#Sunshine Court
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kohiandie · 13 days ago
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the other two button designs -- jerejean & kevjean ;- ) god i need more content of them OTL does anyone have good fic recs for either?
the buttons are live on our shop for pre-order btw! @ kohiandie.com & our e/tsy. alongside a bunch of new goodies & the aftg fidget, etc.
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vvevelur · 3 months ago
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Cody Winter. Trojans #20
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wopilh · 5 months ago
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scrrunchi · 6 months ago
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I finished The Sunshine Court, I already miss them :(
Also, I got sick and should be in bed but my school has a project week that I can’t skip because it’s important for credit points and I wanna cry
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wilhelminyard · 7 months ago
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I just think incorrect quote generators are neat and weirdly accurate
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kurorikard · 3 months ago
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"It was worlds more than he deserved. He feared it as much as he wanted it; the thought that this was his life now was terrifying."
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astastories · 5 days ago
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Just finished the Sunshine Court - it was amazing so I decided to draw Jean jumping into literal sunshine 
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stick-ball · 1 year ago
Jean Moreau stans rn:
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heartstringgs · 10 months ago
Neil remembered how Nicky said he had been at the end of his rope, but Erik was strong enough to hold him up and then immediately thought of how Andrew accepted his past without a word and gave him a key and called it home. Man was already in deep fr
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foxesscramble · 6 months ago
a series of instagram posts from one: jeremy knox
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nihil-josten · 11 months ago
Can we TALK about how for all of TSC Jean is telling himself Endure
Endure is a french word. It means exactly the same thing, it's used exactly like this. When someone complains about something being difficult or painful you can answer with just "Endure"
All of his inner monologue is translated to english, but this, this is a DIRECT QUOTE from his inner monologue, in french.
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peachfolk · 30 days ago
I'm thinking about how concerned Jeremy is when he learns about the Ravens' sleep schedule and how quickly he realizes how that lead to long term health consequences for all these former Ravens and how worried he is about Kevin continuing to do night practice...
And how tired Jeremy is all the time after he moves back into his childhood bedroom. How often he's getting up at an ungodly early hour so he's still able to pick up his friends in time for morning practice and games. How much Coffee he's always drinking and how many naps he's squeezing into his schedule. And how little his mother seems to care about interrupting his sleep with her phone calls or about forcing a long commute on him.
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plintuth · 3 months ago
Kevin won't be with Jean because of his great love for Jeremy. He is ready to give him everything to see that sunny smile (except exy of course)
I hope you get the idea, even though it's very stupid.
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neo-neos · 19 days ago
✨My favorite AFTG moments and quotes✨
Disclaimer and spoiler warning!!!!!: These aren't all "famous moments" and I am aware some of those are most definitely missing. But, these are moments that made me laugh or had me wide-eyeing the book. They are personal favorites mostly but I hope it brings you a little joy as well. Spoiler warning: TGR is in this at the end too.
The Foxhole Court
- Chapter 4 - “I’m not a math problem” “But I’d still solve you”
- Chapter 4 - "You are a conundrum," Andrew said. "Thank you." "No, thank you," Andrew said as he slipped past Neil without a look back. "I need a new toy to play with." "I'm not a toy." "I guess we'll see."
- Chapter 8 - But desperation was a valuable lubricant (Yes, I took this out of context but it was too good)
The Raven King
- Chapter 5 - "You have a way of making people want to kill you," Andrew said.
- Chapter 7 - Kevin reacted the way Neil expected everyone would to the truth: with a horrified demand that Neil leave immediately. Andrew, though nodded in the face of it and told Neil to stay. He stood his ground when Neil asked him for murder and gave him a key to their house. But that didn't count, because Andrew was Andrew, and this was definitely the last turn he needed his thoughts to take. He dragged his attention back to the task at hand and vowed never to listen to Nicky again.
- Chapter 9 - When Neil started to argue, Andrew hooked a finger under his chin and forced his mouth closed again.
- Chapter 9- "Sometimes you're interesting enough to keep around. Other times you're so astoundingly stupid I can barely stand the sight of you."
- Chapter 12 - Betsy nodded but asked, "Where are Nicky and Kevin?" "Nicky tried to hug Andrew and almost got himself stalked with a kitchen knife," Wymack said. "Kevin was smart enough to get him out of here."
- Chapter 14 - "Don't you dare 'Coach?' me, you malfunctioning retard."
The King's Men
- Chapter 2 - "Is your learning curve a horizontal line?" Andrew asked.
- Chapter 2 - "I can walk," Neil said. "Proud of you," Wymack said. "Didn't ask."
- Chapter 3 - "I didn't think I was a personal problem. You hate me, remember?" "Every inch of you," Andrew said. "That doesn't mean I wouldn't blow you."
- Chapter 4 - "All right. I'm going out for a bit. Might be a while, so eat without me. Wish me luck?" "Luck," Neil said as Matt kissed her goodbye.
- Chapter 7 - "Ninety percent of the time the very sight of you makes me want to commit murder. I think about carving the skin from your body and hanging it out as a warning to every other fool who thinks he can stand in my way."
- Chapter 7 - "What about the other ten?" Neil asked. Andrew ignored that. "I warned you not to put a leash on me." "I didn't," Neil said. "You put that leash on yourself when you told me to stay no matter what. Don't be mad at me just because I was smart enough to pick up the other end of it."
- Chapter 7 - "Drama queen," Neil muttered.
- Chapter 8 - It was Friday, January 19th. Neil Josten was supposed to turn twenty on March 31st. Today Nathaniel Wesninski turned nineteen years old. (This one is personal. I apparently share a birthday with Nathaniel HAHA)
- Chapter 8 - "And I need you to derail that one-track fucking mind of yours for two seconds."
- Chapter 8 - Nicky started to say something, but Andrew sparked his lighter an inch from Nicky's face in silent warning.
- Chapter 15 - Neil took a careful step toward them, trying to convey silent support and backup, but Katelyn was too afraid of Andrew to look at Neil. Andrew leaned forward to get in her face and jabbed a finger into her temple. "You are a tumor," he said. "I should have cut you out and thrown you away when you were still benign. Now it's too late, so here we are. Don't you dare fucking speak," Andrew said, voice savage, when Katelyn opened her mouth. Katelyn clamped her lips together and finally darted a terrified look at Neil. Andrew seized her chin and forced her attention back to him. "Do not ignore me. Your life hinges on how well you can listen. Can you listen?" - Chapter 17 - "You're crazy," Neil said to Andrew in an undertone. "This is news to no one." Andrew said.
- Epilogue - "Your close calls are getting old," Andrew said. "I thought you knew how to run." Neil affected confusion. "I thought you told me to stop running." "Survival tip: no one likes a smart mouth."
The Sunshine Court
- Chapter 1 - "That man is overdue for a high-speed, head-on collision."
- Chapter 3 - "He hasn't played a clean game in years," Keven admitted, "But he knows how to follow orders. If you tell him to submit, he will." "Literally the most awkward way you could've worded it," Jeremy said.
- Chapter 4 - "You're a better fit than I am," Jean said, a touch grumpily. "Unhinged optimist."
The Golden Raven
- Chapter 2 - "A single word is seldom rude enough to make a point."
- Chapter 2 - "Isn't that ridiculous?" "Most things about you are," Jean pointed out. Jeremy laughed. "Yeah, you're probably right. But Jean? I'm glad you're here, too. Our lives are better with you in them." "Mine would be better if you would stop talking."
- Chapter 5 - And while he couldn't remember how yogurt worked out, he knew she could correct him. (This sentence was just funny to me because the first 3 times I read "and while he couldn't remember how yogurt worked.")
- Chapter 6 - Jeremy couldn't help himself. "Must be nice, liking both. I bet it makes things easier." "Stop dyeing your hair. The bleach is rotting your brain." (As a pan/bisexual myself... Valid.)
- Chapter 7 - "Just heard the news - that's fantastic! We're so happy for him!!" Kevin's responds took only a minute: "Unexpected, if I'm being honest." Then, "Andrew would have burned the judge's house to the ground if he turned on Aaron. Maybe he knew that?" Jeremy idly wondered if that was a joke.
- Chapter 9 - "Filing that one under the list of things no one asked you," Andrew said as he lit up.
- Chapter 15 - Jean pressed a thumb to the bruises on Jeremy's throat. "His name." "I can't give you that," Jeremy said, scooting toward the edge of the bed. "I told you it was an accident. He was just worked up and drunk." "I don't believe you. Cat has never bruised Laila like this." "Maybe Laila's not as good with her tongue." ___ "I will tell her you said that."
- Chapter 17 - "You're very lucky they have me on a leash," he said in French. "You're in America," the striker said. "Speak English, you illiterate fuck."
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wilhelminyard · 7 months ago
so I finally read the sunshine court and I gotta say I will face god and walk backwards into hell if it gives jean his happy ending
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mur-muux · 15 days ago
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i tested clip studio and drew jean 😪
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