his unicorn girlfriend,
Yan, Han, Zan, Barley: OOOHHHH 7w7
Ian: Hey shut up! * Blushed * Barley: And do you have a sample of that?
Lan: Of course, my tie is a hidden camera, it also records everything, do you want to see it?
Han, zan, yan, barley: Yeah
Ian: Ok I better go outside to get some air * He goes outside *
ian was outside while listening to the laughter of everyone laughing,ian decided to ignore him,
ian: I wish I hadn't gotten high with that mushroom
Ian: I hate my life * Embarrassed *
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Moon what happened to han and zan and the others?I have doubts
Sorry I can't tell you it would be like a spoiler of history
I don't want to ruin it
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