#Stray Kids Stories
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hannamoon143 · 5 months ago
Hi I was wondering if you could do an IN x reader angst to comfort. Any plot is fine! I really need it but no pressure in writing it! <3 Thank you <3
Do you trust me?
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pairings: bf jeongin x fem reader
genre: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: anxiety, trust issues, kinda family issues, slight cursing once, crying,
a/n: @0omillo0 this is for you now <33, i just hope you are alright since you said u rlly needed this. take care of yourself luv, and feel free to talk to me.
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Did you deserve this? The same question kept running in your mind over and over again.  Did you deserve these kind words? Did you deserve this grade? Did you deserve to feel what you were feeling? The answer was not sure for you. You wanted to believe yes, but deep down you felt like you didn’t. Why? That was a good question. Maybe it was from the trauma of your family. Your parents yelling at you for everything, punishing if you didn’t have perfect grades or made mistakes. Or maybe it was from your siblings who kept laughing at you, and calling you lazy. Or maybe from your friends, that changed often, because you seemed to not be able to hold friendships for long.
The truth was you didn’t know that either. You felt like you knew nothing to be honest. Years spent trying to find out who and what you wanted to be, wasted by other people saying you wouldn’t make it anyways. And where did everything get you?
You were sitting at the floor in your little apartment, pressing your palms to your eyes so you wouldn’t cry.You hated this feeling. But what you hated even more was that you thought it would work out this time.
Your best friend of now 2 years, Sarah, left you. And she didn’t let you slowly down, no she pretended like everything was perfectly fine, until one day she suddenly told people horrible things about you, making people whisper when you walked by, making them mock and laugh at you. At first you didn’t get it. You were confused when people whispered and chuckled when you walked by. That was until you saw a message in the anonym group of the town u lived in. There were most people your age in and someone had spread a horrible messagge about you. In the message was written that you were a drug dealer, and that you had something with the boyfriend of your best friend going on, and as if that wasn’t already horrible enough, there was something that hit u deeper. There was written that you sold drugs to your own siblings and that was why your parents kicked you out and that was why you were living alone now.
After that you knew who wrote that. You never told anyone randomly you lived alone. Tob e honest only two people really knew about this. Sarah and your boyfriend jeongin It wasn’t that common to entirely have broken the contact to your family in that age.
Of course all of the things written were lies. But the last thing… The reason you didn’t have any contact to your family anymore was that they were horrible. For years you excused their behaviour with things like „they also live for the first time“ and „everyone makes mistakes, i have to be strong for them.“ But one day you realized it wasn’t normal. How they’d yell at you for bad grades or make mistakes when you were just a kid. How they’d ignore you after.  And the worst was you once made the mistake to open up to them. You told them how you were feeling, and that you couldn’t keep living like that and your friends were all fake. They laughed at you. Said you were a child and had no right to say these things. Since you were met with these things so early it was always really hard to keep friendships working for you. You had bad trust issues, and you just weren’t able to believe someone really liked you, and you often cancelled meet ups, so you could rather study, or you were just too drained. So friends came and go. Over the years you just totally distanced yourself from everyone, because you didn’t want to trust anyone anymore. That was until you met two people. Your boyfriend jeongin and sarah. Actually you never understood why jeongin liked you. You were boring, were anxious and had trust issues and you were isolating yourself a lot. He liked to go on parties, you cancelled them. You loved spending cozy evenings with him. You sometimes watched movies or you were reading together, and always when one of you would like a sentence, a quote or even a whole page, then you would read it to each other. You remembered quiet nights, spent reading…
Your head was laying in his lap, a blanket wrapped around your body. You could feel his fingers gently brush through your hair, while you listened to his honey voice reading his favorite pages from the book he was reading to you.You closed your eyes, enjoying the moment. And sometimes when there would be a quote you related to, you would tell him your feelings, thoughts and story to it.
For you, things like that were enough. You loved quiet moments. Moments where nothing bad seemed to exist, where only the cozy quiet and jeongins voice reading pretty words was heard. And he said it was enough for him too, but you always were convinced that he wanted more. That he wanted to go to parties, to introduce you to his friends.
But for some reason he seemed to stay with you anyways.
And for sarah… everything seemed so perfect. Meeting with her was actually fun and also if you couldn’t quite talk about your feelings with her you still had fun. So you made the mistake and told her of your family and living situation.
So that was where it got you now. You shouldn’t have trusted someone again. You couldn’t make this mistake over and over again. Everyone was the same.
Your throat tightened and now you couldn’t hold your tears back. You sobbed, hugging your knees to your chest. Why were you always making the same mistakes over and over again. What were you supposed to do now. The whole little town thought you were a mean bitch now, but you didn’t have the money to move somewhere else. You felt like the ten year old child you once were again. Betrayed by already too many people, sitting in your small room, crying.
But after a while, you fell into a uncomfortable sleep on the cold, hard floor.
When you woke up you were sweaty. You had a nightmare and right after you heard your phone somewhere chiming. A bit confused you stood up, stomping your foot. „Ahh shit!“ you cursed, but you found your phone so you just sat down at the floor again looking at it.
12 missed calls from „Ayen💗✨“ 23 unread messages from „Ayen💗✨“
He must have seen the anonymous message now. You leaned your head against the wall, turning off your phone. Only the pale moonlight was lightning the room a bit, and you felt cold despite your sweatiness. You had a heavy headache from crying so much earlier. You tried to think of what do now. Should you just ignore jeongin? Maybe it would be the best for him. That thought was washed away when you heard a knock on your front door. No he couldn’t just come over. You just sat silently on the floor. Should you open? You sighed, standing up and slowly going to the door. You slide down to the floor, leaning to it. You realize your voice is hoarse when you say: „What are you doing here?“
„Y/n? Are you okay? Please let me in, i was so worried about you.“ He sounded relieved but desperate. You sighed, but kept quiet.
„Y/n please let’s just talk alright? I just want to know what that in the anonymous group was. I am not accusing you of anything, as i know you well enough to know you would never do any of those things. So please, let me in, i’m not here to judge, just to talk.“
You listened to his words. So he didn’t believe it. But no matter how sweet his words sounded, you just couldn’t trust anyone anymore. What if he would betray you like sarah did one day too? You didn’t see it coming, so why would you with jeongin. You finally decided to speak up. But it wasn’t what he wanted to hear.
„I think we should break up.“
„…What? Y/n what are you talking about, are you serious?“ his voice grew more and more desperate. You kept being quiet, leaning your head to the door. Thankfully he couldn’t see the way tears were streaming down your pale face again.
„Y/n god please open the door, let’s talk, we can talk this out, please i promise i won’t ever judge you but don’t do this. Don’t break up with me in the middle of the night through a closed door, just because your scared. Let me in, and we‘ll talk about it, and then you sleep a night over it and you can think about it again. And if you want to really break up with me then, then okay, but not like this y/n…“
The worst thing was he knew you too well. He knew that you were doing this because you were scared. Scared of your future, scared of your problems, scared of ever trusting somebody again. It was selfish and not fair towards him. You knew that, but just ending things seemed easier, less painful. You wiped your tears away.
You slowly stood up, unlocking the door. Jeongin seemed relieved, and his eyes softened when he saw you. You realized you probably looked horrible. You had cried yourself to sleep, and forgotten to remove your mascara, and you were still wearing clothes from yesterday, and even in the dark lightning he could see your red puffy eyes, with the fresh tear streaks.
„Y/n…“ he softly said, and stepped in wrapping his arms around you. You didn’t move but also didn’t pull away. Actually it felt good. You didn’t notice how touch starved you were until now. Your body began to tremble, and warm tears rolled down your face again. You felt stupid for crying so much
„you know you can always talk to me right?“ he asked, pulling back a bit to look into your eyes. He lifted his hand, brushing the tears away with his thumb. You looked away, humming, because that was exactly the thing that got you here. That you thought you could talk to people, and trust them.
„I don’t want to talk now okay?“ you mumbled.
„Is it because of sarah? I know she wrote it in the group chat, one of my friends ist he admin and can see these things. Look, that’s horrible, and there is no excuse that could come up for what she did, or why she said that, but it wasn’t your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong. And these people talking about you behind your back are just random people, believing everything on the internet. They don’t know you. But i do. Please don’t let this get to you“
You wanted to just do what he said. But you couldn’t. All the things on your past proved that it seemed to be your fault. Why else would things like this always happen to you?
„jeongin, it’s not that easy. I know you only wanna be nice and stuff but i don’t wanna tell you all this.“
„what? You think i’m „just being nice“? Seriously y/n? You should know i’m not just being nice. I never said it maybe but i love you. With my whole heart.“
You lift your head up. What? That was something you didn’t hear in a really long time. You weren’t even sure if someone ever said these three words to you. You didn’t remember your parents ever saying that, and your friendships were never lasting long enough for someone to actually say this.
„Do you trust me?“
What? You looked at him confused again. Why did he ask that? It was as if he saw right through you. Exactly the one thing u thought u would have to ban from your life. Trust. And your wonderful boyfriend asked for it.
„I- i don’t know i… i can’t, i want to but i-„ you stuttered,slowly, looking down. You were sure he was gonna be mad. I mean who wouldn’t trust their boyfriend right?
But he just smiled at you. A gentle, tender smile, that made you feel warm. He wasn’t gonna get mad?
„It’s alright love. You don’t have to answer right away. I know trust is something big for you to give, especially after this incident. But i’m ready to work for it. I will do everything to someday gain your trust. Just let me show you that there are trustworthy people. I will prove it to you. Let me love you and gain your trust y/n.“
What he said was beautiful. You didn’t quite know what to respond. Jeongin seemed to know what was going on in your mind, and he said the right things, in his tender, caring way. You couldn’t fully trust him immediately, but slowly, in little steps you would heal and build trust again. And you didn’t have to do it alone. But was he really willing to stay even though you would have to convince yourself that it was alright? Would he be patient for you? It was something that you couldn’t imagine in your mind. But he sounded serious about it.
Maybe you could give him and yourself one more chance. Maybe you could slowly gain confidence to trust someone fully again. Your mind was screaming against it, but your heart didn’t. Not at jeongin.
„Okay, and… i love you too“
„And even if you think it’s your last time trusting someone again y/n, it will last till forever falls apart. I won’t ever let you down“
Little did you know that time, that his words were meant entirely serious. And he kept his promise.
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caedynscorner · 9 months ago
Addy Darling moves half-way around the world with her cat hybrid, Lee Felix, not expecting that being in Seoul would cause so many changes to her life. After Felix convinces her to get another hybrid, they soon find themselves finding more and more reason to help more strays, learning to open their hearts, and house, to the hybrids, and maybe, fall in love along the way.
Content warnings in AO3 tags and at the beginning of every chapter. (Story contains triggering content such as abuse, violence, self harm, mental health issues, and suicidal thoughts, but generally SFW. Hurt/comfort and happy ending!)
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kpopbestie96 · 9 months ago
Chapter 21 and 22 ⚾💗
Hello lovelies! I want to start off by saying....WE GOT TO A THOUSAND READS for Cover Me Now!!! I can't believe it. Truly shocked that another story of mine reached a thousand reads. I couldn't have done it without all of you amazing readers. So thank you 💖💖
Also, posting two chapters today since I will be gone on vacation. I do have a Stray Kids snapchat thing scheduled for Friday. So I hope you enjoy that. Everyone take care and I will see you all on Monday! Love you all 😘
Summary for Chapter 21: They're finally in Boston for the first away game of the season. When Y/N and her friends are at dinner, when she's away in the bathroom, Lee Know and Han come up with a plan for her and Seungmin to talk things out.
Summary for chapter 22: I'm not putting a summary for this chapter because I don't want to give away any of it. So just sit back and enjoy the lovely exchange between two former lovers. That's all I'm going to say on the matter. Hope you all enjoy, love you! 💕💖😘
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drdarine · 12 days ago
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A stunning piece by the incredibly talented Notte @rhymeswithfart , inspired by our true story one that began on January 27, 2025, and continues to unfold.
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Please, do not become accustomed to the scene. The war is not completely over yet, and we must not forget the harsh days we have endured.
We need every helping hand, every heart in solidarity, and every voice to amplify our cause. Reviving life here is not a choice it is an obligation we all share. Let us come together on this journey of healing and restoring hope.
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #15 )✅️
Also supported by @nabulsi Here. Here
💗 @a-shade-of-blue 💗 avatar by 💖 @catnapdreams 💖
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chrisbangz · 2 months ago
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Count Christopher
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linolinoing · 9 months ago
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koala hug 🐨
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wolfchans · 3 months ago
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paperclip-skz · 3 months ago
Yea, I'm a virgin....
fem*Reader x Bang Chan x Felix
contains: oral (f receiving), over-clothes stimulation, teasing, unprotected sex, male doms, let me know if I missed anything.
P.s. : this is straight up delulu…….. 🙃
WC: 1.7
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“I don’t know. Don’t you think a gang bang is a bit much for my first time?”
“Okay then, have your pick.” Chan stands there, looking at each of his members. 
“I can’t just pick one of you. I know you all so well, and I know you’d make me feel good regardless.” You laugh humorously. You don’t even know what you're saying. How the hell did you get into this position…
“Yea I’m a virgin,” you say carelessly. It was another group dinner that you just happened to attend because your roommate/friend was a part of an up-and-coming group, time passed and you just all became close friends. 
But not as close as you, thought. " Why didn’t you tell me?” Jisung pains his chest like he’s been brutally wounded by the undiscovered information. 
“It just never came up.” you fain innocence, shrugging your shoulders and trying to hide the redness in your cheeks. 
“Are you” Hyunjin pauses, and you see his cheek mimic yours, “saving yourself?” 
You can’t help but laugh at his shyness: " No, Jinnie. I just never really met someone that I wanted to do it with, and now, well, honestly, I would rather just get it over with.” 
Chan looks at you worried, and your quick to reassure any doubts, “not like I don’t want it to be special,” you laugh nervously. “I want to do it with someone I trust, and I know, not like with a hook-up and just be done, but I’m also just done waiting.” 
Chan's brow softens a little, but he still has this look on his face like he’s thinking up a plan of sorts. 
“Would you be against sleeping with one of us?”
And I guess that leads you to here…and now….where Chan just told you to to PICK a boy to have sex with like thats a normal Tuesday…..a deep part of you thinks you're asleep. 
“Well, we want to help in any way we can. We care about you Y/N, and we want to make sure you get the treatment you deserve.”
“I’m just not as confident as you all think I am. Look, the reason why I haven’t had sex with just anyone is because I can’t imagine anyone wanting to have sex with me.”
They all look at you and begin to say something, but you turn away before anyone can whisper another word. That ends up with you bumping right into Felix’s chest. 
He stands there silently, with a furrow in his brow. Suddenly, without warning, he stalks you. “How could you possibly think that?” he corners you to the wall, the cold paint sticking to your skin. “Look at you,” his hungry gaze traps you “your so,” he closes his eyes, sighing at the smell of your vanilla shampoo, “fucking beautiful. “ 
Your breath stays hitched in your throat, and your chest rises with each strained breath, pushing your breasts closer to his chest. His eyes are almost beast-like, and it scares you in the best possible way. “You can’t decide which one of us will take you,” he asks, his head tilting like a curious puppy.
You shake your head lightly, unable to speak words 
“Then I’ll choose for you.” he grabs your wrists roughly, demanding you to follow him down the hall and into his room.
“FELIX!” Chan screams, but before Chan can protest anymore, Felix shoves you into his room and locks the door behind him. 
He walks you forward until you fall onto the bed, caging you between his arms and his body weight, “tell me to stop. If you want this to stop, please, god, tell me now, or else I won’t have the strength in me to stop.”
The ache between your legs is undeniable. It makes every part of your body light up in flames. You don’t know what to do, that’s evident, but something about Felix’s attitude, the way his eyes are crazed but he stays in control until you you give him your consent, and the way you know he’ll put your pleasure above all else, is the reason behind your next words, “don’t stop.”
He growls, literally growls, and attacks your bared skin with his lips, sucking, biting, marking anything he seems markable. 
You arch your back, pushing yourself closer to him at the sudden sensation of his manipulations. His hands push your arms above your head, and he rakes his nails across your skin; he can’t stop touching you, keeping his skin on yours like glue. 
His hips have begun to roll into your aching core, making you whimper under him. You can feel how hard he is, how much tension has built in his slacks. 
“Felix,” you whimper. 
“I know, I know. But trust me, I’m going to make you feel good.” He broke away from his kisses to kiss the side of your cheek. “Just let me take my time with you.” 
You nod your head slightly, putting all your trust into his hands, putting everything you have into him. 
Felix slows his kisses down, kissing the fabric of your shirt until his hands push it up ever so slightly. He then kisses the small skin of your belly and pushes the rest of the fabric up with his nose, pushing it up until the curves of your breast stop it from going any further. 
“I need you to take these off for me. Think you can do that, angel?” he whispers, and it sends goosebumps across your skin. 
You nod your head and remove the fabric from your body. Leaving your upper half in just your bra. His mouth attaches to the swell of your breasts, and his hands try to fold the fabric down. He teases and licks your nipple, making you whimper and sigh. 
He lifts his head slightly just to see your eyes trained on how he bites his lower lip. He smirks, seeing the flush on your cheeks and your crazed eyes. “You doin' alright, angel?” he asks with a snarky tone. 
You hum in approval, “How about here?” his hand snakes down to press against your pounding core. The added pressure makes your head throwback, and he just laughs. The bastard just laughs at the way pleasure courses through your body. You’ve never felt these things before. No one has ever made your body feel like this. 
“Felix,” you call, but you don’t know why you're calling his name. 
“Yes, I’m here. I’m right here.” his thumb rubs tight circles over your clothed folds, making your body squirm under his touch. 
His thumb picks up speed, not trained on any specific area. You are so lost in how Felix drags his fingers across your thrumming core that you're oblivious to the door opening. You look to the side to see Chan poking his head in, eyeing the way Felix is crouched between your legs. 
Your face flushes with heat and embarrassment, and you turn your head to try and hide yourself in the sheets. “No, no, don’t hide, angel,” Felix coos, still tracing delicate circles around your clothed pussy. 
“Lix is right. You look too pretty to hide yourself now” Chan says in a low voice. 
Felix presses his thumb against your clit, making you throw your head back at the pressure. Chan bites his lip at the sight of you……
How the fuck did you get into this position….no literally, how did you get into the position your in. 
You are being held naked in Chan’s arms, his hands grabbing at your ass, with his dick ready to plunge into you at any given time; all he has to do is lower you a few inches. Felix is behind you, caressing his hands all along your back and leaving little love kisses in his wake. 
Felix’s touch is strikingly different from Chan's in a way that is immediately noticeable. When Felix reaches out, there is a remarkable softness to his touch; his palms feel velvety and warm as if they are cradling the air around them. Every movement is gentle, exuding a sense of care and tenderness that envelops you like a comforting embrace. 
Compared to Chan’s, hands tell a different story. When you feel his touch, it is marked by a certain roughness that speaks to the hard work he has put in over the years. Each fingertip is calloused and tactile; it makes your skin litter with goosebumps. 
“You ready, angel?” Felix whispers in your ear. Right, you almost forgot the whole point of all this, which was to finally lose your V card. 
Will it hurt? Will I regret it? What if I’m making the wrong move right now?
Chan can see the wrong gears turning in your head; you're overthinking this. He should let you decide wholeheartedly, but he is too addicted to how you fit perfectly against him. He can’t help but be selfish.
All of a sudden, Chan seals your lips with his, silencing all your thoughts. You hold on to his back tightly as he lines his tip at your entrance. Your eyes shut tight at the sting of the stretch, and you break away from his lips with a whimper. You senses are on overdrive, the stretch making your inside simultanously burn and melt in the best of way.
He stills for a moment, and you think, maybe he’s all the way in?
“Think you can handle more?” Chan asks, with a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead. 
“More?!” you whine, throwing your head back against Felix “Too big,” you mumble.
“Oh, come on, baby girl, you can handle all of me, can’t you?” Chan all but growls, pushing inches slowly into you until he bottoms out. Felix rubs your thighs, which are wrapped around Chan’s waist, and his hand comes up to guide you to kiss him. Your tongues dance in a rhythm only you and felix understand, and that only riles Chan. The kiss only slightly distracts you from the pain. “Fuck you two are so hot” 
You drape one arm around Felix’s shoulder bringing him closer to you while Chan still rests inside you. You can feel his fingers dig into the flesh of your ass; witholding from slamming himself in and out of you. 
“God if you keep clenching like that…” you didn’t realize what you were doing. Your body was just reacting. 
You break away from felix for a breif moment to stare into Chan’s eyes, “move” you whisper.
“What was that Babygirl? You gotta speak up, and use your words” Chan smirks, knowing full well what you want. 
You strighten yourself against him, making sure he can hear every word, “fuck. Me” 
“With pleasure” 
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faunandfloraas · 3 months ago
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no : 03.25
authors name : Kim Seungmin
Title : 그렇게, 천천히 (as we are)
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hannamoon143 · 5 months ago
♡ Stick together♡
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genre: fluff, hurt/comfort, a bit angst?
husband! chan x pregnant fem. reader
wordcount: 2,1k
warnings: silly fluffy fluff stuff, crying, injury, blood, pregnancy (obviously),
a/n: Hii, hope yall like this. Now i will concentrate on doing a upcoming fall series, that will soon be announced. Have a great day<33 enjoy
not proofread
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Could this day be possibly worse? Besides the fact that the morning nausea took over you, your boss also yelled at you for getting a sentence at your presentation wrong.All day long you had to smile and be polite, when your mood dropped with every moody person that you had to deal with. All you wanted now was to come home, eat something and snuggle up on the couch with chan. But since he was for sure working late, a drama would have to take his place.
Finally you reached your house, going in. You and chans daughter haneuls babysitter was standing at the door, slipping her shoes on.„Hey y/n, haneul is sleeping, she ate dinner and brushed her teeth after showering, so everything should be done.“
You smiled at the young woman, thanking her and saying goodbye She was haneuls babysitter for already a year, and never made problems. And since haneul liked her too, it was a win win situation. So now, she was leaving, and you quietly put your coat on the stove, and then went into the kitchen. Maybe you could make some ramen and then watch a drama. You looked at the clock. It was still going to be a while until your husband would come home. You sighed and started cooking your ramen.
Unfortunately you burned your hand by accidentally spilling the hot water onto it. Seriously? You cursed under your breath, rinsing it with cold water. It felt like everything that could possibly go wrong today was going wrong. You know it was probably just the hormones that everything riled you up so much today but you didnt care. Tears of frustration pricked at your eyes. You took a deep breath in, and tried to remind yourself that everything was okay.
You took out your favorite bowl out the cuppoard, the one Chan gifted you for your first anniversary. But you should have been more attentive, because in the next moment you slipped. The water that spilled down on the floor when you burned your hand earlier was in small puddles over the floor. You didn’t see it and stepped directly into them. Nothing happened to you, you managed to catch the edge of the kitchencounter, so you remained standing, but the bowl fell to the ground, and burst into too many pieces to count.
You stared down at the mess, the loud noise and sharp ceramic pieses everywhere had startled you, and you tried to supress the fact that you just ruined your favorite bowl. The bowl chan gifted you. With trembling hands you crouched down to the floor, trying to collect the pieces, but then you accidentaly cut yourself with one. It left a burning, sharp pain. You quickly let the pieces fall, yelping at the feeling. Soon the small line got covered in red.
It was too much. You couldn’t hold it together anymore. You slid down to the floor with your back to the kitchen counter, your throat tightening. Hot tears were running down your cheeks. This, everything was frustrating you so much. You were pretty sure it was mostly because of the hormones of the pregnancy. But that also didn’t stop you from feeling like this.  Helpless you wiped the blood of your hand with the hem of your shirt. Quiet sobs were escaping your mouth. You felt gross, a suffocating feeling in your stomach when you looked at the blood. You felt pathetic when you thought of the fact that you were sitting, crying on the kitchen floor
You should clean up, care fort he injury and just go eat, but something stopped you. You just remained on the floor, crying helplessly.
That was until you suddenly saw tiny legs standing in front of you. Your head perked up and you were surpised to see haneul standing there. Immediately you wiped the tears away, and put a small smile on.
„Hey, i thought you were already sleeping sweetie?“
She just looked at you, her eyes darting from your face, to the mess around you, and then to your bloody knuckle.
„What happened mommy?“ she asked, her gaze still looking around.
„Nothing sweetie, i just let the bowl fall, it’s okay, i’ll clean it up. Just go back to bed alright?“
She seemed to be thinking for a moment and then slowly shook her head.
„But you are hurt, and there is water from your eyes on your face.“
You could have almost laughed at her description of your tears. Then before you could say anything, she added:
„Is daddy home?“
The question caught you a bit off guard but you just shook your head at it.
„Really hannie, i promise i’m okay, you can go back to sleep. And you don’t have to tell daddy okay?“
She continued simply looking at you, her little brain seemingly thinking through her options. Without another words she tapped away, so you thought she finally was going back to bed.
But haneul didn’t even think about doing that, stubborn like she is, just like her father. She quietly tapped to the wardrobe, taking your phone out your coat.. She was proud she remembered your code from the one time when she looked over your shoulder. She searched for chan’s contact. She didn’t learn how to read yet, but when she saw the picture of her father she knew it was his contact. She tapped the call icon and put the phone to her ear. After a few ringings chan picked up, and haneul got excited when she heard her dad’s voice. You usually never let her call him while he is at work.
„Hey y/nnie, Whats up?“
„It’s me daddy!“ haneul happily cheered into the speaker.
„oh hi hannie, what’s up, do you need something? Shouldn’t you be sleeping?“ he sounded a bit concerned, not entirely sure why his little daughter would phone him at 8:30 p.m. when she should be asleep already.
Haneul ignored her dads scolding about being asleep and instead came to her point immediately.
„Mommy is crying in the kitchen right now, and her hand is red and everywhere around here are sharp pieces of the bowl she loves so much. Mommy said she is alright and i should not tell you, but you always tell me family sticks together, in good and in bad, so i had to call you right?“ The little girl nervously rambled, not sure if it was right that she called her dad.
Chan’s heart swelled a bit at her words that he had said so often before. Truly you and him raised a kind little girl. But then he quickly remembered the rest of her words, and got concerened again.
„Yes it was good you called me, i’m proud of you. But why is her hand red hannie? Do you mean she is bleeding?“
Haneul agreed and then chan was quick to tell her he would be there in ten minutes.
He took his things as fast as he could, leaving the studio. When his pregnant wife was sitting on the kitchen floor, bleeding and crying, something was not right, and he would not sit at work any minute longer.
As chan got home, haneul was sitting by the door, playing with a plushie. As she heard the door open she immediately jumped up.
„Come on daddy, i don’t think mommy has moved since i called you.“
Chan took his jacket and shoes off, haneul pulling at his sleeve. Then he went into the kitchen, taking haneul into his arms, so she wouldn’t get hurt by the sharp pieces of the bowl.
As you heard footsteps approaching you raised your head from your knees that you had tightly pulled up, only to see chan, looking at you with your daughter in his arms. He quickly sat her down on the counter and crouched down next to you, careful not to step onto the sharp things.
„y/nnie, baby what happened?“ he asked, his hand stroking some half dried tears away.
„I-i was just so…the bowl, it fell and… the whole day, it was so… and i got overwhelmed and it’s just-“ you stuttered, looking at him with glossy eyes.
He looked at you once more, taking in your tear streaked, exhausted face, the injured hand, the other one at your belly in a loving, protecting motion. It was clear that your day must have been tiring and you were exhausted and overwhelmed. His eyes softened and he didn’t hesitate, standing up and scooping you into his arms. Neither of you said something, and haneul just watched. Gently, chan carried you to the couch in the living room, laying you down. He told haneul to get you a blanket, and he was getting stuff to treat your injuries.The little girl brought you a fluffy blanket, and she tossed it messily over you, cuddling into your side herself. You wrapped an arm around her. Then chan came back with a bunch of bandage stuff. He wiped the blood of your hand, then desinfected it, at wich you hissed, and he mumbled soothing apologies. At the end he gently wrapped a bandage around your hand.  
„Does it feel better?“ Haneul asked, inspecting your hand now. She took your bandaged knuckles in her own tiny hand, and placed a little kiss on it. Your heart swelled at the motion and you nodded, tenderly stroking her head.
„Good because, you also always do that and it makes every ouch better.“ She explained with wild hand gestures.
Chan watched the scene. He felt such love and admiration for both his girls, and the little boy that didn’t even know him yet too.
„I’ll go clean up in the kitchen alright love?“ He softly said, kissing you on your forehead.
„Oh about that… It was the bowl you gifted me for our first anniversary.“ You said, the smile disappearing from your face again.
„Hey, i knew it meant a lot to you, but it’s alright hm? I can gift you a thousand more, if that would make you happy.“ He said with a smile, and then he stood up, going into the kitchen. You looked after him. How was this perfect loving man your husband?
You looked down at haneul, stroking her head. „Why did you even call your dad hannie?“
She gazed up at you, snuggling to you even more. „Daddy always says that family is always there for each other, if we are happy and laughing, but also if we are sad and crying.“ She said, proud to know her dad‘s words. Your eyes got shiny again. Just like chan before, you were so proud of your kind, little daugther, and that chan and you had the honor to be the parents of haneul.
Suddenly, she raised her head a bit and then laid it to your belly. „Mommy why does your belly feel so weird?“ She asked, sounding confused. It was so cute, you wanted to just hold this memory forever.
„You will get a baby brother haneul.“ You said, holding your breath. You weren’t sure how she would react. For a moment she stared at you, then at your belly, then at your face again. „And he is in there?“ she said, with a shocked face. You started giggling. „Yes he is.“ Haneuls face lit up. „Ohhh, then i’ll be the best big sister he ever had. Can we call him seungmin mommy? Like daddy’s dog friend! Or maybe doongie, like the cat from uncle minho!“  You laughed at her random name reccomendations. You were glad she was so excited.
Chan was done cleaning the kitchen so he was coming back, watching the heartwarming scene in front of him with a fond smile on his face. He walked over to you two again and sat down next to you on the couch. With a smile you cuddled up in his arms, him brushing his fingers through your hair in a tender motion. You continued holding haneul, all three of you snuggled up like this now.
 And haneul? She was holding onto your belly, protecting her little brother from this very first moment on.
This family was all you could ever want. A loving, caring husband, the kindest little daughter, and soon a little baby boy, that was looking exactly like chan, with the name Eunwoo. And as haneul said, you were a family, and family sticks together, in sadness as much as in happiness
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a/n: tell me what u think of it<33, im sorry for roasting seungmin a bit :3 Also thanks to my @darqlys for letting me yap about my 100 different ideas, and helping me choose the right things<333
taglist: @lina-linny @0omillo0 @darqlys @onementally-unstabel-kid
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kpopbestie96 · 8 months ago
Chapter 32 💗⚾😬
Hello lovelies! So, remember how I said I would post two chapters today? Well, instead of writing two chapters, I wrote one long chapter so it makes up for not posting two. It's basically two in one lol But, remember as you read this chapter, since it's long, you can take a break from reading it and come back. It will be there, I promise! But let's jump into today's summary! Let's go! (also...kind of obsessed with the photo of Seungmin that's below)
Summary: Y/n talks to Dani about the results of the pregnancy test she took because she doesn't know how to feel. She needed someone to talk to about all her emotions she is going through. Also, in the this chapter, Seungmin is working out with Han and Changbin, where Bin ask Min if he wants his friends back in Seoul to find out anything they can about Soyeon. Which leads to Min heading over to Y/n's house to talk about how he's feeling and for Y/n to confess about the pregnancy test. I hope everyone enjoys this long chapter! 😘
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linoyes · 9 months ago
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dvrktvnnel · 3 months ago
thirsty ~ bang chan
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genre— horror/smut {MDNI!!!}
pairing— vampire!Bang Chan x reader
word count— 2.2k
warnings— blood, gore, very suggestive, choking/gagging, fingering (fem receiving), sucking, blood play/kink, chasing, no protection(wrap it up yall !)
summary— railway inspired fic mwehehehehe
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“Thank you for coming,” you said. “I know its not easy to come on such short notice and we’re pretty isolated put here.”
“Ah, it was a rough ride,” Chan answered. “But the train never sleeps.”
You opened the door to let him in, his sleek black coat and leather bag of equipment made him look like a mad scientist. His odd colored eyes completed the look. It suited him well, since he was here to help you study vampires and werewolves. Word of mouth was he knew his shit. If that were the case, then he should be able to help you with a cure.
He walked with you through the corridor. You couldn’t help but notice, and it was so strange, how the other vampires would reach out to him like a savior. With everyone else who’d been here, they were gnashing their fangs and waving their claws at them.
“They must really hate me,” he chuckled meeting your gaze.
“Must, or they think you’re here to save them.”
He shot you a cold look before quickly hiding it behind a cold smile.
“That would be insane.”
You should have doubted him more. It only took a second. You led him to the room filled with vampire blood, hanging from iv racks. He set his bag down roughly, one of his sharp tool pierced a bag. Blood spewed from the tear, and he snapped.
He wasn’t who you thought he was, no, he wasn’t what you thought he was. No vampire would act like that. The way he tore through the guard you called when he shoved the blood bag against his lips was animalistic. He was like a wolf devouring prey.
A hybrid.
You managed to knock him out from behind, running out of the cell and locking it behind you. You stayed and watched him for a while.
He was asleep right now. God was he beautiful, but the blood staining his clothes was eerie. You shivered at the thought of what he’d done to people. What he could do to you.
What he will do to you.
You stood outside the cell he was in. Blood bags hung around him, IVs dripping steadily onto the floor. The sheets were soaked red. Your eyes traveled up his body, taking in every detail of his flawless skin. his veiny arms, his broad chest, his plump lips, his odd eyes staring coldly into your soul. Your blood ran cold, and he twitched.
He didn’t say a word when he got up, thrashing around the room like a wild animal. His eyes were wide with fear, confusion, hunger.
He grabbed one of the blood bags off the pole, biting into it and moaning as he sucked it dry.
You swallowed hard as you watched him. His eyes locked onto yours and he stumbled forward. It was like tunnel vision; all he saw was you.
and God did you look so fucking delicious to him.
You should have turned around; you should have told someone he was awake. But no, you were in a trance. He reached his hand through the bar and stroked your neck with his bloody fingers.
“You look so delicate,” he whispered.
You shivered at his icy touch, the cold burning past your skin. He leaned in closer, his cheek rubbing on the steel bars. You could see the smoke swirling in the air as it burned him, contrasting the cold air his breath blew against your ear.
“Let me taste you,” he whispered again. “I’ve heard so much about you, I want you t be mine.”
You snapped back into reality, and you pushed yourself away. Your eyes refocused, you didn’t even notice they had gone blurry. You took a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“What the hell are you?” you asked.
He laughed darkly, watching you through hooded eyes.
“I bet you scream so pretty,” he said, his voice almost sounding whiny.
He stuck his tongue out, dragging it up the bar that you touched.
You shouldn’t have reacted that way.
You turned around to leave when you heard it. The sound of metal scraping, screeching and bending in ways it shouldn’t be capable of. You whipped around and saw him pulling the bars apart, smiling maniacally.
You didn’t wait any longer, you ran as fast as you could down the hall. You told every guard you passed that he was awake and escaping.
You could hear him coming. The sound of flesh tearing and blood spilling, his growls as he thrust his claws into their necks. Their screams.
You didn’t want to look, but you couldn’t resist. You saw him lift a guard with one hand before slamming him into the ground.
He wasn’t struggling. No, he was playing, he loved the chase, he loved it so much. He didn’t want to catch you yet; he wanted to catch you when you were out of breath with your clothes torn and your hair a mess.
So, he let you run and hide.
You reached the door you had come through, but it didn’t respond to your keycard.
“Fuck!” you shouted under your breath.
You don’t know how he did it, but the power was out. The lights flickered before going off, and the cell chamber went on lockdown. You were trapped.
In a second Chan was right behind you, his claws digging into your side and drawing blood. You screamed in shock, trying to break free.
“More please,” he whispered in your ear with a sadistic smile.
You gasped as he dug his fingers in deeper just before throwing you aside. You clutched your wound and got up, running away from him.
He had let the other vampires out, and they slaughtered the rest of the guards. One of them grabbed your arm, but before it could do anything Chan gashed its throat.
“It’ll be safe when its just you and me,” he said.
You scrambled back to your feet and ran again. It was still late at night, the sun wouldnt rise for hours. You managed to find a closet to hide in, the sounds you heard would haunt your nightmares for years. That was if you even made it out alive.
It took all your strength to stay awake, and after a while the sounds stopped. A dead silence hung in the air with the stench of blood. Slowly, carefully, you opened the door. The heavy metal scraped against the cold stone floor and echoed through the halls.
In the center of the corridor, you saw him. He was sitting atop a throne of bodies, his head resting on the back of his hand like a king. His eyes were locked on you, he knew you were there the whole night.
With a burst of adrenaline, you made a run for it. The sun had just started to rise, you could make it outside and then you’d be safe.
He let you run.
You ran down the corridor, passing the bodies left to decorate his new lair. You slipped in a pool of blood, falling onto the unforgiving ground. You felt your ankle roll and heard it pop, the blood you fell in spattering against the walls.
He was on you before you even realized it. His weight pressed you down, the blood soaking into your clothes snd staining your skin.
“Don’t you worry about the casualties,” he hissed.
He took a deep breath in, his hands holding your waist. He teased the wound he left earlier with his finger, tracing the punctures he’d left. He gave you a rough squeeze and blood oozed out again. You yelled in agony, and he moaned against your ear. His tongue trailed up the side of your neck, thick blood spreading across your skin.
“Baby,” he whispered. “Trust me now.”
You broke free and stood up, bracing yourself against the wall.
“I can hear your heartbeat racing, you’re trembling, come with me.”
You clutched your side and shook your head, desperately trying to avoid his enchanting stare. You pushed off the wall and stumbled out into the courtyard.
The sun was blinding, you could barely make out what was what, who was who. The guards rushed to your aid, they were shouting and yelling but you couldn’t understand them. Your head ached and you felt dizzy, everything looked blurry and red.
The sun only got brighter, and it scorched your skin. You fell to the ground and the guards circled around you. Blood sprayed your face as Chan ripped through them.
You were his now.
You could barely see him, tearing them apart and draining their blood. The dry grass was painted a dark red all around you.
A second silence fell, only the hollow wind blowing gently in contrast to the horrors that had happened.
A shadow fell over your face, and you opened your eyes. Chan stood over you with a crazed smile. He lifted his wrist to his mouth, and bit down hard. Blood spurted out, speckling his face. He let it drip off his chin, and you couldn’t resist sticking your tongue out to catch the few droplets.
It was like a drug.
You grabbed onto his leg, and he knelt down, lifting your head to rest on his thigh.
“More, please,” you begged.
He smiled wide, his fangs on display for you. He took another bite and sucked hard. You crawled more into his lap, twisting to face him. Your fingers dug into his shoulders as you pulled him down.
He pushed your hands off of him, sliding you off his lap. Before you could protest, he took off his jacket and straddled your waist. With one hand under your head and the other pinning your wrists, he pressed his lips against yours.
Blood poured into your mouth, spilling out from between your lips. You hungrily swallowed what you could, choking on the rest. He didn’t let up, moving his tongue against yours and almost down your throat to make your gag.
His blood was so good, it felt so good going down your throat. You gulped it down, it was like you had been thirsty for years, and he was finally quenching it.
He pushed you down harder into the ground, the dirt turning into a bloody mud beneath you. You tugged on his shirt, needing to be closer to him.
He broke away and you gasped for air, coughing up more blood. Your clothes were torn, your hair was a mess, blood was all over you.
Now he would take you.
He lifted you off the ground and carried you back inside. You couldn’t control yourself, you were clawing at him and biting his neck and shoulder.
You were teething.
He took you to the cell with the blood bags, laying you on the table. He took his shirt off and got back over you. He kissed you again, and you dug your claws into his back. Your scratches left deep, dark red marks.
He killed like an animal, and he feasted like a beast, but he fucked like a demon.
He kissed you like he was just as thirsty as you were. He bit down your neck, growling and kneading your flesh. His hands slipped under your shirt, his claws scratching your soft skin.
Chan moved down your body, his mouth was desperate but his pacing was too slow for you. He slid down from your neck to your stomach, you threw your head back and arched your back when he bit down on your wound.
When he sucked, you moaned lewdly. He returned the sound, his low and deep. His claws dragged down to your pants, pulling them off easily.
“Don’t hold back,” he whispered. “Enjoy the ride.”
His fingers slipped in easily, the sharp points on his fingertips made you scream and he moaned again. He moved back to your neck, biting down hard. His fingers thrust in and out of you quickly, and you bit down on his neck.
His back was nearly raw, and you couldn’t tell the difference between your releases and his blood. He was relentless, you weren’t able to keep up with him. Before long, you were out of breath and exhausted.
Once he wore you out, you felt his fingers slide out one final time. He brought his fingers to his mouth and moaned as he sucked them clean.
He smothered your lips with his again, biting your lip and sucking the blood. You felt him line up, his hips snapping as he thrust into you in one movement. The table creaked and squealed, the force of his movements pushing it up against the wall and thudding loudly.
Your eyes rolled back, and he bit hard onto your bottom lip to keep your head from falling back. You knew he wouldn’t have fit if he hadn’t fingered you so roughly before hand, and you were certain that he tore you from the inside to make room.
You could feel every vein, every twitch, every pulse. He pinned your hands down, keeping you still as he thrust into you. He didn’t stop until you finally felt him cum, his hips snapping into place and going deeper than you’d ever felt.
He slowly opened his mouth, his teeth unpiercing your lip. He released your hands and the fell limply off the table. You couldn’t say anything, you just felt indescribable.
He propped himself up on his elbow, and cradled the back of your head with his other hand. He lifted your head and licked the blood from your mouth, then whispered between his teeth.
“You’re mine now, forever.”
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i wrote this in a day help me, i’ve never written a story this fast but i was DETERMINED (so ignore any errors)
i plan on writing more fics i promise🙏
@vampzity @scarfac3 @h4untedgrl @losrpark @dollywoo
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huiracha · 9 months ago
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hanniezsugarplum · 11 days ago
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➪ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴs ᴡʜᴇɴ, ᴀs ᴛʜᴇ ʏᴏᴜɴɢᴇsᴛ ᴍᴇᴍᴇʙᴇʀ ɪɴ sᴛʀᴀʏ ᴋɪᴅs, sᴛᴀʀᴛ ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴢɪɴɢ ʜᴇʀ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs ғᴏʀ ʜᴇʀ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀs? Aɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀs sᴛᴀʀᴛ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴀᴛ ʜᴇʀ ᴅɪғғᴇʀᴇɴᴛʟʏ?
➪ Fʟᴜғғ
➪ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: ᴍxᴍ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘs, ᴘᴏʟʏ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘs.
• alright, so let's say you just turned 20!! Yayayayay!!! Great for you!
• you're officially so old now
• I think the boys see you as more mature and it eventually made feelings, romantic feelings, develop.
• it wasn't easy tho
• the most obvious are Jisung and felix
• Jisung and Felix are just so giggly around you all of a sudden and do more things for you they didn't really do before
• now I'm not too sure about Innie simply bc he might be obvious if yk him well enough but if not or you're not too sure but you have your suspicion, then yeah Innie might be a question to you
• but channie as well, he's always been so nice and understanding; incredibly helpful so you question it sometimes 😭
• minho and Seungmin I feel are the least obvious; changbin is just adorably shy around you and more then usual.
• so let's say after a few months of turning old, you realize kind of quickly how different they act, or the sudden little changes in responses, body language and their actions.
• you question but make it believe you're delusional and y'all are really close and comfortable with each other..ofc they gonna act this way sometimes!
• but the way they glance at you when they think you're not looking or too busy to notice; they stare at you with literal tiny stars in their eyes...was it always like that?
• like you wouldve definitely noticed if they did y'all have been together for so long
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You weren't sure what to do...you can't talk about it or speak your mind to any of them, and asking for advice to one of your idols friends would be too obvious, unfortunately.
So, you honestly let it happen, hoping either you were delusional and it meant nothing or it was real and they're trying to hint something to you. But, in all honesty, you didn't want to read this situation wrong; that would be hella embarrassing for you. Instead, you let it continue. Maybe because you knew they all were attractive in their own ways, or because you didn't mind the extra special attention from them suddenly. It was definitely because you didn't want to make things awkward. Of course, why else?
It went so far as more nicknames, more pet names..and they get worse, in a way.
It went from occasional sweetheart, bbg, Hun— to constant sweet cheeks, love, my love, baby, honey bun, pretty girl, sweet girl. the way they say it seems different. More... intimate? Affectionate? It's laced with such genuine love and sincere it's hard not to overthink it.
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"hey, could you get Minho and I some snacks, please?"
"uhh, sure!" , "Thank you, pretty girl😊"
• like that's not normal, Hyunjin!! Stop blowing your cover🙄 (hopeless romantic, basically..)
• after a few months, you were mad, it was driving you crazy and you felt more mentally exhausted then usually
• so you decided to purposely get alone with channie while he was staying late night at his studio and took your shot
• you told him eventually you felt like everyone's been treating you differently, not a bad way but more affectionate? possibly intimate?
• you were at first trying to make conversation to get to the topic but chan knew what was up and asked you straight up what's wrong😭 he's very gentle with asking though!
• blah blah blah then he sweetly explains to you that they all have genuine feelings for you in a romantic way and you're not delusional or anything
• even admits, shyly, that he's pretty sure it's the same way amongst each other too and just didn't know how to go about because he didn't want to assume and it ends up being awkward.
• so y'all knew it was time for a discussion
• next day channie told everyone to meet him and you in probably the 3racha dorm at a certain time blah blah wtvr
• lil awkward, definitely some tension too
• but it definitely and thankfully got talked out finally even if there was some tension, and thick awkward tension for awhile but it but definitely worth it!
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"okay, um..I wanted to talk to you guys about..uh, the things that have been happening, recently,' chan began. "And, it was brought to my attention that y/nnie here seems to be overthinking some things. Would you like to explain, honey?" He gently asked you, looking you now in the eyes with a cute little smile on his lips.
You feel a little anxious now, it's all eyes on you. It's like you're prey and you're not too sure how you're feeling about that right now. It's an overwhelming feeling.
"uhh...I don't know..I guess..I feel like you've been acting different towards me since I turned twenty and..uh, i- umm," you sigh heavily, feeling the anxiety creep up on you as you try and explain yourself as best as possible.
"take your time, sweetheart, you can talk to us, yeah? Don't rush." Changbin filled the silence, you glanced up to see him already looking at you with a soft and endearing gaze. You felt your heart flutter a little bit.
"i know, I do. I'm sorry, I'm- what I'm trying to say is I feel like you guys have been acting differently towards me since I've turned twenty and I don't know if like, it's just my imagination but Chan said it wasn't, and it'd be better to talk about it." You fiddled with your fingers a little bit, the fidgeting easing your anxiety and self conscious feeling; a little. Soothing yourself.
You feel chan put his hand softly on your thigh with a small squeeze, for support.
"well, you're not wrong, Hun," Hyunjin speaks, "I'm sure it seemed obvious that we've been treating you a bit differently, no?" You nodded, glad it's not awkward anymore and there's no judgement.
"it's obvious we've all started to have a liking to you, romantically, after your birthday. You're not delusional.. I've talked about it briefly with the guys and it's true; we're romantically attracted to you, y/nnie." Jisung states, you're shocked it was him who said it first and not one of the hyungs...but the truth was it had been too much for him to sit and wait. He felt like he's been waiting so long, too long.
"oh...okay," you nodded, not too sure what to say bout that. You're happy, a small smile creeping up on your face. Your awkwardness is not doing any favours for you as of right now.
"..is that..okay? Are you uncomfortable? We're sorry if you are. You know that's never our intentions." Chan looked at you. A sense of hope laced in his voice with his eyebrows now furrowed; you weren't uncomfortable, you felt the same and wanted them as much as they wanted you.
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• this too long so long story short, it ended well and quickly got into the groove of things. Everyone was comfortable within the relationship and the dynamics
• you wouldn't want to change anything. They're all so sweet to you and they feel so lucky to have you.
• obviously they kept it secret but noke of you guys are mad about it. It's like your guys lil secret
• the boys love cuddle piles; some more than others but it don't matter tbh. They all getting pulled into it like it genuinely doesn't matter.
• the boys love each other as much as they love you so you're thankful it worked out.
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hyunpic · 22 days ago
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