#Supernatural Creation Convention Vancouver
j2spntranscripts · 6 months
★ 2007 Chicon (Gold/Breakfast)
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Official name: Creation Entertainment's SALUTE TO SUPERNATURAL, SMALLVILLE AND BUFFY/ANGEL (Breakfast and Charity Silent Auction) Location: Hyatt Regency Woodfield, Chicago, Illinois Time: Sunday November 11, 2007, 7:00 am (GMT-6) Panelists: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles Last episode: 3x06 "Red Sky at Morning" Nov 8, 2007 Next episode: 3x07 "Fresh Blood" - Nov 15, 2007
Question Index: 1+Eyelash story 2+Towel/Sweat Shenanigans 3+ Sandy; 3x05 crossroads demon scene 4+ Writer's Strike; Creative Control 5+ Jared on Sterling K. Brown; 3x07 fight scene 6+ “Supernatural~ Charlie the Unicorn” 7+ Painted Muscles; Hug 1- Evil Sammy Laugh; 2x14 Tied-up Meg!Sam scene; Gore-Tex 8+ 3x08; Jensen on Ben Edlund 9+ Sam and Dean’s Hair 2- What did you do this weekend?
(video playlist/links and transcript below the cut)
(*if you notice any mistakes in the video transcripts or found more video coverage of the con please point them out thanks*👍) (*tumblr doesn't like dailymotion vids so I can only hyperlink them*)
*Purple text: corrections/suggestions from @detailtilted
[Click Here]- jaredjensenbfast by _sin_attract
◘Chicago November 2007 - J2 Breakfast - Enhanced Edition Con Video - V2.0 by DetailTilted◘ ◘Jared and Jensen Coming in to Breakfast in Chicago by Runedgirl◘
Jared and Jensen walk through the door and then up on to the platform making the stage. The audience is cheering, screaming, and continuously flashing photos. Jensen is holding a coffee cup. Jared steps up to and grabs the mic.
Jared: Does this thing work? (to the audience) What are you guys doing awake right now?
The audience laughs and gives garbled reply and then cheers. Jared reaches over to Jensen’s mic and pushes it down on the stand. The audience laughs. Jensen nods.
Jared: I gotta fix this for him.
Jensen tightens the adjustment collar on the mic stand. Jared reaches over to Jensen’s mic again and pushes it down farther but it pops off of the mic mount. Jared then puts it back on and leaves the mic turned slightly down and away from Jensen. Jared looks at Jensen smiling, who smiles back. Jared then goes to adjust his mic stand smirking to himself. The audience cackles.
(0:21 DT, 0:23 R) -introduction
Jared: (to the audience) Good morning!
Audience: Good morning!
Jared: Thanks for coming out! (looks down at mic stand) Look at this. (adjusts his mic up and down)
Jensen: I’m still waking up you’ll have to excuse me.
Jared: (playing with the mic stand) Yeah. Or he’s trying desperately to. Y’all can clap for him too. I know that y’all- that was all cheering for me.
The audience screams and claps. Jensen holds his hands out and open with a smirk. Jared nods his head while still fiddling with his mic stand.
Jared: He gets sad if he doesn’t.. if he doesn’t get some too. So. (audience giggles) Wow.
Jensen: Well we-we appreciate you guys getting up so early to do this for us. (Jared: Of course) We, uh-
Audience member A: Are we-
Audience member B: We’re (?eating?) that day.
Audience member C: We didn’t go to bed.
Jared briefly lifts his hands up and smiles.
Jensen: (nods) Alright, so we’re all on the same page. (audience cheers) Uh, you know, we got to fly back up to Vancouver today and, uh, (Jared: Right) and start working tomorrow. So, uh, you know, that was not a whole lot of time. So, we had to (gestures) cram it all in today. So, anyway.. thanks for getting up and, uh, let’s have fun today, huh? (audience cheers and claps)
Jared: (leans down and claps) And did y’all see Sam and Fred? Did y’al-
Audience: Yeah! (cheers and claps)
Jared: (hold his hands out) They rock, huh? They’re really cool. Now you know why we guys have so much fun (adjust mic mount) when were on set because everybody.. is.. laid back.
Jared turns back to look at Jensen who’s staring back at him. Jared says something off mic (?“lug hack”?). The audience giggles. Jensen pumps his eyebrows at Jared smirking. Jared nods and then Jensen turns and walks behind Jared to place his coffee cup on the hotel’s podium.
Jared: (turns back to the audience and gestures towards Jensen) He’s really laid back. (gestures towards Jensen again) He’s actually going back to.. go to sleep. (audience laughs)
Jensen: I know, just give me a pillow (?and a stool and I’m like-? or ?to snuggle up with?) (Jared: Yeah) (mimics sleeping and then adjusts his mic stand).
Jared: Yeah. We actually had trouble sleeping also. We’re still on Vancouver time. And gone from night shooting in Vancouver world to-
Jensen: (about the mic stand) I’m not that short. (audience laughs)
Jared: I know.
Jensen unscrews the adjustment collar, separates the rods, and carries the top part of his mic stand one-handed. The audience laughs, cheers, and claps. Jared goes to say something but then laughs.
Jensen: I’m like Montgomery Gentry now.
Jared: Yeah. (?Too zoot? or ?Kazoo?) (pats his coat) I kind of feel like taking this off.
Jensen: (?That’s the way? or ?That's allowed?)
Audience member: Take it off!
Jared starts to take off his coat and the crowd screams. Jensen slumps his head back. Jared stops, holds his hands out and backs away from the mic and then goes back, waving his hand.
Jared: It’s not that exciting. (audience laughs)
Jensen: Saw that one coming.
Jared turns to his side and flashes his clothed shoulder to the crowd. The audience catcalls. Jared then fully takes off his coat and places it behind the podium.
Jensen: I want to know what I have to do to get that (points up to the one of the posters hanging) in my bedroom. (audience laughs and screams)
Jared: (to Jensen) That’s actually where they got it from, actually.
The audience laughs. Jensen snaps his fingers and then briefly looks away.
◘Jared and Jensen at Breakfast in Chicago (2) by LauraTX1◘
Jared: I know, I gave them the one of you (points to Jensen’s poster) other there, so. That was usually on my roof.
Jensen: I don’t look very happy over there.
Audience member: Sam’s behind you! Look behind you!
Jared: Which one? (points to his right) Oh, yeah.
Audience member: So hot.
Jared: Sam… I like it.
Jensen steps away from the mic and goes behind Jared to take off his coat and toss it behind the podium. The audience cheers. Jared nods, shrugs, and then puts his hands on his hips.
Jared: (looks at Jensen) You always upstage me, man. (audience and Jensen laugh) Like, I thought I was the only one. (shrugs) Fine.
Jared begins unbuttoning the top half of his striped shirt and then pulls the opening to show more of the t-shirt underneath. The audience screams. Jensen briefly looks and then rolls his eyes elsewhere.
Jared: (laughs and shakes head) Just kidding. Yeah me too. (to the audience) I want to tell y’all guys a funny story that I haven't told- (abruptly raises hand) Hi! (widens eyes and points towards the audience) Oh is that money? Oh well..
Jared backs away from the mic and starts playing with his belt. The audience screams and claps. Jensen nods at Jared. Then Jared laughs and leans on the mic.
Jensen: (to audience) We take traveler's check and visa.
Jared: There’s a writer’s strike going. (audience laughs) We’re hoping so- I mean if you got a five- (gestures at audience member and squints) Jeeze- Dean’s welcoming party to hell. Hey (pats Jensen’s arm and points at the audience)
Jensen: (to Jared) Did you bring your, uh, credit card machine, so you can just slide (gesture) the- the Visa Mastercard.
Jared: (buttons his striped shirt back up) I- I did actually. I brought it with me.
Jensen: Yeah. (points to the audience) It says “Dean’s welcoming party” (nods and raises hands)
•(2:56 DT, 2:58 R, 0:47 L) Chicon07Gold;1+ Eyelash story
Jared: I want to tell y’all a funny story about Jensen to really embarrass him. True story. We, uh, we were at this restaurant-
Jensen: (holds up hands in a pinch gesture to the audience) Not yet.
Jared: (puts a hand on Jensen’s shoulder) Has anybody been to Vancouver? ‘Cause-
Audience: Yeah! (cheers)
Jared: It’s a great city, right? There’s a restaurant called VIJ’s that’s, um, that’s, uh, this great chef and this, uh, great Indian food. And we were sitting there and, um, you know, into-
◘Jared and Jensen at Breakfast in Chicago (1) by runedgirl◘
Jensen: (shakes head) I don’t know why you’re telling this story. (audience laughs)
Jared: (throws hands up) I have to. I have to. Like, Jensen he’s a, you know, he- he plays sports. He works out. (audience woo) He’s.. got a girlfriend. He’s.. kind of a manly (gestures) kind of guy. You know, (gestures to Jensen) he doesn’t look it, (audience laughs and Jensen crosses his arms) but- he’s sort of into like football and stuff.
◘Supernatural Chicago Convention: The Eyelash Story by Jessica◘
Jared: And we’re sitting there and waiting to get seated. And we’re sort of like, uh, we’re having a drink and, um, having some appetizers and stuff. And, then Jensen kind of gets this funny look on his face. And he goes, “Wait, stay still”
◘Jensen and Jared at Creation Con 2007 in Chicago by JihaanK◘
Jared reaches over to Jensen and pretends to pick an eyelash off of his cheek. The audience laughs.
Jared: And then (laughs) about half way into the reaching for my face (slowly reaches out to Jensen) he’s realizes that he’s like reaching to grab my face. (audience laughs. Jensen smiles and briefly turns away) And you see his face change from like, (mimics Jensen to the audience) “Oh, I got to get that” to “What am I doing?” (audience laughs) But it’s too late. I think it would have been worse if he was like this- (reaches towards Jensen and then retreats) So-
Jensen: (shakes head and gestures) I was already in there. Already- (gestures) It’s a public restaurant. See we’re so used to- to- (gestures to Jared and him)
Jared: Yeah. And I’m going, “Jensen, why are you grabbing my face?”
Jensen: Like, looking out for each other on set-
Jared: “We’re not on set right now.”
Jensen: In a controlled environment.
Jared: (nods) Yeah.
Jensen: (shakes head and then gestures to his head) And I forget these things.
Jared: Yeah. Yeah.
Jensen: (shrugs) I’ll work on it.
Jared: Well, unfortunately for me he forgot it in front of, uh… you know, twenty people that were (?)-
Jensen: It was like, “Quick!” (mimics drinking beer) “Chug your beer. Chug your beer.” (audience laughs)
Jared: It was like, (signals to an imaginary waiter) “Uh, can we get more shots.. sir?” (laughs)
Jensen: (to audience) Well, how’s everybody doing?
Jared: Good morning, Jensen.
Jensen: (audience cheers) Yeah? Did you guys- did you guys, uh, see Steve last night play? (audience says yeah and cheers) (nods) It’s pretty good. We were hiding in the back. (audience gives a yeah)
◘jaredjensenbfast by sin attract◘
Jared: (?We even got to see him?) (claps his hands)
Audience member: We wanted you to sing.
Jensen: Yeah. Ye- Mmm.
Jared: I wanted him to sing too. (audience cheers) (thumbs to Jensen) He’s got a nice voice.
Jensen: He’s- (shakes head) you know he’s-he’s- he’s good. I didn’t want to come up and ruin his sets, so, uh, (audience aw’s) (Jared: Yeah.) He’s, uh, I- He and I’ve- ‘ve, uh, have, you know, plucked a guitar plenty of times together and then hung out and sang. So, it’s a (shrugs and shakes head) s’old hat.
Jared: I’ve sat through it. It’s exciting. Sandy and I were trying to rush him up there. And, trying to get you up there to go sing. (audience aw’s) (Jensen throws his hand up) He punched me under the table.
Jensen: I did. (audience laughs) (nods) I did.
Jared: I think he was trying to punch Sandy, but-
Jensen: I was trying to suckerpunch, but-
Jared: He ended up hitting me.
Jensen: She hit me back I think.
Jared: Wait what?
Jensen: (nods) Yeah. (laughs)
Jared: Woah, woah. (laughs) I just kidding. (audience giggles)
Jensen: (to audience) Umm, alright see you later. (feints leaving) (audience and Jared laugh)
Jared: He’s gone and he leaves me just like that. (Jensen returns to the mic) Anybody have anything fun? (claps) What? (audience cheers) I can’t believe there’s so many people here. I thought it was gonna be just people that (?don’t sleep?)-
Audience member: (?no?)
Jared: (?That’s right?)
Jensen: Now- now I wanna know, who- who came the furthest.. to be here?
Audience members: Australia!
Jensen: Australia?
Jared: (points) Pittsburgh?! (nods) Okay.
Jensen: (laughs) It’s outside of Chicago!
Jared: Anybody from Chicago? Anybody local? (audience yeah’s) So we probably shouldn’t (gestures) talk about Cowboys or, uh, anything (grimaces, cowers, and then uncurls) Yeah? Texas? Where in Texas?
Audience member: Dallas!
Jensen: Dallas!
Jared: (points) San Antonio? (gives a thumbs up and points) (Jensen gives audience finger guns) Go Spurs. Go Spurs. I’m sad about the Celtics doing their-
Audience members: Go Celtics! Go Celtics!
Jared: (turns) Yeah, I know. I know. I know.
Jensen: They’re looking good. (?Maybe they got the spirit?)
Jared: Well, um, another guy who’s on our network that you probably know really well, Tom Welling, who plays Superman on “Smallville,” (a few audience catcalls) he’s a big-
Jensen: Who? (audience laughs)
Jared: he’s a big Celtics fan. So, we have to hear it from him. So. Last thing I want to do- (points at audience) Are you too? Are you Celtics also?
Audience member: No, I came from Baghdad.
Jared: Oh, I- that’s right. (audience laughs) They have basketball. (laughs)
Jensen: That’s right. Yes. (points) Yeah, we might have a winner for the-for the (Jared: that’s right) distance there.
Jared: Yeah. I think that’s probably the farthest. (some no’s from the audience) I’m- I’m at a loss. I don’t- (audience laughs)
Jensen: I’m still asleep.
Jared: Yeah. It’s still (looks at watch) what? Five o’clock?
Jensen: (looks at watch) Well, it’s- It is, uh,- No, it’s- Yeah, it’d be 5- (Jared: for us?) Yeah, not even six o’clock for us because we’re pacific coast time. (audience aw’s)
•(6:51 DT, 2:16 SA) Chicon07Gold;2+ Towel/Sweat Shenanigans
Jared: (fans shirt) I’m nervous. I’m so excited y’all.
Jensen: You’re sweating.
Jared: I am. (audience catcalls) I’m a sweater.
Jensen: (to creation staff) Can we get a towel over here?
Jared: It’s coming off. It’s coming off. (mimics taking off his striped shirt) (audience laughs) I’mma- I’mma- I’mma sweater person. That's- that's what I do on set. (Jensen rubs his forehead) I eat. I sweat. (audience laughs)
Jared wipes his forehead and goes to grab Jensen’s arm. He then proceeds to wipe his face all over Jensen’s shoulder. The audience laughs. Jensen smiles while wiping his forehead one more time, and then moves to pick up a towel from a creation staff member. He then throws the towel at Jared and it hits his mic. The audience is laughing. Jared fumbles it and is passed the towel from a person off stage.
Jared: (off mic) Thank you.
Jensen: This is so not how I envisioned this going. (audience laughs)
Jared wipes his face off with the towel. And then stops to lean in on the mic.
Jared: (to Jensen) It’s actually exactly how I envisioned it going. (audience laughs)
Jensen: That doesn’t surprise me.
Jared: I thought we were very clear to each other that I was gonna- (wipes face with towel)
Jensen: Yes.
Audience member: You’re still taking care of him. (audience laughs and then aw’s)
Jared: (nods) Yeah. I know. (Jensen: That’s right.) Wait, I’ve been saving him some, this season (audience laughs, claps, and cheers)
Jared throws the towel and makes like he’s walking away. Then he turns and pumps his fist.
Jared: (off mic) That’s right. That’s right. (picks the towel back up) (on mic) (?I saved your-what??)
•(7:44 DT, 3:08 SA) Chicon07Gold;3+ Sandy, 3x05 crossroads demon scene
Audience member: He killed Sandy!
Jensen: (to audience) What’s that?
Audience member: He killed Sandy for yah.
Jensen: Yeah.
Jared: (points) That’s right. That’s right. (nods to Jensen) (audience member: No wonder she-) That was.. not as tough as it should have been, but uh.. (audience and Jensen laughs) Oh. (crosses his arms and grimaces) She probably heard that. (audience laughs) Just kidding.
Jensen: If she didn’t, I’ll tell her.
Jared: I know you will. Thank you. (Jensen laughs) I appreciate it. I-
Jensen: That was- that was a- that was a really good scene too. But, I wasn’t there. I had the day off (nods towards Jared) and, uh, when Sandy came. So, I didn’t get to-to harass them on set while they were working together. (Jared: Yeah) But, uh-
◘Jared and Jensen at Breakfast in Chicago (3) by LauraTX1◘
Jared: Too bad for us. (hook gestures) (?just fuck ourselves?)
Jensen: She did a really good job.
Jared: I know. (claps)
Jensen: I was really proud of her. (audience claps and cheers) And then, you- you blew her head off. (audience laughs. Jared grimaces)
Jared: Hey, man-
Jensen: (opens his arms to the audience) Gotta love Supernatural.
•(8:36 DT, 3:55 SA, 0:20 L) Chicon07Gold;4+ Writer’s Strike; Creative Control
Jared: I only do what the writers telling me to. Well, not anymore now that the writers are on strike. We sort of can change lines. Because they can’t go, “Uh, we got to call down and check with the writers,” because the writers can’t say “yes” or “no.”
So, Jensen and I are like, “We don’t really like this. I think we’re just going to change.. that.” (audience laughs) “Like, what-“ (grimaces and in a stained voice) “Fine. Fine.” (audience laughs)
Jensen: (smiles and nods) And then I actually was talking to, uh, Kripke the other day on phone on his way to- to- to the picket lines. And I called him and I was like, (mimics talking on phone) “Hey, uh, Eric. Listen, I got a question about this, uh, this one line. I’m not sure if this is going to translate. I mean, trans- You know, it reads fine on the paper, but, uh, I don’t know that there really going to understand what I’m talking about. What if I changed it to this, or this, or this?”
And he’s like, “I can’t talk to you about this stuff, man.” (audience laughs) He’s like, “If you want to talk about direction about the character, but you probably got that figured out by now.” (audience and Jared laughs) And they really couldn’t. Y’mean, seriously (Jared: Yeah) his hands were tied.
And, I was like, “So, I could..” (Jared: Yeah) “pretty much do anything” (Jared: Yeah) “I want.” and you can’t do anything.” (audience laughs then cheers) (Jared: Yeah) “Game on, Pal.” (audience laughs and claps)
Jared: (thumbs to Jensen) I’m actually not going to call him Dean anymore. I’m going to call him- Anybody have any suggestions? (turns to his left) Jill!? (audience laughs) (nods) Jill. (points) She said it, man. I didn’t- I didn’t (holds up his hands and backs away from the mic)
Jensen: (gestures to himself and Jared) (Jared mimics pushing Jensen in front of his mic) Jill and Susan.. (audience laughs) from, uh.
Audience member: A boy named Sue.
Jared: (nods) Sue? (points) A boy named Sue. (J2 hold up their arms and look at each other) Yeah, I’ll take that. (nods) I’ll take that.
Jensen: Makes sense. (shakes head)
Jared: I love Johnny Cash. You get Jill. I’ll take Sue.
Jensen: Alright. Fine. (audience laughs)
Audience member: Sue!
Jared: (claps and then points to his right) We got Sue. We got an actual Sue over there. (nods and fist pumps)
Jensen: There we go.
Jared: (to audience member) I’m going to borrow your name for a little bit, if you don’t mind. You can do nothing about it. (to audience) We’re all hoping for a quick end of this (claps) writer’s strike, so that we can- (Jensen nods)
Audience: Yeah. (claps and cheers)
•(10:07 DT, 5:25 SA) Chicon07Gold;5+ Sterling K. Brown; 3x07 Fight scene
Jared: (?Go back out.?) I mean as of right now we still have- We’re doing episode eleven right now and we have episode twelve written. But, uh, we’re supposed to get thirteen done before the break. (turns and gestures to Jensen) Filming at least. I guess, episode 7 airs on Thursday?
Jensen and audience: Yeah.
Jared: With Sterling, who, uh, (audience cheers and claps) Who you all know and love. Yeah (claps) (?He’s great. He’s-?) We’ll have to- What is it?
Audience member: I said, “Did you kick his ass?” (audience giggles)
Jared: (tilts head with a smirk) You’ll have to see. (audience laughs) Let’s say- let’s say (flips hair) look at- look at this face and- (audience laughs) (points at his cheek) And this is a zit, it’s not a punch from, uh.. Sterling. I tried to get rid of it the other day.
Jensen: (?It was- Sterling told me it’s a?) real big fight sce- (nods to Jared) It’s one of the biggest fight scenes you’ve had.
Jared: It was. (nods) It was a- it was a big fight scene. And he’s a very strong- (nods) strong person. Like, I think he played high school football and stuff. And I’m used to- I mean, I’m not a small guy. So, usually people are making fun of me going, (sways back and forth) “Hey don’t throw me around.” And I’m sitting there and he’s like picking me up and pushing me. (backs up) “This isn’t fun.”
And then, uh, we were both all dirty, so he’s in the make up trailer and he like (mimes Sterling) takes his shirt off and starts washing up. (Jensen smiles) (makes sound effects) He’s got muscles everywhere. (audience laughs) I’m like, (makes a face) “Come on, Sterling.” (flexes his arm while sticking his butt out) But, uh, yeah he made me look good.
Jensen: So, then I walk in, Sterling's shirtless, (thumbs to Jared) (Jared: [nods] Yeah. Yeah.) (Jared walks away from the mic scratching his head) Jared's flexing in front of the mirror. (audience laughs) (shrugs and shakes head) (?I just stood around and watched?)
Jared: And we weren’t even filming. That was just Saturday. That was actually the day after. So. (nods) We didn’t know he was gonna-
Jensen: (?That’s our day off.?)
Jared: Yeah. We didn’t know he was gonna-
Jensen: So I grabbed the video camera. (audience ah’s and squeals)
Jared: (points and then points back) Roll footage!
Audience: Yeah.
Jensen: (laughs and nods) And roll footage.
Audience member: You’re putting it on YouTube, right?
Jensen: Yes.
•(11:47 DT, 7:06 SA) Chicon07Gold;6+ – “Supernatural~ Charlie the Unicorn”
Jared: Probably. (claps) Probably. I was actually- we were on set the other day, and I wanna- I was curious to see the season 1 gag reel. I hadn’t seen it in a while. And, um, and I came across- Did y’all ever see a video called Charlie the Unicorn? (audience screams. Jensen smiles.) (backs away a little and claps) There’s one called Supernatural, Charlie the Unicorn. (audience screams) (points at fan screaming) That I went to and I was cracking up, (thumbs to Jensen) and he and I had watched it a few times and been showing it to people. (Jensen nods)
Jared: And so, I ran in, I was like, “Dude, you’re not going to believe this.” (Jensen: ?It's hilarious?) And so I pushed the button on his computer. (Jensen looks up and laughs) And it sort of starts to download. And so, the song starts, but he gets distracted. I think, uh, Gabe, who’s one of our assistant directors, comes in and take him to set. So, I’m trying to pause it, and I’m trying to make it bigger. I don’t want him to see where it says “Supernatural~ Charlie the Unicorn,” because I didn’t want to ruin it. (throws a hand at Jensen) And finally I showed it to him. And, we’re having a real kick out of it. So.. There’s a par-
◘Jared and Jensen hug by InsipidRamblings◘
Jensen: This is just getting worse and worse. (audience laughs)
Jared: (nods to Jensen) Yeah. (to the audience) He was having a- (scratches head)
Jensen: I was Charlie the Unicorn. And we were flexing in the mirror. (Jared: Yeah) On a lovely Saturday afternoon. (audience squeals and laughs)
•(12:39 DT, 7:57 SA, 0:15 IR) Chicon07Gold;7+ Painted Muscles; Hug
Jared: Shirtless. (grimaces) (Jensen knocks his head on his mic. The audience cheers) (to Jensen) I need to have someone who will paint me up and then I’ll look good. (audience laughs)
Audience member A: I’ll do it!
Jared: (to A) Yeah? (points) (?what's there?) (mimics drawing) like sharpie markers (Audience member A: Yes.) or something? (mimics drawing more and then laughs)
Audience member B: Yeah!
Audience member A: I got one in my purse!
Jared: (to A) Do you really? (Audience member A: Yeah.) Is it silv- Is it blue or pink? (gestures to stomach)
Audience member A: It’s- No. It’s black.
Audience member C: We have silver!
Audience member D: We could get one for you!
Audience member C: I have pink!
Jared: (to A) Aw, that’s no fun. It’d be blue or pink.
Audience member A: I could get one for you!
Audience member E: I've got one in maroon if you want to come get- (giggles).
Jared: (to A) (nods) I gotta do pink.
Audience member D: Real men wear pink.
Audience member C: I got pink!
Jared: But- yeah, you know what? I wanna try and wear pink. I don’t know if I can.. pull that off.
Jensen: Sure you can. (audience squeals and laughs)
Audience member: Real men wear pink!
Jensen: Absolutely.
Jared looks down and smiles and then goes to hug Jensen. The audience aw’s. Jared looks at Jensen and then pulls away laughing. Jensen laughs.
◘Jared and Jensen at Breakfast in Chicago (4) by LauraTX1◘
Jensen: That’s not going to be on any websites tomorrow.
Jared: (thumbs to Jensen) Stone face. (hears Jensen and walks away laughing from the mic)
Audience member: Just don’t let him stand behind.
Jensen: Yes.
Jared: (returns) Yeah, that’s right. That’s right.
Jensen: None of that.
Audience members: Do it again! We missed it! Do it again!
Jensen: (shakes head) Ho-ho-oh
Jared slowly goes to hug Jensen again. And then pats Jensen’s chest.
Jared: (off mic) Dang!
Jensen: (shakes head) Don’t do that to him. He get’s all excited and sweaty.
Jared: (returns to mic) Don’t prompt me! Yeah.
Jensen: It’s not pretty.
Jared: (gestures to Jensen) I’m nervous being this close to him. (audience laughs)
• (13:39 DT, 9:04 SA, 0:31 L) Chicon07;Q1 - Evil Sammy Laugh; 2x14 Tied-up Meg!Sam scene; Gore-Tex
Audience member: Can you do your evil Sammy laugh?
Jared: Who- Which one?
Audience member: Your Evil Sammy laugh.
Jared: Which one was it? (audience laughs) I don’t remember. You know what’s funny, is that-
Audience member A: The one where you’re sitting in the chair.
Audience member B: Yeah, the one sitting-
Jared: I’d have to see it. I’d have to see it.
Audience member C: The cackle! The cackle! You throw your head back and cackle.
Jared: (Breathes and puts his hands on his hips, smiling.) Look (backs away from the mic) I’ll-I’ll- I’ll do it. I just can’t remember it.
Jensen: (squints) I have no idea what they’re talking about. (audience laughs)
Audience member: “Born Under A Bad Sign!”
Jensen: Oh! (holds his hands up) What?! (audience laughs)
Jared: It was just a bad head cackle? (audience: yeah) I gotta get tied up. (audience screams)
Jensen lifts up a hand and turns and walks away from the mic.
Jared: Anybody got any rope? You got to really be there and feel the character.
Jensen walks back up to the mic with a hand out and then shakes his head. Jared glances at him with a smile.
Audience members: Roleplay!
Jared: (to Jensen) get a rope.
Jensen: (?Ok, where's?) my rope. (starts patting his pockets and chest)
Jared: (?You didn’t-?) (starts patting his pockets and chest)
Jensen: I didn’t do it!
Audience member: I got my Cam cord! (Jensen points and then laughs.)
Jared: Yeah, that would work. Cam-Camera cords. That (?can?) hold me. (shrugs his shoulders)
Audience laughs. Jensen facepalms, rubs his face, and then looks at Jared.
Jensen: It’s like a snowball. (looks away) (audience laughs)
Jared: you know what’s funny is- (audience member says something) It is the m- yeah- That’s true, actually. We always have these- Whenever were doing the crazy water demon throwing we always get so wet doing over and over and over again that we have these Gore-Tex shirts on, which don’t let any water underneath, and like Gore-Tex pants, and shirts, and-
Jensen: Yeah, that’s a bunch of crap. (shakes head) (audience laughs)
Jared: We look like an absolute (?whore? or ?horror?) whenever you, uh, whenever you finally go to get changed, (rubs his body) like why do I have black latex, Gore-Tex stuff on. (audience laughs) And it doesn’t let any water in, which is great, but it also doesn’t let any water out. So if you’re naturally a sweater like somebody I know? (audience laughs. Jensen smiles) You’re sitting there going like, (flapping shirt and scrunching his face) “Are you sure this stuff works?” (audience and Jensen laughs)
Jensen: “I’m soaked.” (smiles at Jared)
Jared: “I’m kind of wet. Like, why? Why is it-” And you’re sitting there and you’re tied up. And you’re just trying to.. do the best you can do. (audience giggles) Um. (stares at Jensen) (audience laughs) It’s tough. (Jensen laughs) But the guy who directed that- the guy who directed that episode, uh, “Born Under a Bad Sign” he just did our Christmas episode. (audience cheers and claps) Which will be airing- Yeah. (claps) (Jensen nods) It’s going to be airing, um- airing-
•(15:44 DT, 11:02 SA) Chicon07;8+ 3x08; Jensen on Ben Edlund
Audience member: At Christmas? Yeah.
Jared: Yeah. At Christmas. (audience laughs) The last one before the break. Bring-
Jensen: (to Jared) Ben Edlund, right? Ben Edlund?
Jared: (to Jensen) Uh- uh (nods) yeah. I think Ben Edlund wrote it, but it was (throws hand) Miller Tobin who, uh-
Jensen: (to audience) (laughs) You guys, have you ever seen Ben Edlund?
Audience: Yes!
Jensen: (laughs) He’s so not what I expected.
Jared: He’s cool, huh. (audience and Jared laugh at Jensen’s response)
Jensen: I-I- I’ve met him at, uh- (shrugs) because he just really kind of joined us full time this season. I met him at, uh, Comic Con this year. (audience woo’s) (opens arms) And, uh- And I was just expecting, you know, a Kripke clone. (Jared: Right.) (audience giggles) This ub-buh-
Jared: Semi-neurotic.
Jensen: (starts doing a jig) This thirty year old, kind of, you know, fidgety, a little bit nerdy, (audience laughs) (Jared: -laughs- Yeah.) and just, you know, (smiles and then gestures to his head) a brainiac basically. (Jared: Right.) …Jim Morrison walks through the door. (Audience laughs. Jared nods.) And I go (leans head back with a confused expression and then shakes his head) I didn’t expect that. Black fingernails, (audience laughs) shades,-
Jared: “Hey man.”
Jensen: “What’s up, man?” (nods his head back and forth) (audience laughs) (points) “I dig your stuff.” (audience laughs. Jared nods) and I’m like, “I want whatever you have.” (audience and Jared laugh)
•(16:37 DT, 11:55 SA) Chicon07Gold;9+ Sam and Dean’s Hair
Jared: It’s called hair.
Jensen: (nods) Yes.
Jared: and you can’t-
Jensen: (shakes head) I don’t have much.
Jared: Actually, with the writers not writing short hair, you can grow your hair.
Jensen: This is true. And you can cut yours. Finally. (audience cheers mixed with no’s)
Jared: You know what? I’d like that. I’ve had- (points to head) I’ve had this hair since Gilmore Girls. (audience woo’s) I’ve-I’ve been- I have no idea what the shape of my head is. (Jensen and audience laugh) Right now it’s just curiosity. (Jensen: Giant) I don’t know somethin’s growing in there. (Jensen holds his hands out to measure something big) I mean, it’s b- (laughs) (audience and Jensen laugh) Well, I mean, I just- I’m curious, do I have a mole?
Jensen: Well, I r- Like, I remember when, uh- when we first started, you know, we’re in talking and Kripke was like, “Oh no, I- come on. I like- I want Jensen’s hair short and leave Jared’s hair long. And then I don’t want to change it. You know, I-I don’t want to pull a ‘Felicity!’” (audience laughs)
◘Jensen and Jared by InsipidRamblings◘
Jared: (nods) That’s right.
Jensen: I didn’t know what he was talking about. Now I know. (audience laughs)
Jared: Yeah. (nods) Yeah. But at least (?if I have a myspace page?) in his head.
Jensen: So, we’re a bit stuck to these for a while until, uh- you know, until we get the okay.
Jared: If-if y’all guys bring us back, then we’re stuck in these for a while. (audience cheers and claps. Jensen nods.) I guess I won’t have to shave my head for another.. year or so? (some audience no’s) Couple of years? (audience starts yelling out responses) Alright. Alright.
Jensen: I’m just waiting for the script that says, “Dean enters the room. Sam’s asleep in the motel.” (audience catcalls. Jared laughs.) “Dean pulls out his clippers.” (Jared nods) (mimics and makes sound effects shaving Sam’s head)
Jared: That’ll have to be the next prank episode. (some audience woo’s)
Audience members: Nair! Nair!
Jensen: Nair? That’s just wrong. (audience laughs)
Jared: (starts to laugh but stops) Aw! That’s me! Who said that? (audience and Jensen laugh) (picks up his mic stand, but puts it back down.)
Jensen: (to audience) Now you did it.
Jared: Nair? What is that stuff? (rubs his nose, looks around, and then shrugs) (audience laughs. Jensen laughs) I don’t even know what (laughs) that is.
Jensen: It’s in your toiletry bag, Jared. (Audience laughs and then Jared laughs out loud and claps) (smiles and then rubs his face) Oh man, alright what else? What else we got? Anybody have any- any little anecdotes?
◘Jared and Jensen, breakfast by augustfading◘
•(18:32 DT, 13:50 SA, 0:08 AF) Chicon07Gold;Q2- Weekend; plane ride; Michigan avenue
Audience member: What did you do this weekend?
Jensen: What did we do this weekend? Uhh-
Jared: W-We had a four day weekend. (pats his fist and then waves Jensen off) You- you just stay over there. I’ll talk.
The audience laughs. Jensen briefly holds up a hand and nods. Then turns and walks slightly kicking his mic stand.
Jared: So, uh, we flew together.
The audience aw’s. Jensen goes to the podium and grabs his coffee mug to take a drink.
Jared: Oh. (waves his hand) He has no feelings.
The audience laughs. Jared turns around and sees Jensen drinking his drink on the far side of the stage and then laughs. Some of the audience starts yelling at Jensen to come back. Jensen comes back up to his mic.
Jared: (gestures between their mic stands) Put a big guy in between us.
Jensen: (points in the audience) I’m going to hang out with them. (feints walking off stage) (audience cheers) (laughs, waves, and then returns to his mic)
Jared: We, uh… (watches Jensen) We, uh- We- We had a four day weekend, because as you know today is, uh, Remembrance Day, is what they call it in Canada. So we- (audience member: Canada! [woos]) so, we get off in a Monday, but Friday we had off. So, we’re flying together. It’s been a long night. And, I finally start getting to sleep. And, uh, we’re in row 1. That-That is- is not fun, because I either got my legs straight up (lifts his leg) on the wall (audience laughs) and the people behind me are staring at my socks and my gargantuan feet going like, “Like, why is that guy, like, showing his feet?" (swipes hand) Finally I getting to sleep-
Jensen: Yeah, like at one point both of our legs (gestures with two fingers) were like straight up (Jared: Yeah) (audience laughs) the wall. Makes us look like some.. aliens.
◘Jared and Jensen at Breakfast in Chicago (5) by LauraTX1◘
Jared: (gestures flip down) And it’s the- it’s the television that comes down off the thing. (gestures to placement) So, it’s like two feet, (audience and Jensen laughs) a television, two more feet. When we kind of turned around, they’re like, “I don’t want to stare at your feet when I’m watching-“ (to Jensen) What was it? Hairspray?
Jensen: (nods) Hairspray. (audience laughs)
Jared: I mean. (shrugs shoulders) What’s that?
Jensen: I mean, I don’t know. What-what- what movie?
Jared: I don’t know that movie. (audience laughs)
Jensen: (one shoulder shrug) Well, somebody must have googled it and looked it up.
Jared: So, I finally get to sleep and Jensen walks me up. And, I can’t go back to sleep. I maybe got thirty minutes of sleep.
Jensen: Yeah, it- Well-well, you, uh-
Jared: And I feel- and I feel someone tickling my toes. (audience laughs and aw’s) And I wake up and he’s (scratches his mic) (audience laughs) And then I really woke up. And, uh-
Jensen: Well, he really was asleep and I’m like, “I really had to go to the bathroom.” I was sitting window. And- and I s-looking at him, “There’s no way.” (audience laughs. Jared laughs and walks away from the mic, claps, and then comes back.) So I just start kneeing him. (mimics nudging with his knees) And he’s finally like, “What?!” And I’m like, “I gotta go.” (audience laughs)
Jared: “What?”
Jensen: “What?”
Jared: “We’re landing?”
Jensen: “No! Shutup!” (audience and Jared laugh)
Jared: And then we, like, we walked around so much. And, I went to, uh, Michigan Avenue. (Jensen gets a refill for his mug on the far side of the stage) Which was- which was fun. It was great. (some audience woo’s) I’ve been here a few times before and I’ve seen the Hancock Tower. And I’ve been up there when I was in high school and did some speech tournaments here. And so (a few audience aw’s) I got to go back and see it again. It’s nice architecture. (claps) We wanted to do the, uh, architecture tour, (Audience member: Yeah!) but it closed at four o’clock. (Jensen nods)
We go to- you know, you hear, you know, you go to Chicago you gotta do the deep-dish pizza. (audience yeah’s) And so we, uh, we get around. We-we get like- (to Jensen) Three o’clock? (Jensen nods) We’re like, “Yeah, let’s grab a piece of pizza. And go do some stuff.” And, we get there and we’re like, “We’ll take a deep-dish, you know. Split it between supreme and.. pepperoni.” And they’re like, “Alright, that’ll be like an hour.” (audience yeah’s) Like, it totally blew (?my mind to-?)
Jensen: Hey, I could have made it. (audience laughs)
Jared: Cook that stuff. I just want to throw in stuff in the oven.
Jensen: An hour?
Audience member: How good is it?
Jared: It was really- We went to Gino’s? (looks at Jensen) (audience woo’s) (Jensen nods) Yeah, it was good. It was really good. And then we all slept like Thanksgiving sleep.
Jensen: And we wrote- wrote our name on the wall.
Jared: Yeah. Wrote our names. (nods)
Jensen: Yeah.
Jared: Yeah. I wrote “I love Jensen.” (Jensen nods. The audience cheers.) (nods)
Jensen: I wrote “I love Jensen.” (nods) (audience laughs)
◘Jensen & Jared in Chicago: The College Try by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: I- (laughs) And right next to each other, so.. no one mix it up. But then we took a Thanksgiving style nap. You know when you eat too much turkey and you just go-
Jensen: (fake snores) Yes. And-
Jared: And because of the nap we were up till (nods) late (laughs) last night, so.
Jensen: Yeah, well hey, I couldn’t go back because after, you know, Steve’s show (Jared: Yeah) I went back and it’s like couldn’t go back to sleep. So, (Jared: right.) might be a little sluggish today, but (fist pumps) we’ll give it the old college try. (audience laughs and cheers) (smiles)
Jared: That’s right. Right. (Jensen: Yeah.) You went to college? (audience laughs)
Jensen: It’s just a phrase, Jared. (audience laughs. Jared grimaces)
Jared: Sorry. I feel bad now. (Jensen laughs) Maybe we will be in college this time next year if the writers aren’t- (audience laughs) (to the audience) Any suggestions?
Audience: No, boys don’t do-
Jared: I know. Knock on-
Jared looks around and then turns to Jensen and then softly knocks on his head. The audience laughs and some aw. Jared returns to his mic and then Jensen makes a knock noise with his mouth.
Jared: (to Jensen) that was more hollow than I expected. (audience laughs. Jensen nods with a smile) (laughs) It really is early in the morning. (laughs)
Jensen: (?It ain’t easy being me.?)
Jared: Awesome. (audience laughs)
•(22:22 DT, 17:39 SA) - Closing
Jensen: (throws up a hand) I’m out. I’m done.
Audience member: We love you.
Jared: We love y’all.
Jensen: I'm running low.
Jared: Thanks guys. Thanks for the support and everything. (?This is great?). (audience cheers and claps)
Jensen: (nods) Support. Yeah. (nods) I thank you.
Jared: It’s easy to lose track of.. who you’re making the show for, you know? And, you get so bogged down in sort of the day to day stuff that you forget that there are people that are out there enjoying what you do. And… so we really appreciate it.
Jensen: You guys keep us employed. So, you know, we-
Audience member: We love you!
Jensen: We- we- (briefly looks at Jared) (Jared nods yep) appreciate you so much. (audience screams out we love you’s and cheers)
Jared: We love y’all.
Jensen: (?Alright, we gonna cut this-? or ?All right, well they’re telling us-?)
Jared: (to Jensen) That was for me by the way.
Jensen: Yes, I know.
Jared: (thumbs to Jensen) But, you guys tell Jensen you love him too.
Audience: We love, Jensen! (Jensen turns to look at Jared with a smirk)
Jared: (to audience) Not that loud! God. (turns away from the audience)
Jensen pumps his fist. Jared back towards the audience laughing. The audience yells out they love Jared. Jared nods.
Jensen: Alright guys, they’re telling us to wrap it up. So, we will- (waves) I-I assume we will see you- the rest of you guys (Jared: Right?) later.
Audience: Yeah!
Jared: Good morning, guys. This is a good way to wake up. (Jensen: Yeah) To see all y’all's smiling faces. Thank you so much. (claps)
Jensen and Jared walk off stage to their left and exit the room. Except Jared comes back to grab the towel on stage
Jared: I’m taking this. (audience laughs)
Jared goes to off stage and then throws the towel to the audience before stepping off to then exit the room.
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sapphyreopal5 · 29 days
Why does CE has such high prices. In other conventions where Jared was the prices were quite low compared to CE.
Anon, I can't answer this with a whole lot of certainty regarding the business aspects for Creation Entertainment. I will say that I think it's because they are the main host for Supernatural related conventions and also for some other television shows. It seems like in the United States for a long while they were also the most dominant convention host that Jared and Jensen signed up for along with actors for other shows. Since it seems more comic cons are having Jared and even Jensen show up (and the wives), this only seems to drive the demand up for them to show up to new places. Novi Michigan and Oklahoma City are a couple cities that come to mind; last time according to the SPN Con Calendar, the last time a con was in Boston was back in 2011 and for Vancouver 2022, which is back on the schedule for 2025. As for why the prices are going up next year, it's likely the increase in demand and also increase in supply. It also seems thanks to Jared saying yes to The Boys, this might reignite some people's excitement for J2.
This is pertaining to Creation's prices for the SPN fandom of course. I can't answer as to whether or not the prices for Creation's events for other shows have gone up or not.
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
A few other blogs have addressed this, and the Crossroads con organizer has. Most European cons just can’t afford both Js because they cost a ton in fees. Pair that with the fact that they have different schedules but aren’t stuck in Vancouver for most of the year, and it makes sense why they are starting to do separate European cons. Also, it kind of makes sense that they might want to appear not always as a pair when they have different careers. This also makes the more accessible since cons with bath if them are very expensive.
They also still do all Creation cons (which there are a ton of this year still) and JIBs together.
Thanks, anon! I admit I hadn't really thought much about the European cons other than it probably being an issue to schedule in the past because of needing so much more travel (and possibly some recovery) time. Especially on top of having to fly back and forth to Vancouver all the time.
But yeah, it makes sense organizers without Creation's pockets might struggle to afford both J's at the same event. A lot of tumblrites seem to think they would be able to just decide to have a convention and magically get all the stars to show up. Like, no, you have to pay the guests, and the actual stars do not come anywhere near as cheap as demon #5.
Add on that they have different schedules where Jared's is still tied to full TV seasons while Jensen's is ???, Jared may still have to try and get that knee surgery in somewhere, going solo likely opens the floor for more current project questions for fans who have less opportunities to see them, and they're still doing oodles of Creation cons together all year long where it's not only not the case that they never see each other, but not even the case they never get to do cons together, even European ones given Jibcon?
But nah, they didn't prioritize scheduling a couple European cons together, J-vorce is obvs real!!!
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breakawayshinies · 2 years
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Jared Padalecki met (first time): Salute to Supernatural, Vancouver, BC on: August 29, 2010 This is not my favorite autograph of Jared. In fact, this wasn’t even one I obtained myself. I used to have several (I did a lot of SPN cons) and unfortunately, all of my ones of Jared and Jensen were stolen from my collection some time ago. This was a gift from a friend, long after I stopped attending Creation cons, because she also had multiples. But I met Jared at my very first convention ever in 2010, and he is TALL and was super kind and a big part of the reason I kept going back. :)
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Happiness Continues
Part 8: 27 Weeks Pregnant
Summary: The guys and their wives take a drive up to Dallas for a Creation convention. The weekend goes great until an uninvited guest shows up. 
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Plus Size Reader
Word Count: 6.4K+
Warnings: Language, angst, stalker scenarios, psuedo-kidnapping
Author’s Note: I know this was uber delayed, but school... anyway I hope it lives up to your expectations. Congrats to @waywardbeanie @jensengirl83 and @akshi8278 on getting your questions into the fic and a huge thank you to everyone that participated. I wish I could have put all the questions in but it would have just been too long of a chapter. But please know I really do appreciate you all. The song sung in this chapter is by The Highwomen called Crowded Table, check it out if you’ve not heard it before. And of course many thank you’s to @emoryhemsworth​ for being the best beta xo Alex
Catch up with the series masterlist and then check out Alexandra’s Library for more by yours truly!
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The sound of ice dropping from the refrigerator and into the metal thermos clanged around the kitchen. Once she was satisfied with the amount in her water bottle, she topped it off with water. As she turned around, screwing the lid into place, the soft hums of her husband could be heard as he came out of their bedroom, their suitcases trailing behind him. 
“You know,” she started, the humming coming from her partner reminding her of something, “you still haven’t told me what song you chose to sing tonight.”
“And you know I told you it was a surprise,” he replied, placing the luggage out of the way and coming to stand next to her at the island. 
“I hate surprises.”
“No, you don’t.” Dimples formed on his cheeks as he kept his smile tight-lipped, his wife rolling his eyes at her. 
“Please! Just tell me,” she jutted out her lower lip in a vain attempt at mocking her brother’s puppy-eyed look. 
“Fine, I chose “Having My Baby,’” Jensen sighed, his shoulders sagging. 
“You did not! Please tell me you are kidding.” 
“What’s wrong with Paul Anka? That song is a classic.” The actor stood up taller, his voice growing defensive. 
“I hope to god you are kidding because believe me when I say that if you so much as mention your ‘seed’ in front of hundreds of fans, I’m taking this baby and I’m leaving.” Y/n pointed to the still-growing bump attached to her abdomen before flicking it towards the door, the most serious expression written on her face. 
“Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be? Fine,” Jensen cleared his throat, and she knew it was coming before he even had the chance to open his mouth again. “The need inside you, I see it showin’, oh, the seed inside you, baby, do you feel it growin’—”
Y/n’s hands flew to her ears, the ‘la, la, la’ falling from her lips in an attempt to drown him out. His face split into a wide grin as he snatched her wrists and pulled his wife into his chest, placing a soft kiss to her nose before her lips. 
“You’d be so lucky, baby, but no, it’s a surprise. You will find out tonight, so let it go.” Jensen released her from his grip as the security system chimed. It noted movement near the garage door just before the couple heard the voice of her brother coming from the other end of the house. 
“Let’s go, Ackles, we’ve got three antsy kids in the car and need to hit the road pronto!” Y/n snatched her backpack and water bottle from the counter as Jensen grabbed their bags and headed towards the garage. The guys took the bags to stuff them in the trunk as Y/n set the house alarm. 
Jensen pulled open the passenger side rear door to the Padalecki’s SUV, helping his wife into her seat before climbing in the front passenger seat. They greeted Jared’s kids as the family set out on the road towards Dallas and the Supernatural convention. 
The sign that flew by on the side of the highway indicated that Dallas was about eighty miles out still, giving them at least another hour until they made it. The kids had long since fallen asleep in the backseat, their bellies full of snacks and their distractions in hand. Y/n glanced back at them before digging out the bag of Goldfish she had packed for her snack. Before she could even get it completely open, her husband’s hand appeared between the side of the vehicle and the seat, palm up. The woman chuckled before dumping a handful into his hand. He transferred the crackers to his left hand before returning his right to its original place to rest it on her calf. Jensen ran his fingers up and down her leg, the action soothing to both of them. 
From the seat next to her, Y/n could see her sister-in-law turned to her, a knowing grin on her face. For being an actress, Gen sure did have an awful poker face. 
“Nothing, I’m just really happy you two found each other,” the smile on Gen’s face growing wider as she spoke, the eyes of the men in the front seats flickering back to her. Jared glanced over from the driver’s seat just quick enough to see what Gen was referring to. There was a twitch of a smile on his face too before he covered it up to fake a gag. “Speaking of, how was Toronto?”
“Oh, I’m in love with Toronto!” Y/n gushed, her mind going back to the trip she made to visit her husband on set. Because of the break-in, they were making up filming days and he couldn’t get away, so the couple decided to celebrate their first anniversary together with her going to visit him. “The city is so beautiful, albeit not as beautiful as Vancouver, but there is just something about it. It reminds me of New York a lot, but like, cleaner.” 
“You two had a good weekend?” 
“We did. Jensen took me to Alo for dinner, and I know I’m pregnant, but it was the best food I’ve ever had in my life. I wanted to take the chef home with me.” Thinking back to the dish she had, Y/n ran a hand across her abdomen, the memory of her baby coming to life after the meal making her smile to herself. 
“I believe you, even if there is something about being pregnant that just makes everything taste better,” Gen giggled along with her sister-in-law, the two of them sharing a secret that their husbands would never understand. “I’m glad you had a good time with what you had.”
“Well, either way, I was going into my third trimester. I was not up for some extravagant trip across the globe. My back hurts too much to pretend to be relaxed.” As she thought about the way her body had continued to change as the finish line came onto the horizon, it was like her body throbbed in response. The makeup artist flexed her limbs, rolling out the kinks from sitting for too long in one position. 
“I’m sorry girl, but it only gets worse from here,” Gen scrunched her nose, wishing she could tell her anything but the truth. 
Y/n sighed, the action rolling through her whole body, “I was afraid of that.”
Clif was waiting at the back doors to the convention center of the Hilton where Creation was hosting their convention this weekend. He was there to escort them all inside as well as stay with Gen and Y/n during the show. Creation provided their own security for Jensen and Jared, so Clif was more than happy to spend time with his favorite girls. They were running a tad late, having hit traffic after dropping the kids off with Jensen’s parents who had graciously offered to babysit. 
“Hey, kid,” Clif greeted Y/n with a bear hug once they were inside, his large arms engulfing her and squeezing tight. “Let me look at ya.”
Y/n stepped back as he released her, running a hand over her now unmistakable bump to emphasize it underneath her maternity clothes. “Not much of a kid anymore.” 
“No, you aren’t, are ya? Went and let this idiot over here corrupt you.” Clif locked his arm around Jensen’s neck, bringing him into his chest to ruffle his hair with the opposite hand. The group laughed and Jensen struggled to get out of his hold, his hands immediately flying to fix his hair once Clif relented. 
“You’ve been spending too much time with Jared,” Jensen scowled at his friends, who shared a look and a shrug. He took his wife’s hand and moved to continue down the hall before pausing to turn back. “And I’ll have you know, she was already corrupted when I got ahold of her. All I had to do was sit back and enjoy the ride.” 
A gasp of her husband’s name fell from her open mouth as he tossed everyone a wink and pulled Y/n deeper into the hotel. Her surprise morphed into a giggle as he pulled her along, her cheeks flaring with residual embarrassment. Her family was bound to push him too far one of these days, and she was just waiting for him to drop some sort of bomb on their unsuspecting ears. She just hadn’t anticipated it would be today. 
Jensen had been in a particularly good mood since that morning. Y/n couldn’t place whether it was the excitement of being at a convention again or if it was being home, but whatever had him smiling like an idiot she was thankful for. Jensen’s attitude had always been infectious, and right now she was thriving off of it, the joy of being able to make her forget about her swollen ankles and face. It was nice to be in the moment for once. 
Louden Swain was already starting their soundcheck on the main stage as she and Jensen entered the hall. Y/n let Jensen go and went to sit in the chairs in the front row to watch them busy themselves around the stage. She was alone until Clif, Jared, and Gen caught up and joined her in the seats. It didn’t take long for the band to run through everything with all their guest stars who would be performing with them. Jensen did a quick verse from “Like A Wrecking Ball” before also joining those that were in the audience. 
The fans could be heard already outside the doors to the hall, their excitement palpable even from a couple of hundred feet away. Not that she blamed them, Louden Swain always put on an amazing show, as did the rest of the cast who chose to join them. Her husband was obviously her favorite to watch; the rough honey trickle of his voice had a way of splitting her soul in half. After that, she was obsessed with watching Briana. The woman was a powerhouse and had a way of captivating everyone watching her. It was no secret that she often found herself on YouTube watching Bri and her husband dueting “Shallow,” making it her most-watched video by far. 
Everyone was escorted to the green room while fans filled the hall, then Clif escorted them back to watch from the sidelines once the lights went down. They took a seat in the chairs that had been put aside for them against the wall, joining in the squeals of the audience when the guys took the stage. 
Louden Swain captivated everyone with their songs and stage presence, as per usual, but when Rob introduced Jensen onto the stage, it was like a train had just rammed into the wall of the hotel. She could feel the floor shaking underneath the insanity that ripped through his fans in the seats of the audience. 
“Well, good evening Dallas!” Jensen bounded on the stage, the leather jacket he was wearing somehow looking that much better in the lights of the stage. The Texan pulled Rob into a tight hug before taking his place in front of the microphone stand. The stubble that had arrived in just a few days of not shaving was more evident on his jaw and neck as he craned it sideways to work the stand up to his height. Y/n had to admit he looked absolutely scrumptious. 
“I’ve got a new song for you guys tonight that the guys have been so gracious to learn for me.” Jensen paused for the screams from the crowd before continuing his introduction. “This one is for my wife. I love you, honey.” He cast his eyes to where she was seated, watching the smile that spread across his features and letting it calm her anxious heart.
You can hold my hand
When you need to let go
I can be your mountain
When you're feeling valley-low
I can be your streetlight
Showing you the way home
You can hold my hand
When you need to let go
 I want a house with a crowded table
And a place by the fire for everyone
Let us take on the world while we’re young and able
And bring us back together when the day is done
Jensen’s foot tapped against the stage as he found his groove in the first verse. Almost instantly, Y/n recognized the opening chords to the song making her heart flutter in her chest. She’d first discovered this song before they’d even found out they were expecting. There was an instant connection to the lyrics, and in typical Y/n fashion, she had played the song on repeat until she knew the lyrics backward and forwards. She really couldn’t believe he’d remembered it. 
If we want a garden
We’re gonna have to sow the seed
Plant a little happiness
Let the roots run deep
If it’s love that we give
Then it’s love that we reap
If we want a garden
We're gonna have to sow the seed
After everything the two of them had been through the past few months, the lyrics falling from his lips brought tears to her eyes. She chose to completely ignore the fact that she was pregnant. This was his way of reminding her of that night and the promise he’d made. The actor was more than ready to start a family with her, and he would keep reminding her until he ran out of breath.
The door is always open
Your picture’s on my wall
Everyone’s a little broken
And everyone belongs
Yeah, everyone belongs
 I want a house with a crowded table
And a place by the fire for everyone
Let us take on the world while we’re young and able
And bring us back together when the day is done
And bring us back together when the day is done
If Y/n thought that the screams that greeted Jensen on the stage were deafening, it had nothing on the roar that now filled the hall, never mind the thrumming of her heart in her chest. She was sure time had stopped. Her husband blew a kiss to the audience before bowing off stage. It was his disappearance from before the mic that had on her feet without a second thought, chasing after him behind the stage and to the green room. 
She burst through the doors, her eyes meeting his as he turned to the sound of the latch. Without a second thought to the others in the room, the pregnant woman launched herself into her husband’s arms. Both of them dug their faces into the embrace, knowing just what the other needed at that moment. 
“You’re right, I did love this surprise,” she mumbled against his neck. Jensen ran a hand down her hair, his arms instinctively squeezing her tighter to him as she spoke. 
“Anything for you, babe.”
Behind the scenes of conventions was far less exhilarating for the guests than it was for the fans attending. It was quiet in the green room, most people eating or napping in between events they were to attend, which was why Y/n and Gen chose to stay behind the next morning and let the kids sleep in as much as possible. The guys were up at the crack of dawn to get to the hotel in time for the gold panel, and neither wanted to deal with pulling three little ones out of bed that early. 
It was nearly midday by the time the girls had wrangled the kids into the car and to the hotel. Clif met them at the back door much like he had done the night before, ready to escort them wherever they wanted to go. When they arrived in the green room, the guys were off to their respective photo op rooms. 
The kids took center stage when they got there, livening up the room in an instant. Odette fed off the attention far more than her brothers did but being the youngest, that didn’t come as a shock to anyone. Y/n wanted to hit the vendor’s room before her husband got back and they had to be on stage for the main panel. There were often hidden gems at some of the booths and she wanted to support the small business that set up there. She invited Gen to join her, and naturally, Odette wanted to tag along. The two of them left the boys in the capable hands of Kim and Briana before grabbing Clif and heading out. 
The room was bustling with people who were in between activities when they entered. Y/n picked up the small girl and put her on her hip so she could keep better track of her, not that Odette protested. They made their way to a booth surrounded by original artwork. Most of the displayed pieces were Supernatural related, but there were a few other pieces that encompassed other shows and movies, as well as art that encompassed just about anything else. Y/n got the artist’s information, intending to order an original piece from her. 
From there, it didn’t take long for the room to realize who had joined them. The hushed whispers of the con attendees could be heard as they moved on to a shop that sold handmade jewelry. Luckily the looming presence of Clif was enough to keep people at bay. He was very good at subtly guiding those who dared to walk up to them away from the scene. Right now they preferred peace and would greet some people once they were finished looking. 
Gen bought something from the jeweler for Odette, seeing as once the toddler set her mind to something, she was relentless. Then the trio moved on to a few more booths before acknowledging the fans in the room. Clif took Odette from Y/n while the wives talked with some people in the room. There were many congratulations and asks for photos which Y/n politely declined while Gen agreed.
With a glance at her watch, Y/n signaled to Gen it was time to head back. They said goodbye to the fans and headed back to the green room. Jared and Jensen were back already when they entered, eating a quick snack before they had to go back on stage. 
Jensen pushed his chair back from the table when he spotted his wife. He patted his thigh as she made her way towards him and she took a tentative seat in his lap. The actor placed a kiss on the underside of her jaw before offering her the food on his plate. She decided on a carrot, biting into the hard vegetable as her husband spoke. 
“I missed you this morning.”
“I know, I missed you too. Still hate waking up to an empty bed,” she frowned, tossing the other half of the carrot in her mouth. 
“Just a few more weeks, then I’m done and it’s just you, me, and this baby,” Jensen promised, resting his large hand over her growing abdomen. He ran his thumb over the swell of her stomach as she contemplated his words. 
“Promise?” She cocked her head, knowing full well he intended every word. Before he could answer, the Creation handlers appeared to grab the boys and bring them to the stage. 
“Promise,” he kissed her again before urging her off his lap so they could head out. Gen rounded up the kids to go and Jared picked up his daughter to carry her out to the show. Jensen and Y/n walked hand in hand down the back hallway until they had to go separate ways. Jared handed Odette over to his wife and they were off to get show-ready. 
The girls and the kids followed behind Clif and took the empty seats in the front row far off on the right side of the stage, the lights lowering just as they were getting settled. Rob and Rich appeared and did their usual bit before introducing the boys onto the stage.
Watching them together was something Y/n always enjoyed. The two actors played off of each other so well and never failed to make her chuckle. Especially now, she loved that after everything that had happened, their relationship was not hindered. They were truly brothers on and off camera, and Y/n couldn’t ask for anything better. 
Jensen went to his usual chair on the right side of the stage, pulling it more forward and center before sitting down as the crowd continued to cheer for them. Jared followed suit, spinning his chair around and putting as close to Jensen’s as was humanly possible. Her husband frowned and leaned away from Jared, who only played along and leaned into his best friend. 
Jensen brought the mic to his lips and scowled, “Dude, why are you so close to me?”
“Cause we’re family now, officially bonded by blood,” Jared retorted, still trying to lean into Jensen as he continued to pull away. The older man rolled his eyes at his brother-in-law’s antics but couldn’t fight the smile on his face as the crowd cheered at Jared’s words. 
“Don’t remind me.” Jared leaned into Jensen, whispering something in his ear before the pair shared another laugh. Jared spun around and started the questioning. They got a few typical questions about Supernatural and the final season, nothing too crazy, but one specifically piqued Y/n’s interest. 
The girl asking the question stood not even twenty feet from her at the mic on the right side of the room. “My question is for Jensen.” Her voice was steady, but she was looking at her feet as she spoke. “Now that you are on The Boys, the show has far more carnage than Supernatural, and you have said in the past that you dislike being covered in fake blood, so I was wondering if you have come to terms with it, or has your hatred only grown?” 
Jensen threw his head back in laughter at her question, surprised that he hadn’t been asked it before today. “Well, you are right, I have not been shy about my contempt of stage blood, but nowadays I do find it far less annoying than I once did. I think I got over it filming season fifteen. There is nothing like staring at a beautiful woman to take your mind off of the stickiness. Y/n was a great distraction.” 
“Alright, that’s my baby sister you are talking about,” Jared faked a gag before dropping his mic in his usual fashion as the crowd let out a collective ‘awe.’ Jensen shrugged before moving on to the next question. He rounded to the next fan on the opposite side of the stage. 
“Hi,” the boys said in unison, bright smiles on their faces for the girl.
“First of all, I want to congratulate Jensen on the pregnancy. So, my question is for Jensen and Jared. Jensen, since you learned about the pregnancy, has your perception of life and love changed, and if so, how? And for Jared, being a father yourself, what are some things or advice you would like to share with Jensen? How has becoming a dad changed you? Thank you!” The girl stuttered around her words, her nerves of having the guy’s undivided attention seeping through her voice. 
“What?!” Jared dropped his jaw as he turned his head back to look at his brother in law in the seat next to him. “You’re pregnant?” 
Jensen leaned back in his chair and ran a hand down his torso, “Do you think I’m showing yet?”
“No dude, you look good, women everywhere hate you.” The duo fell into a fit of laughter, their heads were thrown back in unison at their stupid joke. Naturally, the whole crowd joined in. How could one not when those two were cracking up? It was infectious. 
“I’m sorry about my friend here. Thank you, we are very excited.” Jensen leaned around Jared to smile at the fan that stood with a Random Acts volunteer’s arm around her shoulders. “As for your question, it didn’t really hit me until we heard the baby’s heartbeat for the first time. Anyone who has kids knows how important that moment is. I never thought I could love my wife more than I already did, but there is something about looking at the woman you love carrying your child. It’s a completely different kind of connection to another human being. As for our baby, well, she was just a flicker on the screen then, but I knew there was nothing I wouldn’t do for that flicker.”
“Y/n is gonna kill you later for saying ‘she,’” Jared cut in, but Jensen just smirked knowingly. The man always had to cut the emotion with a joke, something the pair of them had in common. Life was too short to always be so serious anyway. 
“Well, what about you dad?” 
“What are you talking about?”
“She asked you a question too, so answer it,” Jensen reminded his costar, much to the amusement of everyone around them. 
“Oh yeah. Well, I’ve given Jensen tons of advice. He’s constantly coming to me for my superior wisdom.” Jensen frowned behind him, his eye roll visible even from the back of the room. “Nah, but in all seriousness, the best piece of advice I could ever give him would be to just be there for your wife, whatever she needs. She just gave you a child, the least you could do is get her some water and snacks during feedings.” 
In the shadows of the audience, Gen leaned over to Y/n, whispering in her ear, “I think he’s done that maybe twice.” Y/n laughed along with her friend, knowing full well that sounded just like Jared. 
“Being a dad has taught me an abundance of patience and understanding. While they are your kids, they are also humans with real feelings and thoughts. It’s important to listen to your children, and I mean really listen to them. It’s not easy some days, but what they’ll remember in twenty years is whether mom and dad were there or not, so that’s what’s most important to me.” The girl whispered a shaky ‘thank you’ to the guys before they moved on. There were more questions about Supernatural, Walker, and The Boys, but what Y/n didn’t expect was another question regarding her, the words cutting her like ice as they left the fan’s mouth.
"Now that Y/N is pregnant, how hard is it being away from her while filming? How do you handle the emotions of being away from your wife in this kind of situation?" The fan had a bright smile on her face as she asked a question that was sure to have the fans falling even more in love with her husband and the amazing man he was. 
Gen’s hand fell on her shoulder as she noticed her sister-in-law’s body tense, awaiting the answer from the actor on stage. Jensen turned his gaze to her, offering a small smile to her before turning back to the fan. 
“It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I feel like I’m dumping everything on her shoulders and leaving her to figure it out alone, and I hate that. You know, I made a promise to her on our wedding day that I would always be there for her, and I feel like I’m breaking that promise. On the nights that the baby is rolling around and not letting her get any sleep, she will FaceTime me to show me, and anyone who’s ever seen this knows it’s just as cool as it is creepy when it looks like the kid is trying to escape from her stomach.” Jared nodded in agreement alongside him as the audience laughed at his admission. “My heart clenches in those moments because I know there are a hundred other moments that I don’t get to be there for, but even more so that my wife doesn’t get to have me next to her for. I know it’s just as hard on her, experiencing all these new milestones alone. We are both just very lucky that she has Jared and Gen so close. Those two have been her rock through this whole thing.” 
“If there is anyone who can handle it, it’s Y/n,” Jared cut in, sensing his friend’s growing discomfort. “My sister is one of the strongest women I know, so don’t worry about her too much, Jay.”
“Right, yes my mistake, what was I thinking worrying about my pregnant wife?” The shorter Texan played up his words with a stiff nod of his head, much to the enjoyment of the crowd. The guys thanked the fan for her question just as Rob and Rich came back on stage, starting up the last question song. Y/n excused herself then to go to the restroom, assuring Clif she’d be okay and she would be right back, imploring him to stay with Gen and the kids.
The pregnant woman slipped past Creation security near the stage to the hall that led to the bathrooms. She sped down the hall on her toes, the urgency not hitting her until she stood up. Her mind was focused on getting to the bathroom, unconcerned about anything else until she was inside the first open stall. Y/n took care of her business, coming out of the stall to a figure standing directly across from her at the sinks. Her eyes trailed up the broad person who had their back to her until she met their eyes in the mirror.
“No!” The gasp left her lips, her feet instinctively stepping backward until her back hit the stall. 
“Hi, Y/n,” the man’s voice was rough, the sound of grating against every nerve in her body. It perfectly matched the smirk that he held as he turned to face her, the same smirk that had been haunting her dreams for weeks now. The woman swallowed around the lump in her throat as her pulse rose, the thrum of it beating behind her ears. 
“How?” It was the only thing she could force past her lips as her mind raced through all the possible outcomes of this encounter. If anything, she was trying to buy time until someone came looking for her, but she had no idea how long that could be. 
“I expected a hello, but I guess I can’t really blame you,” the guy shrugged, his nonchalance unsettling Y/n even more than she already was. “I’ve been waiting for you for a long time now.”
“Waiting for me?”
“It was only a matter of time before we found our way to each other,” he took a step closer to Y/n, her heart skipping in her chest at the action. No matter how frightened she was at this moment, Y/n refused to back down. Instead, she squared her shoulders and lifted her chin at the man. 
“Wh-what do you want?” Her tongue tripped over her words and the woman fought to control her breaths, letting the air out slowly through her nose as she refused to look away from the stalker across from her. 
“I want you. It’s always been you. For years I’ve waited for you to come to your senses about that actor you call your husband, but it seems you may need a little push,” he explained as his feet began to pace in a line, cutting off her only route to the door of the bathroom, to her freedom. 
“Excuse me?” Y/n was genuinely confused now, her adrenaline-soaked brain struggling to comprehend what he was telling her. 
“He’s all wrong for you. The bastard married you and ran off to Canada the second he could, leaving you to tend to his house, and now look at you, knocked up with his spawn and he still could give a rat’s ass about you.” The man’s voice was rising in tone as he became agitated, with what exactly she wasn’t sure, but she didn’t want to stick around to find out. 
“My husband loves me—”
“No!” He rounded on her, his pacing halted as he looked at her. “He’s poison. He doesn’t care about you or your career, he only cares about what you can do for him, but me? I’ve been your number one fan since the beginning. With me, your possibilities are limitless. Nobody could stop us.” 
It was now even more apparent to her at that moment that this guy was far more unhinged than she had originally thought. He believed with every fiber of his being that what he was saying was the truth, she could see it in the fire raging behind his eyes. It was the same fire that had her biting her tongue from firing back. She had more than just herself to think about in this situation, and she had no one way of knowing how he would react, but she also knew that staying in that bathroom was not an option either. 
It was now or never. He was no longer pacing across her escape route, and she wasn’t that far from the door. If she could at least get on the other side of it, she could create a commotion to draw attention. The second his eyes flickered from her own, she leaped into action, setting her focus on the door, and only the door. As her fingers wrapped around the handle, she felt his rough grip on her bicep. She was only able to get the door open a fraction of an inch, but it was enough. Her frantic eyes met with the shocked ones of Gen and Clif on the other side of the door. 
“Damn it!” He hollered as he yanked her back. The door didn’t even have time to close before Clif was pushing his way into the bathroom after her, watching as Y/n stumbled and nearly fell on her ass from the force of the stranger’s pull. 
“Alright, let her go,” Clif’s voice was calm and demanding as he assessed the scene in front of him. “Don’t make this worse for you than it already is.” 
“You make it sound so easy,” the guy chuckled dryly, the sound of it finally breaking whatever false sense of confidence Y/n had created. Preparing for a struggle, she squeezed her eyes shut, the action sending the welled up tears cascading down her cheeks. 
“It is that easy. Because trust me, if you hurt her, it will be the last thing you ever do.” The sound of the bathroom door opening again had her opening her eyes, a few of Creation’s security guards filing in to back up Clif. Knowing he was outnumbered, the man roughly released his grip on Y/n’s arm. The pregnant woman scrambled away from him, past security, and out into the hallway. 
“Y/n...” The sudden grip around her wrist startled the traumatized woman, her body reacting against it until her gaze met the familiar green eyes of her husband. Her body relaxed in an instant, throwing her into his arms as a sob racked through her body. Jensen squeezed his wife in his arms, holding her shaking frame close to his chest as she let out all her emotions. He shared a look with Jared before burying himself into her as well, just as relieved to have her back as she was to be free. 
It had only been about thirty seconds since Gen had come running back from checking on Y/n to tell them that something was wrong, but it was all it took. He felt his heart sink as he looked at the fear in Gen’s eyes. He and Jared were up from their chairs like lightning, allowing their long legs to get them to the bathroom with security hot on their tail. It killed him to have to wait outside, but he knew it was the best chance of getting her out of there safely, so he bit his tongue and did as he was told. None of that mattered now anyway, she was safe in his arms, and that was the most important thing. 
It felt like an eternity later when the cops showed up, taking the place of the unarmed security detail. They emerged with the guy in cuffs, a deep scowl on his face as he was carted out of the hotel, Clif and the security following behind. 
“Clif, what the fuck happened?!” Jensen growled, fury about the day’s events creeping upon him, seeing the guy that had his hands on his wife only fanning the fire in his belly. 
“I’m sorry, Jensen—” Clif's words were cut off by the raging actor. 
“You’re sorry? You were supposed to be protecting her!” Y/n lifted her head from her husband’s shoulder, using the back of her sleeve to wipe away the tears and snot from her face. The man’s whole body was tense, the anger rolling off of him of barely perceptible vibrations. 
“Hey, Jay,” she put her hands on his face, making him look at her. Reluctantly, he tore his gaze from Clif to look at his wife, his face softening as he took in her fragile state. “It’s not his fault. I told him to stay with Gen.”
“No. Clif is not to blame right now and you know it,” Y/n lowered her voice, the little bit of sternness she was able to muster dissipating. “You’re scared and I am too, but don’t take that out on him.” Jensen nodded at her, leaning in to kiss her forehead with trembling lips.
“I’m sorry, Clif,” Jensen breathed, his eyes opening slowly to look back up at his long time friend. Still trying to come to his senses over what had just happened, he had one arm around his wife, refusing to break contact with her. The fear of being out of control was still too overpowering. 
“It’s okay, I understand.” The two men shared a nod. Emotions were still on high, and everyone needed a moment to take in the events that had just transpired. Before anything else could be said, one of the cops cut through the tense scene playing out in the middle of the hotel hallway. He had a concerned look on his face, but he had a job to do too. 
“Ma’am, can I ask you a couple of questions?”
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Main Panel Timestamps x/x
Part 9: 35 Weeks Pregnant 
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Forevers: @22sarah08​ @akshi8278​ @anathewierdo​ @atc74​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ @callmekda​ @dawnie1988​ @deanwanddamons​ @ellewritesfix05​ @emoryhemsworth​ @foxyjwls007​ @hobby27​ @janicho88​ @jensengirl83​ @katehuntington​ @lyarr24​ @malfoysqueen14​ @miss-nerd95​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @msmarvelouswinchester​ @polina-93​​ @sleepylunarwolf​ @stiles-stilinski-24-dylan​ @smol-and-grumpy​ @suckmyapplejacks​ @superfanficnatural​ @supraveng​ @talesmaniac89​ @tranquility-or-chaos​​ @waywardbeanie​ @winchest09​
Happiness Continues: @afangirlreacts​ @anaelsbrunette​ @ashleyrose0117 @austin-winchester67​ @deanbowlegsackles​ @deangirl93​ @deans-baby-momma​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @dvnmbabe​ @fangirl199813 @harryhook-lover​ @hoboal87​ @itsdesiree86​ @jbsgirl4eber11 @let-me-luve-you​ @lunarmoon8​ @neverland14353​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @parinarain​ @rebeccathefangirl @rebelemilu​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @spnfamily-j2​ @stoneyggirl​ @squirrelnotsam​ @traceyaudette​ @winchestergirl82​ @winqhster​ @zpandaqueen​
236 notes · View notes
acklesforlife · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Danneel Ackles!
It’s Danneel Ackles’ birthday, so we thought for our continuing celebration of Supernatural Spring Break week, this was a good time to both wish her a happy birthday and share the rather amusing story of one of our first times meeting her.
There have been a few memorable times since, including the party celebrating ‘Supernatural Day’ in Austin with Mayor Adler, which was just plain fun and an opportunity for some real conversation.
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And I’ll be forever touched that Danneel wanted a copy of Family Don’t End With Blood (and how incredulous she was that Jensen actually had a chapter in it!) and that she has read our other books too.
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The actual first time we met Danneel was a long time ago – at the after party following the premiere of indie movie Ten Inch Hero, which was at a club in LA back in, I think 2008. We all left the premiere and walked over to the club, invited by director David Mackay – the cast and the audience all together.
We had a lovely little chat with Danneel there about the film, met screenwriter Betsy Morris who’s still a friend today, and asked actor Matt Barr (now of Walker) to watch the rest room door while I in desperation used the men’s room because there was a huge line at the women’s. (He was lovely about it and it makes me laugh now every time I see him as Hoyt).
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It was a momentous party, what can I say?  After that, my co-author Kathy and I interviewed David over a three hour brunch in Vancouver for the first book we were working on, and mentioned that we’d love to chat with Danneel  too. To be honest, we didn’t really think that would happen. But a few months later, while we were in LA for the Supernatural convention, we got a call from David.
I’ll let some excerpts from our second book, Fangasm! Supernatural Fangirls, take it from here…
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… he let us know that Danneel Harris had actually agreed to an interview too. This prompted some hyperventilating and a rush of euphoria that left us grinning like fools. Jensen Ackles’s girlfriend was going to meet with us? Really? David had given Lynn’s cell phone number to Danneel so that she could call us tomorrow, the same day the boys came back to town. SWEET.
Given the pattern of the weekend so far—great things happening and then going horribly wrong—we should have known what was coming.
[On the Sunday of the convention, while everyone was in a fever pitch of excitement over Jared and Jensen being there] Lynn was obsessively checking her phone. “Noooo!!” she gasped. It was the plaintive moan of a beast in distress.
Kathy assumed that Lynn was passing a gallstone from the sound of it.
“No reception!” Lynn said, wide-eyed.
For Kathy, who hates phones (really, what doesn’t Kathy hate?) this didn’t seem like a big deal. The world really is too connected anyway. An hour out of cell phone reception seemed like a welcome respite, an opportunity just to enjoy the moment.
Lynn wasn’t as philosophical. “What if Danneel calls?”
Kathy honestly didn’t hold out much hope that this would actually happen—a yellow on the threat scale at most—so she wasn’t concerned.
Lynn was taking up her slack by flailing around, banging buttons on her phone as if somehow this would jolt it into action. “How can there be no cell phone reception in LA??”
Lynn had a point. We’re reasonably certain that there is cell phone reception in the Arctic Circle, but there was not a bar to be had in a hotel in LA. LA!! The town where everyone’s people are calling everyone else’s people, where iPhones are accessorized to coordinate with the day’s outfits, where a missed call can ruin a career. Jared and Jensen distracted Lynn for the duration of their time onstage, but as soon as it was over Lynn made a bee line for Jared’s girlfriend, Sandy (the woman sitting in front, wearing a hoodie so no one would recognize her—except Lynn apparently). Lynn wildly explained our dilemma to the stunned and probably scared actress. It was a good thing the Men With No Necks (MWNN) were only being paid to guard “the boys” or Lynn would have been face down on the carpet.
While Lynn was doing this, Kathy was pretending that she did not know Lynn.
Sandy was sympathetic, but didn’t know if she’d even see Danneel. Lynn thanked her for the sympathy and moved on to the next person who might be able to help. She attempted to enlist convention photographer Lizz, to no avail, and finally Creation owner Adam.
“I’ll try Lynn,” he said, sounding slightly exasperated. “But I’m kinda running an entire convention here.”
Thwarted again, Lynn pulled out all the stops. During her Jensen photo op, she stopped everything to explain the situation to Jensen himself.
“Hi, Jensen,” Lynn said, hoping that her voice wasn’t sounding too shaky. “We have an interview set up with Danneel today for the book we’re writing on fandom, and she’s supposed to call us, but I don’t have any reception on my phone, so I’m afraid she won’t be able to.”
The photo-op process screeched to a halt, and the room fell silent. Photo ops, you see, are not a place for conversation. They are highly valued by fans, who pay top dollar for the privilege of standing next to a celebrity, and they are relentlessly organized. The entire experience lasts about twenty seconds, and during that time you’re expected to say hello to the celebrity, smile, perhaps get an arm around your back or lean into said celebrity’s very firm bicep, and then move the hell out of the way and let the next person crowd in for the next picture. The photo ops allow no room for deviation. So when deviation happens, no one is very happy. The photographer wasn’t happy. The other fans weren’t happy. And the MWNN looked ready to move into swift and potentially lethal action.
Not that any of this stopped Lynn. “Can you put us in touch with her?” she continued, oblivious to the threatening stares all around her.
“Oh right, the interview,” Jensen said.
Lynn just nodded, though inside she was stuck on “OMG Jensen knows about our interview and our book, ohmygodohmygod.”
“Maybe she can email you,” Jensen continued. Then the conversation abruptly ended as Lynn was grabbed unceremoniously by the back of the neck and “escorted” from the photo-op room. Uh oh. She hadn’t experienced that feeling since being a two-year-old caught trying to get away with her baby brother’s coveted teddy bear. Lynn was most definitely in trouble—and even worse, she’d made no progress in getting in touch with Danneel, who didn’t even have our email address!
Lynn, ever the intrepid researcher, was not deterred. She thanked the Man with No Neck for his assistance and got right back in line for her next photo op, the “sandwich” photo (as in sandwiched between Jared and Jensen, which is vaguely dirty and thus very popular). As Lynn walked up, Jensen immediately tried to continue their conversation.
“So do you want to . . .” he began, while Jared looked confused. After all, the celebrities know the no talking rule as well as the fans.
Lynn held up a hand defensively. “Shh, I’m not talking to you. I totally got in trouble for it before,” she added, as the MWNN hovered threateningly.
Jensen laughed. “I got in trouble too,” he protested.
We doubt the MWNN were involved.
“Can Danneel get us her email?” Lynn managed as she was once again “encouraged” to leave the room as quickly as possible.
There was no time for an answer. Damn. Thwarted again. We were disappointed, but Lynn was relieved that she wasn’t escorted out of the entire con (the specter of the Flying Fangirl from Asylum still looms large at these events after all). We were still feeling like an interview with Danneel had been too good to be true anyway, so we tried to swallow our sadness and settled in to watch some of the other guests. Midway through the next panel, Lizz the photographer came out into the audience and passed us a note—from Danneel. It just said, “Send me an email, love danneel” and included her email address. Being a bit clueless about the popularity of smartphones in 2008, we figured this meant that she wanted us to get in touch with her later for an email interview. We were disappointed that we wouldn’t get to talk to her in person but incredibly excited that she’d given us her email address. We wandered back outside after the panel and tried not to be too miserable about the Danneel interview not happening that day. We were hanging out in the hallway chatting when photographer Lizz suddenly appeared and yanked us away in the middle of a sentence with an exasperated, “Come with me!” She led us down a small side hall.
We still weren’t entirely sure what was going on. Were we in trouble again? Had the MWNN decided to kick us out after all? Moments later, Danneel emerged from the side door, introducing herself with a smile. Somehow we managed to compose ourselves and smile back. Apparently Jensen had facilitated the interview after all! Danneel suggested that we all grab some coffee, so we headed upstairs to the hotel’s Starbucks, where Danneel insisted on treating.
Coffee in hand, we went back downstairs to start the interview. Danneel suggested that we go backstage to talk, and then came a weirdly symbolic moment. The very same Man with No Neck who had tossed Lynn unceremoniously out of the photo op for daring to speak to the talent now held back the curtain to the backstage area, solicitously helped Danneel and us step over the various wires and cables snaking across the floor, then closed the curtain behind us to seal our crossover. The irony wasn’t lost on us.
Kathy whipped out her trusty voice recorder just as she had done for every other interview we’ve conducted, turned it on, and . . . nothing. We were interviewing Jensen Ackles’s girlfriend and there was NOTHING. It wasn’t the batteries, which had been checked and rechecked. Kathy tried to maintain some semblance of professionalism. She would quietly figure out what was wrong and then she would just as quietly fix it. Deep breaths. Okay, the recorder was FULL. Not to worry. She excused herself, leaving a confused Lynn to entertain Danneel.
First the cell phone, now the voice recorder. Sunday turned out to be the day technology failed us. This, for Lynn, is an everyday occurrence. For Kathy not so much. She loves technology. She embraced the Internet years before it got pretty, she used a “portable” PC to write her doctoral dissertation (portability is of course a relative designation—relative to muscle mass and stamina), and she gets gleeful over the prospect of using every new toy her university has to offer. So yes, technology was her friend. Until it wasn’t.
While Kathy dashed upstairs to grab her laptop (wishing that she could grab a shot of tequila), Lynn attempted to keep up a conversation with Danneel without actually asking any of our carefully prepared interview questions. Without a recorder, there was no way she’d remember a damn thing that was said—so that left small talk as the only option. Luckily, Danneel and Lynn connected over their mutual love of writing, swapped college stories, and then Lynn (as always) managed to talk about her children. Danneel proved herself a great listener. Minutes went by—lots of them—and Lynn realized to her horror that Jensen and Jared were almost done with their autographs. After that, it was off to the airport—and we would lose our interviewee to her boyfriend as she left with Ackles. Where was Kathy???
Finally, shortly before Lynn had moved on to telling Danneel about her daughter’s first steps, Kathy returned and hurriedly tried to download everything onto the laptop while time quickly ran out. Come on!! All Kathy could focus on was how long it was taking for everything to download. That and the rising nausea that threatened to overtake her. Lynn, in desperation, started asking the interview questions (which, since they weren’t recorded, are lost to posterity—and to this book).
Suddenly Jared Padalecki walked by, meaning that autographs were over and people were getting ready to leave. We despaired of a recorded interview, heartbroken over the squandered opportunity. And then, quite unexpectedly, Jensen Ackles was standing there, smiling and saying hello. Even more improbably, he held a fluffy white dog in his arms. For a moment, Kathy was sure this was all part of the nightmare, because fandom at the time had no clue that Jensen even owned a dog. Icarus, however, was quite real—and quite fluffy. Icarus was almost as excited to see Jensen as we were—he’d apparently been whining backstage every time he heard his owner’s voice during the Q&A. We hugged Icarus while Jensen hugged Danneel and tried to talk her into riding with him to the airport. All Kathy heard in those words were that it was too late—she’d blown it.
Danneel, however, had other ideas. She blew Jensen off. No wait. This part can’t really be happening either. More of that dream? Kathy was contemplating poking herself with a sharp object, sticking her finger in a wall socket, anything to jar herself back into reality. This was surely just her own anxiety-ridden psyche toying with her. Must be. Who says goodbye to Jensen Ackles so that she can talk to US?? But Danneel really was excusing herself to say good-bye to Jensen, Icarus happily following, with assurances to us that she’d be right back to finish the interview. Kathy gathered together the few shreds of sanity she still had, sorted the problem, and figured out how to record directly onto the laptop.
Danneel returned, true to her word, and the interview finally began. We relocated to the “green room,” the cloistered room where the guests are confined between stage appearances. The green room, as we were well aware, is a private space—more or less a “No Fans Allowed” clubhouse for the celebrities. We immediately felt like imposters, occupying a space where we clearly shouldn’t be. The room offered a small banquet of food, a bit of which we gratefully sampled, and a table stacked full of fans’ gifts for “the boys.” The coolest of these was a hairdryer that looked exactly like Dean Winchester’s favorite gun—and yes, it actually worked!
Danneel, of course, was quite comfortable in the green room and turned out to be very good at making us comfortable as well. Lynn asked questions. Danneel answered. Kathy breathed. Everything was going to work out just fine. Somewhere the unicorns of fandom were neighing happily.
And then the laptop went dead.
Kathy again tried to be unobtrusive as she flailed around trying to find an outlet. No point in making a bigger fool of herself, right? Sooner or later, though, it became apparent that she was in need of assistance and everyone, including Danneel, was up and scouting for an outlet, crawling under tables and moving furniture to do so. Danneel, we decided, had the patience of a saint. She never lost her sense of humor either, shrugging off our apology for keeping her from accompanying Jensen to the airport by wryly noting that “Jared would have been in the limo anyway, it’s not like we could have made out on the way to the airport” and jumping up to knock on wood when we asked her about the possibility of marriage.
In the midst of all the sitcom mishaps we did manage to carry on an interview…
You can read the rest of our misadventures (and the interview itself) with Danneel in the book, but Kathy and I left that day with a respect and affection for Danneel that has never faded.
Jensen posted a photo of her plunging a clogged toilet today for her birthday, and I laughed because it makes it clear that she’s still as genuine as she was that day she got down on the floor and crawled around looking for an outlet right along with us.
I’ve had the opportunity to chat with Danneel several times since our hilarious interview, and I think most people who have run into her at the brewery would say this too – she’s not afraid to be real.
I’m so glad Danneel was able to be part of Supernatural as a cast member before it ended, but really she’s always been part of the SPN Family. Happy birthday, Danneel – thanks for keeping it real!
Source: [x]
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Monster Bulletin for Supernatural Vancouver 2017
Ah, Vancouver!  An absolute gem of a city, full of kind people, gorgeous ocean views and surrounded by pristine wilderness. Sounds like the perfect place for all of us to gather for an Official Supernatural Convention 2017 event! But beneath the placid, foggy surface does danger lie?
Oh yes dear readers, Vancouver is Wendigo hunting territory! Our favorite Winchester Brothers are familiar with this dangerous creature from all the way back in season one, episode two.
What is a Wendigo?
Lore on what, exactly, a Wendigo is and where it comes from varies wildly across North America, but one thing everyone can agree on is: They are seriously bad news. Driven by greed and a need to consume, Wendigos are cruel, intelligent creatures willing to do anything to get what they want. Unfortunately what they might want is to eat you!
You can tell a Wendigo by its tall, emaciated frame and foul smell. They tend to hang out in forests, so if a tall smelly weirdo approaches you on a nature hike, just run.
What can I do to keep myself safe?
Wendigos are strong, intelligent and devious creatures, so the best way to keep yourself safe is to stay far away! We know it'll be hard to avoid those greedy feelings around all of the cool Supernatural merch at the con, but just try to not let it become an obsession! Healthy levels of desire for merch are a-okay!
Keep clear of the forests at night and don't follow distant voices on the wind, and you should be able to fully enjoy the Official Supernatural Convention Vancouver! We hope this Monster Bulletin helps you avoid the things that go bump in the night and live at the edge of your vision in the beautiful Northwest. We look forward to seeing you there!
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nebbi-tealeaf · 7 years
What is the best day to attend vancon 2017 of I'm only getting the preferred one day pass that includes panels and friday kareoke??? Is the kareoke worth going friday? I really want to see any panels with jensen and or misha, but I can't seem to find a panel schedule, just one for ops and autographs. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!
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To Hell + Back does Canzine Vancouver
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Over the weekend, mods @60r3d0m @casthewise and @justholdingstill visited the downtown branch of the Vancouver Public Library to indulge in their annual book sale (we're fiends for the printed word, as you might imagine), and to check out Canzine Vancouver 2019 happening upstairs at the same time! Not only was this an opportunity for us to see the work of some extremely awesome local artists & writers up close & personal, it was also a chance to soak in the creative atmosphere and gather inspiration for the multimedia To Hell + Back.
Some of you might not know that the design of our anthology—both the printed and the digital aspects—will be inspired by the classic homemade fanzines of yore in both aesthetic and spirit. Even though we’re not going to be running off copies of this particular anthology on a Xerox machine, we still want to pay homage to the incredible tradition of print fanzines; not only because they were cool as heck, but because they represent the rebellious DIY spirit of fandom and its unending wells of passion and love. 
Creating fanzines—and really, openly participating in fandom at all—used to be dangerous. People lost their jobs and families. Police used to raid conventions. In the early days of the internet, take-downs amid ever-changing terms of service were common. And yet, despite all of that the tradition of fanzines and fan creation has not wavered—it’s grown, and it’s been increasingly embraced by the mainstream. We think that’s pretty amazing. So yeah, we’re producing To Hell + Back for a couple of reasons: to celebrate the end of the Supernatural era; to document, in some small way, the far-reaching phenomenon that is the Good Ship Destiel; to showcase the diversity and variety of talent present in this fandom; and, of course, to salute our time-honoured heritage of printed fanworks.
That, and the fact that we can’t think of a pair who better embody the twin spirits of rebellion and DIY than the two stubborn idiots who have insisted on raising hell, defying destiny, and falling for each other over and over, despite all odds and despite the best intentions of their creator, their writers, and Chuck himself.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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bbbfansite · 7 years
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Throw back to @followBBB #onstage at #supernatural #Vancon 2011 I found this on my computer! 😀
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j2spntranscripts · 4 months
☆ 2008 Fangoria (Jared solo)
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Official name: Creation Entertainment present’s FANGORIA Weekend of Horrors Location: Renaissance Austin Hotel, Austin, Texas Time: Saturday January 19, 2008, 12:00 PM (GMT-5) Panelists: Jared Padalecki Last episode: 3x08 "A Very Supernatural Christmas"- 12/13/2007 Next episode: 3x09 "Malleus Maleficarum"- 1/31/2008
Question Index: 1- Hair Products 2- Sandra McCoy returning (*Questions with estimated chronological order:) a1- fav SPN music a2- Texas vs. Vancouver a3- Height a4- Sam’s biggest motivation; Gilmore Girls a5- Writer strike impact; On set culture a6- SPN Dirty Secret a7- Acting opposite to Evil!Dean; 2x14 a8a- fan appreciation; Jared a8b-Sam’s theme song a8c- Sam’s music a9- Characters affect on brother dynamic; Bella, Ruby, Bobby, John a10- s3 airing schedule; 3x11, 3x12 a11a- Jared on working with Sandy McCoy; Don’t kiss Jensen in public bit a11b- Adlib; Creative Control; 3x06 a11c- appreciation; J2 brother chemistry a12- Fan Interactions; Surprising/Overwhelming a13- SPN Appeal; McG, David Nutter a14- Jared on horror roles a15- When are Sam’s powers coming back? b- Future projects c- fan appreciation; 3x08 d+ Supernatural Movie* d1- Writer’s strike impact; s3 d2- 3x08; Act Five: Int. Motel- Night, Unsaid dialogue e+ Jared on producers/directors; Kim Manners; Phil Sgirccia; Pranks; On set culture* e1- unknown f1a- fan appreciation; hair; 2x14; Evil!Sam f1b- fan appreciation; 3x03; comedic timing f2- Emotionally draining episodes; 2x17, 2x09; 2x14 f3- Impala 67; Driving off the clock f4a- Fanfiction f4b- Supernatural Novels f5- s3 Dean’s deal outcome f6- fav s3 villain; 3x01, 3x02, 3x03; Gordon, Sterling Brown g+ Jared’s dogs*
(video playlist/links and transcript below the cut)
(*if you notice any mistakes in the video transcripts or found more video coverage of the con please point them out thanks*👍) (*tumblr doesn't like dailymotion vids so I can only hyperlink them*)
[click here] - Jared Fangoria 2008 1_0001 by psychoactivtoad [click here] - Jared Fangoria 2008 1_0002 by psychoactivtoad
◘Jared at Fangoria in Austin (1) by LauraTX1◘
Jared walks on stage patting his mic. The mic doesn’t pick up sound and the audience laughs. A member of creation staff walks across the stage and hands him a new mic.
Jared: (holds up working mic) Hello? (holds up malfunctioning mic) Hello? (switches) Hello? (audience chuckles)
Jared hands the staff the malfunctioning mic. The staff member then walks off the stage.
Jared: Can I sit, (?probably right?)? (?I’d get?) to see you all coming from the same angle?
Audience member: You can sit right here! (audience laughs)
•(0:12 L) - Introduction
Staff member drags a chair upstage for Jared then leaves off the stage.
Jared: Hi, guys! (?I’ve heard-?) I’ve heard from Jensen, he had to do some stuff in Los Angeles. So, he couldn’t make it out. But, he was very sorry, but he has to do some stuff involving the show. So, (?I’m going to go up?) produce that and prepare that. (audience woo) (pats leg) I actually just did, um, ADR on our next three episodes and they’re rockin’.
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Jared has nice hair by BabyBlueSteel◘
So, I don’t know when they start airing, but strike or no strike we get four new episodes until next season. So.. I hope you guys will be excited. (audience cheers)
I wonder if anybody has questions? I’d love to- I mean, y’all let me talk and give me a microphone and stay in here too, I might talk for, like, six hours. (audience chuckles) So, before I get on that tangent I would love to hear if anybody has anything that they were wondering and think I could help. (points to the audience) I- I saw you first.
•(0:54 L, 0:29 BBS)- Fangoria08;Q1- Hair Products
Fan: Um, (Jared holds his mic up in the air for the fan) you have nice hair. (audience laughs) Sam has nice hair.
Jared: (laughs) Thank you.
Fan: I just wanted to know what, like, products do you use? (audience and Jared laugh)
Jared: Um, you know what’s funny is that, um.. Thank you very much. (audience laughs) Um, I- this is so funny. I- I usually do- I usually just get out of the shower and, um- I blow dry it. I probably shouldn’t admit that in Texas. (audience giggles) I’m gonna get my ass kicked. (audience laughs) But, um, I-I was told a long time ago that if you towel off your head, you go bald. (audience laughs) That’s like a whole (gestures) wear a hat, go bald.
(points into the audience) Is that what you did? You toweled off your hair? (audience laughs) (points again) (?He really toweled better than I could do. Holy-?) Thank you.
Um, and, so I started blow drying my hair. And now it naturally sort of does this. And so, I’ll just spray it with hair spray. But I’ve been- For the last month or so, I’ve been waking up and not having my hair professionally done or my make up put on. So I look at myself in the mirror going like, (grimaces and sways) “Uuuh” (audience giggles) So.
(?Audience member: that’s the episode?)
Fan: Yeah, okay. (audience laughs)
Jared: Thank you so much.
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Will Sandy return to SPN by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: And then.. (points into the crowd) I saw you next
•(0:29 BBS)- Fangoria08;Q2- Sandra McCoy returning
Fan: Is Sandra going to come on the show again any time?
Jared: That’s a fantastic question.. (nodding) She did a great job. Thank you so much. She did. That was, uh- that was, uh- uh, a really interesting-
We started shooting that scene at midnight. And it was freezing cold and she had on.. (smiles) I liked it, but (audience laughs) a very thin dress. And it’s windy and it’s cold. And.. it was- and she was, you know? She’s not going to snitch. But, it was like, (scrunches up and shivers) “Ehvuvuh.” She was (?key tagged?) and they’re like action. So, she’s having to break in. (audience aw) And I felt so bad for her. And here I’m with my coat and everybody is running up to me and, like, bringing hand warmers or jackets. And I’m like, “Thank you. Thank you.” (audience laughs)
Um, but, right now we’re still wondering if I’m gonna come back on to the show, you know? Or if the show is gonna come back. So, unfortunately we’re at a standstill. I’d love to have her back though.
And, (points to the crowd) then I saw you in the back.
(missing coverage *which may mean content isn’t listed in the correct chronological order)
◘JARED PADALECKI on his favorite song on SN by Yeya◘
Jared: (?I say I went for the breath walkers and things?) (points to the crowd)
•(0:29 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa1- fav SPN music; 1x12, 1x17
Fan: Hi. (?Jane Boleyn) Uh, we know that (?per?) the music on the show is a really important part. (Jared starts to take off his jacket) And I know that you come in and talk about how you go back and watch (?the after?). Is there- Is there-
◘Jared Fangoria 2008 1_0001 by psychoactivtoad◘
Jared dramatically strips off his jacket off his arm. The audience laughs and then catcalls. Jared then fans his shirt. The audience giggles.
Fan: Is there a (?musical?) that you thought was really outstanding in the show?
Jared: Yes. Yes. My favorite, um, was actually the, uh, episode “Faith.” My favorite was the- duh,.. The reaper song. That musical in that whole- Was that the episode where the spoon in the mouth thing and he’s singing “Fire of Unknown Origin.” (audience laughs) I thought that was funny.
Audience member: That was “Hell House.”
Jared: (points at audience member) That was “Hell House,” okay. So, I like that.
But the same band, Blue Öyster Cult. Um so, but the “Don’t Fear The Reaper” montage with, um, the girl running through the woods and being chased.. by the reaper, I thought it was really well used. And, obviously, I- I knew the song, but I really knew it from Saturday Night Live with (?Will Ferrell hitting that cowbell?) (mimics hitting a cowbell). (audience laughs) (laughs) And so, um, it was exciting to- to.. associate that with something else.
(points to the crowd) I will getchu, but I think (points to another person in the crowd) I saw a hand.. over here did I? (swipes his hand) I was just kidding. (points again) Yes.
•(0:59 P)- Fangoria08;Qa2- Texas vs. Vancouver
Fan: Do you like Texas better or Vancouver?
Jared: I like Texas better. (audience woo’s) I’m from Texas. (pumps fist) I was born and bred, so I- I do like Texas better. Um, I think it’s just more my speed? But maybe I’m more it’s speed since I was raised here.
But, Vancouver has also been tough because, as you know, Jensen and I are pretty much in every scene. Or, if we’re not in every scene- The way they shoot television shows, f-for those of you that don’t know, um, if-if you watch some, it’s shot out of sequence. But, they shoot it with locations. So if we’re doing a scene in a hospital then we’ll do every scene that’s in the hospital that day. So even if we’re not in this scene in.. this in the hospital or that scene in a hospital, we’re probably in the others. So, we’re there all day anyways.
And so, I’ve seen a lot of Vancouver. Unfortunately, it’s been, you know, during work hours. Which is great but, you know, you’re busy, you’re doing your thing. And on the way to, uh, work, Jensen and I are head down in our script running our lines and memorizing our lines. And so, we don’t get to do (?that kinds of stuff.?) But I like the people here. I like the people here.
(turns a little to his left and points into the crowd) Let me go over way over- I think- Yes. (laughs) Yes. That was fun.
•(2:04 P)- Fangoria08;Qa3- Height
Fan: (laughs) Um, I have a quick question. I was just wondering- I’ve been a fan for a long time and I was wondering if you could tell us how tall you (Jared smiles) are since just in case you don’t know (?it throws papers?). (audience laughs)
Jared: (shocked face) How tall I am? (laughs) Um, at the- You know, what I- I have to say, my answer changes depending on where I am. If I’m at an audition I’m like, “How tall is the leading lady?” (audience laughs) “5’1”?” (shrugs) I’m like, “5’11”, 5’10 ½”.”  (audience laughs) But I think, I think I’m actually, um, 6’4” (nods). So- And in Texas I would say, like, 6’7” (audience laughs) or 11”. So, it depends on where I am.
Like, if I want to go to.. (?) I’ll say, you know, 6’2” or 6’3.” (?But I’m certain y’all are 6’2”?).
Audience member: No, you’re not 6’2”.
Jared: (nods) Yeah, how tall are you?
Audience member: (?6’5?)
Jared: (points to audience member) Yeah, you know. (audience laughs) Yeah, he knows. He stood right there next to me.
(points towards his right) Yes.
•(2:52 P)- Fangoria08;Qa4- Sam’s biggest motivation; Gilmore Girls
Fan: I want to know what Sam’s biggest motivation in (?)
Jared: Sam’s biggest motivation’s changed, which has been a really, uh, exciting thing to do because unfortunately on television shows, um… You can kind of just do one thing for a really long time and it gets so mundane doing the same thing over and over and over again.
And I don’t want to bad mouth the show or my character, because I-I loved it and I did a, uh- I did a lot of years on it. But on “Gilmore Girls,” my character gradually became more one note. Like it sort of started out exciting, but then as I started doing other things I couldn’t do as many episodes. And so I sort of became this character and there was less exciting things to play.
But, obviously Sam’s motivation has changed from, um, you know, after adventures because of Jess’ death to being (?aspired by his?) father- trying to look for his father. Now obviously he’s, um- he loves his brother and, uh, he wants to get his brother out of the deal.
It’s so weird talking about it. I haven’t filmed in such a long time.
Um, but his main motivation has been his love for his brother and his family. And a little bit.. half that and half just refusal to accept that he is, you know, not the same as the other evil children just running around. (audience laughs) (?That he’s?) (finger quotes) special.
(points) I’m going to go back to my (?cowgirl?)
•(4:06 P)- Fangoria08;Qa5- Writer’s strike impact; On set culture
Fan: Has- has the, uh, writer’s strike been hard on you and, uh, the people you work with? I mean, is it trying to cause strain and tension like you’re not coming to work?
Jared: You know what? The writer’s strike has been.. awful.. awful, awful, awful. Um.. There are- Supernatural has been really lucky. Um, and half- (head tilt) uh, half the time, I think, you know, we’ve been pitching over the (?barrel?). I mean, we’re just stuck in our own little microcosm and we don’t know the world around us. But, on the flip side of the coin, we’ve all been so close. Because we’ve now done 56 episodes together.
And literally, um, it’s funny because I-I hear every- every guest star that comes by, every guest director.. looks at Jensen and I and Kim Manners and they’re like, “Y’all guys have the closest-knit crew.. I’ve ever known.” And it’s funny because our crew members will tell us, “I’ve never done more than one year on a show, because after one year I wanted to get the hell out of there.” (audience laughs) “Because I’m tired of this person, or I hate that person, or I’m tired of this person.”
But the strike, I don’t.. I don’t know just yet because obviously the strike’s not over. But, I know that some of the, uh, some of the grips, some of the gaffs, some of the, um, you know, some of the- We have a 125 crew members. Some of the office workers.. um, have sort of.. explained to us- Because we left on December 26th, because s- we were done shooting “Mystery Spot.” And, um, people were saying, “You know what? I hope the strike ends,” because there was going to be a talk by next the Tuesday. And they’re like, “If the strikes, we’re totally back.” And they’re like, “Listen guys, I’m so sorry, but if the strike goes till January, I got kids. I’ve got a mortgage. And I have to go get work elsewhere,” because obviously there’s still (?) shooting.
Unknown: (speaking into another mic) Check. Check. Check.
Jared: (looks around) (audience laughs) Um… (to audience) it’s all good. (laughs) (audience laughs) (swipes hand) I throw my voice sometimes. It’s- I’m practicing. With the strike going on I-
Unknown: Check. Check. Check. (audience laughs and Jared pumps his eyebrows.)
Jared: I’m- I’m trying to practice my ventriloquism. (audience laughs) So, uh, I’m trying to get some extra gigs here and there.
But, anyways, point being, we’ve had some c- a tight knit family and now some crew members had to go and, uh, (shrugs) you know, put food on the table. So, we’re gonna- we’re gonna lose a lot of people that we became real close to. Because they just- (shrugs) I mean, it’s understandable. They have to feed their family.
(points over to his right)
•(6:17 P)- Fangoria08;Qa6- SPN Dirty Secret
Fan: Tell us a dirty secret on Supernatural. Okay, something that’s not going to make you (?confrontatious?) of all your (?experience?) (audience and Jared laughs) Bro, I want to hear something (?). Show me that.
Jared: Uh, thank you so much. (audience laughs) A nerdy secret.
Fan: Dirty! A Dirty secret.
Jared: Oh! A dirty secret. (audience laughs) (smirks) Um, a dirty secret. I was scared enough by nerdy secret. (audience laughs) Now a dirty secret.
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Dirty secret and acting evil by BabyBlueSteel◘
���JARED PADALECKI on Supernatural's dirty secrets by Yeya◘
I’ll have to think about that. I think- I, uh- probably my.. publicist kills me, but I probably have a big enough mouth already. So, I dish all the dirty secrets out. Everybody already knows. Like, everybody has already seen me farting on the gag reels (audience laughs) and stuff like that. So, I don’t want- I don’t wanna pretend I’m not, you know… prone to.. normal human problems. (audience chuckles) (holds a hand up) I’m just kidding. See? There I go. Um.. cotton mouth.
Uh, (nods) but I’ll think about that and I’ll think of a good answer while I’m answering you (points to his left in the crowd)
•(7:11 P, 0:38 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa7- Acting opposite to Evil!Dean; 2x14
Fan: Uh.. In the- In the show- the-
Jared: It’s written down that’s scary. (audience laughs) (Fan: I have to) (points back to last fan) I’m going to go back to dirty secret. Uh, (laughs).
Fan: I’m sorry I get nervous, so. (Jared: No, no. You’re good.) Uh, in the show the writing staff has, uh, made a lot of references to Cain and Abel this season. Okay? (Jared nods) And in the past, when that’s happened.. it’s eventually come to be their subtle way of telling the fans this is going to happen. (Jared: [nods]Right.)
So, my question is, um, I- everybody is expecting- everybody is expecting Sam to go evil. (Jared: [nods] mhmm) Personally, I don’t think that’s going to happen. I think it’s going to be Dean that turns because of his deal. (Jared makes a silent oh) But, how- how would that, I mean, how would that make it, uh- How- how much more difficult would that make it for your acting? For you- character? Well I- (laughs)
Jared: Umm, well obviously going back to sort of- (points at fan) That’s a very interesting. I-I’m- I’m glad that people were thinking about that because that is certainly something that the writers have alluded to both in Sam’s character and Dean’s character. So, it’s exciting to know that it’s coming across and that people are on to it.
Uhm, but, obviously Jensen and I have established a sort of rapport with the sort of brother banter, back and forth. And um, there’s a lot of, ah- I wish I could talk about this because I just saw three episodes that y’all haven’t seen yet. So, I’m going to know right now. But there is some funny, funny scenes that I was really proud and really happy with. Um, and I wish I could talk about them with you.
But, you become so.. used to.. that rapport that it will be very- very tough to all of a sudden.. go crazy. However, we’ve both have, in past episodes, both in, um, “Born Under a Bad Sign,” when I was demonic, to- (audience claps and woo’s) Thank you. To- (audience woo’s) thank you. Thank you. (mimics slicking back his hair) No. to, um- thank you. But, to “Skin” you know when-when Jensen was a shapeshifter and, um, sort of (?things all inbetween?). And actually, um, we see in the next four episodes- we see a bit more of both Jensen’s sort of crazy, um, dark side come out and Sam’s crazy dark side come out.
So, it would make it much more tough, but I think it’s an exciting thing. And, I certainly hope the show gets a chance to go there. (nods) That would be really awesome. So-
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: What would Sam’s theme song be by BabyBlueSteel◘
(points to his right in the audience) I just saw three hands. (audience laughs)
Audience member: I can go last!
Jared: Alright. (points to another in the crowd) I’ll go with you first.
•(9:24 P, 0:05 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa8a- fan appreciation; Jared
Fan: Um, first of all I want to tell you I think your work has always been really good but (Jared: Thank you) this seems to be really- I-I don’t know what you did. You seem to have stepped it up a lot. I just think-
Jared: A lot of drugs. (audience laughs) (shakes head) I’m just kidding. (waves hand) No drugs. But, thank you. Thank you very much.
Audience member: that’s a dirty secret!
Jared: That’s- (points in the crowd) dirty secret! (audience laughs) Th- (laughs)
•(9:38 P, 0:20 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa8b- Sam’s theme song
Fan: Um, and I wanted to know, back to music, the car has a theme song, does Sam have a theme song? Or what would Sam’s theme song be if he had one?
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria by shadowfax220◘
Jared: What would Sam’s theme song be.
Audience member: “Bow Chicka Wow Wow.” (audience laughs)
Jared: (nods) Yeah, “Bow Chicka Wow Wow.” That commercial with “Bow Chicka Wow Wow” in it.
That’s gonna have to be another one that I think about. Because there’s just so many, you know- I mean, I have songs that I love. I’d have to think about.. what’s Sam’s. I think- I think everybody’s theme song sort of changes, you know, depending on the episode or the mood. So, I think it’d have a few. One would certainly be, um, “You Sexy Thing” (audience laughs) So- (laughs and then shakes his head) I’m just kidding. (?I don’t know this?)
•(10:16 P, 0:57 BBS, 0:33 S)- Fangoria08;Qa8c- Sam’s music
Fan: What makes- Does Sam even like the same music as Dean does? It-
Jared: Maybe “Give It To Me Baby,” Rick James? (audience laughs) (?That would embarrass him.?) (to fan) Does Sam- Does Sam which?
Fan: But- Well, he- It’s always like, the classic rock is always represented as- as Dean’s music. Wha- what is Sam’s music?
Jared: Sam hasn’t had any music. Sam was just in college- probably the classic college like-
Audience member: Morrissey
Jared: Yeah, Morrissey. Morrissey would work. Some ABBA. (audience laughs) What’s the- What’s the- (?Ace of Base.?) (audience laughs) (?Remember??) A little ole school ha-ha. (audience laughs) (laughs)
That’s a- that’s a very good question. (gestures to fan) I never thought about that. But, obviously, the car and music have been more given to Dean. Um, which is sort of going in tune with who’s character it was at first and sort of still is and sort of like, “Hey,” you know, um, Han solo type character, so.
Fan: Sam (?strikes me more?) like Coldplay and Radiohead.
Jared: Yeah, yeah. I think he’s probably like Coldplay and Radiohead.. type guy. Pensive. (fan laughs) (points to next fan)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: How characters affect the dynamic by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(0:00 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa9- Characters affect on brother dynamic; Bella, Ruby, Bobby, John
Fan: Back to the dynamic and how your character changes each season, with the addition of Ruby and Bella, has that change the brother dynamic more so that you’re not actually working together so much as you’re relying on other outside factors?
◘Jared Fangoria 2008 1_0002 by psychoactivtoad◘
Jared: It.. It has, um, changed the dynamic- the dynamic a little bit. Um, but I think the- the brother connection is so strong.. that- I mean, because we’ve had- Even though Bella and Ruby are so now, uh, I guess, (finger quote) technically called series regulars, which means they’re.. for a whole year? But we’ve had cast members like Jim Beaver (Fan: Right.) (audience woos) or Jeffery Dean Morgan, (audience woos) (fist pumps) who we love that have done a lot of episodes and a lot of really tough scenes with us.
Um, at the end of season one, we’d just had all those scenes with Jeffery. Obviously that was more- I-I’d say those scenes with Jeffery… more changing of their dynamic. Because just by the nature of (gestures) here’s Daddy, you know, with two brothers that changed that dynamic. And, um, the child of Dean came out and the.. you know, rebel, um, in Sam came out.
But, with Bella and Ruby it’s still been- We’ve only did twelve episodes. And I think they weren’t in three of them. And so, we haven’t had a lot of time to explore that relationship. (nods) But it will change the br- the brother dynamic. And I-I know that because I talked to Kripke. So, we just have to get the chance to do it. (smiles)
Fan: Great. (?Well, Heck yeah?)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: The schedule before the haitus by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: (points in the audience) You were-you were the last you said. So I have to go back to you.
•(1:20 P, 0:04 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa10- s3 airing schedule; 3x11, 3x12
Fan: Yeah. Well, I watch the show religiously and I don’t know half the stuff people here know when- (Jared and audience laughs)
Jared: I’m in the show and I don’t know half the stuff people.
Fan: And all I wanted to know is when I get a new episode. I know the 31st i-
Jared: (nods) The 31st we have a new one-
Fan: Is like it’s the start of.. more episodes (Jared: We have four-) than the new one and then we have to wait another month and a half or two.
Jared: Well it’s tough. I wish- I mean, the first thing I heard for a while- the- the general consensus was that the 31st we come back and then we’re gonna run four straight. Um, only three episodes are done right now. Um, the episode 12 will be shot- which is actually gonna air.. in the spot before 11. We-We switch- Or, they switched the airing order of episode 11 which is called, “Jus In Bello,” and episode 12 which is called, “Mystery Spot.” Because “Jus In Bello” has more of a cliffhanger ending, in case we have to.. cliffhanger the end? Just- (shrugs) (audience giggles) Without any more episodes.
But, they’re not done with all of them yet. Um, and so they’re gonna have to do some (nods) post-production and some ADR. But, from what I know, it’s gonna be the 31st straight- straight through February. That’s (?speed’s?) month. So they (?don’t?) want to do something else.
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Working with Sandy by BabyBlueSteel◘
(points to his right) I see a couple guys over there.
•(2:22 P, 0:02 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa11a- Jared on working with Sandy McCoy; Don’t kiss Jensen in public bit
Fan: Um, S-
Jared: Or a girl and a guy. (holds hand up) Sorry. That’s a Texas thing. (holds mic out to fan)
Fan: Um, I just wanted to know, um, how was it-
Jared: Louder. (holds mic out higher towards the fan)
Fan: How was it to get to film with your girlfriend?
Jared: Louder. (holds mic out to fan. Then shakes head and  laughs while lowering his mic) I’m just kidding (audience laughs) I could totally hear, “How was it to work-
Fan: Can you hear me?
Jared: “With my girlfriend?”
Fan: Yeah. How was it?
Jared: It was- It was great. And it was absolutely bizarre. Because you- you ac- you get so close to somebody- I mean, Jensen and I are obviously so very close now too. But, I don’t.. (tilts head and smiles) kiss Jensen (audience laughs and catcalls) ..In public. (audience laughs and woahs) (holds up hand) I’m just kidding. I’m totally.. (audience laughs) (laughs then briefly looks to his left) (?I’ll trying to get?) some dirty secrets right here. (shakes head) (audience laughs and squeals) I’m just kidding.
Um, and it was- it was great, but also it’s-it’s really tough to get past the dynamic of someone who you’re in love with. You know, that you.. sort of want to call in between takes and be like, “Baby, I was sucking.” (audience giggles) You know? It’s like, you can’t really call them. But it was great.
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #3 by shadowfax220◘
I’d love to do it again. And we met working together, so, um- so there was that saving grace. Um, probably but other than that, it was- it was really exciting (smiles).
•(3:24 P, 0:13 S)- Fangoria08;Qa11b- Adlib; Creative Control; 3x06
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Ad-Libbing by BabyBlueSteel◘
Fan: Do you and Dean ever adlib on- while you-
Jared: Yeah. Yeah. We will. Nothing big, you know. Not like, “Man I’m tired of you.” But we’ll- we’ll.. They don’t make us stick strictly to- Gilmore Girls was very- It was like Shakespeare. It’s like, you have to pause where it says pause. And if it’s.. “When or- When.. are you guys going to the store,” you can’t say like, “Hey, when are you going to the store?” Like, “Uh there’s a guys in there.” “Really?” Like it’s-  And it’s so fast paced that it just becomes.. about the language you know?
But, Jensen and I, we’ll kind of.. (“sort of” gesture) go off here and there. And we’ll add some things. Like, did y’all see the episode where, um, where it was called.. “Red Sky at Dawn”? “At Morning”? (audience yells out affirmatives) “Red Sky”- And- and I come out and I’m with Geer kind of (mimics dancing) dancing with, um- (Audience Member: Yes, tell us about that.) Well, the whole.. Jensen going, “You smell like sex,” (audience laughs) (shakes head and hand swipes) was totally out of- That was Jensen. So, certain things. Well cer- We’ll throw (finger quote) buttons on the scene. They’re called buttons because there’s something to break out on to. And I don’t have to like do the soap opera stare or something like that.
So, we’ll add stuff at the end of certain scenes.
•(4:27 P, 1:16 S, 1:03 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa11c- appreciation; J2 brother chemistry
Fan: Do you guys- I mean, you can actually believe your brothers. You have great chemistry together. (Jared: Thank you.) It-It what makes the show, you know, one of the things that makes the show so worth, um-
Jared: Well, thank you so much. And It was really exciting working with him because he and I hit it off right off the bat. I mean, he’s from Texas. He’s an- he’s a Dallas boy. (Fan: Yeah) So, we just got along really well from the git-go. And it made it really easy to work together (nods). (Fan: Yeah)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: OverWhelmed by the fans? by BabyBlueSteel◘
Um, (points to his right) I’m gonna go with you.
•(4:50 P, 0:03 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qa12- Fan Interactions; Surprising/Overwhelming
Fan: Um, obviously you’ve done a couple of these conventions, and, you know, there have been different fan campaigns, like the postcard campaign (Jared: Yeah.) and stuff like that. Has there ever just been one of those moments when... the fan reaction is just kind of surprising and overwhelming?
Jared: Um, absolutely. There was definitely that moment in Chicago. I mean, there’s that moment here. It’s-it’s weird because, um- I mean, Jensen and I have obviously been very lucky. Um, we’ve both pretty much working right off the bat. We both kept working and we’re around people that even if they do like us, they are sort of working for us? And so- what’s the term? Like, they’re not brown nosers, like, everything we say is perfect. But, they’re nice to us. They let us kind of get away with murder? Um. (audience laughs) Dirty secret. (audience laughs) No.
But, we’re around people who… even though they don’t need to be scared of their jobs, or scared of what they’re jobs, they’re kind of still scared (finger quote) for their jobs when they’re around us. Like, they won’t really.. um, they’re there because they’re making a living.
But when you’re here, (gestures to the audience) around people who are here, not because they’re making a living off of you, or they want to make sure, you know, you don’t get beat up because then they’re going to lose their job or something, which they’re not. But I’m just around people right now who are coming because they just like the show, and (shrugs) hopefully the work, it’s really- it’s-it’s really, really humbling and amazing to see a big crowd of people who came.
And so anytime, thank y’all guys. (nods)
Fan: (?Thank you.?)
Jared: (to fan) thank you. (points to his far left) I’m gonna go that way because I see some- I see a couple hands (?fighting?) for it. Sure.
•(6:18 P)- Fangoria08;Qa13- SPN Appeal; McG, David Nutter
Fan: Um, what made you first, like, interested in doing “Supernatural?” Like, want to be in it.
Jared: Um, you know what? When I- when I first heard about “Supernatural,” um, I was working on Gilmore Girls obviously, and I heard about this, um, show called, “Supernatural” that was going to be the WB’s new, um, (finger quote) supernatural type show? (audience chuckles) But, I would go- I was a fan of-of Buffy and Angel and stuff like that. I didn’t want (audience clap) to be another Charm. (turns to clapper) Yeah. I didn’t feel like I was kind of right for that kind of genre.
Um, like, I love the campy horror, like I love camp horror films and- and stuff like that. But, I didn’t feel it was right for me at that point in time? But they were like, “No, listen. It’s totally real. It’s totally raw.” And I knew McG because I tested for Superman with him and he was a producer. And I knew David Nutter because I worked with him before in like “ER,” um, and I knew his work obviously because he’s a legend in the pilot business. He’s the only director ever to get ever single pilot he’s directed to get picked up.
And so, I was like, “Okay, I’ll read it.” And I read it and I was like, “Woah, this is super cool.” And I-I studied, you know, Joesph Campbell mythology and stuff like that in high school. And I was very familiar with the whole reluctant hero aspect like “Star Wars,” like, you know, the Luke Skywalker. And it was my chance to play Luke Skywalker. Um, so I (?took a try on it?). And here I am.
Uhh, (points forward) I’m gonna go with you.
•(7:36 P)- Fangoria08;Qa14- Jared on horror roles
Fan: Well, obviously- (?Well, I’ll just say?) horror (Jared nods) is why you’re here. (audience woo) (?Because we love?) horror ourselves (Jared: Yeah) (?we’ll have?) a lot more fun doing horror scenes. (Jared: Right.) And we’ve noticed you’ve done a lot of horror and camp (Jared: I have) in “Supernatural” (?and probably “Cry Wolf” scenes.?) Did you have more fun playing the more scary roles?
Jared: Um, absolutely. It’s sort of a mixture of, um, you know, I’m certainly not at the point in my career, nor was I a couple of years ago where I could just go, like, (sits up, waves hand, and says with a fancy accent) “Find me a copy.” (audience laughs) (?Nor could I go like,?) “Find me a.. Shakespeare piece.” So- so it’s half what you’re excited about doing and half what sort of just happens. What- what turn the industry takes.
Um, and so for a while the horror movies were the ones that were… in comparison basis easier to shoot because it’s cheaper, uh, (shrugs) or less expensive, (holds up hands) not cheaper (audience chuckles) (holds up hands again then smiles) Uh, and- and they- they have, uh- It’s easy to get a following, or easier if it’s good if it- if it strikes a cord. There’s something so fun about going to the movie and (mimics flinching) kind of getting scared and then realize everything’s okay.
And so, that happened to be what came my way. Though I’m very interested in the genre and I’ve always have been. But, um, I think after.. (?Superna-?) I did a movie last year. A Christmas movie. And it was so weird. It was like, “So, I don’t scream ever?” (audience chuckles) And then I was like, “I don’t like ever get killed in the movie? What’s going on?” It’s been so weird, you know? I’m so used to getting killed or then seeing scary things. So it’s weird to go back to it, doing a non-horror. But, um.. But I do love the genre.
(points to his left) I’m gonna go back over this way.. (nods) Sure.
•(9:07 P)- Fangoria08;Qa15- Sam’s powers
Fan: When are Sam’s powers coming back? (audience chuckles)
Jared: Um, Sam’s powers.. were.. actually gonna come back, um, pretty seriously, um, in the last half of the second season. It was- it was actually just about to go full horror.. with it when we had to stop, um, because of the writers strike. Which sucks, um, because I really wanted to do that. I was really excited about.. being a badass. Like, Jensen’s had the ability to play badass for 56 episodes. It was my turn (audience laughs) to (?do good stuff?) and save him or not save him. Um, so, soon. (nods) Whenever we come back it’s gonna be- it’s gonna, you know. It’s been two and half years now. We’re not gonna waste anymore time. (?We’re-We’re?) going full speed ahead.
(points to his right) I’m going-
(missing coverage *which may mean content isn’t listed in the correct chronological order)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Jared looking for other projects? by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(0:00 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qb- Future projects
Fan: (?) are there new projects that you’re looking at or what’s going on?
Jared: There are new projects that I’m looking at. For a while, I wasn’t sure- we weren’t sure how the, uh, strike was gonna affect us, and when it’s going to end. And so, you couldn’t really go out for projects. And pretty much the show- the-the engine shutdown, um, early December. Because we already knew about the strike. And it was like, you know, “Let’s just take an extended holiday.” So I (?fumbled an extended holiday?) And I just started taking meetings. This week we’re going to have the director’s guild settle with the producers (fist pumps) which we’re all very, very happy about because that hopefully means that the writers will.. just accept that, you know? Or actually- (holds hand up) I don’t want to just say, “accept it.” But, um, they’ll find some grounds now with the producers.
But it looks like, fingers crossed, (cross fingers) uh, the writer’s strike will end soon. We’ll still be able to salvage out this season. So, yeah.
Fan: Yeah-
(missing coverage*)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: A Very Supernatural Christmas by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: (points to his right) Yes.
•(0:01 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qc- fan appreciation; 3x08
Fan: Um, the Christmas episode this season was wonderful.
Jared: Good, thank you.
Fan: So, good. Um-
Jared: I spent a lot of fun doing that.
Fan: And I remember hearing before it being aired there was like, “Oh it’s gonna be a Christmas (?for some reason in?) Supernatural.” (Jared: Yeah) (?Lies?) and it’s perfect. And I really like how you, um, (snaps) the things up there that- that you (laughs) (?cry out?) And they were the first time that it really seemed like Dean was actually gonna die, you know? Like, you all have come to this.. realization that’s unbelievable (?to deny?) (laughs) (?)
Jared: Right. Exactly, exactly. (?Think that’s one of the-?) But-
Fan: But, you all really sold it despite that- You know, despite knowing he’s not going anywhere in some way, (Jared: Yeah.) however y’all that figure that out. (Jared: Yeah.) And it’s just really.. (?)
Jared: I like playing (?without that.?) I give that straight to our writers for figuring out a way to, um, make a (?code?) for us and.. and, um- That was actually another- (points to his right) kick back to the (?book?) It was a very, very great episode to sho-, uh, Supernatural episode to watch really. It was like, October and (?) than you, but you’re, like, in your Christmas stuff and you’re going, “Yay, it’s Christmas time.” But then it’s like October 2nd? (audience chuckles)
(missing coverage*)
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #1 by shadowfax220◘
•(0:00 S)- Fangoria08;Qd+- Supernatural Movie* (missing question, might be mislabeled)
Jared: (audience laughs) that- they wouldn’t cast me. Um, but thanks for the reinforcement. (audience laughs) And I think Supernatural absolutely can make full feature length. And we’re actually hoping for that, um, and trying for that. So, uh- I mean, they’re making the second X-Files right now and we kick their butts. (audience yeahs and claps)
(points towards the center right) I’m going to go you. You. (nods) Yes.
•(0:22 S)- Fangoria08;Qd1- Writer’s strike impact; s3
Fan: I was wondering, you talked about trying to salvage the third season if the writer’s strike came to an end. If it did come to an end, would you actually be able to finish out to be where you want it to be.. if you had the third season?
Jared: Um, either way we’ve lost episodes, because the way it’s going to work out is because we wouldn’t shoot the show beyond April because, um, I think when we go back to our 3rd or 4th season you have to have a two month hiatus or something? It’s SAG rules. Um, and so..
What I meant by salvage this season is that we sort of came to an abrupt halt. ‘Cause no one knew if the strike was actually going to happen. So, it was almost like, “Ah, alright. You know, whatever. It’s not going to happen.” And so when we stopped it was like, “Oh man, like, it really is over.” But if came- If the strike ended then we would know we have five episodes left now and then the season’s over. And so, they’d have to cut some stuff. They’d probably have to cut some of the, um, Creature of the Week episodes. One- Like, some of the ones that don’t have to do with the mythology of the show where we can get back and sort of, um, continue Sam and Dean’s, um, descent into.. wherever their decent leads. (audience chuckles)
(points center left) Uh, I’m going to go to you. I-I faked you out, sorry.
•(1:22 S)- Fangoria08;Qd2- 3x08; Act Five: Int. Motel- Night, Unsaid dialogue
Fan: (?Oh, I’ve got a salt piece. Probably should know this it’s there.?) (Jared: [laughs] thank you.) Okay, no. Actually, I’m going back to the Christmas Episode. My question for you is at the very final scene, (Jared laughs) Sam- Sam started to say something and then he just said, “Do you want to watch the game?” (Jared: Oh okay, I thought you were gonna ask about the eggnog.) What do you think Sam was going to- (audience laughs) (?Probably a keg or two?) I- I vote for keep you here longer telling him that Sammy won here. (Jared: thank you.) But, what do you think Sam was gonna say? Do you have any idea what.. where you stand?
Jared: Umm, I think he was going to apologize and say, you know, “I love you. I’m sorry I missed yah.” And-and Dean kicks back into high gear with, you know.. We leave it unspoken. Um.. it was going to be- Yeah, it was basically gonna be, you know, “Sorry I doubted you. I’m sorry I’ve been such a prick.” Because the whole- the whole season- the first few eight episodes- the first seven episodes Sam’s been like, yelling at Dean, “Why don’t you care about your life?” You know? “Here I’m trying to save you.” (fakes cries) “And you don’t even care.” (audience giggles) Um, and so finally he- he was saying, you know, “I’m sorry. You know, my- my anger at you has been.. driven from I love you and, you know, I don’t want you to leave.” And Dean- It didn’t need to be said. You know?
Fan: Well, actually it was perfectly m-unsaid, but I just wondered.
Jared: Thank you. (points to center left) I’m gonna go here.
(missing coverage*)
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #2 by shadowfax220◘
•(0:00 S)- Fangoria08;Qe+- Jared on producers/directors; Kim Manners; Phil Sgirccia; Pranks; On set culture* (missing question,  might be mislabeled)
Jared: -love all of our producer, directors. We love it when Kim Manners shows up, because we.. just.. f’ around the whole time. (audience chuckles) (laughs) I don’t thi- W- It’s constantly making fun of him. We’re constantly standing up and, like, (stands up) Kim is right here (holds his hand up below his chest) or something (audience chuckles) (?in his direction?). We’re going (turns around without looking down), “Where’s Kim? We’ve been hearing (?).” (audience laughs) He’s sitting there and he’s just pissed off. (sits down)
And so, we have a great time with Kim. Um, because we just love to make fun of him. And obviously, he lives up there because he’s of- he’s are on set producer most of the time. And so, we’ve got this constant relationship with him. And we have a lot of fun. Yeah, we always have.. a beer after work, which is nice.
Um, and then, on the flip side, another.. director producer who I love, who I know it’s going to be draining is, um, Phil Sgirccia, who makes amazing episodes. He does a brilliant, brilliant job. But, um, he- he’s a very, very.. artistic director. He likes to shoot a lot. And so, you don’t know how many times you’re going to do something necessarily, but you’re like, “Oh, I’m so tired. I’m gonna suck.” And then you see the episode and it’s awesome.
So, um- like if everybody just has their different way, you know? They both make great episodes. But they go about it different ways. Sometimes Kim will do a shot. It’s literally a shot where you only say two lines, and then he’s like, “Okay, moving on to after that.” And you’re like, “You don’t want us to do it again from the top?” He’s like, “No. We already did that.” Like, (shrug), “Okay. Crazy, but alright.” (audience giggles)
And, um, Phil does a lot of different- But he also makes cool.. like montages and stuff like that. And his next episode rocks. So, we already really excited with it. It’s going to be the last episode with (?)
(points up high and to his center right) Go way in the back.
•(1:34 S)- Fangoria08;Qe1- unknown
Fan: Um, have you ever taken a role you re-
(missing coverage*)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: His comic timing in BDABR by BabyBlueSteel◘
Jared: Um, (pointing up high and to his center left) I’m gonna go way in the back.
•(0:02 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf1a- fan appreciation; hair; 2x14; Evil!Sam
Fan: (?Sam’s hot?) (audience laughs) (?) longer hair? (?I did it.?)
Jared: Thank you. (?I just had it cut?) because- (?It depends on the set?) And so I was like, uh, (?)
Fan: (?) about. Um, I just wanted to say (?) “Born Under a Bad Sign”? (?But my friend says?) Evil Sam hot enough to (?get?) himself. (audience laughs)
•(0:02 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf1b- fan appreciation; 3x03; comedic timing
Fan: And I just want to say, “Bad Day at Black Rock,” I was so impressed with your-
Jared: Which one?
Fan: “Bad Day at Black Rock,” your comic timing in that episode. (audience claps) (Jared: Oh.) I want to know how much fun (?) you. There was so much fun stuff in that episode and I was- I just know that’s the (?community claim?) but I was very impressed with your comedic timing in that episode.
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #4 by shadowfax220◘
Jared: Well, thank you. And I- Anybody who knows me, knows that I’m.. I think I suck at comedy. (audience chuckles) Like, I- It’s like I steer clear of it. I like, (holds hand up) “ I don’t have comic timing.” Like, “Get me away from it. Make me cry or something.” (audience giggles) “Because, I can’t- I’m not the funny guy.” But it was very exciting to do that. And that was, um- I’ll chuck that up to Bob Singer, who’s our producer, who is also, obviously, directed a whole bunch of episodes. Um, and- and I guess he just knew how to prod me into doing the right things. And that was just a funny episode. I mean, he could’ve.. stuck.. (shrugs) anybody in that and it’d been funny. (Audience members: No.)
But I’m glad that- But, I’m very glad you liked it. (nods) And, um, uh, and I’m very glad you liked Evil Sam also. (audience laughs) I want to see it come back.
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Emotionally Draining scenes by BabyBlueSteel◘
(points to his right) I’m going to go this way. (points) Sure.
•(0:52 S, 0:03 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf2- Emotionally draining episodes; 2x17, 2x09; 2x14
Fan: Okay, um, which- I’ve heard Jensen several times saying you had trouble episodes that have emotionally drained you all. (Jared: (?ten?)) Has there been, like, any, like, one particular episode that, I mean, kind of.. I don’t know, that you had to walk away from and just-
Jared: Yes, absolutely..
Audience member: What? (chuckle)
Jared: Um, she was saying that they’re, uh- Jensen was talking about certain episodes that emotionally drained him and she was wondering if- if the same happened for me.
Um, a lot of episodes, um… I mean, my mind, I-I guess, goes.. to… My mind immediately goes to.. “Heart”? Because the last scene in “Heart” really- We shot at the very beginning of the day, and so I was really fresh. But, um, (throws up hand and shakes head) it just did me in, for whatever reason. Sometimes- And sometimes it’s too much. 
Croatoan was another one where Sam.. thinks he’s going to die and he’s saying, “You’re an idiot. Get out of here,” like, “Stop that.” (shrugs) It just becomes- Every now and then it just becomes very, very real. And- and you’re done. And- and like, you can’t even.. (shrugs) stand up, um, because it takes it out of you in a bunch of different levels.
So, um, “Bad Day at Black Rock” I’m not- (holds up hand) Sorry, sorry. “Born Under a Bad Sign,” was very exhausting because there was Latin and then I was getting sprayed with water, and (audience laughs) I mean, just physically tiring. But, I’d say emotionally tiring, I’d have to think first about “Croatoan” and “Heart.” (nods)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Driving the Impala by BabyBlueSteel◘
(points high up to his right) Go way in the back.
Fan: Me? No.
Jared: (points and nods) Yeah.
•(0:04 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf3- Impala 67; Driving off the clock; Donut story
Fan: Oh, I was gonna ask do ever get to drive the Impala when y’all aren’t filming?
Jared: I do. (laughs) Um, (audience laughs) (finger quote) Do I get to? Or, (finger quote) Do I? (audience laughs) Uh, I don’t know if I necessarily get to, but I-I certainly get in the drivers seat and take her around every now and again.
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #6 by shadowfax220◘
And a lot times we’ll be doing a scene in the Impala right before lunch and so, um, instead of leaving the Impala on set and get driven back, we’re just like, uh, you know, on the walkie going, (mimics talking on radio) “We’re taking the Impala back to the base camp.” (audience laughs) So, you know, we tear ass out of there. But, uh, I don’t think it’s- I don’t think it’s (shrugs) road insured or something? (audience laughs) And so (?it stays off the street?) But, we still do.
We actually got in trouble one time because we were shooting, uhhhhh, maybe “Salvation” with Jeffery Dean Morgan? Um, at the end of season 1 we were shooting in base camp. Trailer park was in, um, this pebble, gravel, uh, parking lot. And so we went back (chuckles), and we started doing donuts, (audience laughs) um, in the gravel parking lot. And, uh, there are no mud flaps on the Impala and so.. we didn’t realize at the time because we were just going, “Wooo!” (audience laughs) But we were just shooting these pebbles and people were, like, getting punched (mimics a flailing protective pose) (audience laughs)
And they were, like, terrified and the guy who, um- who (chuckles)- I feel like an idiot. The guy who, um, was watching the- who was our location guy, who’s in charge of making sure it was okay? Like came to get us to stop. And was, like, (mimics covering his face and slowly inching forward) was trying to come towards us (audience laughs) and not get run over by the car and not get shot by the pebbles. So, we definitely had fun, um, (audience laughs) in the Impala.
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Does Jared read fan fiction? by BabyBlueSteel◘
(points center left) I’m gonna go right there.
•(0:01 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf4a- Fanfiction
Fan: You mean her? (Jared: Okay. Yes.) (laughs) been waiting for forever. I was just wondering- I just recently saw something online called fanfiction for Supernatural. Do you guys ever read that? What do you think about that?
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #8 by shadowfax220◘
Jared: Um, I-I know of it. And I think I’ve- I’ve- I’ve read a little bit of it but.. I haven’t read a lot of it. I’ve- I’ve heard- I’ve heard funny stories. I’ve heard some of it’s fantastic. I’ve heard some of it’s bizarre. (audience giggles) Um-
Fan: Really bizarre. In a lot of them you’re a girl. (audience laughs)
Jared: (?A lot of them I’m a?) what?
Fan: In a lot- In a lot of them you’re a girl.
Jared: That’s very bizarre (gauffaws). (audience laughs) Um, you know what? It’s- It’s weird because usually when I’m, like- like, Supernatural mode or when l’m looking at stuff and I’m reading something it’s like I- I rarely get to read books when I’m shooting during the year. Because I feel like if I’m sitting down reading, I should be reading my script, you know, like, really reading or working on the character?
And so, it’s hard for me to convince myself to sit down in front of a computer or in front of a book, which is terrible, because I’m going, “I should be working on the script right now. I’ve got a monologue tomorrow. I’ve got to learn it.” And so I haven’t had a whole lot of chance to read that.
That sounds funny though.
•(0:59 BBS, 0:50 S)- Fangoria08;Qf4b- Supernatural Novels
Fan: What- What about the novels? Did you read- (Jared: The novels?) Yeah.
Jared: Um, I actually (throws up hand), um, have not read that either. I have a copy of it now, but I’d love to read it. I just haven’t yet. I know there’s a comic book that Peter Johnson does.
I’m gonna go to someone (points to his far left) over that way. (points higher) I’m gonna go with- with my buddy with the Longhorns cap. (a few audience woos and aws)
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Will Dean die this season by BabyBlueSteel◘
•(0:05 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf5- s3 Dean’s deal outcome
Fan: I wanted to know, does Dean ever die in a year?
Jared: In- In a year?
Fan: In a year, (?the first time?).
Jared: Oh, well we haven’t got that far yet, uh, because we got the stop by the writer’s strike, you know? But as of right now, it seems like he’s on certain course- certain death course. And I’ve spoken with.. Eric Kripke, who’s our show creator, and he- I don’t know if he was just.. playing with me, but he’s like, “I don’t know if Dean gets to die.” (laughs) (audience laughs) I think he was sort of hoping- We were sort of hoping for, if it hit him. I don’t know if it has yet. And so as of right now it looks like- it looks like he’s going to. But obviously we get nine episodes left and that’s- that’s forever. But I’ll get back to him (?once we resume?).
◘Jared at Fangoria Austin: Favorite Season 3 Villian by BabyBlueSteel◘
(points to his center left)
•(0:01 BBS)- Fangoria08;Qf6- fav s3 villain; 3x01, 3x02, 3x03; Gordon, Sterling Brown
Fan: Yay! (Jared woos) Um, so far into season 3 of the episodes that have aired, what is your favorite bad guy?
Jared: My favorite bad guy in season 3? What were they? First episode of season 3 was?
Audience + Fan: The seven deadly sins.
Jared: Seven deadly sins. Ew, I love Josh Daugherty who played, I guess, as Ego? Who’s got (?)- (Audience + Fan: Pride.) Right! No, no. (points) (Audience member: He was actually Envy.) Pride was awesome. (nods) (Audience member: Pride could have had his own episode.) Pride was a lot of fun.
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #5 by shadowfax220◘
And you know what? Um, before- before.. Or the take that you saw was actually toned down. And he was doing this sort of crazy Independence Day, Vincent (?Crawford?). I think at first (audience giggles) it was brilliant. It was perfect. But they decided to tone it down a little bit in the next take. And they ended up using the tone down version.
But it must have been Ego, who was sitting in the chair? (Audience: Envy) Envy! (audience chuckles) Um, yeah, it was, uh, he was.
And then the second episode was, those little dudes scared me. (audience laughs) Yeah, that was actually my favorite episode of the year was “The Kids Are Alright.” It was a lot of fun for me to watch. Half because I- it was a smaller episode for me? And so, I was really watching it as an audience member as opposed to like, “I suck there. Sucked there.” (audience laughs) “That was passable. Sucked there.” Um, so I got to watch it and enjoy it, because, um, it had been a while since we shot it and I wasn’t in a lot of it. So I try to kind of watch.
And, I was really proud of Jensen. I thought he did a great job. I thought it was funny. I thought it was scary.
Um, and then “Bad Day at Black Rock” that was the… (Audience member: Rabbit’s foot) Rabbit’s foot. No real villain, I guess. Just sort of.. (Audience member: Yeah.) Then what was four?..
Audience member: What about Gordon?
Jared: (?Ah, oh?) God. I forgot about that. (briefly looks up and throws up hand) (audience laughs) Gordon- Gordon I love to death.
Audience member: That was a great episode.
Jared: Gordon’s awesome. Sterling Brown.
Audience member: Literally? (giggles)
Jared: (side eyes with a smirk and nods) Literally. (?That’s funny?) I wish I could claim that I meant to do that, but, uh.. (audience laughs) (sits up and pushes bangs behind his ear) Yes, I meant to do that.
Um, no. I-I love Gordon. (looks towards fan) Probably Gordon. You know, it was good to have him back. He’s a great actor. A great dude. Um, so, I’d have to say, yeah, (nods) Gordon. In fact I was (holds leveled hand up above his head) (?tinier?) than him.. (audience giggles) logically. Yeah.
(missing coverage*)
◘Jared Padalecki at Fangoria #7 by shadowfax220◘
•(0:00 S)- Fangoria08;Qg+- Jared’s Dogs* (missing question, might be mislabeled)
Jared: (?Don’t have problems in?), um- I’m a- I’m a big believer, um, of that. But, um, I-I guess Digo refers to sort of- I (?read of something?) in Los Angeles and so it just refers to sort of a wild dog and (?queer?) dog, with the big ears and sort of a body that’s meant to run all day long.
Um, and then yeah, Harley. They actually came from the same rescue shelter so.. Yeah. Go rescue shelter. (audience giggles)
(looks to his left) All right guys, I think-
(missing closing)
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Another Apocalypse on the Horizon
To our boys,
 What is it about you pair of idjits, huh? What is it about you and your lives and this television show which keeps us all so enthralled? Week after week, season after season, we listen for the rev of that black ’67 Chevy Impala, feeling it reverberate in our bones and in our souls. You were nothing more than paper scripts and piecemeal costumes, shoddy sets in Vancouver and a passion for classic rock. And now, well, now you’re alive. Now you’re real. Sam and Dean Winchester don’t just live in our imaginations. Somewhere in all your wandering around the country, slaying monsters and demons and the divine, you carved out a piece of every single one of us, and crafted for yourselves living, breathing bodies. Your souls are composed of ours. And through you two denim-clad nightmares, your trench-coated angel, your redneck scholar, your snarky king of hell, our world gains an inexplicable tangibility. Velveteen rabbits, all of us, made more real by believing in each other. How is that possible? How could a mere television show impact us like this? And what will happen when Supernatural finally ends? Will you stop believing in us, and in doing so, unravel the world we created together?
When Supernatural first aired in September of 2005, it had all the makings of a great television show. The bond between brothers, an expansive mythology, the open road as its setting, its tongue-in-cheek humor matched with gruesome horror, and its monster-of-the-week format captivated its audience. What was unexpected was the response Supernatural engendered in that audience, the emotional connection that formed a reciprocal relationship between creators and viewers-turned-participants. The Supernatural fan community rose up and laid claim to their beloved narrative, providing more than just television ratings and merchandising opportunities. As individuals and as a community, they constructed a space within reality where the narrative developed substance and form. This is the theory of imagined communities applied to narrative, and through it, our boys – for they are our boys, belonging now to each and every one of us – exist beyond the confines of our imagination.
The Supernatural fandom is a capacious universe of fanfiction and art, compilation videos, podcasts, and tumultuous tumblr posts, sprawling across the internet in a cacophonous celebration of the epic of the Winchester brothers. Beyond the internet, the fandom birthed a global community of participants, who attend far-flung conventions, contribute en masse to charitable causes and disaster relief, and build relationships beyond the confines of their divergent experiences. It is a community in its own right. There is often the sense at Supernatural conventions that while the actors are the tangible embodiment of the Winchesters and their world, they are joining the fans in creating the reality of Supernatural, and not the other way around.
An imagined community is a socially constructed reality, one which does not exist on its own, but comes into being when enough people perceive it as being real. This sociological theory is most often applied to the creation of the nation-state: the countries we inhabit do not exist without the consensus of its citizens, with agreed-upon rules of governance, commerce, etc. These realities also require a core mythology or origin story, symbols which embody the reality of that nation-state, and supposedly shared values. These communities are referred to as imaginary because they cannot exist as independent, self-sustaining entities.
What’s all that got to do with Supernatural?
In the space between episodes and the summer “hellaitus” between seasons, the world of Supernatural does not go into stasis. Rather, it continues in the fandom’s tethered collective consciousness. Together, we imagine a cohesive, fluid reality which is external and self-perpetuating, and which can be explored and developed without the input or restrictions of the show’s creators.
In our collective minds, Sam and Dean are out there, somewhere, battling monsters, struggling with internal demons, falling in and out of love, and bickering over long drives towards indistinct dangers. Their disjointed family is also perceived as continuing to develop and live their day-to-day lives: Benny is still hacking away in Purgatory; Bobby is “woke” to Heaven’s numbing effects; Jody lives in the perpetual hell of raising two teenagers alone and hunting monsters and running a sheriff’s department. And Crowley. Somewhere out there, Crowley is receiving all the love he earned through his attempts at redemption. As a fandom, we participate in the construction and development of that reality, in our fanfiction and community boards, and individually, in our daydreams and the internalization of the show’s conflicting morals and values.
This collective consciousness of the fandom, in which the Winchesters hunt and live beyond the confines of the show, is an imagined community. It exists because we, as creators and actors and fans, participate and believe in it. We believe that participating in this fandom constructs a kind of family – the SPN family – and because we believe that family to be a real entity, it is. If only a handful of fans believed the SPN family to be a real entity, and all the other fans did not, then this family would not exist. Because we all participate in the imagined community of the world of Supernatural, and perceive it as something which continues outside the confines of the show, it carries the weight and tangibility of reality. It impacts and influences us, and through us, actual reality.
When the two of you set off down this road, were you aware of the extent to which you would alter lives? Did you ever imagine that in the process of hunting things and saving people, you would encounter monsters within yourselves, and force us to do the same? That in saving your world and each other, you would save all of us as well? Even when Supernatural as a television show comes to a close, you will carry on, the Impala traversing yet another dark highway towards yet more peril. That road now stretches out beyond the confines of opening and closing credits. It stretches farther than any one of us – creators, actors, fans – can imagine alone. You have given us each other. In return, we give you infinite blacktop and that far horizon. You will carry on, Sam and Dean, and you will carry these wayward sons and daughters with you.
                                                                       The Demonologist in Denim
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waywardnerd67 · 6 years
Nerdy’s Sick GIF Drabble #11
Summary: Jensen has an unexpected reaction to reading (Y/N)’s fanfiction. Pairing: Jensen x Reader Warnings: Fluff Word Count: 590 A/N #1: GIF Submitted By: @thekatherinewinchester A/N #3: As always this is unbeta so all mistakes are mine. Likes, comments and reblogs are splendid and I will love you doubly for them! Enjoy!
(Y/N)’s phone was buzzing non-stop with notifications. She was snuggled on the couch with Jensen watching a movie ignoring her phone trying to enjoy the two days she had with him before he had to go back to Vancouver.
“Shouldn’t you check your phone? It may be important.” He asked pausing their movie.
She shook her head, “It’s not. Just Tumblr friends letting me know how you have yet again killed them with your charm and good looks.”
He sat up slightly reaching for her phone, “What? Really, I want to see?” she kept her phone at arm’s length from him.
“Oh no, handsome. You said to keep my fangirl life and girlfriend life separate. Right now, I am (Y/N) (Y/L/N) girlfriend of the amazingly talented and sexy Jensen Ackles. Not, (Y/S/N) blogger and writer of all things Supernatural. Now can we go back to the movie?” She asked as he sat back pouting.
He sat there for a whole ten seconds before turning off the TV and lunging for her phone. She let out a startled yelp as he snatched her phone on of her hands. He held it up in victory as she rolled her eyes, “Now what? You need my thumb in order to open it genius.”
He stuck out his bottom lip, “P-wease?” he asked as she laughed pressing her thumb to her phone opening the Tumblr app.
As he scrolled through he the variety of faces he made had (Y/N) rolling on the floor laughing. “Why is everyone commented about you on this GIF of me from the convention?”
She laughed biting lip, “I may or may not have written something about it that they all loved.” Jensen looked up with a horrified look on his face.
“You didn’t?” he asked going to her main blog and clicking on her Masterlist of fanfiction.
Tumblr media
The GIF was of Jensen looking down at her during the convention as she took photos of him for Creation. He had spotted her and pretended to take a picture of her while winking. The fans had gone wild for the moment and (Y/N) could not help but write about what had happened after his panel in the green room.
“Oh my god you did. You wrote about how we had some of the hottest sex ever in the green room.” He muttered as she smiled fondly remembering the moment.
She watched as he read her smut filled one-shot entitled ‘Snapshot’. His cheeks turning pink as his tongue darted out over his lips bringing the bottom one between his teeth.
Jensen set the phone down pulling her off the couch and dragging her down towards his office, “Jay what are you doing?” she asked as he started pulling off his shirt tossing it to the side.
“Reading your point of view of us having sex was hot and now it is my mission to give you more material for your fanfiction. I figure we can knock a few things off our sex bucket list.” He explained as he pulled down his gym shorts along with his boxers.
She sucked in a breath her eyes locked on his hard length, “Damn if I knew this was all it took then I would have had you read my fanfiction a long time ago.” (Y/N) walked over to him as his lips came crashing down to hers.
Later that night as Jensen slept soundly next to her in bed she pulled out her phone typing up the next one shot entitled ‘Under the Desk Work’.
If you enjoyed this story then check out my Masterlist!
My Nerd Herd: @waywardbaby @waywardrose13 @carryonmywaywardcaptain @anotherwaywardsister @ladywinchester1967 @dwgrl1903 @akshi8278 @ericaprice2008 @mirandaaustin93 @spnbaby-67 @time-travel-bouqet @1967-essentialghoul @dean-winchesters-bacon @destielhoneybee @-lovepeacenhope- @destiel745 @carribear31 @srsllydunnodoncare @whimsicalrobots @thisismysecrethappyplace @starstruckzonkoperatorbat @adoptdontshoppets @mrswhozeewhatsis @bella-ca @drakelover78 @imascio08 @pisces-cutie @mannls @the-salty-asian @winchesterprincessbride @xostephanie @klanceiscannon14 @superromijn @witch-of-letters @screechingartisancashbailiff
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kakinkead · 4 years
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Personal space dude! Jared and Jensen's relationship I believe since they met 15 years ago. Today marks the 15th Anniversary of Supernatural.... It has been an awesome journey . . . #jensen #jensenackles #deanwinchester #jared #spnfandom #spnfamily #con #convention #conlife #supernatural #Creationent #westinbayshore #vancouver #bc #canada #personalspace #jaredpadalecki #samwinchester #Winchester #atthewhimofthewindsphotography (at The Westin Bayshore) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFGQID-neE6/?igshid=1wnnpnyxl2xqb
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I Know Your Wife (She Wouldn’t Mind) - Part Thirty-Nine
Summary: Things are looking up until the news of Danneel’s experiences on One Tree Hill go public. Words: 4.5k Jared x Reader x Gen, Jensen, Danneel, JJ, Arrow, Zep, Dallas (OC) Warnings: mentioned sexual assault/harassment, nausea, angst Beta: @blacksiren
I Know Your Wife - Masterpost
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Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', myHandler); function myHandler() { var v = document.body.innerHTML; var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; v = v.replace(/\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, input); document.body.innerHTML = v; } // ]]>
In the morning, you woke to your phone blowing up with notifications.
Someone had taken pictures of you and Gen, dancing and kissing in the final bar, and spread them around.
You sighed when you saw them, waking Genevieve up to show her what was being said, but she just shrugged and fell back into the pillows.
“We had fun,” she murmured. “They’re just jealous I got to party with the hottest cowgirl in town.”
You laughed, putting your phone down and kissing her softly.
“More jealous of me, getting to make out with Kris Furillo’s older, sexier body double,” you smiled, slapping her ass through the comforter as you got to your feet, stretching your arms above your head and making your jersey ride up. “I should probably watch Wildfire at some point.”
“You’re a tease,” she complained as you pulled the hem back down, grinning at her. “You’ve not even seen my season of Supernatural.”
“I don’t have a lot of free time,” you reasoned. “I’ve got a baby and a show.”
“Next hiatus we’ll do a catch up of all of our acting disasters,” she told you, watching as you pulled on a pair of shorts. “Jay and Grandpa Ackles did a real interesting movie a few years back that he hates us bringing up.”
“Can’t wait,” you smiled. “I’m gonna check on Dal and Jared.”
“I’m gonna grab ten more minutes,” she mumbled. “Remember to pump if your boobs get heavy, and-”
“Don’t breastfeed until this afternoon,” you finished for her, and she hummed in agreement.
“My girlfriend is the smartest,” she murmured, her voice muffled by her pillow as you left the room.
Genevieve had to fly back to Austin on Thursday morning, leaving everything back to normal in your Vancouver home.
You and Jared were both working long hours to make up for your time off, leaving yourself tired and your daughter grouchy.
“In a week, we’ll be in Hawaii, then it’ll be Thanksgiving break,” Jared reminded you the next Friday when you were getting ready for bed. “We’ve got some real time off.”
“I know,” you smiled tiredly, leaning up to kiss him when Dallas started crying.
You sunk back down onto your heels, resting your forehead on his chest as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders.
“She’s so grumpy lately,” you complained, and he laughed softly as he kissed the top of your head.
“She’s a baby,” he smiled, kissing your temple as he pulled back. “I’ve got this, get into bed.”
“You sure?” you clarified, already pulling back the covers.
“I’m sure,” he promised. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
You never got to Hawaii, not even for the convention.
You were scrolling through your twitter feed after work on Monday when you came across Danneel’s retweet of Sophia’s post sharing an article from Variety.
Reading the title, ‘One Tree Hill’ Cast, Crew Accuse Showrunner Mark Schwahn of Sexual Harassment, had bile rising in your throat.
Just three paragraphs in, you dropped your phone, running to the bathroom to half throw up, half sob into the toilet bowl.
You were still crying when Jensen appeared in the doorway, leaning against the frame and watching you in concern.
“You’re not pregnant again already, are you?” he asked, teasing.
You sniffed, wiping your mouth with some tissue before flushing the toilet, getting to your feet and walking across to the basin.
You splashed some water on your face, swilling some around in your mouth to get rid of the horrible taste before spitting into the sink and rinsing it down.
“Kiddo?” Jensen probed, the teasing gone from his tone. “What’s up?”
“She-” you cleared your throat, swallowing down the ache. “She had to work with him.”
He instantly knew what you were referring to, pulling you into a comforting embrace.
“I know, sweetheart,” he whispered, resting his cheek on top of your head. “I know.”
You were crying against his shirt but he didn’t care, whispering reassurances to you as his hand stroked your back.
“I hate him,” you sniffed, and Jensen held you tighter.
“Me too, kiddo,” he agreed. “Did you- did you read the letter?”
You shook your head against him, trying to stop crying.
“I only got a few lines into the article,” you admitted, and he nodded, pulling back enough to kiss your temple.
“Dee signed a letter, calling him out,” he explained, his voice soft. “Sophia and Hil wrote most of it, but so many of them signed it. It’s tough but they’re going to make a difference. It’s… it’s a tough read, but they’re finally able to speak out.”
“Yeah,” you breathed, sniffing.
“Yeah,” he echoed as he pulled back, looking into your eyes.
“I hate men,” you grumbled, earning a soft laugh as he tucked you under his arm and lead you out of the bathroom.
“You sound just like your mama,” he murmured, and you huffed a laugh.
“Good,” you told him. “She’s the strongest person I know.”
He smiled, kissing the top of your head and rubbing your shoulder.
“You and me, both.”
Jared was in the nursery - reading ‘Guess How Much I Love You’ to Dallas, his soothing voice sending her to sleep - when you finally got around to reading the whole article without having to stop to sob or run to the bathroom.
Your heart was broken, knowing what Danneel had suffered through, and all you wanted was to be close to her.
But you were in Vancouver and she was thousands of miles away, in a timezone that meant it was too late to call or facetime, leaving you with no option but to curl up in bed and cry.
You cried for all of the women who had signed that letter. You cried for your family and close friends. You cried for the complete strangers, named and unnamed. You cried for the injustice of it all.
A part of you, pushing its way to the forefront of your mind, cried with relief.
Relief that they’d spoken out, relief that they were finally able to fight back, and relief that you didn’t have to suffer that way on your ‘big break’ show.
You felt guilty for even thinking it, but the idea that you could’ve had someone like him running Supernatural, in charge of your career, made you nauseous all over again.
You could have left Oklahoma, thinking you’d left everything bad behind you, only to find the same thing happening to you in the place that was supposed to be your fresh start; your clean slate.
You didn’t know how long you’d been silently crying when you felt the bed dip beside you.
Jared sat against the headboard, gently rolling you over so that your head was in his lap. You were still curled up, your knees as far to your chest as they could go, but you rested an arm over his thighs as his hand began to stroke through your hair.
Eventually, your tears dried up and you found yourself laying in silence, numbness filling your body.
“You don’t have to come to Maui, you know?” Jared told you, his voice soft.
You pulled back, pushing yourself to sit up as you looked at him, wiping your cheeks with your sleeve.
“You don’t even have to come to Honolulu,” he continued. “Creation will understand, so will Gen and I.”
“We’ve been… we’ve planned this for weeks,” you protested weakly. “Our first vacation.”
“And of course we’d love it if you came,” he agreed. “But we understand if you need to be with Danneel.”
You swallowed, not knowing what to say as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side.
“This… your reaction to everything,” Jared paused, trying to find the right words. “Kiddo, if you need your mama, you need your mama. There’s no shame in wanting to go home- wanting to be with her. I get it.”
“The fans-”
“The fans will understand, Y/N,” he promised, his lips against the top of your head. “I’ve had to leave conventions early before, and everyone gets over it.”
You wrapped your arms around his middle, leaning further into him.
“I’m not saying you have to go to Texas,” he clarified, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “I don’t want you to think I’m telling you you can’t come to Hawaii. I just want you to know that the option is there, and nobody will think any less of you for taking it.”
You didn’t know how to reply, but Jared didn’t need you to as he started to slowly trail his fingers up and down your arm in a comforting movement.
“We still have a couple days,” he whispered, his fingers stilling as he wrapped a strong arm over your shoulders and pulled you closer. “Just think about it.”
You nodded, still unable to form an audible response, but you didn’t need time to think about it.
You knew where you needed to be.
Danneel and the twins greeted you at the airport on Thursday lunchtime and, the second you saw them, tears started to well in your eyes.
You let go of Dallas’ stroller as you reached them, throwing your arms around Danneel and burying your face in her neck
“Hey, shh,” she soothed as you felt yourself begin to cry. “You’re okay.”
“Are you?” you asked, pulling back and cradling her face in your hands, checking her over. “Are you-”
“I’m alright, sweetheart,” she promised, kissing your forehead. “Let’s get you home.”
She took over Dallas’ stroller as you took the twins’, looking down into their gorgeous eyes and sniffing back your tears.
“You guys need to stop growing every time I look away,” you mumbled, stroking Arrow’s cheek as she was in the top basket.
“You’re telling me,” Danneel agreed, looking down at Dallas. “Two seconds ago she was a newborn.”
“Yeah,” you murmured, starting towards the exit. “Taking after her daddy already.”
You had a few hours alone with Danneel and the babies, during which she talked to you more about the article and what happened while she was working on One Tree Hill.
It hurt to hear her talking about it, to see her reliving the moments, but she assured you that now was the time for them to come forward; that they were already making such a difference by talking out about it.
“Besides,” she had reminded you, her arm around your shoulders as she kissed your temple, “I had great friends around me at the time, and I’ve got an incredible family with me now. I’m good, kiddo.”
By the time Danneel’s phone alarm went off, telling you that it was time to pick up JJ, the two of you were smiling and joking with each other.
“I didn’t tell JJ that you were coming,” she told you as you strapped the babies into their car seats. “She’s gonna freak out.”
“I can’t wait to see her,” you smiled, checking over Dallas’ seat as Danneel did the same for the twins.
You leaned in to kiss Dallas’ cheek, shutting the door before climbing into the passenger seat and smiling across at Danneel.
“Let’s get going,” she grinned, starting the ignition.
You were grinning as you watched the kids file out of the preschool classroom from your seat in the car, running excitedly towards their parents and carers to talk about their days.
You were waiting in the car with the babies to prolong the surprise, but your grin changed to a soft frown when you noticed that JJ wasn’t as enthusiastic to see her mom as she usually was.
You stayed quiet while Danneel helped her into her carseat, and JJ didn’t offer any kind of conversation either.
Once Danneel got behind the wheel, she turned back to face the kids.
“JJ, are you gonna say hi to your sister?” she prompted, and you turned around to smile at her.
“Hi,” she murmured, looking out the window.
“Hey, kiddo,” you responded, turning back to Danneel. “What-?”
“I don’t know,” she replied, starting up the car again. “She won’t tell me anything.”
JJ was sitting quietly in the front room when you and Danneel had finished getting the babies out of the car.
Danneel took Dallas from your arms, nodding towards JJ.
“See if you can get her to talk?” she requested, and you smiled sadly.
“I hate seeing her like this.”
“Me too,” she agreed, kissing your cheek. “But if anyone can get her to feel better, it’s her big sister.”
You hoped she was right as you made your way through to the front room, sitting down on the floor opposite JJ.
“Hey, Texas,” you murmured, lightly knocking her chin with a knuckle so that she looked at you. “You wanna tell me what happened today?”
JJ nodded, her lip starting to quiver as her eyes filled with tears.
“Oh, sweetheart,” you breathed, cupping her cheek in your palm. “What’s wrong?”
She sniffed, leaning into you for a hug.
You wrapped your arms around her, kissing the top of her head and waiting for her to talk.
“I was- I was playin’ with the truck,” she began, sniffing and speaking against your top. “And Ben stole it from me while I was playin’.”
You swallowed thickly, already furious with this ‘Ben’ character.
“Did you tell him you were still playing with it?” you asked, and she nodded against you before pulling back.
She still had tears in her eyes and you wanted nothing more than to make them go away.
“I said I was playin’ and that he could have it after me,” she told you, sniffing. “I’ve learned sharin’ and I know that it’s important so I said he could have it when I was done but he just took it. And I told Miss Daisy because I was still playin’ and he stole it but she- she-”
“What did she say, kiddo?” you asked kindly.
“She said he was just bein’ a boy and I’m a mature lady and I don’t need to get upset about it,” she told you, trying to wipe her own tears.
You saw red, trying not to get angry because you didn’t want JJ to feel any worse.
“Alright, baby,” you breathed, taking her hands in your own. “I want you to listen to me, okay?”
“Mhm,” she nodded, still sniffing.
“‘Boys will be boys’ is not an acceptable excuse for mean behaviour, and I’ll be having a chat with Miss Daisy about that tomorrow,” you explained, and JJ nodded again. “If you told Ben that he couldn’t have the truck yet, he shouldn’t have taken it without your conse- without your permission.”
You cleared your throat, trying to keep your tone steady.
“No means no, kiddo.”
“No means no,” she repeated, and you nodded.
“That’s right,” you agreed, ruffling her hair until she smiled slightly. “So, what do you say next time another kid takes the toy you’re playing with without permission?”
“I say ‘no means no’,” she told you.
“That’s right, and you take the toy back.”
“I take it back,” she nodded, and you smiled, tapping her nose.
“Yep,” you confirmed, “Because you never let anyone take away your decisions or your voice.”
“No means no,” JJ murmured, and you kissed her cheek.
“Alright, Tex, go wash your face,” you told her, getting to your feet and pulling JJ up with you, “Put on some comfy clothes, ‘kay?”
She smiled, running off to do as you asked after stopping to hug Danneel’s legs in the doorway.
Danneel still had Dallas in her arms as she stepped into the room, watching you with a concerned expression.
You shrugged softly, folding your arms.
“I fixed her bad mood,” you explained, and she nodded.
“You did, thank you,” she hedged, biting her lip. “What was all that about?”
“She needs to know that it’s not okay for boys to walk all over her,” you shrugged defensively. “I’m gonna talk to her teacher-”
“I agree, and I’ll go with you,” Danneel told you, “But, Dits… the whole ‘no means no’ talk…”
You swallowed, taking a step back when you realised what she was getting at.
Danneel took a tentative step towards you, concern furrowing her brow.
“Talk to me,” she requested softly. “What happened?”
You shrugged, looking away.
“Nothing,” you murmured. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
One look at her face told you that Danneel wasn’t buying it.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you tried, your voice soft.
“Oh, sweetheart,” she sighed. “You can tell me anything.”
You swallowed again, looking down at the floor.
“Come on, it’s me,” she pleaded. “You’re my baby. Let me help you.”
As soon as the words left her lips, she could see your expression change.
“I’m not your baby,” you spat, causing Danneel to flinch slightly. “You’re not my real mom.”
Danneel nodded, her hold on Dallas tightening protectively as your demeanor changed.
“I know that, sweetheart,” she offered softly, “I know-”
“No, you don’t know,” you snapped, and Danneel’s mouth suddenly shut in shock as you started to shout. “You don’t know what it was like. You don’t have any idea what it was like! You weren’t there, so stop acting like you know me when all you’ve ever seen is ‘Ditto Ackles’, because - guess what?”
Danneel had never seen you like this before, her heart was pounding hard and fast inside her chest as she let you continue to rant.
You stepped back, motioning around the room.
“This isn’t me,” you told her, harshly. “This… this whole thing is bullshit! ‘Ditto’ is bullshit. The ‘me’ you know is a fucking lie. So I’m sorry that I’m not ready to let you in on all my deep dark secrets just because you’ve ‘known’ me for five whole minutes.”
You stopped, your chest heaving as Danneel looked at you as if she’d never even met you - as if you were a stranger in her home.
The two of you faced each other for a while, both too stubborn to break eye contact.
This was new territory for Danneel. JJ was still too young to argue with her to such an extent, but she knew in that moment that you needed a parent.
Not to hug you and tell you everything was okay, but to set boundaries and let you know when you’d crossed them. To set rules for your own benefit and to inflict consequences when you acted out.
Danneel squared her shoulders and set her jaw, rearranging Dallas so that your daughter was against her chest.
Dallas balled her fists, snuggling in against Danneel’s neck as she was moved.
“It’s a good thing I’m not your real mom,” Danneel spoke, taking you by surprise. “I hate to think what she’d’ve done if you ever spoke to her like that.”
You swallowed, finally breaking eye contact.
“But you do not get to talk to me like that,” she continued, her voice even and strong. “I know you’re hurting. I don’t know why because you refuse to talk to me, but I appreciate that you’re dealing with something huge. Whatever it is, whenever you’re ready, I’m here to listen. Judgement free. But you never speak to me like that again, you hear me?”
You nodded, still looking at the floor.
“Look at me,” she demanded, and you obliged with wide, frightened eyes. “I haven’t known you forever, you’re right. But I’m your mother, and you used to respect that.”
You swallowed, dumbstruck.
You couldn’t believe that you’d said all of that, that you’d blown up at her in order to protect yourself from telling her everything.
“Dee, I’m sorry,” you breathed, “I-”
“I don’t want to hear it,” she cut you off.
Every bone in her body was telling her to let you know that you were forgiven, to give you a hug and assure you that everything would be okay, but she didn’t.
You needed discipline; you needed order.
“Go to your room,” she told you, and you blinked at her. “Now, please.”
“Give me my daughter,” you requested.
Danneel didn’t move, hoping that you’d just go upstairs and calm down without her, but you took a step forward and held out your arms.
“Give her to me,” you repeated. “Please.”
She handed her over, and you were instantly grounded by the weight of your daughter in your arms.
Danneel stepped out of your way, and by the time you got to the top of the stairs you had tears in your eyes.
By the time you got to your bedroom, you were crying.
Dallas was fussing in your arms as you sat on your bed, and you tried to shush her through your own tears.
“It’s okay, baby girl,” you murmured, kissing the top of her head. “Mama’s okay. You’re okay.”
You took a few breaths, trying to calm down for the sake of both yourself and your daughter.
“I’m so sorry for shouting,” you whispered, stroking her hair. “You’re not allowed to repeat any of my behaviour. Or any bad words you might’ve heard.”
Dallas blinked, looking up at you with gorgeous eyes.
“You’ve gotta respect Dee, too,” you sighed, leaning against the headboard. “She’s the best thing that ever happened to us and we should remember that.”
You sniffed as you heard a little knock on the door, looking up to see JJ peeking into the room.
“Hey, kiddo,” you sighed. “I’m in trouble so I can’t play right now.”
“I know,” she told you, walking in.
You laid Dallas down on the bed next to you, frowning slightly at JJ.
“I’m just sayin’ I love ya,” she told you, climbing up into bed to hug you.
You hugged back, resting your chin on top of her head.
“I love you, Texas,” you assured her, closing your eyes.
She held you for a moment before you pushed her back, kissing her cheek.
“Now get out of here before I get you in trouble.”
She laughed softly, leaning down to kiss Dallas’ forehead before leaving the room as quickly as she entered.
You carefully laid down, moving onto your side and lifting Dallas so that she was laying on her back beside you.
Her eyes were blinking heavily, and you smiled softly as she let out a big yawn.
“Think we both need a bit of a nap, huh?” you murmured, letting her hold your finger as you leant into the pillows. “It’s been a long day for both of us.”
You woke to the sound of your bedroom door opening.
Your eyes fluttered open to see that Dallas was still snoozing beside you, her expression content and calm, and a soft smile fell over your face.
The door closing reminded you what had woken you up, and you carefully pushed yourself to sit without disturbing your daughter.
Danneel entered, a steaming mug in her hands and a soft smile on her face.
“Hey, sweetheart,” she murmured, placing the hot tea down on your nightstand and perching beside you on your mattress.
“Hi,” you whispered, looking down at your hands.
“I love you,” she told you, smiling sadly. “I love you so much. But you can’t talk to me like you did.”
“I know,” you sniffed, your voice hoarse, “I’m sorry, I-”
“I know you are,” she promised. “I know. I love you, and I’m worried about you. You can’t shut me out.”
You nodded, feeling yourself start to cry again.
“Oh, baby,” she breathed, moving closer and pulling you into a hug.
She held you until your tears dried up, until Dallas’ soft grunts of waking up broke the two of you apart.
Danneel picked up your daughter, shushing her in her arms as she smiled down at her.
“I gave her your name,” you murmured, watching the two of them. “I wanted her to grow up with your grace, and your kindness. I wanted her to know that her mama’s mama means everything to us, and I just-”
“It’s okay,” Danneel insisted, cutting you off. “You lashed out, I forgive you. It’s okay.”
“It’s not,” you whispered. “It’s not okay. You’ve taken me in, you’ve taught me what it means to be a parent, and I just threw it all back at you because I didn’t want to talk.”
Danneel nodded, swallowing around nothing as she looked down at your daughter before looking back at you.
“You can tell me anything,” she reminded you. “You can talk to me.”
You nodded, clenching your jaw and looking back down at your hands.
“I wish I was your real daughter,” you admitted, biting a hangnail.
“Honey, you are my real daughter,” she assured you, pulling your hand away from your mouth.
“But I’ll always be adopted,” you reasoned. “And… and she will always be my birth mother. I hate that I come from her. I hate that I can get like her. Why couldn’t I come from you?”
You sounded so young, so sad, that it broke Danneel’s heart to hear you.
“Oh, my girl,” she whispered. “I wish, with all my heart, that I could’ve carried you inside me.”
You nodded, a tear falling down your cheek.
Danneel caught it with her thumb before you had a chance to wipe it, keeping one hand cupping your face while the other held Dallas.
“Sometimes, I-” she sighed, stroking your cheek. “I feel guilty that I wasn’t there from the moment you were born.”
She was looking at you, her eye contact constant but not intimidating so you didn’t feel the need to look away. She was opening up to you and letting you in, even after everything.
“You only carry a baby in your belly for nine months,” she continued, moving her hand from your cheek to hold Dallas as she shifted her position on the bed. “But you carry your child in your heart forever. That’s the place that it counts.”
You nodded, breaking eye contact only to look down at your daughter who was watching Danneel intently.
“You do come from me,” Danneel insisted, “And from Jay. And giving birth to you… that wouldn’t have made me love you any more than I already do.”
“Really?” you whispered, and she shrugged.
“Would it make you love me any more?”
“No,” you answered instantly. “That’s crazy.”
“Okay,” she nodded. “So how about we both stop acting crazy, huh?”
You nodded, wiping your eyes with the heel of your hand.
“Alright, come here.”
Danneel held her arm out to you and you fitted yourself against her side, leaning your head on her shoulder.
You sniffed as she turned her head to kiss the top of yours, trying not to cry.
You wanted to tell her everything, but you couldn’t. Not yet.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, looking down at Dallas. “I’m not… I’m not ready.”
“That’s okay,” Danneel replied with the same softness, kissing your forehead. “I’ll be here whenever you are, my love. I’m always only a phone call away.”
Let me know what you think!
tags are closed because this always takes me forever
@purgatoan, @thelittleredwhocould, @sammylynne321, @ariannalikescake, @writergirl909, @tlb-kylie, @allinhishands, @winchester-gospels-67, @supernatural0826, @mija-novella, @nerdysandwichqueen, @gemini75eeyore, @imaginespnr5er, @green-love-red-fantasyhearts, @kelsey-spn, @lafayettrash, @emoryhemsworth, @dearnoonethisisurlovesong, @spnolivia, @remybosslika, @ruined-by-destiel, @kickasscas67, @theplaidshirtmadness, @quilliamfears, @charity-elizabeth, @haleyhay96, @latinenglishfandomblog, @smoothdogsgirl, @chelseypaigeake, @katymacsupernatural, @plaidstiel-wormstache, @prideandprejudiceandbrendonurie, @tiffanycaruso, @breakthesociety, @jpadjackles, @abbirae99, @hiddenwritingsintheworld, @karrington7, @leyhikawinchester, @youcanhavit, @faegal04, @ellen-reincarnated1967, @avengersgirllorianna, @mint-and-pastel-pink, @feelmyroarrrr, @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian, @aprofoundbondwithdean, @clueless-gold, @trashforwinchesters, @raeeismee, @supernaturalsuperfreakfan, @blacktithe7, @supernaturalstarbug, @pinkbunnies2001, @danijimenezv, @missbabyfae, @impalaimagining, @im-super-potter-locked, @samcentric-fics, @oriona75, @samsexualdeancurious, @butiaintgonnaloveem, @atc74, @too-much-winchester, @aquabrie, @taylorlaurenthomas, @missvengeance93, @flawsweirdo, @a-queen-and-her-throne, @maxwellthemajestickoala, @castielsgrace-idjits, @typicalweirdbookworm, @relationshipyard, @aeryntheofficial, @summerbee53, @cfordwrites, @im-beautifully-sewn, @xlarryisreallovex, @archer-whovian-violinist, @asgardianvamp21, @shadowpriestess6, @l8nitl0vr, @wificrazymisfit, @buckybarnesisalittleshit
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alexandralyman · 7 years
Getting con handlers in the first place is a roadblock for new cast members who'd want to attend any cons. I know Andrew and Adelaide have done cons for their previous genre shows, so they would probably be good to go if asked. But for the others, I'm not even sure if they'd be options for Creation. Since Bex will likely be in the entirety of 7B, I feel like she'll end up as the 2nd headliner for some Sundays? But yeah, going from 2-3 main stars per day to just 2 TOTAL wouldn't sell as much...
Adelaide has already signed up for the Enchanted con in the UK next June (along with Lana, Sean, Jared, Bex and several others, although not Jen or Colin) and in that case she’s the only new cast member among the guests. And she has a built-in fanbase from Reign already, it makes sense.
The rest of the new people don’t really have that pull - not to sell $500-$1200 Gold tickets, anyway. I can sort of understand that Creation would prefer current main cast to previous main cast to maintain that cachet of being a top convention and that’s probably why Sean stopped appearing, but that was *one* actor leaving the show while the rest of the mains stayed. Now *six* mains have left and only three stayed (and Bobby hasn’t done any Creation cons) so…they need to pull their heads out of their asses here if they want to fill seats. Once has a passionate fanbase but it isn’t Supernatural.
I have nothing against the new cast (most of them, anyway) and heck, I loved Burn Notice and I would buy a photo op with Gabrielle because of that if I was at the con anyway and she was appearing, but I’m not going out of my way to see any of them the way I flew off to NJ so I could see Jen and Colin together. Not after two months and a handful of episodes, it was two years of watching the show before I went to my first convention.
94 gold tickets are still available for Vancouver - and those include a tour of the studio that is not normally open to the public, Last year gold tickets sold out in three weeks and this year they’ve already been on sale for three months. That’s a pretty big flashing neon sign that Lana and Colin alone are not enough of a draw.
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