#Sun and Moon themed calendars
lazydreamartryn · 2 years
LOOK, I know we are already at the end of January, but hey at least you got the whole month of febreary now right? I ajusted the size of the first one so you guys can get the full thing.
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Im still working on the rest of it kids dont worry. But its.. its very hard because... ya know.. The Sun Ai is just so addictive, he takes all my time of drawing ;-;
@fizziepop I hope you like those?
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nasa · 3 months
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The Summer Solstice Is Here!
Today — June 20, 2024 — is the northern summer solstice. In the Northern Hemisphere, it marks the longest day of the year and the official start to summer.
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We experience changing day lengths throughout the year because Earth rotates on a tilted axis as it goes around the Sun. This means during half of the year the North Pole tilts toward the Sun and in the other half it points away.
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Solstices occur twice per year, when Earth’s poles are tilted closest to and farthest from the Sun.
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The summer solstice is an important day for cultures around the world, especially at latitudes near the North Pole. Indigenous peoples have long marked the summer solstice with dancing and celebrations. Farmers have relied on the solstice to determine when to plant crops. The solstice’s timing also influenced the development of some calendars, like the ancient Roman calendar and the modern Gregorian calendar.
To mark the beginning of summer, here are four ways you can enjoy the Sun and the many wonders of space this season:
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1. Check out the “Strawberry Moon”
June is the month of the Strawberry Moon. This name originates with the Algonquin tribes. June is when strawberries are ready for harvest in the northeastern United States, where the Algonquin people traditionally live. The full Strawberry Moon this year happens tomorrow night — June 21, 2024. Grab a pair of binoculars to see it in detail.
2. Celebrate the Heliophysics Big Year!
During the Heliophysics Big Year, we are challenging you to participate in as many Sun-related activities as you can. This month’s theme is performance art. We’re looking at how various kinds of performance artists are moved by the Sun and its influence on Earth. For example, check out this Sun song!
Find out how to get involved here: https://science.nasa.gov/sun/helio-big-year/.
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3. Listen to a space-cast
NASA has a ton of great space podcasts. Take a listen to Curious Universe’s Here Comes the Sun series to learn all about our closest star, from how it causes weather in space, to how you can help study it! For even more podcasts, visit our full list here: https://www.nasa.gov/podcasts.
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4. Make sunspot cookies
The Sun sometimes has dark patches called sunspots. You can make your own sunspots with our favorite cookie recipe. Real sunspots aren’t made of chocolate, but on these sunspot cookies they are. And they're delicious.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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coolnonsenseworld · 3 months
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I often find people doing the opposite for the Sun and Moon theme, but hear me out okay!! Sun is fiery and strong, and burns if you get too close, while Moon is often paired with water - it's theme is reflections and it's a symbol of romance. Of course Sun is also something positive, suggesting social life, while Moon is mysterious and dark, but that's why I think it's a perfect Yin Yang for them 😔💙❤️
What do YOU think?
If you missed this, this is also a double-sided bookmark currently on pre-order, no leftovers (unless necessary minimum quantities) - you can find it as part of a Calendar bundle or buy separately mmezzy.bigcartel.com. For pre-order details you can check out the introductory post!
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fishnapple · 19 days
Use your 3rd house & Mercury for manifestation
Finding your own manifestation method that gives consistent results, at a consistent frequency is peak life magic for me.
My manifestation method is called "Written coloured words on calendar". I have a theory that since Mercury is associated with The Magician in Tarot, it has something to do with manifesting, especially by using verbal or written words. Mercury will help manifesting the themes of the house that it rules. While the energy of the planet that rules your 3rd house will be the tool to communicate and express your messages.
Do give it a try and tell me if it's effective for you too. If you have your own manifestation method, feel free to spread the magic.
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1. What you need
Coloured pens (the colour of the ink of the pen or the lead if you are using pencils, not the colour of the case)
A calendar that has space to write on (other things like a piece of paper or notebook don't work)
Basic astrology knowledge & your chart: you should know what planet rules your 3rd house and what house does Mercury rule in your chart
2. How I do it
The colour: Choose the pen with the colour that matches the colour associated with the planet that rules your 3rd house.
The phrase: I write "I want/need change" with that coloured pen around the space of the present day on the calendar. The phrase should be short, with a broad meaning, conveys the matters related to the house that Mercury rules in your chart. Don't be too specific like I want a red dress or I want 100$, start with general terms like asking for changes, surprises, chances, opportunities, helps, guidance.
Timing: the manifestation will happen within the next week, without fail, this is how it worked for me, the speed might depend on the planet that rules your 3rd house.
Example of how it works: I have Mercury rules my 3rd house & 6th house so it can be straightforward, whenever I wrote "I want change" with green (colour of Mercury) pen on the calendar, within the next week, a new business partnership/offer & more works (3rd & 6th house matters) appeared, I met someone new who would have Gemini or Virgo or both placements in their chart, who I would do business with, work with, travel with or became my friend (3rd & 6th house matters).
So you won't be able to manifest other things related to different houses & planets other than 3rd house and Mercury? → Most likely, I've tried with different houses & planets but it usually had short-term effect or no observable effect, while 3rd house and Mercury gave more long-term effects.
Each manifestation works only once, if you want it to happen again, you will need to write again.
3. Colours associated with each planet & their effect
Here is the list of effects I have observed through the years practising this. It can change depending on your chart though, try to experiment with each one yourself.
Yellow - Sun: Joyful events
Grey - Moon: No observable effect
Green - Mercury: Business, friendships, partnerships (strongest manifestation power, at least for me)
Pink - Venus: Interactions, pleasant exchanges
Red - Mars, Black - Pluto: Immediate unpleasant effects like traffic problems, meeting people in bad moods, troubles with machines, things become more hectic
Navy - Saturn, Blue - Uranus, Teal - Neptune : No observable effect
Purple - Neptune/Jupiter : Increase or decrease of interactions with people, can give rise to popularity but can also slow down your progress (I haven't really figured out this one yet)
Orange - Jupiter: Chances to expand your perspective, be more brave, test your resolution and faith. Some events can be negative at first but will turn out alright, after that you will learn some valuable lessons.
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lilacstro · 3 months
Electional astrology: chart of your social media account
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lol let's go with another post. Phew!! this post tested my fingers fr, it took me a long time to tie all of this down.
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Electional astrology, also known as event astrology, is a branch found in most traditions of astrology according to which a practitioner decides the most appropriate time for an event based on the astrological auspiciousness of that time(source: Wikipedia)
i seriously don't remember whose post I saw here a few weeks ago regarding this topic, if you tell me, I will immediately credit you for the inspiration behind this post. That post was more than 4 years ago i remember.
Ok so today we will talk about a non serious but making-sense kind of topic yet again. Let's go, the chart of your social media
Hence, you can go on astro seek and look for a favorable planetary alignment in your calendar if you wish to start a new account in a particular niche with whatever knowledge I am sharing with you below. I tested this with my account (I have my exact account time lmao) and other social media platforms:))
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✰Chart preparation
This chart can simply be prepared using the time and place and date of when you started your social media, just like how we prepare natal charts. You can use either of astro-seek or astro.com as you please
For some people, I have a tip! if you started your account recently or even a few weeks/months ago on a laptop/computer, go into your search history and search for your account name. Then, find the entry that is earlies and then right click on time that appears and see click inspect, you should be able to see the exact time of your account. I will show how.
press ctrl+H
search for your account name
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3. go for the date thats earliest
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4. now right click on the date and click inspect
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5. you should be able to see the date and time. The full timestamp with the user timezone is displayed inside title field
Now, even if you don't have the exact time, its ABSOLUETELY fine. You can use any nearest time to your memory or maybe, only the date works too, but we would just be able to see your sun and moon sign.
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cool, now that you have your chart, we will first look at the rising, sun, moon sign. then we will look at your 10th house and other notes will be mentioned below.
⭐combination of sun, rising sign and MC: how your account looks, how you act on your account, your followers engage and stuff like that
⭐moon sign: you main central theme of what your account is about and what your content feels like.
⭐take the sun, rising sign and MC from below, and find common grounds:
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1.aries: your account could be come off as opinionated or polarising, people might find your account overwhelming at times or maybe a have an overwhelming feeling about it, however, if you aim to create an account with this motive, maybe a sport/war-related/martian entertainment kinda account, this is pretty cool
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2.Taurus: your account might actually look very aesthetically pleasing, if you post to get noticed for your fashion sense or jwellery aesthetic or pintresty-things like that, you will be noticed. you might actually post in a healthy manner and consistently. for some reasons makes me think you should like posting videos on this account maybe? also good for starting music related things aswell. you can post finance related stuff or actually earn through your account people would be willing to trust you w their money
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3.Gemini : your account actually can see people commenting a lot, or even sharing their opinions and causing some kind of debate in the comment section lol. Basically if you are looking for people engagement, its very possible here. you might actually like to explain/ teach or talk about things? like tutorials or observation kind of things too.. you might like posting long captions/memes or things like so. edit:twitter has a gemini moon
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4.Cancer: sweet and cute kinda account, people might find your account very sweet and welcoming at sorts, so your followers should be that kind of people, you should see sucess if you post heartwarming content like for kids or new moms etc. you might also have a lot of attachment to your account here, and might post a lot of personal thoughts, personal poetry, song covers or things here. you can get very hurt if someone says something upsetting and be super protective of your account. your account should make people super comfortable and make them act on how they feel tbh
[lol edit 4, twitter is a cancer]
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5.Leo: YOU CAN NEVER GO WRONG HERE, if your account gets a leo rising, you should see a good public following regardless of the content you post. account engagement and reach should get better with time.
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6.Virgo: other people/you yourself might get really critical of your account, paying attention to the smallest details and things like that(GOOGLE IS LITERALLY A SEARCH ENGINE LMAO). You might constantly struggle and go between deleting your account or something too (i can second this one tbh) but on a good note or maybe bad note idk you decide, you will be hyper vigilant of what you post and how do people think of it. But since its a mercury ruled sign, you should expect it to do good on the internet and the web related arena in general.
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7.Libra: Another bomber for social media placements, people would love what you show, expect a ton of people to interact with your posts, or at least like them. Beautiful, eye pleasing account aesthetic. You can post things about fashion, jwellery and if you post yourself, these things should come to notice.
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8.Scorpio: this fr gives your account so much intensity, now depends on your sun/moon and other planetary placements on how this actually goes cos it can actually make your account seem isolated and off putting kinda, people might get a little skeptical to follow you maybe??? thats why i say, what kind of intensity is important, it may actually be like that your account has no posts at all or even if you do, it somehow doesnt reach the audience so yeahhhh.... it can also be that you guys post a lot of dark/black and white aesthetic things or be into sad poetry or things like that. seen a lot of withcraft/spell and manifestation accounts w this one
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9.Sagittarius: You would be so chill w your account, post what you like, say what you like, your real self comes out unapologetically lmao. This is good for people who are very self critical of the things they post, like art accounts or things like that. People should find your account very authentic and representing you as a person so that would be cool, whoever follows you/likes your content, is actually a real fan of your work i must say. your account actually might look very distinctive and unconventional too. it is also very possible you gain following from all over the world, even if small.
EDIT: guess who we have with this placement, upon my research it was December or late November
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10.Capricorn: Your account might actually give strict vibes, i mean it could be that you follow certain type of people only, only post certain type of content and dont go beyond it? irdk it seems so to me. It could also be you guys are very careful of who you follow, what you post and who follows you back too. Very protective and secured of your account I must say. Your account might actually look very clean and organised too.
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11.Aquarius: this gives me the SUPER TUMBLR vibes lol, quirky, very self expressive, and people would actually find your account. might use multiple colors. welcoming and relatable, to be themselves while interacting with it. You guys might not be afraid to post anything without second thought lol. This is pretty cool placement for making apps and websites and things that has to do with the web in general. Your account should infact see growth with time. People might find it easy to talk on your account???? comment??? or maybe you could receive a lot of dms or things like that. People might even make friends through your account maybe so its cool if you wanna start something sorts of brotherhood, or feminism or support groups. you could be first of a kind to do something too.
EDIT: lol tumblr is aquarius most probably and facebook and yt too
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12. Pisces: People might find your account very charming and appealing in some sorts, addictive for some. There is something about your account that could feel very otherworldly, something that offers an escape for people. You could be into posting ethereal arts, pictures and other enchanting stuff, even crystals and spirituality. Some of them may idealize your account take inspirations from you, some of them might find it too good to be true at sorts. You might make people wanting to wait for your posts or something lol
edit 6: pintrest
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✰Moon sign
this can determine what you account contents or topics could be or seem like, basically, your niche. Infact, a stellium of planets could give some same effect
⭐Aries: Action, Adventure, Competitive Sports
⭐Taurus: Lifestyle, Home Decor, Culinary, food vlogging, plants, fashion, music, healing sounds, asmr
⭐Gemini: Comedy, Short Films, News, debates, tutorials (even for astrology, spiritual sciences, academical subjects etc), memes, something that instills thoughts and causes some kind of discussion even if its with one self.
⭐Cancer: writing, poetry, history, kids content, new mother/motherly content, feminine things, home decor, emotional management, Personal stories, family moments, relationship advice, emotional well-being etc
⭐Leo: all forms of arts (music/theater/dance etc), Reality TV, Celebrity News, anything that seizes attention, influencers
⭐Virgo: Documentaries, Health, Educational Content, fitness and nutrition, writing, journalism, crafts, pets
⭐Libra: styling, hair & makeup, music, interior design, photography, Romance, Arts, Social Commentary, Fashion, art, relationship advice, social justice, collaborations, jewelery, influencers
⭐Scorpio: Mystery, Thriller, Investigative Journalism, Deep dives, psychological insights, transformation stories, mysteries, taboo topics, the occult, anything witchy
⭐Sagittarius: Travel, Adventure, Philosophy, Arts, honest Reaction/opinion videos, astrology, spirituality, poems, comedy, entertainment, sports, creative things, DIYs
⭐Capricorn: Business, Biographies, Historical Dramas, Career advice, business tips, success stories, structured routines.
⭐Aquarius: Science Fiction, Tech, Social Innovation, Technology trends, futuristic concepts, social innovation, quirky ideas, gadget reviews, coding help, humanitarianism, unconventional things LGBTQIA+, unconventional fashion etc
⭐Pisces: Fantasy, Spirituality, Music, Inspirational quotes, fantasy art, music, spirituality, meditative practices, crystals, healing, astrology
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✰Planetary alignments
Having sun in 1st and 10th house is extremely good
Having saturn in public/extroverted houses isnt much cool. If in 10th, it could mean its a slow and steady wins the race but in 1st it can make you super conscious and restrictive of how you post
Similarly, having chiron in extroverted houses may make you insecure, and very hyper aware of the things you post and if they are "matching the rules/aesthetics" or even making you feel insecure about posting in general and making you people conscious. You may even wanna delete it constantly or feel unsatisfied.
Having mars in 1st/10th/extroverted houses could mean you would post a lot
Having Venus or Jupiter in 2nd/10th or even extroverted houses could be a sign you can earn money through your account or people would be willing to give you money
Jupiter in 1st or 10th would expand your public image and give you a balanced-well liked view, you would be well liked
Uranus in public houses could mean you like to post sporadically or unexpected things
Neptune in public houses could actually make you look "too good to be true" and some people might actually get obsessed with your account, but some can find you superficial as well. Also beware about losing your passwords/online fraud/hacking kinda stuff
Similarly, if your mars conjuncts Uranus (esp in a public house) could mean you don't post often but when you do its a lott
Vertex or PoF in extroverted houses is again very lucky, you can expect big opportunities or luck coming in through your account
Moon in public houses could mean people connect to your posts and they are well liked/shared
I would suggest not starting on new moons, as they signify endings.
Dont start when a LOT of planets are in retrograde
If possible, check moon-venus, mercury-venus, moon-mercury aspects
Dont start if Jupiter or Venus are in harsh aspects.
paid readings are open<33
support me on ko-fi :)
this for me is the best post I have ever made until on this acc haha, tell me what was the best post you have seen on my account and why, I would love to know
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seafoamreadings · 6 months
big things that are coming
in case you want to mark your calendar.
astrological new year - the sun into aries marks off the equinox, and the start of a sort of new year, as it goes from the beginning of the zodiac back around for another trip.
lunar eclipse - and that new year kicks off with the start of another eclipse season shortly after! so this will be a major period of change and upheaval, broadly speaking focused on relationships vs the self (although of course it always depends on your personal natal astrology.) this one is a full moon eclipse in libra.
mercury retrograde in aries - this retrograde goes from the 27th degree of aries to the 15th and goes from april fool's day (seriously) until april 25th. be very careful around hotheaded people and in situations where accidents may occur. apply your mercury retrograde protocols (review, revise, introspect, etc) to aries themes as much as possible.
solar eclipse - in aries on april 8, whereas the lunar eclipse focused on relationships this one is focused more on the self. it is volatile energy, so it is not necessarily advised to set any intentions you're really attached to, but rather have a willingness to change and be changed.
jupiter-uranus conjunction - this is exact on april 20 but you will likely feel it for a few days on either side, longer the more taurean/jovial/uranian you are natally. it is a sudden and/or major change, socially and/or personally, in a way that taurus is not typically associated with being a sign which is slow and stubborn to move. but jupiter helps ease the transition, and make it a good one rather than traumatic. so go with it! uranus is for the future. it will be pulling us, forcefully if need be, out of the past and into a new sort of mini-age. this happens only every several years and in taurus even less often. the last one in taurus was in 1941. taurus wants natural changes - i hope to see a shift or a major law passed towards something positive to do with sustainability, the climate, or the quality of food we are fed.
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s4mu-k41d3n · 5 months
by juan karlos
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TYPE 2 <> YAN!CHUUYA X GN!READER〰️sypnosis: he’s a lunatic for you. you, only you under the glamour of the yellow moon, under the white light that flicks each breezing step he took, so just only he will love you, yet did you hear his screams? your beauty, reaching the moon lurking at the dark soaring above.
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 〰️disclaimer: obsessive behavior, stalking, violence, blood, mentions of guns, stalking, bad writing, ooc!chuuya?, sexual themes, not proofread.
౨ৎ₊ ⊹ 〰️notes: I still like have 1 drafts but i have no idea how to start with well ermmm. by the way the song is in a different language/in filipino, i apologize if you don’t understand the lyrics but i can’t think of any more songsD:
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He’s yours, you’re his.
You look pretty to his bored sight, the blank eyes deceiving his filthy intentions he discreetly covers your eyes, blinding the rational truth he keeps dead end in his pockets. Are not you his precious little doll? Small words may be spoken, simple acts may be acted, yet it treasures a deeper meaning when he’s along with your bittersweet accompany. Something tingling in his rumbling stomach each time you’re close beside, before, after him. There’s no meaningless difference, merely how his eyes dilate and shape into a beating heart whenever he catches you in his borderline—is a golden routine for every single arise of light and dark. When the moon sets above from the abyss, wherein the sun reflects its glow to light.
He surely adores this part of the day, it never goes out missing in his crumpled calendar. Punctured to his cracked wall. Whether it be the clouds wail, the sun burns, the moon turns to dust—it’s a cycle he would never get tired of despite how many times it repeats in a two’s arrival nor leaving. Who was he to stop loving you? He’ll be the one to chase after you in a zigzag pathway even if led to the below. He’ll sacrifice the world for you, he’ll sacrifice himself just for you. He’d banish from existence just for you and he snaps from delusions.
The moon glamoured your beauty, painting him a canvas of elegance. Chuuya’s eyes shot towards your figure, how alluring you are to trap his heart in your lively aura. An unknown gaze observes, the way your blouse plays with your movements. The way your eyes glimmer in excitement, he watches from afar. He noticed a man in a suit, before you he stands. As if like he’d take you away from his presence, no, no he won’t accept that. Chuuya’s hands slip into his pocket as the glint dies down into envy. Jealousy, arises from his heat. He gritted his teeth, “I’ll break that man’s fucking spine.” His hands clenched, fist forming as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.
The ceremony was along to finally cease, yet Chuuya remained vigilant. He pries to search for that man, who’d be the one receive you first before his? How dare he, he’ll acknowledge his efforts once he sees you again. Softening as he captures you sitting from a distance away. The ceremony came to a halt as guests exited the building, Chuuya leaned against the wall as he only bargained his upcoming plan to murder that disgusting man. He was an executive after all, it’d be an easy job. Won’t it? He excused himself in the crowds of passers as he pinpoints his target, silent as he followed the man’s tracks. Drawing a gun he pockets, lurking in the shadows. Blood spewed out of the victim’s head, falling to the ground as red spills the pavements. Chuuya withdraws his gun as he eyed the dead body lying on the ground as he flees from the scene.
Luckily, he’ll move on to the main part of the day. He strode over to your house as he peeks by the window. He saw you, pupils dilate as you sat on the couch. Removing your shoes you stood up, “Fuck…” Chuuya mumbles under his breath as you went into your bedroom. He knew what was about to come as he trailed towards the room, he’s entertained by your show. Breathing heavily as his hands trembled in anticipation. Your fingers pulling your blouse up as Chuuya’s eyes widened. Cloth dropping to the floor as he saw your semi-naked body. Your skin seemed so flawless, your curves displayed so beautifully. Your pants being slid off only to be in your undergarment as you fold your clothes. Little did you know, a shadow piques to stalk your prints. You let out a breathy sigh, stretching.
“You’re really mine, aren’t you…” Chuuya mutters as he looks at you up and down. So bad, his gloved hands desires to claw on your skin—fangs to bite on your flesh to claim you as his. You dressed a loose shirt and simple shorts, too bad now covering your body his thrill wore down. Your features, he just imagines his hands traveling all over your warmth, his lips pressed up yours as he savors your sweet taste. Tongue exploring your mouth as his sight closed, to just run his tongue along your skin, teeth biting into your delicate neck to be filled with his markings. Yet his time was up, he has to get back to the headquarters—now isn’t this fun? He groans in annoyance as he spared you one last glance of lust and obsession.
He’ll be back for tomorrow, he’s sure.
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Why Joe and Nicky deserve to win the sun and moon showdown, and if they don't I'll end up in the INTERPOL Most Wanted list
A not at all dramatic essay
(Plain text version here)
1. Not only do they canonically use moon imagery to refer to each other, but their context adds new symbolism to that metaphor that other duos don't have
If you haven't seen TOG and aren't familiar with the van speech, well, I recommend that you do, but I'll transcribe it for your convenience:
"He's not my 'boyfriend'. This man is more to me than you can dream. He's the moon when I'm lost in darkness and warmth when I shiver in cold. And his kiss still thrills me even after a millennium. His heart overflows with the kindness of which this world is not worthy of. I love this man beyond measure and reason, he's not my 'boyfriend'. He's all and he's more"
Yeah, pretty long way of saying "actually we're husbands", but let's focus on the "he's the moon when I'm lost in darkness" bit. That bit alone is already insanely romantic and enough to make us fans go rabid with this tournament, but there is an extra layer of romanticism to it, because Mr Yusuf al-Kaysani (aka Joe) is Muslim, and in Islam, the moon represents the guidance of Allah through life, the calendar is based on the moon cycles, and the brightness of the moon is compared to both the face of the Prophet Muhammad and the first batch of souls to enter Paradise. Therefore, the moon, in Joe's culture, is intrinsecally linked with the divine, guidance, holiness, and time
So, when Joe compares Nicky to the moon, he's not only saying that he brings light into a dark world; he is saying that he is the very guiding light that leads him to a blessed life, that he is the foundation through which the world and time can be understood, and that his beauty and holiness is comparable to that of the souls of Heaven themselves
Which is all already enough for me to bite through wood, but the specific relationship between the moon and the understanding of time in Joe's culture is also particularly meaningful for Joe and Nicky, because Joe and Nicky are two of the 5 people who are immortal in the entire world. And one of the core themes of the movie is how that sense of timelessness leads them to isolation, and a constant state of loss. There is a deep melancholy that permeates their entire existence due to the fact that time as we know it no longer makes sense to them, and they live outside of it, skirting around eras and history. So, by comparing Nicky to the very body that marked the passage of time for Joe, he is saying that Nicky is what helps him make sense of the impossible, that he is the constant in Joe's eternity, that he brings meaning to their confusing and sometimes alienating existence
But wait! There's more!
Because Joe and Nicky met in al-Quds (also known as Jerusalem) in the year 493 AH (also known as 1099 CE in the Gregorian Calendar) and had to travel together across the desert for a long time, which means that, for the first few years of their life together, they were in fact relying on the moon to guide them in their path. So they both have a deep intrinsic understanding of how the moon is a compass, the most reliable thing in uncertainty. And the moon has been guiding their steps, their relationship, since their paths were first joined. And they weren't separated since
Like. Listen, I'm sure Star Trek is great and its fans are lovely, and I salute the Star Trek fandom for everything it did for fandom history in general, but you cannot tell me that Spirk has this much baggage associated with the sunmoon symbolism. It just doesn't. If this were a hand touching tournament, no one would have as much symbolism linked to it than y'all, but when it comes to being the sun and moon, no one is doing it like Joe and Nicky
2. The most appealing aspect of the SunMoon dynamic is how they need to defeat all odds to be with each other, and Joe and Nicky have that in spades
"Oh I don't think that's the most ap-" IRRELEVANT. I'll talk about the other ones too. Just keep reading, okay? /joking
As you might know, Joe and Nicky met on opposite sides of a battlefield. They killed each other. (Many times). And what happened then?
They ressurrected and became immortal. That alone is already impossible, but it gets better - even for the rules of immortality in their universe, Joe and Nicky are still an impossibility that has never happened before or since
Because in The Old Guard, immortality is extremely rare. There have only ever been 7 immortals in the entire history of humanity. There are usually several millennia between the appearance of one immortal and the next one. Other than them, the shortest time gap between one immortal appearing and the next was 800 years. But Joe and Nicky became immortal at the same time, on the same day. Their very existence bends the rules of an universe that already bends the rules of the universe they lived in beforehand anyway. Joe and Nicky being together defies the very fabric of time, and if that isn't some sun and moon shit, I don't know what is
But it's not just some destiny shit either. Joe and Nicky were also not supposed to be together by other standards. For starters, they were on opposite sides of a war. Nicky was a fucking priest, and he joined the goddamn actual honest to god crusades. He was hateful and ignorant and awful, and when he chose Joe, he left behind everything he knew before him. All his certainties, his beliefs, his faith, his family, everything he had ever been taught. I'm also gonna go ahead and say that that ties into the whole "the sun is what makes the moon shine" metaphor - because everything that defines Nicky as he is now is the direct result of how meeting Joe changed him
And listen, listen to me. I'm not saying that he stopped being a bigot for Joe, because if he did, I doubt Joe would want him. He did it because it was the right thing to do, and he was wrong and ignorant and indoctrinated by the church. But he still had to make the choice to turn his back to all that, and that plain and simply would not have happened if he hadn't met Joe. It was Nicky's own effort, but meeting Joe was the catalyst
Joe, similarly, had to overcome a lifetime's worth of (well earned) resentment and hatred for what Nicky did. Joe forgiving Nicky at all is already nearly an impossibility (and he would be well within his right to never do that), but he didn't just forgive Nicky, he fell in love with him. And he chose him, well aware of how bloody and terrible his past was, and despite the fact that there is no way he wasn't deeply conflicted about what he felt for Nicky after everything the Christians put him through. I cannot even begin to imagine how hard this process must have been for Joe, and it was one he didn't have to go through at all - which means that he chose to
And that's not even taking into account the very personal resentments between the two of them, because they weren't just on opposing armies, they literally and personally killed each other. Several times over. And yet, impossibly, against all logic, against everything they had ever felt and believed in prior to each other, against possibly their own desires, they fell in love. They fell in love and have been hopelessly devoted to each other every since
And THEN, on top of all that at the beginning of their relationship, they lived as an interracial, interfaith*, gay couple, through what were undoubtedly the worst times in humanity's history to be either of those things. For 900 years, they had to love each other in secret and with varying degrees of risk associated with ever being found out as a couple, or even with being associated with each other at all to begin with
(*It is debatable what their current relationship with their respective original faiths is, since it isn't mentioned in the movie. But even if both of them had turned their back on their religions, they are still culturally Christian and culturally Muslim, and that makes a difference. Personally, though, I don't think either of them turned their backs on their religions, although I do believe Nicky turned his back to the Catholic Church as an institution for obvious reasons)
That's not even counting all the incredibly traumatic shit that they went through ever since (which I won't mention in detail because it's spoilers and also this is long enough already) and that would definitely break a couple with a less unbreakable bond. Through centuries and centuries of pain and regret, they have chosen nothing and no one but each other, first and foremost, no matter what that meant.
Nicky even brings it up in the comics:
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[ID: Joe and Nicky touching foreheads with their eyes closed. Nicky is holding Joe's chin and he says, "why is it so difficult, Joe? We've been afforded more time than any lovers I can name. And still, every moment we scrape together feels precious. Something always happens-" End ID]
(From the Tales Through Time one-shot series. I generally think the comics are meh and the movie is where it's at, but I do recommend reading this one. It is set before the movie happens so there are no spoilers)
There has never been a time where being together was easy, and yet, Joe and Nicky chose each other no matter what. They chose each other even when it meant being separated and getting only scraps of time together in secret. If that isn't some sun and moon shit, I don't know what is
3. They complement each other
And not in the dumb stereotypical "the sunshine one and the grumpy one" way either. For starters, Joe isn't bubbly, and Nicky isn't grumpy. No, they have two characteristics that I think represent the sun and moon way better than that anyway - Joe is an extremely intense person, and Nicky, an extremely cool headed one
Joe doesn't feel anything by halves, and despite the fact that he has lived through several lifetimes, it still seems as if everything he goes through is happening for the first time. Every time Nicky or another one of the family dies, Joe looks just as desperate as he would a millennium ago, despite the fact that he's had centuries to get used to the fact that they die and then come back to life. He's the only one who's that affected by it (obviously none of them enjoy seeing each other die, but the rest seem to have accepted to some degree that it's a part of their lives, or at least gotten used to it). He has experienced so many horrible things, yet he is still as affected and disgusted by it every time, going as far as lashing out sometimes. When he's angry, no one is able to hold him back from yelling at the person he's angry at (not even Nicky). Similarly, not even an actual van full of armed homophobic guards is able to stop him from simply dropping a passionate speech about how important Nicky is to him, complete with getting misty-eyed and kissing him at the end (and I'm not even bringing up the fact that both of them have their hands and their feet tied)
To me, that is the most sun-coded possible trait, because the sun is intense, hard to ignore, and quite literally burning. The intensity with which Joe feels also feels like it could burn, but it's also what makes him so warm and loving
Nicky is also a pretty intense person, but, unlike Joe, he is super cool headed about it. For starters, Nicky is a sniper; he is capable of staying still for hours at a time, observing, figuring out the best time to strike. That demands an amount of control over himself, his feelings, even his instincts, that is admirable. But he's not just like that on a mission; Nicky is very careful with what he says, when he speaks, what he lets other people see of him. His expressions are all subtle, contained, and even when he is in a state of murderous rage, he doesn't lash out. He doesn't lose control. The same way that the moon and the sun share their brightness, Joe and Nicky share their intensity, but Nicky is able to subdue it while Joe burns with it and lets that be his strength
Where Joe is expansive and wears his heart on his sleeve, Nicky is cautious and guarded. Where Joe gets lost in his own feelings and loses sight of what they need to do, Nicky keeps their heads straight and reminds him of what they need to do. Like the moon that guides one through the desert
They're different and complementary, but also intrinsecally tied to each other. They have the same spark where it matters, but present it in different, complementary ways. They are a part of each other, but they're also themselves first and foremost. That's what the sun and moon are all about
Sun and moon imagery has been the staple of the Joenicky fandom since day fucking 1, and for good reasons
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
Clarity of Heart.
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Yan Shenhe x F Reader. Commissioned piece.
Warnings: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationships and manipulation. Word count: 3k.
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To Shenhe, you’re an enigma.
She tries to unravel you, and with every impatient tug of her fingers, ends up forming a tighter knot. Why she even wants to understand you is a mystery in itself. Hers is a life of quiet solitude — a fact that’s never troubled her before. One must have companionship to understand loneliness in its absence. Her master imparted this wisdom to her, further complicating matters.
She supposes there’s no sense in agonizing over the unknowable. Ruminating on why the sun rises in the east and sets in the west would similarly be a waste of time. What she does understand, what’s so tangible that she can almost grasp it with her hands, is that she likes when you’re present and dislikes when you aren’t.
You’re strange, she thinks, not that she has much of a touchstone to make comparisons.
You make a yearly pilgrimage to Mt. Aocang to train, yet whenever Shenhe happens by, you stop everything to greet her in kind. You offer to share your limited supply of provisions, giving her the bigger piece when she insists on splitting things in half. It simply doesn’t make sense. If someone interrupted her training, she’d find them irritating; if someone asked to share her food, she’d refuse.
Though she never felt the need to track time before — the concept you referred to as a ‘calendar’ is not in her lexicon — she finds herself in an agreeable mood when the leaves show signs of turning. The cooling of scorching air and shortening of days proceeds your arrival. Without realizing it, she’ll frequent the base of the mountain, eyes scanning the treeline for your familiar figure.
There are days she spends just like that. Noting the changing phases of the moon, wondering if you’ll arrive when it's waxing or waning.
Sometimes she guesses correctly, sometimes she does not. It’s of no consequence. When you appear, everything else is condemned to be forgotten in a veil of fog.
Every year, she comes to associate new mysteries with you.
However, there’s something about this one that she urges her to investigate further.
“Why did you not use your Vision?”
You suddenly grow an interest in the contents of her mortar and pestle. The herbs release a faintly bitter aroma, lingering in the air where your voice normally flourishes. She finishes grinding it into a paste while you look everywhere but her eyes. Without asking for your permission, she lathers the ointment onto your now bruised bicep. You fight back a flinch, a fruitless endeavor, for she notices anyway.
“It isn’t—” you inhale sharply when she brushes over a particularly sensitive spot, your face contorting as you continue, “A particularly fitting campfire story.”
“What do you mean?”
“Ah, well, it’s popular for people to gather around the campfire and exchange stories. Sometimes they’re scary, but it’s all in good fun. The answer to your question… I can’t say this story’s very fun. Hence why I said it’s not fitting.”
As always, you teach her much about the bizarre customs of those who inhabit the world. She glances to the nearby campfire, to you, then back again.
“Shall I put it out, then?”
You smile, lines forming beneath your eyes while you do so. The fire makes her feel warm, but you make her feel hot.
“It’s okay, there’s no need for that. If you really want to know, I’ll tell you. It has to do with these training trips, actually.”
The pause that follows your words urges Shenhe to respond.
“I’d like to know.”
You gaze up at the stars, your eyes reflecting the brilliant expanse. “A few years ago, I’d been working odd jobs to make ends meet. One of these was a waitressing gig at a fine establishment. At that time, I’d only had my Pyro Vision for a few months… maybe less than that. Since I rarely left Liyue, I hadn’t used it much.”
You hug your knees to your chest.
“There was this drunk customer. He’d been acting flirtatious all evening, but I was just trying to do my job. When it was strictly verbal, I could handle it. I’d dealt with his type before. But… eventually, he reached out and… touched me. I honestly don��t remember much of what happened next. It was warm. I smelled something awful, heard a scream that was even worse.”
The red ropes binding Shenhe’s soul grow taut.
“It was… an event. Turns out the man was a rather important merchant. With a wife and a newborn kid, to make matters worse. The flames had scorched the skin on his hand to the point it was unusable. Had it not been for a friend of mine, Yanfei, I could’ve landed in a lot of trouble. She got him to drop the charges. Still, rumors spread, and people believed what they wanted to believe. It was during that time I met Madame Ping. She offered to tutor me — teach me how to use my Vision, rather than be scared of it.”
Your fingers caress the scarlet gemstone. “That’s why I hesitated earlier. I still have lots of room to improve. Coming out here helps me focus better, though. I don’t know how to explain it. When I see those tall mountains that seemingly go on forever, and am able to reach out and touch the clouds… everything feels right.”
“If you like it here so much, then why do you go back?” Shenhe asks. This question feels important to her, somehow. A riddle that must be solved.
“Liyue Harbor is my home,” you reply without missing a beat. “My master helped me think of it like this: for every painful memory, there’s a memory I cherish to match. I have to go back and remind myself of that. Or else the hurt is all I’ll remember.”
Your posture eases after you finish speaking. Shenhe can tell this philosophy is paramount to you — perhaps even similar to the red ropes that keep her grounded. Everyone arrives at a way to continue forward and this is yours. She glances down at your arm, where a Mitachurl had unexpectedly charged forward and slammed into you.
You had the means to dispatch it, and still, you hesitated. She did not. She hoped your explanation would dispel her confusion, but as is typical with you, she’s left feeling further perplexed. If this is a place that does you good, you should stay. Is returning to Liyue Harbor a type of training for you?
“Thank you again for patching me up. And helping me out earlier,” you give your shoulder an experimental roll. “The way you fight with your polearm is almost magical. I don’t know how you can move like that.”
The praise makes her stomach feel strange, yet it’s far from unpleasant. “I’m glad I was nearby.”
She always is when you’re on Mt. Aocang, but she keeps this detail to herself.
“So am I.”
The wind blows softly through your camp, rustling tree branches and encouraging the fire to crackle. Shenhe’s experienced many nights like this. While she could always appreciate the serene atmosphere, having you present makes it different somehow. It goes from being just another pretty place on the mountain to a slice of paradise. You take the ordinary and turn it into something special, something worthwhile.
“That man… is he currently alive?”
You shake your head. “He isn’t. As it turns out, he was making shady deals with this group called the Fatui. They aren’t people you want to mess with. No one knows the specifics, but his death was unusual. It wouldn’t be a stretch to assume they did away with him after he no longer held any value.”
“That’s certainly a shame.”
You blink. “It is?”
“Yes,” she shifts her empty stare in the Harbor’s direction. “I would’ve liked to end him myself.”
Shenhe might be dense when it comes to most social courtesies, but even she knows this topic is taboo. Her entire life up until this point has consisted of training to subdue her homicidal urges. From this diligence on her master’s behalf, she came to glean that killing is an act that’s generally discouraged.
For this reason, she almost regrets her lack of tact if not for the sole possibility it could drive you away.
That’s why her eyes widen slightly when you press your hand over hers.
“It’s okay. I get it,” your tone makes it sound like it too. “If I’m being entirely honest, I thought about it before. I used to get angry when my master said I shouldn't throw away my future due to the past. In retrospect, I couldn’t be more grateful for her patience. She wasn’t protecting him, she was protecting me.”
The smile that Shenhe finds more dazzling than starlight works its way onto your face.
“Besides… if I had gone down that path, then who knows, maybe I wouldn’t have met you? That alone makes me confident I made the right decision.”
As far as you’re concerned, Shenhe is nowhere near as enigmatic as the rumors made her out to be.
She has her quirks, that much is undeniable, yet she’s simple at heart. She doesn’t leave you guessing. Mincing words isn’t her style, although it’s not born from malicious intent. To her, it doesn’t make sense why you’d say one thing while thinking another, an element you find refreshing.
You can only recall a single instance where you felt distance from her, despite being physically close.
That instance would be last night.
Judging by the sun’s position in the sky, it should be around noon. Normally, you would’ve seen Shenhe by this point. She prefers to drop by in the morning and then again at night so you can focus on your training. You suppose this ritual was never set in stone, it isn’t like she has to do it. Still, worry gnaws away at your rationality like vermin.
There’s plenty to do to keep your overactive mind occupied. Today marks the last day of this year’s annual Mt. Aocang trip. You pack your belongings up with care, not wanting to desecrate the land that served as your home for the past few weeks. The adepti are generous enough to grant you usage of what’s essentially their abode. The least you can do is ensure everything is returned to how it was.
Wiping the sweat from your brow, you survey your work. You’re running out of menial tasks to justify prolonging your stay. Deep down, you know you’re waiting to spot those silvery strands of hair. It occurs to you then that you’ve never been the one to seek Shenhe out. Where would you begin to search and find her? Traversing higher up feels like a violation, that’s where Cloud Retainer lives.
It wouldn’t be right to depart for an entire year without bidding Shenhe farewell. This predicament leaves you with a limited set of options. You could wait, hoping that she might happen by, or you could leave a note. The latter has an impersonal air to it which doesn’t sit well with you. Especially when you have the distinct impression something about last night changed the dynamic of your relationship.
You’re about to sigh for the umpteenth time that day when your ears pick up on distant footsteps. Relief washes over you in waves, you practically trip over yourself to approach the source of the sound. You know it must be Shenhe before you see her. No one else comes up here, it’s more trouble than it’s worth.
Shenhe doesn’t acknowledge your enthusiastic wave, opting to inspect where your camp once was instead. It could be your imagination, but you swear she’s frowning.
She speaks up before you have a chance to greet her, an unusual edge in her voice. “You’re leaving?”
“I’m sorry for not mentioning it sooner. I sorta lost track of the days,” you rub the back of your neck. “But yes, I plan on starting the trip back to Liyue Harbor today. I have commitments to attend to. Otherwise, I would love to stay longer.”
You don’t know why you feel compelled to explain yourself. It isn’t as if you’ve been caught doing something you shouldn’t be, yet for whatever reason, that’s what it feels like. The way she fixates on your packed belongings isn’t lost on you. The intent behind her stare is, though. Your closest guess is mild displeasure.
“Then stay,” Shenhe’s response makes it seem so simple. “I’ll help you unpack.”
Without waiting to hear your answer, she makes for the bag that holds your tent, until you block her path. You were aware she could be stubborn when the situation called for it. However, this doesn’t seem like the time or place to charge ahead without paying you any mind.
“Hey, is everything alright? Did I say something that upset you? If I did, please tell me. I don’t want to part on bad terms.”
“We won’t,” she promises. The reassurance does little to make you feel better. “I’m not upset. In fact, I’m quite pleased. The intricacies of understanding others is an art that’s often lost on me. It wasn’t until our discussion last night that things made themselves clear.”
You shift your weight from foot to foot. “And just what became clear to you, exactly?”
“You don’t want to leave, so you don’t have to.”
Your lips part and then close in rapid succession. Did you accidentally drink liquor instead of water this morning? Why is she talking like this is the most obvious revelation in the world? Pursing your lips, you comb the recesses of your mind for any possible statement or action that’d lead her to this conclusion. Misunderstandings always have a starting point. No matter what angle you scrutinize your last interaction from, you can’t fathom how she came to believe what she currently does.
Then again, her thought process differs drastically from yours. You’ve never needed to try
“I’ve learned that people are needlessly confusing,” she approaches you with slow, languid steps. “They’ll want one thing then convince themselves to pursue another. You say you like it here, then offer an excuse when given the opportunity to stay.”
A kindling of frustration flickers to life inside your chest. “That isn’t— I’m not giving excuses.”
She tilts her head. “Then why would you want to return to a place that unfairly condemned you, when you were guilty of nothing?”
No one has ever put it that way — so blunt, so raw — the words are knives that know the perfect place to cut. You swallow thickly. A lump forms in your constricting throat that you thought you’d moved past. She’s in front of you now, looking down at you through snowy eyelashes. She smells faintly of morning dew and herbs. Even in the midst of this bizarre, almost dreamlike experience, there’s a certain serenity to be found. You’re situated in the eye of the storm.
Lithe limbs bring you into an embrace with the utmost gentleness, she takes care not to apply pressure to your healing arm. She treats you as if you were made of porcelain.
“I’ve been told this act provides comfort,” she runs a hand up and down your back, leaving goosebumps behind in her wake. You shiver. “Do you feel comforted, [First]?”
“I… I don’t know.”
Her grip tightens, causing your breath to hitch. “How about now?”
The genuine nature of her inquiry leaves you at a loss. Had it been coming from anyone else, you might think they were mocking you, but this is Shenhe. Her actions are always in good faith, regardless of the quality of their execution. You don’t reciprocate the hug or make an attempt to push her away. For some reason, the idea of shrugging her off instills guilt in you.
An unwelcome little voice whispers you wouldn’t be able to, even if you tried. Her strength is far superior to yours.
You beg the voice to not say anything else.
Shenhe nuzzles her nose into your hair, seemingly forgetting that you have yet to reply. “If a place is full of bitter memories, it’s better to leave it behind, rather than force it to taste sweet.”
“I won’t know until I try,” is your weak rebuttal. It sounded better in your head.
“If you try, you can get hurt again,” Shenhe’s fingers are impossibly cold against your sweltering skin. “So don’t try. Stay. My master has given permission for you to live here with us.”
She parts from you with some reluctance. You watch silently as she rummages through your equipment, putting everything back where it once was. She must’ve memorized how you preferred to set up camp. There’s concentration on her features, she’s intent on ensuring each item is in its proper place. After a few minutes of standing as still as a statue, you lend her a hand.
Your movements are far more sluggish than usual, it’s like there’s an invisible weight crushing you from above.
You test various arguments on your tongue and find them all unsatisfactory. How can you go about convincing Shenhe when you’re not even convinced yourself? For as long as you can remember, you’ve clung to the possibility of righting the wrong, struggling in swimming upstream against rushing currents. Could she be offering you a hand that’d pull you free from dangerous waters?
Or is she dragging you into another uphill battle under the guise of rescue?
From this position, high up in the sky, it’s easy to forget the complexities that inevitably come with regular life. There are no such difficulties here. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to stay a while longer. No one here looks down on you, whispers when you enter a room, or avoids you on the street. Underhanded comments never reach your ears. You had forgotten how much each of these unfair transgressions stings.
Shenhe reopened the wound — perhaps she has a better way to close it.
Until then, you’ll learn to endure the hurt all over again.
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cartoonartistpng · 10 months
Tumblr Link Icons
Making a list because it annoys me that I can't find any.
Context: These are for the Tumblr Themes thing.
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Basic Icons: [what to type in] = [description of the icon]
grid = four-square grid settings = gear upload = upload copy = copy edit = pencil on paper list = bulleted list icon link = chain link bookmark = bookmark/banner flag inbox = inbox send = paper airplane user = user/person icon search = magnifying glass clock = clock calendar = calendar map = map mail = envelope book = book tv = tv [unknown] = gaming controller bell = bell scissors = scissors tag = tag/hashtag(?) home = house gift = present video = film camera flag = waving flag wifi = wifi signal [unknown] = message bubble heart = heart eye = eyeball music = music note [unknown] = sparkles smile = smiley face frown = frowny face feather = feather moon = crescent moon sun = sun/brightness icon star = star [unknown] = Saturn cloud = cloud droplet = water droplet zap = lightning bolt wind = wind [unknown] = butterfly [unknown] = ghost square = square circle = circle triangle = upwards triangle x = "x" icon plus = "+" icon minus = "-" icon play = play button pause = pause button volume = sound volume icon
twitter = Twitter (Bird) icon facebook = "f" icon twitch = Twitch icon instagram = Instagram icon [unknown] = Spotify icon
If anyone else knows of any others and wants to share, I'll add 'em.
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 6 months
YOUR 2024 Eclipse Season Survival Guide
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     Mark your calendars, eclipse season is upon us. In just a few short days, 2024 Eclipse season ~officially~ begins with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25 and ends with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8. You might already be thinking, “Wait. What EVEN is Eclipse Season and why should I care?” Tbh, that’s not an easy question to answer. Because eclipses and, therefore, eclipse season is a MAJOR, loaded topic.      
     To get a little technical, eclipses occur when the luminaries—the Sun and Moon—align with the Earth in specific ways, resulting in a temporary obscuration of the Sun or Moon. Eclipses typically come in pairs—solar & lunar. Solar eclipses mark powerful beginnings and are potent for starting new chapters or projects. They often coincide with significant life events and can bring sudden changes or revelations. Lunar eclipses, on the other hand, represent endings, culminations, or turning points. They illuminate areas of our lives that need adjustment or release.
     Eclipses are potent game-changers. They often coincide with pivotal moments, both personally and collectively, and can trigger major shifts in consciousness, events, and circumstances. Eclipses can bring new people into your life, put you on a new career path, and bring an ending to a toxic relationship. They catalyze change, transformation, growth, and release. And they almost always pave the way for new beginnings and evolutionary leaps. That’s why they are feared. That is why they are so chaotic and crazy and…That is why they are MAJOR.
     That’s also precisely why I created the 2024 Eclipse Season Survival Guide. Part masterclass, part horoscope reading, the 2024 Eclipse Season Survival Guide is YOUR key to understanding, working with, and (yes) surviving this year’s ultra rocky and oh-so chaotic Aries-Libra eclipses. (And these eclipses are REALLY rocky, esp. the Solar Eclipses. Yikes.) From decoding the themes and planetary influences to understanding the unique astrology occurring at the precise moment of each 2024 eclipse, this survival guide is truly a must-have.
This Eclipse SZN Survival Guide is for YOU if:
You're feeling lost, wary, fearful, and anxious AF about the upcoming eclipses and YOU NEED someone to tell you it’ll all be fine.
You're struggling with turbulent partnerships, unresolved conflicts and excessive people-pleasing, and you don’t know why.
You're ready to embrace change with open arms and harness its transformative power.
You're feeling lost or uncertain about your path forward, and you’re seeking clarity, stability, and direction.
You want to make the most of this eclipse season.
You're tired of being at the mercy of life’s ups and downs and are ready to step into your power.
Count me in
    With every challenge comes an opportunity for growth and expansion. And I won’t lie, these eclipses are stirring up emotions, challenges, and feels for everyone. But how are you supposed to deal with these emotions? How are YOU going to cope with the chaos and craziness that eclipse season brings?
    The 2024 Eclipse Season Survival Guide provides insights tailored to YOUR sign to help you navigate these challenging dynamics with grace and understanding. (It also has in-depth audio readings for each of the Rising signs to help YOU find clarity amidst the cosmic storm.) This guide will help you seize the opportunities hidden within the chaos of the eclipses and leverage them to create positive change in your life.   
    So, instead of fearing the unknown, you can embrace change with open arms and harness its transformative power. Instead of feeling lost or uncertain about your path forward, you can gain the clarity you seek, you can find your direction, find your path, and find solace via learning. This survival guide will inspire you to lean into the winds of change and trust in the process of evolution and growth! It’s packed with insights into the themes and energies at play in your life, to help YOU discover how to align with your highest potential.
    The Aries-Libra eclipses are inviting you to step into your power and embrace your authentic self. This survival guide will empower you to stand tall in your truth, assert your boundaries, and reclaim your confidence, your passion, and your power in every area of your life. This 2024 Eclipse Season survival guide will equip you with the tools, knowledge, and mindset shifts needed to navigate the storms of life with resilience, grace, and unwavering optimism. So that you can go beyond merely surviving the chaos of the eclipses: you can thrive.
I'm SO Ready to Thrive
    I hope you seize this opportunity to take control of YOUR fate, to learn, grow, and put the worries about eclipse season to rest. More importantly, I hope you’re taking care of yourself!
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saturniandevil · 10 months
December 2023 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's December forecast, hosted by Chris Brennan and Austin Coppock. As you can see from the calendar, this is quite the busy month. I've put the recap at the end again for those interested in mundane astrology. Generally, it's about the October 28th lunar eclipse in Taurus.
We're entering the month off a Mars-Saturn square on November 25th, and Mercury has already entered his pre-retrograde shadow (during the rx he will go back to about 22 degrees of Sagittarius). There's been a Mars-Saturn square making motion grind to a halt, and though it present frustrations and delayed gratification, Mars-Saturn can also indicate perseverance and relentlessness.
December 1st - Mercury enters Capricorn The next day he sextiles Saturn, further activating that Saturn-Mars square. He'll retrograde back into Sagittarius later. Mercury will trine Jupiter in Taurus around the 7th-8th, and sextile Venus when she enters Scorpio, bringing us some helpful communication in the first half of the month. The second half will be very different, though, as he retrogrades and conjoins Mars--think explosive arguments or disrupted communication like in late October-early November. Do your careful planning and mapping while Mercury is constructive in Capricorn, as his regress into Sagittarius will bring have us acting recklessly out of necessity.
December 2nd & 3rd - Auspicious Elections (not pictured)
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The charts are both around 1:35AM local time and takes advantage of Mercury's application to a trine with Jupiter, before the chaos of retrograde & contacting Mars. It also takes advantage of the last bit of Venus in Libra.
On December 2nd, the chart has Libra rising with Venus in domicile in the first (whole sign) house. The Moon is in Leo, either applying to or just separating from a square with Jupiter, and trine the Sun in Sagittarius in the 11th house. This is a good Venus-related chart, for things that need to appeal aesthetically to others or unify people. As this is a night chart, Venus is also the sect benefic, and is especially equipped to help things build up and grow (plus she's in a position of strength in the first house). Venus elections are also good for design, getting back in touch with people & other social activities, and working together. Venus in Libra is especially good for bringing together two things that are at odds, whether it's disagreeing friends or disparate business endeavors. Although the degree of Venus isn't too important in timing this, Chris recommends trying to get the Midheaven around 5-6 degrees of Cancer, so that it sextiles Jupiter in the eighth house. The Moon rules the 10th house and is in the 11th house of friends, making this a good election for friends, groups, and social movements.
The 2nd is the primary election, but the 3rd has most of the same benefits. The Moon is later in Leo, now applying directly to a sextile with Venus, emphasizing her themes of unity and reconciliation as well as tying in the 11th house of groups & alliances even more strongly.
December 4th - Venus enters Scorpio Though in detriment here, Venus is opposite Jupiter in her sign (exact December 9th-10th, especially activated by a conjunction from the Moon), and this reception & contact bring forth more helpful qualities. She will also overtake slowing Mercury by sextile around December 10th-11th, bringing some reconciliation to our communications. However, the New Moon conjunct Mars will pose some challenges.
December 6th - Neptune stations direct
December 12th - New Moon in Sagittarius
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A close square to (newly direct) Neptune adds some nebulousness to the picture, and a loose conjunction from Mars to the lights, with Mercury stationing soon after, mean things may not go as planned. Mercury's configurations to the benefics seem hopeful, but we should expect some misalignment and miscommunication over the following weeks. Additionally, Mars's proximity to the Sun means he'll be coloring the next few nations with martial qualities. This New Moon sort of resets things for the month.
December 13th - Mercury stations retrograde The Moon enters Capricorn and conjoins Mercury soon after his station, which will further trigger or activate general Mercury retrograde significations.
December 21st - Sun enters Capricorn
December 22nd - Retrograde Mercury conjoins Sun (Cazimi) This occurs in at zero degrees of Capricorn and marks the halfway/turning point in the retrograde. Normally we'd expect to start figuring out what's wrong and begin heading out of the woods, but once in Sagittarius Mercury approaches a conjunction with Mars, changing the layout of our path. Sometimes looking to the past for actions will bring up old conflicts, or further investigation into a problem reveals that we have to rethink our entire approach.
December 23rd - Retrograde Mercury enters Sagittarius Discussed above.
December 26th - Full Moon in Cancer
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Mercury at 25 Sagittarius and Mars at 23 bring even more heightened emotions than usual to this Full Moon (think tense communications). Neptune squaring Mercury and Mars adds further muddies the waters; expect a mix of hostility and misunderstanding. Meanwhile, the Moon is in domicile and both lights form soft aspects to Jupiter, which Austin compares to a nice country breakfast. It's like getting an idyllic Christmas postcard along with some poisoned arrows. Being home for the holidays is comforting and familiar, but we may also fight with our relatives, perhaps over politics. A Neptune-Venus trine brings a dreamy, escapist quality to the lunation as well. This lunation will hit different people very differently. (Those with emphasis on the lights, Jupiter, or cardinal signs will do well, while those with strong mutable placements may feel strife, etc.)
December 27th - Retrograde Mercury conjoins Mars This is the second of three Mercury-Mars conjunctions, the first having been around the October eclipse in Scorpio, and the next one occurring in Capricorn during late January. Mercury will station direct at 22 degrees of Sagittarius on the first couple days of the New Year, and will be slowly chasing Mars for most of January.
December 29th - Venus enters Sagittarius This is a fairly big shift, as she immediately squares Saturn, dumping a bucket of ice water on our attempts to come together on New Year's Eve gatherings.
December 30th - Jupiter stations direct This station can be a positive turning point for anyone with important Taurus placements nearby. Austin points out that Jupiter's usually retrograde for about ⅓ of the year (he entered Taurus in May and stationed retrograde in September), giving us time to reevaluate things and see whether we've failed or succeeded. It's like a shock absorber as we traverse this bumpy road. We can try to stabilize things in the midst of a destructive world. The rapid growth and expansion we were feeling this summer may start to come back, visible in the part of your life corresponding to the house Taurus occupies in your chart. Strike while the Iron's hot, as we've got until May before Jupiter enters Gemini. Uranus is copresent in the sign and may remind us of previous Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions: unexpected growth, innovation, and benefits from out of the blue.
November Recap:
The last forecast was recorded days before a lunar eclipse in Taurus on October 28th, which heralded several world events not discussed in the November forecast. In Palestine this coincided with the beginning of ground invasion and telecom blackout (Mercury-Mars involvement=severing of communication). Last month our hosts predicted the Venus-Mercury sextile would indicate brief diplomacy in this situation, and we saw the beginning of "humanitarian pauses" as well as negotiations around prisoner exchange. Chris wants to emphasize that more civilians have died in these two months in Gaza than in the entire Ukraine war, and predicts that larger geopolitical tensions are likely to rise as world leaders split with each other and their constituents over these events. He sees upcoming eclipses in 2025 as well as Uranus in Gemini (USA return) heralding possibility of larger global conflicts. Austin reiterates from last month that the North Node near Mars (as was the cast 10/28) indicates, in combat, using force madly beyond what is necessary or proportionate.
In US politics, Joe Biden has the Moon in early Taurus and thus the last eclipse cycle has been getting closer and closer to his natal moon, with 10/28 being the closest. Because it's in the 6th house our hosts had speculated about his health, but in this case it seems to have affected his work more (another 6th house topic), as his prospects for reelection have been plummeting. In early October the US House fired the Speaker of the House right on the last stretch of the US Pluto return, and eventually Mike Johnson was elected speaker on the 25th--born on a lunar eclipse and appointed to this office 3 days before another. This fits with Chris's findings lately that a person born on an eclipse will have other life events occur on them as well. Chris's concerns around the breakdown of US democracy with its Pluto return events seem well-founded, as Johnson had a significant part in trying to overturn Biden's election and is now third in line for the presidency, as well as in a critical role for the 2024 election.
Other eclipse stories: Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX infamy was found guilty of one of the largest US fraud operations during a Taurus (signifying money) eclipse. Matthew Perry of Friends fame passed away, who was born under and published his autobiography near a lunar eclipse as well.
On November 17th-18th there was an exact Sun-Mars conjunction (cazimi) in Scorpio, and in tech news the board of OpenAI fired the CEO/founder, described among business and tech circles as "closest thing to a boardroom assassination" they'd ever seen. Chris predicts Pluto reentering Aquarius in two months will indicate major developments in the use of AI technology. Pluto was in Aquarius earlier this year for a couple months, giving us a preview of the next 20 years (aside from a brief 2-month dip back into Capricorn next fall before leaving for good).
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farewell-superiors · 5 months
I’m having so many thoughts about @ammstify’s persona 6 idea for it being about nature and being based on Arthurian legend but as more of a spin-off but I’m in the “pacing while brainstorming” phase which means that I have too much energy to sit down and actually write down my ideas so I may as well start a post that’s like… just a bunch of ramblings about ideas. Have so at least it’s WRITTEN DOWN and I won’t forget anything. If I think enough I might even make a fanfic in the style of steal the truth (which you should absolutely read btw it’s genuinely one of the best video game adaptations with how well it integrates persona’s calendar mechanic and social links into its story structure) but that would require a lot of foresight and planning (hence why u want to WRITE SHIT DOWN)
Anyway here goes. Spoilers for something that I just made up but might make into an actual thing in the future I guess lol
The themes are about growth (there's LOTS of plant imagery), moving on, and how it gets better (the sun will always rise, darkest before dawn, etc. (there's a lot of day/night imagery as well)), and it looks at the relationship between humans and the environment.
The setting will probably be Kyoto, or at least some city, but I'm undecided about whether the characters are high school or uni students. Both have their pros and cons and I just have to figure them out. I'm leaning towards Uni?
The actual persona elements take place in the sea of souls, although it's more accurate to say the field of souls, as it's an undending field of grass, flowers, and the odd tree/hill, with every bit of flora representing a life. Select people will travel to the sea of souls in their sleep, but sleeping in the sea of souls won't get you out, so if someone is there without a way out, it looks like they're in a coma. If they happen to die in there (haven't completely figured out shadow mechanics yet, don't know if day/night cycles in the sos would be over a few weeks (to represent the collective unconscious) or over a characters journey (because it's cool imagery)) the body will start growing vines and leaves as their pulse slowly fades.
One way to get out is through the velvet room: In the sea of souls there is a battlefield, with velvet blue warbanners rising amongst the bloodstained foliage, and in the centre is a familiar long nosed man sitting on a particularly comfy looking rock, with a warrior clad in a deep blue leather armour brandishing a spear and shield. As neither protagonist is a wild card (whoops spoiler) Igor doesn't act as the guy who fuses your personas, he's like a guide both through your journey and on your way back to the real world. Maybe belladonna and nameless are also there, who knows.
Persona users have a body part wrapped in foliage, vines, flowers, and the like (the location can be thematic, it’s as if wrapped in chains), and when summoned the foliage chains break and rapidly grow into the summoned persona.
Protag A (who I shall refer to as Sun because that’s their arcana) is a kind young man who was diagnosed with cancer. This diagnosis comes shortly after moving to a new city to start university, so he rightly is in a lot of turmoil and feeling alone. One of the way he copes is by having a fairly dark cynical sense of humour, contrasting with his kind and caring personality. I’m not set on a subject he does, I’m thinking natural sciences, it’s got a wide range of topics and, most importantly, MATHS (this isn’t a joke). His starting persona is Arthur, his second awakening is Arturus Rex, both of the sun arcana, and his ultimate persona is Excalibur, of the world arcana.
Protag B (who I shall refer to as Moon) is a standoffish young woman in the year above sun. An abuse survivor, her father (her only living relative) recently was jailed for what he did, but she still holds a deep contempt for humanity who she thinks has failed her. Initially forced to interact with sun because of a scheme where second years help first years, she stays with him because of a shared goal once they enter the sea of souls. Her story arc is about growing to care for others, learning to see the good in people, and stopping seeking revenge. Her starting persona is Lancelot, who evolves into white knight, both of the moon arcana, and her ultimate persona is Galahad of the world arcana (I’m intentionally hiding some things but oh well lol. The personas are thought out, I’ll tell you that).
I’ve not settled on social links or party members, I’ve got a few ideas, like Sun’s maths professor (who would either be magician or hierophant) and the Lovers arcana, but nothing concrete.
Getting into real endgame spoilers now, the premise is that two gods, Pendragon and Morgan le Fay, are arguing over whether humanity should suffer or not. Pendragon thinks they're a stain on the world and should be wiped out, while Morgan le Fay thinks they should live in eternal bliss. Given that the themes are about moving on and growing, neither is very good, or rather, life is a combination of the two. They're represented by the moon and the sun in the sea of souls, when Pendragon is "winning" it's night, when Morgan is "winning" it's day. towards the end of the story the party beats Pendragon without realising that now Morgan le Fay is able to act unchecked and so the regular course of life grinds to a halt. During the course of the story each protagonist holds one in themself, Moon with her contempt for humanity holds pendragon, and Sun with his wish to live with his friends forever holds Morgan, but once Moon starts to see the good in humanity her mind boots out pendragon (hence why they fight him), and once Sun accepts that a life in stagnation isn't a life living at all, his mind boots out Morgan (hence why they fight her). Basically, I really really really like the ideas of third semester and am doing something similar lol.
At the start Sun and Moon are visited by a Doctor informing him of his cancer diagnosis and a chief prosecutor "congratulating" her about her father's loss in court respectively. Both talk about their fascination with/contempt of humanity, and end with "do you agree?", a cloaked agreement to a contract that makes them their champion, for these are Morgan le Fay and Pendragon in human forms. A side effect of tricking them into agreeing to a contract, however, is letting them into the velvet room, a mistake that would lead to both of the gods' downfall.
Ah shit I haven't even tackled how dungeons and stuff work. I know at least the last one is gonna be called Avalon.
I think I'm just gonna go ahead and post this for now, I might edit it later so uhhh stay tuned I guess
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sovaghoul · 8 months
This is a basic outline of my personal guidelines for what constitutes a Wiccan path/system. Others’ definitions certainly vary, and these criteria do not necessarily apply to non-Wiccan Pagans/Witches/other Occultists. Most of the concepts addressed here will be investigated more in depth with future posts.
🔮 Section A: Belief. It is my assertion that belief, first and foremost, makes the Wiccan. What one does is important to discerning Tradition (or absence thereof), but is secondary to the broader collective of Wiccan religious paths.
Reverence of Goddess AND God, together and equally. Wiccan worship and practice focus on a God and a Goddess, seeing them as manifestations of masculine and feminine divinity (among other equal, opposite, and complimentary pairs of forces and concepts. They are but one type of symbolic division).
Belief that the Gods can be directly contacted, whether through channeling, meditation, or other means. Also, It’s important to realize that one doesn’t need an intermediary, but will sometimes need a teacher or guide for the contact to be safe and successful.
Having a reciprocal relationship with the Gods. We give to Them, so They may give to us.
Belief in the effectiveness of Magick. Having confidence that your rituals and spells will work as they should is just as important as performing those works.
🔮 Section B: Practice. While I put belief first in my own determinations, there are certain applications of those beliefs that I see as essential to practicing Wicca.
God forms/names are European in origin, exceptions to this being Egypt and the Middle East. This is because I see Wicca as the continuation/revival of Pre-Christian Native European Shamanism, and contact with Egypt and Arabia (Mesopotamia, Babylon, Sumer, etc.) is well-established throughout history, and there is much cross-cultural influence between these groups. Also, there are mythological themes these regions have in common, that are not as present in, say, Asia and other parts of Africa. Additionally, many other Indigenous cultures and beliefs around the world are closed systems.
Celebrating the Sabbats with an understanding of their symbolism and story. There are eight Sabbats, or holidays, in the Wiccan calendar, also sometimes referred to as the Wheel of the Year. The dates given below are those traditionally observed in the Northern Hemisphere.
Casting a Circle wherein the ritual will be held. The Circle denotes sacred space for sacred acts, and is consecrated to the Gods.
General ritual format includes calling the Quarters, invoking and contacting the Gods, a section for the ritual purpose (celebrate the Sabbat or Esbat, work Magick, etc.), Cakes and Wine (including a libation to the Gods), and then banishing the Quarters at closing.
The Wiccan Rede and the Threefold Law are given some measure of importance. These ethical codes should not only advise on Magickal acts, but on the mundane actions of a Wiccan as well.
🎃 Samhain – Oct. 31
🎄 Yule – on or about Dec. 21
🕯 Imbolc – Feb. 2
🥚 Eostar – on or about Mar. 21
❤ Beltane – May 1
☀️ Midsummer – on or about Jun. 21
🌾 Lammas – Aug. 1
🍁 Fall Equinox – on or about Sep. 21
🔮 Section C: Characteristics. These are descriptors, qualities that I feel are essential to the full knowledge and experience of Wicca.
Wicca is a fertility religion. Wiccans rejoice in and celebrate fertility in all its forms, sexual and otherwise (new growth, ideas, ventures, etc.).
Wicca is a nature religion. All of nature is seen as sacred and integral and interrelated. Humans are a part of nature, as are the Gods and the processes of Magick.
Wicca is an agricultural system. The Sabbats are aligned to the planting and harvest seasons, symbolically if not literally.
Wicca is a cyclical system. All the cycles of nature and the world are revered, including those of the Sun, Moon, Earth, planets/stars, seasons, and the life of all creatures, human and otherwise.
Wicca is a religion of balance. Just as life is a fact of existence, so is death. Just as Summer comes each year, so does Winter. Day and night, light and dark, each coin has a flip side, and all sides are important to Wiccan belief and practice.
Wicca is non-dualistic. Since each pairing listed above comes together to make something greater than the sum of its parts, the true nature of the reverence is for the whole, not simply the pieces. Wicca doesn’t view things as “either/or,” but “both/and.”
Wicca is a shamanic religion. A shaman is one who forms a personal relationship with the Gods and Spirits for the betterment of their tribe/family/people/etc., and has the ability to then travel the astral and communicate with the Gods and Spirits through various means, and also to provide healing. These goals are shared by Wicca, the skills to communicate, travel, and heal greatly encouraged and fostered by its teachings. Also integral to a shamanic system is the death-and-rebirth cycle, as shamanic initiations in tribal societies (which usually occur on the astral and are performed by Gods or Spirits) are said to involve being killed (often violently) and then reborn into a new knowledge and understanding. This symbolism is used in some Traditional Initiation ceremonies, but can be seen in all of Wicca in the God’s story as He traverses the Wheel of the Year.
Wicca is a priesthood. There are no lay people; even in ritual, it is important that everyone participate by lending their energy and intent to the rite at hand, even if the Priest/ess is the only one performing a physical action. Every Wiccan has the capacity to be a Priest/ess, and needs no intermediary between them and the Gods.
Wicca is an experiential religion. A lot of the theory and how-to and basic knowledge can be learned from books/websites, but to truly understand the fullness of the religion, one must actually practice it. There are also some aspects that simply cannot be learned or understood without actually going through them.
Wicca is a mystery religion. Those aspects that must be experienced are what I call the Greater Mysteries. The ways to achieve those Divine experiences are called the Lesser Mysteries. The Greater Mysteries are for all willing to seek them, the Lesser Mysteries are only Mysteries until one learns to properly perform and make use of them. In the case of Initiatory Oathbound Traditions, they are Mysteries to the uninitiated. In other words, the knowledge and experience you gain are Greater Mysteries, and the rituals and other acts that lead you to them are the Lesser Mysteries.
Next post: Categories
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gregrulzok · 5 months
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Playing around with my phone layout and documenting it in case I wanna change it around later
Actually really happy with it so far !! I've had the Fenrir theme for a while but I added and removed a few things
All the "images" are actually widgets! The sun/moon on the front page can open the clock, weather, or calendar apps depending on where you click, the sun on the second page opens discord, the Fenrir opens music, and on the third page the jaws open drive (top) and maps (bottom), while the moon opens my files !
This is your sign to customize your phone and go a little wild with it
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trilliansthoughts · 2 years
Ostara is a Celtic tradition that celebrates the Spring Equinox, also known as the Vernal Equinox, and marks the official start of spring. The word Ostara is derived from the Anglo-Saxon goddess, Eostre, who represents spring and new beginnings. Like spring celebrations in many cultures, Ostara symbolizes fertility, rebirth, and renewal. This time of year marks the beginning of the growing cycle when farmers and gardeners traditionally start to plant seeds.
Ostara is the second of three spring celebrations in the Pagan calendar and is the midpoint between Imbolc and Beltane, during which light and darkness are again in balance. Ostara is a cardinal point on the Wheel of the Year and honours the spring’s warmth, the light from the sun, and the awakening of the earth. Ostara is a time of new beginnings and the emergence of new life after winter and pagan celebrations have themes of balance, renewal, and rebirth.
The hare is a fertility symbol associated with the Spring Equinox as March marks the beginning of the mating season. The usually shy, quiet hare can become quite fanatical and fervent in his attempts to find a mate, hence the expression, “as mad as a March hare”. The hare is also associated with the moon, which dies every morning and is resurrected every evening, and represents the rebirth of nature.
The egg also symbolizes the rebirth of nature, the fertility of the Earth and all creation. In many traditions, the egg is a symbol for the whole universe. The Celts dyed eggs while thinking of their hopes and wishes for the coming year. The eggs were buried alongside a seedling in the ground to sustain and feed the plant during its growing season. As the plant grew, the hope or wish would take root and come to fruition at the end of the year. When Christianity began to take hold, the church disapproved of such Pagan traditions. Children were encouraged to seek out and dig up the eggs and were paid a small token by the clergy for each egg collected and this is one explanation for the origin of the Easter egg hunt tradition.
The colours of Ostara are pastels - yellow, orange, lavender, and green - and other symbols of Ostara include spring flowers, fairies, and butterflies. Another popular tradition is hot cross buns, which have Pagan roots. The equilateral cross symbolizes the four quarters of the moon, the uniformity of the seasonal year, and the equilibrium of the equinox day; equal day and equal night though it is also associated with the symbolism of the Christian cross. 
As with many Pagan traditions, Ostara was adopted by Christianity as the time of year to celebrate Easter although the two festivals rarely coincide. Ostara and the Spring Equinox fall between March 19th and 22nd each year whereas Easter Sunday is determined by the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox and varies each year. For Easter, the Ostara symbols of the hare and egg are represented by the Easter Bunny, who brings chocolate eggs to adults and children alike. A worthwhile tradition indeed!
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