#Sunlight The Axolotl
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Finally!! Full character sheets for @tv-fucker and I's hazbin au♡ meet the Sonas, Cloud and Sunlight! Everyone's Favorite Electrical Firefly and Computer virus Axolotl! What shenanigans will ensue, find out eventually!
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dirtypaperjoe · 2 months
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Eternally wandering through the harsh, infinite expanses. Foavkar, an anomaly to the perfect grace of the sun, is not satiated with its radiant warmth and thus seeks what may lay beyond the mountains, carring the blessing from the gods to continue its eternal journey.
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Minecraft with Kenma
Okay, this is a little blurb of playing Minecraft with Kenma. I play the way reader plays, and my friend plays the way Kenma plays.
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“Hey come play with me.” Kenma said holding a controller out for you. You plopped down next to him on the floor. 
“What are you playing?” You asked, eying him warily from your spot. 
“Ooh, yes please!” You said grabbing for the controller. He gave it to you and waited for you to load in. “Okay, show me what’s going on.”
“Well this is the house. I have a chest room, and here is the smelting room. And right through here is where the beds are.” Kenma explained walking you through the house, and telling you about each room. After walking through the entire house, he brought you outside. “So over here is where…. Where did you go?”
“I’m over here. You see, this is a great place for a terrarium! We could put frogs, and get all different coloured ones. Oh! And we could get axolotls and flowers and trees!” You said excitedly. You wandered over to where he was at to look at the farm and where he keeps the animals. 
“Where did you go?” He asks turning around to see where you went. 
“I don’t know. I saw a bee, and then some flowers, and now I'm not sure.” You continued running and gathering as many flowers as you possibly could. “I’m gathering flowers to make the house pretty. What are you working on?”
“The enchanting room. I think I might add a portal here, but I’m not sure.” He said, eying your half of the screen as you ran wild. Running and gathering the flowers was taking all of your focus, so you weren’t paying attention to the sun. Out of nowhere something hit you and took half of your health. 
“What-Wha?! Kenma! Hey can you not?” You began yelling at the thing continuously taking your health. “A skelly?! AHHHHH! Run away, run away, run away.” You began muttering to yourself as you bolted in the opposite direction. At this point you are full on panicking as you’re trying to remember how to get back to the house, but are having no luck. “No, no, no, no. A zombie! Go away! Go away..” you’re becoming more desperate now. You turned to run the other way, and ran straight into another skeleton. “Kenma! I need help!” You called on the verge of tears. 
“Where are you?” Kenma asked gathering items to come get you. 
“I don’t know! You think I know!?”
“Okay, I’ll try to find you-what are you fighting with?” He asked, stopping completely to watch you wave your arms wildly trying to fight everything off. “Are, are those flowers?” He asked, breaking into laughter. 
“That's all I have! Kenma, I really need your help.” You paused your thrashing to try and find a way out. “They’re everywhere, I’m going to have to dig in.” You began digging a hole in the ground to get away, and wait out the night. Once you were safe and closed in you turned to Kenma. “What kind of psycho doesn’t play on peaceful??” Kenma was laying on the floor laughing at you. 
“What-what kind of psycho plays on peaceful?” He asks between laughter. 
“How do you not play on peaceful? It’s so stressful otherwise. You always have to be aware of the time, always need armour, weapons, mine for minerals, And! You have to constantly watch your back in the shade and down in the mines!”
“That’s literally the fun of it! You get trophies that way.” He rebutted through more laughter. “How do you even play?”
“Look, I just like to wander around, gather flowers, and bring home animals. And occasionally I like to mine.” You said glancing at his screen to see the time. 
“Please remind me why I even like you?”
“What was that?” You asked, even though you heard him clearly. 
“Nothing.” He said blushing and looking away from you. You sighed, turning back to the screen. 
“You like me because we’re two halves. I run head first into games, and you scope it out, come prepared and chase after me with everything I need.” You laid your head on his shoulder. You saw him let a tiny smile break out. Suddenly sunlight breaks through your little hole, and looking up you see Kenma’s character standing there. 
“Here.” He said tossing in some diamond armour and weapons. 
“What’s this for?”
“You said it yourself, I come prepared.” He pauses as his blush intensifies, “I’ll always chase after you.” You smile and smoosh your face into his shoulder. “Now let me teach you how to play real Minecraft.”
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dewedup · 9 months
Kinktober Day 1 - High Sex/Tentacles Monsterfucking
@jimothybarnes and I decided to tackle this together, we'll be taking turns writing/posting and it'll be a collaborative effort for each piece we post!
This is all based around the amazing prompt list by @kroas-adtam!
Pairing: Swiss/Rain
Words: 1,739
“Is that-“
“A tentacle, yeah.”
At Rain’s words, Swiss feels his brain go through a series of events. At first, it’s reeling, thoughts flying by at the speed of lightening. Then it’s eerily quiet, his mind going completely blank, a barren shell of where his brain used to reside. Finally, it’s like an explosion.
Read it under the cut or here on AO3
Swiss and Rain pass the joint back and forth as they relax in the sunlight on the dock. Their feet kick lightly in the water beneath them, soaking up the sun and enjoying the company of each other.
“Favourite animal?”
“What the fuck is that?” Swiss sputters, choking on the smoke as he exhales, almost positive that Rain just made up that word on the spot. The water ghoul giggles at the bewildered look on Swiss’ face. He tries to compose his facial expression, but the grin he’s sporting would need superhuman strength to suppress.
“An animal.” Rain deadpans, lasting a whole five seconds before he’s busting out into laughter again, clutching his stomach at the sigh of exasperation Swiss releases beside him.
“Yeah, no shit. Got any more info or did you just say it to sound quirky?”
“Hey!” Rain protests, smacking Swiss’ arm at the insinuation. “They’re real, and I’m quite knowledgeable. Especially animals that thrive in water. It kind of comes with the territory of being a water ghoul.”
“All water animals, yeah?” Rain nods in confirmation at Swiss’ question, tossing a goofy smile in his direction. Swiss reaches over to crush the roach of the joint against the dock. He seems deep in thought, or just… maybe regularly in thought? Rain’s having a hard time wrangling his stream of consciousness, the cloudy haze of the weed making him pleasantly blissful. “I think my favourite animal would be an octopus, which I’m sure you’re quite knowledgeable about.”
An idea hits Rain as the words leave Swiss’ mouth, his grin doubling in size as he leans in to whisper conspiratorially.
“Wanna see a trick?”
“Absolutely,” Swiss doesn’t hesitate to answer, already watching the ghoul in front of him with anticipation. He’s pretty sure he’ll find whatever Rain’s about to do endearing. He has a soft spot for the water ghoul. He’s so busy getting lost in Rain’s eyes, he doesn’t notice anything amiss until there’s a nudge on his shoulder. He reaches a hand up subconsciously, swatting away whatever it is.
Except, it’s… well, it’s kind of wet? Slimy, almost. And it has a texture Swiss has never felt before. His head snaps to the side and his eyes are level with the intruder.
“Is that-“
“A tentacle, yeah.”
At Rain’s words, Swiss feels his brain go through a series of events. At first, it’s reeling, thoughts flying by at the speed of lightening. Then it’s eerily quiet, his mind going completely blank, a barren shell of where his brain used to reside. Finally, it’s like an explosion.
Swiss would never admit it, but he watches a great deal of tentacle porn. A borderline unhealthy obsession. He always thought it looked too fake.
He can now confidently say they weren’t too far off.
It’s purple in colour, tiny little suction cups along the bottom of the appendage. What they missed were the details. The way he can see the veins crawling underneath the outer skin, supplying blood all the way to the smooth tip. It glistens, most likely from tiny little pores along the surface to produce lubricant.
It looks so inviting. Swiss raises a hand but freezes before he makes contact.
“Can I-I mean, is it okay if I touch it?” It doesn’t surprise Swiss that his question comes out like a plea, begging for permission, pleading for consent to lay his hand upon this utter perfection before him. Rain seems a little confused, looking at the multi ghoul intently, trying to uncover why exactly it looks like he’s about to come in his pants at the thought of touching his tentacle. It might be a little odd, but he’s had weirder things happen. So, he shrugs, lifting the appendage from where it sneaks out from underneath his shirt, a little closer to the multi ghoul.
“Yeah, go ahead.”
It’s the green light Swiss needs. He’s running his fingers lightly down the length of the tentacle, sometimes stopping to wrap them around it, testing out the girth of the extra limb. One time he gets bold, when he’s got his hand wrapped around it, he gives a firm tug, basking in the feeling of the veins passing underneath his grip.
He freezes as Rain lets out a cut-off moan, like the ghoul himself is surprised the noise has left his mouth. Swiss looks up, meeting Rain’s wide eyes. He almost snatches his hand back, wanting to apologize for whatever just happened between them.
But he’s also high as fuck, and he wants to hear that noise from Rain again.
He gives another experimental tug, watching as the water ghoul’s eyes roll back, eyelids falling half shut as he releases another filthy groan.
Swiss surges forward, trying to capture the taste of Rain’s moan with his own lips, his tongue forcing its way in to clean up any lingering notes of desperation. Rain shudders against his lips as Swiss starts jerking his wrist along the tentacle, growing more confident with every stroke.
He pulls back to watch Rain crumble in reaction to his touch, Swiss’ eyes drinking in the visual of the ghoul falling apart beneath his hand like he’s never seen him do before.
“Swiss,” Rain whines, claws coming up to bury in Swiss’ shirt. He’s clutching pathetically to him as he continues to shake with every other slip of Swiss’ hand. Swiss can’t form a coherent thought. The only thing keeping him grounded to this realm is the way Rain’s mouth forms his name like a hymn, the claws scratching lightly against his chest, and the slick sensation of running his hand up and down the tentacle.
He wants desperately to burn this entire encounter into the recesses of his mind. He’d never watch porn again if he could close his eyes and see this image imprinted there forever.
“Swiss I’m gonna… Fuck, Swiss I think I’m close,” Rain’s voice cracks and it pulls Swiss back from where he was floating above his own body, taking in the scene like it was crafted specially for him. He supposes it is, and thinks he should thank Lucifer for every single thing that’s happened in his life leading him to this moment. He glances down at the rapidly growing damp spot on Rain’s shorts, curious to see if he’ll come without Swiss paying any attention to his cock.
“What if I put it in my mouth?” The question surprises even Swiss, unsure that was the direction he was heading in until the words have already been said, unable to take them back now. The needy gasp that Rain answers with is enough to make him positive that he doesn’t want to rescind the request.
 “Fuck, I-Swiss, yes.”
“Say it again.”
“Please put my fucking tentacle in the filthy little mouth of yours.” Rain rasps, and the words go straight to Swiss’ dick, his own pants looking in no better condition than Rain’s. He ignores his achingly hard cock though and uses his hand to bring the tentacle closer to his face, his gaze travelling over the surface of the appendage.
Swiss sticks his tongue out, licking timidly at the head of the tentacle. The lubricant coating the surface is salty, with an underlying taste of Rain that has Swiss swallowing down the saliva that starts pooling in his mouth. Rain mewls in a high-pitched tone, the tentacle pulsing underneath Swiss’ firm grip.
Without a second thought, Swiss wraps his lips around it. He suckles gently, the discharging lubricant reminding him of pre, just a thinner texture. He slides the tentacle further into his mouth and pauses as the little suction cups on the bottom catch on his tongue. It hinders his movement slightly, but he’s no stranger to a little adversity. He pumps his hand along the tentacle as he continues to suck a little harder, moving his tongue as much as he can with the new restraints.
“Swiss,” Rain hisses, and it’s the only warning Swiss gets. Rain shudders, letting loose a garbled mess of Swiss’ name and a loud moan, the patch on his shorts darkening and growing as he comes untouched. Swiss is a little surprised. Usually in the videos he watches online the tentacles ejaculate as well, but Rain’s panting and slumping with the mess in his pants being the only evidence of their time together.
Swiss starts to try and remove his tongue from its entrapment when Rain breaks out a sharp, drawn-out cry. Instantly his mouth is being pumped full of liquid, too much so he’s drowning in it. He can’t pull back with his tongue still tied up, so his only option is to keep gulping down the release, swallowing desperately. Just when he thinks he might not survive this tentacle ejaculate, it finally ceases. He’s panting and can feel the liquid sloshing around in his otherwise empty stomach.
He has to exert some effort to remove his tongue from the clutches of the suction cups, being extra mindful of his teeth and razor-sharp fangs. Rain whimpers at the struggle, getting louder when Swiss finally frees himself.
“That was…” Rain trails off, his chest moving rapidly with how heavy his breathing is. Swiss sticks his tongue out, poking at the slightly raised circular bumps that are sore to the touch. He glances up from under his lashes at the water ghoul, who’s observing his movements closely. Swiss pushes his tongue out a little more, pointing accusingly at the marks he is sure must be visible. Rain breaks into another bout of laughter, arms wrapping around his stomach as he slumps forward, giggling wildly.
Swiss starts to chuckle too, laughter building until he’s wiping tears from his eyes.
“That was fucking wild,” Swiss agrees, shaking his head at the absurdity of the situation. He feels like he’s in a dream, that there’s no way this can be real. But he watches as Rain reels back in his limp tentacle, sliding back to where it had appeared underneath his shirt, no longer as imposing of a sight since it emptied itself into Swiss’ willing mouth.
“I didn’t know it’d feel that good,” Rain offers with a blush, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.
“You can do that whenever, yeah? Like whip that thing out?”
“I mean, yeah?”
“Okay, good. I might have a few different ideas of how we can make that feel even better, for both of us.”
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itsajanea · 3 months
A Spark Beneath Hearts
Written by @itsajanea
Idea of creation and Illustrated by @lizaluvsthis
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Summary: A young fairy prince embarks on a dangerous quest to save his sister from the Dark Overlord of the Dark forest . Once he and the Overlord had finally met, they had a rocky start but as the prince could see through all the darkness, what he saw was something he didn't expect. But after all, good or bad, Things aren't always what they seem.
Note: Special thanks to Liz for helping me out with writing and everything else. Couldn't have done this without them :D.
Chapter 3: Sunken Blue, Depths of Hate
As the pair took some steps back, the creature roared as it rubbed towards them. Tari panicked and flew away, shouting for help while poor Meggy was running for her life.
With the small dwarf already struggling to not get caught by the giant creature, considering their size and stubby legs, she was getting tired by each second.
Whilst she was screaming and running, The panicking princess called for help.
"Help! Help! Someone please!"
The humongous Axolotl gets closer to eating Meggy, and a bunch of acorns are thrown at the monster, which distracts them for a bit so the little dwarf can get away.
Both the creature and Tari looked at where the acorns came from and saw a bold figure, basking in the sunlight as they held another acorn, prepared to fight.
"I'm right here, come and get me!" Smg4 then threw the acorn at the creature, making it even more angry yet it still decided to continue pursuing the tiny dwarf.
As Meggy runs for her life, the creature and the two fairies follow. Smg4 thought of a great plan as he saw a nearby lake by the side of their current path.
"Meggy, head right!" The young prince instructed her and she followed his directions, she was getting tired and would do anything to get that giant thing off her trail.
The blue fairies got ahead of the creature to the side of the lake. Smg4 dives into the lake, making Tari scream out.
“AH 4! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!” Tari wanted to help but she didn’t want to get wet. She kept looking back and forth at Meggy and the water, waiting for her brother to come out safely.
She then sees bubbles form as a blue figure slowly starts to rise from beneath. Smg4 spreads his wings as rises from the water, like a falcon rising from below. He tried to fly but alas, the water had soaked his wings which prevented him from flying. He scoffed, slowly getting out of the water while dragging a long piece of seaweed with him. He calls out to his sister for help, as he shakes both of his wings.
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“Tari! We need you!” Yelled by her older brother, trying to pull out the seaweed from his grasp. With the water splashing from the lake, SMG4 took a few breaths until he was right back on.
It took a few seconds for her to reach out with hesitation. But she managed to grab on and help him, and they both pulled the seaweed out of the water. Smg4 stretched his wings and tried to fly once again, this time he succeeded. Rising to the sky, Smg4 held on to one of the ends of the seaweed while Tari had the other end.
Meggy, who was about to give up, opened her eyes wide to see two tall figures ahead of her, seeming to be holding onto something.
“GRAB ON!” SMG4 screamed as the two royal fairies reached down to extend the length of the marine plant.
Meggy quickly sped up towards them and jumped to get a hold of the slippery seaweed, the humongous axolotl roared in discomfort with its sharp teeth exposed. “WO-AHH!!!” The orange-haired dwarf held the seaweed tightly and kicked their feet in the air.
The large creature leapt as they tried to swallow the little dwarf, but failed as the pair of fairies carried her out with the seaweed. The Axolotl then fell back into the water, their natural habitat. As the fairies slowly descend upon the ground, Meggy lets go of the leaf and jumps down.
The small orange-haired dwarf had an eerie feeling when she felt the creature staring back at them from the water, menacingly. The pinkish creature growls as they begin to rise from the water, prepared to attack. The blue princess got terrified and hid behind Meggy who was also scared but prepared to fight. Suddenly Smg4 boldly flies between the creature and the pair and roars in anger, making himself seem bigger and threatening by spreading his wings and pointing his sword at the creature.
The humongous creature whimpers and quivers in fear as it slowly sinks back into the depths of the blue lake. The blue prince sighs and then turns around to see his sister celebrating. For some reason he got angry, he stomped his way over to her and angrily spoke.
“What were you thinking? You could’ve gotten hurt!” He placed his hand on her shoulder while giving her a concerned look. “I know-” Tari tried to speak but her brother continued. “You need to be more aware of what's happening right now, instead of worrying about the things that will come later.” She took a deep breath and apologized, making Smg4 feel at ease once again knowing his sister was safe.
“Um, excuse me.” The two heard a soft voice behind them, they looked back to see the little dwarf, who was trying to say something.
“Sorry to interrupt but- isn’t there a certain ball you two should be preparing for?
“Huh? Oh RIGHT!” Tari immediately spread her wings and took off to the sky and dragged her brother along, not before waving goodbye to her friend as the two royals flew away.
The young princess was getting frustrated because of her brother, who was far behind her on the way back to the palace. She groans in frustration and turns back to confront him about his bad attitude.
“Why are you so slow? We have to get ready!” “No YOU have to get ready, I’m not going.” Smg4 flies past her, ignoring everything else. Now Tari was the one following from behind.
“Ugh, 4… Dad will be disappointed if you don’t go and you go every other year! What’s so different about this year?” She flew closer to get a better look at him but it seemed like he wasn’t in the mood this time. So the two soared the skies in silence, returning to their humble abode as they will have to be prepared for what happens next.
A couple of hours passed by and all of the fairies in the kingdom had gathered inside the palace to celebrate the spring. Tari wanders around with Meggy before an entire crowd of men surround her, offering gifts and a chance to dance, leaving Tari to deal with them as her dwarf friend gets pushed aside because of the crowd, considering her small size, she sadly walks away.
Smg4 enters the room with his father, Fairy King Smg1 by his side. Everyone was watching from the side as the two walked their way through to the main ballroom. The young prince was frustrated because he was forced to join. His father told him to smile, wave, and try to enjoy.
“Please smile, my boy.” Smg4 forced a smile on his face, which didn’t fit his personality.
“Please 4, you used to love the spring ball.”
“But that was back then, I’m just not in the mood for this right now.”
The King sighs, looking back at his son. “I just want to see my happy boy again, before the uh- Tag6 misunderstanding…”
“Don’t worry, I’m happy! I’m…happy…” Smg4 looked away from his father, staring at the distance ahead of him as they both made their way through, sadly thinking about recent events.
“Well I hope you feel better once you find a dance partner”
“Or-” A familiar voice was heard across the room. The young prince was hoping that voice did not belong to a certain person that he wished never to see. But to his surprise, It was. As he stared at HER, he was filled with shock and rage.
“Maybe somebody even better,” Tag6 smirked. Surrounded by a group that will help her get back what she wants.
END OF CHAPTER - —----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Previous Chapter: New Rules
Next Chapter: [Pending]
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neoflames · 1 year
No I didn’t run off and make a bunch of headcannons after having watched five minutes of Witchcraft SMP what do you mean
•Lauren is the only person in her family who wasn’t born a witch, and that’s why she’s so determined to become the Supreme Witch, to prove all their jokes and insults wrong
•WC!Prismarina is related to ES1!Lizzie and is an axolotl hybrid (this is a hill I will die on)
•Scott used to be a nature witch, but then there was a whole accident involving his powers that got someone he cared about a lot (*cough cough* Jimmy) killed, so he became a necromantic witch to try and bring them back
•Before he died, Jimmy was a Sun Witch- he could control sunlight and make plants grow faster as well as lighting places up, but his powers only worked during the day
•Cleo constantly gets herself stuck in ten second time loops and it takes her a couple of hours to break out of them
•I think at some point, because Lauren befriended Joey and Pris, who hate each other now in lore I think, Lauren’s gonna be forced to choose between Joey and Pris
•Scott doesn’t like any nature witches, which unfortunately includes Tiffany
Anyway lore go brrrr make of these headcannons what you will
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thechillsquid · 1 year
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The phantom is a large, player sized aerial predator known for their nocturnal nature and terrible aggression towards those they find. While often seemingly appearing out of nowhere after numerous nights without sleep, causing the rumor that they may be caused by sleep deprivation, they actually track down players they have noted repeatedly within an area.
Their gill-like filaments are actually chemosensory antennas while the smaller almost horn-like antenna are used for communication between different indivuals of the species. The gill-like antennas can sense the lingering scent of someone roaming at night and thus attracts the phantoms more so than players that roam solely during the day.
Furthermore, they are notable in the fact that they are one of several other organisms capable of true, powered flight besides bats, birds, and insects like bees.
Other organisms such as the ghast have their own mechanism where they inflate air sacs that allow regulating of height whereas their sail-like limbs allow them to regulate motion. This however is not true powered flight as the ghast can not influence its ‘flight’ furthermore and can be thrown off kilter as a result of thermal heat spouts or sudden shifts in nether air currents.
The phantom uses its two powerful hind legs to launch themselves into the air/push themselves off roosting places, attack prey, or for clinging to areas for when they roost during the day. These limbs are often not noted for they are normally held laid flat against the body along the tail. This allows for increased aerodynamics. The claws along the wings are used solely for roosting and/or grooming.
Phantoms are also noted for their hatred of sunlight, their sensitive skin easily affected by direct sunlight. So while they are very aggressive and quick to attack, they are very vulnerable to cutting blades/their wing membranes being damaged. Though despite this, they can heal quite well and have incredible regenerative abilites.
This has caused the membrane of the phantom to be desired for their ability to heal damage to things such as elytra wings. Their membranes are also quite useful for the brewing of slow fall potions.
This has caused some overhunting in the past though they are also known to come into conflict with players simply due to their aggressive behavior.
Another interesting thing about the phantom is their curious origins. For while they may have a look almost like that of a manta ray, they are infact not fish. They are actually more so related to the axolotl.
The axolotl afterall is known for their ferocity when it comes to hunting, are notable for their regenerative capabilities, and their natural habit of lingering in darker areas. It is uncertain when the two diverged, or where they may have diverged, but either way, it’s believed the phantom grew larger during this aquatic timeline and either through competition that lead to it being pushed out of its aquatic niche or following moving prey out of the water, it left and took to the air.
Eventually fin-like limbs allowed for gliding and further development led to flight. Their gills have taken to filtering air and taking in air from water vapor present, their jaws grew more powerful, and their limbs developed stronger than the mostly simple legs of the axolotl. They as well do not require living in water to survive, as they are able to retain the water they take in through food and the air around them; they are not quite amphibians, neither are they truly reptiles, in a grouping of their own.
They as well are able to give live birth, whereas the young clings to the underside of the parent until grown enough where they can start practicing flight until they are powerful enough to start flying.
Overall they are a very peculiar and interesting creature.
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tv-fucker · 3 months
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Deals change people, look at the sick post-deal look that @i-write-sin-not-tragedy made for Sunlight! I'm so in love with the little details! I love this goofy little axolotl inspired menace <3
Sunlight doesn't care what the deal does to her. She's on a mission to find her bestie, and if that means making a deal with Vox to get the information she needs to find him? It's worth it. Cloud is worth that.
In the meantime, streaming video games and working as an assistant is keeping her busy. Busier than ever before, and she's never been happier.
Sunlight's hobbies include annoying Vox, swimming around in the tank under his desk, dancing, and being a general online menace.
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gemlore · 2 years
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Syrensire evolves from a form of Wooper that is water/psychic instead of water/ground.
They live in secluded cave water systems, relying less on their eyes and more on their powerful minds to help them navigate and sense food or danger. Its cave-only lifestyle has also purged most of the pigments from their skin, making them sensitive to sunlight. Their eyes are only known to open when using a powerful move.
Despite living in different kinds of water - fresh vs salt - they seem to get along well with Primarina, and their cries harmonize well
inspired/based on pink axolotls and sirens (the amphibian)
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Naaaaaaaff, that cave creature Sun one shot was so sweet aaaaaah!!
I love how you described him! He's so cool and has some cute mannerisms! Though understandably the poor reader was more preocupied with his size and the very sharp grin kjhgdfh
But he was prepared! It makes me think that he definitely must have had a couple encounters with humans already, (probably all injured climbers and spelunkers), since he knows enough about treating a human's arm, and knows enough language to communicate basic stuff. That or he has observed enough from a distance to pick up on some things.
Oh also! I know that for axolotls the stalks and the frilly structures are more like gills, but I wonder if in this case, because Sun appears very adept at climbing and making his way through a lightless cave, in addition to his eyes, the stalks on his head could maybe serve as feelers too in the same way whiskers would? (Also when he was waving his head it just put the cutest image in my head with the frills swaying along X3)
Also! The little nuzzle towards the end melted me like ice cream under direct sunlight khgfkjhd
What a lovely treat this was! <3

Ahhhh, Chaotik! I'm so happy you enjoyed it! ♥
He's just a funky aquatic lizard guy! Y/N just had to calm down and figure that out, which, understandably, is hard while injured and blinded by a pitch-black cave with a creature.
He's observed humans from a distance, mostly, but he's never directly interacted with anyone except for Y/N! He noticed the broken collarbone when he was carrying Y/N deeper into the cave and figure it would be painful to move that arm.
Yes, that's right! For Sun, his axolotl-inspired stalks are gills but I do really love the idea of them being feelers as well so I might incoperate that aljsdflasdf When Y/N grabbed his head stalks, it hurt a lot, but he's a tough salamander dude so he's okay ♥
AHHHH I'm really happy you like that little movement, I had a lot of fun writing this little quirks and body language ♥
Hehehe, good! Also happy to melt with creature nuzzles!!! Sun (and Moon) use nuzzles as a form of affection/comfort and view facial touching as very intimate.
Ah, thank you so much, babe! ♥
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Cloud is a little bit of a slut and his boyfriend is happy for him 💕☀️💭
As if Sunlight is any better lmfao
Although in her defense shes only a slut for one guy. So far.
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lucigoo · 3 months
Thank you for giving me the stars
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Latest Marauder fic, its another animal Au, based off this amazing art work by @depsidase found here Is Axolotl Remus/Chameleon Sirius Thank you for giving me the stars And as always, a small snippet:
“Your weird,” they heard from a small voice above them. They both lifted their heads but Remus, due to the scars and damage done to him over the years, could barely see in front of him. “Who is it Teddy, love?” he asked the little one beside him. “It’s a strange .... thing, in the branches.” Teddy replied uncertainly. “Hey, Im not a thing. I’m a Harry,” the little voice said, still above them. “What’s a Harry?” Remus asked, still confused. Axolotls barely saw colours as it was and the canopy was a big mix of green and sunlight. Whatever was up there was still a mystery to him. “You mean who? Who is a Harry? Im a Harry sillies,” the small voice said as Remus saw a small, green reptile crawling towards them.
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Axolotl's as pets
Despite being endangered, Axolotls are gaining a quick market as pets. whether or not this is good will be covered in a later post but for now we're talking about Axolotl's as pets,
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Axolotl Behaviour and Temperament
While axolotls are relatively hardy to slight fluctuations in their environment, they also have delicate, soft bodies with permeable skin. In fact, most of their body is made of cartilage rather than bone. That means they should not be handled unless absolutely necessary. And if you do have to move them out of their tank, do so with a fine mesh net that won't entangle any of their body parts.
Once you have their housing setup correct, you generally only have to spend a few hours per week on feeding and cleaning. The rest is simply enjoying them as a quiet, aquatic companion. Axolotls tend to be fairly bold and are perfectly content to move about their tank as they're being watched by their humans. Some will come up to the side of their tank when a person is there observing them.
However, they aren’t particularly social animals and don’t require any tank companions. They should not be kept with other species as axolotls might try to eat pet fish, and the fish sometimes nip at them, as well. You even should be cautious about housing them with other axolotls. Juvenile axolotls can be cannibalistic toward one another, so they are best raised in separate enclosures. Adults can potentially be housed together, but still, watch out for cannibalistic tendencies. If a body part gets bitten off by a tank mate, an axolotl actually can regenerate it over time. However, it's still best to avoid this situation altogether.
Housing the Axolotl
At least a 15- to 20-gallon fish tank is recommended for axolotls. Make sure the tank has a secure lid, as it's not uncommon for these animals to try to jump out of their enclosure. A land area is unnecessary in the tank for these fully aquatic animals. At a minimum, the water depth should be slightly more than the length of your axolotl. But adding extra depth will help with water quality and give your animal more room to move.
Keep the tank in a cool room away from bright sunlight with the water temperature between 57 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit (14 and 20 degrees Celsius); don't allow it to get above 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius). No special lighting is required for axolotls (unlike many reptiles). In fact, a dark hiding spot, such as a flower pot laid on its side or an aquarium castle, is often appreciated.
Some owners opt to leave the bottom of the tank bare, though others believe this might stress the axolotl if it can't get a foothold on the smooth bottom. If gravel is used on the bottom, it must be coarse gravel that's bigger than the axolotl's head. Fine gravel might be ingested and cause an obstruction.
Tap water treated with an aquarium water conditioner that removes chlorine and chloramines is fine for axolotls. Never use distilled water, and make sure the pH of the water remains between 6.5 and 7.5. (You can find a water test kit to check at most pet stores.) Most owners find a filtered aquarium is easier to maintain because unfiltered water needs frequent changing to remove waste. However, if you choose to have a filter on the tank, the filtration rate should be slow. Powerful filters that create strong currents can stress an axolotl.
For a filtered tank, cleaning typically consists of a 20% water change each week, as well as siphoning waste from the bottom of the tank. If you're not using a filter, you likely will have to do a 20% water change daily or every other day. Never do a full water change, as this can alter the water chemistry too drastically and stress your Axolotl.
Food and Water
In the wild, axolotls feed on snails, worms, crustaceans, small fish, and small amphibians. In captivity, they can be fed a variety of brine shrimp, small strips of beef or liver, earthworms, bloodworms, tubifex worms, other frozen fish foods, and commercial fish pellets. Do not feed any worms or fish you caught yourself, as they can carry parasites. In general, no vitamin or mineral supplements are necessary.
Consult your veterinarian regarding the amount of food to offer, as well as how often to feed your axolotl, as this varies depending on age and size. In general, many adults take two to three feedings per week. One of the best methods to feed is by holding the food in round-nosed forceps in the tank near the animal. You also can simply drop the food in the water as close to the axolotl as possible. If your axolotl isn't interested in eating much during the day, try feeding it in the evening when it's typically more active. Remove any uneaten food from the tank every day to keep the water clean.
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Common Health Problems
A notable characteristic of axolotls is their regenerative powers. In the case of injuries that aren’t life-threatening, they’re able to regrow their limbs, tail, and even other body parts, such as heart and eye tissue.
But this remarkable ability doesn't protect them from all health issues. Unsanitary tank conditions can lead to viral or bacterial infections, the signs of which include lethargy and a lack of appetite. Plus, ammonia build-up from waste in the tank can be toxic. If this occurs, it can interfere with the respiratory process causing damage to the gills as well as result in neurological damage.
Moreover, axolotls with gravel in their tank that's small enough to eat are prone to gastrointestinal obstructions. If your axolotl experiences an obstruction, it will likely be sluggish and not want to eat. And if it's not promptly treated, death can occur quickly.
Furthermore, axolotls rarely do undergo metamorphosis into a terrestrial form. The reasons for this are poorly understood, though it might have to do with hormones or water characteristics. The metamorphosis can be extremely stressful for an axolotl, and it can significantly shorten its lifespan. If you notice abnormal changes to your animal's body, such as it starting to grow larger, have a veterinarian who specializes in exotic pets examine it as soon as possible.
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(Photo of unhealthy Axolotl)
Purchasing Your Axolotl
Always acquire an animal from a reputable breeder or rescue group. It's best not to buy an axolotl through the internet or a classified ad unless you've spoken directly with the seller, and they're able to provide you with adequate information on the animal. If they can't give you thorough documentation on its origin and health history, that's a red flag. It's also ideal to speak with people who have acquired animals from that seller to uncover any concerns. Plus, a local exotic veterinarian often can direct you to a good breeder or rescue.
Expect to pay between $20 and $70 on average. Animals with more rare coloring, such as copper, tend to cost more. A healthy axolotl will be active, and it might accept food if you offer it. Its skin shouldn't be flaky, and its body should be somewhat plump (as opposed to underweight), though it shouldn't have any abnormal swelling.
All information above was sourced from The Spruce Pets
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midnightfire830 · 1 year
About cuphead again sooo can cuphead eat seagulls? Does cuphead have claws at the end of his fish hands or no how deep can cuphead go for example can he go very deep to the point where there’s no sun light or can he not handle it???what other aquatic animals are the questers based on??? Can cuphead breath air??? Are the questers being hunted by some evil person????and can cuphead talk to fish like fish that are animals not a fish person 😀
Oh damn! You did not waste a second! XDDDD Hell yeah. Let’s go.
1. Yes Cuphead can eat seagulls if he wants to. But he doesn’t like it as much because the feathers get EVERYWHERE. And he’s not really built for that kind of prey. I’d assume to catch a seagull you’d either have to be really stealthy to grab them when they’re swimming in the water, or try to catch them out of the air. He’s not really build for speed. He’s fast, but not that fast.
2. Cup does have claws but they aren’t as large as, say, Bendy’s claws. But he does have them. His really weapon is his spikes along his back and forearms. Lionfish have a powerful neurotoxin in their spines. Not enough to kill, but it’s EXTREMELY painful.
3. Cup, with help from training with black hat, can handle farther depths than your average lionfish. Lionfish can go around 300 feet below the surface? I’d say maybe 400? Idk, I don’t know enough about this to be certain. He might be able to go into that area where there isn’t enough sunlight for plants to thrive, but I imagine he can’t stay there all that long before he needs to leave. I imagine bendy is capable of going deeper. Probably the midnight zone?
4. I got this from some dumb Mermay art prompt video so bear with me. Some of these things might change. And some I haven’t really hashed out what exact species they’ll be but I have a general idea.
Bendy is gonna be based off of a mythical sea serpent or dragon of some kind. Boris is a shark. Felix I’m thinking a black Axolotl? Alice is a flying fish. Holly will be a standard mermaid. Cala is her usual design. I haven’t really considered the circus gang or anyone else beyond the main questers.
5. Cuphead can breathe air. So can all the questers. But what they really need to worry about is getting too dried out. That is dangerous for them. Oftentimes leads to dehydration, heatstroke, and just in general very bad.
6. I haven’t thought too much about this, so, idk. As of now in my mind they’re just… chillin. Living their best lives lol. Only a matter of time tho when author-San comes in to wreck their lives with ✨ANGST✨
7. Eh not really? They can communicate with more intelligent species like dolphins and whales. but cup isn’t having a casual conversation with a clownfish anytime soon. The fish do however for whatever reason really like Cuphead. They try to follow him around all the time. And he can kinda, idk, direct them? He can’t have convos but can generally tell them something like “come over here” “go away” “wait here” etc etc. Ig like a pet cat or dog or something.
Thanks again for the asks!!!! ❤️
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dingbatnix · 2 years
Dream's some sort of small axolotl or fish hybrid
Well, he still managed to wreck the server, so he's not very well liked
They don't put him in the prison, of course, cause he's like the size of someone's hand, but he needs special care if they're going to keep him captive (cause he'd need a fish tank and have that cleaned and maintained and stuff)
But everyone does decide that they need to have someone watch/keep him
Through a lot of hoops and a possibly rigged vote, he gets handed off to Quackity
Q isn't so bad at first, of course, he's still... relatively nice
But then he starts realizing how much power he has over Dream, and he realizes that he likes it
He likes holding power over the tiny, almost helpless admin, and he starts to abuse that newfound power
He moves Dream to a smaller, more cramped tank, doesn't clean the water out as often as he's supposed to, starts poking and manhandling and threatening Dream more casually, sometimes forces him to stay outside of the water for way longer than is healthy for Dream
Eventually, he starts calling Dream small, horrifying pet names, like sushi or fish stick or shrimp
And then starts casually threatening to eat Dream, snapping his teeth when he speaks to the admin, sublty bringing him closer to his mouth when he has to hold him
It scares Dream a little, but he's not gonna crumble in the face of Quackity, of all people
He just rolles his eyes at the threats and mistreatment, mostly waiting until he can make his escape
But then, one day, Q nips at Dream's tail, just a little, just enough to make it bleed, with his teeth
Dream freaks, starts screaming alarmed obscenities at the large avian, starts flailing and kicking in Q's hold...
And Quackity realizes, he loves it. Loves seeing Dream squirm and scream and fight, loves the fact that Dream can't do anything to stop him, (the rest of the server stopped checking in on them a while ago, confident in Quackity's ability to keep Dream contained) and nobody's gonna stop him
And that just opens the gateway for Quackity's threats of hurting Dream to turn into promises, for the occasional snap of his teeth to actually shred off bits of Dream's fins, for the more often than not leaving Dream pinned somewhere in the hot sunlight to dry out, and when he does get water it's only a meagre amount, or it's his filthy, stagnant, too-small tank he's dropped in, where he can't even breathe properly because the water is too foul and grimy and deoxygenated, damn near toxic, even, so he has to fight trembling, hurt, sun-dried limbs to keep his head above the surface unless he wants to drown in his own damn environment–
Dream's starting to feel some real fear, now. Before, it was just Quackity being Quackity, as stupid and boastful as he normally was
But then it turned into Dream actually having to fight and pursuade and actually plead to stay alive (it was like Quackity didn't even see him as a person anymore, what the hell)
Any any all plans of eventual escape Dream had were put on hold in his new need to focus on surviving Quackity's sick new way of treating him, like some sort of lowly pet or mistreated toy–
Of course, Dream still has his fire in him, his steel spark that gave him the will to push himself to do anything and everything he set his mind to
But he could see where this was going
Nobody would come to help him with Quackity, nobody would come to his rescue
Dream couldn't really fight back like before, most of his inexplicable strength gone to keeping himself alive from mistreatment and malnutrition
And he sure as hell couldn't escape right now, not with Quackity still watching sharply over his every move
So, Dream buries his spark, his fire, deep inside himself, to keep it safe, to try and keep himself from being broken, and becomes more complacent, he stops fighting all together (maybe it would make Quackity stop?)
Eventually, Dream just...forgets to fight back at all
Even Quackity's prodding words and painful ministrations couldn't bring Dream into caring
His fins were ruined, at this point, jagged and torn and full of rips and tears and holes
He'd never swim like he used to, never again
His skin was near-constantly causing him pain, going deep into his muscles, burnt and flaky and cracking from too much sunlight exposure, and Dream didn't think it'd ever go back to being the same
And his breathing, oh prime, his breathing
He had problems now, both in air and water, from too-little moisture when he needed it, and the polluted, tepid tank water when he did get it
He couldn't even take normal breaths without sharp pains stinging in his chest
He felt....hurt. empty. furious at quackity, but with no drive to do anything about it
He was just ...tired
Safe to say, when Sapnap unexpectedly stopped by his fiance's house to crash for the night, he was in for a horrible, horrible supprise
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gyrfa-gariadus · 1 year
Axolotl regression
Also known as the ‘Mexican walking fish.’Their name axolotl comes from an Aztec word meaning “water dog.”
🌊They are solitary and spend most of their day alone.most of their body is made of cartilage rather than bone. That means they should not be handled unless absolutely necessary. In terms of caregivers this means that the little may often not want one or if they do it’s very hands off and may enjoy parallel play most.
🌊As they are an aquatic animal the little may enjoy going to the pool or even taking a long bath.
🌊 They aren’t fast thinkers in fact their brain is quite small so they don’t have much going on. This might mean for a little sitting down and trying meditation to clear the mind or even just enjoying their own company watching their favourite show.
🌊 Their tank should be Keep the tank in a cool room away from bright sunlight. This might mean using smaller lamps or even LEDs and cracking the window open slightly.
🌊 Hidey holes are often an Axolotl’s favourite spot creating a nook out of blankets and pillows should make the little feel comfortable.
🌊 axolotl's are known for eating any kind of substrate that is smaller than their head. To satisfy this craving nerds are great treats that look like aquarium gravel.
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