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myclutteredbookshelf · 11 months ago
Hey, you!
Are you a fan of zines? Do you love cats? Want to support an independent queer artist?
My little sister is an online vendor for Canzine 2024 -- the largest zine festival in Canada! You can purchase her zine "Cats of Toronto" on the festival website from April 13 - 21.
And if you enjoy her art style, I recommend checking out her temporary online store, where you can purchase prints and stickers from her art series "Of Divine Origin," which puts an LGBTQIA+ spin on various myths, fairy tales, and supernatural creatures.
Thank you for helping my sister get her name out there!
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maiji · 11 months ago
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I have several exciting events coming up this month!
2024 Spring Canzine
Where: Online!
When: April 13 to 21
Broken Pencil's virtual Canzine features creators from Canada, and around the world. I love these events because you can check out and support work from multiple indie creators, and only have to worry about one shipping fee. I'm always so impressed by the behind-the-scenes coordination that makes this possible! 
All my Now Recharging comics are going to be available at a discount from their usual prices in my online store, because everything will be in CAD instead of USD, and I'm not changing my prices! (Ah, our Canadian dollar.) Also they'll be able to ship to more countries than just Canada and the US!
(Psst, I'm also going to be running a Canzine special for my Lenormand oracle deck and my Genjimonogari art deck during the full festival time period! Stay tuned for more info when Canzine starts!)
You can see the full list of vendors here!
Momiji Spring Market April 2024
Where: 3555 Kingston Road, Scarborough Ontario
When: Saturday April 27 from 11 am to 4pm
Momiji Health Care Society is hosting a Spring Market, full of local artists, crafters, and makers! Momiji events are in a beautiful space, and always have the best food. The venue is a seniors' care centre so please aim to mask for the safety of all! 
More details on April Momiji events on their instagram.
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everygame · 11 months ago
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Well, I absolutely did not expect it to take an entire year from exp. 2600 to the next issue, but such is life, honestly. Either way I'm terrifically pleased to announce that exp. 2601 will be debuting this weekend as part of Spring Online Canzine 2024, Canada's premiere zine festival running April 13th to 21st. 
This issue covers the eleven games released for the Atari 2600 in 1978, with essays on Space Invaders and the year 1978 to provide context. Even if you're not particularly interested in the Atari 2600, I think there's a lot in here for anyone interested in video games and their history, so I hope you'll check it out.
As with the first issue, exp. 2601 is being published in a signed, numbered limited edition of 52 and I'm also making it available as a PDF and ebook for people who don't want a little object, but still want something to read on an iPad or a Kindle with a bit more focus than they'd give to a webpage.
I am opening pre-orders here today, in advance of Canzine, so I can announce the issue with enough time to ensure subscribers know about it and are aware that they automatically receive 35% off in our ko-fi shop (including on new issues.) It's just $1 per month to become a subscriber, and you'll also get new articles a week early (as well as regular exclusive articles.) Physical copies will be sent out in the last week of April, with digital copies arriving as soon as Canzine begins.
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In addition, and not to bury the lede here, for the first time since 2020 my ebook collecting the best of the original run of exp., exp. negatives, is also available for pre-order today, and will be on sale during, and only during, Spring Online Canzine 2024 (to reiterate: April 13th-21st).
If you don't have any of my available digital publications (exp. 2600, 2601, and negatives) I have also made a bundle of all three available for pre-order with a $2 discount for all (and if you're a subscriber, that stacks with your discount!)
I'd like to thank everyone reading this for their support across the years and let you know that there are more exciting things in the pipeline for exp. this year. Did you know it's been ten years since I started Every Game I've Finished? That fact might become important...
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kalipso-webcomic · 2 years ago
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We interrupt our regular webcomic schedule to bring you an important announcement! 
For those who are interested in buying some of my books, zines, or even a print copie of Kalipso chapter 5 (the one currently being updated!!), you can find me either at online Canzine from May 5 to 11 or in person at the Montreal Comic Arts Festival from May 26 to 28!!
I’ll see you all there :)
Also, a regular reminder that Kalipso updates faster on Patreon! For just 1$ a month, you can get webcomic pages faster than on tumblr, as well as access exclusive content AND regular updates of my online novel Four Liars (in space)!
AND all of the pages of chapter 5 will drop as a block on Tapas July 12. (Which is when all the pages of the chapter will have dropped on tumblr at the rate of one a week)
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blam-marie · 2 years ago
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Has anyone been waiting to get their hands on one of my zines or comics? If so, you’re in luck!! I am going to be a vendor during ONLINE CANZINE on May 5 to 11, 2023!
During the event, I will be selling print copies of Kalipso #1, The Printer Whisperer, and Snapshots from the Sea, as well as digital copies of all of my novels and zines. 
According to the Broken Pencil magazine: “Marie’s embrace of the fantastic as normal makes for fun and compelling tension” and “despite the feat of confining the stories to just 100 words apiece, it’s hard not to want them to spool on into larger tales”
Check it out CANZINE.CA
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kalipso-bd · 2 years ago
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Annonce importante :)
Pour ceux d’entre vous qui êtes intéressés à acheter un de mes livres, BD, ou zines, je participe à Online Canzine du 5 au 11 mai et je serai présente en personne au Festival de BD de Montréal du 26 au 28 mai!
Aussi je vous rappelle que si ça ne vous dérange pas de lire la BD en anglais, les pages sont mises à jour beaucoup plus rapidement sur Patreon! Pour juste 1$ par mois, vous pouvez accéder aussi à des illustrations exclusives et mon roman en ligne, Four Liars (in space)!
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maiji · 10 months ago
Virtual Spring Canzine runs till April 21, 2024, so today is the second-last day!
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Some of our co-op members are part of the virtual Canzine going on right now! 
Go show them some support! Cartoonist Coop members pages:
C.A.P Ward https://canzine.myshopify.com/collections/c-a-p-ward
Haley Boros https://canzine.myshopify.com/collections/haley-boros
Mikoto/Hokaguteatime https://canzine.myshopify.com/collections/hokaguteatime
KJ https://canzine.myshopify.com/collections/kj-martinet
Maiji/Mary Huang https://canzine.myshopify.com/collections/maiji
Virus Visal https://canzine.myshopify.com/collections/virusvisal
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leascno · 2 years ago
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i never posted this here bc it was during my tumblr absence but i still think this 2019 fanart is cute :’)
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maruti-bitamin · 2 years ago
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Online shop is open!
p.s. Store will close middle of next week as I will be going away for a bit. 
p.p.s. Thanks to everyone who came to visit at TCAF and Anime North! :D  I had a blast at both events and it was great to see friends and meet you all!  Next event will be Tomo arts market (Aug 5) and Canzine if I get in.  I was not able to get into Otakuthon this year so I will be staying in Toronto. 
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yeehawpim · 10 months ago
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bitform · 5 months ago
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I was asked to do Canzine this year, but withdrew realizing the leadership and co-founder of Broken Pencil denies that genocide is even happening. So I joined the protest store instead.
Zine culture and history is about rebellion, and speaking out against injustice, and abuses of power.
Colonization, capitalism and fascism being the driving forces that flatten identities through excessive, terrorizing violence to erase people from existance who do not benefit its expansion
My use of glitch aesthetics in all my forms of work are about the breaks and cracks that exist in a world that limits imagination of new ways to be and live for the better.
We make a new world, and better futures by making different decisions than we have. We can always choose to take power and attention away from people who abuse it.
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maiji · 11 months ago
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Virtual Spring Canzine 2024 is officially live and running till April 21!
You can check out and support creators from around the world at https://www.canzine.ca
I'm located in the Comic MADness section, or right here!  https://canzine.myshopify.com/collections/maiji
All my Now Recharging comics and ebooks in the shop are discounted from their usual prices (in CAD, instead of USD), and with more shipping options! You can combine all your purchases from all the exhibitors into one convenient order, which is logistics magic to me!
Celebrating Canzine special!
While virtual Spring Canzine 2024 is happening, you can also get 15% off my Fortune Lenormand oracle and Genjimonogatari art decks at The GameCrafter with the code YAYSPRINGCANZINE2024
Genjimonogari art deck with free downloadable guide
Fortune Lenormand oracle deck with free downloadable guide
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shelandsorcery · 1 year ago
High Intensity Comic Work
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So my first round of art school was a fine art degree. And I didn't really know a lot about art careers and I wasn't really sure what I WANTED to be doing, but I did kind of chafe against the "comics aren't art" vibe some teachers had. And then Shannon Gerard came and talked. And Shannon's gone on to do a lot, a LOT of really cool stuff (http://shannongerard.org) but her talk was about, or at least mentioned, how she was doing comics as part of a cross-disciplinary masters, by making them with lithographic prints. Which is, I think, a real flex. Like, it's one thing to draw a comic, and another thing to draw it backwards, soak it in chemicals, and then, one page at a time, pull the right amount of successful prints from the stone, before you could draw the next page. It still boggles my mind. Just fuckin incredible. And her process did two things - it elevated the medium to something the more traditional fine art faculty would engage with, and it also used the then popular genre of autobio/confessional comics, which probably also helped get fine art profs to connect with the project. So my memory of her talk is prettttty faded, but what it did was give me permission to be a real shit about bringing comics back into my fine art work. Clearly I just needed to use more punishing mediums! So I did. Did I have anything to say WITH those comics? No. Would that stop me? Also no. So, in my final year of art school, baby artist shel decided to paint and etch comics of the most banal shit you can think of.
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I did a BUNCH of these, and if you think these painted ones are... slow and meditative....
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Wait'll you see the blood, sweat and tears I poured into intaglio prints of empty spaces:
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These were etched and aquatinted into copper plates, printed by wiping ink into every crevasse in the metal and then wiping all the excess ink off the face, then squeezing them through a huge heavy press, one print at a time.
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That said I do still like these haunted window views inspired by taking the subway up past Yorkdale station every day for school. But oh my god the LABOUR it took to make these. Was that the secret to making them fine art? I do not know, I just know I gave it a real good try. I even screenprinted a deconstructed journal comic, god help me:
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Anyways, the last piece I made this way was also the first fine art painting I ever sold, and it was titled "waiting" and it was a journal comic about doing my first Canzine alone when my teammate ditched. Painted in layers and layers of acrylic, across six canvases.
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Did I use these as livejournal icons for years after? Yes. Anyways now when I feel like I'm being a bit of a try-hard, I at least know where I learned it. Oh my gosh okay I did make ONE more of these, the year after I graduated. It's very angsty.
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Read the full article
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kaitou-al · 8 months ago
Hi everyone,
My new site is now up and running. It's going to be the new home for my blog posts and art.
Other announcements:
Bravern emotes for Discord
NEW Bang Brave Bravern! emote downloads on Itch.io. You can use them to add a little...bang...to your Discord servers. Please note that the emotes do contain spoilers, so come back after you watch it, okay? It's streaming on Crunchyroll, and it is directed by Masami Obari. I've linked the OP below.
Ko-fi requests
They're open now! I'm a bit new at this, but hope you'll check it out if you're interested.
Citrus Con 2024 artist alley, August 23-25, 2024
It's a free online BL/queer media convention. You have to sign up to be able to attend! I'll be opening the online shop for the con.
Midnight amaretto TadaAi fancomic/doujinshi
Thank you to everyone that bought my zines at online Canzine. The PDF version is available to download via Itch.io.
Shibari Zine: Red Threads Volume 2 is at the printers!
Thank you everyone for the support!
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bodybog · 2 years ago
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instagram - carrd
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thoughtportal · 2 years ago
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The Canzine Festival of Zines and Independent Print Culture was first held in Toronto in 1995. Since its inception, Canzine events in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Brampton, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Halifax and elsewhere have displayed thousands of zines and small press works and hosted hundreds of writers and performers.
For more information about Canzine, email [email protected]
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