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#2025#sweden#svensk#svenska#original post#swedish#sfw#sverige#svenska memes#all makt åt tengil vår befriare#sa du sten#svea rike#sweblr#svenskjavel#meme
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Drag name: Sue Strömming
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Pickled Cucumbers

These tasty Pickled Cucumbers are easily made and ready to add their bite, crunch and tang to your meat, fish, smörgås or crispbread in under half an hour!
Ingredients (serves 2):
1 1/2 heaped tablespoon caster sugar
3/4 teaspoon fleur de sel or sea salt flakes
1/4 teaspoon dried dill
3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1/3 large cucumber, rinsed
In a small bowl, combine caster sugar, fleur de sel and dill. Give a good stir. Stir in apple cider vinegar, until sugar and salt are completely dissolved.
Cut cucumber into thin slices, and stir them into the vinegar mixture. Press the cucumber slices gently so that they are submerged in pickling mixture. Allow to sit, at room temperature, at least half an hour.
Serve Pickled Cucumbers with Swedish Meatballs, Poached Salmon,, Strömming Burgare, or onto Rye Bread.
#Recipe#Food#Pickled Cucumbers#Pickled Cucumber#Pickled Cucumber recipe#Cucumber#Caster Sugar#Sugar#Fleur de Sel#Salt#Dill#Dried Dill#Apple Cider Vinegar#Vinegar#Quick recipe#Easy recipe#5 Ingredients or Less#Condiment#Condiment recipe#Condiment and Sauce#Swedish Condiment#Swedish recipe#Swedish Cuisine#Svensk recept#Svensk Kök#Scandinavian and Swedish Kök
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Lägre sillkvot i Östersjön än vad forskarna föreslagit
Lägre sillkvot i Östersjön än vad forskarna föreslagit. Många vänstertdiningar, vänstermänniskor och miljövänner är just nu upprörda över att kvoten på sill/strömming i centrala Östersjön 2025 fördubblas jämfört med 2024. Samtidigt har de ingen aning om fakta i ärendet. Forskarna i ICES rekommenderade en kvot på mellan på mellan 95 340 och 125 344 ton. Den beslutade kvoten blev 83 881 ton, dvs…
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Rasar mot nya fiskekvoten: Dödsstöten för hela Östersjön
Naturskyddsföreningen om beskedet • Fördubblat fiske i Östersjön: “Oförståeligt” I dag meddelades att strömmings- och smältkvoten kommer att fördubblas i centrala Östersjön nästa år. Detta trots Sveriges målsättning att driva på en reducering. – Jag är faktiskt galen för att vara helt krass. Vi har en mycket svår situation med Östersjön, och bäcköringen är en nyckelart i hela ekosystemet. Det…
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Se Instagram 🔝 Topp 9 Juli 🔝 STORT TACK för att Du följer mig, gillar och kommenterar på mina inlägg 🤗 Jag är återigen tacksam att jag som hobbykock kan sprida inspiration 😍 Just nu är det lite lägre aktivitet då jag är på semester men uppdaterar lite på stories. Här är i alla fall ett collage av mina topp 9 mest gillade inlägg under juli månad 🌟 Vilken var din favorit bland dessa inläggen? Följ gärna 👉 @the.real.cg.lagar.mat ✨ Följ gärna 👉 @the.real.cg.lagar.mat ✨ Följ gärna 👉 @the.real.cg.lagar.mat ✨ #matinspiratör #ryggbiff #gös #mat #minmatlagning #hemmakock #recept #topp9 #matlagning #torsk #lax #strömming #risotto http://dlvr.it/TBLb0x För mer
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Surströmming is lightly salted, fermented Baltic Sea herring traditional to Swedish cuisine since at least the 16th century. It is distinct from fried or pickled herring. The Baltic herring, known as strömming in Swedish, is smaller than the Atlantic herring found in the North Sea. Wikipedia
Some say it smells like a dead body. Others liken it to a dirty nappy. Or a bin that hasn't been emptied for months. However you describe it, the Swedish delicacy known as surströmming (fermented herring) is pretty much the world's stinkiest food.Sep 22, 2023
What does surströmming smell and taste like?
I introduce you to surstromming (surströmming in Swedish) which is fermented Baltic herring. Its smell is so pungently horrid even the flies circling around us were initially confused and disoriented.
What the….? They probably buzzed to each other.
Last weekend found us at the summer house way up north in Swedish Lapland. The setting was serene with classic red and white Scandinavian cabin houses dotting the landscape. Small, colorful rowboats are docked alongside wooden piers that run into the little bay just off the Gulf of Bothnia of the Baltic Sea. The sun hovers over the horizon, but never truly disappears.
Though your stereotypical summer getaway, it is still nothing short of idyllic.
Within minutes of opening the can, the overwhelming smell of rot had permeated the fresh evening summer air, rendering it toxic. I watched, mouth agape, as the liquid within the can bubbled slightly.
Pieces of surströmming are spread over buttered, crispy thin bread and then layered with slices of almond potatoes, chopped onions, and fresh dill sprigs. The taste of rotten herring isn’t so bad at first, but the smell disarms you each time you try to take a bite.

Ukrainian troops opening a can of surströmming
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Räk och Lax-kryssning
Torsdagen den 13:e Juli till Lördagen den 15:e Juli, var Lena och jag i Göteborg, vi bodde på park aveny, nära Götaplatsen. Vi åt på en Kines-restaurang, Mandarin, “glömde” att ta en bild på maten.
På fredagen var vi och åt på Kök och Bar i Saluhallen, Jag åt Stekt fläsk med löksås, Lena tog Strömming. Lena var jättenöjd, och min mat var det godaste jag ätit på länge. Sedan tog vi en paus, innan vi åkte Taxi till Lilla Bommen. Vi ville vara ute i god tid, så vi åkte en timme innan avgång, tur var det. Taxi chauffören hittade inte. När vi kom tillbaka åkte vi hem, var och en för sig själva.
Vi åkte buss, nr, 19 gratis, chauffören, kunde inte ta betalt, jag skulle betala via en mobil ap, men det kunde jag inte, sket i all betala, ingen kontrollant, således, gratis.
På lördagen gick Lena och jag runt i Göteborg, jag hade tagit en bild på utsikten från hotellet, för jag viste inte när dom skulle tömma brevlådan på båten. Jag frågade personalen/och kaptenen, fick till svar, den töms inte, dom hade nog inte gjort det på lång tid.
Nästa utflykt, blir blir en kulturresa till Stockholm, 14:e till 17:e augusti,
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Wer hat diesen Platz in Schweden ebenfalls bereits besucht? Der "beliebteste" Fisch Schwedens kommt von hier. #sverige #schweden #kultur #natur #ulvön #visitswedende #visitschwedende #schwedenurlaub #surströmming #strömming #sill #högakusten #sverigesemester #ferieninschweden https://www.instagram.com/p/BsfQKtBlCY-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pqwrykp6f046
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i can’t believe the suspect is called ‘stromming’ in this crime drama, that is literally telling me he’s a red herring
#in case you didn't know strömming is swedish for herring#also halfway through the show - it's not the guy
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╱ starter for ❪ @fearhidden ❫ .
The red hue of PUBLIC MARKET could be seen from miles away, a grey rain smattering over the city fashioning a filmy haze as she walks, wind-swept through the streets pushing her forward, and an emerald coloured umbrella housing her. When she arrives at her destination, Linnet walks near the docks, a glimmer of a silvery Christmas tree comes to view, and a gaunt smile finds her lips as she sends off a text, “here,” short and sweet. It is a clear scent of fresh trout and chive that wafts in the air as she walks closer to the vendors, now that she is under shelter, her umbrella is in one hand, along with her phone, drops of rain dampening her coat and hair. She does not wait long before her head turns, as if she knows, seeing the other coming through the fog bound avenue, swaths of the mist stay with her as the redhead makes her way over, with a more affable feature. Linnet called her for the usual reason, she was out and had a small dinner party to get ready for, hence the the fish market meeting place, but she could not help the sudden urge to see the other, her feeling growing in her company.
A hand threaded through her light locks as she greeted her, “you’re here, sorry for the whole cloak and dagger scene,” she remarked of the ambiance, and the number of people they were amongst, that somehow made anonymity prominent. “Do you eat fish? I’m cooking Stekt strömming, it’s fried herring, served with mashed potatoes and jam. Excellent food to eat on a cold day such as this.”
#fearhidden#character : falk / linnet .#falk / linnet : interactions .#thread : linnet + saanvi ( 001 ) .
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What can I say? I’m a Whore for simple everyday interactions...
okay so i guess this is Reader x Catboy Oscar?
idk its just a fun little thing I wrote, there is absolutely no plot, its just an interaction between two characters. and holy shit idk how to end writing so im sorry for the horribly abrupt ending
You sat fidgeting on the couch. It’s 5 o’clock, an hour until dinnertime and with nothing even remotely started. Someone had to get up to make dinner, and it unfortunately had to be you. No one else was going to do it. Axel and Otto were out doing… something, and Oscar was snuggled into your lap snoozing away like the sleepy catboy he is. With the other brothers gone it had allowed you and Oscar some peaceful alone time, and you were happy for that, but it was getting late and the guys would be back soon. You wanted to have food ready for them, because it’s nice to be nice. That, and in case they got into trouble or something. If they got into a fight, you didn’t want to have to worry about cleaning wounds and making dinner.
Glancing down at the man currently resting his head on your lap, you silently debate with yourself over whether dinner was really worth disrupting his nap. You let out a sigh, you were getting hungry. You move your hand towards his shoulder to wake him when he stirs and shifts around. You instinctively freeze until he finishes moving, then gently place your hand on his shoulder.
“Oscar… I need to get up.” You whisper into his ear. Upon hearing your voice, he subconsciously starts purring. You can feel the vibrations on your leg where his head rests comfortably and smile, but that isn’t going to stop you from waking him up. You say his name again, a little louder this time. No response. It’s time for plan B, you decide, and lightly scratch right behind his furry cat ears. His purring gets louder as he stirs again. His eyes slowly blink open and look up at you. You can tell he’s still groggy and slightly displeased that you woke him.
“Hey, I need to get up and make dinner.” You say to him. Oscar frowns at you.
“No.” He closes his eyes dismissively and turns to settle back into his sleep.
“Your brothers aren’t going to make dinner while they’re out now are they? I don’t want three hungry catboys on my hands when they get back.” You put emphasis on the word catboy. You know that it annoys Oscar but it was fun to tease him, and honestly you didn’t know what else to call them.
“We’re not catboys.”
“Then what are you?” Your question was met with silence. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
You push him off you enough to slip out from underneath him and Oscar whimpers as you drop his head back down on the couch.
“How does Stekt strömming sound?” You say in strained Swedish as you walk to the kitchen. When you glance over your shoulder back at him, you notice that his cat ears have perked up and his tail flicks lightly at the thought of fried fish for dinner. You smile to yourself at his display of excitement.
“And if you get grouchy before I’m done cooking, I hid some Krumkake in the cupboard from the other day. And the whipped cream is hidden behind the milk.” You point to a cupboard next to the stove as you pull a herring that one of the guys had just caught recently from the fridge. Oscar is instantly up and opening the cupboard, his tail swishing wildly behind him. He had such a sweet tooth. You smack his hand as he tries to reach for the waffle cookie treats.
“Hey!” He hisses, “What was that for?”
“I said if you get grouchy.”
“I AM grouchy.”
You motion towards his swinging tail. “You don’t look grouchy.”
“You woke me up and abandoned me on the couch, I can assure you, I am grouchy.” He hisses and once again reaches for the treats. You let him take them, you still felt a little bad for waking him up from his nap. You smile softly and turn back to the fish you needed to prepare and got to work.
#the swedes#catboy oscar#oscar swede#my first fanfic#how cool is that???#this'll probably be the only fic i write#but since im the only one making catboy content i guess gotta write the fics too#i have no idea if this is good or not#i was in AP lit not AP creative writing#is there an AP creative writing? idk
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Poisson d'Avril!
In France, we call April's Fool Poisson d'Avril (April's Fish), for some reason! And this is with that exclamation we reveal the joke or trick. And as I'm back home and Mum has cooked a beautiful dish of monkfish for Easter Monday, I am inspired to share a few delicious fish --but not fishy!!-- and seafood recipes, suitable for a Spring weather, whether the sun is shining brightly and warmly in a cloudless blue sky, or rain is pouring ceaselessly!
Creamy Smoked Haddock Pasta
Mafaldine alle Piè d'Asino
Apple Herring Potato Salad
Spicy Prawn Sandwich
Ray with Herb Caper Butter Sauce
Smoked Salmon and Pickled Cucumber Sandwich
Risotto al Salmone e Calamari
Lingonberry and Whisky Sea Bass Carpaccio
Lime and Lemon Conger
Lax Potatissallad (Salmon Potato Salad)
Café Anatole’s Salmon in Aspic
Salade Niçoise
Prawn and Octopus Pasta Salad
Anchovy and Mackerel Salad
Strömming Burgare (Smoked Herring Sandwiches)
#Poisson d'Avril#Poisson d'Avril Recipe List#Fish#Fish recipes#Recipe List#Recipe Box#April's Fool#April's Fool Day#Springtime#Spring#Spring recipe
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Sill - den viktigaste sillfisken
Sill – den viktigaste sillfisken
Sill eller atlantisk sill (Clupea harengus) är den mest fiskade sillfisken som används för konsumtion. Den lever i norra Atlanten från Mainebukten norrut till St. Lawrence Bay och Labradorhavet över till Grönland och Island till Norge och vidare till Spetsbergen och Novaja Zemlja. Dessutom ner igenom Nordsjön till Engelska kanalen Irländska sjön, Keltiska havet och Biscayabukten. Finns slutligen…
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🥡- muse’s favorite takeout restaurant? // @inmywiring
Nystekt Strömming in Stockholm. You can’t knock the classics, and there’s nothing better after a long morning of haunting the mortal realm than grabbing some herring on crispbread. It’s fast takes on classics she remembers from her own youth, and serves her dearly beloved fish cheap. That stuff will keep her full for hours and is a favorite treat when topside.
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Se Instagram Stekt strömming med potatismos & rårörda lingon 👌 Det här är riktig klassisk svensk husmanskost och en av mina favoriter. Och som ni kanske vet heter det sill söder om Kalmarsund och strömming ovanför det... Men just när det gäller denna rätten så säger jag strömming och när den är inlagd säger jag sill 😃 🛒 Ingredienser 2 personer 6 potatisar 12 strömmingsflundror 2 dl vispgrädde 1-2 dl mjölk 1 ägg 1 dl dijonsenap En skvätt sjöpungsfond 1,5 dl ströbröd Vitpeppar Muskotnöt Rårörda lingon Frysta lingon 🔪 Tillagning Blanda lingonsylt eller köpta rårörda lingon med frysta osockrade lingon ⏲ Rensa, klipp bort ryggfenan på strömmingen och skölj ⏲ Blanda ihop ägg, senap, 1 dl grädde och sjöpung i en skål och lägg i den avrunna strömmingen ⏲ Låt stå minst en timme men gärna längre (typ över natten) ⏲ Koka potatisen ⏲ Lägg strömmingsflundrorna i ströbröd med skinnsidan nedåt ⏲ Lägg persilja på insidan av strömmingen, peppra och salta, lägg sedan över en till filé med panerade skinnsidan uppåt ⏲ Stek firrarna ca 3-4 minuter på varje sida i smör ⏲ Stompa potatisen tillsammans med smör och uppvärmd gräddmjölk ⏲ Smaka av potatisstompet med vitpeppar, muskot och salt 🛎 Servera strömmingen med potatisstomp, rörörda lingon och råkost 🍽️ Om du uppskattar mina inlägg skulle jag bli superglad om du; Följer 👉 @the.real.cg.lagar.mat ✨ Gillar 👍 Sparar recept 🍝 Kommenterar 💬 Delar inlägg 🤩 Lägger till @the.real.cg.lagar.mat som favorit 🌟 #lagamat #matinspo #godmat #mattips #dijonsenap #strömming #hemlagat #fisk #dagensmiddag #lunch #potatis #matglädje #matobak_se #sill #matlagning #dijon #potatisstomp #persilja #rårördalingon #husmanskost #hemmakock #hemlagatärgodast #potatismos #stektströmming #lingon #middag #dagensmat @hisingensfisk @vargenthor @khmer_pepper @marinetaste @wilfasverige http://dlvr.it/T9MvBJ För mer
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