#Stray Dog Volume 6 Chapter 18
werewolf240moon · 2 months
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Stray Dog Volume 6 Chapter 18
Stray Dog & Annasahi Aleyna belongs to VANRAH/poizongirl @poizongirl
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kuroi-tsuki · 2 years
Bungou Stray Dogs Wan! (Indonesian) Translation
Terjemahan Bungou Stray Dogs Wan! dalam bahasa Indonesia. Sources for the translation credit to: manga1s.com (1-10, 15) @hungnitan (5, 8, 12, 19, 21, 22-82; 97; 105-136; 152-160), @snowyesque (11, 13, 14, 16-18, 20, 22) @yokohama-drip (83-85; 90; 96; 98), @shinjuu-is-never-lonely (86-89; 91; 93-95; 99-104), @aja154ever (92, 115, 151), @tricoloured-cat (140-150)
Juga terima kasih untuk Tsuji di Instagram untuk bantuan cleaning-nya🙏
Catatan Penting:
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Daftar Chapter Bungou Stray Dogs Wan! (Indonesian)
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Volume 1
Chapter 1: Setiap Orang Punya Harinya
Chapter 2: Situasi Gawat Ranpo
Chapter 3: Harimau Putih dan Oden 🎥
Chapter 4: Salah Tangkap 🎥
Chapter 5: Apa yang Ada di dalam Loker? 🎥
Chapter 6: Sinyal Cinta dan Asap/Teknik dan Kekuatan
Chapter 8: Ayo Pergi ke Pemandian! 🎥
Chapter 7: Ayo Pergi Lihat Bunga! 🎥
Chapter 9: Wan! Edisi Spesial: Bungo Cinderella
Chapter 10: Hari Terakhir Sejarah Bumi
Chapter 11: Hari Spesial Q
Chapter 12: Perangi Kemalasan
Chapter 13: Operasi Belanja 🎥
Chapter 14: Hari Spesial Chuya
Chapter 15: Wan! Edisi Spesial: Penitipan Anak Bungo 🎥
Chapter 16: Lemon Panic
Chapter 17: Temuan Kyoka 🎥
Chapter 18:  Liburan Guild
Chapter 19: Ketika Dia Lapar
Chapter 20: Kehidupan di Yokohama ���
Chapter 21: Rencana Atsushi Nakajima 🎥
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Volume 2
Chapter 22: Terus Berlanjut 🎥
Chapter 23:  Bungo Stray Dogs Wan! THE REAL 🎥
Chapter 24: Kegalauan Kakak
Chapter 25: Like and Subscribe! Agensi Detektif Bersenjata 🎥
Chapter 26: Wan! Toko Kue & Drama Medis
Chapter 27:  Mengungkapkan Seratus Emosi 🎥
Chapter 28: Aku Gambar Kau Gambar Aku 🎥
Chapter 29:  Kenyang Musim Gugur
Chapter 30: Tidak ada Cinta Seperti Bos?
Chapter 31: Cerita Pelabuhan Yokohama
Chapter 32: Hari Cerdas Ranpo 🎥
Chapter 33: Wan! Spesial: Dongeng Jepang Bungo
Chapter 34: Montgomery Jatuh Cinta?
Chapter 35: Di Malam Natal
Chapter 36: Wan! Dark Era 🎥
Chapter 37: Mohon Bantuannya Tahun Ini
Chapter 38: Crab Panic
Chapter 39: Tugas Akutagawa 🎥
Chapter 40: Harta Karunku 🎥
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Volume 3
Chapter 41: Pesulap!? Osamu Dazai
Chapter 42: Festival Boneka Kyoka
Chapter 43: Ekor Udang dan lain-lain 🎥
Chapter 44: Mimpi dalam Mimpi
Chapter 45: Bentrok! Kompetisi Olahraga Berbahaya!
Chapter 46: Merayakan Ulang Tahunnya
Chapter 47: Negeri Dongeng
Chapter 48: Kecerobohan Dokter Yosano! Barang yang Terlupakan 🎥
Chapter 49: Pertemuan Strategi Pengganti Nom Nom 🎥
Chapter 50: Musim Hujan dan Katak dan Kenji Miyazawa
Chapter 51: Wan! Edisi Spesial: Penitipan Anak Bungo 2 🎥
Chapter 52: Serangan Gencar! Tetangga Katai Tayama
Chapter 53: Dazai yang Senang Mengganggu 🎥
Chapter 54: Rahasia Q
Chapter 55: Hati, Perasaan, Terima Kasih
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Volume 4
Chapter 56: Merayakan Terbitnya 50 Chapter! Mereka yang Terperangkap!
Chapter 57: Agensi Detektif Bersenjata, Bersantai 🎥
Chapter 58: Guild Beristirahat 1
Chapter 59: Perang Kafe Uzumaki
Chapter 60: Topi dan Identitas
Chapter 61: Pertemuan Rahasia
Chapter 62: Mafia yang Tidak Membunuh 🎥
Chapter 63: Dan Semuanya Meleleh
Chapter 64: Wan! Dark Era 2 🎥
Chapter 65: Anak Laki-Laki dan Anak Anjing 🎥
Chapter 66: Wan! Edisi Spesial: Putri Salju
Chapter 67: Guild Beristirahat 2
Chapter 68: Ayo! Investigasi Penyamaran!
Chapter 69: Yey, Lulus, Selamat
Chapter 70: Aku Suka Kolaborasi Menyenangkan
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Volume 5
Chapter 71: Teater Pertukaran 🎥
Chapter 72: Dia Menghormati Chuya!
Chapter 73: Bagaimana Perkembangannya?
Chapter 74: Selamat Datang di Taman Para Gadis
Chapter 75: Atsushi, Poe, dan Misteri
Chapter 76: Jawaban Benar Kebahagiaan
Chapter 77: Kehausan di Gurun
Chapter 78: Bentuk Duo Dengannya 🎥
Chapter 79: Apa Kau Siap Jika Kau Siap?
Chapter 80: Menu Pesta
Chapter 81: Dazai, Chuya, 14 Tahun 🎥
Chapter 82: Setim Dengannya: Edisi Magic Girl
Chapter 83: Alasan
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Volume 6
Chapter 84: Menggenggam Tangan Tuhan yang Tak Terlihat
Chapter 85: Masakan Manis Atsushi
Chapter 86: Sepuluh Ribu Chuya Pakai Payung
Chapter 87: Para Anjing di Sini
Chapter 88: Musim Panas 2019 Katai
Chapter 89: Wan! Edisi Spesial: Penitipan Anak Bungo 3: Odasaku Man Datang 🎥
Chapter 90: Panggilan Tengah Malam Keramahan
Chapter 91: Semangat, Higuchi! 🎥
Chapter 92: Telapak Tangan yang Berganti
Chapter 93: Senang Sekali! Desa Negeri Dongeng
Chapter 94: Hari Ini Pesta Halloween yang Menyenangkan
Chapter 95: Aku Ingin Memakan Cemilan itu
Chapter 96: Pertemuan Menyentuh Hati dalam Sebuah Kertas
Chapter 97: Berterima Kasih dengan Kartu Ucapan Tahun Baru ~ Dengan Hadiah Tahun Baru 🎥
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Volume 7
Chapter 98: Beli! Beli! Kunikida!
Chapter 99: Kembalinya Dongeng Jepang Bungo
Chapter 100: Wan! Seratus!
Chapter 101: Roh yang Entah Bagaimana Akhirnya
Chapter 102: Elevator Panic 🎥
Chapter 103: Strategi Hebat Serbuk Sari Mikro
Chapter 104: Mengikuti Misteri Tachihara yang Tiba-tiba Menghilang
Chapter 105: Guild Beristirahat 3
Chapter 106: Pertandingan Sepak Bola BSD
Chapter 107: Golden Week
Chapter 108: Pesta Larut Malam
Chapter 109: Aku adalah Robo Dazai
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Volume 8
Chapter 110: Dua Orang Kasar
Chapter 111: Penuhi Dunia dengan Cinta
Chapter 112:  Ayo Pergi! Kita Pergi! Apa Kita Bisa Pergi!?
Chapter 113: Penitipan Anak Bungo~Hantu Bermunculan~
Chapter 114: Raih Kembali! Masa Muda!
Chapter 115: Hilang! Masa Muda!
Chapter 116: Teman Senior, Agak Gugup
Chapter 117: Aku Melakukan Banyak Hal untuk Alasan itu
Chapter 118: Setan Tengah Malam (Tegang)
Chapter 119: Bersemangat! Latihan VR!
Chapter 120: Jangan Pulang Dulu
Chapter 121: Bungo Stray Dogs Wan! Dark Era ~Musim Ini Datang Lagi Tahun Ini~
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Volume 9
Chapter 122: Apa Aku Bisa Kembali Lagi? Waktu Itu... Aku...
Chapter 123: Sekarang, Kumpul Lagi
Chapter 124: Ra.Ha.Sia Sigma
Chapter 125: Saat Itu Sejarah Berubah... Mungkin Aku Tidak Tahu
Chapter 126: Cerita Penangkapan Atsushi si Ceroboh
Chapter 127: Festival Kuil
Chapter 128: Dua Orang yang Tidak Akur
Chapter 129: Relativitas Dazai
Chapter 130: Kamu yang Mencintai Musim Panas
Chapter 131: Hitungan dalam Higuchi
Chapter 132: Pasangan yang Hilang?
Chapter 133: Cinta itu Rumit
Chapter 134: Tragedi Agensi Detektif Bersenjata ~Bagian 1~
Chapter 135: Tragedi Agensi Detektif Bersenjata ~Bagian 2~
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Volume 10
Chapter 136: Memuji Cahaya dan Kegelapan seperti Nabe
Chapter 137: Petualangan dalam Tidur
Chapter 138: Wan! Dark Era ~Saatnya Melihat Wajah Kemanangan Ango~
Chapter 139: Spesial Tahun Baru 2022
Chapter 140: Tok, Tok, Tok
Chapter 141: Wan! Selamat Datang di Edisi Spesial Dongeng Grimm
Chapter 142: Kyo-chan dan Mon-chan
Chapter 143:  Aku Tidak Bodoh, Aku Hanya Patuh
Chapter 144: Genggam! Masa Depan!
Chapter 145: Penitipan Anak Bungo ~Invansi Latihan Mengajar~
Chapter 146: Di Antara Kebebasan dan Kewajiban
Chapter 147: BSD Wan! Pertandingan Sumo Terbaik
Chapter 148: Terkenal! Peradaban RIKI!
Chapter 149: Aah! Tatapan Mencurigakan
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Volume 11
Chapter 150: Karena Senior Adalah Senior, Senior
Chapter 151: Aku di Sini!
Chapter 152: Cemas, Senang, Khawatir
Chapter 153: Dark Era Edisi Spesial ~Keajaiban Maaf~
Chapter 154: Tahun Baru Generasi Baru
Chapter 155: Kisah Pembentukan Hoyahoya
Chapter 156: Kenji si City Boy
Chapter 157: Unit Kimia Terkuat Militer dan Polisi, Laboratorium Hunting Dogs
Chapter 158: Mudah dengan Satu Tombol
Chapter 159: Keterampilan yang Tangkas
Chapter 160: Ini Dia! Kesempatanku! Tolong Akui!
Chapter 161: Kita adalah Orang-orang Pintar
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Volume 12
Chapter 162: Waspada Terhadap Sinar Matahari Pertengahan Musim Panas
Chapter 163: Aya di Negeri Ajaib
Chapter 164: Kekuatan Adalah Segalanya! Bertahan di Malam Hari!
Chapter 165: Penitipan Anak Bungo ~Identitas Asli Bayangan Misterius~
Chapter 166: BSD Wan! Cerita Misterius
Chapter 167: Wan! Dark Era ~Misi Terakhir di Akhir Tahun~
Chapter 168: Tahun Baru untuk Semua Orang
Chapter 169: Selamat Datang di Toserba Port Mafia
Chapter 170: Tidak Bisa Berhenti Menghitung
Chapter 171: Dazai, Chuya, 14 Tahun ~Hobi~
Chapter 172: Temukan! Pasukan Polisi Militer Terkuat
Chapter 173: Kurangi Sampah dan Buat Kota Jadi Lebih Bersih
Chapter 174: Atsushi dan Malaikat dan Iblis
Ongoing Chapters
Chapter 175: Kunikida dan Waktu Lowong
Chapter 176: KATAI SUMMER 2024
Chapter 177: Sesuatu yang Terjadi di Sekitar Atsushi yang Tak Kunjung Bangun
Chapter 178:
🎥: Sudah dianimasikan
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notsogoodangel · 2 years
Bungou Stay Dogs from story to novel (Spoilers for the manga, Gaiden and Beast)
So, I like to collect the Bungou Stray Dog books. I have collected Volumes 1-17, 20, Beast Manga Volume 1 and the Gaiden manga volumen 1, as well as the Dark Era, Beast and 55 Minutes light novels.
On my journey I have noticed something: the separation of the title with the volume art. 
From the very first volume we see that title “Bungou Stray Dogs” is almost completely separated from the rest of the art, with just little thing connecting the two, like Kunikida in volume 1 and the blood splatter on volume 12. Always switching between black title background (in odd numbers) and white title backgrounds (in even numbers ).
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But that change on volume 15: 
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Volume 14 follow the formula, but 15 completely breaks. The title background first should be black, and second of it it’s not separated at all from the characters at all. 
Why is that? Easy, it’s because that’s the first volume that the Book has being used at its full force. 
The volume begins with chapter 59, after the Decay of Angels have used the Book to frame the Agency as terrorist and to make Ranpo look like he stabbed Taneda. And the trend continues onward:
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A little interesting thing about it is that you can see the paper they are being written on. Such as volume 17, where you can see the paper besides Tachihara.
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Although the most noticeable one is volume 18 since Sigma is the center focus and he was CREATE because of the book. (Sorry, I don’t have a photo of it, I don’t have this volume)
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But also that paper grid is nowhere to be seen on volume 20 because Atsushi and Akutagawa are FIGHTING against what the Book says, and trying to stop it.
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So, I wanted to see if this applies to the extra material and it’s interesting. 
First, there’s the light novels themselves (ignore the stickers on 55 Minutes, I did an analysis about it, and I’m not taking them off). They follow the early manga volume format of the characters and the title being separated from one another. Although in Dark Era Dazai fades into it, which we have never seen before, I don’t know why, I just think that Harukawa underestimated the space they had. 
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The interesting stuff comes in with the Beast adaptations and Gaiden. 
First of all, Beast has 3 (or 6 if you count all manga) covers: the original limited run from when the Dead Apple movie release, the full story that is available for the public and the manga. For Beast, I’m only counting the general public release and the manga. I’m choosing to ignore that original run because it’s a pair cover with Fifteen which has nothing to do with each other story wise. 
So the Beast covers are by far the most interesting covers because they are literally influenced and written by the Book, and so the manga cover has the Bungou Stray Dogs title right in the middle of the characters. They are not separated at all, the are completely intertwined with each other and you can’t separated it easily. The light novel on the other hand is not horizontal like all other cover, but vertical. Even in the english release the title stays vertical, showing us that, one, this universe is not the one we know, it’s similar but not the same, and two, that this is a Japanese novel written by a Japanese man (Dazai). 
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Finally there’s Gaiden, the forgotten child of the series. Gaiden is very interesting because it essentially combines both formats. It separates part of the title but not all of it. This is even true on the original novel, showing that while it’s real on the world, it’s a written work. Which is the full truth since Gaiden, in universe, it’s a report written by Ango and Tsujimura for the Special Division. 
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TLDR: Harukawa and Asagiri stopped separating the title from the characters because the characters started to use the Book making Bungou Stray Dogs a novel within its own universe
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mangaiwanttoread · 8 years
YOSHIWARA HANA OBORO AHO GIRL read: 12 chps FETISH BERRY read: 9 chps Like Doodling read: 2 chps King of Hell 5 Page 19 B Gata H Kei SENGOKU STRAYS read: 33 chps Usotsuki Boyfriend read: 1chp MY BARBARIC GIRLFRIEND read:vol 2 chp:7 Nozoki Ana read: 52 chps JIUJIU read:11 chps VAGABOND read:370 chps BEELZEBUB read:234 chps Oedo wa Nemuranai! read:22 chps PERFECT GIRL EVOLUTION read: 127 chps Nurarihyon no Mago 157 Page 21 B Gata H Kei 218 v07 Page 2 Love So Life 66 Page 1 KAMISAMA HAJIMEMASHITA read:107 chps HAIKYU!! read: 107chps Nekoka Danshi no Shitsukekata read: 9 chps 24 Jikan Eigyouchuu 6 Page 7 Suki Dakedo! 2 v01 Page 22 Cosplay Deka 5 CHERRY BOY, THAT GIRL read:5 Ookiku Furikabutte 23.3 Page 23 OUJI TO HERO read: 12 chps http://www.mangahere.com/manga/akuma_to_love_song/v08/c058/6.html ULTIMATE VENUS read: 33 chps ITSUWARIBITO UTSUHO read: 114 chps YAMADA-KUN TO 7-NIN NO MAJO read: 97 chps YANKEE-KUN TO MEGANE-CHAN read: 206 chps Kunoichi Joshikousei Otonashi-san 11 CHARI NI NORENAI! read: 12 chps POCHAMANI read:11 chps BUYUDEN read:132 chps CHOCOLAT (KUBONOUCHI EISAKU) read: 67 chps HONTO YAJUU read: 15 chps KUROKO NO BASKET read:251 chps NORAGAMI read: 17 chps HANA NI NARE read: 65 chps LOVE AND BASEBALL read 1 chp PURE LOVE LABYRINTH read: 29 chps GIRL THE WILD’S read: 127 chps Stay Gold - Koi no Lesson A to Z 2 Page 32 ORE MONOGATARI!! read: 7 chps WITCH CRAFT WORKS read: 29 chps AO HARU RIDE read: 37 chps MEI-CHAN NO SHITSUGI 7 SENCHI! read: 8 chps GODLY BELLS read:62 chps NEKO TO WATASHI NO KINYOUBI read: 4 chps HER read: 3 chps BUTTER!!! read:12 chps BARAOU NO SOURETSU read: 3 chps OTOMEN read:68 chps KAMI-SAMA X ORE-SAMA X DANNA-SAMA!? read: 1 chps BARAKAMON read: 24 chps TOKYO INNOCENT read: 37 chps FUSHIGI NA SHOUNEN last read: chp 20 STEALTH SYMPHONY read:4 chps Sankarea 22 Page 7 Minamoto-kun Monogatari 27 Page 1 KAMISAMA NO IUTOORI NI read:58 chps Hikaru no Go 159 Page 3 Menkui! 1.2 Page 11 Aitsu no Daihonmei 19 Page 34 Chuchun ga Chun 8 Page 34 KOUNAGO SENSEI read: chp 1 & chp 3 Sweet Tale 4 Sweet Tale 1 Touch Me Again 6 Touch Me Again 1 HONEY SWEET KITCHEN read: 6 chps HIMANANODE HAJIMETE MIMASHITA. red: 2chps SCHOOL IN THE WILD read: 9 chps Konya mo Nemurenai 7 Page 14 http://www.mangago.com/read-manga/koi_wa_itsumo_arashi_no_youni/ chp-4 Kare wa Diablo! read: 6 chps http://www.mangago.com/read-manga/bloody_kiss_furumiya_kazuko/tr/108185/page/94/ Koyubi wa amaku sasayaku 1 Page 23 http://www.mangahere.com/manga/pig_bride/v04/c015/5.html http://www.mangahere.com/manga/hirunaka_no_ryuusei/v01/c021.5/10.html Until Death Do Us Part 9 Page 19 Akumetsu 73 Page 12 Masamune-kun no Revenge 15 HEART NO KAKUREGA read: 13 chps TOKYO ESP read: 32 chps UQ HOLDER!: 29 chps LINK - BOKU TO KIMI NO AIDA read: 2 chps http://g.e-hentai.org/s/b837ca45cb/656468-40 MONOCHROME MYST read: 8 chps COUSIN read: 23 chps Life, Love (Yaoi) read: 4 chps AKATSUKI NO YONA read: 43 chps Soredemo Sekai ha Utsukushii read :15 chps Acid Town read: 26 chps re-reading : 18 chps SHOKUGEKI NO SOMA read: 113 chps SARASAH read: 28 chps TOUKYOU KUSHU read: 66 chps +C: SWORD AND CORNETT read: 39 chps Absolute Witch 18.6 Page 13 LION MARU G read: 3 chps EOHWADUNGDUNGNAE BOREUMI read: 7 chps Hayate the Combat Butler 80 Page 5 Himitsu Ga Hanazono read: 1 chp http://www.mangahere.com/manga/yurara_no_tsuki/v05/c018/32.html http://www.mangago.com/read-manga/angel_devil/an/angel-devil-chapter-3.html/12/ Kono S o, Mi yo! read: 86 chps AKAGAMI NO SHIRAYUKIHIME read: 52 chps Ryoute Ni Darling read: 2 chps http://www.mangago.com/read-manga/saint_dragon_girl/an/saint-dragon-girl-chapter-2.html/43/ Room Share (isino Aya) read: 10 chps Soredemo Sekai ha Utsukushii read: 17 chps Kami-sama No Iutoori (moegi Yuu) read: 3 chps Koi dano Ai dano read: 28 chps KOIBANA! KOISEYO HANABI read: 30 chps SAKAMOTO DESU GA? read: 11 chps MOMOCHI-SAN CHI NO AYAKASHI OUJI read: 5 chps DENNOU ALICE TO INABA-KUN read: 9 chps KAMISAMA NO INAI NICHIYOUBI read: 22 chps HONEY BITTER read: 27 chps http://www.mangago.com/read-manga/cantarella/mf/v03/c000/19/ LUCKY DOG 1 BLAST read: 16 chps Kimi No Sei - Kizuato read: 5 chps CLEAR UP AFTER RAIN read: 20 chps http://www.mangago.com/read-manga/heart_o_uchinomese/mf/v01/c002/3/ SILVER SPOON read: 102 chps KAIZOKU TO NINGYO read: 15 chps KEMONO NO SOUJA read: 3.2 chps BOKU GIRL read: 16 chps KIKOU SHOUJO WA KIZUTSUKANAI read: 40 chps OOKAMI NI KUCHIZUKE read: 4 chps Caste Heaven read: 1 chp Keishichou Tokuhanka 007 read: 22 chps Hima na no de Hajimete Mimasu read: 4 chps Kainushi wa Akuma read: 7.2 chps OKOBORE HIME TO ENTAKU NO KISHI read: 7 chps SACHIUSU read: 5 chps A-BOUT! read: 20 chps wild ones read: 48 chps http://www.mangago.com/read-manga/gokuraku_cafe/mf/v01/c002/22/ TORIKAGO NO TSUGAI read: 12 chps HANA WA SAKURA YORI MO HANA NO GOTOKU read: 6 chps TENKUU SHINPAN read: 190 chps JORMUNGAND read: 50 chps AVANT-GARDE YUMEKO read: 5 chps AJIN read: 65 chps RAN TO HAIIRO NO SEKAI read: 39 chps SECOND BRAIN read: 3 chps BREAK BLADE read: 71 chps RATMAN read: 56 chps SIDOOH read:128 chps TORIBAKO HOUSE read: 4 chps BALANCING TOY read: 9 chps NIGERU OTOKO read: 5 chps YABAI ME DE MINNA YO!! read: 2 chps Teiden Shoujo To Hanemushi No Orchestra read: 12 chps THE QUEEN’S KNIGHT read: 15 volumes chps 4 Gakkou no Ojikan 34 Page 1 http://www.mangahere.co/manga/zetman/v15/c174/7.html http://www.mangahere.co/manga/haigakura/v01/c004/32.html AKAYA AKASHIYA AYAKASHI NO read: 11 chps BEAR BEAR read: 5 chps LAST NOTES read: 9 chps Denpa Kyoushi read: 116 chps TOKYO RAVENS read: 23 chps Rainbow 38 Page 18 Trinity Seven 10 Page 13 YUKI WA JIGOKU NI OCHIRU NO KA read: 1 chp GREEN WORLDZ read: 22 chps HAKKENDEN read: 16 chps BTOOOM! read: 69 chps http://www.mangahere.co/manga/world_embryo/c035/9.html APHORISM read: 57 chps KAMIKAMI KAESHI read: 11 chps Hot Triangle read: 1&3 chps Ten Count read: 10 chps YUME NO SHIZUKU, OUGON NO TORIKAGO read: 13 chps AGAIN!! read: 85 chps 1-NEN 5-KUMI IKIMONO GAKARI read: 8 chps WATASHI GA MOTETE DOUSUNDA read: 46 chps SHIXIONG read: 2 chps KIGURUMI BOUEITAI read: 5 chps ATEYA NO TSUBAKI read: 9 chps Gokukoku No Brynhildr read: 107 chps http://www.mangahere.co/manga/gapz_garden/v03/c006/5.html http://www.mangago.com/read-manga/sainokami/mr/sainokami/1/21/ NOBARA NO HANAYOME read: 7 chps ITAZURA NA KISS read: 44 chps FUKIGEN CINDERELLA read: 15 chps KINKYORI RENAI read: 17 chps HANA YAMATA read: 4 chps HANA TO USO TO MAKOTO read: 4 chps SCARLET PALACE read: 21 chps GEKKAN SHOUJO NOZAKI-KUN read: 52 chps TERA GIRL read: 1.2 chps INARI, KONKON, KOI IROHA read: 41 chps Umi Ni Nemuru Hana read: 10 chps http://www.mangago.com/read-manga/hua_hua_you_long/tr/141933/page/37/ SUMIKA SUMIRE read: 10 chps Gakuen Ouji read: 27 chps 3 AM Dangerous Zone read: 12 chps Hana To Usagi read: 3 chps http://www.mangago.com/read-manga/clover_chiya_toriko/mf/v01/c003/23/ Choco Strawberry Vanilla read: 4 chps SAESANG BRING IT ON! read: 16 vol chp 1 LITTLE FOREST read: 16 chps ARACHNID read: 34 chps http://www.mangago.com/read-manga/hataraki_man/mh/c006/5/ OOKAMI-HEIKA NO HANAYOME read: 28 chps OUJI TO MAJOU TO HIMEGIMI TO read:13 chps MOMOGUMI PLUS SENKI read: 22 chps ZERO IN read: 67 chps EBICHU MINDS THE HOUSE read: 4 chps GANG KING read: 40 chps Life, Love read: 7 chps Black Sun Doreiou 5 Page 3 FLOW read: 56 chps GUNJOU SENKI read: 1.2 chps Buster Keel! 5 Page 43 Hana ni Arashi 4 Page 7 Hibi Chouchou 16 Page 3 AKAME GA KIRU! read: 51 chps FAIRY TAIL ZERO read: 2 chps Bloody Monday 43 Page 5 Over Drive 8 Page 12 YOWAMUSHI PEDAL read: 166 Aozora Yell 9 Page 13 HOST MAN read: 16 chps Baby Steps 23 Page 14 BILLION DOGS read: 28 chps NAN EOMMA NUN APPA read: 34 Shinobi Yoru Koi Wa Kusemono 7 Page 6 Oboreru Hitomi 1 Page 28 50 RULES FOR TEENAGERS read: 26 chps GUN X CLOVER read: 26 chps ALL FOR YOU! read: 1 chps A Girl by the Sea read: 14 chps ORENCHI NO FURO JIJOU read: 15 chps http://www.mangahere.co/manga/shounan_junai_gumi/c038/8.html YAMIKIN USHIJIMA-KUN read: 26 chps HITSUGIME NO CHAIKA read: 25 chps CHEONSAENG YEONBUN read: 46 chps THE GAMER read: 60 chps THE BREAKER: NEW WAVES read: 177 chps BIRTHDAY (TANABE YELLOW) read: 1 chps REAL ACCOUNT read: 10 chps ANA SATSUJIN read: 68 chps SHISHUNKI NO IRON MAIDEN read: 36 chps P to JK read: 16 chps FUUKA read: 37 chps DATE A LIVE read: 6 chps SEISHUN OTOME BANCHOU! read: 1 chps MAHOU SHOUJO OF THE END read: 16 chps JITSU WA WATASHI WA read: 50 chps Terra Formars 54 Page 5 Hana Kimi 18 Page 8 TOKYO GHOUL:RE read: 4 chps AKA AKATORETACHI NO MONOGATARI read: 28 chps RAIN read: 48 chps SM HUNTER read: 31 chps HORIMIYA read: 43 chps FULL AHEAD! COCO read: 61 chps SHIGATSU WA KIMI NO USO read: 23 chps Prince of Tennis 29 Page 7 WITCH SHOP read: 10 chps Hidoku Shinaide read: 21 chps http://www.mangago.com/read-manga/w_juliet/mh/v02/c006/6/ *TOTSUGAMI read: 34 chps Demon Sacred 1 Page 43 Myuzu no Gakuen de Aou read: Vol 2 chps 5 http://www.mangago.com/read-manga/takumi_kun_series/mf/v03/c001/ http://www.mangago.com/read-manga/not_equal/mh/c007/24/ BABA-YAGA read: 4 chps LEGAL FRIENDS read: 13 chps KYOU O ARUKU read:4 chps FLYING WITCH (ISHIZUKA CHIHIRO) read: 15 chps KAERU NO OSSA read: 24 chps BOKU NO HERO ACADEMIA read: 156 chps RENAI BOUKUN read: 16 chps HAJIME-CHAN GA ICHIBAN! read: 2 chps NAMAIKIZAKARI. read: 12 chps MARGINAL read: 18 chps GIRL MAY KILL read: 19 chps Metsuko ni Yoroshiku read: 5 chps http://www.mangago.com/read-manga/afuresou_na_pool/mf/v03/c016/12/ SHOUKOKU NO ALTAIR read: 53 chps Shiny Star (Nanami) (Yaoi) read: 3 chps http://www.mangahere.co/manga/yongbyeong_maluhan/c006/17.html http://www.mangahere.co/manga/ah_my_goddess/c004/9.html DOMESTIC NA KANOJO read: 3 chps The Penisman read: 26 chps Ubel Blatt read: 128 chps World Trigger read: 85 chps FUKUMENKEI NOISE read: 23 chps Fudanshi-kun No Honey Days read: 5 chps ANI GA IMOUTO DE IMOUTO GA ANI DE read: 16 chps OKITENEMURU read: 18 chps SHISHUNKI BITTER CHANGE read: 21 chps MAGI read: 251 chps MAGI - SINBAD NO BOUKEN read: 46 chps Strike the Blood 8 Page 2 CHANG GE XING read: 40.1 chps HAIKEI DATE MASAMUNE-SAMA read: 7.01 chps APOCALYPSE NO TORIDE read: 38 chps MAOUSAMA CHOTTO SORE TOTTE!! read: 7 chps BLUECHAIR read: 58 chps OUTER ZONE read: 7 chps BOKURA NO KISEKI read: 35 chps REAL CLOTHES read: 67 chps *****  OCHA NIGOSU read: 104 chps http://www.mangahere.co/manga/number/v03/c015/12.html SOUL CATCHER(S) read: 22 chps VERDANT LORD read: 26 chps Mauri to Ryuu read: 3 chps http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/bokutachi_wa_asu_ni_mukatte_ikiru_no_da/mf/v01/c006/22/ http://www.mangahere.co/manga/zettai_karen_children/v17/c267/7.html INU YASHIKI read: 25 chps Ryoujoku Kyoushitsu read: 4.2 Déjà -vu (monchi Kaori) read: 2 chps Jikan Akima Jinbutsu read: 3 chps HARU X KIYO read: 7 chps Tsume to Toge read: 2 chps Notpia read: chp 1 chp 6 chp 8 Amai Hari read: 1 chps Maria Boy (Yaoi) read: 1.3 chps Priapus (Yaoi) read: 3 chps http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/let_dai/th2/series/let-dai.html/Volume+15/77/ FUDATSUKI NO KYOKO-CHAN read: 6 chps BOKU NO CHOPIN - dropped MONEY FIGHT read: 34 chps HARELUYA II BOY read: 105 chps - dropped Caterpillar read: 11 chps God Among Men read: 28 chps Fat Cinderella!! read: 7 chps Azumi read: 90 chps Huanxiang Zhi Zhou read: 11 chps 19 Days read: 91 ? chps Mosspaca Advertising Department read: 13 chps SEKAIONI read: 53chps KONO BIJUTSUBU NI WA MONDAI GA ARU! read: 28 chps http://mangafox.me/manga/yu_yu_hakusho/v05/c002/7.html http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/princess/mf/v07/c002/14/ http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/octave/an/octave-chapter-8.html/39/ FUSHI NO RYOUKEN read: 17 chps OTONARI-SAN GAME read: 11 chps MAGIKA NO KENSHI TO SHOUKAN MAOU read: 14 chps http://www.mangahere.co/manga/my_love_tiger/c022/15.html Suna No Shita No Suimyaku (Yaoi) read: only chp 3 Sora o Daite Oyasumi (Yaoi) read: 9 chps *****STOP!! HIBARI-KUN! read: 39 chps ***********Hana wa Saku ka (Yaoi) read: 31 chps W X Y read: 18 chps MONSTER X MONSTER read: 9 chps VENOMANIA KOU NO KYOUKI read: 3 chps Kyou No Kira-kun read: 21 chps SHICHIFUKU MAFIA read: 8 chps ISSHUUKAN FRIENDS read: 29 chps YOUKAI SHOUJO - MONSUGA read: 28 chps GATE - JIETAI KARE NO CHI NITE, KAKU TATAKERI read: 45 chps http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/bring_it_on/mh/v05/c002/21/ http://www.mangahere.co/manga/dark_air/v01/c004/12.html BOKURA WA ITSUMO read: 44 chps Haru Matsu Bokura read: 8 chps …seishunchuu! read: 5 chps Moon Trick read: 12 chps ***********BLACK CLOVER read: 129 chps http://www.mangahere.co/manga/makai_ouji_devils_and_realist/v02/c012/22.html on hold MC is so awful HAMATORA read: 13 chps Uchuu Kyoudai read: 249 chps SPRITE read: 49 chps KIMI NI YOSERU BLUE read: 1 chps ½ PRINCE read: 72 chps **********Alice in Hell read: 17 chps http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/tropical_citron/an/tropical-citron-chapter-10.html/2/ http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/freesia/mf/v02/c012/7/ NISEKOI DOUMEI. read: 20 chps Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring Month  read: 1 chps RIN (HAROLD SAKUISHI) read: 29 chps GUNJOU SENKI read: 10 chps LING BAO ZHI read:7 chps SUGARLESS (HOSOKAWA MASAMI) read: 30 chps HE IS A HIGH-SCHOOL GIRL read: 11 chps MAHOU SHOUJO ORE read: 2 chps KONO SHIMA NI WA MIDARA DE JAAKU NA MONO GA SUMU read: 11 chps http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/threads_of_time/mf/v09/c040/9/ http://www.mangahere.co/manga/the_god_of_high_school/c030/14.html http://www.mangahere.co/manga/bibi/v02/c010/20.html KOI TO KEMONO TO SEITOKAI read: 3 chps KEIJO!!!!!!!! read: 32 chps REALLY?! read: 31 chps **********KYOKOU SUIRI read: 1 chps http://www.mangahere.co/manga/hanza_sky/c023/5.html http://www.mangahere.co/manga/alice_19th/v02/c010/ POCHI KURO read: 3 chps DRAGONS RIOTING read: 22 chps HITORIBOCCHI NO OO SEIKATSU read: 8 chps ********** MURCIELAGO read: 55 chps DOLLY KILL KILL read: 40 chps TATE NO YUUSHA NO NARIAGARI read: 14 chps ******************** BOKU DAKE GA INAI MACHI read: 30 chps LOVE / DEATH read: 5 chps dropped KEKKON YUBIWA MONOGATARI read: 11 chps Mizutama Honey Boy read: 4 chps Miunohri To Swan read: 23 chps IMAWA NO KUNI NO ALICE read: 27 chps TRASH. read: 19 chps KOI TO USO read: 41 chps DUNGEON NI DEAI O MOTOMERU NO WA MACHIGATTE IRU DAROU KA read: 36 chps Gate 7 read: 22 chps Gamma read: 9 chps RAKUDAI KISHI NO EIYUUTAN read: 15 chps MOUSUGU SHINU HITO (HARUSE HIROKI) read: 14 chps KAGAMIGAMI read: 3 chps ***************TENSEI SHITARA SLIME DATTA KEN read: 30 chps SEKITSUI HOUSE read: 3 chps http://www.mangahere.co/manga/psyren/v04/c028/17.html ORE GA OJOU-SAMA GAKKOU NI “SHOMIN SAMPLE” TOSHITE RACHIRARETA KEN read: 40 chps HAI TO GENSOU NO GRIMGAL read: 1 chps KAZUKI MAKES LOVE HAPPEN?! AT ALL-BOYS HIGH SCHOOL read: 44 chps ************* FUJIMI LOVERS read: 7 chps DENKIGAI NO HONYA-SAN read: 54 chps THE RED BOOK read: 10 chps DOROTHY WA GOKIGEN NANAME? read: 2 chps http://www.mangahere.co/manga/koi_no_hanashi_ga_shitai/v01/c004/7.html http://www.mangahere.co/manga/toremorotora/c001/24.html http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/kyou_kara_maoh/mf/v04/c023/29/ http://www.mangahere.co/manga/shamo/v05/c047/5.html WATASHITACHI NI WA KABE GA ARU. read:6 chps TAKANE TO HANA read: 1 chps KOISURU HARINEZUMI read: 10 chps CENTAUR NO NAYAMI read: 62 chps "AOI" - HIKARU GA CHIKYUU NI ITAKORO...... read: 8 chps ORE NO SUKI NA KO GA BURAKON SUGIRU!! reaad: 1 chps completed????? RENGOKU NO KARUTAGURA read: 7 chps Kagerou Days 26 Page 7 ************Stretch 2 Page 6 http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/bukiyou_na_silent/an/bukiyou-na-silent-chapter-4.html/24/ SHIROJISHI NO KODOMO-TACHI read: 1 chps WORLD CUSTOMIZE CREATOR reaaad: 19 chps Kyousei Harem Keiyaku 30 Page 2 TOMO-CHAN WA ONNANOKO! read: 81 chps TSUJIURA-SAN TO CHUPACABRA read: 9 chps SUKI NATSUKI KOI read: 1 chps http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/border/mf/v01/c002/35/ http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/owari_no_seraph/bt/c019/pg-25/ ********** KOBAYASHI GA KAWAI SUGITE TSURAI!! read: 10 chps BOKURA WA MINNA KAWAISOU read: 62 chps GANGSTA read: 51 chps SENSEN SPIKE HILLS read: 41 chps *********** YORU TO ASA NO UTA read: 3 chps SAIYAKU WA BOKU O SUKI SUGIRU read: 16 chps KEDAMONO KARESHI read: 13 chps ************** TSUBAKI-CHOU LONELY PLANET read: 4 chps ******** TAIL STAR read: 20 chps BUTTERFLY read: 38 chps ONEDARI GIRL read: 3 chs, ON HOLD TSUBASA TO HOTARU read: 15 chps ********** HARE KON. read: 28 chps *********** KYOU KARA HITMAN read: 25 chps KOUDAIKE NO HITOBITO read: chp 0 SEIGI NO MIKATA read: 12 chps mangaiwanttoread Himitsu Ga Hanazono read: 1 chps http://www.mangahere.co/manga/joshi_kausei/c026/7.html Ousama ni Kiss! (Yaoi) read: 21 chps ****************** NICOICHI read: 30 chps TONGARI AIKOUKA : 1 chp NIJIIRO DAYS (MIZUNO MINAMI) read: 20 chps http://www.mangahere.co/manga/koukou_kyuuji_zawa_san/c008/2.html http://www.mangahere.co/manga/majo_no_shinzou/c001/3.html SHIMONETA TO IU GAINEN GA SONZAI SHINAI TAIKUTSU NA SEKAI - MANMARUBAN reaad: 6 chps ******************MONONOKE SOUSHI read: 26 chps ***************FENGLIN TIANXIA - WANGFEI SHISANSUI read: 21 chps YUUSHA GOJO KUMIAI KOURYUUGATA KEIJIBAN read: 20 chps KENGAI PRINCESS read: 6 chps **********BALLROOM E YOUKOSO read: 19 chps BAMBI TO DHOLE read: 1 chps ***********Sousei No Onmyouji read: 14 chps ************ IB - INSTANT BULLET read: 17 chps ************* Kamisama Gakuen @ Armeria read: 6 chps ************* Fukushuu Kyoushitsu read: 13 chps http://www.mangahere.co/manga/fujiyama_san_wa_shishunki/c005/ Tetsugaku Letra read: 22 chps ARUITOU read: 16 chps DUTCHOVEN GIRL OF LOVE read 1 ****************** Dorohedoro read: vol 20 chps 137 http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/kurozuka/mr/kurozuka/9/8/ Blue Wars read: 3 chps **************Ssg - Meimon Danshikou Keppuuroku read: 7 chps ************GOU - HIMETACHI NO SENGOKU read: 10 chps ******** Akaiito (MIYASAKA Kaho) read: 26 chps ***************** Historie read: 91 chps Youkai Apato no Yuuga na Nichijou read: 22 chps Sabaku No Harem read: 9 chps ************ Smokin’ Parade read: 17.1 chps Qishi Huanxiang Ye Manhua read: 40 chps *********** Kenka Shoubai read: 18 chps Okama Report read: 22 chps Voyeurs, Inc. read: 30 chps ******** KASANE read: 15 chps AKUMA MO FUMU O OSORERU TOKORO read: 8 chps ATSUMARE! GAKUEN TENGOKU read: 13 chps USO KANO read: 7 chps Osu Karatebu 18 Page 11 http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/akira/mr/akira/6/24/ ******* RE:MONSTER read: 18 chps EIYUU KYOUSHITSU read: 7 chps *** OVERLORD read: 9 chps http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/karamete_de_kudoite/tr/v01/c005/pg-6/ http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/eternal_sabbath/an/eternal-sabbath-chapter-54.html/6/ ****** SASEYO EROIKA read: 4 chps SENGOKU DANSHI HANA NO RAN read: 21 chps ***Blush-DC. read: 28 chps ****** RIKUDOU read: 39 chps ******* TENOHIRA SIZE read: 7 chps ******* BOY SKIRT read: 3 chps SHIROKURO-KUN TO ANZU-CHAN. read: 2 chps http://www.mangahere.co/manga/naki_no_ryuu/c007/20.html DROPPED http://www.mangahere.co/manga/ai_no_binzoko/c004/28.html http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/legend_of_nereid/mf/v14/c000/136/ http://www.mangahere.co/manga/hinomaru_zumou/c025/12.html Kengan Asura read 69 chps TOUKYOU LASTOCHIKA read: 7 chps ISEKAI DE “KURO NO IYASHI TE” TTE YOBARETE IMASU read: 1 chps ENEN NO SHOUBOUTAI read: 99 chps ************* Shut Hell read: 58 chps http://www.mangahere.co/manga/dragon_zakura/v04/c032/7.html ******** Yondemasu yo, Azazel-san read: 22 chps ICHIREI SHITE, KISS read: 6 chps *********SAIKI KUSUO NO PSI NAN read: 30 chps http://www.mangahere.co/manga/yoru_no_uta/c002/12.html ********** NANI MO NAI KEDO SORA WA AOI read: 2 chps ************ SASEN NO WARUKUNAI read:5 chps *********** MAJO TO NEKO NO HANASHI read: 1 chps KYOU KARA HITMAN read: 30 chps TOUMEI NINGEN KYOUTEI read: 2 chps KARAKUCHI SHOKUDOU read: 2 chps http://www.mangahere.co/manga/futari_ecchi/v05/c043/ real read: 84 chps *******Ikujinashi No Spectator read: 1 chps Hinekure Chaser read: 4 chps ***Ikujinashi No Spectator read: 2 chps ****** SORE O KOIGOKORO TO YOBU NO NARA read: 3 chps Mauri to Ryuu (Yaoi) read; 4 chps Razoku no Hanayome (Yaoi) read; 3 chps ****** Mahoroba Days (Yaoi) read; 1 chps **** Boku Wa Mari No Naka read: 66 chps Yarichin ☆ Bitch Club (Yaoi) read: 7 chps ????Odu-kun No Vita Sexualis (Yaoi) read:7 chps ******** Mob Psycho 100 read: 91.1 chps Hooky 7 Page 54 Household Affairs read: 23 chps Amanchu 7 Page 17 *****Phantom School read: 21 chps Choujin Gakuen read: 13 chps DROPPED so cringey **** Momoiro Meloik read: 10 chps **** Jibun Katte. (Yaoi) read: 1 chps ***** Ibara no Kanmuri read: 4 chps *** Boku wa Ohime-sama ni Narenai read: 19 chps http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/okusama_ga_seito_kaichou/bt/216935/Vol2_Ch6/4/ DROPPED Kuro Hakushaku Wa Hoshi O Mederu read: 10 chps ****** SUMARIN KANOJO-TACHI red: 49 chps http://www.mangahere.co/manga/aiki/v01/c003/ DROPPED **** Hanakoi Tsurane (Yaoi) read: 3 chps ******* Iro Otoko (Yaoi) read: 21 chps ******* Fukouchuu no Shiawase (Yaoi) read: 3 chps ******* Super Lovers (Yaoi) read: 23 chps Tsuburara read: 1 chps **** Souteigai Love Serendipity (Yaoi) read: 2 chps Namida Hanamizu Gusyogusyo Danshi (Yaoi) read: 3 chps ****** Tabun Sore ga Love Nanjanakarou ka reaad: 2 chps http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/mpd_psycho/an/mpd-psycho-chapter-54.html/16/ Loved Circus read: 2 chps Skin read: 1 chps Lucifer no Migite read: 7 chps **** E? Heibon Desu Yo?? read: 15 chps Junketsu No Maria read 12 chps Raising a Bat read: 27 chps ****** Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge read: 32 chps ******* Dimension W read:29 chps Hatarakimasen! reaad 4 chps Sakasa Moji nara Suki da to Ieru read 1 chps ten count read 29 chps Under One Roof read: 11 chps I Girl read: 2 chps KUROSAKI-KUN NO IINARI NI NANTE NARANAI reaaad: 16 chps ******* Golden Kamui read: 147 chps Crying Freeman read: 76 chps ?????Tsunagaru Koi read 1 chp ******** SHIMANAMI TASOGARE read: 5 chps At Each Other’s Throats read: 47 chps HAMMER SESSION! read: 36 chps Hamerare Host read: 1 chps Escape Journey read: 7 chps Koi ga Odoru New Town reaad: 2 chps Yatamomo read: vol 2 chp 1 Nejimaki Kagyu read: Vol.2 Ch.15 Fukigen Na Mononokean read: 49 chps ***** Takeo-chan Bukkairoku read: 14 chps Senpai, Sore Hitokuchi Kudasai! read: 21 chps Judgement Primary School read: 8.2 chps Daisaiyuuki Bokuhi Seiden - The Story of a Very Handsome Man read: 2 chps Teen Mom read: 3 chps Nejimaki Seirei Senki - Tenkyou no Alderamin read: 17 chps Taishau Wotome Otogibanashi read: 4 chps ****** B.s.s.m. - Blood Sugar Sex Magic read: 3 chps ****** ReRe Hello read: 17 chps ***** Samon-kun wa Summoner read: 9 chps DROPPED Bakuon!! sp x baby read: 7 chps 10,20 and 30 read: vol 2 chps 12 ***** Zetsubou Baby read: chps 1 Hakumei to Mikochi>Vol.2 Ch.11 http://www.mangago.me/read-manga/coffee_vanilla/mf/60e71564154fef5b/Vol1_Ch2/pg-21/ ********** Romantic Joutou read: 2 chps sanctuary read v01/c003/2/ *******Stay gold hideyoshico read: 7 chps Shuuden Elegy read: 4 chps Otokonoko No Koto Wa Nani Mo Shiranai (Yaoi) read: 2 chps ******** ADEKAN read: 30.2 chps The Private Report on My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness (KABI, Nagata) read: 1 chps **** TSUBAKI-CHOU LONELY PLANET read: 19 chps HIME NO DAMESHI read: 3 chps ******* JIGOKU NO ENRA read: 10 chps ***** KOIIJI read: 8 chps ***** IT’S MY LIFE read: 5 chps ****** TOMODACHI O TSUKUROU read: 66 chps Perfect XXX read: 7 chps *** THE NEW GATE read: 20 chps ****** GRANBLUE FANTASY read: 6 chps propose no okite read: 4 chps *******samurai ragazzi sengoku shounen seihou kenbunroku read: 12 chps *******inugamihime ni kuchizuke read: 14 chps ***** Shinjuku Swan read: 123 chps ******* Mr.gossip read: 1 chps ****** Bastard (hwang Youngchan) read: 67 chps Niehime to Kemono no Ou read: 12 chps Deathtopia read: 59 chps Speed Grapher read: 4 chps Seirei No Moribito>Vol.2 Ch.10 page 32 Renai Joshika read: 6 chps Mi Diaburo read: 1 chps Koneko-Chan, Kocchi ni Oide read: 1.2 chps *****Gugure! Kokkuri-san* read: 80 skips to 102 chps Choujin Sensen read: 27 chps ****** ITSUYA-SAN read: 6chps Devil’s Bride (kim Sae Young)>Vol.1 Ch.4 Pin to Kona 5 Page 36 Canis>Vol.1 Ch.5 ******* Sweet Heart Trigger read: 4.5 chps Chinrou Cantarella read: 2 chps Nabari no Ou 9 Page 31 Sayonara Koibito, Mata Kite Tomodachi read: 2 chps ********Never Understand read: 24 chps ******** Crackster read: 4 chps Kijima-kun read: 5 chps ******** Shinigami to Gin no Kishi read: 5 chps Akatsuki read: 7 chps Asa to Mitya reead: 6 chps KINDRED read: 10 chps COLETTE WA SHINU KOTO NI SHITA read: 14 chps Kataomoi To Parade read: 5.5 chps ********* Kuchi no Naka no Shita read: 1 chps ******** Color Recipe read: 6 chps ******* Killing Stalking read: 30 chps ******** Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai read 24 chps Yajirushi read: 6 chps ******* What Lies at the End read:  45 chps Hello, I’m Your Stalker read: 4 chps BORUTO: NARUTO NEXT GENERATIONS read: 8 chps Konna Nichijou read: 2 chps lady snowblood read: 5 chps ***** Arte read: 10 chps ****** Koi ha Hikari read: 6 chps Oshigerinanshi - Rouchou Tanten no Yotogibanashi read: 5 chps Live or Not read: 10 chps Cupid no Itazura Nijidama read: 9 chps Shounen No Kyoukai read: 3 chps I-Ren 8.1 Page 2 Saru Lock read: 83 chps Otoyomegatari read: 65 chps The Magical Girl and Evil Officer read: 14 chps Nejimaki Seirei Senki - Tenkyou no Alderamin read: 26 chps Mielino Kashiwagi read: 22 chps Ore To Joushi No Kakushikoto read: 4 chps Self read: 23 chps Pumpkin Scissors read: 1 chps ******* Toukyou Tarareba Musume read: 1 chps ****** Baraou No Souretsu read: 6 chps ******* Kimetsu no Yaiba read: 97 chps Youjo Senki read: 11 chps ********* Hate Mate read: 18 chps ********* Touhou Suzunaan ~ Forbidden Scrollery read: 48 chps Mikado no Shihou read: 6 chps If you Hate me that much read: 11 chps ********* Hogu Hagyeongsu read: 25 chps Kokoro O Korosu Houhou read: 12 chps ********** Uratarou read: 26 chps ********* Rokudou no Onna-tachi read: 45 chps Hisohiso - Silent Voice read: 6 chps Dark Heaven read: 5 chps Lover Boy read: 17 chps ******** Warehouse read: 36 chps
All About Lust read: 25 chps
A Man Like You read: 23 chps
Happiness (OSHIMI Shuzo) read: 26 chps
****** Higanjima read: 114 chps
Mahou Tsukai no Yome  read: 41 chps
Glow! read: 5 chps
***** Holiday Love read: 59 chps
*****  Gunjou read: 24 chps
*****  Houseki no Kuni read: 59 chps
Datte Maou-sama Wa Kare Ga Kirai dropped 
Tadaima, Okaeri read: 5 chps
*****  Tadaima, Okaeri Kagayaku Hibi read: 4 chps
Totsugimasen Kara! read: 5 chps
Kashikomarimashita, Destiny read: 5 chps 
Talk To Me read: 11 chps
Darenimo Naisho de read: 3 chps
******  Ghost Wife read: 58 chps
*****  arifureta shokugyou de sekai saikyou read: 14 chps
Feng Yu Jiu Tian Ch.5.2  DROPPED 
Moyashimon  Ch.10  DROPPED 
*******  Sabishisugite Lesbian Fuzoku Ni Ikimashita Report read: 5 chps
******  Lookism read: 105 chps
*****  Innocent Rouge read: 50 chps
Kami Darake  read: 2 chps
Mad Cinderella read: 11 chps
*****  Tomino no Jigoku read: Vol 1 chps 3
Servamp>Ch.27.5  DROPPED  
Devilman read Vol 3 1.3 chps
Miss Kiryu Doesn't Know What Love Is  read: 6 chps
Kaguya Wants to be Confessed to: The Geniuses' War of Love and Brains  read: 66 chps
World Teacher – Other World Style Education & Agent  read: 6 chps
****Tomodachi Game read: 23 chps
Sekinin Torasete!  read: 2.5 chps
Aka To Kuro (katsura Komachi) read: 2 chps
Black lagoon read: 63 chps
Yasashii Anata read: 1 chp pg 109
Yononaka Wa Bokura Ni Amai  read: 12 chps
NeNeNe  read: 7 chps
*****  Royal Servant read: 39 chps
*** Sodatechimaou read: 50 chps
*****  Devils Line read: 52 chps
If you Hate me that much read: 31 chps
Paradigm Shift read: 1 chps
Kurui Naku no wa Boku no Ban Beta  read: 5 chps
*****  Moon-led Journey Across Another World read: 28 chps
*****  Kami-sama, Ki-sama O Koroshitai. read: 27 chps
???  Principle SACHIMO  (Side Hentai) read: 4 chps
Survival: Shounen S no Kiroku read: 23 chps
***  5-nin no Ou read: 1 chps
***  Their Circumstances read: 5 chps
****  Maou-jou de Oyasumi read: 44 chps
Gods X Myself X Brides read: 2 chps
Goodbye Harlequin  read: 3 chps
Vinland Saga read: 143 chps
*****  The Fable read: 8 chps
*****  Sheriff Evans' Lies read: 29 chps
****** Kiyona Yubisaki, Bukiyona Tsumasaki read: 3 chps
My Male Friend  read: 12 chps
Sanctuary Vol.7 Ch.4 : Vol 07
Circle (wang Zi Ying) Manhua read: 48 chps
****  Kusuriya no Hitorigoto read: 2 chps
Geten no Hana  read: 8 chps
Nanba MG5 read: 24 chps
Ashita wa Docchi Da! read: 11 chps
****  Tensai Family Company read: 36 chps
Kami Tori Yawa read: 5 chps
*****  Rengoku No Karma read: 16 chps 
****  Undercover read 6 chps
****  Musuko ga Kawaikute Shikataganai Mazoku no Hahaoya read:28 chps
Unfather  read: 4 chps
Bokutachi ga Yarimashita read: 28 chps
*****  Yakusoku no Neverland read: 66 chps
hiniiru read: 16 chps
Drifters  read: 51 chps
**** Pop Team Epic read: 32 chps
****  No Guns Life read: 19 chps
Hyakujitsu no Bara  read: 12 chps
Bakuman read: 34 chps
****  Hidamari ga Kikoeru read: 19 chps 
****  Scent of a Witch / trace of a witch read: 31 chps
****  Save Me read: 53 chps
How Sweet is a Sugar Daddy read: 12 chps
*** Cherry Blossoms After Winter read: 31 chps
**  Otte Otte, Koi O Shite read: 2 chps
*******  Kuzu Seito to Stalker-sensei read: 7 chps
Dekiai Keiyaku read: 1 chps
Stalker Danshi read: 1 chps
Seito Kaichou ni Chuukoku  read: 55 chps
Yume No Kodomo read: 6 chps
Ranma 1/2 read: 27 chps
Bungou Stray Dogs read: 32 chps
Mahou Shoujo Site read: 80 chps
Juuyoku Porno read: 4 chps
Please, Marry Me!! read: 4 chps
Aniki no Shigoki! read: 4 chps
Kangoku Jikken read: 28 chps
Sengoku Vamp read: 8 chps 
******   Tongari Boushi No Atelier read: 17 chps
*****  Kumo desu ga, nani ka? read: 28.2 chps
Eto Royale read: 10 chps
Isekai De "kuro No Iyashi Te" Tte Yobarete Imasu  read: 28 chps
***** Musume no Iede read: 21 chps
*****  Kokuei No Junk read: 13 chps
**** Desert Punk read: 103 chps
Hadakeru Kaibutsu read: 5 chps
**** banana_fish/v08/c002/13
asagao to kase-san read: 4 chps
Saga (comic) read: 53 chps
******  Ohana Holoholo read: 21 chps
******  To Your Eternity readL 74 chps
Jigokuraku (Yuuji Kaku) read: 21 chps
Biorg Trinity read: 17 chps
****  Kimi no Knife read: 55 chps
Nibun no Ichi Boyfriend  read: 5 chps
Prince, Don’t Do this! read: 133 chps Escape Devildom read: 55 chps
*** Delicious in Dungeon read: 47 chps
Out (Makoto Mizuta)  read: 43 chps
gokushufudou the way of the house husband read: 17 chps
Haruka 17 read: 129 chps
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recentanimenews · 6 years
Manga the Week of 12/12/18
SEAN: Merry Christmas! Why this early? Well, Yen Press is releasing most of its December lineup in one go next week. But first…
Dark Horse debuts Dangan Ronpa 2, the adaptation of the 2nd visual novel murder game. The 2nd is apparently more popular than the first, so I’m interested to see what it’s like.
J-Novel Club has three ongoing series: How NOT to Summon a Demon Lord 6, I Saved Too Many Girls And Caused the Apocalypse 11, and Lazy Dungeon Master 3. To show I don’t read EVERY light novel, I’m only following one of those three.
Kodansha’s print this month is pretty light, but there are a few volumes. Again!! 6, Noragami: Stray God 19 (wow, remember Noragami? This is what happens when you catch up…), and To Your Eternity 8.
ASH: Oh! Some good choices there!
SEAN: Digitally we debut, gloriously, CROCODILE BARON! It has a crocodile in a top hat on its cover, and therefore is required reading. It’s from Weekly Morning, and despite its top-hatted crocs, seems to be a foodie manga.
Seven Seas has only two, and they’re both light novels. The Ancient Magus’ Bride: The Golden Yarn is a light novel based on the popular manga series. And there’s also the 5th volume (digitally, print will come later) of Didn’t I Say to Make My Abilities Average in My Next Life?!.
MICHELLE: Huh. I may have to read a light novel!
ASH: I’m looking forward to giving the light novels a try, too.
SEAN: SuBLime has two titles as well, with the 2nd Escape Journey and the 6th volume of Manga Bookshelf anti-favorite Ten Count.
MICHELLE: Unfortunately, Escape Journey is problematic, too.
MELINDA: I feel like we could build a fort out of problematic BL manga, and it would stand up unfortunately well against the elements. That thing would be solid.
SEAN: Udon has an 8th volume of Persona 3. (How long are these spinoff manga anyway?)
ASH: I’ll admit I tired of the Persona 3 adaptation pretty quickly, but I have been largely enjoying the Persona 4 manga.
Vertical has the 4th volume of not-Nichijou-but-close manga CITY.
Viz debuts Dragon Quest Illustrations, a sweet-looking artbook with illustrations from… well, I’ll let that be a surprise for the reader.
We also get the third and final volume of After Hours, Magi 33, Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle 4, and Splatoon 5.
ASH: I’d forgotten that After Hours was so short.
SEAN: That just leaves Yen, but we’re not done here. Digitally we see the 20th Corpse Princess and the 10th IM: Great Priest Imhotep.
Yen has delayed about half its light novels to the week after next, but that still leaves several for this list. The Asterisk War 8, The Devil Is a Part-Timer! 12, I’ve Been Killing Slimes for 300 Years 3, KonoSuba 7, Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers 6, and That Time I Got Reincarnated As a Slime 4 all are novels out next week.
On the manga side, there are four debuts, two of which are side-story tie-ins and two of which we’ve seen already in single-chapter digital releases. Dead Mount Death Play is a manga series we’ve seen released in chapter format but now we get a volume. It’s from Ryohgo Narita, the creator of Baccano! and DRRR!!, but seems darker than both those series. And NE NE NE (complete in one volume) is a sweet romantic comedy that ran in Shonen Gangan.
MICHELLE: NE NE NE looks cute!
ANNA: That does sound cute.
ASH: I’m glad it’s getting a print release! I’ve been wanting to read it.
SEAN: Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One is a manga adaptation of the Goblin Story: Year One side story light novels, and your name Another Side: Earthbound is also a manga adaptation of a light novel side story. It’s almost Inception-esque.
Not based on light novels: As Miss Beelzebub Likes 4, Bungo Stray Dogs 9, Girls’ Last Tour 5, Hakumei & Mikochi 3, Hatsu*Haru 4, Horimiya 12, One Week Friends 5, A Polar Bear in Love 4, School of Horns 2, Silver Spoon 6, The Strange Creature at Kuroyuri Apartments 2, A Terrified Teacher at Ghoul School 5, and Yowamushi Pedal 10. In case Manga Bookshelf folks are skimming that long list, ‘Silver Spoon’ and ‘Yowapeda’ are what you want to stop on.
MICHELLE: Aww, yiss. I could use some Yowamushi Pedal about now.
ANNA: Nice!
ASH: Yup, Silver Spoon and Yowamushi Pedal definitely have most of my attention out of that bunch, though there are a few other series I’m reading, too.
MELINDA: Did someone say Silver Spoon?
SEAN: On the ‘based on light novels’ side, we see Accel World 8, The Boy and the Beast 4 (which is the final volume), The Honor Student at Magic High School 9. The Isolator 4, Kagerou Daze 11, My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong As I Expected 9, and Sword Art Online: Progressive 7 (which marks the final volume by the current artist, but I think it’s being rebooted with a new one).
It’s another giant pile. What are you getting? Could it be crocodiles in top hats? Or something else?
By: Sean Gaffney
0 notes
werewolf240moon · 1 month
Stray Dog Volume 6 Titles
Chapter 18: Convictions
Chapter 19: Domination
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werewolf240moon · 1 month
Stray Dog Volume 6
Chapter 18 y 19
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werewolf240moon · 4 years
Tumblr media
August 26, 2020
[ My version of National Dog / Karat Day !!! ]
Art and characters especially Toru & Tsubaki, and Stray Dog belongs to VANRAH/poizongirl @poizongirl
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