#Sturm Daniela
ask-the-four-lords · 7 days
To the four lords : it’s story time ! Y’all share your worst birthday ever !
Salvatore Moreau: Sunce impluntation... every year's *gags through speaking* burthduh is worse than the last.
Karl Heisenberg: I was too drunk on all my birthdays to remember them... I vaguely remember lighting the brim of Countess Cleavage's hat on fire... I also remember waking up in the forest with only one pant leg remaining, a crippling hangover, and a half shaven beard. I could not for the life 'uh me tell ya why. When I got home Sturm was a pain in the ass too.
Donna Beneviento: I-I don't even remember when my birthday is... Angie tries but it's never real... it's always so lonely. *she softly cries* (I love you, Donna)
Alcina Dimitrescu: It was the year Miranda made me invite the other lords to my birthday and not just let it be me and my daughters and Donna. One of the many choices of hers I truly disagree with. Moreau gave me a dead fish, called it food, the stench failed to disperse for a month. Heisenberg gave me an hour-long rant about how much of a *quoting tone and disdainful* "giant bitch" and "big ol' lesbian cougar" I am. And Donna gave me a little doll versions of me and my daughters, which I actually quite liked but Angie tried to light the castle on fire, you can imagine the chaos that that created. *She decides to talk about her daughters because she just can't help herself* But my daughters were wonderful to me, like they always are, oh, my lovely Daniela... *Nuzzles Daniela's head briefly, then returns to the answer* That year, Cassandra gave me Heisenberg's hat and glasses. I have no idea how she managed to steal them. He reclaimed both within a few days, but I was ever so proud of her nonetheless. Daniela made a blood cake for me, it was excellent, even if she ate around half of it before giving it to me. And Bela worked with Donna to make me a new dress, and painted a new portrait of all of us. *She gushes about her daughters for a while longer, while sprinkling in barely veiled complaints about Heisenberg and Moreau*
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nonovyabuisness · 2 years
My brain decided to come up with random KH organisation XIII x Resident Evil Village (REV).
Who gets kidnapped ?
Roxas and Xion that were dared to enter the REV world without their org coat and got transformed into babies.
Who was accompanying them ?
Demyx,who almost died because of Miranda and only managed to crawl through a dark corridor after distracting her with his water clones.
Demyx also dared the two key kids to take off the org coat for five minutes thinking they would just be cold.
Who is the most pissed off ?
Xemnas ,Saix and Axel.
Each for a different reason:
Xemnas is pissed because the key kids are valuable to his plans.
Saix because Demyx f-cked up everything AGAIN and it will be troublesome to get Number XII and Number XIV back (even though he is willing as is Xemnas to leave ‘the puppet’ behind).
Axel is pissed off because his best friends (kids) have been kidnapped and has to be monitored at all times in case he tries to kill the Melodious Nocturne…again.
Thanks to their coat they retain their powers (including Xigbar’s ignorance to what is called ‘gravity’) and weapons who reappears to them if taken too far away from their wielders. All organisation members are sent except Xemnas (obviously) and Demyx who is no longer trusted in REV.
- Axel no longer able to control his anger burns down the survivors’ house after arguing with one of them. He feels a bit bad about the girl and her father but his key kids are more important.
- After learning that Heinsenberg can control metal. Xaldin, Marluxia and Axel are forced to leave due to their weapons being easily taken away by Cowboy Magneto (CW). But some members are not as affected by CW.
Vexen’ s shield can not be taken away when covered in ice even if it’s not thick for some reason.
Larxene’s daggers can be electrified from a distance by her, meaning if Heisenberg tried to take her daggers she could electrocute him without having the need to touch her weapons, Which is bad since his ability is metallic.
Xigbar’s shots are pure magic and therefore can’t be pulled by CW (they can be deviated by his hammer however).
Saix’s claymore and Lexaeus’ tomahawk are somehow not pulled in by Heisenberg.
- While all of them can deal with the mutants such as Lycans, Haulers, Moroaica, Samca, Soldats and Varcolac. Each org member can deal more easily with some specifically.
Larxene has an easier time with the conductible metallic Haulers and Soldats.
Lexaeus has no issue with Lycans.
Saix can easily take a Varcolac thanks to beserker.
Xigbar has a field day with the flying Samcas.
Vexen freezes the Moroaicas before destroying them with his shield that protects him against surprise attacks.
Zexion usually avoids fighting himself using hallucinations to make the mutants kill each other, lure them into a trap or to flee.
Luxord puts every mutants, except Varcolacs who are too big, into cards before tearing them. ( The cards reappear as blank after a few seconds).
Now onto the bosses :
- The vampire triplets Bela, Cassandra and Daniela are destroyed by Vexen due to his ice powers (their weakness).
- Lady Dimitrescu is avoided at first due to her invincibility before she turns into her true form who is taken down by Xigbar who shoots her down even from the sky since gravity doesn’t exist for him.
- Xezion is stuck without his lexicon in the Beneviento house causing him to rely on his intellect to solve the puzzles with the wooden human sized doll being Ansem The Wise (ATW) as Ienzo put a bookmark ATW had given him in the memory mailbox . And getting out of said house panting due to all the running he had to do, he kisses his lexicon once it reappears.
- Lexaeus and Saix inflict physical damage to Moreau while Larxene electrocutes his wet fishy a$$.
- Sturm (propeller head) is electrocuted by Larxene and hit in the back multiple times by Xigbar, Saix and Lexaeus while he is paralyzed.
- Heisenberg is taken down by Larxene who electrocutes his metal behind diverting his attention and paralyzing him. While Xigbar uses the tank to shoot at Heisenberg with Vexen providing Ice walls to protect them.
After the CM fight, Miranda appears with baby Xion giving her to Larxene who immediately shoves Xion in Lexaeus’ arms before they all dip never returning to this world.
- Roxas is found in the Dimitrescu castle since Miranda wants the child to be a girl for the ceremony with Roxas being plan B.
- Xion being a ‘puppet’ and therefore not human or linked to the ‘Cadou’ or the other RE viruses she was given back as Miranda didn’t want to take any more risks with Organization XIII.
- Luxord and the Duke got along exceedingly well, playing card games and telling each other riddles.
- They fond out the vampire triplets weakness to ice when Xezion was about to be stabbed and dragged away by them and Vexen threw is ice covered shield at them making them run away without Zexion.
- Saix and Xemnas originally planned to abandon Xion but they knew Roxas and Axel would throw themselves in to save her so they kept going. And also the fact that recreating her would waste more time than getting her back in their point of view.
- As soon as Roxas and Xion were back into the World That Never Was, they turned back into their normal appearance with the clothes they had under their org coat and seemed to have forgotten what transpired while they were babies.
- The Baby Monster in the Beneviento manor will forever plague Zexion’s nightmare even after being recompleted.
- Axel would have cried tears of joy if the upside down tears under his eyes allowed him to.
- Immediately dipped to Twilight Town with his kids to explain what had transpired and get ice cream.
- Demyx was assigned cleaning duty for 3 month after being almost murdered by Axel and Saix ( especially flamesilocks).
Good day/night everyone, it’s 1am so I’m going to bed.
Update: it is now 6pm.
Re-update : It is now months later and it is 11:38pm.
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lokaleblickecom · 1 year
Kostenfreies Kursangebot im Krankenhaus Bethanien ab Mitte August
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Was ist, wenn aus einem „sich kümmern“ um die Eltern eine Pflegesituation wird? Was ist, wenn der bzw. die Partner:in plötzlich erkrankt? Die Übernahme der Pflege zu Hause ist oft eine neue und schwierige Situation für alle: Die Lebenssituation verändert sich, eine Vielzahl von Fragen kommt auf. In den Pflegekursen des Krankenhauses Bethanien werden Betroffene mit den erforderlichen Pflegetechniken vertraut gemacht. Ab Dienstag, 15. August 2023, startet in der Bethanien Akademie (Bethanienstraße 15, 47441 Moers) ein spezieller Kurs, der Menschen bei der heimischen Pflege unterstützen möchte. Der von der erfahrenen Krankenschwester und Pflegetrainerin Daniela Sturm geleitete Kurs ist für alle Teilnehmer:innen kostenlos. Der Kurs findet an drei Nachmittagen jeweils dienstags von 16.00 bis 19.30 Uhr (15., 22. und 29. August) statt. Eine zweite Gelegenheit, an dem Kurs teilzunehmen, haben Interessierte im November. Thematisiert werden unter anderem auch Pflegehilfsmittel und weitere Leistungen der Krankenkassen. ANMELDUNG Um Anmeldung bei Pflegetrainerin Daniela Sturm unter Tel. +49 (0) 2841 200-20911 oder per Mail an: [email protected] wird gebeten. PRESSEFOTO Die examinierte Krankenpflegerin und ausgebildete Pflegetrainerin Daniela Sturm leitet den kostenlosen Kurs für pflegende Angehörige im Krankenhaus Bethanien. Read the full article
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 12.17
Accession Day (Bahrain)
Clean Air Day
Day of Ancient Briton
Druk Gyalpo National Day (Bhutan)
International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers
International Talk with a Fake British Accent Day
Kurdish Flag Day
National Day (Bahrain, Bhutan)
National Heroes and Heroines Day (Anguilla)
Pan American Aviation Day
Revolution and Youth Day (Tunisia)
Sow Day (Orkney Islands)
Take a New Year’s Resolution to Stop Smoking
Wright Brothers Day
Yuletide Lad #6 arrives (Askasleikir or Bowl-Licker; Iceland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cookie Cutter Day
National Growler Day [dates varies]
National Maple Syrup Day
3rd Saturday in December
Wreaths Across America Day [3rd Saturday]
Feast Days
Begga (Christian; Saint)
Bergmann (Positivist; Saint)
Daniel the Prophet (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Babalu Aye (Healer of Deadly Diseases; Yoruba/Santeria)
Feast of the Fairy Godmothers
Hagoita Ichi (Sensoji Temple, Japan)
Josep Manyanet i Vives (Christian; Saint)
Lazarus of Bethany (Cuba; Christian; Saint)
Little Bird (Muppetism)
Olympias the Deaconess (Christian; Saint)
O Sapientia (Christian; Saint)
Procession of Agnios Dionysios (Greece)
Wivina (Christian; Saint)
Sacco & Vanzetti Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Saturnalia begins (Ancient Rome) [thru 12.23]
Sloth Day (Pastafarian)
Sturm (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Friday the 17th (Unlucky Day; Italy) [Friday the 17th]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [32 of 32]
Hunky Dory, by David Bowie (Album; 1971)
Lassie Come Home by Eric Knight (Story; 1938)
Life on Mars, by David Bowie (Song; 1971)
Magnolia (Film; 1999)
A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa (TV Special; 2008)
The Return of the King (Film; 2003) [Lord of the Rings #3]
The Simpsons (Animated TV Series; 1989)
Spanglish (Film; 2004)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (Film; 2021)
The Stand (TV Mini-Series; 2020)
Stuart Little (Film; 1999)
Symphony No. 8 (a.k.a. the Unfinished Symphony), by Franz Schubert (Symphony; 1865)
Tootsie (Film; 1982)
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (Film; 1989)
Wind & Wuthering, by Genesis (Album; 1976)
Yes Man (Film; 2008)
Today’s Name Days
Jolanda, Lazarus, Viviana (Austria)
Dana, Danail, Danaila, Daniela (Bulgaria)
Hijacint, Lazar, Modest (Croatia)
Daniel (Czech Republic)
Albina (Denmark)
Rahel, Raili (Estonia)
Raakel (Finland)
Adélaïde, Gaël, Judicaël, Olympe (France)
Jolanda, Lazarus, Viviana (Germany)
Daniel, Dionysis, Iakhos (Greece)
Lázár, Olimpia (Hungary)
Lazzaro (Italy)
Brunhilde, Hilda, Teiksma (Latvia)
Drovydė, Jolanta, Mantgailas, Olimpija (Lithuania)
Inga, Inge (Norway)
Florian, Jolanta, Łazarz, Olimpia, Warwara, Żyrosław (Poland)
Daniel (Romania)
Varvara (Russia)
Kornélia (Slovakia)
Lázaro, Yolanda (Spain)
Stig (Sweden)
Daniel (Ukraine)
Eleazar, Lazar, Lazaro, Lazarus, Olympia, Orval, Orville, Storm, Stormie, Stormy, Wilbert, Wilberta, Wilbur (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 351 of 2022; 14 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 50 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 22 of 28]
Chinese: Month 11 (Dōngyuè), Day 24 (Jia-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 23 Kislev 5783
Islamic: 23 Jumada I 1444
J Cal: 21 Zima; Sevenday [21 of 30]
Julian: 4 December 2022
Moon: 36%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 15 Bichat (12th Month) [Bergmann]
Runic Half Month: Jara (Year) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 86 of 90)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 25 of 30)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 12.17
Accession Day (Bahrain)
Clean Air Day
Day of Ancient Briton
Druk Gyalpo National Day (Bhutan)
International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers
International Talk with a Fake British Accent Day
Kurdish Flag Day
National Day (Bahrain, Bhutan)
National Heroes and Heroines Day (Anguilla)
Pan American Aviation Day
Revolution and Youth Day (Tunisia)
Sow Day (Orkney Islands)
Take a New Year’s Resolution to Stop Smoking
Wright Brothers Day
Yuletide Lad #6 arrives (Askasleikir or Bowl-Licker; Iceland)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cookie Cutter Day
National Growler Day [dates varies]
National Maple Syrup Day
3rd Saturday in December
Wreaths Across America Day [3rd Saturday]
Feast Days
Begga (Christian; Saint)
Bergmann (Positivist; Saint)
Daniel the Prophet (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Babalu Aye (Healer of Deadly Diseases; Yoruba/Santeria)
Feast of the Fairy Godmothers
Hagoita Ichi (Sensoji Temple, Japan)
Josep Manyanet i Vives (Christian; Saint)
Lazarus of Bethany (Cuba; Christian; Saint)
Little Bird (Muppetism)
Olympias the Deaconess (Christian; Saint)
O Sapientia (Christian; Saint)
Procession of Agnios Dionysios (Greece)
Wivina (Christian; Saint)
Sacco & Vanzetti Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Saturnalia begins (Ancient Rome) [thru 12.23]
Sloth Day (Pastafarian)
Sturm (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Friday the 17th (Unlucky Day; Italy) [Friday the 17th]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [32 of 32]
Hunky Dory, by David Bowie (Album; 1971)
Lassie Come Home by Eric Knight (Story; 1938)
Life on Mars, by David Bowie (Song; 1971)
Magnolia (Film; 1999)
A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa (TV Special; 2008)
The Return of the King (Film; 2003) [Lord of the Rings #3]
The Simpsons (Animated TV Series; 1989)
Spanglish (Film; 2004)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (Film; 2021)
The Stand (TV Mini-Series; 2020)
Stuart Little (Film; 1999)
Symphony No. 8 (a.k.a. the Unfinished Symphony), by Franz Schubert (Symphony; 1865)
Tootsie (Film; 1982)
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (Film; 1989)
Wind & Wuthering, by Genesis (Album; 1976)
Yes Man (Film; 2008)
Today’s Name Days
Jolanda, Lazarus, Viviana (Austria)
Dana, Danail, Danaila, Daniela (Bulgaria)
Hijacint, Lazar, Modest (Croatia)
Daniel (Czech Republic)
Albina (Denmark)
Rahel, Raili (Estonia)
Raakel (Finland)
Adélaïde, Gaël, Judicaël, Olympe (France)
Jolanda, Lazarus, Viviana (Germany)
Daniel, Dionysis, Iakhos (Greece)
Lázár, Olimpia (Hungary)
Lazzaro (Italy)
Brunhilde, Hilda, Teiksma (Latvia)
Drovydė, Jolanta, Mantgailas, Olimpija (Lithuania)
Inga, Inge (Norway)
Florian, Jolanta, Łazarz, Olimpia, Warwara, Żyrosław (Poland)
Daniel (Romania)
Varvara (Russia)
Kornélia (Slovakia)
Lázaro, Yolanda (Spain)
Stig (Sweden)
Daniel (Ukraine)
Eleazar, Lazar, Lazaro, Lazarus, Olympia, Orval, Orville, Storm, Stormie, Stormy, Wilbert, Wilberta, Wilbur (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 351 of 2022; 14 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 50 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Ruis (Elder) [Day 22 of 28]
Chinese: Month 11 (Dōngyuè), Day 24 (Jia-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 23 Kislev 5783
Islamic: 23 Jumada I 1444
J Cal: 21 Zima; Sevenday [21 of 30]
Julian: 4 December 2022
Moon: 36%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 15 Bichat (12th Month) [Bergmann]
Runic Half Month: Jara (Year) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 86 of 90)
Zodiac: Sagittarius (Day 25 of 30)
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pressmost · 3 years
Ardagger - Frühstücksnews - Mittwoch, 23.6.2021
Ardagger – Frühstücksnews – Mittwoch, 23.6.2021
Sehr geehrte Gemeindebürgerin! Sehr geehrter Gemeindebürger! Zunächst darf ich Dir heute eine sehr erfreuliche Information weitergeben: Das Gasthaus Schiffsmeisterhaus in Ardagger Markt wird ab 1. Juli von Daniela Sturm weitergeführt. Du liest dazu auf www.schiffsmeisterhaus.at: “Welcome back – herzlich willkommen im altehrwürdigen Schiffsmeisterhaus! Mit einem lachenden und einem weinenden Auge…
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explodingquails · 3 years
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*puts re village villains in mama mia songs*
The Donna one was inspired by @cookiekitten91's iconic post.
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dimidumdum · 3 years
Y'all know how much it hurts when you can't hug your favorite fictional characters?
And I'm just here like...
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ask-heisendaddy · 2 years
Do you like Lady D's daugthers? I think they're neat.
They're my nieces! Of course I like them. It's their mother who's the problem. You know, she has the audacity to have me watch the little flies on many occasions, but the bitch won't look after my boy!? How's that for fair, you big bird looking bitch!?!
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ask-the-four-lords · 17 days
*pulls out a sword* "Ha-ah! I challage you to a duel! Would've challaged Bela, but she'd woop my ass and I would be into it" *I say, challenging everyone except Bela, ending up loosing to Angie 100%)
Alcina Dimitrescu: Poor, poor, naive mortal *she draws her claws, she walks towards you very slowly, savoring your fear*
Cassandra Dimitrescu: *Sparks fly as she runs her sickle along the stone wall of the dungeon* This's gonna be fun.
Daniela Dimitrescu: *Overdramatic* How dare you challenge me?! Big mistake, human.
Donna Beneviento: *For completely unrelated reasons the room starts tripping out and the dolls seem to be moving*
Angie Beneviento: *Draws a completely unwieldly for her size AK-47*
Salvatore Moreau: Wuh-why is everyone so mean to me? *Starts crying softly, then vomiting, then his transformation starts*
Karl Heisenberg: You're not worth the time to get a "last chance" *kicks you into the Sturm hole*
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soggyskinflaps · 3 years
RE8 Modern AU
So, this is just my little take on a happy normal life for this cast:
 After the corrupt company that Mia worked for shut down thanks to Chris and his team, she and Ethan have been put into protective custody, jumping from one place to another. They didn’t mind not living that uncomfortably, as long as they had eachother. All that changed when they had Rosemary. They needed a stable normal life to raise their daughter so Chris sent them to a village hidden in the mountains of Romania, where they supposedly would be safe. This is where their life really changes.
-Ethan gets his old job as a system engineer back, only this time in the factory just outside of town.
-For now Mia’s been home taking care of rose but she’s thinking of getting a job as the friendly shopkeeper’s assistant!
 Most of the villagers are fine, most joke around with the family due to being outsiders. Both he and Mia have become friends of the Lupu family and Luiza. But there are some...unique characters in this village. The lords are the richest people in town, and all work under the wing of Mother Miranda, the mayor.
-Mother Miranda is the mayor of this town. Not much is known from her past aside from once being a scientist and the fact she left her old job due to the loss of her daughter, Eva. She welcomes the Winters family warmly, maybe creepily so...She isn’t nearly as bad here, simply depressed. One thing Ethan doesn’t like is how she looks at Rose, but she’s just so similar to Eva when she was a baby...
-Alcina Dimitrescu is the direct descendent of the Dimitrescu family, and heir to the family business, their wine company. She lives in the old Dimitrescu castle that housed her family for generations. Classy, old-fashioned, (really hot)beautiful, smart and charming. She’s not as tall, of course, but she’s still a giant standing at 7 feet tall. She has a dislike of most men, having only female workers. Still, she and Ethan seem to respect eachother, not having that much of a relationship but oh well. She does have a good relationship with Mia, and they spend time talking about their daughters.
-The Dimitrescu sisters are Alcina’s adopted daughters and her pride and joy. They are also the town flirts, who encourage their “victims” to try their family’s wine. Most of the time a maid at the castle has left is because they were scared of their flirting. Still, aside from helping with the family business they have their respective jobs. Bela works at the library, where she can peacefully read any literature she can’t find at home. Just like at home she has to hush her sisters when they come find her and interrupt her readings. Cassandra has always had a love for cutting things up, so she works at a butcher shop. If it wasn’t for the money she would simply make this her life’s work. Daniela however can’t keep a job because she can’t keep herself from flirting with clients and co-workers alike.
-Donna Beneviento is a toymaker. She has a shop filled with superbly well made dolls, and in her free time makes replicas of other people she likes. She has a scar over her right eye that she specifically grew her hair long to cover. Her family died when she was little and she gained trauma that affected her social skills, so she talks through Angie, her pet parrot. No one really knows if Angie just knows what Donna wants to say of if she’s some gremlin trapped in a parrot’s body, but no one cares enough. They just like seeing her happy. Even so, behind the scenes, Donna is a drug dealer, selling hallucinogenic drugs as a side hustle. In the cast only the Dimitrescu sisters, who buy them, and Duke know about this.
-Salvatore Moreau is a school teacher, beloved by most children, though a tragic accident left him disfigured. He spends his free time in the river in the village’s reservoir, usually alone. Here, people are nice to him and acknowledge his existence. He also likes watching romance movies in his free time, as well as simply helping people around. Him and the Duke often go fishing together, and Daniela shows up to watch romance movies with her only fellow hopeless romantic.
-Karl Heisenberg owns the factory just outside of the village. What he does exactly...no one’s really sure, not even Ethan, who works with him. Speaking of Ethan, Karl treats him like a mad scientist treats his lab assistant. The man is the definition of a genius idiot, able to make incredible machines out of scrap but wear sunglasses inside ot at night. He also has a side job taking care of stray animals, though mostly dogs. His favourite is Sturm, a English Mastiff who’s also a complete idiot.
-The Duke is a shopkeeper who also runs a little café. He is beloved by all, his charm basically dripping from his large pockets. He knows everything about everyone, so be careful as to not stay on his bad side...He is the first person the Winterses befriend, and has offered to teach Mia the secrets of romanian cuisine.
-Urias and his brother are miners working near the reservoir. Big, burly, hairy and grumpy, you would almost think they’re lycans! They work for Miranda, though they are friendlier with Karl.
And that’s it. I might make something more outta this, maybe mess around and make stories and memes, who knows?
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lokaleblickecom · 2 years
Kurse für pflegende Angehörige starten
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Kostenfreies Kursangebot im Krankenhaus Bethanien startet Ende Januar Was ist, wenn aus einem „sich kümmern“ um die Eltern eine Pflegesituation wird? Was ist, wenn der bzw. die Partner:in plötzlich erkrankt? Die Übernahme der Pflege zu Hause ist oft eine neue und schwierige Situation für alle: Die Lebenssituation verändert sich, eine Vielzahl von Fragen kommt auf. In den Pflegekursen des Krankenhauses Bethanien werden Betroffene mit den erforderlichen Pflegetechniken vertraut gemacht. Ab Dienstag, 31. Januar 2023, startet in der Bethanien Akademie (Bethanienstraße 21, Haus R) ein spezieller Kurs, der Menschen bei der heimischen Pflege unterstützen möchte. Thematisiert werden unter anderem auch Pflegehilfsmittel und weitere Leistungen der Krankenkassen. Der von der erfahrenen Krankenschwester und Pflegetrainerin Daniela Sturm geleitete Kurs ist für alle Teilnehmer:innen kostenlos. Der Kurs findet an drei Nachmittagen jeweils dienstags von 16.00 bis 19.30 Uhr (31.01.2023, 07.02.2023, 14.02.2023) statt. Eine weitere Gelegenheit, an dem Kurs teilzunehmen, haben Interessierte im Mai, August und November. ANMELDUNG Um Anmeldung bei Pflegetrainerin Daniela Sturm unter Tel. +49 (0) 2841 200-20911 oder per Mail an:[email protected] wird gebeten. Bildzeile: Die examinierte Krankenpflegerin und ausgebildete Pflegetrainerin Daniela Sturm leitet den kostenlosen Kurs für pflegende Angehörige im Krankenhaus Bethanien. Read the full article
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house-foxglove · 3 years
Umbrella Pantheon pt 3
Continuing onward we now arrive at the Winterses. One gripe i have abt Re8 is that we didn’t get as much Mia  as we could have so she has a bigger role. I love these guys and Ethan’s dumbassery. I’m close to finishing playing re7 so i’ll have something written out for the Bakers too.
The Winterses
Before she met Ethan, Mia was a part of an order of knights who observed and protected minor gods in order to use them to their benefit. Mia and Ethan were married by the time she was exposed and given godhood by The Spurned Daughter and the Baker Pantheon. Through the gift of Eveline she gained memories of the War Maiden in the ancient past and, although weak at first, became a force to be reckoned with in the pantheon. 
The first encounter Ethan had with the Bakers didn’t leave a good first impression of gods in general. After coming from a distant land, Winters, one by one, dispatched each of the gods in order to rescue his wife. Though he could not quite kill them as he had no awareness or control over his godhood. Eventually Ethan arrived and had to face his wife gone mad with godhood and eventually became her anchor for her humanity. 
Once they escaped the western pantheon they were guided by a cloaked warrior known as Redfield. They lived content in Leagăn with their shared and peaceful divinity until Mother Miranda kidnapped their child in order to recreate her own daughter in a perfect form greater than that of any god before or to be. 
Ethan Winters / Demigod of Equilibrium and Endurance / Cold Night / It that Will Freeze / The Godslayer
Ethan and Mia immediately were on the move. After he and Mia were separated he was taken personally by Heisenberg, who took interest in this new demigod, to his mother. Miranda scorned Ethan and said that the only chance he would ever see Rose again would be by completing impossible tasks given by each of the gods. These would take years to fulfill individually but he was willing to put in the time to save his family, even still without knowing the extent of his divine capabilities. Though every so often either Heisenberg or the Duke will offer boons to aid him in his tasks. Ethan tries not to rely on gods too much but does relent when a task is too great. Despite his patience wearing thin with each of the gods with each passing day he moves forward. He has no regard for how they make of him and insults the gods directly if they piss him off. Only the Duke is able to soften him with good food and good conversation, and the thought of Mia and Rose waiting for him.
The Tasks:
Moreau tasked him with helping him with making a new cure for a sickness harrowing his worshippers, with a key ingredient lying underneath the bottom of the great lake’s waters.
Dimitrescu tasked him with fulfilling each of her daughters with their one true wish. Bela wishing for the most thrilling hunt of her life, Cassandra wishing for the most filling meal she’s ever eaten, and Daniela wishing for the heart of a maiden (in a romantic way).
Beneviento tasked him with finding the rarest flowers to be used as set dressing for her newest play; they must all have each individual petal in place and unharmed. 
And Heisenberg tasked him with simply embracing his father, Sturm Heisenberg, giving him just a moment of peace.
The more he progressed with these tasks the more Miranda realized that he could not be stopped and consistently sent whatever forces she could spare to delay his progress to give her more time with the vessel of her soon-to-be daughter. When she consulted with the Dark God as to the nature of this man she received visions of the lush land of Leagăn being covered in frost and ice, devoid of its gods, and enshrouded in an eternal night. But after this age of gods a new one would sprout and change the world completely, either giving it a new start or its true and final end. And still Winter’s trudges onwards towards his goal, the entire time while he completes these tasks collects tools that could be used to kill the gods in case they double cross him. Some of these tools included: Wolfsbane and Dagger of Death's Flowers.
Mia Winters / Demigod of War and Passion / The One Part Mother / Battle Incarnate
Mia took to the war path fighting against every werewolf in her path. She was able to carve a path for Ethan to break through but she was eventually captured, but she still resisted. From within the dungeon of Mother Miranda’s Palace she repeatedly fought warriors that were spawned from the Grimm Egg. She was kept as a gladiator for the gods to watch fight endless battles at their leisure. Heisenberg took pleasure in sending her some of his own creations to test their mettle and Donna sends in puppets to practice battle choreography. This kept a large part of their forces from being focused on Ethan and his quests. Donna would occasionally visit and watch her battle it out for inspiration for plays and the like. On the occasional moments when she rests, some gods will speak with her while she is exhausted and unable to harm them. Moreau will talk with her about Rose and how she is doing while being raised by Miranda, any news gives Mia joy knowing she is safe and will ask requests of him to tell her daughter she loves her. Dimitrescu has a hard time staying away from her as she is a fellow god and mother, but Alcina’s loyalties lie strongly with her own mother (this doesn’t mean she won’t have an occasional conversation taunting her husband's efforts or complimenting her ferocity).
Rosemary Winters / God of the Beginning and End / She that Could End All / The Promised Child / The Warmth in the Cold Night / Reborn From the Knowing Grave
Rose has a few faint memories of her true parents, but being little more than a toddler there isn’t much to remember in the first place. Her growth within the circle of the Four Great Lords is an odd one, she is being raised to be a god above all gods but hasn’t shown much capability as of yet, despite the forewarning she would be the only god left in the end. The Aphid sisters enjoy the presence of a brand new sister-god to rule with and Alcina gladly offers to teach her and look after Rose at times. Neither Moreau nor Heisenberg know how to properly act or treat such an infant. Moreau tries his best and offers her treats and encourages Karl to make toys and trinkets for her, but the best that comes of it are things resembling bear traps. He insists they’re safe but the toys are actually tests to inspect the capabilities of this young god. Donna is Rose’s rescuer in this instance offering a variety of playmates that will never tire and know thousands of stories between them.
Only time will tell if Rosemary Winters truly becomes the blooming flower in the frozen night, or ensures the end of heat itself.
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fcrrokinetic · 3 years
@dimitresca asked:
“Please stay. I’d like some company.” ok but in our verse where they are mourning bela rip
Platonic Affection
He had done his part.
He had come to the castle, brought an entire army, captured and killed Ethan Winters...  And he had assumed that that would be the end of it all.  He had assumed that now that he had fulfilled his purpose and his usefulness to her was drawing to a close, he would be instructed to take his little band of monsters back to the factory and never set foot in her home again.  But that didn’t appear to be the case.
He had sent his army back to the factory, giving Sturm to the surviving Panzers to handle.  He would have to see if he could repair the damage that had been done to the castle-- the broken windows, the holes in the floor and walls...  He doubted Alcina could do it herself, and since she no longer had any waitstaff, he was likely the only one capable of mending it.
Once they were certain Cassanda and Daniela were safe in bed, he had walked with Alcina back to her bedroom and grumbled something noncommittally about going to check out the damage to the castle so he could order supplies from the Duke...
But she had asked him to stay.
“...Okay,” he said softly, and followed her into the room, wordlessly sitting in a chair by the fire.  He lit a cigar, and after a long moment, several pieces of scrap metal seemed to simply find their way into his hands.  He bent them and shaped them in silence, first one piece, then another, the task a combination of frivolous use of his powers and an absentminded tinkering meant to simply keep him occupied.
“I’m...  Sorry,” he said finally after a long moment.  For everything.
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tyler8410 · 3 years
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Resident Evil vs Hellsing Organization .
Resident Evil vs Hellsing Organization ( Hellsing ) .
Can the Hellsing Organization Survive this Epic battle ?
Monsters of Resident Evil
All Creatures of Resident Evil in Movies and Video game series .
Undead :
Majini Undead
Zombie Dogs
Undead Crows
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu
Daniela Dimitrescu
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Bela Dimitrescu
Las Plagas Undead
Mutants :
Albert Wesker
Alex Wesker
Mother Miranda
Alice Clones ( RE Afterlife )
Mr. X
Salvatore Moreau
Donna Beneviento
Dr. Alexander Isaacs
Neil Fisher
Karl Heisenberg
Rain Ocampo
Pale heads
Mutated Giant Alligator
Giant Snake
Giant Tarantula
Cerberus ( RE Films )
Deborah Harper
Derek Simmons 
Rachel Foley
Vulcan Blubber
Hunter Y
Hunter B
Pedro Fernandez
William Birkin
Drain Deimos
NE-α Parasite Zombie
Uriaș Străjer
Mold :
The Molded
Clawed Molded
Fat Molded
Quick Molded
Man-eating insect
Man-eating Spiders
Mama Molded
Jack Baker
Marguerite Baker
Lucas Baker
Mia Winters
Ethan Winters
Soldat Eins
Soldat Zwei
Soldat Jet
Soldat Panzer
Organizations and Cult
Umbrella Corporation
Dimitrescu Family
Heisenberg Family
The Four
Hellsing Organization
Race :
Members :
Abraham Van Helsing ( Original Leader )
Author Helsing
Integra Helsing
Alucard / Vlad Dracula
Walter C . Dornez
Hellsing Soldiers
Hellsing Commandos
Integra's Bodyguards
Peter Fargason
Garet Henderson
Seras Victoria
Chris Pickman
Friend and Allies :
Members of the Round Table
Helena ( Seras Victoria's secret Friend )
Captain Pip
The Wild Geese
Queen of England
London Police Department
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danielarogall · 5 years
Sinnen Coldwax & Oil
Der Blick aufs Meer, eingelullt  vom Rhythmus der Wellen, treiben die Gedanken hinaus  In die Dunkelheit. 
Der Körper  kalt und taub, gefangen in sich selbst, leer und allein  voll Traurigkeit.
Schweigend sitzend am Meer im Innern ein Sturm Emotionen, Träume, Wünsche, ein kleines Licht Hoffnung.
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Sinnen © Daniela Rogall / 30 x 30 cm / Coldwax, Öl, Pastell auf Fine Art Malkarton
➡️ DanielaRogall http…
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