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Scarlet Eyes - Until Eternity (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/330451958-scarlet-eyes-until-eternity?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Sephfires&wp_originator=33cEkyUaLrZ43f246iXnh%2Fk0zh11Ta%2FwIpDmHgapgGeSBXQY4JKGEG6eQcIUyCFtFDaiA1muYPBgMGoSBE9H%2FPIg2THoNlnILw3ND6MSj1UIpbC5nZYhy9DeCFobRiuH The popular internet horror story "Scarlet eyes" everyone in Ash's class seems to be talking about seems to become her reality after reading the original post. Following her shocking discoveries that her eyes glow red in the mirror, Ash has now to live with visions and nightmare. Will Ash find a way to end the torture or will her fate lead her to a different path?
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otro-lunes-triste · 2 years
Sucedo sin suceder por qué le tengo miedo a todo.
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yuriijung · 22 hours
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Mirror to another Galaxy - A work of art Part 2 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1478109610-mirror-to-another-galaxy-a-work-of-art-part-2?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Na-bikim2001 Cyra's life (Cyra -a college student with an incurable disease) becomes a mess after she falls in love with her university teacher who is special in many ways, but he disappears for two years because of an incident, during his absence Cyra is left to suffer with her abusive father and almost loses her life and her brother before Kiran returns. Who would have thought Kiran's return would only make things worse.
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littledemonlorne · 4 months
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When We Thought I Loved You (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/370360504-when-we-thought-i-loved-you?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=mstiqueb4be Breaking up is difficult. Sometimes people take it well. But other times people break into little pieces.
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fanoftheunknown · 9 months
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The Protectors: Matze's tale (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/349699235-the-protectors-matze%27s-tale?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Nik_Dean&wp_originator=0Ydn1OWsYk0ZBRrdZ1RwNK1wscxrt7rSM8QcKA4Nl54u%2BJeR%2BP35oXzN5RGtyHdBZcar%2Fezr%2BBJbTvqnWc81oImcewtOSdli0sM5%2B2k%2F54Dj587zKs06S1FOj5e%2FmF4u Protectors are the servers of the gods. Each god assigns their protector a specific set of jobs. This is the tale of the Sun Goddess' first protector in 30 years. Matze's task? Protect those who need him. One day he runs into the man who ended his prior life, threatening to uproot his new life.
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(Giving Voice to Depression) If you were struggling with your #mentalhealth, would you have someone to talk to and count on? This week's NEW Giving Voice to Depression podcast is a look at how one family evolved from not discussing the topic, to creating a Family Trust Circle to keep each other updated and safe: (26-minutes) https://bit.ly/3wImHOY
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Do I keep them,
Reminise them,
Bring them to mind,
Through sight and sound,
A mark of what I survived.
Who I was before,
And now.
Battle scars,
The battle with my mind,
War scars,
The war with my heart.
Do I keep them?
Or rid them from sight,
Never bought to mind,
And forget the time I was so sad,
And forget the time I was so sick,
I hurt myself outside to represent the pain I felt inside,
I torn my skin because my heart was bleeding,
So do I keep these scars?
In my eye,
Keep to remember,
You were so very sad,
But you survived.
You survived.
Your alive.
Even with scars,
Your alive.
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cardinalsongpoet · 1 year
Women Are Dying Invisibly in SBC Churches and They're Voting
This week, a beautiful friend I made on social media shared with me that she decided to leave the Southern Baptist Association after she attempted suicide because of trauma she experienced at the hands of the church. She still has Beth Moore’s books and bible studies on her shelves because of what they meant in her life and healing. Yesterday, I shared with a friend that I would be writing an…
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tallmantall · 3 months
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Have you ever had a #yuri moment with Courtney or Gwen or Sierra or everyone from team Amazon
Have you ever tried a #suicideattempt moment?
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thaunknowndreadhead · 4 months
Me: (painfully crying while alone on my day of birth)
My mind: Chill out bro. God is with you
Me: (painfully crying while rocking back and forth to comfort myself from the darkest of memories while alone in my apartment)
My mind: Jesus said time will heal all wounds
Me: I don't know if I will ever heal. Life's been a lonely rollercoaster of highs with very LOW downs and whiplashing turns. Healing seems far off even impossible. (Scary intrusive thoughts of my past selfharm, seemingly from nowhere suddenly)
My mind: Satan is trying to get the best of you on a day that you are supposed to be celebrating the life that He gave you.
Me: (feeling guilty for being ungrateful of life and for past thoughts of the same likeness ie: "life is unfair" "I was dealt an ugly hand in this game of life" "I should have died years ago" "I died years ago" "You could have saved your grandfather's life" "Your a failure" "YOUR A WEIRDO" "You don't deserve friends or life or family" " you don't deserve happiness"...[just a few, the list of thoughts are endless].
My mind: those thoughts are from Satan who seeks to steal kill and destroy. Don't give him that sort of power over your mind. You are loved whether you believe it or not.
Me: not true. I don't feel loved...possibly because in a way I don't love myself.
My mind: psalm 3:5-6 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths."
Me: .......😑🥲😌
My mind: relax..God is a loving God and loves you. You are are here for a reason you're just not sure why yet. You're not alone. You made it to see another birthday when many times you almost didn't...relax. You are loved and blessed even if you dont think or believe so.
Me: I believe so. It's just often times I don't feel so because the way life turned out. The dark moments of confusion self hate selfharm suicideattempts or depression.
My mind: Those tribulations are only in place to make you lean more on God's word. They are dark feelings, thoughts, moments and situations ; but God's Word is a SWORD and the Word cuts through all of the lies that the world tries to throw in our faces. Don't believe the lies. You are loved whether you believe it or not. Your demise would hurt others, particularly if you hurt yourself like your grandfather did to himself. You loved and still love him dont you? Well how do you think it would make others feel if you were to take yourself away from here? It would hurt them; no matter how much you feel you "deserve to die"..you don't deserve to die. You are loved. Don't believe the hype of satan. He's approached you in many forms and has made you lose battles you never thought you'd lose. But you haven't lost the war. God is in charge. This may be satans terrain, but this is ultimately God's DOMAIN. You are loved. Try your best not to forget that. You love heavy, your heart is big, and when that big heart hurts it hearts bad; but it's ok. You are meant to love the way you do. Satan may have you confused about love and who does or doesn't love you, or who does or doesn't care about you. But one thing that is certain is that God loves you still whether you believe it or not.
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yuriijung · 4 days
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Mirror to another Galaxy - A work of art Part 1 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1476620272-mirror-to-another-galaxy-a-work-of-art-part-1?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Na-bikim2001 Cyra's life (Cyra -a college student with an incurable disease) becomes a mess after she falls in love with her university teacher who is special in many ways, but he disappears for two years because of an incident, during his absence Cyra is left to suffer with her abusive father and almost loses her life and her brother before Kiran returns. Who would have thought Kiran's return would only make things worse.
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mymetric360 · 9 months
"Should I seek ER care after lithium overdose?" #SuicideAttempt #EmergencyRoom #MentalHealth #LithiumOverdose 🚨 Should I go to the ER for my suicide attempt? 🚨 First of all, we are so glad that you are reaching out for help and seeking advice. It's important to take your mental and physical health seriously, especially in a situation like this. Here's what you need to consider in determining whether you should go to the ER for your suicide a... Read more: https://mymetric360.com/question/should-i-seek-er-care-after-lithium-overdose/?feed_id=70265
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fanoftheunknown · 1 year
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The Protectors: Matze's tale - Chapter One (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1375075105-the-protectors-matze%27s-tale-chapter-one?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Nik_Dean&wp_originator=1fyAKx0aSju53dx8OIp3AWs4Ku6wog47S3qBcKjR8UYSavyI7Op2hz5Z6fcMI22G7X5VJAijHOAwOoIkGEfvc%2F0kHmvEfty0xf8Fb8ePZHJFfB28VTnQeICclMq%2BWqCu Protectors are the servers of the gods. Each god assigns their protector a specific set of jobs. This is the tale of the Sun Goddess' first protector in 30 years. Matze's task? Protect those who need him. One day he runs into the man who ended his prior life, threatening to uproot his new life.
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If you’re thinking about giving up, read this
5 years ago I tried to kill myself. I spent weeks in a psychiatric hospital.
4 years ago I hit rock bottom. I went through a breakup, was diagnosed with a new mental illness, spiraled out of control only to find myself in a psychiatric hospital yet again.
3 and a half years ago I committed to getting better. I started a DBT therapy program. I got the large DBT workbook, and went to therapy twice a week. I paid attention, I participated, and I put in the effort to make a change for the first time.
Around the same time, I started my first full time job and I met the love of my life.
1 and a half years ago, I got an apartment in my dream neighborhood with my partner and we started a life together.
1 year ago, I landed my dream job.
Today, I am happy and healthy. None of it would have been possible if I had given up all those years ago.
I want to emphasize that getting better is HARD. People will give up on you. People won’t want to see you get better. They’ll leave. They’ll root against you.  But the people who stick around will make it worth it. And all the new people you meet along the way.
And people will LOVE the new, recovered you. It’s possible to recover, it’s possible to live a normal life, and every single person is worthy of redemption. So if you’re reading this at rock bottom, thinking about giving up, think about this: if I had given up all those times I wanted to, I wouldn’t have seen this beautiful life. There was nothing I wanted more than my life to be over all those years ago, but this life is better than anything I imagined. You have the power to live a beautiful life, and you DESERVE it.
I’m rooting for you ❤️
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filpsissick · 3 years
I fucking hate my dad.
Fuck he's narcissistic personality, fuck he's drinks, fuck he honestly.
He yells at me for nothing at all.
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