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ask-the-tale-of-kingdoms · 1 year ago
Prologue: The Tale of Introduction
The golden rays of the sun descents, illuminating its warmth down upon the colonial terrain. Throughout the land lies a leafy paradise. Although, the natural coloration of the woods seem to differ from the norm. It's filled to the brimmed with Jacarta-colored oak trees. All the while the vast, opulence of foliage that is looming above would share a hue similarly to the galactic universe. Such unnatural colors would bring upon complete amazement!
You couldn't help but approach within the woods. Your movement would emit the sound of 'crackling' from beneath your feet. Peering down, you would take notice of a large patch of gravel. Wait... Upon further inspection, the designed of the gravel would wield more of a star shape. Looking on ahead, it would appear to be leading somewhere from within this bizarrely unique forest. Feeling a wave of inquisitiveness and wonders of where this path may lead, you couldn't help but venture forth. Consumed by curiosity of where this may lead.
As time went by and your travel nears, you suddenly halted from your path as something from the distance caught your eye. Seemingly what would appear to be an immense structure of the sort. You've decided to approach closely, to better examine of what is ahead. After reaching to your destination, you would be immediately welcomed by a faint draft of an early, floral aroma. Alongside the endearing scent, there was also a cease of silence. All of quietness had been diminished by the merry, sing-song chirps coming from a group of cosmic-like Swablus! They appear to happily whistle together up on the branches of the trees. Alas, despite the welcoming from nature, this is what had primarily attracted your attention. No... Instead it is the structure that was mentioned.  You've reached upon the intended destination of the structure. But instead, your front was introduced by a risen scabrous, silver gate. Along the connecting gates would come upon an enormous wall, that stretches throughout the entirety of both the eastern and western section of your view. The wall itself would seem to be made up of dark-starry granite. Completely standing out from the rest of the forest! Although, the wall seems to have seen better days. Base upon your frontal perspective, there would appear to be an incredible amount of unsymmetrical cracks, claw marks, traces of scorched markings, and even pockets of holes varying in differing sizes. Even the lower parts of the wall would attain scatters of unattended overgrowth! Such as royal blue vines and moon-shaped Gracidea blooming all across the place.
Nevertheless, this doesn't deter you. Instead, you would enter through the gates. Wishing to see all this land has to offer! You've survey the sight of the surrounding area. Firstly, you take notice of a prosperous, large nation! Buildings and homes severely vary in materials and height. And yet, the establishments seem to share a common theme. All of which would remind one of space. Farther ahead, there would be a central area that holds a fountain! It would have a Meloetta-shaped statue in the middle. The posture stood elegantly, in a more of an arabesques style. The water spray straight from the mouth to downwards into the fountain. The light splashes into the water would remind one of the sounds of rain, pitter pattering onto the ground. Although, upon closer inspection, the liquid in question seems to hold eerily similar appearance to an item known as Stardust. Surely it is consumable... Right?
Shaking off the discomforting thought, your eyes would wonder as you travel around the kingdom. It hadn't taken long until you've spotted an enormous hill. There were many homes scattered onto the hill! But, what rests upon the very top, was a incredibly massive palace! From what you see, you could determine that the royal palace shares a similar design to the wall. And yet, it appears to be made of a more differing material. Base on the size of the building itself, you could only make a determined guess that it contains an absurded amount of rooms! Throughout all sides of the building would appear to be crystal-like windows, holding a sort of planetary pattern. Each one showing an image of different planets, be it Saturn or even Uranus! And lastly, the entryway of the palace would have an enlarged garden. Just like from what you've seen from the outer walls, this area too have moon-shaped Gracideas blooming beautifully from all around. 
Many of the residents would walk by. Some minding their own business, while others welcome each other with positive communication! Each and every one seem so kind with one another! You have begun to have taken notice that the paths of this kingdom is bustling with activity! It was utterly astonishing! Before you could be able to make your way to scurry and explore all there is to offer, you've quickly shift your attention towards a stentorian voice.
"Mom, please!". The voice cried out. Upon viewing who is speaking loudly, it would appear to be a Eevee of the sort. Albeit rather... Different. Her colors appear to be a mixture of blues and white, while the patterns of her body wield more of a constellation. Her posture seem to hold of a mix signal. Her head held high, showing a form of dominating stance. And yet, her expression is distorted to form a look of distress.
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"No, no! This isn't what I've asked for!" Cried the Eevee. She would raise up her paw, only to immediately slam it back down to the ground. "I've wanted to see the world OUTSIDE of Valinthea! To see other kingdoms! Not meet and greet OUTSIDERS! Those are two completely different things, mom!".
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Opposite from the Eevee was another Pokemon that is twice her size. This one body seems more complexed in design. The galactic patterns hold more of a purplish-pink hue, while scattered throughout her body adorn crystals of varying sizes. She seems to be a hybrid, but couldn't quite pin-point of what mixture of Pokemon this creature could be.
This Pokemon demeanor would be more of a somber, calming appearance. Her expression would retain a more at ease look. "Sondoria, my dearest. Please, lower your tone" She said with peace and elegance waving through the tone of her voice. "Must I remind you that I cannot allow you, along with your siblings, to venture outside of Valinthea. It's far too dangerous, sweety. I know that you are fully aware that my children's safety will always take priority."
To Make light of the matter, the larger hybrid would slowly move her paw towards Sondoria. At least, until it finally met its destination by resting said paw on top of the little Eevee's head. Giving the Eevee a light ruffle, as the hybrid shine the brightest of smiles to her.
"Think of this as an opportunity~! You'll be able to communicate with various species, learning about their homeland and way of life! You may even be able to create a friend amongst these outsiders!". The last sentence, her words seems to be chiming with sheer delight. It is as if her tone shows a way of hoping that her daughter could create a potential friend. "Ah, how I'd love to see my shining star form such endearing bonds~!"
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Unfortunately, the hybrid's message seems to have delivered an opposite effect. As soon after those words were spoken, Sondoria eyes would quickly advert away from her mother's gaze. She would even brush the paw away from her head. "But... I already have a friend. Xanthe. She's the only Pokemon I care about to have as a friend. Did you... Forgot about her?"
The hybrid would open her mouth. And yet, only deathly quiet air could escape. The mother would look like a Magikarp out of water, gasping for air. She knows what words to speak and yet, she struggles to speak them out. She wasn't certain of what would be the proper set of words to respond to her daughter.
Before the situation could continue to linger any further through its awkwardness, someone else had decided to butt in and intrude into the conversation.
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"You numbnuts! This made up "Xanthe" friend of yours doesn't count." The newcomer said in a very nonchalant tone. "You've never even met her. Sending letters all around to some rando doesn't mean anything. Heck, for all we know, this "Xanthe" person is probably some lousy Snorlax luring you for your crown. Or maybe some loser playing a sort of lengthy, lame prank on you.".
The smaller hybrid would smack her lips as she says her tail to the side. "Xanthe doesn't exist. Xanthe isn't real. Learn to finally open your eyes and quit stupidly trusting those you've never even seen. Yeesh, I've seen Slowpokes smarter than this. Then again, I am not surprised coming from the likes of you."
"N-Nuria!" The mother spoke in shock, as she was rather taken aback by Nuria's direct words toward Sondoria.
However, Nuria could only shrug her shoulders. "What? I was only speaking what we're all thinking. Mom, I refuse to keep sugarcoating just to protect Sondoria little wah-wah feelings. It is as light as day: Some scum is messing with her and she is too blind to see that she has no REAL friends. Not my fault that my older sister couldn't handle the truth."
"Shut... Up..." Sondoria murmur. Expressing a rather aggressive emotion. If her eyes were a weapon, it would be shooting a massive amount of daggers directing towards Nuria's head.
Despite being told to quiet down, Nuria would only speak with a sharp snap. "Hmf, no 'big sister', I will not shut up. What? Did you really think I was going to continue to parade around your delusions? Give you a pat on the back for falling for a 'friend' that never even existed? What do you want? A gem encrusted cookie to satisfy your stupidity? Psssh, of course that would be something that you want. Sondoria, you--"
Before another word could ever be uttered out of Nuria's mouth, it would be briefly interrupted by Sondoria tackling the young hybrid onto the ground. "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP! YOU SHUT YOUR TRUBBISH MOUTH NOW! I AM SICK OF YOU ALWAYS BAD MOUTHING!"
"--Ugh!!" Nuria would slap her paws against the top of Sondora's head, doing her bestest to shove the Eevee off. She would only growl and snap her jaws at the older sister. "GET OFF OF ME, YOU FREAK!"
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It soon turned into a full blown fight, as the two began to tussled one another. During their physicality, the mother would try her darnest to separate the two as immediate as possible. Doing whatever she could to pull the two away with minimal damage.
Unfortunately, the crystalline hybrid seems to be struggling from ending this, as the two sisters refuse to back down from throwing punches and pulling each other's furs.
"Nuria! Sondoria! Please stop this!" The queen pleaded. All the whole using both her paws to try to push the two away from one another. Sadly, with little success. "You don't have to fight! Please! There are other ways we could--!!".
And then, there was a sudden surprise from a familiar voice beaming from behind.
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"Mama! Mama!" The smaller Eevee screamed in sheer delight, as he glomped his mother from behind. Of course, proceeding to smoosh and bury his face against her oh so fluffy tails. Of course, being careful not to accidentally press his face against her crystals. "I saw papa show Susu how to kick butt! He went all boom-bam and wah-POW on the dummies! I wanna go pow pow on the dummies too!"
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The more taller and slender Zoroark hybrid, who was trailing behind the young boy, had chuckled at his enthusiasm.
However, that laughter was quickly washed away and turned into a grimming concern once he had taken notice of the situation at hand. Seeing both daughters fighting against one another, while seeing his dearest wife in distress.
Immediately the Zoroark hybrid would take action. Swiftly sprinting into the two princesse before he would grabbed each of them by the scruff of their necks. Soon after, he would take them apart from each other before setting them down. Although set in opposing directions, to keep them away from one another.
The man would stay in-between the two, ensuring that they wouldn't try to up and go round two on each other. The two daughters had cease their attacks, due to the hybrid blocking their paths. At best, they would just growl at one another's direction. Which is well... Relieving. Well, to an extent. At least they are no longer trying to harm each other. The Zoroark hybrid does remain his stance, as he is trying to remain alert and making sure that he continues to be the wall to stop the problem from further escalating.
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"Hmf, pathetic looking Feebas."
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Nuria scoffs. "Says the grotesque Garbador."
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A draconic-canine comes running in. Seemingly out of breath. "Huff, huff... Boy, you guys are fast! Didn't have me time to, huff, catch my breath!".
Immediately his words was brought to a pause, as he noticed the stance and tension of the family. Well... Minus the little prince, who is at eternal bliss with rolling his body all around his mother's tail. "Uh... Should I... Ask what is happening?--".
However, seeing the sign of the king quickly shaking his head in disapproval, this blue canine would only zip his mouth shut.
Not wanting to poke the Beartic to cause potentially further issues, he would let his pale-golden orbs gaze around to a different direction. At least, in hopes of changing to a topic that could cause the situation to, well... Lighten itself.
It was then his gaze met with yours. Finally, your presence has taken notice! Gee, did that took a while.
"O-Oh!" The draconic-canine hybrid made his way towards you. "You must be a new traveler to Valinthea! Welcome! Welcome! I hope that you are enjoying your stay so far!"
"Erm...". He awkwardly gestures towards the family across. "T-They are the royal family who rules this part of the land!.. Please don't mind on what you've saw, as it was just a little, erm, 'hiccup'. Yeah, haha. Ah...!! Trust me when I say that they are the most wonderful, most kindest of Pokemon that you will ever meet! Give them a chance and I am sure that you will not be disappointed~!"
Now that you are in the same presence as the royal family, what will you say or do?
{ Asks are now available! }
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