#Student Exchange Programs
idiotspage · 6 months
But first some pics bc why not <3
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Also some bonus:
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When I'll be back home , I'll make the noisesanity comic
Thanks for patience with my absence!
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hy4c1nthislost · 19 days
Does anyone have any good scholarships for colleges or maybe student exchange programs for highschool? I'm from SEA(indo).
I can't stand it anymore. I hate it here. Genuinely hate it. Our government is beyond repair. My school life hasn't been effected so far but I know once I reach college it will. I have one year left before graduation and I don't think I have enough time to move far away anymore.
It's come to the point that even the adults around me have been telling me to not go to college here. I know the outside won't be easy at all but now it'll be better than staying here.
I'm applying for a student exchange program to america but idk if I will get it. I know America's a dumpster fire as well but I'm so desperate man. I'm trying to look for college scholarships to Europe or just anywhere away from Indonesia.
My family is middle class and I have 3 younger siblings who are all already in education so if I just simply apply for abroad my siblings won't be able to have great education.
I'm considering trying to look for money but I'm not talented enough to do anything thats worth selling. I'm thinking of content creation but I barely have enough money to buy proper equipment so student exchange is my only hope.
If anyone has any programs that I can try to apply to and the program doesn't cost too much, please inform me 🙏🏼😞
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i0-0na · 2 months
Entry 10 - Animation Party
Date : 06.05.2024
This week Monday, Dom, Matthijs and I were invited to an animation welcome party. I was pretty tired though, and somewhat anxious to be honest, so I was kind of unsure about going. I couldn’t really explain why, at one point I even felt like I was going to be sick. However, I decided to go anyways because why not~
We put name tags on ourselves (I wrote my name both in Japanese and English, I’m good at hiragana and katakana alphabet but not Kanji ;-;). However, I felt my anxiety rise again as soon as we were put onto random tables, and I wasn’t with my friends. I find it easy to make friends and stuff but honestly the language barrier was what was making worry, but I did my best.
I was so confused I ended up asking one of the professors who understood English, and she was like “Yeah! Are you in a circle?” I just stared blankly back at her. I had no clue what she meant. So, I pointed at the table and I said “I guess we’re in a circle now???” They just laughed and the conversation moved on. Later I told Matthijs about this cryptic message and they told me ‘circle’ was like another term for club or in this context because we’re at university, society. I was like oooohhh, I get it now wow ToT.  When food was brought out people started moving around so I went to Matthijs’ table, I wasn’t hungry, so I barely ate anything. Also, I still kinda felt ill. A bit later on that’s when I started feeling a bit better, as well I felt more comfortable to get out of my shell and began to start talking and making friends with people. Since we’re all animation majors one of the key points of our conversations was anime we liked and I put on my name tag. Even though I put Space Dandy on mine, I honestly dislike the idea of me having to pick my ‘favourite’ because I like so many works its hard to pick unless you give me a really specific category, but to be honest even then depending on the genre I sometimes would give you a top 3 answer instead lol. So yea that basically allowed me to talk more about different shows and video games like Nier:Automata, Persona 5, Attack on Titan and other such.
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Then out of nowhere we were made to play a game of Jan Ken Pon (rock paper scissors). There was a whole cafeteria sized table which was just stocked with prizes to be won. On the second round of the game, I actually won lolololol!!! So, I made my way to the table and I decided to take a Denji prize figure, it isn’t like a raffle where you know depending on which tier/rank you get you are limited to the amount of prizes, we could just honestly pick whatever thing we wanted. I debated on getting this cushion with one of the sensei faces on, I think he was like the head of animation at Zokei, but I was like you know what I think someone else should get it probably because it would probably mean more to them in a way idk but it was pretty amusing none the less to see that as a prize. As soon as I got my Denji figure I nearly immediately start to rub it into the face of Dom hahahaha, as a joke of course, but none the less it was a great triumph.
My rock paper scissor skills are elite
I’m glad I ended up going, there’s no reason not to give social events ago. Especially on student exchange, even if I feel nervous, I think people should always try to push themselves a bit out their comfort zones.
(Y)ou (O)nly (L)ive (O)nce
Later that week we talked about Golden Week during our Japanese classes, as well as learning the usual useful language technique/grammar. I’m really sad that these classes will be ending so soon, I genuinely enjoy these classes as well as learning Japanese language ☹. It’s always been a goal of mine to become fluent and to live long term in Japan. It’s so crazy that now I am living in Japan but still I think I want to stay here for an even longer term.
After class we asked our teacher if he wanted to come drinking with us at an izakaya, originally, he was but then when we arrived something came up, so he had to go home. However, Silvia, Matthijs, Dom and I decided to still go. This izakaya is right by the uni/train station. At this place I tried hot sake, it was kind of weird to try “hot” alcohol and I mean it was hot, like a nice cup of tea kinda hot lol.
It was such a nice evening~
I’ve noticed by my window that the plant outside is a rose tree. The pink roses are blossoming, when I saw them, it reminded me of myself. Of how so far, how I’ve grown, and feel more stable living in a foreign country, as well as other aspects of my personal life. I feel at peace.
Other notes:
I’ve found these crisps which are mentioned in this one mobile game I reallyyyyy liked, it called Mystic Messenger. I bought some and tried it, they were awful ☹! Like with sauce or put into a sandwich they are somewhat okay but by themselves?? Sorry 707 I cannot fathom, fictional or not, why they would want to eat that like every day.
On a separate separate note, it seems that its Mother’s Day in Japan (12th). So, I had to wish my mum a second happy Mother’s Day lololol. Before leaving for Japan, I bought her a Collin/Collette the Caterpillar cake (spa day themed) for her and my brothers to share. From the sounds of it they all seemed to like it.
Till next time ✌️😉
Song Playing: To the end - Blur
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townpostin · 3 months
Srinath University Forms Strategic Partnership with Shinawatra University, Thailand
Srinath University and Shinawatra University, Thailand, have signed a significant Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to foster international collaboration. The MoU, signed by Srinath University’s Dean of Administration, J. Rajesh, IQAC Cell In-charge, Dr. Mritunjay Mahato, and Shinawatra University’s President, Associate Professor Zhou Fei, alongside Dr. Pratikshya Bhandari and Dr. Venus Deeman,…
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Entry 1: The Evening Prior
Date: 26.03.2024
At this moment of time people would often ask me “How do you feel about studying in Japan!?” And honestly, I couldn’t respond I had so many thoughts but at the same time none.
Leading up to the move I had so much I needed to organise not only in England (stuff related and not related to student exchange) but in Japan as well like Visas, accommodation, flight tickets and a lot more important documents. I spent such a long time organising and trying to complete everything on time, when it came to the evening before I would fly off, I honestly to God just felt uncanny in the fact I couldn’t put an exact feeling or emotion for how I felt at that time.
Looking back, I just put this down to low key exhaustion; from university, to work, to house maintenance, even studying Japanese, and much more I only realise now how much was on my plate.
However, as I sat there in my living room in London, eating ice cream and watching bottoms on my TV, I thought about my 11-year-old self. The very same kid who sat in that living room binging anime and researching J-fashion on her laptop, how would she feel if she knew that she would not only study but be living in Japan for 6 months. I know exactly how; she would be so happy she’d shatter my ear drums with the sound of excited squeals hahahaha.
She would feel so happy and beyond proud to know what she will/has achieved.
As the movie ends, its past midnight and I finish my packing I head upstairs for a late-night sleep.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
As my first entry into my blog, I would like to preference that I am writing in the style of diary entries. What I like to do when I write in diaries are to add some extra elements like what song I was listening to as I am writing. In future I might add some extra things like cool facts I learnt about each day/week :3
For now though, I shall say bye bye!!
Song playing: Dead to me – Melanie Martinez
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holitt-holott · 6 months
Soo I’m gonna go to the USA with a student exchange program for 3 month and I’m freaked out!!!!
I’ve never been abroad so long and so far away
I’ve never been among native english speaker before
I’ll be in the middle of the Rocky Mountains so there will be no internet and cell service only weekends
And I’ve never been such distant from my friends and family
But it’s a good opportunity to improve my skills…
Aaaa idk how should I prepare mentally oh Gosh help me
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farooqahamed · 6 months
Discover top accredited universities in the UAE with our comprehensive guide tailored for international students. Explore diverse scholarship opportunities in the UAE, along with detailed insights into student exchange programs. Navigate through reputable institutions offering a range of disciplines and degrees. 
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fidhamohammad · 7 months
Multi-country MBA programs offer a dynamic platform for aspiring global leaders to thrive. Through student exchange programs, participants gain invaluable cultural insights and business acumen across diverse markets. Top universities in the United Arab Emirates, renowned for their innovative curricula, integrate these programs to equip students with a nuanced understanding of international business practices. 
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guybracha · 7 months
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Student eXchange
A crossover between X-men and Winx Club
What if there was a student exchange program between the Xavier School for gifted youngsters and The Alfea College for Fairies? And what if the student who came to Xavier and the X-men was Musa, the fairy of music? How did she fit into the school? How she be with her new uncanny friends?
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kyreniacommentator · 8 months
ARUCAD Enters Collaboration With Pakistan Greenwich University
A protocol has been signed between Arkın Creative Arts and Design University (ARUCAD) and Greenwich University Karachi campus, to enhance and promote mutual academic collaboration. This protocol allows for student and faculty exchanges between the two universities. Continue reading ARUCAD Enters Collaboration With Pakistan Greenwich University
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loves-em · 9 months
So the existence of my Relationship with Crayon has been established on this Blog. This is the story of how we organised our next meet-up.
Context: I am a German, my boyfriend Crayon is Irish. We live in the according countries and met on a student exchange. This was late-September. Since we clicked very quickly, we got together and still are. More details in my past posts.
Now I wanted to meet Crayon again, as a girlfriend does. Every lover can relate. Our plan was to grab ourselves the winter holidays in february 2024, it's the same week for both of us. The plan was that I go to Ireland and spend the week. It was a great plan, but we were both sad because it'd be quite a while until then, over 100 days. But we managed.
Then, an opportunity arose. There was a beacon of hope; A longer exchange. Some students from his school might be able to go to my school for an entire semester! Including him! Then, he could stay at my place and we would get to live together essentially. Everyone knows how many amazing things this can imply. Sounds too good to be true, right?
His schools administration said that they wouldn't organise this, but the students could still do that privately if they wanted to, so I agreed to be the contact person for the job and we were both really happy.
Now one issue arose: His family is religious. His mom didn't want to let him go (or at least hesitated) because there would be no church for him to go to here. But we found one and a way to get him there for the according times. So it should be fine.
Crayon only wanted to do the second semester of the current schoolyear (23/24), because he is starting Irish 5th year next year and that is an important year. He wouldn't want to miss the first half of it. But he also doesn't want to stay in Germany for an entire year, he loves his family and his home too much. But unfortunately, when I gathered some info I found out that next semester (the only one he would be fine going for) wasn't possible. It's too short notice.
Well great, so he can't come over for big boi long time.
We did manage to meet up earlier than the winter holidays (original plan). Now I have booked flights for new years and will be staying at his place for just over a week. I am incredibly excited to meet his family, he speaks so highly of them all. I can't wait to meet his friends, some of which I have already met on the exchange. I text some of them regularly and all of them are amazing people. I love them so dearly.
And OBVIOUSLY I can't wait to meet Crayon himself. I love him. This goes without saying.
As of writing this part right here, I'm only 65 hours away from him and meeting him inches closer and closer. What an amazing, genuine human connection. I've bought presents and also crafted some stuffs on my own, only Crayons gift needs final touches. I'll manage. Can I wait? NO.
The amount of times we've promised love and devotion to eachother already is crazy. The future looks so bright I might as well be staring at the sun itself.
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ccuniversity · 1 year
Student Exchange Programs: Benefits and How They Enhance Student Learning
Explore the benefits of student exchange programs and how they elevate learning. CCUniversity's guide delves into enriched cultural awareness, global connections, and expanded horizons.
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i0-0na · 2 months
Entry 9 - Golden Week
Date: 29.04.2024
This week commences Golden week ✨ It’s when a bunch of bank holidays are found to coincide back-to-back of each other so it’s basically turns into a bank holiday week instead, so for the whole country we can basically all get a holiday for a week!
However, I need to get my UWE work done! It’s such a pain but I want to finish my work before major work starts to happen/given to me; like already with the homework I have been given by Tokyo Zokei, though its simple for now, I worry about if it’ll become harder or not. No matter what the case is I don’t want it to reach the point where the workload becomes unbearable.
So, for the majority of this week that’s what I did.
However, on the Wednesday I wanted to go to the Square Enix café, but you needed a reservation, but because it was Golden Week there was absolutely no chance that we’d get a spot. So instead, we went to the next best thing, the Atlas café. I invited Matthijs, Dom and Steven (Steven couldn’t make it in the end) so it was just us 3. We went to Surgaya and then to the café, but when we got there, they said we needed a reservation to eat there??? Even though I checked the night before and it said you didn’t/couldn’t. However here they said yes, there were no online reservations, but you needed to come to the café at 11am and make a reservation then *-* Sooo we just ended up looking around the café, eating at Wendy, looking around Shinjuku and then going home. It was still a fun day out!
On Saturday I did try to go see the Yoyogi flea market. I wanted to check it out, since the race car flea market was so fun. This though was a lot smaller; I only got a small phone charm. When I first got into Japanese/anime culture these extravagant phone charms I would see everywhere.
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Especially on flip phones, some people do it now still, but they only have one charm which is cute I guess but I honestly love the chaos of all the tons of charms on one phone though. Again, so cool and unique. I had only one phone charm I would have on my phone, but I decided to leave it at home in London since it kept falling off the strap and stuff. But yeaaaa I just spent the rest of the day wandering around Harajuku and Shibuya because why not.
Then the rest of the week I stayed home and continued working hard on all my assignments.
Yeaa but that’s all the events of this week, till next time!
-Iona ✨
Song listening to now:
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abroadstudiesoutlook · 3 months
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Abroad Studies Outlook
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sophia8562smith · 1 year
Experience the world through student exchange programs by Sunrise Africa Group. Immerse yourself in new cultures, broaden your horizons, and gain invaluable international experience. Our carefully curated programs provide opportunities for personal growth, academic enrichment, and the development of lifelong connections. With Sunrise Africa Group, embark on a transformative journey that enhances your global perspective and prepares you for success in an interconnected world. Explore our student exchange programs and open doors to endless possibilities with Sunrise Africa Group.
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logicthink1rohit · 1 year
Student Exchange Programs
Experience the world through student exchange programs by Sunrise Africa Group. Immerse yourself in new cultures, broaden your horizons, and gain invaluable international experience. Our carefully curated programs provide opportunities for personal growth, academic enrichment, and the development of lifelong connections. With Sunrise Africa Group, embark on a transformative journey that enhances your global perspective and prepares you for success in an interconnected world. Explore our student exchange programs and open doors to endless possibilities with Sunrise Africa Group.
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