#Summer boba special
bestbubbletea · 1 month
Indulge in Our Romantic Rose Ceylon Boba - Hojalicious Special!
treat yourself to the enchanting flavors of our Rose Ceylon Boba, a perfect summer delight! Infused with the rich aroma of Ceylon black tea and delicate rose petals, this drink is paired with chewy Agar boba and topped with a creamy Milk Cap. It's a romantic experience in every sip, transporting you to a fragrant rose garden. Enjoy the magic at Hoja Bar!
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bluesidez · 3 months
GymRat!Miguel Part 10
content warning: “vague” descriptions of American colleges (iykyk), Winston [Earth-928/ Earth-TRN590] is here with a cool prosthetic arm (he originally has three! so I thought it would be cool to incorporate his robot arm back somehow), suggestive at parts so MINORS BEWARE (although you shouldn’t be looking at this series at all 😒), Miguel is the baby of his friend group, if the Spanish here is wrong please lmk!
word count: 3.8k, proofread so there should be no mistakes (something short and sweet!)
In case you missed it, you can find GR!Miguel’s full SFW + NSFW Alphabet here!
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GymRat!Miguel who has become one with his room. The bed is comfortable, the AC is just right, and more importantly, he can hide here in solitude.
His parents decided to host Gabriel’s graduation party, Gabriel’s college acceptance party, and a Fourth of July party all at once. It was nonstop trips to Sam’s, Party City, and the grocery store.
Gabriel got a full ride to a prestigious art school up north and his parents were using every second of the summer to make time for him.
They didn’t do nearly as much for him when he graduated and got a full ride. Although, Miguel guesses the shiny Range Rover from Tyler parked outside was enough to soothe the old wounds trying to reopen. Plus, Gabriel really deserved it. The chances of getting in were low, but Miguel helped every step of the way and now a bright future in the Big Apple was calling his name.
Still, if his dad called him to cut the grass or season another pack of meat, he might lose it.
GymRat!Miguel who was glad to see you were still enjoying your summer. He was probably the first to watch your stories, like your pictures, and even comment on your little notes.
He hoped it came off as endearing and dedicated because sometimes he worried it was annoying and clingy. He couldn’t help it, though. You’re always on his mind nowadays.
Today you had posted clips of you and your friends at a Boba shop. He could hear your laughter as you zoomed in one of your friends fighting for their life after sucking up a boba ball.
He smiled to himself as he played the video a few more times just to hear you.
GymRat!Miguel who decides to play a Gacha game on his phone to distract his wandering mind.
There was a character he wanted and he wasn’t stopping until he got her.
GymRat!Miguel who three domains, a farming session, several 10-pulls, and a lucky spot later did not get the character he wanted. He was heartbroken, shattered, and inconsolable.
He groaned and flipped over to the wall, choosing a few colorful words to complain.
GymRat!Miguel who’s half-asleep state is interrupted by Gabriel doing their special knock and poking his head inside.
“Whatdoyouwant,” Miguel pushed his face further in his pillow in hopes that it would make him disappear.
“Broski, your friends are here,” Gabriel sang as if he were a white suburban mom with too much time on her hands. “And they bombarded my TikTok stream so if you could please retrieve them, that would be nice.”
Miguel poked his head up, “Are you rating people’s talents again?”
“Even better. I’m being an NPC and making bank!”
“Why don’t you ever play the saxophone or something?”
“Because that’s not what the people want me to do, Miguel. The people want to see me go ‘Lick a lil sum!’ over and over again. They eat it up.”
Miguel squinted at the bright light coming from the hallway, “In a pickle suit?”
Gabriel looked down as much as he could with his constricted movement, only his appendages sticking out of the holes, and looked back to Miguel with gritted teeth.
“If you would have put your Nightwing costume back on, I could have been Robin and we could have made money together. But it seems that you hate me.”
GymRat!Miguel who watches Tempest push the door open further and shuffle around a seething Gabriel.
“I still don’t know why you’re dressed like a Spongebob character,” she laughs at his green tights.
“I’m not Kevin! Stop saying that. There’s no glasses. There’s no crown. There’s no pants!”
Lyla poked her head around him.
Gabriel yelled and turned around, waddling back to his room, “I’m not letting the Geek Squad bully me!”
“You say that like you’re not one of us!” Winston shouted after him, shells and beads in his hair clanking together.
“One of us, one of us, ONE OF US!” the trio started to chant at Miguel’s door.
Gabriel just let out incoherent noses until he was able to shut his door.
GymRat!Miguel who feels like hissing when Tempest opens his blinds.
“Please, no more!” he whined into the pillow.
“What’s with you two today? So snappy,” she mumbles.
Winston stood by the door with his hands on his hips, “Have you been in here all day?”
Miguel sits up, “No.”
“You look like it,” Lyla snickers, kicking a bag out of the way.
“We haven’t seen you in like, forever, and you’re acting like you don’t really care,” Tempest pulls up her long, ruffled skirt to plop on the bed next to Miguel. “Are you sick?”
“Did someone die?” Winston pulls out Miguel’s gaming chair to take a seat.
“Wait!” Lyla’s voice makes everyone jump. “You failed your class for the first time and now your life is ruined.”
“What? No, never.”
GymRat!Miguel who perks up at the sound of the text tone he picked just for you.
“I just found this picture of us”
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“We’re working hard 🫡”
“I’m putting in overtime”
“There’s no PTO”
“Only work”
“We get paid in kisses”
“Only kisses?”
“Everything else is a bonus check for being the perfect employee”
"Aka my girlfriend"
“And what does that bonus check look like?”
“She looks divine”
“She tastes really sweet too”
“Inside and out”
“What does your bonus check look like?”
“He’s big and hot 😌”
“He looks really nice when I love on him”
“He feels really good”
“Be very lucky you’re not near me rn”
“I’m just describing my elite employee!”
“Aka my bf”
“I feel really good?”
“You’re my teddy bear”
“….and you also feel good in other places that I won’t be spelling out”
GymRat!Miguel who doesn’t feel Tempest leaning over his shoulder until her voice snaps him back to reality.
“No fucking way you got a girlfriend and didn’t tell anybody.”
She snatches the phone from his hands.
“Temp, give it back!”
“And you’re getting freaky with her while we’re right here!”
“No, I’m not-”
“It says right here ‘she tastes really sweet, inside and out.’ It’s in 4K!” Tempest shoved the phone in Winston’s face who gets the derpiest smile.
“My man!” he reaches his hand out to Miguel to dap him up, ending it in the handshake that only the two of them know. “You finally got a girl and you putting in that work. Let’s. Fucking. Go.”
“At least someone is on my side.”
“I never said I wasn’t on your side. I’m just stuck on the fact that you didn’t tell anyone. No texts, no socials. Just tumbleweed in that big ass head of yours,” Tempest pushed a duck nail against Miguel’s temple. “Like you could have died, and we would have never known.”
“I’m sorry, Temp, it’s been a hectic year.”
“And now it’s summer. We’ve got nothing but time,” she grabbed a pillow to place in her lap. “So get to talking Migster.”
“Yeah, while I can understand waiting to tell us about your girl, this is like, what, the second strike for you? First, no yacht and now this? Aggy,” Winston shook his head.
“All three of you had plans! I checked!”
“And it’s looking like you’ve been with her for almost a year. Wow,” Lyla said from a bean bag on the floor.
Miguel reaches to snatch it from her, teeth gritted in a way that mimicked his brother.
“I never knew you could get so romantic! Maybe scratch the arcade idea off, though. You get way too competitive.”
Tempest hit Miguel with her pillow, “An entire year?”
“Cold-blooded. I should smack you next,” Winston struck his metal arm back like he was getting ready to swing.
Miguel held his hands up, “I’ll finally let you teach me how to play Halo!”
Winston sat back, “2k too, and all is forgiven.”
“Halo and one round of 2k.”
“Deal,” Winston shook Miguel’s hand. “You’ll be hooked once you get the hang of it.”
“God, I hope not,” Lyla mumbled.
“Says the one who yells at children on Roblox,” Winston bit back.
“You don’t hear what those heathens say, I do!”
GymRat!Miguel who is forced to make a short PowerPoint about his past year while his friends help Miguel’s parents set up even more.
“I want a Final-worthy presentation by the time we get back! I even showed you where to get the cute templates,” Tempest fusses from the door before she closes it.
GymRat!Miguel who calls you while they’re gone.
“I mean, if it were me who just found out that my closest friend told me essentially nothing about their partner for that long, I’d be pretty upset too.”
Miguel groans as he leans back in his chair, “That is pretty fucked, isn’t it?”
“But, because I was with you most of the school year, I know that you were just preoccupied with other things. Figuring out college, checking off a lot of adult firsts, making new friends, dealing with family, totally scrambling your way through getting your first girlfriend.”
You laugh at his annoyed expression and snap a picture, “I’m sure if you just explain things to them, they’ll understand.”
“I hope so. I already promised Winston a game of 2k.”
You scrunched your nose in the cute way that Miguel adored, “I’ll take a gamer, nerdy boyfriend any day. Might draw the line at 2k, I fear.”
“My face doesn’t cancel out the bad connotation?”
“Depends. Will you cancel on me in place of playing with your friends?”
Miguel’s eyes looked to you on his laptop with a frown on his face, “Never. I don’t think I’d do that for anything that can be rescheduled. Did he do that?”
Miguel didn’t want to say his name because it left a bad taste in his mouth.
“More than I’d like to admit, yes.”
“If I ever see him, I might punch him.”
“I’m so serious. There hasn’t been one good quality about him yet.”
Only the fact that he was a good stepping stone to get to Miguel, not that he would ever say that out loud.
“He was…nice when I met him.”
“Just nice?”
“He had a cute face!”
Miguel’s frown deepened, “I don’t want to talk about him anymore, actually.”
GymRat!Miguel who finished his PowerPoint with the help of you.
Honestly, you just had to sit pretty in the corner of his monitor.
GymRat!Miguel who was ready to present once his friends got back, each of them sporting a Fanta in their hands.
“Nobody brought me one?”
Tempest made a noise of satisfaction when she took a sip, “A cold one is waiting for you when you finish, buddy.”
Miguel rolled his eyes and set up the PowerPoint.
GymRat!Miguel whose presentation is dragged even further because everyone keeps asking questions.
Section 1: New Experiences
“Only you would attract sorority girls despite the clear baby boy energy radiating off of you,” Tempest said.
“I mean, look at him,” Lyla gestured to Miguel’s body. “We still see our big baby, but that body? That’s what people notice first. We should have prepared him more.”
Miguel’s face fumed as he went to the next slide.
“And only you would make friends with the cafeteria lady. She saw the baby aura,” Tempest quipped.
“L-let’s just move on,” Miguel mumbled.
“You’re on the robotics team!! There’s our Miggy,” Lyla rounds her words like she was talking to a child.
“Guys, Miguel is going to be a tomato if you don’t stop,” Winston chides.
Section 2: Family
“I’ve been waiting on somebody to get that gremlin Kron and you finally got him,” Lyla shook her head with a chuckle.
“I’m sorry about your mom, though. She didn’t really like us too much either when we first started to hang out,” Tempest pulled her knees up to her chin.
“Mind you, I had a mean set of braces, suspenders, and high water pants when we first met,” Winston said.
“Oh my god. Remember when she thought Tempest was tricking Mig into doing her homework?”
“When all I was doing was comparing answers because Miguel was the only one who could keep up with me in that class,” Tempest snickered. “Glad me and Mrs. O’Hara moved past that because I was definitely looking out for you more than she was.”
“Remember when she thought you two were dating?” Winston asked.
Miguel groaned, “That was so fucking embarrassing.”
“You think now I read as a raging lesbian or what?”
Section 3: My Gorgeous Girlfriend Whom Which I Love
“The same guy who lectured me for 10 minutes over not jumping out of a car to hold the door for my girlfriend left his girl at a party?” Winston snickered.
Lyla played with the end of a braid in her hair, “Chivalry is dead.”
“Get all your jokes out now, because we’re going strong,” Miguel waved everyone off as he flipped to the next slide.
“Is that her?” Lyla sat up as much as she could in her sinking seat.
“Yeah,” Miguel’s smile grew at the picture of you from a coffee date on the screen.
“Look at him,” Winston pointed a finger. “He can’t even speak. He’s gone.”
“She’s hot! Nice job Miguel,” Tempest clapped with a giddy smile on her face. “You’re like, lovestruck over there.”
Miguel continued to flip through the several slides he had of you, face sinking further into his palm as he stared at you like he’s never seen you before.
“Does Xina know you have a girlfriend?”
“Woof,” Tempest and Winston said in a low voice simultaneously.
Miguel tilted his head with a confused expression, “What’s with the ‘woof’? Why are you all looking like that? And where is Xina, anyway?”
“She said her parents wanted her to go visit family, so she’s far, far away right now.”
“Did you know she’s transferring to your school?” Lyla asks.
“Why? I thought she was going to an Ivy League somewhere. It was all she talked about.”
Tempest’s eyebrows raised, “Can’t stay at an Ivy League if you fuck up your scholarship.”
"She told me that she didn't like it there," Winston looked confused.
Lyla and Tempest just stared at each other in disbelief.
“If you worked your ass off from starting a non-profit to being the school valedictorian, just to get into one school, would you just up and leave after one school year without finding better options?” Lyla deadpanned.
“Hey, we don’t know what happened. Maybe she really didn’t like it there, guys,” Miguel said.
Lyla and Tempest both gave Miguel twin looks as if telling him to get serious.
“Well, if she’s going to your school, I’m sure you’ll see her at some point. Maybe she’ll tell you,” Winston suggested.
“Yeah, Miguel. She’ll tell you anything if you ask,” Lyla folded her arms with a smile.
“What does that mean?”
“It just means,” Tempest waved her hands around. “She’s enamored by you.”
“Guys. Stop.”
“She’s not lying. Every time we hang out together, she’s always clinging to you,” Winston said.
“It’s been years and she’s never told me anything,” Miguel reached to exit the PowerPoint. What was about to be a 10 minute yap session about you was now turning into something else. “I doubt that if she felt that way, she still feels that way now.”
“Maybe you’re right,” Lyla shrugged.
Tempest nodded her head, “Good on you for being so optimistic.”
Miguel squinted his eyes, “You two are freaking me out.”
GymRat!Miguel who sat with his friend’s words once they dropped him off back home after an impromptu day of fun.
He really needed to get out of the house to reset, but he couldn’t help but to worry about Xina.
He was there when she worked herself to the bone just to even be considered for the top schools. When she got in, she was over the moon.
What could have possibly made her stop now?
GymRat!Miguel who wakes up to sound of his dad laughing and yelling outside of his window.
He dragged himself to the window to see him running around with his brothers with a nerf gun.
It would be a pretty funny sight if it wasn’t 7 in the morning.
GymRat!Miguel who goes through his morning routine of booting Gabriel up, taking his morning run, and eating a hefty breakfast.
He sends you a picture of himself right after he finished the run, sweat dripping down his neck and his skin glowing from the hot sun.
Knowing you were probably still asleep, he doesn’t expect a response until later. So when you call him immediately, he’s filled with surprise.
“Sending thirst traps at ass o’clock is crazy,” you say as soon as the call connects.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“So you just happened to take the perfect picture in the sun with your skin all wet?”
“Are you saying that I’m photogenic?”
You roll your eyes and Miguel laughs, happy to see you.
“Where are you going?” Miguel asks, noticing the fluffy headband you’re wearing that’s holding your hair back.
“We’re going to my aunts house and she lives about two hours away so I got up early to get ready.”
“Bebe, qué hermosa eres.” (Baby, how beautiful you are.)
You pause what you’re doing to turn and stuff your head into a plushie to scream.
“You can’t tell me that,” you say when look back to the camera, fanning your face. “I won’t stay focused.”
“But it’s true. You’re stunning.”
You groan and slide down your chair, “Miguel, please. I need to focus.”
“Ok, ok. You still look amazing.”
“Thank you,” you say, patting the back of your hands against your heated cheeks.
“I wanna kiss you.”
“I’m hanging up.”
Miguel laughs as you bring the phone to your face.
“I wanna kiss you, too,” you say before ending the call.
GymRat!Miguel who blows your phone up with teases after that.
It all shuts up once he sees your outfit of the day.
“You can’t do this to me”
“This is agony”
GymRat!Miguel who is the loudest when Gabriel makes his grand entrance to the party, graduation cap snug on top of his curls. His family is popping mini confetti and string cannons while his little cousins blow bubbles.
GymRat!Miguel who catches Gabriel at any chance he was idle, snapping picture after picture like a proud parent.
GymRat!Miguel who stacks his plate high full of food to the shock of no one.
GymRat!Miguel who almost gets knocked down by Gabriel when he opens his gift of specialized sheet music. After years of hearing the songs Gabriel would blast through the house, he compiled together a music book with covers done by different artists.
"I'm going to play every single one of these for you," Gabriel says with a geeked-out smile.
"Oh boy."
GymRat!Miguel who watches Gabriel scream as their neighbor's dog runs towards the fireworks that he set on the ground.
Miguel always thought there was nothing going on behind those little eyes.
GymRat!Miguel who feels Gabriel slide next to him in the corner of their backyard. A place where the two of them used to do everything from hide-and-seek to sharing secrets to pretending to be superheroes.
Gabriel leans his on Miguel’s shoulder, eyes watching the small fireworks their cousins bought.
“Did you ever get scared when you left home?”
Miguel was quiet for a second, “At first, I was. I was leaving what I knew, but once I got used to it, it was like a weight off my chest.”
The two sat for a minute, listening to their family sing and laugh.
“I’m really fucking nervous.”
“About leaving?”
“About everything,” Gabriel took a shaky breath. “I’ll be so far away. I won’t know anyone. And you…”
Miguel’s sleeve was wet.
“You won’t be there if I need you.”
Miguel turned and pull Gabriel into a hug, arms tight as he felt Gabriel cry into his shoulder.
“No tengas miedo, Gabri,” Miguel’s voice cracked as he rubbed his brother’s back. “I’ll be a call away, ok? Right there if you need me. I promise.” (Don’t be scared, Gabri.)
"Te voy a extrañar." (I'm going to miss you.)
"Yo también te voy a extrañar." (I'm going to miss you, too.)
After a while of the two calming down and making promises to continue their weekly calls, Gabriel leans up and covers his eyes with his arm.
“I told myself I’d save my tears for the move-in day, but it’s just now hitting me how much I’m going to miss seeing your stupid face.”
Miguel laughed and thumped him across the head, “And I’m going to miss hearing your stupid laugh across the hall. But what did you do when I left?”
Gabriel turned to avoid Miguel’s face, “Ma thought I was dying or something. She kept bringing random shit that I liked to my room for three weeks because ‘Te pareces a Ígor, mijo!’” (You look like Eeyore, mijo!)
Miguel bit his cheek as he ruffled Gabriel’s hair. He still saw the little baby who followed his every move. The baby that laughed hard when he read books with a funny voice. The baby that stood up for him front of their mom when he couldn’t even stand up for himself on the playground.
The kid who stayed up with him to beat some game because their dad wouldn't buy them memory cards for the PlayStation. The kid who tried food once he saw it on Miguel’s plate. The kid who refused to go to summer camps without him.
Here he was, sitting in front of Miguel, getting ready to start a new chapter.
“Oh god, Miguel don’t start crying again. It’s gonna ruin the tour,” Gabriel groaned and dug his head into his arms.
“I’m not, I’m not, I’m sorry,” Miguel hurriedly wiped his cheeks, hot tears filled with his thoughts escaping. “You’re going to kill it in New York. By the time I get there, you’ll be so used to it that it’ll be like breathing air.”
“I hope so,” he sniffles and looks back up. “I need to impress Dana.”
“And there he is,” Miguel shook his head. “I’m sure she’ll be happy to visit.”
“Yeah. I already have some places planned for dates.”
“Smooth. That’s the Miguel in you.”
GymRat!Miguel who calls you closer to midnight.
"How was the party?"
"It was pretty good," Miguel moved to settle further into his bed. "Gabriel was happy."
Hearing the tone in his voice, you pouted, "Are you ok, though?"
"Yeah, I'm just. I'm feeling a lot."
He felt he might cry again, thinking about his little brother in a place all by himself, thinking of his parents being empty nesters, thinking of his feelings from yesterday.
"You want to talk about it?"
Miguel shook his head, "Tomorrow."
"Whenever you're ready, I'll be there."
"Thank you," Miguel smiled. "That means a lot."
GymRat!Miguel who feels better listening to you chatter until you fall asleep. His head isn't filled with so much noise and your voice is like a calm breeze.
He can't wait to see you again.
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divider by: @thecutestgrotto 🩵
a/n: I was thinking of this video when I was writing Lyla talking about Kron + that smoking duck gif. I also doubt there are many nerds alive that play 2k, I just wanted Winston to play it lol. Anywho, I was going for a boho-chic vibe when I imagined Tempest (with red locs), a maximalist + art deco vibe with Lyla, and an elevated streetwear style with Winston. Winston also upgraded his prosthetic arm to mimic Link's from Tears of the Kingdom. As for Xina...we'll see! 😗
As always, like, comment, and reblog. Let me know how you feel! 🩵
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shytastemakerthing · 1 month
congrats on 300 :-D
i suggest caramel with mango and strawberry boba for Riddle and Jade!
Taking Riddle out for a night ride to have a picnic and look at the stars!
Going overnight camping with Jade to a mountain and looking at the stars while cuddling!
have a nice day!!
Thank you so much! I never really thought that this little blog would actually get to 300 followers but I am glad that it did! In the mean time, I hope that you enjoy your request!
Requests: Romantic date night with Riddle and Jade (separate)
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So first things first, you were only able to actually get this man on a late night drive that this was happening during perhaps spring or summer break
But really, he was just happy to be able to spend this time with you
He never really saw himself getting into a relationship with anyone, having been too focused on his academics before and then growing up the way that he did
But you were much like his missing other half that he now had
Everything was all set
You were driving, wanting to treat him to this
He had packed several snacks for you both to have, including strawberry tarts, a good date is never complete without one
You had the blankets
And now, you had arrived to your destination
If someone had told Riddle earlier in the school year that he would have found his other half, and they would partake in such activities, he would have laughed and then collared them for making such a statement, and yet, here he was.
Watching you set up the blanket, he brought over the basket with snacks before settling down next to you with perhaps the warmest expression anyone had ever seen him have.
"I would say that we chose the perfect night for this. Not a cloud in the sky, not too hot and not too cold..."
Your voice snapped him out of his daze before a soft smile came to his face, moving to help you finish setting everything up.
"As expected. After all, a lot of planning goes into such activities, but I knew that we would find a way to make it work."
After snacks, he found himself laying next to you, staring up at the stars, well, you were, Riddle was too busy watching you.
After all, the only star that he needed in his life, was you.
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Look, when you first mentioned going camping in the mountains with Jade, it was possibly the first time you have ever seen so much emotion swirling in his eyes, the most genuine and excited smile rising to his face
After all, he had been wanting such a trip for the longest time!
And here you are coming to him, about such a trip, just the two of you, in the mountains
Okay, he may have gone just a tad overboard with the packing, but he was excited
Not even Floyd and Azul had ever seen him like this before
Such a genuine happiness that was radiating from the eel, and you were the cause and you were certain that you had just unleashed something monstrous
Jade had honestly never felt an excitement such as this coursing through his veins. Yes, he loved hiking and going into the mountains, but it was so much more special now. Because you were with him, this time.
After the long hike to make it to the campsite, pitching up the tent, getting a fire going, and even rambling to you about whatever it was that he was seeing while you both were out, he couldn't help but feel the slightest bit flustered under your admiring gaze, watching him as if he were the one that hung the stars in the sky that you both would see once the sun had set.
"You're adorable when you ramble like this, y'know. I could listen to you talk for hours."
Your words were the arrow to the heart for this eel. How you managed to wiggle your way in and make yourself at home, he may never know, but he is eternally grateful that you did.
Jade could only chuckle and clear his throat.
"Well, it is rather nice to have someone listening when I do. I know the topics do tend to bore some, and cause discomfort in others." Your smile would be the death of him one day, he was certain of it.
What else was he supposed to think, when you both were laying beneath the stars, hand in hand, finding himself curling into your touch?
There was no doubt that date nights such a s this one would be happening much more often.
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Thank you so much for your request! Have a wonderful day/night!
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tropical-fruit-mx · 2 months
Smith family coffee order HCs, courtesy of yours truly, a former barista
@hazelnut-u-out posted a poll yesterday about whether or not Rick Sanchez is an iced coffee drinker (short answer: yes, but nuance to come) and I realized that I never came up with HCs for the family's coffee orders. I love doing this for fandoms I'm in because I barista-ed for A While and low key miss it sometimes. Anyway, headcanons!!
So in his tough guy-tortured loner-vigilante phase he was obviously an avid black coffee drinker (usually spiked). Being on the run/not having a place to call one's own he develops a taste for practicality and simplicity. Thus, he likes an easy drink you can get anywhere that is impossible to mess up. However, in a post-"Analyze Piss", post-Prime, 'Rick Sanchez is experiencing new levels of DGAF' world we get into the chaotic beverage enjoyer phase. First off, he has 100% tried every single new special drink that Starbucks rolls out. The summer skies boba thing, the oleato, everything. (He's a big fan of the Irish cream flavor when it comes out seasonally and was pissed the first time when he realized it didn't have alcohol in it.) Because Rick is hugely dopamine seeking so fun colored, fun flavored things always catch his eye. I also feel like he would majorly enjoy specialty coffee shops that do elaborate coffee drinks, like this man would fuck up a cereal milk latte. I also will contend that in this phase he has no regular order, he literally gets a different thing every time just to experiment with as many drinks as possible.
Drinks flat whites because she thinks they're classy and it's easier to have a simple coffee order for the intern at the vet to take down. I also think that she generally likes mixing caffeine and alcohol (huge espresso martini fan) and probably lost her mind on vodka red bulls in college. She also definitely had a red bull addiction to get through vet school but now she only drinks them as a guilty pleasure.
Space Beth
In honor of the fact that she's recreating her dad's 30s I think she has the same taste in coffee as a young Rick, which means she drinks it black and strong. She seems like an avid French press user and most likely has sourced fancy beans from somewhere in space (Venusian coffee probably fucks)
Hot caramel macchiato, but he's convinced that this is the traditional way macchiatos are made and despite multiple arguments about the origins of macchiatos he is staunchly of the opinion that the actual drink is an upside down latte with fuck tons of caramel.
Pink drink purist, maybe gets matcha cold foam on top when she's feeling fancy. Although I could also see her getting vanilla iced lattes when she wants more caffeine. And if she's with Rick I can imagine her joining him in ordering crazy coffees just for fun.
Morty Smith is a fourteen year old boy, the Mocha Cookie Crumble Frap was basically made for him. It's just a fucking milkshake with caffeine, although I think that when he's with Beth and Jerry they make him get the crème version.
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pommpuriinn · 5 months
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୧ ‧₊˚ ☁️⋅♡𓂃 ࣪ ִMUSIC BANK IN ANTWERP
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౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆synopsis ౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆- some highlights plus special stages from their maknae and oldest of the group
౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆author’s note ౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆- trying to put this out while seeing the hybe building in flames with all this news coming out on X ૮ . ̫ . ა๑
outfit | hair/color | makeup | nails
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၄၃ the second txt’s name was even mention the whole arena erupted with cheers and lightsticks swinging, and with txt actually being on stage the volume just got louder. Joohyung felt like it was one of their own concert than a music bank, she felt so appreciative with all the support from Belgium moa. While they were on stage answering some questions from the mc of the night, the camera pan towards Joohyung. Who was just standing there listening to the mc and the crowd just went ‘awww~’ amazed at Joohyung’s visuals. For a second Joohyung was confused on why everyone awed, so she looked behind her at the big screens and saw her face. Joohyung whipped back around and instantly felt in embarrassed by the praise and hid a little behind Yeonjun making the crowd giggle at her cuteness
၄၃ since Kai’s special stage was one of the first ones the members hang around in the side lines beaming up at their maknae being a little rockstar up on the stage. Joohyung was so hyped that she was head banging with the moas around her. She was also jumping with Yeonjun and Soobin while singing the lyrics. Kai didn’t have to tell her twice to get on the stage with him since she booked it up those stairs and ran straight to Kai. The group danced and sang with their maknae creating just a perfect picture of best friends living their dream with each other.
၄၃ Joohyung special stage was a last minute thing since the other group pulled out just a week prior to the event. So Joohyung’s staff changed Joohyung from her main event outfit to y2k kind of look to match with the song Joohyung was going perform.
၄၃ Unfortunately this song hasn’t been released yet and Joohyung only performed it once during them headlining lollapalooza. It was the summer song ‘Spicy’ the arena got so loud that Joohyung heard all the screams through her ear-ins. But as Joohyung was performing she didn’t realize that txt came out in the side lines to watch and hype her up. It surprised her that she giggled mid note. Before the end of song she went towards the right side where they were and they all danced together. Joohyung then quickly pulled them up on stage to do the ending pose, they all did a pose similar Joohyung’s making her laugh right into her mic.
၄၃ Joohyung and the boys quickly rush backstage so she can change back to all white outfit, but instead of leg warmers and little heels the stylist changed them to white boots.
၄၃ it was finally time for the main event, so txt all got in position and started with ‘Deja vu’. Joohyung was amazed at how the crowd was singing the song word for word and doing the fan chants. Once it got to the dance break part and Joohyung did the hand over the eyes move she yelled, “Antwerp!” Before singing her line with passion. The members tried holding in their smiles, but their noona was being too cute.
၄၃ ‘Anti-Romantic’ Joohyung was just sending cute gestures towards the camera and everyone screaming for her. Whenever it wasn’t her turn to sing she would wave at moas who were trying to get her attention, and she would send kisses at them. Sometimes she would see some moas tearing up or crying and Joohyung would mouthed ‘don’t cry’.
၄၃ Joohyung instantly smiled once she heard ‘Love Song’ playing in her ear-in. Despite it being an emotional song it always brings her happy memories, and it gives her the energy to perform even harder. While singing the couple lines with Beomgyu and Yeonjun (Say you love me say you love me 세계의 끝까지 all or nothing I give all of you) Joohyung would send hearts their way making the two members smile.
၄၃ during ‘GBGB’ instead of Joohyung’s boba eyes she gave such sharp expressions towards the camera. Moa were going crazy everything Joohyung showed up at the big screens. Also her acting during the song was praised heavily online and by non fans that become fans during the event.
၄၃ it was last song of the night ‘ISYTT’ and playfully Joohyung came back, and even made some members laugh while singing. She was just being extra cute which is rare to the members and moa. Joohyung was just really happy to perform in Europe and finally see moas over here. Again Joohyung was praised for her animated facial expressions
၄၃ some fans moments that gain lots of attention. Videos of Joohyung from the side stage where txt was at because of how beautiful she looks, and many moas saying that videos and pictures don’t do her justice. Joohyung would always right up to their phone cameras and kiss it causing the fan to panic.
၄၃ moas also capture Joohyung trying to kiss her members’ cheeks. She wouldn’t actually kiss their cheeks since she was just playing with them and teasing moa.
၄၃ fans saw first hand how idols want to say hi to Joohyung, but they are imitated by her and her members since the boys are always circling around her just protecting her as they were saying bye to all the fans. Which brings up the question of did something happened that they don’t know about that has made the boys more protective of Joohyung?
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osped · 10 months
🌟 Good Morning, Bachelor Nation! 🌟 by @elvinaa
You have a big ass by @pedros-husband
How about 7 Pedros for a minute each? by @oonajaeadira
scary movie typa guy ; genre of movies pedro boys are into by @creedslove
Having Triplets: by @absurdthirst
reader calls, telling him they had to go to the emergency room by @judysxnd
he hated the feeling or thought of reader ever leaving ; protective pedro ; blind date ; comforts him ; none of that really matters ; him just loving being a girl dad ; pedro x sick!reader ; whole pregnancy by @talaok (at this point I sould've just put her masterlist link here, lol)
it's not that kind of cold shower (pedro x gn/m!reader) ; 🎯MASTERLIST🎯pedro pascal x gn/m!reader by @pedge-stuff
Pero Tovar and his Guerrera by @prolix-yuy
friend sets Pedro and (y/n) on a blind date by @talaok
take my hand - pero tovar x fem!reader by @pedrito-friskito
Temple of Love ; Grumpy Pumpkin by @sirowsky-stories
Window Shopping by @the-dendrophile-bookdragon
Birfday - Oberyn by @writeforfandoms
I’m Here by @davnittbraes
Forgive These Bones I'm Hiding (Part 2 of 2) by @whataperfectwasteoftime
I know that I shouldn't... but I love you. by @odetodilfs
Nᴏᴛ Iɴᴛᴏ Bᴏʏs (Jᴀᴠɪᴇʀ Pᴇñᴀ) by @obsessedwithpedritoofc
Crossroads (Javier Peña x AFAB!Reader) ; Narcos Masterlist by @ithebookhoarder 
wait, what? by @plentyoffandoms
Trick and Treat by @jobean12-blog
tolerate it [javi peña x gn!reader] by @mandoalorian
quickie at the party ; LA LLUVIA 🌧️ by @creedslove
the sun will shine again by @foli-vora
loads of hickeys by @talaok
doing a million steps nightly skin care routine ; The Millers 💖 by @creedslove
Joel Miller Masterlist by @jobean12-blog
sated by @softlyspector
Feral Masterlist by @ohraicodoll
"a gentle hand" — joel miller by @louswrld11
All Good Things [a Joel x f!reader fic] by @criticallyacclaimedstranger
a sheep in wolf's clothing by @jupiter-soups
Halloween Special by @strang3lov3
I wanna show you off by @joelscurls
crying for the first time ever by @joels-shitty-puns
grumpy!husband!joel by @cruelfvkingsummer
Skinny Dipping by @second-axis-point
Kinktober Day 13: Javi Gutiérrez w/overstimulation and bondage. by @odetodilfs
In The Silence by @dindjarindiaries
D.D. - "Then we'll find out together." by @missredherring
Uncut by @beskarandblasters
the cantina by @spctrsgf
trying boba tea for the first time by @toxic-seduction
50. Nothing is wrong with you. 55. I’m not going anywhere. ; Soft!Din by @ezrasbirdie
Familiar & Unfamiliar by @theidiotwhowritesthings
2023 Summer Kiss Prompt #10: Dieter Bravo - A Kiss While Baking by @something-tofightfor
Surrogate Love {Dave York x F!Reader} by @absurdthirst
Broken by @musings-of-a-rose
sweet treat (frankie morales x f!plus-size!reader) by @mrsmando
Kɪʟʟ ғᴏʀ Yᴏᴜ (Fʀᴀɴᴋɪᴇ Mᴏʀᴀʟᴇs) by @obsessedwithpedritoofc
Telltale Heart by @astroboots
fading ; something new [plus size fem reader] by @ezrasbirdie
pretending to be him ; RE-ENCOUNTER 🎨 by @creedslove
used by you by @foli-vora 
Tʜᴇ Oᴛʜᴇʀ Mᴀɴ (Sɪʟᴠᴀ) by @obsessedwithpedritoofc
PS : I reblog all this amazing fanfic on my other tumblr account on @uwiuwi. I just like to reread, but it got me so stressfull when my main blog so full with reblogs, so I make this masterlist for my future self. I hope none of the authors of the fanfics I put in here mad. Sorry and Thank you for your hardwork guys.
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Congratulations on your turn as Iris! I'm so happy to hear you're treading the boards again!
I might get the chance to visit San Francisco early in next year, and I was wondering if you might have any suggestions of fun things to do, off the beaten path a bit, in the colder months in that fair city?
I greatly apologize for taking so long to answer this! While many of my favorite things are gone (I still weep for steampunk stores and revival movie houses,) there are still cool, unique things to do on a trip. Here are some of them which were open as of a year ago.
Japantown Mall: The best place to be, hands down. The mall itself has amazing authentic Japanese food, a giant half-Japanese and half-English bookstore with a whole level devoted to manga and light novels, and lots of small stalls of crepes and boba tea. Across the street you'll find the Crown and Crumpet, a cute tea room with an upper floor that sells EGL brands. Even if you don't buy anything, just walking around is a great day!
Golden Gate Park: Take a walk and see the beauty of nature! Have a snack at the Japanese Tea Garden while admiring the koi pond! If the tickets aren't too expensive, go to the Academy of Sciences aquarium and say hi to the albino alligator for me! Admire the Shakespeare garden if it's in season! Another fun place to be for a whole afternoon.
Lupa Trattoria: The best Italian food I've ever had in the United States.
Haight-Ashbury: While not the goth and hippie paradise it used to be, this is still a cool couple streets. There's a science fiction bookstore called Borderlands, another cool indie bookstore called Booksmith, a huge vintage clothing store called Relic Vintage, and some pretty good thrift stores as well.
City Lights: Not done book shopping? Go to the place that published beat generation writings back in the day, which now sells an eclectic collection of intellectual, classic and offbeat titles. When I would get a book and go read it at the nearbye Cafe Zoetrope, I felt like the coolest person in the world.
Pier 39 Sea Lions: Sea lions!!! An earthquake sent them here, and they've stayed here ever since. They sit on a bunch of large rafts wrestling, showing off, or sleeping in the sun. They always cheered me up.
Exploratorium: A totally unique science museum that encourages you to touch and interact with the exhibits. They have special presentations as well, so check the website to see what's going on
Musée Mécanique: Do you want to take a headlong plunge into the uncanny valley? Of course you do! This free mini-museum has animations and carnival games from yesteryear, and the huge and terrifying Laughing Sally. It's in walking distance of Pier 39, too.
Lovejoy's Tea Room: They catered my wedding!!! Great tea and pastries, and a super cozy atmosphere, plus you sometimes get to see egl friends have meetups in gorgeous attire.
The Castro: As gentrified as it's gotten, there's still something wonderful about a neighborhood with rainbow crosswalks and pride flags waving everywhere. Sob outside of the late lamented Castro Theater (now a concert venue,) go to a souvenir store, walk down to Bi-Rite Creamery for ice cream if the line isn't too long.
Bourbon and Branch, Smuggler's Cove: If you like vintage cocktails, have a night out at Bourbon and Branch, a retro speakeasy, or Smuggler's Cove, an amazing tiki bar. Call ahead for B&B, since you need reservations and the password.
Folsom Street Fair: If you ever go again in summer and are not squicked by kink, check out this fetish festival! (And no, scaremongers, children can not actually get in and be traumatized by this, as they check your ID.) Buy a corset, have experts tie you up, get sex ed from guys who've been teaching it for fifty years, see everybody in their awesome outfits. (It is somehow always on the hottest day of the year, though, so stay hydrated, especially if you're in head to toe leather.)
The Alamo Drafthouse: While not unique to San Francisco, I'm always happy to be in a city that has one of these. This movie theater shows new films, classics and cult favorites, and you can order food while you watch (try the milkshakes!) One of my best moviegoing experiences was when they showed The Lost Boys, and all the goths in the lobby looked at each other and nodded, like yeah, we all know why we're here.
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moamidzyism · 7 months
yuck! (h.kk)
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part seven: catch me if you can (+ 464 words)
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“so do you just go to random waterfalls?” kai asks you, as he sits beside you on the balcony. after you arrived at the hotel, you went straight to the river with your camera and only got back an hour ago. the hotel receptionist recommended a local restaurant nearby to you, so there was takeout sprawled on the table in front of you. 
“no,” you giggled. “this place is just special to me.” you relax in your chair, and he looks at you intently, taking in every word that you say. “my parents used to bring me here when i was a kid. i used to come here every summer but i haven’t been in a while. something about being here, i don’t know, brings me clarity.”
“you’ve had a lot on your mind?”
“kind of.” it’s your turn to look up from your hands and look at him, taking in all his features, the way he pushes his wet hair out of his face, the way he plays with his food before looking back at you. “but i don’t really want to talk about it right now.”
“that’s fine.” you fall back into silence again. but silence with kai never feels awkward. it never feels like someone has to talk to fill in the space. it feels like you’ve known him forever.
“i should,” he began after a while. “i should probably go back to my room. since we have to leave early.”
“okay,” you stood up to walk him to the door. “thank you for coming here with me.”
“thank you for letting me tag along on your trip.” he rubbed the back of his neck. you stood at the door, slightly swaying, kai racking his brain to think of a reason to not go back to his room, to stay with you for just a moment longer. “i really don’t want to make things awkward.” he breathed out.
“what do you mean?”
“i really want to kiss you right now.”
“okay,” you softly replied. "you can kiss me."
time slowed down and you tried to think of something other than the feeling of your heart rate increasing rapidly, as he approached you, cupping your face. 
he hesitated. maybe this was a dream and his imagination was playing a sick prank on him. but his doubts were removed when he looked into your yearning eyes. your hands snaked their way to the back of his neck and you pulled him down so his soft lips met yours.
the kiss lasted for what felt like forever. when he pulled away, his face was still inches from yours. “goodnight, y/n.” he said, and with that he was gone. you retreated to your room, the smell of saltwater and his sandalwood scented shampoo still lingered in your nose.
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ʚ♡⃛ɞ a classic story of girl likes boy, boy likes girl a little too much. previous masterlist next
taglist (closed): @boba-beom @aestheticsluut @goldennika @beoms-sugar @bluebearybeom @planethyuka @isabellah29 @royallyjjk
fill out this form to join my permanent taglist!
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peasant-player · 17 days
I got tagged by @serene-faerie for this ❤️
Favorite color: a deep forest green
Last song listened to: to sweet by hozier! That song is stuck in my head
Last film I watched: Kung fu panda 4, nothing lifts my mood better than jack black as a big ass panda.
Currently reading: legends of the Alfar ( legenden der Albae) by markus heitz
omg it's so good I have read that serie many times! It's from the viewpoint of a very very evil and hot race of elves in the world of " the dwarves" also a very good fantasy series and a must read for all high fantasy fans!!
Currently watching: rings of power.
It's a cinematic fanfic about the making of the rings in lotr with some nice oc like adar and a side plot of galadriel/Sauron!
Currently craving: sushi
Coffee or tea : coffee for everyday and tea for special days like a cozy reading session or a boba tea in the summer
Hobbies to try: my coworkers joke that I have all the Hobbies and left them none.
I'm thinking of trying embroidery!
Current AU: I like time travel fix it? I don't write im going to add current wips
Current wips: I'm drawing a high fantasy elrond with a huge battle axe (dramborleg) and I have a tar-miriel with a detailed drawing in her crowning gown! So many pearls !
Thank you for tagging me im not so good with those tagging things but I try. I tag those that I like to know more of but don't feel pressured!!!
@thelien-art @thewizardblues @sherriesherbet @derangedmagpie @starshadeemilyart @allythistle
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back at you though, drinks edition? a type of drink you couldn't do without, that is your go to for any occasion? give us the specific deets, recipe if needed
oh no you've activated my trap card i love drinks
okay so special occasion drink: brown sugar boba (50% ice 50% sweet) but specifically from the tea shop close-ish to my house. it's expensive so i don't go often but holy shit. they use actual proper tea and fresh-as-hell boba and it's just. it's so good, i think anything from there would be insanely worth it (but i've never bothered to branch out from perfection).
my daily bev: i can't be too specific on brand without lowkey doxxing myself a tad, but there's a local company that does this flavored black tea with cornflower, raspberry, red plum petals, and blueberry, and it's just. it's incredible. mellow and rich and lightly (but not overwhelmingly) floral and fruity. i have it every single day and i'm convinced it is the perfect tea.
and two other faves because you asked for recipes:
strawberry (cheong) lemonade: okay so this is more effort than truly necessary, but i went to one of those u-pick strawberry places last summer and then the cultivar fucking sucked so they weren't even good, so i made cheong with them, which is a korean fruit syrup/preserve you make by layering equal amounts of fruit and sugar in a jar and letting them sit (i put them in the fridge just to be safe) for a few weeks.
the end result is preserves that you can blend into a bangin' spread and a fruit syrup that is like the nectar of the fucking gods. i didn't think it would make a huge difference doing it that way rather than a typical heat-based reduction, but it tastes like fresh strawberries. you don't lose any of that to it breaking down via heat treatment, so similar to the difference between a cold brew and a heat-based one.
anyway those mixed with lemonade (i make a concentrate using half lemons and half regular lemon juice, and include some lemon zest) makes one of the best summer drinks i've ever had.
i'm adding a cut for the last one because i can't/won't stop now but i have some self-awareness. okay, last one:
vanilla chai: i haven't made this in a bit, because when i moved here i ended up using up my stock of cardamom, and the local brand available here is just... not it, and i'm still trying to work out the most cost-effective way to order them online. which is devastating, because cardamom is the flavor most beloved to me in chai. anyway-
the thing that rocks about chai is that it is not actually all that hard, and you can customize it so specifically to your taste. my go-to add-ins are cardamom (5-6 pods, crushed open), cloves (2-3), cinnamon (about half a stick, crushed a lil), fresh ginger (idk how to measure this one, like an inch or two?), and vanilla. i used to use vanilla bean paste i got ages ago as a gift, but that is too rich for the world we live in nowadays, so it's whatever vanilla i have.
technically there's a specific kind of tea you're supposed to use, but i prefer it with regular loose-leaf black tea (which i always have on hand anyway). so you basically get a small pot, and bring your water (about half to 3/4 of your mug) to a boil. once it does, add your tea leaves and spices (not vanilla tho) and let them vibe out there for 5-10 minutes.
then, add your milk (about half of your mug) and vanilla, and warm to desired temp, but don't let it boil (this is my personal preference). add desired amount of sugar to your mug (i usually do a small spoonful of white and a small spoonful of brown sugar) and pour the chai into the mug through a fine mesh sieve (to get out the spice bits). if you have a milk frother, i like to aerate it a bit before drinking (improves flavor and also makes it less likely to burn your tongue).
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daydreams-after-dark · 5 months
You’ve seen his truck plenty of times. He makes his rounds during the hottest part of the day, when the children are out and frolicking around. You’re just about to drift off in your hammock on your back porch when you hear the music. You see the kids running up to the truck. You could go for a popsicle right about now. Making your way over to the baby blue tuck covered in pictures of frozen treats, you expected the ice cream man to be a senior citizen or some middle-aged nerdy fellow. But when he peeks out of the little window, you’re pleasantly surprised. He’s young and cute. Boba eyes, rounded cheeks flushed from the summer heat. His wavy, dark long hair damp from perspiration, clinging to his forehead and neck. His muscular arms reach out to give ice cream cones and loose change to little eager hands. Just as he serves the last kid, his eyes catch yours. You’ve been staring. Should I approach him? Can I have more than ice cream? Too late, he’s already making his way out of his truck and over to you. 
“Do you like ice cream?” he asks, tilting his head. “I have everyone’s favorites. But I’ve got something extra special for you,” he takes your hand and leads you to his truck. You climb into the back while he climbs into the driver seat. Han pulls off and around the corner to a secluded area. He climbs into the back where you’ve already started without him. Laid back on your elbows, sundress pulled up over your stomach as you rub your clit. Han licks his lips. “Damn.” He opens one of the freezers and pulls out a popsicle. Kneeling  down between your legs, he peels off the wrapper and places the popsicles to your lips. You slowly suck on it, tucking two fingers into you needy pussy. Eyes connected with Han’s as your tongue swirls. He slowly pulls the popsicle down your neck, his mouth following the sticky trail. Han frees your breast from your dress and swirls the popsicle around your nipple as you purr from the cold contact. He sucks your nipple, giving a gentle tug with his teeth before continuing down and around your navel. You remove your fingers and he teases your clit with the popsicle making you squeal. Han chuckles as he leans down, licking up the sugary juice dripping from your cunt. He latches on to your swollen bud as he dips the popsicle inside of you. You moan, ruffling his hair with both hands. The cold firmness of the popsicle and the warm suction of his mouth sending your brain into sensation overload. He twists the popsicle inside of you, rubbing it against your g-spot. You're so close to cumming when he pulls it out suddenly. You whine as Han sucks on the popsicle, popping it out of his mouth before putting it into yours. “I'd rather you cum on my cock,” he smirks, unbuckling his pants.
This is what happens in my head when Sorsha asks research questions. Sorry, not sorry.
🤭 @kangnina I’m not sure if I should stop asking innocent questions, or ask a hundred more!
I blushed and gushed so hard at this. I’m currently sitting outside the school in my car waiting for my offspring to emerge, giggling like the horny biatch I am.
I’ve never imagined being fucked in the back of an ice cream truck… with an ice popsicle, but I think I will be thinking about it often now.
What a sticky sweet mess for Han to lick up.
But… I bet Han’s cock is the best tasting popsicle on earth.
@noellllslut @channieandhisgoonsquad @chansbabyg
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bamnamuu · 1 year
1. i see him in my dreams
warnings: swearing, threatening to push people out of cars
(not proof read)
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We have orientation today. It's nothing special mostly just ‘blah blah blah’ , they split us up into groups the games and ticket people are with yeonjun and then everyone else is with soobin, I believe I wasn't exactly paying attention, how could I Jake was standing like six feet away from me, he looked better than I remember. I'm lost in my own daydream until beomgyu speaks up beside me. 
‘’ y/n?’’ 
‘’Humh’’ I turned to face him. 
‘’ I just said I'm gonna head over to heesung’’ he said. 
‘’ .. Good luck!’’ I said with a smile. 
‘’ why, we’re just looking around the park?’’ he was 
‘’cause you're going to be with kai!’’ smiling as I was turning away, I hear him mutter something under his breath. My group had left me, so I had to run to catch up. Bumping into lily, we started talking. It's all nice and breezy until we reach our destination. The ticket booth,
‘’Do you think they'll drag me back here if I start running?’’ 
‘’ They might not but, I would’’
‘’ lil I heard that one summer, two girls were working and they got locked in and died!’’
‘’Did Taehyun tell you that one too?’’
‘’Yeah, unfortunately, he also called me a lobster!’’ I finished my sentence and face lily, she was making a face like she was trying to hold in her laugh, before completely breaking. 
Too much time passes and we have gone over the basics like ‘take money give a ticket and repeat’, pretty simple, its that hard, but it’s extremely hot luckily yeonjun left the booth door open so we get some wind, then they bring out the yellow uniforms and send us on our way.
‘’ Oh I forgot about the mic’s, there are two on and off buttons, one for in the booth, one for outside. It's better to just leave the outside one at all times!’’  yeonjun said as he re-entered the booth and showed us how to use the mics before kicking us out and locking the booth. 
‘’ where's soob?’’ lily said as we caught up with Beomgyu and yunjin.
‘’ he has to stay back and do important work things’’ Yunjin brings her hands up to make air quotations. 
‘’ soo who wants to get boba?’’ lily shrieks in my ear, and everyone starts running back to the gyus' car.
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Beomgyu had agreed to drive all of us besides kai to work. I don’t know why our huening kai is an angel, with saying that Beomgyu threatened to push me out of the moving car.
‘’ beomgyu can we not threaten our friends first thing in the morning?’’
‘’yunjin it's 11:00 am, also no I will threaten my friends when they're wrong’’ he's glaring at me through the rearview mirror i can feel it, but i decide I don't care, cause I'm in a sharpie-smelling car with my friends, also if he does push me out of the car i will make him pay my hospital bills, i move up in my seat and grab the aux chord that attached to gyus phone and play music until we make to our destination and start work. 
Taehyun's tips have been working, or at least his last one, because I haven't been able to think all day. It's that busy, but where our booth is located, I get to see a small view of Jake and Beomgyu handing out mini fishing poles to kids, but that fun is ruined when the glare of the sun blocks my view. Lily and I have been crushing the shit out of our jobs and only been a couple of days. As I handed a ticket to the last person in line, I look to Lily. 
‘’I'm gonna go on break now, Do you think you can handle this beast all by yourself?’’ pointing at the empty line, she tells me she's all good and to enjoy the wind, and I leave. I take my time walking to the staff lounge since there’s a nice cold breeze, passing beomgyu’s booth, and a bunch of screaming kids i get to the door and sit down on one of the bright green chairs, while putting my headphones on i hear someone enter the room, looking up from my phone i see jake staring at me.
“y/n right?”
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authors note 🗒️: soooo chapter one is done !! this is my first story so if it’s bad that’s why 🫶 jake pov next time 🙀
Synopsis: Y/N and her friends all wind up working at the same amusement park for the entire summer. It just so happens that her longtime crush, Jake Sim, is working at the same park with his friends. Unfortunately for Jake, his ex-girlfriend Yoona has planned to make her way back into his life, so his friends bring up the idea of having a fake girlfriend so that Yoona will leave him alone, and his eyes just so happen to land on the girl in the ticketing booth.
tag list 🏷️ @mrchweeee
(message me if you wanna be added to tag list ☺️)
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battle-of-alberta · 1 year
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World Watercolour Month: 6. Flavour
This is like a fraction of a fraction of an answer to an ask that I need to dwell on haha. You can get bubble tea in both Banff and Jasper now - I've only been to Wishing Tea in Jasper so far, but they both look good. I was already thinking about cafe / bar drink orders for these two and I had already been thinking about drawing bubble tea for this prompt so I decided to combine them.
Nor has a lychee sparkler with fruit popping boba - partially because i thought a light fruity drink would suit her and partially because I really wanted to try to paint one, haha. Milk Tea Banff has a lot of aesthetic gradients in their teas.
At first I was thinking about black sugar boba or a honey ginger drink for Jas but then I noticed Wishing Tea has a "Jasper Special" of jasmine fruit tea with fresh strawberries and blueberries and I decided that would be fun to paint, haha. I added macchiato snow foam as a topping because... snow... and its because its the topping I would order. I guess there's also a winter and summer dichotomy of what to order I didn't consider earlier...
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OC Smash or Pass: Charlie Annora-Nair
Thank you for the tag, @illarian-rambling!
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Age: Really hard to keep track of at this point, 19 or mid hundreds? Maybe?
Species: Human, adopted daughter to monsters
Height: 5"
Sexuality: Unsure- maybe bi?
Appearance: Petite and skinny, Charlie tries her best to stand tall with a friendly smile. She's white with both a ton of freckles on her face and strawberry-blonde hair with a hint of curl, having decided to shave half of her head. She wears layers even in summer, but it's hard not to notice what scars are visible. With all the cheer she puts out, it's hard to notice that her green eyes, hidden behind delicate frame glasses, are haunted.
Charlie does her best to spend time with her friends and family at least twice a week, whether it's just walking to the local boba shop or a Mario Kart all-nighter. If you're especially special to her, she will make sure to spend even more time with you.
Charlie puts her heart into learning new skills, whether it's figuring out what weather is the best to make pie crust or fishing the biggest catfish you've ever seen. She especially likes learning the hobbies of the people she loves, so she will enjoy learning about your hobbies and passions!
Charlie is loud and proud about the people she loves, which includes so much physical affection. She will hold your hand when you're walking, try her best to sit next to you, and she will try and hold you up so everyone can see her wonderful partner.
She never forgets a fact about a person, even when you forgot you told her that.
You have to trick her into telling you when she's feeling bad. Charlie is the type to want everyone happy, even when she's pouring from an empty bucket. It is a mask you will have to yank on, even when she gets annoyed.
Charlie is a perfectionist about plans. She will try her best to not show it, but she will be on edge and it will be noticeable.
She has nightmares and will be on edge about her scars, especially if you notice that the timeline seems off...
I will tag, with no pressure, @ofbloodandflowers, @magic-is-something-we-create, and @kirsten-is-writing.
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sooyun-ichtama · 2 months
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{ credits } BLAXIUM -Usagi Body Shine- [C.YFashion] *HARUKO* | kawaii secrets = DAE = BMK Metal set earrings (Enfer Sombre*) LeLutka Eyes - Rose .kotti. Yena Nails [LEGACY] Meshbody (f) Special Edition LeLUTKA Ceylon Head :: MOMOCHUU :: Miau Choker Heart MOVEMENT- Summer edition (bag&sandals - Pink) | level #N/A Badkitty lipstick Summer Vacation Backdrop - The Bearded Guy tres beau x lel evox - minseo skin (4.0) Wasabi // Matcha Hair / XLR8 / Boba Set /
flickr | instagram | primfeed
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bobafettfanclub · 1 year
Boba Fett appeared in the "Droids" animated series on this day in 1985
Don Francks voiced Fett, reprising his uncredited role for the same character in the 1978 Holiday Special, as confirmed by the actor's daughter Cree Summer
Episode 4 of "Droids" is available on Disney+
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