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My Charlastor fanfiction " Mas-tu piégés princesse? , adapted into English
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The original language of this fanfiction is French but I couldn't help but notice on Wattpad that English-speaking readers were adding it to their reading lists so I'm offering you a translation
For the moment the first six chapters have been translated, I am waiting for feedback to continue ♥
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charlastorfrenchlove · 2 months
Alastor's Reprise vs Oh Millie
Has anyone noticed that the song and dance number in the pilot has the same romantic setting as Moxxie's love song to Millie?
Pinkish-red lighting, sparkles all around
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These were released a few months apart, too.
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charlastorfrenchlove · 2 months
Extrait chapitre 1 M'as-tu piégés Princesse? " Badum"
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“BADUUUM BADUUUUUUUM “ It has been some time since Alastor noticed the abnormal movements occurring in his chest and this phenomenon only occurs when he is in the presence of a certain princess of Hell. Without him being able to understand how the young blonde went about provoking such a physical reaction. He would have noticed if Lucifer's daughter had used any spell on him, after all he knew enough about magic and demonic power to see if anyone was trying to harm him. But he never detected anything in the blonde and he didn't want to go see a doctor because the supreme lord knew very well that he was not suffering so what was the point. The strange symptoms have finally stopped to the happiness of the latter, he will be able to concentrate on something else. So he walks with both hands behind his back while humming a little tune, very happy that his strange symptoms have calmed down in the corridor, he meets the princess's companion walking with an angry step. The red demon wonders what could have provoked the anger of the former exorcist. -So dear, I was able to hear you from the other end of the hotel, what is putting you in such a state? *he asks in a mocking tone*
The person concerned gives a look full of disdain for the red, wondering what is wrong with her for it to come to meddle in her life. Then the last news he didn't really care about her well-being so why would he do it suddenly, Vaggie clicks her tongue against her roof of the mouth and throws her long hair back. -Anything that concerns you, shouldn't you do your job as a manager instead of hanging around like an acorn? *she asks aggressively* -What I was about to do but your aggressive steps distracted me from my main objective *replies the demon just as dryly* A slight growl escaped Vaggie's lips, greatly annoyed that this demon of misfortune had the answer to everything and with ease too. Although he was right, that doesn't mean she was going to confide in him, that's all that was missing. Therefore, it was better for her to put an end to this discussion which will lead to nothing anyway. She walks in front of him to make it clear to him that she didn't want to continue cutting the piece of fat with him. For her, this man, finally this demon, was like a threat to the well-being of her princess's hotel and to the princess herself. -Maybe but it's not my problem if you let yourself be distracted so easily, it's not my problem * declares the former exorcist *
Then she continues on her way as if nothing had happened, Alastor does not try to keep her any longer because he knew perfectly well that it would be useless. He just sighs while thinking that the princess's companion later could prove to be a real problem for his plans. Quite simply because she is far too suspicious and refuses to open up to him as her charming companion did so well. His shadow therefore materializes on the wall with a mocking smile, for the moment Alastor seems willing to ignore it. Until the latter spoke, because the latter does not seem to appreciate being ignored like this by her master. Yes, these things have a certain ego “-I could make it disappear quickly and without any problem, all I need is a word from you” *Throws the infernal creature* -And thus place suspicion on my person? Great god no thank you, everything in its time my friend you may have been able to read my mind but you should have understood that it was still too early to try anything on this poor, highly unpleasant creature * replies the big deer * The shadow seems a little skeptical but decides not to contradict its master too much and then disappears. Alastor seems relieved that the creature is quite docile. He didn't want the conversation to be heard by a few clumsy ears. It would still be unfortunate to silence these sources of distraction
because he lacked vigilance it would be a real shame. And yet he didn't even take into account the presence of the king of hell in the hotel, even if he doesn't scare him he knows very well that he will never be a match for him. He arrives at the door of his radio tower, however he discovers the princess standing with her back to him in front of the door. Charlie made funny gestures with his arms at his face, he said nothing then the last one turned around to face him, her eyes bathed in tears. At this vision the big deer suddenly stops  “BADUUUM BADUUUUUUUM “
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charlastorfrenchlove · 2 months
théorie que j'ai postée sur une page facebook
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Picture 1: Is it me where I see Roo marks on Charlie's arm? His arm transformed during the fight against Adam knowing that the eyes is a theme addressed by Roo which would be the reason for their presence in Alastor's tower in episode 8, another disturbing detail showing Alastor could well belong to Roo. is this nod to a certain scene
Picture 2: the caption says: it doesn't sound a bit like that and then moves on to the Facebook screenshot:
Lilith can't be possessed by Roo because her arrangement with Adam ruins everything. 1. It's not in Roo's interest for more demons to die every year 2. Lilith's songs were useful to strengthen the demons that were absent at night for 7 years 3. If she was really possessed Roo would have done everything to prevent it 4. Everything is put in place to incriminate Lilith visually and probably because of the future panic attack when Al really sees her in the series. For him it is his mastery but ROO beyond being the root of evil it It is the original sin. It therefore has a strong equalizing power or goes beyond Lucifer being a basic concept, therefore something unkillable or if we kill him we bring about the end of everything. 5. If it turns out it will be the first time she sees Al and will not understand why the deer sweats so much in his presence
Picture 3:
Then comes the resemblance between the VERY first design of Charlie and Roo which are quite similar, for me the arm is not just a reference to the old design: Having a similar posture
Next legend: To see if Lilith also has them in her true demonic form but the stigmata before her eyes As Emily said visually speaking and if everything was done to send us straight into the wall including Alastor concerning the identity of his mistress. He is not crazy enough to question the identity of the Queen of Hell under penalty of a correction.
Picture 4:
Finally the proof that means everything and nothing at the same time. If Vizie raised doubts for nothing, that's pretty damn cheeky of him, but at least it would have given rise to theories. But often this kind of statement in the series is not trivial, I would have an example to give with a video game from a franchise to compare but I don't know if everyone will know it. The FF 16 saga the hero Clive was born to two human parents, except throughout the adventure we learn that he is the creation of a false divinity named Ultima. Who made sure to create his perfect host in the game world and become one when he has accomplished a certain mission. It is not impossible that this type of mechanic exists between Roo and the Morningstar family. Alastor would be a bit like the knight of Roo wanting to free himself from his yoke and in the end Charlie would perhaps be a kind of bargaining chip or even worse hostage against his freedom
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charlastorfrenchlove · 4 months
One Shot Charlastor FR
Un court extrait :
Le corps d'Alastor était ensanglanté , son corps était douloureux et il savait qu'il n'en avait pour plus pour bien longtemps le simple fait de respirer lui faisait souffrir sans doute du à ses côtes perforées. Pourquoi il en est arrivé là ? Pour sa liberté ou sa soif de pouvoir ou peut-être bien les deux , la grande silhouette du roi de l'enfer se tient face à lui lui tournant le dos . Visiblement le démon de la radio a été beaucoup trop gourmand , peut-être qu'il a été bien trop  présomptueux d'avoir voulu manipuler la famille royale d'avoir voulu se jouer de la fille de Lucifer . Elle a été si facile à séduire et à mettre dans son lit , des mots bien choisit un sourire enjôleur et un constant soutient aura suffit à l'avoir .  Charlie était devenue sa petite marionnette , elle qui l'aimait d'un amour sincère . Il lui a suffit d'une seule erreur tout simplement parce que notre démon de la radio a paniqué et à cru pouvoir évincer le roi de l'enfer facilement tout en se servant de sa fille en tant qu'otage .
Hors Al n'avait pas prévu que Lucifer ne prenne pas peur du fait qu'il menaçait sa fille et lui a fait regretter à bien des égards d'avoir osé se servir de sa fille de la sorte , bien que Charlie avait gentiment retiré sa laisse Alastor n'avait pas vraiment estimé la puissance du roi de l'enfer .En d'autre termes il s'est clairement sur estimé et de loin . Quant à Charlie cette pauvre enfant ne pouvait que regarder les deux hommes qu'elle aime de manière différente bien entendu , son père d'un amour filiale et l'autre d'un amour passionnée . Complètement paralysée par la peur , la peur d'en perdre un des deux voir les deux .
C'est une fois le combat terminé que la princesse de l'enfer retrouve ses esprits , son père était légèrement blessé mais ses jours ne sont pas en danger par contre elle ne pouvait pas en dire autant de son amant au sol . Après quelques instants d'hésitation la démone blonde se précipite vers le démon souffrant se met à genoux et cale sa tête sur ses genoux caressant doucement son visage .Les paupières du démon rouge s'ouvre difficilement et ses pupilles se dirigent vers la démone blonde qui caresse sa joue affectueusement .
Alastor's body was bloody, his body was in pain and he knew he wouldn't last much longer; the simple act of breathing made him suffer, probably due to his punctured ribs. Why did it come to this? For his freedom or his thirst for power or perhaps both, the tall figure of the king of hell stands facing him with his back turned. Obviously the radio demon was much too greedy, perhaps he was too presumptuous to have wanted to manipulate the royal family and to have wanted to play with Lucifer's daughter. She was so easy to seduce and get into bed, well chosen words, a flirtatious smile and constant support were enough to get her. Charlie had become his little puppet, she who loved him with a sincere love. All it took was one mistake simply because our radio demon panicked and thought he could easily oust the king of hell while using his daughter as a hostage.
However, Al had not expected that Lucifer would not be afraid of the fact that he was threatening his daughter and made him regret in many ways having dared to use his daughter in this way, although Charlie had kindly withdrawn his let Alastor had not really estimated the power of the King of Hell. In other words he clearly overestimated himself by far. As for Charlie, this poor child could only look at the two men she loves in different ways of course, her father with a filial love and the other with a passionate love. Completely paralyzed by fear, the fear of losing one or even both.
It was once the fight was over that the princess of hell regained her senses, her father was slightly injured but his life was not in danger, however she could not say the same about her lover on the ground. After a few moments of hesitation, the blonde demon rushes towards the suffering demon, kneels and places his head on her knees, gently caressing his face. The red demon's eyelids open with difficulty and his pupils move towards the blonde demoness who caresses his cheek affectionately.
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charlastorfrenchlove · 5 months
Ma page facebook et mon wattpad
Pour me trouver un peu partout sur le wattpad j'ai une fanfiction en cours j'ai déjà trois chapitres de disponibles
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