Chaotic Academic ✨
I am happy with my productivity today....
Ig today I'll complete my target of studying 14 hours....
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eroz-codes · 2 months
I have been dreading posting this but, I decided to drop out of the course I was taking. There would have been a lot of work during the school year as well and it just isn't a commitment I am willing to make. Make no mistake, I am not giving up on AI as a whole, just the commitment I made to that specific program of study. The subject is fascinating and I think there is a lot of good that can come from it (from image descriptors for the blind, to health monitors, and so much more), but I need to not overwhelm myself before my senior year of college.
Thank you to those who have enjoyed reading about my MLCourse adventure. I hope you stick around to see what else I am cooking up!
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geli-md · 2 years
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1:49 in the morning.
Still trying my best to read.
There's no shortcuts to success, right?
You got this.
Matthew 7:7
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ad-astr-a · 3 years
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I have to write 4 essays about structures used in classic architecture and make technical drawings of all nine kinds of basic column types, which is such a fun project✨
(I just wish I didn't have a million other tasks, so that I could only focus on this one for a while🙆🏼‍♀️)
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linnaeus-devotee · 4 years
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Why do I think it’s possible to read 7 different books all at once? And why do I forget every time that I can’t do it... and then do it anyway. Casual self sabotage ✨
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bookssweatandtears · 5 years
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I've been struggling with anxiety recently and grounding myself has really helped so I made a little cheat sheet on grounding during an anxiety attack with a few tips
I hope it helps someone 💛
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jolly-psd · 4 years
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Another week, another notebook bundle! This time someone requested a Death Note Bundle, and omg I was getting flashbacks skimming through episodes. But I hope you enjoy, more bundles coming soon!
What it includes:
3 Separate Notebook Covers
3 PDF Notebooks with six unlabeled hyperlinked tabs
2 Large Notepad sheet for any extra notes
6 Sticky Notes (Square + Rectangle)
3 Thin tabs for quick, easy notes
This is a free bundle, no payment required! But any feedback/comments is always appreciated! Please do not steal, and claim these items as your own!
You are also more than welcome to tag me on my social media of you using the notebooks! It keeps me motivated and happy to see other people enjoy the stuff I make °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° ( insta+tik tok: jolly.psd )
**Instructions how to import the notebook + Sticky notes are also included in the file!**
             DOWNLOAD LINK HERE!
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out! 
Please REBLOG/LIKE if you download it
Stay happy everyone ♡
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aboutacrazygirl · 3 years
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moltre-s · 4 years
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positivity 1 / 100 10日12月
one more final left to go and then I’m done! 
went to the asian supermarket the other day and stocked up on my faves to get me through finals. I got so many 鸭梨 I felt like those weirdos in math problems. can’t wait to go back 💕
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museeofmoon · 4 years
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day 71,72,73,74, and 75 of 100
sorry I've been out for some time (again😅) but hehe. so life updates: I cut my hair like...like a lot (they used to be hip length but now it just fall on my shoulders) and my school extended our "holidays" to 31 July and idk if I should be happy or not!
2020 quarantine challenge~
amusement park or a day at the beach?
beach for me!
pen or pencil?
✏️ pencil
what website do you visit most often?
YouTube and Pinterest for sure!
what takes too much of your time?
p r o c r a s t I n a t I n g
what do you wish you knew more about?
there's actually a lot of things,but I'd say I wish I knew more about my religion and Islam since there's a lot of things which are there for a reason but I don't know so hopefully :)
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humble-boness · 3 years
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Hi, mod goldfish here! I know I have not been on that much. But here is a meme I made for a school project that might make you laugh. Making memes that match with what I am currently studying definitely make everything a lot easier to consume!
What's you guys favorite meme about your Major/classes?
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eroz-codes · 5 months
AI_Python Course_Day03
Overview Introduction to Python and Developer Environment Using Python Data Types and Assigning Variables Using Python Container Data Types Calling Built in Methods to Manipulate Data Custom Python Functions Using Elements of Control Flow and Iteration in Python Creating New Custom Python Data types with Classes Crafting a Data Processing Pipeline in Python
Complete Module 5
Complete Module 6
Modules 3 and 4 were completed yesterday. Splitting this up has really helped me to get more done without worrying too much about it last minute. Hopefully, the entire bootcamp is finished my tomorrow but, we'll have to see what the final project looks like.
Sidenote, check out this cool pen I have. I haven't been using it because of how pretty it is but, I decided to start enjoying things now instead of waiting till some random day in the future to use it.
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geli-md · 3 years
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Can’t believe that this is actually my last week in medical school! How did 4 years go so fast? Yay. Countdown begins ✨
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vdoesbookrecs · 4 years
How I take notes during lectures
First off: my lecture notes aren’t pretty, and they’re not supposed to be! Their One True Purpose is helping me retain the most information I can, in a way that is possible to follow in revision. So, how do I do it?
First, let’s talk about supplies:
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Everything I use is in this picture. One notebook (ruled, dotted, blank, whatever works best for you, but it helps if the pages are the kind you can tear out easily), one pen (neutral colour, good to read and smooth to write with! Also this BIC costs almost nothing, another win for the gays!), one textmarker to highlight the name of the class (I like to use blue,  because it draws attention but it isn’t a signal colour that screams IMPORTANT! like red or yellow) and one highlighter to highlight extremely important key words or dates (make sure this one IS a screaming neon signal colour). Since I have a few professors who always like to do a short revision of last week’s lecture, I also have a green marker, so that I can supplement any important bits I might have missed last time, while signifying that they came up in revision and are thus key topics or concepts!
This is what my lecture notes usually look like:
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Every batch of notes has the name of the lecture on the very top line, highlighted in blue. I try to use blue as little as possible in the body of the notes, so that when I go through my notes later, I can instantly see where a new lecture starts. I also start a new page for every new lecture, so that if I wanted, I could tear the pages out and give them to someone without also giving them half of the last and the following lecture! Then I have the date on the right side and the number of the lecture circled in the left margin. This is extremely important so you can instantly see if you missed a lecture by just checking the numbers, and it’ll help you synch your revision with your textbook, because lots of professors lecture parallel to one.
Now to the actual notes: If you’re lucky and your professor is one of the Blessed Ones that tells you the topics they’ll be convering today first thing, write those down. I use arrows to signify related topics, dots or dashes for lists, triangles with exclamation marks or just excalmation marks for important topics or key words, question marks for things I’m not sure about, little eyes for book recommendations or things I want to look up, and capitalization for headlines. DO NOT highlight your headlines, this just costs you valuable time and oftentimes in revision I’ve noticed that I should’ve put a headline somewhere else! Use your highlighter for important key words, and save the headline highlighting for revision! By only highlighting key words, you’ll have a much better idea of what topics really are important, and if you want to rewrite your notes and make them pretty later, this’ll help a lot with organising! If your professor goes back and adds topics or does a mini revision and you missed something, write it down with a different colour to signify that it’s important! I use my green marker, but any colour will do as long as its a different one than you use normally. 
It really helps a lot if you have your own list of quick symbols for “what the fuck”, “oh I wanna reasearch that”, “well THIS is important” and “this belongs together”, because this way, you’ll not only copy down information, you’ll also copy down your thought process during the lecture, which will help A LOT in revision or if you want to ask a question.  
Also? Always highlight important dates, like exams or presentations.
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I know you’re probably writing them down in your planner or putting them in your phone calendar, but trust me when I say doppelt hält besser. 
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sheofsoundmind · 4 years
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8/100 Days Of Productivity
I woke up early again today which felt super refreshing and hopefully I can get back into that routine again. Had a beautiful breakfast of honey drizzled papaya!
Spent a large anount of time reading Sheila Rowbotham's Hidden From History and Angela Davis' Women, Race and Class. Both are required texts for my Gender and History course. Both are incredibly interesting and extremely relevant. Im hoping to finish Davis' text later tonight and move onto the next and then work on some lecture materials.
Spent some time browsing my book store's website, and hopefully I'll be able to order some books soon!
Currently reading: James Baldwin's Giovanni's Room
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earl-grey-ghost · 4 years
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It's been a while since I've posted on this blog, I think the last time might have been Christmas? Anyway, I am hopefully back.
I've been back at uni for about a week now, and honestly I'm actually kind of vibing with online teaching? I think that might just be the introvert in me, though.
I've also been gifted with good lecturers this semester, even though I think one of them might be slightly broken (more on this later.)
Anyway, hello! Hope everyone is doing well!🥰❤
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