#Sun + Moon Energy Melanin
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eatmangoesnekkid · 1 year ago
*Revised: It's important that I came back and revised my post, be a bit more deliberate and sensitive around matters of the heart. Here is a copy of my revised post on war, Black woman martyrdom, painful monthly periods, and fear/division. There are a lot of downloads and codes I freely share in this post. It's a long read but perhaps edifying for anyone with eyes to see/feel. _____ While we are all connected and part of the one human race, as a woman of African ancestry living in possession of the Mitochondria Eve Gene, it is my duty to not live as a martyr for this world. This is not a statement of arrogance or "supremacy" over anyone else, those codes our egoic predatory system was created from. It is just the way DNA/ancestry works. It is similar to why I'm looking for a 2nd home in a warmer climate because my texture and physiology require incredible doses of sunlight in order for me to function optimally. My resources to be of service are limited when living far away from the Equator. It is just how biology organizes and harmonizes a specific circadian rhythmic requirement that will be different for us all. Currently I live full-time in a northern European climate with very little sun, a shared life in a small cute house in the city with my lover of 8 years. So when I speak about the Mitochondria Eve Gene, it is merely a similar fact and not about division and other foolishness. The Mitochondria Eve Gene is deeply valuable like sunlight. I won't get into here. It has already been laid out in The Melody of Love Book 1. When I was in my 20s, my periods used to be heavy and would always come through my pants/skirts. I wore double pads because I had golf ball size clots. I cramped painfully every month, so much so, that I was a regular at my school's infirmary on day 1 of my bleed time. They would give me a shot and I would fall right to sleep on their hospital bed and when I woke up 2-3 hours later, all pain was gone. Back then I looked forward to getting that shot and the routine schedule of my boyfriend picking me up after I had wept and slept. At that time, I loved that the nurse would numb me and I didn't feel any symptom. The numbing (lack of feeling of truth) allowed me to function again in my classes as a regular student. Back then, 27 years ago, I was a budding activist, a member of a popular pink and green sorority, and fully into the news media and celebrities. Whatever was going on racially-charged, I was marching and carrying signs. One day, in my visions while laying on the infirmary bed, I saw myself spending decades being a martyr in another lifetime. I made the decision around 30 years old to no longer be a martyr for this world and started fortifying my body with rest, movement, sun, and vitamin c. And now my periods/moon times are incredibly pleasurable and always pain-free. This shift in reality divined me even more deeper information around the nature of how life works in a female body.
As a melaninated female, my body, emotions, and other stargates were programmed to be siphoned by this world from birth. I was conditioned to value profit and productivity over pleasure and wellness and for my labor to be used as resources for other people's lives, dreams, and adventures. And the foundational predatory nature of our Western society was built off the backs of my lineage to exploit and extract from other Black and Brown bodies. That means that I was programmed to work harder on a job than I worked on myself (my own cells) so that I could not create and live a life that truly belonged to me. So no I am not going to be thinking too much or overly emotional about anything happening in the world right now. And when I feel myself leaning too far right or left, I'm going to bring my energy back to center inside my spine and orient it towards natural beauty, movement, sound, deep nourishment, hydration, and love, feeling the sensation of love move through my body parts, learning love in my psyche, remembering how to love my body, love my -body in relationship to other bodies, and love other bodies. Please don't ask me what I feel about the insanity system of war after war, loss of freedom after loss of freedom, in an inflamed world. It is my duty to the grandmothers to heal the "evil" "conflict" and "war" from within me so that I can grow my life force energy in ways that allow me to be of service anywhere I land. This means I bring my emotions (energy) back home so that I think clearly enough to not bypass my body and go lay down and rest when I feel tired so that I may feel steady and emotionally sober. Say "no" to going out late at night when I know I need more rest. Turn off my electronics a few hours before bed time so that I can take care of my circadian biology and not start to prematurely atrophy in my spine, joints and muscles. Spend my time/resources on making fresh sourdough break or making love in some way. Touch my tissues and slow-braid my wild hair. Get massages and strengthen my legs/root. Weep and leak whether suppressed grief or unrepressed ecstasy. What is happening in the world is terrible in very clear obvious ways. It's been happening in some way for a long time and now the evil is brought out of the dark into the light. This is how life goes. It has been this way for eons, Loved Ones.
Oftentimes the solution is less talking and more deep listening. I do not need to always speak or have commentary about everything and neither should you. I do not care to constantly scroll and stay abreast of single thing going on in world, and live in a perpetual state of panic and unrest as a result. It is still my duty to the lineages that live through me not to be so externally-focused and put any part of my body back into a cage without guilt or shame. Understanding this geometry 14 years ago continues to free my cells, tissues, and organs. Now I get to spend 2 hours in a bathing ritual, receiving instead of constantly creating, and living exemplary in this world so that I may help free other woman and female bodied people so that we, together, may be a guiding lights in different parts of the world. I do not take the gift lightly.
Here are other considerations to think about:
1. Divide and conquer is one of the oldest shadows in human history. Start to question everything you see and read online, including from me. 2. What happens in the collective also happens within us. If chaos or evil is happening out there (as it has been happening), you must also locate the “evil” or "chaos" that is happening within you in order to free your waters fully and become more aware in a deeper way. Who or what has your emotion also has part ownership of your waters.Water consciousness/emotions/awareness/the subconscious --it's all connected. 3. This is just the beginning, loved ones. You must also open up your heart, strengthen your 3rd eye and belly, and manage your nervous and immune systems so that you have the capacity to read between the lines of division and binaries. 4. A dehydrated body is mentally unclear and physiologically unable to think clearly, process life soundly, and make grounded choices 5. . It’s impossible to imbue logic from interconnected systems organized to be harmful from the start where one group of people "loses" and another group of people seemingly "wins." Meaning —less intellect is required now and more clarifying body-based intelligence. You must root down into your body for direction and clarity. If you have very little connection to your body, this will be challenging, accept that. Begin to align with people who are more connected to their body/intuition and learn from them. We are going to have lean on and trust each other a little more. Because not everyone has the same skillsets or gifts—which means we are all incredibly necessary. 6. Times will get tough for some (many) people because there are some deeper realities happening underneath what is being presented on the surface. It’s not an easy thing to speak about publicly because many people's hearts, nervous systems, and addictions need some tending to. Mystery schools like mine and others will be essential. 7. Those who have divine feminine mystery schools must be willing to be students and observers in one another’s school. Division, sneakiness, or competition as modeled by living in a predatory system have to be released from the body and left alone for good. 8. You must tend to your mind and not allow it to take over your body with its judgments, fears, insecurities, and criticisms. Remember yourself as s an embodiment of love. Think about love for 3 or minutes and your body begins to produce the chemistry of love inside your tissues. Your thoughts (masculine) and feelings (feminine) produce a 3rd thing, in this case, a vibration of love that interacts with the electromagnetic field. How you think creates a frequency that greatly contributes to raising your frequency and creating a new future reality. In other words, slow down and be more present and conscious of your thoughts and how you are thinking and tune into what you are feeling. -India Ame'ye, Author
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lunarsilkscreen · 9 months ago
Colors and Light
There's videos making the rounds in the art community about Magenta, Cyan, and Yellow being the true primary colors of paint and physical media and life.
This has been known for quite sometime in the print media sector because they make up the basic colors of printer ink--excluding Black; which is usually added in order to add darker colors and because text is usually black.
Conversely; it's common knowledge that the primary colors of light are Red, Green, and Blue. Despite the bands outside that (radio, micro, infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma-rays) being included in the spectrum.
The more dangerous parts of the spectrum are everything beyond ultraviolet which can irradiate or injury a person.
<aside>Yea, that's why sunlight can cook food as good as your microwave can; and why certain melanin-deficient individuals need to wear sunscreen or [x] like the vampires they are.</aside>
Despite this; we can only see a beam of light when it reflects or refracts off some surface. We have eyes that evolved to sense the light around us, and melanin in our skin, and skin that detects radiation (sunlight), because of the atmosphere that refracts the light, and the ground which can reflect it.
All produced by the Sun, a huge nuclear reactor that produces an incalculable amount of energy, and makes life possible here on earth. Probably.
We know this because of the infinite "darkness" known as space. We cannot see anything except darkness when we look out at night except for the other stars, planets, moons, satellites, aircraft and air debris. Provided you're not near a city with a lot of light pollution.
I'm typing all this out to understand light at the particle level. Whatever it is we're measuring when we measure a photon.
And I've settled on something; Plants reflect green light because they absorb Red light; except when the leaves turn red during the fall.
And certain pine trees can appear blue, the ones farthest to the north.
I assume this is related somehow, but I'm not sure exactly how or why.
My assumption is because darker colors absorb more light and heat and vice versa. And yet; I get the feeling there's a bit more to it than that.
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harrelltut · 1 year ago
1st Eye of TUTANKHAMÚN [E.T.] SEE Archangel URIEL of SARAQAEL’S [U.S.] 144,000 SACRED ALUHUM [USA] SKY ANUNNAGI [USA] ROYAL [Ur] PRIESTHOOD [UP] of SIRIUS [U.S.] Quantum Electronic Encryption DNA CREATIONS [D.C.] from Ancient ALGAE-MELANIN of URANUS' [MU] APHRODITE’s [MA’s] Vibratory Energies of Nanascopic Uranium from the SATURNIAN [VENUS] MINES of kingtutdna.com’s Iridescent METAL [I’M] DYNASTY [I.D.]… Alkhemically + Genetically Engineered [iAGED] by Mother [I’M] NINTI's Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient 9 Ether Primordial Biochemical-Alkhemical Crystalline Light Body RNA Cell Structures of Invisible 9 [i9] Ether Stem Cell Memory Neuromelanin Perfection DNA… since I.B.1698 MICHAEL [IBM] harrelltut.com from Inner Earth’s Most Darkest [Occulted] SHAMBALLAH City of Aghaarta.com’s [CA’s] Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] FUTURISTIC 9th Interplanetary Dimensional [I.D.]… 19th Interstellar MOON [I’M] GALAXY of the ILLYUWN's GOLDEN Island [IGIGI] SUN PEOPLE of Tri-Solar Black Sun planetrizq.tech WISDOM… who Subconsciously Envision ANU [SEA] Heavenly ARCHANGEL [HA = HARRELL] SOUL Prince MICHAEL in ANU Geographical Ecosystem [MAGE] of ENQI [ME] NUDIMMUD’s Black SUN Island Continent of ANUNNAGI [CA] GOLDMINE ESTATE MANIFESTATIONS [GEMS] DEEP IN:side ZARANTU's Restricted Airspace [RA] Coordinate Continents of DARNURIYYA & KUSMUSTA… Surrounded by Constellation ORION’s Atmospheric Water Pressure from Volcanic Vents DEEP Underneath Our Ancient Atlantic & Pacific Ocean Motherlands of Mysteriously UNSEEN [MU] 9 Ether [ME] Aquatic BLACK SUN Life Forms… Organically Crystallized by the Atom [ATUM] Particles Embedded DEEP IN:side Molecular [I’M] 9etherjunkdna.tech Nuclei Surrounded by Electronic Light [EL] ILLUMINATION... like My 1968 Mnemiopsis Leidyi Species Created by 1698 quantumharrelltech.ca.gov
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i.b.monk [ibm] mode [i’m] tech [IT] steelecartel.com @ quantumharrelltech.ca.gov
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i.b. 1698 quintillionharrell.tech sky elite 2wealthy4forbes.com @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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Eye Universally SOVEREIGN [U.S.] AUTONOMOUS [USA] 9 Ether ANATOLIA MOORISH EMPIRE [ME] DNA [MD] KING SOLOMON-MICHAEL-TUTANKHAMÚN HARRELL III... Under the Shadow [U.S.] of Illusionary Death [I.D.] Contracts of the MAYAN’s kingtutdna.com’s Domain Counsel [D.C.] @ quantumharrelltech.ca.gov 
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eye king tut's quantum electronic dna compu_tah [ptah] military.gov dynasty of kingtutdna.com’s Domain Contracts [D.C.] @ quantumharrelltech.ca.gov of harrelltut.com's kingtutpentagon.tech
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us aluhum [usa] sky anunnagi [usa] been here on earth [qi]... still
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us anunnagi [usa] predate [up] humanity
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Aphrodite, the Oceanic Daughter of GOLDEN URANIUM WATERS
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eye sky god michael of planetrizq.tech sky ufos [interplanetary shams]
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planerizq.tech Illuminate Mnemiopsis [I'M] leidyi Underneath Tiamat's Ancient Mesoamérica of Atlantic & Pacific [MAP] Ocean Floor Terrains of MUUR ANUNNAGI GOLD EARTH [MAGE] ESTATES [ME] @ montereybayaquarium.org 
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1968-michaelharrelljr.com's HOLOGRAMMATIC 9etherjunkdna.com domain estates of harrelltut.com... bee broken into million+ parts and each one is the same, so it is with its self replicating cells 
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eye thank [e.t.] archangel [anunnaqi] michael [murduk]... on the bottom & underneath Our Ancient Pacific Ocean Floor 2 Our PARALLEL Holographic Earth of RIZQIYIAN [HER] Origins
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quantumharrelltech.ca.gov = Our Mysteriously Hidden [Occulted] Subterranean 9 Ether Antediluvian [SEA] MU AMERICA of MESOAMÉRICA = ATLANTIS OF LEMURIA [MU]
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eye amu13.com domain of mu-atlantis.tech records 
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mother underneath [mu] the atlantis pacific [map] ocean
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© 1698-2223 QUANTUM HARRELL TECH LLC All LOST ANCIENT [L.A.] ATLANTEAN DNA [A.D.] DotCom [A.D.] + DotTech [A.D.] + Pre 1698quantumharrellgov.tech Domain Name Rights Reserved... since WE ANU GOLDEN ERA [AGE]!!!
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susanaesono · 2 years ago
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abbidavisart · 4 years ago
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Silver Millennium Sailor Princesses and Species Breakdown Once again heavily inspired by @emsartwork ‘s Winx art I know a lot of people tend to base the solar system species in various historical Earth cultures, but I wanted to avoid making them too human-ish. I wanted to explore; “Besides magic, what would a species need to survive on or around these planets?” as well as “How can I connect their powers to their respective planets?” Hardcore infodump under the cut Part 2 (Outers) Disclaimer; I am not a scientist, this is all space fantasy nonsense
General info; - I interpret the Silver Millennium as an interplanetary empire with the Moon serving as a capital and the other planets functioning as colonies.
- I know they’re called “castles”, but it’s my headcanon and I’m gonna make the Senshi’s castles expansive enough to house and provide for at least a small population.
- We know that in manga canon the moon kingdom had a magic dome that allowed for a breathable atmosphere, nature, etc. I’m extending this to apply to each of the planet’s castle complexes, however this does not wholly negate the effects and differences of their natural ecosystems/lack thereof nor their rotations.  -I’ve used pointed ears as a shorthand for “not human”, also because i think they’re cute.
Moon Kingdom -Basically no melanin; these guys are super pale, and heavily dependent on  ~magic~ -Wings; Queen Serenity had very delicate wings, and I’ve reinterpreted Princess Serenity’s back bow as a smaller pair of wings that would have grown larger had she lived long enough to reach maturity. We also see wings on Eternal Sailor Moon and Neo Queen Serenity, so we can infer that wings=powerful magic. Mercury / Mariner Castle -Mercury’s lack of atmosphere means that even though it is the closest planet to the sun, it can’t retain the heat it gets during the day. Because of this, any humanoid living on Mercury would need to be resistant to extreme temperatures. Having heat be centralized within the body would help minimize loss of body heat, and would also give the appearance of a slight bluish tinge to the skin of the hands, ears, and feet. -To reflect Mercury’s extreme temperature variation the range of skin tones is also very extreme, with people tending to be either very pale or very dark, but not typically in the mid-range of those tones. -Tapetum Lucidum is a reflective membrane in the eye that allows vertebrates to see in the dark. Compared to Earth Mercury has a very short year, but a very long day-night cycle. A tapetum lucidum would allow for Mercurians to see during their period of protracted night.
Mars / Phobos-Deimos Castle -Mars is basically a very dusty, dry desert. Like many desert creatures, Martians have long think eyelashes to protect their eyes from wind and sand. -Mars has a thin atmosphere, so it doesn’t retain heat very well. because of this, Martians have comparatively small, dense and muscular bodies, have a higher internal body temperature and require less water. -A thick epidermis is another adaptation to protect against the gritty, dusty environment.
Jupiter / Io Castle -Jupiter was tricky; because it is a gas giant, there is no natural surface to work off, so I primarily focused these attributes around Sailor Jupiter’s elemental powers of electricity and wood. -Jupiter’s small population is restricted to the Io Castle complex on the mountainous surface of Io, but draws electrical energy from the planet’s supercharged rotation. This electricity helps boost the yield of crops.
Venus / Magellan Castle -Venus is quite bright in the night sky because it’s atmosphere is FILLED with highly reflective clouds of sulfuric acid. Sailor Venus is associated with the elements of love, light, and metal (gold). As you can see; I had to make them as SHINY AS POSSIBLE. -I wanted to work in Venus’ association with beauty; however, beauty is subjective, and I don’t want to present any one set of characteristics as being more attractive than another. So, I kept their colors within human ranges, but their skin and eyes have metallic/reflective pigments, giving them a gold sheen. -Though Venus has an atmosphere, it does not have a metallic field. This means that Venusians are godawful at directions. -Note that the Princess of Venus is slightly paler than most Venusians; this is because she is half Lunar on her father’s side. This is why she was chosen to be Princess Serenity’s body double.
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badass-at-fandoming · 2 years ago
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Fandom: Ikémen Revolution
Pairing: Seth Hyde x gn!Alice x Sirius Oswald
Tags: Polyamory Negotiations
Thank you to @voltage-vixen and @xxsycamore​ for organizing this event!
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By the even measure of his breath, you know Seth is asleep.
All his pep burned away little by little with the morning. Your group—Celeste the engineer, Kyle, and Fenrir—learned to surf. You'd never heard of this "surfing," before, but the sport was popular with the locals. The hotel had teachers on retainer. They helped you first master the board on the sand and then on the waves. The exhilaration when you finally road a wave had you whooping for joy, and immediately falling in the water.
While you took a steady, relaxed approach to the lesson, Fenrir, Seth, and Celeste goaded each other on. At one point, Seth backflipped off his board, and, forgetting it was attached to him, was promptly smacked in the face. Floating in the ocean, you hugged, laughed, and covered him in many healing kisses. Kyle pointed out that kisses didn't constitute medical treatment. Seth protested that his Alice's kisses were magical and special and that Kyle wishes he would be so lucky to get magical, special Alice kisses.
Your group surfed well into afternoon and had a late lunch of manapua with char siu. With bellies full of the yummy pork buns, you and Seth waddled back to the beach, where you were supposed to be making sandcastles. Instead, Seth lay down on the sand and promptly passed out.
A tired ache spread through your arms and legs. After helping Fenrir and Celeste with the sandcastle's foundations, you excused yourself to supervise the operations from a beach towel. Fenrir gave you a thumbs up. "Save your energy for shopping tonight!" he said. "I bet there's going to be ton of pretty stuff you'll just love!"
And so, here you are, lying on your side, head propped up by your hand, watching your boyfriend sleep. He is so goddamn beautiful.
Seth sleeps on his stomach and uses his arms as pillows. You could trace the slim bulge of those muscles; run a nail down those ropey veins. The tail of his hair slips over his eyes, like a light blue curtain veiling his face's beauty from the sun. The left shoulder tattoo of the sparkling crescent moon on a cloudy night was once a mark of ownership—now it's a mark of thriving triumph. Your eyes follow the arch and dip of his back to his tailbone, chart the grains of sand scattered onto skin, and wander in appreciation on the swell of his ass. The edges of his light green swim trunks flutter in the sea breeze. After another morning playing, he's darkening to a handsome shade. You imagine holding your ear close to his shoulder and hearing the hum of melanin in buzzing production.
Seth has a wonderful body, and you've worshipped it best you can. Despite his occupation, no scars disturb the sleek, mesmerizing interplay of muscle and bone. He's a blank canvas that you've been lucky enough to fill again and again. Going through the Black Army's basic training and advanced magical training has gifted you a certain strength. As Seth's aide-de-camp, you don't use that strength often—except upon the Spade himself, at his request. Hickies fade, but the love doesn't.
You would kiss the whorled prints of his toes, if he asked. Your palms itch to pet the soft, brown down on his legs, but that would surely wake him. His face relaxes in sleep, which makes his cheeks puff out. It's amazing to witness Seth's vivid, mercurial face be still. He's always talking and gesturing. Sun bathing on the beach like this, you could kiss those tempting, plush lips, and he'd be none the wiser.
"Are you dozing?" Sirius asks, as he lays down on Seth's other side, right on the sand. He matches your position, propping up his head with his elbow and hand. His amethyst eyes are calm.
You shake your head and smile. "You've very good at sneaking up on us."
"It's not on purpose," chuckles Sirius. "I'm supposed to keep track of all my soldiers, and you're very focused. I wanted to check to see if you and Seth are okay. You're not building sand castles with the others."
"We're okay," you reply. "Are you? Okay, that is. We didn't really talk, um, after." Blood rushes to your cheeks before you can stop it.
Sirius' eyes widen, like no one has asked him that before. He runs his free hand through his cropped hair and blows out a breath. "That was an interesting night all around."
Your mind races. Post group skinny dip, Sirius had bid farewell and slept, presumably, alone. Somehow, your hands are sweaty. "Did you have fun?"
"Yes," Sirius says immediately, his voice a gentle rumble of confirmation. "Yes, it's, um. It's never been that good before. I had a good time." Like this statement is steadier ground, like this is a handhold amongst a freefall, Sirius smiles.
You blurt out. "How long have you been in love with Seth?"
Sirius goes very, very pale. For a moment, you're worried he'll faint, but color returns with determination. "I'm not in love with you or your boyfriend," he states, slowly, carefully. In his more normal, deep tone, he continues, "But there's always been something about him. And something about you. And about you together."
"I didn't mean to put you on the spot," you say, biting your lip.
"No, no, it's all right. You deserve an explanation," he sighs. "Seth is different from the other officers. Obviously, there's the genderqueer thing, but he's also more…mature than the others. He helps me look after people. He's always teasing me about mothering the recruits, but I think he does the same thing in his own way." Sirius trails off, like he got lost in the flyaway swirls of Seth's hair.
"More like a sibling than a parent though."
Sirius' face brims with fond relief. "Yeah… And he's like a flower I was too afraid to care for, but you showed me the way."
Memories as vivid as the movies play in your mind's eyes. "Glad I could help."
"Was it good for you?" he asks, earnest.
"Of course!" you say, almost too loudly. Your cheeks are very red at this point. "Seth and I talked about it, and we'd like to have you back. We could do the same thing, or something different."
"You're too kind," Sirius smiles so it reaches his eyes. With a grunt, he gets up and dusts sands off his board shorts and tie-dye t-shirt. "Anyway, I'll let you rest."
Despite the chat, Seth hasn't stirred. Doing this will probably be okay. "Sirius!" you call after. Scrambling up, you pad over to his questioning loom of a form. On your tip toes, you angle your head and kiss him.
The kiss is a chaste press of the lips. Barely there, then gone, like a butterfly landing on a finger. "Do think of us," you whisper into his cheek. "We'll wait for you."
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queenofallimagines · 4 years ago
Girl I love your works so much😌❤️❤️ I was wondering if you could do the captains with a black reader and they got colored braids for the first time and there all surprised thanks 😊 -🍵
Thank you!! This request is godteir 👌🏿 also all my favs in one request? Absolutely
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- I have only seen 3 episodes and the final chapter of haikyuu but I love him sm
- This mans is sprung
- Daddy Daichi always is your biggest hype man
- Will make sure you are always wearing your bonnet and your edges are laid
- When you show up in purple and pink braids he’s simping
- Like might as well be Tanaka 2.0 lol
- Offers to lay your edges every morning
- Lives to show you off
- Power couple
- Noya: can we get back to practice-
- Daichi: hold on I gotta make sure this pic of them for their finsta
- If you do them in sailor moon buns he will cry
- You’re so cute
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- lmfaoo He’s so extra
- Always doing the most
- “Dam royalty only”
- He knows your a baddie and will tell you and everyone else
- Arms permanently around you
- “Dam chibi-Chan you look good”
- Colored braids will kill him
- ‘Heart eyes motherfucker’
- Takes you out on a date all day just to show you off
- Kenma is tired of hearing about it
- Tetsu: they look so good in red tho!!
- Kenma: sir this is a McDonald’s drive thru
- Lev also thinks you’re cute
- Can’t stop staring tho
- Just entranced how beautiful you look
- “Apparently your skin has been kissed by the sun”
- He’s cocky but a total sweetheart about it
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- lmao welcome to the circus
- My favorite clown
- Will always talk about your drip
- Iwaizumi is exhausted
- Okay but if you get teal braids and wear them to his game
- Hahahahah unless👀👀
- He will cry
- Like full in sobbing
- “Wow they love and support me so much and look good doing it?? 🥵🥵”
- He’s whipped
- “I am once again asking for your hand in marriage”
- “Get rid of all your side hoes and we’ll see”
- You have his full undivided attention
- Y’all both are the baddest
- Just expect his fangirls to simp for you too
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- lmao I’m in love with a brick wall
- He’s not indifferent to how you look but he doesn’t know how to express his feelings
- But you make his heart dance dance revolution
- So when you pop up to practice in purple braids it’s a wrap
- He just shuts down
- Tendou is laughing
- Bluntly unaware
- “What did you do to your hair?”
- “Oh I wanted a change of pace so I got purple.”
- “......you look very attractive.”
- Lol no filter at all
- Side note goshiki is your kid and he thinks you look bomb
- If you’re the manager he will be slightly cocky about it
- “My s/o is cheering for me. Is yours?”
- 💀💀💀 he says anything BC like who is gon beat his ass??
- Not a soul
- In private he will deal out more compliments
- Offers to massage your scalp if your braids are tight enough to pull your hairline back
- Scalp kisses🥺🥺🥺
- He’s such a good boy
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- The ringleader of the circus
- He’s so energetic
- Hope you have the energy to deal
- BC he’s hype all the time
- “You look so good!!”
- Won’t touch your hair BC he knows it’s probably tender but he will help oil your scalp
- “My baby looks so cute with her night hat on🥺🥺”
- Will wake up before you just to make sure it stayed on through the night
- Keji is exhausted from hearing about it
- But when he sees you he’s like “oh I get it now”
- Will kiss you all over your face
- King of love and affection
- Will brag to strangers in the streets LMAO
- “You see my lock screen? It’s my beautiful Melaninated partner?”
- “You ain’t gotta flex on me like that”
- “I literally just breathed bo.”
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jjyusmile · 5 years ago
room for one more? | lee juyeon
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lee juyeon | room for one more?
pairing: lee juyeon x {gender-neutral} reader!
word count: 5k
notes: this is the kinda fluff that everyone wants, be prepared. a smidgen of angst bc why not and also slightly suggestive but we don’t get into the ~hmm hmm~ if you know what I mean? lee juyeon holds a massive spot in my heart and i wanna show how goddamn great he is in my mind so here ya go.
The wind slowly brush your hair across your face with another gust setting it back into place – you were content. Every summer your family came down to the beach for a weekend of camping. An annual tradition. A tradition that slowly turned from thirteen families coming together for a weekend, to just you and your twelve friends for a night by the beach. You were around 17 when your parents stopped tagging along, with the boys’ parents slowly following suit. You didn’t mind so much though; some thought you were strange to hang out with twelve boys, but they were like brothers to you. Except one…
The crackling of the fire brought you back to reality, as tusks of smoke gradually rose from the open flame. Younghoon and Sangyeon were chopping vegetables and grilling meat, the smell made your mouth water as you swigged from your cup to fill the empty void in your stomach. It didn’t take long for Hyunjae to continue filling your cup further from the crate of beer he’d gotten from his uncle as a graduation present. This was the second year that your parents hadn’t joined; last year, you had gotten quite carried away with the strength of your alcohol tolerance, as Hyunjae loved to remind you.
“You don’t need to fill it up you know, I can barely get two sips in before its filled to the top again” you grumbled, holding back a smile at his cheeky grin.
His hand slowly retreated away from your cup. “Sorry, cupcake. Or should I start to call you Budweiser – King of Beers?” he retorted, his eyebrow lifting to taunt you further.
Hyunjae had called you cupcake ever since he and his mother found you hiding in their pantry at his 7th birthday party, icing smeared around your mouth reinforcing the evidence at the scene of the crime. You huffed and shoved his shoulder – he began to lose his balance and fell off the log backwards from where you were both perched on it. Your laughter filled the small area that you and the boys occupied, a sound unbeknownst to said boys. Except one…
You could feel his gaze, as he sat beside Sunwoo, humming along to the inaudible song he was practicing on his guitar. You turned to meet his gaze, which he quickly dodged and turned his attention back to the instrument in his hand.
Oh, Juyeon… You kept your gaze on him just for a moment longer than usual. His hair glistened ever so slightly under his cap in the light from the flame. You were sat directly opposite him, a prime position for the attention you hoped from him, but never got.
Your heart swelled a little, knowing that he had been looking, but gradually deepened once more when you realized he never actually wanted to be caught. The weight of the log shifted as a figure occupied the space that Hyunjae had just fallen from. You turned to face Changmin, who returned your gaze with a knowing look. He knew how you felt, he was the only one who you had spoken to about Juyeon. About how frustrating it was that the boy who used to sneak into your tent as his parents fought would now avoid you like the plague.
You were close to each of the boys, but Juyeon and Changmin held a special place in your heart. Their own life-long friendship didn’t mind being interrupted when you entered the classroom as the new student with no friends. Walking into your new class, your slightly discoloured dungarees and Power Rangers lunch box in hand made the girls turn away from you – you didn’t fit in with them, at all. But the empty space on the table with those two boys, at the back of the classroom, opened your heart to realise there was good in the world for a six-year-old. They were your first friends, and that held so much importance for you. This feeling was confirmed, 13 years later, by the slight nudge of Changmin’s shoulder onto yours, followed by a sip from his own cup.
“You know,” he began… “you can always approach him.” His eyes reflected in the orange flickers too; if you weren’t his best friend and subsequent pain in the ass, you probably would’ve fallen for him. His shy smile but courageous personality shone like the stars in the sky. You smiled at him gratefully, with a nod of acknowledgement, but not necessarily understanding. You knew you could approach him, you’ve known that for the last year or so that Juyeon started to avoid one-on-one interaction with you. It began when your Friday night sleepovers turned into just Changmin turning up at your doorstep with the latest horror movie he could find and a tray of freshly baked cupcakes, courtesy of Hyunjae’s mum, Mrs. Lee.
Sighing, you stood from your crouched position by the fire pit announcing that you’d just be a minute, before heading the opposite direction to the commotion you could hear near the tents. Changmin went back to helping the rest of the boys put up their temporary homes for the night, and you followed the shore to a quiet spot where you could watch the sunset. You could feel a particular set of eyes on you once more, but you were too tired to do anything about it. If he wanted to interact with you, he’d have to do it himself.
A cluster of rocks was placed perfectly in the sand for you to perch on as the sun turned the sky from a luminous orange to a dusty rose with stars randomly sparking across the skyline. You took your phone out of the kangaroo pouch of your hoodie to play some music, but halted at your lock screen. Your favourite smiles looked back at you as the picture of Juyeon and Changmin appeared – their eyes crinkled like crescent moons with their smiles wide, standing in front of the scary ride they had just pledged to go on at the funfair. This picture meant more to you than any other, because an excitable Changmin’s attention was on the ride itself, but Juyeon was focused on the person who took the picture. Your heart swelled again – a little more this time at the fond memory of your trip to the fair. You quickly locked the phone again before you let your emotions get to you. The boys cared about you a lot, and automatically knew when you had cried from the puffiness of your eyes and blotchy cheeks.
The faint sound of Sangyeon’s call for food grabbed your attention, and you realized time had passed quickly. You were sat alone staring at the sky, with a fond memory but heavy heart. You knew you didn’t have a shot at grabbing the food you wanted as the boys crowded around the make shift food table like scavenges, as you approached the table you were proved right. But your longing and heavy heart meant that you didn’t have the energy to care. Changmin reached over and placed a chicken thigh on your plate with a big smile that washed away some of your heavy emotion; you returned the smile thankfully and scooped the last of the rice onto your plate and grabbed the final pair of chopsticks that remained. You saw the boys munching on the corn on the cobs that you brought specifically for yourself, but again, you didn’t have much energy despite Changmin’s attempts. They were your favourite, but it was your own fault for walking away from these demanding and ravenous boys.
You took your spot next to Changmin once more. He and Chanhee were arguing over which part of the chicken tasted the best, an argument they’ve pondered many times. Their light-hearted attempt to spark conversation with the group distracted you for a moment. But the sudden weight that made its way onto your plate grabbed your attention. A perfectly charred corn, exactly how you liked it. You were quick enough to catch the figure that continued their route behind you, too familiar for you not to recognise. But Juyeon sat back in his spot and pretended like nothing had happened. But it did happen, and that’s what confused you the most.
With your attention captured, the content of your plate was left long enough to go cold. The change in the sky made the flames enhance the melanin of his skin that made you want to stick your finger in it. The way his oversized grey t-shirt rose a little as he sipped at the beer Sunwoo had passed to him, and the way his baseball cap was angled slightly that caused a shadow on his jawline was too much to ignore. It took a few moments for him to notice you staring, by that time his stare was just as intimidating – you wondered whether you should have chosen a nicer top and fluffy beige cardigan that you originally picked over the oversized sweatshirt and jeans you threw on moments before Hyunjae had picked you up. His stare softened slightly, a moment that went unnoticed by you - it seems you forgot that the oversized jumper you were wearing was the hoodie that Juyeon thought he had lost. Luckily, his growing smile was overshadowed by his cap once more as he turned away from you.
The conversation beside you was getting more intense, but you stared back at the contents of your plate. What does this mean?
The thought didn’t leave you for hours. You had said goodnight to the boys just after midnight, ensuring to avoid any eye contact with the one that was clouding your mind at this very moment. Changmin followed you to your tent to make sure you were okay.
“It definitely wasn’t the chicken, right? I told Chanhee that the thigh was the best part but I can’t win this argument if it made you sick!” His doe eyes concluded that as joking as he sounded, he was absolutely serious about his argument.
You chuckled lightly. “I’m okay, I promise.” Your small smile brought a wave of relief over Changmin. It warmed your heart to know how much he cared about you, and you hoped he knew it was reciprocated. Reaching over to kiss his cheek, you hugged him tighter than normal. “I love you, Q-t. Thank you for taking care of me.”
The slight tinge of his ears made both of you giggle, with his hands flying to cover the evidence. But his smile told you that he loved you too.
The noise outside of your tent began to quiet as Changmin made his way back to the fire pit, whilst giving out to Hyunjae’s “mWOHASEYO?!” that could have been heard across the ocean. These boys would be the death of you, but you wouldn’t replace them for the world.
You had taken your parents double sleeping bag this year, as your single one made you feel trapped despite the size of the three-person tent. After changing into your bicycle shorts and baggy shirt, you snuggle into the covers as the rain began to fall, splatters echoing across the outside of your tent. The squeal of Changmin told you that the boys were getting soaked and you did nothing but laugh at their misery. The bustling outside of your tent made you forget about your worries for the time being, as the calmness of the rain filled your ears. Hyungseo, Joonyoung were shouting for Youngjae to grab more beers beside your tent as they made their way into their own. You knew somewhere that Hyunjoon, Haknyeon and Chanhee were squealing just as loud as Changmin as their clothes got drenched.
Speak of the devil, Changmin’s shadow came toward your tent looking for a haven. The quickness of the zip made you sit up and shift the sleeping bag and your belongings that scattered across the tent so that you could make room. As he stepped into the tent, you continued your task, but played with a threatening tone. “I swear to god, Q, if you even get a single droplet of water on me or my side, I will absolutely, one hundred percent chop off your –“
“Room for one more?”
Your eyes snapped up in shock. You were met with melting brown ones that you wish you could forget
Closing the zipper to hide from the rain, Juyeon’s eye line slowly levelled with yours, a small smile on his face. Your breath hitched in your throat. The look of fear in your eyes made his grin disappear, replacing his once happy expression with a look of concern.
“You – How? – Why are you here, Juyeon? Don’t you have your own tent?” You hated how you stuttered. The habit you had gotten out of when you hit puberty only returned when you were nervous. A complete giveaway to the person you were trying to appear stern towards.
That moment, his eyes flickered everywhere that wasn’t your face as he rambled that “Sunwoo left the zipper open and the rain flooded our tent. He’s hopped in with Sangyeon and Hoon. But there was no room anywhere else. I can go and ask Changmin or Hyunjoon if they want to sleep here instead. I – I’m sorry if –” The faltering noise in your throat made him stop his muttering and look you in the eye once more.
“No – uh, it’s okay. There’s enough room, I guess. I only have one sleeping bag but I guess if we open it up it can reach over to the other side of the tent…” you stammered. This was not how you had planned to talk to him for the first time in a year. You thought you’d be screaming, crying, defeated. This was much different – but you took this as an opportunity to reconcile… hopefully.
Juyeon just nodded in response, and made his way over to the edge of the tent opposite you. Just as he used to when you were younger. There were two things that Juyeon came to your tent for: when his parents argued or during a thunderstorm. The latter thought combined with the rain outside made his original explanation seem a little skewed. The sudden nostalgia made your tense body relax a small bit, and you huddled back under the cover while passing the other side toward Juyeon. The slight tug told you he was under it and you could feel his body warmth immediately. But his presence made you feel more claustrophobic than your old sleeping bag ever did. Your nostrils filled with the scent you had longed for in all comfort-seeking situations – a subtle hint of ocean spray mixed with autumn leaves. It’s why you loved to be by the ocean, it reminded you of him.
Finding the silence deafening, he spoke up. “How was your corn?” You could see a slight smile make its way to his lips, with the limited light from the moon and reflecting different shades of blue through the roof of the tent.
“It was good. Thank you, I was devastated when I saw you scavenges had taken them all.” I admitted, a little too open in emotion, and completely forgetting the last year of silence. He chuckled lightly at your honesty – “I figured. Sangyeon had charred that one perfectly, so I snagged it before anyone else could get it.”
Your cheeks became hot at the realization that he meant he hadn’t taken it for himself, he was thinking of you. But the thought made you more confused than ever, and the moment of reconciliation slowly faded as did your energy. It was minutes before either of you tried conversation again, but again it died as quickly as it started. You were frustrated. 
Why has it come to this? What did I do?
But the only person that knew the answer to that, was lying a few feet away from you. Just do it.
He hummed in response, to show he was listening to what you had to say.
Here goes.
“Why have you been avoiding me?” It came out quickly, a little too quickly. But the pain behind the question was no longer masked. And it made Juyeon lean up onto his side, leaning on his elbow as he looked down at what he believed was your eyes, the lack of light making it difficult to completely concentrate. That, and the loaded question you had just asked.
“I – I don’t know.” He admitted it calmly. But you were far from calm.
“You don’t know? You don’t know why you look the other way when I’ve tried to grab your attention. Or why Changmin has turned up to my house every Friday night since last summer all by himself.” You wanted to continue, but you were completely riled by the three worded, empty answer he gave to you.
“I’m sorry. That – I didn’t mean that I don’t know.” He began, drawing your attention back to the sincerity in his eyes. “I meant that I don’t know how to explain myself. It’s hard to talk about feelings when you’re too clouded in your own head.”
He continued, “I guess I’ll start with an apology…”
You were shocked. The candor in his tone made you want to never look away. It made you wonder why you had never asked in the first place. You were just as bad as he was by neglecting to confront the situation. You sighed and sat up, turning the small light on that hung from the ceiling.
As the light illuminated the tent, his sharp features became much more apparent. Looking down at him, you had switched roles. Now he looked intimidated by your gaze, just as you did when he looked down at you. But that moment ended with a crash of thunder and the lightning that lit up the whole tent like it had been struck.
The sudden flash scared Juyeon so much that he had jumped up and accidently hit the light in the process, flooding the tent again in darkness. Your hand went to your mouth in half shock, half laughter as you witnessed this grown man being scared by thunder just as much as he did when he was seven. His eyes were alert and you could hear his erratic breathing that made you want to comfort him just as you did back then.
Taking his hand and drawing variations of circles with your thumb you knew would bring him back to the present. But the charge of your skin touching was much more powerful than the lighting flash itself. It made you your eyes snap up at one another, now level as you both sat up in the tent. As your small hands held his right one, the warmth continued to radiate from his body into yours. It almost set your heart on fire.
The shock wore off and you started to do what you had intended as if nothing had happened. With one hand holding his hand in place, and the other drawing circles with your thumb to calm him down. It took him longer than usual to get his breathing steady, as the feeling of your electrified skin elongated the process. In the darkness, he could see your concentration on his hand which warmed his heart – it had been so long since you paid this much attention to him, let alone look his way. In reality, you both missed each other’s longing glances which was clouded by the thoughts of anxiety about your situation.
“I think – I’m okay now…” Juyeon accentuated his breathing to prove his point. But you didn’t stop, because you didn’t want to. The feeling of his hand filled the emptiness in your heart ever since he stopped talking to you. You loved Changmin, but nobody could fix this void except for Lee Juyeon. He noticed your hesitancy and took it upon himself to guide you back down under the covers. This time he was much closer, and he didn’t let go of your hand. You were content, you both were. The longing you had felt slowly faded as you had settled back into your reality together. Now you didn’t need to talk about it anymore. Anything that had happened was long forgotten by now.
You laid there together for a moment. Peacefully facing each other, Juyeon’s breath that fanned your face made you realise the proximity between you. But any anxiety washed away the moment his hand made its way to your thigh, drawing small circles. Just as you had moments ago. It had taken you this long to realise the size of his hands; the quick rate his chest rose and fell – you were focused on every detail of that moment.
“Hey,” he whispered, to which you hummed in response. “I’m sorry.”
You took a moment to take in the words you had wanted to hear for so long. 
He is sorry. Do you want to know why? Is it best to forget about it?
Your silence made Juyeon act nervously, as he used that hand that continued to draw circles on your thigh to draw your body even closer to his. His hand shifted your head so it fit perfectly in the crook of his neck. The sudden action caused a strong waft of his scent to drown you and bring immediate comfort to your anxious figure. The way your lips grazed his collarbone brought a shiver over him, a moment you will relish in for a long time. Your power over him going unnoticed until now.
These actions occurred within the space of a minute. The final action being the feeling of his lips on your forehead as he applied more pressure than normal, as his emotions got the better of him. Your thoughts clouded once more as you questioned the motivation behind the kiss – the only sound drawing you back to reality was the rain that hit the tent at a force.
You pulled back to look at him, but not far enough that his arms moved from around you. You were locked in place by the feel of his embrace and the passion that shone from his eyes. Your questioning look made him put his emotions into words, as they poured out of him rushed and stammered.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time. I am sorry, I really am. I can’t explain how I feel completely, at this precise moment. The fact that you’re this close to me is extremely nerve-wracking. But I’m sorry that I’ve avoided you. I just couldn’t face you after I admitted it to myself. I can’t tell you when it began, and I don’t remember exactly when I felt the need to distance myself; it was a long time coming and I handled it badly, I know.”
As he paused to take a breath, you noticed how his hand ran back down to your thigh, drawing circles at a much quicker rate now to mirror his apprehension. The feeling ignited your insides and sent you into overdrive but his gaze was so overpowering that you couldn’t look away.
“There were times when I saw you messing around with Hyunjae that I just wanted to drag him away by the collar. Or if we were in a coffee shop and the barista drew your name with a small heart beside it, I saw red. Or even Changmin. He couldn’t hurt a soul. But it hurt me to see the way that you’d lie together on the sofa while we watched a movie every Friday. You’d team up to throw popcorn at me, while I tried my best to focus on the movie rather than the way his hand lingered a little too long on your hip to steady you from laughing.”
He took in another breath. You were unmoving. What is he saying?
“It has been years since I started feeling these things. And I tried to suppress them. I really did. But you captivated every moment of my day – from when I opened my eyes to the good night call we had before going to sleep. Even in my sleep, I could see your face. Just like now. I thought I needed to distance myself… but it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”
As his hand came up to touch your cheek, you became lost in his words completely. The thought that he reciprocated any feelings you had were never possible until this moment. As your eyes traced his facial features, from the small feathered earring that hooked onto his earlobe, to the sharp contour of his cheek bones, to the honesty that melted into his eyes, drawing your attention finally to his lips that spoke the next few words.
“And like that, I fell in love with you.”
The reality of his emotions burst through you as your eyes shut and Juyeon closed the gap between you. His plush lips slotted perfectly against yours, as if they were carved specifically for one another. The touch wasn’t rushed, but you felt his desperation as his lips opened and guided yours with him. The slowness of his movements and the feeling of his tongue exploring your mouth made you melt into him; your hands moving from between you to the nape of his neck, as his pulled at your hips to bring as much contact as possible.
You pulled away first to gaze at him with as much love and passion as you could muster, with a lot of it taken from the sincerity of the kiss. You merely whispered the words he wanted to hear before he drew you back in again.
I love you, Lee Juyeon.
You woke a few hours later as the light began to shine through into the tent. You weren’t sure how long you had stayed up last night – a mixture of kisses, soft touches and moments that you had never thought possible. It was all followed by hours of talking; back to your reality.
A soft snore caught your attention and brought you back to being in Juyeon’s arms. At some point during the night the sleeping bag had been thrown off of your snuggled figures, with the warmth radiating from the leg he had swung over yours. His other leg wedged its way between your own, like a high score on Tetris.
Your gaze rested on his relaxed face, the worry visible last night had been completely erased and replaced with a look of content – one that likely mirrored your own. As your nose lightly tickled under his jaw, he breathed in deeply telling you that your sudden desire to take in this moment had stirred him awake. His movement shifted his weight from beneath you to on top of you, with his head now rested in your neck, his lips slowly trailing against your collarbone. Feeling his lips curve into a smile made your own twitch upwards, too.
Laying there in that moment, the last year vanished. It hurt you to think he distanced himself because of this, but you knew you could work it out. You always did.
Your attention shifted onto the pressure against your thigh and you realised that this journey might not be the easiest you’ve ever taken.
“Juyeon!” you squealed, as the realization dawned on him and the sound of his laughter filled the tent. “Again, really?!”
He shot up onto his elbows to lean over you, as he did what felt like days ago. The fluffiness of his hair made you want to run your hands through it. So, you did. His eyes slimmed into the crescent moons that you knew and loved as he took a moment to stare down at you, the glistening of his eyes filling you with adoration. With a quick peck, he got up and began to sort through the clothes that were flung across the tent in a hurry. The mesmerising curvature of his back distracted you from sorting out your own clothes. He began to hand you items of clothing one by one, implying that you were about to leave the tent. Something you hadn’t thought about doing. At this point, you’d neglected to listen to the chaos that ensued outside – you looked back at Juyeon with a slight fear.
He chuckled, the rings that adorned his slender fingers brought a chill to you as he caressed your face. “They had to find out at some point, love.”
Love. You shivered, not from the cold this time.
With a few deep breathes, and ensuring your clothing was on in the correct and appropriate manner, Juyeon took your hand and unzipped the tent with the other.
As the wind blew sharply, the chattered died down from the group of boys that had circled the fire pit with cups of coffee in their hands. Their faces turned from excitement to shock, with a screaming that came from none other than Changmin filled your ears as he looked down at your intertwined hands.
You and Juyeon looked down at what they were staring at, and then again at each other with a small, knowing smile that only you two shared. The shock quickly morphed into shouts and hollers as Juyeon led you to the circle to join them.
You took a seat between him and Changmin, who handed you a cup of steaming coffee accompanied by a wink. You quickly shoved him at the shoulder for his cheekiness, but turned your attention to your coffee when you realised Juyeon had placed an arm around your shoulder. You looked at him with complete adoration to which he returned with a wink and a squeeze of your shoulder. Unlike Changmin, he didn’t get a shove – just a flustered look that made you direct your attention back to your coffee, as a smile made its way to your face, and it didn’t plan on leaving.
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literary-spirit · 3 years ago
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Chapter 5
The next day after first meal Bjorn, Torvi, and Bonnie cleaned out Rollo's old keep. The place was filthy. Rats the size of small puppies had made the place home and she wasn't entirely sure they weren't leaving without a knock down drag out. Aside from the rats, cobwebs and huge furry spiders dominated every crack and crevice in the structure. The situation was so dismal, she'd begun to have second thoughts. By the smug expression on Bjorn's face, she could tell he already knew she was about two seconds away from begging him to stay. Yet, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Not even if she had to accept canine inspired rodents
and tarantula like spiders as her new housemates.
Once they removed most of the dry rotted furniture and she'd thoroughly scrubbed the wooden plank floors with the same lard soap they actually used to bathe with, Bjorn said they were done for the time being. Since several hours of sunlight still remained in the day, Bjorn opted to go fishing at the harbor, while Torvi went off to train with the keep's other shield maidens. Bonnie decided to remain behind to work on a spell that would transform the ingredients she gathered the day before into things needed for her hygienic care.
From the first incantation, she could tell something was off. To say something was different with her magic would've been an understatement. Kind of like calling the sun sort of hot. Yeah, she'd always been powerful, thanks to her lineage, but there was altogether a new level of potency to her sorcery. Even the aftereffect of her spell presented in a way it had never done before. This new development caused simple enchantments that had become second nature to her, to get all twisted. And after about an hour of dealing with the same results over and over again, the frustration was fucking real! She slapped some of the ingredients off the stone table.
Damn it! She hadn't had a bath in almost four days. Pretty soon, she would be looking and smelling like who did it and why the hell you let it happen. "Shit, I wish I had my L'Occitane Almond Shower Scrub Duo from home in my hands right now!"
A tingling sizzle tickled the palms before the body scrub duo materialized in her hands. Shock nearly drove her to drop the containers, but she recovered in time and placed them on the table. Holy hell? What is happening? She stared at the half-used bottles from her and Niklaus' master bathroom. How the hell did she conjure these? She wasn't a conjurer. But then again, did she really conjure them or wish for them? Wait! Then did that mean she'd somehow fucked over the immortal witch spell and now she was a got damn Jinn?! She didn't wanna be a Jinn!
Shit! Stay calm. She shouldn't panic and since Jinns couldn't make wishes themselves there's no way she could be one. Hell, she could prove she wasn't a Jinn and correct one of their latest fuck ups in the process.
She closed her eyes and whispered, "I wish I was home." Slowly, her lids lifted to reveal the same hovel she stood in before she closed her eyes. An ache cracked her chest wide, "I don't understand. Why am I here?"
"To save my sons," an imperious, but deferential voice said from behind her.
She spun around to find the Queen of Kattegat, standing in her little hole in the wall. "Queen Aslaug." Her head dipped in a bow.
"Please, do not bow to me. It is I who should bow to you," she swept down in a graceful bow. "The sorcery within demands that I must. The mystical energy that surrounds you overwhelms and amazes."
Not knowing what the hell else to say, Bonnie focused on the Queen's prior admission. "Why'd you say I'm here to save your sons?"
"Because it is the truth. I dreamt of you, before you arrived," Queen Aslaug moved around the stone table, eyeing the shower scrub duo as she went. Once in front of her she stopped and clasped hands with her. "Your presence balances the scales against the many calamities waiting to wreak havoc on us all. I've foreseen it."
"Queen Aslaug-," she began.
"Let us not provoke the gods by further talks of this nature," she squeezed Bonnie's hands before releasing them. "You should go sit by the water in the cove before second meal."
Bonnie grabbed her shower duo from the stone table and placed them in the now empty basket. "Well, I did wanna wash." She gathered her last day dress, which was stiff, rough, brown, and barely grazed her ankles. It, however, was clean.
"Then wash you must," Queen Aslaug cosigned. Her gaze darted around the keep, "Bjorn, informed me you'll be residing here." She turned back to face Bonnie. "I'd offer for you a bench in the great hall, but I believe you to prefer privacy over comfort."
Bonnie gripped the handle of the basket with both hands. "That's true."
Queen Aslaug nodded. "While you're gone, I'll have thralls come finish putting your keep to rights."
"Thank you," Bonnie said.
"It is the very least I can do," Queen Aslaug said before turning to leave.
After her shower under the waterfall Bonnie felt more like herself. Though she was still confused by all that had transpired since she fell backwards in time at least she'd gained some stability. Now she'd be able to start gathering the pieces and putting things together. Once she finished oiling her body she redressed and headed back into the woods. Not long into her trek she realized she was being stalked. The sun had begun to make its descent. She didn't have long before darkness fell and whatever stalked her attempted to turn her cakes into a meal.
She thought about making a run for it but every show she'd ever seen on animal planet cautioned to never willingly offer chase to a predator. Yet, she was a melanin gifted woman in a melanin challenged land, slasher flick rule numero uno demanded that she haul ass. Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.
Bonnie released a harassed sigh. She neither wanted to get sweaty or bloody, "Look, you and I both know you're there so come on out. If you're gonna try and kill me you can at least face me before you carry out the deed."
A collection of seconds turned into a minute before she finally saw movement in the multiplying shadows. Moments later a shit ton of wolves varying in sizes and color inched forth on their bellies into the fading light of day.
 Each kept their heads resting on their front paws and their eyes downcast. A wolf the size of a small pony covered in golden white fur with a pair of crystal blue eyes 
continued to creep forward until his snout practically touched the toe of her shoe. Werewolves? In the Viking era? Of course, there are because no matter what the weird and freaky better known as the supernatural always seemed to know exactly where to find her! She was a fucking beacon for the strange and unexplained.
Bonnie squatted to trail her finger through the tufts of fur between his ears. "How are you all in your wolf forms when there hasn't been a full moon since I arrived. Either you're hybrid or cursed and since it'll be over another hundred years before the first hybrid is made, then you must be cursed." She trailed her hands over the length of the wolf's body. Though she sensed wild but potent magic, she didn't sense any dark energy it would take to invoke a curse. "Yet, I don't sense any dark magic." She stared into the wolf's eyes, "You fur babies must be something else altogether."
The wolf shimmered from canine to man, and then stood. One minute a gorgeous animal sat facing Bonnie, and the next all she saw was a slab of meat wearing a turtleneck of golden hair. She glanced up into a face that was cloaked in shadows by the light of the sun. For a moment, her next heartbeat refused to pound.
"Klaus?" She whispered.
A hand reached down to help her up. "I'm known as Ansel, Goddess."
"Ansel..." Wait, could he be..., "Why did you call me goddess?"
He laughed and the corners of his eyes crinkled the way Klaus' did when something genuinely amused him. "Because that is what you are, the Goddess of Twilight."
Her eyes popped. What in the Stephanie Meyer madness was he talking about? "E-excuse me who?"
"The prophecy foretold your arrival," Ansel said, still clasping her hand in his. "It was divined, your appearance would relink the descendants of Fenrir with their witchery lineage thereby affording us control over our shift."
This sounded like some sun and moon curse mumbo jumbo. Disregarding his nudity, she stepped closer. "Who spoke of this prophecy to you?" Maybe this person was a millennial throwback as well.
"We've always known of this foretelling," Ansel said, punching holes through the hope she'd managed to gather, "but the one who came before you did confirm the prophecy would come to past."
"The one who came before me?" She questioned, practically dripping desperation.
"Yes, the dark woman," Ansel answered, his eyes searching hers. "She lives deeper in the forest. Not many non-shifters venture that far into the woods. For those who have a mind to try, there are spells and curses in place to ensure no one unwanted reaches her."
"Ansel, I have to speak with her," she dropped her basket and covered both of their hands with her other, "Can you take me to her?"
His head bobbed. "Come," he knelt and picked up her basket, "it'll be quicker if you hoist yourself on my back."
By the time they made it to the tiny shack deep in the forest, night had fallen. Yet, the zillion twinkling stars in the black velvet sky were able to pierce the canopy of leaves and provide an adequate amount of light for Bonnie to see. Ansel placed her on the ground a foot or so away from the door of the shack. The familiar energy wafting from the keep embraced her. She knew this magic. This was the magic of her ancestors. It was Bennett magic. Her magic.
The cloth barrier to the dwelling shifted and out stepped Ayanna Bennett. 
She appeared to be in her mid-twenties, but she could've been older. Bonnie had come to know her well during her brief afterlife on the other side. "You have the look of my mother. I don't even have to sense it to know you're my own."
For the first time since she'd been dropped in the middle of time Bonnie broke. She tumbled into Ayanna's arms and fell to pieces.
"Help me," she whispered.
"You're the answer to all of our cries," Ayanna whispered next to her ear. "The Goddess of All would not have sent you to us lacking. Whatever is needed you already carry with you. Come, we have much to discuss."
Once inside, Bonnie sat on a wooden bench next to a stone alter.
Ayanna handed her a smoldering cup of tan liquid. "Drink, it's an herbal concoction meant to ease fits. It also aids in uncluttering your third sight." Without further urging, she sipped the tea. "Now, tell me all."
"It all started with this ancient evil and an immortal man willing to sacrifice his eternity to save his child," she began, "and the sacrifice his lover made so he wouldn't have to." For the next several hours Bonnie recounted the entire twisted tale of her and Klaus. By the time she was finished, she could barely keep her eyes open.
"So, why do you believe this Niklaus is the Viking to which the prophecy refers?" Ayanna questioned.
Bonnie laughed like Ayanna had out joked Kevin Hart. "Who else is of Viking descent and stronger than Klaus?"
"Who else indeed! Seems to me, all you have to do is march back to Kattegat and tap one of the many Vikings there on the shoulder. I wager any number of them is stronger than this Niklaus," she said, waving a hand as if she was waving off the very thought of Klaus. "And why would you want to form a mate bond with him? The same disrespectful dolt who places other witches over you in his regard. As if anyone other than a witch of our familial line could shoulder the burden of being the eternal witch."
Bonnie's eyes closed and remained so. "Did I mention Ansel's his father?"
Klaus' fathers name is the last thing Bonnie heard Ayanna speak before sleep claimed her.
"We have to get her back. The sons of Ragnar Lothbrok is ripping away the forest looking for her," Ansel's voice penetrated the thick fog of sleep that held her captive.
She heard a clucking sound, then Ayanna. "Calm yourself. They'll never make it past the first line of magic."
"That is what I'm trying to tell you, woman," Ansel bellowed. Frustration clear and plain in his tone, "they already have."
"What? How is that..." Ayanna's voice trailed off. "It's her. Her magic shields them. Why is this so?" A moment past, and then she felt Ayanna's lips at her ear. "You've learned many things on your spiritual voyage last eve. Things which must be considered. You have to return, Bonnie. For not only have you and your wolf achieved the goal you sought, but you've also attained so much more."
When next she opened her eyes, she was laying on a pile of fallen leaves and wildflowers. Her basket sat next to her head, while every last son of Ragnar stood staring down at her with varying expressions. Actually, everyone except Ivar who more or less leaned over her shooting her a unit inspired with nothing but ill intent.
"Um, good morning," she said, lacking anything of note to say.
"I thought you'd been raped and killed by Skogarmaors!" Bjorn yelled in her face as she drooped on a bench in the great hall.
Queen Aslaug's eyes rolled at Bjorn's antics,
 while his brothers peered on in silence. Their faces giving nothing away.
She had a banging headache and Bjorn was nowhere close to easing her pain. "I'm sorry, Bjorn. It wasn't my intention to worry you are your family."
"Ack! Loki take your intentions," He threw up his hands and turned away from her, "I have no worries for your intentions. For all I know they're harried paving a path to Helheim."
"Where were you, hmm?" Ivar questioned. His stare unwavering as always. "Your appearance speaks of you being sheltered from the elements. So, who sheltered you?"
"On my way back from the Cove I met someone in the woods. He told me some things that lead me to believe he knew someone who could understand the reason I've come to be here," she said, attempting to be as honest as she could without placing Ansel or Ayanna in danger.
"You said, he told you," Bjorn turned around to face her.
She gave him a slow nod, "yes."
"Name this man," Bjorn demanded.
Reluctantly, she shook her head. "I'd rather not."
"I've heard sagas of a dark woman dwelling in the deep of the forest," Ivar said, while his steady gaze tracked each expression that crossed her face. "Many have spoken tales of her being a witch."
Queen Aslaug laughed. "Ivar, halt with your tales of spirits and witches. You're being distressing."
"Did you allow yourself to be plowed by this man?" Sigurd asked, straight facing the hell out of her.
"Sigurd!" Queen Aslaug released a heavy sigh before taking a sip from her cup.
"What? I'm sure that was Bjorn's next line of questioning," he defended.
"No," Bonnie snapped, chopping Sigurd up with a unit meant to leave him DOA, "There was absolutely no plowing going on between me and this man." To her surprise, Bjorn exhaled a sigh that appeared to be motivated by relief. She stood and walked over to Bjorn. Placing a hand on his arm, she gazed up at him, "the only reason I followed him is for answers. That's all, Bjorn. I swear it upon our oath."
She watched the anger and tension drain from his face as he reached up to cup her cheek. "Did you learn anything?"
"No," she emphasized with a sad dejected shake of the head, "I was given some kind of herbal concoction while there and I fell asleep before finding out anything. When I awakened, you guys were standing over me."
"I'm sure in time you'll have your answers," he allowed his thumb to trace the path of her cheek before returning his hand to his side.
She gazed out the great hall door toward the forest and prayed to the mother of all he was right.
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moonprincessdiviniation · 4 years ago
thank you sooooo much for replying 💗💗💗💗 can you do our favorite rapline? Joohoney and Kyuunie. Thank you so much. 💗💗
You're very welcome, moonbeam! I did Jooheon's for this reading 💜
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Date read and posted: August 28th, 2020
*DISCLAIMER: readings concerning kpop/celebrities/musicians/YouTubers are just for fun and hold no fact.*
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What can you tell us about them?
Queen Of Wands, The Heirophant, The Sun, 3 Of Pentacles
They're a very bright person, not just like a positive person but someone who has quick wits and endless knowledge. They could be already married at the time of this reading. Or it's possible they just are very stable in their life at the moment, but I really feel they're married already. Their overall energy is really positive, they look to the good things in situations. Someone or something is currently making them reassess their situation and relationship. They're trying to hold onto the good things, but it's hard when the bad keeps showing itself.
Why does Jooheon like them?
4 Of Wands, Knight Of Swords, Wheel Of Fortune, Queen Of Pentacles and Page Of Cups for bottom deck energy
He really loves that their so close to family, they bring him home vibes. Like, he looks at them and sees family, a life with them. Jooheon also loves that they're a hypeman for him. Whatever he's doing or supporting or trying, they're always there with a positive response for him. They support him fully and do everything to really show that. Jooheon sees them as a good luck charm, always adding positive energy and happiness to an already happy situation or to one that needs the positivity. He also sees them as a fated relationship, like he knows they were meant for him and him only. He sees them as a boss ass biss, someone hard working and doesn't take less than they deserve from anything or anyone. Overall he really loves their positive energy and appreciates it every day.
What do they look like?
Co-Create, Breathe, Orphaned, Time For A Nap and Imagine for bottom deck energy
Their style is very serious, very elegant but with a quirky, creative tinge that makes it theirs. For an example, they could wear a pantsuit but pair it with Alice in wonderland themed accessories and style their hair in two high braids. That was very specific but you get what I'm trying to say 😅 I'm seeing long hair and tanned skin. In previous readings it was always tan skin or light skinned poc, but this is definitive tanned skin. This is someone who really enjoys being in the sun or was born with higher traces of melanin in their skin. Their hair color is a strong black or auburn brown and eyes are brown or green with hints of hazel. I'm seeing a lot of blue and water imagery, so they might be a water sun, moon or rising.
How are they together?
Leap, Deep Replenishment, Get Grounded, Birthing A New Age and Take A Break as bottom deck energy
They make him take risks he normally wouldn't take alone. That trip he's been planning, they push him to take it. The song he's not sure about releasing yet? They help him plan it's release date. They help him take these chances that are usually stressful to him. They both are very grounded together and heal their inner wounds. The time they spend together is healing and very relaxing, they become appreciative of everything they have and built while together. Their energy together is so unique and they look so out of place together, that the way they look together helps normalize opposites in relationships within Korea. But overall, they both remind each other that their body needs breaks too. As much as their work is important, they need the breaks and they stress that to each other so they aren't overworked and overwhelmed. Bless you sweet soul, he works too hard TT-TT
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harrelltut · 2 years ago
HEIL Oh [HELLO = Lo!]... Schwarz LUCIFERIAN LAW'D of Holy ARCHANGEL [HA = HARRELL] Prince MICHAEL… JEHOVAH OKCULT BIBLE [JOB] WITNESS [JW] ME [GOD]… as Eye [G.E. = JESÚS] Immaculately MATERIALIZE [I’M] on Earth… since Eye Magically ILLUMINATE [MI = MICHAEL] HA-SATAN abracadabra… HA-SATAN abracadabra… HA-SATAN abracadabra… MUUR ANGELS & DEMONS [MAD] from Inner Earth's [HADES] GOLDEN ALTITUDE HEAVENS… as ANU [HA = HARRELL] GOLDEN 9 Ether DRACONIAN SERPENT LORD of 144,000 PRIMEVAL URAEUS SERPENTINE [U.S. = ROYAL] REPTILIAN [NĀGA] LORDS of Constellation DRACO's Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient Biochemical [PRIMORDIAL] Fossil Earth SUN & MOON DNA Code [D.C.] WRITINGS Scientifically Explaining TECTONIC [SET] PLATE Mechanics of SIRIUS Thermal Infrared Energy [HEAT] DYNAMICS & MOTIONS [BIOMECHANICS] KINETICALLY CREATING Rapid Oscillating Magnetic [CROM] Wave Fields [RADIATION] of Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient Stoichiometric Chemical Equations from the Quantified [EQ] Multiplication of Associative & Commutative [MAC] PROPERTIES DEEP IN:side Inner Earth’s [HADES] Most Darkest [Occulted] Interplanetary 9 [i9] Ether Crystal Skull City of SHAMBALLAH’s Ægyptian AGHAARTA [SEA] Underworld of Nine [SUN] Ether ATLANTEANS [SEA] from 900 A.D. MU Amurika [MA = ATLANTIS]… 900 MILLION AZTECAN Years Ahead [MAYA] of 2023 [VII] Year Tribulation America
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callistolivia · 5 years ago
Ancient Genetics, The Ascendant, and Physical Appearance
 It’s been about two years since I posted a complete list for interpreting how the ascendant plays a part in the physical appearance and I think an updated version is long overdue. 
My original post was research mostly compiled from Evangeline Adam’s book “Your Place in the Sun.” At the time, I was really only just starting to get into astrology and thought this was somewhat of a holy grail for interpreting the ascendant. I had also obtained an illustrated book by Howard M. Duff titled, “Astrological Types.” The book showcases caricatures of each of the signs. This book was great for illustrating the way the signs behaved physically as well as specific physical details, except there was one major issue with this book; all of the drawings were clearly euro-centric and 9/12 of them were male depictions. This ultimately makes the book useless to anyone who wants to study people. Having more years of experience, I now have a strengthened intuition and felt the need to explore ancient genetics and their correlation to astrology. I had already previously looked into astrological rulership over countries in this post. The information in that post was gathered from Rex E. Bills’ “The Rulership Book.” This book is a directory on astrological correspondence to just about everything. The information in that book was collected from several astrologers therefore it has some credibility. My only concern is how relevant the information is now as it was written in the 70s– biases may prevail. I personally would not recommend that book to anyone with a poor intuition. My  post on countries/places needs an update as well for I haven’t stopped to ask why those are the designated rulerships to those countries and places. I’ve become more and more interested in exploring ancient civilizations, studying their culture, religion, and politics and drawing the astrological correspondence to such. I now also feel that it is necessary to provide people with astrological correspondence to ancient genetics and backgrounds when discussing the ascendant’s influence on physical appearance because of the importance of genetics itself. The biggest argument against astrology’s influence on physical appearance IS genetics, but the thing is, they’re all tied together. I would like to note that this is only the beginning of my research. These are my findings now, and are subject to expand or change in the future (as we saw with my last post on physical appearance.)
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I came up with an explanation using astrology as a tool (as one may say astrology is meant to be a tool for understanding the universe). Using the laws of astrology, evolution of modern man and genetics can be explained with rulerships and symbolism of planets, houses, signs, and their relationships between each other. 
In the chart I’ve created, I’ve labelled the Imum Coeli (IC) “Ancestor” for the reasons being that modern man came out of maternal roots both literally and symbolically. The rises and falls of man can easily be represented through the ages of time and just after the Golden Age of Leo, the world entered the Age of the Mother Goddess; a time of matriarchal society. At this time, Cancer and Lunar themes influenced society and cultures and ideas, as does the following sign in the following age and so on. I emphasis the significance of the Age of Cancer to modern man as Cancer would then represent ancestry to us in the future and its opposing sign, Capricorn would represent history to us as well. Modern man’s genetics are rooted in the sign Cancer, respectively.
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(Above – Khoi-san girl and her grandmother)
The roots of modern man are said to be traced back to South Africa from the once thriving Khoi-San tribe. What is particularly interesting about this ancient rooted tribe is their culture and how it heavily focuses on retained and unchanged tradition (a very Cancerian influence). Not only that, but the retained traditions are very watery in essence; weddings are considered private ceremonies, death is treated as a very natural occurrence (very different from how its treated in Western culture nowadays), trancing and spirit world travelling are practiced, shamanship is practiced, some groups revere the moon, hunter-gatherer style of living is still put into practice, adeptness in observing behaviour patterns of animals (habitual behaviour ruled under the Moon). Another particularly interesting aspect of their religious practices is the trance dance practiced by the shamans. They describe reaching their spiritual trance having a lot to do with a “stomach potency” and if you know astrology, then you would see the significance in correlation of the stomach to the sign Cancer. Apparently the trance dance has an affect on the stomach muscles and alters posture in the people who practice it too. Among other evidence to demonstrate their watery influenced society and culture, I think it’s fair to say Khoi-san tribe is ruled under the Moon and is ruled under Cancer. This being the case, and if the Khoi-san tribe are carriers of the earliest genetics to modern man, then it makes perfect sense to associate man’s physical and cultural roots to the sign Cancer and the Moon.
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(Above map – from this website)
At some point, our ancestors obviously migrated to parts of Northern Africa and then some groups eventually out of Africa to escape the direct sun when albinism began to occur and the un-melaninated people could not survive in the conditions so close to the equator. From there, we see civilizations develop in all parts of the world with genetic variations and varying levels of melanin, but all traces back to their Cancer ruled roots. I believe Saturn/Capricorn’s cardinal direction marks historical moments in genetics and respectively opposes the Moon and the roots in the graph illustrated. While Saturn may represent recessiveness, we have to keep in mind that its traditional rulers were both Capricorn AND Aquarius (Aquarius now ruled by Uranus in modern astrology and that discovery itself also signifies evolution...). If we consider the recessive qualities of Saturn along with the rapid and sudden evolutionary qualities, we could see this opposition symbolizing the sudden variation in genetics; when recessive genes are activated. An example of this is the first occurrence of albinism in genetics as well as any other sudden opposites of the dominant genetics in humans. An example of the Aquarian evolutionary qualities could be how humans have become much taller in height overtime. The next component to be addressed in the chart is the other cardinal directions being occupied by Mars and Venus. Aries/Mars and Libra/Venus, as opposed to Cancer and Capricorn, symbolize a forward direction. In Stephen Arroyo’s book, Astrology, Psychology, & The Four Elements he writes, “The cardinal signs represent centrifugal radiating energy and correlate with the principle of action in definite direction. The “positive” cardinal signs, Aries and Libra, are concerned with action in the present, based upon future considerations.” So while the negative cardinal archetypes occupy what is significant in the past, we can say the positive cardinal archetypes symbolize future outcomes. It’s also important to note that Mars is in most cases considered a malefic planet whereas Venus is in most cases considered a benefic planet; it is particularly notable depending on what interchanges they make with other planets, in this case interchanges between them and either the Moon or Saturn. I’ve categorized the interchanges as ascending, descending, recessing, and prevailing labelled on the chart (figure 1).  I’ve also included the Sun in this equation for the sake of unity and as well as its symbolism being the life giving planet; its qualities being warm, moist, and light. The “prevailing” interchange (Moon-Venus) symbolises dominant, unmasked genetics that are, for the most part, benefic. The “recessive” interchange (Mars-Saturn) symbolises recessive, masked genetics that are, for the most part, malefic. The ascending and descending interchanges represent a very unique relationship that these interchanges have according to laws of astrology.
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In Robert Zoller’s, The Arabic Parts in Astrology, he explains very clearly important relations planets have with each other. The figure above is the “Septenary.” It symbolises the polarization between one planet to another and then how it is reconciled by a third point. I highly recommend this book even if you have no interest in Arabic parts because it goes over core principles in astrology. If we go back to the idea that Sun is always in the equation for creation, then you will see that the Sun in the Septenary has two paths, the Moon and Saturn. When creation (the Sun) chooses the path of the Moon, it is reconciled in Mars. When creation chooses the path of Saturn, it is reconciled in Venus. So the ascending path (Moon-Mars) thus symbolises masked genetics that manifest under Mars’ positive qualities and the descending path (Saturn-Venus) then, respectively, symbolises unmasked genetics that manifest under Venus’ negative qualities because it has to compensate for cold, dryness of Saturn.
What I would like people to take from this is an astrological perspective of genetics. I created the chart (figure 1) as, and only, an explanation for modern man’s emergence and how we can categorize different genes (but not just genes– culture, society, psychology as well) within these archetypes and planets and the relationships between each other. The main issue with my original post on physical appearance was the lack of explanation for why this was associated with this archetype or this planet. There are definite reasons why, for example, Aries is associated with red hair despite it being the rarest hair colour and its occurance in people is also rare, especially if the person’s genetics are deeply rooted to their ancestors, then it’s impossible, if not next to. It is because at some point in history an unmasked gene is activated and is ruled by whichever planet or whichever archetype respectively. 
Just a side note; if any of you are particularly interested in learning more about genetics and not from an astrological perspective, I highly recommend this website. The writers have dedicated an immense amount of effort into bringing forth truth. They primarily focus on black history for the main reason being that it’s been heavily white-washed.
I feel now I can actually move into the actual ascendant descriptions having stressed the importance of genetics and roots above all. Also, with all of this emphasis on roots and ancestry, it may be worthwhile to take a look at the Imum Coeli’s condition in one’s natal chart in correlation to that. Just like in my previous post on physical appearance, I cannot stress enough how important it is to realize I am not telling you what you look like based on your sign. I’m putting this info out here to help you understand why certain features about you or someone else are the way they are as well as help you spot the rising signs in people!  I also need to stress yet again that aspects to the ascendant (especially conjunctions), planets in the first house, the condition of the chart ruler, the Sun sign, domicile planets, and stelliums can all be significant influencers to a person’s appearance. So I shouldn’t be bombarded with asks saying “I look nothing like that!” once this finally gets posted, right? This is meant to be a tool for people to understand correspondence to astrology’s physical manifestations.  Each description of the signs is the archetype in its extremes, so by all means, an individual of such and such ascending may not have all the characteristics of that sign. I will also include some notes on planetary influences in this post so you can understand how a planet will interact with the ascendant.
Without further ado, the signs,
The Aries ascendant often walks head first in a pioneer fashion and the ancient groups of Aries-influenced people were quite pioneering literally. The body usually doesn’t hold onto fat and builds muscle quite easily. Aries ascendants are prone to issues relating to the skin such as acne or eczema. The skin is usually quite textured and dry. Caucasian Aries folk may even have a very apparent ruddy complexion. When Aries manifests in its particular forms, red hair and white hair genetics manifest as well as unpigmented, large eyes. There tends to be two different types of Aries rising, the first type carries a care-free, yet curious expression. Their eyes are as luminous and big as Pisces, but lack the daze. The eyebrows are honest and unsuspecting in the first type. In both types, the eyebrows tend to be bushy which is obviously more apparent in dark haired Aries. The head shape looking at it from a profile angle is convex making the chin not very prominent (some dramatic illustrated examples below.)
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Looking straight on in both types, they usually have a heart-shaped face. The second type has a keener expression; the eyebrows are more arched and lower to the eyes. The chin is slightly more distinguished than the first type. The nose on either type can be big or small, but is often pointed and is often bigger on the first type and smaller on the second. There may be a bump in the bridge. Both types are drawn to warm colours and that may be expressed through wearing lots of reds or choosing to dye their hair reds or blondes.  Some astrologers claim that people with the Aries appearance have a distinct Aries symbol apparent to their face in the way that their forehead and eyebrow bones are shaped, you will see that in the third celebrity example quite prominently. Mars (Planetary ruler of Aries and Scorpio) can be associated with freckles, so it is not uncommon to find that people with significant Mars or Aries influences have freckles, or rather, their freckles are trademark to their appearance. Aries is more associated with freckles clusters, light freckles, and birthmarks and Scorpio is more associated with beauty marks and dark moles. 
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(Above – Rihanna. Listed as an Aries rising on Astrotheme so its subject to inaccuracy, but she has definite Aries features to her; heart shaped face and keen expression. Eyes are lighter in colour which is also a common Aries manifestation.)
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(Above – Tyra Banks. Listed as a Cancer rising on Astrotheme, so again, its subject to inaccuracy for the exact time, but her birth day makes her a definite Aries Moon and Aries Mars; a significant amount of Aries energy to see Aries qualities in the ascending expression. Lighter eyes once again being a very Arian manifestation, but also the choice to fashion lighter hair.)
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(Above – Leonard Nimoy. Aries sun and listed as a Scorpio rising on Astrotheme, so the exact time of birth is subject to inaccuracy. But this is the perfect example of face shape many astrologers describe Aries folk to have; the brow bones curving into the nose in such a way that looks like the symbol for Aries.)
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(Above – Devon Aoki; exact birth time unknown, Leo Sun, Aries Moon, Mars in Scorpio) 
The Taurus ascending takes a slow approach in their movements. Their movements are also graceful (unless the chart ruler is badly placed, then the Venusian aspects are poorly expressed). Often they have stocky bodies and broader shoulders; female Taurus tend to be curvaceous. Their build is a representation of Taurus’ ability for resistance; they can carry a lot on their shoulders either metaphorically or literally. There’s a general warmness to the presence of true Taurus risings. Their hair is often deep, warm colours with a luxuriousness to it. Their eyes are often deep and warm– the same goes for complexion. Staple Taurus risings often have clear complexions (afflicted Venus or prominent Mars aspects will contradict clear complexions) and warm undertones. Their skin has a firm essence and evokes the desire to touch! They appear unprovokable and quiet while they may not be. Facial features in general are either full or wide– full lips, wide nose bridge, wider jaw, wider glabella, etc. The face shape is quite square which is common for fixed signs and their profile is straight.
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(Above – sketched interpretations of Taurus rising.)
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(Above – Celebrities with Taurus rising ((no, this is not the line-up for the next Twilight movie)); George Lucas, Taurus Sun, Taurus Ascending; Mariah Carey, Aries Sun, Taurus Ascending; Taylor Lautner, Aquarius Sun, Taurus Moon, Taurus Ascending; Robert Patterson, Taurus Sun, Taurus Ascending.)
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(Above – Gigi Hadid, Taurus Sun, Taurus Ascending.)
None of the celebrity examples really demonstrate the wider glabella I mentioned before, likely due to their other influences, but I’ve seen it first hand in Taurus risings. The brows are often either further apart or even alined perfect to the nose. The bridge of the nose is almost aligned with the nostrils. In the context of mass, the nose can manifest either big or small, but it does not extend outward the same way Aries risings are.
When a person’s ascending sign is in Gemini, their movements are quick and sometimes nervous and fidgety. Gemini rising can speed up the movements of even the slower sun signs, such as Taurus. They tend to use a lot of hand/arm movements when expressing themselves. Their eyes often appear surprised or alert most of the time and their movements are also quick and dart around. There is a child-like interest or curiosity they have with their environment; there is a need to absorb everything in their immediate environment. We can see this in Gemini’s need for variety in social situations. Geminis (both rising and sun) love stories and learning– this voluntary mental activity is what really keeps them appearing youthful. 
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In Howard M. Duff’s interpretation of Gemini (caricature above) he points out that Gemini risings tend to have “Gemini Bumps” which are prominent temples in the skull. Sometimes Gemini risings also have a higher, more receded hairline in this area too, making the temples more prominent. Overall, Gemini risings tend to have sharp or bony features, especially in the more masculine expressed ones. Cheekbones and jawline can be quite prominent. Gemini rising’s nose can be big or small, but is usually on the small side, especially in feminine expressed Geminis. Their nose can be long and pointed or short and snub, but the main recurrence in Gemini noses is the round tip and lack of a bump in the bridge. Their lips can be wide or thin, but are often flat and look very compressed when their mouth is closed. Their eyes are more often further apart than centered and lower than risen (or rather, they appear lower with a proceeding and longer skull). Their bony and sharp features may result in very defined eye sockets. Their skull and face can either appear somewhat long or short and small; it’s important to note the changeability mutable signs have. The short and small face variation are especially prominent in femininely expressed Geminis and are often described by people as “pixie-like” with their small chin, round face, and button nose. Gemini rising’s body shape is usually thin, lanky, and tall. Very rarely can they hold onto fat. They usually have a very active metabolism and in medical astrology terms, one might consider the prominence of Gemini/Mercury in malefic disposition having a connection to hyperthyroidism. Obviously, prominence of say, Taurus or water archetypes may generate the opposite in a person; it is very possible for a Gemini rising to also not be thin if we consider other factors, as we should.
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(Above – Lauryn Hill; Exact birth time unknown; Gemini Sun, Gemini Mercury, prominent fire influences as well. She has very feminine, Gemini facial features; pixie-like face shape, compressed lips, position of the eyes... It’s also important to note her musical talent and her versatility (writing, rapping, and singing) being a very Gemini characteristic.)
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(Above – Billy Idol; Gemini Ascending, Sagittarius Sun, Gemini Moon. He has Gemini facial features in his face shape and positioning of his features.)
People with Cancer rising, more often than not, have larger bodies. The feminine, watery archetype naturally holds onto fat and water weight. Their body shape can be curveious or round. In some cases there are boneier Cancers, and even in the plump Cancers, their faces are still well defined; high defined cheekbones, chin, skull definition, etc. Cancer risings are not, by any means, slow in their movements. They can exert a ton of energy in their movements and are a close second in terms of strength in comparison to the other powerful water sign, Scorpio. Cancer’s face is often round; the skull is also round and sometimes bulbous. Cancer’s profile is usually straight and flat As mentioned before, they tend to have high, defined cheekbones, but do not look under-nourished as Virgo or Gemini can look sometimes; they tend to have full cheeks, and a clear complexion– a face of good health in terms of shape and texture. Their complexion is a reflection of the moon, Cancer’s ruler. Their skin is reflective, moist, and bounces/absorbs light. A Cancer’s complexion usually has quite cool undertones and Cancers lacking melanin are very pallid and sometimes sallow looking. They tend to have full, round lips and short, snub, sometimes upturned, noses. If the Lunar energy is weak in the Cancer rising’s chart and Jupiter or Saturn carries prominence, this will modify the nose to either be hooked down and bumpy or bony and defined. Cancer ascendants are usually described as having large, luminous eyes, but over time observing Cancers, this isn’t a feature that stands out to me as being Cancerian, especially as Cancers get older, their wrinkles in a sense “water-out” the eyes and make them appear small and not a facial focal point of Cancers. If there is something to be said about Cancer rising eyes, there is a sense of vulnerability in their gaze. May have defined eye sockets like Gemini.
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(Above – Lisa Bonet; Scorpio sun, Taurus moon, Cancer rising. Quite a bit of Scorpio qualities to this Cancer rising, but the lunar qualities are still present.)
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(Above – Liv Tyler; Cancer Sun, Cancer Rising, Saturn in the first house.)
Leos generally have a sense of regality or loveliness about them, but loveliness unlike a Taurus or Libra, for they are not always conventionally alluring, rather they exempt loveliness through their level of self-appreciation and self-expression. This is demonstrated by the way they hold themselves (some go to the extent of walking chest first) and grooming. Though stereotypical, their hair can be of prominence; lots of volume, often thick, curly, and textured. Despite a Leo’s hair being their pride, Leos can be prone to balding. Their face often has some sort of beast-like or catty quality to it, especially the more feminine expressed Leo possess cat-like resemblance with the positioning and shape of their eyes and nose. Facial proportions and sizes tend to be average and their facial profile is usually straight (if not straight, they may have an underbite profile). Their lips have a definite cupid’s bow shape, similar to Libra. Their body is usually triangular shaped; slim hips -broad shoulders ratio. In a Leo ascending’s youth, fat tends to stay off the body, but if they dabble in pleasures in excess as they get older, they may become somewhat top heavier; fat is distributed to the stomach, shoulders, and face/neck. Their skin’s complexion is often clear, but in bad health the skin can become noticeably textured and inflamed. Leo lacking melanin can become noticeably ruddy; some are naturally ruddy in complexion (some Leos are prone to rosacea), but environment and the body’s condition plays a large part.
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(Above – Emmanuelle Béart; Leo Sun, Leo Ascendant)
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(Above – Maria Grazia Cucinotta; Leo Sun, Leo Moon, Leo rising)
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(Above – Jack Nicholson; Taurus sun, Leo Ascendant)
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(Above – Socrates (artistic depiction); said to be a Taurus sun, Cancer moon, Leo rising according to this source. Appearance wise, it is extremely plausible that Socrates was a Leo rising, but I also think it’s plausible that he was a Cancer rising. He has both very Cancerian and Leoian physical traits about him if the depictions of him are accurate. In both cases, his chart ruler fits certain physical traits as well. Read Cancer’s description as well to see what I mean. I see a fascinating resemblance to Jack Nicholson who is also a Taurus sun, Leo rising.)
Virgo ascending often has the same quick quality in terms of movement as Gemini, but it seems with intent and precision (and this makes sense for the analytic earth sign). There can also be the same sense of nervousness as Mercury ruled charts makes the body’s nerves sensitive. If very airy, their body will most likely be quite petite, but if they’re more earthy, then their body will be bulkier. Often quite tall in stature. A prominent feature of Virgo’s is their nose in relation to their eyes; often their face looks as if it’s slightly pinched at the bridge between the eyes. The brow is quite straight, unlike an Aries for example. Their nose is straight, long, and down pointing; sometimes bird-like. Their nostrils may be wide, risen, or flared looking. The eyes are most often small, or present smallness and darkness. Their face is often oval in shape, but I’ve seen plenty of Virgo risings with a rather short face, vertically speaking.  Many astrologers have pointed out the mutuableness of Virgo risings makes other placements in a chart easily overpower it’s appearance, so spotting Virgo risings with other prominent influences in their chart can be quite difficult. I’ll include a handful of celebrity portraits for a bit (and I mean literally only a bit because Virgo’s appearance really ranges) of Virgo rising’s dynamic range with other influences.
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(Above – Uma Thurman; Virgo rising with a Taurus Sun, Aquarius Moon, and Mercury in Taurus.)
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(Above – Augustus (artistic depiction); said to be a Virgo Rising with a Virgo Sun and Capricorn Moon)
Libra risings can easily be described as the socialite of the zodiac, although that may only be in appearance as there are also recluse Libra risings too, when other placements contradict that (such as the person’s lights). They possess a natural social quality because of Libra’s magnetic and charming energy; people are drawn to them even if they aren’t a people-person. Libra risings often look very “put together” in the way they dress and present themselves. Unlike Taurus, the other Venus ruled ascendant, Libra risings are not likely to possess stocky bodies, however can be prone to weight gain (moreso later in life than in youth). Individuals with a heavy amount of Libra influences may be prone to indulgence. Libras like pleasure, so when an individual is a true socialite Libra, they are often put into an environment where they have access to excessive amounts of alcohol, sugar, food, etc. and this would be where proneness to indulgence is rooted. However, there are Libras who are just naturally plus-sized, especially later in life (and there are natural causes to that such as a change in the body’s hormones as one ages.) Libras tend to have curvaceous body types; the lower back and buttocks especially being a shapely feature.  A Libra’s facial profile is often straight and the face itself may be flat and round similar to Cancer risings. Their nose can range in size and length, but the bridge is often straight. Nostrils may be wide or flared; looking straight-on the nostrils and nasolabial folds can be described as having a distinct definition to them.  Being ruled under the hot planet Venus, Libras tend to have a lot of warm physical characteristics. This includes having warm or olive undertones in the skin, deep, warm hair colours (either by choice or naturally), and warm eyes. Although eye colour itself can range and is strongly tied to genetics, it is more of a Libra trait to have darker eye colours, especially deep browns and black. Libras tend to have a laidback and friendly expression in the eyes. Their eyes can naturally enchant others; they can really make a person feel listened to when a Libra is focused on them. Sometimes the iris appears as if they may be wearing circle lenses or as if they were painted on, similar to a doll’s glassy eyes. Their lips can range in size, but often have a defined cupid’s bow. While plenty of non-Libra individuals may have dimples, dimples are correlated to the sign Libra. Overall, Libras tend to have softer features.
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(Above - Dwayne Johnson; Taurus Sun, Capricorn Moon, Libra rising, Uranus within 5 degrees of the ascendant)
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(Above – Kate Winslet; Libra sun, Libra moon, Libra rising.)
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(Above – Raven Symoné; Sagittarius sun, Scorpio moon, Libra rising.)
Scorpios are probably the most distinct looking and easiest to spot. Scorpios tend to have stocky, broad bodies. Sometimes there are very petite manifestations too. They may be tall and the ones who aren’t tall make up their height in their powerful presence.  Just about everything about Scorpio rising’s appearance is distinct and defined. Their eyebrows are often dark, thick, and sharp. The brow bone is often low and the eyes are positioned with depth. Their eyes hold a strong, keen expression. Often the eyelids are not very defined, usually hooded. Although you don’t need to be a Scorpio to have an epicanthic fold, hooded eyes and monolids have a correlation to the sign Scorpio. Scorpio rising’s hair is usually dark or fashioned dark. Their nose makes their profile very distinct. Their nose can range in size and is often hooked and may have a bump in the bridge. The nostrils are usually flared, risen, and possess a bit of a snarl to them. Many astrologers describe their nose to be “bird-like,” but that may confuse them with Virgo risings who also have a “bird-like” nose and vice versa. I have a whole post on the differences between Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces noses here. When Scorpio risings speak, the words come from their teeth rather than their lips. What I mean by this is if you consider the opposite, a person who really enunciates with their lips, you can get an idea of a person who enunciates with their teeth. Their skin is usually of a clear complexion, although being a water elemental, the skin leans more towards oily rather than dry and being ruled under the planet Mars, acne can be common. Their skin tends to have golden or warm undertones. I mention in the Aries section that Mars has a correlation to freckles. It is not uncommon for Scorpio risings to have distinct beauty marks or moles and other dark freckles. 
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(Above – Priyanka Chopra; Scorpio Ascendant, Cancer Sun, Gemini Moon)
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( Above – Björk Guðmundsdóttir; Scorpio Ascendant, Scorpio Sun, Scorpio Moon)
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(Above – Leonardo DiCaprio; Libra Ascendant, Scorpio Sun, Mars and Venus in Scorpio, Pluto 5 degrees away from the Ascendant)
Sagittarius’ are notoriously considered by most astrologers as “horse-looking” based on their face shape and stature/posture, but I personally regard them as more deer or doe looking (though you could argue horses and deer aren’t much different I suppose).
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Their face and skull are long in profile, the forehair may be very sloped. They usually have long noses, but it will range in mass. There may be a bump in the bridge or it may just be smooth and straight. Heavy Jupiter influence will make the nose more hooked and likely to have a bump whereas heavy lunar influence can make the nose more upturned with a straight or flatter bridge. They usually have a defined or bulbous tip, which is why I think of deer when I think of Sagittarius because the snout or nose of a deer is a focal point in their appearance. Like deer, they have another major focal point which is the eyes. Sagittarius tend to have very doe-like eyes. They can be big, similar to Pisces, but lack the dazed expression Pisces usually has. Their eyes, along with the doe-like largeness, are bright, honest-looking, and alert. The brow is often risen, sometimes surprised-looking, usually give off an honest expression. Although more notable in a Sagittarius sun than ascending, Sagittarius are known for smiling and laughing a lot. They tend to have very full, bright, infectious smiles. May have prominent jowls. Sagittarius ascendants tend to be lean in their youth and gain weight in their later years. They tend to hold most of their weight in the stomach and thighs. As opposed to Leo’s body shape with broader shoulders and narrow hips, Sagittarius tend to have broader hips than shoulders. They tend to have very strong femurs. Sagittarius’ limbs are usually long; long legs, arms, fingers, etc. This can be notable in people with Sun or Moon in Sagittarius as well; Sagittarius influences often make a big impact when it’s present in the chart.
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(Above – Elizabeth Taylor; Sagittarius Ascendant, Pisces Sun, Scorpio Moon)
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(Above – Oprah Winfrey; Sagittarius Ascendant, Aquarius Sun, Sagittarius Moon)
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(Above – Will.i.am; Sagittarius Ascendant, Pisces Sun, Aries Moon, Jupiter in Pisces)
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(Above – Sinéad O'Connor [Shuhada Sadaqat]; Sagittarius Ascendant, Sagittarius Sun, Libra Moon)
The keyword to describing the Capricorn’s physical manifestation is structure. They often have very structured features. A Capricorn’s body can manifest in two ways, the first being in association to Capricorn earthy strength, the body is often big-boned and wide with definition in the joints (e.g. knees, elbows, etc.). The second way they tend to manifest is very petite and short in stature with small features. However, the second type still retains some level of Capricorn/Saturn’s crystallization and these people can appear to have a stillness in their expression, as if they are a marble statue. As was mentioned before, they have very structured features. They have strong facial features and prominent bone structure; a strong jaw and strong set of teeth; prominent cartilage in the nose; shapely glabella in juxtaposition to the eyes; bony skull/temples. Their eyes are often small with keen eyesight (unless otherwise afflicted in the birth chart by the Sun or Mars). Their lips are also usually small and shapely, or thin and wide. Their skin usually has neutral to cool undertones. In Evangeline Adam’s book “Your Place in the Sun,” she mentions Capricorn risings tend to have an excessive amount of hair. I’m not sure if I can agree with that observation or not, but I suppose it would explain someone like Lorde’s (Capricorn rising) hair... Capricorn/Saturn also has rulership over hair.
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(Above – [Left] Hayley Williams; Capricorn Sun Conjunct Saturn. [Right] Lana Del Rey; Cancer Sun, Scorpio Ascendant with Saturn in the first house. Saturn has a strong, crystallizing influence on one’s appearance. It adds a structural component as I mentioned before.)
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(Above – John Legend; Capricorn Ascendant, Capricorn Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Mars Conjunct Ascendant)
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(Above – Joan Jett; Capricorn Ascendant, Virgo Sun, Aquarius Moon/Moon in the 1st House)
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(Above – Sean Connery; Capricorn Ascendant, Virgo Sun, Virgo Moon, Saturn in Capricorn Conjuncting Ascendant.)
The Aquarius ascendant is described by most astrologers as very angular looking; square and straight features. This may be to do with its traditional ruler Saturn, and just like Capricorn, there is a lot of structure or crystallization in their physical appearance. Fixed signs in general lack a fluid appearance, with the exception of some Scorpio manifestations. Aquarius rising is similar to Taurus in that they both have a straight side profile, but Aquarius’ other facial features are likely to be sharper, such as the jawline. Aquarius have a very square jawline, noticeable from either the side profile or straight on. Other notable sharper, chiseled features of an Aquarius is their chin, cheekbones, and skull. Naturally, people who have Aquarius rising will range in height (especially if we take into consideration the traditional planetary ruler, Saturn), but tallness does have correlation to the sign Aquarius and the planet Uranus. Aside from height, they tend to hold themselves high with a very straight posture. While the body may become broad with muscle, Aquarius tend to be slim. Their eyes are usually set somewhat further apart as opposed to together. This is usually accompanied with a broad glabella. The outer corner of the eyes flick out and tilt up giving the eye a particular definition trademark to Aquarian eyes. External epicanthus (heaviness of the eyelid fold on the outer corners of the eyes) has some correlation to Aquarius too. There is nothing particular about their noses in contrast to some of the other signs which have noses that bring forth a lot of the sign’s character. Their nose may range in size, but never very big or very small. The bridge may resemble that of a Taurus nose or the bridge may be slimmer in comparison to the glabella and tip. Their lips are often small and thin. Aquarian and Uranus influences have a tendency to give people an androgynous expression; men being effeminate and female being masculine.
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(Above – Matt Dillon; Aquarius Ascendant, Aquarius Sun, Taurus Moon, Saturn, Sun, and Mars in the first house)
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( Above – Michael C. Hall; Aquarius Ascendant, Aquarius Sun, Taurus Moon)
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( Above – Roberta Flack; Aquarius Ascendant, Aquarius Sun, Aquarius Moon)
Pisces is another sign with a particular distinctiveness that makes them easy to sought out. They often have an overall mysterious and magnetic aura to them (not to be confused with Scorpio’s magnetic aura which is more like a looming, powerful seduction. Pisces is more hypnotic and confusing). It is accompanied by a dazed expression in their eyes, which are often big and particular. Some Pisces appear relaxed and wise whereas others appear confused or “out of it.” They tend to have thick, rounded eyebrows. There are two variations of a Pisces’ nose; the first being often large, hooked, and with a bump in the bridge. The second being small, snub, and may be round, but usually lacks definition. The first type has correlation to Jupiter. The second the Moon (and maybe Neptune? I don’t see outer planets presenting themselves physically usually. They often serve their expression through a person’s aura, an example being Pisces’ mysterious magnetic energy). Overall, a Pisces facial features are very soft and lack definition with the exception of the hooked nose which stands out when present. Everything is rounded; the chin, the jawline isn’t very defined, round cheeks, etc. Pisces tend to have a plump pout; both top and bottom lips are full. Their body is often very rounded and larger. They usually have shorter limbs (arms, legs, fingers, etc.). These individuals will naturally range in height, but there is some correlation to the extremes (very tall and very short). Some astrologers claim there are extremes in the size of a Pisces’ feet, some very small feet, others very large. Their skin tends to have cool to neutral undertones. 
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(Above – Oscar Isaac; birth time unknown, Pisces Sun. I included him because he has very prominent Pisces features.)
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(Above – Billie Eilish; Pisces Ascendant, Sagittarius Sun, Aquarius Moon)
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(Above – Kajol; Pisces Ascendant, Leo Sun, Pisces Moon, Jupiter in Pisces/1st House)
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(Above – Erykah Badu; Pisces Sun, Pisces Moon, Sagittarius Ascendant)
That summarizes all of the signs, but before I consider this post finished, I just wanted to stress again that these descriptions are not meant to be me telling you what you look like based on your Ascendant or Sun sign. I also want to stress just how limited of a selection there is in terms of examples. When searching for my examples, there were two criteria, one being that they needed to demonstrate somewhat of a clear, prominent influence of the sign mentioned, and two being the birth data’s accuracy. I am limited to using celebrity examples and unfortunately that is even more limited when not all celebrities have a reliable source for their birth time (I only pick celebrities with a A or AA rodden ratings). I am limited to celebrities who have that birth information available or were made of interest to professional astrologers who have either personal dealt with these celebrities charts or have gone out of their way to find the information themselves. There is really only so much extent I would go to collect someone’s birth time in respect to their privacy which is why I only picked what was available to the public. If I’m honest, I would opt out from using celebrity examples completely if I could because I do feel its invasive to view someone so critically, but for the sake of sharing my research I have done so. I am also nowhere near skilled enough at portrait art and human anatomy which is why I didn’t feel inclined to do an artistic depiction of every archetype. The final thing I want to stress is that this is all just my theory that I developed based on my research. Have an open mind, but take everything with a grain of salt
I’ll include additional notes below,
-The Fixed mode makes for very square or angular appearances.
-The Mutable mode makes for dynamic appearances ranging from sharp (think  triangular or diamond) to round.
-Fire makes for robustness, Air makes for leanness, Earth makes for bulkiness, and Water makes for heaviness.
-Lots of Mercury, Virgo, or Gemini influences can increase metabolism. 
-Venus and the Moon decreases metabolism.
-Jupiter increases, enlarges, expands, and grows
-Saturn decreases, minimizes, shrinks, and debilitates
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jaxsteamblog · 5 years ago
Click here to read the full fic on AO3
They didn’t stay out much longer than that, and they walked back to the beach house quietly. Zuko let Katara rinse at the outdoor shower first and she listened to him smack their shoes to clean off the sand. A futile effort, but one that had to be attempted.
While he rinsed, Katara found a pair of sandy beach towels in a box near the porch and took them over. Wrapping herself in one, she looked up at the sky. The stars were a little different here, or at least in slightly different positions.
Clutching the spare towel, Katara shivered slightly in the night air.
“Cold?” Zuko asked. She handed him the towel and pulled an unimpressed face as he dried his hair while steaming slightly.
Pulling water off her body would act like evaporation and just cool her more, so Katara stood still dripping. Firebenders just warmed themselves apparently.
“Yeah. I think I’m going to take a proper shower and go to bed.” She replied.
Zuko twisted up his towel and wrapped it around the back of his neck, holding onto the ends.
“Good night your Highness.” He said and smiled. Katara did pull the water from her body and tossed it in his face.
“Good night.” She retorted and walked off.
The shower in the house smelled faintly like brackish water, but it felt clean. Katara turned her face up into the warm spray and rinsed the ocean from her hair and skin. There was soap here already and smelled like an artificial ocean; fake salt water jelly soap and coconut shampoo. But as she bathed, she felt the small shells of tiny bivalves sticking to her arms and legs.
Wrapping herself in a clean, rough bath towel - whoever kept this house obviously didn’t believe in fabric softener - Katara moved from the bathroom and fell directly onto the bed. If she got two nights in a row of good sleep, it’d be a miracle.
When she woke up a ten hours later, still nearly in the same position, Katara wondered if she had slept or merely passed out. Her sheets were damp and the towel was uncomfortably caught under her body. With bending, she dried everything and unabashedly used the water to rinse her face free of sleep. Clapping her hands together, the water exploded into steam and she dressed as it dissipated.
Over breakfast, Suki announced that she wanted to go to the beach and they all started to pack up a basket to take down. Katara found the bottles of sunscreen, using her foot to fend off Suki who was reaching for the tanning oil while also yelling at her brother that their melanin wouldn’t save them from skin cancer.
Zuko packed lunches and they all somehow managed to dress and get down to the beach. With her bending, they all played a variation of king of the hill with everyone attempting to get to Katara to knock her over. Not one of them could get past her multitude of water limbs and she even picked Sokka up by his ankles and flung him off toward the reef.
They wound down after the initial burst of energy and Suki went snorkeling while Sokka stayed on the beach doing some sand sculpting. Zuko went looking for seashells and Katara floated in the calm water, feeling the sun warm her skin.
At lunch, Zuko announced that he had found some shellfish and, if they wanted, they could make a beach pit for dinner. Sokka readily agreed and worked with Zuko on digging the pit. Katara fulfilled her assumed role as her bending made it much easier to catch their dinner and grab seaweed to layer over the hot stones.
Suki engineered the layering while Zuko heated everything up. Then, while Sokka placed the electric thermometer and reburied everything, the rest of them went back up to the house to grab supplies.
A cooler was filled with ice and beer, while Katara grabbed plates and cutlery. They chatted as they moved around the kitchen, snagging butter and bread, arguing about what else they could need.
Back at the beach, Katara went swimming again while the others stayed by the pit and relaxed. Treading water, she looked at them all.
It was odd to have such a normal night with her secret out in the open. Zuko must not have said anything to her brother as Sokka hadn’t turned on his overbearing parent mode. And Zuko himself didn’t seem bothered by it.
Katara kept swimming until she saw Sokka and Suki walk up to the house. Darting back to the beach, Katara dried herself before sitting on the large blanket they had laid out under an umbrella that was quickly becoming unnecessary.
“Zuko, did you know Admiral Zhao?” Katara asked suddenly and Zuko looked at her in surprise.
“Zhao? Yeah, I did.” He said. Katara nodded and pulled her legs up, wrapping her arms around them and resting her chin on her knees.
“I hated him, to be honest.” Zuko added and Katara lowered her face so her forehead pressed on her knees instead.
“You’re not just saying that?” She questioned.
“No, he was truly awful. My time in the war was,” Zuko made a sound as he thought of how to word his thoughts. “Questionable. He kept trying to out me as a traitor and I had to dodge him quite frequently.”
“Your uncle said your family fought for the exiled prince, so doesn’t that make you a traitor for real?” Katara asked, raising her head. Zuko looked pained and it confused her.
“My uncle, he,” Zuko’s voice was strained. “My family was not united during the war. I didn’t overtly fight for either side.”
“Your father supported the coup?” Katara asked incredulously. Zuko frowned and turned away from her.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” He murmured.
Katara watched him for a moment, feeling a little sick. Then she turned away too, speaking softly as she did. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine. It’s only because it makes me look bad.” Zuko replied, his voice low.
When he stood, Katara startled and unfurled herself, stretching out her legs and looking at him as he moved.
“Want a beer?” He asked, his back turned to her.
“Sure.” She said. He went to the cooler and opened it, making the ice shift as he grabbed two cans. He let the lid slam shut and walked back, handing Katara a can before sitting down. They both opened their drinks and Katara watched Zuko as he looked out at the ocean.
“This feels awful because you know, you could look up everything in a high school textbook. But you don’t, so it’s up to me to tell you and I really don’t want to.” Zuko said and took a drink.
“You want someone else to tell me your secrets.” Katara said.
Zuko scoffed bitterly. “It’s not a secret if it’s public knowledge Katara.”
“Then why don’t you just tell me?”
Zuko chugged his beer and gasped, examining the label.
“Because I kind of like this world where I’m not me.” He said and smiled at her. Katara weakly reflected back the smile, like the moon reflecting back the light of the sun.
Sokka and Suki came crashing back to their spot in a tangle of limbs and running mouths. Throwing Katara a shovel, they dug up the food while Suki and Zuko laid out the dishes and necessities. They ate most of the food with their fingers, scalding themselves and laughing at each other. They continued to drink, while Katara insisted that they try to stay hydrated. Ultimately, she imbibed too much and stopped keeping track.
After dinner was done and the trash collected, they debated the merits of staying out. Katara had gotten too much sun and decided to head back in. Zuko agreed, claiming he had gotten in his share of night swimming already. Suki and Sokka had started to cuddle up together and neither was intending on going anywhere.
So Katara and Zuko got up and headed toward the sand dunes. Feeling her head spin, Katara stopped at the bottom of the stairs.
“Stairs, my old nemesis.” She said, swaying on her feet.
“Allow me.” Zuko said and reached for her. Katara held out her arms, but Zuko ducked under them, grabbing her by the legs and heaving her over his shoulder. Before she could protest, Zuko started up the wooden stairs.
“You okay?” He asked as Katara bounced against him, his shoulder pressing into her stomach.
“Yeah. You have a nice butt.” She stated.
“Thanks, I worked hard on it and I’m pretty attached to it.” Zuko said and she giggled. He stopped at the top of the stairs and set her down. As her world tipped right side up, Katara staggered and Zuko held onto her hands to steady her.
“Your girlfriend is a lucky woman.” Katara said and Zuko chuckled.
“Sometimes I wish she felt that way. Because I’ll tell you a secret,” He replied, leaning in and shielding his mouth with his hand. “We’re not actually in love.”
Katara scoffed and pushed him away.
“She told me that already.” She said.
“Then it’s not much of a secret.” Zuko remarked.
Not having anything else to say, Katara turned on her heel and started marching back to the house. Zuko quickened his steps to catch up to her and then started to walk leisurely. Completely besotted, Katara found herself matching his pace.
“You should tell me a better secret since I told you mine.” She said suddenly. Zuko stuck his hands in his pockets and looked up at the sky.
“Hmmmm. Okay.” He stopped and Katara stopped. After a moment still staring at the sky, Zuko looked at her and smiled.
“What if I told you I’m a prince?” He said.
“Ha!” Katara brayed, just as Zuko’s face went white with terror.
“Wait. You’re serious?” She asked. Her stomach twisted and Katara could feel sour bubbles in her throat.
“You’re the prince of the Fire Nation?!” She shouted.
“Zuko, you idiot!” Sokka yelled back from the beach.
“I told you it was common knowledge!” Zuko exclaimed.
“But that means your father is the Fire Lord!”
“I am well aware of that, yes!”
“He’s not a great guy, Zuko!”
“I can’t really help being born, Katara!”
Katara abruptly sat down, holding her head in her hands.
“Spirits, I am so dumb.” She muttered.
Zuko crouched next to her, putting his hand on her upper back.
“To be honest, it is fairly impressive that you went this long without learning anything about the Fire Nation royal family.” He said and Katara groaned.
“You all were the bad guys and I was trying to ignore anything that had to do with my being Queen of the Water Tribe.” She said. Opening her hands, Katara stared down at the sandy patch of grass.
“We’re fine Suki.” Zuko called gently and Katara looked up. Suki cocked her head and Katara only nodded before covering her face again and groaning.
“I didn’t fight for my father Katara. I,” Zuko hesitated and Katara stayed quiet in her huddled form, breathing in her own hot air.
“You want to know a secret even your brother doesn’t know?” He asked.
“Please don’t tell me you were in charge of one of the prisons we burned down.” Katara grumbled.
“You, you burned down a prison?” Zuko sputtered.
“Multiple.” Katara corrected. “There were multiple prisons.”
“Well that answers a lot of questions my uncle had.” Zuko mumbled. He then patted Katara’s back. “No, it’s not about prisons.”
“What then?” Katara croaked.
“The reason why Zhao kept hounding me was because he thought I was the Blue Spirit.” Zuko said and Katara’s body went cold. “Have you heard of him?”
Oh spirits above and below. Katara thought. That is worse.
Katara popped her head up and stared directly at him. “Zuko, I think we already met before this summer.”
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mizunokami · 6 years ago
Moonchild: Senju Tobirama’s albinism
Since this has been on my mind for a while and since it’s an aspect of Tobirama that I like to include in my portrayal of him, I’ve been wanting to elaborate on my take on his rather specific looks which I like to interpret as Tobirama having some form of albinism. Now I know that opinions can divert here, which is why I’m stressing that this is my headcanon and you may share it or not.
This is just an overview of headcanons and ideas that are connected to that condition. I’ve illustrated some so far and I might add more pictures in the future. :)
Due to his genetic setup, Tobirama’s body can only produce very limited to no amounts of melanin. Melanin is a pigment in the skin, eyes and hair that causes their coloration and with it, helps in protecting the body from UV radiation in sunlight.
With this lack of melanin, Tobirama’s skin is highly vulnerable to sunburns. He only has to stay in sunlight for a few minutes without protection and his skin will already redden. Should he stay too long without clothing or protective ointment, he will get nasty sunburns.
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As pigmentation in the eye is also important for normal vision, Tobirama’s eyesight is not very good. He does have a strong sensitivity to light and his eyes do get worse over time.
Fortunately he has an older brother who discovered his talent at healing just in time to save him from going blind. I like to think that Hashirama specifically taught himself to heal so he could help his beloved little brother.
Tobirama needs regular treatment from Hashirama (or someone else equally trained at healing his condition in specific) to keep his eyesight.
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His degenerating eyesight is one reason why, as a child already, he focused on honing his fighting capabilities together with his sensing. So even if he went fully blind (e.g. after Hashirama’s death...), for fighting he could rely on his sensor abilities.
Family / Clan matters
Having been born with fair skin and white hair was not a surprise given his mother’s complexion, but when he opened his eyes for the first time and they reminded his father of the Uchihas’ feared sharingan, he decided to disregard the child and instead focus on making others.
Not that Butsuma was a bad man, but he saw early on that his second son would not be easily accepted by the Senju. Not only did his skin stick out against the tan many Senju have, but his eyes would forever remind them of their hated enemy. Perhaps it wasn’t just that for him, perhaps it was also the fact his son didn’t look like him at all.
Tobirama’s mother, Hatsumomo, had to accept her husband’s wish. She was a practical woman, and would not waste her energy on a son that Butsuma would not accept.
Hashirama though, with his four years, found his little brother to be a gift. Where the clan elders let him know that Tobirama was a child of the moon, forever cursed and hated by the sun, Hashirama spun that tale the other way around.
When Tobirama was old enough to understand he had him know that the sun simply loved the moon and all her children too much which was why it accidentally burnt their skin and hurt their eyes.
General stuff
Tobirama dislikes being called an albino, he does however accept ‘moonchild’ but only from those that love him.
There is ointment (kind of like sun cream) that he regularly puts onto his skin, allowing him to wear clothes that don’t cover all of his skin. The Senju have a good supply of this ointment and are crafty at making more of it, but should he be away for too long and run out of reserves, his skin will burn in the sun.
Hashirama always cared for his brother, and that included putting soothing aloe gel on his skin after they’d been out in the sun. Tobirama very much enjoys sitting down and holding still for someone (especially Hashirama) to put it on his skin.
More will be added if I come up with more. :)
If you enjoy the art but not the RP you can follow me on Twitter @Maelikki or my personal (art) tumblr.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 6 years ago
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                                                Negrita! Morena!
In Costa Rica, many of the sweet locals referred to me as “negrita,” an endearing term that means “cute black girl.” They spoke curiously about how dark my skin was. I am pretty sure they had no idea I was well over 40 years old and I assured them that I’m more of a “morena”--a grown brown/dark skinned WOMAN.
I know I’m a Whole and Holy woman-being-entity. This is not a game. This is age old clarity, respect, and deep joy. Stored (sun)light inside our organs produces an internal intimacy. My organs are being made love to and restored. While we are all perfect and whole as we are, I’m learning a little more about my skin than what’s taught in books or on google—only whispered by nature itself. Can you imagine having skin so Black it had to be debased in the collective psyche of humanity for hundreds of years, but still twinkles and lacks even the prettiest of wrinkles like an unseen constellation? Perhaps it isn’t our “blackness” that many people are still afraid of or curious about, and therefore attracted to.  It’s our “darkness,” our authentic cosmic essence that instinctively radiates brightly once we begin to perceive the light within ourselves from an open-hearted space. Every shadowy experience has a soul. 
Human beings have accessed very little knowledge (sun) and wisdom (moon) about heavily melanin-ated skin, this receiver of light energy. Or if they do know, they suppress it like a contagion. You’d be surprised how many lighter skin people ask me if my skin tans darker, and the answer is always a mighty pleasurable “yes!” In Thailand, I lost count of how many Thai people asked to touch my skin or just stared incessantly. Darker skin is so mystical and marginalised that a large part of society actually has no clue of its potency, including dark skin people who think they need to wear chemical sunblock. Shea butter is a natural sun protection by the way!  Perhaps one day mass consciousness will catch up, but until then, I’m going to continue integrating my studies. Because learning more about my skin’s functionality, this spirited melanin, through the lens of being human + mythic, swells me into greater expansion every time. 
The discipline of self-awareness is a gift. You begin to see that you don’t need to shame, blame, or make wrong any system, person, or group of people. You are instead imprinting your life, storing carefree, effervescent thoughts, beliefs, melodies, and chemistries in your body parts. You are tuning into what feels true for you, directing your energy into that, and radiating from there. 
The spirit of limitlessness naturally asks the question, “what else is here for me beyond what I’ve been taught?”
India Ame’ye, Author
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latouriste · 5 years ago
That feeling when the cosmos invite you to sloooow down & savor every single moment... 🌹🏹👌🏾 Um, yes plz...! • That’s the magic of this entire week, cosmic babes and we SO deserve it! 🙌🏾🌹✨ • Jupiter direct, Venus conjoining sun who is shining his brilliant fire lighting Venus (planet of love, beauty, attraction, money) all the way up! Uranus- now retrograde starting today- wants to leave room for surprise (like a dessert...? 🤤🍰🍫💕) while the upcoming Aquarius Full Moon brings a total departure from your usual into territory that isn’t just exciting but... refreshing! 🌿🦋🕊 Looking at this week’s chart is like a sigh of relief for me and I feel like you will feel it too ;)💕⭐️🎉 I mean just LOOK at the cards that have been showing up...! 👀👀👀 • 🎥🙌🏾🌹BEHATILIFE YOUTUBE: Full Details are up for you on @BehatiLife YouTube where I break it all down- what I see in the stars and our energies 💕🦋✨ I have a few more vids coming so keep your notifications open and on ;) • Is anyone feeling like they’re floating after this weekend or is that just me?! Also, what Tarot cards have you been seeing a lot for you lately...? For me, it’s been Temperance (hello hello🥰) 🦋💕🕊✨ • Song: “Heaven on the Ground” ✶ SHOP | SERVICES | CLASSES ✨ BehatiLife.com 🎥: YouTube.com/C/BehatiLife ✍🏾: [email protected] ✶ #goodmorning #manifestation #gratitude #intuition #intention #bohemian #loveandlight #blessedbe #tarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #spirituality #spiritual #gratitude #altar #healingcrystals #newage #freespirit #bohovibes #blackgirlmagic #nature #spiritualgangster #chakras #spiritual #spirituality #crystals #1111 #melanin #fullmoon #uranus (at FrenchQuarter NewOrleans) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1FI08ClGl3/?igshid=m6lo3l4dgx80
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