#Steve is charm incarnate
platoniccapitalp · 27 days
Ok i finally remembered I haven’t stopped and heard the whole DECIDE album
Cuz i knew I’d like the whole djo sound, however it’s a vibe i love but haven’t got the mood to listen to in a whiiile, so i just put the album while i took a shower and…
I think i just straight up listened to everything on Djo’s spotify non stop at least three times…
It’s everything that i needed I’m not shitting you, it’s like crack cocaine to my ears, it’s chappell roan all over again, holy shit it’s so over…
It’s a genre/sound/vibe so tied to an integral part of my childhood, but like I can’t really put a finger on the exact band/artist that i listened this much with this style/genre, for me it’s incredibly tied to:
Daft Punk(duh), Gorillaz, Beck, Tame Impala and (last two albums)Arctic Monkeys
Which now thinking is hilarious cuz it’s basically synth-pop…
ya know, a big genre in the 80s…
Also all the bands are 2000ish bands which is why they were a big part of my childhood, and maybe in Joe/Djo’s childhood/teenage years he also had similar influences, plus he’s from the 90s so not that far from the 80s either (+staring in ST duh) kkkkkk
I cracked the code, case closed everyone…
Now if you’ll excuse me i shall listen to Djo’s entire discography all over again, and again, and again…
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sashaisready · 7 months
The Blood Pact (completed)
Bucky Barnes Vampire AU x Female Reader
Reeling from a bad break-up, you're desperately trying to find a new place to live but the Brooklyn rental market is a complete nightmare. You take a chance on an intriguing newspaper ad and enquire about a room in a shared house, where you'd be living with two mysterious men. The catch is that they want something other than your money for you to pay the rent...the one thing they don't have
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Hello! This is a vampire AU set in present day in Brooklyn. Just a heads up that vampire Bucky is kinda an asshole in this one, not always as nice to reader as he should be - so prepare for some angst! He does soften up, though. Maybe a little enemies to lovers sprinkled in there, my fave.
Peter Quill is also reader's terrible ex, so he's not his usual charming self! Apologies if he's your fave. But Steve is very sweet and offsets the meanness somewhat, thankfully.
Warnings: Smut and sexual references, violence, detailed descriptions of vampires biting/drinking blood, swearing, insecurity and low self esteem for reader, hints at an emotionally abusive past relationship, references to past cheating, alcohol use, some bad treatment of reader by Bucky, injury/near death, potentially dubcon as it could be argued the vampire/human dynamic is on shaky ground in that sense - but reader is an enthusiastic participant. These warnings are not exhaustive so please proceed at your own risk.
In my head this Bucky is Civil War era Bucky - beefy with longer hair, but of course you are free to picture your favourite Bucky incarnation - that's the beauty of fic! Reader is fem, generally undescribed but has hair long enough to be in her face.
And yeah it’s purely self indulgent sexy vampire shit. Apologies.
If you enjoyed this series and would like to buy me a coffee, here's my Ko-Fi link 💐
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
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streets-in-paradise · 11 months
Friday the 13 Th - Eddie Munson x (Fem) Henderson! Reader
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Warnings: Friday the 13 Th franchise references.
Summary: Eddie has convinced you of making something big to bother Jason in the most fitting day for your inside joke about him.
Notes: Happy Friday the 13 th! Let's make fun of Jason lol
The school's cafeteria was a stage where Eddie loved to play being a dreaded artist annoying the well adjusted students with his unhinged dramatizations. He was an autentical court jester despite many loathed his performances. You may have been once too shy to get involved or even engage, but the spirit of companionship of Hellfire had slowly and consistently changed that.
As two lonely weirdos doing their best to not be noticed during most of your highschool experience, you have always been in a distant bubble with Jonnathan doing your own thing unless bullies would disrupt you. There was no one else at least untill he started to date Nancy and you befriended Eddie first, later also Steve. While you remained best friends, some of that crave to hide together in a little corner going unnoticed began to change and that was way more evident in you under the influence of Eddie.
For once at least, Jonnathan acceded to get involved for a small role in a carefully crafted espectacle you were planning because he got to appreciate the concept. Fellow horror geek, he found it simple yet quite effective. At very least you both would have a funny story to share with Will and Dustin.
Staged action took it's course as you approached him limping and pretending you were crying your heart out.
" Please, please! You have to help me!! " You begged him for the entire place to hear you, your ketchup soaked hands seeking to hold his clean ones . " … He is coming, he got my friends!!! He is gonna kill us! "
Pretending confussion wasn't that hard given your performance.
" What are you talking about?"
" The councelors were making love while that young boy drowned!!" You directly referenced the speech of Pamela Vorhees in a mashup with a victim character. " … Now we are all cursed. WE DESERVE TO BE PUNISHED!!!! "
When your agonical, prophetic scream gave him the sign Eddie emerged rushing like a maniac into the scene.
" FRIDAY THE 13 TH!!! IT'S FRIDAY THE 13 TH, PEOPLE!!" He began to scream to anyone in his way. " RUN FOR YOUR LIVES CAUSE JASON IS GONNA COME TO GET YOU!"
The joke was perfectly timed with the entrance of Jason Carver. Annoyance was the less concerning feeling it awakened on the target. When you once started it he could have never imagined it was going to stick with the full weirdo group and even escalate.
" Are you looking for trouble, freak?"
Enacting a reaction fitting for a horror movie, you got in between them shielding Eddie with your body.
" No, Eds! Don't sacrifice yourself for me!! "
Eddie turned dramatically to play pretend a heartfelt objection.
" I must do it. You are the final girl and i am just the disastrous but charming male lead following you into the woods just because i'm in love with you. " He followed your performance with a self awareness touch. " Go, my beloved. Save that stoner and remember me. "
You held his hands as if his life trully depended of listening to you.
" I won't let you go! I know how to defeat Jason, you just have to trust me. "
The basketball player was frankly weirded. Still angry, but his lack of contextual orientation to whatever you were thinking to be doing temporally overcame his desire to punch Eddie in the face.
He was accidentally incarnating one of the lapsus of confussion Jason Vorhees could sometimes had in the films before resuming the chase for his victims.
Perfect moment for you to iniciate the end of the third act taking off your jacket to reveal a striped sweater in matching colors with the Tigers.
" Look at me Jason!! Look! Come over here … " You began to call him in the sweetest tone. " Do you recognize this? You are in home, honey.. It's gonna be ok, I'll take care of you!"
Your friends were laughing uncontrolably and you realized that even a guy in the jock's table was holding his chuckles. Probably only just for the excessive female nudity of the franchise, but he must have watched the film your joke was referencing. Not missing the chance to expose it, you smiled at him and his amusement turned inmediately into disgust.
" Friday the 13 Th Part 2, just in case you want to rent it for the weekend. " You explained to Jason after abandoning the character. " My interpretation didn't stick completely to the source material, but I found this sweater in a thrift store and inmediately thought of you. Eddie insisted we had to save it for the next Friday the 13 Th. "
" Meaning that you got that cheap sweater in my team's colours and prepared a scene arround it just to annoy me. " Jason summarized out loud, clearly fed up with all the freaks. " At least i can say you took too many bothers to get my attention in this oddly specifical charade. "
" Bullshit! He is pissed off, only tries to hide it because he lost. " Eddie quickly corrected. " We made it, sweetheart!!"
You both hi fived each other and rushed in the opposite direction, but hubris made Eddie deliver one last comeback on the way.
" Happy Friday 13 Th, Carver !!!! Don't get in the lake!!! "
Despite he did enjoy the thrill, Jonnathan was giving you judgamental looks as you reached him.
" … If i get targeted again for this."
Eddie patted him on the shoulder cheerfully before reassuring him.
" Chill, man! His feud is against us, you are totally safe. "
" That was freaking awesome! " You followed the cheers. " Don't lie to me, I saw it in your eyes. You are as excited as me. "
You had a point and he couldn't deny it.
" Fine, it was quite fun … Not as satisfying as punching Steve, but still. "
Eddie clearly supported the posibility of finding someone to complain about Harrington with that you couldn't object to. Besides, he was a big fan of the referenced episode.
" I heard all about it, the freak that kicked his bully's ass and stole his girlfriend … I just want you to know that Hellfire considers you a hero. You will always be welcome among us. "
His most inmediate answer was an awkward smile.
" Thanks. I really appreciate it, but i would like to keep my girlfriend. "
They chuckled and Eddie's was the loudest.
" Good call, man! Good call. "
Something in the specifical way Eddie choose to congratulate Jonnathan made you feel uneased. Probably because you were just jealous imagining he could want to steal his bully's girlfriend too if he had the same chance.
" Eds, if we were in a horror movie. Do you really think we would be the romantically coded final girl and last kill boy sacrificing himself so she could make it to the final fight?" You asked him as you were walking thowards the Hellfire table. " I mean, I won't do well as a final girl. To be one you need more than just be the virgin ... "
The joke may have been themed as a different thing, but you were masquerading your will to figure out if that was the case.
" ... And most times they aren't unwanted freaks, they are normal cute girls just too shy to approach their crush or too nervous to let their boyfriends convince them of sleeping together. "
He wasn't sure of where the point was going, but didn't mind to indulge you.
" Realistically, I would be the guy who dies alone getting high in the woods. " He mocked himself. " but i do think you could be a final girl. Although a rare breed we don't often get blessed with, freak girls tend to be passionate horror fans. You know all the rules to survive, my prediction is that you would make it and at the end of the film Harrington would be asking you out. "
The answer deviated from the path you expected.
" I thought you would accuse Steve of being the asshole jock dying in the sex scene. "
" As a judge I'm cruel, but fair. That has to be Hargrove, Harrington has higher chances of making it if he sticks with you. "
That made you laugh for reasons he could never possibly understand. In real life, Steve was the resourcefull fighter.
" Would you believe me if I tell you that Steve is a final girl ? "
He was laughing harder then, untill your softly delivered conclussion stopped it.
" I would like to make it with you too … It would be a refreshing change for the slasher formula. "
Eddie wasn't sure of it, but for an instant he choose to treat himself imagining you said you wanted to be with him in a very freakish way.
" There is no way i could make it. Ríght now i can tell you I would die for you. "
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Part 1 ✧ Part 2 of Harrington Charms Hellfire! ✧ Part 3 ✧ Part 4 ✧ now on AO3
It's not much consolation, not when he gets nightmares and sometimes Frank or Robin have to knock him out of an impending daze when he remembers the bites, the screaming, pain, the p a i n, god it hurt, it hurts so much, it -
Yeah, getting a house (like a real, not to mention fucking massive, house) from the government (the fucking government) isn't much consolation because he still freaks out but he could definitely get used to having so much more space to just - just exist in. And Wayne's got a bed now too! Ain't that something fucking grand, they got enough room for Eddie, Wayne AND visitors if they don't mind a couch. It's just - not complete consolation, but it's just a sweetness after a world of monsters, death and blood.
Plus, it's closer to Dustin and Gareth and - well, everyone basically. Even Steve, in that big ol' mansion he calls a house (not a home, Robin tells him, I don't think it's been a home for a while) that Eddie is on his way to right now. The streets of the refined (snobby), cultured (judgemental) and luxurious (that one's accurate) neighbourhood have emptied out since the whole averted-apocalypse-thing. Most rich folks don't wanna stick around after so many "gas leaks" and earth-shattering quakes apparently. Who knew.
It's a walk he enjoys, not too much effort on a good day, because it means he gets a little fresh air and daylight and that's pretty nice after spending a near-death experience thinking the last thing he'd taste was ashes and stale air and the world is a horror-infested black mirror wrapped in a fucking nightmare and Dustin oh Dustin -
But that's all fine because now he is breathing the fresh air and is walking in the daylight and he's on his way to the sun incarnate himself.
Ugh, the things love does to him.
Okay, still definitely not love but like, more than an infatuation. It's just - there's not a lot of good words in the English language okay, not enough to describe his heartbeat when Steve smiles at him or how those scars, peeking out from a stupid polo riding up, light something sad and soft in Eddie's chest, a crooning that begs to touch and soothe and not love, not love, nope.
God damn it.
Eddie sighs, shaking out the insistent thoughts (touch, soothe, love) as he approaches Steve's place and sees -
What the fuck, is that Jeff?
"Eddie!" He smiles, giving a small wave while he's standing outside his car? Parked outside Steve's place? And is that - that's the big-city brother standing with him? That's - not - that's weird, right?! "Hey man, what's up?"
"Uh, nothing much," Eddie comes to a stop and smiles back, glancing between the front door that's clearly fucking open and Jeff's brother, what was his name? "Hey..."
Big-City-Bro smiles a small thing and brings up his hand. Eddie shakes it gladly, who knew he'd feel such elation from being treated like a normal fucking person (not a killer, not a rebel, not a martyr). "Hi Eddie. I'm Trey."
Eddie's brain snaps its imaginary fingers because yes, Trey! Jeff and Trey, the Brothers Brave and the brothers that still won't tell Gareth which of them is older. Frank is adamant in his "they're fucking twins" bet.
"So," Eddie raises his eyebrows, because this is Steve's house right? Eddie didn't just enter (another) alternate reality where Jeff -
"Eds!" And that's when Steve comes barrelling out the door almost tripping on his way over before Jeff was able to catch him in time. "Shit, I'm sorry, Eddie, I completely forgot about our plans, fuck I'm so sorry dude."
Wow. Even panicking and flustered, Steve still manages to look stunning, god look at the crease of his worried little forehead.
"No worries, Stevie," Eddie grins, because look at him. God he's so fucking cute. Look at his sheepish little face, those scattered little moles, that hand still on his little forearm - wait. Eddie eyes the pair of them, Jeff and Steve, both looking back with apologetic half-grimaces. Big-City-Bro seems quietly amused over all. Terrific. "I am curious about this little get-together though."
"Well, Steve and I were on the phone last night -"
Hang on, what?
"- and Jeff thought he could come along since he's dropping me -"
Last night? As in, a late night call? As in, like, twirling fingers around phone cords and "no, you hang up" and a late night call, is that what they're saying?
"But I just called and then Wayne said you were already on your way over and now..."
Eddie blinks. The Brothers Brave are glancing at each other but Steve is just looking at him with big, soulful eyes and his head is tilted in just the right way that the brown of his hair turns gold in the afternoon sunshine.
Last night?!
"You guys talk at night?" Eddie manages to squeak out, the something ugly in his chest rearing its head to hiss at the - the implications of that, like - what the fuck?
Steve huffs a chuckle awkwardly, a hand coming up to rub at the back of his neck. Eddie tries not to zone in on the (totally unsexy of course) scar circling under his collar because last time he did that, Steve misunderstood and it was a whole thing. (A whole thing that ended up with Robin helping comfort Steve because Eddie couldn't properly articulate just how fucking badass that scar was, a symbol of survival, how it keeps reminding him of that time Steve tore a hellish winged demon with his bare hands and bared teeth and he was at least able to tell Steve he just thought the scar was cool).
"Uh, not like - not like that," Steve clears his throat. "Just sometimes...music, y'know?"
"Yeah!" Jeff nods earnestly and the something ugly softens because it's Jeff, who could ever be upset with Jeff? "Steve's got some great ideas and a good ear, Eddie, which is why I keep saying you should stick around our practice!"
Steve ducks his head, cheeks flushing a pretty, pretty pink, his smile something sweet and bashful and god fucking damn it. Eddie clears his throat and gives Steve an encouraging smile, making the sun incarnate glow ever brighter and the rays of light around him are wisps in comparison. Fucking hell.
"I really did forget, Eds," Steve says mournfully, his eyes practically begging Eddie for forgiveness from under his lashes. "I'm so sorry."
Eddie shrugs, because well. Yeah, Stevie's always had a bit of a problem with memory, it's why he writes everything on his fridge-calendar. Eddie gets it. "'S alright, dude, it happens. Are you guys heading out now?"
"Yeah but -" Steve cuts himself off and starts grinning excitedly, oh no. "You should come with us! There's space, right, Jeff?"
Jeff's earnest nod does a good job of hiding the clear trepidation that peeks through his expression, but technically, Eddie made plans to hang out with Steve first (last fucking week, take that "last night" Jeff) so this can't really count as intruding, right? Plus why would Jeff feel nervous about Eddie coming along to some music record store in the city? It's not like he's gonna be interrupting like - like a date or anything! This is just some plans they made (with Jeff's strong, silent type brother so it's fine) and now Eddie is invited. Steve looks super happy to have Eddie come along anyways so. Fuck yeah.
"I'm humbled by the offer to accompany you on your quest, my liege," Eddie gives a bow, laughing when Steve gently pulls him up and fusses over his scarring (how does he make wounds feel so sweet). "It would be an honor."
Trey gives a chuckle and clasps Eddie's shoulder before heading over to the passenger seat. Steve grins and opens the backseat door with a bow. What a flirt (Eddie has to hold in the giggle bubbling up his throat).
"So!" Eddie slaps his palms on his knees as Steve settles in the seat next to him, internally screaming because shit, this is very close quarters. "Whose music are we scoping out?"
The engine's already started but that moment of silence in the car? That's worth some kind of pin drop. Jeff's shoulders are tense, the way they are when he's about to investigate just about anything during a Hellfire session, but Trey and Steve both seem pretty...chill?
"Just gonna get some Dolly," Steve smiles and shatters something intrinsic in Eddie. "I kinda lost my only tape after the, uh, the earthquake." He laughs, like he hasn't crushed Eddie's perception of the Good Sir Steve with a single sentence.
"You -" Eddie clears his throat, pointedly ignoring his shaking leg and looking out the window. Think about the reconstructing houses, don't think about Steve liking Dolly Parton of all artists, fucking hell - "You a fan of country then, Steve-o?"
Steve eyes him warily in the window reflection but Eddie keeps looking at the lovely and slightly broken homes they're speeding by. Almost out of Hawkins with a country fan - "Yeah, I mean...I wasn't like a huge fan but after Jeff lended me a couple tracks -"
"Jeff did that, did he!" Eddie says brightly, staring at Jeff with bright, oh very bright eyes. He can practically smell the sweat (ew) pouring off him as he pointedly avoids Eddie's gaze in the mirror. So this is what he's been keeping from Corroded Coffin (aka their fucking metal band, Jeff) this whole time! And to think Gareth was betting on a secret third sibling this whole time (maybe they should cut back on the betting...at least when Dustin is around).
"Yeah!" Steve grins and oh fuck him no Eddie's lost all feelings for that beautiful glow of a smile because he likes fucking country music, goddamnit Steve - "Jeff's showed me tons of cool songs! Hey, how come you don't recommend me anything?"
Eddie sputters when Steve nudges him because um, ex-fucking-cuse you? "I recommend you songs all the time! Black Sabbath! Judas Priest! Overkill! Hell, I even told you KISS was a decent warm-up!"
"Hey, I tried KISS!" Steve's pout holds no power over Eddie, none, that's why he quickly looks away to stare right past Jeff's ear. "It's just...they're just all so, like, headbang-y. Jeff gave me songs I could, y'know, wash the dishes to."
"Ha," Trey's soft laugh snaps Eddie's attention because if there is another traitor in this car, Eddie will not hesitate to open this fucking door - "You put on Dolly Parton, Queen of Country, to wash the dishes of all things?"
And that hum, that damned sheepish chuckle, means that Steve's face is flushing and his eyes are avoidant and fuck. "It makes it more fun to do 'em, y'know, like I'm scrubbing and I'm begging Jolene to leave my man alone."
His. His man? As in, his man? Steve's man? Steve would have a man?
"Oh, I hear you," Trey laughs, fiddling with Jeff's fancy cassette player. "Me and Jeff used to belt out to Dolly all the time and if this is still in-"
Steve gasps as the opening notes to what Eddie assumes is a fucking Dolly Parton song. He wouldn't know because he has real taste and doesn't listen to -
"I'm begging of you, please don't take my man," Steve sings along to the music, his voice soft and crawling across Eddie's spine like a warm campfire in the cold desolation of a forest. "Jolene, Jolene -"
And then Trey is singing along too and his voice has more range but Steve's got the emotions. They're - it's like he's genuinely begging, crying out for a lover's loyalty, for a seductress to back away, to let him have this one man who means everything to him.
Fuck, Eddie's feelings are roaring real sweet and wild in chest as he stares at Steve's heartfelt performance, his focused brow, his wavering bottom lip -
"That was amazing!" Trey exclaims as the final Jolene peters out and he laughs along with Steve, with the breath-taking Steve Harrington. God, fuck. The something in his chest is crooning again and his fingers are itching to stretch into Steve's hair and - "You really can sing, Harrington!"
"Thanks," Steve nudges Eddie again and he doesn't even look away, doesn't try to hide his staring because god, fuck. "Not so bad for a country song, right, Eds?"
With the biggest sigh he's ever exhaled, Eddie nods and bangs his head against Jeff's headrest. He knows Jeff is laughing at him already. "Not bad at all, Stevie. Not bad at all."
I plan on uploading this to AO3 soon, although I'm still debating between posting the rest of the chapters exclusively on there or cross-posting the whole thing on both sites because I have behind-the-scenes things i like to put in the notes, so if anyone has any preferences, let me know! i'll probably do both but add some little author's thoughts to the AO3, maybe some Steve POV on there too
if anyone else had wanted to be tagged but wasn't, my apologies tag list: @ramyayaya @alienace @5pac3g1r7 @emly03 @tell-me-a-secret-a-nice-one @maya-custodios-dionach
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pxgeturner · 2 years
hi angel!!! congrats on 100, i’m so very proud of you<3
may i please get a 🫐 -> picking berries with my angel boy steve harrington? hcs of what he’s like in a relationship with r and what type of bf he is? love you<33
lily i’ve never written for steve before mfiydiydigx 🤭 thank u gorg!! kisses ur beautiful face /p
puppy bf! always following u around, tryna cuddle or have you sit in his lap. him laying his head on ur lap while you play w his hair. looking at u w those big brown eyes all the time, wanting something from u
he’s obsessed w ur hands. his personal fidget toy.
yk what else he likes playing w? ur hair. loves putting it into braids and adorning it with butterfly clips n shit. why wouldn’t he? ur his lil doll.
ur parents think he’s so sweet, he’s charmed them so well.
def carries around a GINORMOUS water bottle to keep both u and him hydrated
snack on him 100% of the time whether it’s a granola bar, candy or fruit
he spoils you, never wants you to pay for anything when ur w him. the only time you’ve ever paid for dinner was when the two of you were getting junk food late at night one time and he left his wallet by accident. now he stuffs cash into pant pockets when he’s putting away laundry. he’s extra like that
you two go to get your hair done together.
mkay so like i said the human incarnation of a puppy, he’s always touching you. it’s not a thoughtful it’s an instinct.
traces of you are in his house, little knickknacks you gotten home are spread throughout the house. but his room, completely taken over by you. perfume bottles, makeup, extra clothes, jewelry, etc. it’s ur room now.
just like his heart is yours.
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ogradyfilm · 2 years
My Five Favorite Movie Villains of 2022
[The following list contains MAJOR SPOILERS; YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!]
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De Guiche (Cyrano): A pompous, foppish aristocrat that wields his wealth and influence like a blunt instrument, Ben Mendelsohn’s De Guiche adds a delicious complication to the love triangle that drives Cyrano’s conflict. As far as he’s concerned, romance doesn’t exist; sexual relationships are all about power and control. This philosophy essentially positions him as the witty, strong-willed Roxanne’s antithesis—making his lecherous obsession with her all the more unsettling. His show-stopping song, “What I Deserve”, is a chilling ode to male entitlement and toxic masculinity.
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Namor (Black Panther: Wakanda Forever): Regal. Machiavellian. Sexy as hell. Marvel’s original antihero is as complex and compelling on the big screen as he’s always been on the page: physically imposing yet deviously manipulative, temperamental yet sensitive, vindictive yet honorable. While he favors shock and awe tactics, absolutely devastating Wakanda’s forces in every skirmish, the leader of Talokan is also a cunning strategist and shrewd diplomat; even his eventual “defeat” ultimately benefits his empire—exactly as he orchestrated.
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Miles Quaritch (Avatar: The Way of Water): Gleefully sadistic and unabashedly egomaniacal, the resurrected Colonel Miles Quaritch is machismo and bravado incarnate—a brutish jarhead with delusions of grandeur. His quest to avenge his own death at the hands of Jake Sully and Neytiri is motivated primarily by wounded pride; indeed, when he learns that his hated foe managed to tame his flying mount without the aid of sedatives, he becomes determined to mimic the feat—an act of petty one-upmanship that reveals everything the audience needs to know about his character.
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AJ Gilbride (Barbarian): What makes Justin Long’s unrepentant rapist so disturbing is that there’s nothing especially remarkable about his particular brand of evil; he’s simply an enormous douchebag, selfish and utterly devoid of empathy. Worst of all, he’s completely self-aware, frequently apologizing for his morally repugnant behavior and promising to change his wicked ways. Whenever an opportunity for redemption arises, however, he consistently rejects it—which makes his grisly, gory demise delightfully cathartic.
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Miles Bron (Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery): The killer at the center of Benoit Blanc’s latest murder mystery could easily have been a shallow sendup of Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Steve Jobs; fortunately, Rian Johnson’s sharp script and Edward Norton’s savvy performance elevate the otherwise broad caricature. This New Age tech bro may be the dimmest bulb in any given room, but he’s charming, charismatic, and confident enough to inspire loyalty and obedience among his followers and hangers-on. He’s the personification of capitalism gone awry, living proof that you don’t need to be intelligent or industrious to become a billionaire—just conniving, manipulative, and ruthlessly pragmatic.
Honorable Mentions
Magenta (Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero): A scathing parody of author Akira Toriyama’s experiences with editorial interference—and a hilariously ineffectual antagonist to boot.
Corey Cunningham (Halloween Ends): A meditation on the cyclical, self-perpetuating nature of alienation and violence; this unjustly persecuted youth’s gradual corruption is heartbreakingly tragic.
The Grabber (The Black Phone): The perfect marriage between an iconic design (courtesy of Tom Savini) and a captivating performance (courtesy of Ethan Hawke); leaves an indelible impression with minimal screen time.
The Podestá (Pinocchio): The model conformist—unwaveringly jingoistic, mindlessly subservient, and incapable of independent thought. He'd be pitiful... were he not such an abusive, tyrannical, fascist piece of trash.
Colonel Tom Parker (Elvis): This Mephistophelian trickster enriches the rather predictable biopic surrounding him; I don’t know what the hell Tom Hanks is smoking nowadays, but it is imperative that Hollywood keeps him supplied.
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ihni · 2 years
Tell me about "homeless charming billy"? What's going on there? I'm curious. :)
Aw, thank you for indulging me. <3
That one started out as a kind of "five times" fic, like "five times Steve sees Billy's fake charm for what it is; a way to use people", in the sense of Steve watching him and seeing him being fake nice to people and not believing it for a second because obviously Billy is evil incarnate, right?
Well, wrong. Sure, Billy's using people to get what he wants, but in this one it's not only what he wants but also what he needs because, as Steve will find out, Billy isn't living at home anymore. Isn't actually living anywhere, really.
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stevensavage · 1 year
One Piece: Long Live The New Flesh
(This column is posted at www.StevenSavage.com, Steve's Tumblr, and Pillowfort.  Find out more at my newsletter, and all my social media at my linktr.ee)
Unless the rock you’re hiding under doesn’t have streaming, you know that Netflix did a live-action season of the famous anime/manga One Piece.  I found this a curious choice because of the cancellation of Cowboy Bebop.  Ditching a retro space adventure for an over-the-top tale of superhuman piracy felt like choosing a pretty heavy lift.
Of course, I had to check it out, if only for morbid curiosity.  To get me invested One Piece would also be a heavy lift.
One Piece is something I tried to get into several times, across several dubs, and through an issue or two of the manga.  Despite its popularity - and my own love of fun weirdness - It never reached me, and it’s hard to say why.  One Piece should have checked several of my boxes, but apparently left its pen elsewhere.
So, I sat down, watched a few episodes - and found myself really enjoying it.  I dare say I was charmed by it, enough I was disappointed when I had to stop watching.  What was it that made me appreciate this show but not other incarnations?  Beyond, you know, having over two decades of episodes and a wallet-endangering amount of manga?
I realized it was the fact it was live-action and the actors were into it.  There were other reasons, but over and over I kept coming back to the cast.
Iñaki Godoy’s take on Luffy, the ever-cheerful elastic protagonist is charming and sincere - you aren’t sure how much he’s acting.  Emily Rudd’s Nami is relatable, the sane woman among a demented piratical sausage fest.  Jeff Ward’s theatrical pirate Buggy the Clown steals every scene, a sort of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia take on the Joker.  Everyone in the cast does great, embracing their roles with a gusto that suggests a scenery-intensive diet.
I realized that, for me, One Piece worked better live action.  No offense to the fine voice actors associated with it, nor Oda’s manic creativity.  The manga and animated One Piece didn’t connect with me on a human level.  I suspect it was a mix of the art style and over-the-topness were a barrier to me feeling connected to the work.
The live-action One Piece was different.  Gody’s little expressions and accents made Luffy a person.  Mackenyu’s Zorro, the I-hunt-pirates-but-these-are-my-friends bounty hunter projected amusingly straight-faced deadly cool mixed cold befuddlement.  Jacob Romero cries a single tear in a scene that says more than his motormouth character Usopp could say with words.  These weirdos were alive and I was enjoying it.
There is something about a good actor whose voice, expressions, gestures, and postures let them become a character.  The cast seemed to be channeling the characters, making them flesh.  For me they became people.
I’ve often wondered how different media work when translated to others, but would argue animation is perhaps the easiest medium to transfer a creation to.  Seeing One Piece I’m left wondering if that’s always the case, and find myself rethinking assumptions about what form fits what kind of works.
I’m only a few episodes in.  The show has room to disappoint me - but the cast and characters certainly didn’t.
Steven Savage
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tiaraahotel1 · 6 months
Things To Explore During the Kainchi Dham Tour
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Neem Karoli Dham needs no introduction, yet we are trying to give you some glimpses of neem karoli through this blog, as we take you on Kainchi Dham Tour through our writing, and just imagine what it would be like to be in Nainital in the lap of Nature with the almighty Hanuman ji and his biggest devotee of all time Lakshmi Narayan Sharma Also known as Neem Karoli baba.
This Dham was built on 15 June 1964, This Dham is Located in Nainital, Uttarakhand. There are several modes of transport to reach here, If you want to visit by your vehicle then it is also not a problem, as it is linked to the main road, The nearest Railway station is Kathgodam Railway station which is about 43 Kilometers away from the Kainchi Dham Ashram, The nearest airport from the Dham is Pantanagar Airport which is around 75 Kilometers away.
Nainital Kainchi Dham is believed to have the divine power of healing and fulfilling wishes. Today Business tycoons like Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs and the greatest celebrities and cricketers are living examples of the miracles of Neem Karoli Baba, and Kainchi Dham Uttarakhand. When Facebook was not doing great and there was a time when Marck Zuckerberg was thinking about selling Facebook, He turned to his mentor Steve Jobs as he respected him a lot and always looked to Steve Jobs as his mentor, Steve Jobs suggested Mark Zuckerberg visit Neem Karoli Dham in India and that advice changed mark Zuckerberg’s career.
To Explore yourself
You are not reading this blog to search for something outside or to read stories about Baba, as more stories can be told even 100 blogs would not be sufficient to complete them, You are reading this blog cause at first you want to explore yourself then you will have thousands of options left after this, Neem Karoli Baba Ashram Kainchi Dham is not just a place to worship, it is the place where you find yourself, where you unleash your full capacity,  This place has its speciality that whatever you seek for you, you get that if that is correct for you. This Ashram has a meditation hall and accommodation for visitors.
What to explore on the premises?
This Dham consists of many buildings, like a Kitchen where meals are prepared and served to everyone who visits the temple, Kainchi Dham Ashram has a meditation hall and accommodation for the visitors, For those seeking a blend of comfort and spirituality, homestays and resorts near Kainchi Dham offer a perfect retreat. These accommodations provide modern amenities while retaining the charm and tranquillity of the surrounding landscape. Whether nestled amidst verdant forests or overlooking pristine valleys, these stays offer a refreshing respite from the bustle of city life.
Nearby Attractions and Activities:
Nainital is sufficient to make someone excited to go there, when you add Neem Karoli Dham to that trip you make this trip blessed and secured with the universe’s biggest and most powerful security of Shri Bazrangbali Maharaj, Neem Karoli Baba was the biggest devotee of Hanuman ji, to his pupil he is the incarnation of lord Hanuman. There are many places to visit near Kainchi Dham, Like Naina Devi temple, one of the most powerful Shakteepeeths of Maa Sati.
Next is Ghorakhal Golu Devta Temple, Which is believed to provide justice to its devotees.
Nainital Lake is one of the biggest attractions of Nainital, about which we have been studying since we were kids in our school books and magazines.
If you are a nature and bird lover you must visit Pangot village, this village shows you the snowcapped mountains view the visitors.
If you are looking for adventures you must visit Bhimtal, you can have the water sports of kayaking or you can simply enjoy your boating.
Places to stay near Kainchi Dham:
There are many places to stay in Nainital. You can find many resorts near Kainchi Dham, but we recommend the Tiaraa Hotels and Resorts as they provide the best services and amenities, They provide an indoor pool, indoor gym, games room, dining area, rooftop cafe, open bar, conference hall, Best and luxury rooms and plenty of plans options to select your desired room, This Resort is closer to the Kainchi Dham, staying at Tiaraa Hotels and Resorts only promote your spiritual journey to be more comfortable. Staying in Tiaraa Hotels and Resorts helps to ease your  Nainital and Bhimtal tours. Staff here are well behaved and well managed you can trust people here with your goods.
You better visit Neem Karoli Dham to reinvent yourself. We all are fighting every day with our luck and we all need comfort, Even a famous Philosopher named Jeremy Bentham says “Happiness, is thus a matter of experiencing pleasure and lack of pain.” You can enjoy the Bimtal travel Packages of Tiaraa Hotels and Resorts during your visit to Neem Karoli Ashram, You can visit multiple places near Kainchi Dham, You can enjoy your Homestays at Kainchi Dham, and enjoy river rafting, boating and other river games. If you want to know the true peace you should visit Kainchi Dham and reach here as every mode of transport is available nearby.
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zae82 · 3 years
Immortals ~ Capwidow
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Back in Zeus’ & Hera’s domain in Mt Olympus…
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Zeus and Hera looking Fineee
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Seriously though…. Squee… 😍😍😍 How regal they both look. What’s better than being King and Queen? Being an immortal God and Goddess
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She looks good on his lap….
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So sexy together.
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Aaaaah My Capwidow Heart….
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You know She’s the Queen of his Heart in any lifetime.
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Steve Rogers, charming in any incarnation…
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sersi · 3 years
Merry merry! It's your Steggy Secret Santa come a-callin'! I'm working on something special for you this season and I'd love your input. Tell me what you love about Steggy, what you'd like to see them do, the vibe that would bring you the most holiday cheer and I will do my best to deliver something you'll enjoy!
In terms of what I love about Steggy, there's really a lot of different things. On a character level, I love how Steve and Peggy are both deeply principled and both have a tremendous amount of respect for each other, even in the face of decades apart and a radically changed world. I love how Peggy (in multiple universes now 🥺) recognized the value and charm of Steve long before he got the serum and how Steve has always treasured his time with Peggy, no matter how limited it was at various points. I also really, really love how they both mix tremendous tactical and intelligence-based skills with a willingness to just run in and figure things out on the fly 😅. On a more explicitly ship focused level, I also adore the assorted Steggy motifs and callbacks (the compass, you’re late, dancing, the right partner, etc.) as well as literally all their eras/multiversal incarnations.
As for what I’d like to see them do, I’m basically open to anything and any era. Explicit holiday focus or holiday as set dressing or holiday vibes without any sort of snowy and Decembery setting. I will say that I’d love to see them interact with some of their supporting cast, be it the Commandos/Howard, Steve’s modern-day buddies, or some other assortment of characters. I’m also really enjoy some variety of joint Steggy problem solving.
In terms of vibe, I’d probably like a chill or not chill but it ends up chill sort of vibe. I’m having a really crazy December, so I haven’t had a ton of ability to really focus on or enjoy the season, so Steggy eventually getting to just relax and enjoy things would be a nice bit of personal wish fulfillment.
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Dark Fic Recs
@rhodee asked me for some dark fic recs and since this is one of my favorite tropes, I know quite some. I wanna make clear from the beginning that those are dark fics. Means stories with fucked up/morally dubious/voilent content. And not salty “Team Cap was mean to me, so I become evil now” kind of fics. If you’re interested in the latter, I am the wrong person to ask.
Some of them are much darker than the others, but you should read for each one carefully the tags and/or the Author’s Note, since some have special twists in the end that aren’t mentioned in the tags.
Basically: know your limits.
Dark!Tony fics (my personal preference)
Faster, Colder, Sharper by Penned (WinterIron)
Tony is kidnapped by Hydra. When the team gets him back, he has changed far more than they suspect. More than even the surface shows.
Bucky though, he notices it all.  
A de-aged Tony fic with Bucky as a caretaker... of sorts.
Radioactive by Valmasy (WinterIron, Series)
The pain is all-encompassing. It’s all he can think about. It’s all he feels. It’s all he breathes. It’s all he lives. Like a barbed net, its sharpness swallows him whole, over and over and over. Tony’s mind tries to hide, tries to save itself, but the pain finds him even then. It burns away at his resistance until all he is crumbles, until he’s nothing but ash and dust.
Attack dog by salytierra (Stony)
Steve doesn't swim in self-delusion. He knows that he is sick and that his owner is even worse. He is aware of it every time he rips some nameless guy’s throat out and feels the crunch of bones under his fingers. He is aware of it every time the rush of adrenaline at seeing life slip away from a stranger’s eyes hits him and gets him bothered and panting in ways that have nothing to do with physical exhaustion.
But it  feels so good…
His owner’s approach is less personal. His shots fall clean and take out several foes at a time, his figure elegant and so graceful he looks like a god among savages. He is power incarnated, cold and burning like a sun at the same time… and Steve tries not to focus on him when they are fighting together, least his knees go weak and his technique falters. It’s fine though. They will go home afterwards and his owner will fuck him on the hard floor, with most of their gear still on and a vicious grip in his hair.
Anatomy of a Moral Man by ShyOwl (Stony, WIP)
At a young age Tony understood he was not meant to be a hero and the world, he believes, is far better for it. With his rule now set in stone, his life is finally settling down. That is until something was found buried underneath the ice.
Tony may not be a hero but that did not stop him from falling in love with one.
In Restless Dreams by charocalwinter (WinterIron, WIP)
When he discovers what he believes to be the truth about his parents’ recent deaths, a powerful and morally ambiguous Tony Stark sets out to get his revenge on Steve Rogers. How does Bucky Barnes fit into this feud and why isn't anybody giving him a pair of socks?
“It isn’t often that Tony Stark finds himself unsure of anything, but this situation has him doubting his every thought, his every move … with Rogers comes James, and that boy is muddling Tony’s mind.” ~ interrupted excerpt from ch 4.
A Pound of Flesh by jellybeanforest (Stony)
To save Bucky, Steve volunteers to work off his debt to the Carbonell crime family. Unfortunately, he is unsuited for the role of enforcer, unable to beat and murder those in the same position as Bucky. He is brought before the mob boss, Tony Stark, who demands his pound of flesh in the wake of Steve’s failure. But upon seeing the attractive blond, Tony proposes alternative employment, one that won’t require him to harm others: Becoming his kept man.
“This isn’t an offer I make often, so you should be flattered – count yourself lucky, even – that I am extending you this rare opportunity.”
“To be raped repeatedly?”
“To have a second chance to work off your debts after you failed so spectacularly the first time. But I don’t have to. I could just use these knives I’ve brought along, carve up that pretty face of yours like a Thankgiving turkey, which would be a shame, really. Then I suppose I’d have to pay a visit to your little friend. This entire exercise has been a waste of my valuable time… perhaps I’ll take an arm for my trouble,” he muses. “So, tell me, Rogers, is Barnes right- or left-handed?”
It’s an offer Steve can’t refuse.
Take Away (everything I am) by salytierra (WinterIron)
“Everyone I kill deserves to die.”
“True. But try to explain that to Captain Justice and Faith.” He takes a gulp of the scotch right out of the bottle and flops down on Tony’s lap, straddling his hips. “He cares too much. You and I? – We do what needs to be done.”
Tony circles his waist with both arms and pulls him closer, opening his mouth when Barnes offers him the bottle and swallowing the bitter liquid dry.
“Nobody ever believed I was able to care. So why should I?”
“Coming from somebody who is expected and probably should care more but doesn’t really give a fuck? – I’ll drink to that.”
Operant Conditioning by dracusfyre (WinterIron, Series)
In which Tony is HYDRA and Bucky’s handler.
in another country (people die) by pprfaith (FrostIron)
“The world is not your playground, Stark!” Fury yells at him one time, after he maybe brings down a building or two and Tony just laughs because, seriously, yes it is. 
on the bleeding edge by esama (Pepperony, WIP, abandoned (still good tho))
Tony Stark goes back in time and becomes a super villain. 
Almost Perfect by One and Five Nines (Obani) (Stony, Comic)
A powerful enemy invades from an alternate reality, but the only thing he really seems interested in is Steve Rogers
Eventually by One and Five Nines (Obani) (Stony, Comic, WIP)
Tony is godking of the wasteland. Steve is not.
Victim!Tony fics
Deliver Us by romanoff (FrostIron)
Loki comes back for revenge. Tony Stark is his captive.
“Why,” he tries, voice failing “do you want me.” He coughs into the ash.
“A king needs an advisor. A king needs concubines. A conquering king must learn the ways of the natives or risk expulsion,” he wipes blood from the sceptre with the end of his coat “and I’m rather fond of you, I think. Even in the face of death you use your wit, you charm with your tongue. It reminds me of myself, maybe, one or two millennia ago.”
Terms & Conditions by Penned (WinterIron)
Tony Stark is desperate and trusts too easily. Bucky Barnes takes advantage of that.
A mob AU with no powers, featuring a very dark, very off-kilter Bucky.
(reverse) Kidnapping by AngeNoir (WinterIron)
Tony Stark is wallowing. He has a right to - he's just finished the funeral preparations for his parents in New York. He didn't expect them to live forever, but still...
And then he falls asleep from his bender.
And wakes up in a nightmare.
(Is it a nightmare?)
Anything (and Everything) - remix by Penned (WinterIron)
The Soldier will do anything to make Tony happy, with or without his explicit consent.
Heavily inspired by Shi_Toyu's  IronWinter Holiday Exchange fic "Anything." This is a much darker version of that story.
like flowers soaked in monochrome by deathsweetqueen (Stony)
Steve Rogers woke up to a world where everyone he loved and knew had forged on without him. But this world, it's nothing like he's used. It wants something brutal from him, something unforgiving. There are so many compromises to make. There are too many monsters behind kind smiles.
But if it means keeping Tony safe, if it means protecting him, he's willing to do whatever it takes.
He can't be soft.
After all, the weak are meat; the strong do eat.
Sins of Omission by Kiyaar (Stony, WIP (tbh I still haven’t started reading this story, but the tags and summary sound perfect!))
A Post-Civil War, Pre-Secret Invasion AU where Steve is dead, Tony's a mess, and everything sucks.
In which Tony deals poorly with Steve's death, falls off the wagon, sees ghosts, and misses a lot.
Oh, and the Skrulls are about to invade.
That’s it. Read all warnings carefully and enjoy!
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mycupoffanfiction · 5 years
A Real Sweet Guy Part 1
A biker!Bucky x shy!Reader Series 
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6
The reader lives on the same street as Bucky, the leader of a biker gang, which everyone in her building is afraid of, except for her. When Bucky makes a simple act of kidness to the reader, she realises she was right to not be afraid of him.
Warnings: None - just fluff, a nosy and rude neighbour (screw you Gladys).
Word count: Approx 2000
Hi! Hope you all enjoy this little oneshot of biker!Bucky. I can’t get enough of a tough, bad boy looking Bucky who’s really just all fluff on the inside. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! 💕
The crisp, early morning air filled your lungs as you stepped outside onto the pavement, leaving your apartment building. The low rumble of motorbikes filled your ears as the bikers across the road convened, ready to go about their day. You weren’t like the other tenants in your building, you didn’t hate the biker, Bucky Barnes that lived across from you, or that his gang of bikers would show up every morning. You were afraid to admit it even to yourself, but you enjoyed it, seeing all of the bikers around. They had never once been rude to you or bullied you like the people in your building said they would. You’d never even seen them be the bullies everyone made them out to be. You were painfully shy, you kept to yourself and you usually didn’t gravitate towards other people, but those bikers really didn’t seem like the type to hurt you.
 Your rude and annoying neighbour, Gladys was on old woman that lived across the hall from you and every time you saw her around the building, she would talk your ear off about how unsafe you were every time you stepped out of your building to walk to work while those bikers were there, but you didn’t see them as a threat. Maybe that made you stupid, but you just couldn’t shake the feeling that they weren’t as tough and scary as everyone made them out to be.
 You turned to walk down the street, catching a glimpse of Bucky leaning against his bike facing you. God he was unbelievably handsome, his long hair effortlessly falling from behind his ear, his stubbled jaw, the obviously well cared for leather jacket he lived in, the roughed up black jeans he wore and those combat boots. Maybe it was bad that someone so small, shy and innocent was so attracted to him. You’d barely spoken a word to him, aside from the odd greeting here and there. You realised you had been looking at him for way too long when you came out of your thoughts and saw that he was looking right back at you with a smirk playing on his lips. You flash him a shy smile and continue walking down the sidewalk to the bookshop you worked at.
 At the end of your shift, just after lunch, you headed over to the grocery store to do your weekly shop. On your way home, you cursed yourself for buying way more than you could carry. Rounding the corner to your street, you see Bucky out on his driveway tinkering with his bike. The clumsy movements you were making with the overly heavy load of bags digging into your hands caught his attention and he looked up from his crouched position. Dropping his tools, Bucky stood and eyed you for a moment, catching your line of sight. He was no longer wearing his jacket and had a red flannel shirt on and his hair was tied back in a loose bun, strands of hair cascading around his chiselled features. “Hey, uh, do you need some help?” He calls across the road to you. Pausing in your step, you look down at your bags. The thought of hauling them up three flights of stairs made you feel tired already. Imagine the gossip that’ll go around the complex if someone sees you with Bucky Barnes. What if Gladys sees you with him? Screw Gladys. “If it’s not any trouble.” You smile sweetly at him, caving to his offer. At this point, you didn’t give a shit what Gladys thought, you arms felt like they were about to drop off.
 Bucky jogs across the road and stops in front of you, holding out his hands to relieve you of some of your bags. “What’s your name, doll?” Bucky asks, taking one of the heavier bags from you. “(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n).” You introduce yourself, looking up at him sheepishly. “Nice to meet ya, (Y/n), I’m Bucky.” He smiled, it seemed like a genuine smile. His voice was deep and gravelly but sounded so nice. “Here let me take all of them.” Bucky grabs the last few bags from your hands but before you could protest, he gives you a beautiful grin, his teeth are perfectly white and well aligned. God why did he have to be so attractive? “I’ve seen you around, you live in that old apartment building, right?” Bucky nods his head to the old red brick building. You nod and glance up at your apartment balcony. “I see you out there in the evening sometimes while I’m out here with my pal, Steve.” Bucky admitted, following your line of vision up to your balcony. “Everyone in that building looks at us like we’re…” He pauses. “Criminals?” You suggest, Bucky nods in response. “My neighbour is terrified of you.” You scoff. “Are you?” Bucky walks you up to the front door of the building. “Scared of you? No. You’ve never done anything to make me feel like I should be.” You shrug, unlocking the door and pushing it open for Bucky to pass through. “Glad there’s at least someone isn’t scared of us.” Bucky chuckles to himself as you approach the stairwell.
 “You work nearby?” Bucky strikes further conversation as you begin your climb. “Yeah, the café bookshop a few blocks away.” You nod, pointing in the general direction of it’s location. “Maybe I’ll drop in some time.” Bucky smiles down at you as you reach the first floor and continue the climb. “I didn’t take you for a book and coffee type’a guy, Bucky.” You smirk. Bucky hums a response. “There’s a lot of things about me that’d surprise ya, doll.” He nudges you.
 You eventually reach your apartment and you feel a pang of sadness that you have to end your conversation with Bucky. “Would you like to come in and have a coffee? It’s the least I can do since you carried all of my shopping up for me.” You suggest, fumbling nervously with your keys. “I just might take you up on that offer, doll.” Bucky grins at you. At that very moment, your neighbour’s door is flung open and Gladys steps into the hallways, staring at you both wide eyed as you unlock the apartment. You’re facing your door so you don’t see her, but you know she’s there, the dramatic gasp coming from her confirms its Gladys. You push open your door and reach for your bags, but Bucky gently pushes away your hand. “I got it, doll.” Bucky says, collecting together all of your groceries again. You shoot a look across at Gladys who looks like she’s about to have a heart attack.
 “Afternoon, Gladys.” You sing song to her. “What are you doing with that man in our apartment building?” She fumes, pointing angrily at Bucky as he enters your apartment. “Bucky? Oh he’s just helping me out, he’s a real sweet guy, Gladys.” You say, hoping to dear god Bucky didn’t hear you say that now that he’s disappeared into your kitchen. “But, he could kill me, the man’s a criminal!” She shouts, her voice reverberating off the hallway walls. Bucky certainly was not a criminal. “Well if he kills anyone, Gladys, it’ll be me over coffee in my apartment.” You scoff, turning to enter your flat. She grabs your arm and yanks you back, surprising you with the strength she had since she always seemed so frail. “He is the devil incarnate.” She hisses. “You know what Gladys?” You frown, backing into your apartment. Before you can continue, Bucky sidles up to you and looks over at Gladys, her eyes fill with terror. “Is there a problem here, doll?” Bucky asks you, looking over your shoulder. “No, Bucky, Gladys was just on her way back to her apartment.” You say curtly before closing the door and letting out a deep sigh.
 “She the neighbour you mentioned?” He asks. “Yeah, that’s Gladys.” You confirm. “She throws her newspaper at me when I’m working on my bike.” He shakes his head. You can’t help but burst out laughing. Little old Gladys throws her newspaper at Bucky Barnes. “So, I’m a real sweet guy, huh?” Bucky recites what you said and you feel a blush creeping onto your cheeks. He chuckles at your silent reaction. “Don’t worry doll, it was sweet of you to defend me, I appreciate it.” He grins and you practically melt under his gaze. “Let me help you put your shopping away.” Bucky moves over to the kitchen where he had neatly placed all of the bags. “No, no, you’ve already done enough, let me make you a drink while I unpack it all.” You shake your head, but Bucky insists and somehow, between his charm and the sweet looks he gives you, he manages to get you to agree to allow him to help you put away your groceries.
 The two of you are lounging out on your balcony, with a coffee each. “You ever been on a motorbike before doll?” Bucky asks, breaking the comfortable silence. You shake your head, taking a sip of your coffee. “You wanna go for a ride with me sometime, doll?” He asks, sitting forward in his seat, the chair creaking slightly as he moves. “I’d love to, I am a bit afraid though.” You admit, your cheeks heating up again. Bucky flashes you a sympathetic smile and tucks some of his loose strands of hair behind his ear, reaching behind his neck to adjust his bun slightly. “I’ll make sure you’re safe, doll.” He reaches forward and pats your hand gently. “So what d’ya say?” He questions, gripping the handle of his mug. “I’d love to.” You decide on the spot, knowing you’ll probably regret agreeing to that, but you also know it’s good to force yourself out of your comfort zone once in a while. Bucky gives you a satisfied hum in response but looks down onto the street when he hears the low rumble of a bike approaching.
 You both sit and wait, seeing his friend Steve pull up outside of his house, looking around at the empty garage. Steve turns off his bike and pulls his helmet off, his blonde hair landing in a messy mop on the top of his head. “Hey bud!” Bucky calls down. Steve turns around and looks up at the two of you confused. “I’ll be down in a few.” Bucky informs him before taking the last sip of his coffee. “I’m sorry, I gotta go, but thanks for the coffee, doll, perhaps we can do it again some time?” Bucky asks. “Sure.” You nod. “Great, how about coffee at mine tomorrow? Ride included.” He adds on the end, winking at you. You giggle and nod. “Sweet, I’ll see you after your shift tomorrow then?” He proposes and you nod immediately. “Thank you for your help, Bucky.” You grin up at him as he takes both of your mugs inside, putting them on the counter for you. “Anytime doll.” He responds. Bucky goes for the door, but before he can leave, you grab his hand and pull his attention back to you. Reaching up on your toes, you plant a gentle kiss on his cheek and Bucky chuckles to himself, the low deep rumble in his chest ignites a little smile on your lips. “See ya tomorrow, doll.” Bucky winks at you, backing out of the doorway, keeping eye contact with you until he turns to walk away.
 You close your apartment door and smile to yourself. Bucky Barnes, the tall, muscular biker everyone was terrified of, is a big soft guy who likes to drink coffee and read books. Who knew? You couldn’t wait to see him the next day. You almost wanted Gladys to see you hanging out with Bucky again, god help her if she ever saw you on the back of his bike.
 A little while later, you peaked out of your still open balcony door, seeing Bucky outside talking to his friend Steve. They laughed about something and Bucky turned to point up at your balcony, a wide grin on his face and then his features softened when he caught sight of you and waved up at you, Steve following and also waving at you. You smiled and waved back and wondered what your coffee with Bucky had in store for you tomorrow.
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sserpente · 5 years
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A/N: Requests from two anons and @eislyn-vis. I changed the scenario a bit but now there’s a different kind of Red Riding Hood concept.
Words: 1954 Warnings: angst, fluff, attempted rape, mentions of smut
“Come on, brother, it’ll be fun. How will you ever redeem yourself if you don’t spend time with us and prove to them you’re more than just the God of Mischief?” Thor bellowed, patting Loki’s shoulder so hard he stumbled forward. The Trickster rolled his eyes.
“I have no need to be redeemed, Thor. You are fully well aware it were not solely my actions that brought chaos to New York.”
Thor’s smile faltered a little. “I know. Maybe tonight, you can convince the others of that too.”
“I will not costume myself and drink myself into stupor, brother.” Thor had painted his face entirely white and added dark blue circles under his eyes. Fake blood was dripping down the corners of his mouth and whenever he spoke, Loki caught a glimpse of those way too big plastic fangs. He looked absurd.
“You don’t have to. Just come along, have a drink with me and celebrate Halloween with us.”
He stared at him, considering his invitation briefly. He could always cause some mischief among the crowd. Surely, a real living snake in the punch would elicit some kind of reaction.
“Fine,” he finally replied. “One drink.”
Thor’s grin was triumphant when he grabbed his brother by the neck and dragged him with him into the living room. Loki was already regretting he had said yes when he shoved a green drink in his hand and then joined Tony, Natasha and Steve. Dirty looks were shot in his direction as soon as they lay their judgemental eyes upon him.
He rolled his eyes once more, carefully sipping on his drink. It was not too bad, for a Midgardian brew. Annoyed, he let his eyes roam over the costumed crowd—he was not interested in a conversation with the Avengers anyway—right until he caught sight of a petite woman next to one of the doctors. Alas, you were petite to him, your red dress barely covering your delicious backside. You were wearing a red jacket that came with a hood, too, presumably made of leather. What were you supposed to illustrate? Red traffic lights Loki had discreetly ignored the first time Thor had sat him behind the wheel of a Midgardian vehicle?
“Who is that?” He found himself asking. Fascination was boiling in his veins, an interest he could not quite name as of yet.
Thor frowned. “Who?”
“That woman over there… the one wearing the red dress.” You had combined your outfit with black heels and equally black tights. Quite frankly… you looked ravishing. When was the last time he had felt immediate sexual interest in a woman?
“Oh, that… that is (Y/N), she’s a young scientist. Works with Banner. Why?”
Loki pursed his lips. “Never mind. What is she dressed up as?”
“Red Riding Hood.” Natasha said, folding her arms suspiciously. The God of Mischief rolled his eyes once more. He had no idea who or what Red Riding Hood was. All he knew was that he needed to hear your voice. He doubted you would be willing to speak to him though—after all, you worked with the Avengers. You knew what he had done.
Loki downed his drink quickly, choosing to spend the rest of the night watching you. For a moment, he even considered casting an illusion, transforming himself into someone else but then decided against it. If he were to get to know you… then he should have a chance for you to like him just the way he was, no tricks involved.
He almost snorted at the thought. Whoever would? According to Midgardian myths, he was the incarnation of evil. According to his life, he was an outsider, a villain, a monster.
Pressings his lips together to a thin line, he stood to pour himself another drink. Perhaps he should drink himself into stupor after all.
How come he had never seen you around before? Granted, Loki usually spent most of his time in his cell, pardon, room in the compound and he had not been here long enough to be acquainted with the entire team as of yet. Still… a young beauty such as you… he should have noticed you.
He was met with a hungover Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff in the kitchen. Cleaning maids—apparently, so Loki had been told by Thor, they were getting paid for their services—were taking care of the disgusting mess the party guests had left. Loki really did not understand all the fuss about Halloween.
Repulsed, he stepped over an empty glass bottle on the floor and poured himself a cup of coffee. Unlike the two mortals in the kitchen, he had remained entirely unaffected from last night’s alcoholic adventure.
At three am, when there was still no end of the party in sight, he retreated, stopping by Stark’s library before returning to his cell—bedroom. He quickly found what he was looking for and ended up falling asleep to the fairy tale of little Red Riding Hood wandering through a dark forest to bring her sick grandmother cake and wine.
“You left early last night, brother. You didn’t disappear with the lovely (Y/N), did you?” Thor entered the kitchen with a sneaky grin on his lips. Tony’s face fell, his eyes locking with Loki’s.
“Did you touch her?” Hmm… interesting. Of course they would not want him anywhere near an innocent young woman—but he sure loved getting on the billionaire’s nerves. If only he could say yes. He would have loved to have felt you underneath him last night.
“And if I did, then what?” He replied instead, scorn swinging in his voice.
“He’s bluffing.” Natasha stated unfazed. Tony ignored her. “(Y/N) left the compound to go for a run in the forest nearby ten minutes ago.”
“Stay away from her. If I even see you near her, I’ll see to it SHIELD locks you up again.”
“Because that worked out so well the first time you attempted to do so, yes?” Proudly, Loki lifted his chin, staring him down until he had to blink.
“(Y/N) is an honourable, decent woman. She’d never waste her breath on you.” The God of Mischief swallowed. There was a chance Stark was not lying. Still, he had all the information he needed.
“Worry not, Stark. In case you are concerned for her honour, however, I would strongly advise you stay away from the girl yourself.” He teleported himself out of the room before Tony could respond, finding himself on an idyllic forest path. Romanoff’s information had been vague but it was enough for Loki to locate you.
Casting an illusion on himself, his heart almost leaped out of his chest when you ran past him, dressed in a tight sports outfit complimenting each and every one of your curves. Ironically, it was red.
By the Norns, was this not pathetic? Making himself invisible and watching you sweat like a mad predator? What other choice did he have? Stark’s harsh words rang in his ears, making him wonder if they were true after all.
Oh, nonsense. If you were truly honourable, perhaps you would give him a chance despite his past. He would simply… where had you gone? You had been there only a second ago!
Loki flinched when you screamed. Alarmed, he rushed to your side, abandoning his invisibility charm. A strange man had sneaked up on you, holding a small knife to your throat from behind and dragging you off the safe path into the undergrowth.
He could only imagine what it was he wanted from you. He gnashed his teeth. How dare he even think about touching you against your will. Possessiveness crawled through his body, along with a strong urge to protect you. Loki had never even heard your voice and still… He was not cruel. Surely, he would have helped any woman from getting raped before his eyes, yet with you he felt that if he failed saving you, something inside him would break. His heart? No, his heart had long been broken. But there was a connection. A connection he could not quite describe. He wondered… would Frigga know? His mother… the woman who had raised him had always known advice for any predicament he had found himself in, up until he had found out what he really was.
Without any hesitation, he grabbed the stranger by the throat and hurled him against a tree, the knife falling to the ground and landing mutely in the green moss.
“What the…”
He looked up, realising who had attacked him and swallowing thickly.
“You have three seconds before I rip your head off.” He growled, making him stumble to his feet and run faster than you had ever seen a man run before. Relief washed over you.
“L-Loki?” Your eyes widened when you recognised him, hovering above you, his dark glare downright murderous. You frowned.
“And there I was thinking that I would be the big bad wolf in this scenario.” He replied with an amused grin, remembering the fairy tale he had read last night.
“What are you talking about?” Still frowning, you let him help you up, electricity rippling through you when your hands touched.
By the Norns, standing this close to you only made him realise now how tiny you were compared to him. He could just lift you up with both his hands, bring your delicious quim to his face and bury his tongue between your folds all the while you hung in his arms completely helpless, forced to accept the pleasure he was offering you…
“I am afraid you caught my attention at the party last night.” Now that was an understatement but at least, it was not a lie.
You raised an eyebrow. Oh… your costume, of course… “That does not explain why you followed me into the woods.” Ah. Yes.
“I shall be glad I did. Stark was very vehement about me staying away from you.”
“Tony tends to get a little overprotective from time to time.”
“I do not like being told what not to do.”
You blinked. You had never actually spoken to Loki before. You were aware of his presence in the compound, of course—yet the stories the Avengers had told you had made you hesitate. You had not exactly avoided him, still you had to admit you had not been overly keen on joining Bruce in the lab when he was present.
Loki had shattered your opinion of him like a piece of glass. If he truly was as evil as the heroes made him out to be, then why had he just saved you from a rapist? Your heart was still beating like a steam hammer, adrenaline cursing through your body. You didn’t even realise you were bleeding until Loki reached for your neck and gently pulled you towards him.
“He injured you. I should have killed him after all.” He muttered tenderly.
“I-I’m okay.” Loki looked up, your eyes locking. He had not imagined it then. There was a connection. But you were suspicious of him, he could tell. The hesitation radiated off of you like liquid heat. At least, he felt no hatred and disgust.
Making you flinch, he brushed his thumb against the bleeding wound the man’s knife had caused. One second passed before it disappeared, leaving behind unblemished skin Loki was itching to taste with his mouth.
“Thank you…” You murmured, unsure of how to react to his gentleness. What was it he had said? That you had caught his attention last night? “I, um… I’m heading back now, will you… will you join me?”
Loki nodded slowly, suppressing a triumphant grin. “With pleasure.” It was a start, at least.
A/N: Check out my blog to find more Imagines and take a glimpse at my first (to be) published novel! Also, if you enjoyed this story, I would appreciate so much if you supported me on Kofi! ko-fi.com/sserpente ♥
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i’ve talked about venom voices a lot already, mostly in terms of trends instead of specific incarnations because a lot of those are just really lackluster. there just isn’t much to do with a part that’s nothing but an evil alien beast.
hank azaria, tas: so like, extremely fucking funny eddie, love to hear him new yawking about, wouldn’t trade it for the world. not much to do with what i’d prefer for the comics, but that doesn’t even matter. i actually do like the venom effect, i like that it doesn’t fall into the “deep growly scary” OR the “shitty little lizard” categories that later established themselves, it’s just an alien echo. rod wilson, mvc2: i have opinions on mvc barks but not these ones. brian drummond, unlimited: sounds like a growlier tas, except with zero personality or humour. just like the show for 90% of its runtime! daran norris, ps1: oh i get excited every time those campy electric guitar chords strike. what a performance. what a gem of a game. came out before cash cow mania set in, so it’s based on the actual 80s and 90s comics! that’s it! that’s all it had! this is the only adaptation to hit venom’s bombastic, hilarious speech patterns, so it’s the only one where line delivery matters, and it’s flawless. it’s also the only deep growly scary voice that isn’t completely embarrassing, it isn’t post-processed at all, that guy just sounds like that. jason bryden, nemesis: THAT’S IT. THAT’S THE FIRST SHITTY LITTLE LIZARD. arthur burghardt, usm game: that’s ultimate venom, that doesn’t even count. he can sound like that, why not, he’s not saying anything worth understanding. steve blum, mua: steve blum does a pretty charming mix of the shitty little lizard and the deep growly scary, in my opinion. what i mean by this is that i just hear starscream. quinton flynn, friend or foe: oh that guy played spider-man in ultimate alliance. how many video game voice actors are out there? anyway, as far as shitty little lizards go, this sucks. topher grace, sm3: god. ben diskin, spectacular: a pretty sweet voice for that sweet, sweet eddie. pretty okay venom effect. the symbiote’s solo voice isn’t in here but it genuinely nearly killed me the first time i heard it. almost choked me to death on my own spit. keith szarabajka, web of shadows: creepy, i guess! i’d like more experiments with softer voices, or rather, voices with the potential to go soft. that’s missing from all but one, and that one isn’t even in this. chopper bernet, mua2: that’s mac! troy baker, pinball: they got troy baker for a pinball table and made him do the most generic deep growly scary voice before post-processing it beyond recognition? i guess he wasn’t as big back then. matt lanter, usm: that’s harry!
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multiverseforger · 4 years
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Ophelia Sarkissian was orphaned as a child in Hungary. Part of her face was scarred at one time, although it has since been healed. Among 12 other girls, Ophelia was taken in by HYDRA and raised by Kraken. For 22 years, Ophelia excelled and became Kraken's best student.[4] She eventually rose through the ranks of HYDRA and frequently came into conflict with Captain America and the organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D. She first appeared as a leader of HYDRA under the codename Madame Hydra, and first fought and captured Captain America while trying to contaminate New York City's water supply.[5][6] She captured Rick Jones to bait a trap for Captain America,[7] and then subdued the Avengers with gas, planning to bury them alive, and battled Captain America again. However, she was apparently killed when Captain America and Rick Jones dodged missiles she fired at them and she was caught in their explosion.[8] Some time later, it was revealed that the Space Phantom had exchanged places with her and her whereabouts at the time were undisclosed.[9]
She eventually severed her ties with HYDRA.[10] Madame Hydra helped Jordan Stryke, a supervillain codenamed Viper, escape custody in Virginia, only to proceed in assassinating him and usurping his alias and leadership of the group known as the Serpent Squad.[11] As the new Viper, she kidnapped Roxxon president Hugh Jones, in order to put him in thrall of the Serpent Crown. She battled Nomad and Namor the Sub-Mariner.[12] Viper was the founder and leader of the elite criminal underworld through sheer ruthlessness, treachery, and the cunning of her black heart.
Viper took over the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier, and planned to crash it into the Congress building. She employed Boomerang and the Silver Samurai as operatives, and battled Spider-Man, Black Widow, Shang-Chi, and Nick Fury.[13] Viper later employed the Silver Samurai as her chief operative, and attempted to kidnap Michael Kramer, a man carrying a fatal experimental disease, in order to release it on America. The Viper battled the first Spider-Woman, and became convinced that she was Merriam Drew. Drew was the mother of Spider-Woman and was considered deceased since 1931. The issue revealed Merriam had become allied to Chthon and was granted longevity in return. The Viper revealed herself to have been a pawn of Chthon for 50 years, but saved Spider-Woman's life by defying Chthon.[14] Viper, employing Constrictor as her chief operative, captured Spider-Woman, believing she was responsible for making her think they were related. It was revealed that Chthon had actually granted Viper false memories of mothering Jessica as part of a plan to place both women under his control. Viper captured Captain America, and planned to release her new bubonic plague.[15] Whether Viper actually has extraordinary longevity was left uncertain.
Re-employing the Silver Samurai, Viper attempted to coerce Team America into stealing the Cavourite Crystal, and then battled the New Mutants.[16] In one of her many terrorist acts, she would try to gain control of the snake-themed organization called the Serpent Society, with Slither, Copperhead, Puff Adder, Fer-De-Lance, and Black Racer as her operatives. The latter four operatives infiltrated the Serpent Society in an attempt to take it over. Viper dispatched Cobra, Boomslang, and Copperhead to poison Washington D.C.'s water supply with a snake mutagen. Viper terrorized the White House and the President, and battled Captain America.[17] She attempted to assassinate the organization's former leader Sidewinder, but she was betrayed by Cobra and arrested by Captain America.[volume & issue needed] Viper was later freed from prison by Tyrannus. She used a snake mutagen on drug addicts, and then battled the Punisher.[18] She then turned against and battled Tyrannus.[19]
Madame Hydra has also been in conflict with the X-Men. She first came into contact with them upon trying to assassinate Mariko Yashida on behalf of her ally and presumed lover Silver Samurai, and tried to poison the team while disguised as Mariko's unconscious maid.[20] She nearly killed X-Men members Rogue and Storm on two separate occasions, with Storm being nearly killed by Viper during the invasion of Khan.[21] She also faced the New Mutants and was considered responsible for the presumed demise of Karma (Karma was only wounded and was abducted by the Shadow King for his own reasons).[22]
Madame Hydra is a professional terrorist and has her own organization. She has come into conflict with many superheroes and supervillains over the years. Her nihilism and tendency to spread death around her has made it hard for other villains to associate with her. Only the Red Skull has found it a charming tendency and pursued a relationship with her for a while. The relationship ended when the Skull found out Viper was using his resources to finance massacres with no apparent financial benefit for either of them.[23]
For a time, the Viper employed a team of doppelgängers (known as "Pit-Vipers") to impersonate her. However, acting on her own, Pit-Viper 12[24] became involved with the Punisher during an international crime conference in Las Vegas[25] and later tipped off S.H.I.E.L.D. to the real Viper's attempt to steal Russian nuclear missiles in Moscow.[26] For compromising her anonymity, the Viper personally killed her treacherous double.[27]
Later she blackmailed Wolverine into marrying her as a means to secure her criminal empire in Madripoor. Although this was a marriage of convenience, she did request to consummate the arrangement. Some time later, her body was briefly inhabited by the spirit of Ogun, and Wolverine mortally wounded her as a means of driving the spirit from her dying body. In return for seeking medical attention to save her life, Wolverine demanded a divorce.[28] It is later implied that she actually had feelings for Wolverine.[29]
Viper was then a member of an incarnation of the Hellfire Club, working with Courtney Ross, briefly under the title "White Warrior Princess".[30] She has also associated with the Hand and resumed her ties with the Silver Samurai. She has also retaken the name "Madame Hydra".[volume & issue needed]
For a time, Viper was the dictator of the nation of Madripoor, using the nation's resources to support global terrorism via HYDRA.[volume & issue needed] She was overthrown by new S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Tony Stark and Tyger Tiger, the latter of whom is now ruler of Madripoor.[31]
In Secret Warriors #2 during the Dark Reign storyline, Viper is seen leaving her lover, the Silver Samurai, to rejoin Baron von Strucker and the ruling council of HYDRA.[32] It was revealed in Secret Warriors #3 that she is no longer Madame Hydra, as she was replaced by Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, taking up the mantle of Madame Hydra, wearing an elaborate tentacle headdress and elaborate HYDRA robes.[33]
In Secret Warriors #12, Viper is kidnapped by the mysterious group Leviathan, who are determined to find out the location of a mysterious box that both she and Madame Hydra procured from the Yashidas. Madame Hydra arrived at the Leviathan headquarters and offered the box to its leader, much to Viper's dismay. Madame Hydra then shot Viper to death. However, when HYDRA arrived, the Hive resurrected her, giving her tentacles that stemmed from her head, and she renamed herself Madame Hydra.[34]
Following the Fear Itself storyline, Madame Hydra joins up with H.A.M.M.E.R. after Norman Osborn escapes from the Raft and regains leadership.[35] After the defeat of Osborn and the Dark Avengers, Madame Hydra uses the resources of the now-defunct H.A.M.M.E.R. to begin rebuilding HYDRA.[36] She later tips off Spider-Woman and Hawkeye about a heist Mister Negative is planning on a S.H.I.E.L.D. warehouse. While the Avengers deal with Mister Negative, Madame Hydra attacks a different S.H.I.E.L.D. facility and steals several captive Skrulls left over from the Secret Invasion.[37]
Madame Hydra later led an attack on Avengers Tower while the team is away. She and the rest of her forces are defeated by Angel and his younger self from earlier in the timestream.[38]
In "Death of Wolverine", she was revealed by Nuke as the "Green Queen" and current leader of Madripoor who sent out a contract to capture Wolverine.[39]
Viper is part of the HYDRA High Council that the new Madame Hydra is collecting to assist Steve Rogers, who had his history altered by Red Skull's clone using Kobik's powers to be a HYDRA sleeper agent for years.[40]
During the "Secret Empire" storyline, Viper attends the meeting of the HYDRA High Council and talks about the opening of two new detention facilities to double the amount of Inhumans held in indefinite custody.[41] While doing business with some men, Viper is told by a HYDRA agent that they have apprehended Black Widow. This is part of a diversion so that the Champions can infiltrate a HYDRA base. When Viper figures out that Widow is planning to kill Hydra Supreme, Viper tries to persuade Widow to join up with her enterprise.[42]
During the "Hunt for Wolverine" storyline, Viper is seen in Madripoor where she leads the Femme Fatales (consisting of Knockout, Bloodlust, Mindblast, Snake Whip, and Sapphire Styx) into ambushing Kitty Pryde, Domino, Jubilee, Psylocke, and Storm at the King's Impresario Restaurant. While Psylocke, Rogue, and Storm are defeated and taken prisoner by Madame Hydra and the Femme Fatales, Kitty Pryde escapes with Domino and Jubilee.[43] Viper congratulates the Femme Fatales for their work as they now have Psylocke, Rogue, and Storm as their prisoners. Mindblast suggests that they put a bounty on the ones that escaped, stating that every gang member in Lowtown will be looking for them. Viper states that she will discuss with her client on where to proceed next and to deposit Rogue and Storm to the client as "special guests." As Viper gives the status report to a representative of her client, she mentions that Sapphire Styx is still draining off of Psylocke just like she did with Magneto. The representative tells Viper that Sapphire Styx tends to prefer the life force of the mutants and tells Viper to focus on delivering the package as all that they are serves the will of Soteira. As Snake Whip asks if they are going to ignore Sapphire Styx's vampiric appetite, Viper says that they have to obey the representative's orders and "let the @#$%& feed."[44] Viper is contacted by a representative of Soteira who was displeased that the launch was delayed by a torrential rainstorm and suggest that they launch before sunrise. While reluctantly taking the representative's suggestion, Viper and Snake Whip check up on Sapphire Styx who knocks down Snake Whip and claims that Wolverine's Patch alias is present even though Sapphire is the only one who can see him. Viper calls Knockout and Mindblast away from the prisoners to help deal with Sapphire. After hearing that the launch site for the rocket bound for Soteira is under attack, Viper gives the orders to launch it now.[45] After Sapphire Styx explodes, Viper maintains the higher ground while Snake Whip joins the fight. When the Femme Fatales are defeated, Viper flees as Magneto plans to pursue her in order to purge Madripoor of Viper's criminal empire.[46]
In the pages of the Ravencroft miniseries, Viper is seen as a member of J.A.N.U.S.
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