#Steve harrington x Newby!reader
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Where You Lead Masterlist
“Dad?” You call out when you enter the house. You can hear the radio playing from somewhere, so you follow it to the laundry room where your dad is folding towels. “Hey buddy. How was work?” he asked, setting down the last of the towels. 
“It was good,” you began, “there was a weird power outage, but that’s it.”
You quickly duck into room to change into sweats and a t-shirt, returning to your dad still talking,  “…wonder if it hit the whole town. Maybe it's from the lab?” 
“What could they be doing that would cause a town-wide blackout?” you ponder aloud.
You migrate to the kitchen, and he brings the radio with him. 
“I don’t know, ” he answers, then pauses and continues, “Maybe they’re testing windmill power?” 
You furrow your brow at that, “Does Hawkins even have windmills?”
“Thats probably why it didn’t work then,” he giggles, clearly pleased at his joke.
Summary: Y/n Newby works the closing shift at Benny's Burgers, accidentally gives someone a nosebleed, and meets a really weird kid
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Newby!reader, Blood, Minors smoking, Trashy romance novels, not proofread
Anastasia gripped Robert’s biceps, taking note of how firm and large they were under her petite hands. They stood at the cliff’s edge, surrounded by the British navy. “Oh Robert, what are we going to do?”
“Don’t worry my love, as long as we are together we can survive anything.”
With that, the pirate dipped her low and kis-
A large hand grabs the book from you, interrupting the passionate scene.
“A Pirate’s Love…really? What was it last week, A Ride to Remember? I think you might need an intervention at this point”
Looking up, you see Jonathan Byers grabbing the book to read the summary on the back.
“It was not A Ride to Remember,” you say, grabbing the book back from the boy, “It was Big Sky Country and it was very tasteful, thank you! God, you make it sound like all I read is bodice ripping filth.”
Jonathan raises his eyebrow, pointedly looking at the cover of your book, which features a woman’s bodice literally being ripped off her body by the handsome pirate. 
“Ok this is a bad example,” you defend, slightly pink in the face.
 “The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.” He says, smirking. 
“The only problem I have is you.” 
Benny’s Burgers had been dead since 9 pm, save for the boy who’d come in just before 10.  Normally, Jonathan would have gone straight home, but after working a double he needed a pick-me-up in the form of a cheeseburger – and your company. 
You sit behind the counter, book back in your hands, while Benny is in the back, getting ready to close the kitchen. 
Jonathan sits on the other side, fiddling with the radio at the counter, changing the station to find something more aligned with his taste, so you take the opportunity to examine his worn out face. 
He was clearly weary after work, the constant eyebags looking even heavier than normal. His 5 o'clock shadow looks like it had been there for at least a day and he has the distinct smell of old popcorn oil that tells you he’d been stuck at the concessions stand for at least 5 hours. 
You clear your throat looking pointedly at him, “What do you want?”
He looks at you sheepishly, seemingly having forgotten that he still needed to order, “uh, a number 3.”
You nod at him, then yell through the window at Benny, “Drag a cow through Wisconsin and marry it!”
“Just say it normally!” you hear him call back. 
You giggle back at his annoyed response to your insistence at using the old fashioned diner lingo.
Turning back to Jonathan you ask, “what do you want to drink?”
His eyes flick to the milkshake machine, then he looks up at you grinning, “what’s new?”
You lean over the counter at him, matching grin on your face, “working on something new for the holidays: hot chocolate milkshake”
Jonathan raises an eyebrow, “how is it different from regular chocolate?”
You scoff, as if it's obvious, “it has marshmallows”
“That's it?” he laughs and you scoff again, “No! It also has a candy cane.”
Not 10 minutes later, Jonathan is chewing through his burger ferociously, only breaking to sip on his milkshake. Glancing at your watch, you look up at the boy, still working his way through his meal. Sighing, you speak, “Mind if I close around you?”
He grunts his approval, clearly more interested in his burger. 
Going through your closing tasks, you’re mopping the floor when the lights flicker, then go out. “Hey, Benny?” you call out in the darkness, careful not to slip on the wet floor. 
“Yeah, I know…let me check the generator.”
The darkness only lasts 30 more seconds and suddenly the lights return. 
Jonathan never stopped eating his food. At 10:30, you finally kick him out. 
“I put the closed sign out like 15 minutes ago!”, you say as you push him out of the diner. 
“You’re the best, you know that,” he laughs as you close the door behind him. 
“Yeah, you’re just saying that cause I didn’t make you pay”
You lock the door and turn to the kitchen. Grabbing your coat and bag, you exit through the back door. The cool air hits your legs. Your uniform isn’t very forgiving to the early November air, but its not unbearable. You hoof it to your truck, parked next to Benny’s. 
“Can I get one of those?” you nod at the cigarette carton he holds. He rolls his eyes then hands you the pack of reds. 
After lighting his own stick, he passes the lighter to you, “Don’t tell your dad”
“Obviously,” you don’t even look up, taking a drag of the cigarette. 
You lean against his truck, next to him. As you smoke in silence, you find yourself humming a familiar tune. Benny huffs out a laugh and catches on
“...B-B-B-Bennie and the jets!”, you sing out the piano accompaniment as well. 
The pair of you dissolve into laughter and Benny puts his arm around you, pulling you into a tight side hug. He ruffles your hair and says, “alright buddy, get home safe.”
“See you tomorrow”
“Dad?” You call out when you enter the house. You can hear the radio playing from somewhere, so you follow it to the laundry room where your dad is folding towels. “Hey buddy, how was work?” he asks, setting down the last of the towels. 
“It was good,” you begin, “there was a weird power outage, but that’s it.”
You quickly duck into your room to change into sweats and a t-shirt, returning to your dad still talking,  “…wonder if it hit the whole town? Maybe it's from the lab?” 
“What could they be doing that would cause a town-wide blackout?” you ponder aloud.
You migrate to the kitchen, and he brings the radio with him. 
“I don’t know, ” he answers, then pauses and continues, “Maybe they’re testing windmill power?” 
You furrow your brow at that, “Does Hawkins even have windmills?”
“Thats probably why it didn’t work then,” he giggles, clearly pleased at his joke.
You roll your eyes and pull some leftovers from the fridge then stick them in the microwave. Listening to the radio, your dad hums along to the music, some old country song. 
The next song plays and you smile as your dad holds out his hands to twirl you around the kitchen. Your dad sings along to Carole King as you laugh through the dizziness he inflicts on you. 
He finally relents and lets you catch your breath when the microwave finishes. You grab your plate and give him a quick on the cheek. “Night dad!” you call out from your doorway. 
“Sweat dreams, buddy!” you softly grin at his reply.
The next morning comes far too early for you. The alarm blares angrily while you blindly throw your hand to shut it off. Trudging into the kitchen, you start on making coffee for you and your dad. You usually get up before him, meaning you take care of breakfast and morning chores. 
Putting the last of the grinds into the machine, you make a mental note to get more after school. The soft glow of the kitchen light allows you to read as you wait for the coffee to brew.
The hiss of the coffee machine rouses you from your book and you pull two mugs from the cabinet, before pouring half the pot into yours. You make two lunches, put one into the fridge and leave for early morning practice. 
At the school, you are one of the first to show up in the locker room. Its nice to have the peace that comes with just you and a quiet few others. You duck down to reach your lower level locker, incidentally becoming invisible as a group of three girls from the cheer team also walk in, conversing rather loudly for 6 am. 
“I totally saw them making out in the boys bathroom last week,” the blonde exclaims while putting on her top, “like have some decency.”
“Ew! I don’t even know what he sees in her, she’s a sophomore,” the other replies in a nasally voice, “and not even a cool one, all she does is study!”
“Do you think he’s using her to get better grades,” the third asks airily, “she is really smart.”
“Whatever,” the blonde counters, “he’ll probably move on in like 2 seconds when he realizes what a priss she is”
You roll your eyes at that and stand up, alerting them to your presence. Silently, you walk past them and onto the field to start your run. 
You put your walkman in to listen to a Blondie album. As you run, your mind begins to wander.
 You don’t know Nancy Wheeler well, as the two of you interact peripherally. You had shared a class once or twice, and you saw her in the hallways decently frequently. You know her brother hangs out with your next door neighbor, he and all his little friends bike around the block pretty frequently. She always seemed kind, saying hi when you crossed paths, but you didn’t actually know enough to determine if the blonde was right about her being a priss. 
However, you are sure they were right about Steve moving on in no time. Even you, who tries so desperately to keep your head down and away from the popular kids, knew about Steve Harringtion’s reputation. His intense popularity earned him the nickname  “King Steve''. You understand why, from a technical standpoint. He’s rich, good at sports, and is (in a completely objective way) attractive. 
Your mind continues to roam, and you briefly remembered the time you and Steve had partnered on a history project. It was right before you found out your mom had died
You shook that thought from your head and focused on running faster. In your ears, the nonsense rapping of Debbie Harry blared and you felt the sweat drip down your face, despite the November chill. The coach sounded the whistle and you ran towards the gym for your actual practice, tossing your walkman onto the bleachers inside. 
You’ve partnered with Anna for passing. The sting against your fingertips as you hit the volleyball feels good, like a physical reminder of how powerfully you are hitting the ball. The longer the drills go on, the more the thoughts from earlier creeping in.
Nancy, smiling and nodding at you in the halls.
Steve sitting next to you in the library.
Your mom’s funeral.
You hear the coaches whistle before you realize you’ve hit the ball into the face of one of the JV girls. Blood gushes out of her nose onto the shiny gym floor. Her coach rushes her to the nurse while yours orders you to do 30 burpees and 3 laps.
The cold water of the locker room does nothing to ease the tension in your body. 
In 6th period English, Mrs. Fleming drones on about Of Mice and Men when you notice the seat behind you is empty. Jonathan’s seat. You glance up to make sure Mrs. Fleming isn’t looking before you pass a note to the girl next to you.
Do you know where Byers is?
It takes a moment but you receive the note back with new writing.
I heard something happened to his brother
Your mind runs wild at the thought of something bad happening to Will. It always warmed your heart to see the small boy with Jonathan, especially when the teen treats him to dinner at Benny’s. You make sure that he always gets extra whipped cream on his shakes as you hand them to him with a wink. 
The worry stays in your bones through the rest of the day. 
You begin your shift stressed, tying the small apron around your waist, finding it empty. 
“Benny, did you see where I put my pad?” you call out into the restaurant
“Uh, check the office,” his voice comes out from somewhere in the dining area. Earl and Henry are probably out there. 
It's right there on the desk. Of course it is.
You walk further into the building, so focused on putting your hair up that you almost collide with the small body hunched over the kitchen counters. 
A tiny face looks up at you, nearly feral with fear and begins to back up, right into Benny. He moves to grab the child, but it's faster and runs away, crashing into you. You instinctively wrap your arms around the small frame as it freezes. 
“Hey-hey,” you carefully lower yourself to eye-level trying to remain gentle without letting them go, “its ok…its ok” 
You’re finally able to get a good look. What you see angers you: A shaved head, bare feet, hospital gown and the kid is covered in dirt and grime. All signs point to some terrible reason for this child to be stealing fries from Benny’s. 
The kid seems to calm down, and doesn’t run when you move to only hold her hand. 
You look at Benny, unsure of where to go from here. 
“What d’you think about closing early?” he says, looking back at you with the same confusion. 
You’d helped the kid clean up and replace her hospital gown with an extra large t shirt from the restaurant. She’s so small that the shirt swallows her and your heart aches.
Benny has given her some food, which she scarfs down, even faster than Jonathan. You sit across from her, both you and Benny trying to get her to open up.
“Your parents forget to feed you?” Benny asks, “Is that why you ran away?”
The girl just keeps eating. 
“Were you hurt?” you question gently, “Why were you in the hospital?”
Still nothing
“You run away from the hospital?” Benny continues
At this the girl looks up briefly, then goes straight back to the burger. Frustrated, Benny pulls the burger away from her.
You smack her in the chest, scolding him “Hey man, you can’t just take food from a starving kid!”
“I’m not taking it away. She can have it back, and more, if she answers us. Maybe I'll throw in some ice cream too.” he looks back at the silent girl, “do we have a deal”
He takes her silence as agreement. 
“Ok, lets start with the easy stuff,” he begins, “I’m Benny. Benny Hammond.” he shows her how to shake hands. You hold out your hand and she gingerly takes it. You give her a smile, speaking softly, “I’m Y/n Newby. What's your name?” 
The girl looks confused and the silence remains. Benny glances down at her arm and your eyes follow his to a small marking–a tattoo of some kind. She yanks her arm back, but you catch the numbers before she hides them.
“Eleven? What does it mean? Can you tell us?” you ask
“No”, she says timidly.
Benny interjects, “Well I’ll be damned, she speaks.”
You send a glare his way, to which he rolls his eyes and addresses the girl, “‘no’ No, what?”
She goes back to holding her tongue. 
“Alright, fine. No more food then,” he gets up, taking the tray with him
You attempt to protest, but the child beats you to the punch, “Eleven”
You and Benny exchange glances before he sits back down and probes further, “yeah Eleven– what does that mean?”
She points at herself then repeats it, “Eleven.”
Benny returns the food to her and she chews voraciously. He leaves her with you while he calls social services from the kitchen. You stare at the little girl. She looks no older than 12. The color has returned to her cheeks since eating and she certainly looks better now that shes been mildly cleaned up. 
Eleven looks up at you through her eyelashes and pushes her now empty cup to you.
“You want some more?” you ask and she nods. 
You pop behind the counter, to the soda fountain and refill her cup with water. Walking back, you notice its quieter, but you can’t place why. Glancing around, you see the fan has stopped whirring. It had been annoying in the beginning when Benny got it, but eventually it became just another part of the background noise. 
You pay it no mind, continuing your path to the little girl currently wiping her nose. 
You set down her water and openly stare at her as she hoovers down her burger. She finishes, her face covered in grease and sauce. Grabbing some napkins, you hand them to her but she just stares at you blankly. “Here,” you reach for her cheek with another napkin and she leans away, “Its ok. I’m just gonna wipe your face. You got a little carried away there” 
She leans back toward you, blushing lightly, and you clear her face of the burger’s remains. 
“There,” you smile, staring at your handiwork, “clean as a whistle!”
The toothy smile she gives you warms your heart. You lean closer to her and faux whisper, “Have you ever had a milkshake?”
She shakes her head no and you smirk, “prepare to have your mind blown.”
Ten minutes later, you are both sat on the kitchen counters, giggling as Eleven tries her 3rd shake from the lineup you’ve created. 
“What do you think, kiddo?” you ask, and she thinks for a minute then places the chocolate shake in between the strawberry and vanilla.
“Ooh, strawberry remains number one?” you check and she grins and nods. 
With every minute you spend with her, you notice her opening up more and more. You don’t know how you’re going to be able to leave her at the end of the night. You’ve already stayed 30 minutes later than when your shift was supposed to end. 
As you’re contemplating, Benny walks in, finally off the phone. 
“Y/n” he says, jerking his head to the office. You look back at Eleven, apprehensive about leaving her alone, but she seems content sipping on her chocolate shake as she fishes for the cherry from the already done strawberry shake. 
You follow Benny into the office, leaving the door slightly ajar. 
You immediately question him, “what’d they say?”
He pulls his hand over his face, “they’re coming in the morning to get her…taking her up to Roane county offices. She’ll stay here tonight, I can set the cot out tonight for her.”
You glanced out to peek at Eleven, who’d moved onto her next shake. She was so small, and you’d heard of kids who’d gone into the system. Furrowing your brow, you asked Benny, “Do you need me to stay here tonight?” 
He shook his head, “It's okay buddy, you’ve got class tomorrow. You get home – I’ve got this.”
“Okay…” you responded, not sure why you were so disappointed.
After you hang up your apron, you approach Eleven, still sitting on the counter. “Hey kiddo,” you begin, “I have to head home.”
She looks up at you, her brown eyes swimming with uncertainty. If you weren’t so close at her, you wouldn’t have heard her say, “Leave?” “Yeah, Eleven, I’m leaving.” you reply.
“No,” she begins to hop off the counter, “stay”
You crouch to her height and hold arms softly
“Oh kiddo…I have to go home, but I’ll tell you what: I’ve had such a great time with you today. I’ll give you my number, and whenever you get where you’re going, you can give me a call, ok? You’ll tell me all about it?” you reach into your bag and tear a piece of paper from your notebook, writing your bedroom phone number on it. You pass it into Eleven’s hand before she pulls you into a tight hug. When she finally releases you from the embrace, you wipe a stray tear from her cheek. 
Rising, you lift her back onto the counter and pat her forehead. Loud enough for Benny to hear, you say, “Alright you two, don’t have too much fun. Eleven, keep an eye on him.”
You give her a wink and she giggles.
Walking out the door, you hear Benny call out to you, "bye buddy!"
Next Part
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officerrrfriendly · 8 months
The Taken, First Strike.
stranger things conjuring!AU, priest!steve harrington x demonologist/clairvoyant!fem reader.
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With an abundance of reluctance, your feet found themselves taking brave steps one after another as they eventually met a birch-wood doorway. But it wasn't any ordinary doorway, inside sat her. The frail and misfortunate Maxine Mayfield, who you still referred to as such- out of a habit of profession- much despite her insistence on "just calling her max, she doesn't go by Maxine anymore."
And in that moment, all of your previous doubts from earlier flooded back into your brain, before you could give into them and turn back, she spoke out. She called your name, a glint of hope present in her tone with some desperation, too.
You sigh heavily to try and alleviate all the weight you suddenly feel pressing against your chest before you eventually reply.
"Hi, Maxine," you mutter, smiling softly before slowly approaching the vacant armchair beside her, full of funky patterns and colours. She sat timidly, her hands held onto one another whilst fingers from each hand wandered over freckles on the backs of her hands she had forgotten she had. Her hair was shorter now, bobbed and fell just below her ears but she was still so beautiful. You tried your hardest to avoid looking into the milky white orb of her left eye and the thick bandage that covered the gaping wound on her right.
If you thought about that night for any longer, you thought you would just about lose your mind- so you shook your head of protruding thoughts and focussed on the topic of importance here, which was the girl beside you.
She laughs, and this time it wasn't humourless or dry but it was real, amusing. "How many times have I told you to just call me Max, hm?" she pokes, she sits further up in her seat as you laugh along with her.
"If I had to guess...I'd say only about 100 million times," you say, with a sigh. Your answer makes her smile for a moment but then she sighs, something is clearly bothering her.
Unexpectedly, without needing encouragement to open up, she speaks. "No one's visited in a while, Lucas...he finds it hard coming here, seeing me like this. He's never said it- but..." she huffs, lowering her head down to the floor. "I know that every time he's here with me he's just stuck in that night, what happened to Billy...me. Even though I can't see him, I can sense it, he's terrified to be around me and I hate it. I hate it because I love him so much...do you have somebody like that?" As the forbidden question leaves her tongue it triggers thoughts you had wished to never think about again, you think of him- and how neither of you haven't seen or spoken to each other since that very night.
Your head shakes, wishing to be done with the thought of Father Steve, and how you've treated him since after the night of July 4th 1983...at the exorcism of Billy Hargrove.
"I'd rather not answer that question... Honey, tell me more about what's been going on with Lucas!"
You wipe desperately at your tears as they fall on your way to your ocean-blue Austin Maestro car. Your fingers struggle to keep up with the vast amount that began to flood out of your tear ducts.
You harboured a considerably brave face - despite Max not being able to notice it- throughout the entire hour after Max had asked you that god-forsaken question to which you had no answer.
She had talked about Billy, her nightmares, PTSD, her love life and even her mom running off to the other side of the world with her new young boyfriend and a bottle of Jack...she lived a sad life, one you had hoped to someday be able to save her from. You wanted her to come and live in your miniature, yet cosy townhouse you had inherited from your late father Richie, god bless his soul.
Seeing her so frail and lonely, woke a sadness inside you that hadn't long gone away, however that sadness also carried a fuckton of guilt. The guilt of knowing that if you had actually, fully prepared for what you were getting into, perhaps you could have saved Billy Hargrove, Max's eyesight (and her sanity), along with her family.
CLONK, you pull on the door handle to the driver's side door and hop inside before taking one last pitiful glance at the hospice. "I'll be back for you...Max," you mutter.
You turn the rusty key into the ignition. The engine fires to life.
Days had passed and now you were sitting, pondering in your office inside your humble abode. Max hadn't left your mind since your previous visit and you were thinking through the idea that has floated into your noggin and is actively refusing to leave.
A THUD snaps you out of your daydreams and you quickly glance up from your oak-stained desk to see the culprit who dropped four thick textbooks in front of you, stacked on top of one another. You groan when you realise that it's just Robin, the nosy librarian-now-assistant with a child-like grin on her face. 'Oh, she's up to something' you thought, rolling your eyes before asking- "What is it now, Roberto?" you ask, intrigued as you sit up in your seat.
"I think I may have a case for you, Psychic Sally." she grins smugly, pulling a picture of a young boy out of her pocket.
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Now that caught your attention.
"Tell me everything."
And she does, she tells you about how a 'Joyce Byers' had called several times today whilst you were out buying groceries begging to speak with you, for your help and assistance as she believes something is gravely wrong with her 11-year-old boy Will and has been ever since they moved into their house two weeks ago with her fiance, Bob.
She claimed a fever, a change in behaviour, sickness and bruising randomly appearing all over his body seemingly coming from nowhere. OH! And not to mention whatever 'entity' is wreaking havoc among them is causing a putrid, rotten smell to linger throughout the entire house...and her dog suddenly died the first night living there after it refused to enter the home.
You were going to visit the Byers' residence...but not alone.
You had somebody to visit.
"Call Father Steve and tell him I need to speak with him immediately, please Robin," you demand, sighing nervously. as your right foot begins to shake uncontrollably under the table.
"Are you sure that's a...I...uhhh-yes! yes, I will go and do that for you right now, if that's...are you sure that's what you want to do because you know I can totally-" she rambles, her voice high-pitched and unsure.
You can't find words so you nod repeatedly, sporting a polite smile and motion at the door. She nervously laughs, gulping "Ha ha ha ha, well! I am just gonna - yep! Haha! Going," she begins to back out of the room pointing to the door, "going..." she reaches the handle before forcibly chuckling, "and gone!" she shuts the door and you can hear her scold "What the hell is wrong with you?...freak!! god...how do I still have this job?"
"God...how do I still have this job?" Robin questions, huffing embarrassedly. She treks down the terracotta-painted hallway, full of plants and pictures of who Robin had learned to have been your late father. She had found that out accidentally on the first day of moving in with you when she asked, "Is that your husband?" which sparked a very awkward, tense conversation that you both had very quickly laughed off.
She had reached the coffee-coloured door with the cream handle and twisted it, opening the door to her room- filled with posters of Molly Ringwald, Phoebe Cates, Lisa Bonet, Madonna you name it and she had it!!
Full of purpose she sits on her side of the bed, cross-legged and grabs the telephone from her bedside table and dials Father Steve's number carefully before knawing on her lip and impending an answer.
The phone rings a good three times before there's an answer.
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A/N - Hi babies!! how was that?! I know it wasn't the longest but its just to give the story a good push before we really dive into the plot and have some fun. Poor Max :(( SHE DESERVES BETTER!! and poor Chester, such a sweet dog.
LMK how you found this chapter!!
current taglist: @stveharringtn
comment to be added loves :))
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persage · 2 years
RIGHT HERE (to hold you when the sky falls down) - S. HARRINGTON
Summary: After your father's death Steve Harrington is the only one who can calm you down.
Steve Harrington x Newby!Reader
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Words Count 2.7 k
Tags and Warnings: Newby! Reader Angst and Grieving with comfort.
"We must go back in there!" Your voice trembles as you look at people in front of you, a group of familiar faces who now seem strangers to you. You run a hand through your hair in desperation. They don't look at you, turning away with sorrow and shame, they don't have the courage to face you, to just stand there watching you as your whole world shatters. They would give everything to change the past, but they can't. What rises in your chest is a blind rage from which you would like to spare the kids: Dustin, Mike, Lucas and Max are watching you with shining teary eyes and you think they shouldn't be there, seeing you like this, but you can't stop, you can't contain the emotion, the burning anger towards the world, the denial.
"WE MUST GO BACK IN THERE!" You scream, this time your voice is so high it scares the kids, Nancy and Jonathan in the kitchen stop talking and Steve, leaning against the doorway, gaze flickering between you and Hopper, walks in your way, stopping a few steps away as you move your hands in the air, punching some invisible force, searching for a way to accept such a great pain. In another era, when things were still in their place, he wouldn't have stopped, he would have run to you and would have held you tightly because he knew with certainty that he would have helped you and you would have wanted him to. But now everything has changed and Steve doesn't want to hurt you or be inappropriate. Also, he is ashamed to admit it, he doesn't want to be rejected.
Joyce is the one to talk first, she runs to you, she tries to hug and you let her do so cause you care about her and you love her as your own mom. "He's gone baby, he is gone I'm sorry honey, I'm so sorry." She whispers. You shake your head, your face hidden in the woman's chest as you start crying hard. It isn't true. It can't be. You dad isn't dead, the good ones don't die in the end, it's the rule of all the stories he has told you since you were little. Superheroes don't die. He can't be gone. He had a reason to come back, he wouldn't have left you this way. He is the all you've got. There must be another reason why Joyce is crying too, why Bob isn't the one hugging you right now, why he wasn't in Hopper's crowded car when they have retunerd from the lab. Maybe they think he is dead but he isn't, he needs help, he is just hurt and he needs help and they have left him.
You wouldn't have. But you weren't there.
"I need to go" You say, pushing Joyce away and moving just a few steps before Hopper blocks you, grabbing you by the shoulders. "I'm sorry, kid" Hopper murmurs as you still try to free yourself from his grip. "Let me go you bastard!" You shout, shaking violently.  He has left your dad to die. As Jim continues to hold you tighter you let yourself fall on the floor. "I have to help him, let me go to him." You cry "I have to be with my daddy, I want my dad" By now you are on the ground, your hands in front of your face, your body caught in uncontrolled sobs. Joyce joins you. "I want my dad" You Repeat. Steve's heart breaks at hearing you repeat this phrase like a frightened child and he feels his eyes pinch because he knows what bond you and Bob had, he knows that your father was all the family you had left.
"It's all your fault" You say, it hits Mrs. Byers like a bullet in the chest.
You take in a deep, shuddering breath glancing around as the nerves in your stomach came to a head, and you try to regain control on yourself. You turn to the kids, as you slowly get up from the ground. "I'm sorry kids, I didn't mean to scare you." You walk slowly towards the door, feet heavy like two boulders, a void in your chest that seems to suck you in. Jonathan silently stands between you and the only way out of that stuffy house full of memories. You look at him with bright red eyes. You never got along, especially cause not so long ago you were a part of Tommy H, Carol 's group for and never cared about the weird Byers, but since your parents started dating you have become something similar to friends.
"Let me go, Byers. I swear to... "
"I can't let you go back there" He replies, interrupting you with sadness written all over his face. You understand that he would like to hug you and he understands that this is not what you want now. You're grateful for it. You need to be alone. A hand rests on your shoulder, squeezes it lightly. You don't turn around, you don't need to look to know who he is. You could recognize his touch everywhere, after all you have loved him since you were a child. These hands have been your support for years, then they stopped being - he've changed, you hasn't, things like this happen all the time. You loved him, he loved another. That happens too - but they won't back down this time either. "I'll take care of her. " Steve Harrington says. Jonathan nods, still not convinced. Steve's fingers on your back push you towards the air you need, even though you feel like you won't be able to breathe like before.
Your father is dead after all.
They say that every family has its own traditions, the little Newby family not many to be honest, but if there is something that no one could ever take away from you it was the pizza and couch night with Bob, the only day of the week when you gave your father the permission to eat on the sofa, in front of the TV, watching some movie rented from Family video that 90% of the time you didn't even like. Those were the best evenings and also the only ones in which you could sleep well, surrounded in the warm embrace of your father. He was the only man in the world who could stop your nightmares. Probably if you had taken courage and went to his room in the nights of terror, your nightmares would have subsided long ago, but you were no longer a child and above all you didn't want to scare him more than necessary. Bob didn't have to know how sick you had been since you found out the truth about Will and what happened to him, ever since you had realized that the monster you miraculously escaped from a year ago - and everyone convinced you didn't exist - came from that same upsidedown where Byers was kept. In short, you didn't want Bob to know, also you felt old enough not to be afraid, or to die from lack of sleep alternatively. Now you would give everything to confess your fears to your dad, to sleep with him, to feel safe in his arms again.
Pizza evenings started when you were 10, when only two people were left on a sofa for three. Bob was sitting with his pizza that had even fallen on him and soiled the cushions. "Mom doesn't want you to eat there." You said. Bob laughed, inviting you to join him. "We won't tell her love." It took you a while to realize your mother wasn't coming back. Madlin Newby had chosen another path, family was not for her. So you clung to Bob hard on those evenings, scrambling over his body to make sure that at least that parent wasn't going to get snatch from you. Bob has always tried to make the situation lighter and more bearable for you. "Mom is tired of me not of you, she loves you so much and you can see her whenever you want" He always told you.
One day when you were fourteen, Steve Harrington joined your pizza nights. It happened once a month, a kind of tradition too, but he - stupid kid - was ashamed of people knowing because yes, you were slowly joining his group of friends and yes, your mothers had been friends when they were young, but you were a Newby, and being a Newby made you the bottom rung of the ladder anyway, even in the cool group. Steve Harrington would now like to punch himself in the face, he would also like to actually cry because your dad was a great guy and always treated him well, more then he acutally deserved. At least until he saw you suffer for him, of course, but even in that case, he always reserved sweetness and respect for him. Your father was a man of gold and he has raised his daughter the same way. Steve looks at you as you walk in front of him. He've always believed that Nancy Wheeler has changed him, the truth is that you did it first and maybe, if you hadn't taught him to look beyond the superficial aspect of things, he wouldn't have had the courage to ask her out.
As you go out, the cold air hit you with a sharp sting. It's a welcomed feeling for a moment, it dulls your screaming mind which seems to be about to explode. It comes back soon, a moment later, harder and more painful than before as Steve close the door behind him. You just stand there, watching the boy, looking for something to keep you on earth cause you feel like you will start floating soon. Like you are not anchored here anymore.
Your dad is gone.
You took a step away, legs shaking. You put a hand on your mouth, to stop yourself from screaming. You are collapsing on the ground again and before it happens Steve is running to you, hugging you tightly, keeping you up on your legs. His embrace is warm, strong, it feels like being between the walls of the safest place in the world and you let go on him, screaming till your lungs burn while he caresses your head. "I'm here, I'm here" He repeats as you grab his jacket like your life depends on it. And maybe this isn't so far from reality.
"I want to go to the lab Steve." You cry. "I want to go to him, I wanna see his body... Dad" You voice breaks and even Steve can handle it anymore. His hearts breaks for you and a little sob escape his lips. But he stops. He can't be weak, not when you need him the most. "Baby you can't go there... It's dangerous"
"But I need to save his body" And Steve doesn't want to tell that probably there's no body left to be saved. He continues caressing your head and he kisses your forehead.
"I can't let you go there Y/n. I can't" He repeats. "Also Bob wouldn't want it. He probably would kill me if I let you, you know?" And Incredibly you let yourself go in a little laugh through tears while you move away from him just enough to look at his face. Your eyes are shiny and puffy, your face is red and Steve just wants to erase your pain. He wipes your tears away with his thumb while stammering you reply. "Dad likes you Steve, oh, he also hated you at some point I'm not gonna lie. I did all the bullshit in my life with you. Or for you."
Steve smiles. "Let's not give him any more reasons to be angry with me."
" He also knows that you saved my life more than once." You continue, trembling, this time for the cold. Steve realizes this and quickly takes off his jacket, placing it on your shoulders and pulling you back to him, his head on yours. You cry again, this time it's a calm and resigned cry.
"There will be no body to save. Right?" He doesn't reply, he hugs you more. Then he looks at you and gently kisses your forehead, eyes and nose. You let yourself go to that sincere affection, the only presence you can tolerate by your side now. "You know, I went at Radio Shack the other week" Steve tells as you both sit down, his arm on your shoulders to keep you warmer. "I wanted to get my TV fixed and your dad was there"
How many times have you walked through that door? Your dad always working on something with his gentle hands, so dedicated to his work, so passionate. Your heart aches at the memory.
"He was so gentle to me, asking about you know my parents and my plans and... I ended up in there for two hours talking about you and about... Jonathan. He wanted to have a good relationship with him so bad. I feel like I am the worst person in the world to give advices about Jonathan Byers but he still listened to me for hours and... He told something about you too."
"God he knows how to embarrass me" You laugh a little. Steve notices you're still using the present while talking about Bob and it kills him.
"He told me I've hurt you by....disappearing from you life last year but... He told me that if I... If I.. If I retrace my steps, if I still want to have you in mine, you would forgive me. Because you are good, because you are special.And I believe that at least on these last two things he was not wrong."
He doesn't tell what Bob also said, it's a secret Steve wants to keep in his heart. My daughter has the biggest heart in the world. And without nastiness Steve, I know you're a good guy, but I don't know if you would ever be able to treat it with the care she deserves. Please don't hurt her again.
And Steve doesn't know if he's able to have this cure now, after all things with Nancy are confusing and he's managed to screw everything up with her and he definitely still has feelings for her. He doesn't want to hurt you and aven if he knows he will always feel something for you, he also knows he's willing to bury the feeling. Steve will protect you from himself until the day he will be worth for you. He has promised it to himself.
He has promised it to Bob.
"Jesus. He is always so right and about the other thing it's true... I have forgiven you a long ago." You stole a glance over to Steve, watching as he smiles a little.
"I wish I had a dad like him" Steve states. There is something so endearing and painful about that statement that it brakes again something in you. You let out another sob, clapping a hand over your mouth the instant it leaves you. You don't wanna be so fragile and so waek but can't help it. Steve wraps his arms around pulling you in towards him. You bury your face into his neck, fingers pressing into his back as your whole body wrackes with another sob. "I've got you," he murmures, he holds you tight, his one hand rubbing soothing circles against your back. "I've got you" he repeates once more. "I'll be there for you Newby, I'll do it forever." The sobs slows down after a while, it feels like you don't have tears to cry no more just anger and sadness and a void that you will never be able to fill. And the rational part of you can't help but think what will happen to you since your mom lives so far away, only God knows where. Tears dries on your cheeks. Steve is still holding you, still murmuring soft comforts into your hair as you lean against him.
"I promise it will get better" he whispers as you starts to pull away a little. Your arms fall from him. He regardes you carefully as you give a sharp nod.
"I wanna kill them all" you say, your voice weak despite the angry look in your eyes. "I wanna fight Steve. I wanna learn to fight. I've got to do this for him"
He holds your hand with both of his.
"I'll be by your side y/n"
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COSMIC - S2:E6; Chapter Six, The Spy - [Pt. 1]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
will's connection to a shadowy evil grows stronger, but no one's quite sure how to stop it. elsewhere, steve and dustin forge an unlikely bond.
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"Get him out. Go! Go!"
"God! Hold on, sweetie!"
Will screams in anguish as he is wheeled throughout the lab. He clutches his arm tightly, wishing he could tear the very skin off of his flesh, he feels as if he is being cooked from the inside out. Joyce stays close behind him, her tears clouding her vision, Bob and Mike right on her tail.
When she had left the tunnels, she was faced with the horrendous sight of her youngest writhing in the grass, near unconsciousness.
"I'm right here, honey. Just hold on." She cries, her hand outstretched for him.
They reach a room faster than she anticipates and she feels herself being ripped away from her baby when he is placed onto a bed. Bob is gently pulling her back, but to her, the distance is too great. She needs to be there, show him he's there. But for now, she's stuck, watching helplessly as her son is dying.
"Heart rate 220. Temperature's 106."
Several hands are prodding and poking, adjusting and readjusting but one nurse, in particular, leans forward. Her gloved hands gently grab the sides of his face so as to grab his attention - this whole while, his eyes have been closed as he screams.
"Will," she says urgently. "where does it hurt?"
His face is pale and his eyes sunken and dark, but he manages to open them for a brief moment to speak before falling into a fit of groans.
"All over."
"She says he feels like he's burning." Dr. Owen's interjects. "Check for burns."
Will's shirt is quickly cut open allowing them to work but there is no sign of burns to be found.
"I don't see anything!"
Once again, she grabs a gentle hold of Will leaning down to get his attention as the other nurses begin to apply wires.
"Where does it hurt the most, Will?"
"Everywhere!" He screams, launching his head up. "EVERYWHERE!"
His head is thrown back into the pillow in anguish, the doctors swarm his bedside doing all in their abilities. Joyce collapses in Bob's arms, her trembling hand over her mouth and Bob finds himself unable to bear the sight.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"Here we stand or here we fall
History won't care at all"
The newly formed, unlikely duo of Dustin Henderson and Steve Harrington stew in thick silence, nothing but the lilting voice of Freddie Mercury's carrying through the car's otherwise silent atmosphere as Hammer To Fall plays from the radio. Night has fallen and the two ride in silence, the maroon BMW barreling down the streets of Hawkins, clouds of leaves in its path. Dustin had shared his previous encounters with his newest ally which has caused the aforementioned silence. Finally, Steve finds his voice.
"Wait a sec. How big?"
Dustin stretches out his forefinger from his thumb roughly an inch, indicating to Steve.
"First it was like that," he then stretches both hands out wider than his shoulders. "Now he's like this."
Steve rolls his eyes, returning them to the road as he scoffs.
"I swear to God, man, it's just some little lizard, okay?"
"It's not a lizard."
"How do you know?"
Dustin turned to Steve with an incredulous look, mocking his confidence and the two begin to speak over one another.
"How do I know if it's not?"
"How you know it's not just a lizard?" Steve said, his voice rising.
"Because his face opened up and he ate my cat." Dustin snapped.
Steve's eyes widened, though his face quickly contorts into an awkward expression. Willingly admitting defeat, he shrugged as he pulls into the Henderson driveway.
The two exit the car and meet at the trunk, as promised Steve opens his trunk to reveal the infamous spike bat from the previous year.
Having ditched his toxic friends, Steve had come to the Byers's house to make peace with Jonathan after their fight. Only to find Nancy there with Jonathan as they set a trap for the Demogorgon the night of Eleven's disappearance. Consequently, Steve had been thrown into the chaos in their battle with the Upside Down where he upheld the infamous bat. The less than pleasant memories came flooding back to him as he glanced down at the makeshift weapon, and he sighs.
Tossing his keys to Dustin, he grabs his bat, twirling it in his grasp and he can't help but notice the spark of adrenaline that comes with it. The feeling of the weight in his hands, knowing he needs to be prepared at any moment. And he is.
Slamming the truck, Steve follows Dustin's lead into the backyard. He finds himself standing in front of a chained up cellar and Steve waits in hushed silence for any signs of movement. The flashlight beam dances across the steel as he waits, but the pair is only met with more silence.
"I don't hear shit."
"He's in there." Dustin shrugs.
Cautiously, Steve leans forward, his bat outstretched and he gently taps the wooden end of the bat against the steel. Again, no other sounds can be heard. Testing his luck, he steps forward again and whacks the doors with the bat creating a larger sound. Still no reply.
Steve turns hotly on his heel and shines the flashlight directly in Dustin's eyes with a less than impressed look on his face.
"All right, listen, kid. I swear, if this is some sort of Halloween prank, you're dead."
"It's not," Dustin argues, wincing from the harsh light.
"All right?" Steve pressed.
"It's not a prank." He urges. "Get it out of my face."
Steve reluctantly replies, lowering the flashlight and he gestures to the cellar.
"You got a key for this thing?"
The cellar doors are ripped open with an ear-splitting squeak and Steve peers deep into the darkness, his bat at the ready. Dustin stands behind him, flashlight in his shaky hand and Steve gladly takes it. He shines it further into the cellar, the milky white beam reached the bottom of the steps and dances across the cold, grey concrete.
"He must be farther down there," Dustin says uncertainly. "I'll stay up here in case he tries to escape,"
Steve looks up at the boy with a deadpan expression before back into the dark abyss with a supposed cat-eating monster. He shakes his head, unable to believe the dramatic, unforeseen turn his day has taken.
He sighs once more, not bothering to hide his unease as he looks from the boy to cellar once more.
"You have a brother, don't you? Why isn't he helping out?"
Dustin shifts uneasily.
"Yeah, about that," Dustin says, causing Steve to sigh. "He's with Byers. Also, he has no idea I found Dart after we lost him at school, or that our cat's dead so I'd rather not lead with that..."
"Jesus, I- Fine. Whatever, let's just get this over with."
Both bated breath, Steve descends into the darkness, his bat gripped tightly in hand, flashlight in the other. His body is tense and he is ready for any sign of movement. He reaches the last step, and his flashlight quickly scans the area though it finds nothing but a metal chain hanging from the ceiling in the center of the room. Deeming it safe, his guard lowers ever so and he steps forward turning on the light, the chain dangles around his head and for one blissful moment, he finds nothing but a regular cellar.
That is until his eyes land on the peculiar sickly pale green shape on the floor before him. In the dark, his vision had mistaken it as an old plastic grocery bag. But now, with the light illuminating the surface, it had a bright pale sheen and he could see it certainly wasn't anything normal. Extending the ends of the bat, the nails hooked into the strange wet substance and held it up to examine it.
The beam of the flashlight shone through the substance. After moments of contemplation as he watches it drip with mucus-like slime and is met with a horrid stench, he realizes it had once been skin.
His gaze wandered to a spot on the wall just beyond where he had found the shredded skin and he looked on in shock, his stomach plummeted as if he had dropped ten stories.
From above the surface, Dustin waited less than patiently, growing nervous for the Harrington boy.
"Steve?" He called uneasily.
The cellar light had been turned on but no other sign of life had shown itself. Fear crept into Dustin's heart and his unease festered.
"Steve, what's going on down there?" He asked a little louder.
Dustin jumped back in surprise when an unexpected beam of light hit his face so suddenly. His heart leaped into his throat and he was thankful he hadn't screamed. Behind the beam of light was Steve, looking up at him worriedly.
"Get down here." He ordered.
His voice sounded shaky, a factor in Steve that did not comfort Dustin at this moment. But reluctantly, he obeyed. Dustin descended the cellar steps to find a familiar substance dangling from the spiked bat, and his stomach twisted into knots.
"Oh, shit."
Without a word, Steve pulled the bat away and shone the flashlight towards the far corner of the cellar revealing his second discovery. A large trail of slime was strewn across the concrete leading to the far left corner of the cellar. Dozens of discarded bricks, broken remnants of splintered wood sprinkled the area as well as of mounds of dirt all flowed in from the gaping hole in the wall where Dart had escaped.
"Holy, shit!"
The duo stepped forward, bending down to examine the tunnel. The small beam of light was redirected once more and the two gapped at their microscopic view of the infinite tunnel that wound its way throughout all of Hawkins.
The currently vacant Byers living room is bathed in the pale moonlight, the only evidence of life is Will's abandoned maps that travel through the house like veins. An abandoned glass of water on the kitchen counter vibrates in only the slightest as the growing rumble of engines surrounds the house. A fleet of men flood routinely from the identical swarm of HAWKINS WATER AND ELECTRIC vans and storm the Byers porch. Within moments, the house is flooded with agents, dozens of flashlight beams dance across the floors, walls, and ceilings as they dissolve across the perimeter.
Light switches, remotes, doorknobs - apart from the front door - go untouched avoiding any trace they were ever here, only doing that which was necessary with gloved hands. They were quick and thorough, and apart from the brief but blinding flashes of cameras documenting the maps and the fleet of flashlights, the house is illuminated only by the moons soft rays. A pair of hands confiscate the videotape from Halloween night, that had previously remained tucked into the player, while another takes several photos of Will's drawing of the shadow monster that sits in his room, undisturbed.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Will's small and weakened frame lays unconscious on the medical bed. The color in his cheeks that gave him his usual warm and pinkish hue withered and was almost nonexistent, his skin now paled a sickly white and covered in a sheen of sweat from the long night behind him. Bob and Mike sit at his side, their eyes trained on him for any signs of disturbance as his body shakily rises and falls in a feeble attempt at stabilizing.
Meanwhile, Joyce sits at the head of the conference table among the lab's finest doctors and agents. She - much like Bob and Hopper - had traded their regular attire for scrubs during the night and she is in a heated discussion with Owens and his team.
"That thing, it..." she gestured over her shoulder. "It did something to him."
"Okay," Owens thoughtfully scratches his head, his mind scrambling to catch up and understand the situation. "And these now-memories, as you call them, how long has he been experiencing them?"
The impatience grew in Joyce at the repetitive question and fights a huff.
"I told you, since Thursday. Since I found him in the field."
"And why wasn't he brought in?" Asked an unnamed scientist to her right.
Her sharp and hostile gaze snaps to the man and she gives him a cynical glance, her palms hitting the surface of the wooden table.
"I have been bringing him in, and what have you done?" She spits coolly. "Nothing. Nothing!"
Owens nervously jumps in with an unintended stilted tone, his movements stiff, all in a pathetic and useless attempt to minimize her concerns.
"These are new symptoms, Joyce."
Joyce shook her head profusely, jabbing her finger in Owens's direction. Her promise to Will burning protectively in her heart.
"No. No, he has been telling you over and over that something wrong, and you said it was all in his head."
Owens squirms uncomfortably in his seat, his composure cracking under Joyce's fire. His mouth opens and closes, though his voice fails him.
"You said, 'Be patient.' Those were your words."
As she leans back into her seat, shifting restlessly Owens finally finds his voice. Her adrenaline and unease find a small and temporary outlet as her fingers drum against the wooden conference table.
"I understand that you're upset, okay? I get it. And I would be, too, if I were in your shoes." Owens gestured around the room. "But we are all in the same boat here, and I just need you to try--"
"What? Stay calm? Trust you?" Joyce looks around the table in disgust before shaking her head. "No, I want him transferred to a real hospital."
Dr. Owens's eyes shift to the papers in his hands, and while his voice is firm his nervous actions give away his discomfort.
"Well, you know that's not possible."
Another doctor joins in much to Joyce's bewilderment and chagrin.
"He really will get the best treatment here, Mrs. Byers."
"He really will." Another interjected.
She looked between them, utterly baffled, unable to believe the blinding negligence in themselves. She merely scoffs.
"And what are you treating him for, exactly?" She shrugs exasperated when she is met with no response and she rises to her feet. "Can anyone tell me what's wrong with him? Can a single person in this room tell me what is wrong with my boy?"
No one spoke, and she was met once more with dozens of eyes that avoided her gaze. Several men squirming uncomfortably in their seats and it only fuels the flames in her chest and her voice rises with her anger.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
"Oh, He-Man, thank you for saving my life. What strong muscles you have."
Erica smirks at the dolls in her hands as she is splayed out across her bed. In one hand, her favorite Barbie doll, Christie. In the other, Lucas's He-Man action figure she had lifted from his room. She brought the two together in an embrace, their plastic faces touching as she made exaggerated kissing noises. The door was thrown open by Lucas and she looks up at him distasteful. His eyes fall to the doll in his hands and he glares at her.
"I knew it!" He scoffs, stomping in and ripping He-Man from her hands.
"Hey! They're in love!"
Lucas turns in her doorway, rolling his eyes.
"No, actually they're not. They don't even exist on the same planet."
"Aren't you too old to be playing with toys?" She quips.
Words die on Lucas's tongue and another rough sigh escaped him. He shakes his head, ridding himself of the comment.
"That... That's not the point. The point is to stay out of my room." He fires back, marching off into the hallway.
Erica calls after him, unfazed.
"Then tell your little nerdy friend to shut his mouth."
Lucas backpedals and returns to her doorway, giving his sister a quizzical look.
"What are you talking about?"
Erica merely shakes her head slightly and exaggerates Dustin's previous cries.
'''Code red, Lucas. Code red. Code red.' Bunch of nerds."
She rolls her eyes, reaching back for a nearby stuff animal, missing the horrified look on Lucas's face. He runs quickly to the end of the hall, not caring if he crashes into his door. He grips the doorframe as he scans his room, a frightened mantra slipping from his lips.
"No, no, no, no, no, no."
Sure enough, on his bed is his walkie, completely shut off. He rushes to his bed, flipping the dials and extending the antenna as quickly as he can.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
The steel buckets hit the concrete with a decisive smack, and a container of gasoline is placed next to them. Dustin and Steve unload the trunk of monster hunting supplies they had scraped together for their plan against Dart. They had procured buckets and buckets of raw meat from the butcher shop and managed to gather the other supplies from Steve's garage. Dustin's comms come to life and immediately he recognizes Lucas's voice.
"Well, well, well, look who it is." Dustin feigns a smirk, gloved hands on his hips as Steve continues to unload the trunk behind him.
"I'm sorry, man." Lucas sighed. "My stupid sister turned it off."
"Well, when you were having sister problems, Dart grew again, he escaped, and I'm pretty sure he's a baby Demogorgan."
All Lucas could do in that short moment was blink as he processed the truckload of information.
"Wait. What?"
"I'll explain later," Dustin answered. "Just meet me and Steve at the old Junkyard."
Another wave of shock hit Lucas abruptly.
"And bring your binoculars and wrist rocket."
"Steve Harrington?"
Behind Dustin, Steve had finished packing his bag and he closed the trunk. His voice barely echoed through the mic and into Lucas's ears, but it was undeniably Steve's.
"All right, let's go."
Dustin grabs the remaining bucket - the other in Steve's hand - and quickly falls in line.
"Just be there, stat," Dustin ordered into his headset. "Over and out."
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ebaylee422 · 1 year
Requests are still open until i get some interaction with followers. We're gonna do a weekly poll! I have a birthday Eddie munson smut posting on April 2nd but what would you like on Monday?!
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keerysfreckles · 2 months
homesick — steve harrington
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
summary: steve drives to y/n's house after an alley fight with jonathan byers
warnings: s1 steve, some cursing, not proofread!
a/n: this is for aly and aly only if you're not aly pls look away rn ! @keerysbrowneyes (also ignore the date the song came out at the end i just wanted to use it)
masterlist !
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to say y/n had a long day would be putting it lightly. her job at radioshack started off smoothly two weeks ago, but now almost every customer has been pissing her off.
she's tried to be a good employee, wanting to empress her boss bob newby. but when every person she's dealt with does nothing but complain to her, and tell her how she should do her job, y/n started thinking about putting in her two weeks notice.
every day this week y/n's gone home to an empty house at 4 pm. her parents were visiting her relatives in california, but y/n said missing two weeks of school and work would be complete hell. which explains why she's been home alone for 5 days.
her daily routine was finishing normally as she pulled into her driveway, throwing her radioshack nametag in her glove compartment, before grabbing her backpack.
she sighed stepping into the quiet house. it was just her, her mother and her father, so it was normal the house was quiet. but knowing no one was there to greet her put a damper in her mood.
after throwing her backpack somewhere in the living room, y/n managed to find two slices of pizza from god knows where.
a car pulling up in her driveway took her focus away from the microwave. her parents weren't supposed to be home till next week, so who could be the mystery driver?
a familiar red bmw was crookedly parked in front of y/n's house.
y/n opened the door just as the driver went to knock, his curled hand frozen in the air.
y/n looks up at her old friend, bruised and beaten. blood dried around his eye, nose and lips, his eyebrows are furrowed in what she could only guess was hurt and anger.
y/n and steve haven't gotten along the best ever since he stopped being her friend. he'd rather hang out with tommy hagan and carol perkins. it was more than a stab in the heart to y/n when he ditched her on the first day of their sophomore year, over a year ago.
"what are- shit are you okay?" y/n leans forward to hold his head in her hands, examining the damage done to his skin.
"i didn't know where else to go," his voice sounds as fragile as a glass bottle. it could break any moment and he was worried no one would be there to pick up the pieces.
y/n noticed the waver in his words, causing the girl to bring him into a tight hug.
her arms wrapped around his neck, embracing him as he held her waist. he shoved his face into her neck, muffling the light cries falling from his eyes.
"you're okay, you're okay steve," y/n mumbles into the air, as she runs her fingers over the hair at the base of his neck.
steve shook softly in her arms. y/n does nothing but hold him closer.
she doesn't care that her front door is open. she doesn't care if people from her neighborhood are staring. she doesn't care if she has to stay like this all night.
all she wanted was for steve to be okay.
after minutes, steve let go of y/n. he wiped he eyes, before remembering one of them was severely injured. he hisses at the pain his touch causes.
y/n lets him inside, shutting the door behind the pair.
"you go ahead and shower. wash some of the blood out of your hair, okay?" y/n's voice is calm as steve nods.
he knows her house like the back of his hand. after being here so many times in the past, he walks down the hall to the last room on the right, immediately turning on the shower.
y/n's quick to grab a towel before walking to her room. she pulls open the all too familiar drawer.
the drawer filled with steve's clothes.
ever since freshman year, whenever steve stayed over he always ended up leaving an article of clothing almost every time he left. so over the span of two years, there were about five and a half different outfits in the bottom drawer of y/n's grey dresser.
she grabbed a pair of sweatpants and old gym tshirt, hoping they'd fit him.
hearing the water still running, she quietly opens the door, placing both the towel and clean clothes onto the counter.
minutes pass before steve turns off the water. his heart warms at the sight of clean clothes on the counter, and he notices his dirty clothes were gone off the floor.
he's extra careful when drying off his hair, and makes sure to be gentle around his face.
a knock makes him jump slightly.
"are you alright?" y/n asks, "i uh- found some medical supplies from my parents room. i think i can help with your cuts."
steve opens the door, and he swears his heart melts again at the sight of y/n. she's holding a small container filled with medical supplies just like she said. she had a certain look in her eyes, one steve couldn't quite recognize.
"do you-" steve let his question trail off as he pointed from the bathroom then towards her room.
"bathroom's fine," she replies, watching as he sits down on the closed toilet.
she starts sifting through the box of supplies, hoping to find at least one thing that could help with steve's injuries.
"so what did you do to get yourself all beat up?" y/n finally asks.
steve doesn't look at her, instead focusing on the tiled floor beneath his feet.
"i said shit that made jonathan pissed," steve doesn't even have to look at y/n to know she's sending him a scolding look. "if i could take back what i said i would."
y/n starts taking a wipe to get off any dried blood steve missed in the shower. she holds his face, making him look up at her.
"would you take it back if he never heard it? or would you just take it back since you told him?"
steve's silence is the only answer y/n needs to prove her point.
she hears small sounds coming from steve as she finishes wiping the blood. she continues apologizing, not wanting to hurt him more fhan he already is.
"why are you being so nice to me?"
his question catches y/n off gaurd. her movements pause as her hand hovers over his face with a bandaid for his nose.
"you came to me when you were hurting. is it so bad i want to help you?"
y/n continues working to patch up steve's face, while his silence gives her the answer she needs once more.
just as she places the last bandaid on his chin, steve speaks up.
"thank you, really. i don't know anyone else who would help me with this."
"of course steve," she sends him a soft smile. she checks one last time over his face, making sure she didn't miss anything.
y/n throws any trash on the counter away, letting steve stand and inspect her work in the mirror.
as y/n walks back to the bathroom, she pokes her head in the doorframe. she studies his face for a moment. watching his fingers trace over the fresh bandaids. she watched as his hair slightly moved with every turn of his head.
steve notices the girl standing behind him, making a switch flip in her head, suddenly reminding her what she was going to ask.
"do you want to stay for a little? i could try and find an ice pack for your eye."
steve nods, making y/n lead him towards the living room. he's quick to sit in the couch, finally feeling the stress and worry leave his shoulders.
he starts picking at his fingernails, looking around the all too familiar living room. there were still pictures up of y/n as a baby. even a few more pictures were added as she went through high school.
"okay i don't have any ice packs, but i found this," steve turns his head, chuckling at the bright red coca cola can in her hands.
steve lets his eyes stay on y/n. he notices her hairs gotten slightly darker in the past year. her freckles are less prominent. her eyes seem more dull.
he looks up at her hoping she can notice he wants to be saved. wants to be saved by her. saved from the assholes he hangs out with now. saved from the stress of high school. saved from it all.
as steve hasn't taken the can, y/n sits beside him on the couch and holds it gently over the bandaid around his eye.
a small blush creeps its way onto steve's cheeks. y/n notices.
the two sit in a comfortable silence, as y/n turns the can from time to time so the coldest part is always on steve's bruised face.
"i think you kind of deserved it."
steve's eyebrows furrow as he turns to look at y/n. her monotone expression only confuses him more.
"losing the fight to jonathan."
"i never said i lost–"
y/n simply ignores him, "maybe his punches finally knocked some sense into you."
steve might consider himself an idiot sometimes, but he knew what y/n meant. he curses at himself every day for why he ditched the girl sitting next to him.
"i don't even know why i did it."
y/n's silence made him continue.
"i guess i hated feeling so small in school. so i started talking to the people i thought were cool. it's dumb believe me, i know," steve leans forward to run his hand through his hair.
it's a nervous tick steve picked up over the years. one y/n recognized.
she simply reached her other hand to his own, rubbing her thumb over his palm.
"you're still the same steve i know," y/n's voice is quiet. "you may have a bigger ego and be an asshole sometimes. but you're still the boy who danced with me at the snow ball when no one else would."
"you know," steve's voice seemed brighter as an idea popped into his head. "i still owe you a full dance."
"what do you mean?" y/n laughed, "you already danced with me. at the snow ball."
"not for the whole thing. if i can recall i swooped in to save the day probably halfway through the song."
y/n can only laugh again while watching steve start searching through the limited record selection in the living room.
"what are you even looking for?"
steve holds out his pointer finger, before running towards y/n's room, not satisfied with any choices from the living room.
seconds pass until steve's back in the living room, with a record in hand.
y/n tries peering over his arm to see which one he grabbed, before he slid the disc out and put it into the record player.
the familiar beginning to our last summer by abba began playing.
"steve, this isn't even a slow dance type of song," y/n tries to argue, but steve only grabs her hands to pull her up off the couch.
"i don't care, i still owe you a dance," he then places both hands on her hips. "plus i know this is one of your favorite songs."
y/n smiles up at him while holding onto his shoulders as the two sway side to side.
"you remember that?"
steve nods, "of course. i could never forget anything about you."
y/n feels the blush brushing her cheeks now as she looks down at her feet, trying to hide her nerves.
as the song progressed, steve and y/n continued swaying slowly. after seconds of internally debating to herself, y/n leans forward to press her head against his chest.
she lets all the anger and hurt for steve seep out of her. each sway the boy creates, a pound of regret leaves y/n's body.
she swears she can hear his heartbeat pick up at their close contact, but she doesn't mention this, only smiling to herself.
steve's breath quickens for a split second as y/n's head rests on him. he reaches his hand up to hold the back of her head, rubbing his thumb slightly. he kisses the top of her head, only making y/n wish it was humanly possible to become closer to steve.
"y/n," steve's voice is low a rough, he worries she didn't hear it.
she removes her head from his chest to look up at him. his hand stays on the back of her head, pushing only slightly, giving her the reason to back up if she pleases.
she doesn't back up. in fact she leans foward whether it be because of steve's touch or not. she doesn't want to back up.
in a matter of seconds steve's lip press against y/n's. the cut on his bottom lip stings slightly, but he couldn't care less about the pain. if kissing y/n made his lip sting, he would still kiss her a thousand times.
y/n's hands grip his shoulders tighter, trying to push him closer as they both deepen the kiss.
y/n begins to pull back, needing a second to regain her lost breath that was stolen by steve. however the brunette doesn't allow it, pulling the girl back in for another kiss.
her hands move to his neck. her fingers begin pulling at the hair, eliciting a small breathy moan from steve.
it caught y/n off gaurd, making her pull away again.
the two silently share eye contact. their panted breaths are mingling with each others.
steve leans forward to kiss her again. his way of telling y/n he wants nothing more than her.
he can only guess she gets the idea, when she giggles at the feeling of steve picking her up off the ground to carry her to her own room.
y/n laugh is cut off by steve slamming her bedroom door behind the two, "you know no one's here right? you didn't have to close the door."
steve simply shrugs as he lays down on the bed above y/n.
their fourth kiss of many for the night begin to become more and more passionate.
y/n would be lying if she said she didn't want to sleep with steve. and steve vice versa with y/n. but they weren't about to admit that tonight.
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fairyysoup · 4 months
matters of taste
part one (repost)
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pairing(s): steve harrington x fem!reader x eddie munson
summary: Not all trainees are great on the job. Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson in a bakery, however? Absolutely unmatched.
content warnings: explicit (18+ MINORS DNI) smut, threesome - f/m/m, semi-public sex, workplace sex, car sex, handjobs, oral (f+m receiving), cunnilingus, unprotected sex, spitroast, fluids play, dumbification, praise, degradation, implied masochism, mention of housewife kink, steve harrington has a big dick, enemies to lovers-ish but they're all crazy about each other let's be real\
a/n: this is my second time trying to repost this!! let's not talk about how ugly it looks ok i think the header is implying that reader is a sentient pie and honestly... yeah
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It’s… you know what. It’s whatever. It’s not a big deal. It’s fine, everything’s fine.
You pause midway through frosting some cinnamon rolls to watch one of the newbies wheeling a cart of mislabelled muffins past your decorating table. You strategically keep your voice void of inflection as you say, “Price stickers, Harrington.”
You watch Steve dramatically jostle the cart back around to wheel it toward the rack that contains the multitudes of different flavor and price stickers used in the bakery, swearing like a sailor the whole time. He collides with another cart, and slams it directly into your other trainee, Eddie Munson. 
“Shitshitshitshit shit-” Eddie curses and stumbles into a rolling rack of donuts. He grabs the rack before it can topple over, and succeeds in catching four trays of donuts when they fall out of their slots and into his arms. 
You roll your eyes at the spectacle the two of them create, which is quickly becoming the norm, and go back to stroking globs of cream cheese frosting across the cinnamon rolls in front of you. 
It’s not like they’re the world’s worst trainees or anything. It’s not like they’re completely incompetent, or that they purposefully goes out of their way to make your job unnecessarily difficult or anything. It’s not like, together, they create the most chaotic and hazardous environment possible.
No, sir. Nothing to see here. No problems to be had. 
“‘You didn’t put the price stickers on, Steve-’” you hear Steve mocking you in a purposefully insulting falsetto, and give him a side-eye that you know he can’t see. “Mehmehmeh- ‘You didn’t put the bagels in properly. You didn’t frost the bundt cakes just right.’”
“‘You didn’t circumcise the bread bags,’” Eddie adds as he shoves the trays of smushed donuts back onto the rack and grabs a rag to wipe icing from his apron.
“Fucking what?” You turn to look at them fully, holding your frosting covered hands out in front of you.
“I don’t know!” Steve whirls around to sneer at you. His bubblegum pink uniform shirt is just about the same color as his face, rosy and flushed with the heat from the ovens and probably his climbing heart rate. “Why’s everything gotta be packaged differently? It’s just bread!”
“I don’t make the rules! Don’t argue with me and just do it!” That’s another thing. Steve’s just so argumentative, about everything. How you package things, how you wash the dishes, how you clean the floors at the end of the day. Meanwhile, Eddie won’t argue with you per-se, but the day he does something correctly will be the day pigs fly. It’s the most annoying fucking thing you’ve had to deal with at this job, and you’re stuck training them. 
It’s not a particularly hard job. You’re just clerks at Mimi’s Bakery, nothing is out of the realm of doability- it’s more of a stamina sport. You’re all closers, so that means a lot of packaging and a lot of cleaning, interspersed with helping some late afternoon and evening customers, within an eight hour shift. It isn’t very busy anymore, either; summer’s over, and you still have about a month until the holiday rushes start. It shouldn’t be too terribly difficult for them, but they’ve both been here for two weeks and still act like they were born yesterday.
Steve spends an extraordinarily long time putting the price tags on the packages of muffins- and putting them on crooked, anyway, so that the entire pile looks janky and rushed despite his slow pace. Eddie’s too busy wiping chocolate icing from his arms to notice Steve’s haphazard labeling. 
Your eyes trail the wet rag that Eddie drags across his skin, leaving behind only the ink from his tattoos for you to scrutinize. During the lull, the bakery’s PA system comically offsets the tension in the room with a generic old jazz standard. Your boss, Mimi Callaghan, has an enthusiasm for novelties from her youth- hence the confectionary shop-style pink pinstriped uniform dress you wear, and your clashing forest green apron just oozing with sex appeal. Steve looks like a knockoff Ken doll in his similar blouse and khakis, but he confessed to you on his first day that he used to work at the Scoops Ahoy in the old Hawkins Mall, so you assume he isn’t too phased by it. You’re not about to tell him that he makes it work. Eddie, on the other hand, looks like someone picked him up at the Local Smokes down the street and thrust him into the uniform against his will, like he’s not really supposed to be here. You hate that you find the weird juxtaposition of his tattoos to the pink and green uniform kind of hot.
“Don’t forget to face the shelves when you put them out,” you tell Steve as he pushes the cart past you again. 
Steve’s ears glow bright red. “I’ll put out something-”
“Suck my fucking nuts, Harrington, you wanna do the job right or not?”
Eddie cackles loudly as Steve turns around, but instead of glaring at you he just looks mildly amused, like Eddie’s hysterical laughter rubbed off on him. “Why’re you so mean to me, huh?”
“What?” You splutter, gloved hands flexing in the air and squishing frosting between your fingers. “Why- why’re you so fucking difficult? Put the goddamn muffins out, we don’t have all day-”
“I think she likes you, Harrington.” 
You squint at Eddie, still rubbing himself down leisurely with the rag, twisting his rings around his fingers idly even though he didn’t even get any icing on them. He leans against the counter with a smirk on his pretty pink lips like he thinks he’s done something. Like there can’t be another reason for why you’re so easily frustrated by Steve- by either of them, really. Like their lack of decorum or work ethic are completely out of the question, you guess, to his way of thinking. 
“Like him?” you scoff, trying to appear nonchalant as you go back to smacking cream cheese frosting across the pans of pastries in front of you. “Puh- lease. He’s infuriating, he doesn't listen to directions. Also, Steve, your customer service voice? It- you know what, it’s obnoxious. We work in a bakery, you don’t have to put the moves on every girl that comes in.”
“Oh, okay. Hear me out- maybe you don’t like my customer service voice because you’re jealous.” Steve hums, rocking back on his heels and looking even more smug than he did a few seconds ago. “I can put the moves on you, too, if you’re feeling left out.”
You don’t dignify that offer with a response. You kind of just want to punch him in the face. “Go put the muffins out and let me listen to the goddamn PA in peace.”
He has the decency to look shocked. “You like this goofy old shit?”
“I love this goofy old shit, which is more than I can say about you.”
“It’s okay, sweet pea,” Eddie hums casually, in as condescending of a voice as he can muster. “You don’t have to pretend like you aren’t into Harrington. I know I am.” 
“And you, Munson-” You whirl on him, pointing one frosting covered finger angrily in his direction, at which his eyes go all wide and innocent. “Don’t even get me started. Your fucking hair gets everywhere. I swear I had to excavate an entire gerbil from the garlic bread you made yesterday. Take a fucking weedwacker to that thing, for the love of god. And… and your tattoos are fucking dumb.”
You don’t want to admit that you like the sight of the tattoos, actually. When Mimi had told you that the newbies you’d be training were gonna be “that darling Steve Harrington, and his friend, the Munson boy” you’d been a little bit pleased. There isn’t much to admire in a bakery except cakes, and if having the two of them around the bakery means things just got a little more scenic, then you were happy to have them. 
Unfortunately, a pretty face often means an infernal personality. Finding one without the other would probably take an act of god at this point. Times two, you got stuck with the fucking chaos twins.
“Dumb?” Eddie wolf whistles. “That smarts, sweetheart. It really does. You haven’t even seen all of my tattoos yet. I’d love to give you a tour of them, though-”
Your face burns at the thought of Eddie Munson letting you get a first class look at his tattoos. He probably has ones in places even god doesn’t know about, and you glare down at the cinnamon rolls in front of you to hide how flustered you are about it. “Fuck you, Munson.”
“I wish you would.”
“For christ’s sake- Steve. Muffins, now.”
Steve does what he’s told, for a change. It doesn’t give you as much of an ego boost as it usually does- really, you just feel sort of dull as you snap your rubber gloves off and throw them in the trash can to the side. You don’t know why you let them bother you as much as they do, but for some reason the just jerk your chain like nothing else.
The bell over the front door jingles, alerting you to the arrival of a customer. You take a quick peek at the ovens behind you to check the time; it’s nearly 8, and the bakery closes at 10. You fight to not roll your eyes as you grab a pair of gloves in case whoever it is wants something out of the display case. 
“Hi, what can I get for you?” Your voice is sing-songy enough that you want to smack yourself. A middle aged woman has made a bee-line for the counter, straight past where Steve is bent over a display table, struggling to shift all the old muffin boxes to the top and slide the newer ones underneath them. 
You stare at his ass for… probably way longer than necessary, honestly. 
The woman points at a singular cake box left on the counter from today’s special orders, and immediately reaches up to take it without any other introduction. 
Oh. One of these customers. The ones who come in and grab stuff off the counter without asking for assistance, who will walk back into the kitchen to look at the overstock racks and help themselves to things that haven’t been put out on the floor yet.
A tight smile curls at your lips as you snag the tag on the box and look at the name before she can yank it off the counter from you. “For Linda?”
The woman nods curtly. As you turn the box to face her, your eyes shift back to Steve as he moves around the side of the display table. He stretches his arm out to reach for a stack on a higher shelf, and your eyes linger on the way the short sleeve of his uniform shirt rides up to expose his bicep.
“This is not the cake I ordered.”
“What?” You snap your eyes back to Linda’s pinched face, glaring down at the cake on the counter. It’s a basic sheet cake, with white frosting and a screaming red border, that says ‘Great Job Oscar!’ on it. Not necessarily a masterpiece, but a neat and pretty cake nonetheless.
“I ordered a cake with a winning streak theme. This has nothing on it,” Linda says icily as you snatch up the order slip you had taken off of the box and inspect it.
“A marble quarter sheet with white buttercream and a red border, that says ‘Great Job Oscar!’ in black icing?”
“That’s… what’s on the cake, ma’am.”
“But there’s no other decoration. Where’s the winning streak theme?”
You blink, and briefly make eye contact with Steve over the woman’s shoulder. He’s all but abandoned his task of stacking muffin boxes, instead watching your face carefully as your conversation plays out. He raises one eyebrow at you, and you’re not sure if that’s him trying to be condescending or supportive. 
“I- I apologize, ma’am-” you start, looking for a way to dig your way out of the situation, “The order does say that you requested the theme, but you didn’t specify any decorations. Our decorators won’t take liberties with the order on their own if you don’t request-”
“I don’t have time for this,” Linda interjects, and you clamp your mouth shut with a dull ache beginning to throb in your temples. “I’m supposed to be at a winning streak themed party in twenty minutes and I have an embarrassment of a cake to show for it. I should be reimbursed.”
“The cake wasn’t paid for in advance,” you tell her mildly, trying not to crinkle the page with her order on it as you hold it up. 
“Uh… accommodated, then. I shouldn’t have to pay for something I didn’t want in the first place!”
“I’m afraid I can’t just give you a cake for free, ma’am. I’m not authorized.”
“Can I speak to your manager, then?” 
You open your mouth to say that, technically, you are what amounts to the shift manager. It’s just you and Eddie and Steve in the store, and even though neither of your job descriptions really include the word ‘manager’ in them, seniority rules over all. You’ve been here long enough to be able to train them, so by right you’re the one in charge. 
But then a warm hand touches the curve of your lower back, and Steve appears out of thin air to gently scoot you aside without so much as a hello.
“What seems to be the trouble, ma’am?” Steve smiles, and you could almost mistake him for being sincere if his fingertips didn’t dig into your back just slightly before pulling away. 
Linda visibly softens her demeanor, smoothing her stringy blonde hair away from her face. “Are you the manager?”
You scrutinize his profile, trying for all the world to read his fucking mind, because you have no idea what he’s thinking. He’s barely even taken a cake order, let alone dealt with a disgruntled customer with a botched one.
“That, I am!” Steve declares, and oh. Cheeky motherfucker. He’s doing the voice. He bats his eyelashes- big, long, sweeping blinks that you think can make him take flight if he tries much harder. “What can I do for you?”
“This girl,” Linda tells him shortly, not even looking at you when she motions in your direction, “is refusing to compromise about this cake. It’s not what I ordered, and if I have to show up for this party without a winning streak themed cake, I’m going to be embarrassed. The customer is always right!”
“In matters of taste,” Eddie says from over your shoulder.
Linda fixes Eddie with a cold stare. “I’m sorry?”
“That, uh… that saying.” Eddie steps up to your other side, obviously choking back a laugh as he clears his throat. “The full saying is, ‘The customer is always right in matters of taste.’ Meaning you’re right about your order, we can’t argue with your personal preferences.” 
“Exactly.” Steve shrugs easily, the picture of self-assurance as he takes the order sheet from your hand and looks it over. You’re not even sure if he entirely understands how to dissect the order sheet itself, but he looks convincing enough while doing it. “If you don’t like the cake, you don’t have to buy it. But my gi- ‘ this’ girl is right.”
You snap your eyes toward Steve, the back of your neck burning. His what?
Steve continues like he’s made no mistake whatsoever. “We can’t give you the cake for free- the only person who can do that is the owner.”
Linda scowls. “‘Take it or leave it,’ you mean?”
Steve affords her a kind smile. “I’d be happy to pull any of our cakes out of the display instead, if you see any you prefer.”
“No,” Linda insists, obviously unhappy about it, “I’ve been coming here for twenty years and this has never happened, the owner knows me-”
“We can call Mimi, if you’d like,” he adds. 
“No, like I said, I have a party in twenty minutes,” Linda says sourly, and begins digging through her purse. “No, I’ll pay for this one, I guess.”
Behind the counter, you watch Steve ball up Linda’s cake order sheet in his palm, squeeze it unnecessarily hard, and toss it into the waste bin. Then, faster than fucking lightning, you watch Eddie type the price of the cake into the cash register. He hits the sales tax button twice.
“Come back soon!” Eddie says cheerfully as he hands her the receipt. 
You stand motionless behind them both, dumbfounded, until Linda leaves. And then Steve’s immediately cursing, shaking his head as he turns and starts walking toward the back room, hands untying the bow at his waist to undo his apron. “They’ll say anything for free shit. Anything. What the fuck is a ‘winning streak’ theme, anyways? I swear- no, you know what, I don’t actually fucking care. I used to give out freebies all the time at Scoops. But this isn’t corporate, and Mimi knows my family-” 
You follow him closely, disappearing into the back with him as he continues blathering. “Why did you do that?” 
“Hm?” Steve pauses as he’s pulling his apron over his head, and stares at you for a few seconds, like he doesn’t even know what you’re referring to. And then, you see his brown eyes widen. “Oh! I guess… I mean, I could see it going bad, and I figured if she wasn’t listening to you, then she’d probably listen to me. If I, y’know. Put the moves on her.”
You snort loudly. “Always so fuckin’ cute- I could have handled it myself.”
“No, I know you could have. I know.” Steve nods, his hair sort of fluttering around his face as he looks away from you. “But… y’know, you don’t have to. You shouldn’t have to, while I’m here. I’ve been tortured by KGB and fought monsters, I can deal with an angry customer-”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Oh. Uh…” He pauses, eyes drifting off to the side, to meet Eddie’s, who trailed behind you into the back room and is lingering over your shoulder. “Dun- Dungeons and… and Dragons? Yeah… yeah! Have you- have you played it?”
“You?” Your giggle splutters loudly in your chest before bubbling up out of your throat unexpectedly. “Steve Harrington plays Dungeons and Dragons? You like that goofy sword and sorcery shit?”
“Fucking metal sword and sorcery shit, thank you very much,” Eddie snaps, and you scoff at him. 
Steve chuckles at your little jab at his words from earlier, looking anywhere but at your face. “Yeah, sort of. I mean… Munson taught me a bit about it.”
“Everything he knows.” Eddie’s grin is wide and holds an air of mystery to it, like he knows something you don’t.
“Hm. Put that on a t-shirt for me and maybe I’ll buy it.” You blush, staring at Steve’s profile as he pulls a water bottle out of the employee break cabinet and takes a long drink from it. Then, you turn to Eddie, who leans against the door jamb. “Where’d you learn that thing about ‘the customer is always right,’ anyways?”
“Hm? Oh… I used to help my uncle Wayne in his garage,” Eddie explains nonchalantly. “Learned a lot from watching him deal with customers.”
“Right,” you hum, nodding slowly, and then turn to Steve. “And you. You could get in so much fucking trouble if Mimi finds out about that whole thing. Where did you pick that up?”
“My best friend- Robin Buckley? You know her?” Steve says as he puts the bottle back in the cabinet and snaps it shut. You shake your head, and he goes on. “Yeah. She’s crazy smart. We worked together at Scoops, and Family Video. Always had a way to respond to everything, even though she’s awkward as hell. And before you ask- yes, she would have tried to put the moves on Linda, too.”
“Would she?”
“Oh yeah.” Steve grins at you fondly, making your heart stall in your chest a bit. “Every single move in the book. If you ask me, she’s better with the ladies than I am.”
You laugh, then nod your head slowly, looking him up and down. “Okay. You’re actually fucking hilarious, Harrington. Too bad I hate your guts.”
“Really? I’m moving up in the world.” Steve grunts. “There’s a fine line between love and hate, my darling dearest.”
“Is that why you almost called me ‘your girl?’”
His smirk creates cute little dimples in his cheeks. “No, I almost did that because you’re the only one who can tell me to suck on their nuts, and I’ll actually consider doing it.”
Before you can even take a moment to process that little wise-crack, Eddie’s distracting you. His hand passes through your line of vision, then comes up and presses against the front of your green apron, just against your breast. You genuinely think he’s trying to feel you up, and you snap your eyes down to find his ringed fingers scraping a giant drop of cream cheese frosting off of your chest. 
You feel your cheeks heat up. That must have come from when you were frosting the cinnamon rolls- more like smacking them around with frosting, really- and the fact that it was there the entire time Linda was here is more than humiliating. You must have looked like such an idiot, trying to conduct yourself like a manager-
“Messy little thing, aren’t you?” Eddie murmurs, using that same fucking condescending tone that makes your hair stand on end, before meeting your eye and sucking the glob of frosting off of his two fingers.
You get a sudden head rush, and it takes way more self restraint than it should to not audibly whimper. Oh, he really shouldn’t have done that. 
You stare at him for a long moment, your eyes flickering between his, and his fingers in between his ungodly pink lips. You… you feel like you’re fucking drowning, floundering around with your head underwater and you don’t know what to do. You snap your eyes to Steve, looking for some sort of sympathy or support, but he doesn’t give you any of that. Instead, he just winks. 
No. They absolutely should not have done that.
“Fucking… fuck this. Fuck both of you- I have work to do,” you hiss, trying to skirt past buckets of frosting to get around where Eddie’s blocking the doorway, but he refuses to step aside, instead creating a one-man barricade while he snickers and continues sucking on his fingers just to rile you up even more. “Fucking move, Eddie.”
“Oh, it’s Eddie now?” He grins, obviously enjoying how much you’re struggling, with your chest pushed up against his and your arm nearly circling his waist to lever yourself against the other side of the door. 
“Fuck you,” you spit, for a lack of anything else to say. 
“For the second time, I wish you would.” Eddie raises his hand and captures your chin, tilting your head up so that you look at him, instead of over his shoulder or to the side at Steve. Your heart jumps into your throat, feeling his damp fingers on your cheek and remembering how he had been sucking on them a second ago. “Might clean out that filthy mouth of yours.”
“What do you think you’re doing, huh?” You snatch Eddie by his pinstriped collar, simultaneously pulling him down to your height and also pushing him back against the wire rack of boxes along the far wall. Eddie curses, stumbling and grabbing onto your hips as if that will steady himself. His nose nudges yours from this angle, and how close you crowd up against him. “You drive me up the fucking wall, Munson. You think you can just sweet talk me like I’m some uptight customer?”
“Woah,” Steve says from behind you, but he doesn’t sound the slightest bit surprised. More amused, and intrigued. “I think you struck a nerve.” 
“Did I?” Eddie whispers, with a hint of a smirk still on his face. His dark eyes are looking directly into yours.
He doesn’t even have time to breathe before you kiss him. Desperately. Long and hard and sort of angry, open-mouthed so that you can taste the frosting still on his tongue. He makes the prettiest sound you’ve ever heard- somewhere between a sigh and a moan, as his hands come up to cup your face and pull you closer into him. His knee slotting between your legs, not pushing up but just remaining solidly there for you to lean against it. It takes an inordinate amount of strength for you not to grind yourself down onto his thigh.
“Guess that’s a yes,” Steve says calmly from just beside you. 
Eddie pulls back for air, forehead resting against yours, thumbs stroking your cheekbones in a mockery of a tender embrace. “Go on. Show Harrington how much you hate him, too.”
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do,” you grumble, but your hands have better plans. One stays on Eddie’s shoulder, but the other snatches Steve by the collar and pulls him forward so that you can attack his face with the same amount of fervor. Eddie has no compunction to be gentlemanly- while Steve’s hand rests lightly on your lower back, Eddie’s creeps up underneath your skirt to give your ass a tight squeeze, pulling you forward to grind against his thigh and making you gasp against Steve’s mouth so that his tongue can lick deeper into yours.
Nothing quite prepares you for how Eddie’s voice affects you when he says, “Uh oh, Harrington. I think I was right- she likes you. Don’t you, sweetheart?”
You make a short noise in your throat, your hand sliding down Steve’s chest to his waist, fingers beginning to make quick work of his fly. “Let’s- let’s just double check, huh? Make extra sure.”
“God- yeah. Yeah, okay. Just- be on the safe side.” Steve’s tongue is burning up when it touches your neck, his head nuzzling down so that he can graze your throat with his teeth. 
Eddie catches your hand before you manage to wiggle it beneath his waistband, and looks you directly in the eye just before he spits onto your palm. You whimper noisily at the feeling of it, warm and wet, dripping between your fingers while Steve licks at your neck and heat simmers under the tender skin between your thighs.
Air punches from Steve’s mouth when you work his trousers down his hips and pull his erection out of his boxers- he’s not quite pulsing and swollen yet, but your fingertips still just barely manage to meet from how thick he is. 
“Jesus Christ, Harrington,” you curse as you give him a languid stroke, feeling him shudder when you brush your thumb over his tip and then drag your hand down his length again. Eddie’s saliva helps to make the motion fluid and smooth, adding a slick sound to punctuate Steve’s loud gasp. 
“What?” Steve hisses, trying his best to appear passive, but his voice betrays him and cracks. He gazes at you a bit apprehensively, his doe eyes looking a little foggy with need as they flicker over your face and focus on your lips. 
“Nothing on earth needs to be this big.” 
Eddie’s free hand coming up to weave through Steve’s hair and jerking his head back. His teeth catch Steve’s earlobe just before he murmurs, “Told ya, big boy.” Eddie looks directly at you over Steve’s shoulder. “Harrington’s packing a fucking monster, isn’t he?”
You hum as you let your fingers drift along the length of him. Steve’s gaze suddenly turns darker, and his chuckle falls flat out of his mouth like an exclamation of awe more than anything. “Think you can take it?”
You don’t answer that. Your grip tightens just a bit and he groans loudly, his eyes rolling back as he tilts his head toward the ceiling. “Are you one of those guys that’ll come as soon as I gag?” 
“Fuck, maybe?” Steve’s hands cup the sides of your neck and trail up to cradle your head as you lower yourself in front of him. 
Eddie scoffs. “He can’t handle it worth a shit. Don’t go easy on him.”
“Then he’d better hold on to something.” You scrape your nails down his exposed thigh, reveling in the way his entire body shakes at the feeling. 
And, without any further warning, you wrap your lips around his cock. 
Steve curses, hands balling into fists just before he slams them down against the shelf he’s leaning on. Through your lashes, you watch him gasp for breath and you wonder if he’s honestly going to last long enough to fuck you properly. Not that it really matters, though, because Eddie seems like he’ll be more than happy to pick up where Steve leaves off. 
Eddie’s hand rests on the crown of your head, guiding you on Steve’s cock. His tip leaks with precum that tastes salty on your tongue when you lick at his slit, and as you take him further into your mouth, you realize just how right you were. He hits the back of your throat, making tears spring up in your eyes and a quiet moan bubble up out of your chest on its own when you choke. 
Steve just about loses his mind over it. He groans loudly, scrambling for a place to put his hands and ending up with a fistful of Eddie’s uniform shirt while he tries to compose himself. 
“Holy fuck, you look so good with your mouth full,” Steve grunts, his free hand coming up your chin as he slides his cock out of your mouth and back in again.
“I think I like her more when she can’t talk back to us,” Eddie chuckles darkly, pressing on the back of your head and making you choke again. 
Steve hisses, his fingers tightening on your cheek. “Look at me, let me see those eyes- there you go. Pretty baby.”
You whimper, letting your jaw go slack so that Steve can fuck your mouth all he wants while you try to steady yourself. You should hate it. You should hate this- you hate them both. You think. 
Wait. Do you? 
You’ve never been this needy before, but hell if your cunt isn’t just throbbing in your uncomfortably wet panties, and your nails are digging into Steve’s skin where you grip his thighs for support. If he notices any pain from it, he doesn’t say anything- just keeps giving you these erotic little gasps every time his cock nudges the back of your throat and your eyes flicker shut for a moment before he taps your cheek and makes you open them again. 
“We should do this more often,” Steve says thickly, and without thinking, you hum in agreement. You add a little resistance against Eddie’s hand on your head to regain a bit of control, letting your tongue roll against Steve’s length however you want. 
“You think she’ll give it this good if she’s getting fucked?” Eddie muses suddenly, his finger’s toying with your hair rather than guiding you anymore. 
“Fuck- only one way to find out.” Steve shakily releases the fistful he has of Eddie’s shirt, letting him slip away from his side. Eddie’s hand leaves your head, instead falling to the tie on his apron to start undoing it. 
You whine softly, shuffling up on your knees and nearly slipping when you feel Eddie’s hands flipping the skirt of your dress up, exposing you to the cool air. His large hand smooths over the hem of your underwear, then lowers to stroke the cleft of your pussy through the fabric. 
“Oh, poor thing.”  
“What is it?” Steve asks. 
“She’s soaked through these pretty panties,” Eddie coos softly as his fingers stroke back and forth over the fabric, nudging your clit with achingly gentle, indirect touches. You moan, arching your back for more. “Baby got so wet from sucking Steve’s cock, huh? Sweet little pussy needs some attention?”
“Shit. God, that’s so hot. Fuck-” Steve grabs your hair, guiding you off of his cock with a wet noise that makes Eddie’s fingers press on your clit just a little bit harder. You splutter, drool trailing from your lips and dripping down your chin as you try to catch your breath. Something you can’t quite do, because Eddie won’t stop touching you. 
Steve tilts your head up, leveraging you backwards a bit as he kneels in front of you. “You want Eddie to fuck you? Is that what you need?”
You nod, wrapping your hand around Steve’s wet cock and giving him a few slow pumps. “Yeah, I-” you hiccup when you feel Eddie’s fingers hook your panties to the side, and dip through your dripping folds, unobstructed. “Oh fuck, I want it so bad.”
“Don’t hate us so goddamn much now?” Eddie croons as he presses two fingers deep into your pussy. 
You groan and hang your head, forehead pressing up against Steve’s navel and your nails sinking into the meat of his thigh. You can feel his cock twitch in your hand, and it occurs to you that he likes that pain- or maybe he just likes holding you against him while Eddie fingerfucks you.
Steve’s fingers card through your hair tenderly. “Keep doing what you’re doing, Munson. I think she’s having trouble talking.”
“For a change.” Eddie curls his fingers, and you nearly lose your balance, thankful that you have Steve to hold you up. “So fuckin’ wet… I think I want to taste it first.”
Eddie’s fingers leave you, and you openly sob against Steve’s stomach as his grip tightens in your hair. “E-eddie…”
His two hands curl around the waistband of your panties, and rip through the fabric as though it’s only paper. “Hold her up, Steve, it sounds like she’s gonna need it.”
Steve puts his hands on your shoulders and holds you up, rocking back so that he can get a good look at your face. Eddie spreads your legs apart, and you can feel him crowding his body in between them. There’s a slight pause, and then his tongue touches you, licking a stripe of fucking fire through your cunt from behind. 
Oh shit. Holy fucking shit. It’s too good, too warm and slick when you’ve been aching for it for way too long, your clit pulsing desperately and burning hot when his tongue strokes over it. You strain up against Steve’s hands, but he keeps pushing you forward, keeping you there against Eddie’s mouth. You moan obscenely loud, your hands tearing at Steve’s shirt like it’ll somehow convince him to let you go. 
“You’re so damn pretty like this, angel,” Steve whispers, tilting your chin up when your head falls so he can keep looking at your face. He’s flushed, his lips parted and his eyes drooping and so dark that you nearly balk under his gaze.
Eddie groans in the back of his throat and finally pulls back, and you’re not sure whether to chase his mouth or to sob for relief, so you sort of do both at the same time. He plants a hand on your ass to keep you from falling backwards into him. 
“Fuck, she tastes so sweet. Here-” You feel him move, and then Steve holds up a hand to catch something that Eddie tosses to him. 
You lift your eyes and discover that Steve is holding your torn underwear. The light blue fabric looks so out of place and innocent, little pink flowers decorating the waistband. It makes it worse that he’s looking directly at you, keeping you frozen in place. He holds them up to his nose and breathes deeply, letting his eyes flutter shut just briefly before he looks at you again and drags the soaked crotch of them across his tongue. 
“Steve…” you breathe, overwhelmed by the sight of him and the sound of his groan of pleasure. You search for something to say to him, but nothing comes before you feel something hot and thick pushing into your soaking entrance. You gasp, and then claw at Steve’s thigh in lieu of something to hold onto. “Fuck, Eddie-” 
“Shouldn’t you be choking on Steve’s cock right about now?” Eddie hisses through his teeth, sounding strained and letting out a low groan to punctuate it. 
You whine, feeling unbelievably stretched and full as Eddie splits you open, but you still scramble backwards and sink your mouth onto Steve’s cock so quickly that a gasp leaps out of his chest. 
Steve punches out a little laugh, his hand twisting your hair and pushing you down until your eyes water. “So agreeable once you get your pussy filled.”
“God, she’s so tight,” Eddie grunts as he hollows out and starts thrusting, reaching deeper inside you each time. You don’t think it’s so much that you’re tight as he’s just big- you haven’t seen his cock, but you can feel it, like you haven’t fucking felt anything else before, and it’s good. You can feel every inch, every ridge, and it makes your eyes fully roll back into your skull. “Fuck, you gotta feel this-”
“Can’t. ‘M not gonna last, shit…” Steve sounds wrecked, his words coming out sharp and desperate. The hand on your head is shaking, and you’re honestly impressed he’s lasted as long as he has. “‘M gonna come down this pretty throat.”
“You hear that, sweet pea? You gonna swallow all of Steve’s cum?” Eddie’s hand weaves through your hair around Steve’s fingers, aiding in shoving your head down onto his cock. 
As if you weren’t going to, and as if he wasn’t already fucking your mouth faster than you could reasonably keep up. But you whimper and bury your nose in the patch of coarse hair at the base of Steve’s cock, inhaling his scent and tasting his musky flavor on your tongue, and you swallow around him. And then you keep swallowing, because Steve comes hard.  
He sounds absolutely gorgeous when he does it, too. If Eddie wasn’t fucking you so hard that you couldn’t stop whining, you think it would be nearly like a symphony to hear Steve reduced to quiet whimpers. By the time the hands on your head relax enough to let you off of him, though, he’s completely out of breath. 
“Good girl,” Steve pants, his hand lifting up to caress your cheek and to wipe a little dribble of his cum from the corner of your mouth, so soft that it could be construed as sweet if there wasn’t any context to it. “Fuck… you were so good.”
“Yeah, sweetheart,” Eddie coos into your ear, still driving his hips into yours with such force that it’s jolting you toward Steve. “Good baby, pretty baby- takes cock like a perfect little slut.”
You groan, hanging your head and arching your back toward Eddie. You seize up, your orgasm simmering low in you like the receding tide before a fucking tsunami, and you’re almost scared of how big it feels. 
“She liked that,” Eddie chuckles darkly, bending further over you so that his breath tickles your ear. “You like it when I call you a slut, huh? Our perfect. Little. Slut.”
You open your mouth to say his name, tell him to shut up, or keep going, or anything, but all that comes out is a garbled moan. Your hand juts forward and clamps down like a vise onto Steve’s thigh, finding that he’s pulled his pants up. Your nails scratch at stiff khaki twill, trying to beg him to take pity on you, but he doesn’t. Of course he doesn’t. 
“Pick her up,” Steve says above you. “I want to see her face when she comes.”
Oh, so he’s trying to kill you, actually. That tracks.
Eddie’s arm snakes around your waist and hauls you up, and he rocks back onto his heels to pull your back against his chest. He hugs you close to him, shushing you when his cock hits you from a different angle and you cry out sharply from the feeling. 
“Pretty thing can’t take it,” Steve murmurs as he crowds in close, his hands coming up to caress you through your dress. The fabric is too goddamn rough and itchy, and your skin is too sensitive for him to be toying with you now. 
“Oh, she can take it.” Eddie sounds so sure, his voice rough and stony as he rocks his pelvis up against you while, at the same time, pulling you down into his lap. “She can take all of it. Can’t you, baby?”
You hope the question is rhetorical. You’re trembling, too lost in the feeling of the mind-numbing bliss Eddie’s giving you to come up with a response at this point. Your hand plunges back over your shoulder into a mess of curly hair, and you feel him turn his head to brush his lips against your ear. 
Steve’s hand brushes up your thigh, creeping under your skirt that’s draped across both you and Eddie’s knees. You barely have time to pick your head up and intellectualize what he’s doing before his thumb touches your clit. 
“Oh fuck-” Eddie chokes out urgently, just at the same time as you sink your nails into his forearm and all of your floor muscles lock down around him. 
And then the tsunami hits. 
You nearly scream, your cunt tightening up to wring everything out of the sensation that it can. Eddie’s cock is so hard and it hits inside you so perfectly every time that you swear you’re going to die from it. You’re collapsing forward, despite Eddie’s grip on your waist and Steve’s solid chest creating a barrier for you to fall into- your limbs feel liquid, all your muscles finally relaxing all at once. 
You feel Eddie falter, his hand slipping on your waist so that you do fall into Steve’s chest. While Eddie’s cock throbs inside you and his moans fill your ears, Steve’s hands cup your face and tilt your head up toward his. And then his lips are on yours, and his tongue is licking deep into your mouth at the same time as you feel Eddie come deep inside your cunt. 
You don’t want Eddie to pull out. Not really. You’re not going to tell him to stay there inside you while you’re both crouched awkwardly on the hard floor, but you do wish he’d take at least a few seconds before he does, because the aching emptiness he leaves in his place is enough to make tears spring up in your eyes. 
“Shh, baby, it’s okay, you did so well,” Eddie whispers as you sob openly from the sensation, his arm coming back around your waist to pull you against him. And then you both sort of topple backwards, his shoulders hitting the stacks of backstock frosting buckets as Steve shuffles back to lean against the wire rack across from you. He pulls your legs into his lap and starts stroking his hand across your bare calf. 
You try to catch your breath while Eddie reaches for something on the floor off to the side. You blink your eyes open to find him fiddling with his discarded green apron, pulling a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out of the pocket in it before wadding it up into a little ball. 
He promptly tucks it between your legs and starts cleaning you up with it. 
“R’you using your apron… as a cum rag?” You slur tiredly at him, squeaking a little as the rough fabric scrapes across your overly sensitive clit. 
“Don’t want to leave a mess,” he mutters easily, making Steve chuckle across from you. “Why s’it that I can fuck you half out of your mind and you’ll still bitch me out about how I clean shit?”
“‘Cause it’s fun t’see you all mad. You’re pretty when you’re pissy.” You feel his chest shake with laughter as he finishes wiping you down and tosses the apron aside, then wraps his arms snugly around your middle. 
“Good thing you’re pretty all the time, then.” Eddie huffs, rocking you back and forth a little as he fits his head on your shoulder. You tap your fingers across his forearm, looking down at them and humming contentedly. 
“What is it?” Steve asks, smiling at you almost fondly. 
You sigh, dragging your fingertip along Eddie’s skin. “I like his tattoos.”
“I knew it,” Eddie whispers, and you can hear the grin in his voice. He nuzzles his nose against your neck, making you giggle and shut your eyes. “I still haven’t shown you the rest of ‘em.”
“There’s always next time.”
Steve blinks. “You want to do this again?”
“Of course I want to fucking do this again, Steve,” you snap, rolling your eyes playflully. “Been wanting to jump both of you since you started, wasn’t it fucking obvious?”
“Was to me.” Eddie’s finger traces along your collar, toying with the first button on the front of your uniform dress. “Also, I haven’t seen your tits, so. I’m not done with you yet.”
“I dunno, the dress kind of does it for me,” Steve admits, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck. “It’s, uh… cute. Like a 50s housewife or something.”
“Let’s get you a string of pearls and see how long ‘Big Dick’ Harrington lasts then,” Eddie snickers, and you laugh tiredly as you watch Steve flush. 
You fall into easy silence, but just as soon as you relax into Eddie’s arms, the bell over the front door of the bakery jingles. And then the hand bell on the front counter dings loudly. 
And dings again. And dings again. And dings agai-
“You gonna get it, this time?” Steve asks Eddie, sounding a little bit grumpy already. 
“No, I’m gonna hold her a while longer,” Eddie says coolly, not leaving any room for discussion. He presses a tiny kiss to your neck, just underneath your ear, and you squeak in surprise at the lightness of it. “Go get ‘em, Mr. Manager Man.”
“Fuckin’-” Steve rolls his eyes as he gently sets your legs aside before gracelessly clambering up off the ground. He smooths out his uniform, tucking in the tail of his shirt before striding through the door into the kitchen. “What’s up, party people?”
“Do you have any chocolate cakes with white buttercream already made? I need it for tonight.”
Eddie scoffs in your ear, his hand drifting across your thigh to rest just shy of your pussy, making your breath hitch and your hips cant up toward his touch. “They always wait for the last fuckin’ minute, don’t they?”
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stvharrngton · 1 year
a lesson in romantics; lesson one
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summary: a multi-part series where reader is the new art teacher at hawkins high and the history teacher, mr. harrington, takes a shine to the new girl. mutual pining ensues on their road to love 🥀
a/n: so here's the first part to the series! i hope you all enjoy <3 it takes place in the early 90s where steve and reader are in their mid-late twenties. disclaimer: i have very limited knowledge on the american school systems or how they work lmao so i'm sorry if it comes across as british-y sometimes but i'll do my best to be as authentic as possible :^) also special shoutout to @inkluvs who originally gave me this idea 1635272 years ago and @onceuponaoneshot who inspired me to actually start writing it hehe
characters: steve harrington x fem!reader, robin buckley
word count: 1.3k
warnings: none, just some introductory stuff, steve being a flirt
taglist: @inkluvs @dukesmebby @sweetbabygirlsworld @kennedy-brooke
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September. Fall semester.
A new town. A new school.
Hawkins’ newest resident and Hawkins High newest teacher. You’d spent the last month settling into your new home - a small apartment, nothing extravagant but it was enough for you.
You looked forward to the new start, to get back into the classroom. You loved to teach but the prospect of a new bunch of kids always made you a little nervous.
Making your way into the teacher’s lounge, you quietly said your hello’s to the fellow teachers you had met at orientation a couple days earlier. You silently went about making your morning coffee when a bickering pair burst through the door, a petite girl with a dirty blonde bob who you vaguely recognised as the music teacher and a taller guy, with pretty brown hair and a patterned tie slung around his neck.
You caught his eye as you turned to see the source of the disturbance, a soft but cheeky smile donning his lips. He struggled to keep up whatever conversation he was having with the girl he strolled in with as he finally tore his eyes away from you. 
The blonde followed his eyeline to you, she smirked followed by a roll of her eyes. She swatted your mystery co-worker on the chest, followed by a hushed, “Steve! Are you even listening to me?”
He wasn’t. She knew he wasn’t. But at least your mystery co-worker had a name now. 
Steve. It suited him.
“You’re such a boy.” She groaned, waving him off before going off the mingle with some of the other teachers.
Steve responded with a laugh as he swanned his way over to the kitchenette where you were stood. “First day?” he asked calmly as he grabbed his regular mug from the cupboard above your head.
“Oh, uh, yeah—“ you stammered, caught a little off guard. 
“Shit,” he muttered under his breath, “I never even introduced myself. I’m Mr. Harrington. History.” He said with much more candor, holding his hand out for you to shake.
You accepted the hand shake, making a mental note at how much bigger his hand was than yours. “I teach art.” You said, after telling him your own name, “Am I supposed to call you Mr. Harrington, then?”
Any confidence and swagger he was sporting crumbled, his cheeks flushed with a pink tinge, “I’m such an idiot,” he confessed with a chuckle, fingers combing through that pretty brunette hair, “I’m Steve. You can call me Steve.”
“Nice to meet you, Steve.” You grinned, a toothy smile that made Steve’s heart thump in his chest. A smile he would be thinking about for days to come.
“Well, I better get going. Minds of the youth to shape and all that but I’ll see you around, yeah?” Steve said, grabbing his coffee cup as he gestured to the door that led to the school halls. 
“Sure,” you nodded, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear, grabbing your own warm flask. You couldn’t help but let your tummy go all fuzzy at Steve’s kindness, a smile creeping its way onto your lips.
“Have a good first day, newbie.” Steve joked with a wink before he called out to his friend as he walked out the door, “Buckley! Are you coming or what?”
“You’re crushing on the new art teacher, aren’t you?” Robin blurted out.
Steve cursed his best friend under his breath, thanking whatever God was up there that school was yet to start and the hallways were empty. 
“I’m in my late twenties Robin, I don’t get crushes.” Steve waved her off, “I mean, sure, she’s pretty cute but besides, we’ve only exchanged two sentences.”
“Oh, come on, Harrington!” Robin chortled, hand on her stomach as she bellowed in the hallway, “That has never stopped you before.”
“Now you’re just being ridiculous,” Steve hushed the girl with a roll of his eyes, “anyway, why didn’t you say hi to her? Not very nice of you, Buckley.” 
Steve desperately tried to get the attention off of himself, his free hand perched on his hip as he brought his mug of coffee to his lips. His eyes narrowed at Robin over the rim. Like always though, it never worked. His friend far too persistent for his liking.
“Because, dingus,” her tone exasperated now, “I met her at orientation. You know, the thing you didn’t bother showing up for?”
They arrived at the door to Steve’s classroom which was one block over from Robin’s. He groaned audibly at Robin’s comment, “Come on, Robs! I told you I had a migraine,” he muttered as he fished his keys from his pocket, “you know, years of head trauma takes a toll on the ol’ noggin.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she began to turn on her heel to make her way to her own classroom, “it was your loss anyway, Stevie,” Robin teased, a playful undertone to her voice, “‘cause she looked way cuter the other day.”
Steve scoffed at the younger girl, simply not giving her a response, before he closed his classroom door behind him. He slumped in his desk chair as he wondered to himself how he was going to get through the day without his thoughts trailing to you and your smile.
You’d never been so glad to hear the bell ring in your life. You enjoyed your first day, sure, but it was a little overwhelming to say the least. A lot of new faces and names to learn and remember, a thick new syllabus you had to preach to these kids.
A sigh of relief fell from your lips as you gathered your things and locked your classroom door behind you. As you made your way towards the teachers parking lot, you dug through your purse for your car keys as you fell face first into someone’s firm body.
It was like a scene out of a movie. The papers and books that were clutched in your arms went flying across the hallway, your purse and the contents of it spilled all over the floor. A total cliche. 
A string of curses tumbled from your lips as you apologised over and over to whoever it was you bumped into. You both knelt to the ground to gather your things when you finally looked into the eyes of who it was.
A pretty set of brown eyes were staring back at you with a coy smile on the lips of their owner. You could only laugh back at him.
Of course it was Steve. 
“I’m sorry,” you giggled, scooping up the stray papers, “I’m a total klutz.”
“Don’t sweat it,” he reassured you, handing you back what he had gathered of yours, “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“Right.” You nodded.
You stood back up, papers and car keys safely in hand now. Steve placed his hand on your shoulder, giving you a light squeeze, “You good?”
Plunging the butterflies in your stomach back down to their depths, you squeaked out a reply, “Yeah, yes. Thank you for not getting mad at me.” 
“You kidding?” Steve asked all shocked, tone light and playful, “Can’t get mad at the new girl on her first day. That wouldn’t be very ‘nice and welcoming co-worker’ of me, would it?”
You giggled as you nodded, eyes darting to the floor, unable to meet Steve’s inviting gaze. You gestured to the nearby door with your car keys in hand, “Well, I better get going.”
“Oh! Right, yeah, of course—“ Steve stuttered, waving you off as you made your way to the door, “Hey! A bunch of us get together at a bar downtown after the first Friday of the semester if you wanna join us?”
“Oh, um,” you pondered, “I guess that could be fun.”
“Great,” Steve spoke, “I’ll get you the address. See you tomorrow?”
You nodded as you felt a blush creep on your cheeks. It wasn’t a date. It was not a date, you knew that, but you couldn’t help but wonder what Mr. Harrington would look like in casual clothes.
“You betcha.”
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fly1nglow · 3 months
summary ── steve is desperate to make his work environment a less unbearable place and the newly arrived teacher could be a good distraction.
pairings & characters ── teacher!steve x teacher!fem!reader, some ocs
additional info & warnings ── fluff, slow burn, reader is supposed to be a ‘big city girl’, reader is also kinda anxious, little steve pov inserted, i guess steve is not accurate but i tried my best </3, no warnings besides that, i guess
author’s notes: ok… so this is my first fanfic after sooo long, but this idea came to me in a dream and i wanted to write, i feel like it kinda sucks but i also just wanna have some fun writing again. also… i know this must be annoying but… should i say english isn’t my first language (and that i dont know how the educational system of united states works)? :/, that should be all, pls be kind <3
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The breeze passed through the leaves gently, taking some to the windshield, it was a really pleasant scene to enjoy in autumn, but it was also a great change of scenery in your opinion: Hawkins, from what you knew and had seen so far at that moment, it felt like that kind of small town you see in movies, where everyone knows everyone and nothing really happens, very different from what you had grown up with and lived with all your life, which were noisy cities, tall buildings and people who really didn't care. they paid attention to you.
But sudden changes weren't very pleasant either, yet here you were, in a small town in the middle of Indiana.
After taking another sip of your coffee, hoping the drink would distract you from something you didn't yet know you feared, you grabbed your bag and threw in the items that would be needed to survive your first day of work at Hawkins Public School. Your keys, notebooks and books were everything he considered really essential for the day.
Getting out of the car, you clutched the cup with the now cold drink in your hands, placed your bag in your arms, and headed towards the clearly old but friendly-looking building in front of you.
Steve was curious to know who would replace Mrs. Brown, because although he got along with most people, his coworkers didn't exactly fit into that category. They were mostly middle-aged people, who thought he was childish, whether because of his age or the way he acted, he still didn't know for sure, but he knew they were his age once and he hoped they would be kinder.
However, he still didn't know how meeting 'the newbie' could help his case, he figured, that maybe by getting to know him first he could get some information and then pass it on to his colleagues, maybe then they would see him as someone helpful and trustworthy, but he still didn't know how that would help him.
It was lost in these thoughts that he found himself in the still empty hallway and in front of Mrs. Brown's old door, now weathered and which he knew made a loud noise when it was pushed in a certain way and now, he was a little unsure, a very different feeling compared to the confident and playful Steve of just a few years ago. But his movements seemed not to follow his thoughts, because now he had knocked on the door.
Before he could step back and get him out of there, he opened the door after hearing a muffled and distant voice say 'come in'.
‘‘Good morning.’’ Steve laughed and hurried over.
‘‘Oh, good morning!’’ A young-looking woman, who was pasting some notices on the wall, turned to face him, left the materials on the table and approached to greet him, as he was approaching.
‘‘I’m Professor Harrington, but you can actually call me Steve, you know, I guess it’s okay, in fact I prefer to be called that…’’
Now he was rambling. He extended his hand for a shake, which she readily accepted. Now closer, he could notice a few more small details about her: her hair was slightly messy, perhaps due to the wind outside, there was also a small piece of adhesive tape stuck near the collar of her pullover sweater, but he pretended not to notice, afraid that she would think he was looking more than he should.
‘‘Well, I’m a physical education teacher. I thought it would be a good idea to stop by and say hi.’’
She then introduced herself.
‘‘That’s very kind of you, Steve.’’
‘‘Well…’’ Steve looked around the room, but his mind was looking for some way to keep the conversation going, or maybe an excuse to leave. ‘‘Do you need help? Do you already know the building? You know I can…’’
Great, he was rambling again. Good way to make a good impression, right?
‘‘Actually, if you guys have a coffee machine, I’d love to know where it is.’’
You definitely hadn't thought much when you left your room and decided to follow Professor Harrington to the staff room, a small room, with white walls, two windows, shelves full of books, papers, some chairs and tables. It wasn't exactly the most comfortable place you'd ever seen. But you just wanted to distract yourself from the hustle and bustle of your own thoughts, because the first day of work had left you exhausted and it hadn't even started yet.
Also, you weren't the type to jump to conclusions because of appearance, but the first thing you noticed was that Steve had adorable eyes that seemed to match the type of person he was. And at the moment he seemed like a lovely person. That he talked a lot.
He had recently talked about how he grew up in the city and how it was a little strange teaching the children of people he had known all his life. You also shared some facts, about where you grew up and where you studied, all while he observed you carefully and asked some questions to keep the conversation going.
‘‘So why did you come here?’’
‘‘Salary, obviously.’’
You tried to joke and he chuckled weakly at your little attempt at being funny. Steve looked away from your figure, as you were drinking the second cup of coffee of the day, he observed the other person who entered the room, but who still didn't notice the presence of the two of you in the room. This made Steve get a little closer to you, still keeping an acceptable distance but so that only you could hear him whisper:
‘‘That’s Professor Watson, from physics… A pain in the ass at first, but if he likes you, he might get you a discount on drinks at a bar.’’
‘‘Discounts in a bar? Why?’’ You whispered back, while trying to focus on the new figure that appeared: it was a small man in comparison to Steve, his hair already showing signs of getting gray and he had a serious face.
‘‘His sister owns one of the bars in town, she always gives discounts to his friends and colleagues.’’
‘‘And you, do you have a discount there?’’
‘‘No, he hates me. But who knows, maybe you’ll be luckier than me.’’
‘‘Good strategy, Harrington, you barely know me and you’re already trying to use me to get discounts at bars?’’
You both laughed and soon the sound caught the attention of the person who was previously the center of the conversation. Steve quickly distanced himself and silently indicated with signs for you to follow him and then, there followed another one of those social formalities that people tend to forget happened easily: introducing yourself.
And introducing yourself was the key word and the pattern that followed for practically the entire day: introducing yourself to your colleagues, students and some parents.
The students were as you expected them to be, lively students who preferred talking to their classmates rather than paying attention in class, but, luckily or perhaps your own teaching talent, you managed to get them to pay attention to what you were saying. and they were able to apply their knowledge well to their tasks. As for your coworkers, excluding Steve, your colleagues weren't exactly the warmest and friendliest people you knew, but that didn't take up much space in your mind.
Not long after the last bell rang, you were getting ready to end the day at work and return to your cozy home. Until two knocks on the door distracted you.
Peeking through the half-open door, you quickly realized who it was: Steve trying to be helpful again.
‘‘Do you need help there, newbie?’’
You didn't mind the small informalities when you were quick to decline his help.
‘‘No need, I was already finishing it anyway.’’
He pretended to look disappointed, you couldn't help but chuckle at his theatrics. You quickly finished your things and grabbed your bag, and left the room with Steve following right behind you.
‘‘You know,’’ Steve began as you both walked down the corridor, ‘‘that’s the good part about being a physical education teacher, I don’t need a room, just some balls and a court.’’
‘‘It’s easy when a good number of children love the chance to be aggressive without being reprimanded.’’
‘‘It is,’’ Steve agreed, a fond smile on his face. ‘‘Kids can be a handful, but they mean well. Today, one of them lobbed a ball right at my stomach, but they made up for it with a lollipop as an apology.’’
‘‘A lollipop," you chuckled, ‘‘the universal peace offering.’’
‘‘If lollipops didn't work wonders, doctors wouldn't hand them out after every appointment,’’ Steve quipped, his laughter echoing down the hallway.
Steve walked you to the parking lot, soon stopping near what you assumed was his car. You turned to see him and to say goodbye.
‘‘See you tomorrow, newbie,’’ Steve grinned.
‘‘See you tomorrow, Professor Harrington,’’ you replied with a playful smirk.
He rolled his eyes and got into the car, making your way to your own car as you watched him get further away. Placing your arms a little closer to your body to avoid the cold, you could reflect a little on that end of the day as you once again observed the parking lot, now a little darker as the sun was already hiding, but which you expected to see for a while, for many more days.
In that silence, you could conclude that the first day of work had not been as horrible and terrifying as you had expected.
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aloneinthehellfire · 2 years
Eight Months
Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Y/n went missing at the end of spring. A note was left explaining that after her father, Bob Newby, died, she just couldn’t bear to stay in Hawkins. The others were shocked but after gaining no leads on where she could be, they had to accept that she was gone. But when summer rolls in and Hawkins starts getting scary, Steve and Dustin find themselves venturing into a Russian base and uncover more secrets than they bargained for.
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: swearing, [flashbacks], kidnapping, witnessing murder, mentions of death, mentions of torture, mentions of bruises/blood, fluff and kind of angst?
[A/N: Another random thought at like 2am bc I have insomnia so enjoy. I also really enjoy writing season three fanfics.]
Eight Months [Masterlist]
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Eight Months: A Surprise Reunion
[Part One]
The letter you had left in Mike Wheeler’s basement explained it all. They wouldn’t find it until after their festivities.
Your father, Bob Newby, had risked his life to save others. In your mind, and others, he was a hero.
When your mother left you both to fend for yourselves, Bob didn’t shy away from his fatherly duties. In fact, he rose to the occasion. Money was tight but he still made sure you grew up the best you could without a mother. And you soon came to realise you didn’t need one. Because he was all you needed.
When you were 17, your father had fallen in love. Joyce Byers captured his heart and you understood why; she was perfect for him. She welcomed you into her family, as did her sons, and despite the drastic change, you grew to love them all.
But, one fateful evening changed all of that. It had been innocent at first, your best friend Steve Harrington asking you to aid him in winning Nancy Wheeler back. Your heart broke at the request from years and years of hiding your feelings for him, but Nancy made him happy. And you wanted him to be happy.
Once Dustin had found you both and asked for your help, things only got worse. You were dragged into the world beneath Hawkins, learning things that should only be seen in your nightmares.
It led to your father losing his life after saving his family.
Joyce did her best, taking care of you like you were her own. But the thought of living in a town without your father was too much pain to bear. And the decision was made.
You were to move away from Hawkins and leave your goodbyes in a heartfelt letter addressed to the people you loved.
“Hey, assholes! Let us out!” Robin yelled, continuously thumping on the door as Steve paced the room wondering how the hell they were going to get out of here.
It all started with a secret Russian message. Translation, Dustin had said at the time. Steve should have listened to his instinct when it told him ‘translation’ would be more than he agreed to.
Now, he and his co worker Robin were trapped in a Russian base with no hope of escaping and the fear of torture on their minds.
Well, he was afraid at least. Robin, on the other hand, gave up on fear half an hour into the wait and was now trying every annoying tactic to get it over and done with.
“Cowards!” She called out when she had no response again, slumping against the wall beside her.
“Do you have to do that?” Steve asked, hands on hips, “You’re basically inviting them to torture us.”
“They don't have to take so long.” Robin said, quieter than she should have and Steve realised that the wait itself was torture for her.
“We’ll find a way out.” Steve said, nodding with such determination, Robin almost believed him.
But she knew better than to hope for miracles.
She pushed away from the wall, crossing the room and heading straight to the metal shelves at the back.
“What are you doing?” Steve followed her, frowning.
“This whole time we’ve been waiting, we could have actually seen if there was another door in this place.”
Steve stopped, pursing his lips. Robin noticed his sudden lack of movement, turning to meet her co worker’s face showing all kinds of disbelief.
“I’m not an expert on secret Russian bases but I know enough to assume that they wouldn’t lock prisoners in a room with an exit.” He stressed, pointing back the way they had walked.
Robin sighed, moving her head slightly to the right before her eyes caught something and she felt a smirk playing on her lips.
“Hm, yeah. You’re probably right.” She shrugged, looking directly to her right. “Oh, and what, pray tell, is that?”
She held her hand out and Steve craned his neck around the corner to see… another door. His breath hitched.
“Pure luck.” He grumbled as Robin let out a happy laugh, practically bouncing over to the door.
“So, dingus, it seems you know absolutely nothing about secret Russian-”
Robin’s victory was cut short when she swung open the door.
Steve frowned at her, shaking his head. “What?”
“Uh…” She stumbled over words, staring into the dark room with wide eyes.
“Let me guess, it’s a dead end?” Steve threw his hands up in exasperation, already stalking away from her. “See, I knew it. The Russians can’t be that stupid if they had a whole ass fancy elevator system and liquid that melts metal-”
“Steve.” Robin tried, her voice quiet.
“-and the fact that we needed to use vents to get in here instead of an actual door just proves-”
“Steve!” She yelled this time, raising her hand to a surrender.
“What?!” Steve turned, running a hand through his hair, frustrated.
“You should probably come see this.”
Robin said just as soon as he turned the corner again, a frown appearing on his face when he watched her disappear into the other room, enveloped by the shadows.
“Robin?” He called out in a whisper, poking his head around the door.
He squinted into the darkness before making out a shape further in, realising that Robin was crouched down on the floor. As his eyes adjusted to the lack of light, his heart raced.
She wasn’t alone.
Robin was knelt next to someone else, their body sat on the floor in the corner with their back against the wall, looking extremely scared of the girl in front of them.
“Hey.” Robin said soothingly, both hands held out, “We’re not here to hurt you.”
Steve took a few timid steps into the room, getting closer. His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to make out features on their face, eyes immediately drawn to the pair of red sneakers. He knew someone with red sneakers.
“Who are you?”
And he most definitely knew that voice.
Steve froze, all kinds of emotions bubbling inside as he reached Robin, looking over her shoulder and confirming his suspicions with a racing heart.
You whip your head up, meeting his eyes. As soon as recognition dawned on you, you sprung to your feet, shaking your head.
“Steve?” You cry and suddenly he’s pulling you into his arms, catching you in a tight hug. “What- what the hell are you doing here?”
“Me?” Steve let out a breathy laugh, releasing you and stepping back, “What about-”
All his words faded when he finally saw you within breathing distance, his breath caught in his throat.
The first thing he noticed was the healing scar; etched into your eyebrow and reaching half way up your forehead, burning red in the harsh light. Then, the various cuts on your cheek, your lip. The way your hair was tangled, some stray hairs clinging to your face. Bruises scattered across your jaw in a variety of colour, all presenting themselves as different ages. Finally, your teary eyes, the look of fear lingering as you stare back at him.
He stepped forward, cupping your cheek in his palm. The way you flinched slightly before softening under his touch didn’t go unnoticed to him.
“Y/n.” Steve’s head slowly shook side to side, eyes never leaving yours. “What happened?”
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Driving away was meant to be the easy part. But that came to an untimely stop when your car broke down just outside the new building for the Starcourt Mall.
Hawkins had been working on building the mall for months, making sure it was ready to open for the summer. It was almost done but still not open to the public yet. You figured they wanted it to be perfect. It should be, considering the amount of money spent.
Stepping out of your car with a groan, you assess the damage. You hiss as smoke pours from your engine, fanning away the dirty air.
“Shit.” You mutter, glancing around you for some kind of miracle.
The drilling and digging noises from the construction site up ahead was clouding your senses to the point that if it hadn’t been for pure luck, you would have missed the figure turning a corner behind the white wall up ahead. You call out after them for help, only to be drowned out by the sounds around you. With a sigh, you slammed your hood shut and started to follow them.
The luck wasn’t as pure as you thought it would be.
Turning the corner, your eyes focus in on the man up ahead, a green uniform clinging to his body as he raised his arm. You frown, moving closer before you notice another figure on the floor, pleading.
Your heart almost stopped when you saw the gun pointing down at him.
The shot ripped through the air, the construction site proving a good distraction as you watched the pleading figure drop limply to the floor.
You couldn’t help the scream that escaped your lips.
The uniformed man caught your gaze and before you knew it, you were ambushed. Officers all around you spoke in a foreign language, raising their guns to you and you had no choice but to surrender, dropping to your knees before they dragged you away from the site and into a loading bay building.
The next few days were a blur, constant interrogation from a man you assumed was in charge.
“Who do you work for?”
That was all you were asked, the truth only earning punishments in the form of torture from men much bigger and much stronger than you. You didn’t know when they finally started believing you but soon, you were relieved from the pain and thrown into a room, only occasionally brought out when they needed information from you; the long nights of torture only led to you discussing the Upside Down, something they were very intrigued to know.
You didn’t understand why until it was too late.
They couldn’t let you go, not with the risk of you telling everyone what you had witnessed. In fact, they offered you a job so you didn’t prove as much as a burden. They weren’t too pleased when you spat the offer back in their faces, refusing to work for men trying to open another gate.
So, other than the occasional painful chit-chat about what lurks beneath Hawkins, you were confined to a dark room for what seemed like eternity.
Until one day, Steve showed up.
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When you told him about what they did to you, Steve’s stomach dropped.
The day you left, he had seen you driving away in your car while he was in his own. Something in him wanted to follow you, to make sure you were okay. But, instead, he went home with the assumption that he'd just ask you about it the next day.
Finding the letter broke his heart, a pain bubbling inside when he realises he made a mistake.
And now, guilt. He could have saved you.
Regardless of when it happened, which he still struggled to figure out. After all, you can't have been down here too long, right?
“What the hell are you doing here?” You shook your head, searching Steve’s face with such intensity he was sure you were checking he wasn’t a figment of your imagination.
“It’s a long story.” Steve sighs, hands still holding your face.
“Um, hi.” The girl behind you spoke, giving a small wave, “I’m Robin.”
“Hi.” You reply with a small smile. “I’m-”
“Y/n.” She grinned, nodding, “Yeah. I know.”
Steve widened his eyes as a warning and Robin simply mocked zipping her lips shut. Let’s just say, Steve hadn’t been shy about telling his new found friend all about you. Just for her to continuously tell him that the reason he had such a problem with getting girls was because he never truly got over you.
“We cracked a secret Russian code and basically fell into this place.” Robin stated, “Like, literally. The elevator ride bruised me.”
“You came into the base?” You shake your head in confusion, “Why the hell would you-”
Your face drops into a smile and Steve’s eyebrows furrowed.
“Dustin?” You simply ask and Steve nods his head.
“As much as I love this reunion,” Robin interrupted, stepping forward, “we’re still stuck inside a scary building with no way out.”
“There is a way out.” You say quietly, stepping out of Steve’s gentle hold and hugging your torso. He frowns at your action, watching how you avoid his eyes.
“Really?” Robin’s face lit up, bounding over to you, “How?”
“You just need a keycard.” You say and her face falls. You notice, leaning back against the wall. “You guys did have a keycard when you broke in here, right?”
The silence was your answer and you sighed, rubbing your forehead.
“Okay,” You continue, starting to pace the room. “there’s always Plan B.”
“Plan B?” Steve raised his eyebrow and you shifted, taking a breath.
“Distraction?” Robin took her turn to query as Steve stood there, realisation already dawning on him.
“No, absolutely not.” He shakes his head profusely, stepping towards you.
“We can’t all leave.” You raise your chin slightly, showcasing your stubbornness. “The best I can do is get the both of you…”
As you look between them, you look taken-aback and Steve begins to internally panic. What were you thinking? Did you think something was going on between them?
“… what the hell are you wearing?”
“Oh.” Robin looked down, smirking, “We’re not actual sailors. We work at Scoops.”
“Scoops?” You raise an eyebrow.
“Yeah, the ice-cream place.” Robin nods, frowning when you still don’t understand “At the mall?”
You shake your head, “It opened?”
“Like, ages ago.” She laughed awkwardly, sharing a look with Steve. “Wait. How long have you been down here?”
“I don’t know.” You admit, shrugging. “You don’t really get much sunlight underground, you know?”
"When did you get back to Hawkins?" Steve questions, obviously oblivious to the situation.
"Get back?" You shake your head and he sighs, heart beating faster.
“What’s the last thing you remember?” Steve frowns, and you whip your head up, twisting your face as you tried to recollect.
“Uh… it was…” You slowly start nodding, “The party thing? Or dance, I don’t know.”
Steve shrugged when Robin looked at him.
“Oh!” You suddenly say, remembering. “I was leaving a letter in the basement because I knew no one would be there. The kids were going to the Snow Ball at the middle school.”
“As in… winter-time?” Robin’s voice raises in pitch and you nod.
“Y/n…” Steve catches your eyes and your face falls as you see the concern spread across it. “That was eight months ago.”
“Eight-” You take a breath, shaking your head. “No, no. I- I can’t have been here for eight months. It’s not-”
Your hand flies to cover your mouth as you realise. Time really had slipped away.
“I’m so-” Steve runs to comfort you when a loud sound rings out from the front of the room, his eyes widening as Russian is yelled and echoed from the walls.
“What do they want?” Robin whispers, her hands shaking slightly.
“They said they want to speak to the boy.” You translate, slowly looking to Steve. Eight months is all it took for you to start understanding Russian.
“Stay here.” Steve says, ignoring your protests as he steps out into the open.
You and Robin try to run after him, watching in horror as he’s dragged away.
You knew all too well what room he was going to end up in.
to be continued...
491 notes · View notes
Chapter Three: I Am A Rock
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He opens the backpack and retrieves several photos. You can’t help but look at the pages and a gasp breaks from your lips. “Jonathan, what is this?”
“Y/n,” he responds quietly.
“Y/n, this is what happens when creeps are given too much freedom and no consequences.” Steve tells you, jaw hardening
“That's not…” Jonathan trails off. 
Summary: turns out running on barely an hour of sleep has consequences. Y/n goes for a drives, gossips, meets Steve (not just him staring at her from across the parking lot) and has a mental breakdown!
Previous Chapter
words: 4k
Warnings: ANGST, mentions of death, swearing, stalking, mentions of sex, nonconsensual pictures, Steve Harrington being an asshole, sleep deprivation and its effects
The alarm clock reads 12:08 am. You toss and turn, fluff your pillows, tighten your blanket around you but nothing eases the stress. Your dad had long since gone to bed so putting on a record was out of the question. You hadn’t written in a journal in months and you weren’t keen to start now. It was far too late to go on a jog. You glance at the clock again. 12:10 am. 
Your contemplation hadn’t even passed the time. Throwing the blankets off, you huff up from the bed. The carpeted floors protect your feet from the cold. Feeling around in the dark, you open your dresser and pull out a pair of wool socks to brave the hardwood of the rest of the house. You step into the hallway, using the light from the living room lamp to illuminate your path. As quietly as possible, you fill the kettle and set it on the stove. You glance to your left and spot your book from where you’d left it in the morning. 
You’d honestly forgotten about it, but realize that this could be exactly what you need to settle your mind. As you wait for the water to warm up, you lean against the counter and use the soft  stove light to read. You’ve made it two chapters farther by the time the water gets hot enough. 
Armed with your tea and book, you set yourself up on the couch. Honestly, for being a paperback romance, A Pirate’s Love was rather compelling. Anastasia’s character arc wasn’t too bad. You suppose that of stock female leads, she did have a fair bit of agency. And her friendship with the pirate Robert made their romance seem pretty natural. You did doubt how historically accurate it was that Anastasia would have become the captain of a ship after only a year at sea. 
In no time, you were nearing the end of the book. 
“Well? What shall it be?” Captain Jones yelled at Anastasia, “your ship or your love?” at the last word, his blade pressed into Robert’s back, pushing him farther along the plank and pulling a strangled cry from the man. “No!” Anastasia roared, caught in the helpless situation. If she saved Robert, Captain Jones would seize immediate control of her ship and crew. Her hard-won freedom would slip from her fingers and everything she had sacrificed would be for naught. 
But if she chose her ship, she would lose Robert. Robert, who’d been her ticket out of the arranged marriage. Robert, who’d first taught her how to sail. Robert, who had been the only person by her side for the past 3 years. The man she loved, whom she was not sure she could navigate this or any other life without.
“Tick tock, lassie,” drawled captain Jones. He wickedly sneered at the woman, and she couldn’t help but be disgusted at the rotting teeth and sickly skin. 
Anastasia was frozen in panic. All she could do was flit her eyes between Jones, Robert, and her crew. Landing her eyes on Robert, he stared at her, lips a small, almost resigned frown. 
He took a step farther on the plank. 
“Robert! No!” cried Anastasia. 
“Let me make the choice easy, my love”
With that, Robert, quick as a rabbit, turned around, grabbed hold of captain jones, and pulled him tight to himself. He then used all his might and hurled them off the plank, together.
You slam the book shut. “What the fuck” you whisper. You had managed to get lost within the story, but the ending made you remember everything you were trying desperately to forget. You beeline for the trash and angrily throw the book in there. “Shit,” you say aloud, wringing out your hands, desperate to shake off the stress. 
You sneak a peek at the oven clock–it's just past 2 am. You feel trapped and the walls are moving in on you and the shadows look darker and your hands feel clammy and a bead of sweat trickles down your back and– you need to get out of here. You slide on your sneakers by the door, grab your keys and leave and quickly and quietly as you can. 
The ignition in your truck stalls a minute and the panic begins to set in again. You turn the key once more, and finally the engine starts. You let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding and back out of the driveway. 
The windows are down and cold air hits your face. Normally, you’d recoil at the aggressive wind and biting cold, but now they are welcome distractions from the turmoil in your mind. The only sound is the rushing of the air. At the first red light, you reach into your glovebox and randomly pull a cassette out. You shove it into the port, not paying attention to it, and turn the volume up to overcome the noises of the truck. A familiar guitar melody lets you know you’re listening to Simon and Garfunkel.
Satisfied with the music, you blast down the roads of Hawkins, singing (screaming) along to the lyrics. As the songs continue, you recognize this as a mixtape you made a few years ago. You’d just gotten a tape recorder and the quality reflects your inexperience with the machine. There’s a clear switch when your dad had clearly taken over the recording, the audio suddenly becoming much clearer. In your mindless driving, you’ve ended up at lake Jordan. You park your car, head no longer swimming. You turn your truck off, and grateful at your earlier forgetfulness, grab your walkman from the passenger seat and the cassette from the deck, as well as Jonathan’s jacket. 
Out in the darkness, you lie in the bed of your truck, Jonathan’s jacket wrapped around you, staring up at the stars. You don’t recognize any constellations, but you attempt to make some up. A snake, a butterfly, a gun–no, not a gun, a vase. A vase with a flower in it. 
Side A ends, but when you flip the tape, it takes longer than normal for it to start playing. You pull the headphones around your neck and hold up the walkman trying to inspect it. 
The crack of a twig pierces through the dark silence. You would almost miss it, if not for the headphones on your ears. After a beat, you don’t hear anything else, and assume it's probably an animal somewhere in the woods. You give up on your walkman and, finally tired, you return to the cabin of your truck and begin the journey home. 
If you hadn’t had your music so loud, you probably would’ve heard the monstrous roar coming from the trees. 
You manage to get an hour of sleep before your morning alarm goes off. The coffee is twice as strong this morning and you down a cup and a half. The chilly air that you’d normally detest is, for the second time today, welcome as it keeps you awake on your drive. Tonight, you vow, you will actually get a decent night’s sleep. 
Practice is uneventful. Stacy, the only other junior on the team, asks for a few tips for diving and landing on her knees. You give her the pointers she asked for, albeit through several yawns. She seems to understand it though, and acts on your guidance, picking up the skills rather easily. Throughout the final scrimmage, you and her take turns saving the ball from hitting the floor. 
In the locker room, you’re one of the first to hit the showers and miraculously, the water is warm. You wipe the sweat and grime of the gym off your body and take a few extra seconds to hold your head under the showerhead, letting the water hit your face. 
Your wet hair sticks to your face as you get dressed, mindlessly listening to the idle chit-chat of the locker room. You have a few minutes before the bell will ring, so you sit on the floor against your locker and pull out your walkman. Removing the mixtape, you replace it with a cassette from your backpack–some ABBA album. You hit the play button and the tape starts up perfectly. You roll your eyes at how erratic your walkman can be and slip the headphones over your ears. 
Second period is full of notes being passed and whispered shared, despite the quiz. None of the information is shared with you directly, but you manage to overhear two names: Steve and Nancy. It's clearly salacious information, as it has the student body abuzz for the rest of the day. You sneak a glance at Nancy in the hallway and the girl seems distraught. You wonder, for a moment, if she and Steve had broken up, but then he waltzes up to her and plants a kiss on her and you’re left speculating again.
Your curiosities are finally answered in seventh period. Mr. Burkhart lets the class have an independent study day (you’re pretty sure he just doesn’t have anything planned) and Stacy, who sits next you, chats your ear off. Stacy seems to know everything going on within the halls of Hawkins. “And then I heard from from Anna P, who heard from Jimmy, who heard from Gareth, who overheard Tommy H that apparently Nancy Wheeler spent the night in Steve’s room, if you know what I mean,” she wiggles her eyebrows, insinuating the not-so-family-friendly activities that went on between the couple. 
“How does Tommy H even know that?” you ask her.
“Apparently, he was there.”
“What, like, in the room?”
“No! He saw them go into Steve’s room and I guess he heard them totally doing it.”
“That's gross. Like, really gross. Tommy H is a total perv. I bet he was listening at the door.”
“Ew! Y/n, that's gross to even think about.”
“He’s the one going around telling everyone about Steve and Nancy.”
Stacy takes a minute to consider that. 
“Huh, I guess you’re right. Steve’s house is pretty big, I’ve been in it and Tommy H would totally have to try to be listening to hear anything.” She shudders at the thought of the freckled boy trying to hear Steve and Nancy through the wall, “Ew, that’s totally skeezy of him. Especially when his girlfriend was probably there.”
“Carol was probably listening with him.”
Stacy giggles at that. Speaking of Carol, you glance in her direction and subtly stare as she and Nichole huddle together, whispering. You can’t tell what they’re speaking about, but you gather it's something more serious than Steve Harrington’s sexual escapades, if you can tell anything from Carol’s furrowed brow and Nichole’s concerned face. 
You turn back towards Stacy and interrupt her rambling about how gross both Carol and Tommy H are, “Why does anyone care if Steve and Nancy had sex? I mean, Carol and Tommy H practically devour each other in the halls constantly, but no one bats an eye.”
She blinks at that, clearly unprepared for the question. “Um,” she answers, “I don’t know…”
She trails off, and the conversation slowly dies as she flounders trying to find another conversation topic that won’t end as awkwardly. 
You turn your attention back to the two girls on the other side of the classroom. Nichole and Carol both rise from their seats and leave the room. 
Your eyelids once again start drooping, clearly the caffeine from the coke you had at lunch is wearing off. The gentle chatter of the classroom and the whirring of the desk fan lull you into a gentle daze. You quickly ask Stacy to wake you in ten minutes before resting your head on your arms and dozing off. 
A gentle shake wakes you from your nap and you rub the sleep out of your eyes. The power nap helped you, but you doubt you’ll last much longer without more caffeine. You glance over to see the girls have returned at some point during your nap. You get the hall pass from your teacher and make your way to your locker. Grabbing a few bills from your wallet, you beeline for the vending machine. Turning the corner, you crash into a body, and in your tired state, fall to the floor. 
“Oh jeez,” a masculine voice says, “Here, let me just-”
Standing above you, hand outstretched, is Steve Harrington. You stare at him dumbly for a minute before he waves it in front of you and you come to your senses. You grab his hand and he easily hoists you up. 
“Sorry about that,” he chuckles awkwardly, “I didn’t mean to knock you down.”
He gives you an apologetic smile and his eyes crinkle slightly at the edges. 
“It's fine,” you brush off his apology, “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“Shit!” he exclaims as he looks to his left. You follow his line of sight and see a dented can of coke, slightly leaking. You cringe and offer an apology, which he waves off, “It's fine, I’ll just get another one.”
“I’m uh, headed the same way.” you offer and he nods in response. 
“It's Y/n, right?” he asks.
“Yeah.” you answer warily.
“You’re on the…soccer team?”
“Volleyball, actually.”
“Ah sorry.”
“Its fine”
“How come we’ve never talked before? I know most of the volleyball girls come to my parties. Stacy, Anna, Patty…”
“I’m not really a party person”
“Got it”
The pair of you reach the vending machine and he lets you go first. You deposit your bills, receive your coke and your change. You offer the coins up to Steve, “Here. I kinda killed your first can, so…”
You tense at your own choice of words.
He doesn’t notice though and barks out a laugh. He takes them, inserting them and getting a new coke. “Cheers, killer”
You tense even more at the moniker, but clink your can to his. You down the can as fast as possible while he sips idly. He salutes as you wordlessly leave, walking back to your classroom.
You spend the rest of the period catching up on some of the work you missed yesterday. Stacy peers over your shoulder, nosy as ever, and raises an eyebrow at you.
“Yesterday’s work I missed.”
“Oh yeah! I meant to ask you where you were?”
You turn pale at the probing. You know she means well, but you’ve been avoiding reminders of the incident all day. Still, you answer her, “Benny Hammond, uh, died and I had to go to the police station to give them a statement.”
“Oh man, I’m sorry. I had no clue. God, this town is getting crazy. First the Byers kid, now this,” her voice takes a gentle note, “I can’t believe you came in today. No one would blame you if you missed a day, you know”
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
“I know, I just didn’t want to skip school. Plus I had a quiz in second period today.”
You shrug your shoulders and hope she lets it go. She takes a breath, as if she is going to push the topic but ultimately says nothing. 
The final bell rings and the students flood the halls of Hawkins High School. You rush to your locker, grabbing your bag haphazardly. Groups of students clump together by their cars discussing carpools, gossip, and tonight’s football game. You throw your bag in your truck and fish out Jonathan’s jacket. Glancing around the carpark, you don’t spot him, but you do eye his car and start walking, intending to wait for him. 
Oddly enough, Steve and his friends are also at his car. Gone is Steve’s carefree demeanor from earlier. His eyebrows are furrowed and his lips are pursed, clearly distraught over whatever the group is discussing.
The group tenses as you approach. Steve offers you a curt nod. 
“Whats up, killer?”
You scrunch your brows at the nickname that has unfortunately stuck. 
“I’m just waiting for Jonathan. What are you guys doing?” you ask, warily. There is a sinister air about them, and whatever has transpired in the last 30 minutes has Steve’s hackles raised. He doesn’t answer you, having spotted something over your shoulder that distracts him. He stands from his position on Jonathan’s trunk.
“Hey man.”
Jonathan looks just as confused as you feel. “What's going on?” He asks, eyes flicking between everyone before landing on you. You shrug your shoulders at him. 
Steve responds to the smaller boy, “Nichole was just telling us about some of your work.”
Carol pipes up with a smirk, “We’ve heard great things.”
It seems that Jonathan connects dots that you don’t have, and you feel slightly stupid for being the only one in the group that doesn’t understand what's going on. You grip Jonathan’s jacket tighter in your hands. 
Steve continues, “We’d just love to take a look, you know–as connoisseurs of art.”
Jonathan looks back at you, some unreadable emotion dancing across his face, and attempts to break through the group to get to his car. Unfortunately, Tommy H is quicker than him, and pulls his bag off his shoulder and tosses it to Steve. “Man,” Steve says nastily, “he’s totally tripping, he must have something to hide.”
He opens the backpack and retrieves several photos. You can’t help but look at the pages and a gasp breaks from your lips. “Jonathan, what is this?”
“Y/n,” he responds quietly.
“Y/n, this is what happens when creeps are given too much freedom and no consequences.” Steve tells you, jaw hardening
“That's not…” Jonathan trails off. 
You stare transfixed at the pages in your hand. Barbara Holland sits on the edge of a diving board, a sad look on her face. Nancy Wheeler through the window–shirtless. A familiar pit settles in your stomach. 
Tommy and Carol pull the stack from you and start combing through them. 
“Dude!” Tommy H yells and Carol backs him up, “Yeah this totally isn’t creepy at all.”
Jonathan seems to find his voice and defends himself, “I was looking for my brother.”
“No,” Steve counters, “no, this is called stalking.”
“What’s going on?” a new, gentle voice joins the mix. You look over to see Nancy Wheeler, the focal point of many of Jonathan’s photos. 
“Here comes the starring lady,” Tommy teases.
“What?” she questions
“This creep was spying on us last night,” Carol responds and hands the girl a photo from the bunch, “He was probably going to save this one for later.”
You look down at the jacket in your hands as Carol explains. Last night? That means he was probably just getting done with taking the photos when you found him. Was his empathy a ploy to throw you off of his creepy scent? You thought you knew him fairly well. Hell, he was probably your closest friend. Christ, that’s depressing: a kid you only know fairly well is your closest friend.your train of thought spirals further, spinning farther out of control. Your closest friend, a kid you only know fairly well, is a total creep!
“See, you can tell he knows that it's wrong,” Steve begins laying into the boy, “But that's the thing about perverts. It's hardwired into them, you know, they just can’t help themselves.”
He begins ripping apart the pictures in his hands.
“So you just have to take away his toy.”
The taller boy grabs the camera and you take the tiniest step towards him. You don’t know how you’re going to stop him, and you certainly can’t defend Jonathan’s actions, but breaking the camera would take it too far. 
“Steve,” Nancy clearly has the same sentiment. 
“C’mon man, not the camera,” Jonathan begs.
“Hey, hey ok,” Steve calls out, extending his hand with the camera towards Jonathan. 
There's a split second where you think that the issue has been resolved and Steve has cooled down. Then the camera is in a million pieces on the ground. Jonathan makes a strangled noise. The air is stolen from your lungs. Your feet are frozen to the ground. 
Steve shoulders past the devastated boy, his posse following. He looks back at you, his eyebrow raised– a clear invitation to join them. You stay rooted to your spot, unable to move and his eyes narrow. His clear brown eyes hold a fierceness in them and you know your inaction is a decision to him. 
“Nancy, c’mon!” he beckons her over and she stands from where you hadn’t noticed her collecting pieces of the torn photos. Before she leaves, she stares at you. Her eyes flick to the jacket in your hands. Her blue eyes are wide and slightly watery. They make the rest of her feel that much smaller. Her nose is slightly red from the cold and her lips are pressed in a thin line. She seems so fragile in this moment, like a slightly-too-strong gust of wind could knock her over. Yet there is a quiet resolve behind the ocean in her eyes. She stands firm, torn pieces in hand and gives you a small, barely there nod. She turns heel and plants herself under Steve Harrington’s arm. 
Before they fully leave your eyesight, she looks back at Jonathan sadly. 
Everything seems to process in slow motion for you. You finally look down at the boy, desperately trying to collect the fractured remains of his camera. He looks up at you, unshed tears in his eyes. 
“I’m sorry,” you breathe out. You gently lay the jacket on the top of his car and walk away, leaving him alone on the ground of the parking lot. 
You drive home in silence. This morning you couldn’t escape the onslaught of terrible thoughts and now you can barely form a coherent one. You don’t even bother bringing your bag inside with you when you get home. 
Your dad sits on the couch, reading a magazine. A Simon and Garfunkel song plays on the record–the same one from your now ruined cassette. Wordlessly, you crawl onto the couch with him. He raises an eyebrow but says nothing as you tuck yourself under his arm, curling yourself into a tight ball. Mindlessly, he draws small circles on your arm. 
Your breath catches in your throat, and he presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. It's the final crack in the dam. You press your face closer to his shoulder in an attempt to muffle your sobs. 
“Oh buddy…” he croons sympathetically, and you just cry harder. You feel him readjust his posture, likely setting down his magazine. You sit up and gulp down a few lungfuls of air. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” he prompts. 
“Its all a mess! Benny is dead and now I don’t have a job and I know it's terrible that thats one of my concerns, but it is! And there's missing kids all over town. I don’t know if she is ok and Will Byers– he’s so small. And I realized that today Jonathan is my closest friend but hes a fucking stalker creep and all the kids in school are terrible evil people. And now my friends are either dead, a creep or my dad! How fucked up is that? I just want to go back to Sunday when everything was fine. But nothings fine now and its all fucked and Steve’s right!”
Your rant is punctuated by collapsing back into your dad’s chest. You continue sobbing, wetting the front of his shirt. He holds your head and lets out a string of whispered comforts, “You’re okay. It’ll be okay. We’ll figure it out. Shh shh shh. Just breathe…there you go”
His rhythmic breathing is a balm to you, and you feel your blinks lasting longer and longer. The record ends and he rises to his feet, pulling you with him. Your feet drag as you lean on him. He leads you to your bedroom and lays you down on the bed, removing your sneakers. He lifts the blanket over you and tucks you in, something he hasn’t done since you were twelve. 
You relieve your heavy eyelids and welcome the darkness. He turns off the lamp and you hear a gentle whisper of “Good night buddy” before sleep takes its hold on you. 
Next Chapter
taglist: @ucannotcompare
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jazzycurls · 2 years
You belong to me - part 4.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
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Summary: It's a surprise 😉🤫
Warnings/Tags: 18+ minors dni! Cheating, angst, hurt & comfort, smut, mentions of stalking and pregnancy (let me know if I missed something)
An: Hi, you guys! I guess I'm not new to writing anymore, but I'm still a newbie. All feedback is welcome. Be gentle please haha. Please do not steal or copy my work. Don’t repost without credit. This is my written work, everything besides the characters and plot points by the original writers, belongs to me. Love you guys, and thank you so much for the support, hope you enjoy ❤
Word Count: 6,306
It's been exactly four weeks and two days since you last spoke to Eddie. Ever since that day you saw him and Chrissy together, you vowed to never let him hurt you again. It was tough going to school and dealing with all the rumors swirling around you, Eddie, and Chrissy.
Most people had called you a slut, others said Eddie was the slut who had corrupted you in some way and a few people said it was a hoax, unwilling to believe that Eddie The Freak Munson was able to date two women at once. You ignored the rumors, choosing to focus on your schoolwork so you could graduate and get the hell out of this town.
Clara was there beside you through it all and helped you brave the storm. You were forever grateful for her friendship, people like her are hard to come by and should always be cherished. You vowed to repay her as soon as you got the chance.
Eddie had tried his best to talk to you afterward. He had tried everything from following you around at school, showing up at your house, and calling you every night but you shot him down every time. The blinders were off and you wouldn't allow yourself to be fooled by him any longer.
You still loved Eddie but not enough to sacrifice your happiness. You vowed that you would never do that after witnessing the destruction of your parent's marriage. Your mother had spent many nights crying herself to sleep and now was a shell of who she used to be, throwing herself into her work to avoid her harsh reality.
They say that the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree because here you were, on your way to your new job at Family Video. You'd had the great idea to get a job to help keep you preoccupied. You've been working there for officially two weeks now and you loved it. It's a laid-back job with decent pay plus your co-workers were awesome.
You pull into the parking lot and park your car. As you make your way into the store the hairs on the back of your neck began to stand on end. You stop in your tracks as you look around the lot cautiously, heading into the store when you don't see anything strange. For the past few weeks, you kept having the strangest feeling that you were being followed. With Hawkins being notorious for people going missing and all of the strange occurrences, it was always best to be on guard in a town like this one.
"Hi, Y/n," your coworkers Robin and Steve echoed in union.
You raised a brow at them as you entered the store and went behind the sales desk. "Oookay, that wasn't creepy at all," you laughed as you placed your bag under the counter.
"What do you mean," they both asked in confusion.
"Okay, seriously guys, this is weird," you stated, getting slightly creeped out. With the weird feeling of eyes watching you at random times of the day, it didn't take much to put you on edge nowadays.
"Sorry Y/n, it was Steve's idea," Robin laughed, hugging you.
"Hey, not true! Don't believe her Y/n," he tells you as he hugs you as well. The bell on the door chimes, signaling the arrival of a customer as you are wrapped up in his arms.
You turn your head to see Eddie headed your way with his eyes trained on you. Steve lets you go to help Eddie as he places his items on the counter. His eyes are dark, nearly the color of coals as he glares at Steve.
"Harrington," he sniffs before turning to Robin with a bright smile. "Hey Robbie," he grins.
"Munson, if you call me that name one more time, I'm going to jam your precious guitar up your ass!"
Eddie throws his hands up in mock surrender "Yes ma'am," he replies jokingly. His gaze finally settles on yours "Hello Y/n," he whispers, his eyes soft and shining with emotion.
"Hi, Eddie." Your voice is monotone and your expression is indifferent, a severe contrast to the emotions raging inside of you.
Sensing the awkward atmosphere between you two, Steve steps in and picks up the movies Eddie placed on the counter. He taps a few keys onto the register and scans the barcode on the back of the tapes. "Alright Munson, it says here that you have an overdue late fee of $6.18 on your account. Would you like to make a payment today?"
Eddie begrudgingly looks away from you and turns toward Steve. He digs into the pocket of his jeans, pulls out a wrinkled ten-dollar bill, and hands it to Steve. Unable to stand the tension building, you busy yourself by going over to the romance section to organize the shelf.
Minutes go by, and you hear the soft footsteps of someone walking up behind you. You look over to find Eddie standing there with his hands shoved into the pockets of his well-worn jeans. You stand up and move to leave before he stops you.
"Wait Y/n, can we talk? Please!" he begs, his hands stretched out towards you blocking your exit.
You sigh deeply and shake your head, feeling your resolve break. "You have a minute," you relent, crossing your arms as you wait.
"Baby, what happened before," he begins, as he takes a step towards you. You take a step back, holding your hand up between you two.
"Sorry," he mutters sadly before continuing. "What you saw with me and Chrissy, it wasn't what it looked like. I was about to tell her that it was over between her and me when she —," he trailed off unable to continue. He couldn't tell you about the upside down. It could put you in danger and that was something he refused to allow to happen.
You lifted a brow expectantly as you waited for him to continue. Your patience was starting to wane thin.
"Um, she said that she um— that she needed me," he responded weakly. It sounded unbelievable even to his own ears. He sees your face drops back into a cold stare and his chest tightens in fear when he realizes how bad he's fucking this up right now.
"You have to believe me Y/n. It's just for a little while and this doesn't mean that I'm with her because it doesn't and I promise you she knows that." His words are rushed and awkward as he tries to convince you that his words are true.
"Times up Eddie." You turn to walk away and he grabs your hand quickly.
"Y/n wait, I'm telling the truth. I just need you to wait for me, please, at least until I sort everything out." His plea is desperate as he holds your hand close to his heart.
"Why should I Eddie? You haven't been honest with me not once this entire time! You won! You got what you wanted so just leave me the fuck alone." Your voice rises out of anger, causing Robin and Steve to throw concerned glances in your direction. You let out slow deep breaths as you attempt to reel your emotions back in.
Shock is evident on Eddie's face, which soon gives way to anger. If he was honest with himself he's never done well with confrontation. With his father mentally and physically abusing him throughout his childhood, he's developed a sort of defense mechanism, which makes him run away when he feels threatened. The hurt that he feels because you don't trust him makes him angry, not knowing how to properly deal with his emotions. He feels that he's been nothing but honest with you this entire time. If there was anything he left out it was for your safety, not so he could try and fuck you over.
"You know what, fuck this," Eddie grunts, as his feelings get the better of him. "You don't have to believe me." As the words leave his lips his heart breaks and regrets already spreading through him as he turns away from you, storming out of the store.
You want to call out to him, tell him that you were sorry for going off. You're not a confrontational person, so your reaction just now took you by surprise. Bile rises in your throat as you watch Eddie leave. You turn and run to the employee's lounge, slamming the door shut as you hurl your lunch into the toilet. Your fingers grip the wall tightly and you begin to dry heave once there is nothing left. Once your stomach settles you drop down onto the tiled floor, trying to catch your breath.
A few minutes go by when you hear a knock on the door. "Y/n, is everything okay?" Robin asks you from the other side.
"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute." Your voice sounds weak as you answer her. You rise to stand and go to wash your hands. Once you're done you splash cold water on your flushed face. 'What the fuck.'  You wonder as you gaze at your reflection in the mirror. Was this whole situation so stressful that it was making you sick? Or was it the thought of things finally being over with Eddie that made you ill?
You honestly didn't know but you refused to dwell over it any longer. Taking a deep breath you opened the door with a fake smile plastered on your face.
"You okay," Robin asks when you appear back at the counter.
"No, but I will be," you reply with a strained smile but you're not convinced you will be.
Steve takes in your appearance noting how squeamish you look, a stark contrast to how you were when you first arrived. "Hey Y/n, if you're not feeling well you can leave early if you want. I think Robbie and I can manage," he says earning a smack on the back of his head from Robin.
"Yeah, I think that's for the best," you say, laughing in response to their antics. You begin to pack up your things and give them both a hug before making your departure.
The fresh air of the evening does little to settle your stomach and the nagging thought of something you had forgotten in the back of your mind. You make a pit stop at the local mart, unaware of the eyes watching your every step.
You sat on your bed with Clara, your fingers gripping the unopened pink box tightly. She listened intently as you told her the events of what happened a few days ago with Eddie. Her features shift with each detail you relay. Shock settles over her face once you end with the purchase you had made due to the absence of your period.
"Why haven't you taken it yet," she questions as she clasped your hand in yours. You blinked your eyes, trying desperately to stave off the tears threatening to escape.
"I'm scared," you admitted. "If I take this test, then it becomes real and then I'll have no choice but to deal with it." Your hands shake nervously, causing the box to fall onto the floor.
Clara bent down and picked up the box, pressing it back into your hands. "Y/n, this isn't something you can ignore. The longer you put it off the fewer options you'll have."
"I know, but what if it's positive? Things between Eddie and me are horrible right now. A baby will only complicate things even more." A few tears skip down your cheeks as your emotions began to overwhelm you.
"Whatever happens I'll be here for you okay? I'll even beat Eddie up for you if you want," she says, pulling you into a tight hug.
You laugh along with her as you hug her back. "I'll keep that in mind," you snicker as you get up from the bed, making your way into the bathroom. You close the door behind you and lean up against it. You take calming breaths as you read the instructions on the back of the box.
'Okay, remove cap and place tip into urine stream for five seconds. Replace cap, lay it flat, and wait for results, should be ready within five minutes. Seems easy enough,' you thought silently.
You will your hands to stop shaking as you unwrap the package and begin to follow the instructions listed on the box. Once finished you lay the test flat on the counter and began to wait. The seconds ticked by agonizingly slow and you become all too aware of the silence in the bathroom. The walls felt as if they were closing in on you with each minute that passed.
Your timer beeps on your watch, signaling that the test result was ready. Turning back towards the counter you eye the test warily. You could feel a trickle of sweat running along your spine as you start to perspire. 'This is crazy. Just pick it up and read it. It's not a big deal, it's not like this is going to change your life from this point in every single way.'
Exasperated, you sink down onto the edge of the tub. "Clara" you called out through the closed door.
"Yes!" She replied immediately, busting through the door.
You gesture towards the test on the counter. "I can't look," you said softly, letting your head fall into your hands. You stare at the patterns on the tile floor as you listen to her pick up the test.
A soft gasp fell from her lips making your blood run cold. "It's positive," she murmurs as she crouches down in front of you.
"Of course it's positive, I've never failed a test before. Guess I'm not going to start now huh." You laugh bitterly, shaking your head in disbelief.
"Y/n, it's going to be okay. Whatever you decide to do, it's going to be okay." She laid her hand on yours as you sat there in silence. "Are you going to tell Eddie," she asked.
"I don't know if I should. I mean, what would even be the point of that anyways? I don't want a pity relationship because he made the mistake of knocking me up." Your words come out heated and rushed as your anger washes over you.
"He deserves to know Y/n. Don't keep it from him because you're scared of what his response may be. You never know, maybe he'll step up, maybe he won't but you'll never know if you don't give him a chance." Clara's voice was firm and sure as she held your gaze.
"You're right, I'll tell him," you huff out a moment later.
She gives you a small smile before standing up and pulling you up along with her. "Fuck! Squatting like that made my legs hurt," she complained trying to shake the pins and needles feeling out of her legs. "I guess I'm getting too old for that now. Welp, no more blowjobs for Steve then," she jokes, crouching over and holding her back dramatically.
"Yeah right, I'll believe that when pigs fly," you laugh snorting obnoxiously as you follow her back into your room.
"You calling me a slut," Clara growls, her hand inching towards the pillows on your bed.
"Uh yeah. You and Steve are biggest the horndogs I've ever met," you retort grinning cheekily.
"You're gonna regret that Y/l/n," she yells, smacking you in the face with a pillow. You stand there for a moment in shock before springing into action, grabbing a pillow for your counterattack. Peels of laughter sound off in the room along with thumps from the pillow fight, giving you a welcome reprieve from the tough decisions sure to come.
Eddie sat perched atop his throne in the old theatre room, which was also their meeting place for all of their D&D campaigns. Drumming his fingers against the chipped wooden table, his patience began to wear thin as he waited for everyone to sit down and get situated. After a minute had passed, everyone was still talking animatedly to each other. 
"Can we hurry this along please!" he yelled out, causing the room to go silent as all eyes snapped onto him. "Thank you," he said once he had everyone's attention. He had called an emergency meeting weeks ago as soon as Chrissy had told him her dreams had returned. Due to conflicts of schedule and the matter of long distance for some, it had taken a while to get everyone back together again.
"What's going on Eddie? Why are we all here," asked Dustin.
"Vecna's back," Eddie replied somberly, getting straight to the point. A few gasps of panic flew across the room at his announcement.
"Are you sure? I mean— how do you know, what happened?" Nancy questioned, her eyes flickering with concern.
Eddie began to explain what Chrissy had told him that day, omitting the part with you in it. He didn't need everyone to know about his relationship with you when he was still trying to fix the damage he'd caused.
"So why isn't she here if she's so scared that he's after her?" Max's voice was low and her expression held a look of skepticism. Something about this situation seemed off to her but she didn't want to jump to conclusions just yet.
"She had cheerleading practice," Eddie replied rubbing a hand across his face tiredly. Between Chrissy hanging onto him like a leech every chance she got and you avoiding him like a leper, he felt as if he was losing his mind. He hadn't had a proper sleep in weeks and it was beginning to show. His eyes were dull, sporting dark heavy-looking bags underneath each one.
Murmurs echo around the room at his response. "I'm sorry man but I call bullshit. I've seen Chrissy around town and she didn't look scared to me," said Steve.
"Why would she lie then huh? If you have an idea, then by all means please share it because I don't have a clue!" Eddies hands grip the arms of his chair as he struggles to regain control over his emotions.
"Are you okay Eddie?" Robin asked. She had never seen Eddie like this before and it was starting to scare her a little. After witnessing the scene between Eddie and you, she had the sinking feeling that this all had something to do with one another.
"Yeah— I'm fine, just a little tired is all. Now, can we please get back to the matter at hand?" Eddie hated being so dismissive toward his friend but he wanted to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible.
"Well, I haven't felt anything from him. Honestly, I thought he was dead. I haven't felt this peaceful in a long time," Will replied in a soft voice.
"Me too," Max confirmed as others began to echo in agreeance.
"I think that settles it, dude. It sounds like Chrissy lied to you," Dustin said softly so only Eddie could hear him.
"I think you're right and I'm going to find out why." Eddies features were stony and everyone could see the shift in his demeanor. He adjourned the meeting, thanking everyone for coming and apologizing on Chrissy's behalf.
Before he left the room he tapped Robin on the shoulder, pulling her from her conversation with Steve. "Hey, I just wanted to apologize about earlier. I haven't been—, he started but Robin cut him off with a  wave of her hand.
"Don't worry about it. There are no hard feelings okay? Just go handle whatever it is you need to with Chrissy. To be honest Eddie, I never liked her anyways," she tells him with a smirk.
Eddie gives her a quick hug before taking his leave. He was on a mission as he made his way hastily to the gym, determined to catch Chrissy before she left. He wanted an explanation as to why she had lied and he wasn't going to leave until she gave him one.
Chrissy's friend Alice stood to the side of the bleachers anxiously. The loud voices of Chrissy and Eddie rang out sharply throughout the gym. Standing in the shadows, she wasn't trying to be seen until the time was right.
The words lying bitch could be heard clearly throughout the room followed by a resounding slap. Chrissy stormed by quickly tears streaming down her face. She passed by quickly, not seeing Alice standing in the corner. Once the double doors had closed, Alice stepped from behind the bleachers into the light. Eddie stood close by with his head hanging down, his hair hiding his face. She cleared her throat lightly, gaining Eddie's attention immediately.
"Jesus Christ! You scared the shit out of me!" He yelped, holding a hand over his chest. His heartbeat was erratic as he took a deep breath to calm down before he had a premature death. "What do you want," he asked warily after he had regained control of his breathing. He knew you only through Chrissy and had never spoken to you alone before. If he was a betting man, he would bet that Chrissy didn't know you were here, especially right after the fight they'd just had.
"Chrissy doesn't know that I'm here," she said confirming his suspicions as she looked over her shoulder cautiously. Eddie nodded in response and she continued, wanting to get this over as soon as possible. She didn’t want Chrissy to find out about what she was about to do.
"Chrissy's been lying to you, Eddie. She's been seeing Jason behind your back the entire time you two were together," she whispered.
When Chrissy told her that she and Eddie didn't have sex, she was in disbelief. The reason why became even more obvious when she caught them hooking up in Jason's car during school once. Jason had later told her with a smug look on his face that he and Chrissy had always maintained a sexual relationship even after she had gotten with 'The Freak'.
When she confronted Chrissy, she only shrugged with a coy smile, "I get what I need from Jason and Eddie, what's the big deal?"
Alice had told her that it wasn't right but Chrissy didn't want to listen to reason, only warning her to stay out of it before flouncing away, her ponytail bouncing perkily behind her.
"Wow, I mean what the fuck. I know I have no room to talk but for her to pretend to be so innocent when she's just as bad is fucking insane." Eddie's eyes were big as he ran his hands through his hair.
He had tried before to initiate a sexual relationship with Chrissy but she had told him she wanted to wait until marriage. He had accepted her decision, not wanting to pressure her into something she didn't want but he couldn't deny that the thought of why things were the way they were didn't cross his mind at times. Boys tended to talk and he knew that she wasn't a virgin because of Jason, so the new information just revealed to him, answered the questions he's had for a long time.
"Thanks for telling me," he said finally, looking over to Clara. "I know that couldn't have been easy."
"You're welcome, Eddie. I know I can be a bitch sometimes but I like to think that I'm still a good person," she said as she began to walk away. Before reaching the doors, she turned around to look over her shoulder at him. "Eddie be careful with Chrissy. She's not the same anymore and I'm afraid of what she may do if things don't go her way."
He nodded in response and watched as she walked through the doors, her ominous warning of Chrissy repeating over and over in his head.
You're lost in your thoughts as you walk along the crowded hallways. You had spent the entire weekend trying to figure out how to tell Eddie you were pregnant. The last time you talked, it ended horribly and you were kinda ashamed to have to approach him again so soon. You were sure that after how you treated him, he didn't want to speak to you again.
As you neared your classroom a hand snatched you into a nearby closet, closing the door briskly behind you. "What the hell," you shrieked before a hand clasped over your mouth keeping you silent.
"Shhh Y/n, it's just me," Eddie whispered as he clicked on the overhead light.
You snatch his hand from your mouth, looking upward at him. "I knew that Eddie. You are literally the only person who snatches me into closets at random."
"Yeah, you're right," he says laughing awkwardly. He rubs the back of his neck as he takes a moment to look at you. It feels as if he hasn't gotten a chance to really look at you in forever. His heart flutters nervously as you stare back into his eyes. The speech he had prepared, long forgotten at the sight of you.
You were also experiencing something similar as you began to malfunction at being in such close proximity with Eddie. An apology sits at the top of your tongue for the way you treated him before but you quickly swallow it back down as quickly as it comes. "What do you want," you question once you finally begin to settle from the mental Olympics your mind is going through.
"I wanted to talk to you. I know that our last conversation didn't end well and I want to apologize to you." He takes a deep breath in an attempt to settle his nerves before continuing.
"I let my emotions get the best of me and I reacted poorly. I know that you're probably getting tired of me apologizing and I promise to do better— I want to be better for you. Whenever I'm with you, I feel better about myself. Even though we haven't had the chance to be together, I'm sure of how I feel about you. You don't have to worry about me and Chrissy anymore because I've handled that situation and it's completely over, I promise you. So please Y/n, please take a chance on me and I promise I won't let you down again ever." His eyes are big and wet as he looks down at you pleadingly.
You lean back up against the door as you consider his words. The fierceness in his eyes is endearing, making you want to believe him this time, but there is still a nagging thought in the back of your mind. You still feel that there is something that Eddie isn't telling you. Until you know the real reason he broke his promise and chose to stay with Chrissy, you can't forgive him just yet. "I want to trust you Eddie but for me to do that, you have to be completely honest with me. I don't want to start a relationship on a half-truth."
Something akin to fear flashes across Eddie's face before disappearing quickly. His features relax again as he takes your hands into his hesitantly, pulling you in closer. "Y/n— there's a lot of things that's happened in Hawkins in the past couple of years. A lot of things have been kept from the public for safety reasons," he pauses to make sure that you are still following him. "I'll tell you everything but I need you to keep an open mind okay? I know that what I tell you may be hard to believe but just trust me okay?"
You nod your head slowly as your heart begins to race. You're not sure what it is he is about to tell you but you have the feeling that it will change everything moving forward. Just as he opens his mouth to speak, the tardy bell rings announcing that you both are late for class.
"Fuck! Can you follow me to my house after school?" He says hopefully, resting his hand on the doorknob behind you.
"Yeah," you reply breathlessly as he leans in closer to you, resting his forehead against yours. Your eyes flutter close as his nose brushes against yours, his breath is warm as it fans across your face pleasantly.
The sound of the second bell rings and the moment is gone. Disappointment is clear on both of your faces as he pulls back, giving you room to move away from the door. "Later?" His eyes are bright, filled with hope and longing.
"Later," you smile squeezing his hand gently before slipping through the door. Eddie waits a second before taking his leave as well. His smile is big and wide as he walks into class, even after his teacher tears him a new one for being late once again, his smile never fades.
You rush out of class once the final bell rings and you head to the parking lot, eager to meet Eddie as planned. After you have your talk with Eddie, you'll have to go straight to work, so you're grateful that you were able to get the car from your mom this morning. You spot Eddie in the crowded lot once you make it to your car. He gives you an excited wave and you wave back with a shy smile.
You both enter your cars and you began to follow him as he leaves the school. As you're driving out of the lot you pass by Chrissy standing near her car. She stares at you with a blank expression as you pass by. Your eyes meet and you hold her gaze before looking away to safely follow the traffic.
"Crazy bitch," you mutter under your breath. You shake it off mentally, you refuse to let her ruin the good mood you were in. You're anxious about what Eddie is going to tell you. Optimism is flowing through you and you can feel your walls lowering for what could be. You hope that he'll be receptive to the news you have for him as well.
Your hands begin to shake as your mind wanders at what his reaction will be. You had planned on telling him today but you're not sure you'll have time after he reveals whatever the secret is he's been holding in.
Before you know it you are pulling into the trailer park behind Eddie. You follow closely as he passes by several trailers before pulling into what you assumed was his home. You park behind him and get out of your car.
Eddie walks over to you with a smile, taking your hand into his, and leads you up the steps. As you both enter his home you notice the trailer is a little on the small side but has a homey feel to it that you find charming.
"Welcome to my humble abode," Eddie says bowing at the waist as you walk into his room. You giggle in response as you sidestep some articles of clothing and stand awkwardly beside his bed. His room is for the most part clean, albeit a little disorganized.
You're not sure if you should sit or stand so you choose to wait for him to tell you what to do. You act as if you're strangers as if Eddie hasn't been inside of you and made you cum in almost every way.
Eddie closes his door, kicking off his shoes. "Make yourself comfortable sweetheart, mi casa su casa." He takes a seat next to you on his bed and takes your hand into his.
"I'm so happy you agreed to listen to what I have to say. I was afraid that you would never talk to me again after last time," he says honestly. He feels happy but also nervous for what he is about to expose you to. He knows that everyone will be pissed at him for getting you involved but he could care less. At this point he would do anything to get you back, he would even travel through Mordor unarmed for you.
"Me too Eddie," you reply sweetly. Your heart skips a beat as he presses a kiss to your knuckles. "Eddie, before you begin, I just want to say I'm sorry for how I acted the last time we spoke. It wasn't unnecessary and I said some things that I didn't mean." Your head drops down and you look at your lap, unable to meet his gaze.
He lifts your chin with his ringed finger. "I already forgave you, baby. There's nothing to apologize for," he whispers against your hand still pressed to his lips. You smile as a heated flush creeps up your neck and settles on your face.
Eddie smiles at your response before he begins "As I said before sweetheart, what I'm going to tell you may be hard to believe but just know that everything I say is the truth." He licks his lips as he prepares to tell you the truth about Hawkins.
His eyes are wide, filled with warmth that eases any doubts you may have had before. You nod your head and you listen intently as he begins to tell you a tale so bizarre that it sounds like it's straight from a movie scene.
You wave goodbye to Robin and Steve as you walk across the dark parking lot toward your car. Your mind races as you fumble with your keys to unlock the car. Hours have passed since your conversation with Eddie but you're still in shock.
The story he had told you felt too bizarre to be true. But when you sat back and thought about all of the strange occurrences that's happened, his explanation was more reasonable than what the media had portrayed. You were correct before when you thought that you wouldn't have time to tell him your truth. He had taken hours to go over everything with you and by the time he was done you were late for work.
You promised that you wouldn't tell anyone about what he had revealed to you, including Steve and Robin. He wanted to keep everyone oblivious to the fact that you knew everything, for now. You smiled to yourself, the way he worried over your safety made your heart clench in happiness and hope that he would be open to what you had to tell him.
A noise startles you from behind and you drop your keys in fear. You were on edge and every little sound was making you jump. Bending down you scoop up your keys swiftly, fear pumping through you as you slot your keys in the lock. You climb into your car swiftly, slamming the door behind you.
Your heart is pounding as you look behind you out of your car windows. For a moment there you could've sworn that you heard footsteps behind you. Taking a deep breath you start your car and head back to Eddie's house. He had invited you back to his house after work once you told him that you had something important to tell him as well. Your mom was out of town visiting family and you hoped that if things ended well, you could spend the weekend with Eddie.
So wrapped up in your thoughts you didn't see the car behind you until it slammed into you, causing you to swerve hazardously before regaining control.
"What the fuck," you yell in surprise. Your eyes fly to your rearview mirror and you're blinded by the harsh light reflecting from the beams.
You realize with a start that the reason you didnt notice them was that they didnt have on their lights until just now. They obviously didn't want you to notice them until it was too late. The car behind you rams into you again and you jerk forward from the impact. A cry leaves your lips as you step on the gas, you have to get away from this person before they kill you.
The other car is right on your tail as you bend the corner dangerously. Sweat coats your entire body as your adrenaline skyrockets. No matter how fast you go, the unknown assailant is right behind you.
The roads are dark and empty as you both race along the paved road. You cry in relief when you realize that you're a few minutes away from Eddie's house. No sooner than the thought enters your mind, they slam into you violently, and the wheel jerks as you lose control of the car. Your car veers off the road and your wheels screech as you skid across the pavement. A silent scream leaves your mouth as you realize that you are headed straight for the treeline.
As you brace for impact, your last thoughts are of Eddie, how you didn't get to tell him you were pregnant and that you never got the chance to tell him that you loved him. Your thoughts are filled with him as glass breaks around you with a sickening crunch and everything fades to black.
Taglist: @bibieddiesgf @tlclick73 @seventhlevelofhell @emmysuebull22 @adequate-superstar @vintagehellfire @sidthedollface2 @blue-eyed-lion @hazydespair @fly-on-the-wall @nicolaj1978 @sinczir @starrywhitenight @merciiss @hanahkatexo @kellysimagines @hargrovesswifee @simp4rengoku @igglepiggle22 @isimpforeveryonee @urdad-hot @thikkiesixx @billyhargrovesfuturewife @sammararaven @yogizzz
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sweet-demiboi · 2 years
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Billy Hargrove x Male!Reader (smut)
Warnings: Eddie is your bestie, steddie is a thing, Billy is still a bit of a newbie, you basically fight in sports class lol and fuck afterwards, top!dom!reader and definetly sub!bottom!Billy (he's a bit bitchy at first), hair pulling is mentioned, also m!reader's dick is in his ass, m!reader grabs Billy at the neck like once (not really choking though), many hickeys on Billy, unprotected sex (don't be stupid irl, this is just fiction), also kinda shower sex (also don't be stupid that way irl, if you slip it could end not very well), this can be read by poc Ig, but probably not asexual people or trans guys, sorry :/ (I do have other fics for you on my masterlist though, just read the warnings :)), also this is not proofread (yet) - Enjoy!
No Fem!Readers, please!
Your last lesson of the day was PE. It was okay, you were even good at it. Basketball was one of your favorite school sports although you had decided not to play on the school's team.
The guys there were more than a bit toxic and you really preferred your friendships with Eddie Munson and his group. They were a lot more relaxed and actually quite funny. They didn't like sports.
So, you weren't surprised as to find that Eddie wanted to skip this class again. But as soon as he told you that he would be going on a date with Steve Harrington (who was also skipping), you were all over the place. Excited and happy for him, plus you forced him to meet you afterwards and tell everything.
But now you would have to face the new student alone - Billy Hargrove, the guy who had risen to the top of the popularity scale over night. Not even Steve had done that.
Anyway, you came back from your world of thoughts and tried to focus on the game instead, which was starting right now. The only thing you had noticed was that it was basketball and you would have to play against Billy Hargrove.
God, have mercy. He was on the shirtless team. His body basically had you drooling all over the floor. How could a highschooler manage to be this pumped? You decided not to question it.
His body was about everything that was nice about Billy in this particular class, because he played in a way that made you so damn angry.
He was all grins and chuckles when he got the ball past you, blocked you with his whole body and its weight, would jump up so highly that you couldn't land a single shot and he was provoking you all the time.
"(Y/L/N), huh? They told me you were good at this, and thought to myself: that's nice, finally something that won't be boring around here. Seems like I was wrong"
"Would you just shut up and play?"
Then he ran beside you, the ball in his hands. He winked. It was making you furious.
You felt your level of anger rise, your blood boil a little more with every ball he took away from you, with every grin, every comment, and every provocation.
Until you were playing just like him. You would dodge, block him, make comments, and were always visibly annoyed while doing so. Billy seemed as if he was enjoying to see those reactions from you, because he wasn't stopping but played a little harder, laughed a little louder, and smiled a little wider.
The tension between you two was building as well. It got kind of hot, and not because of the temperature, it was rather all the looks you shared, when your bodies pressed against each other or when your breath hit each other's skin.
Then Billy pushed you in hope to get you down, which you did. The adrenaline though gave you enough energy to roll over, get up again, snatch the ball away from him and score.
Now he wasn't as amused as before, which made you grin this time.
"Took your mouth too full, Hargrove?"
"You wish"
At this point you were able to identify the tension as clearly sexual, at least it was for you. Of course, Billy was hot, but also this way he was behaving and playing did something to you. But maybe you were just overinterpreting the whole situation.
At the end of this class you were littered in bruises and scratches. Your teacher wanted to talk to you and Billy as well. He didn't seem quite so happy about how you had played.
"When I said I wanted a fair game, this wasn't what I meant!", he looked furious at both of you "Next time, I want to see none of what happened today! Did you understand that?"
"Yes, coatch", both of you mumbled
"Good! Now apologise to each other!"
You looked Billy in the eyes, which were a nice ocean blue color, and shook his hand "Sorry", you heard a sorry for you as well, but you didn't really care. Teachers should know that their students weren't as serious as they might thought they were in such moments.
When you got back to the changing rooms you were the only one's left behind. You didn't talk, just stripped wordless and got under the shower streams.
When you had your head under water Billy started to talk "Did you really think you were better than me?"
You sighed, not wanting to answer, but you could feel the tension from before bubbling up again. As well as your annoyance. It was the end of the school day after all, you were already exhausted - PE had given you the rest, paired with Billy's rather aggressive way of playing.
"Did you think you could win that game?"
He was really close to you, under the shower right next to your own. You could feel goosebumps spreading over your back, of which you hoped he didn't notice.
Billy let out a low chuckle "Well, (Y/L/N), you will be met by reality-"
You didn't let him finish, but pushed him against the wall, pressing your lips on his, hands already on his waist.
You could feel him getting turned on immediately - he kissed you back roughly, opened his legs, and put his hands in your hair. Also he was moaning into your mouth like a whore.
You let your hands roam his body, his chest, waist, shoulders, back, every bit of skin you could reach. When you started massaging his cock, Billy broke the kiss, and moaned against your neck.
"God, just fuck me already", he demanded.
You grinned at him, at which he just grunted "Don't try tellin' me you didn't notice that tension"
"Oh, I won't", your lips were on his as quickly as your fingers were inside him. He was tensed and thight, but also really warm and already wet from shwoering. After a few minutes you decided that he was ready to take all of you, so you pushed your own dick inside of him.
Billy's moan at that was long and stretched, you slammed your hand against his mouth "Do you want the coach to hear us?", he only looked at you with a lazy gaze and it was clear that he was in another world right now.
You started to rock your hips until you had a steady rhythm. God, he felt so good around you, mentally you were on cloud nine. His skin was so hot against your own and all his moans and whines sounded as if you were doing a really good job.
Except for his comments - he was provocating you again:
"Can't do it harder, (Y/L/N), huh?"
"Wow, I didn't know a guy can go this slow"
"You wanna finish me off, or what is this?"
Something inside you snapped. You gripped him roughly getting Billy to groan, and then fucked him as hard as you could. He had been too bitchy for you to be nice to him. But honestly, you didn't think Billy minded the current circumstances that much considering how loudly he was moaning in pleasure.
He was so submissive right now, you had never seen him like that before, but you absolutely loved it. Hot skin against yours, hair to grip with your hand, an arched back and a boy moaning like a bitch, cockdrunk because of you. What more could you want?
"P-please", he whimpered.
"Please what?", your voice, surprisingly, even to you, was firm and your words clear to understand even though your mind was clouded with lust just as much as Billy's.
"Please, let me come", he sounded so whiny, you almost chuckled.
And then you let yourself get lost in pleasure, coming inside him, which was what you had wanted all along. This made the whole session much more enjoyable for Billy as well, (he secretly loved it when he could get a top to come inside him, but don't tell him I spilled that).
Now, all he wanted was his own release. His dick almost ached from all the arousal he felt, it was already leaking so much precum. But Billy wouldn't touch it for the life of him. He wanted to be good for you.
"Aw, poor boy", you grabbed his neck, pulling his back into your chest "You wanna come so bad?"
"Then beg."
Fine. Then, Billy supposed, he would do that. He really was at your mercy right now, even though he hated it (but not really).
"Please, (Y/N), I wanna come so bad, please let me come"
"God, you're sexy when you beg." - Source for this sentence: TikTok
You were kissing his neck, sucking bright red hickeys into his skin and you could feel and hear how much Billy loved that. He leaned his head to the side, giving you more skin to work with, he moaned, and pushed your head with one hand in your hair.
Slowly, you started to turn him around, his back against the tiles of the locker room's showers to give him more hickeys, this time wandering from his neck to his collar bones, chest and stomach until you were sucking at his hipbone, Billy's moans had gotten weak. Some tears were running over his cheeks from all the stimulation and pleasure.
"I'll make you come.", you said, kneeling before him already.
"God, fuck- yes, please", Billy pressed the back of his hand against his lips when you started to smirk "Good boy" He was, to no surprise, such a slut for praise, you figured when his blue eyes landed on yours in an instant. With your smirk only growing you started to suck on his pink, swollen tip.
At this point, Billy was only capable of groaning, but his hand found its way into your hair, when he came down your throat, a silent plea for you to swallow, which you did. He kind of earned it.
When you got back up again, you grabbed him and you rinsed off together. Billy was still in a headspace, in which he was glad about anything kissing-related, so you guys were basically making out under the water. It was a very nice finish to the rather rough fucking from before, which you both enjoyed.
You dried off and put clothes back on wordlessly, but not missing each other's tired smiles. You shouldered your backpack when Billy got over to the mirror to fix his hair.
He groaned "You're so dead, (Y/L/N)."
There were hickeys EVERYWHERE, on his neck, trailing their way under his shirt and due to Billy never buttoning it up, one could see that they even went under his pants.
You just chuckled, coming up behind him, and pressed your body against his back, closing your arms around his middle. Your eyes met his in the mirror.
"But you look so pretty like this", your hand caressed a bit of the red skin "Now, nobody's gonna snatch you away from me, hun"
You kissed his cheek and got out of the locker room, leaving Billy there. You were already excited to how he would show up tomorrow and how this would continue. You were almost certain that Hargrove wouldn't leave it at that.
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COSMIC - S2:E6; Chapter Six, The Spy - [Pt. 4 - FINAL]
A Will Byers x Male!Reader Series
will's connection to a shadowy evil grows stronger, but no one's quite sure how to stop it. elsewhere, steve and dustin forge an unlikely bond.
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Will stares ahead at the map of pictures sprawled across the table before him. Per his instruction, the medical team had gathered and allowed his mother, Bob, Mike and more importantly, himself to see their record of the maps he had created. The other doctor stands with the others impatiently, finally, he breaks the silence.
"Sam, this is ludicrous."
Dr. Owens is quick to silence him.
"Just give him a moment, okay?"
"We don't have time--"
"--Hey, jackass," Hopper calls, cutting the man off. "why don't you do us all a favor and shut up, okay?"
Will rises from his seat, and Owens begins to herd the doctors away, making room for him to circle the table. His eyes studiously scan the paper trails, and it brings him to the end of the conference table. With a steady hand, he points to the pooled photographs that form the hub.
"That's it."
Owens steps forward, leaning down ever slightly and speaks gently.
"That's what? What- What's there, Will?"
A frown flickers across his face.
"I don't know." He mumbles. "I just know he doesn't want me to see there. I think it's important."
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Under Owens's word, a team of the lab's soldiers and scientists gear up for their journey into the tunnels.
Elsewhere, Steve and the kids prepare for Dart's arrival. Max, Dustin, and Lucas finishing the necessary details on the bus-turned-fortress while Steve secures the surrounding area.
The quarantine doors of the lab's entrance to the tunnels open with a hiss. The team of soldiers step forward and into the affected area and prepare the elevator. Hopper and Owens watch anxiously from the other side of the glass as the team lowers themselves into the network of underground tunnels.
Steve begins the trail of gasoline, starting at the pile of bait that had been left for Dart and towards the entrance of the bus. Max finds a rusted latter in a pile of clutter, the perfect size for the bus's roof entrance.
The elevator reaches the pit of the tunnels, the grated metal floor touches the molded ground and the team disperses. One of many soldiers steadily adjusts the attached camera on their suit. Above ground and back inside the lab, one scientist adjusts the screen and assures everything is in place. He unfolds the rough sketch of the tunneled system taken from the conference room map.
"Let's see if this kid's a wizard or schizo, Doc."
Owens and Hopper shift uneasily, and Hopper runs a coarse and calloused hand across his face in his nerves. The scientist at the control panel switches on the coms, the action creates a harsh ring as the sounds adjust and he leans forward into the mic.
"First door on your right, gentlemen."
The team in the tunnels steadily gather information, their flashlights raised and weapons poised as they begin their trek.
One by one, the kids file into the bus. Steve is the last to enter, assuring everyone makes it onto the bus. He takes one last lingering look around at their work and notes their timing. The sun had just begun to set and the golden rays of sunlight had just begun to kiss the horizon, they had finished just in time.
He steps inside and the bus door slams shut, closing them all inside as they begin their long wait.
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Night has fallen and with it a soft sheet of fog blankets the junkyard. Far enough from city lights, the stars are visible, hanging brightly in the night sky. His binoculars around his neck, Lucas ascends the creaky latter to the top of the bus. He positions himself on his stomach, where he can safely hide behind the barricade of tires they had procured.
Ignoring the knots that coil in his stomach from the frightful thought, he begins his shift of lookout, eyes peeled for any sign of Dart.
Inside, the others rest wait restlessly for any signs of activity. Max has occupied one of the vacant bus seats, and she sits slouched, arms folded less than impressed with the outcome of the night. Bored, she watches Steve across the bus as he routinely flips and closes his lighter, his eyes trained on it in a weak attempt to combat boredom.
Anxious to pass the time-and her curiosity peaked as to why her high senior step-brothers rival was in on the charade-she attempts to make conversation.
"So you really fought one of these things before?"
He tears his eyes away from the small flame in his hands to meet her eye. He gives her a flat smile and nods silently before returning his attention to the lighter. With one swift hand movement, it clicks shut and he returns to his physical mantra of opening and closing the small device.
"And you're, like, totally, one hundred percent sure it wasn't a bear?"
Steve is surprised to find a weak and breathless chuckle escape him. Dustin-who had been nervously pacing the bus-stopped suddenly, turning to her with his voice raised.
"Shit. Don't be an idiot. Okay? It wasn't a bear."
Max does a double-take, surprised at the kid's actions and it was enough to capture Steve's attention.
"Why are you even here if you don't believe us?" Dustin asks shortly. "Just go home."
Her eyebrows twitch up in surprise as she rises from her seat and heads for the latter.
"Geesh. Somebody's cranky. Past your bedtime?" She quips, before disappearing up the latter.
Steve watches in bemused shock, fighting the grin that twitches at his lips as his eyes fall to Dustin. The boy is still pacing, now stewing in anger that elicits several huffs from him.
"That's good." Steve praised. "Just show her you don't care."
Dustin stops suddenly, his voice flat but upset.
"I don't."
A sly grin forms on Steve's face, and he gives the boy a wink.
"Why are you winking?" Dustin asks, annoyed. "Steve? Stop."
With effort, Steve managed to put away the smirk and the two are soon cloaked in silence once more.
Up on the bus' roof, Max has joined Lucas's company and together, the two look out on the surrounding fog.
"It's kind of awesome." She says.
Lucas looks at her in surprise, his brows furrowing into a curious frown.
"The fog, I mean." She says. "It looks like the ocean."
Lucas lowers the binoculars, his gaze turning to her.
"You miss it?"
Lucas hoists himself up, bringing himself to a more comfortable sitting position. When he looks at her, it is not hard for him to notice the change in her. She gazes out at the landscape, her eyes occasionally flickering to his but most importantly he sees the forlorn look in them.
"The ocean," he says. "The waves? California?"
Max shrugs, her face melting into a weak frown and her attention shifts somewhere else.
He smiles weakly.
"Hawkins seems pretty lame, I bet." He offered.
"No, no, no, it's not that." She says. "It's just..."
The words die on her tongue when she realizes who she is talking to-opening up to. What she is talking about. And yet, she doesn't let it stop her and she doesn't know why. Taking a deep breath, she lets the words spill out, somehow knowing this kind-hearted boy is someone she can trust completely.
"My dad's still there. So..."
"Why?" Lucas asks sadly.
Her regular composure comes back in a fleeting moment, and she chuckles dryly.
"It's this legal term called 'divorce'. She quips. "See, when two married people don't love each other anymore..."
"Yeah." Lucas mumbles.
They share a weak smile, and reluctantly Max continues.
"My mom and my step-dad, they wanted a fresh start away from him. As if... As if he was the problem, which is total bull. And things... are just worse now."
Her saddened gaze hardens on the land below them, and Lucas can tell, in this moment, she is not all there.
"My step brother's always been a dick, but now he's just angry... all the time..." She sniffles, breaking her eyes away for a brief moment. "Well, he can't take it out on my mom, so..."
"So he takes it out on you?" Lucas asks, his heart aching.
She looks at him through the tears pooling in her eyes, and she looks just as surprised that she is sharing this. Max shakes her head in hopes it will magically make everything better.
"I don't even know why I'm telling you this," Max says, the lump in her throat hardening as she struggles at what to say next. "It's just... I know that I can be a jerk like him sometimes, and I do not want to be like him. Ever. I guess I'm angry, too, and... I'm sorry."
Lucas says nothing, only staring at her in astonishment that she was opening up. The embarrassment grows in her and she angrily wipes away her tears once more.
She's embarrassed by the pitiful look in his eye, and her cheeks darken, already pink from crying. Angrily, she swipes at her cheek, catching her tears and laughs dryly at herself.
"Jesus! What is wrong with me?"
Lucas is snapped out of his daze and he sits up fully, leaning forward. When he speaks, his tone is soft and urgent. Reassuring.
"Hey, you're nothing like your brother, okay?"
Max listens, taken aback as he continues.
"You're cool and different. And you're super smart. And you're, like," he throws his hands up with a gesture, smirking. "totally tubular."
His antics crack a smile on her face, and much to her surprise she feels a warmth spread in her chest. A warmth she hasn't felt in a long, long time.
"Nobody actually says that, you know."
"Well, I do now."
She nods, a sarcastic gleam in her eye.
"And it makes you seem really cool."
A thoughtful look crosses Lucas's face, and he tilts his head.
"I like talking with you, Mad Max."
"And I like talking with you, stalker." She smiles.
A wild growl echoes from the distance capturing everyone's attention. Down below, Steve and Dustin scurry to the nearest window, peering out into the fog. Hearts hammering in their chest, they scan the land for any signs of movement, their eyes peering through the grated window from behind the sheets of metal they had used to barricade the bus.
"You see him?" Dustin asks quietly.
Dustin turns, calling up to the roof.
"Lucas, what's going on?"
"Hold on!" He calls, binoculars aimed at junkyard entrance.
His view flies across the landscape in a hurry, Max watching anxiously beside him as she squints through the yard. Lucas tenses when he catches a soft and barely audible thump from the east entrance, and his binoculars land on a car in the distance he could have sworn moved.
"Shit." He breathes.
Max's gaze flickers to him for a brief moment before hastily scanning the fog once more.
"What? Did you see something?"
"I-I don't know--"
His thought is cut short by his own sudden gasp, the binoculars had found a four-legged figure stalking through the fog.
"I've got eyes!" He calls. "Ten o'clock. Ten o'clock!"
Sure enough, Steve and Dustin locked eyes on the dark figure making its way through the yard.
"There," Steve whispers, his heartbeat spiking.
"What's he doing?" Dustin asks.
"I don't know."
Lucas and Max study the horizon, and Max-who now holds the binoculars-spots a four legged creature hidden in the fog. She turns to Lucas, giving him a skeptical look.
"Wait. You sure that's not a dog?"
A familiar hitter rings through the air, and everyone stiffens. A worried look crosses Steve's face when he sees Dart circling the bait.
"He's not taking the bait. Why's he not taking the bait?"
"Maybe he's not hungry?" Dustin offered.
"Maybe he's sick of cow,"
Steve backs away from the window, his heart hammering. He knows what he has to do, but he doesn't like it. Dustin looks at him worriedly, but Steve only nods before retrieving his bat and heading for the door.
"Steve? Steve, what are you doing? Steve?"
He turns, the moonlight pouring in from the roof hatch and illuminating his worried but determined features. He retrieves his lighter from his back pocket and holds it up.
"Just get ready." He says, tossing Dustin the lighter.
The bus doors open with a creak, and slowly Steve creeps outside, bat gripped tightly in hand. He takes a few cautious steps before the bus doors close with another, shrill creak. Slowly, he paces the grounds, twirling his bat in hands ready to strike. He whistles, hoping to draw Dart near but nothing happens.
"Come on, buddy."
Max climbs hastily down the ladder, joining Dustin by the window.
"What's he doing?"
"Expanding the menu."
"Come on, buddy," Steve repeats, his voice wavering. "Come on, buddy. Come on. Dinner time. Human tastes better than cat, I promise."
Max shakes her head in disbelief, unable to tear her eyes away from the scene.
Dustin only grins in a mix of pride and awe.
"He's awesome."
Catching a glimpse of movement, a darkness in the fog, Steve swings his bat back and forth, causing a rift in the sea of fog. Slowly it disperses, revealing a snarling and newly evolved Dart. Roughly the size of a small wolf, he now looked more like a demogorgan than ever.
Up above, Lucas spots two more figures closing in on Steve from behind.
"Steve, watch out!" He cries.
"A little busy here!" Steve snaps.
"Three o'clock! Three o'clock!"
Reluctantly, he turns and to his horror, he sees what Lucas was talking about. Scaling the surrounding vehicles are two more Dart like creatures slowly advancing on him.
In the bus, Dustin jumps to action.
"Steve!" He rips the bus door open. "Steve! Abort! Abort!"
Dart lunges at Steve before he can make his escape. The young man is able to dodge the creature's attack, just barely, before managing to duck behind a car. He can hear rapidly approaching footsteps and he turns quickly, the sharp edges of the bat striking away another demogorgan mutant.
"Steve run!"
"Steve hurry!"
With his latest opponent still winded, it buys Steve enough time to make a break for the bus, another creature hot on his heels. He has to dive, but he just barely makes it. His toes cross the threshold just as Dustin closes the door. A loud thump reverberates through the bus and it shakes violently upon impact. The mutant Demogorgan's efforts to get inside do not cease, the horrible sound of metal being clawed chills their ears and bus door continues to move.
"Holy shit!"
"Are they rabid or something?" Max shrieks.
Steve grabs an extra sheet of metal from the windshield and places it against the bouncing door. He plants his feet against it, and the sheet begins to bounce just as so.
"They can't get in!" Lucas cries. "They can't!"
The exterior takes several blows, and the whole bus rocks back and forth with it. The sound of metal hitting metal grabs their attention from the back of the bus. One of them had broken through a gap. Steve is there in seconds, with all his might he swings the bat at the slimy arm poking through.
Dustin grabs his headset, flipping it on and screams into the mic.
"Is anyone there? Y/n? Mike? God! Anyone!"
Another break in the wall sends Max and Lucas across the bus, eliciting several horrified shrieks from each of them.
"We're at the old junkyard," Dustin continues. "and we are going to die!"
Another loud and heavy thump shakes the bus, turning Max's head. It had come from the back, but all she saw was Steve finishing off the first breach. Then another thump came, and that is when she noticed the ceiling of the bus bend under each step.
One was on the bus, and it was heading straight for the roof hatch. It grew closer with every thump and slowly she looked up. For the briefest of seconds, all she saw was the night sky. Then slowly, a large slimy head came into view. Its grey, petal-liked head opened up as it snarled at her, revealing hundreds of its thorn shaped teeth and drool dribbled down the latter before her.
Her mouth opened and her petrified screams hit her ears before she could even register she had ever made a noise. Max stumbled back, and Steve's arm immediately sweeps her aside as he took her place.
"Out of the way! Out of the way! You want some? Come get this!"
He sends the spiked bat in the creatures direction and it hunches down in an attack position. Its mouth opens once more, and it lets out an awful roar. He grips the bat tighter, ready to swing when something catches its attention. Its guard lowers and looks off at the horizon in curiosity and Steve freezes.
The beast draws back in another snarl and in the blink of an eye, a thunderous boom echoes across the valley and sends it flying with a painful shriek. With it, a violent force rocks the bus that sends everyone in a mad scramble for balance. For a moment, Dustin fears in the midst of all the commotion, he had grown faint. A gust of warm wind accompanies the tremor that he first mistakes as hot flashes. But when his ears perk, they barely catch the fading echoes of a strained scream.
Everyone has frozen, completely rooted in place in fear of another attack. Max is the only one brave enough to speak.
"What the hell was that?" She hissed.
More tremors shake the ground and several grunts and thuds are heard. Everyone scrambles to the window when they realize they are no longer the target. Dustin is the last to reach the window but he realizes exactly what it is before ever laying eyes on the sight.
"Stay back!" Cries a familiar voice. "Get. the hell. back!"
Not a single soul dares to blink, much too captivated by the change in events. Packed in against the windows, fighting for space, they stare through the grated window in complete shock and awe as Y/n Henderson battles the mutants. They almost didn't recognize him. Besides the fact he was constantly moving-barely dodging their attacks-and the powerful bursts of energy emanating from his hands, he held himself differently.
Another surprise; he was dressed in baggy, shoddy clothing. Ripped jeans two sizes too big that were buckled just above his hips, and several layered shirts Dustin nor Lucas had ever seen him wear. Everyone watched dumbfounded as he threw his hands up left and right, and with it, hot bursts of air knocking back the creatures one by one.
Exhaustion was getting to him, that much was clear. Bent forward with his hands on his knees, they could see him gulping down as much air as he could, legs wobbling. Before they could snap into action to help, Y/n rose once more with an angered grunt and held his hands out to strike.
"Steve! What the hell are we doing, we gotta go help him! Now!" Dustin snaps.
Steve nodded, a bewildered look on his face still. Nevertheless, his feet finally began to respond to his brain's signals and he headed for the door. The bus rattled with his movements and the Demogorgans stilled, looking towards the bus. The kids eyes widened and for a moment, Dustin feared they had been heard, further agitating the creatures. But much to everyone's surprise, one by one they retreated.
They circled Y/n, looking ready to pounce and several even snarled at him, but they kept moving. They ran straight for the bus and Y/n's eyes widened in fear. Without thought (or much grace in such a taxed state) Y/n ran after them, ready to protect the others. But another strange sight made him stop.
The creatures had run around the bus and his friends, completely fleeing from the scene. When he was sure they were safe, he collapsed to his knees, panting heavily.
"What the fuck just happened?" Max exclaimed suddenly.
Her words snapped everyone out of their daze and hastily they fled the bus, pooling out onto the yard and towards their saving grace.
"Y/n! Oh, my God, what the shit!" Dustin cried, running towards his brother's hunched figure, sliding onto his knees and across the grass to join his side.
Y/n looked up from the ground, color drained from his face and branching out from his eyes and lips were a million tiny spider veins. He was still panting, gasping for breath, but he was still very much aware of his surroundings.
"You're... welcome." He panted.
A squeaky, relieved laugh erupted from Dustin's throat and he tackled him in a hug, nearly sending them both to the ground. It hurt like hell with Y/n's already aching bones. But his brother was safe, and squeezing any remaining air from his lungs.
Y/n loved it.
Smiling, he reciprocated and after a moment the siblings parted.
He looked around at all the widened eyes, not at all surprised to see everyone was rendered speechless, waiting for him to explain. He licked his chapped lips and hurriedly swiped away a drop of blood from his ears as it tickled his skin.
"I'll explain, I promise." He said, slowly regaining his composure. "But somebody better tell my why the ever loving fuck those things are back?"
"Are you kidding me?" Lucas cried, breaking the brief silence hanging in the night. "You can't just pull that shit and expect us to move on!"
"Shit," Max breathes, looking at Lucas in defeat. "So, like, you really weren't kidding. I owe you an apology."
Y/n blinked rapidly in surprise, his eyebrows shooting up. His wild eyes flickered to Lucas questioningly. Y/n had fully expected to have to explain himself to Max and Steve, but he never expected any of them to know already.
"Lucas, you told her?" Y/n exclaims.
Lucas shifts uncomfortably on his feet, a sign of guilt despite his strong defense.
"I had to, we needed all the help we could get!"
"Lucas," Y/n warns.
"What does it matter?" He snaps defensively. "You'd have to tell her anyway since she just saw all that!"
"Hey," Steve called.
"Well she wouldn't be here if you hadn't involved her!" Y/n snapped back, the grass beginning to heat beneath him and Dustin.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey!"
Steve's voice rings out in the clearing, and finally everyone silences and looks to him meekly.
"Jesus, you shits never listen," He grumbles, running one hand through his hair. "Look, I don't know what the hell just happened, and I'd sure as hell love some answers, but right now we have a bigger problem on our hands. We've got a whole lot more of these things to deal with than we thought, and we need to know where they're headed so we can stop them."
"What are you talking about? Y/n scared them off," Dustin said.
Y/n shook his head, a quizzical look blooming on his face as he did so. It hadn't hit him until now.
"No. No, I don't think I did." He said in realization. "I mean, yeah, I got them by suprise, but I was way outnumbered. They could have put up a bigger fight, but..."
"But they just stopped." Max finished, her voice grave.
Y/n nodded, lost in thought when Dustin rose to his feet, extending his hand for his brother. Grateful, Y/n took it and wobbled to his feet, dusting off his palms and shins.
"Do you think they heard something?"
"I don't know," Steve mumbled, his bat coming to rest over his shoulder. "But whatever it is, it can't be good."
There was pause as they each looked around worriedly at one another. It was soon disturbed by Lucas, who exhaled sharply.
"Okay, seriously, I can't take it anymore!" Lucas huffed, crossing his arms. "Stop dodging the question, and tell us what the hell is going on."
Y/n looked around at the curious faces and sighed. Frankly, he didn't blame Lucas. It was a reasonable ask, but the past day and a half were weighing a little too heavy on him. And his temper.
"Christ! I will!" He said, eyes darting between Steve and Max. "But I at least have the right to know how and why they are here, seeing as they're about to hear what I have to say."
"We're low on hands, seeing as neither you, or Mike, or even Will have been answering," Dustin says, his frown slipping into a scold.
Y/n winces worriedly, taking in a sharp breath through his clenched teeth.
"About that..."
⊹ ⊹ ⊹
Several beams of light crawl across the murky ground. Apart from the soft crackling of their comms, the squelching sound of footsteps bounces around the tunnel.
"Almost there, ladies."
After several twists and turns, the men find themselves at their target location. The tunnels have led them to the hub, just as Will had so carefully instructed. They scan the area for any disturbances but find none. Just several other entrances to the hub, and among the small space are several giant spores that move as if they're breathing.
"Stay frosty, boys." One orders.
With great caution, they step forward, but a sudden snap echoes off the walls and halts their steps. They each stand aside to find several bones scattered amongst the damp earth.
From up above in the lab, Hopper takes note of the screen. His eyes widen in recognition and he urgently steps forward to examine the monitor further.
"Wait. That's where I was?"
"What?" Owens asks, turning.
"It's that damn graveyard." He says.
The soldiers slowly scatter across the grounds, several bones crush beneath their feet. The team's leader grips his weapon tighter and scans the area further as he speaks.
"Sir, there's nothing here."
The man at the controls turns his head to address Owens. His lips press into a firm line and he shrugs halfheartedly.
"Looks like your kid's full of shit, Doc."
Hopper and Owens wear a similar frown, and share an uneasy glance. They both know something is amiss, but they can't yet say why. Suddenly, as if to answer their suspicions, a long, high pitched growl echoes through the soldier's coms.
The men turn in circles, to their surprise, large clouds of fog begin to pool in from every tunnel surrounding them. It engulfs their feet and settles around their ankles, spiking their nerves as they hear the growling grow closer.
Elsewhere in the facility, Will lays stiffly in his hospital bed. He has paled once more and his lip quivers, his heart clenched with guilt.
Finally, he gathers the courage and strength to speak. Speak as himself. Though it is still with great difficulty, the second presence inside him fighting to keep him quiet.
"I-I'm sorry." He whimpers, though it feels more to him like he's screaming.
Joyce and the others perk up in confusion, and Joyce wastes no time in reassuring him. She gently rubs his arm, her heart is gripped by fear as she recognizes the same in her son.
"What? What do you mean, sweetie?" She cooes.
His breathing grows labored as he fights a losing battle against the tears forming in his eyes. He looks to his mother and he can feel himself drowning in guilt and regret. He shudders at the thought of what he has done and weakly he speaks through the tears.
"He made me do it." He sniffles.
Joyce rises to her feet to comfort her son, unaware of the thoughtful glance on Mike's face.
"Who? Who made you do what?"
Will's darkened pupils look up at her in fear, and he speaks through choked cries, his body shaking like a leaf.
"I told you," He says. "They upset him. They shouldn't have done that. They shouldn't have upset him."
Before Joyce can question him further, Mike looks up at his friend, completely aghast. His stomach plunges in fear and his eyes widen as everything clicks.
"The spy." He says fearfully, and he sees Will subtly shake his head. "The spy!"
Mike jumps to his feet, startling Bob and Joyce in the process and bolts through the door.
Above the tunnels in the observation room, a scientist monitoring the radar turns suddenly, addressing the team.
"We've got movement." She informs.
The man grips the microphone tightly, one eye on the radar as he attempts to alert the team.
"You've got company, fellas."
Back in the hallway, Mike crashed into the guards stationed by the closed-off hallway. He fights and kicks with all his might, his voice elevated and frightened.
"I need to get through! It's a trap!"
The guards roughly push him back where he fell into Bob's arms, who had followed Mike into the hall. He attempts to pull him back but Mike continues to fight against him.
"It's a trap! I need to warn them. It's a trap!" He screams.
The fog has now engulfed the hub, and the team's vision is blurred. Several frightened and overlapping voices spill out into the air as they form a tight circle.
"I can't see shit! Where are they? Where are they?"
"They're right on you!" The tech urges, growing more frightened.
The radar has completely lit up, dozens of shots sprinkle the area and all they can do is watch, hoping their warning is enough. The cameras are fogged, the radar their only hope at saving them.
"Wait, what?"
"What was that?"
Several horrific screeches pierce the air, barely muffled through the coms. The radio channel is soon filled with gunfire and terrible shrieks of agony, and all they can do now is watch and listen in horror, knowing there is little to no hope of saving them now.
And in a frantic effort to understand, Joyce lightly shakes Will's shoulders as he cries. She is choking back tears of her own as she does so.
"Will, sweetie, talk to me. You got to help me understand."
Will is crying freely now, and he shakes violently with sobs.
"It's too late."
The last thing the observation team sees is the only remaining soldier scurry for the camera when all goes to static. Everyone is shocked into silence, and they look around at one another fearfully. Hopper is the only one to move, he has taken sight of the nearest radar and his blood runs cold. Every dot on the map in near-perfect sync flees through one tunnel.
The tunnel the soldiers had come from.
"You should go." Will sobs, his eyes filled with fear.
Moments later, the silence in the observation room is disturbed by familiar shrill cries that echo out from where the elevator had disappeared.
Hopper turns to face the glass as do the others, and everyone is suddenly aware-far too late-that things were only getting worse. He races to window, and from there, all he can see is the seemingly bottomless pit, but the shrill cries only grow stronger.
"They're almost here," Will says to his frightened mother.
A concerned frown forms on Hopper's face as he studies the cables cautiously. The elevator cables begin to move, twist, and twirl, creating a reverberating hiss of metal curling before settling into small vibrations. And out of the depths of the pit, one by one, the mutated army of demogorgans emerge.
Sorry if this chapter basically assumed what you usually wear. I normally stay away from all that, so if you usually wear that sort of stuff [I do too so I get it lol] I'm sorry! I do my best to let you guys imagine what you wear cause I always enjoy that in a reader insert. But the clothes will be explained next episode! (Personally, I just picture Y/n Henderson in clothes like max's in season 2, handmedowns and stuff since the Hendersons probably aren't the *richest* and it's just Claudia Henderson so yeah)
On that note, for reference for the next chapter, I know we don't all look like our parents, but for the sake of whats to come, your mom looks like you in this story if she doesn't already. Sorry again and thank you!
17 notes · View notes
ebaylee422 · 1 year
7 notes · View notes
sugarsfics · 2 years
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Summary: You were your little brother’s Dustin idol from the day he opened his eyes, that was until Steve “the hair” Harrington came along. God how you hate Steve.  But does he hate you?
Trope: Steve x Henderson!reader; enemies to lover 
Warning: Cussing, Dustin being a jerk but makes up for it, talks of the events of season 2 and 3, upside down, bad writing  
Word count: 1.8k  
Ever since your little brother Dustin was born, he has been attached to your hip. He looked up to you, he wanted to be just like you. You’re the one you got him in to DnD, his character was the same as yours but male version. He was always in your room reading your books, listening to your music, he always wanted to hear the gossip of what was happening in high school. You love it, it was nice to have someone who wants to be like you. You were riding on this high that came crashing down too soon for your liking. The cause of the crash was Steve Harrington. Your brother bonded with Steve, while you were trying to help Jonathan, Joyce and Nancy get the mind flayer out of Will, Steve had the kids. Next thing you knew Steve was Dustin new idol.  
 After the gate was closed the kids had a nice night at the Snowball. Dustin came out of the bathroom with his hair all did up. “Woah what is going on the mane-ow" “Don’t touch it” “Whatever you say little brother...Mom is going to snap some pictures then we will hop in my car” “Oh um I don’t need a ride” “I am not going to let you bike there you will mess up your suit” “No Steve is taking me” your blood boil at the name Steve “Why is he taking you” “He is going to help me with the ladies” “Ladies?” “Yeah, he helped me with my hair” is this what heartbreak felt like your brother is choosing Steve Harrington over you “Well your hair looks s-” knock knock what broke your heart even more is seeing his face light up “Steve’s here” he beamed. He ran to the door and opened it “Steve my man” “Hey buddy you ready” “Yep oh let me grabbed my jacket” Steve looked at you “Hey y/n” “Hi” you said annoyingly “You look pretty” you looked down and your outfit “I am just wearing a pair of sweats and a shirt” “Still pretty so you doing anything tonight” he is really trying to flirt “No I am not” “Well maybe we can-” “Got my jacket let’s go” Dustin interrupted “Yeah ok so y/n maybe-” “STEVE” Dustin shout from the door way “If you are going to ask me to hangout or whatever the answer is no” “Oh” he looked like a kicked puppy “So you should get going” “Yep I should” “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out” Did he really think you were that dumb he just wanted another tally mark as much as you like Steve you knew his game and you weren’t about to fall into his trap. You saw all the girls he hangs out with, there is a new one every week you knew you would never be one plus he didn’t even know your name or the fact that you existed until this year. You hated him right yeah you did hate is stronger the love like hate is stronger than like.  
Summer 1984
You finally graduated, now you had a job at Star-court mall you were the first batch of people that got hired. “Just a head ups y/n today we have a newbie, and you are training them” your boss said “Roger that” you wiped down the counters then you heard that voice “Hey I am new here where do I go” Steve. You look up just to make sure and up there is was Steve “Y/n hey I didn’t know you worked here” he did that’s way he applied in the first place “Ok come on back and we will get started on your training” when he came into the back he couldn't help up but stare you surprisingly the uniform made your body look good the shorts squeezed your hips like a waist trainer. Over the weeks of working with him you couldn’t help but laugh that amount of times he got reject but a smile on your face he deserves it you thought. One Saturday you were extra happy because Dustin was coming home from camp, you missed him and wanted to hear all about it. As you were it that back you hear Robin say “Is who hear” then Steve “Henderson” he was here you ran out to see him only to see them doing complicated handshake then Steve took Dustin to a booth to talk he didn’t even know you were there. After that, your and your brother's relationship changes for the worse. 
You thought after protecting Dustin from Russian, for Christ sake you got beaten up and truth serum inject into you not to mention with Steve being tied to you. But nope when you found a way-out Dustin ran too Steve make sure he was ok. You tried reasoning with it because maybe Dustin just needs a male figure in his life, yea we are just going to say that, so you just let it go. 
March 21, 1985 
You got a call at home “Henderson residence” “Hey y/n it’s me Dustin” “Is everything ok” “Yes um are you able to feel in for Lucas tonight at hellfire” he wants you to play with him he wants to hang out with you “Yes yes sounds great” “Awesome you were my last resort Steve couldn’t do it and-” ah last resort “Um Dusty I got to go be good” “Ok” “Bye-” the line was died. Last resort those words replayed in your mind last resort. But hey you thought maybe this is a chance to redeem yourself and be his Idol again. You made his favorite cookies and got your dice ready. Dustin met you outside “Ready” you nodded you walked into the Hellfire room, with Dustin and Mike at your side. “Well Well Well if it isn’t lady y/n haven’t seen your since graduation” said Eddie “Wait you know my sister” “Yep we go way back” he winked “Shall we get start” “What no initiation no tests no anything” Dustin complained “Nope lady y/n is a legend in these parts she singled handedly beat my campaigns with nothing but a stone and a dream” he cheered Dustin stare at you in awe your moving on up. The game ended with you bringing them to victory. You all walked down the hall screaming and shouting with a pair of eyes watching you those eyes watched has Eddie threw an arm over you and gave you praise.  
“Lady y/n I see you are still the best around” “Your eyes are correct Eddie the banished” you both laughed those same eyes turn dark why is he making you laugh why don’t you laugh with me “I really missed you y/n Dustin is pretty cool but he ain’t lady y/n cool” “Oh please your making me blush” now he is making you blush “Hey thank you though for taking in my brother and his friends” where is my thanks “ No need to thank just some more sheep's to add to my flock” “Sheeps don't have flocks” you teased “Oh shut it smarty pants” he grabbed you and spun you around I have seen enough those eyes thought “Steve!!” Dustin says those eyes met yours “Do you need a ride Dustin” “I- ““Why would he need a ride I'm right here” “Well you seemed pretty occupied” he said nodding toward Eddie. “What does that even mean” “So Dustin do you want a ride or not” Dustin glance at you then back at Steve “Y/n you wouldn’t mind right”  
Your drive home was quiet, he chose Steve again. You drove around for about an hour hoping that you would avoid both. When you pulled into your driveway a figure lingered near your door. You have to get home and shower just ignore it and walk in you took a deep breath, opened your car door and speed walked to your door “Y/n can we talk” silence “Please” he blocked the door with his body “Listen to me” “Please” said Steve “No” “No?” “No you don’t deserved to know how I feel” you spat “Just tell me why” “Why what” “Why not me” you looked at him confused “huh” “you don’t look at me the way you look at Eddie or another guy I tried and been trying so hard to get you attention for you to look at me without hate in your eyes” “That’s because I used too” you mumbled “What” you couldn’t hold it in anymore “ I used too” you yelled “Back in high school my focus was on you but you didn't even know my name till Junior year then of course what Steve Harrington wants he gets and you got my brother wrapped up in your spell another person falling for you you’re his number one his Idol I was in your place before you came around that was the one thing that was keeping me from leaving , I was just waiting for you to drop him like you did every other girl but nope somehow your bond got stronger HE CALLED YOU FIRST TO FILL IN FOR LUCAS I'M THE ONE WHO TAUGHT HIM THAT GAME AND I WAS HE LAST CHOICE  and you want to know what is worst I can't even hate you because I love you so much that it hurts” you took a breath a wipe tears that you didn’t know fell “I didn't know you felt this way” “Yeah no one did” “I know I can't change the past but let me help our future please I want to be with you, you are so brave and smart beautiful please just give me one chance” “I need time please” “Take so the time you need” he said and kissed your cheek 
You open the door was was met with a teary eyed Dustin “I'm sorry” he quivered “I didn’t realize I was pushing you away I-I-I- it was nice you have an older guy around teaching me things” “I kinda thought that” and brought him into a hug “Please forgive me” “I forgive you” “Please don’t tell Eddie your like his favorite and he will forbid me from ever playing again” “Ok I won’t” you laughed and you sat on the couch with him still in your arms “Last thing” “What's that” “Give him a chance he really likes you he has been talking about you for a long time he tried to be sneaky but it’s Steve so  and I don't want to be the reason why he doesn’t find love”
You and Dustin fell asleep on the couch with him resting in your shoulder. You slowly got up to not disturb him and laugh when his head fell on the couch. You made your way to the phone and dialed certain number. “Harrington house Steve here” 
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