#Swedish poetry
"Summer is growing old and everything is flowing into a single melancholy murmur"
~ Tomas Tranströmer, from "The Cuckoo"
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lionofchaeronea · 2 months
The language marches in step with the executioners. Therefore we must get a new language. --Tomas Tranströmer (1931-2015), trans. Robin Fulton
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moaklang · 1 year
Jag älskade dig.
Om du bara hade vetat hur mycket. Jag älskade att prata med dig, att höra ditt skratt. Men du visade aldrig det tillbaka. Så jag vågade aldrig säga något.
Det är mitt största misstag, och min största ånger.
Jag älskar dig.
Och du kommer aldrig veta hur mycket.
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kattahj · 2 years
One of Them Days / D’Ä Somlia Dar
One of my tattoos is the final line of Fanny Alving’s poem “D’ä Somlia Dar”. She was an early 20th century writer (and the mother of Barbro Alving), and battled depression. This poem always makes me feel a little better, and in the hopes that it may work for others, I have made an English version.
I made a previous more literal translation that kept all the dialect from the original. This time, I skipped most of that, but OTOH kept the rhyming scheme and rhythm as well as I could.
ONE OF THEM DAYS by Fanny Alving my translation (Swedish original below)
It's one of them days that feel so darn long And whatever you're doing, you're doing it wrong, You're feeling all mean and full of scorn And mad that you ever been born. Your heart is as cold as a hermit's cave And your room feels as dark as the deepest grave And your husband's a knave.
You look outside, and see a street Where everything's dirty and gray. You sneer at the people you happen to meet And wish them far away. You mock the things they call good and sweet With every word you say.
Until Still In a while, maybe The clouds go away, see And the sky is remarkably blue after all And your troubles are really remarkably small. Your lament grows quiet, and you take a good look, See, it's brightening in all the corners and nooks. Your eyes are a-twinkling It feels like a glitter Of giggles and titters And then as you sit there You catch yourself thinking: "Darn, it's fun to live after all!" D'Ä SOMLIA DAR D'ä somlia dar, som en ä så betryckt och allt va en gör, så gör en förryckt. En känner sej svulten i själa och le och arg att en nånstin vart te. En känner sej tryckt som en ginge te skrift och en tycker att kammarn är svart som en grift och en minns en ä gift. Och tittar en ut, så sir en en gata, där allting är torftigt och grått. Och säger en någe, så är de te rata och tycka att allt ä smått. Och skrattar en, så skrattar en styggt som en skata åt allt va di kallar för gott. Men så ändå om en stund kan dä hända att vind sig kan vända, och himlen han ä ändå märkvärdigt blå och bekymmerna ä ändå märkvärdigt små. Dä ä som bedrövelsen fick sej en törn, å dä börjar å ljusna i snyter å hörn. Dä börja å blänka, dä ä som ett glitter åv småskratt och fnitter, och rätt som en sitter så börjar en tänka: "D'ä tjyven så roligt å leva ändå!"
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notallsandmen · 2 years
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—August Strindberg
[Solnedgång på havet, 1883]
Selected Poems of August Strindberg, editor and translator Lotta M. Lofgren
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f-rg-tmigej · 2 years
”Om du bara förstod. För att våga krävs mod. Jag ville försvinna.
Men återuppstod”
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skilasophia · 6 months
The Library, Pt. 1
I smudged my eyeliner
And spilled my tears on a hardcover
Forgive me, Simone de Beauvoir
I never meant to hurt you
I've scrolled through books of love and death
Kierkegaard y José Gasset...
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nudeartpluspoetry · 10 months
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Fine book.
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arsanimarum · 2 years
Bogserbåten är fräknig av rost. Vad gör den här så långt inne i landet? Den är en tung, slocknad lampa i kylan. Men träden har vilda färger. Signaler till andra stranden! Som om några ville bli hämtade. På väg hem ser jag bläcksvamparna skjuta upp genom gräsmattan. De är de hjälpsökande fingrarna på en som snyftat länge för sig själv i mörkret där nere. Vi är jordens.
[The tugboat is freckled with rust. What is it doing so far inland? It’s a heavy burnt-out lamp, tipped over in the cold. But the trees still carry colours – wild signals to the other shore as if someone wanted to be fetched home. On the way back, I see mushrooms pushing up through the grass. Stretching for help, these white fingers belong to someone who sobs down there in the darkness. We belong to the earth.]
Tomas Tranströmer, Skiss I Oktober / Sketch in October
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manwalksintobar · 2 years
December Evening 1972  // Tomas Transtromer
Here I come, the invisible man, perhaps employed by a Great Memory to live right now. And I’m driving past the locked-up white church – a wooden saint is standing in there smiling, helpless. As if they had taken away his glasses. He is alone. Everything else is now, now, now. The law of gravity pressing us against our work by day and against our beds by night. The war.
(translated from the Swedish by Robin Fulton)
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thoughtkick · 1 month
Love me when I least deserve it, because that’s when I really need it.
Swedish Proverb
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quotefeeling · 1 month
Fear less, hope more, eat less, chew more, whine less, breathe more, talk less, say more, hate less, love more, and good things will be yours.
Swedish Proverb
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resqectable · 1 month
Fear less, hope more, eat less, chew more, whine less, breathe more, talk less, say more, hate less, love more, and good things will be yours.
Swedish Proverb
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perfectquote · 9 months
Fear less, hope more, eat less, chew more, whine less, breathe more, talk less, say more, hate less, love more, and good things will be yours.
Swedish Proverb
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thehopefulquotes · 8 months
Fear less, hope more, eat less, chew more, whine less, breathe more, talk less, say more, hate less, love more, and good things will be yours.
Swedish Proverb
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perfectfeelings · 4 months
Life without love, is like a year without summer.
Swedish proverb
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