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magazynkulinarny · 2 years ago
Poduszkowiec, czyli kawałki bułki w jajku z jagodami i malinami
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Ten deser - albo śniadanie na słodko lub letni obiad - to doskonały pomysł na wykorzystanie czerstwych pszennych bułek, chałki, czy ciasta drożdżowego.
Resztki pieczywa kroi się w dużą kostkę i zalewa miksturą jajeczno-mleczną, identyczną jak na tosty francuskie. Gdy miąższ wchłonie płyn, łączy się go z niedużą ilością owoców (u mnie jagody i maliny, ale mogą być borówki, porzeczki, pokrojone truskawki) i wykłada ściśle na niewielką patelnię z rozgrzanym olejem i masłem. Po usmażeniu jednej strony przekłada na drugą i smaży do uzyskania rumianej powierzchni.
Resztę owoców miksuje się z gęstym jogurtem i cukrem pudrem na sos, którym polewa się poduszkowiec i zajada.
I tak oto chlebak mamy pusty, a żołądek pełny!
czerstwe białe bułki, chałka, ciasto drożdżowe 2-5 jaj 1/3 - 1/2 szklanki mleka 1/2 - 2/3 szklanki drobnych owoców (jagody, maliny, borówki, porzeczki, poziomki, pokrojone jędrne truskawki) 1-2 łyżki cukru
Sos owocowo-jogurtowy szklanka jagód i malin (lub innych owoców) szklanka jogurtu naturalnego 1-2 łyżki śmietany kremówki łyżka cukru pudru
Proporcje podałam bardzo ogólne, ponieważ zależą one od wyjściowej ilości pieczywa.
Pieczywo pokroić w dużą (2 - 2,5 cm) kostkę. Jaja rozkłócić z mlekiem i cukrem. Powstałą miksturą zalać pieczywo i poczekać 10-15 min, aż ją wchłonie. Dorzucić owoce i delikatnie wymieszać.
Gdy bułki nasiąkają, przygotować sos. Zmiksować blenderem składniki na sos. Jeśli wyjdzie zbyt gęsty, podlać odrobiną mleka. Przelać do sosjerki i wstawić do lodówki.
Na niedużej patelni rozgrzać dwie łyżki oleju rzepakowego i łyżkę masła. Wyłożyć przygotowaną masę i równomiernie rozprowadzić po powierzchni patelni, wyrównując górę.
Smażyć kilka minut na większym ogniu, potem go zmniejszyć, przykryć pokrywką i smażyć do momentu, gdy spód się zrumieni, a środek zetnie. Tutaj trzeba uważać, bo zbyt duży płomień sprawi, że przypalimy spód, a zbyt mały nie doprowadzi do sklejenia się kawałków w całość. Dobrze jest już zestalony dół
Używając dużego talerza, jak pokrywki do patelni, odwrócić poduszkowiec na drugą stronę, kapnąć olejem, doda�� masło i zrumienić.
Wyłożyć na duży talerz, polać sosem i pałaszować. Można dodatkowo obsypać owocami.
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worldfoodwine · 6 months ago
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Fresh, quick, and delicious! Our Cucumber, Shrimp, and Cream Cheese Salad is your go-to for a cool appetizer or light meal. 🍤🥒
Dive into the recipe and enjoy a burst of flavors.
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integral-health-insights · 7 months ago
🍉 Watermelon Salad: Refreshment and Health in Every Bite! 🍉
Hey Tumblr fam! Dive into the delicious world of watermelon salad with our latest blog post! 🌟 This summer favorite is more than just a treat—it’s packed with hydration, essential nutrients, and antioxidants. Learn how to make the perfect watermelon salad and discover its amazing health benefits.
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Here’s what you’ll find in our guide:
Nutritional Highlights: What makes watermelon so good for you.
Recipe Ideas: Classic and creative ways to enjoy watermelon salad.
Health Benefits: From hydration to digestive support.
🔗 [Read the full article]
Have you tried making watermelon salad? What’s your favorite twist? Let’s chat and share our tasty creations! 💬🍴
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wellnesstreats · 7 months ago
Summer Dinner Idea: Grilled Chicken Salad 🍴
Easy and healthy meal that's perfect for the whole family.
Delicious and simple recipe for a quick dinner.
Family-Friendly Summer Meal: Grilled Chicken Salad 🥗Simple and nutritious dinner idea for everyone.
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sixamsims · 1 year ago
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7 Ways to Make Eating Outside More Bearable -- Go Outside If You Want To Ditch your dining room for the great outdoors - 7 awesome tips to make your al fresco meals way more enjoyable.
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diegogarciamusic · 1 year ago
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Burritos with Summer Veggies and Black Beans Get ready to spice up your summer with these easy and playful Veggie and Black Bean Burritos.
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damiano-versailles · 1 year ago
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15 Summer Slow Cooker Meals You Can Make The Grit and Grace Initiative Spice up your summer with these 15 easy slow cooker meals. The perfect way to enjoy delicious, home-cooked food without all the heat.
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ispychef · 10 months ago
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hipstamaticskyrim · 1 year ago
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Salad with Pesto Pea Pasta Experience the fresh flavors of our Pesto Pea Pasta Salad - a delightful combination of vibrant peas and zesty pesto that will leave your taste buds satisfied.
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schlock-luster-video · 2 years ago
On March 8, 1979, Corvette Summer debuted in Colombia.
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angryushankas · 1 year ago
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White Elephant gift for SummerMations on twitter ♥ Happy holidays!
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milooo8096 · 2 years ago
day 10 - free day (+ prof. chaos doodle)
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finished bunjorine month!!!! had tons of fun drawing these two <3 ngl i draw these two regularly it's just a habit at this point lol all prompts are from @summermations !!
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0harpies · 2 years ago
Bruh who doing this with me
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Creds to my homie (@summermations)
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ru1nedphysce · 2 years ago
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Turned Bunny into bunnies (Bunjorine Prompt month : Day 5 made by @summermations)
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summermations · 2 years ago
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I did a dtiys for @Phonnks on Instagram!
This piece took a bit with figuring out what colors go, but I did it and made it work ‼️
Follow me @summermations to see more of my work ~
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min3nc · 1 year ago
trans girl sun in denail so stil presntaing as male as summerm maidnen as just think have a exarta semebcsule in more comdic way cause waht sun like i guss it ociuld soem in agst if want but dosnt have to
(sorry this took so long! life came at me like a speeding truck. But here we are! closeted TransFem!Sun... who's also the summer maiden, very much against her will. Tried my best, in consideration that I myself am not Transfem and didn't know just how much could I joke around with. Felicia did beta-read this for me, so... yeah!
Sol = Sun in spanish, which is, coincidentially, a popular name here.)
Tapping her fingers against the tabletop, Sol smiled nervously at Blake, and the rest of Team RWBY.
The conversation about Sol's new semblance - or The Summer Maiden Powers... as 3 out of 4 members of team RWBY assumed - continued to hang in the air like a poorly executed dodge.
Ruby, the youngest of the group, looked utterly perplexed. She furrowed her brow, head between her hands, attempting to process the information.
No one can really judge her, though. The stress of being Remnant's Savior To-Be was a fair excuse for something as obvious as this to slip through the cracks.
She had no reason not to believe Sol when she said that she was a man. A big, burly, macho man.
Blake rolls her eyes. She knows her friend. And most importantly? She knows herself... and also sees herself in Sol.
That's a conversation for another day, though. What mattered right now was the apparent new semblance of Sol.
"So... You're telling us... That after Miss Olivia was... attacked by Cinder, you developed a new semblance."
The previous Summer Maiden had gotten attacked by Cinder - A woman named Olivia... who was one of Sol's teachers at Shade. She had passed away as Sol was carrying her away to safety due to her injuries.
"Yeah! You all saw it, right?" She gestures with her hands, clenching her fists. “Yeah, you know, it's like an upgrade or something. Happens all the time! Semblances evolve! Y-You... Weiss, you know about this, right?"
Sol didn't miss the way Weiss' sudden reaction as her name was mentioned, noting the way Weiss jumped, her shoulders leaping up to her ears in surprise.
"I-" She coughs into her fist to recover her composture. "Well, yes, I did evolve my semblance through... Hard work, experience and..." she waves her hand around dismissively, and then turns around to Sol. "B-But! I use dust for elemental attacks, while you just create them... B-By all means, that's ilogical! One does not simply create matter out of nothing-"
"But... What if my semblance allows me to do that? Maybe I just AM that kind of guy!"
Blake does not miss the way Sol's right eye twitch at the last word.
Weiss breathes in heavily, before looking at Blake, silently communicating to her; Guys do not simply become Maidens.
Blake sighs, and looks at Yang, and shortly after, Weiss looks at her too.
Yang grimaces as Weiss huffs frustrated between her explanation as she tries to make sense of Sol's own explanation. Blake and Weiss look at her with pleading eyes. She curses under her breath. Curses being the Older Sister, and thus, the reliable one.
Clasping her hands together, she takes a deep breath. "So... Wukong," she starts.
Sol nods.
"You know... We all know, now, that my mom's the fall maiden..."
Ruby perks up, head almost snapping off her neck as she turns to Yang. "She's WHAT?"
"Yeah, uh, yeah. She is," Rubbing her neck, she smiles nervously. "And... Dad has told me, that she wasn't always called Raven. Uh. Y'know the whole thing about... perfect twins always being the same uh... Gender? At birth, at least."
She cringes, and when Sol shakes her head, she full-on grimaces. "They are? Huh… I'm an only child, so…"
"Well, they are. And... And Ruby and I have two moms, and a dad. My dad wasn't involved in the... huh... conception," She gestures with her hands, fingering her thumb and index, making Weiss and Ruby groan and cover each other eyes. "That was fully my mom's thingy," Blake facepalms, and - does it smell singed? A distinct burning smell comes from Yang, as smoke begins to come out of her mouth as she speaks, her semblance dangerously close to activating and burning the chair she was sitting on. "N-Not thingy! Huh - Deal! Mom's deal!"
Sol simply shrugs as she watches her friends look around awkwardly, avoiding each other's eyes. Particularly Yang's. "...And? What does that have to do with me?"
Ruby, who seemed to have caught up, opened her mouth, babbling out something about the Summer Maiden powers, and how they needed the powers to defeat Salem.
Nothing about how this exactly meant Sol's involvement.
Nervous rambling, through and through.
Blake groans, taking her friend by the shoulders and gripping them as she stares at them. She knew her friend, she knew how Sol wouldn't just... accept something so out of her comfort zone so easily.
And the first step to get her to accept things for her had always been via the crash-landing method.
"You're the Summer Maiden."
"Does that make me cooler?"
"It makes you a woman, Wukong. You're a woman. Congrats on the gender."
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