#Steven Murphy fiction
La dama Enlutada - Steve Murphy x ReaderFic #1
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Summary: Never stop to pick up anyone, especially if it's November and at night.
Warnings: mention of death, ghosts, urban legends, paranormal events.
N/A: When I was editing it I realised that the ending and the way it unfolded lent itself to making more parts of it. So if you like it, let me know so I can make a continuation or a different version?
"A los tres días, Abel murió sospechosamente y nunca se conocieron las causas. Y es por eso que en el mes de noviembre, los taxistas temen y evitan pasar por el cementerio central de Bogotá, pues por la noche… Cuenta la leyenda que una mujer vestida de negro regresa para pagar lo que prometió y no cumplió en vida." (Three days later, Abel died suspiciously and the cause was never known. And that is why in the month of November, taxi drivers fear and avoid passing through the central cemetery of Bogotá, because at night… According to myth, a woman dressed in black returns to pay for what she promised and did not fulfil in life".)
Amidst boos and comments from your companions you finished your story, until Steve's voice stood out from the rest.
"Oh, please, everyone knows that ghosts don't exist, let alone are able to relate to the ones that are alive."
With annoyance you rolled your eyes as you approached him with your arms crossed, "Wow Murphy, for a man of the countryside I'm surprised at your Skepticism, I would have expected it from Peña or Carrillo, but even they know what I say isn't a lie."
Looking for support from his friend/partner, the blond shot a glance at the agent, to which he only denied as he took a puff of air from his cigarette. "Oh please!!! You too?
"I'll just say that I've seen and experienced things that even the Escobar would end up leaving him shaking and scared shitless."
And between mockery on the part of some and experiences on the part of others, the circle that had formed around your desk began to dissipate, and one by one they began to take their things and their own way home, including all three of you.
"I'm just saying that it must and there is a logical explanation behind it". Steve insisted.
"Look, maybe you're right or maybe not, but what is true is that in November, the taxis finish their routine before the sun goes down…"
And with those words put in his mind, the three of them went their separate ways. Even though he knew and was sure of his position, he couldn't help feeling uneasy, something in the atmosphere didn't feel right, maybe it was just because of the cold night and that the air sounded weird, yeah, that must be it?
Before he knew it, it was already midnight, how come it was taking him so long to get home? Impossible, it wasn't the first time he had taken this route and besides, the streets were clean, as if he was in a ghost town.
As it seemed his gaze and thoughts were so lost, he didn't notice the sudden female presence that stood in his way. Unluckily for him, by the time he tried to avoid her, it was too late.
"Shit, shit, what did I do?" he asked himself as his body and mind began to go into a state of shock, "it's not like it' s much different from what you do, is it?" so he guessed that the words he heard were just his unconscious reproaching him for his recent carelessness behind the wheel.
Occupying the training previously obtained, he approached to her body to check if she still had a pulse or breathing, therefore his gaze detached from her, avoiding to see her sudden reawakening.
Abruptly, the woman's eyes snapped open, their gazes still not meeting, but that seemed to be the least of it, because in another way it was possible to feel her, sending a current of shivers and a bit of relief to the agent.
"Thank God you're alive, are you alright?, "Usted, está bien?", "Lla…I'll call an ambulance, don't worry, you'll be alright… lla… llamaré a una ambulancia, descuide, va a estar bien…" It took him longer to reach for his radio/cell phone than to feel the woman's cold hand, stopping him.
""No…No lo haga, Estoy bien" ("no…Don't…Don't do it, I'm fine…") with difficulty she kept moving, to which Steve could only help her.
"Okay... but at least let me help you. Tell me, do you have somewhere to go?, ¿Casa? ¿Tiene casa? Or would you like to call someone…? Familia a quien llamar?". For the second time he was shocked, for the first time in all this time of madness, he had seen his victim's face. It was the eerie mixture of the faces of his beloved Connie and the one who was one of the few people he trusted at work and in the country itself, (T/N).
Unwilling to worsen the situation, they both got into the car in silence. Murphy driving and that mysterious girl sitting in the back in silence.
Not sure what to do or where to go, he asked her again. "Do you have anywhere to go? ¿Casa? ¿Dónde vive?" ¿To which she simply replied. "cementerio central de Bogotá" ("Bogotá's central cemetery"). Murphy, recalled the legend told by her friend, couldn't help but feel anxious.
"You know, Sabe... if I may, I think it would be best to..."
"To the central cemetery, please…"
Something, there was something in her voice that was peculiar to him, what was it? He couldn't explain it, it was just, it was peculiar. He didn't want to make the situation worse or make the strange passenger upset, so he drove to the destination indicated in silence.
"This is it…" finally spoke the mysterious girl again, who before getting out of the vehicle spoke again. "I know that my presence has already caused you too much trouble tonight, but would you mind waiting for me, I promise not to be long. I'm just going to say a prayer." Unable to refuse him, he merely nodded silently.
At first the time was passing heavily, the seconds became minutes and the minutes became hours, until suddenly the agent's clear eyes closed.
*tok, tok, tok*
For the second time, the tapping on the window made him roll down the window. It was a gravedigger… Steve told him why he had parked all night in front of the cemetery and slept, except for the part about the accident, and the man froze.
"Ay mi amigo, I feel the need to tell you something. The woman you picked up last night, years ago died, the disappearance and possible loss of her husband ended up burying her… Before she died she used to be out looking all over for him, until, well, sadness consumed her".
It was then that her friend's words echoed in her mind again.
"Y es por eso que en el mes de noviembre, los taxistas temen y evitan pasar por el cementerio central de Bogotá, pues por la noche… Cuenta la leyenda que una mujer vestida de negro regresa para pagar lo que prometió y no cumplió en vida." ("And that is why in the month of November, taxi drivers fear and avoid passing through the central cemetery of Bogotá, because at night… Legend has it that a woman dressed in black returns to pay for what she promised and did not fulfil in life.")
34 notes · View notes
miravayl · 8 months
#Mira-Marathon | Star Wars
Cartoon Name: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008); Production Studios: Lucasfilm, Lucasfilm Animation; Director by: Dave Filoni; Screenwriter: Henry Gilroy, Steven Melching, Scott Murphy; Starring: Matt Lanter, Ashley Eckstein, James Arnold Taylor, Dee Bradley Baker, Tom Kane; Genres: Science Fiction, Action, Adventure; Running Time: 1 hour 38 minutes;
The cartoon "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" tells the fascinating story of the Jedi Ahsoka Tano and her teacher Anakin Skywalker. Contemplate the exciting plot, impressive characters and excellent visual effects. Friendship, the dark side of the Force and exciting battles. Some boring dialogue and possible childishness for some viewers.
My rating:
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0 notes
lavendertales · 1 year
SEÑORITA: Chapter 7**
pairing: Javier Peña x Murphy!f!reader
summary: following your fallout with Steve, you find yourself on Javier's doorstep.
word count: 6.4k (oops)
series warnings: reluctant friends to lovers, lots of playful banter, mutual pining, slow burn, secret relationship, filthy smut.
chapter warnings: face sitting, body worship, piv (safe).
A/N: here we are ya'll, the long awaited explosion of the slow burn hehehe. thank you so much for all the comments and the love, it means so much to me 💕I hope you'll enjoy this chapter as well, and feedback is always much appreciated!
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series masterlist | AO3
You would’ve preferred to sit down inside your apartment in order to have this conversation rather than wander aimlessly on the hot streets of New York at almost midnight with your brother, but the surroundings are less important than the issue at hand.
Steve offered to buy frozen yogurt for the two of you, and fight as you might, you were persuaded to eat a little bowl of strawberry cold goodness. The two of you sat down at this little place on the corner, both clearly too uptight to initiate the conversation. So you clear your throat, exhaling slowly and steadily, and braced yourself.
“I’m sorry.”
He blurts out the words as he stares at you, his eyes big and regretful.
“I’m so sorry for not supporting you more,” he continues, putting down the spoon. “And for not taking more of an interest in your hobby. It clearly means so much to you and I… I know I was a dickhead.”
“If you’re waiting for me to disagree it’s not going to happen.”
Steve chuckles, huffing.
“It’s more than a hobby, Steve,” you tell him. “In an ideal world where money wouldn’t be a thing, this would be my dream job. I’d do nothing else but write, travel and eat food all over the world. It’s why I took a job at the library. It’s the closest I’ll ever be to achieving that dream.”
“That makes me sad.”
“Made me sad too. But this is reality, and denying it won’t do me any favors.”
“You were always so much more mature and rational than me.”
Surprised, you make a face at him, unable to contain yourself. You’ve never heard such words from your brother.
“Me?” you say with a light chuckle escaping from your lips. “The eternal dreamer?”
“Yeah. Sure, you like to picture fictional worlds and get lost in them but you never lose sense of reality. You’re neither optimistic nor pessimistic. You just… live in the now.”
“You know… I’m actually really close to getting my own book published.”
Steve’s eyes widen further, his face revealing nothing but sheer excitement at this point, and the sight softens you; so much so that you smile involuntarily, rather flustered to finally share this news with him.
“That’s amazing, I’m so happy for you!” he nearly shouts.
“Thanks, thanks. You’re the third person I tell this to.”
“Javier and Sylvie know.”
“Oh. I see. Is it based on Star Wars? Or inspired by it?”
You frown. “No, you doofus, it’s my own story. If I were to publish a fanfiction for Star Wars, I’d definitely get sued by George Lucas.”
“Kind of defeats the point of writing it, doesn’t it?”
As happy as you felt a minute ago, you feel just as dumbfounded now.
“The point, again, is creativity,” you reply. “You start from there and you build towards your own independent stories.”
“Isn’t it a waste of time? I mean why not start right at—“
“Oh my God! You’ve been this way since we were kids. You always thought you’re superior, whether you realized it or not.”
“I didn’t. And I didn’t mean to insult—“
“You never mean to and yet you still do.”
Steve watches you stand up, hands on your hips and munching on your lower lip in what can only be described as anger finally bubbling up at the surface.
“Mom and dad always sung your praises because you chose to do things logically and fit into society while I was a bitter disappointment for spending time alone in my room, reading and writing,” you say. “You finished high school and went straight to the Academy and mom and dad couldn’t have been prouder. Me? I finished high school and went to study literature in college and it still wasn’t good enough.”
“Nobody ever said that, you know it’s not true.”
“They didn’t have to say it. I could see it in their eyes, the way they spoke. I was the weirdo who needed a social life while you were their beloved Steven, making his way into the real world at such a young age, being so brave. Mom and dad never stopped thinking there’s something wrong with me and they didn’t hesitate in telling me that with every chance they got. Passive aggressively but still.”
“There’s nothing wrong with you.”
“I know. I know that now. It took years of therapy to realize that.”
Steve watches you closely, filled with unrelenting guilt. He’s never seen you this decisive and mad, but he knows deep down he’s had it coming. All of the things he wished for your relationship are slowly going down the drain and he begins to fear that if he doesn’t say the right thing now and try his hardest to be here for you, he will lose you forever.
“I never meant to treat you any way other than with respect,” he says, his voice oddly hoarse. “I know I’m pushing things a lot of the time and I exaggerate and I have no right to intervene in your personal life, but it only comes from a place of needing to protect you.”
“I can protect myself, Steven.”
He huffs, grabbing your wrist and thus urging you to sit back down. “Do you remember in seventh grade when that group of idiots picked on you while you were reading on the playground? It rained heavily the day before and they snatched the book from your hands and threw it into a puddle, ruining it.”
“Yeah, I—I remember.”
“And then you told me that one of them, the bigger one, came onto you that same afternoon and forcefully kissed you. I had him suspended.”
“I may have… broke his nose and threatened him to worse if he didn’t go to the principal’s office to confess to both forcing himself onto you and to bullying you.”
“Oh my—you never told me that.”
Steve shrugs. “Pretty sure that was the moment I started to be mindful of the guys that were around you. And when you got annoyed and purposely started dating the worst guys you could find, things have gotten wild.”
“You can say that again.”
You both chuckle.
“You know, the fact that you confided in Javi about your book before me or Connie is a bit hurtful,” Steve admits.
“Do you know why I told Javier first? Even before Sylvie? Because he asked me. It’s that simple. He took an interest in my passion and he actually cared about it. Hell, he turned my Star Wars story into a real book. He made it into a book just for me because he knows how much it means to me, and how much writing means to me.”
“He what?”
You nod. “Yeah. He didn’t mock me, he didn’t assume he knows better than me. He even encouraged me to keep going, which is how I’m close to finishing the editing part of my book faster than I anticipated. And this from a guy who was a complete stranger to me three months ago. You keep saying that Javier is your best friend but you don’t seem to treat him that way. You treat him like he’s bad news, like you didn’t go through all that shit together in Colombia. You need to get your shit together. Javier is a really good man. A good friend, and an overall good person.”
“I know he is, I’m just worried about him too like I’m worried about you. He hasn’t been the same since we came back from Colombia. It changed him in ways that I… I don’t know. I have Connie and Olivia and I feel so lucky but… he keeps to himself. He barely allows anyone in so I don’t know what it’s like inside his head. I was just so worried that you’d both rush into something you might not be ready for and end up hurting each other.”
You don’t realize you’ve been holding your breath for quite some time, but you certainly hadn’t felt the need to breathe, not in this moment when years of anger and misunderstandings culminate in the most honest sentences either of you have ever spoken to each other.
“Even if we did rush into a relationship or casual dating or whatever, it still wouldn’t be your call to make,” you remind him. “It’s not your decision, it’s mine and his. We’re both adults, tip-toeing around each other and around you because you have this weird protection fetish.”
“It’s not—“
“You know what I meant.”
“I—I’m really sorry, sis. I just wanted us to be closer. I went the wrong way about it, I know that.”
“You did. Trying to intimidate your best friend and controlling whoever your baby sister is around is not the way to go about this. You pulled the same shit in high school and look how that turned out.”
“I was worried about you, about both of you.”
“And you had reasons to, I’ll give you that. But now there is none. I’m okay. And Javier can talk if he feels like it.”
“You don’t know him the way I do.”
“Maybe not. But you don’t know him like I do, either.”
Steve calls out your name once you get ready to leave.
“Whom I date is none of your business,” you retort. “Not even if that someone was your best friend. Which is not. So cut it out already and get your shit together. If you can’t accept this, then leave me the hell alone.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I appreciate it. And I appreciate what you did for me that time in the seventh grade. I really do. But I need some time before I can truly forgive you.”
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Javier hadn’t expected the erratic knock on the door at this hour, and he certainly hadn’t expected to be met with the sight in his doorway.
You look just as lovely as ever, though you do seem to be a little tense. He doesn’t ask; instead, he looks you over and welcomes you inside, waiting for you to offer some explanation for your late visit, already perilous enough as it is.
“I know it’s late, I’m sorry,” you coo. “I just—this was the first place I thought of. Didn’t wanna be alone in my apartment.”
“It’s okay. What happened?”
“Why do you assume something happened? Can’t a friend pay a visit to another friend?”
“They can, but not with that expression on their face.”
“What expression?”
“You look like you’ve been run over.”
You frown, distancing yourself from him even further.
“I’m your friend, I should be able to tell you this without a problem,” Javier adds.
“No, you sure can. Thank you for the fine observation.”
“Glad I could be of service. Do you want a drink?”
Say no, your mind screams at you, almost begs. You shouldn’t be drinking, not when you’re feeling vulnerable after the raw conversation you’ve had at long last with your brother, and certainly not around Javier.
It’s not that you don’t trust yourself. You know what you can and can’t handle.
You’re simply afraid the liquor might provide you with the courage to finally tell him exactly what’s on your mind, and that you might end up being rejected. Something tells you Javier might choose loyalty and rationality over his feelings.
He keeps to himself, Steve told you.
“Little bit of whiskey would be nice if you have it,” you eventually reply, catching both Javier and yourself off guard.
“Didn’t know you drink whiskey.”
“I don’t. Not really. Only when I need something really strong.”
“I take it the conversation with Steve didn’t go that well then.”
Fucking hell, how does he do this? How does he intuit things about you without you even saying or hinting them?
“It did. I think,” you smile as a glass of amber liquid is being handed to you. “We talked things through, I told him my piece… he apologized. And he meant it, I could tell.”
“He’s an honest guy, and he means well.”
“I know he does. He only ever wanted to be there for his baby sister and to be a good friend, but he’s taken things too far. Which he’s acknowledged.”
“Color me intrigued and shocked.”
You smile, hiding the gesture in the glass and stealing a glance at Javier. An unfamiliar warmth surrounds you, wraps you in a blanket of confusion and longing that you’re certain you haven’t felt up until now.
“So how come you ended up here then?”
“I don’t know. I just… stormed off, told him I appreciate his apology but I need some time before I can fully forgive him.”
“While we’re at it…” Javier clears his throat, lowering his now empty glass, “I’m sorry too.”
“For what?”
“For everything.”
“You didn’t cause this.”
“I feel like I kind of did mess things up though. I’m quite good at it.”
You lower your glass too, reaching out to take his hand which he hesitantly accepts. “You’re not a bad guy. In no way, shape or form. Trust me on this. I know them pretty well. And you don’t fit in that category.”
When you smile at him, so sincere and bright, Javier pulls back his hand, chugging the rest of whiskey and focusing solely on the way it burns his throat.
And yet when he thinks of the way his body feels when you’re around you, that all-too-familiar burn is nothing compared to it.
“If I wouldn’t have taken this job, maybe things wouldn’t have been this way between you and Steve,” Javier mutters.
“Things between me and Steve have been rocky for years. They would’ve probably continued to be tense if you hadn’t pushed us to talk. Involuntarily, of course. And besides, if you wouldn’t have taken the job… I wouldn’t have met you.”
“I don’t know anyone whose life was better for having known me.”
“There is someone I can think of.”
Javier briefly gazes at you and quickly wishes he’d evaporate. It feels too much, far too consuming to even maintain eye contact with you on account of all the fear, the impossible yearning, the confusion and the—
No. stop it. This is not that.
“Anyway,” you resume, feeling a bit short of breath yourself, “I don’t think Steve wanted me to meet you in the first place.”
“That kinda makes me wanna get back at him.”
“Me too. And you know what would show him?”
Javier raises his brow, already anticipating and dreading the answer before it ever leaves your mouth.
“If we hooked up,” you smile wickedly.
He cocks an eyebrow, his interest peaked and his stomach all twisted in knots. “That so?”
“Mhm. We could let him stew in doubt, let him guess.”
“How would we pull that off?”
“Well, since we already agreed actually doing it is out of the question, a light touch on the arm when we’re all together, gazing at each other from afar, smiling… a kiss on the cheek, stuff like that.”
Javier has no idea when he finds himself in your close proximity again. All he knows is that he’s sitting on the chair next to you, leaning in yet again, cursing his own inner demons for fighting a losing battle, and his breaths betraying his restlessness.
“The buildup to a kiss is the best part,” he coos, and you swear you shiver for a second. “One of them, anyway.”
“Is it though?”
“Yes. What kind of jackasses did you date in the past? Jesus Christ.”
“The worst I could find.”
Against his better judgment—if there was any of it left—Javier chuckles, forcing himself to look at you.
“The moment you look into each other’s eyes and lean in, that’s where it all starts. It’s simple but it’s really powerful stuff. Heart beats faster. Breaths get shallower. At some point your eyes sort of drift away to the other’s lips, wondering what they taste and feel like. And then, when you finally feel bold enough to lean in more…”
You close your eyes, Javier’s faintly whiskey-infused breath all warm and tingly over your lips, and you wait. What you receive in return is a phone ringing though, so you instantly pull away, opening your eyes again and noticing the same expression on Javier’s face as you assume is on yours: desperation.
“I—“he starts, but you shush him immediately.
“It’s okay.”
We shouldn’t anyway, you think.
“Hello?” Javier practically groans into the telephone. “Hey, Con.”
You turn towards him on instinct, curious about the subject matter between the two, though you shouldn’t be; you know exactly what this is about, and at this late hour nonetheless.
“No,” Javier answers in an unusually dark and steady voice, eyes locked on your figure. “She’s not here.”
You look at him, utterly taken aback, and you gulp.
“Have you at least heard from her?” Connie inquires at the other end, unbeknownst to you. “She had a talk or a fight or something with Steve and now he’s worried. He says he called her apartment, went there and there’s no answer. It’s a whole thing.”
“I haven’t heard from her.”
“Look, Con, with all due respect and care, she’s a grown woman and Murphy needs to stop babying her. She’s perfectly capable of making her own choices and seems to me that right now she doesn’t want to be found. So whatever you think it is that I’m doing…”
“I’m not thinking anything. Should I?”
“We’re… friends.”
“Have you noticed that whenever you say that, the pause between ‘we’ and ‘friends’ gets bigger?”
Javier frowns and blinks several times in a row, dumbfounded. “What?”
“It started out as ‘oh, we’re friends’ but now it’s more along the lines of ‘oh. We’re… sigh… friends’.”
“I sound nothing like that.”
“Javi. Come on.”
“I told you, Con. She’s not here tonight. Wherever she is, I’m sure she’s fine. She just wants to be left alone for a bit.”
“Well if you hear from her—“
“Yeah. Goodnight, Connie.”
Javier hangs up, frozen in the same spot. He knows that now there is no going back and that he’s in deep shit, but truthfully he only gives a damn about your well-being.
Everything else is tomorrow’s problem.
“You lied,” you coo.
“Fine observation skills.”
“Thank you.”
Javier stares at the ground, processing his own words and thoughts. Ever since he left Colombia, he’s all but tried to always do the right thing, the honorable thing and be a respectable man in today’s society. Not the Javier that worked with one of the most gruesome groups in the world for the greater cause, not Javier that bent the American embassy’s rules to fit into his scenarios, but a new Javier that was good and learned from his mistakes.
And now, every time he looks at you, he feels himself falling deeper into temptation, on the verge of making another mistake. Only this one might not be so easy to fix.
“Don’t thank me,” he mutters, pacing around the living room. “It was stupid and selfish. Obviously Connie knows you’re here and Steve’s gonna know and the whole thing’s gonna blow up in my fucking face.”
You notice him purposely avoiding your eyes and you reckon by the edgy way he’s marching through the living room that there are dozens of things on his mind now, if not more.
No answer, more pacing.
“Javier, look at me.”
Still no answer, slightly less pacing.
“Why aren’t you looking at me? A minute ago you couldn’t stop looking at me when we were about to—“
“We were about to do nothing.”
“Right. I just—“
Then, Javier turns to you so abruptly it startles you for a second. You watch him walk towards you with a look on his face that you can’t quite put together. But it doesn’t intimidate you, nor does it scare you. On the contrary: it rather makes you want to hold him and be with him.
“What the hell are you doing to me?” he murmurs, his chocolate, soft eyes now glued to yours.
“I’m not—I’m not doing any—“
“No, you’re fucking consuming me. Eating me alive from inside out. And looking at you… whenever I look at you, I feel my promise to Steve break. I feel myself break, I feel… I feel the way I did back in Colombia, all fucked up and twisted and you don’t deserve that.”
“You never talk about it. Colombia.”
Javier purses his lips, holding his breath. “Sometimes it feels like I never left. Like it’s hell all around me. But then I think I can’t possibly be in hell cause you wouldn’t be there otherwise.”
Your heart flutters in your chest, your cheeks scorch with flattery and your body only craves more.
“Instead, you’re… here,” Javier continues, somewhat distraught. “You’re here and you’re… warm and fun and… alive. And your scent… I can’t get it out of my fucking head even if I know I should, I really should. Fucking… lavender, ruining me. And I just… I was hollow back there. I was dark and a jackass and… not as half as honorable as I thought I was, or that I’d be. I did shitty things, bad things. Colombia twisted me in ways I can’t revert. But I want to be better now, I want to be worthy, ironically because of you and for you. So looking at you feels like the most incredible thing in the world and the worst.”
You inch closer, breathless from the words that have been thrown at you, so raw and heartfelt.
“Did you ever kill a child?” you ask, and you can see the surprise on Javier’s face as the question is being processed by him.
“A woman?”
You nod once, slowly, inching even closer to him. “I thought we’re friends,” you whisper.
“We are, which is why I’m saying this with respect and care. Being your friend is killing me.”
“You said I’m not your type.”
“Apparently I was wrong. So very wrong. Apparently… you’re the very thing that I want. Pathetically desperate and… so fucking needy.”
Your skin is on fire by now, your throat dry and your mouth practically drooling.
“Javi,” you manage to get out.
“No, don’t—don’t do this to me right now.”
“Don’t do what? What are you—“
“Don’t say ‘Javi’, not like that.”
“How should I say it then?”
Javier’s eyes drop to your lips, and all of a sudden he’s unable to look elsewhere, consumed entirely by the unholiest thoughts he’s ever known.
“I got some ideas,” he whispers, his tongue wetting his lips.
“Mind sharing them with me?”
“I can’t.”
“But I want you to do this to me. There, verbal consent.”
Javier cocks his head to the side, thus exposing his neck and you’re feeling more parched than ever.
“The things I could do to you…” he mutters as if strictly to himself. “The things I could show you…”
“So show them to me. Show me… you.”
“Fuck, I want—“
“What do you want, Javi?”
The way you said his name, fully aware of the effect it has on him now and how much it messes with his mind, it makes Javier unable to think straight and certainly unable to resist you. In what can only be described as an act of insanity, Javier’s hand boldly rests on your waist, barely touching, and yet enough for both of you to feel the heat radiating from it.
“I want to do this right,” he says. “You’re not a random hookup. I—I wanna take you out to dinner, get to know you and be with you.”
“Dinner sounds nice.”
“Tomorrow night at seven?”
In an even more insane act, you decide to move closer to him so that your lips press against his stubbled cheek. The touch is tentative, meant to be appreciative and thankful, but in the end, it only acts as a detonator to an already short enough fuse.
Before your brain properly understands what’s happening, you feel Javier sliding down your body until he kneels before you and wraps his arms around your legs and look up at you.
“Show me how to be good,” Javier mutters, and it shocks you to your core. “Show me how to be good, for you. Please.”
You open your mouth, and yet nothing comes out. Your mind must’ve short-circuited because no words come to mind except Sylvie’s from many weeks ago. 
Mark my words, this Javier is gonna be on his knees before you, asking you to teach him how to be good.
Then you’re gonna be in big trouble, missy.
Damn you, Sylvie.
Still tongue-tied, you place your index finger beneath Javier’s chin, thus signaling him to stand back up. He follows obediently, staring at you once more and waiting, his heart in his throat.
Finally, at long fucking last, with chills creeping up your spine, you cup Javier’s cheeks and press your lips against his.
And good lord, is this the softest kiss you’ve ever had in your entire life.
It’s languid, tentative at first, as if you’re both waiting for each other’s reaction to it, but within the following seconds, the kiss turns sloppy and heated, betraying your eagerness.
Javier’s hands wrap around your body expertly, and he hums into your mouth, the sound going straight into your cunt almost soaking you on the spot. This is the part of relationships he’s actually really good at, something he’s very confident in, so he wastes no time in guiding you to his bedroom, leaving a wet trail of kisses down on your neck as he plops you on the bed, him atop of you.
“If you want to stop, you gotta tell me now,” he warns, his voice as dark as his eyes. “I mean, we can stop at any point, but if you don’t—“
“I want this, Javier. I want you. I don’t want to stop.”
Javier groans, his mouth back on yours and seemingly devouring it whilst his hands roam nervously on your body. There’s dampness between your legs, and you have the urge to rub your legs together in an attempt to hide the slickness, but when you feel a calloused hand grabbing the back of your thigh, gently squeezing it, you part your legs as if to make enough room for him. And he does; Javier grinds between your legs, beginning to undress you with so much determination it’s causing your head to spin.
By the time you’re topless and writhing beneath him, you’re begging for him to touch you some more. You’re begging for his hands, his mouth, any part of him that he’s willing to give to you, and Javier obeys without a single objection in mind.
“Lift your hips for me,” he instructs, and you do as he says.
Your pants come off, then Javier’s eyes stop on your underwear, already eating you up with a single look.
“So fuckin’ pretty,” you hear him say, and you shiver.
It’s you who pulls him back in for a kiss, and it feels like the most maddening, enticing and damnable thing in the whole wide world. One of Javier’s hands reaches in between your legs, feeling the dampness soaking your panties, and you gasp. He massages your clit through the fabric, having you moan uncontrollably right in his mouth, more so when you’re completely bare, panties thrown carelessly to the side.
“On my face,” Javier manages to get out during the brief pause which he takes to undress himself.
“Sit on my face. Right now. I wanna taste you.”
Your mouth ajar, you stare at him struggling to compose yourself but there is no possible scenario in which you can accomplish that successfully. Instead, your eye roam over his shirtless figure, the sight fueling your needs further.
“Will you let me taste you?”
“I—it’s just I’ve never—done that, really.”
Javier looks dumbfounded at you. “You never sat on a guy’s face?”
“No, some of them barely went down on me, so I—“
“Do you trust me?”
You nod.
“Then take a seat.”
Javier lies down on the bed, quickly disposing of his own pants in the process, and it’s only then that you notice how hard he is. It can’t be comfortable, and yet here he is, choosing to do something that’s aimed for your pleasure. Unless of course this gives him great pleasure as well, which you think it does, and that only makes things tougher.
You climb up his body, quivering when you feel his calloused hands kneading the flesh of your ass and thighs as you do so, and quickly try to figure out the logistics of the act. That is, until Javier loses patience and grabs your thighs, placing them on either sides of his face, and you nearly lose your goddamn mind at his first taste he takes of you.
You’re sitting all the way on his face, his nose nudging your clit and his tongue lapping at your folds, collecting every ounce of arousal he can get. It’s pleasure from an angle you didn’t even dream of, and Javier certainly knows his way around a woman’s body. You react out of impulse and grab a handful of his hair, tugging on it while Javier’s tongue splits you open.
You’re stuttering, heart pounding in your ears and your whole body afire; so much so that you shake, and not out of pleasure—not yet. But the way Javier yaps at your pussy, you somehow know he’s gonna get you there soon.
Beneath you, Javier listens closely to all the sounds you let out for him; he takes the time to feel every portion of your skin, not just the way his mouth is buried in your pussy, and to say he’s in awe would be a crass understatement. When you start grinding on his mouth, your body’s natural reaction to the way ecstasy builds in your body, Javier can’t help his own body’s reaction to it. You don’t see his hand sneaking behind you to curl around his weeping cock, and even if you did, all you’d want would be to take him in your mouth instead, give him at least half the pleasure and happiness he’d been giving you all this time.
“Mhmmm—sounds so fucking good when you say it like that.”
“J-Javi, please—“
“Shit I could drink from you—all day long.”
Too impatient, both of Javier’s hands go back to your ass, grabbing it so that you rock faster against his tongue, but you’re already moving out of your own accord in a desperate attempt to capture more of his mouth, to have that feeling that’s only bubbling in your belly explode into a thousand explosive flames.
“Need you to say it,” you hear him beg from between your legs. “Can you say it for me, hm? Ask me.”
“Please, Javi…”
“Say it.”
“Javi, I need—I need you. Need to… feel you.”
Then, it all seizes around you: your mind goes blank, your vision goes dark, nothing but stars all around you and unbearable heat bursting from beneath you and going up till your whole body is enveloped in it. Javier’s hands continue to explore your body, touching and caressing every inch of skin, his eyes never leaving your figure like he’s admiring the most precious work of art there is.
“So beautiful,” you see him murmur as you’re getting off him.
Javier licks his lips teasingly just as you lean down to kiss him again. You doubt you’d ever get enough of his mouth now that you’ve finally tasted it.
“You’re so beautiful,” he says. “And so tasty.”
You smile flustered, still unable to think of anything proper to say. Some words do come to mind, of course; thank you, I appreciate your friendship, I’m in love with you—
Oh no, not that one.
You begin to fear that the way you’re kissing him exposes the reality in your mind, the word you undeniably feel fluttering inside your chest, begging to be released, but you can’t. It’s far too soon and too hasty, so you keep them to yourself. As your bodies get entangled with one another and you find yourself beneath him once again, you abandon those words in a tiny box at the back of your mind, sealed.
 You find that once you keep your mouth shut, you can only gaze at Javier, and he at you. There’s nothing else to be said, not when your body’s being molded in such tender ways by Javier’s hands and mouth, praised for simply being here in between the sheets with him.
“Can you please fuck me now? I think we’ve both waited enough.”
“Couldn’t agree more.”
Javier reaches over, opening the nightstand and eventually rolling a condom onto his erection, lining up to your entrance. You can’t help but admire Javier, his eyes, his lips, his cheeks, his strong arms, his chest and his belly, the soft, dark curls at the base of his cock, the way his lower lip quivers when he’s overwhelmed.
“You’re so—“you gasp.
And the way he fills you to the brim in one languid, careful thrust is equal parts mesmerizing and enticing.
“So what?” Javier asks.
“So pretty.”
Javier stills for a moment, blinking in confusion. “No one’s said that to me before. I don’t… am I?”
You smile, nodding enthusiastically. “Yes. Very much so.”
Then Javier sinks into you, inch by delicious inch. You feel him pressing down onto you, completely undone and ravished, and keeps muttering into your ear little praises here and there. Your back arched, you take him and his words deep inside you, allowing Javier to consume you as much as he told you that you consume him.
And you have to admit, it is the most maddening sensation in the world.
He starts to move, a new urge overcoming him than when he’d been with women in the past. Being with you feels different because for the first time in so many years, he doesn’t want to rush; in spite of his neediness and almost two years of celibacy, now that he’s here, with you and inside of you, he wants to remain in this moment for as long as possible. He doesn’t have to rush, he realizes. There’s no bombs going off in the distance or shootings—most importantly, Colombia is not out there.
But you are here, soft and warm and kind and beautiful and Javier can barely breathe thinking about how much he adores you.
He wants to say the words, he feels them on the tip of his tongue, but he doesn’t want to scare you away. And he doesn’t want to rush things when this has the potential to be something so great.
His thrusts keep the same pace, though Javier feels like he could easily come at any given moment. Your tight, warm walls around him make him dizzy, utterly lost in that damned lavender scent and in your eyes and your smile. And your lips—oh God, he could kiss you all day and all night long. All the other times he’d abstained from kissing you, how close he was… how could he not have you that way?
It’s all he hears, his name moaned from your perfect lips. All he knows now is you, the way you arch your back with each thrust of his, the way you gasp when his hand lays on your stomach and his thumb plays with your clit.
“I’ve thought about this, you and me… before,” you smile, cupping his cheeks.
“Mhm. I swore I’d never tell you. But now—“
“I thought about it too.”
“You—you did?”
Javier nods, leaning down to peck your lips, the gesture followed by an ecstatic smile.
“I shouldn’t have. I knew it was… it was wrong, it was dirty and cheap… I couldn’t stop. I—I tried, please believe me, I really tried, I—“
“Javi, shhh. I know you did. You were very honorable, and a great friend. Especially now, to me.”
You both smile against each other’s lips, Javier’s hips stuttering after a little while. He feels that familiar burn in his stomach, and that’s the only time he dares speed up, almost manically so. With a few grunts, Javier buries his head in the crook of your neck, cursing once in a while as his orgasm bubbled in his whole body. He needs to feel you pulse around him more than anything.
“It’s okay, come for me, Javi.”
“But I—“
“I’m close too.”
“S-So close… please…”
You don’t need to beg: you and Javier are right there, both tipping over the edge of sanity and falling right into the pit of passion and ecstasy. Javier grunts the loudest he ever had, spilling himself inside the condom and remaining still above you, the pleasure coursing through his veins overwhelming him completely. He looks down on you and sees your face scrunched up in the most adorable and alluring way and it dawns on him: it’s because of him. You came twice now, once in his mouth and once around his cock, gasping and moaning sweetly because of him. There’s a pride in his chest, pride and flattery, almost to an animalistic, primal degree.
When he pulls out, you feel empty and lonely, though the thought seems ridiculous because he’s right there still, isn’t he? You can’t help it—it’s like you want your bodies to remain united as one for as long as humanly possible.
“Oh, by the way,” Javier says, returning from the bathroom with a towel that he begins to press on your inner thighs and between them, “this is probably obvious, but we’re not telling your brother about this, right?”
You raise your eyebrows, bemused at his genuine question.
“I know we joked about it before, but… still.”
“Unless hell freezes over, no, we are not telling Steven shit.”
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tags: @pedrostories @psychedelic-ink @milkymoon2483 @ifall4dilfs @casa-boiardi @fallenkitten @jenispunk
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animusrox · 6 months
My 96th Academy Awards Predictions
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BEST PICTURE - Oppenheimer BEST DIRECTOR - Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer BEST ACTRESS - Lily Gladstone, Killers of the Flower Moon BEST ACTOR - Cillian Murphy, Oppenheimer BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS - Da’Vine Joy Randolph, The Holdovers BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR - Robert Downey Jr., Oppenheimer BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY - Celine Song, Past Lives BEST ADAPTED SCREENPLAY - Cord Jefferson, American Fiction BEST INTERNATIONAL FEATURE - The Zone of Interest, United Kingdom BEST ANIMATED FEATURE - Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse BEST DOCUMENTARY FEATURE - 20 Days in Mariupol BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY - Hoyte van Hoytema, Oppenheimer BEST EDITING - Jennifer Lame, Oppenheimer BEST COSTUME DESIGN - Holly Waddington, Poor Things BEST HAIR AND MAKEUP - Kazu Hiro, Kay Georgiou, and Lori McCoy-Bell, Maestro BEST SOUND - Tarn Willers and Johnnie Burn, The Zone of Interest BEST VISUAL EFFECTS - Godzilla Minus One BEST PRODUCTION DESIGN - Poor Things BEST ORIGINAL SONG - “What Was I Made For?”, Billie Eilish and Finneas, Barbie BEST ORIGINAL SCORE - Ludwig Göransson, Oppenheimer BEST LIVE-ACTION SHORT - Wes Anderson and Steven Rales, The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar BEST ANIMATED SHORT - Jared and Jerusha Hess, Ninety-Five Senses BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT - Sheila Nevins and Trish Adlesic, The ABCs of Book Banning
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a-b-riddle · 6 months
Pen Pals Chapter One: Welcome to the Internet
I feel like most girls who claimed they loved world history either had a hot history teacher or a Percy Jackson obsession. Well, I'm not like most girls. I had both. I may have been failing math, but when I tell you I was passing history with flying colors...
It was 2009: I was a freshman in high school and at 14 years old, I was very impressionable. Full disclosure: I was not groomed. Well, by my teacher at least. My history teacher wasn't like that weird, over-friendly coach with the students. He was just hot. Very incredibly boring, but hot by my standards as a 14-year-old who up until that point had only kissed two boys, but read some very questionable fan-fiction. 
Our semester closed on the unit about World War II. It was the week of Christmas, we just finished our finals and we watched a movie I highly recommend called 'Pearl Harbor'.
That movie just kind of fueled my obsession with World War II. It's like those little kids who had a really nice nurse when they were sick and they grew up wanting to be nurses. I saw Ben Affleck in a WW 2 uniform and was fucking SET. 
Now don't get me wrong, I actually enjoyed it besides the hot actors. I loved the stories. I loved the heroes. Second Lieutenant Audie L. Murphy: The most decorated soldier of the war. He was credited for killing over 200 Germans. Corporal Desmond Doss was a medic, never picked up a weapon and saved 75 men by lowering them down from a freaking cliff. I cry every time I watch his interviews and if you want to know his full story watch Hacksaw Ridge. Then there was Private Steven Grant Rogers. Started out as an E-1 and then promoted to a O-3 (or a Captain) and was renamed  Captain America.
Just like how people think of Tom Brady when they think of the Super Bowl, I did the same thing when it came to Captain America and the war. Now, I don't want to say I idolized the man, but I did admire the hero.
My obsession made me major in History and later get a Master's in Conflict Management. Now, I was applying to one of the biggest companies in the nation: Stark Industries. Now, that was partly because I could not find a job anywhere and someone that I went to college with started working in HR and was able to get me an interview. It didn't have to do with anything pertaining to my degree, but it had been a while before I was able to find a job that paid this well. 
I felt like I was running my sponsor dry with his support and I had applied several times to multiple colleges in the city. I mean I had a freaking Master's degree with intentions of pursuing my Doctorate for crying out loud and the best I could do was be a personal assistant.
I was going to be a secretary. Nothing important, but the pay was more than exceptional. 
Stark Tower was intimidating to say the least. Over 90 floors and reflective glass windows. It hurt my neck to look directly up at it. 
When I walked into the building, security instructed me what floor to go to. When I got there, I was greeted with an empty desk. I waited several minutes downstairs before a strawberry blonde woman with cute freckles came down to greet me. "Hi, you must be the secretary applicant." She smiled. "I'm Pepper Potts. So you're resume here is quite impressive and Harrison in HR highly recommended you."
"Yes, I was so excited when he told me you had a position available."
"Usually, I would be doing the interview, but I'm afraid I have to head out on some other business, so if you want to take the elevator to floor 82, Mr. Stark will be waiting."
"Of course." I said holding a folder that contained all the documents he requested I brought in.
"Hello, Mr. Stark." I greeted.
"You must be Pepper's replacement."
"Oh," I said. "Is she not-"
"She's been made COO." He clarified. "She can't leave that easily."
"Oh, good." I said. "She seemed really sweet."
"To you, yes. To me, I can't do anything. Don't put your life in danger, don't challenge terrorists." He mocked. "She's no fun." He walked further into what I assumed was a common room of sorts. It gave no indication that he lived on that floor. There was a full bar and it looked more of a place he hosted parties. "So tell me a bit about yourself." He began to pour himself a drink. "Something that isn't on your resume."
"Um, well, I'm taking a course in French and Greek right now. Just online classes, nothing too time consuming. I prefer dogs over cats because I think that its important if you die, for your pet to at least be sad and I am the first one in my family to live in New York, that I know of. I'm the first girl to graduate with their Master's. I plan on eventually getting my Doctorate, but not for a while. I don't like hot coffee and I'm terrified of snakes."
"Who would actually prefer cats over dogs?"
"Pepper?" I asked to which he laughed, even though it wasn't that funny.
"I like you." He took a sip of his drink. "It's not liquor. Pepper has this rule that alcohol should only be consumed during certain times of the day."
"I think 9:30 on a Monday is acceptable. I was debating on getting Mimosas after the interview if it went well."
"And if it didn't?" He asked.
"I would say tequila, but I got food poisoning from the limes once."
"Really?" He asked.
"Yeah," I said. "I had about 15 limes and felt terrible the next day."
"I prefer a good scotch myself."
"I like anything that doesn't taste like alcohol. I'm really impressed that a bottle of wine can cost thousands of dollar, but I guarantee it can't be as delicious as a Moscow mule."
"I haven't had a Moscow mule in forever." He said. "They were my go-to in college."
"Where did you go to school?" His response was to point at a wall that was covered in awards and accomplishments. "You went to Andover?" I asked looking at his degree.
"Seven years." He said. "I really liked the science department."
"I've given a few guest lectures there. It's a lovely school."
"What was the topic of discussion?"
"The North African campaign during World War 2, but specifically the Battle of Ramree Island."
"History nerd. Nice." Mr. Stark replied sarcastically when the elevator door dinged. "Speaking of historical nerds."
If my legs could have physically turned into jelly at that moment they would. None other than Steve Rogers walked in with a blonde following dutifully behind. "Tony."
"Capscicle and the ice queen." He whispered too low for them to hear.
"Rogers, meet our new secretary." Tony introduced and started to head toward the elevator.
"It is such an honor, Captain Rogers." I said taking his outstretched hand.
"Please, call me Steve." He insisted. The blonde beside him remained quiet and eyed me up and down with a stoic expression.
"Not that I'm trying to cut you off, but I'll let you two old ladies reminisce on the glory days." Tony clicked the elevator door and waited until it dinged opened. "I have somewhere to be. Congratulations. You got the job. Blah. Blah. Blah. Monday at 9, don't be late." He pressed a button I couldn't see and the doors began to close. "Or do. I really don't care, but if you're late, bring coffee."
"He's..." I began, but couldn't quite pick the right word.
"Arrogant." Steve finished.
"I was going to say interesting." I said.
"So what 'glory days' was Stark referring to?"
"Oh. I gave a few lectures about a few battles at the University he went to. Nothing exciting."
"Well Mrs.-"
"It's just Miss." I said. That was stupid. Why did I say that? That was rude to cut him off like that. "Sorry." I apologized. Why was I apologizing?
"Well, Ma'am. It looks like we'll be seeing you Monday morning. If you're late Tony gets a triple shot of espresso and a disgusting amount of sugar in it."
"Being late isn't really my style. My mother always said if you're not early, you're late." Why was a quoting my zealot mother right now. Jesus, stop it.  Not like Jesus Jesus. You know what, never mind. "I think I can find my way out." I said.
The walk back home I felt my cheeks burn the entire time. I haven't even started and I'm already flustered. Jesus, get a grip.
Suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was him.
*So how did it go?*
*I got the job* I replied back.
*That's wonderful. I'm so proud of you* I couldn't deny the pride that swelled inside of me at his praise.
*Thank you, although I did make a complete ass out of myself*
*How so?*
*Well, my new boss introduced me to one of his partners and I felt like I made a fool of myself.* I typed. *Not partner in the sexual way, but someone he works with. He called Mrs. and I corrected him and said 'no it's just MIss' like it didn't even matter, he was just being polite. Then I quoted my mother. I was just flustered, but I start Monday.*
C didn't reply after that. We were supposed to have a date tonight so I'm sure he would just finish the conversation later. I had a caprese salad, but ate mostly the mozzarella. I showered, shaved and waited until I got a notification.
 *Sorry. Something came up. Regardless, I think you'll do great.* I smiled at his message, but was disappointment that he was cancelling our date tonight. Well the closest thing we came to date nights which usually ended in me being in an unsavory position.
Initially, C and I met on a chat forum in 2016. I was working on my senior seminar and had sort of an open ended question regarding the war. It was something along the lines of taking the notion that if a war on that scale were to happen in today's world in what ways would American citizens contribute to the war effort at home? Back in the 40s most companies like Ford made strictly military equipment. It was an honor to have a government contract whereas now it's more like any other business deal.
I received a lot of interesting responses, but a user named CR0876 replied that shifting the current American ideal of self-preservation to what we had before which was sacrificing for your country was the only way in which today's America could possibly aid in a war. I messaged CR0876 to further discuss the topic. 
He wrote me: All I am saying is we now live in a day and age where you have people who won't vaccinate their children simply because they choose not to. They don't have an issue with you vaccinating your kids, but not theirs. We eradicated some of the deadliest diseases that are still present in some third-world nations and you have entitled people who don't trust science to preserve the health and well-being of not only their children, but everyone they come in contact with. The reason that our life expectancy has shot up isn't because of ground breaking medical break throughs like chemotherapy, it is for preventative measures. Getting vaccinated. Getting checkups. Wearing sunscreen. Washing your hands after wiping your ass. 
A few minutes later he sent an apology for getting so riled up in his rant and I told him that no apology was needed and I completely agreed with him. From then on our friendship started to blossom. 
Most of our conversations had something to do involving the war, but then it got more personal. I felt comfortable with him. I talked about my time at college and what I was studying. We went from a few messages a week to communicating everyday. Eventually when graduation came around, I offered him a graduation ticket. I was a little disappointed to find out it was too far for him to travel. He asked for my mailing address. That he felt guilty for missing such a big event and he wanted to make it up to me. I was a little apprehensive. I mean, we were taught to never give your stranger your address, but I was an RA in a college dorm. I would be out into the real world soon and he wouldn't know my room number or what I looked like.
So I sent it.
A few weeks passed and I got a pair of beautiful pearl earrings with a card that read. A beautiful girl always needs a set of beautiful pearls. Congratulations on all of your hard work. -C
Four and a half years later and I still have that card. We still talk about the war. I recommend him movies, while he recommends books then we both point on the inconsistencies. It was stupid, but it was fun. Now, I just sort of tell him about my day to day life and he tells me small tidbits about his. It was earlier in 2020 when the pandemic hit that things started to get... well things just changed.
I had just moved to New York in early February to start teaching at a local college. I was going to start with May-mester classes, but then Covid hit and the world stopped. 
I had moved in with little to nothing. I had a few pieces of stuff for the kitchen and a bed. It wasn't much, but it was mine and I was damn proud of it.
My pride was short lived when I got the e-mail. In a panic, I sent him a message.
Hey can you talk?
Sure. What's up?
Is there anyway you can call me? I'm kind of in a bad place right now and I really don't have anyone else to talk to. I felt guilty as soon as I hit the send button. I'm not like going to hurt myself or anything I am just super stressed and if you have the time and energy, I just need to unload some stuff.
Seconds later my phone began to ring.
"What's wrong?" He asked. I took a deep breath. I can't believe this was the first time hearing his voice. It wasn't what I was expecting. I expected almost a pompous scholarly tone in his voice. But instead he was borderline on being batman. His voice was deep.
"They rescinded my offer." I took a deep breath. "I just spent all of my savings literally to move to this stupid freaking city and they told me over an e-mail 'we are sorry to inform you that your offer for employment has been rescinded until further notice due to the impending pandemic and the unforeseeable circumstances it holds. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience and wish you the best in your future endeavors.' They said sorry and good luck." 
There was a pause and I heard him sigh. "Sweetheart, I am so sorry." 
"Thanks." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Looks like that chapter closed before it got any good. I guess I can see if maybe I can do virtual learning for a high school, but I don't know if my degree is enough. I think you need an education degree to teach."
"But you always wanted to teach college..." His disappointment matched mine.
"I know..." I looked down at nearly clear streets of New York. "But I need a job, C." I sighed. "It's either that or call my parents and I would literally rather be homeless than ask them for help."
"How much?"
"What do you mean?"
"How much was your job going to pay you?"
"80k a year starting." I said and felt another wave of nausea wash over me. 80k wasn't much to some, but it was a lot for me and it would be doing something I loved.
"Tell you what, that is about 6 and a half grand a month. I will pay you 7 grand a month if you promise me not to give up."
"What?" I couldn't believe this. "There is absolutely no way I could ever accept that kind of money."
"It's not like I don't have it, Princess." He can't be serious. That's crazy. He never mentioned having money or being well off. 
"And what do you want in return?" The butterflies in my stomach began to churn. God I hope he wasn't wanting to do anything... unethical. "Surely you wouldn't do that just because you want me to be a college professor."
"Nothing." He said. "Absolutely nothing. I just want you to be taken care of and pursue your dream."
"I really can't let you do that."
"It's only temporary." He tried to assure me, but I still felt guilty. 
"C-" He was always so argumentative and authoritative over messaging and he matched it over the phone.
"I promise." He interrupted. "It won't put a dent in my wallet."
"Only until I have a full-time job." I tried to say.
"Until you become a professor."
"No," I said. "As soon as I get a job and can support myself."
"Sweetheart, it's not polite to argue."
"I appreciate it." I said. "I really do."
"So does that make your day a little bit better?" He asked.
"It does."
"Anything else gone wrong you need help fixing?"
"No." I responded and felt like a child and and adult came up to fix the mess I had made.
"Good." I heard him sigh. "I'm glad that was easy to fix and now, that I got you on the phone... it's nice to finally hear your voice."
Chapter Two: Confessions
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weclassybouquetfun · 8 months
The Oscars were announced today and while there is plenty that I am happy about disappointment still abounds. No love for SALTBURN. I knew Best Actor was crowded and Barry Keoghan may not get in,
AMPAS how can you deny him?
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but I was sure of a Rosamund Pike nomination. Was holding out hope for a Dominic Sessa, or even unlikelier a Milo Machado Graner nomination for their respective works in THE HOLDOVERS and ANATOMY OF A FALL.
And while not personally disappointed (more disappointed by her BABYLON snub), very surprised that Margot Robbie didn't secure a nomination for BARBIE yet America Ferrera did.
Ryan Gosling speaks on Margot and Greta Gerwig's omission.
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Not surprised by Andrew Scott not getting a nod - he didn't even get one from the BAFTAs - I just think there wasn't enough meat on the bones for that role.
Not surprised by Leonardo DiCaprio not securing a nomination as he's been pretty much absent from these conversations. What bothers me is that everyone I talk to about KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON pan his character, but not his performance. They hate that his character is stupid. They don't even touch on he's a bad person for poisoning his wife; no. It's his stupidity. So they hate that weakness in him and it blinds them to Leo's performance. Even director Paul Schrader whinged about how stupid the character was and Leo should have played the role originally offered to him; the FBI agent played by Jesse Plemons.
I love comparing who were being pushed to who actually got the big nomination.
Sorry Andrew, Greta, Julianne, Margot, Eve and Fantasia.
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The Nominees.
Best Picture American Fiction Anatomy of a Fall Barbie The Holdovers Killers of the Flower Moon  Maestro Oppenheimer Past Lives  Poor Things
*I only just found out Ramy Yousef, Willem Dafoe and Mark Ruffalo are in this poster.
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The Zone of Interest
Best Director Justine Treit (Anatomy of a Fall) Martin Scorsese (Killers of the Flower Moon) Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer) Yorgos Lanthimos (Poor Things) Jonathan Glazer (The Zone of Interest)
Best Actor in a Leading Role Bradley Cooper (Maestro)
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Colman Domingo (Rustin) Paul Giamatti (The Holdovers) Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer) - when asked what he would eat as the Oscars do not serve food, he said he will bring a piece of his mam's sponge cake snuck in his wife's purse.
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Jeffrey Wright (American Fiction)
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More Nominations and Oscar Nom Talks
Thrilled for Bradley Cooper as a lot of people were turning on him because they viewed him as a award desperate try-hard. But he really just cares so much about this role. He screened A STAR IS BORN for Steven Spielberg and when the "Shallow" scene came on Spielberg got up and whispered in his ear, "You are fcking directing MAESTRO". When you are given given that must trust by arguably one of the greatest filmmakers ever, of course you're going to be extra to the nth degree.
Not sold on Cillian Murphy's performance in OPPENHEIMER. It did nothing for me, but I'm happy he has had this award season experience. He stays outside of actors' circle and - based on absolutely no proof- I just think he probably felt it al superficial, but when he won his Globe and thanked his fellow actors I can tell he was sincere. I think coming together with his peers in a real way; not just mingling at parties, but by being in spaces where they discuss their craft and inspirations let him recognize that no matter how big the name, these are his tribe and they see the art and value of what they do. Awards season friendships are cool to see. I didn't see one this season but Bradley Cooper said he and Colman Domingo have become buddies this season after doing a photoshoot together.
Best Actress in a Leading Role Annette Bening (Nyad)
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Lily Gladstone (Killers of the Flower Moon) Sandra Hüller (Anatomy of a Fall) Carey Mulligan (Maestro) Emma Stone (Poor Things)
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*Minus Sandra Hüller this is pretty much how I viewed how this category would shape up. Very funny to me that when POOR THINGS started screenings critics swore up and down it was an embarrassment to Emma Stone's talent and she would get nothing.
Best Actor in a Supporting Role Sterling K. Brown (American Fiction) Robert De Niro (Killers of the Flower Moon) Robert Downey Jr. (Oppenheimer) Ryan Gosling (Barbie) Mark Ruffalo (Poor Things)
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*I honestly felt that Sterling K. Brown could be the upset and I was so happy to be right. His performance in AMERICAN FICTION is a breath of fresh air. I honestly wanted more of his character.
What I like about his Mark Ruffalo's nominations are that they both didn't think these roles would lead to this.
Brown said his publicist kept pushing him for interviews and panels this season and he couldn't understand why as he thought it was such a small role and he was just satisfied with being in the film, but his publicist saw the reactions to Brown's character and knew it was awards worthy.
Ruffalo said he didn't think he could do his POOR THINGS role because he's been so pigeon-holed and was accustomed to playing roles that were the anti-thesis of Duncan that he wasn't sure he could find him. Having people trust in you when even you yourself don't have that trust, or trying even while in doubt of yourself is beautiful.
Best Actress in a Supporting Role Emily Blunt (Oppenheimer)
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Danielle Brooks (The Color Purple)
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America Ferrera (Barbie) Jodie Foster (Nyad) Da’Vine Joy Randolph (The Holdovers)
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*America Ferrera should be nowhere in this category. It should be Rosamund Pike 1000%. So happy that Danielle Brooks and Da'Vine Joy Randolph were both nominated as I was afraid the voters would only pick one over the other. Kinda surprised by Jodie Foster, but hers was a nomination I was really hoping for.
Best Writing (Adapted Screenplay) American Fiction Barbie Oppenheimer Poor Things The Zone of Interest 
Best Writing (Original Screenplay) Anatomy of a Fall 
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The Holdovers May December Past Lives Maestro
Best Animated Feature The Boy and the Heron  Elemental  Nimona  Robot Dreams Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse 
Best Documentary Feature Film Bobi Wine: The People’s President The Eternal Memory Four Daughters 20 Days in Mariupol  To Kill a Tiger
*I forget the film but last year Dev Patel threw his support behind an International Documentary. He wasn't involved in it, but he did Zoom Q&As promoting it. This year he backed TO KILL A TIGER, going further this time to become an executive producer on it. This is the way to use your profile - uplifting other artists whose projects don't have the reach.
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Best Cinematography Killers of the Flower Moon Maestro Oppenheimer Poor Things El Conde *Would much rather SALTBURN be in this category, but very happy for EL CONDE to be recognized.
Best Costume Design Barbie Killers of the Flower Moon Napoleon Oppenheimer Poor Things 
Best Makeup and Hairstyling Golda  Oppenheimer  Poor Things  Society of the Snow Maestro *Gotta go to makeup maestro Kazu Hiro.
Best Animated Short Film Letter to a Pig Ninety-Five Senses Our Uniform Pachyderme War Is Over! Inspired by the Music of John & Yoko
Best Live-Action Short Film The After Invincible Knight of Fortune Red, White and Blue The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar
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*I'm 100% behind THE WONDERFUL STORY OF HENRY SUGAR, though I preferred the short within the quandrant of films THE SWAN starring Rupert Friend. As long as the shallow Pedro Almodóvar short STRANGE WAY OF LIFE wasn't nominated, I'm good.
Best Original Song “The Fire Inside” (Flamin’ Hot) “I’m Just Ken” (Barbie) “It Never Went Away” (American Symphony) “Wahzhazhe (A Song For My People)” (Killers of the Flower Moon) “What Was I Made For?” (Barbie)
*Was really rooting for one John Carney's two songs from FLORA & SON to get a nod. He's been twice nominated (winning one) for Best Song, but since not gaining a nod for SING STREET (a robbery!), he just haven't been able to gain ground.
Best Original Score American Fiction Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny Killers of the Flower Moon Oppenheimer Poor Things
*Should have been a space for Anthony Willis who did the score for SALTBURN but everyone has to kiss John Williams' ring and Robbie Robertson passed away so they have to recognize him. Though, if pushed came to shove, I preferred Robertson's score over Williams'.
Best Documentary Short Film The ABCs of Book Banning The Barber of Little Rock Island in Between The Last Repair Shop Nǎi Nai & Wài Pó
Best International Feature Film Io Capitano (Italy) Perfect Days (Japan) Society of the Snow (Spain)
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The Teacher’s Lounge (Germany) The Zone of Interest (United Kingdom)
*Haven't been able to see THE ZONE OF INTEREST because A24 kept bollocksing up their screenings (same with THE IRON CLAW), but I hear it's great. I'm 1000% behind SOCIETY OF THE SNOW. I really hoped that JA Bayona was able to break out and make it into the Best Director category, but sadly, it didn't happen,
Best Production Design Barbie Killers of the Flower Moon Napoleon Oppenheimer Poor Things
Best Film Editing Anatomy of a Fall The Holdovers Killers of the Flower Moon Oppenheimer Poor Things
*Again, another category SALTBURN should have been nominated in.
Best Production Design Barbie Killers of the Flower Moon Napoleon Oppenheimer Poor Things
Best Sound The Creator Maestro Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One Oppenheimer The Zone of Interest
Best Visual Effects The Creator Godzilla: Minus One Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Mission: Impossible — Dead Reckoning, Part One Napoleon
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I need new books to read this year... can you recommend your favourite history books? Any era/subject pre-1900!!
Oh, boy! Fun. Okay - !
One of the best historical writers I've ever read is Barbara Tuchman. Not only is her research top-notch, she can also pull you along like a story. A lot of her books are about the 20th century, but A Distant Mirror is about the 14th century, an absolutely wild 100 years of warfare and social upheaval and - of course - a heaping helping of Yersinia pestis.
One of my professors when I was working on my first degree (in history) was Dr. Carole Rawcliffe. She is one of the experts on the history of medicine, and her Medicine and Society in Later Medieval England is an excellent read despite the rather dry title.
Another absolute classic along those lines is by William Manchester. Like Tuchman, he's better known for his books on the 20th century, but he wrote an excellent book about the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. A World Lit Only by Fire is considered a historical classic for good reasons!
Another I thoroughly enjoyed - and then I'll leave the Middle Ages, I promise! - is Chris Wickham's The Inheritance of Rome, about the first 600 years after the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
Thomas Cahill - who unfortunately recently died - wrote a ton of books on lesser-known people/places in the historic record, but my favorite by him is Sailing the Wine-Dark Sea, a wonderful little glimpse into Ancient Greece. His other books are good as well (the ones I've read, anyway), but that was the one I liked most.
Robert K. Massie is probably best known for his classic Nicholas and Alexandra, but he also wrote an amazing book about Peter the Great (literally called... Peter the Great) about the tsar who dragged Russia kicking and screaming into being a more "European" culture. St. Petersburg, the city he founded to be closer to European neighbors, is named for him.
Late Victorian Holocausts by Mike Davis is a very rough read, but also an important one. It looks at how colonial rule in the late 1800s impacted the colonized lands, particularly India. It's brutal, but well worth a read. Along the same lines, King Leopold's Ghost, by Adam Hochschild, looks at the impact of colonial rule in the Congo.
John Keay has written extensive books on the history of China and India. I haven't read the one about India, but the one on China is superb.
A History of Private Life (various authors) is a 5-volume set covering the Classical period up to the modern day. It's more academic than the pop history I've mentioned so far, but fascinating. I love thinking about everyday lives far more than a list of important names and dates, y'know?
A People's History of the United States (Howard Zinn) and Lies My Teacher Told Me (James Loewen) both well earn their reputation as the books criticizing the way American history is learned in the US. They cover a lot of ground before 1900, but do go into the 20th century. I'm not super into US history, but The American West and Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee (both by Dee Brown) are very good. (If you're familiar with the fictional Lonesome Dove, the Goodnight-Loving trail covered in The American West is the inspiration.)
The Eternal City by Ferdinand Addis is one of the few English-language books that covers Rome beyond the ancient empire and WWI. I'm a little biased towards Rome these days (and spend a whoooooole lot of time there 😅), but I promise the book is good! 😉
After the Ice (Steven Mithen) and Eve's Seed (Robert McElvaine) are both looks at truly ancient history, and well worth a read. (Full disclosure, McElvaine was also one of my professors.)
Rabid by Bill Wasik and Monica Murphy is a history of - you guessed it! - rabies. It's both eminently readable and terrifying, as you could probably guess. Plagues and Peoples by William McNeill more broadly covers epidemics through the years.
Some interesting and more obscure topics: Death by Drama and Other Medieval Urban Legends (Jody Enders) is more academically dry than the title suggests, but still very interesting! Madame Blavatsky's Baboon (Peter Washington) is about the rise of spiritualism in the 19th century. Lucy's Bones, Sacred Stones, and Einstein's Brain (Harvey Rachlin) looks at the history of culturally-important artifacts. And along those lines, there's always learning a little more about the people who dealt with such artifacts, like Gertrude Bell in a book by Georgina Howell (literally just titled Gertrude Bell).
A few other favorites: The Victorians (A.N. Wilson), A Gentle Madness (Nicholas Basbanes; it's about the history of book collecting), The Tudors (G.J. Meyer), Medieval Lives (Terry Jones), and Blood and Roses (Helen Castor, using the Paston Letters as a central theme in a broader history of the Wars of the Roses). (When I was in England, I lived where the Pastons did.) And just thought of another: Nabokov's Butterflies (Rick Gekoski) is a nice little collection about authors and books.
Oh! And The Lion in the Living Room (Abigail Tucker) is great fun - it's a history of cats!
With a few exceptions, these are pretty broad overviews. If you'd like anything more specific, let me know!
(For fascinating, well-written-but-not-always-factually-sound takes on history, Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything and At Home are both great reads, but... don't accept everything he says as fully true and accurate. The same is true of Daniel Boorstin [The Discoverers, The Creators, The Seekers] - really great reads, but flawed.)
(If you want fiction that gets the history right: The Daughter of Time [Josephine Tey; covers late 15th century England], The Crimson Petal and the White [Michel Faber; covers the 1870s in England - but be warned, there's some graphic sex in it], Doomsday Book/To Say Nothing of the Dog/Blackout/All Clear [Connie Willis; cover - in order - the 14th century, 19th century, and WWII in England), Pachinko [Min Jin Lee; it's 20th century, but about Koreans in Japan, which I knew almost nothing about before reading], The Luminaries [Eleanor Catton; 19th century New Zealand], and the aforementioned Lonesome Dove [Larry McMurtry; 19th century US] are all excellent reads as well! Oh, and Hilary Mantel's books about Thomas Cromwell in 16th century England [Wolf Hall/Bring Up the Bodies/The Mirror and the Light] well deserved the awards showered on them, including two Booker Prizes. The Inquistor's Tale [Adam Gidwitz] is a book for kids and has magic, but it's super cute, well-written, and fun. Plus it has Guinefort, the only dog to become a saint! [Well... unofficially a saint.] I've recently gotten The Books of Jacob [Olga Tokarczuk], so haven't read it yet, but it's set in 18th century Poland and the author won the Nobel Prize in Literature! Speaking of good research and heaps of awards: Adam Johnson's The Orphan Master's Son is phenomenal. It's set in modern North Korea, but I'd still count it, especially as it covers a place many people know little about. In the same vein, Anthony Marra's A Constellation of Vital Phenomena does the same for modern Chechnya.)
Hope something piques your interest! Happy reading! 😁
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'Irish actor Cillian Murphy has garnered significant and much-deserved attention following the recent release of Oppenheimer, where he portrays the title role of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the renowned American scientist known as the 'father of the atomic bomb.' This is not the first collaboration between Murphy and filmmaker Christopher Nolan, as the actor has appeared in five of Nolan's previous films, such as The Dark Knight, Inception, and Dunkirk. Before breaking big with Oppenheimer, though, Murphy was best known for playing the lead role of Tommy Shelby in the popular BBC series Peaky Blinders, which aired from 2013 to 2022.
Will Peaky Blinders fans see more of the Shelbys?
Fans of Peaky Blinders have been eager for more of the show, and there have reportedly been discussions about a potential spin-off film. During an interview with the Happy Sad Confused podcast while promoting Oppenheimer, Murphy reflected on his time playing Tommy Shelby, expressing that it might take a few more years for him to fully gain perspective on the character, considering the significant impact the role had on his life over the ten-year run of the series. He praised the show's success, attributing it to exceptional writing. "It was 10 years of my life playing that character. I think the show succeeded because the writing was so phenomenal," he said.
Murphy revealed that he would be open to the idea of a Peaky Blinders movie if there is a compelling story to tell and if the continuation feels authentic and justifiable.
“If there’s a movie there, and if there’s more story to tell, I’ll definitely have the conversation. I think we ended really, really, well in the TV version of it," he added.
What is Peaky Blinders all about?
Peaky Blinders was a British historical crime drama television series created by Steven Knight. The show was set in Birmingham, England, during the aftermath of World War I, and follows the lives of the Shelby crime family, led by Tommy Shelby, Murphy's character.
The Shelbys in the show are known for their distinctive style of dressing, including flat caps with razor blades sewn into the brims, which gave rise to their name, the Peaky Blinders. The Shelbys are a powerful and ambitious gang involved in various criminal activities, including illegal betting, protection rackets, and other illicit businesses. As the series progresses, they aim to expand their influence and control in the city's underworld.
At the centre of the story is Tommy Shelby, the intelligent and cunning leader of the family. As the head of the Peaky Blinders, Tommy is a complex character who struggles with his traumatic experiences from the war and grapples with the moral implications of his criminal lifestyle. Despite his ruthless and calculating nature, Tommy is depicted as a man with a code of honour and loyalty to his family.
Throughout its run, Peaky Blinders received critical acclaim for its compelling storytelling, strong performances, stylish cinematography, and a unique blend of historical events with fictional elements.'
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emoticonheart · 1 year
What fictional character(s) do you wish was real and could burp for you?
I have a pretty big list:
First, in CGI.
Susan Murphy A.K.A. Ginormica – (from the Monsters vs. Aliens franchise). She is a gentle giantess who’s rather feminine. I think that the best way to get her to burp is to feed her a store’s worth of food, then let her uncontrollably emit enormous eructations to ease her stomach, with her face reddening with each progressively louder belch.
Princess Fiona – (from the Shrek franchise). Despite her royal title, Fiona defies many of the stereotypes associated with it. Even as a human, she could rip a belch louder than any man, and as an ogre, they’re magnified and probably carry the scent of rats and snails.
Astrid – (from the How to Train Your Dragon franchise). She is a tough-as-nails Viking girl who rides her own Dragon. She would likely be belting belches after going on a drunken binge at a tavern, putting Viking and dragon alike to shame.
Mavis Dracula – (from the Hotel Transylvania franchise). Although she is 124 years old, the daughter of Dracula can be pretty immature at times. I can imagine her playfully engaging in a burping contest with her son, Dennis, and giggling as her belches blare akin to her vampire roars.
Second, in traditional animation.
Sasha Blouse/Braus - (from Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan). She has an obsession with meat. After going on a nice binge, I’d imagine juicy burps would be flowing out of her mouth while she had a content/lazy smirk on her face.
Janet Van Dyne A.K.A. Wasp – (from Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes). She is a feminine fashion designer and shrinking soaring super hero member of the Avengers. If she were to burp, it would probably be some small airy ones, though she can grow giant too, so those could actually become quite powerful.
Pearl – (from Steven Universe). Technically, her alien race is genderless, but she looks like a woman, so I’m putting her here. She’s another girly-girl, therefore any belch coming from her would probably be small and accidental, leading to her blushing blue.
Videl – (from Dragon Ball). This is the masculine martial artist daughter of Mister Satan and partner to the Great Saiyaman. She would probably let out her burps pretty casually, maybe even smirking if she ripped a ripe one.
Third, in video games.
Princess Daisy – (from the Super Mario Bros. franchise). She’s a tomboyish princess who’s rather competitive. Getting her in a belching contest should be easy.
Mei-Ling Zhou (周美灵) – (from Overwatch). She is a climatologist and is normally very polite. Most likely, she would let out a descent-sized eructation and apologize a lot for it, as if it shattered some windows.
And finally, in live-action.
Kara Zor-El A.K.A. Kara Danvers A.K.A. Supergirl – (from Supergirl (2015)). An alien superheroine with a heart as golden as her hair and a girlish attitude. Unlike Mei, I believe that one of her Kryptonian super belches actually could shatter windows – and maybe even a building.
i've actually already answered this here!!
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thetalentedmrkashyap · 6 months
B-11 : Oscars 2024 - Predictions vs Reality
The 96th Academy Awards, a.k.a. The Oscars® took place today. The ceremony was filled with obvious wins. The best part was that this year’s Oscars telecast had zero incidents again (as the host Jimmy Kimmel points out in the end last year).
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Amid all of this, here's a look at the predicted winners and the actual winners (in order of their presentations):-
Best Supporting Actress
Prediction: Da'Vine Joy Randolph (The Holdovers)
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Reality: Da'Vine Joy Randolph (The Holdovers)
Best Animated Short Film
Prediction: War Is Over! Inspired by the Music of John and Yoko (Dave Mullins and Brad Booker)
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Reality: War Is Over! Inspired by the Music of John and Yoko (Dave Mullins and Brad Booker)
Best Animated Feature Film
Prediction: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Kemp Powers, Justin K. Thompson, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, and Amy Pascal)/The Boy and the Heron (Hayao Miyazaki and Toshio Suzuki)
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Reality: The Boy and the Heron (Hayao Miyazaki and Toshio Suzuki)
Best Original Screenplay
Prediction: Anatomy of a Fall (Justine Triet and Arthur Harari)
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Reality: Anatomy of a Fall (Justine Triet and Arthur Harari)
Best Adapted Screenplay
Prediction: American Fiction (Cord Jefferson; based on the novel Erasure by Percival Everett)
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Reality: American Fiction (Cord Jefferson; based on the novel Erasure by Percival Everett)
Best Makeup & Hairstyling
Prediction: Maestro (Kazu Hiro, Kay Georgiou, and Lori McCoy-Bell)
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Reality: Poor Things (Nadia Stacey, Mark Coulier, and Josh Weston)
Best Production Design
Prediction: Barbie (Production Design: Sarah Greenwood; Set Decoration: Katie Spencer)/Poor Things (Production Design: James Price and Shona Heath; Set Decoration: Zsuzsa Mihalek)
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Reality: Poor Things (Production Design: James Price and Shona Heath; Set Decoration: Zsuzsa Mihalek)
Best Costume Designing
Prediction: Barbie (Jacqueline Durran)/Poor Things (Holly Waddington)
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Reality: Poor Things (Holly Waddington)
Best International Feature Film
Prediction: The Zone of Interest (United Kingdom - Jonathan Glazer)
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Reality: The Zone of Interest (United Kingdom - Jonathan Glazer)
Best Supporting Actor
Prediction: Robert Downey Jr. (Oppenheimer)
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Reality: Robert Downey Jr. (Oppenheimer)
Best Visual Effects
Prediction: Godzilla Minus One (Takashi Yamazaki, Kiyoko Shibuya, Masaki Takahashi, and Tatsuji Nojima)
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Reality: Godzilla Minus One (Takashi Yamazaki, Kiyoko Shibuya, Masaki Takahashi, and Tatsuji Nojima)
Best Film Editing
Prediction: Oppenheimer (Jennifer Lame)
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Reality: Oppenheimer (Jennifer Lame)
Best Documentary Short Film
Prediction: The Last Repair Shop (Ben Proudfoot and Kris Bowers)
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Reality: The Last Repair Shop (Ben Proudfoot and Kris Bowers)
Best Documentary Feature Film
Prediction: 20 Days in Mariupol (Mstyslav Chernov, Michelle Mizner, and Raney Aronson-Rath)
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Reality:  20 Days in Mariupol (Mstyslav Chernov, Michelle Mizner, and Raney Aronson-Rath)
Best Cinematography
Prediction: Oppenheimer (Hoyte van Hoytema)
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Reality: Oppenheimer (Hoyte van Hoytema)
Best Live Action Short Film
Prediction: The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (Wes Anderson and Steven Rales)
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Reality: The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (Wes Anderson and Steven Rales)
Best Sound
Prediction: Oppenheimer (Willie Burton, Richard King, Gary A. Rizzo, and Kevin O'Connell)
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Reality: The Zone of Interest (arn Willers and Johnnie Burn)
Best Original Score
Prediction: Oppenheimer (Ludwig Göransson)
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Reality: Oppenheimer (Ludwig Göransson)
Best Original Song
Prediction: "What Was I Made For?" (Barbie – Music and lyrics by Billie Eilish and Finneas O'Connell)
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Reality: "What Was I Made For?" (Barbie – Music and lyrics by Billie Eilish and Finneas O'Connell)
Best Actor
Prediction: Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer)
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Reality: Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer)
Best Director
Prediction: Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer)
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Reality: Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer)
Best Actress
Prediction: Emma Stone (Poor Things)/Lily Gladstone (Killers of The Flower Moon)/Sandra Hüller (Anatomy of A Fall)
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Reality: Emma Stone (Poor Things)
Best Picture
Prediction: Oppenheimer (Emma Thomas, Charles Roven, and Christopher Nolan, producers)
Reality: Oppenheimer (Emma Thomas, Charles Roven, and Christopher Nolan, producers)
Which categories met your expectations? Don’t forget to share them in the comments below.
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La dama Enlutada - Steve Murphy x Reader
Fic #1
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Summary: Nunca te detengas a recoger a nadie, mucho menos si es noviembre y de noche
Warnings: mención de muerte, fantasmas, leyendas urbanas, eventos paranormales.
N/A: cuando estaba editando lo caí en cuenta de que el final y la manera en que se desarrollo se prestaba a hacer más partes de este. Por lo que si les gusta, háganmelo saber y así hacer una segunda parte o una versión diferente...
"A los tres días, Abel murió sospechosamente y nunca se conocieron las causas. Y es por eso que en el mes de noviembre, los taxistas temen y evitan pasar por el cementerio central de Bogotá, pues por la noche… Cuenta la leyenda que una mujer vestida de negro regresa para pagar lo que prometió y no cumplió en vida."
Entre bullidos y comentarios de tus compañeros finalizaste tu relato, hasta que la voz de Steve se destacó del resto.
"Ay, por favor, todo mundo sabe que los fantasma no existen y mucho menos son capaces de relacionarse con los vivos"
Con fastidio rodaste los ojos mientras te acercabas a el con los brazos cruzados, "Vaya Murphy, para ser un hombre de campo me sorprende tu Escepticismo, me lo hubiese esperado de Peña o Carrillo, pero hasta ellos sabe que lo que digo no es mentira"
En busca de apoyo por parte de su amigo / compañero, el rubio le dirigió una mirada al agente, a lo que el solo negó mientras le daba una bocanada de aire a su cigarro. "Ay por favor!!! Tú también?
"Solo dire que he visto y vivido cosas que hasta al mismo Escobar terminaría dejándolo temblando y cagado del susto."
Y entre burlas por partes de unos y experiencias por parte de otros, el círculo que se había formado alrededor de tu escritorio se fue disipando.Así de uno a uno fue tomando sus cosas y camino propio para regresar a casa, eso los incluía a los tres.
"Yo solo digo que debe y hay una explicación lógica detrás de ello". Insistió Steve
"Mira, puede que tengas o no razón, lo que si es cierto, es que en noviembre los taxis terminan su rutina antes de que caiga el sol..."
Y con aquellas palabras puestas en su mente, los tres tomaron caminos diferentes. Pese a que sabía y estaba firme con su postura, no podía evitar el sentirse inquieto, algo en el ambiente no se sentía bien, tal vez y solo era por la noche fría y que el aire sonaba muy raro, si, eso debía ser...
Sin siquiera darse cuenta ya era media noche, ¿Cómo es que le estaba tomando tanto tiempo llegar a casa? Era imposible, no era la primera vez que tomaba esta ruta y aparte, las calles estaban limpias, como si en un pueblo fantasma estuviese.
Por lo visto su mirada y pensamientos yacían tan perdidos, que no noto la repentina presencia femenina que se le interpuso en el camino. Para su mala suerte, cuando intento desviarla ya había sido demasiado tarde
"Mierda, mierda, ¿que hice?" Se preguntó mientras su cuerpo y mente comenzaban a entrar en un estado de shock, "no es muy diferente a lo que haces ¿o si?". por lo que supuso que las palabras que escucho solo eran su inconsciente reprochándole su descuidada y reciente actitud frente al volante.
Ocupando el entrenamiento previamente obtenido, se acercó a su cuerpo para verificar si aún tenía pulso o respiraba, por ende su mirada se despegó de ella, evitando ver el brusco resurgimiento de la misma.
De pronto, los ojos de aquella mujer se abrieron de golpe, sus miradas aún no se encontraban, pero tal parecía que eso era lo de menos, porque de una otra manera era posible sentirla, mandando con dicha mirada una corriente de escalofríos y un poco de alivio al agente.
"Gracias a dios que está viva, ¿se encuentra bien? ("Usted, está bien?) Lla... llamaré a una ambulancia, descuide, va a estar bien…(Lla... llamaré a una ambulancia, descuide, va a estar bien…)" Más tardo en buscar su radio/celular que el sentir la fría mano de la mujer detenerle
"No...No lo haga, Estoy bien..." con complicación se fue moviendo a lo que Steve solo pudo ayudarla.
"De acuerdo, pero siquiera déjeme ayudarle. Dígame, tiene a donde ir? O quisiera llamar a alguien...?". Por segunda vez quedo en shock, pues por primera vez en todo este rato de locura, le había visto el rostro a su víctima. Era la espeluznante mezcla entre los rostros de su amada Connie y la que hasta la fecha era una de las pocas personas que confiaba en el trabajo y en el mismo país, (T/N).
Sin buscar empeorar la situación, ambos subieron al carro en silencio. Murphy manejando y aquella chica misteriosa sentada en la parte trasera en silencio.
Sin saber bien qué hacer o a donde ir, le volvió a preguntar. "¿tiene a donde ir? A lo que ella simple respondió. "cementerio central de Bogotá". Murphy al recordar la leyenda contada por su amiga no pudo evitar sentirse ansioso
"Sabe, si me permite, creo que lo mejor seria..."
"Al cementerio central, por favor..."
Algo, había algo en su voz que le resultaba peculiar, ¿que era? No sabía explicarse, solo, era peculiar. Sin querer empeorar la situación o hacerla enojar a la extraña pasajera, condujo hasta el destino indicado en silencio.
"Es aquí..." por fin volvió hablar la misteriosa chica, la cual antes de bajar del vehículo volvió hablar. "Sé que mi presencia ya le ha causado demasiadas molestias en esta noche, pero le importaría esperarme?, prometo no demorar. Solo voy a rezarle una oración Sin poder negársele, se limitó asentir en silencio
El tiempo en un principio fue transcurriendo con pesadez, los segundos pasaron a ser minutos y los minutos en horas, así hasta que de repente los claros ojos del agente se cerraron.
*tok, tok, tok*
Ante los repentinos golpeteos fue inevitable el despertase, ¿qué? ¿donde estaba?, su desconcierto desapareció al recordar lo vivido la noche pasada, con brusquedad giro para ver si ella había vuelto, pero nada, es como si nunca hubiese estado ahí.
*tok, tok, tok* Por segunda ocasión el golpeteo del cristal le hizo bajar la ventanilla. Se trataba de un panteonero... Steve al contarle el porqué de que se haya quedado estacionado toda noche frente al cementerio y dormido, exceptuando claro la parte del accidente, el señor se quedó helado.
"Amigo, me veo en la necesidad de comunicarle algo. La mujer que usted recogió anoche, hace años murió, la desaparición y posible perdida de su esposo termino por enterrarla... Antes de morir solía estar fuera buscándolo por todos lados, hasta que bueno, la tristeza la consumió"
Fue ahí en donde las palabras de su amiga volvieron a resonar en su mente. "Y es por eso que en el mes de noviembre, los taxistas temen y evitan pasar por el cementerio central de Bogotá, pues por la noche… Cuenta la leyenda que una mujer vestida de negro regresa para pagar lo que prometió y no cumplió en vida."
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thecapitoleye · 7 months
The Bear, Oppenheimer e Pedro Pascal são os grandes vencedores dos prémios SAG.
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A 30ª edição dos prémios SAG (Screen Actors Guild Awards) decorreu recentemente. Está na altura de revelar os vencedores!
Nas categorias de cinema, tanto Barbie como Oppenheimer tinham quatro nomeações cada. No entanto, no final, a biopic de Christopher Nolan levou para casa três prémios, incluíndo Melhor Ensemble e Melhor Actor. Barbie, de Greta Gerwig veio para casa de mãos a abanar. 
Nas categorias de Televisão, The Bear levou para casa três prémios, incluindo Melhor Ensemble de Comédia de TV.
Mas a estrela da noite foi Pedro Pascal, que ganhou na categoria de Melhor Ator num Drama pela sua performance em The Last of Us. 
Segue abaixo a lista de vencedores: 
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role
Bradley Cooper, Maestro
Colman Domingo, Rustin
Paul Giamatti, The Holdovers
Cillian Murphy, Oppenheimer - VENCEDOR 
Jeffrey Wright, American Fiction
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role
Annette Bening, Nyad
Lily Gladstone, Killers of the Flower Moon - VENCEDORA
Carey Mulligan, Maestro
Margot Robbie, Barbie
Emma Stone, Poor Things
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role
Sterling K. Brown, American Fiction
Willem Dafoe, Poor Things
Robert De Niero, Killers of the Flower Moon
Robert Downey Jr., Oppenheimer - VENCEDOR
Ryan Gosling, Barbie
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role
Emily Blunt, Oppenheimer
Danielle Brooks, The Color Purple
Penélope Cruz, Ferrari
Jodie Foster, Nyad
Da’Vine Joy Randolph, The Holdovers - VENCEDORA
Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture
American Fiction
The Color Purple
Killers of the Flower Moon
Oppenheimer - VENCEDOR 
Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
John Wick: Chapter 4
Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning, Part One - VENCEDOR
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series
Brian Cox, Succession Billy Crudup, The Morning Show Kieran Culkin, Succession Matthew Macfadyen, Succession Pedro Pascal, The Last of Us - VENCEDOR
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series
Jennifer Aniston, The Morning Show Elizabeth Debicki, The Crown - VENCEDOR Bella Ramsey, The Last of Us Keri Russell, The Diplomat Sarah Snook, Succession
Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series
The Crown The Gilded Age The Last of Us The Morning Show Succession - VENCEDOR
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series
Brett Goldstein, Ted Lasso Bill Hader, Barry Ebon Moss-Bachrach, The Bear Jason Sudeikis, Ted Lasso Jeremy Allen White, The Bear - VENCEDOR
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series
Alex Borstein, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Rachel Brosnahan, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Quinta Brunson, Abbott Elementary Ayo Edebiri, The Bear - VENCEDORA Hannah Waddingham, Ted Lasso
Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series
Abbott Elementary Barry The Bear - VENCEDOR Only Murders in the Building Ted Lasso
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries
Matt Bomer, Fellow Travelers Jon Hamm, Fargo David Oyelowo, Lawmen: Bass Reeves Tony Shalhoub, Mr. Monk’s Last Case: A Monk Movie Steven Yeun, Beef - VENCEDOR
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Miniseries
Uzo Aduba, Painkiller Kathryn Hahn, Tiny Beautiful Things Brie Larson, Lessons in Chemistry Bel Powley, A Small Light Ali Wong, Beef - VENCEDORA
Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Television Series
Ahsoka Barry Beef The Last of Us - VENCEDORA The Mandalorian
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clickvibes · 8 months
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chorusfm · 8 months
Oscars 2024 Nominations
The 2024 Oscar nominations have been announced. Best Picture American Fiction (Ben LeClair, Nikos Karamigios, Cord Jefferson and Jermaine Johnson, Producers) Anatomy of a Fall (Marie-Ange Luciani and David Thion, Producers Barbie (David Heyman, Margot Robbie, Tom Ackerley and Robbie Brenner, Producers) The Holdovers (Mark Johnson, Producer) Killers of the Flower Moon (Dan Friedkin, Bradley Thomas, Martin Scorsese and Daniel Lupi, Producers) Maestro (Bradley Cooper, Steven Spielberg, Fred Berner, Amy Durning and Kristie Macosko Krieger, Producers) Oppenheimer (Emma Thomas, Charles Roven and Christopher Nolan, Producers) Past Lives (David Hinojosa, Christine Vachon and Pamela Koffler, Producers) Poor Things (Ed Guiney, Andrew Lowe, Yorgos Lanthimos and Emma Stone, Producers) The Zone of Interest (James Wilson, Producer) Best Directing Justine Triet (Anatomy of a Fall) Martin Scorsese (Killers of the Flower Moon) Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer) Yorgos Lanthimos (Poor Things) Jonathan Glazer (The Zone of Interest) Best Actor in a Leading Role Bradley Cooper (Maestro) Colman Domingo (Rustin) Paul Giamatti (The Holdovers) Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer) Jeffrey Wright (American Fiction) Best Actress in a Leading Role Annette Bening (Nyad) Lily Gladstone (Killers of the Flower Moon) Sandra Hüller (Anatomy of a Fall) Carey Mulligan (Maestro) Emma Stone (Poor Things) Best Actor in a Supporting Role Sterling K. Brown (American Fiction) Robert De Niro (Killers of the Flower Moon) Robert Downey Jr. (Oppenheimer) Ryan Gosling (Barbie) Mark Ruffalo (Poor Things) Best Actress in a Supporting Role Emily Blunt (Oppenheimer) Danielle Brooks (The Color Purple) America Ferrera (Barbie) Jodie Foster (Nyad) Da’Vine Joy Randolph (The Holdovers) Best Writing (Adapted Screenplay) American Fiction (Written for the screen by Cord Jefferson) Barbie (Written by Greta Gerwig & Noah Baumbach) Oppenheimer (Written for the screen by Christopher Nolan) Poor Things (Screenplay by Tony McNamara) The Zone of Interest (Written by Jonathan Glazer) Best Writing (Original Screenplay) Anatomy of a Fall (Screenplay by Justine Triet and Arthur Harari The Holdovers (Written by David Hemingson) Maestro (Written by Bradley Cooper & Josh Singer) May December (Screenplay by Samy Burch; Story by Samy Burch & Alex Mechanik) Past Lives (Written by Celine Song) Best Animated Feature The Boy and the Heron (Hayao Miyazaki and Toshio Suzuki) Elemental (Peter Sohn and Denise Ream) Nimona (Nick Bruno, Troy Quane, Karen Ryan and Julie Zackary) Robot Dreams (Pablo Berger, Ibon Cormenzana, Ignasi Estapé and Sandra Tapia Díaz) Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Kemp Powers, Justin K. Thompson, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller and Amy Pascal) Best Documentary Feature Film Bobi Wine: The People’s President (Moses Bwayo, Christopher Sharp and John Battsek) The Eternal Memory (Nominees to be determined) Four Daughters (Kaouther Ben Hania and Nadim Cheikhrouha) To Kill a Tiger (Nisha Pahuja, Cornelia Principe and David Oppenheim) 20 Days in Mariupol (Mstyslav Chernov, Michelle Mizner and Raney Aronson-Rath) Best International Feature Film Io Capitano (Italy) Perfect Days (Japan) Society of the Snow (Spain) The Teacher’s Lounge (Germany) The Zone of Interest (United Kingdom) Best Animated Short Film Letter to a Pig (Tal Kantor and Amit R. Gicelter) Ninety-Five Senses (Jerusha Hess and Jared Hess) Our Uniform (Yegane Moghaddam) Pachyderme (Stéphanie Clément and Marc Rius) War Is Over! Inspired by the Music of John & Yoko (Dave Mullins and Brad Booker Best Live-Action Short Film The After (Misan Harriman and Nicky Bentham) Invincible (Vincent René-Lortie and Samuel Caron Knight of Fortune (Lasse Lyskjær Noer and Christian Norlyk) Red, White and Blue (Nazrin Choudhury and Sara McFarlane The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (Wes Anderson and Steven Rales) Best Documentary Short Film The ABCs of Book Banning (Sheila Nevins and Trish… https://chorus.fm/news/oscars-2024-nominations/
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zenblonde · 8 months
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Award Season is among us. Our reviewer Actor, Producer and Journalist Alex von Roon can't wait to check out the contenders starting off with HBO' s "Succession". How do you like Alexander as "Ken" in the Hit Movie "Barbie"? Von Roon did work with the director before and enjoyed her performance in "Greenberg"
For "Bild am Sonntag" Alex also met SAG Award nominee Tony Shalhoub on set in his trailer. Some comments were very interesting. We wonder how Mr. Monk would deal with a pandemic such as Corona.
Below please find the complete list of nominations courtesy of SAGAFTRA. Which are your favorites? Comment below.
All rights reserved.
The Motion Picture Nominees are: 
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role  BRADLEY COOPER / Leonard Bernstein - "MAESTRO"  COLMAN DOMINGO / Bayard Rustin - "RUSTIN"  PAUL GIAMATTI / Paul Hunham - "THE HOLDOVERS"  CILLIAN MURPHY / J. Robert Oppenheimer - "OPPENHEIMER"  JEFFREY WRIGHT / Thelonious "Monk" Ellison - "AMERICAN FICTION"
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role  ANNETTE BENING / Diana Nyad - "NYAD"  LILY GLADSTONE / Mollie Burkhart - "KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON"  CAREY MULLIGAN / Felicia Montealegre - "MAESTRO"  MARGOT ROBBIE / Barbie - "BARBIE"  EMMA STONE / Bella Baxter - "POOR THINGS"
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role  STERLING K. BROWN / Clifford Ellison - "AMERICAN FICTION"  WILLEM DAFOE / Godwin Baxter - "POOR THINGS"  ROBERT DE NIRO / William Hale - "KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON"  ROBERT DOWNEY JR. / Lewis Strauss - "OPPENHEIMER"  RYAN GOSLING / Ken - "BARBIE"
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role  EMILY BLUNT / Kitty Oppenheimer - "OPPENHEIMER"  DANIELLE BROOKS / Sofia - "THE COLOR PURPLE"  PENÉLOPE CRUZ / Laura Ferrari - "FERRARI"  JODIE FOSTER / Bonnie Stoll - "NYAD"  DA’VINE JOY RANDOLPH / Mary Lamb - "THE HOLDOVERS"
Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture  AMERICAN FICTION  ERIKA ALEXANDER / Coraline ADAM BRODY / Wiley Valdespino STERLING K. BROWN / Clifford Ellison KEITH DAVID / Willy the Wonker JOHN ORTIZ / Arthur ISSA RAE / Sintara Golden TRACEE ELLIS ROSS / Lisa Ellison LESLIE UGGAMS / Agnes Ellison JEFFREY WRIGHT / Thelonious "Monk" Ellison
OPPENHEIMER  CASEY AFFLECK / Boris Pash EMILY BLUNT / Kitty Oppenheimer KENNETH BRANAGH / Niels Bohr MATT DAMON / Leslie Groves ROBERT DOWNEY JR. / Lewis Strauss JOSH HARTNETT / Ernest Lawrence RAMI MALEK / David Hill CILLIAN MURPHY / J. Robert Oppenheimer FLORENCE PUGH / Jean Tatlock
The Television Program Nominees are: 
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series  MATT BOMER / Hawkins "Hawk" Fuller - "FELLOW TRAVELERS"  JON HAMM / Roy Tillman - "FARGO"  DAVID OYELOWO / Bass Reeves - "LAWMEN: BASS REEVES"  TONY SHALHOUB / Adrian Monk - "MR. MONK'S LAST CASE: A MONK MOVIE"  STEVEN YEUN / Danny Cho - "BEEF"
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series  UZO ADUBA / Edie Flowers - "PAINKILLER"  KATHRYN HAHN / Clare Pierce - "TINY BEAUTIFUL THINGS"  BRIE LARSON / Elizabeth Zott - "LESSONS IN CHEMISTRY"  BEL POWLEY / Miep Gies - "A SMALL LIGHT"  ALI WONG / Amy Lau - "BEEF"
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series  BRIAN COX / Logan Roy - "SUCCESSION"  BILLY CRUDUP / Cory Ellison - "THE MORNING SHOW"  KIERAN CULKIN / Roman Roy - "SUCCESSION"  MATTHEW MACFADYEN / Tom Wambsgans - "SUCCESSION"  PEDRO PASCAL / Joel - "THE LAST OF US"
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series  JENNIFER ANISTON / Alex Levy - "THE MORNING SHOW"  ELIZABETH DEBICKI / Princess Diana - "THE CROWN"  BELLA RAMSEY / Ellie - "THE LAST OF US"  KERI RUSSELL / Kate Wyler - "THE DIPLOMAT"  SARAH SNOOK / Shiv Roy - "SUCCESSION"
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series  BRETT GOLDSTEIN / Roy Kent - "TED LASSO"  BILL HADER / Barry - "BARRY"  EBON MOSS-BACHRACH / Richard "Richie" Jerimovich - "THE BEAR"  JASON SUDEIKIS / Ted Lasso - "TED LASSO"  JEREMY ALLEN WHITE / Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto - "THE BEAR"
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series  ALEX BORSTEIN / Susie Myerson - "THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL"  RACHEL BROSNAHAN / Miriam "Midge" Maisel - "THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL"  QUINTA BRUNSON / Janine Teagues - "ABBOTT ELEMENTARY"  AYO EDEBIRI / Sydney Adamu - "THE BEAR"  HANNAH WADDINGHAM / Rebecca Welton - "TED LASSO"
Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series 
THE CROWN  KHALID ABDALLA / Dodi Fayed SEBASTIAN BLUNT / Prince Edward BERTIE CARVEL / Tony Blair SALIM DAW / Mohamed Al Fayed ELIZABETH DEBICKI / Princess Diana LUTHER FORD / Prince Harry CLAUDIA HARRISON / Princess Anne LESLEY MANVILLE / Princess Margaret ED MCVEY / Prince William JAMES MURRAY / Prince Andrew JONATHAN PRYCE / Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh IMELDA STAUNTON / Queen Elizabeth II MARCIA WARREN / Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother DOMINIC WEST / Prince Charles OLIVIA WILLIAMS / Camilla Parker Bowles
Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series  ABBOTT ELEMENTARY  QUINTA BRUNSON / Janine Teagues WILLIAM STANFORD DAVIS / Mr. Johnson JANELLE JAMES / Ava Coleman CHRIS PERFETTI / Jacob Hill SHERYL LEE RALPH / Barbara Howard LISA ANN WALTER / Melissa Schemmenti TYLER JAMES WILLIAMS / Gregory Eddie
THE BEAR  LIONEL BOYCE / Marcus JOSE CERVANTES JR. / Angel LIZA COLÓN-ZAYAS / Tina AYO EDEBIRI / Sydney Adamu ABBY ELLIOTT / Natalie “Sugar” Berzatto RICHARD ESTERAS / Manny EDWIN LEE GIBSON / Ebraheim MOLLY GORDON / Claire COREY HENDRIX / Sweeps MATTY MATHESON / Neil Fak EBON MOSS-BACHRACH / Richard "Richie" Jerimovich OLIVER PLATT / Jimmy "Cicero" Kalinowski JEREMY ALLEN WHITE / Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto
TED LASSO  ANNETTE BADLAND / Mae Green KOLA BOKINNI / Isaac McAdoo EDYTA BUDNIK / Jade ADAM COLBORNE / Baz Primrose PHIL DUNSTER / Jamie Tartt CRISTO FERNÁNDEZ / Dani Rojas KEVIN "KG" GARRY / Paul La Fleur BRETT GOLDSTEIN / Roy Kent BILLY HARRIS / Colin Hughes ANTHONY HEAD / Rupert Mannion BRENDAN HUNT / Coach Beard TOHEEB JIMOH / Sam Obisanya JAMES LANCE / Trent Crimm NICK MOHAMMED / Nathan Shelley JASON SUDEIKIS / Ted Lasso JEREMY SWIFT / Leslie Higgins JUNO TEMPLE / Keeley Jones HANNAH WADDINGHAM / Rebecca Welton BRONSON WEBB / Jeremy Blumenthal KATY WIX / Barbara
The Stunt Ensemble Honors Nominees are:  Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture BARBIE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 3 INDIANA JONES AND THE DIAL OF DESTINY JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 4 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - DEAD RECKONING PART ONE
Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Television Series  AHSOKA BARRY BEEF THE LAST OF US THE MANDALORIAN
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newslynet · 8 months
Critics Choice Awards 2024: Oppenheimer Triumphs - Full List of Winners
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Critics Choice Awards 2024: Oppenheimer Triumphs
The Critics Choice Awards 2024 unfolded in Los Angeles, delivering a significant triumph for Christopher Nolan's Oppenheimer. The ceremony, held on Sunday (Monday in India), showcased outstanding achievements in the world of entertainment.
Winners Revealed
The winners were revealed, spanning various categories and recognizing exceptional talent. From Meryl Streep securing the Best Supporting Actress in a comedy series for Only Murders In The Building to Robert Downey Jr. taking home the trophy as Best Supporting Actor for Oppenheimer, here is the full list of winners for the Critics Choice Awards 2024. Full List of Winners:
Best Picture
WINNER: Oppenheimer - American Fiction - Barbie - The Color Purple - The Holdovers - Killers of the Flower Moon - Maestro - Past Lives - Poor Things - Saltburn
Best Actress
WINNER: Emma Stone, Poor Things - Lily Gladstone, Killers of the Flower Moon - Sandra Hüller, Anatomy of a Fall - Greta Lee, Past Lives - Carey Mulligan, Maestro - Margot Robbie, Barbie Best Actor WINNER: Paul Giamatti, The Holdovers - Bradley Cooper, Maestro - Leonardo DiCaprio, Killers of the Flower Moon - Colman Domingo, Rustin - Cillian Murphy, Oppenheimer - Jeffrey Wright, American Fiction
Best Director
WINNER: Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer - Bradley Cooper, Maestro - Greta Gerwig, Barbie - Yorgos Lanthimos, Poor Things - Alexander Payne, The Holdovers - Martin Scorsese, Killers of the Flower Moon
Best Supporting Actor
WINNER: Robert Downey Jr, Oppenheimer - Sterling K. Brown, American Fiction - Robert DeNiro, Killers of the Flower Moon - Ryan Gosling, Barbie - Charles Melton, May December - Mark Ruffalo, Poor Things
Best Supporting Actress
WINNER: Da’Vine Joy Randolph, The Holdovers - Emily Blunt, Oppenheimer - Danielle Brooks, The Color Purple - America Ferrera, Barbie - Jodie Foster, Nyad - Julianne Moore, May December
Best Supporting Actor in a drama series
WINNER: Billy Crudup, The Morning Show - Khalid Abdalla, The Crown - Ron Cephas Jones, Truth Be Told - Matthew MacFadyen, Succession - Ke Huy Quan, Loki - Rufus Sewell, The Diplomat
Best Supporting Actress in a drama series
WINNER: Elizabeth Debicki, The Crown - Nicole Beharie, The Morning Show - Sophia Di Martino, Loki - Celia Rose Gooding, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Karen Pittman, The Morning Show - Christina Ricci, Yellowjackets
Best Supporting Actress in a comedy series
WINNER: Meryl Streep, Only Murders in the Building - Paulina Alexis, Reservation Dogs - Alex Borstein, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - Janelle James, Abbott Elementary - Sheryl Lee Ralph, Abbott Elementary - Jessica Williams, Shrinking
Best Supporting Actor in a comedy series
WINNER: Ebon Moss-Bachrach, The Bear - Phil Dunster, Ted Lasso - Harrison Ford, Shrinking - Harvey Guillén, What We Do in the Shadows - James Marsden, Jury Duty - Henry Winkler, Barry
Best Supporting Actor in a limited series or movie made for television
WINNER: Jonathan Bailey, Fellow Travelers - Taylor Kitsch, Painkiller - Jesse Plemons, Love & Death - Lewis Pullman, Lessons in Chemistry - Liev Schreiber, A Small Light - Justin Theroux, White House Plumbers
Best Supporting Actress in a limited series or movie made for television
WINNER: Maria Bello, Beef - Billie Boullet, A Small Light - Willa Fitzgerald, The Fall of the House of Usher - Aja Naomi King, Lessons in Chemistry - Mary McDonnell, The Fall of the House of Usher - Camila Morrone, Daisy Jones & the Six
Best Actor in a limited series or movie made for television
WINNER: Steven Yeun, Beef - Matt Bomer, Fellow Travelers - Tom Holland, The Crowded Room - David Oyelowo, Lawmen: Bass Reeves - Tony Shalhoub, Mr. Monk’s Last Case: A Monk Movie - Kiefer Sutherland, The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial
Best Actress in a limited series or movie made for television
WINNER: Ali Wong, Beef - Kaitlyn Dever, No One Will Save You - Carla Gugino, The Fall of the House of Usher - Brie Larson, Lessons in Chemistry - Bel Powley, A Small Light - Sydney Sweeney, Reality - Juno Temple, Fargo
Best Original Song
WINNER: I’m Just Ken, Barbie - Dance the Night, Barbie - Peaches, The Super Mario Bros. Movie - Road to Freedom, Rustin - This Wish, Wish - What Was I Made For, Barbie
Best Cinematography
WINNER: Hoyte van Hoytema, Oppenheimer - Matthew Libatique, Maestro - Rodrigo Prieto, Barbie - Rodrigo Prieto, Killers of the Flower Moon - Robbie Ryan, Poor Things - Linus Sandgren, Saltburn
Best Production Design
WINNER: Sarah Greenwood, Katie Spencer, Barbie - Suzie Davies, Charlotte Dirickx, Saltburn - Ruth De Jong, Claire Kaufman, Oppenheimer - Jack Fisk, Adam Willis, Killers of the Flower Moon - James Price, Shona Heath, Szusza Mihalek, Poor Things - Adam Stockhausen, Kris Moran, Asteroid City
Best Original Screenplay
WINNER: Barbie, Greta Gerwig, Noah Baumbach - Air, Alex Convery - The Holdovers, David Hemingson - Maestro, Bradley Cooper, Josh Singer - May December, Samy Burch - Past Lives, Celine Song
Best Adapted Screenplay
WINNER: Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret, Kelly Fremon Craig - All of Us Strangers, Andrew Haigh - American Fiction, Cord Jefferson - Killers of the Flower Moon, Martin Scorsese, Eric Roth - Poor Things, Tony McNamara - Oppenheimer, Christopher Nolan
Best Score
WINNER: Ludwig Göransson, Oppenheimer - Jerskin Fendrix, Poor Things - Michael Giacchino, Society of the Snow - Daniel Pemberton, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse - Robbie Robertson, Killers of the Flower Moon - Mark Ronson, Andrew Wyatt, Barbie
Best Editing
WINNER: Jennifer Lame, Oppenheimer - William Goldenberg, Air - Nick Houy, Barbie - Yorgos Mavropsaridis, Poor Things - Thelma Schoonmaker, Killers of the Flower Moon - Michelle Tesoro, Maestro
Best Visual Effects
WINNER: Oppenheimer - The Creator - Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One - Poor Things - Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Best Costume Design
WINNER: Jacqueline Durran, Barbie - Lindy Hemming, Wonka - Francine Jamison-Tanchuck, The Color Purple - Holly Waddington, Poor Things - Jacqueline West, Killers of the Flower Moon - Janty Yates, David Crossman, Napoleon
Best Hair and Makeup
WINNER: Barbie - The Color Purple - Maestro - Oppenheimer - Poor Things - Priscilla
Best Comedy
WINNER: Barbie - American Fiction - Bottoms - The Holdovers - No Hard Feelings - Poor Things
Best Acting Ensemble
WINNER: Oppenheimer - Air - Barbie - The Color Purple - The Holdovers - Killers of the Flower Moon
Best Animated Feature
WINNER: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse - The Boy and the Heron - Elemental - Nimona - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem - Wish
Best Foreign Language Film
WINNER: Anatomy of a Fall - Godzilla Minus One - Perfect Days - Society of the Snow - The Taste of Things - The Zone of Interest
Best Drama Series
WINNER: Succession - The Crown - The Diplomat - The Last of Us - Loki - The Morning Show - Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty
Best Actress in a comedy series
WINNER: Ayo Edebiri, The Bear - Rachel Brosnahan, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - Quinta Brunson, Abbott Elementary - Bridget Everett, Somebody Somewhere - Devery Jacobs, Reservation Dogs - Natasha Lyonne, Poker Face
Best Actor in a comedy series
WINNER: Jeremy Allen White, The Bear - Bill Hader, Barry - Steve Martin, Only Murders in the Building - Kayvan Novak, What We Do in the Shadows - Drew Tarver, The Other Two - D’Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai, Reservation Dogs
Best Movie Made for Television
WINNER: Quiz Lady - The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial - Finestkind - Mr. Monk’s Last Case: A Monk Movie - No One Will Save You - Reality
Best Animated Series
WINNER: Scott Pilgrim Takes Off - Bluey - Bob’s Burgers - Harley Quinn - Star Trek: Lower Decks - Young Love
Best Foreign Language Series
WINNER: Lupin - Bargain - The Glory - The Good Mothers - The Interpreter of Silence - Mask Girl - Moving
Best Comedy Special
WINNER: John Mulaney: Baby J - Mike Birbiglia: The Old Man and the Pool - Alex Borstein: Corsets & Clown Suits - John Early: Now More Than Ever - Trevor Noah: Where Was I - Wanda Sykes – I’m an Entertainer
Best Talk Show
WINNER: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver - The Graham Norton Show - Jimmy Kimmel Live! - The Kelly Clarkson Show - Late Night with Seth Meyers - The Late Show with Stephen Colbert
Best Actress in a drama series
WINNER: Sarah Snook, Succession - Jennifer Aniston, The Morning Show - Aunjanue Ellis, Justified: City Primeval - Bella Ramsey, The Last of Us - Keri Russell, The Diplomat - Reese Witherspoon, The Morning Show
Best Actor in a drama series
WINNER: Kieran Culkin, Succession - Tom Hiddleston, Loki - Timothy Olyphant, Justified: City Primeval - Pedro Pascal, The Last of Us - Ramón Rodríguez, Will Trent - Jeremy Strong, Succession
Best Comedy Series
WINNER: The Bear - Abbott Elementary - Barry - The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel - Poker Face - Reservation Dogs - Shrinking - What We Do in the Shadows
Best Limited Series
WINNER: Beef - Daisy Jones & the Six - Fargo - Fellow Travelers - Lessons in Chemistry - Love & Death - A Murder at the End of the World - A Small Light Read the full article
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