#preventing burnout is easier than curing after the fact
eroz-codes · 2 months
I have been dreading posting this but, I decided to drop out of the course I was taking. There would have been a lot of work during the school year as well and it just isn't a commitment I am willing to make. Make no mistake, I am not giving up on AI as a whole, just the commitment I made to that specific program of study. The subject is fascinating and I think there is a lot of good that can come from it (from image descriptors for the blind, to health monitors, and so much more), but I need to not overwhelm myself before my senior year of college.
Thank you to those who have enjoyed reading about my MLCourse adventure. I hope you stick around to see what else I am cooking up!
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asking-jude · 6 years
i feel extremely burned out right now. i just started college and i came from a very rigorous high school. i don't want to go to school anymore. i'm failing most of my classes. i want to go to medical school, but i just don't see how i can push through anymore.
Hello there - 
Thanks for reaching out to Asking Jude. It sounds like you are extremely exhausted emotionally and physically. You have every right to feel this way. The transition to college is hard and coming straight from a rigorous high school has left you without any break time. The good news is that you are not the only student going through this, and there are plenty of resources out there to help you in your situation. 
 I would suggest checking out your school’s counseling center if they have one. Seeing a therapist in order to discuss what exactly is causing your burnout and how you can take steps to recover from it would be beneficial. Often, therapy is offered at a reduced fee or for free at school counseling centers. I am suggesting a therapist not because I think you are pathological, but because you could really find relief from the help a mental health professional could provide. 
Here are some tips that can help you recover from burnout: (https://www.debtfreescholar.com/2010/01/recovering-from-college-burnout-10-tips/):
1. Contact a doctor or therapist - It would be good to check in with your physician to rule out any thyroid issues or other medical problems that may be contributing to your burnout. They may also be able to suggest ways to recover and prevent burnout.
2. Get enough sleep - College is demanding and filled with countless opportunities and distractions, but you need to set boundaries around your sleep so you can get the rest you need. Lack of sleep builds stress and can, over a long period of time, cause burnout. Therefore, if you are suffering from burnout, you may want to evaluate whether your stress is caused by too little sleep.
3. Lessen your course load - A too-rigorous schedule can also cause burnout. If you are trying to do too much, stress can build up quickly.
4. Participate in more social activities- If you have been working too much and not spending enough time socializing, that might be the entire problem.
5. Start a hobby- If you have been spending too much time working on school, work, and other difficult tasks, you might want to start adding more free time to your schedule. During this newly found time, consider starting a hobby. Don’t worry about choosing one that is closely related to your projected career plan, but, instead, find one that you truly enjoy.
6. Get some extracurriculars- If you participate in too many school-related activities, it may have the same effect as taking too many classes. Stop some of the activities and replace them with a hobby as outlined in the tip above.
7. Consider changing majors - Another possible cause of burnout is working toward a major that does not fit you well. Although changing majors may seem like a big step, it is much easier to change majors in college than to change careers after college. In fact, if you change early enough in college, changing majors might not take any extra time.
8. Gap year or semester- If you are just worn out with too much school, a type of gap year or gap semester might be the best cure. Normally, the gap year takes place between high school and college, but a similar break year/semester might be advantageous during college itself if you are too stressed.
In addition, check out the following articles: 
Also please check out the Asking Jude Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/AskingJude
Wishing you all the best, 
Breanna Shearin 
Asking Jude needs YOUR help! Donate pocket change here and save our safe space.
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thev2magzine-blog · 6 years
Top 5 tips on how to lose fat fast
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Why people are searching different ways on how to lose fat fast. Because, obesity is becoming one of the most leading problems of the current century. Obesity refers to excessive fat deposit in the body leading to overweight. This leads to the prevalence of chronic diseases such as cardiac diseases, hypertension, and diabetes. All of these three diseases are a few of the most common diseases that have enslaved mankind over the past 2 decades. The lack of physical activity has largely contributed to the early onset of these diseases. If left untreated these diseases can lead to organ failure and eventually death. There is no known permanent cure for these diseases except diet and exercise. These diseases are like gum stuck to your hair, they are not so easy to wash away. Similarly, it is easier to prevent these diseases rather than work at curing them after affliction. But whatever the case, these diseases are one hundred percent treatable. But aside from the health impacts that fat has, it also increases our sense of inferiority and reduces self-esteem, this has made people to search sure shot way to how to lose fat fast. We live in a world where people are favored for their looks much rather than anything else. Many are desperate to make all their body fat go away. Sadly, they adopt hazardous means to do so and end up inflicting more damage to their body than good. So that’s the whole deal with fat, you are either worried that the whole world may not accept you just because you are fat, but even if that is not the case then there is the whole assortment of diseases for you to deal with. All you have to do is follow the following tips and techniques and you can lose fat fast. So what are we waiting for? Let us jump straight into the topic and discuss them right away!
1. Vegan becoming
The first step to losing fat is to lose the sources of fat you consume, particularly all forms of meat except fish, which is actually known to reduce fat. So that means pork, beef, mutton, and chicken. By becoming a vegetarian you will be able to see tremendous fat loss within 2 weeks this is the right answer to your query how to lose fat fast. Consume lots of fibers and leafy greens. Eat carrots, broccoli, celery, cucumbers, cauliflowers, and mushrooms. The good news with being vegetarian is that no matter how many veggies or fruits you consume your body won’t put on fat. Drink lots of fresh fruit juices or only lime juice (if you are a diabetic). Eat apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, pears, and watermelons to lose fat.
2. No carbohydrates and sweet treats
There are two main powerhouses of energy, they are carbohydrates and sweet treats. Eating carbs and sweets produces a massive amount of energy which the body has no use for more than half of. The remaining energy gets deposited as fat. Natural sweets like dates or honey or fruits are alright and help for how to lose fat fast. Another problem with sweets and carbs are that they are easily digested and hence leave our stomach craving for more. While fruits and veggies take time to digest and hence leave us full, carbs and sweets do the opposite. Plus, fruits and veggies have a low caloric value, indicating that you need to eat a lot to actually gain a lot of energy which is the opposite with sweets and carbohydrates.
3. The magic of Green tea
Green tea is a miracle drink. It is rich in antioxidants and hence burns all the fat in our body and easy way to lose fat fast.It is both refreshing and the best if you want to lose fat fast. Warm water is also rich in antioxidants and good for losing fat. They help the body by increasing its metabolism rate. This causes the body to begin burning fat. So you can be assured that your belly will become flat soon.
4. Cycling
Cycling is a very good way to lose fat faster than when you jog or walk or run. It helps us lose fat at an optimum level. The benefit with cycling is that it can be incorporated into our day to day life making it possible to save time and money while at the same time maximizing fat reduction.
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Cycling works the legs, particularly the thighs and glutes, where a fat deposit is high and difficult to burn. Cycling also increases stamina. So that’s like an added feature to make a mental note of.
5. Push-ups and Sit-ups
Last but not least, it all amounts to intense exercise to lose fat fast.. What’s special is the fact that you don’t need a gym for performing these exercises. Push-ups are the ultimate exercise as they intensively work on your belly, thighs, calves,  chest and shoulder muscles. The push up itself is an all in one exercise routine that is more than enough to work your body and help you lose fat faster. When coupled with sit-ups, which focus on your thighs and belly, they provide a high-speed express to the fat-free city. Working out a minimum of one hour thrice a week is good enough. But remember not to exert too much of yourself at once or you may face a burnout. This will place all that you have worked out for at a waste. So remember to take breaks in between. But push-ups are not so easy to perform and it takes a week to perform a single push up if you are a newbie to the world of push-ups. You need to begin with the plank, an exercise in which you remain immobile in the push-up position. Then you kneel down and with your hands on the ground trying to push your chest up and down. On doing this for a week you will be accustomed to pushing up your own body weight. All these tips which answer the question how to lose fat fast. Read the full article
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romanticaries · 6 years
CBD and the effect on the body
Cannabidiol (also called CBD) - a substance that is extracted from the cannabis or marijuana plant and is the antagonist of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).
In contrast to THC, there is no intoxicating or psychoactive effect when taking CBD. On the contrary, because the cannabidiol is among other things responsible for reducing the THC and thus let the experienced "intoxication" subside.
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But it has long since become known that legal cannabidiol can do more than that, in a very diverse field.
What is in cannabidiol oil?
CBD is most effectively consumed in the form of extracted oil since in the form of oil, all ingredients can be absorbed by the body particularly well. (For example, CBD oils are recommended to be taken dropwise via the oral mucosa.)
There is the talk of minerals, proteins, vitamins, and fiber, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, we find other important cannabinoids in CBD oil, which can not be independently produced by the body.
CBC for an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect and cell renewal CBD for chronic pain, cramps, migraine attacks, arthritis and inflammation of all kinds, epilepsy and killing malignant tumor cells CBDA with anti-emetic activity against nausea, breast cancer, and other cancers CBG with antibacterial effect, which may even be stronger than that of common antibiotics CBN with a slight, not directly perceptible, psychoactive effect for the relief of acute anxiety and panic states It is amazing that despite all these effects on the human body, the pharmaceutical industry wants to continue to prohibit approval as a recognized cure. Nevertheless, CBD is freely negotiable and legal, albeit available on its own account.
Further components of the CBD oil
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids
Gamma-linolenic acid
Trace elements and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc or manganese
Chlorophyll (dye)
Applications and effects of CBD
Personal testimonials, studies, scientific research, and other reports show the unique properties of CBD and how they can help with the various diseases. An extremely valuable tool, which still receives too little attention.
Cannabidiol oil in restlessness and insomnia
Stress and everyday problems always leave us with insufficient sleep. It is all the more important that our body starts rested and relaxed in the next day. After all, bad sleep affects our ability to perform, which steadily drops and can lead to chronic fatigue or depression.
Various sleeping pills can sometimes be quite dangerous because soon there is a kind of dependency and waking up is much more difficult. Cannabidiol is completely free from all side effects that sleep aids bring.
It allows the body to completely relax and rest, the effect occurs after a few minutes, depending on the dosage and amount.
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To treat stress, burnout, anxiety, and panic with cannabidiol?
Also, mental illnesses are on the list, which can be treated effectively with Cannabidiol. For example, high-percentage CBD oil is used for acute anxiety or panic attacks. It also helps to process stress better, provides inner peace and balance. Even with "normal" nervousness, such as occurs before a flight or an exam, CBD can be calming and relaxing, without the consumer would no longer master his senses. The reason for this effect can be explained scientifically:
The organism has an endocannabinoid endogenous system and receptors. CBD attaches to these receptors and thus prevents the release of, for example, adrenaline or stress hormones.
Diabetes - Treating One of the Commonest Diseases with CBD?
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Diabetes, common diabetes, is one of the most common diseases in the Western world, yet there are few effective medications to prevent or treat it. For the first time, however, CBD should predominantly act as a preventive measure against diabetes diseases.
MS - relieve multiple sclerosis and Crohn's disease with CBD
MS is a very painful illness that is associated with a very high level of suffering. In fact, there are a few who have been able to alleviate their symptoms by doing the typical "smoking" and are simply doing so on an illegal basis. However, CBD can achieve almost the same effect, which can make the symptoms significantly easier.
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