#Summer Sway  ko
writing-for-marvel · 1 year
Day 7: Striptease
Mob!Bucky's Kinktober Honeymoon
Mob!Bucky Barnes × Wife!Reader
Summary: Bucky gets turned on while you try on your new designer clothes.
Warnings: strictly 18+, smut, fingering, ruined orgasm, Bucky speaking Romanian & being obsessed with his wife (yes, those are warnings 👀)
Word count: 1.6k
A/N: this isn’t a typical striptease but I wasn’t sure what else to call this - it’s more of a sexy try on haul with smut. Dividers by me, please do not use. Banners by @vase-of-lilies
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“What do you think?” You ask your husband who has perched himself at the end of the luxuriously large king bed in your rented villa.
His nose is in his phone, you suspect checking on business back home even though he promised you he wouldn’t work a single minute while on your honeymoon. But as soon as he looks up, his attention switches solely to you, forgetting all about whatever had been distracting him on the device.
One of the many wedding presents Bucky had given to you was a new closet full of custom designer clothes, including that of a swimsuit collection specifically for your European summer honeymoon.
The way Bucky’s eyes widen, desire and lust mixing like twin flames in his ocean blue eyes, makes you melt.
He’s seen you naked basically every day since you began dating, watched your face contort in pure ecstasy more times than you could possibly count, and yet, even now, more than two years into your relationship, he still looks at you like you’re the most desirable woman on the face of the earth. That there is simply no one else capable of captivating his attention in the way you do.
Bucky stands from the edge of the bed, taking slow steps towards you, his cerulean eyes never once leaving your body - not even blinking.
“Uluitoare [breathtaking].” You are still working on improving your Romanian, but by the astonished tone of his voice and the unwavering gaze settled on your body, you’re fairly sure you understand the sentiment.
“Nuh uh - no touching.” Smirking, you swat his hand away playfully when he reaches out to grasp your waist, performing a slow, alluring twirl to give him the perfect view of every angle. Once his eyes have roamed every inch of your frame, lingering at the shape of your ass and tits in your outfit, you lean forward, standing on your tiptoes, and speak lowly into his ear. “Let me put on a show for you.”
With a steady hand on his strapping chest, you press him backwards, pushing him onto the bed. His complete enthralment in your every movement makes confidence soar in your chest and gives you the courage to begin seductively stripping off your blouse button by button.
Your eyes are locked when the light material falls down your shoulders and onto the floor, a soft moan escapes his throat, his bottom lip curled behind his teeth. Even though you have no music to dance to, your hips sway to a rhythm as you unzip your skirt, making sure to provide Bucky the perfect view of your ass as that piece of clothing also drops to the ground.
In nothing but your expensive lingerie, which Bucky himself picked out, you saunter over to him and elicit a groan when you palm his rock hard cock through the material of his trousers.
“What should I try on for you first?” You ask, teasingly turning around and swaying your hips over the fabric of his pants. His growing erection becomes even more obvious as you start letting your hands wander over your own body, taunting him with the sight of your fingers dipping close to your core.
Bucky’s too caught up in the little show you’re putting on for him to even register the question you’ve asked him, but that doesn’t matter, you already know he’s going to lose his mind when he sees you in the sundress you’ve been eyeing off since the start of the season.
Leaving the confines of his warm body, you sway across the room to the rack of new clothes desperate for you to try on. You can feel Bucky’s eyes piercing through your back as you slip into the new dress, and even hear him swear under his breath when you turn around and show off the complete outfit.
“You’re the most gorgeous woman on the planet.” He comments in such an assured and sincere tone that you could never doubt he truly believes it.
Bucky pulls your body into him, so you stand between his spread legs. His fingers immediately toy with the thin material of your panties at the apex of your thighs, pulling the lingerie swiftly to the side and circles his middle finger lightly over your clit.
“What did I ever do to deserve you?” The rough pads of his fingers feel delightful against your slick folds, but you ache to feel more of him, to be so full of him you don’t know where he ends and you begin.
As his fingers trace tantalisingly through your core, your own cup his strong, stubbled jaw and tilt his chin up so his piercing eyes meet yours once again. You take a beat to admire just how much adoration fills them when he gazes at you, before closing the small space and slotting your lips against his.
For as long as you live, you will never tire of the feeling of his kiss. Butterflies. Palpitations. Fireworks. Even if it’s just his lips connected with yours, your entire body responds.
“Bucky, please.” You beg into his mouth, needing more than just the teasing pad of his finger against your clit.
He suddenly thrusts two thick fingers all the way inside you, his rough palm flat against your throbbing clit as he quickly begins fucking you hard and fast, curling his fingers to drag over your g-spot.
“Fuck, just like that.” His palm smacks against your clit with each push of his hand, the pleasure so overwhelming, you’re forced to hold onto his tattooed bicep for fear that your legs will give way underneath you.
When Bucky starts sucking on your neck, sure to leave a hickey, and using his other hand to massage your breast over the dress, you know you’re done for.
Your fingers tangle in the curls of hair at the nape of his neck as you can feel your orgasm begin to ignite like a match… before all of a sudden you feel completely empty, clenching around nothing, and your incoming high dissipates like smoke into the atmosphere.
“Show me another piece.” Bucky requests before sucking your sweet arousal from his fingers with lips curling in a cocky smirk.
You’re sure Bucky can detect the disappointment on your features, but he simply squeezes your hips encouragingly, head inclining to the other garments you have yet to try on.
“How about a preview of what I’m gonna wear to dinner tonight.” You purr into his ear before taking a couple of steps back on shaky legs, trying to maintain the confidence in your demeanour that you had in your prior performance and give him a taste of his own medicine.
Your movements aren’t as smooth this time, but Bucky looks just as pleased. At this point you’re fairly sure it isn’t the fact that someone is performing for him that has him so aroused, it’s that you’re the one putting on the show.
The dress you had set aside for later is hanging in a garnet bag on the rack with all the other formal dresses Bucky paid for. Your body moves fluidly as you exchange one dress for the other, teasingly giving him only a sneak peak at your best assets, and stripping off your lingerie panties in the process.
“Wasn’t gonna wear these tonight anyway.” You place the lace in Bucky’s outstretched hand, which he takes eagerly before smelling your sweet arousal on them and stuffing them in his jacket pocket.
“We ain’t making it to the restaurant if you’re gonna be dressed like this.” Bucky’s hands travel down your sides, admiring every swell and dip of your figure in the tighter fitting dress. He’s practically drooling at this point. “Especially if you don’t wear any panties.” His fingers find your entrance again and as if he never stopped fingering you, you’re right back where you left off, teetering on the edge of pure bliss when this time he inserts three fingers.
The salacious squelch of each thrust is telling of just how wet you are. You grind down on his hand, hips bucking and twisting to find just that right angle where every single nerve is on fire.
“Be a good girl and cum for me - I know you want to.” That’s all you want, to be his good girl, his perfect wife, and give him everything he asks for, including all your orgasms.
And that’s exactly what you do.
Bucky doesn’t relent, fingering you and simultaneously stimulating your clit until your legs start quivering, you’re screaming his name, arching into his broad chest, tugging on his hair and walls fluttering around his fingers.
He looks up at you while you’re coming down from your high as if you hang the stars and the moon in the night sky - like you’re the sun his whole galaxy revolves around.
“Te iubesc [I love you].” Even though your mind is still catching up to reality, you’ve heard this Romanian saying far too often to forget what it means.
“Și eu te iubesc, James [I love you too].” You respond in an imperfect pronunciation, yet a genuinely affectionate smile blooms on Bucky’s face nonetheless. You can feel his smile grow when he places a gentle kiss against your lips.
“As sexy as you look with this dress on…” He starts, fiddling with the straps on your shoulders, trailing gentle kisses down your spine as he lets the soft material of the dress fall to a puddle at your feet. “I prefer you in nothing.”
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Mob!Bucky’s Kinktober Honeymoon Taglist: @tilltheendofthelinepal13 @kandis-mom @buggy14 @opheliastark @auntiegigi @alovecraft @cinnxbunny @zincxxx @cultofcarter @rose-alyssa @kaitlin013106 @wandas-gurlfri3nd @beautifulrare4leafclover @queenyamimarrero @littlerya @noobzandboobzandhooz @wanda2themax @lonelywolfheart @Kbananaclip14 @depressed-gays-of-marvel @ur--mommy @jollyfirebattrash @lauratang @casa-boiardi @raging-panda @nicoline1998enilocin @melsunshine @stinkerbelle007 @mememe7147 @happycat547 @matchat3a @Sirmeowertheruthless7 @inlovewithficnalmen @katiemarsblog @irienanicole @buckyisveryhot @littleravengirl @whyamireadingthis @vase-of-lilies @Mrsrogers77 @saltyshluts @Wwhitewolff @buckysdogtagss @mylastnamesyuh @alexandria-fandom @andth3ywereroommates @avalongreene-09 @sargentbarnxes @keira324 @cherryschaos @missusbarnes-rogers @cherriesnwinee @Ellieangelbee @Shirayukiuzukaze @goldylions @elacinnamoon @buckysdollx @mrsmischief209 @capsbestgirl77 @its-just-smut-haha @ironmansson29 @Slutforderekhale @otome-loves-what @jacesswifey @winterslove1917 @black-mistress-of-evil @buckyscumwhore @purple-vegan
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Hi! Do you think you can write a story where hero accidentally hurts villain with their powers and they have to take care of them?
Hi Anon! I think I can! Thanks for requesting this, and for your patience, here you go!
Frostbite and Firelight
Hero had really screwed up this time. Villain was supposed to dodge, darn it! But they didn’t, and now they were currently shivering in Hero's arms, their torso marked black and blue from the crime-fighter's ice beam.
“I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry,” Hero repeated over and over again as they ran.
Villain's shivering became more violent.
“It's gonna be okay, I'm gonna get you to the hospital and-"
“N-n-n-no,” Villain's teeth chattered, “h-h-h-hospital.”
“But Villain-"
“P-p-please, no,” Villain begged.
Hero sighed in a frazzled sort of way, then turned on their heel and started running to their little townhouse.
Hero laid Villain on the couch, hastily throwing old logs in the fireplace and lighting it for the first time ever. It was the dead of summer, and even if it wasn't, being cryogenic made Hero extremely sensitive to high heat. Not that they were thinking about that right now though.
They threw blanket after blanket over Villain's shaking form.
“Okay okay okay okay okay,” hero muttered, “no problem no problem, well big problem, but a problem we can handle, right? Right. Uh, Villain?”
Villain cracked an eye open. They were so cold it burned.
“I need your help here,” Hero said, “can you make any fire?”
“Hero,” Villain grunted, “there's no need to panic.”
Villain lifted their suit. Their skin was already shifting from black-and-blue to reddish-pink.
“Huh?” Hero asked, wiping cold sweat from their brow.
“Hero, fire cancels out ice, you should know that,” Villain laughed weakly, “but you did do a number on me for a minute there…”
Hero swayed, then lurched to the side. Villain quickly slid off the couch and caught them. The fire roared behind them, crackling and popping.
“But it would seem ice doesn't exactly cancel out fire, huh?” Villain asked knowingly.
“I- didn’t know what else to do…”
“Hm. Well, as much as I'm enjoying the warmth, I don't really need it anymore. Let's get you cooled down.”
Villain took a jug of water and doused the fire out. Hero sighed in relief now that the heat wasn't burning up their back.
“Thank you,” Hero sighed in relief.
Villain hoisted Hero to their feet.
“Nice place you've got,” they remarked.
Oh puddles. Now Villain knew where they lived.
“Relax,” Villain laughed, “I'll only pop in every now and then~”
“Are you sure you're okay?” Hero asked.
Villain looked at Hero thoughtfully. Then an idea flashed behind their eyes.
“You know… I'd probably feel even better if you…”
“Yes?” Hero asked instantly.
“…If you and I got coffee after this?” Villain smirked, “you can have the iced stuff, I want something hot.”
Hero blushed. They opened their mouth then closed it several times, unsure why the words weren't forming.
“Yes?” Hero squeaked.
“Perfect,” Villain smiled.
They left the room and went to the front door, Hero trailing behind them without realizing it.
“I'll see you at the café in an hour?”
Hero nodded mutely. Villain smiled, then opened the door.
“And Hero?” they asked.
“You can freeze me anytime if it means I get to come over afterward~”
Villain left at that, closing the door behind them and leaving a very flustered Hero standing there, cheeks as red as Villain's fire.
@mythixmagic @infinityshadows @fishtale88 @thelazywitchphotographer @the-beasts-have-arrived @princessofonwardsworld @surplus-of-sarcasm @memepsychowhowantsuperpower-blog
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Mamma mia | chapter three
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listen to: Gimme!Gimme!Gimme! - Abba (Movie cover) | Don't You- Taylor Swift (playlist here)
warnings: accidental pregnancy, smut 18+, raising a child alone. warnings will be added as the story progresses. For this chapter fainting, sexual assault
series masterlist + read the next chapter early on my ko-fi!!
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As soon as you stepped out of the Uber, you had a feeling that tonight wasn’t what you’d expected. 
The sound of the loud music and chatter filled your ears, and the smell of alcohol and weed hit your nose. Your brows pinched as you gazed back at James. 
“Are you serious?” you asked as you gazed at the house. 
It was a college party. People were doing keg stands in the backyard, you could hear them counting and cheering for whoever was doing it. There were boys in the entrance with sunglasses asking people for money, eyes roaming the bodies of the girls that desperately wanted to enter, and people puking on the front lawn while their friends laughed. 
“Are you serious?” you repeated as you glared at James. 
James stared at the scene while Augustine grimace as she saw another girl puking. God, the music was so loud, the police were going to bust this in a matter of seconds. 
“Relax,” James said. “We’re twenty-three, not fifty,”
“And they are like fifteen,” Augustine said as she scrunched her nose slightly. 
“We said this summer was going to be messy,” James said as she took a cigarette from her purse and placed it on her lips.
“Fun, we said fun,” you narrowed your eyes at her. “We could’ve gone to the Hard Deck,”
“Next time, now come on,” James said as she took a hold of your hand and pulled you to the party. 
As you walk up to the front door of the house, where a group of people is huddled together smoking cigarettes, you winced when you felt your heels sticking to the mud in the front lawn. 
“I wasn’t promised this!” you complained while James snickered as she let the smoke out of her mouth. James only smoked when she was at these types of parties, she knew you and Augustine hated the habit but she couldn’t quite quit it. 
“You’ll thank me later!” she said before she walked up the porch. 
James talked for you to the guys wearing sunglasses, even though it was past 10:00 pm already and the sun was nowhere around. 
Quickly, they performed their routine, eyes roaming your legs and then the short skirt you were wearing, the revealing tube top that let them a clear view of your collarbones. You quickly wrapped yourself in the oversize white dress shirt you’d chosen to wear while you glared at them. You felt so stupid with that bandage on your arm but you still didn’t give them much thought. Then, they gazed down at Augustine. With a nod at you, they let you pass, and you made your way inside. 
The room was packed with people, and you immediately felt overwhelmed. The living room is transformed into a makeshift dance floor, and people are jumping and swaying to the music. Screaming and whatnot, you try to move in the sea of what surely were intoxicated college students. 
“What do we do now?” Augustine shouted over the music. 
James shrugged as she took in the scene, the Monalisa smirk that was perpetually drawn on her face lit up, and she gazed back at you. 
“Whatever we want!” she replied, finally grinning before she took off. 
You watched her as she went to a table where people were taking shots and playing beer pong. Augustine and you held hands for a second as you stared at the scene. 
“I’ll get us something to drink!” Augustine said with a grin.
At least Augustine didn’t leave you alone. At first. 
Augustine offered the drink she made with her amazing bartender skills, at least that’s what she’d said while beaming at you. You winced as you gulped down the drink, apparently a mix of pineapple juice with a triple measure of vodka. 
By the fifth drink, you weren’t too annoyed by the grinding idiots in front of you. The music changed eventually, and after a few drinks, Augustine pulled you onto the dance floor. Moving your hips to the beat you decided to let loose, it felt good to let go and have fun, even if you weren’t quite comfortable with the party. 
By your eighth drink, Augustine was teetered to a guy that had been gazing at her almost since your fourth drink. You lost her by your tenth drink, sipping on the red solo cup you closed your eyes as you felt the beat of the music, tracing your hands delicately over your body felt good, the satisfying buzz of the alcohol in your bloodstream, drinks clouding your thoughts. 
Calling Bob tomorrow. Definitely, that was your first thought, or you could’ve called him at that moment. Yes, that was your second thought until you recalled that you didn’t have his number. You pouted, eyes still close. You should’ve taken his number. This summer was the one you wouldn’t care about but you would remember, asking a guy for his number shouldn’t be badly seen. You needed to be different, you wanted to be different so badly, and you wanted to stop holding yourself back. 
By the time you felt the hand on your lower back and your eyes snapped open, you realized that you were definitely tipsy. Before you knew it, you were swapping the arm away from your body as you turned around with a frown. Tall and muscular, not a good smile, and definitely drunker than you. 
"Hey there, I don't think I've seen you around here before," he said, his words slurred. 
You narrowed your eyes at him. 
If this had been you ten drinks before, maybe you wouldn’t have said anything. You might’ve walked off from the makeshift dance floor, but you didn’t. 
“Touch me like that again and I’ll break your hand,”
You were definitely bordering on drunk now, you realized as you stood your ground but lost a bit of balance even if no one had touched you. The guy scoffed as his friends laughed at him. 
“Not my fault you’re wearing the shortest skirt around,” the guy said, towering over you as his eyes roamed your body. “Honestly it’s a fucking invitation,”
Your whole body feels like it’s vibrating, anger rushing through your blood as you tilt your chin up to look at the Frat guy. 
“Like I would be interested in a guy with probably the smallest dick in the whole house,” you scoffed at him, eyes glued to his. Not backing down. 
That’s when you see it when you should probably give a step back because his eyes suddenly turned dark. Your lungs are burning up, hatred swelling your chest and then in the back of your mind, there’s a slight sense of danger. It’s drowned out by the drunken haze you found yourself in. 
Without warning, his hand moves towards your body, reaching and finally managing to graze the curve of your ass before hell breaks loose. Honestly, you aren’t sure what you were thinking. No one actually knows, because quickly pull a left hook and hit him right in the jaw, his head snapping to the side from the strength of your hit before you feel a strong set of hands holding you tightly by the shoulders while another one pushes you back to your chest and then gives the guy a second blunt to his jaw. 
“FUCK!” You screamed loudly before you could actually take in the scene as you held your injured wrist, letting your body rest against the strong chest that was holding you. 
“You ever touch her or anyone like that again and I’ll swear I’ll break your fucking nose,” 
There’s a slight Texan accent on his words, you can perceive it even through the pain and the drunken haze. It sounds like the first bite of a crisp apple, the way wood crackles under the fire, the pop of a champagne rock. It overwhelms you, pain and drunk buzzing, through it all, his voice is the one thing that keeps you grounded. 
“Honey, are you okay?” James’ voice made you snap your eyes open, only then did you realize that tears are running down your cheeks 
You bit your lower lip as you shook your head, the pain was thumping hard through your wrist, it felt like your heart had been dragged there. As if you were holding it with your right hand. 
“Javy, we may need to take her to the hospital,” James said as her chin tilted up to the person, Javy, who was holding you tightly against his chest. Closing your eyes, you realize that you didn't care that you didn’t know him, you allowed him to hold you, and for some reason it made you feel safe. 
“Is she okay?” his voice made you snap your eyes open, and there he was. 
You noticed his eyes first. You always noticed eyes first for some reason, they were green, the green that the water turns under the right light on a sunny day when the sun sets in the softest way possible, with no cues of orange or purple, just hazel and golden. His eyebrows were furrowed in a certain way, creases appearing in the middle of his forehead as he shook his left hand softly, probably because his knuckles were beating too from hitting the guy square in the jaw. A smile tugged on your lips as you watched him. 
He was older than the guys there, you could tell, even older than you. You estimated the late twenties, a worrisome feeling on the back of your neck asked why he was doing there if he was older but then you recalled James and you tried not to judge him immediately, Then, your eyes fell on his arms -his biceps-, toned and peeking out from the tight white shirt he was wearing. It passed through your mind that you were checking him out but how could you not, dangerous half-smirk, broad shoulders, tanned, tousled short blonde hair. 
You wondered if you stare at him too long. You could’ve blamed the alcohol but it was your body, you couldn’t help how it reacted to him. The sizzling heat under your cheeks, the way your heart stuttered for a second when his sea-foam green eyes fell on you, the way goosebumps erupted on your skin as he leaned closer to you, grazing your skin. But then that thumping pain on your wrist didn’t let you think anymore, you whined softly as you held it. 
“Who are you guys?” you whispered as you stared at him. 
“Honey, this is Jake and this is Javy,” James said as she took a strand from your hair and placed it on the back of your ear.“They are our new friends,”
You nodded slightly before tears began to stream down again, they knew their path already. Running through your cheeks, falling to your elbow, some running their way down your neck, into your collarbone. You weren’t sobbing by any means, it was one of those times when you couldn’t pull yourself together. It used to happen a lot when you were a teenager, you were perfectly fine but tears would be streaming down. You guessed it was the alcohol. 
“Are you actually okay?”Javy said as he let go of you slightly. 
Jake frowned, his eyebrows pinched. “She’s crying, of course, she’s not okay Coyote,” he said incredulously, quickly taking a hold of you when he realized that you were losing your balance. 
“Who’s Coyote?” you asked, as you leaned into his chest a bit, seeking warmth, everything was suddenly so cold. 
“Javy,” James said as she passed a hand through your hair softly, you whined. Everything swirled for a second, you closed your eyes as you nuzzled further into his chest. He smelled like oranges. Fuck, you were drunk. 
“That’s a stupid nickname,” you whined as you pressed yourself further into his chest. “I think I’m going to puke,” you sighed. 
Javy quickly glared at James who quickly bit her lip, a smile tugging in the corners of her lips as well as Jake’s. He glanced down at you as he took your arm softly. 
Your face was a performance. No, not from the crying or your pout, you were so beautiful it was hard for him to look away, it’d been hard since he first noticed you when James had pointed at you. Your cheeks were dusted with something shimmering and gold too, it sparkled like a mirrorball on the dancefloor. Even tainted with tears, Jake could see the spark, the way your long lashes struggled with the tears that fell down, the glassy look in your eyes. 
“She needs to drink water,” James said as you let another whimper, hushing you as she placed her forehead against yours. 
James usually didn’t act like that, it was all Augustine but sometimes, when she knew you were hurting, she was the most motherly of all. That’s how you knew that you really look bad.
“I’ll take her,” Jake suddenly said, quickly untangling you from Javy, and quickly pulling you towards him. He smelled like lemon and wood. The urge to vomit suddenly calmed down. You sniffed him, then worried about if he noticed. You hoped he didn’t.  
He did but he found it strangely endearing. 
“Are you sure?”James asked, there was a pointing tone to her voice. 
Suddenly, you wrapped your arms around his waist, nuzzling further into his chest. Jake smiled slightly, as he gazed down at you and then he quickly wrapped his arms around you. You sighed contentedly. 
“I’m sure,” Jake said as he began to walk with you toward the kitchen. “Go and have fun,”
As soon as you reached the kitchen, the fluorescent light made a wave of nausea rise from your throat but all of the sudden, you felt him getting a hold of your waist. Before you could even protest, he took your body and placed you on the counter without any effort. For a moment you felt embarrassed, your eyes were still closed and you were way too whiny. It must’ve been vodka. Or the pain. For a moment you’d forgotten about the painkillers they’d given you earlier. 
You felt a bit disappointed in yourself. Tilting your head back, and closing your eyes, you exhaled a long fuuuuuuuuck. 
“What was that?” he asked. 
Opening your eyes, you stared at him offering you a glass of water. He was way too beautiful for his own good, you guessed. That smirk, god, he was so much trouble.
“Aren’t you the nicest cowboy?” you teased him, watching him through your lashes. 
A slight smirk tugged on the corners of his until a grin appeared on his face. It made your cheeks burn too.
“Here, something that won’t actually fuck your liver,” he said as he offered the glass of water. 
You took it softly from his hand, your eyes still trained on him. It’d to be the alcohol because you knew that back in New York you wouldn't have looked at him like that. The water felt good, the more you drank it, the more you thought you could actually see. The tunnel vision went away, the blurriness of it all dissipated, and nausea did too. The only thing that remained was the heat sizzling under your skin as you watched him, your heart stuttering when his eyes met yours in a certain way. 
You couldn’t read him, though. 
“Thank you for helping me with that douche,” you finally said, when you felt like your words wouldn’t stumble against one another as they rolled out of your tongue. 
Jake snorted softly as he passed a hand through his short blonde hair. “My pleasure, sweetheart,”
Without losing your balance, you jumped from the counter and left the glass on the sink. Always a perfect guest, he thought. Then you turned towards him, a curious glance beaming in your eyes as you stared at him, biting your inner cheek. 
“What’s your name?”
“Jake Seresin,” he said, there it is again, the slight Texan accent. “Yours?”
You tell him yours, he smiles as he hears it. 
“You have a stupid nickname like your friend?” you asked him. Maybe you were still a bit tipsy, you thought as you waited for his answer, hoping that you hadn’t offended him. 
You didn’t. He laughed, shrugging shoulders slightly. 
“Nah, that isn’t original,” he answered, in a voice that neither confirmed nor denied whether this was true. You raised an eyebrow as you leaned a bit down, trying to move a bit. 
Often, when you were past a certain number of drinks, your body felt numb. As if your limbs weren’t connected to your brain fast enough, soon you realized that stretching might help. Even if it looked weird, you didn’t really care at the moment. 
“Then tell me, I’m drunk and hurt and you’re,” you stared at him, specifically at his eyes. You frowned slightly, following his line of vision, which ended up just under your collarbones. You scoffed. “You’re looking at my tits,”
You didn’t move though. 
“No, I’m not,” he said, still looking at them, focused. 
“You’re still doing it,” you rolled your eyes before you stood up straight, covering your body with your oversize shirt. 
He didn’t seem ashamed though, which in turn, didn’t annoy you instead, it almost made you smile. 
“I’m respectfully looking at your cleavage,” he finally said before meeting your eyes again. 
You rolled your eyes. “God, you guys are all the same,” you said as you strode away from him. Part of you wanted to find August and James and get the hell out of there, another part wanted him to stop you. 
He did. 
“No, no, no,” he said as he caught your wrist, pulling you closer to him. “I swear, I’m not,” he said. 
Lemon and wood, you tilted your chin to look up at him through your lashes. Hyperfocus on the way he held your wrist for a second, firm and soft at the same time before his hand snaked down and interlaced his fingers with yours. 
“Yeah, sure cowboy,” you said before offering him a slow, catlike smile. 
Jake bit his lower lip as he stared at you. 
“Just dance with me, you’ll have a swell time and realize that I’m nothing like that guy,”
“I need to be very drunk before I do that,” you answered. 
“I think we got that solved, darling,”
With glassy eyes and pink cheeks, you allowed him to circle you in his arms and pull you forward into the crowd of bodies. Matching the sway of your hips, you dance throughout the night. The music fills the room like water, seeping into every corner. It must be the drink or your state of mind, but every nerve in your body is glowing with heat you didn’t know you possessed. 
A deep sense of faith fills your chest. Everything led you to this, to be here with him, to be held by him. To feel like this. He’s warm and you close your eyes the more you dance, every breath you take is jumping back and forth between a content sigh or a laugh. An electric jolt spread through your body each time Jake touched your skin as you danced. Soon, James and Javy joined you on the dancefloor, then Augustine with her beau of the night. 
The night passes seamlessly. Drinking a bit more, dancing until your body is sweaty, you don’t recall doing anything else. At least, until James finally announces that the party has died and that you should go home. It’s ten past three in the morning when you guys manage to arrive at your place by walking and screaming old songs. 
“Even though the guys are crazy, even though the stars are blind,” Jake and Javy sing along as James, Augustine and you are looking at them, smiles drawn up on your faces as you stare at the two best friends holding each other by the shoulders. 
“If you show me, real love, baby. I’ll show you mi-i-ine,” you sing along now, Augustine and James holding your hips as you walk. 
“I can make it nice and naughty,” Jake and Javy sing, soon Javy is wrapping his arms around James, holding her tightly against him as he sings on the curve of his ear and neck. 
“Be a devil and angel too,” Augustine, Jake and you respond, you feel Jake holding your waist, you try not to blush anymore but you can barely control your body. 
“Got a heart and soul and body,” James and Javy sing as you reach your place. “Let’s see what this love can do,” Augustine sings as she takes your keys and opens the door to your place. 
“Baby, I’m perfect for you,” all of you scream as you enter your place. 
James announces that Jake and Javy will be sleeping downstairs and that you girls were going to sleep upstairs and alone. Jake and Javy groan at the statement but truly they didn’t put up much of a fight, though you see the way Jake gazes at you but you’re too tired to even make a pass on him. Your body aches with every step you give as you climb through the stairs and reach your room. 
You’d left your window open before you left, the moon is shining bright, and the moonlight enters your room just in the right way to allow you to discard your clothes without turning on the light. The sound of the waves crashing against the sand fill your room. Moonlight kisses your bare chest as you discard your top, as you discard your skirt leaving you with just your panties while you look for your oversize shirt. 
Suddenly, you hear a noise. Snapping your hair towards the door, covering your chest fast, you see him standing in the frame of your door. He’s squinting but he’s still looking at you until your eyes meet his and he quickly looks away. You frown. 
“What are you,”
“I’m not looking, I swear,” he said. 
You raise an eyebrow, he’d already given you a good look, at least at your ass but you don’t mind as you quickly take your shirt and put it over your body. 
“Weren’t you going to be down,” you said but he cut you off. 
“Jamie came for Coyote,” Jake explained as his eyes remained closed. “I honestly don’t want to listen to my best friend having sex, can I just crash?” he asked. 
His voice is soft and genuine. You stare at him, his eyes close, his jeans discarded, he’s only left in his boxers, shirtless too. For some reason you trust him, you know he’s not going to try anything. With a sigh, you walk towards him and take his hand softly, pulling him inside your room. He allows you to, opening his eyes to see you closing the door. 
“We aren’t sleeping together, okay?” you said as you turned towards him. 
“Okay,” he answers. 
With a nod, you guide him to your bed. He accommodates into the small bed fine, you allowed him to go first given that he seemed already half asleep and you honestly didn’t care much which side of the bed he took, you were exhausted. Swiftly, you collapse on your bed with a pleasant sight, though, it’s hard for your limbs not to stumble with Jake’s. 
He notices it right away, hyper-aware of your body heat, of how you feel. He wants to blame that he drank a bit, but he knows he just wants you close, quickly he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You allow him to, melting into his touch. You stare at him softly. He’s so beautiful.
For a second, your chest is hot as you trace with light feathers touching his face and his collarbone. Jake hums softly at the actions, allowing his eyes to drift shut, too tired to look at you but his chest is so full with the fact that you allow him to hold you. You were thankful that he allowed you to drink the sight of him. 
“Jake?” you whispered. 
“Darlin’” he responded.
Rising a bit from his chest, your lips covered his. It was soft, it wasn’t urgent or starving but it was so purposeful. He cupped your cheeks as he held you closer, you molded your body to his. Your mouth moves against him delicately, exploring each other, tasting each other. Vodka, lemons, honey, mint. It makes your whole body vibrate and you don’t pull apart until you finally remember that you can breathe. Softly Jake presses his forehead against yours. 
“Thank you,”
You’d fainted before. One time, due to alcohol, seven years prior. It strangely didn’t feel as different as you were feeling now. Now, even though you were completely sober, you still felt a pounding headache as your eyes fluttered open. 
“She’s waking up,” someone says. Opening your eyes slightly, you found the source of the hushed voice. It is raspy and velvety. A little bit stronger than before. “Give her some space,” he says.
Squinting your eyes meet his stunning caramel eyes. He looks way older now but strangely you feel the same way as he stares at you with concern clouding his features. Your limbs tingling, cheeks warming up, taking deep breaths. Is as if your body remembers him better than you do yourself. Feeling the warmth of his hands on the back of your neck is enough to send goosebumps erupting on your skin. And then he smiles, his pink lips, that characteristic smile that you often see on Inés. 
“Please, tell me this is a nightmare,” you groan slightly.
Rooster frowns for a moment before he smiles again shaking his head at your comment. “It is nice to see you too, Honey,” he teases. 
The way your name drops from his soft lips is enough to make you realize that this is for real, that he’s here again. Holding you. Without knowing that you have a child, a child that, 
“Oh no,” you whine, closing your eyes. Wishing he would be gone. It’s childish, you know it. In such a vulnerable state though, you feel like you can be yourself with him even after all these years. 
Rooster shakes his head with that smile. “Missed me that much?” he teases as he helps you stand up, he moves your body easily. Maybe easier than before, he has grown so much in the last few years. 
You glare at him as you finally sit down on the floor while you close your eyes again. “Forgot how annoying you were,” you bite back. 
He chuckles, his eyes gleaming as he watches you. You hadn’t changed that much from the day he met you, you were still as beautiful as the day he’d met you in this same place. You seemed different though, he wasn’t sure in what ways, but he could feel it. There’s a slight sharpness on you now, you’re all edges now. He remembers how much he adored how you laughed, it always made him feel warm and tingly on the inside. He has been thinking about that sound since the day he left. 
“Here’s the glass of water,” another voice suddenly pops up from behind you. Snapping your head around you see him, those beautiful metal blue eyes. 
It is almost an involuntary move on your part but you can’t help yourself, the corners of your lips tug and a smile is drawn on your face as soon as you meet his deep ocean-blue eyes through his gold-framed glasses. Those doe-eyes really do it for you. He’d been in your dreams before, only in your dreams, you realized as you gazed at him. Bradley had been in a couple of nightmares, but nothing major. Jake was often the source of them. Bob, though, was nothing but kindhearted. The sight of him made you forget for a second how afraid you were of actually seeing him. 
And yet, you still answer in the same witty way that you know he used to relish. 
“Floyd, tell me the truth, was it too bad?” you ask him, your nose scrunching slightly. 
Bob’s lips tug into an unfamiliar smirk for everyone but you. Walking slowly, his steps bathed in confidence before he kneeled next to you, staring at you eye to eye, he answers. “I wouldn’t say it was awful,”
Bob didn’t have to say anything more, you know him like the palm of your hand. You can read him, even after years of not seeing him, you could always read him. He knew it’d been bad. You knew it’d been bad. Everyone in the damn place who was surrounding and whispering knew it’d been bad. 
“God, it was awful,” you say as you place your palms over your face, embarrassment creeping in. 
You instantly feel like that young girl again, so worried about what others might think. Under their eyes, for a moment you felt like you were twenty-three again. Twenty-three and lost. Twenty-three while thinking about a future that never came. 
“Come on, kid,” you hear Penny calling from behind, she was placing her phone in her back pocket. “Let’s get you to the booth,” she instructs.
Bradley and Bob nod as they hold your hand. You barely have to do any physical effort, between the two of them, you feel like a feather. People are still watching you from afar as you groan while sitting in the booth, Bradley and Bob watching you carefully, concern creasing their features. They both look older now that you have them so close, it’s strange, you’d kept them young for so much time in your mind that it made your throat tighten a bit. So much had happened and they didn’t even have a clue.   
“It wasn’t awful, by the way,” Bob says as he offers you the water again. You smile politely and you take a sip and watch them carefully. Even if their features had aged, their eyes hadn’t. You’d spent so many nights watching them, thinking about them, wishing they weren’t around, and now you didn’t even know if you should speak. 
“You’re lying but I appreciate you,” you say. “God, how long it was out?”
“Around 6 minutes?” 
Bob notices how your nose scrunches as you let out a long fuuuuuuuuck with your breath. You still did it, even after all those years. Looking away from them, you sip on your drink, your eyes moving even though you zoning out. You tended to do that back then, you hadn’t changed, an internal dialogue with yourself was something Bob wished he could be part of. 
“Have you eaten something today?” he asks. 
He knows you haven’t. He can see it, he knows -knew- you so well. He could detect these things, he could tell when you hadn’t eaten, when you were in a mood, when you didn’t sleep. You remember he did. Wishing you weren’t so transparent in front of him, you look down, away from him. It feels like you’re under a microscope under his gaze. 
Wondering how long would it take him to notice that you were keeping something from him. Though, he never found out. 
You shake your head. “I didn’t sleep either,” you explain. 
“Honey,” Bob says, shaking his head, slightly annoyed. 
It’s almost as if you could hear him telling you that you have to take care of yourself. He said it back then. You took his advice, you didn’t only take care of yourself but of Inés too. You’d change. Bad habits though, don’t leave you that easily.  
“Wait, do you know Bob?” Bradley suddenly asks. The puzzlement in his features is enough for you to know what he’s thinking. Racking his brain, trying to understand why Bob and you know each other so well, why there’s an ease to your conversation, why it seems like you know Bob as well as you know Bradley. 
Bob frowns at his question. He turns to Bradley with the same hint of discomfort in his metal blue eyes. “Do you know her?” he asks. 
One time your mother said that you were lying to yourself. Self-sabotage she later called it, delusion was another word that came up too. You were good at it. So very good that you often didn’t realize when you were doing it, like when you were twenty-three and in a messy love square and you were telling yourself that you could’ve avoided the consequences of it. You’d lied to yourself to the point that you didn’t believe anything could go wrong. The longing for living without the responsibilities and the pressure you’d felt since you were a child was one hell of an excuse for your behavior. 
It wasn’t anymore. You’d grown out of it or at least, self-awareness. Now, you were good at realizing you were lying to yourself. Even more now as you watched the two pilots, the creases on their foreheads, the way they were racking their brains trying to put the puzzle of how you knew each other in order. Maybe they’d met each other recently, a detachment, you argue with yourself even though you know exactly how they know each other. 
“Do you know each other?” you ask, your voice soft, eyebrows raised as if to act surprised. 
They turn to you and nod slowly, they are still confused. They are still inexplicably in awe that the girl that was probably the one that got away for them knew one of his friends. They are still trying to see if the times when they were spending late nights at a bar, talking about girls and past loves, they were talking about the same person. 
“We were at Top Gun together,” Bradley says first.
“Yeah, seven years ago,” Bob continues. 
All of you fell into silence, a silence you could only describe as tricky. It was tricky to pretend to be surprised, it was tricky to even raise your eyebrows enough to make it credible, it was tricky to believe that their minds weren’t already turning, that their frowns weren’t becoming deeper as the seconds pass as if you didn’t notice the spark of confusion in their eyes. 
Rooster noticed first, at least he was the one that made it more obvious. His nose scrunched slightly as he frowned. 
“Wait,” Rooster repeated raising a hand as if I ask you to slow down. Bob turned to him, clocking exactly what was 
Rooster actually asking. “How do you actually know each other?”
“I was going to ask the same thing,” Bob continued. 
“Well, we,”
Someone suddenly gasped so loud that the three of you quickly snap your head towards the door. James felt like a tsunami sometimes, she would swarm the place, drown it quickly in her state of emotion. She burst into the Hard Deck as her eyes scanned the place before they found you. A wave of relief washed over you as you moved away from the booth, still feeling a bit woozy, and walked towards James who quickly engulfed your body into a hug. 
“Penny called me,” James says out of breath, pulling away, grasping your shoulders, searching your face. “I came as soon as I could. Why did you- Have you not been sleeping well?”
“Jamie,” you answer softly as she placed her hand over your forehead. But she was on a roll, her maternal instinct spiked in the last few years, especially when Inés was born. 
“I’m actually going to murder you if you don’t go to that Doctors appointment that I’ve been chasing you about, god!” she says loud
“Wait, James,”
She rolls her eyes. “I know what you’re going to ask. I didn’t leave her alone or bring her, I thought that I was going to go in an ambulance with you. August was home, she stayed with-,”
“THANK YOU!” you yell, quickly cutting her off before she mentioned her name. 
James frowns only turning deeper as she searches your face. You don’t have to say anything, over ten years of friendship was enough for both of you to know each other well. Her gold-freckled eyes moved from yours, her head tilting slightly as she took in the view of Bradley behind you. 
“Oh,” she says softly. “No, no,” she muttered mostly to herself. You didn’t move though, you wish you could’ve but you just freeze, looking away from Bradley as he walks towards both of you. 
Bradley speaks first, confident as ever. “Nice to see you, James,” he says, you can taste the smirk in his words. 
“What are you doing,” she begins but then she sees Bob walking towards her and you can feel her face dropping. 
“Oh my god, is that,” you turn towards her as you see Bob timidly smiling at her. The smile on James’ face is too bright and big for Bradley to ignore as she walks towards Bob. “Bob Floyd,”
“Didn’t think you’d remember me,” Bob says softly as James places a hand on Bob’s shoulder. She has a wide grin as she examines him. You stare at the both of them, Bradley too, too perplexed to understand what’s going on as you feel your cheeks heating by the second. 
“My dearest Rober, how could we ever forget you?” James says the grin is bright and the subtext is right there. James doesn’t have to say how she remembers Bob that well, it has been a running joke between the three of you since that summer. 
She shouldn’t mention it, though, at least not in front of Bradley either. 
You turn away, the warmth on your cheeks getting harder to undermine as Bradley’s eyes are fixed on James’ and Bob’s interaction. Thankfully, Penny strides towards you, interrupting whatever next line James would say. 
“Ready to go to the Doctor?” Penny asks as she holds your shoulder, squeezing your shoulders affectionately. 
You shake your head. “Penny, I’m so sorry for everything,” you say, voice trembling as you press your lips together. 
“No, no,” Penny says as she caresses your cheek. “Please let me know if you’re okay,” she says. “Let me know if she’s okay,” she tells James as she walks towards you, finally leaving Bob and Bradley behind. 
For a moment, you feel safe. 
Until Bradley speaks again. 
“Shouldn’t she stay longer?” Bradley asks. He’s worried but also, you know deep down that he wants to know more about you, he wants you to stay. 
You frown. “She is right here, and she’s not a kid anymore,” you say. 
It’s meaner than you meant it to sound, but you can’t help the bitterness it comes out. The nausea comes again, what if they found out what you’ve done? What if they find out?
“And she’s got to go,” James says as she takes your hand and pulls you away from Bradley and Bob, who keep burning holes in your back as you walk out of the Hard Deck. 
But then you hear both of them, at the same time, turning towards them. The smile on both of their faces, the way they loved you back then, everything comes back. 
“It was nice to see you, Honey!”
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author's note: I'm so excited to listen to your thoughts!
taglist: @not-two-shrimp @startrekfangirl2233 @caitsymichelle13 @callsign-cherrybomb @books-are-escapes @siriusfahey @fulla02 @bananas1234michaelclifford-blog @michaelclifford-blog @2525sc @grxcisxhy-wp @cottagecori @shawnsblue @rogersbarnesxx @safeikik @mimisparkle12 @darkheartcherry @brokenhearts-world-blog @fudosl @lovingjakeseresin @strwbhrrygarfield @twsssmlmaa @wearewhoweare28 @ittydoor @lnmp89 @mickeygs-world @actuallyazriel @laracrofted @railmerooster @tempt-ress @eli2447 @callsign-cherrybomb @fulla02reads @saramaple @caidi-paris @astronomeoww @andromeda-starship @endofdays56 @hollydaddy @msunnyblog @na-ta-sh-aa @cottagecori @deadgirl02 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @abaker74 @thesimpybitch @pinkpantheris @na-ta-sh-aa @zonkie-bee @shanimallina87 @i-wanna-be-your-muse @endofdays56 @wildxwidow
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doumadono · 5 months
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Warnings: graphic descriptions of amputation, blood and gore, a dash of dark humour at the very end, viking themes, mentions of sacrifices
A/N: this original story was commissioned by @amelia-quining on my Ko-fi page. Thank you once again for trusting me with your request. I really hope this little fic meets your expectations ♥
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In the far reaches of the north of Sweden, nestled amidst towering firs, rugged cliffs and ancient stones, lay the Viking settlement of Hurgå, where the chill winds carried whispers of ancient gods and forgotten rituals. 
Hurgå was a quaint settlement nestled amidst the rugged terrain of the northern lands. Surrounded by dense forests and towering mountains, it exuded an aura of rugged beauty and ancient mystique. The village consisted of sturdy wooden structures, their roofs adorned with thatch, blending seamlessly with the natural landscape. Narrow dirt paths wound their way between the buildings, lined with wildflowers and patches of vibrant greenery.
In the heart of Hurgå, overlooking the settlement square, stood a modest yet revered structure: the temple dedicated to the glory of Odin, the Allfather.  Built with sturdy timber and adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes from ancient legends, the temple served as a focal point for the spiritual life of the community.
Hurgå was a place of untamed beauty and unyielding harshness, where the whispers of ancient gods still lingered in the crisp mountain air, and where the people revered the old ways with unwavering devotion.
Among them was Åse. 
The girl, in her mid-20s, possessed a striking appearance that captivated those around her. Her long, lustrous ginger hair cascaded down her back, framing her delicate features. Emerald eyes sparkled with intelligence and depth, drawing others into their gaze. Freckles adorned her nose and cheeks like constellations against her porcelain skin, as pale as moonlight, that felt soft and smooth to the touch, like freshly fallen snow. Despite her slender frame and lack of height, there was an undeniable allure to her presence, and many young men found themselves enchanted by her beauty, but alas, their affections remained unrequited. As a devout priestess of Odin, her heart belonged solely to her divine calling, and no earthly suitor could sway her dedication.
Åse was not like the other women of Hurgå. While they busied themselves with domestic chores and tending to the hearth, she sought knowledge and enlightenment in the shadow of the temple built for the glory of Allfather. Her dreams were filled with visions of the future, and she longed to become a seer, a vessel through which Odin's will could be known.
During the summer solstice, when the boundaries between the hominal realm and the divine were said to blur, Åse made the pilgrimage to Uppsala, the sacred center of worship for the northern tribes. There, amidst the throngs of pilgrims and the intoxicating scent of burning incense, she partook in the sacred rituals and consumed the potent hallucinogenic brew offered by the temple priests that would allow her to transcend the mortal realm.
As Åse consumed the potent hallucinogenic brew, the world around her began to shift and warp, blurring the lines between reality and the ethereal. Colors danced before her eyes, swirling and merging into intricate patterns that seemed to pulse with life. Her senses heightened, and she felt as though she were being pulled into another realm.
In her trance, Åse found herself standing in a vast, mist-shrouded forest. The air was thick with the scent of pine and soggy earth, and a sense of ancient wisdom seemed to permeate the very atmosphere. As she walked deeper into the forest, she felt a presence watching her, a powerful and otherworldly presence that seemed to emanate from the very trees themselves.
Amidst the haze, a figure began to materialize before her. He stood tall and imposing, his form wreathed in ethereal light. His features were sharp and regal, with piercing eyes that seemed to hold the wisdom of the ages. Though she had never beheld a man so fine in her life, she felt an unmistakable sense of recognition, as if she had known him in some distant time or place. It was him. It was the Allfather.
With a voice barely above a whisper, the girl spoke, her words tinged with gratitude. "Thank you, my lord," she murmured, her voice barely audible amidst the swirling energies of the trance. "For your guidance and your presence in my mere life."
"Daughter of the north," the man spoke, his voice resonating with power. "You have come seeking knowledge and guidance. Ask, and I shall provide."
"Great Allfather," Åse began, her words echoing in the sacred space. "I seek your knowledge and your blessing. I wish to become a seer, to dedicate myself fully to your teachings and to serve you with all that I am."
When he spoke, his voice was like thunder rolling across the heavens, yet infused with a gentle warmth that enveloped Åse like a comforting embrace. "My child," he replied, his words resonating deep within her soul, "Your heart is pure, and your spirit is strong. I grant you my blessing and the gift of sight. May you use it wisely, and may your visions guide you on the path of enlightenment."
With those words, Åse felt a profound sense of connection to the divine. 
Odin's voice echoed in her mind once again, his gaze piercing through her very soul. "But such power comes at a price. Will you prove yourself worthy, my child?"
With unwavering determination, Åse knelt before the man, her heart pounding with anticipation. "I am all yours to command, Allfather," she declared, her voice resolute. 
"To wield such power, one must prove themselves worthy," the god intoned, his one-eyed gaze piercing into Åse's very soul. "Are you prepared to make the necessary sacrifice?"
Åse's heart pounded in her chest as she contemplated the weight of Odin's words. This was no simple bargain; it was a test of her dedication and resolve. But deep within her, she felt a stirring, a flicker of determination that burned brighter with each passing moment. "I am," she declared, her voice steady despite the tremble in her limbs. "I will give all that I am, if it means serving you, Allfather."
A solemn nod from Odin confirmed her choice, his presence seeming to fill all of her being with an otherworldly aura. "Then let it be done," he commanded, his tone both solemn and commanding.
Suddenly, Åse's vision blurred and the world around her seemed to fade into darkness. She felt herself falling, tumbling into a black abyss of oblivion, her senses overwhelmed by the weight of her decision. Time lost its meaning as she drifted in the void, her mind awash with visions of the future and the divine presence of the Allfather.
When she finally awoke, it was with a sense of disorientation, her head swimming with dizziness. But even as she struggled to steady herself, there was a newfound certainty burning within her soul. She knew, without a doubt, that what she had experienced was real, as real as her own flesh.
Determined to fulfill her destiny, Åse made her way to the highest priest of Uppsala, her steps unsteady but resolute. 
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Odin's temple in Uppsala stood as a grand testament to the reverence and awe inspired by the ancient deity. The temple itself was a structure of grandeur and majesty, constructed of sturdy timber beams and adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes from Norse mythology. Massive wooden doors, carved with symbols of Odin's authority, guarded the entrance, inviting only the most devout worshippers to pass through.
Inside, the temple's interior was bathed in the warm glow of flickering torches, casting dancing shadows across the polished stone floors. The air was heavy with the scent of burning incense, mingling with the earthy aroma of the surrounding forest.
At the heart of the temple stood a great altar, adorned with offerings of mead, bread, and other treasures laid out as gifts to the Allfather. Above it, a towering statue of Odin loomed, his piercing gaze seeming to follow the movements of those who entered.
Around the altar, worshippers gathered in reverent silence, their faces upturned in prayer and supplication. The atmosphere was charged with a palpable sense of reverence and devotion as pilgrims sought to commune with the divine and receive the blessings of the Allfather.
As Åse entered the sacred halls of the temple, she soon was led to the back of the temple by an elder woman, and upon entering the chamber of the highest priest, she felt meaningless.
The priest, adorned in ceremonial robes and wreathed in the flickering light of candles, regarded her with solemn gravity. "Åse," he intoned, his voice a low rumble that echoed off the stone walls of the chamber. 
Surprised by the priest's knowledge of her name, the long-haired girl furrowed her ginger brow in confusion. "How do you know my name?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.
The priest regarded her with a knowing gaze. "Child," he said, his voice grave and solemn, "The Allfather sees all and knows all. He has watched over you since the day you were born, guiding your footsteps and weaving the tapestry of your destiny, leading you to this exact place."
Åse's eyes widened in astonishment at his words, a shiver coursing down her spine. "The Allfather..." the ginger murmured, her mind reeling with the implications of his revelation.
The priest nodded solemnly, his expression unreadable. "Indeed," he replied. "He has chosen you for a great purpose, Åse. Embrace your destiny, for it is a path that few are privileged to walk. Now, tell me, my child, what did you see in your vision?”
She recounted her vision. With each word, she felt the weight of her commitment grow heavier, yet she knew that she was ready to embrace whatever fate awaited her. She had never felt so chosen, yet the weight of her destiny felt heavy upon her shoulders, so she regarded the man’s words with a single nod.
"You have come seeking the blessing of the Allfather, but know that the path you tread is one of great peril."
Åse nodded, her gaze steady as she met the priest's solemn gaze. "I understand, honored one. I am prepared to make this sacrifice."
The priest inclined his head in acknowledgment, his expression grave. "Very well. You understand the magnitude of what you are about to undertake. This path is one of solitude and sacrifice, and none may accompany you on your journey."
Åse swallowed hard, steeling herself for the ordeal ahead. "I will not falter," she vowed, her voice ringing with pure determination. "I will see this through to the end."
“What did you offer to Odin himself in exchange for his favor?" the priest inquired, his voice low and grave.
Åse squared her shoulders, meeting the man's gaze with determination. "I offered my left arm," she replied, her voice steady despite the tremor in her heart.
The man placed a hand on her shoulder, his touch a silent benediction. "May the gods grant you strength and wisdom in the trials ahead. You walk a path that few dare to tread, but know that you do so with their blessing."
The priest's movements were deliberate as he approached a small box resting on the desk, surrounded by flickering candles. With a solemn air, he opened the lid, revealing the sacrificial knife nestled within. The blade gleamed in the dim light, its sharp edge catching the glow of the candles.
Carefully, the man lifted the knife from the box, wrapping it in a linen cloth before handing it to Åse. "This is the tool of your sacrifice," he said, his voice low and solemn. "To fulfill your oath to Odin, you must wield it with purpose and conviction."
He placed the knife gently into Åse's open hands, his touch reverent. "Remember, Åse," he continued, his words weighted with significance, "The sacrifice you make tomorrow will bind you to Odin's will for eternity. Use the blade wisely, for it is a symbol of your destiny."
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On a crisp dawn, Åse knelt before the towering statue of Odin, her heart pounding with anticipation. She was about to make the ultimate sacrifice, a testament to her love and devotion. Clad in a simple white shift, her left arm was bare, the spot where it would be severed was marked with a rune of courage.
Åse began her prayer, her voice echoing in the silent temple.
“Hinn almáttki Óðinn, Alföðr, heyr minn bæn. Veit mér styrk og hugrekki til að takast á við þessa áskorun, til að fórna af sjálfum mér í þínu nafni."
Åse's fingers wrapped around the sacrificial knife, its weight heavy in her palm. 
The blade gleamed with a deadly sheen, its edge honed to a razor-sharpness that promised swift and merciless precision. Adorned with ancient runes, the handle pulsed with an otherworldly energy, each symbol whispering secrets of power and sacrifice. It was a weapon of old, forged in the fires of tradition and steeped in the blood of ages past. And now, it awaited its next offering, hungry for the flesh that would feed its ancient hunger.
With a steady hand, Åse tested the blade's edge, marveling at its keenness as it sliced effortlessly through the skin on the pad of her left index finger. Åse hissed as the sharp blade met her skin, a bead of crimson welling up from the shallow cut. The sting of pain was sharp and quick, but she gritted her teeth and pushed through it, her determination unwavering. This sacrifice was necessary, a small price to pay for the knowledge and power she sought.
As she prepared herself for the task ahead, Åse knew that this blade held the key to her destiny. With its bite, she would carve her path into the annals of history, marking herself as a vessel for the divine will. And though her heart trembled with fear, her resolve remained unshaken, for she understood the importance of the sacrifice that lay before her.
She hadn't conducted any prior research, but fortunately, one of her closest friends, Helga, had assisted a healer back in Hurgå. Åse had witnessed a few instances where limbs were amputated due to the severe injuries sustained by their warriors in battles against Christians or other settlements.
Åse scolded herself inwardly, chastising her own hesitance. "Foolish," she thought, a twinge of uncertainty began to creep into the recesses of her mind, gnawing at her resolve like a relentless predator stalking its prey. "Every moment wasted is another moment of doubt and hesitation. Allfather awaits my sacrifice, and I cannot afford to falter now."
Gripping the sacrificial knife tightly in her hand, she positioned it just at the crook of her left elbow. Her emerald eyes shone with anticipation. With a shaky exhale, she pressed the blade against her skin, feeling the cold steel bite into her flesh with a sickening crunch. 
The first incision was precise, the sharp edge of the blade slicing effortlessly through the layers of dermis and epidermis. A jolt of excruciating pain shot through her arm, causing her to scream in the overwhelming agony. Sweat beaded on her ginger brow as she fought to steady her trembling hand, each movement of the blade sending shockwaves of torment coursing through her body. Gritting her teeth against the pain, she summoned every ounce of determination she possessed and began to saw through her flesh.
As the blade penetrated deeper, the resistance was greater, the tissue denser, but the blade pressed on, its edge biting into the flesh with a relentless determination.
A white-hot agony threatened to overwhelm her completely.
With each sawing motion, Åse felt a searing pain shoot through her arm, radiating outward from the point of contact. The nerves screamed in protest as the blade severed them, sending waves of agony coursing through her body. Blood welled up from the wound, flowing freely down her arm and pooling on the ground below.
As the blade cut through muscle and sinew with alarming ease, Åse could feel the resistance give way, the tissue parting like silk under the blade. The sound of tearing flesh filled the air, accompanied by the sickening sensation of her own thick blood coating her skin.
With each agonizing cut, she felt a piece of herself being torn away, sacrificed in the name of her destiny. The sound of her own labored breathing filled the air, punctuated by the wet, guttural sound of flesh being torn asunder. Her entire being was screaming in protest as she fought to keep moving. 
The metallic tang of blood filled the air, mingling with the acrid scent of burning incense. Her hands slick with blood as she worked to complete the grisly task. 
With a steady hand, the ginger girl applied more pressure to the blade. There was a sickening sensation as the blade sliced through muscles and tendon, but she pushed past it. With a deft movement, she twisted the knife, using its keen edge to pry apart the joint.
Finally, with a final, decisive stroke, there was a soft pop as the joint gave way, and Åse's arm fell down to the floor with a sickening thud, leaving a gaping wound in its wake. Blood poured from the stump, staining the ground and her robes crimson as Åse crumpled to the floor to her knees, her vision swimming with pain and dizziness, her body wracked with pain and exhaustion. She had done it. She had made the ultimate sacrifice.
In that moment, she felt a surge of power unlike anything she had ever known, and she knew that the Allfather was offering her a gift beyond imagining. And then a shroud of darkness descended upon her, swallowing her whole.
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Åse didn't know how long she had been unconscious, or if she had crossed the threshold into death itself. 
Slowly, she opened her eyes, blinking against the sudden brightness that stung her vision. Blinking away the discomfort, she took in her surroundings, and realized she was lying on a small bed, adorned with furs. The air was thick with the scent of incense and the pungent aroma of mead.
After a few moments of disorientation, Åse tentatively turned her head to the left. With hesitant movements, she lifted the fur covering her upper shoulder, revealing the neatly wrapped bandages that concealed the absence of her forearm. The absence of her limb sent a shiver down her spine, yet she could still feel its phantom presence, a sensation that made her gasp. 
Tears welled in her eyes once more as she gently laid her head back against the pillow. "Thank you, Allfather," she whispered, her voice barely audible in the quiet chamber.
The door creaked open, and an elderly woman entered the room, carrying a bowl filled with fresh bandages. With a gentle smile, she approached Åse's bedside. "You've been unconscious for nearly two weeks, child," the woman said softly, her voice filled with concern. "Many feared you wouldn't make it.”
Åse listened in stunned silence as the woman continued, explaining that her offering had been presented at the altar of Odin and later burnt alongside other tributes. The girl then inquired about when she could return home.
The woman offered a sympathetic smile. "That depends on how quickly you recover, my dear. But rest assured, we will do everything we can to aid your healing."
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Åse returned to her settlement, Hurgå, greeted by the shocked and concerned faces of her fellow villagers. Whispers spread like wildfire as people noticed her armless state, and many approached her, their voices trembling with worry.
"Åse, what happened to you? Were you attacked on your trip to Uppsala?" they asked, their eyes wide with fear.
But Åse simply smiled, her demeanor calm and serene despite the questions. "No, I wasn't attacked," she reassured them. "It was an offering I made to the Allfather."
Some of the villagers exchanged skeptical glances, murmuring amongst themselves about her supposed delusions. They couldn't fathom why she would believe that Odin would accept such a lousy sacrifice.
Yet Åse remained undeterred, her faith unwavering as she returned to her daily life, determined to fulfill her destiny, no matter the cost.
Her best friend, Helga, rushed to greet Åse as well as soon as she spotted her. Her eyes widened in shock as she took in Åse's armless form, unable to hide her dismay. “Åse, what happened to you, sweetie?!" 
The ginger slowly nodded her head. "Well, you know how I've always been a bit too giving," she joked, a wry smile playing on her lips. "I guess I just gave a little too much this time,” she let out a soft chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood despite the gravity of her situation.
Helga shook her head in disbelief, struggling to find the right words to express her shock, shaking her head dismissively. "I... I don't know what to say," she stammered, at a loss for words. "You've always been the crazy one," the other woman murmured, her voice tinged with emotion. "But I'm glad you're back, Åse. I missed you.”
Åse gave her friend a genuine smile. "Don't worry about it, Helga," she said with a reassuring smile. "I just made a sacrifice for something greater. It's all part of my journey."
And though some may have viewed her sacrifice with horror or pity, Åse wore her scar with pride, a testament to her unwavering devotion to the gods. 
To Åse, the absence of her arm wasn't a sorrowful event, but a mark of pride, a testament to her commitment to Odin and her readiness to give for a noble cause. As she faced the days ahead with a clearer vision and renewed resolve, she understood that her decision was one she'd never rue. By sacrificing a piece of herself, she'd acquired something profound - a bond with the divine and a destiny that would guide her path forevermore.
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aninkwellofnectar · 6 months
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You can call me Cammie.
Here I’ll be sharing updates and information about my existing and upcoming publications in The Essence of the Equinox series, as well as other stories set both in and out of the universe.
In Pursuit of Perfection in Fall into Fantasy 2022 (Download free on Payhip) Amira has always demanded perfection—of herself and those around her. Her quest for absolute control takes her on a journey to the hot deserts of Seraj where rumours permeate that humans may have rediscovered the ancient phoenix. Should its power be harnessed, the fire witches will be unmatched. Amira thinks it time they re-learn who the true supreme being on earth is. 
When The Stars Alight (16 June 2023) Book 1 in The Essence of the Equinox (Buy Signed Paperback From My Store | Unsigned version | Other vendors) The court of a heartless demon king is no place for a star princess. Caught in the middle of his two sons' deadly rivalry, she must use her wits to survive. But can she sway them to her side and save herself from an uncertain fate?
Two Halves Of A Whole in midnight & indigo (31 October 2023) (Purchase) Lucille Bonnaire finds herself becoming the new bride to vampyre prince Ilya Likhanov. Unfortunately, she is unaware of just how nefarious his intentions are towards her and her magic.
The Sanguine Sorceress (1 December 2023) Prequel in The Essence of the Equinox (Other vendors | Buy Signed Paperback From My Store | Unsigned version ) A blood-soaked tale of feminine rage following the journey of Serafina Stilia, as she attempts to claw agency for herself in a male-run imperialistic regime. After her reputation is left in tatters by the unwanted advances of a suitor, Serafina must carve a path to liberation from the fury of her honour-driven father, or die trying.
We Will Devour The Night (22 September 2024) Book 2 in the Essence of the Equinox (Buy from vendors | Buy signed paperback | Unsigned version) Laila returns to Mortos with a mission: salvage her dynasty from those who seek power through magic-driven bigotry. As she crosses paths once more with an old lover, the whirlwind of emotions unleashed will be cataclysmic!
And The Age of Summer Will Rise (Winter 2025) Book 3 in The Essence of the Equinox Summary to come
As an addendum to this I do have a ko-fi account ☕. If you enjoy what I do here and would like to support me by becoming a member or donating to my publishing fund it would be very much appreciated.
You can support me also by signing up to my author newsletter. Content will include insights behind the scenes into my writing process, exclusive snippets, deleted scenes, media musings, publishing opportunities I am pursuing and much more!
Feel free to ask me anything regarding my books, my short fiction, my self-publishing journey and anything else you’d care to know about!
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env0writes · 4 months
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Juniper Journal’s Vol. 2, 6.21.24 “Love is a Weapon you Wield"
@env0writes C.Buck   Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artists!   Photo by @env0
Sun-burnt or heart hurt I’m blushing at your shirt Is this conversation or a flirt Same direction walking, laughs blurt – out
Am I juggling or bumbling summer-sun colored lout Will I be resolute and stout Should summer end, days end, this bend end – pout Shout to the skies I will not be without – them
Fidgeting at my hem Unsure of what or when How did this blossom come from the stem? Too much sun and tears to grow and condemn – me
Reddish hue, on cue, turned sunrise-suprise to see Yellow-gold in the wind, amber waves of grain – free Flitted heart, start again, in time for this July-ibation, imbibation by the sea Only a fool will miss-step these stairs, prepares better than me – anyways
Faster than the autumn leaf falls in windswept sways Swifter than the passing days Glowing brighter than the highest praise What foolish, flippant heart to succumb in simplest ways
Heart of mine, so in your swift dissension into agonies and throes Never change your mind nor ways, I’ll burden all your woes
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sweetheartsaku · 2 years
ot5 txt ; moments with txt as lyrics..
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a/n ; [fem!reader] i was gonna put colonge by bea or moonlight by kali for yeonjun but the meaning.. also did u notic i like friends to lovers :) AND SOOBINS IS BASICALLY JUST THE WHOLE SONG IN FIC FORM
mayflower !
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yeonjun ; beside you - keshi ( coming of age )
" say i'm not your type but i know whats on your mind "
watching you fall in love with another guy who only played with you.. had enough of you getting heart broken.. " his love never felt right. i'll treat you better than all of those jerks did. ".. gently grabs your wrist.. takes you to the center of the city on a bridge.. warm lit lights.. his arms wrap around you by the waist as his face gets closer to yours.. the moonlight reflects off the river beneath you.. feeling the cold metal railing laced with colourful padlocks.. giggling together as you put a padlock on the bars.
soobin ; fairy of shampoo - tomorrow x together ( soulmates, quiet gentle love )
" whenever I see her, I'm not lonely. even with my sad heart, it disappears far away "
being eachothers comfort person.. walking through the school halls together.. watching from afar.. the rush sensation of watching you step off the bus into the school gates.. your hair flowing with a soft smile as you approach him.. his dimples clearly shown.. when talking to him is like walking on clouds.. like a feeling that cannot be explained. love like you'd see in the books or movies.
beomgyu ; best friend - laufey ( best friends to lovers )
" theres no one i'd rather fall in love with, and thats my best friend in the world. "
stargazing together.. standing together on the balcony of an apartment at the edge of the city.. warm fairy lights highlighting his stunning features.. the wind blowing his chocolate hair as it shifts in the wind.. admiring not the las vegas like city, but you.. giggling together at the syncing eye contact.. looking back at the city; " it's funny cause' you drive me half insane. " " hey! whats funny? " "how i'm in love with you." giggling, " i am too, gyu. ".. oh, the way his name rolled off your tongue.
taehyun ; apple cider - beabadoobee ( lovers cliche first love )
" and even if were just friends, we could be more than that. "
complimenting his jumper, making him wear it more often.. " we both like apple cider " having a common opinion on cola.. seeing him not being able to tolerate cola.. buying him cider instead.. going to the movies together.. hands touching while grabbing popcorn.. the silly and awkward but cute interaction making him smile.. the thought of : " this is why i'm i love with you ".. looking at you as if you hung up the stars themselves.
hyuka ; magabal - daniel padilla + moira dela torre ( childhood friends to lovers )
" at dahan-dahang magdidikit ating mga balat matagal ko nang gustong mangyari ito. " ( and our skin will gently touch, i wanted this to happen for the longest time. )
knowing every detail about eachother from being inseprable since childhood.. eyes say everything.. slow dancing in fields of endless colourful spring tulips.. rays of sunshine illuminating wherever you go.. summer dress flowing as he spins you around, giggling the sun away.. " hawak-kamay, pikit-mata ".. small picnic with gingnam red blankets.. the bouquet of flowers you collected together.. the swaying of tulips as the sun sets.. matching lockets.. the bike rides home.. getting home and thinking how you hit the jackpot.
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Good mooorning !
I really enjoy Reading youre Work ,and when i saw you we're having an Event i GOT an Idea :D
I Hope Its alt for you,If you dont feel comfortable writing it Its totally fine!Take youre time <3
So i was thinking of Akai x Reader x Furuya (or If you cant then them Just seperated lol)with The Song Kamisama Hajimemashita
Gooood night !!!<3
Of course, thank you v much for your ask 💕 This is perfect cause I'm about to rewatch Kamisama Kiss!!!
Akai x fem! reader x Furuya
Warnings: none, Akai is a sniper and can 100% carry you, the lyrics reader sings roughly translates to "Hey God, I want to become a bad girl"
Wordcount: 259
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"What are ya humming, sweetheart?" Akai chuckled as he entered the kitchen.
"She´s been at it for the past ten minutes," Furuya told him, smiling at your swaying form.
"That so," Akai murmured and pressed a kiss to your temple, letting his hands rest on your hips.
"Nee kamisama/Warui ko ni naritai yo," you sang on, paying them no mind. Akai furrowed his eyebrows.
"You wanna be a bad girl, baby? Since when?" he teased.
That got your attention and you turned to stretch out your tongue at him.
"Does that have to do with your plans later this evening?" asked Furuya, stepping forward and brushing his knuckles over your cheek.
You turned around, flustered, and continued stirring the curry.
"Well, it´s summer and I always watch it during this time."
"Watch what?" Furuya hummed, placing soft kisses up your arm and towards your shoulder.
"...Kamisama Kiss?" you said, hopeful.
A small pause ensued, until Akai started laughing, hiding his face in your neck as he did so. Furuya couldn´t hide his fond chuckle either.
"And there I thought you´d have prepared some romantic evening."
"Wha- I have! Watching Kamisama Kiss is so romantic!"
"Course it is," Furuya hummed against your now heated cheek. "The food looks ready, shall we?"
Akai lifted his head and pressed another kiss to your temple.
"I´m ready. Ah, wait," he said, before picking you up and carrying you towards the living room. Furuya smiled as he watched you both, then turned to fill your plates and follow you soon after. You and Akai greeted him on the couch with big smiles on your lips.
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ccraccz · 5 months
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┏━°⌜防風鈴 ⌟°━┓
Chapter 6
┗━°⌜防風鈴 ⌟°━┛
“Alright, you guys!” Bofurin stood in front of the alley that separated them from Shishitoren the next day, a refreshing wind blowing their gakuran around, “Now, Let's head on out!”
18 hours ago…
“AaaAaaaAAH……”Nirei whined in fear, getting side eyed by Sakura. Ryuu sat beside Suo, watching as he interacted with Sasaki, as basically mesmerized by his earring. He was infatuated with the long yellow tassels that swayed in the wind so easily and beautifully, flowing with every movement the teen made. “Shit, shit, shit…” Nirei rambled, tears collecting in his eyes “we’re screwed… we’re definitely screwed…” Ryuu turns to the boy that’s freaking out, placing his hand in the boy’s hair, it was very, very, fluffy. “There’s no need to worry Nirei-” Ryuu says before he’s cut off, jumping back. “Shut your yappin’,” Sakura glares
“There’s no point in kicking up a fuss about it now, Nirei,” Kotoha, the only employee and possibly the owner of the cafe, interrupts as she places a nice looking omurice and a small cup of earl gray tea. Ryuu bows his head, staying silent because he knew if he said something, he would get cut off. “Get something in your stomach. It should calm you down.”
“Kotoha-san… you really don’t get it…” Nirei clenches his fists and stares down at the food that was set in front of him, “Bofurin might just disappear tomorrow…” Ryuu’s eyebrow twitches at that, he was getting annoyed with all of the negativity Blondy was exuding at the table.
“Still…” Kotoha places another Omurice in front of Sasaki after placing another tea in front of Suo. “Freaking out about it now isn’t going to help.”
“It’ll be fine. Bofurin isn’t that weak. You already know that don’t you?”
Ryuu smiles slightly, looking back to Nirei and Sakura, who was gobbling down the omurice that was just handed to him. Ryuu huffed before taking a sip of his earl gray tea. The light brown color became a much more beautiful color due to the milk and sugar that he had, shyly and nervously, asked Kotoha to add.
He takes a sniff of it, the light smell of the rind of bergamot oranges invading his senses. He takes a sip of the warm drink as he ignored the conversations happening beside him, until- “SAKURA-SAN! WE NEED TO STRATEGIZE! GET EVERYONE TOGETHER AND FIGURE THIS OUT!!” Ryuu looks up at Nirei, who is grabbing at Sakura’s shoulder. “There’s no strategy to a damn one-on-one punch-off,” Sakura states, mouth full of Omurice, “Anyway, I’m done eating… Can I go?”
“But.. Umemiya-san and Hiragi-san aren’t here yet…” “They’re taking forever. They told us to wait for ‘em but they’re a damn no-show.” “Well… I bet it’s not so quick to calm all those other guys who were out for blood,” Suo smiles, the memory of the school being more than ready to fight back against the Lions coming back to all of them.
“But, still,” Sakura leans back into his seat, angry as Ryuu huffs a laugh and takes another sip of his tea. “Umemiya said we’d go out for a meal, right? So… why’re we at a cafe?”
“This cafe is famous, you see. It used to be the usual hangout for Bofurin. Apparently, they’d all gather here before a fight,” Sou says before taking a sip of his own tea. “And more importantly…”
“KO! TO! HAAAAAA!!” Umemiya cheers as he bursts into the cafe, re-blinding Ryuu with how happy the male is to be in the presence of the female, kicking his feet behind him as he speaks to her, behind him entering Hiragi. The rep quickly brings out his phone and scrolls through it. “Oh, right! That little sapling I talked about the other day… Has gotten SOOOO BIG!!“
“Please, why is he so bright-” Ryuu turns around, preserving his eyesight from the male, making Suo and Sasaki chuckle at him.
“I’ll send it over here when summer hits!” Kotoha turns away from him, “I’m looking forward to it.” “What… Is going on…?” Sakura asks, exasperated at what he was witnessing at the front of the cafe. “As you can see…” Suo starts “Umemiya-san’s taken a Liking to this place.” Sakura instantly flushes red with a comical BWOOSH at that, making Ryuu snort. “Wh-Wh-WHAAAAT?!” Sakura’s glass of water shakes in his hold as he calls out “I-Is She his… Girlfriend?!” “Oh you took it that way.”
Ryuu snorts as Kotoha yells out to Sakura in anger, and Umemiya spits in laughter. “God… Don’t be stupid,” Kotoha says after the shock. “YEAH! DON’T BE STUPID,” Umemiya parrots, “SHE’S NOT JUST SOME MINOR GIRLFRIEND!!”
SHE’S MY LITTLE SISTER!!” He presents her.
“I’m not you SISTER!” She grits out in annoyance. “So… What are you two then?” Sakura asks, making Kotoha sigh. “We were raised in the same orphanage, and Ume just calls me his sister.”
Ryuu smiles, “You both at least had each other at that time,” He was ignored with how low he said that, but it seemed Umemiya heard him, not that he noticed since he was too focused on finishing his tea that was already a bit too cold for his liking. “Oh…” Sakura starts “That’s all? I thought you were about to say something more grim…” He scratches his black hair, looking off to the side. This took Kotoha off guard, making her look at Sakura with wide eyes before she smiled, glad that he didn’t make a scene or ask any more questions about it. “Hm? But wait… You’re the little sister? Aren’t you older?”
“Nope” “How old are you?” “The same as you, 16.”
Ryuu turns in shock, his one visible eye open wide. He had thought that she was at least 18, and the little sister thing being because she was born a few months after Umemiya.
A chair was thrown at Sakura hitting the wall with a loud KLAAANG, the attacker being good ol’ Sugishita, from behind him, a creepy aura’d Hajime spoke. “That’s right… Kotoha is..” He turns his head to the two freshmen that were able to see him, a sinister smile on his face directed at them “very mature, you see…”
“I don’t like the way he worded that…” Ryuu whispers to Suo, who shakes his head, smiling, and takes another sip of his own tea. Suddenly, Umemiya turns back into his sunny, happy self as he takes the seat that was thrown at them.
“Goodness Sugishita! Don’t go tossing things around the cafe now!” “Umemiya really dotes on Kotoha-chan,” Hiragi says “If he finds out that KOtoha-chan got into any danger… You know what’ll happen, right?” Hiragi glares at Sakura, unintentionally also at Nirei.
A few seconds after that interaction, Umemiya was humming in pleasure as he ate Kotoha’s cooking. “Kotohas’s omelette rice is number one in all of Japan!” Umemiya sang, Sugishita nodding along as the freshmen group looked on at their seniors. Kotoha looked angry as she cleaned off the dishes.
“Huh? Hiragi, You’re not eating?” Umemiya asks, confused since Hiragi wasn’t eating his Omurice. “Uhh…Not I,” He picks up the spoon before continuing “I was just thinkin’ about what Shishitoren was like in the past.” The memory of Umemiya saying that they were being pretty lame recently was brought up, making Sakura interested back into the conversation of the older students beside them. “Those guys… Were different before?” He asks. Ryuu struggles to keep his eyes open, head falling only to be sharply brought back up on instinct as the conversation keeps going. Hiragi becomes serious, starting to explain the past of the ‘enemy’ for the new kids that didn’t know and re-explaining it to those who did. “They’re the Devotees of Power… Shishitoren was a team that simply wanted to seek strength. There’re a lot of hotheads there, but… they were never a team that would chase some junior high kids around.” “There was one time when we had an all-out clash between their team and outs. Although it was one fierce brawl, I remember that fight felt real good.” “But…ever since Tomiyama became their top, grisly rumors began to spread. WHat happened today wasn’t anythin’ new, I’ve heard a ton of stories about how they’d force their way into a fight with people.” “Both Tomiyama and Togame… Cared more about their team than anyone else. They were real symbols of their strength.” “So how did things change so much…”
“Well,” Umemiya starts “It all probably changed because of Tomiyama…” “Because of him? What do you…” “I dunno the details,” Umemiya says, picking up his glass “but you’ll get it when we talk to them tomorrow.” He brings the cup to his lips.
“Talk to them? We’re gonna go duke it out, aren’t we?” “No, I mean… fighting is still a type of communication… Sakura-kun,” the white haired student grins. “Sometimes, fists are a language… That allows you to understand your opponent even better than words. But, well… it’s a language that only we know how to speak.”
“...He’s lonely,” Ryuu says suddenly, leaning his head back and bringing the attention to him. “Who?” Sakura inquired, both the seniors and the freshmen, even Kotoha and Sasaki were looking at him. “Tomiyama, it’s all in his eyes and how he acts,” Ryuu says, all too familiar with the situation at hand. Ryuu shakes his head and stands up, stretching his back with a few cracks. 
Fighting is communication… Fists are a language…
I never even thought of it that way before…
“See ya! Don’t be late tomorrow!!” “KoToHAAA! I’ll come by again!” Umemiya waves at his ‘sister’ with a comical smile as she places the closed sign in front of Pothos cafe. “U-Ummm!” Sasaki grabs the highschooler’s attention, making them turn towards him. “I never got a chance to thank all of you…” he bows “Thank you so much for saving me!”
“Best of luck… on your fight tomorrow!”
“Yeah!” Umemiya smiles brightly at Sasaki. “Don’t ya worry. We’ll be fine,” Hitagi smiles at the kid, reassuring him while Sugishita nods. “We’ll give it our all,” Suo gently smiles at the boy. Ryuu looks at them quite confused before smiling and patting the kid on the head, “Be sure to change that bandage and place some ointment on it, and thank you for being so brave Sasaki.”
Sakura flushes and stutters “I-IT’S NOT LIKE… WE’RE FIGHTING FOR YOUR SAKE OR NOTHIN’...!” “You’re a real dolt…” Kotoha interrupts Sakura. “All you gotta say is, ‘you can leave it to us.’”
“L…Leave it to us,” Sakura mumbled, cheeks red from what he was technically made to say to be respectful. “That’s it!” Kotoha smiles. “Sakura-san, your face is beet-red!” “SH-SHADDUP”
“Quiet you both!”
┌──❀*̥˚───❀*̥˚─┐ A few hours later └───❀*̥˚───❀*̥˚┘
‘I’ve…’ Sakura thinks as they step through the alley that separates Bofurin and Shishitoren ‘never went into a fight like this… where I’m battling for someone else.’ ‘But… although, I can’t really put it into words… I feel like, I’m even more confident on winning than before.’
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toreii · 1 year
Lost in the Book with Stitch part 32
Disclaimer: This is a fan translation. I apologize for any mistakes. I’m by no means fluent in Japanese, but I try my best. Please, support the official translation when it comes out. Be kind and friendly, and feel free to support me by donating a ko-fi if you’d like. Link is in my description!
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Uninhabited Island - Cottage
Riddle: “By the way, what do you mean by resort style? Do you mean installing luxurious furniture?”
Lilia: “Oh? Not only is Riddle’s knowledge of survival seem to be lacking, but also resorts.”
Riddle: “I…No, I have to admit my lack of knowledge. I'm not familiar with such things as excursions and recreation.”
Jack: “I’m not familiar with resorts, either, but in other words, it means a place to rest, right?”
Jack: “I’ve seen a guy lying on a beach chair at the beach in tv.”
Lilia: “A beach chair! Putting up a parasol, and lie down while watching the sea…that’s also good!”
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Riddle: “Oh? Stitch is showing me what he has in his hand. It’s…a flower?”
“Decorating with flowers?”
Riddle: “Not bad. Wouldn’t it be gorgeous if there were red flowers?”
Grim: “Red flowers? I saw them earlier! I’ll go pick some!”
“You want to make something out of flowers?”
Lilia: “Come to think of it, when I traveled to a southern country in the past, I remember hanging a woven flower decoration in my room.”
Jack: “A flower wreath? It definitely lifts my mood, and makes me feel like I’m at a resort.”
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Lilia: “Now then. Let’s go out to collect materials…FOR OUR BEST SUMMER!”
Grim: “YEAH!”
Grim: “IT’S DONE!”
Lilia: “Look at this scenery. Luxurious! It turned out good.”
Riddle: “Hammock in the shade. Parasols and chairs on the sandy beach. And, flowers everywhere.‥‥”
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Riddle: “So, this is a resort…it’s beautiful! Most of all, it’s comfortable!”
Riddle: “I see, I understand. Certainly, spending time in such a place will make your heart calm.”
Jack: “It’s good. I think this is necessary for Riddle-senpai to have a calm heart.”
Riddle: “What do you mean?”
Lilia: “Kufufu…are you satisfied with this much?”
Lilia: “When I traveled to the South, there was a huge sofa floating above the sea for stargazing at night.”
Grim: “A s-sofa on the sea…!?”
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Lilia: “Enjoy a relaxing massage in a cool room shaded by flower curtains during the day...”
Lilia: “After that, enjoy the sound of the waves while swaying in a hanging chair on a shady balcony.”
Lilia: “Kufufu. Only when you can enjoy such a luxurious time can you call it a true vacation.”
Grim: “Funaa! A true vacation, I want, I want!”
Riddle: “Yes, nothing is half good. Now that I've come this far, I want to experience a ‘true’ vacation.”
Jack: “You can work hard only if you get enough rest, right?”
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Jack: “If you're serious about taking a break, I agree.”
“I will do my best for a true vacation!”
Lilia: “A-All three of them are serious…shouldn’t a vacation be something you enjoy more casually!?”
“I want to enjoy a vacation!”
Lilia: “Kufufu. Riddle and Jack should imitate Yuu’s free spirit more.”
Lilia: “Then, let’s make the cottage and shoreline more luxurious, and surprise the others when they return!”
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Riddle/Jack/Grim: “FOR THE BEST SUMMER!”
To be continued…
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foxghost · 2 years
Joyful Reunion
Translator: foxghost @foxghost tumblr/ko-fi1 Beta: meet-me-in-oblivion @meet-me-in-oblivion tumblr Original by 非天夜翔 Fei Tian Ye Xiang Masterpost | Characters, Maps & Other Reference Index
Seventh of Seventh · The Distance Between Two Shores
A rising autumn breeze passes through the empty palace hall. Duan Ling hurries through the gallery, the ends of his black robes fluttering in the breeze. His long hair is held in a low ponytail with a single black string, and his soft lips are ever so slightly pursed.
He walks past the swaying silhouettes of trees humming with the last of late summer cicadas, past the garden swirling with yellowing autumn leaves, past dusk adorned with crisp dark shadows cast by lantern light into the fresh night touched with the purple-red tinge of a dying sunset. Life is like a stage, and the curtains have fallen to reveal a sheet of sapphire silk studded with magnificent stars.
Dressed all in black, he seems almost to become one with the night. Slowly, he comes to a stop and stands before the White Tiger idol. Starlight shines down from the vaulted roof of the pavilion after reflecting off its angles. The Zhenshanhe has been placed horizontally on a sword stand, enshrined beneath the claws of the god that rules the autumn season.
This place is like the temple nearest the constellations, and every time Duan Ling stands beneath the white tiger’s gaze, he would feel as if he’s only one step away from the river of stars above. But it calmly blocks Duan Ling’s way as if there is a bustling heavenly realm behind its back, where mortals may not set foot.
“Dad.” Duan Ling walks forward, gently strokes the white tiger’s sharp canine, and puts his face against its ice-cold nose. He says, sounding enchanted, “Another year’s gone by.”
He lights three sticks of incense, and bows to the white tiger idol thrice. An autumn breeze sends the muslin curtains fluttering. The scent of sandalwood wafts through the air. Duan Ling climbs up the idol’s base, crawls into the white tiger’s outstretched, scouting paw, and leans back into its arm. He faces the star-studded firmament as though he’s being held by the white tiger, and in a daze, he lets his mind wander.
Lord White Tiger’s eyes reflect starlight, and its cool jade body gradually warms. Leaning back against the well-defined, powerful muscles of its chest, Duan Ling suddenly senses something.
“Who’s there?” Duan Ling can dimly notice a silhouette behind the muslin curtains.
Another gust of wind brings up the curtain, and a tall man walks into the shrine.
Duan Ling stares at him in shock.
The man has deep-set eyes like stars, with dark eyebrows and soft lips, and he’s dressed in an embroidered pale blue fighter’s robe. The clothes, however, are half foreign and half Han, with the left sleeve tied the way a warrior wears his sleeve, while the right sleeve is left hanging wide like a literati’s. The trajectory of the White Tiger constellation has been embroidered onto his open gown, with the major star done in silver thread, glittering with the same starlight that illuminates the sky.
He has on fighter’s boots decorated with a pattern of clouds, a silver pauldron on his left shoulder. A gem shaped like a water drop adorns his right wrist.
“Dad?” Duan Ling almost can’t believe his own eyes. This is his father, but not the father he knows well; this one is even younger than when Duan Ling met his father for the first time, as though he’s just past twenty. He’s handsome and fair, and there is not a sign of the turmoil and sternness that used to plague his eyes; in place of that is an innate graceful elegance.
Li Jianhong smiles, leaping onto the base of the white tiger idol, and leans against the tiger’s body. The white tiger suddenly starts to move, letting out a low growl, startling Duan Ling.
“How did you …” Staring at this whole get-up, Duan Ling feels a rush of pleasant surprise.
“Become so young?” Li Jianhong says. “Looks like my son’s all grown up though.”
Duan Ling finds it all incredible; he and Li Jianhong seem to be two young men similar in age, and next to each other, Li Jianhong barely looks much older than him at all.
“Even though you’ve grown up, and dad’s gotten younger, you still can’t call me gege.” Li Jianhong jokes, “You couldn’t have imagined what I looked like when I was younger, my son?”
There is nothing but astonishment in Duan Ling’s eyes, and the corner of his mouth keeps turning up for the smile he can’t hide. He picks up Li Jianhong’s hand and stares at the jade on his wrist. “What’s this?”
“Star jade,” Li Jianhong replies with a smile. “I need it to patrol the skies. Here, it’s all yours,” he says, taking it off for Duan Ling.
“I don’t want it,” Duan Ling looks blandly at him, having figured out the meaning behind his father’s frivolous smile. “What’s it good for? It’s not even as pretty as my jade arc.”
“It’s a star,” says Li Jianhong. “One of the many stars in the sky. It controls the fates of everyone in the mortal world. People are always saying, ‘if you want the stars from the sky I’d pluck them down for you’, this is what that means.”
“Dad, have you become a Daoist Immortal?” Duan Ling sounds amazed.
Li Jianhong’s robe flaps in the wind. He gives Duan Ling an enigmatic shh in reply and explains, “Tonight happens to be the Seventh of Seventh, so I came down while the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid are busy seeing each other. I’ll have to head back soon lest they find me out.”
“Will we ever see each other again?” Duan Ling can’t help himself; his voice grows thick with tears.
Li Jianhong calmly watches the tears in Duan Ling’s eyes, but he doesn’t answer. From his reading of the ancient tomes, Duan Ling has gleaned that the gods cannot enter the mortal world without cause, and they must not reveal the ineffable. But to be able to see him once more during this one lifetime already leaves Duan Ling without regrets.
“I see you every day,” Li Jianhong whispers. “I’m always here.”
He pulls Duan Ling to him, putting Duan Ling’s head on his shoulder. He says smilingly, “Do you not have anything else to say? Look how old you are already, and still such a crybaby.”
Duan Ling’s tearful expression turns into a smile. He studies Li Jianhong’s eyes and nose, and he thinks that he is still him; through all these years, Duan Ling has never forgotten every time he’d dreamt of him.
“I had a dream last month.” Duan Ling thinks of this and that, but doesn’t really know what he should say, and ends up saying, “I dreamt of you.”
“Yeah?” Li Jianhong takes off his outer robe and pulls it over them like a blanket as they stargaze together. “What was your dream about?”
Duan Ling pauses to think, but as he’s about to say more, Li Jianhong continues, “You’re like our great ancestor, and like Zhuangzi too — always sleeping and dreaming when you’ve got nothing better to do. One moment you’re turning into a butterfly, another you’re turning into a big fish … watch out you don’t end up getting stuck in your dreams and can’t wake up anymore.”
Duan Ling is smilng again. “Actually, if I can see you in my dreams all the time, I probably wouldn’t want to wake up.”
The two of them lean against each other the way two young men would. Whenever Li Yanqiu used to reminisce about his and Li Jianhong’s youth from time to time, Duan Ling would feel rather envious. Wouldn’t be nice if time can flow backwards so he can be around during his father’s younger days, to conquer the world at his side, or just to administer the realm for him?
But he never could have imagined that he would reunite with his father again under these particular circumstances. In the mortal world, people spend much of their time apart, and reunions are few and far between; it has always been thus. If he dillydallies much longer, his father may have to leave again before they manage to get much of a conversation going.
"In the dream, you took me along on a military campaign to the north to fight the Goryeo empire and the Mongolians. "Duan Ling recalls some details from his dreams, and everything seems so vivid it’s almost like it happened yesterday. He looks up again and says, “Lang Junxia was still alive, and he took me to his village as a guest. Chang Liujun was around too, also Zheng Yan and Wu Du. They were all by my side. Oh, and you gave me this huge lecture.”
Li Jianhong’s expression darkens. “Of course I’d have to lecture you. You follow Wu Du around all day long and don’t even want your dad anymore. Running off all the time doing lord knows what — what if you got lost?”
Duan Ling stares at him in shock.
“You knew?!” Duan Ling is stunned in an instant. “How did you know that?!”
“I don’t know.” The corner of Li Jianhong’s mouth twitches as he immediately washes his hands of the whole thing. “I seriously have no idea.”
“You knew!” Duan Ling grabs Li Jianhong’s sleeve and refuses to let go, arguing, “how else would you have known that I ran off with Wu Du?”
Li Jianhong can’t help but laugh out loud. “Where’s Wu Du? Call him over. It’s been ages since we had a drink together.”
“You two drank together?” Duan Ling sounds flabbergasted. “I never heard him say that.”
The more Li Jianhong says, the worse this gets; it’s his fault really that his own son is too smart, and he’s almost tricked into revealing a bunch of ineffable mysteries. He has no choice but to stop talking, just stares at Duan Ling and smiles.
“What are you smiling about?” Duan Ling frowns.
“There are lots of things I can’t say, so I can only smile. What else can I do?”
Looking at this father’s handsome smile, Duan Ling suddenly isn’t sure what he should say anymore. After a bit of thinking, he says, “So the one in my dreams really was you.”
Li Jianhong raises an eyebrow. He doesn’t refute Duan Ling, but he doesn’t admit to it either. He opens his hand, and in his palm is that star jade, its lustre incomparably gentle, with soft halos sparkling within.
“This is for you, a star from the sky,” Li Jianhong says.
Duan Ling touches it lightly with a finger, and the star jade blossoms with a bright but gentle glow, like he’s been placed in the centre of the Silver River. Its white light fills the space between sky and earth as the Silver River descends, and all at once, Duan Ling feels as though he’s in the middle of an ocean of light.
“Dad.” Duan Ling has a feeling that Li Jianhong is about to vanish in the middle of that ocean.
But Li Jianhong is smiling at him. “Come into my dream, my son.”
Duan Ling cries out, “Dad!”
But Li Jianhong has already become starlight, vanishing from Duan Ling’s side. In the midst of these brilliant rays, Duan Ling feels as though he’s become a lot smaller, all the way back to the time he reunited with his dad for the first time. Li Jianhong looks down at Duan Ling, his smiling eyes filled with tenderness. He reaches out and strokes Duan Ling’s head before turning into a gentle breeze, and on this holiday where girls pray to the stars for hands as nimble as the Weaving Maid’s, he scatters into the horizon.
Seventh of Seventh; the Silver River looks both clear and shallow; how vast can the distance between two shores ever be?
Duan Ling looks all around him. In this gentle dreamscape, the stars are fragments of light undulating on a river; on either shore of a crystalline river, they gaze at each other lovingly without a word.2
This translation is by foxghost, on tumblr and kofi. I do not monetise my hobby translations, but if you’d like to support my work generally or support my light novel habit, you can either buy me a coffee or commission me. This is also to note that if you see this message anywhere else than on tumblr, it was reposted without permission. Do come to my tumblr. It’s ad-free. ↩︎
Two lines from 迢迢牽牛星 / The Distant Cowherd Star, by an anonymous poet during the Han dynasty, is one of the Nineteen Old Poems. ↩︎
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oraclekleo · 1 year
OnlyOneOf as Nature SOunds
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Hello and welcome to another post including members of a group as something.
These are not related to tarot but based on my own perception.
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Love (former member)
WOOds after dark sOunds 
Mystical whispering Of wind in the trees, calming breath Of the mOOnlit landscapes, OccasiOnal cracking Of twig, lOnely wOlf hOwl inciting shivers dOwn the spine, enigmatic call Of and Owl and sOng Of raindrOps falling OntO the lake surface. 
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SeashOre sOunds 
Waves gently crashing against the rOcks, washing away sands and humming with eternal rhythm, singing Of the breeze swaying palm trees in heating sun, seagull's playful cry, cracking of pebbles under feet and splashing Of water. 
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Stalactite cave system sOunds 
Drip drOpping sOunds Of water, mysteriOus distant echOes, flapping Of bat wings and sharp screech. Deep rhythmic humming of undergrOund river, rOaring Of waterfall. And deafening silence and serenity. 
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AmazOnian jungle sOunds 
CacOphOny Of bird sOngs, mOnkey calls and deep grOwls. Rustle Of leaves and hiss Of snakes. UnknOwn cracking and breathing behind yOur back. LOud distant cries Of birds Of prey. SuffOcating heat and humidity. 
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Spring Japanese garden sOunds 
Chirping birds in the gently swaying trees, sOund Of buzzing bees flying frOm blOssOm tO blOssOm, cOOling wind blOws through hanging willOw branches, cackle Of stream jumping acrOss rOcks, sOund Of raked sand. 
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Sunrise in the mOuntains sOunds 
SlOwly rising chOir Of bird sOngs, sharp screech Of eagle, flapping Of wings, buzzing Of bees and strOng blows of the wind bending the shOrt bushes and pines with cracking. LOnely distant grOwl Of hermit beast. 
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 Summer stOrm sOunds 
RaindrOps drumming On the windOw glass and rOOf, hum Of wind and scratching Of twigs On the windOws, deafening sOund Of thunder and crackle Of lOgs burning in fireplace. Muffled giggle and shuffling Of feet. 
More non-tarot content: Random Non-Tarot Content
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sport333 · 1 year
3 consecutive seasons of winning 3 fit achieved in a new era Allin Gen.G dynasty
3 consecutive seasons of winning 3 fit achieved in a new era Allin Gen.G dynasty
Gen.G's era has arrived in name and reality. Even when "Ruler" Park Jae-hyuk, a franchise star, and "Richens" Son Si-woo, who is called the top supporter, left the team, they succeeded in discovering new growth engines such as "Phase" Kim Soo-hwan and "Delight" Yoo Hwan-joong, making it a team that dominates LCK in 2023.
From last summer's summer season to this summer, he held the top spot by lifting the trophy in three consecutive splits. T1 and D-Plus Kia are the teams that have fallen from LCK to dynasties. Now Gen.G has also firmly established its position as a famous family where the expression "dynasties" is not awkward.
Gen.G won 3-0 in the final match against Summer T1 of the "2023 LOL Champions Korea (LCK)" held at the Daejeon Convention Center in Daejeon on the 20th with a combination of moves and strategic tactics. As a result, Gen.G has won spring and summer in a row since the summer of 2022, setting a meaningful record of winning three consecutive LCK titles for the first time since the team's foundation
Gen.G, who finished second in the regular league, defeated Hanwha Life Insurance in the second round of the playoffs and went straight to the final. Gen.G's opponent in the final was T1. T1 reached the final round of the 2023 LCK Summer Final held on the 19th by playing a neck-and-neck race to the fifth set against KT, the "mobile carrier match."
T1 was decided against Gen.G's final, setting an unprecedented record in LCK history. Gen.G and T1 are the first teams to face off in four straight finals in LCK's 11-year history
Gen.G, who already beat T1 in the 2022 Summer and 2023 Spring Finals, played from the first set of the finals as if he knew the pattern of T1. Gen.G, who had been quiet while focusing on the line match in the beginning, made a series of kills as "Chovy" Jung Ji-hoon's Taliya loosened his feet and won as he widened the gap by more than 15 kills.
Gen.G, who won the second set with a similar pattern, played a difficult game in the third set as he was caught up in T1's resistance. Gen.G, which had widened the kill gap until the middle, allowed a tie, being swayed by the skillful play of T1's "Faker" Lee Sang-hyuk and "Kumayushi" Lee Min-hyung, but won three consecutive splits as he was one step ahead in concentration in the second half
Gen.G's captain, Jungler 'Peanut' Han Wang-ho, has won six LCK titles. This is the second most wins among active players after T1 mid-liner "Faker" Lee Sang-hyuk.
Gen.G, who built the "dynasties" through "Three Fit," was given 200 million won in prize money, while mid-liner "Chovy" Jung Ji-hoon, who performed the play the team wanted, was selected as the final MVP and received 5 million won in prize money. Gen.G will be given a winning ring provided by Tiffany, while MVP Jung Ji-hoon will be given a bracelet. The injuries will be engraved with the names of the players or the names of the summoners
Gen.G's strength can be expressed in that there is no distinction between the players and the coaching staff. Not only the top upper body line, including the team's oldest "Peanut" Han Wang-ho, "Doran" Choi Hyun-joon and "Chovy" Jung Ji-hoon, but also the new bot duo "Faze" Kim Soo-hwan and "Delight" Yoo Hwan-joong show a single medium called "Team."
Depending on the situation, you can freely choose the center of the upper body and the center of the lower body, and the organizational power and cohesion that move thoroughly as a team are excellent. At the center were coach Ko Dong-bin and coach Won Sang-yeon. Coach Ko Dong-bin said, "As I prepared for the finals, I had a feeling of 3-0. The players worked so hard and worked hard on the season. It is a valuable victory that came with the result of hard work. I think you can call us a strong team now. "I'll show you a good performance in the LOL World Cup," he praised the players 파워볼사이트
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【搖擺艷夏】-線上看小鴨完整版[Summer Sway ]
【搖擺艷夏】-線上看小鴨完整版[Summer Sway ]
#搖擺艷夏 線上看#惡‧迴家搖擺艷夏  线上看(2020)線上看完整版本#搖擺艷夏 (電影,2020)線上#搖擺艷夏 線上看2020
一群熱情男女在炎熱的曼谷展開挑逗的青春羅曼史��珍從某場甄選會落榜後,她帶著複雜的心情前往曼谷,卻在那裡開始一段突破的危險關係。 片長:90分 上映日期:2020/09/18
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观看和下载电影:>> Summer Sway 搖擺艷夏  2020 整部电影在线 Tw
影片年份:2020 出  品  國:Korea 出  品: 發  行  商:車庫娛樂 語  言:Korean 色  彩:color 音  效:
劇情簡介 現實生活令人煩悶時,需要新的刺激!一群熱情男女在炎熱的曼谷展開挑逗的青春羅曼史!
珍(徐娜英 飾)是一名舞者,擁有不凡的才能,卻常被以不當手段奪取主演角色。在她從某場甄選會落榜後,她帶著複雜的心情前往曼谷,尋找她唯一的朋友智雨(金河琳 飾)。
兩人在常去的酒吧,遇見了夏天(裴勝憲 飾)和彩虹(李海俊 飾)這兩名男子,珍藉由與他們的性關係填補空虛的內心,並開始一段突破的危險關係。順著本能度過刺激時光的他們,卻愈來愈深陷於彼此之間的愛戀……
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victoriajamessl · 4 years
Summer Sweetness
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Featuring Simply Shelby and Art&Ko
It’s almost time for another round of The Liaison Collaborative and from the sneak peeks that I have seen it looks like it’s going to be a great round.  The Liaison Collaborative has such a great mix of things and the creators are great about making them available to the TLC bloggers even though I am sure that some of them have their own blogging teams.  I’d…
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bonniebird · 2 years
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Chrissy x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
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Warnings: Tribadism, smut
The rally was in full swing. Cheering and shouting from the stands. You sat among the people near the front. You tried not to look as openly bored as you felt. You hated these things. The jostling, the music, the sway of the crowd. You regretted coming and now if you tried to leave you’d stick out and someone would notice.
Chrissy smiled as she looked over the bleachers and spotted you. She hadn’t been sure that you would come. She’d asked a few times but each time you came up with some kind of excuse. When you and Jason ended up bickering over something she assumed that you wouldn’t show.
But there you were looking awfully bored and her smile faded. Jason glanced at her then to where she was looking and glared at you. Chrissy’s smile had died as quickly as it spread on her face. You looked bored. As if you had only come for Chrissy. She knew deep down you had. There were many places that you would rather be. Once the rally ended you waited at the edge of the gym, waiting to ask Chrissy if she was still coming to stay at yours for the night.
Across the gym, in one corner you could see Jason had taken Chrissy to one side. He had leaned in close and was frantically talking to her. Deciding you’d rather not deal with Jason in a mood you headed out of the gym with the crowd, heading towards your locker. It was about five minutes later when Chrissy left. She passed you by looking upset and in a world of her own. 
“Hey!” You called but she ignored you. Hurrying after her you bounded along beside her. “Hello? Chrissy, anyone in there?” You said with a laugh. 
“What! Oh. I’m sorry. I was just thinking. I. Sorry.” She muttered and looked a little sheepish as she zoned back in.
“Are you still coming over today?” You asked her and she frowns.
“Oh. I was going to but Jason wants me to go to a party with him.” She said quietly. She sounded almost disappointed. You wrinkled your nose and rolled your eyes.
“You don’t have to hang out with that bubbleheaded. We can have some fun. Watch our old movie collection and get the usual pizza from our place.” You said as you leaned in and smiled.
“Well maybe. I do like our sleepovers.” She confessed.
“Who wants to spend their Friday evening watching Jason and his chuckleheads have a rager? I. Am much more fun.” You grinned when she seemed cheered up and promised to meet you at yours with her things later on. 
Chrissy arrived not long after you got home. You were putting in the order for your usual pizza when she let herself in. She leaned in close and asked for you to add some things. While you waited for the pizza to arrive the two of you tried to move the family TV up the stairs to your room. There were fits of giggles and at one point you almost dropped it down the stairs. Your parents would have been furious if you hadn’t both managed to get it up unharmed.
While you went to get the pizza, your parents having left money out for you both, Chrissy fetched the VHS player from the sofa where you’d abandoned it and hurried up to your room to set it up. As you were about to close the door you saw Steve pull up. Robin hurried out of the car with several VHS tapes you’d asked him to set aside for you. You thanked her and stacked them on top of the pizza boxes.
Hurrying upstairs the two of you finished setting the TV up and out the first VHS tape in. You dumped the pile of things on the end of your bed as the two of you changed into matching summer pyjamas. Chrissy had bought them when her family went on holiday on the Californian coast and you’d been too sick to join them, though you’d been invited, she had named them the sleep-over jammies and been rather excited when you liked them. 
Getting comfortable under your covers the two of you dished out the food and bottles of pop. By the time the movie ended and you put the second tape in you’d both finished eating and snuggled closer together. It was something you’d done together since you were little. It had started when one of your grandparents was sick and your parents hadn’t wanted you to miss pre-school. Chrissy’s parents had let you stay for a week until they came back. Of course, she was invited to stay and almost every Friday after that there was a sleepover at one house or the other. 
You both jumped and you let out a small squeal when something surprising burst across the screen. Feeling Chrissy’s hand squeeze yours as she looked at you, you squeezed back and smiled.
“This is creepier than I thought it’d be.” You confessed.
“Well if you get scared you can keep holding my hand.” She said with a smile as you leaned in and let out a nervous huff.
“I’m not scared!” You insisted. She giggled a little and jumped herself when the music suddenly screeched. The two of you looked at each other. The film was making the two of you nervous as it reached the halfway point. Chrissy reached over and stroked your cheek, not an unfamiliar gesture. But then she leaned in and kissed you. She leaned in, pushing you back against your pillows as she moved over you. A sigh left your mouth and she took advantage, invading past your open lips as her hands cupped your face. One of your hands found Chrissy's waist as the blanket slipped off her. Her weight pressed down on you and the two of you rolled, breaking for a second before returning to kissing. Legs tangled and hands roamed, the film playing in the background ignored and forgotten. Moaning as you felt her tongue flick against your top lip you let her pull away. Clothes were pulled off and you both returned tangling together, desperate to touch hips writhing together as pleased and desperate gasps and moans drowned out the tv. 
Chrissy tags:
@linkpk88 @babypink224221 @prettyplant0 @bluejaysaysstuff @jamie-c-bower-simp @aw--heck
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