#Still struggling
soldierkitten · 1 year
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where are my fellow empires enjoyers
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imagination-phantom · 3 months
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Ya can’t be low anymore babes if I pick you up right?! Heeeheheheahahaha!!!
Today’s daily reminder! Take your meds! Drink the entire glass of water! Think about one thing that went good today, even if it was my shirt was clean when I put it on this morning.
To whom it concerns we’re still enjoying the joys of playing around with meds to feel better but I think we’re coming out the other side I really like this new one, now let’s just remember to take it with a giant glass of water so we don’t withdraw shall we. Lol I also don’t know why I’m talking about all of this here it just feels … cathartic like writing in a diary. I don’t care who reads this it makes me feel better.
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
Yes, they are Lunar, they are really really worried for you, just like we are
-depression Anon
"Lunar! Are you alright?! Are you hurt?!"
"Don't scare us like that!"
"Kid. What's going on? What's this talk of being in a toy chest?"
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thunder-point · 1 month
you know what fuck it y'all i might just fck around and write a phum and q dialogue scene for omega phum fic because it's been in my head since this morning.
maybe it'll unstick me from the other two wips
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a-flappy-bat · 10 months
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Half colored a sketch 🙃 no glasses version below break
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personaonly · 1 month
i do not want to rush u but i love LOVE ur art and u havent posted in a while. come back !! we all miss u. . sob
Sorry for the inactivity…… I’m facing a lot of challenges in my life recently, not in the mood to draw anything…… Not sure if I can survive this year, but I’m trying… thank you for the support really need it now…😭🙏
Good news is I managed to draw something last night… thank you Joker
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pwishyaoi · 2 months
Two more drawings for different friendosss
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wormfood2001 · 8 months
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wahhaha this picture is so old but fuck it also ib @mollywitdatlean
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joanie-88 · 13 days
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Hey guys!
So! I still feel a bit off like I talked about, but! I felt like talking to you guys again! Posting art and seeing how you enjoy it, I missed it! So I’m back! I’m currently working on some art I was supposed to post from a long time ago! As for the picture above, it’s the redesign of one of my characters! So stay tuned! 💖💖✨✨
As for the whole depression thing, I got it under control! I upgraded my meds! I’m talking to someone for it! I’m also doing things with my friends to distract me! But I do gotta say that theses thoughts are still there, haunting me. But I’m ok! I’ve got people to help me! If I came back here, it’s because i felt like doing so! I feel comfortable enough to come back on my socials! I love you guys so much ! 💖💖✨✨
I’m probably gonna post some updates here and there so that you are aware of what’s happening, if it doesn’t interests you it’s fine with me! I’ve got a lot of art for you to look at!
Take care my lovelies! 💖💖✨✨
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bennyluvin · 3 months
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chenfordspiral · 11 months
I just wrote a sentence that had the words "her husband" in it and I'm so not handling it well 😭😭😭
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i hada to think
i realized i couldn't request help from mere mortals
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
not a liar, Lunar. They really don’t hate you. Why would they keep you around this long if they hated you?
-🌙 anon
"I...I-I don't know!"
"Just to watch me suffer?!"
"Why else?!"
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jessafer94 · 7 months
Does anyone else going to high school in the mid 2000s distinctly remember being told as freshmen “GO TO COLLEGE AND GET A DEGREE OR ELSE YOULL BE POOR FOREVER”
So we all did and now we’re still out here struggling with bills and with crippling student loans? 🤣
Like I distinctly remember as a freshman my school held an assembly to show statistics about how much more money a college degree would earn and without one you’re basically going to be poor for the rest of your life and work at McDonald’s.
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asheanon · 9 months
So... I wanted to take a moment to go on a tiny (it's not tiny, as always) tangent in regards to one of three states/phases Ethereals can enter - namely, the "fading state" and the ability to fade!
Not only is it a fun little thing Ethereals can do, but I feel the finer details of how it works, cause and effect, etc. may prove interesting to talk about too. 🥴🙏 (To "fade"/"fading out" is when Ethereals go all spooky ghost mode.) 👻
Because this tangent is in fact not as tiny as I say it is, I've dropped it below the cut. Sparing your timelines/dashes again and letting you decide if you'd like to have a little look-see. 💙
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When an Ethereal enters the "fading state," their form essentially vaporizes on a microscopic level, their atoms and particles disperse and energy is released in the process. This allows for them to seemingly fade out of existence, yet still be present. While they may not be seen after fading out, the act of fading in and out makes for a nice little light show, given the release (fading out) and metabolization (fading in) of energy in the process. Sometimes, scintillae (light particles) may remain in the area, telling on an Ethereal who may have recently faded in or out. These may be visible to the naked eye. In classic paranormal fashion, this "after effect" may also exhibit light orbs that often tell on a lot of phantasms that can only be seen on certain electronic devices.
Particle Loss
Moving through corporeal objects (such as walls and whatnot) is possible, but this comes with some risk of particle loss. However, in general, particle loss will always accompany fading. This is to say that: the longer an Ethereal goes "ghost mode," they'll slowly lose particles and energy over time - reducing corporeality. Heck, in doing this long enough, they can "lose themselves" - lose too many particles and dare I say take literal psychic damage and physical damage that may take some time to recover from! Weaker and/or less complex Ethereals may even simply disperse entirely - like cosmic dust to the wind - which is the closest equivalent to death Ethereals have.
Though it comes with a downside, Ethereals can always recover from particle loss. Always. Even in cases of "death," the possibility is always there. (Spoiler alert: There are Ethereals - in particular, I know of one by name, and it's not a Sal one - who even make an effort to, sadly, "die" as well as "stay dead" - wishing for death, for one reason or another - but they lose their minds and forget this... eventually, they may or may not manage to regrow and materialize by pure mindless, instinctive chance - only to eventually regain their dominant identity/memories as well and this tragic cycle repeats itself...! I hope to tell the particular one's story one day, in some effective manner. Haha! And yes, it is very reminiscent of soulful/spiritual stuff present in Final Fantasy - only instead of denying death via the power of determination, they can come back by the power of good ol' RNG.)
Ethereals can recover from this loss through simple rest and regrowth, but the process can be expedited through the intake of energy. In this instance, think of them as... weird alien ghost plants... that need sunshine. And/or fire and electricity. Light. Ions. Energy. If it produces energy, they may attempt to soak it up during rest, eventually metabolizing it and turning it into their own, much needed weird alien ghost chlorophyll. ☀️🪴
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Now, despite the risks, for characters like Sal, this can be a perk! A very volatile perk, but a perk nonetheless as she likes to keep her "battery" low ("low battery" is for the sake of avoiding being radioactive if too much energy is taken in; it is done for the safety of others and going undetected by the more common forms of tech and intelligence that may get a read on her otherwise - she has a record. It's not the musical kind.) So, she does this not only to remain elusive (and to be a silly little spook, sometimes) but to disperse energy in a more minimal fashion, if her energy "disposal" options are limited.
Has she ever taken it too far? Yes. It's easy to do, in fact, given the "low battery!" This can lead to curious little situations where you may see her hiding parts of her that have endured too much particle loss and are rendered effectively incorporeal (and look the part) and "unusable;" perhaps her dominant hand may be "ghostly," and she may take to the use of her non-dominant hand for things like doors and utensils. Seeing her perched in front of a fireplace, soaking up some sun rays and other forms of unsuspecting R&R can actually be her low-key trying to recover from particle loss.
Additional Notes
So... technically, this ability should not affect clothing or other materials on the Ethereal person that may prove "conductive" to the act... yet, here we are, most depictions of the fading state also rendering clothing "invisible" with the character. How that works is something I'm still brainstorming! I have theories about conductivity also playing a roll in fading and explaining that, but... heh. It still needs a lot of work! For now, it's one of those things where it's been decided "this is the thing that happens. You can figure out why later."
The radiant state is another topic of a similar conundrum, though I do decide to stick to accuracy with that one. In that case, Radiance is often far too hot for anything to withstand it and clothes naturally burn off (which is why Ethereals are depicted as being nude in the radiant state.) All of that being said, though...
Deciding to settle with the more accurate here and the less accurate (perhaps. Until I can find a way to explain it well enough, anyway!) for the fading state is where things start to get funky...
Ultimately, this dilemma has led me to just play it by ear, for now. The less accurate fading state will be the default until further notice. I'll be sure to let y'all know if that ever changes, though. I'm also open to input for individual stories and RP! The fun of working with a wide range of worlds and settings is they can have their own "universal laws," where things may work differently than in others as it is.~
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hay-nel · 2 years
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2018 -> 2022
Can't believe it's only been four years since I started taking seriously drawing. I was 21 years old, I didn't know what to do with my life and I was really struggling with my mental health.
Now look at me! I'm 25 years old, I still don't know what to do with my life and I'm still struggling with my mental health (not as much as before tho (I got diagnosed! which means that now I know why I feel like shit)). But hey, at least now I sometimes like what I draw. Believe it or not, that's a huge improvement!
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