#Sylvan star cheese
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years ago
5e Oleander, the Dark Unicorn build (Them’s Fightin’ Herds)
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(Artwork by Mane 6)
My brain completely didn’t register that it was spooky month, even though ironically I made a build for literal Satan last week. Where do you go after making the pure embodiment of evil? …Unicorns are scary, right? I mean they’re certainly scarier than a scarecrow.
My magic may be dark, but it will bring light to the world - It seems all you need to do to get phenomenal cosmic power is read a cursed book. We’ll need teleportation, chapter traps, and Eldritch Shadow Blasts.
Or dark; either one - Oli’s got friends on the other side... of the page. FHTNG, I summon thee!
I don't have the time or crayons to teach you how to fight! - You’re still a fighting game character so you’ve still got to be able to throw a punch. Or stab with a horn in your case.
If you want to be a unicorn the closest you’ll get is Centuar, but even if you ignore the stats Centaur isn’t that great for you. Almost all the abilities are based on keeping in melee range, and you’re mostly played as a zoner.
With that in mind you’re only half under the influence of darkness, so how about a Drow Half-Elf for all the fun of being a Drow without the penalties and lore connotations of being a female Drow? (Feel free to play a full Drow if you wish just realize that you’re getting Sunlight Sensitivity which is seriously obnoxious.) Your Charisma increases by 2 and you can increase another two abilities by 1: Dexterity and Constitution will let you dodge some hits and tank what few hits do connect. You have Darkvision up to 60 feet and your Fey Ancestry gives you advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.
As a Drow Half-Elf you can pick up Drow Magic for a bit of extra spark in your shadow sparks which I’ll go over at the appropriate levels. And you get Common, Elvish, and one additional language of your choice so grab Deep Speech to talk with Fred. (Note: Depending on your DM Fred may not speak Deep Speech.)
15; DEXTERITY - You’re as nimble as a horse, because you are a horse. (That, and I want this ability score to be even.)
14; CHARISMA - You are the prettiest unicorn with a mane as white as... well it was white.
13; CONSTITUTION - When in the business of fighting cows, ice deer, and sheep with armies of puppies you’ve gotta be able to take a hit.
12; INTELLIGENCE - Read enough books and you’re bound to get some smarts, even if that book is alive and is teaching you how to manipulate darkness.
10; WISDOM - Oli is a smart cookie. Not smart enough to realize that reading the demon book would make your coat black, but still pretty smart.
8; STRENGTH - I’d argue that a head horn is a finesse weapon, and simply put we need everything else more.
To find a forbidden shadow book you’ve gotta know your way around a library, and as a Sage you know exactly that. You get proficiency in Arcana and History along with two languages of your choice (to maximize Demonology take Infernal and Abyssal, though you may want to talk to your extended family with Sylvan or Celestial.)
Your Researcher feature will always let you know where to find a book that you may need. It may not be easy to find (if it’s back home with your old friends they probably won’t welcome you in) but you’ll know where to go to grab it.
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(Artwork by Linvidia on DeviantArt)
Hey it’s the funny class I use too much! Jokes aside you literally get your magic from an otherworldly being so what else would you be? Regardless Warlocks get proficiency in two skills from the Warlock list: Investigation will help you search for the key and Intimidation will let you scare away anyone who’ll try to stop you.
Unlike most classes Warlocks choose their subclass at level 1, and there’s certainly a lot to pick from. But without any Shadow patron who is there to choose? Well the Archfey patron can recreate a lot of Fred’s powers. Notably Fey Presence will let Fred give your foes a jump! As an action you can cause each creature near you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Warlock save DC: the creatures that fail their saving throws are either charmed or frightened by you until the end of your next turn. Consider the charm being you and your natural unicorn beauty. Regardless you can use this action once per short or long rest.
And of course as a Warlock you get access to Pact Magic. You learn two cantrips from the Warlock list and hey look it’s Eldritch Blast: for the shadow spark in you. To rip out some pages take Create Bonfire to lay down some Chapter Traps. Now would also be a good time to mention that thanks to Drow Magic you also get access to the Dancing Lights cantrip, in case you’re in a dark cave and your Darkvision isn’t enough.
You can also learn two first level spells: Arms of Hadar will let you stick a tentacle out of your book to give yourself space to back away from your enemies. To make it easier to get past an opponent’s block Faerie Fire from the Archfey list will light up an opponent’s weak spot to give you and your allies advantage. It helps to know the hitboxes.
Second level Warlocks get access to Eldritch Invocations and oh hello there Agonizing Blast! How did you get here? Jokes aside for your other invocation grab Armor of Shadows to keep it light and still be up for a fight!
You can also learn another spell: Sleep is also from the Archfey list and as the name implies it’ll put your enemies to sleep! No one likes late night fights, especially with net lag.
Third level Warlocks can choose their Pact Boon and since your best friend lives in a book you’ve gotta take Pact of the Tome. As a Tome Warlock you get the Unicornomicon Book of Shadows, in which you can inscribe three cantrips from any class’ spell list. Guidance is never a bad thing to have so I’d start with that; get Fred to help you with your research, as he’s literally a living book! Thaumaturgy will let you channel some shadow magic to do spooky stuff like make candles flicker or create ominous whispers. And to channel some of your unicorn magic take Druidcraft to shape nature somewhat.
You can also now learn second level spells: for some short range teleportation take Misty Step to vanish in a puff of darkness. And remember that Faerie Fire spell? Thanks to Drow Magic you can cast it once per long rest without using a spell slot.
4th level Warlocks get an Ability Score Improvement: increase your Charisma to be the prettiest unicorn of darkness.
You can also learn another spell along with another cantrip! For your cantrip take Prestidigitation to complete the trifecta of minor magic mastery. As for leveled spells Mirror Image will let you up your dodging game, putting you in four places at once to make it much harder for your enemy to hit you!
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(Artwork by Angelzillah on DeviantArt)
5th level Warlocks get another Eldritch Invocation and hopefully you didn’t expect Fred to do nothing but whisper sweet nothings to you, right? With Book of Ancient Secrets you can spend some time reading to cast a variety of spells! When you take this invocation you learn two 1st level spells with the Ritual tag like Detect Magic and Identify to help you find the key or anything else of importance. You can now cast those spells as Ritual spells, as well as any Warlock spells you may learn with the Ritual tag. You can also inscribe new Ritual spells into Fred your Book of Shadows at a cost of 50 gp and 2 hours per level of the spell.
And speaking of spells you can learn third level spells at this level such as Fear, which causes fear in your enemies. Funny how that works. Additionally thanks to Drow Magic you can cast the Darkness spell once per Long Rest, to turn off the lights and let Fred out to play. Sadly you don’t have Fred yet, and it should be mentioned that most people can’t see through the dark.
6th level Archfey Warlocks get some more potent teleportation with Misty Escape. When you take damage you can use your reaction to turn invisible and teleport up to 60 feet. You remain invisible until the start of your next turn unless you attack or cast a spell. You can only use this super teleport once per short or long rest, but it should be enough for some mix-ups right?
Speaking of mix-ups you can put your opponents in a dizzy state with Hypnotic Pattern. Just remember that hitting them will break them out of it.
7th level Warlocks can learn 4th level spells like Dimension Door for some cross-map teleports.
You can also grab another Eldritch Invocation! Trickster’s Escape will let you tech out of grabs. Is Freedom of Movement overly situational? Yes! Are there better invocations to choose? Yes! Are they in character? No! But anything can be in character if you want it to be!
8th level Warlocks get an Ability Score Improvement so cap off your Charisma to be a master of shadows.
You can also learn another spell and I think it’s about time: Dark spirits, twist the trees, foul the lake, and curse this land! FHTNG I SUMMON THEE! Summon Aberrant Spirit is an Unearthed Arcana spell likely to be in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything that lets you summon a tentacle monster from beyond! Fred can take the form of a Beholderkin, Slaadi, or Star Spawn.
Star Spawn is probably the closest to Fred, attacking a creature’s mind with his attacks and also having an aura that drains at their sanity. The Slaadi is a good tank that can also counter cheese strats by denying healing. And the Beholderkin? Well it can fly and shoot at range. Fred’s a demon of many forms, and he’s also fun at parties!
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(Artwork by probablyfakeblonde on DeviantArt)
Now that we’ve got our book smarts it’s time to improve our combat smarts. If you’re going to fight predators you need to have the best combat training possible, which is why we’ll be going into the class that is the most well-known for expertise in combat...
The Bard class, master of close-ranged combat with expertise in every skill required to keep you in a fight. Jokes aside first level Bards get proficiency with a skill of their choice (Perception would further help with spotting danger or potential keyholders) and a musical instrument. (Pan Flutes seem in character for a forest child.) Bards also get Bardic Inspiration at first level, letting you pull out an assist to give allies a d6 to attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws.
But most notably Bards get more Spellcasting! You get two cantrips from the Bard list: to weaponize salt take Vicious Mockery, for BM so bad your opponent messes up. Psychological warfare! And since you don’t have hands of your own as a unicorn (you do as a half-elf though) grab Mage Hand to use your magic to grab things with your horn.
You can also learn 4 spells from the Bard list: for some dark powers manipulating your foes take Dissonant Whispers. For some dark powers helping you take Unseen Servant. To recover more easily from air combos take Feather Fall. And for some push-blocking take Thunderwave for more push and less block.
Second level Bards get Jack of All Trades, letting you add half your proficiency bonus to any skill you aren’t already proficient in. Dark magic works in strange and mysterious ways... and Fred’s a long book. You also get Song of Rest to let your allies heal an extra d6 during short rests, which is nice because you’re going to be short resting a lot as a Warlock. I mean, you’re level 10 so a d6 of healing probably isn’t going to help much but...
You can also learn another spell like Bane, giving your opponents some input lag to open them up for attacks.
Third level Bards get Expertise in two skills of their choice: Arcana will make you the master of the arcane, and Intimidation... you have a literal demon as your best friend.
But more importantly you can choose your Bard college and to actually gain some combat proficiency go into the College of Valor. Along with proficiency in medium armor, martial weapons, and shields (Oli doesn’t wear armor but Medium Armor might be nice. The only weapon you’ll really be using is a rapier but if your DM allows it there’s no reason not to equip a shield?) you also further your assists with Combat Inspiration, allowing your inspiration die to be added to damage rolls and AC; basically the only two things you couldn’t add it to before.
And you can learn second level spells such as Locate Object, because these silly ungulates keep losing their keys!
4th level Bards get an Ability Score Improvement and Dexterity will make you tougher to hit while also increasing the potency of your horn stabs.
You can also learn another spell along with another cantrip! A lot of people say Friends is a bad cantrip because it makes the person you’re talking to hate you after using it but here’s the thing: Friends works on Intimidation checks too. Who cares if they hate you when they fear you? But a spell that people don’t say is bad is Lesser Restoration, which will help you break out of stun lock.
5th level Bards see their Bardic Inspiration increase to a d8 which is great because they also get Font of Inspiration, allowing their Bardic Inspiration to come back on a short rest. Told you you’d be doing a lot of short rests!
You can also learn third level spells like Sending to challenge your friends to a duel, as long as they’re on the same plane of existence. TFH isn’t on the Epic Games Store; thank god.
6th level Valor Bards get an Extra Attack, letting them attack twice with the attack action; it’s really that simple. Well you do also get another spell, and I have no doubt that Oleander’s used to speaking in Tongues... Oh and you get Contercharm which is godawful poop-garbage, letting you spend your action to give your allies advantage against Charms and Fears. Maybe this is why TFH is a 1v1 game; no need to use Countercharm?
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(Artwork by SinniePony on DeviantArt)
5th level spell time! For a massive single target Shadow Blast grab Negative Energy Flood! Look, just because we’ve never seen Oleander turn someone into a zombie...
You can also grab another invocation and while we’ve never seen Oleander fly Ascendant Step is an insane utility that I’m sure Oli would’ve learnt to reach the high book shelves.
10th level Fey Warlocks have Beguiling Defenses for immunity against charms, and if someone attempts you charm you you can spend your reaction to instead charm them! You can also learn another cantrip like Minor Illusion to manipulate the shadows around you. 
11th level Warlocks get a 6th level Mystic Arcanum, which is a 6th level spell that uses a 6th level slot that comes back after a long rest. There are a lot of nice options at 6th level but if Fred is getting grabby he might send them to a Mental Prison. If they succeed against the spell they take a bunch of psychic damage but if they fail they are surrounded by an illusion which only they can see which has “hideous maws filled with dripping teeth” as one of the available options. Basically Fred sends them to a hellscape and they can either sit there in horror or try to break out, taking 10d10 psychic damage in the process.
You can also learn another regular Warlock spell from the regular Warlock spell list: Dream will let you reach your foes even in their dreams (duh) and let Fred give them a spook to stop them from sleeping! Or you can use it for some otherworldly messaging. Maybe use it to call a smug reindeer a pompous princess?
12th level means an Ability Score Improvement: time to cap off that Dexterity modifier to be quick on your feet and sharp with your horn!
Additionally you get your last Eldritch Invocation at this level: there are a lot of options but none that really feel in-character, so pick whatever you want.
13th level Warlocks get their 7th level Mystic Arcanum: while there are a lot of good options Crown of Stars will let you charge up some powerful shadow blasts, creating 7 stars that float around you and shed light. You can shoot one out as a bonus action to do 4d12 Radiant damage. While you have a star floating above you it also creates light, which might be useful.
And you additionally get another regular Warlock spell: since it’s my build take Synaptic Static, because I like this spell. Have Fred assault your foes minds to make them easier to read!
As a 14th level Archfey you can finally pull your foes into Fred’s realm! Dark Delirium gives you a new not-quite-spell: Take an action to choose a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you. It must make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. On a failed save, it is charmed or frightened by you for 1 minute or until your concentration is broken, though the effect ends early if the creature takes any damage.
Until this illusion ends, the creature thinks it is lost in a misty realm, the appearance of which you choose. The creature can see and hear only itself, you, and the illusion. You must finish a short or long rest before you can use this again, but your time in the pixel lobby to do as you please. Maybe just teabag to taunt them with a unicorn shuffle.
So naïve trying to beat me - Maxed out Charisma means the best spells you can get. Maxed out Dexterity with Mage Armor means 18 AC (up to 20 if your DM lets you slap a shield on!) And a +2 CON mod means your health isn’t bad either!
Fine, but let's make it quick - A lot of your better features come back on short rests. Both Bardic Inspiration and your 5th level Pact slots are easily refreshable, allowing you to always be ready for a fight.
I have trained years for this; you will not dissuade me - Despite coming from a game without assists you are a master of helping your friends. Jack of All Trades in all skills, Bardic Inspiration for all rolls, plenty of utility spells (including an ungodly amount of cantrips and Book of Ancient Secrets to handle any ritual spells) and plenty of languages to top it off.
I am no weakling! - Big investment in AC... not so much in saving throws. Your Intelligence, Constitution, and notably Strength all have very low saving throws.
Itty-bitty living space - Low Constitution saves mean a frequent drop of concentration. And speaking of concentration you’ve got a lot of them but can only have one up at a time. Can’t have Fred around if you want to float too.
Need... more... power... - Truthfully there’s a lot I didn’t take from Warlock. I didn’t take any of the better spells from Archfey like Blink, Greater Invisibility, or Dominate Person. You could’ve gotten level 15 Eldritch Invocations like Witch Sight and Shroud of Shadows, but I wanted Extra Attack. Truthfully if you know your campaign will be going to level 20 then Warlock 15 / Bard 5 might be a better build, and nothing is forcing you to take the spell I did.
But you’re used to being underestimated. When it comes to matters of life-and-death any advantage is necessary. So go all out with your friend on the other side! Fight with spell and horn sword to prove that all magic can save the world. Well, perhaps not salt magic...
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(Animation by Szafir87 on DeviantArt. Original artwork by OgaraOrCynder on DeviantArt.)
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fullwets · 4 years ago
tagged by @simpcedes-amg thank u caro 🥺
Name/nickname: scottie/scotts. i also go by toast 😊
Gender: woman
Star sign: libra 😌⚖
Height: 5′7″ / 170cm
Time: 4:10 pm
Birthday: Oct 5
Favorite band/group: 5sos? 5sos.
Favorite solo artist: maggie rogers, unless i’m actively listening to Speak Now (2010) in which case, taylor swift
Song stuck in my head: i’m on fire by bruce springsteen (AND the staves cover)
Last movie: Tomb Raider (the alicia vikander one)
Last show: i havent watched a show in aaages 🥴 probably the clone wars
When did i create this blog: last summer! I think it was July?
What do I post: bullshit! 💖✨ jk dhbhdbf since this is a sideblog it’s just motorsports, mostly f1
Last thing I googled: according to my phone, “multiple personality disorder” kjdskj (my family was convinced it was the same thing as schizophrenia. it’s not) (also, the proper term is dissociative identity disorder whoops. the more u know 🌠)
Other blogs: i have 2! main @coelura (hockey + everything else), writing blog @skwakpad (mostly visuals/fic inspo). hopefully in the next few weeks i’ll divorce my hockey content onto its own sideblog tho kjdksjdk
Do i get asks: on this blog, like ~once a week probably?
Why i chose this url: shoey dan was my discord name in the dan stans server for a long time. i like this brand 😌
Following: 397
Followers: 346! (thats definitely more than on main jkdksjd) <3 i love you guys
Average hours of sleep: uhh. it’s either 6 or 11
Lucky number: 2 or 5 or 34
Instrument: piano!
What am I wearing: REI base layer shirt i’ve been wearing to bed for 2 days. green cardigan. charcoal old navy pants that were a hand-me-down from my younger brother. one pink sock with blue glitter polka dots. i’m wearing a belt tho so i feel like i’m pretty dressed up.
Dream job: EMPLOY ME! LITERALLY ANYHTING KJHSKDJ. (jk i would love to be a musicologist. OR i would love to work at a science museum.)
Dream trip: i like to say i’ve been on my dream trip already (i spent a summer in Gates of the Arctic natl park with 5 friends), but my new dream trip is to New Zealand. I want to hug my girlfriend 😣
Favorite food: mini original babybel cheese kjdkjsd
Nationality: american (DEROGATORY)
Favorite song: Uncatena by Sylvan Esso and/or Alaska by Maggie Rogers
Last book I read: christ. it feels like i only read fanfiction anymore. But i’m pretty sure the last physical books I read were Crush by Richard Siken (poetry) and Wilder Girls by Rory Power (YA)
Top three fictional worlds (what a GOOD ASS question): Pern (Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern), James Gurney’s Dinotopia, & Scott Westerfeld’s Leviathan trilogy
anyone who sees this and wants to do it is more than welcome!!! but to single some of yall out: @blesshimnorris @pierreswrists @jeeperslatifi as always this is optional <3
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mab1905 · 5 years ago
84 Questions
1. Put your music player of choice on shuffle and list the first 10 songs
Someone New (Hozier)
Cactus Tree (Joni Mitchell)
Budapest (George Ezra)
And Dream Of Sheep (Kate Bush)
Nancy Mulligan (Ed Sheeran)
And Then She Kissed Me (St. Vincent)
Level of Concern (Twenty One Pilots)
Lovefool (The Cardigans)
Best For Last (Adele)
Video Killed The Radio Star (The Buggles)
2. If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Would you take anyone with you?
Japan. I travel a lot and it’s been on my list for a while, I would really want to go to the Hayao Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli theme park, if it ever opens that is. I would bring my best friend, Layla. I also would love to go to Amsterdam again.
3. What is your preferred writing implement? (eg. Blue pen, pencil, green pen) 
My ink nib cartooning pen (similar to a quill, but without the feather)
4. Favourite month and why? 
October, not too hot, not too cold, and of course, Halloween!
5. Do you have connections to any celebrities (even minor)? List them.
Nope, met several, got to true connections though. 
6. Name 3 items you could pick up from where you are.
My iPad, my Leatherman Multitool, my collection of David Bowie postcards.
7. What brand logo is closest to you currently?
The Apple logo
8. Do you ever play board games or other non-computer games? Got any favourites?
Chess. Card games like Solitaire, Black-Jack, and Castle. A game that I can’t remember the name of but it’s essentially a board-game version of Capture The Flag. Mostly Chess.
9. A musical artist you love that isn’t well known
St. Vincent? I’m not sure if she’s well known or not.
10. A musical artist you love that is well known
David Bowie. 
11. What is your desktop background currently?
A picture of Apollo 11 accompanied by the words “It won’t fail because of me”
12. Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them
My best friend Layla, through the iMessage app.
13. First colour name you can think of that isn’t in the rainbow
14. What timekeeping devices are in the room you are currently in?
My iPad, my computer, my collection of vintage stopwatches
15. What kind of headphones do you use?
Sony, wireless, noise canceling, over-the ear 
16. What musical artists have you seen perform live?
Twenty One Pilots, Sylvan Esso
17. Does virginity matter to you?
I guess? I think it’s important, it’s certainly some kind of ‘milestone,’ but I don’t think it should be treated like the scale of a persons ‘purity.’ It’s important because it’s sex, and (hopefully) that means that you’re sharing a consensual, intimate experience that feels fucking great for both (or all, if it’s more then two) participants.
18. What gaming consoles do you or your family own?
Z e r o, although I’m hoping to buy a PS4 at some point so I can play Detroit Become Human.
19. What pets do you have? What are their names?
Juno is my cat, she is an adorable grey tiger-striped shorthair. She’s got little white mitten-paws and it’s absolutely ridiculous.
20. What’s the best job you’ve ever had?
Doing tech at a local theater
21. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?
Teaching art to little kids (I like kids but it was just exhausting)
22. What magazines do you read, if any?
The New Yorker, and the National Geo if I’m like, waiting in my doctor’s office or something.
23. Inspiration behind your URL?
It’s just my initials and a year from the Edwardian era
24. Inspiration behind your blog title?
It’s just my initials 
25. Favourite item of clothing?
My reddish-brown knit sweater vest and my floral bow-tie (often paired together)
26. Are you friends with any exes?
I made a very conscious effort to cut my exe out of my life… we were not happy for a very long time to say the least
27. Name at least one book you loved as a child.
Strega Nona, it’s about an Italian witch that makes great pasta in a magic pasta pot. My dad would read it to me and my sibling in Italian.
28. What’s your native language? If that language has distinct regional variations, which variation? (eg. AU English, US English)
US English
29. What email service do you use?
30. Is there anything hanging on the walls of the room you are currently in?
So many things. Here's the list:
A giant David Bowie poster, a plaque that says “David Bowie IS,” five David Bowie postcards, a giant Abbey Road poster, all of my patches from summer camp, polaroids of me, my friends, and my family (including my cat), ticket stubs from concerts and plays, two trail markers that I took off of fallen trees on two important cross-country backpacking trips I went on, playbills from a bunch of broadway shows I’ve seen, a poster that says “Stonewall was a riot,” a DC Comics poster, a Pink Floyd poster, a few paintings of mine, and a painting that I got for free from a street artist I befriended in Rome when I was twelve
31. What’s your favourite number, and why?
16, 24, 21, and 8, some numbers make me uncomfortable, but these are just very soft and light and nice 
32. Earliest moment in your life you can remember? 
A rocking chair with fruits painted on it sitting in a dark room and my great grandfathers brown leather loafers (I remember early early stuff in just images or stills, not full moments)
33. What did you have for dinner yesterday?
Pasta with shrimp
34. How often do you brush your teeth?
Usually twice a day, but I’ve been waking up later and later and sometimes forget in the mornings
35. What’s your favourite candy/chocolate?
I don’t know the name of it but it’s this chocolate bar that is stuffed with caramel, hot chili flakes, and crunchy bits of baked tortilla. It's one of the greatest things I’ve ever tasted.
36. Have you had other blogs on Tumblr? Do you have any other blogs currently?
I used to have one but I deleted it because I never used it
37. If you were suddenly really hungry, what would you choose to eat?
I would probably walk into the kitchen, realize that too eat something I would have to muster the effort to cook something instead, and then decide to just have a glass of milk instead.
38. What fandoms would you consider yourself a part of?
Downton Abbey (primarily Thommy)
Chernobyl HBO (as well as the Leonid Toptunov/Sasha Akimov subfandom)
Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit (books and movies)
Buzzfeed Unsolved
Star Trek TOS
Philosophy Tube
The Dark Crystal and The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance
39. If you could study anything, what would it be?
If I had the energy to fully wrench my life in a completely different direction I would like to become a professional scuba diver and study the ocean. I already am a scuba diver, but it’s a hobby and not something I’m able to do very often at all.
40. Do you use anything on your lips? (eg. Chapstick, gloss, balm, lipstick)
I’ll wear chapstick if I have a cold
41. How would you describe your sense of humour?
Intellectual and dry
42. What things annoy you more than anything else?
People who think they’re better than everyone else and people who recognize a fault in themselves and then refuse to work to change it
43. What kind of position are you in at the moment?
I’m laying on my bed, hunched over my laptop
44. Do you wear much jewellery?
Occasionally I’ll wear a necklace or a few rings. I have a lot of non-traditional bracelets (I literally just have pieces of canvas and industrial tie-line wrapped around my wrist). I’m a gay guy and I like to sort-a walk the line between feminine and masculine (often leaning more towards the masc side), so it really depends on my mood.
45. Who is the leader of your country, currently? Any other levels of government with leaders? (State, region, province, county, district, municipality, etc)
A cheese-pizza flavored pringle is currently POTUS and every day the thought of that tears away at a piece of my soul. 
46. Last 3 blogs on your dashboard, not including any of your own
@shochmonster @velvet-of-the-night @panicsheerbloodypanic
47. What do you carry your money in?
My pocket, I have a wallet and I don’t use it
48. Do you enjoy driving? Why or why not?
It’s fine, don’t love it don’t hate it
49. Longest drive you have ever been on?
Three days
50. Furthest away from home you have ever been?
Went on a trip to Switzerland to visit family, I think that’s the farthest but I’m not entirely sure.
51. How many times have you moved house?
52. What is on the floor of the room you’re currently in, not including furniture?
Five paintings, stacks and stacks of books, boxes filled with stuff (mostly more books), plates, glasses, cutlery, clothes
53. How many devices do you own which can access the internet?
2, and iPad and a computer
54. Is there is anything that is guaranteed to always make you happy?
Listening to music
55. Is there anything that always makes you sad?
Thinking about my past for too long
56. What programs do you currently have open?
Google drive, I’m writing
57. What do you associate the colour red with?
Blood and fire
58. Last strong smell you can remember smelling?
Shrimp and butter
59. Last healthy thing you ate?
Three green olives and a handful of bean sprouts
60. Do you drink tea or coffee, and how much per day?
Used to drink coffee like it was life support (which it essentially was), now I’ll have the occasional cup of tea.
61. What do you associate the colour blue with?
Birds and rain
62. How long is the closest ruler you can find?
I don’t think I own one
63. What colour pants/skirt/etc are you currently wearing?
I am wearing olive green corduroy slacks
64. When was the last time you drank water?
30 minutes ago?
65. How often do you clear your browser history?
66. Do you believe nude photos can be artistic, rather than erotic?
Nude anything can be artistic, it can also just be normal, eroticism is in the eye of the beholder.
67. Ever written fanfiction for anything?
Yes dear god so much fanfiction.
68. Last formal event you attended
I genuinely can’t remember, I am have extreme social anxiety and don’t go to events like that unless I absolutely have too
69. If you had to move your birthday to another date, which one would you choose and why?
I don’t care about birthdays
70. Would you prefer to be at a beach or in the countryside?
Beach, I love to swim, I’m also a surfer
71. Roughly how many people live in your town?
Uhm… eight times the number of people who live in the state of Montana and that doesn’t count daily commuters and tourists (New York City is essentially just a tin of sardines, except inside are 8.399 million sardines)
72. Do you know anyone with the same birthday as you?
No, but three of my friends were born on the day just after my birthday.
73. Favourite place to shop? Can be a certain store or a place where there are multiple stores
The Strand Bookstore, L Train Vintage, any antique shops in the town of Hudson, New York 
74. Do you have a smartphone? What kind? If you don’t, do you want one?
I used to have an iPhone 5SE but then it stopped working after a few weeks of quarantine and I haven’t gotten a new one (I’ve had it for about 5-6 years so it makes sense)
75. What is your least favourite colour, and why?
I don’t have a least favorite color, but my favorite color is prussian blue
76. How do you spell grey/gray?
77. Go to your dashboard and describe the image shown in the radar section (below the “Find blogs” link)
It’s anime fanart for a show I’ve never heard of
78. What difference is there between how many followers you have, and the number of blogs you follow?
79. How many posts do you have?
80. How many posts have you liked?
81. Do you post mainly reblogs, or your own content?
Mostly reblogs but I do my own content as well
82. Do you track any tags?
No, just blogs
83. What time is it currently?
84. Is there anything you should be doing right now?
I’m not quite sure who to tag so it’s just open to anyone I guess?
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murasaki-murasame · 5 years ago
Oh boy that sure was a whole lotta stuff going on in the 1.5-year anniversary digest video, huh?
I was hoping to post some of my predictions and hopes for it beforehand but life stuff got in the way so here we are, lol.
Anyway there’s a lot I wanna talk about across the board so it’ll go under a cut.
When I saw that this digest was like 20 minutes long I figured it’d be padded out, but lol it’s actually even more dense with material than the last one we got. This really makes up for the recent drought of news and content.
Firstly, they immediately showed off Gala Alex, since she’s a given at this point and we all knew it was gonna happen. Funnily enough she actually seems like she might more or less be bait for the banner happening afterward, which also seems to be a shadow element banner.
In general Gala Alex is a weird and complicated character and I’m not sure what to make of her. At first glance she doesn’t seem super essential or game-breaking, but she has poison infliction and buff dispel, so I’d probably benefit from getting her since I don’t really have good units with that sort of utility in my shadow team yet. But I’m not gonna bother doing more than the free daily tenfold summons on this gala, since as a whole she doesn’t interest me much and I think I could live without her.
On top of her weird skill chain mechanic which I’m struggling to wrap my head around, she also introduces the chain co-ability feature, but I’ll get to that later since it’s a whole big thing.
Hopefully she’ll at least let people start accepting sword units into eKai, lol. That fight has a very open and accepting meta, unless you’re a sword unit in which case you’re fucked because there’s currently no meta shadow sword units people want for that fight.
We’re also getting two separate platinum summons for this gala that cover the past gala units, which is honestly kinda tempting to me since I still don’t have Gala Elly, but I’d just have a 1/3 chance of getting her instead of the other two gala units on her platinum summon, who I already have, so it wouldn’t be worth it.
Then there’s a whole bunch of free summons and wyrmite from new endeavors and co-op rewards getting reset. Which will be helpful in building my stash back up, but I’m probably still gonna avoid spending any resources on this gala.
I’m happy that this gala seems like one I can skip, since I went all in to get Tobias, and I didn’t want to end up regretting that.
Anyway, we also got a look at the next raid event, which will start at the end of this month. It looks like it’s another shadow element one, which just reminds me even more how much we need another wind element raid event, but it looks cool. Aldred has a fun, edgy design. I hope he’s actually worth using. As a shadow unit, he’ll at least be competing with the most stacked element in the game. It also looks like the event’s story is gonna involve the Syndicate, which we’ve actually known about via wyrmprint lore since the game came out, but they’ve never come up until now, so that’s interesting.
They also showed off the banner units, who look cool, but it’d take a lot for me to want to summon for them since I have so many good shadow units as it is. They also said it’ll be another two-part banner, which is getting really annoying.
We’re also getting a rerun of the FEH collab event, along with some sort of a new part two event for it, so that’s cool. I started playing the game at the tail end of the FEH collab originally, but I didn’t actually take part in it since I had performance anxiety about doing any of the co-op stuff, lol. So this means i’ll at least finally be able to get Alfonse.
I think the part two event is probably gonna involve more Fire Emblem characters who’ll be on their own banner, but like with the existing FE units, i don’t really have any attachment to that franchise so I probably wouldn’t be interested in pulling for them.
Though on that note, they did say that all of the four existing FEH units will get mana spirals, which might be interesting. But since I already have Euden and Xainfried at 70MC, as well as Gleo, I don’t think I’d be interested in pulling for Marth, Fjorm, or Veronica, lol. It’s at least interesting to set up this precedent, though. I guess we can assume that if Megaman ever gets rerun, he’ll get a mana spiral too.
If we get new FEH units in a part two banner for the event, I feel like they might end up being a bit underwhelming, since they probably won’t come with mana spirals built into their kits, but we’ll see how it goes.
We also got teasers for the next three main story chapters, which isn’t what I expected at all. We already knew when they’d be coming out since they’re on a fixed schedule now, but I didn’t expect actual teasers of the story content in them. Though tbh the thing that intrigues me the most is the gameplay clips of chapter 14 that involve unique maps based around the Alberian capital. I didn’t think we’d get to actually do stuff there, so that’s cool.
Also, them teasing at Leif showing up in chapter 13 is making me think that either he’ll be the next gala unit, or a welfare unit. Hopefully the latter, since he’s obviously a light sword unit and we already have Gala Euden as a light sword. If he’s a welfare unit, though, I hope he’s not super weak like Laxi.
We’re also getting the event replay feature, but sadly it seems like there won’t be any raid events in it at first, and the facility events included from the start are ones that have gotten reruns relatively recently. So that’s a bit lame. I’m glad they said that they plan on adding raid events to it, though. It looks like you can at least get the facilities from the facility events, so I hope we can also get the welfare units from raid events.
With the new version update they’re also apparently introducing a new currency called fafnir medals which can, to some degree or another, be exchanged for different materials. There’s a whole list of them, but let’s be honest here. The only one that actually matters is the gold testaments, lmao. Unless there’s a really rigid cap on how many of them you can trade for each week/month, that’ll probably be the main thing people trade for. Hopefully it can help address the need for more testaments [especially now that co-abilities are a bit more important]
Then there’s a few bits and pieces to the 1.18 update that they didn’t even mention in the digest. Like how there’ll be adjustments to daily endeavors, the addition of normal endeavors related to using skip tickets on your daily stages, and the ability to check your summon history. But the biggest deal they didn’t mention is how they’re standardizing drop rates in e/mHDTs, and adding horns to the weekly bonus chests for eHDTs. Which is basically exactly what people had been asking for.
We’re also eventually gonna get our encyclopedia feature, which will be nice, especially since it apparently comes with rewards based on how much stuff you have. Which will probably provide a huge batch of rewards to old players right off the bat.
They also showed off two more Agito bosses, who will probably be the next two ones. They didn’t say which would come out next, exactly, but we at least got their names and full designs, which also spells out what elements they are. I can’t actually remember their names at the moment, but the Sylvan lady is water, while the twins are flame. Since wind units have been getting some attention lately, I think the Sylvan lady will be next, and then the flame twins afterward, but we’ll see. One way or another I think the final Agito is gonna be the shadow element one. Which is a bit lame, since my light team really needs a boost. Oh well.
Oh, and they also teased at the Agito, or at least Volk, being formally introduced in chapter 14 of the main campaign, so that’s interesting.
And of course one of the biggest things in this whole update is the huge changes to co-abilities in general. Chain co-abilities are the main thing, but I’m also really intrigued by how in co-op matches, you’ll now take on the effects of your own team’s co-abilities, rather than the co-abilities of the main units your team-mates are using. On the one hand it means you can more comfortably run multiple units of the same weapon type in co-op without feeling like it’s a waste, but I feel like it’s also gonna introduce new ways to cheese some fights, like how 4-Gleo comps can now benefit from stuff like defensive co-abilities from AI units. I think that sort of situation was an intentional choice on Cygames’ part, though. It seems like their way of helping to make end-game content easier and more accessible. It also means that you have to depend less on your team-mates if you need stuff like defensive coabilities to survive an opening blast or something. So you can control that yourself and not worry about what co-op room you end up in.
But the real star of the show, whether or not it ends up being more game-changing than the change to how co-abilities are applied in general, is the chain co-ability feature. Which basically just seems to be a straight up second co-ability that every unit gets, but with the unique quality that they can stack with each other. I don’t actually know how often you’d bother stacking them, though. I looked through all the units I own and what chain co-abilities they have, and it seems like in each element, it’s usually units of the same weapon type that have overlapping chain co-abilities [like Mitsuhide and Fritz getting combo time]. So most of the time I don’t think you’d bother. It also looks like they’re kinda under-tuned, stat-wise, probably to compensate for them being stackable, so I think they might ultimately not be a huge deal, but hey, it’s just a straight up bonus set of stats on top of everything else, lol.
It’s a bit overwhelming since literally EVERY character has a chain co-ability now, and there’s way more variety in them than with regular co-abilities, but there are a few that stick out to me.
-Water seems to be the only element with units that have buff time chain co-abilities, from what I can tell, with Renee, S-Estelle, and Cibella having it. I think this might make S-Estelle a more valued AI team-mate for water teams, since buff time is a pretty big deal, and she also brings the skill damage coability.
-Light seems like one of the main cases where you might stack chain co-abilities, since S-Luca, Annelie, and Fritz have the same one that gives a strength buff whenever you get an energy stack [with a cooldown]. Which I think has a lot of potential, depending on how exactly it works.
-On a similar note, Lucretia has one that gives her a chance to get inspiration stacks when she gets energy stacks [I forget if it applies to just her or the whole team, though], which is interesting. I had a feeling they’d start adding inspiration mechanics to light to complement the amount of energy mechanics going on with them.
-OG Xainfried gets Dragon Claws VI, which seems like it’ll probably be a pretty huge deal for him. Pipple also gets about 18% dragon haste when he’s maxed out, which seems like it’d complement really nicely with Xainfried’s kit.
-Mitsuhide and Fritz’s combo time chain co-ability is gonna be REALLY nice for Gala Luca, since he kinda struggles to keep a high combo, but part of his kit relies on it.
-There’s a whole lot of units who get defensive chain co-abilities which will probably help people get by in HDTs even more. Including units with offensive co-abilities like Mikoto and Valerio.
All in all it seems like a really overwhelming and potentially game-changing mechanic. I also think it’s gonna be just about impossible to properly reflect the implications of it in the DPS sims, lol. This introduces way too many variables. And even then, the DPS sims won’t account for any of the more defensive ones, which have their own value.
Since the chain co-abilities seem to be tied to the regular co-abilities with how they get upgraded, it sounds like this is gonna incentivize getting more people’s co-ability nodes, which will also involve more use of testaments.
The chain co-abilities are one thing, but there’s also some interesting uses for how you benefit from your own AI members’ co-abilities in co-op. Mainly for characters with unique co-abilities like Tobias, H-Mym, and V-Melody. I think Ezelith is gonna basically always want to have an H-Mym on her team, Lin You is gonna want V-Melody on her team, and any wind buffer other than Tobias is gonna want a Tobias on the team to give them more buff-time.
Oh, and I almost forgot that they also casually mentioned that they’re gonna be bringing back defensive battle event types in the future. They didn’t go into much detail about it, but I assume it means that we’ll get more random events once in a while with the same sort of format as the FEH one. Hopefully that’d help alleviate the feeling of stagnation that comes with constantly alternating between raid and facility events endlessly. Since I didn’t actually participate in the FEH event I don’t know what that whole event type entails, though.
I’m probably forgetting lots of stuff they talked about, but they talked about a LOT of stuff, lol. It’s hard to keep track of it all. I wasn’t expecting such a substantial update for the 1.5-year anniversary, but I’m happy with it.
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the-fae-folk · 6 years ago
A game of some kind
Sylvan-soul Has tagged us in this...we assume it is a game of some kind. Very well. We shall play. We do like games after all.
1. Nickname/pet name: We are The Host. The Folk. The Fae.
2. Zodiac: We were born under different stars than the ones you know, in a different age. None of the Constellations we name would be ones you are familiar with.
3. Height: Since we are a Host, there are many of us. Heights range from an inch tall to 2000 ft depending on the individual.
4. Last movie watched: We do not...watch movies. Though there are occasional performances by the humans who we have brought for feasts and other such events. The most recent was a young man who played the Ney Flute. He did not stop playing until he fell in a faint for lack of food and water.
5. Last thing we Googled: We use google only as one would use a road. We use it only to reach our destination, and no more than that.
6. Favorite musician(s): There was a young lady back in the 12th century who had a voice fit for angels, though she was but a human. Somehow her singing matched the ancient musics for the briefest moment. It was hauntingly beautiful.
7. Song stuck in our head: mo ghile mear
8. Other blog(s): No we do not.
9. Do we get asks: We do get occasional asks. But they are from those who wish to know more about our kind and how to safely treat with us. We find these...entertaining. And of course like all the Folk we will accept gifts.
10. Following: We are following 721 persons. Not all those we are interested in follow us, and not all those who follow us are we interested in. This is not a comment on their personal worth, merely our interest.
11. Dream trip: We once wandered beneath tree and across sands of the desert, over mountain and into deep valley. The world was once wild. Now much of what once was has changed. There are places were we cannot go for they have been sealed away or hidden for a variety of reasons. Though we know why we must not set foot in such places, we cannot help but dream of days gone by, and remember how things once were.
12. Lucky number: 7 and all multiples of 3
13. Amount of sleep: Some sleep for centuries, others sleep not at all, some sleep for hours or days, some have slept since the world began and will not wake until it comes to an end.
14. What we’re wearing: Those of us who wear clothes take spider silk, or flaxen thread. Silver hair, or white fur. The colors of the sunset, the moonlight. We take it and make clothes of all kinds to suit our varied tastes.
15. Dream job: Our job is what it always has been. To exist as we are.
16. Favorite food: Sweet water from the streams, nuts and berries, elk from the deep forests, wine of ages longer than human memory, fresh human baked bread with nuts and spices, cheese and cream offered as gifts, honey gifted to us by the bee folk, and many other foods.
17. Play any instruments: Many instruments. Some small few are: bells, harp, lyre, drums, flutes, fiddles, and of course our voices.
18. Languages: We speak our own languages, varied members of the Folk may know a human language or two of the regions in which they reside. Though we can use mortals we take or who give us their service in bargains to speak many of the human languages we do not know.
19. Favorite song: Musica universalis
20. Random Fact: The universe is very very large and very very old and filled with secrets.
21. Describe yourself as aesthetic thing: The stillness after a gust of wind, the moments of twilight after the sun has set but before the light has gone, an empty street usually busy, a quiet grove of trees in a dark wood, the running stream, an old unread book on a forgotten library shelf, a laughing child, a crying elder, a man who is moments away from death, a woman who has fire in her eyes, a hummingbird and a butterfly stop at the same flower and admire each other’s colors, a snake makes a grim meal of a mouse in the silence of the underbrush, a bloody battlefield at dawn, the surface of the sea and its great and secret dark depths in juxtaposition, and a promise kept even unto death.
We do not feel inclined to tag others in this game. Though those of us who wish to play it, are welcome to. The rules are “Answer 21 questions about yourself and tag 21 people whom you want to get to know better.”
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onceuponamirror · 7 years ago
answer 30 Questions and Tag 20 People
tagged by the lovely @strix and @sylwrites
nickname: my name isn’t very nickname-able. just sarah is fine 
gender: the future is female 
star sign: libroooooo
height: five feet flat. can’t see nothing in this world
birthday: i think if you went far onto the blog you could decipher it as it’s come up, but i’m not gonna land on specifics. it was fairly recently. 
favorite bands: fleetwood mac!!!!!!! TOPS, sylvan esso, rhye
favorite solo artists: angel olsen!! laura marling, joni mitchell, kate bush, sade, blood orange, jorja smith, idk both of these lists change and grows constantly
song stuck in my head: honey lips by part time 
last movie I watched: practical magic!! ~inspo
last show I watched: the office, lmao. as always
when did I start this blog: i might be coming up 6 years now
what do I post: meta/analysis, fic, god i really don’t know what else, me trying to joke and it not landing,,,,
other blogs: this one is a sideblog. so i’ve got a few others but they’re tied to my outside life and i keep em separate. but i also have dear--sarah, which was started up by request a couple years ago
do I get asks: i mean, yeah 
followers: 13.1k! hi mom!! (also you guys should go follow @strix she’s an angel)
following: i follow a solid couple hundred blogs but they’re almost all for my main blog. but i popcorn around and reblog from all over 
average sleep: as i get older and learn that i do not, in fact, function very well on 6 hours, i’ve been trying to do better. easier said 
lucky number: don’t really have one but the number 7 is satisfying 
dream job: i’m very lucky to be doing professionally what i wanted to be doing as a little girl, though i would love to be able to extend some of my other hobbies into paid work, like writing. 
food: listen i’m bougie and i know it, so my favorite meal is black spaghetti with fresh heirloom tomatoes and goat cheese. or heirloom tomato and persian cucumber salad. or toast with spreadable goat cheese with heirloom tomato. or just a tomato. i fukin rage for a fresh tomato 
last book I read: rn i’m reading a book called “a thousand eyes: media, technology, law, and aesthetics” which is really interesting examination of the way that theater and drama and publicity play into cultural understandings of justice. 
what I’m wearing: big sweater, a beanie because i’m cold and am too cheap to put the heat on, and leggings. 
favorite fandoms: i mean i’m only really in riverdale rn, but i do still love ouat and it’s people
as far as tagging, i do not know 20 people lmao. but um @village-skeptic @burberrycanary @soyforramen @gentlesleaze @this-too-too-sullied-flesh uhhhhhhhhhuhhh uhh 
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yegfoodie · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
REPOST • @woodshedburgers Our Boar Bacon Swiss Deconstructed... Sesame bun baked daily, fresh ground wild boar patty, bourbon-braised onions, Alberta raised Irvings Farm bacon, locally sourced Sylvan Star gruyere cheese, cherry mustard, fresh arugula... #eatlocal #localsoured #sustainableeating #albertaburger #yegburger #fastfoodsourcedlocally #burger #yeg #yegfoodie https://www.instagram.com/p/B8KnX3ag5Ih/?igshid=w15b0tefrkcx
0 notes
flameozukohere · 4 years ago
Tagged by: @gemgirl28 (thanks!)
Nicknames: Nat
Zodiac: Capricorn
Height: 5’5”
Time: 3:19pm
Favorite Band/Artist: Bleachers
Song stuck in your head: All Star by Smashmouth
Last thing I googled: pretty sure it was directions, if that counts
Last movie I saw: Wolfwalkers
Other blogs: just this one so far, though I have ideas for a couple side blogs
Do I get asks: not very often, but I’m so happy whenever I do get them
Following: like 400 🥴 I’m one of those people who follows way too many blogs lol
Average amount of sleep: 6-7 hours
What I’m wearing: pink sweater for Valentine’s Day! and jeans
Dream job: travel writer, or really any professional writer/creator
Dream trip: Japan
Favorite food: macaroni & cheese
Play any instruments: no :(
Eye color: blue
Hair color: dirty blonde
Why did I choose this username: I’m a Zuko stan, and it was the first one I thought of
Languages you speak: just English. Though I know a tiny bit of Spanish and Mandarin, also I want to learn ASL
Most iconic song: Coffee by Sylvan Esso
Random fact: I was a super picky eater as a kid and ate a balanced diet of the 4 food groups of cheese - grilled cheese, mac & cheese, cheese pizza, cheese quesadilla
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: a cup of taro milk tea boba, sunflowers, clouds, a lavender candle
Tagging: as my mutuals you are all obligated to be my Valentines, so if you see this, you’re tagged 🥰
Tagged by: @imageofvoid (thank yooou ♥)
nicknames: ju, julha, jujuba, juba, julea
zodiac: libra
height: 1,50 // 4′9 (i guess)
time: 21:01
favorite band/artist: of monster and men, portugal. the man, marina and the diamonds, lady gaga 
song stuck in my head: this one (i dont even like this style and YET)
last thing I googled: ‘cm to feet’ <- im stealing your answer cause same
last movie I saw: princess mononoke
other blogs: yuuri! on ice blog (i used to post a lot of fanarts, they’re still there)
do I get asks: sometimes
following: 315
average amount of sleep: 4h - 5h
what I’m wearing: a tshirt that says ‘current mood’ and then a battery on 10% and black pj shorts
dream job: something with art, probably a 3d animator
dream trip: to iceland 
favorite food: i really really enjoy greasy food, so any veg burger (black beans burgers are the BEST) and fries, then im a happy girl. also; anything my mom cooks. anything at all. before stopping eating meat i used to be addicted to fried chicken and moqueca. 
play any instruments: guitar and ukulele (poorly)
eye color: light brown
hair color: dirty blond/dark blond/light brown? i dont even know
why did I choose this username: that’s a secret :P
languages you speak: portuguese, english, and i studied french for a while. 
most iconic song: grace kelly - mika (tbh im stealing your answer again)
random fact: i got mismatched eyelashes (left eye - brown // right eye - white blond)
describe yourself as aesthetic things: the stain of oil paint on favorite shirts, the smell of coffee, a pile of books, the orange light during sunset.  
i tag: @neincraff @cablesscutie @ladamapintada @ajstyyling @gemgirl28  whoever wants to! if you want to do it, feel free to go ahead and feel tagged by me! 
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eruditetyro · 7 years ago
I swear I didn’t forget about this I’ve just been having a whirlwind time for a bit but without further ado @defying-all-stereotypes this is for you
1. Nicknames? No Thank You 2. Gender? i tend to view myself as a woman and use she/her 3. Star sign? aquarius sun/moon, cancer rising, mercury and venus in capricorn, i'm not gonna go on 4. Height? 5′4" ish 5. Time? 9:13 pm 6. Birthday? january 28 7. Favorite bands? rising appalachia and the human experience, fleetwood mac? some other people. sylvan esso filmed a video in my town 8. Favorite solo artists? I was introduced to crywolf on friday? I received a lap dance to beyonce last night? got down to some kesha too 9. Song stuck in my head? downtown by rising appalachia and the human experience. that’s why I mentioned them in the first place 10. Last movie watched? harry potter and the deathly hallows part one. I didn’t finish my marathon when I was in my drug induced post-surgical stupor 11. Last show watched? game of thrones 12. When did you create your blog? fall 2011. I have been here far too long. 13. What do I post? I complain about life and I post memes mostly. I actually started out as a harry potter fandom blog, though it would be hard to tell now 14. Last thing I Googled? deadass? crywolf because I wasn’t sure that was actually the name 15. Do you have other blogs? @celativee is my aesthetic blog and that's the only one I'll promo 16. Do you get asks? people always want asks but never want to send them and that's why the ask economy is the way it is. last time I asked for asks I got one that told me I give off mysterious vibes, which is nice
17. Why did you choose your url? I was a pretentious child when I chose my url and I liked big words. it's supposed to be an oxymoron--well-learned beginner. hypocrisy can be fun 18. Following? 278 19. Followers? 682 20. Favorite colours? black, blue, burgundy, more shades of blue, silver 21. Average hours of sleep? let’s pretend it’s 7 22. Lucky number? 9 23. Instruments? violin, some ukulele, vocals 24. What am I wearing? cargo shorts and a black tank, did anyone expect anything different? 25. How many blankets I sleep with? four because my housemate dies if he’s asleep when the temperature is where it would have to be for me to sleep without a sheet, comforter, quilt, and thick fuzzy blanket, and full longsleeved pajamas  26. Dream job? transatlantic relations or HR stuff probably. or maybe I’ll change my mind and be a lawyer or something 27. Dream trip? a long one where I get abandoned in front of a european train stop with ideally like $2,000 to use for food and lodging and train tickets as I spend the next few months wandering aimlessly. alternatively a camping roadtrip in the US 28. Favorite food? last night I had a grilled cheese and an apple juice box at like 3 AM and I nearly wept with delight.  29. Nationality? german-american 30. Favorite song now? I changed my mind the time warp is stuck in my head
I tag any of you who want to do this and also @xtremeosaurus-rex and @sturmblume and @tintinshairfloof and @walcutt
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schrodingersvibecheck · 7 years ago
tagged by @hoshimybabe 💞💞💞
Rule: answer the 30 questions and tag 30 followers that you would like to know better
nickname: evalin, mom, dad, eva (which is just my name but its elongated to indicate exasperation and/or disappointment, usually for bad jokes) gender: female star sign: leo height: 5′9″ / 175.3 cm time: 15:33 birthday: july 28 favorite bands: panic! at the disco, missio, sylvan esso, bts, dreamcatcher, akmu, day6, onf, seventeen, the rose, red velvet favorite solo artist(s): griffin mcelroy, joe hisaishi, bear mccreary, iu, heize, sandeul, amber, luna,  zico, ailee song stuck in my head: on/off - onf last movie i watched: as above so below (though i got tired like 30 min in so i went to bed rip) last show i watched: the great british baking show when did i create my blog: 2012 what do i post: uhhhh this ones mostly shitty memes, panicking about the world, and cryptids / eldritch gods. also: dogs last thing i googled: how to make mozzarella cheese do u have other blogs: yup! @drowningbecause is for kpop do u get asks: like once in a blue moon but man when i do 💞💞💞💞 why did u choose this blog name: i think it used to be drowningbecausebooks and i tried to have a book blog but then i had more interests so i changed it following: 348 followers: 201 favorite colors: cornflower blue, black, dark grey, light pink average hours of sleep: its either like 4 or 15 theres no in between lucky number: none... dont believe in luck instruments: like....... ones i own? or can play? (i mean i can at least kinda play all the ones i own so) flute, piano, guitar, trombone, recorder, kazoo, harmonica, bongos..... id like to learn violin and cello what am i wearing: long black skirt, black tshirt w/ the california bear on the breast pocket but instead of boring colours its rainbow for us lgbt+ folk how many blankets i sleep with: 1 dream job: astrobiologist / geologist with nasa, or any space agency tbh (alternatively, an author) dream trip: world tour of the biggest libraries / bookstores + science museums (esp bc the museum of science and industry in chicago is my JAM and i only got through 2 exhibits in 5 hours bc im a mess and i love science so much) favorite food: yall it changes like everyday so rn its fresh baked bread (bc i made some last night >>) nationality: american favorite song now: its a tie between hogsbottom griffin mcelroy, sorry the rose, and what can i do day6
tagging: @suju-bangtan @nochujr @kaep-jjang-veryjjang @dannathebookslayer @chickenfeces @ayoyoungg @saiferr @notebooksandtea @whoodhaveknown & anyone else, man
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tripstations · 6 years ago
Alsace: Take it In | tripstations
the troubled past of Alsace, located on the banks of the Upper Rhine and neighboring Germany and Switzerland, has been heavily influenced by historical decisions, invasions, wars, and strategic politics. But despite its sometimes painful past, one need only travel the highways and bi-ways of this somewhat undiscovered part of France to discover her charms. Take in those valleys and medieval towns. Those steep, sloping vineyards around Thann-Guebwiller. Take in Cernay and The Grand Ried. Make a tour of the capital of Strasbourg, the quaint medieval town of Colmar; the Château du Haut-Koenigsbourg; Northern Vosges National Park  or view the unique industrial and textile history of Mulhouse. Take in the history, culture, food and divine wine. Take in Alsace.
Take in the Wine Route
Take along this handy guide for all things Alsatian Wine:
we used it every day!
The Alsace Route du Vin runs north for 180km  from the Vosges mountains near Mulhouse, through postcard-pretty timber-framed villages. Alsatian wines often use German white grapes like Gewürtztraminer or Riesling, Sylvaner, Pinot Blanc, Noir or Gris, and can be sampled in traditional taverns called winstubs with hearty Alsatian cuisine. Stop in the very petite village of Bergholz near Guebwiller for a tour and tasting at the famous Domaine Dirler-Cadé estate. Tour the facilities with Le Master Jean and his engaging wife Ludivine and their charming four-year-old daughter Mathilde. Ludivine may be convinced to take you into their vast vineyards, where she will casually name all 7 varieties of grapes including Riesling, Gewürtztraminer, Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc, Muscat, Sylvaner from which the family runs 18 hectares (43.2 acres) of vines. And not to forget the Crémant d’Alsace, the region’s sparkling wine, made of the varieties Pinot Gris, Pinot Noir and Auxerrois!  42% of which are classified Saering, Spiegel, Kessler or Kitterlé Grand Cru. So much we did not know about Alsation wine! If you take the Alsace Wine Route be sure to include a stop at the Museum of Vineyards and Alsatian Wines where you will learn the secrets and flavors of those famous Alsatian grapes. You may need to take a wine course after your tour!
Take in a meal
The winstubs (Alsatian restaurants) offer traditional menus with dishes like the kouglof, the baeckeofe, flammekueche (tarte flambée), and dishes made with the (in)famous Munster cheese. Try Gambrinus, a rowdy, raucous bit of an Alsatian roadhouse where the beer drinkers and smokers spill out onto the cobbled streets of Mulhouse until the wee hours. This is perhaps the busiest bar in Mulhouse, combining quick food, tasty beer and a DJ spinning a mix of house and modern music.  We quickly settle into our shared communal table and order a beer tasting: Alsatian, Belgian, German Local (as in from Gambrinus) and, of course, our Flammenkeuche. ��Think flatbread pizza, cream, cheese and in my case, ham and potatoes and more cheese. We finish with non-traditional sweet flammenkeuche: bananas, chocolate, cream: no cheese this time. At the terribly touristy Zum Saüwadala in Mulhouse, we had hoped to sample some traditional charcute at this very popular and very busy Alsatian food-focused restaurant but alas, that was not to be. The food was below average and the service extremely lacking. Our research tells me that Zum Saüwadala changed ownership in 2013; obviously not for the better.
Take in a Michelin Rated Meal
Head to Illhaeusern just north of Colmar and the 3-starred Auberge de l’Ill where you will find 4th Generation Head Chef Marc Haeberlin, who “continues to immortalize the hundred-year-old know-how. With the Haeberlins cooking is like breathing.” And Chef’s wife Isabelle Haeberlin, who as President and Founder of Atelier Épices can be found almost all day, every day giving back to the community at Épices where parents, children, lawyers, artists AND above mentioned Michelin-starred Chefs come together to promote training, social skills and community in their cooking classrooms.
Take in a drive:
And discover the history of the automobile from 1878 to present and the largest collection of cars (of all types) just minutes from the Place de la Réunion in Mulhouse.  Displaying over 400 ‘dream cars’ and housed in a former textile mill, the  Cité de l’Automobile  is one of the largest collections in France and indeed the world.  The museum is organized into three main areas: the “Pioneers” covering the period from 1878 to 1918 and featuring Panhard, Peugeot, De Dion and Benz models. Panhard primarily designed the essentials of the modern automobile as we know it: an engine, clutch, gearbox and rear-wheel transmission. The “Classics” 1918-1938 and symbolized by the merging of two important carmakers: Mercedes and Benz and marking the beginning of the “supercar” era, when automobiles took on incredible power and size. And the “Moderns”: 1945 to present day, marked by the appearance of light, inexpensive cars. Make sure you race by the motor racing exhibit catching the starting line-up of the famous Panhard-Levassor two-seater from 1908, the Bugatti Type 32 from 1923, the 1957 Maserati 250F, and Lotus 33 from 1963. Gentlemen, start your engines!
Take in a day with the kids:
Spend the morning at the Écomuseé d’Alsace and enjoy this French/Alsatian version of our own Upper Canada Village. Organized like a real village from the early 19th and 20th centuries with streets, gardens, a river and all its representative, historic buildings, the Écomuseé offers traditional homes, farms, schools, a chapel, train station, mills, and craftsmen’s workshops, every brick, beam and joint re-assembled for you and the kids to explore. Sip some Alsatian schnapps, enjoy a punt on the river or a shave and a haircut from the period barber shop. Lots of interactive features will keep the kids historically interested as well.
Take in a Balloon Ride 
After the Écomuseé, continue up the road to  Le Parc du Petit Prince.  Developed by Aérophile, a French SME manufacturer of tethered balloons, which is the only approved aircraft for leisure and amusement parks, it is the first aerial amusement park in the world.  This romantic, fun and educational park is uniquely French: a ‘soft’ (no gut-wrenching roller coasters or fear inducing drop-rides) amusement park geared to children (of all ages) but predominately 5-10-year-olds and themed after the famous de Saint-Exupéry character. The Park highlights two universes and three dimensions with more than thirty attractions ranging from sheep petting and train rides to a 3D Astral presentation and trampoline hall with the highlight being two tethered balloons that visitors can travel to the other planets of the Little Prince that float you some 35 meters off the ground with beautiful views of the surrounding Alsatian countryside.
Take in the Market
What better way to start a sunny, crisp Saturday morning in Mulhouse than with a little shopping? And shopping it is at the Marché du Canal Couvert de Mulhouse the largest public market in North East France. Clothing, meat, printed textiles, fresh vegetables, and cheese, meat and spices will feed your greedy shopping eyes as you wander the Marché’s bustling stalls. Stop and sample some excellent Italian cheeses, and Salami, Soppressata, Prosciutto at the Maison Fabro. Pierre ‘Made in Italy’ Fabro and his lovely wife Anne-Marie are your congenial hosts. Continue down the bustling aisle rows and be welcomed by the Famille Quesnot at La Fromagerie St. Nicolas. Glasses of  Pinot and a selection of beautiful French cheeses and bread may just be offered in their quaint, eight seater restaurant and cheese shop. Typical French Hospitality! Inspire your palate by the beautiful Italian, Swiss, German and local French artisanal cheese, wines, and bread, the beautiful Morrocan honey cakes, briouts, and baklawa. And finally the wonderful spices, choice game, Hallal and other meat.  The outside green market boasts produce tagged from around the world: Turkey, Spain, Morrocco, Germany, Switzerland and of course proud Alsace.
With its unique blend of French, German and Swiss influences, Alsace offers so much to the hungry and thirsty traveler. Take in Alsace; truly at the crossroads of Europe.
Our trip to #FestiveFrance was made possible by the generous support of the France Tourism Office, Air France, and Tourisme Mulhouse.  Also thanks to Rail Europe for providing swift, comfortable and worry-free travel between Paris, Alsace and back again. While in Mulhouse, we stayed at the Hotel Bristol, conveniently located close to Place de la Reunion and the Tram. Thanks as well to My WebSpot, who provided a great portable WiFi service that allowed tripstations to connect our Periscope, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter content with you on a minute by minute basis!
Please note: This post contains product links from Amazon which are affiliate links, meaning if you click over and purchase something, we will receive a very small percentage of the purchase price (at no extra cost to you) which goes towards maintaining tripstations. Thank you in advance!
The post Alsace: Take it In | tripstations appeared first on Tripstations.
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blockheadbrands · 6 years ago
How This Sommelier Pairs Cannabis with Wine and Cuisine
Elise McDonough of Leafly Reports:
When I rolled up at a stately purple Victorian whose address I’d only received hours before, Jamie Evans—better known as “the Herb Somm”—was waiting to greet me with warmth and charm. A vivacious oenophile and expert in Old World vintages, Evans is actively translating the language of tastings and terroir from the established wine field into the more freewheeling world of cannabis.
“You have one season, one seed, one plant to express itself, creating a vintage that will never exist again.”Chef Holden Jagger, Altered Plates
Through her acclaimed “Thursday Infused” dinner series, she introduces well-to-do San Franciscans to cannabis cuisine and connoisseurship in an intimate setting, recruiting a rotating cast of chefs and purveyors to demonstrate their crafts.
“Cannabis is very complex,” she says, “just like wines, certain strains will make you feel uplifted or sleepy, so you can create moods.”
Evans needs to attend to some last-minute tasks (I’ve arrived early by invitation), so I settle into a plush sofa in the backyard to share a joint with Chef Holden Jagger, who’s driven up from Los Angeles to cook for tonight’s guests. A fixture on the So-Cal cannabis cuisine scene through his Altered Plates supper club, Jagger is one of the few chefs working with weed who actually grows his own. He’s also distinguished himself with innovative techniques such as pickling and salt-curing parts of the male plants or using their pollen as a seasoning, Holden came out of skateboarding culture enamored with the idea of “never been done,” slang for nailing challenging tricks in novel spots, and now applies this spirit of bold experimentation to cannabis cookery.
With unruly red hair and a hint of mischievousness about him, Holden says he’s been giving grow tips to other dads in Topanga Canyon, a bohemian enclave north of Santa Monica where he lives with his family. As we passed a jay of his tasty homegrown Royal Sour back and forth, Holden explains that this herb originated with a dearly departed grower named Ras Truth, formerly an influential seed breeder at Emerald Mountain who wrote extensively about the importance of nurturing living soil, and why sungrown cannabis compares favorably to indoor hydro grown under energy-intensive lamps.
Understanding Terroir in the Context of Cannabis
“Why do we celebrate a good bottle of wine?” Holden asks and answers, “Because it’s humanity and nature coming together to produce something special that’s a once-in-a-season opportunity.”
The concept of terroir—literally “of the land”—encompasses every environmental factor affecting the expression of a plant’s genetics, from farming practices and fertilizer regimens to the specific microclimate of the place where it’s grown. How terroir applies to cannabis is an ongoing debate between connoisseurs like Evans and Jagger, especially complex because weed is an annual plant, versus grape vines that live for decades or even centuries.
Chef Holden Jagger plates super-low-dose THC paired cuisine at Altered Plates. (Courtesy Altered Plates)
“With wine, you have a ‘good year,’ but with cannabis you can have a ‘hypervintage’ that is so exclusive…” Holden pauses before articulating this expansive idea. “You have one season, one seed, one plant to express itself, creating a vintage that will never exist again.” Coming from this perspective, a ‘good season’ for cannabis results in flowers that truly represent the weather and soil within the unique environment of a certain farm at a moment in time that can never be repeated, embodying these influences in a particular expression of cannabinoid and terpene profiles. Such specificity makes fine cannabis vintages even more precious and fleeting than any bottle of wine on earth.
Understanding the complexity of different cannabis cultivars, let alone the influence of terroir, requires years of devotion to the plant and its methods of production. Before a wine snob can assume the title of sommelier, they must pass a certifying test administered by The Court of Master Sommeliers, a process that requires years of study. While there’s no comparable program for “cannaphiles,” correctly guessing cannabis cultivars by taste and high alone necessitates a mastery of the plant gained only by the experience of growing it, or at the very least traveling to the regions where cannabis thrives to taste every varietal possible, talking to farmers and witnessing cultivation methods.
Taking a break from party preparations, Evans joins us, explaining how for the average person who just appreciates good food, wine and weed, beginning to experiment with pairing all three sensual delights can be made simple and fun. For newbies to cannabis, Jamie recommends developing connoisseurship by tasting the same cannabis cultivar grown by various farmers and training your senses to recognize the nuances that differentiate them.
How to Pair Cannabis with Wine and Food
When working with chefs, Evans starts her process by first reviewing the menu, looking for standout ingredients to base her pairings on. From there, she employs her “B.I.T.E. philosophy,” an acronym that stands for Balance, Intention, Taste and Enjoy.
Consider the weight of the wine and the intensity of the flavors in the dish as well as the textures of the food. Evans matches light wines with cannabis cultivars containing citrusy limonene, while pairing more sedating strains with darker, richer wines. If the food is rich, creamy or boldly flavored, she looks for more acidic, bright wines to balance the dish.
Set the mood for your event by matching the food, wine and weed to the desired atmosphere. Evans starts with pairings to energize her guests, followed by later combinations of wine, weed and food that will soothe them.
Based on the science of terpenes, Evans looks for common flavors shared by the ingredients in the food as well as the cannabis by smelling and tasting both items side by side.
“Pairing should be fun, so don’t let it stress you out,” says Evans. “There’s really no wrong answers!” Experiment with different wines and weeds until you find matches that resonate on your palate.
Beyond this basic framework, you can also pair flavors based on locality, matching wines with weed from the same region, along with food made from fresh ingredients harvested from nearby farms. Seasonality plays a role too, with delicate, brighter flavors appropriate for summer and more concentrated, intense flavors better suited to winter.
“Take a bite of the food, sip the wine, smell the flower and taste the vape, all those flavors should work together harmoniously,” Evans says, recalling a pairing of Candyland and Rosé that became her summertime favorite. “There was a bright beautiful candied citrus nose to it” that worked well with sunny warm days and light, refreshing cuisine.
Turning to winter flavors, Holden waxes poetic about a phenotype of In the Pines stuck in his memory due to its incredible piney-ness, remarking that he “paired it with venison and mussels in a coconut broth, and that was one of my favorites.”
Perched at the end of the long marble counter that serves as a chef’s table, Holden begins to assemble dishes, adding precise doses of THC with a tincture dropper. The entire meal contains 5 milligrams of THC, a microdose that’s barely perceptible to most cannabis users. Before each course, we’re also treated to passed vape pens and sniffs of Utopia Farms cannabis as Evans explains the wines and Holden talks up the food.
Dinner opens with a first course of Celeriac with purple potato, maitake mushroom, miso and honey, the celery root flavor complimenting Evans’ choice of a Balletto Pinot Gris 2017 to sip alongside. With notes of candied tangerine and citrus, the Pinot Gris matches the aromas and flavors from Utopia Farms’ Clementine cannabis flowers, as well as the deeper savory notes of the Master OG vape cart from Kurvana.
Capturing the feeling of summer fading into fall, the unctuous Roasted Duck Tostada that follows incorporates butternut squash, savory peanut sauce, salty cotija cheese and spicy salsa verde to create a rich dish with a slight sourness. Selecting for a wine that would stand up to the bold flavors of the roasted duck, Evans decided to go with a Buttonwood Rose 2017 because of its soft red berry notes, bright citrus, and cleansing acidity. Made from bolder Syrah grapes, this versatile rosé brings great depth to flavor, balancing the spicy richness of the duck while its citrus notes compliment Utopia’s Golden Lemons and Kurvana’s Citron OG.
Dessert brings Malt Semifreddo with roasted banana and chocolate, complimenting Utopia’s C. Banana cannabis flowers and a Banana Smoothie vape from Kurvana. With a burst of tropical fruit notes, the paired Rancho Sisquoc Sylvaner 2016 brings acidity and brightness, a great match for a rich dessert. Not overly sweet, this final wine cleanses our palates, bringing another soigné evening to its conclusion.
Being fortunate enough to enjoy gourmet food, wine ,and weed should (and does) inspire gratitude for the time and place where you find yourself, as well as the labor that went into producing your artisanal fare. Just like the practice of cooking or winemaking, growing and consuming cannabis ties us to the earth and the cosmos, bringing art and intention into our lives. Celebrating cannabis, educating yourself about it, and caring about how it’s grown introduces enthusiasts to true connoisseurship, deepening the relationship to the plant and the people who grow it, cook with it and love it.
Cannabis Pairing Shopping List
Replicate this experience at home (if you live in California) by finding the products featured at Thursday Infused at a dispensary near you.
Kurvana Vape Cartridges
Places to Find It:
7 Stars Holistic Healing Center in Richmond
Treehouse in Santa Cruz
Sonoma Patient Group in Santa Rosa
Caliva in San Jose
MedMen in West Hollywood
Utopia Farms Flowers
Places to Find It:
SPARC in San Francisco
Santa Cruz Naturals in Aptos
Harborside in Oakland
Berkeley Patients Group in Berkeley
From the Earth in Santa Ana
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zillowcondo · 7 years ago
Where to Eat in Zurich & Review of the Street Food Festival
Well established on the Zurich food scene, the Street Food Festival Zurich has gone from strength to strength. With over 150 food sellers, its part of FOOD ZURICH, which celebrates the unique flavours of Switzerland. The Street Food Festival itself is a four day celebration of all things foodie takes place throughout the town, with the main hub in Hardturmstrasse.
Street Food Festival Zurich
Arriving there, we noticed a huge festival tent and many food stalls dotted around. I was impressed with the efforts people had put in to decorate their stands, with quirky vans and flowers giving the area a joyful vibe.
The focus this year is on food trucks and the food offering is extensive, with ceviche, dumplings, Swiss raclette, sushi and tacos to name just a few. Some of the stallholders had got into the colourful spirit of the event by dressing up for it. There was plenty of seating and just behind the festival there were garden allotments where you could also wander. I tucked into a delicious chocolate cupcake with my guide, Elisabeth. The festival is on until 17 September so hurry down if you can or plan your trip for next year! Take a look at http://ift.tt/2aFWj1z for further details.
  Where to Eat in Zurich
While I was in town, I was keen to sample some of the other delicacies for which Zurich is famous. I started my culinary journey with a visit to Haus Hiltl on Sihlstrasse. Its the oldest vegetarian restaurant in the world, recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as having opened in 1898. I’m not vegetarian but this place is known for being one of the best places to eat in Zurich. I was expecting a casual buffet, however the restaurant section has tablecloths and waiter service. There’s also a more casual cafe and a “vegetarian butchers”. I popped in after my meal and was intrigued by the packets of seitan, which I hadn’t come across before. It was one of the ingredients of my moreish Züri Geschnetzeltes with organic seitan, mushrooms, rösti, white wine and vegan whipped cream and is a wheat protein that tastes a bit like meat.
After lunch, I checked into the charming Hotel Storchen, where the staff told me about their latest foodie innovation, a photo coffee. In their cosy bar overlooking the Limmat river, the friendly staff will prepare you a coffee with your face on it, using a special machine. Most importantly, it had a smooth and creamy taste with no bitterness.
Switzerland is famous for its chocolate but traditionally that has been mainly milk rather than dark chocolate. However, Max Chocolatier changed the game with its incomparable creations. This bespoke chocolate maker aims to have you “experience chocolate for the first time”. They use only the finest natural, local ingredients and like the best restaurants, there production is seasonal with different chocolates available in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. From their boutique on picturesque Schlüsselgasse, a cobbled street in the Old Town, they run regular chocolate tastings. I was fortunate to try one and you can really taste the difference with their chocolate. It’s intense yet subtle at the same time, and I particularly liked their salted caramel truffle as the salt doesn’t overpower the sweet caramel. They also make fantastic ice cream and sorbets with unusual flavours such as Prosecco Aperol and strawberry with balsamic vinegar and orange zest.
That evening, there was another foodie treat to come, at the Zurich celebration of the Worldwide InstaMeet. Bringing together some of the world’s top Instagrammers and food bloggers, it was held in the idyllic location of Strandbad Wollishofen. I say idyllic, but it was raining hard, thankfully there was plenty of indoor cover. Outdoor swimming pools are one of the most charming Zurich attractions and like this one, many are on the lakeside. The food had been prepared by Swiss food bloggers whom we met during a spectacular demonstration of smoke bombs! There were healthy salads, marinated meats and homemade brownies to enjoy.
The next morning I headed to Bebek, a neighbourhood restaurant on Badenerstrasse known for its stylish decor and Oriental brunches. I opted for the Sunday brunch selection, with freshly baked bread, orange juice, feta salad, hummus, fruit salad, Bircher museli, bio yoghurt and buttery croissants.
After some sightseeing in Zurich Old Town, I returned to an old favourite for lunch. Zeughauskeller is a historic guild hall dating from 1487, popular with locals and tourists for its lively atmosphere and hearty dishes such as pork and veal sausage with homemade potato salad. We’d visited it on a previous weekend in Zurich and thoroughly enjoyed it. My waiter was friendly and spoke excellent English. The restaurant is quite cheap by local standards and there were several locals dining alone so its a good choice for solo travellers as well as couples and groups.
For dinner the next day, I wanted somewhere casual as I was unaccompanied, and after reading favourable reviews online, I chose Restaurant Boucherie Au-G-ust on Rennweg. It’s a pretty cobblestone street in Zurich Altstadt, in the heart of the Augustiner quarter. This area is home to the Widder Zunft or butchers’ guild and the owner, Benjamin Sigg has created a French inspired brasserie known for its meat dishes. I enjoyed their Leberkaese «AuGust», a local meat loaf, as well as spaetzli Swiss egg noodles and a superb marinated Scottish salmon, with sweet mustard and dill. A glass of Zurich wine, Truttiker Riesling Sylvaner from the Zahner winery, went well with all my dishes. The staff were lovely and this is another place that I’d recommend for those dining on their own or for couples enjoying a romantic meal, thanks to the atmospheric lighting.
Kronenhalle is more than just a restaurant, it’s a Zurich institution! Famous for its incomparable art collection, there are paintings by Chagall, Matisse, Miro and Picasso adorning its venerable walls. It was opened in 1924 by Hulda and Gottlieb Zumsteg. Hulda was by all accounts an extraordinary woman, who is depicted in a beautiful painting by Varlin. She used to give the remains of clients’ dishes to impoverished artists and encourage diners to buy their artworks. One of her sons, Gustav, made his fortune in the silk trade and became friends with many fashion designers as well as artists, collecting paintings that would later hang on the walls of Kronenhalle. The food is as exquisite as the artworks, with some delicious dishes such as Wiener Schnitzel and pepper steak with rösti potatoes. The best thing is, they automatically give you a second helping! There’s a superb wine list and you should save room for deserts such as apple tart or homemade chocolate mousse. I was lunching with Zurich bloggers, Harrys Ding who are a great source of information on where to dine. Kronenhalle’s friendly manager, Christian, showed us the lovely Swiss Gallery and separate bar area after lunch. Designed by artist brothers Alberto and Diego Giacometti, the bar is a magnificent showcase for the other paintings in the Kronenhalle collection.
Where to Stay in Zurich
Hotel Storchen on Weinplatz has the perfect location alongside the River Limmat in the heart of the Old Town.
Their 66 rooms and suites have been recently renovated and the attention to detail is fantastic. My Contemporary Double room overlooked picturesque Weinplatz the river and I could even see the famous stork. It had all mid cons including handy USB chargers, a Samsung tablet, air conditioning and a Nespresso machine. There was a tempting plate of fresh fruit and macarons as well as this cute mini stork soft toy!
Breakfast was served in the first floor restaurant, with a panoramic view over the river. There was a great selection of meat, cheeses, Bircher muesli and even fresh honeycomb.
How to Get to Zurich
I flew with SWISS from London City Airport, a quick and easy journey. We were served a sandwich as well as a Swiss chocolate, always a good start to a trip! Swiss International Airlines also fly from London Heathrow and they’re a member of Star Alliance, which is handy for members of their loyalty scheme.
Getting Around Zurich
I’d highly recommend the ZürichCARD for getting around Zurich. You can use it for unlimited travel from the airport and around town, as well as in the surrounding area. It works on the trams, buses, trains and even the cable cars such as the one to Felsenegg. You also get a 50% discount on city tours organised by Zurich Tourism and free or reduced admission to most of Zurich’s museums. It costs CHF 24 for 24 hours and CHF 48 for 72 hours for adults and is available online and at many places including Zurich main station and Zurich airport.
Whether you visit for the next Street Food Festival Zurich or simply take a foodie break there, you’re sure to have a great time. Are you a fan of street food? Which of these foodie experiences would you most like to try?
In association with Zurich Tourism
The post Where to Eat in Zurich & Review of the Street Food Festival appeared first on Luxury Columnist.
Where to Eat in Zurich & Review of the Street Food Festival published first on http://ift.tt/2pewpEF
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arcisfoodblog · 8 years ago
I needed to go Copenhagen and Stockholm for work for 3 days and seized the opportunity to explore the Nordic cuisine.
This first one, Restaurant Kokkeriet*, actually was an added bonus as the dinner appointment with our advisers fell through. As I had been following Kokkeriet on Instagram for some time, I tried to get a last-minute reservation there for my former boss and myself and luckily succeeded!
About Kokkeriet: Restaurant Kokkeriet is located at Kronprinsessegade 64 in Copenhagen’s Nyboder quarter, a cosy and quiet neighbourhood which originated about 400 years ago for housing blocks built for the Danish navy.
Kokkeriet opened in 2001 (as Borups Kærlighed) and is run by Sammy Shafi, owner/ general manager/Head Sommelier, whilst the kitchen is managed by head-chef David Johansen who joined Kokkeriet in 2008. The restaurant started off in the classic French cuisine and received a Michelin star in 2006, but then decided to change the menu to Danish food. Kokkeriet describes its cooking as all 4 seasons, based on love, understanding and respect for the Danish gastronomy and heritage and the sincere intention to serve sublime Danish food reconstructed in the very best way. This change to Danish cuisine, however, resulted in the restaurant losing its Michelin star in 2007, but they regained it in 2009 and maintained it since.
It should be noted that just a few days after we visited, it was announced via Facebook that David Johansen will leave and the current assistant chef, Morten Krogholm, will take over as per April 1. Considering that Morten has worked in some of the best restaurants in Copenhagen, including Noma, it will be interesting how his take on the Kokkeriet philosophy will be.
About the menu/wine options: There is an 8-course and a 12-course (DKK 900/1.200 –  € 120/160) tasting menu with the option of an additional cheese course (DKK 175 / € 23,50). The Tuesday Special is getting a large menu for the price of the small menu, but the 4 additional dishes are actually still under construction, so you will be quizzed what you think of them. Nice idea to keep a full house on the usually slow day Tuesday and to get actual feedback from actual customers. We were there on a Tuesday, but we both thought that the 8-course tasting menu would be plenty.
As I was not feeling all too well (forbearance of a hay fever attack in the middle of the night), I resorted to the juice pairing (DKK 500/600 – € 67/81) rather than the wine pairing (DKK 800/1.000 – € 107/134).
About the food and drinks: As said, we started with delicious amuses of which the liquid Waldorf salad was a real stand out: an amazing and inventive non-alcoholic cocktail made from apple/celery sorbet ice, celery and grape juices and a couple of sprays of walnut oil. In your mind you could just check off all the different elements of a Waldorf salad whilst sipping it from the Martini glass…
hen eggs – parfait – skins
celery – apple – grape
cured beef – crispy potato – pickled cucumber
As part of the Kokkeriet cookbook, Thomas Vinterberg, the Danish director and one of the founders of the Dogma 95 collective, had written a preface, of which a part is mentioned as a quote on the Kokkeriet website:
“Humor in a becomingly serious and extremely ambitious context, as part of a well-planned sequence of servings with the aid and challenge of the best wines. Diverse, subtle and strong flavors reaching out to the farthest corners of the mouth and evoking strange associations. Celery, mushrooms, yellow peas and Brussels sprouts are recognised in the crowd. Danish classics, but here they skip, melt or crunch between your teeth, uniting with crab or duck in a way they have never done before. The familiar in the unknown.”
It is a spot-on description of the tastes, textures and wines that seems both far apart and yet come together in the end. Some impressions:
Langoustine – Kale – Skagen ham
Beetroot – Hay Cream – Truffle 
Pork cheek – Celery – Nut oil
Quail – Squid – Fermented Garlic
Cucumber – White Chocolate – Mint – Caviar
The humorous element really came through in the meringue shards from the last dessert that were made with activated charcoal, turning ones teeth and tongue black, resulting in much laughter at the various tables.
Lemon – Caramel – Sorrel
  The wine pairing for the small menu was the following: 2015 Sylvaner Trocken, Schätzel, Rheinhessen, Germany 2015 Grüner Veltliner, Weingut Weszeli, Langenlois, Kamptal, Austria 2014 Bourgogne Blanc, ”Les Sétilles”, Olivier Leflaive, France 2014 Baco Noir, Henry of Pelham, Ontario, Canada 2010 Pelago, Marche Rosso, Umani Ronche, Italy 2015 Herzog Rieslaner Auslese, Weingut Müller-Catoir, Pfalz, Germany
I got delicious glasses of Apple/Thyme, Apple/Celery, Apple/Ginger, Fresh Grape and Fresh Cranberry juices and was quite surprised about how well they paired with the food. Although the juices had some more sweetness and different acidity than you would normally find in wine, it was an enjoyable experiment.
The best dish of the day was the quenelle of beetroot tartare with spring onions and truffle vinaigrette finished with hay cream, tarragon and shiso leaves. It was just stellar. There were some minor things slightly off. We both thought that the langoustine, kale and ham dish was as a bit disjointed as the flavours were a too far off. The pork cheek was a bit salty for our taste as it almost leaned towards corned beef.
However, the overall experience at Kokkeriet was a very pleasant one: adventurous food and wines (the Canadian Baco Noir was a very surprising and vibrant wine), beautiful plating combined with a very professional service that is both personal and relaxed.
Around the World – Restaurant Kokkeriet*, Copenhagen, Denmark (March 2017) I needed to go Copenhagen and Stockholm for work for 3 days and seized the opportunity to explore the Nordic cuisine.
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becheese · 13 years ago
2. Sylvan star 'Grizzly' cheese
I find myself in Canada right now.
Canada is not exactly known for his cheeses. Coming from Belgium, close to France and Switzerland, we have few reasons for grasping across the ocean for cheese. In fact I don't think I've ever had any in ole Belgium. Therefore I'm superexcited when I come across true Canadian cheeses. A chance to truely try something new.
I stumbled across my first artisanal cheese farm on a farmers market in Edmonton, where I'm staying for a few months. At first I wasn't really impressed with his different kinds of pre wrapped gouda's and cheddars, nothing new I thought. But the owner saw our interest and lured us in for a taste of his award winning Grizzly cheese. Man oh man what a ride. He had me sold at the first bite, the friendly and witty manner the man talked about his products was just a little extra.
Lets talk about this 'Grizzly'. An extra aged gouda, riped for 14 months, ending up in a cheese that is hard, legitly hard. In fact see what happened when I tried to cut my bought hunk of Grizzly (with a steak knife).
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Wow! Cheese 1 - Knife 0!
Not an easy girl this grizzly. But as soon as it hits your mouth the rough animal becomes a silky sweet angel. Try imagining a hard lump of gold that just melts away in your mouth, with a creamy nutty flavour. Honestly this reminded me alot of a salty dark chocolate, the same hard texture with an intense rich flavour. It even had some crystals in there for a bit of a crunch while you're enjoying. Oh I could just eat this baby everyday! Big kudos to Sylvan Star Cheese out Red Deer, Alberta, for creating this award winning masterpiece!
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bestdjkit · 3 years ago
GRiZ, Disclosure, Porter Robinson, More to Headline Electric Forest 2022: See the Full Lineup
The festival's 2022 headliners include Disclosure, The Disco Biscuits, GRiZ, Sylvan Esso, Porter Robinson, SLANDER, Fisher, Louis The Child, and Big Gigantic.
The organizers of Electric Forest have announced the fan-favorite electronic music festival's 2022 lineup, including headliners Disclosure, GRiZ, Sylvan Esso, Porter Robinson, SLANDER, Fisher, Louis The Child, and Big Gigantic.
After having to cancel its 2020 event and postpone its 2021 gathering due to the impact of COVID-19, fans will finally be able to get down in the beloved Sherwood Forest from June 23rd to 26th, 2022 for four days of nonstop music.
FifthLegend/Wikimedia Commons
The 2022 edition of the Rothbury, Michigan festival will boast a plethora of electronic and jam artists. The wildly popular fest will return with its traditional three sets by hosts The String Cheese Incident, as well as performances from CloZee, Duke Dumont, Subtronics, TOKiMONSTA, Deathpact, Toro y Moi, EARTHGANG, Big Wild, CharlesTheFirst, Liquid Stranger, LSDREAM, Of The Trees, Mersiv, and many more.
A limited number of remaining 2022 wristbands will go on sale this Friday, December 10th at 10AM ET (7AM PT) via the festival's website. 
Electric Forest organizers also recently unveiled a new documentary called A Million Shining Lights - 10 Years Of Electric Forest, which explores the origins of the festival, one of the most popular in the EDM scene.
You can check out the full Electric Forest 2022 lineup below in alphabetical order.
Electric Forest 2021 Lineup:
A Hundred Drums Alice Ivy Anamanaguchi Andrew Bayer Bea Miller Big Gigantic Big Wild Blu DeTiger Brandon "Taz" Niederauer Bryce Menchaca Cannons Cassian Cautious Clay CharlestheFirst The Cheeks Chelsea Cutler Cloonee CloZee Cory Henry Cory Wong Deathpact Disclosure The Disco Biscuits Dixon's Violin DJ Dave Dom Dolla Doss DRAMA Duckwrth Duke Dumont EARTHGANG Eden Prince Elderbrook Eli & Fur ETHNO EVAN GIIA Everyone Orchestra EXES Fantastic Negrito Felly Femi Kuti Fisher Flamingosis Franc Moody Fundido Gioli & Assia Giorgia Angiuli - Live Goth Babe GRiZ Honeycomb HoneyLuv Iya Terra Jake Wesley Rogers Jerro Joe Hertler & The Rainbow Seekers John Summit Joy Oladokun Kareem Ali Khiva Kitchen Dwellers Kito Lab Group Lettuce Liquid Stranger Lotus Louis the Child LP Giobbi LSDream Marc E. Bassy Marco Benevento Markus Schulz MAX Mersiv Michigander Mindchatter Mo Lowda & The Humble Moore Kismet NEIL FRANCES Nez Noga Erez NotLö The Nth Power Of the Trees Olan Party Pupils Porter Robinson Potions QRTR Rome in Silver Sebastian Paul Shiba San SIDEPIECE SLANDER Slenderbodies SO TUFF SO CUTE SOHMI Star Kitchen The String Cheese Incident Subtronics Sunsquabi Supertask Surf Mesa Sylvan Esso Tinlicker TOKiMONSTA Toro y Moi Township Rebellion Tsuruda Underscores UNIIQU3 VNSSA Wax Motif Weval Whethan Wreckno Wuki Yung Bae Yves Tumor
Facebook: facebook.com/ElectricForest Twitter: twitter.com/Electric_Forest Instagram: instagram.com/electric_forest
from Best DJ Kit https://edm.com/events/electric-forest-2022-lineup
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