#Still waters run deep
madame-fear · 8 months
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[ one | two ]
ೀ amira speaks! : Based on this plot. Okay,, I know I said I would write it all in one part, but splitting it in two helps me stay motivated to keep writing. 🙈 Smut will be in part two. This chapter only contains Luke being a bit possesive with you. Enjoy! 💕 ˗ˏˋ ꒰ summary : Prince Lucerys had his eyes set on you ever since you were children, and his affection for you grew stronger when you comforted him after losing his eye at the hands of his Uncle Aemond. But when your time of marrying another Lord comes in your early 20s, the now young Lord of Driftmark isn’t happy at all — though, he plans on making you his, as you were always supposed to be. ˗ˏˋ ꒰ word count : 2.1k
˗ˏˋ ꒰ genre : AU, smut, friends to lovers, a bit of an obsessive Lucerys. ˗ˏˋ ꒰ pairing : One Eyed!Lord!Lucerys x (childhood best friend)!Reader
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Lucerys Velaryon, your childhood best friend, had grown to be known as the “One Eyed Prince”; or the “One Eyed Bastard”, as many referred to him.
The loss of his eye had been greatly significant in his early life, having lost it after trying to defend his older brother Jace and his cousins from his uncle Aemond. If anything, it had helped to encourage and fuel the resentment their families felt for one another. And you had been there to witness the tense aftermath of the situation.
Your mere presence was enough to comfort Lucerys when you were just young children; you had a shoulder for him to cry on if he wished to grieve his eye, until he became used to living with it. “The loss of your eye is a symbol of the courage you had to confront your uncle, and defend your loved ones,” you constantly reminded him, embracing him tightly whenever he needed you. And the comfort he so desperately sought for, was always found in you.
You had always been there for the Velaryon prince, before and after the incident with his eye. But, there was something in that constant warming comfort you provided for him, that made Lucerys feel as if he could melt right under your love and attention. Perhaps, it was something he had been feeling deep down inside of him without even admitting it to himself, you were supposed to be just a good friend — but during the aftermath of his eye loss, nothing else mattered to you except his well-being.
You made sure to spend as much time as needed with him, offering comfort and love; which made Luke realise, just how perfect you were in every sense. Hardly any other woman could possibly compare to the inner and outer perfection you so gracefully carried.
The years passed by, and his personality simply grew to be more of a cold, and reserved one; compared to the timid, innocent boy Lucerys used to be. You couldn’t complain — his personality around you remained as endearing and gentle as it always used to be, though a bit more overprotective. You had grown to be as delicate as glass, precious as the petal of a flower; how could Luke not be protective over you? Especially since he was particularly fond of you... In more than just a friendly way.
Every boy, Prince, and Lord had their eyes fixed on you whenever you passed by, occasionally getting to flirt with you and making you laugh. Lucerys was never exactly proud of this, especially when another man tried to flirt with you in front of his face. He always kept a close eye on you, and made sure to advert your attention away from those men with any excuse that came to him. Jealousy ran on his blood like a fiery venom, and it was impossible for him to hide it — yet, you never realised the obvious intentions he had of keeping you away from anyone who wanted to compete against him for your affection.
Lucerys’ efforts where never in vain, they worked just the way he wanted. You always gossiped with Lucerys about whatever man tried to woo you, laughing to yourselves at your own remarks — and it never seemed as if you were interested in anyone else, except Lucerys when his presence was near your own. Compared to him, you weren’t exactly discreet when your gaze was fixed on his features, and to him, that was something to hold great pride for.
As you had always done since childhood, you sat under a large tree that you both considered your secret spot. The weight of his head rested peacefully on your lap, with his eye closed. One of your hands held a book, which you were reading outloud to him, and your other free hand mindlessly played with his dark curly hair. Both of you had managed to find a free space between your duties, deciding to spend some quality time together after quite some time of not having seen each other.
He now might be the Lord of Driftmark, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t visit you, and do the same things you had done since children. After all, the responsabilities that came with being a Lord were exhausting — could he not calmly rest with you, the woman that practically owned his heart, feeling your fingers mess with his hair and your soothing voice reading to him?
Pausing in between your lecture, you softly tilted your head towards him, admiring how peaceful he seemed with his head weighing on your lap. Teasingly, your fingers moved from playing with strands of his hair, and they moved to slowly caress the skin on his cheeks. “Have you fallen asleep already?” you inquired, with an amused voice tone and a growing smile at the corner of your lips.
Like your own, Lucerys couldn’t help but immediatly smile, softly chuckling as he opened his eye. “I am very well awake, love, and attentively listening to you.” his green eye stared at you admiringly, appreciating how the sunlight reflected gracefully on your features. The cold, reserved personality he had grown into, fortunately never affected your relationship.
Yes, Luke might have grown quieter and more kept to himself, but whenever you were near him all of that faded away — being the sweet, gentle boy Lucerys had always been with you. Except that, he might be quite a bit possesive around you; with no other Lord or Prince being allowed to flirt with you, just a mere cold glare with his eye as he stood by your side was enough to frighten them away.
A soft chuckle spurred from you as your fingernails playfully scraped on his skin to caress him. His eye felt heavy, feeling as if he could fall asleep right there at the mere sensation of your warm touch. “I have greatly missed you, Luke.” you began speaking, as his grin grew wider. “I’m quite content having been able to sneak away from our duties to be together. Your duties as the Lord of Driftmark are taking your attention away from me.”
Part of you said that as a jest, with both of you laughing softly at it, and another part of you was being wholeheartedly genuine. And having known you since childhood, he immediatly noticed that. Which left him quietly surprised, to hear suh confession — but Luke wasn’t going to deny the fact that he enjoyed having you clinging to him for his attention and care.
“I could say the same to you, byka jorraelagon.” lazily, he raised his hand. His fingertip lovingly caressed you under your chin, fixing his stare on your delicate features. “But don’t worry too much about it. None of my duties as Lord ever take you off from my mind, I can assure you.” a rosy hue smeared across your cheeks, nearly melting as his digit traced your skin under your chin. It seemed as if he knew exactly what to say, and how to touch you. It was satisfying enough for him to see your reaction, which was just the one he wanted.
Softly, you sighed, allowing him to keep stroking your skin. You had always longed for these private moments between the two of you, where you could do or say anything without caring for anything else. The smile that had grown at the corner of your lips dropped faintly, becoming a grimace as you frowned. Your expressions slowly turned into a despondent one, to which Lucerys immediatly noticed as his eye stared attentively at you.
Your own thoughts about enjoying solitude with him, escaping from your own responsibilities just to feel the warmth of each ofher’s presences, reminded you of your betrothal — and you were afraid such compromise would stand in the way of your meetings with Lucerys, in one way or another.
“What’s the matter?” he cooed calmly, noticing the change in your demeanor. You offered him a frowny smile. “Nothing, Luke. Everything is alright. Why?” as quick as you were in dismissing his concern for you, he wouldn’t leave it just there. “I know you. Your face says otherwise, something happened.” slowly, he stopped caressing you under your chin with his fingertip, just to rest his hands on his chest as Lucerys stared at you attentively.
“What happened? I need to know, (y/n).” Lucerys kept insisting, and you knew he wouldn’t give up so easily — not when he noticed something was troubling you. You huffed at the mere thought of it, beginning to shake your head in disappointment. “It’s just...” the words trailed off, hesitating for a moment before continuing. Your gaze lingered elsewhere, feeling how his eye was fixed on you.
“I have been betrothed— And... I’m afraid our moments together will not be as often as they currently are.” you managed to spill out. The words spurred mumbled, but they escaped from your lips, finally.
Moving your stare back to him, his expression was cold — yet, mixed with other emotions. Luke seemed confused, blankless, and yet... So impotent. Betrothals were a duty that no noble could ever from, it was a fate expected for you. But you should be betrothed to him. He could treat you so much better than any other mediocre, arrogant Lord. No one knew you better, than Lord Lucerys himself.
His head weightened further on your head, before he rapidly moved to sit by your side, instead of resting on your lap. His eyebrows knitted in confusion. “Betrothed?” he inquired in a low tone. “Betrothed to whom, exactly?” both your hands now laid on your lap, fidgeting anxiously with your own fingers. Bewilder was expressed all across his young features. Your eyes stared down at your fingers, nibbling on your lower lip discreetly.
“I have been betrothed into House Lannister.” you mumbled, “Specifically to Loren Lannister.” deciding to stare at him, you noticed his jaw clenched slightly. His hazel eye lowered it’s sight to the vividly green grass, thinking quietly to himself. You stared at him nervously, noticing the silence looming between of you, amidst the faint sounds of the birds chirping.
House Lannister. The Lannisters had quite a reputation of their own — he always thought of them as arrogant, petty, and proud of themselves. Out of all the noble Houses that there were, you had to be betrothed into House Lannister? “Velaryon” suits you better, anyways — the young Lord knew he would eventually get away with what was his. You were not getting married to some cheap Lannister, not under his watch. A pretty little thing such as yourself will not go to waste with the One Eyed Lord.
“I see.” Luke coldly retorted. Despite his clear bemuse at the abrupt news, he felt satisfied with himself — he knew how he would find his way to get you out of that dreadful betrothal of yours. And that way, you’d be entirely free for him once again. Offering a warm smile, the One Eyed Velaryon took your delicate hand lovingly, caressing your skin with his thumb. He felt invitingly soothing, making you mindlessly grin and become flustered at the touch of his digit on your flesh. “But don’t worry, my love. I’m certain your betrothal will not affect our frequent meetings.” His hand raised your own towards his rosy lips, pressing them gently against your knuckles to give them a loving kiss. The rosy hue tainted on your cheeks leisurely became a reddish tone, offering him a sheepish smile to hide away your shyness whenever Luke demonstrated tender affection towards you — an endearing type of affection that he never thought of giving to someone else. Doubt overwhelmed you at hearing his confident statement.
“Are you...” the warmth of his lips on your knuckles lingered, as he pulled away, staring at you with his only eye. Gods, how pretty you were when it was obvious you were melting for him. “Are you quite certain about it? What if... What if my betrothed dislikes the idea of us–” the young Lord shook his head, using his other free hand to place it on your cheek comfortingly. You immediatly gave into it, allowing your head to fall against the palm of his hand.
“Your betrothed will say nothing, because I will find a way of being together— as I always do.”
You meekly smiled at him, softly allowing some chuckles to spur from those beauteous lips of yours; clearly content at his determination.
You were endearingly sweet— so innocent. Of course the One Eyed Lord had everything mapped out to find his way to you, as he had always done ever since you were children. Your lame excuse of a betrothed was no challenge to him, as he had exactly planned out how to get rid of him; having you all for himself, without anyone to possibly disturb your relationship.
You didn’t belong in House Lannister, and much less in Casterly Rock. You beloged in House Velaryon — you belonged in Driftmark. And Lucerys wouldn’t have it any other way.
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♡ taglist : ♡
@jacesvelaryons @jjamieberry @anemicroyalcore @countsmoon @beeebo234 @manuholland6 @capellaadara @kyuupidwrites @tchatso @phantasyy @tasty-nutella @mstxdes @valeriecash @cookielovesbook-akie @zzz000eee @bellarkeselection @feliuuuksks @visenya-reigned @maria699669 @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @sweethoneyblossom1 @jamiemydeer @snowprincesa1 @leannathespacewerewolf
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briaberri · 3 months
Just because Elain doesn't love violence or decisively seek blood to make her points, doesn't mean she don't go to battle. She graduated from dinner fork to TT in pretty short order. She went from peer-pressured, blind dates that made her miserable, to getting down with her lover while said obligation slept upstairs. When Elain makes her stand, they'll bend the knee.
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pampanope · 1 month
Is 7-11 surprisingly trauma free? Y’know, other than the whole being in the military trauma, is there anything else?
He’d consider it a win if people assumed he was a totally well adjusted, trauma free individual lol
Whatever’s going on in his mind, he keeps it tightly under wraps.
He lost his parents at 13 to an accident he feels directly responsible for and endured years of abuse and neglect under the care of his uncle until he enlisted in the Marine Corps.
He’s struggled with guilt, self loathing, anger, and feelings of abandonment. He took his rage out on local gang members and assholes throughout his teenage years, realizing that he liked dishing out and receiving pain because pain temporarily replaced guilt and self loathing.
Years of fighting and military training led to 7-11 developing a vicious, feral nature he keeps hidden and in check (a small peak of this side was seen at the end of that hostage Graves comic).
He recognizes he’s a bit of a mess, but he tries to keep the worst of himself from affecting other Shadows. 7-11 also believes his experiences pale in comparison to what others have been through; he’d rather dedicate time and energy towards caring for then and holding on to what he’s got.
(I hadn’t explored this side of 7-11 cuz i assumed there wouldn’t be interest lol)
((Aw crap i forgot to put his lore on tumblr 💀))
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youroselion · 1 year
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[ Part 50/50 ] Конец первой части. Послесловие. После этого разговора состаялся об��яд, в ходе которого Мэттью был убит и похоронен. Его сердце было помещено в филактерию, а тело принялось гнить в земле. И пока оно не превратится в голый скелет, его судьба такова — ждать своего часа и не иметь ничего общего с этим миром. Фитц, как и обещала Аслауг, стал фамильяром Мэттью. Но открыл глаза уже на следующий день. Эмметт с Элизой допустили такое развитие событий, при условии, что Элиза будет рядом, чтобы украсть филактерию и не допустить манипуляций Аслауг. Эмметт до последнего не соглашался с Элизой, потому что обряд может разрушить жизнь Мэттью. Всё может произойти не так, как запланированно, или Мэттью может заиметь желание пользоваться своей силой во зло. Однако, если же таких несчастий не приключится — Мэттью сможет жить лучшей для него жизнью. Лич бессмертен (за исключением уничтожения его филактерии), ему не требуется кровь или еда, ему не страшен огонь, он - дух. Сильный и могущественный маг без тела.
*Вот и закончилась первая часть. Буду ждать ваших комментариев, потому что это самая объемная моя история, думаю. По крайней мере я очень уставала над её созданием и обдумыванием сюжета. Надеюсь, что вам понравилось, ну или по крайней мере, было интересно. История действительно мрачновата, но таков уж для меня мир оккультов в ts4.
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hebrewbyinbal · 2 months
🌊 "Still waters run deep." 🌊
Just like the calm surface of a lake hides a rich world beneath, learning a new language like Hebrew uncovers layers of culture, history, and meaning.
Dive in with me at Hebrew by Inbal and explore the depths of the Hebrew language! 🌟
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lonely-soul-02 · 1 year
One of those rare moments where Noel admits that his songs have meaning. In this case, Roll With It and Some Might Say.
"Oh yeah if I sit down and think about it I guess a lot of the lines in the songs have got significance but as a whole - if we’re talking about - my songs don’t mean any - you know this is not a song about fucking growing aubergines - you know - they’re left open to interpretation for a reason - it's because more people get it, whatever it is, you know."
Given that Roll With It was the context, it's interesting that the Oasis team chose these lyrics to showcase this week.
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pillowenvelopchair · 1 year
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Grits teeth
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laisy · 9 months
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"We started fantastic for first 5 minutes, then we are sleeping for one minute…. And I also talked about that we needed a cool head. So I said to them, “No matter what, be cool!” So when that (the goal) happened I turned around, I smashed the yellow bin, and then I said: “Thomas, no, no, no, no, no! Be cool! Cool!” And then I’m thinking, for 15 seconds and I’m turning around and smashing my foot in it again. And then I’m ready! Then I was cool!"
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calico-heart · 7 months
11 and 12 for Naithan?
Ty for the ask! :3
11. Has your OC ever read (or otherwise engaged with) a guide to romance and/or lovemaking? Have they had a chance to put this learning into practice?
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Well... yes, actually. Naithan's books growing up in the glade were all strictly academic, and when he stepped into a proper bookstore for the first time in Baldur's Gate, he sort of assumed every book would be... academic. So he bought a few on the subject of "Romance" that seemed potentially relevant to whatever was going on with him and Gale. It was an amusing mistake and they still got a lot of entertainment out of the material!
12. What was the worst advice your OC has ever received on the subject of love and relationships?
Naithan consulted several animal friends on the topic of courtship. Some gave passable advice. The mockingbird, for example, recommended he dress in bright colors and serenade his potential mate. The wolves advocated a romantic liaison away from the pack to establish a strong bond.
Others gave not-so-great advice. The stag, and Gale should be grateful Naithan had enough doubts about this one to set it firmly in the "Plan B" category, suggested peeing on one's self and bugling loudly to establish dominance.
Amorous Asks
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adinafay · 5 months
I stray Unmarked and unknown A road does not know how far it travels
I meander Defining boundless depths A river always runs through a peaceful stillness
I drift There is no brightest star A constellation is made up of more than one
I wander Moss growing on all sides A rolling stone cannot match a moving mountain
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mytinderfails · 7 months
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Bonus post: Actually, with a face like that I presume she fucks like a mink and has kinks even God hasn't heard of. I don't recall which direction I swiped but I know I could not keep up if I tried so it was probably left.
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madame-fear · 8 months
Help, for SWRD I need to betroth the reader to some Lord for our One Eyed Lord Lucerys to kill but WHO
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briaberri · 4 months
Really think the sis who was ready to go down like hell with a dinner fork, put bruises on a beast with her bare feet, and was the literal knife in the dark...is not going to be absolutely terrifying when she stands in power?
Have we learned nothing about the quiet ones?
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twitterxnodaveme · 8 months
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TwitterX @nodaveme "Still Water" g.co/kgs/suuBKCz
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youroselion · 1 year
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detective method // for 'still waters run deep'
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hebrewbyinbal · 1 year
Have you ever met someone who seems quiet and reserved, but you just *know* there's a universe of thoughts and emotions below the surface?
That's what this saying captures, and knowing how to express it in Hebrew allows you to connect on a soul-deep level with locals and native speakers.
This is not just about learning words; it's about understanding the human condition, the deep wisdom rooted in everyday sayings.
With this phrase in your conversational toolkit, you're not just speaking Hebrew—you're living it, loving it, and lighting up lives with it.
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