#Steve and Jonathan as childhood friends
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Joyce: You mind putting my son down...
Mr Harrington: puts lil Jonathan back down we were just playing around.
Lil Jonathan: stands protectively infront of lil steve.
Joyce: What can we do you for? Puts a light hand on both kids shoulders. Bby Will is poking his head out from behind her leg.
Mr Harrington: Rolls his eyes Obviously I'm here to pick up Steven. Seeing as he never came home today eyes Steve who hides fearfully behind Jonathan Come on.
Lil Jonathan: glares
Joyce: looks down at Steve, eyes warm and voice gentle Hunny, do you want to go with this man.
Lil Jonathan: shaking his head frantically. Mum don't!
Joyce: gently Steve, it's okay sweetheart.
Lil Steve: clutching Jonathan's shirt with tears in his eyes. Looking up at her. no... No Mrs Byers.
Joyce: ruffles his hair, looks at Mr Harrington with cold eyes you heard him, thanks for stopping by.
Mr Harrington: You really want to mess me? We all know your crackpot of a husband isn't here to help you.
Joyce: snorts I have and will never need that man to fight my battles.
Mr Harrington: looks at Steve your mother's back home crying, she's been worried sick. And now you disgrace us by going to these backwater peseants?!
Lil Steve: flinches
Lil Jonathan: angry Fuck off! Leave him alone you big bully!
Mr Harrington: You will regret this Steven, I'll make sure of it.
Joyce: The only you thing you'll be doing is leaving me and my children alone before I call the police. And now I am good friends with the Cheif.
Mr Harrington: You'll regret taking him, he's nothing. You won't last a week until your throwing him back at us leaves
Lil Steve: crying
Joyce: heart breaks oh Steve... Kneels down and hugs him.
Lil Steve: I'm sniff sorry for causing you trouble Mrs Byers.
Joyce: None of that dear, a friend of Jonathan is a friend to me.
Lil Steve: Really? 🥺
Joyce: Really, your family dear, and you are safe now. I promise kisses his head.
Lil Jonathan: wiggles into the hug with Bby Will yeah! We've got you.
Lil Steve: But you got hurt cos of me.
Lil Jonathan: I'd do anything for you, your my brother.
Lil Steve: 🥺I've never had a brother before.
Joyce: chuckles and now you get two.
Bby Will: 😊!
Lil Steve: let's himself be held and smiles
#Steve and Jonathan as childhood friends#Bby Jonathan was a feral lil scrapper#Will is just happy to be here#Stranger things#source: young sheldon#Steve harrington#jonathan byers#Love protective big bro Jonathan#And Steve as a Byers stories#Joyce Byers#will byers
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Jonathan didn’t know how else to say it but…Steve Harrington was weird. Like really, really weird. And he wasn’t even talking about Steve and Eddie. He thought Harrington was plenty weird all on his own.
Jonathan really didn’t understand why Eddie was always marked as the strange one in the duo. To him, Eddie made perfect sense. Poor background, unique interests, drug dealer, loud and obnoxious as a coping mechanism, but still managing to be a pretty good guy all around. It was normal for a guy like that to be a little out there.
But Steve didn’t make any sense to him. Zero. Zilch.
Because he was rich, handsome, athletic, a total jock in every sense of the word. Half the school wanted to get in his pants, while the other half desperately tried to figure out how he got so many girls. By all accounts, he should be an asshole. Someone who basked in his own popularity, not someone who literally shunned it. Steve was the only person he’d ever met who had it all, and didn’t care.
All he seemed to care about was freaking Eddie Munson of all people. They had been attached at the hip since grade school and even with Eddie disappearing for two years, Steve was right back at his side nearly the moment he got back.
He didn’t go to parties, never bragged about his conquests unless someone asked, and even then he was always incredibly vague, and from what he’d heard from Nancy, he didn’t even sleep at his own house 90 percent of the time. If you were looking for Steve Harrington, all you really had to do was track down Eddie Munson.
Jonathan had only purchased weed a handful of times in his young life, but every single time Steve had been there. Either in the van waiting when Eddie dropped something off, or sitting right next to him on the park bench, popping gum and reading a comic book while Eddie did his business.
And he was…intensely protective over him. Which was weird considering how Munson was scary enough in his own right, at least on the outside. Like getting into multiple fights, protective. Making girls cry who had the audacity to say anything about Eddie’s antics, protective. Like cursing out an actual teacher, protective.
Like comforting your best friend after a near death experience instead of your literal girlfriend protective. Who did that? And maybe it hadn’t been official back then, but still. You’d think you’d spend time cuddling your crush in your lap instead of your childhood buddy. And there was also the weird hair smelling thing they kept doing. He hadn’t looked too closely at the time, but Steve had turned to bury his face in Eddie’s hair every few minutes after the 83 showdown. He hadn’t seen a repeat of that since, though. Maybe…maybe Eddie had gotten demon guts in his hair? And Steve had been trying to find the source?
He didn’t fucking know. He just…didn’t get him. And now he got him even less. The guy pulled freaking Nancy Wheeler as his girlfriend, and he didn't spend every possible waking moment with her?
But it wasn’t just him prioritizing Eddie over Nancy. It was the fact that he didn’t care that Nancy was with him more often than her actual boyfriend. Which was fantastic for Jonathan, even if it was a bit of a double edged sword. Because Nancy was gorgeous and so fucking smart and cool and…and Jonathan liked her so much he kind of wanted to die.
And he couldn’t do a damn thing about it. Even if he’d come close, way more than once. There were probably a dozen times where he’d almost kissed her. And the last one would have happened if they hadn’t been interrupted. They had been talking next to his car during lunch, Jonathan couldn’t even remember what it had been about. He just remembered that he had said something to make her laugh. And she looked so freaking beautiful when she laughed. She looked pretty all the time, but something about seeing her happy made her jump from a 10/10 to a 15.
The sun was in her hair, and her eyes crinkled in that cute way that he loved, and Jonathan had been leaning in before he knew it was happening. And if Steve and Eddie hadn’t walked by right in that moment, it would have happened. He had jumped nearly ten feet in the air when he spotted him out of the corner of his eye, fully expecting Steve to start tearing into him for being so close to his girlfriend.
But he just smiled and waved when he saw them, and went right back to their conversation before walking off.
See? Weird.
He didn’t know why it didn’t bother Nancy more, how little he cared about what the two of them were up to. Part of him was praying it was because she was falling out of love with him, and all of the romantic tension they had together wasn’t in his head.
But he just couldn’t bring himself to make that final step. Mostly because he was busy trying to take care of Will most of the time. Even if he got his way he wasn’t exactly in a position to be a good boyfriend. His little brother came first, especially after everything he had been through. And he was struggling, Jonathan could see it. And he spent most of his spare moments trying his damndest to get Will to open up. It hadn’t worked. But he kept trying.
But there was another part to it too. He…he didn’t want to be that guy. The kind of guy to make moves on a taken girl. Especially Steve’s girl. Both him and Eddie had risked their lives last year helping them out, and what? He was going to thank them by breaking Steve’s heart? He couldn’t bring himself to do it.
Even if Eddie wanted him to. Which was just one more thing he didn’t get, the weird encouragement Eddie would give him when it came to his best friend’s girlfriend. If Jonathan mentioned a movie he wanted to see, preferably with her, Eddie would always be sure to keep Steve busy on friday nights for her to be free. If Jonathan had his mom’s car for a week and really wanted to be the one to pick her up in the morning, Eddie would conveniently find a reason that Steve couldn’t.
It was weird, and kind of fucked up, but Jonathan had at least a small idea on why he was doing it. It was pretty obvious, after you got a little closer to the two of them. Eddie was in love with Steve. But Steve wasn’t in love with Eddie, not when he had Nancy on his arm. It explained why he monopolized all of his time, why he hung around them on their dates, why he was so open to letting another guy swoop in on her.
He never actually asked him about it. It felt like a fucked up thing to say, especially if he was wrong. But Jonathan couldn’t think of any other explanation. So he kind of just…went with it. At this point it felt like he was Eddie’s co-conspirator to break them up, even if it was never explicitly said.
Which was fucked up, on both their ends. Yeah Steve was weird, and kind of a bitch, but he was a good guy all in all. He was Eddie’s best friend for a reason.
So Jonathan held back his feelings. Or at least he did for as long as he could. But then Nancy came to him for help to expose the Hawkins lab. And they ended up on this crazy fucking adventure together. And he just fell more and more in love with every wild stunt she did.
And then they kissed at Murray’s and Jonathan didn’t have the strength to say no. How could he? It just…happened. And okay yes. He feels bad for Steve. But he doesn’t regret it. Not even slightly. And maybe that made him the biggest asshole in the world, but it was hard to care when Nancy freaking Wheeler wanted him of all people.
It was pretty easy to shove the guilt right out of his mind. That was until they saw Steve and Eddie next, right in front of the Hawkins lab. Steve had instantly brightened at the sight of her, immediately sweeping her up into a big hug.
And Jonathan couldn’t bring himself to watch it. He just couldn’t. Because that was probably going to be the last time they hugged like that. He was already in too deep and there was no way in hell that he was going to let last night be a one night stand. He hadn’t exactly asked Nancy to break up with him yet, but he was going to.
Because he was a dick like that, apparently. But maybe they could find a way to do it…kindly? If that was even possible. And if there was anyone who would be able to help soften the blow for Steve, it would be Eddie Munson.
Jonathan walked up to him as the other two started talking. He jerked his head to the side, “Hey can I talk to you for a second?”
Eddie nodded, following him over to a safe distance from the car. He didn’t really think Eddie would be mad at him for what he did. But he was still a little nervous to say it out loud.
He avoided saying what he truly wanted, deflecting with a question, “So um, Steve and Nancy, how uh, serious are they?”
Eddie stared at him like he’d magically grown a second head, “Huh?”
“They’ve almost been together for like a year now right?” Jonathan pressed, “Is he…y’know. In love with her?”
But Eddie was still looking at him like he’d asked something insane. He narrowed his eyes at him, “Are…are you kidding me right now?”
“What?” Jonathan asked, almost as equally confused as Eddie, “Why would I be kidding?”
Eddie raised a brow at him, “You think Steve and Nancy are dating? For like, real? After all this time? After last year. That’s what you think?”
Jonathan really wished Eddie would just tell him what the hell he was talking about instead of emphasizing every other word. He crossed his arms over his chest, feeling oddly defensive when he asked, “What else am I supposed to think?”
He hadn’t expected Eddie to bark out a laugh at the question. It took a second for him to compose himself to talk again while Jonathan looked on, more confused than ever.
Eddie eventually straightened, holding a fist in front of his mouth while he struggled for the words, “Jonathan, dude, last year you saw me in his lap. With my arms around his neck. While he kissed me to make me feel better.”
Jonathan blinked at him, “Huh?”
He hadn’t remembered the kissing part. And in his defense he had been a bit distracted with the news that his brother was alive. But the hair smelling thing…had…had Steve been kissing the top of his head that whole time? Right in front of him?
Eddie looked way too amused at Jonathan’s shock, “So what do you think that means bud? Is that something you do with your friends?”
“But Nancy! And all the other girls-”
“Fake, fake, fake and fake,” Eddie said with a grin, “That boy’s all mine. And has been for years. Him and Nance are just friends. Really good friends but that’s it.”
Eddie put a hand on his shoulder, voice softening a little but still a little too tickled for Jonathan’s liking, “We all kind of thought you knew man. I guess I underestimated our own acting skills there.”
Jonathan slowly nodded, even though his brain was still struggling to catch up with everything he’d said. But it made sense. It actually made perfect sense. That’s why Steve didn’t care that he was all over her, that’s why Eddie had been so encouraging, that’s why Steve was so fucking weird. The guy had been basically married since he was in third grade.
“Holy shit,” Jonathan finally breathed out, “That makes so much sense.”
But then a realization hit him, “Wait, so all of this time Nancy has been single?”
“And ready to mingle,” Eddie added with a wink, “Though if it helps, you’re the only one she’s set her sights on. That and Tom Cruise but I think you still have good odds.”
As wonderful as that revelation was, it kind of also made him want to smash his head into a wall. How could he have been so blind?
“Don’t worry about it,” Eddie said, like he could read his mind, “We do actually try to hide it most of the time. It’s not completely your fault for not seeing the hints.”
He only had one more question, a stupid one but he still wanted to be sure, “So um, hypothetically. If I, uh, slept with his fake girlfriend, he wouldn’t be mad about it?”
Eddie laughed, “He’d be ecstatic. Half the time those two talk is about you. He’s been waiting for you to make a move as long as Nancy has. And he will definitely get a kick out of this conversation when I tell him, that’s for damn sure.”
Jonathan nodded. That was…some pretty fantastic news. Besides the sting that he could have had her weeks or even months ago, it was a good fucking feeling to know that they hadn’t done anything wrong. It was kind of weird, knowing that Steve Harrington of all people was gay. But he didn’t care. That might have been how his dad tried to raise him, but his mom had stopped all the homophobic shit the second he ditched.
He was raised better than to judge two people for being happy together. And the fact that they trusted him with something so big made him feel…kind of special. Definitely not like an asshole. The two of them wandered back to Steve and Nancy and Eddie didn’t hesitate to pull him into his arms.
Jonathan watched as he whispered something to him before kissing his cheek, like it was the most natural thing in the world. And for them it probably was. He saddled next to Nancy. He didn’t exactly have the confidence to be that affectionate in public like those two did, but he’d like to work his way up to it. He gently took her hand in his, blushing at the way it made her smile.
She squeezed his hand back before shuffling a little closer to lean into him. He didn’t have much time to indulge in it, not when the lights all suddenly came back on. But as they all hurried inside, he couldn’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, everything would be okay.
From the latest chapter of this fic
#steddie fic#steddie ficlet#eddie munson#steve harrington#jancy#the universe trapped in your skin#stranger things#steddie#pov outsider#season 2 rewrite#secret relationship steddie#steddie childhood friends au#nancy and steve bffs#nancy wheeler#jonathan byers
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Excuse me for a minute, I'm having platonic Stonathan thoughts (though, if you'd like, you can picture this evolving into romantic Stonathan). (And also I half wrote a fic like I tend to do. Sorry.)
CW: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Abuse
To my understanding, with several maps of Hawkins I've seen and just what I've heard, the Harrington's and the Byers's were neighbors before the canon timeline. And so my thoughts are this:
Steve and Jonathan were childhood best friends before high school. They did everything together. Rode their bikes up and down the street until the sun went down, played card games in one another's driveways, played pirates in the forest, swam together in the summers, etc. Jonathan would take pictures of them growing up—of Steve playing basketball in his driveway, of them at the Indiana state fair, in the Byers's kitchen for dinner, of Steve the morning after a sleepover. Steve would play baseball with Jonathan all the time, he'd ramble on about his sports hobbies, he'd share baseball cards and trade them, too. They'd exchange music tastes for a while. That kind of stuff.
They'd make promises to each other about being best friends forever and ever and ever. That they'd always have each others backs. They'd never forget one another. They'd live next to or with each other until they died. That sort of pact.
And some time before high school starts, things get bad with their families. Jonathan's dad, Lonnie, is verbally and physically abusive towards the whole family. Jonathan constantly throws himself in the line of fire, wanting to protect his mom and his little brother—who, mind you at this moment in time would be like ten years old. He's showing up to school with bruises, with new scars, with heavy eye bags. He's showing up without a lunch packed and without a good winter coat and without his head held high.
Steve won't stand for that. He wants his best friend in the whole wide world to be safe. So he makes that his life mission. He brings extra lunch for Jonathan. Gives him a spare winter coat. Tries to give him confidence boosts. Spends all his waking time with Jonathan, to make sure he's safe.
Then, one night, when his parents aren't home, he sneaks Jonathan and Will into his home while Joyce and Lonnie are hashing it out—Lonnie's threatening to leave for good this time, he's being reamed for gambling, for being a dirt bag (that sort of thing). So, Will sleeps in Steve's good sleeping bag on the floor. And Jonathan shares Steve's bed.
It ends up being a nice little sleepover. A spontaneous one, but a nice one nonetheless. Then, though, Steve's parents come home. His dad barges into his room, invading his privacy almost immediately because he doesn't believe in privacy. And he catches Jonathan in Steve's bed. He's telling them to collect their things, go on home, says that Joyce is looking for them—"I have to have a little conversation with Steve," is what they're told.
After that night, though, Jonathan doesn't see Steve all that often. In passing. On the school bus. At school.
It's not until a day where Jonathan is biking home that he approaches Steve to hang out. Steve is sitting outside in his driveway, sweaty from playing with his basketball, picking grass with his fingers, eyebrows furrowed and wearing a deep scowl. At first, Jonathan thinks maybe Steve had a hard day at school, maybe he's having issues with the words on the paper again, maybe he's mad because he hurt himself playing. But then, Jonathan gets a little closer, startling Steve—and he spots the telltale signs of bruising on one of Steve's biceps, deep and new and in the shape of fingertips. He knows these bruises all too well.
He approaches awkwardly, gently though. He tries to flash a big smile. Tries to make small easy talk. Says a couple things about a baseball game he caught on the radio, it was touch-and-go, but he heard enough to say something.
"I'm not supposed to talk to you anymore," Steve mumbles. His voice wet and raspy. He won't make eye contact. He won't unfurl himself from the knees to his chin, sitting on his bottom, hands to himself way he's on the ground. "Dad said you're a...you're a bad influence on me. That I'm not supposed to talk to people like..."
Like you, goes left unsaid.
"We can keep it a secret between us," Jonathan amends, trying to be optimistic, "we've done it before. We can do it again." He plops down on the driveway next to Steve. Barely bumps their opposite shoulders together. Keeps smiling at Steve's turned away, flushed face. Keeps smiling at Steve's barely concealed sad eyes and his terribly deep frown. "C'mon, Stevie. My mom bought a new pack of chocolate pudding. Let's go get you one, I know they're your favorite."
Steve stiffens. Teeth biting into his lower lip. Eyes closed off, impossibly sadder. "Jonny," he sighs. "Jonny, you're not good...you're not good enough for...me," he says lamely, choppy and awkward, "for my family."
Jonathan then scowls. Jolts away. "What's that supposed to mean? I thought we were best friends, Steve. Forever and ever, man."
"Just go home, Jonathan."
"No," Jonathan firmly objects, "something's wrong and you're obviously...you've got your head turned around or somethin' and I can help you, like you helped me."
At that, Steve turns his head. Eyes aflame. Piercing. Furious. He wiggles his left arm in Jonathan's sight, bruises prominently on display. "This is your fault, Jonathan!" he states, voice raised but not quite yelling, "he came after me because of...because of fairies like you!"
Jonathan's nostrils flare. He stands from the drive in one swift push. He stares down at Steve, covering him in his tall, lanky shadow. "Didn't know you were one of those people," he spits. "And I'm not stupid, Steve. I know who actually did that."
"Does it matter?" Steve squawks. "He did that to me because he"—
"Because he saw me in your bed," Jonathan finishes calmly, seething, yet cold. "I know that your dad is an asshole, Steve." Even pointing out who exactly did it has Steve flinching, Jonathan feels bad briefly, but allows himself to be hurt, too. "Doesn't mean you have to take after him," he states, voice final.
He walks back down the driveway, picks up his discarded bike, and gives one last cold glance to Steve. Steve, who's huddled down on the ground, bruised and battered, pinching his nose so he doesn't cry, sweaty and colored red from playing basketball outside, awkward and boyish the way he always was with Jonathan. Steve, who doesn't feel like Jonathan's friend.
"See you around, Harrington," Jonathan calls out. And as he bikes back home, his resolve crumbles. He already misses his best friend.
See? I half wrote a fic because I can't stop myself. But I'd like to think that at some point after canon is done, they do make amends. Somehow. Maybe Steve admits that he did like Jonathan, in that way. Maybe Steve admits that he was an asshole for that comment. Maybe Jonathan admits the same, but because he didn't push harder to have Steve let himself be helped.
Maybe they reconcile because all their past drama—words and relationships and high school bullshit—feels so trivial when the world was constantly crumbling at their feet.
Maybe Steve just wants to apologize. And maybe he just wants to help.
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jonathan‘s talking about being bi to robin at a party.
steve leans towards eddie and drunkenly states “he gets me.”
eddie just whips his head towards steve and goes “you‘re bi??” while steve just nods contentedly.
and that‘s how he came out to his future boyfriend.
#have this shitpost that‘s actually me coming out to one of my childhood friends at a party#lol#steddie#steveddie#steve x eddie#eddie x steve#steve harrington#eddie munson#robin buckley#jonathan byers#bi steve harrington#bi jonathan byers#stranger things#original post#vanessas headcanons
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Tw! mentions of bugs, bullying, and potential mentions of imposter syndrome
The Carolina praying mantis (Stagmomantis carolina) is one of the two most common mantids found in the state of Virginia. The insect is typically brown in color, mimicking the color and general markings of a dead leaf. It is an interesting insect because it can change its appearance to match its environment every molt until it reaches adulthood (when they cease molting).
Steve feels like that sometimes. Like he changes to fit in with people around him and now that he has shed them he’s stuck being the version of himself that he hates most. The ugly, alone, version that is tucked in the back of his empty science classroom crying over a bug. More technically speaking, crying over the book on bugs that he checked out of the school library. He shuts the book. He can’t afford to replace it, if it ends up tear-stained.
He was supposed to be finishing up a report for class, he had only written the one paragraph. Came in during lunch and everything. But now instead of writing about the bug he was randomly assigned and their importance in their ecosystem, he's just feeling miserable.
Maybe he's not being honest with himself. He was never going to work on the bug thing, he was just trying to hide.
“Heeeeyyyy! Anyone in here?”
Steve knows that voice, knows the face that will greet him if he lifts his head (which he absolutely cannot do, his face is streaked with tears and he’d like to keep some of his dignity thank you very much).
Eddie Munson is a year or so older than Steve and looks every bit like the junkyard dogs Steve used to see prowling around outside before his dad remarried. Those dogs were mean-looking things, big and dangerous, armored with black leather and metal spikes, and right now Eddie was no different. Steve has heard him barking venomous speeches about the shittiness of high school and jocks and such, what would he say if he found one crying over nothing?
Maybe now that Steve has dropped that last and final fake skin, now that he's given up on pretending to be anyone, Maybe now he’ll be left alone.
“Harrington? What the fuck are you doing here?”
Or maybe not
Steve looks up through his bangs, still trying to keep his face from view. Munson is by the doorway with a puzzled, kinda grossed-out look on his face. Like he can't decide if it's confusing or nauseating that Steve is anywhere near him. Steve gets that, would feel gross if he was in close proximity of anyone who had been acting the way Steve had been recently.
“I'm doing my assignment for Spencer’s class” Steve croaks “The bug one?”
Now Munson just looks confused, possibly a bit shocked but what does that matter?
His pretty eyebrows are knit together and his mouth tugs down into a frown…or a sneer? Steve has never been that good with facial expressions.
“No, you haven't” Munson speaks up ” You've been crying”.
“I could be doing both.” Steve mumbles. He's not sure why he's pushing back. Munson had obviously already seen the tears and they both could see the scattered, empty, pages that were strewn across the table. He had not been doing both.
Munson is shuffling into the classroom now; approaching as if he's trying not to startle a cat. Steve watches him carefully—knows to watch carefully—if Eddie makes one too fast move, Steve is out of there.
Right now, Munson doesn't seem the type to try and jump Steve, especially because he is very vocal about hating bullies, but Steve will never rule it out after what happened with Jonathan. Steve used to be smarter, before rich stepmom’s and asshole fake friends, he used to be more wary of the signs of a beating. If Jon could surprise him, so could Munson.
Steve didn't look away from the approaching man, but he was still somewhat startled by how close he managed to get. Apparently, close enough to press warm and calloused fingertips under Steve’s chin. It feels nice. Feels even nicer when they slide further up his jaw to cradle his face.
Eddie makes a soft cooing noise as Steve melts into his hold. He feels like he could purr, and wants to be held like this forever.
Eddie taps his face, gets his attention, and waits till Steve finally looks back too him.
“What’s the matter, sweet thing?” Eddie asks “Why are you crying?”.
“ I don’t like who I am anymore” Steve croaks. Eddie coos again, moves around the table to pull Steve against his chest. “ I wanna be who I used to be but I can't no more.”
“Why not?” Eddie presses. Steve had pressed his face to Eddie’s Stomach, didn't want to look up, so his answer came out mumbled.
“Gotta be who everyone else wants.”
Eddie hums, rumbles all the way through his chest. Steve loves it.
“How ‘bout we do something about that Stevie?” There are fingers running through Steve’s hair now. The deft fingers that had pulled away when Steve was pulled in, thankfully returned. “ We could go to my van? I have blankets in the back, and probably some snacks too. We can talk?” he implores.
“Sounds nice…” it really does “I missed you Eds”
There is a chuckle, deeper, more rumbly, than the one Steve remembers. It sounds more like a summer thunderstorm instead of birdsong. It reminds Steve of his last happy chunk of childhood. Brings back memories of summers with his best friends, of two childhood sweethearts and their pseudo brothers racing along the railroad tracks tucked away and quiet.
“I missed you too Stevie”
You know, a while back when The Stranger Things play came out there was a poster for a dog groomer owned by the Harringtons and there seems to be absolutely no mention of this seemingly super influential family outside of Steve so I wanted to play around with it. In this universe Steve grows up poor, his dad owns the Junkyard that appears abandoned in season 2, and his mom makes some extra cash on the side grooming dogs.
Steve, Eddie, and the Byers boys grow up as close friends who play in the woods together (that's why Steve knows the railroad tracks lead to the Junkyard), But Steve's dad remarries a rich, young, woman and he is forced to leave his friends.
Right now it can kind of be read as omegaverse but it's very subtle and ambiguous. if people want me to continue the story further I might make it omegaverse because I'm a sucker for Eddie and Steve being scent-mates that get separated during childhood, but I know omegaverse is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea
#stranger things#steddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#jonathan byers#childhood friends au#light angst#post season 2#author rambles about world-building
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thinking abt how someone’s gonna die next season but all of the characters have such complex relationships with each other that no matter what it’s going to hurt real fucking bad.
#steve dies : dustin and robin and nancy fucking lose it#max dies : lucas is a shell of himself. el has no strong female friends in her life anymore. steve loses a sister. erica loses her brother.#dustin dies : og party is gone. steve loses his little brother. robin gets left with whatever steve still has after grieving#will dies : not even going there. he’s not dying.#el dies : she’s not dying. she’s not#mike dies : where do i even start. where do i even start. nancy thinks she’s not good enough to keep anyone important to her alive. -#- jonathan loses pieces of nancy and will. will loses…he loses a huge fucking part of himself. el loses her first love and a friend. lucas..#nancy. jonathan. lucas. robin. erica. even argyle.#any of them die and everyone else is gonna go insane with grief.#plus the grief of losing something that defined their early years? that shit’s hard#feeling like they lost their entire childhood to this realm of monsters but missing it when it’s gone because they don’t know how to live -#- normal lives anymore. how do they move on? how do they continue in a world that’s indifferent and ignorant to their sacrifice?#sigh.#stranger things#st5#wayli goes insane#wayli’s feeling sad today. sorry guys.#🫧🪴#🚲
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A little sneak peak from my In My Heart Is A Memory (And There You'll Always Be) moving a little forward in time for this snippet!
Slight spoilers for the next update so this will be below the cut!
When Steve meets Nancy Wheeler he finds that it is infinitely harder to hide his condition around people that actually care about him.
Or, perhaps it wouldn't have been if he hadn’t had an asthma attack after fighting a literal monster that emerged from the wall of the Byers home.
“That was crazy, what was that,” Steve asks, his breaths growing more shallow as he speaks, “that was fucking crazy,” he wheezes and clutches at his chest, crumpling the fabric of his shirt in his fist. The bat in his hands falls to the floor, thunking into the carpet as he sways slightly. A sudden bout of dizziness hits Steve hard as he tries to take a deep breath only for his lungs to stutter.
Shit, not now, he hasn’t had one of these in years, not since that day at school when Eddie left.
“Steve?” Nancy says softly beside him, she crouches low to try and look at his face, he hadn’t even realised when he had doubled over.
Steve shakes his head, his breaths come shorter now, he can’t even seem to gather enough air to form a sentence. A horrible wheezing sound begins to fill the destroyed living room as Jonathan takes a hesitant step closer.
“Thats, what the fuck,” Jonathan mutters under his breath, “thats an asthma attack,” he continues slightly louder this time, cutting through the eerie silence that has overtaken the Byers living room.
“What?!” Nancy hisses, her movements stop and start, reaching for him only for her hands to twitch helplessly beside him, “what do we do?”
Jonathan hesitates for just a second, glaring around the living room with nervous eyes before he turns on his heel and heads down the hallway.
“Where are you going?” Nancy’s voice climbs an octave as she grabs Steve this time, gripping his shoulder painfully hard, making Steve bite down a groan. It comes out as a pitiful wheezing whine instead.
“Make him sit,” Jonathan calls out from the other room, “I think, we might have an --yes, okay”.
Steve tries to focus on breathing, even if it feels as though he’s sucking the air through a straw as Nancy gently pushes him into a sitting position on the carpet, she places her small hand on his back and rubs it in between his shoulder blades.
“Here,” Jonathan says as he races back into the living room, mindful of the discarded nail bat and glass on the floor around them as he drops to his knees in front of Steve and Nancy.
He takes Steve’s hand and places a familiar object in it, an inhaler.
Steve uncaps it with shaking hands and brings it to his mouth, pressing down on the release mechanism greedily. He holds the medication in for nearly five seconds before breathing out and doing it again.
“Will has it too, asthma,” Jonathan breathes out, his voice laced with something in between surprise and concern.
"Thanks," Steve manages after a minute, he sucks in a deep breath through his nose before slowly releasing it through his mouth, "I haven't had an attack in years, since--" he cuts himself off with a click of his teeth.
The last time had been with Eddie, after he dropped him like a sack of rocks.
#In My Heart Is A Memory and There You’ll Always Be#steve harrington#stranger things#afewproblems writes#sneak peak#jumping forward in time to 1983#spoiler warning for chapter 3#childhood friends au#jonathan byers#nancy wheeler#nancy is pretty good in a crisis when there are monsters involved#anything else and her brain goes off-line#asthma attack#which i would say is warranted after a demogorgon attack
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my biggest personal byler proof is just how much they remind me of my first queer relationship before we started dating

queer characters are incredibly easy to fuck over, even without intention. often spelled out or intensely sexualised to prevent misunderstandings for a mostly heterosexual audience, queer storylines are exaggerated and thus become unrealistic.
stranger things doesn’t do that with its queer characters. take robin:
this scene is done beautifully. genuinely beautifully.
robin admits her feelings for tammy and how she locked them away, not just because tammy didn’t like her back, but because she is a queer girl in the 80s. her feelings are unnatural and unwelcome in hawkins.
steve’s acceptance of robin in this scene makes people forget how horrifically this could have ended:
As for Mike and Will
you don’t write a perfect representation of mutual teenage queer pining between childhood friends by accident.
queer pining is quiet and suppressed (especially for young people and ESPECIALLY in the 80s). It is unhealthy to suppress these feelings the way queer people tend to, it’s beyond the typical “secret crushes” straight people experience. queer pining can destroy people when they’re not supported.
through robins character, and wills arc in season four, we can see clearly the duffer brothers understand the nature of queer love, and wish to do it justice.
will ending up with some random last minute jock is unrealistic and does not do his character justice.
mike staying in an insecure relationship, constantly worried his girlfriend will grow out of him and leave him, rather than accepting will’s unconditional love for him, accepting his own love for will and letting himself be who he is, does not do his character justice.
even so, if they tried to set up byler in a way that would come across clear to the GA, it would, by default, become unrealistic and unrepresentative.
neither are yet able to admit to close friends and family they are queer, but they are supposed to convey that part of themselves to an (understandably) dense/heteronormative mainstream audience?

queer teenage love is not the same as straight teenage love, it doesn’t shock me that the majority of the audience isn’t able to pick up on byler beyond wills feelings, and they’re not supposed to.
we all say what we see, they don’t see the queer love brewing because they’ve never experienced it, they’ve never been mike and they’ve never been will. they’ve been max and lucas and nancy, steve, jonathan, etc etc
doesn’t make their heteronormative perspective accurate, they are just straight. they understand will and mike the same they do lucas and dustin. mike says they are friends, they have no reason to think otherwise. they do not know what queer love actually looks like, the duffer brothers do. the actors do. we do.
you are not delusional. you are queer.
if byler was widely agreed upon at this point in the story, it would not be an accurate representation of queer romance. that is the point.

my moneys on the latter and they better get every award for it.
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episode one: suzie, do you copy?
Steve sighs. “Those kids are manipulating your power over me to get what they want.” “You call it manipulation, I call it bonding.” Another sigh escapes Steve. “You’re going to be the death of me.” “And yet you stay.” You tease. “And yet I stay.”
Summary: you help nancy sneak through jonathans window, the party uses you for your "in" with steve, and you sorta become the reason dustin almost blinds lucas. meanwhile, steve tries, and fails, to make you his girlfriend (this will happen all summer), but have no fear ! dustin intercepts a russian code and makes everything even harder for everyone. what a sweet brother <3
Rating: general, swearing
Warnings: allusions to violence, swearing, fem!reader, use of y/n
Words: 9.6k
Before you swing in: shes here !!! season 3 of come home <333 im so excited for yall to read what i have planned, and thank you so much for being so patient as i planned the season out and started the chapters :) season 3 is pure chaos and i hope yall love what ive created, im proud of the changes i made <3333 we get some more insight into bug this season, which i also hope yall love !
June 27th, 1985.
A summer breeze gently creeps into Jonathan’s room, bringing the scent of dandelions and your childhood with it. It’s early evening and Jonathan hums to himself quietly, laying in his bed as he lazily skims through a comic he stole from you last week. You’re next to him as you carefully cut pieces of construction paper to glue onto the posterboard. Dustin comes home from camp in a few days and you want his welcome home banner to be perfect.
In the other room you hear the floorboards creak, followed by the sound of Joyce and Will laughing at whatever movie they’ve put on in the living room. Hearing their laughs makes you smile; it’s been so long since you’ve heard them laugh.
The tune that Jonathan hums now becomes a familiar one, and absent mindedly you begin to hum along with him. The cool summer night’s air encases the two of you, as if it senses that you want to freeze this moment forever. You’re in the Byers home, pressed against Jonathan’s side as you hum together an old song from when you were both fourteen and thought you had the world all figured out,
It’s nice, having this moment all to yourself with him. Moments alone with him have become few and far between, and it saddens you to think about.
There’s a new mall in town, Starcourt, and within a few months of it opening, Bookstrordinary has slowly been edging out of business. The entire town of Hawkins quickly fell in love with the mall, but with this love came the abandonment of downtown Hawkins.
Mrs. Waters can barely afford to have you work more than a few hours a day, so you’ve been spending your days visiting Nancy and Jonathan at their internship at the Hawkins Post or hanging at Scoops Ahoy to see Steve and Robin. While your friends have been lovely, you can’t swallow down the fear that you’ll lose your job by the end of summer.
As if somehow reading your thoughts, Jonathan puts down his comic and pokes your cheek. “Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask if you and Nance thought of anything else to try and save Bookstrordinary.”
You glue down a letter and try to distract yourself with the miniscule task. Nancy has been brainstorming a million ideas to try and help Mrs. Water, and while you appreciate her effort, it’s no use. Swallowing down even more dread, you shake your head at Jonathan. “No, nothing. Nancy offered to help organize a book drive to get more customers, but…”
“It wouldn’t be enough.” Jonathan finishes for you.
“Not nearly enough,” you sigh, desperately wanting to change the topic now. “But besides me possibly losing my job soon, how has yours been at the Hawkins Post?”
Now it’s Jonathan’s turn to sigh. “It’s… okay? I guess. I–I mean, definitely not what I expected it to be. The hours suck and the men are awful, but…” he shifts uncomfortably and looks away from you, embarrassed. “A job is a job.”
You rub his arm, understanding what he means. The Byers have always struggled with money, but ever since Will went missing two years ago and Jonathan lost his last job at the Hawk movie theater, it’s only gotten worse. They’ve tried hiding it, but last week you sneakily paid for Will’s ice cream at Scoops Ahoy while no one else was looking.
“I get it, bee.” You reassure him, hating that he even feels embarrassed in the first place.
Jonathan smiles and leans into your touch, appreciative of the fact that you know his family well enough by now to understand all he’s too ashamed to say. The two of you sit quietly for a few moments before he tries to lighten the mood with something else. “You excited for your birthday, bug?”
“Ugh,” you shake your head in disgust, which Jonathan laughs at. He knows you’ve never really liked your birthday. “Don’t remind me.”
“It’s in a few days, so you gotta suck it up.” Jonathan flicks your forehead and you swat your hand at him. “Besides, I bet $5 that Steve has some grand proposal planned for your birthday this year. He’s spent the entire summer drooling over you.”
His words make you blush furiously. “He has not–”
“He definitely has,” Jonathan tries to flick you again but you dodge, giggling. “I’m surprised he hasn’t publicly declared your love for you yet. I think there’s a betting pool going around the party.”
You gasp. “You’re lying!”
“Nope. Lucas and Max both lost last week, they bet mid June. Now it’s only me, Nancy, Will, and Dustin in the running.”
“What about Mike and El?”
“Mike didn’t want to encourage you dating Steve and the party agreed it felt unfair to have El gamble seeing as how she’s, ya know, still getting used to being in society.”
Despite yourself, you laugh. The idea is so bizarre and lovely, knowing how invested everyone is in your alleged love life, and it makes the worry you’ve been feeling fade away. “Can I join the pool? If I actually lose my job, I’ll need the money.”
Jonathan scoffs at you. “That goes against every gambling rule–”
“Please? I could be poor soon!”
“No, it’s not going to happen–”
A knock on the window cuts you off. The two of you look up at the sound and find Nancy standing outside, waving and smiling. You hurry over to let her in, happy as always to see her. She’s been spending more and more nights at Jonathan’s, always sneaking in through the window.
It’s disgusting, and you couldn’t be happier for them.
Jonathan helps the girl climb through the window and greets her with a kiss to the forehead. “Hey, Nance.”
She smiles up at him with a shine in her eyes, and you know it’s time to leave. It’s getting late, anyways. You start to gather your banner supplies as you greet Nancy yourself. “Welcome back, Wheeler.”
“Hello to you too, Henderson.”
You wink at the girl and quickly ruffle Jonathan’s hair. “I’m going home, bee. My mom wants me to help prep Dustin’s room and I wanna have his banner done by tomorrow.”
“Bike home safe, please.” He says with a stern finger pointed at you.
Rolling your eyes, you give a mocking salute to Nancy and Jonathan. “Use protection, kids. I’m too young to be an aunt.”
Nancy gasps while Jonathan practically trips over his own two feet at your words, and you laugh. You leave them alone to compose themselves, closing the door to Jonathan shouting, “That wasn’t funny!”
You’re still giggling to yourself when you walk into the living room and see Joyce and Will sprawled on the couch. Their movie has just finished, the credits are rolling as you stand next to the TV and wave goodbye to them.
“You leaving so soon?” Joyce asks, surprised to even see you leave Jonathan’s room in the first place.
“Yeah, gotta finish up Dustin’s welcome home banner,” you hold up your supplies. Then, through the house’s thin walls, you all hear Nancy’s soft giggle. At the sound, you lean in close to Joyce and Will and dramatically whisper, “Plus, between the three of us, company came, so…”
Will’s eyes widen. “Yuck!”
Joyce chuckles, remembering how in love she was at Jonathan’s age back then. “Would I be a bad parent if I told Nancy she could just use the front door?”
“I don’t think so, but it’s fun watching them think they’re getting away with it.” You steal a piece of candy from the bowl Will had been eating out of, and he holds it up higher so that you can grab more. “Thanks, little bee.”
“You think it’s fun teasing Nancy and Jonathan now, Y/N, but when you’re the one sneaking in through a boy’s window one day…” Joyce shrugs, a twinkle in her eye. “You’ll understand.”
Will looks up at you with his own evil glint in his eyes, and before you can stop him, he turns to his mom and says, “I wonder how high Steve Harrington’s window is.”
You pretend to attack Will and he giggles as he flees his seat and runs to the other side of the living room. “Will Byers I will spit in your cookies–”
Joyce covers her mouth and gasps. “Y/N, are you hiding a boyfriend from me?”
Quickly you stop chasing after Will, terrified of the idea of the woman thinking you’d hide anything from her. “What? No! I’m not dating Steve–”
“Yet!” Will exclaims from across the room, but his retaliation is followed by a shriek as you chase after the kid again.
“If you keep this up, I’m telling Steve to stop letting y’all sneak into the movies!” You threaten as you chase the boy around the room.
Joyce watches in amusement, she’s never been able to take her eyes off of you when you’re with her boys. Will dodges a grab and you stumble, giving him just enough time to hide behind his mom’s armchair.
He pokes his head out at your threat, his eyes now uncertain. “You wouldn’t really tell Steve that, right?”
Catching your breath, you collapse onto the couch and shake your head at him. “No, little bee. I wouldn’t.”
You’d never do that to Will. He’s been so keen on spending as much time as possible with the party this summer, spending each and every moment planning DnD campaigns and biking all over Hawkins to spend mere seconds together. Will has spent all summer trying as hard as possible to be a kid again because so much of his childhood was stolen by Upside Down.
Will slowly gets up from behind the armchair and sits next to you, relieved. “Okay, good. We wanna see a movie tomorrow night and I already promised everyone you’d get Steve to let us in. That would’ve sucked.”
You and Joyce laugh at the boy’s response, and it feels so good to have this moment with the two of them. You allow it to wash over you for a second, the Byers home has always had such a comforting effect on you, before getting up and gathering your things once more. “I really should go, though. My mom is waiting.”
Joyce and Will say goodbye and tell you to be safe on your way home, and it warms something within you. As you bike down their driveway home, you inhale the summer night’s air and wonder, days before you turn seventeen, how much longer you have left of just this: being a little kid going home after a long day.
When you get home, Tews greets you with an angry meow.
The cat had been a Christmas gift for your mom from you and Dustin, seeing as how you accidentally killed Mews. Your mom had cried seeing the little kitten, and had cried even harder when your brother suggested the stupid name “Tews.”
But it stuck, and now Tews glares at you as you take your time feeding her.
In Dustin’s room you can hear your mom rustling around, frantically cleaning the place as if it currently isn’t the cleanest it’s ever been since the kid has been gone all month. After you feed Tews, you make your way over to your brother’s room to help with cleaning.
A few hours later, you’re laying in bed, exhausted from your long day. Dustin’s banner sits on your desk, right next to the phone that resides in the corner. Yawning, you glance at the clock, but when you see the time, you smile.
The phone rings.
“Right on time, honey.”
“Aren’t I always, angel?” Steve’s voice soothes your aching bones, his words like honey, the very thing you’ve come to associate with him.
Phone calls have become more and more common between you and Steve. You’re not sure when this tradition formed, but when you aren’t at Scoops and he isn’t at your house infiltrating your family, you’re on the phone with one another.
Hearing Steve’s voice puts you at ease, and it wasn’t long before you started calling each other before bed every night.
“How was your day?” You ask him, spinning the phone’s cable around your finger as you lay in bed.
Steve lets out a dramatic groan. “I swear, after you left today, Robin intentionally amped up her taunts. It’s like you’re her buffer or something. The second you leave,” you hear him snap his fingers, “she turns against me!”
“Robin would never do that.” Your voice is monotone as you say this, which only makes Steve groan dramatically once more. Robin would most definitely do that; you both know this.
“You two are the worst together.”
“Yeah, well,” you pull your blankets up to your chin and readjust into a comfier position. Your eyes feel heavy and Steve’s voice settles over your body. “Prepare for more pain tomorrow night. Will and the party have grand plans to sneak into yet another movie.”
Steve sighs. “Those kids are manipulating your power over me to get what they want.”
“You call it manipulation, I call it bonding.”
Another sigh escapes Steve. “You’re going to be the death of me.”
“And yet you stay.” You tease.
“And yet I stay.”
You bite back a smile; you can almost perfectly envision Steve laying in his own bed, phone pressed to his ear with his hair messy and eyes half lidded as he talks to you. You wish, more than anything, that you could be there with him right now; instead, you fall asleep to the sound of Steve’s voice, slightly raspy from his own exhaustion.
The next day you wake up to an empty house. Your mom has been spending her summer at Hawkins' pool, like all the moms in town now do, to admire Billy at his new job.
It grosses you out to no end, and when your mom comes home some days swearing that Billy winked at her, you have to swallow down the phantom pain of his fingers wrapping around your windpipe.
By the time you get to work, Downtown Hawkins, as always, is a ghost town.
It’s been this way ever since Starcourt opened, and as you park your bike and lock it up, you can’t help but be unnerved by how quiet everything is. It was only a few years ago that you had to scream at a crowd of onlookers when Jonathan and Joyce had had that fight when they had found Will’s body in the quarry.
Now, walking slowly towards the front doors of Bookstrordinary, all you hear is silence in the once lively area. There are posters scattered throughout the old town, but they’re worn from the sunlight and torn from the weather. It’s a depressing sight.
Mrs. Waters greets you kindly when you walk in. “Hello, dear.”
“Hi, Mrs. Waters.” You give her a quick peck on the cheek as you quickly swipe your card to clock in. The bookstore is empty. “Any new shipments today?”
The old woman shakes her head forelonly. “Afraid not. We still haven’t sold last month’s shipment.”
You duck your head down and curse. This is the second shipment you weren’t able to sell. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Waters.”
“Oh, don’t be!” She walks over to you, her wrist shakes as she uses her cane. She has aged so much these last few years. “I’ve owned this store for thirty years, dear. I’m just happy that I can give you and Alex a job before you kids go off to college. Besides, it’s given me something to do these last few years without my husband…”
The woman’s eyes glaze over, something that has started to happen more and more now, and you grab her arm gently and give her a little shake. “Hey, Mrs. Waters. You still with me?”
She blinks, looks around in a confused daze, before breaking into her old smile once more. “Of course I am! Now, sort some books while I ward off those debt collectors with this cane.”
Despite the gravity of the situation, you can’t help but laugh at Mrs. Waters as she waves her cane around madly and gives you a wink. She hobbles back to her office and leaves you alone with the books and the ghost of Downtown Hawkins.
Only two customers come in during your four hour shift, and by midday Mrs. Waters releases you so that she can give Alex a few hours of work as well. She’s trying her best to keep you both hired for as long as she can, so she splits your hours. What she doesn’t know is that Alex now has a job at Hawkins’ pool and only comes into work because he just can’t bear to quit, and neither can you.
You bike to the mall, sad and needing a pick me up. Jonathan’s teasing from last night echoes in your head. How could you possibly think about your birthday when your boss is slowly losing both her mind and her business?
At the mall, your feet unconsciously take you to Scoops as they always do. This has become your favorite part of your dreary days: going to Scoops after work. The smell of ice cream greets you as you walk into the shop.
Robin sees you first and waves excitedly from the register. “Y/N!”
“It’s me!” You run up to the counter and lean over it to squeeze the girl into a tight hug.
There’s a loud crash from the backroom and just as you’ve pulled away from Robin, Steve bursts through the doors and leaps over the counter to join in on the hug. “Thank God you’re here, Robin was about to make me clean the tables.”
You giggle while Robin scoffs, pulling away. “It’s your turn, dingus.”
Steve, still hugging you from behind, hums. He begins to rock you back and forth in his arms, which only makes you giggle more, while he pretends to think about what the girl has said. “Nope, don’t remember it being my turn.”
Robin gives you a pleading look to back her up, and you reluctantly slide your arms over Steve’s and release his grip. He groans in complaint at the loss of your touch, and you roll your eyes at him as you turn around to now face him. “C’mon, let’s go wipe the tables so dear Robin can man the register in peace.”
Steve groans even louder now as Robin cheers, and you snatch the rag from his pocket and begin to wipe down the tables. He follows eventually, moaning and groaning as he cleans next to you, and you hit your hip against his. “Hey, at least you’re getting paid for this.”
“I give you free ice cream!” He argues, pieces of his hair falling out of his adorably dorky sailor’s hat that he has to wear for this job. It’s incredibly endearing, and as he hunches over to scrub at a particularly dirty table, his thighs strain against his probably too short shorts and you can’t help but stare at them. As you admire this spectacular show, Steve catches you and flicks your nose. “Quit ogling me and get back to your free labor, angel.”
“I wasn’t ogling, I was simply admiring.”
Robin gags from behind the register. “I can hear you guys, you know!”
You and Steve both stick your tongues out at her before going back to work.
The hours pass by quickly after that. The midday rush of tweens and teens alike infiltrate Scoops, so Steve helps Robin fling ice cream while you get comfortable in your designated booth in the corner. You’ve hidden a supply of comics underneath one of the booth’s cushions and you spend your time catching up on the latest Spider-Man arc.
You’re so engrossed in what you’re reading that you don’t notice a body slide into the booth next to you until the person speaks.
“Spider-Man, huh? Heard he’s a pretty cool guy.”
Startled by the stranger’s voice, you almost drop your comic in alarm. When you see that it’s just Jason Carver sitting next to you, you place a hand to your chest and inhale quickly, trying to settle your rapid heartbeat. “Christ, you scared me.”
“Sorry!” He genuinely looks apologetic, so you wearily set down your comic and straighten up.
You’ve never spoken to Jason before, even though you’ve been in the same classes ever since eighth grade. He’s always ran with the popular crowd, being a jock and all, and you’ve always ran with Jonathan. However, despite being on the basketball team, Jason has never been mean to either of you, so you figure it’s safe to offer him your attention.
“Can I ask why you’re here?” You cock your head at him, feeling your hair fall over your shoulders.
Jason smiles at you, in a sort of cute and charming way. “Stopped by to get my little sister some ice cream,” he points to a little girl next to him, who waves at you, and you wave back. “Then I saw you sitting here all alone reading one of my favorite comics, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to say hi to such a pretty girl.”
You blush at his bold words. You’ve never received such attention from anyone before, at least not anyone normal thanks to Billy, and you’re not really sure why Jason seems to be paying attention to you now. He’s had years to do this.
Jason sees your sudden shyness and chuckles. He stands up and offers you his hand. “Why don’t I buy you some ice cream, maybe you could help me show my sister around the mall–” Steve’s shoulder collides roughly into the teen’s, causing him to stumble into his sister’s ice cream cone and get chocolate ice cream all over the front of his pants. Jason looks up at Steve and balls his fists in anger. “What the fuck, Harrington?”
You quickly cover the little girl’s ears, though she giggles.
Steve shrugs as he looks at Jason. “Sorry, man. Didn’t see you there.” Then, he turns to you, and offers his own hand. “Anyways, I think it’s time for your daily free ice cream, angel.”
Jason’s eyes narrow as you accept Steve’s hand and spare him an apologetic glance. Before you leave, you dig some cash out of your overalls and hand them to him. “For your sister’s new ice cream cone.”
He sighs and accepts the money. Jason knows that Steve is still holding your hand as he stands behind you, but he has nothing else to lose at this point. He takes a deep breath and shakes his head. “I didn’t stand a chance, did I?”
Steve twirls you with your interlocked hands, causing you to giggle, and guides you to the ice cream counter. As he leaves, shouts behind him, “Not at all, buddy!”
You know you should feel bad, but Steve twirls you again and all you can do is giggle breathlessly as Jason Carver walks out of Scoops with his sister in tow.
Later that night the mall is busier than ever, and as you’re gossiping with Robin about Steve ruining Jason’s pants, you’re interrupted by Mike’s grubby little hand repeatedly hitting the bell.
Seems it’s time for their movie.
You flick the kid’s head, which Lucas, Max, and Will snicker at. “Enough!”
“Ow, Y/N!”
“Thanks,” Robin sends you an appreciative smile before she calls towards the backroom, “Dingus, your children are here!”
Within seconds, Steve opens the sliding windows and sighs when he sees Mike and the party. “Again? Seriously?”
“I warned you.” You say, shrugging at his annoyance. “Let the kids have some fun.”
Mike rings the bell again. “Do what Y/N says.”
Steve sighs in defeat and motions for the kids to follow him behind the counter. “Fine, but only because I’m nice, not because Y/N said so.”
“Right.” Everyone says, not at all believing him, which Steve chooses to ignore.
You all follow him through the back entrance of the mall. Checking to make sure the coast is clear, Steve waves the kids inside. “I swear, if anybody hears about this–”
“We’re dead.” The kids all respond, voices monotone with annoyance after hearing this threat a million times.
However, before they all leave, Will gently tugs at your hand to get your attention. “Are you coming with?”
You want to say yes, but then you catch Steve’s eyes and he silently pleads with you to stay, and you know you can’t tell him no. Squeezing Will’s hand, you shake your head. “Sorry, little bee. I promise I will next time, though.”
Mike scoffs in disgust, disappointed in you. Your relationship with Steve has always confused him, and you’ve only gotten closer to the teen since Dustin left for camp. He pities what the boy will think when he comes back to his sister all lovey-dovey with an idiot like Steve Harrington.
Once the kids leave, you go back into Scoops with Steve and settle into your booth once more. Grabbing your comic, you flip to where you left off before looking up at the teen and saying, “you have me for another hour. I can’t be out late tonight, Dustin comes home tomorrow and I promised Mike I’d be up at like seven to let everyone in.”
Steve salutes you and hops back behind his counter to help Robin with some customers. You smile at his antics and go back to reading. A few minutes pass, Spider-Man has just kissed MJ, before the lights above you start to flicker and then go out completely.
Everyone in the mall gasps and murmurs in a slight panic as they’re thrown into darkness. The hair on your arms stands up; you no longer trust lights that flicker. Robin catches your eye and gives you an odd look when she sees the fear on your face.
“Scared of the dark, Y/N?” She teases, not understanding what you really fear: what lies below Hawkins.
“That’s weird,” Steve mumbles to himself as he goes over to the light switch. He starts to flip the switch repeatedly, and you roll your eyes at him. He’s an idiot sometimes.
“That isn’t gonna work, dingus.” Robin says, looking over at you once more as if to silently ask, why are you attracted to him?
You shake your head at her as Steve continues to flip the switch, now only quickening his movements. He stares Robin down as if to challenge her. “Oh, really?”
Nothing happens, because contrary to what Steve may believe, he can’t fix what is likely (and what you hope) is simply a blackout from the summer heat. He flicks the lightswitch a few more times before the generators kick back on and Scoops Ahoy is once again lit up.
Steve raises his eyebrows at Robin and smirks at her, pleased. “See? Let there be light.”
You drop your head to the table, now also questioning why you’re attracted to the guy.
However, when it’s time to head home and Steve walks with you to your bike outside, he kisses your cheek and wishes you a good night; you know that this is the reason you’ve fallen for him: his kindness. With his kiss lingering on your cheek, you bike home.
When Steve gets back from saying goodbye to you, he’s met with a nosey Robin.
She stands against the counter with her arms crossed. There aren’t any more customers in the shop, they closed about ten minutes ago, and Steve was really looking forward to driving home and taking off his stupid uniform.
Robin, however, clearly has other plans.
“What did I do now?” He asks her, not daring to take any step closer.
“Why haven’t you asked Y/N out yet?” Steve’s eyes widen at the question and Robin knows she’s got him cornered. “I’ve spent hours with you guys, and it’s driving me insane that you haven’t manned up!”
“‘Manned up’?” Steve sputters out, completely offended.
Robin throws her arms out in front of her. “Yes! I mean, it’s so obvious that you’re in love with her and that she’s in love with you. Just… Just get it over with!”
Blushing, Steve slumps against the wall and closes his eyes. As much as it pains him to admit it, he knows that Robin is right. “It’s… complicated.”
“Well, go on.” The girl now hops on the counter and sits on it. “Explain it to me, then.”
“Y/N used to be in love with…” Steve stops, unsure if you’d want him to be telling Robin this. “Someone.”
She rolls her eyes. “Everyone knows she was in love with that Byers kid.”
“Right.” He clears his throat, uncomfortable with the reminder that at one point, everyone in Hawkins truly believed you were destined for Jonathan. “Well as I’m sure you know… He got with Nancy, who–uh, I had been with.”
“Okay, so what?”
“I–” Steve isn’t sure what Robin doesn’t understand. “I needed… time?”
Robin frowns. “After Nancy dumped you?”
“Technically I dumped her–”
“What does this have to do with Y/N?” Robin presses.
Steve groans and rubs at his eyes. He’s tired and wants to go home to call you and go to bed with your soft voice in his head. “Y/N understood that the breakup with Nancy hurt, and–well. She told me she’d wait for me. I guess. While I figured my shit out.”
Robin thinks this over for a minute. “Okay, I think I can understand that, but–wait, when did this all happen again?”
“... December.” He closes his eyes, bracing himself for the girl’s inevitable anger.
There it is.
“I know, okay?” Steve tugs at his hair in frustration. “I’m over Nancy, I’ve been over her since at least April, but… But what–what if Y/N has lost interest in me now? What if–maybe I made her wait too long, or–or what if she thinks she’s just Nancy’s replacement?”
Steve is rambling now, months of his anxious and insecure thoughts now spilling out. “I mean, it’d kill me if–if I ever made her feel second to anyone! She’s… She’s incredible and–God, I don’t even know why she likes me and I’ve spent this entire summer trying to–I don’t know… Figure out how to confess my feelings to her in a way that matters, ya know? Like, a grand proposal to show her that I’m crazy about her.”
Robin is silent for several minutes after Steve’s frantic spiel, he’s panting by the time he’s done. Then, finally, she says, “Dude… You’re way overthinking this.”
Steve winces. “I mean, her birthday is in a few days. I can… I can ask her to be my girlfriend then. That’s romantic, right?”
“You’re hopeless.”
“Dusty comes home today!” Your mom’s shrill voice wakes you up as she prances around the house getting ready. You roll over in bed and stretch, tired but excited to see your brother again after a month of being apart.
You get out of bed and press a kiss to your mother’s cheek before telling her to drive safe. Glancing at the clock, you see that you have just enough time to shower before the party arrives. The entire thing had been Mike’s plan and you were more than happy to help arrange everything.
After you’ve gotten ready, you hear three swift knocks on your front door and you answer it. “Right on time, Wheeler.”
Mike salutes you as he and the others walk in. El gives you a hug and Max high fives you as the boys start setting up the robots. The six of you get started on the plan: place all the robots in Dustin’s room, all hidden in various corners, and then use El’s powers to control them and guide him to the living room so that you all can surprise him.
It’s a brilliant plan, one only a Wheeler could think of.
It takes you, Lucas, Mike, and Will to successfully hang up Dustin’s banner that took you all week to make. There’s cursing, yelling, a few trips, and multiple snickers from El and Max while the four of you struggle to hang the thing, but eventually you manage to secure the banner into place in the living room.
Just as you’ve finished hanging it up, you hear your mom’s car pull into the driveway and you quickly shove the kids into a closet. “Quick! That’s my mom’s car, hide!”
Lucas yelps and Max punches his shoulder to shut him up, but thankfully you manage to close the closet door just in time before Dustin walks in. You hide behind the couch, quiet so as not to be seen by him, and carefully listen for his footsteps to retreat down the hall and into his room.
Once he’s gone, you scramble towards the closet and open the door. “Okay, he’s in his room, time for step two.”
“Did we all really have to hide in the closet?” Will asks, rubbing at his shoulder that had been shoved into a hanger.
“Yes, now shush and hide behind the wall so he doesn’t see you.” You order, and the kids all listen. Once you’re all pressed against the wall, you nod at El. “Ready?”
“Ready.” She responds, closing her eyes. Static fills the air and you hear one of the robots turn on in Dustin’s room. Then the other one turns on, then the monkey, and soon all the toys have been activated by El’s powers.
Mike pokes his head around the corner. “Okay, now start leading the robots here.”
Blood slowly begins to drip from El’s nose and you feel bad that she’s doing this, but the kids all look excited, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little giddy yourself. The noise from the robots grows louder as El draws them out from the room and towards you guys.
You hear Dustin’s uncertain voice following behind them. “It’s just a dream… You’re dreaming.”
Then Mike whispers to El, “Now!”
The robots all die in the center of your living room and slowly everyone starts to creep out from behind the wall. Lucas is holding his own poster he made and you hand everyone party noisemakers. Dustin is investigating the robots and doesn’t hear you stalk up behind him. Max silently counts to three, and on her signal, you all blow your party noisemakers and surprise him.
Dustin screams and immediately holds up his Farrah Fawcett spray, blinding Lucas as he continuously sprays it. The poor boy screams as well and the rest of the kids back away, out of the line of fire. However, as soon as your momentary shock wears off, you manage to snatch the hairspray out of your brother’s hand and save Lucas.
“Why is Farrah Fawcett your weapon of choice?” You exclaim, shoving a still screaming Lucas towards your kitchen so that you flush the spray out of his eyes. Max joins, rubbing soothing circles into the boy’s back.
“Why would you scare me like that after the hell we went through this year?” Dustin shouts back at you, clutching at his chest.
Dustin’s words make you stop for a moment and think. Huh. He has a point. “Yeah, we should’ve thought about that, honestly.”
“A little help here?” Lucas brings the attention back to him and you apologize, helping him once more to flush his eyes out. As you and Max tend to him, Dustin tells the others to follow him to his room so he can show them what he built at camp.
Max splashes some more water in Lucas’ eyes. “Better?”
The boy stands up and wipes his face, though he’s careful not to touch his eyes. “Still stings.”
“I feel like I should call someone…” You mumble, Your first aid knowledge doesn’t include Farrah Fawcett in the eyes.
Lucas blinks a few times and looks around. He leans in closer to Max’s face and for a moment you’re scared he’ll kiss her, but instead he chooses to be an idiot. “Is that a new zit?”
You wince and Max’s eyes widen in disbelief. She looks at you and you both seem to come to the same agreement: grabbing the back of Lucas’ neck, the two of you shove his face back into the water. “What is wrong with you?”
Lucas screams again and you leave Max to deal with him, laughing to yourself as you go see whatever creation your brother has brought home. You love Lucas, you do, but you have no idea how Max puts up with his boyish antics.
Inside Dustin’s room, you find him and the others hunched over a collection of wires and metal pieces. You walk in and join them.
“I would like you to meet Cerebro.” Dustin presents his creation, but you honestly have no idea what it’s supposed to be.
You squint at it. “It’s… Pretty?”
“What exactly are we looking at here?” Mike asks, unimpressed.
“An unassembled, one-of-a-kind, battery powered radio tower!” Dustin explains with a proud smile on his face.
A beat of silence passes before Will carefully asks, “So… It’s a ham radio?”
Dustin’s excitement only grows. “The Cadillac of radios.”
“Still not understanding, buddy.” You now voice, usually always lost when it comes to the more AV stuff the party likes.
“This baby carries a crystal-clear connection over vast differences.” Your brother clarifies for you, and you nod along. “I’m talking North Pole to South. I can talk to my girlfriend whenever and wherever I choose.”
You, Mike, El, and Will all look at each other in shock at the word that has just left Dustin’s mouth. “Girlfriend?”
Your brother nods, looking all smug, and you immediately berate him with a million questions. “What’s her name, where is she from, how long have you been dating. Tell me everything, now!”
“Relax, dear sister. Her name is Suzie, and I’ll explain in a second. We can even talk to her if you guys help me set Cerebro up on Weathertop hill.”
You’re the first to start grabbing all the supplies, giddy and eager to hear more about your baby brother’s girlfriend. It’s almost too good to be true. Mike, Will, and El follow along and soon you’re all holding materials for Cerebro as you follow Dustin out of the house.
As you all leave, Mike starts asking questions again. “Wait, so her name is Suzie?”
Dustin nods. “Suzie, with a ‘z’. She’s from Utah.”
“People from Utah actually exist?” You ask, which the others laugh at.
“Girls go to science camp?” Will asks.
You give him a stern look. “Anyone can go to science camp, Will.”
“What Y/N said,” Dustin continues explaining his girlfriend. “And Suzie does, she’s a genius.”
“Is she cute?” Mike can’t believe what he’s hearing.
“Think Phoebe Cates, only better.”
You re-adjust one of the poles for Cerebro in your arms. “Can we focus on her being smart instead? I think she sounds lovely.”
From the kitchen, Max sees the four of you open the front door as she helps Lucas with his eyes. “What’s going on?”
“We’re going to talk to Dustin’s girlfriend.” Will informs them.
Lucas whips his head up from the sink as he and Max exclaim, “Girlfriend?”
“I know, right?” You say, motioning them to follow.
“Alrighty, one scoop of chocolate. That’s a buck twenty-five.” Steve hands the ice cream cone to the girl he’s currently serving. She’s pretty enough, and when he notices her Purdue shirt, he can’t help but say something about it. “Ooh, Purdue! Fancy.”
The girl smiles and hands Steve her change. “Yeah, I’m excited.”
“Yeah, you know… I–I considered it. Purdue.” He types the code into the register and places the change inside. “But then I was like, you know what? I really think I need some real life experience, you know, before I hit college. See what it’s like.”
The girl and the friend she’s with exchange weird glances, and Steve knows he’s rambling like an idiot. “Uh, what I mean is… You’re girls, right? How would the two of you like to be asked out by a guy?”
“I’m sorry?” Purdue girl asks, looking at her friend, creeped out.
The cash register begins to beep at him and Steve hits it a few times to shut it up. “Sorry, uh… Anyways, say you’ve seen this guy every day for like, months, and feelings are shared, you know, as they are. Then time passes and the guy never makes the move because he’s, well, he’s an idiot–”
“Yeah, totally.” Purdue girl interrupts him and her friend giggles.
“Exactly, so… This was, like, so fun. This little chat. Anyways, what do you think? How would you want the guy to ask you out?” Steve puts on his most charming smile, hoping that the girls will say that maybe he isn’t crazy for waiting so long to ask you out. As he hands them their change, he drops part of it. “Oh, sorry about that. Uh…”
“Yeah, we wouldn’t wanna be asked out.” Purdue girl says as her friend snorts.
“Sure, but I mean, it’s complicated, you know? And–”
Purdue girl interrupts him once more. “No, I’m sorry, but it sounds like you missed your chance and you’re like, really weird.”
“But the guy isn’t me!” Steve shouts as the two girls leave, only embarrassing himself even more. He sighs, closes his eyes, and wonders how he got here.
“And another one bites the dust.” Robin announces from behind him. He turns around and watches as she marks another tally underneath the you suck column of her whiteboard. Next to it is the column you rule, which currently has zero marks. “You are oh-for-six, Popeye.”
Steve crosses his arms. “Yeah, I can count.”
“You know that means you suck and that Y/N isn’t the problem here, you are, right?”
“Yup, I can read, too.” Steve swallows down his annoyance, he knows he’s only done this to himself.
“Since when?”
“It’s this stupid hat,” Steve complains, as if this is the only appropriate answer. “I’m telling you, it’s making everyone think I’m some pathetic guy who can’t ask a girl out.”
Robin leans against the window. “Yeah, company policy is the reason that you’re an idiot for not asking out Y/N.” She thinks for a moment and tries to offer the teen some advice. “Ya know, it’s a crazy idea, but have you considered telling the truth?”
“What? That I’m hopelessly in love with her? Sure, I’m such a catch who couldn’t even get into Tech and whose douchebag dad is trying to teach a lesson, now making three bucks an hour with no future.” Steve laughs at himself. “A catch who, by the way, could’ve been hers back in December had he not been a complete moron? What a great truth.”
Robin frowns, now feeling bad for making him feel this way. While she doesn’t understand everything, she gets that Steve has had a difficult few months. Taking pity on him, she points out some girls approaching and tries to lighten his mood. “Hey, twelve o’clock! Maybe they’ll see your side of things.”
Steve turns around and sees the girls as well. “Shit, okay. Okay, I can do this! I’m going in.” He quickly snatches the sailor hat from his head and tosses it to Robin. “Screw company policy, I’m getting advice about Y/N one way or another.”
For a second, Robin has hope for him, but then he opens his Scoops Ahoy greeting way too loud and then immediately starts to ramble about you, and she sighs in defeat and marks another tally underneath the you suck column.
Hiking up a giant, grassy hill in ninety degree heat while hauling heavy equipment for a giant radio that your brother built to talk to his alleged long distance girlfriend definitely wasn’t what you had in mind today. In fact, you mourn the fact that you aren’t working today.
You’re only here to hear about Dustin’s girlfriend, honestly.
“Aren’t we high enough?” Lucas pants, voicing what everyone else is thinking.
Dustin shakes his head. “Cerebro works best at a hundred meters.”
“You know, I’m pretty sure people in Utah have telephones.” Max quips.
You wipe sweat from your brow and cringe, you feel disgusting. “Max, you’ve always been so wise.”
“Suzie’s Mormon.” Says Dustin, and you almost trip over a rock.
“You’re dating a Mormon?”
Lucas talks over you. “Oh, shit. She doesn’t have electricity?”
“Oh, that’s the Amish.” Max corrects him, and you get flashbacks to when you had to correct Steve about Nazis and Germans.
Will frowns at you. “What are Mormons?”
“Scary people–”
Dustin interrupts you. “Super religious white people. They have electricity and cars and stuff, but… Since I’m not Mormon, her parents would never approve.”
“Please don’t become Mormon,” you beg, dripping even more sweat. “I need someone sane in our family.”
“I won’t,” Dustin reassures you, though he has a far off look in his eyes. “But it’s all a bit Shakespearean, don’t you think?”
“Shakespearean?” Max laughs and you also can’t help but giggle.
Dustin doesn’t let your teasing deter him from reminiscing, though. “Yeah, like Romeo and Juliet.”
“They both die, Dustin.” It’s important to you that he knows this.
“But they were also star crossed lovers.”
“Who killed themselves.”
Below, Mike shouts to the rest of you, “Hey, guys!”
You all turn and you frown when you see just how far he and El are, both of them empty handed and dry as a daisy in the summer heat. When Mike sees that he has all of your attention, he taps at his watch. “This is fun and all, but, uh…”
“I have to go home.” El announces, her arm intertwined through Mike’s.
Dustin points towards the top of the hill no less than a few yards away. “We’re almost there.”
“Sorry, man. Curfew.” Mike shrugs, he isn’t really sorry and you all know it. He then grabs El’s hand and they descend down the hill, giggling and enamored with one another.
With a gleeful laugh, El says goodbye. “Good luck!”
Dustin looks down at his watch. “Curfew at four?”
You’re startled by the time, having assumed it was at least closer to six. Hopper may be an overprotective grump of a man, but not even he is crazy enough to enact a curfew for El at four in the afternoon. “That… Doesn’t sound real.”
“They’re lying.” Lucas explains, frustrated.
“It’s been like this all summer.” Will says bitterly, something that you take note of.
Max nudges you with her shoulder. “I think it’s romantic.”
“It’s gross!” Will voices again.
You bite your lip. “I don’t know, it’s your guys’ last summer before high school and…”
“It’s bullshit.” Dustin finishes for you, hurt in his voice. “I just got home.”
You flick him. “Language! But… I agree.”
Dustin watches with annoyance as Mike and El walk down the hill hand in hand. While he’s incredibly hurt that they’ve ditched him after being gone for a month, he remembers what Steve has taught him. People can suck, but there’s nothing he can do about it. “Well, their loss, right? Onwards and upwards, Suzie awaits!”
Max and Lucas groan at the idea of continuing the hike while you admire your brother’s perseverance. You’re proud of him for not letting Mike and El ruin his plans with the others. He’s excited to be home, and you’re more than happy to go along with whatever schemes he has planned.
You’re about to follow the others up the hill when you realize that Will hasn’t joined. You turn around and see that he has his hand around the back of his neck as he stands there, frozen. Then, he turns and faces Hawkins, stumbling back a bit as he does so, and you watch with a frown on your face.
“Hey, little bee, are you okay?” You gently place a hand on his shoulder, which seems to break him of whatever spell he’d been under.
“I’m fine,” he lies, and you don’t at all believe him. Will looks uneasy, as if he’s just seen a ghost. A part of you begins to worry, but you don’t push him. For all you know, it could be about Mike and his growing distance from the others.
“Well, c’mon, then.” You grab Will’s hand and together you ascend the rest of the hill.
At the top, Dustin drops his bag and sighs. “Made it!”
“Yeah, only took five hours,” Max pants out, stumbling the final few steps up the hill.
You collapse onto the ground and fight to catch your breath. “I run almost every morning. I think I lost a lung back there.”
“Why couldn’t we just play DnD?” Will collapses next to you.
Lucas grabs the flask of water, and as you struggle to get air into your lungs, you watch as he chugs the remaining water without a care in the world. Max watches as well, annoyed, and once again you pity Lucas. He’s such a boy.
Building the radio takes longer than expected. After your short five minute break, Dustin puts you all to work. There’s a million pieces to the thing and your fingers ache from screwing bolts into slots and extending poles. The sun has begun to set when you finally push the giant radio into an upright position. It’s easily fifteen feet high, and it’s an impressive sight that you can’t deny.
“Not bad, Dustin.” You admit, walking around Cerebro in awe.
“Ready to meet my love?” He asks everyone, and you all sit down next to him and eagerly await. Dustin switches the radio on. “Suzie, this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over.”
No one answers. All you hear is radio feedback.
Dustin scratches his nose nervously. “One sec. She’s probably… She’s still there.” Again, no one answers, and he ducks his head down in embarrassment. “Suzie… This is Dustin, do you copy? Over.”
More radio static follows in the absence of Suzie’s response.
You wince, despite trying to appear supportive. You can’t help it, this is embarrassing for your brother. While you don’t doubt that he has a girlfriend, you admit that this doesn’t look good for him. A long distance girlfriend who is hot and smart and magically needs a radio to communicate with? Unlikely.
“I’m sure she’s there,” Dustin tries to explain to you guys, now even more embarrassed. “It’s dinner time, and she’s busy…”
“Yeah, sure.” Lucas tries to be supportive and play along, which you appreciate him immensely for. Max nods as well, but Will just stands there silent.
“Maybe try again?” You encourage, trying to be nice.
Dustin nods and tries once more to contact Suzie, and it goes on like this for a while. He radios, no one answers, and eventually you and everyone else lay down in the grass as you wait for nothing.
Almost an hour passes and the crickets begin to chirp as the sun goes down and the moon comes up. Dustin is still trying to reach Suzie, but Max finally has enough. “Dustin, come on! She’s not there.”
“She’s there, alright? She’ll pick up.”
“Dustin…” You sigh, unsure how to tell him that you also want to leave. You had plans with Steve tonight, he invited you over to watch a movie and you should’ve left ten minutes ago.
Will lifts his head up from the grass. “Maybe Cerebro doesn’t work.”
“Or maybe Suzie doesn’t exist.” Lucas argues.
Dustin gasps. “She exists!”
“She’s a genius and she’s hotter than Phoebe Cates? No girl is that perfect.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose at Lucas’ words and wait for Max’s inevitable offense. He truly, deeply, is such a boy. As predicted, Max sits up and looks down at him with annoyance. “Is that so?”
Lucas shuffles up in panic, now realizing too late what he’s said. “I mean–you’re perfect! I mean, like, perfect–in your own way, in your own, uh, special way!”
“Lucas,” you hit his shoulder. “Stop talking, dude.”
Max laughs, pleased with herself. “Relax, I was teasing. I’m obviously perfect and Dustin is obviously lying.”
“Okay, no,” you now sit up. “He isn’t lying, it’s just a very unfortunate circumstance.”
Max doesn’t listen and instead offers Lucas her hand to help him up so that they can leave. “Come on, Don Juan.”
“Where are you going?” Dustin follows, not understanding yet what’s happening.
“Home,” Max huffs, before remembering that you’re there, too. “Bye, Y/N!”
“Bye,” you wave at them weakly, knowing that this will only upset your brother further as she and Lucas slowly head home.
Dustin stands next to you now. “Well, guess it’s just us and Byers, Y/N,”
Will now stands up and awkwardly avoids your brother’s gaze. “Um… It’s late. Sorry. Maybe tomorrow we can play DnD, or something fun, like we used to?”
Dustin clenches his jaw. You know he’s close to tears, and it breaks your heart to watch. You stand up and rest your arm around him as he responds to Will. “Yeah, sure.”
“Welcome home,” Will says sadly before he starts to walk down the hill as well.
You anxiously watch as he leaves. “Be careful, please!”
“I will!” He reassures you, knowing that you’re still terrified of losing him again.
As you watch Will, Dustin whispers to himself, “Yeah, welcome home.”
His words break your heart even more. Forgetting about your anxiety over Will, you wrap both arms around your brother and hug him. He had been so excited earlier to be home and see all his friends after a month of being away. You understand that the kids are all growing up, but you had always hoped that they’d grow together, not apart.
“You still have all of July and August,” you try to comfort Dustin, desperately hoping that you aren’t lying to both him and yourself. “I’m sure they’ll come around.”
Suddenly the radio attached to Cerebro switches on and Dustin pushes you off of him so that he can get to the radio in time. He stumbles over his feet and trips, and you watch with amusement and curiosity.
He manages to finally untangle himself from the radio and answers. “Suzie, Suzie, is that you?”
You sit down next to Dustin and lean in close to the radio, excited to finally meet your brother’s girlfriend. Instead, you hear what sounds like a foreign language. It’s distinct, slightly muffled, but you know what it is. “Is that…”
“Russian.” Dustin whispers.
Everything changes, then.
You force Dustin to go home immediately. He wants to stay, see if he can find any more hidden messages, but you refuse. He’s elated, talking a mile a minute as you bike home, theorizing every possible answer as to why you heard Russian in Hawkins, Indiana.
“Dustin!” You yell at him, terrified that someone could be listening. “Not here, okay?”
He deflates, but pedals home alongside you.
You’re terrified as you bike home, a million thoughts are running through your head. You don’t at all like what any of this could mean; you’ve had enough sketchy government facilities and secret government agencies to last you a fucking lifetime.
When you get home, you order Dustin to go to bed.
“But Y/N, we’ve got to tell someone about this–”
“Tomorrow, okay? Just, please, Dustin.” You’re exhausted and confused and overwhelmed.
Your brother senses that you’re at your limit and reluctantly backs down. “Fine, but can we at least tell Steve tomorrow?”
Hearing Steve’s name puts something at ease within you. Tomorrow, you’ll go to Scoops with Dustin and ask Steve what he thinks about all of this. Comforted by the fact that you now have a plan forming, you begin to calm down. “I promise we’ll tell him tomorrow, okay?”
Dustin nods and heads to his room, wishing you a good night. When you hear his door click shut, you slowly head to your own room. You’re terrified, and there’s only one thing you want to do to lessen the fear that scratches at your throat. After crawling into bed, you call Steve.
He answers immediately. “Y/N? Is everything okay?”
“I’m fine,” you breathe out, his voice like an exhale of a summer’s day. “I… I’m sorry I missed our movie night.”
Steve laughs softly. “Angel, I’m just happy you’re okay. I was getting worried there.”
You close your eyes. “It’s been a weird day.”
“Did something happen?” Steve senses that there’s something you aren’t telling him, which worries him.
“Dustin… He may have found something, but I just–I don’t want to talk about it just yet. I… I don’t want to jinx it,” you squeeze your eyes tight and will away the fear you feel. “I–I’m just, I’m so exhausted, you know?”
“Y/N, are you in danger–”
“No,” you dispel any fear that Steve may feel. “I promise I’m okay, I just really need to hear your voice right now, okay? Can you just talk to me, please?”
“Of course I can.” Steve agrees without any questions asked, and you love how he trusts you enough to do this.
Exhaling the remaining fear, you allow the warmth from Steve to hold you through the night. “Thank you, honey.”
“Anytime, angel. You know that.”
And you do.
Steve begins telling you a story from today, how he dropped an ice cream cone on a toddler and enraged the mom, and you fall asleep that night to the sound of his voice over the phone.
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#steve harrington x henderson!reader#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington x you#stranger things#steve harrington fanfic#stranger things rewrite#slowburn#fluff#angst#nya#m's writing
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O!Steve & B!Robin as childhood friends!! Not Nancy Wheeler Friendly bc this is from a protective Robin POV & I needed drama & No Upside Down AU
They meet when Robin skips 4th grade & become friends when they're paired together for a project. Steve is a Henderson bc his mom divorced his sire Richard Harrington & Steve didn't want to b a Harrington anymore he wanted to have his mom's maiden name. He & his mom moved to Hawkins the week before school started.
Steve is chubby & a boy omega (which is rare especially in Hawkins Elementary where only two other boys in the grades below r omegas) which makes him different & he's not very good at reading aloud but he still gets some of the best scores on their social studies or history lessons & his scent is still muted like the kids younger than them. So he isn't popular but he isn't overtly bullied but he is largely ignored by the kids w more social capital.
So he & Robin bond abt being treated as outcasts. They quickly become best friends & spend as much time together outside of school as they can except every other Sunday bc Steve's mom drives a few towns away in Roane County to the nearest Episcopal church.
Robin was raised Buddhist bc her mom is a child of Vietnamese immigrants & her dad was an anti-war protester (especially after he gets drafted into Vietnam, causing him to lose his left leg). The Buckleys celebrate a vague Christmas tht they treat more like Yule with Father Winter instead of Santa, presents still happen but Robin is expected to choose a few of her gifts to give to a nearby domestic violence shelter where some kids stay.
Then high school starts. Steve has his first heat the summer before & so his scent matures to smell like baked apples w honey. He loses a bit of the baby fat, his face gets clearer of acne he'd developed in 7th grade, & his hair is noticeably more shiny. This means Steve is suddenly the subject of new attention by some of the beta boys & alphas of Hawkins High. It all makes Steve uncomfortable so Robin stops trimming her nails & even files them sharper when at home. She shows off her newly sharp nails when she scratches up the arms of an alpha senior who wasn't taking Steve's polite refusals as an answer, tearing up their jacket sleeves, & even ripping a big hole in the bottom of their backpack so all their things tumbled out.
After tht word spread quickly tht Steve Henderson had a guard, Robin Buckley. So the attention turned from a rush to a trickle.
A!Tommy Hagan tries harassing Steve in their sophomore year & calling it courting but Robin tells B!Carol Perkins tht Tommy is trying to cheat on her & together they scratch Tommy so deeply he gets scars. Sophomore year is also when Steve begins babysitting for extra cash. He starts w his little cousin Dustin, then the Sinclairs hire him every other Saturday night, & the list grows till Steve is having Robin help him keep a planner just to keep track of his babysitting gigs.
Then junior year brings abt a Steve who is the uncontested prettiest omega in school & the attention gets worse. Except now ppl know to try to get Robin's approval. She doesn't make it easy & this weeds out the ppl who only wanted a chance to say they'd popped Steve's cherry.
This works till A!Nancy Wheeler sets her sights on Steve. Nancy does practically every task Robin gives her w minimal complaints, so Robin gives Nancy the chance to actually court Steve. Except it quickly becomes clear to Robin tht Nancy didn't seem all tht interested in learning more abt steve outside of who he was in the schools social ladder. Robin would watch how Nancy flaunted their relationship to others to establish a growing social status but would then make eyes at B!Jonathan Byers, The Creep as others called him.
When O!Will Byers goes missing (later being found kidnapped by his father) & B!Barb runs away while the town is focused on tht, Nancy becomes more & more disinterested in Steve. Apparently insisting to Steve tht Barb was her best friend & tht she would've told Nancy if she was going to run away. Robin snorts when Steve tells her this bc it was obvious to Robin their friendship was a one way street of Nancy getting what she wanted.
So of course Nancy embarrasses herself & Steve at Tina's Halloween party the next year, after a year of growing colder towards Steve & leading him on & insisting to them both tht Jonathan is just a friend. Of course Nancy runs off w Byers after the whisper of a lead on where Barb had gone reaches her ears, of course she comes back smelling like Byers in a way tht made it clear she'd had sex w him & only then breaking up w Steve & worst of all is how Steve doesn't get angry with Nancy or Jonathan.
It all gets more annoying when Steve is newly single & knot headed A!Billy Hargrove tries approaching Steve when no one else is around. He never offers to exclusively court Steve & he never approaches Robin abt it either. He just follows Steve to secluded corners of the school or town & makes comments when no one is around to hear him.
Eventually they graduate, Robin decides to put off going away for college opting instead to take classes part time at the Roane County Community College w Steve. Billy Hargrove races out of town after he beats his father in the Hargroves front lawn, Mr Hargrove leaves town soon after but his wife & step daughter the Mayfields stay in Hawkins. Robin only learns most of this thanks to Steve being Max's babysitter now
for two weeks of the summer Nancy tries to court Steve again, claiming she'd changed but this is after Jonathan Byers learns tht Nancy hadn't broken up w Steve till after their fruitless attempt to convince Barb to come home led to them sleeping together & so he breaks up w her unable to believe she'd hurt Steve in the way his own father had hurt his mom
They get jobs at the mall in the food court. Then the larger parent company of their employer Scoops Ahoy gets shut down by the government for tax evasion & tax fraud & a whole list of illegal labor practices so they find new jobs at the Cinema-plex in the same mall. Then the mall burns down bc the construction was cheap & several safety regulations were blatantly ignored. So they find another job they can work together. This time at Family Video, after an interview w Keith (whose parents own the small strip mall where the laundromat & the arcade & video store r located) wherein Robin said her favorite movie was a German silent film she knew Keith would know nothing abt & Steve equally stumped Keith w a samurai movie tht Robin knew didn't circulate in the US, Ms Henderson had gotten the VHS of the movie shipped to Hawkins through friends in the UK.
Time went on, they took their classes at the small community college, Steve still babysat here & there, & the platonic soulmates were even apartment hunting in their free time. Settling on the relatively affordable rent of a 2 bed trailer in Forest Hills.
That's where Eddie Munson pops into their lives. Apparently he'd met Steve once or twice when Steve had come by to babysit Max. Now tht the pair lived so close by Munson he took to being a welcome committee. A couple of months of living in the trailer park, hanging out w Eddie who had begun working at the local mechanics instead of racing out of town like Hargrove, & buying the odd joint from the alpha at an obviously reduced price. Munson made his move & approached Robin on a day tht she was working without Steve.
The alpha was visibly nervous but determined & he didn't even shrink away when Robin glared him down for 5 minutes in silence. So she sighed & gave him a random task tht she knew Steve would like to see. This went on & on, Eddie growing closer w Steve & when Steve told Robin he wanted to b courted by their neighbor she delivered the news to Eddie w her best friend right behind her.
The pair courted for 2 years before Steve sat her down & told her he was pregnant just abt 2 months along & tht he & Eddie were going to exchange bites before the due date & tht they wanted to move in together. Robin was silent bc they were supposed to leave for Portland tht spring, so tht she could attend college & Steve could get a cosmetology license, they were supposed to remain together into their old age. She didn't even realize tht she'd nearly gone into a srs beta drop till it was the next morning & she was being held by Steve in his nest.
Over breakfast sandwiches in bed Steve explained tht she had dropped before Steve could tell her tht if she approved Eddie was going to drive to Portland two weeks before they planned to leave & get a 3 bedroom apartment set up. If she didnt approve Eddie was still going to drive there early but just find an apartment for stobin & another apartment for himself. They talked for hours abt how Steve didn't want to b best friends w anyone except Robin & his alpha, how Robin had been scared for awhile abt Steve leaving her, & it ended w them having a movie night where they ordered Eddie to pick up a pizza & sodas & the biggest order of chicken tenders possible
7 months later after a home birth in Portland Oregon, Robin cried when she got to meet her best friends twin babies & learned tht they'd named the youngest of the baby girls Janis Robin Munson while the older twin was Joan Cathy Munson (Cathy was Eddie's mom's name & coincidentally grandma Henderson's name)
& Aunty Robin became the Munson pups favorite babysitter 🥰
Robin being protective of omega Steve is always so lovely💕💕💕
#slick sunday#steddie#steddie omegaverse#omega steve harrington#alpha eddie munson#beta robin buckley#platonic stobin#steve x eddie#a/b/o#omegaverse#mpreg#tw mpreg#cw mpreg#my asks
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Forever Young Part 1
Hello, my lovies! I'm on with yet another AU! I can't stop, won't stop until I'm dead. The ideas just keep coming.
This was supposed to be lighthearted and funny aaannndd it got hit by the angst train HARD! Like that meme with the bus on the tracks and getting hit by the train? Yeah, that's this fic in a nutshell. It seems I can't write Steve without exploring his childhood and for me that's always going to be a traumatic thing.
Summary: Dustin sneaks into Steve's house to try and convince him to take him to Indy, but when he walks into his bedroom, Steve isn't there. Or rather the Steve Harrington he knows and loves. For hiding in the closet is a scared five year old claiming to be his friend. Then news starts coming in from Will and Mike, Nancy and Jonathan have been changed into kids too. Robin and Eddie make the full set, so the six younger teens have balance watching kids and finding out how to reverse it. And what happens if they can't find the cure in time?
Look, Dustin knew he shouldn’t be using the hide-a-key to break into Steve’s house, but he really needed to have Steve take him to Indy and if he just bundled him up and got him out the door with shoes on his feet and keys and wallet in hand it was easier to get him to agree to such a long drive.
So he looked around to make sure no one was watching and then went straight for the third paving stone and lifted it up. He quickly worked free the key and set the stone back down.
He slipped into the house and quickly scanned the house to make sure that Steve was in fact still sleeping. With being a former jock, there were times Steve would already be up and having gone for a run, and Dustin would be stymied for the day.
But there was no coffee brewing, no shoes by the door and no Steve on the ground floor. Dustin rubbed his hands together. Excellent.
He snuck up the stairs and threw open the door to startle Steve awake.
Only Steve wasn’t there. The bed was clearly slept in and the car was still in the driveway. Had he gone on a run and just wasn’t back yet?
Then he heard sniffles coming from the closet. Dustin frowned and walked toward it carefully. He opened the door and suddenly had to duck a shoe being thrown at his head.
“Ow!” he cried when it clipped his shoulder. “What the fuck Steve?” But the person in front of him was not Steve. It was some five year old kid looking up at him in absolute terror.
“Who are you?” Dustin hissed, bending over to pick up the shoe. “And what are you doing in Steve’s house?”
“I’m Steve!” the boy insisted. “But this is not my house! I woke up in this room with clothes that were too big for me and no one was home and I’m scared.”
Dustin blinked down at the child for a moment as he tried to think about when Steve moved to Hawkins and what his parents names were. “So where do you live?”
The little boy looked him in the eye with tears welling up and his lip quivering. “I’m not supposed to tell.”
Dustin worked his mouth, but no words came out. Because the kid was right. He wasn’t supposed to talk to strangers. “I’m Dustin. I’m just trying to find your mom. Can you tell me your mom’s name?”
Little Steve looked up at him skeptically and then frowned. “You’ll help me find her?” Dustin nodded. “Her name is Maureen Harrington, my daddy’s name is Clint.” His face lit up. “I know my phone number. Maybe I can call home!”
“Like ET!” Dustin cried. “ET phone home!” But the kid stared him in confusion. “What, you’ve never seen ET! Like it’s awesome!”
Little Steve shook his head. “Like can I use the phone now?”
“Uh...” Dustin hedged. “I guess. Steve keeps a phone in his bedroom. It should be on his desk.”
Little Steve crawled out of the closet and eyed Dustin warily as he passed. Dustin followed the little boy’s path with his eyes as the kid picked up the phone. Immediately it went a busy signal, the sound loud in the quiet of the early morning.
Little Steve looked at the time and then back at the phone in his hand. “Daddy won’t be up for another half hour and Mommy never gets up before ten, why is the phone busy.”
Dustin’s brain finally caught up with everything the kid had said since he opened the door to the closet. Clint and Maureen Harrington. Living in Indy. The line being busy.
“Holy shit!”
Steve turned around with the phone in his hand. “Mommy says that’s a bad word, but Daddy says it all the time.”
Dustin ran through all the possibilities in his head. “It’s Occam’s Razor or to quote Sherlock Holmes: ‘When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.'”
“You’re weird.”
“Oh, kid you have no idea,” Dustin said solemnly. “You have no idea. But I have to get ahold of some friends and pray to whatever deity is out there that you’re an isolated incident.”
“What’s ice oh lated innocent?” Little Steve asked, cocking his head to the side.
Dustin sighed. “And there it is.” That stupid little head tilt Steve did when he was confused about something. Fuuuuckk. “It means a one off. Something that happened one time.”
Steve frowned but said nothing, so Dustin took it as confirmation he understood, because he was about to panic. He started searching the room, until he found what he was looking for. Steve’s walkie talkie.
“Lucas, Mike, Will,” Dustin hissed into the device. “Come in. Code...” he looked over at Little Steve staring up at him in wide-eyed innocence. “Code Red. Come in, over.”
All three of his friends immediately came on and sound off that they were there.
“What’s the Code Red, over?” Mike asked once everyone had sounded off.
“Steve is a literal child,” Dustin said, breathlessly. “As in he went to bed a nineteen year old man and now he’s four-ish.” He waved his hand back and forth with a grimace.
“Hey!” Little Steve protested, clenching his little fists and stomping his foot. “I’m five! I’m not some baby!”
Dustin looked over at him and his eyebrows shot up. “That’s new.” Then into the walkie talkie he said. “I’m also making sure Steve’s the only one we have this problem with.”
There was silence on the line for a beat or two before Mike and Will hissed out, “Shit!”
“Why does everyone get to swear but me?” Steve pouted, sitting on the bed and crossing his arms. He glared up at Dustin, who just rolled his eyes.
Dustin let out a pained sigh and wondered how much he should tell him.
“Uh...” Lucas said into the walkie, “but I’m guessing if Mike and Will come back with a yes their older siblings are in fact small children, someone should check up on Robin and Eddie? Over.”
Dustin pinched the bridge of his nose. “Yeah, but I don’t know how we’re going to get there. None of us drive and Joyce and Hopper are out of town, over.”
“Code Red!” Will shrieked. “Jonathan is a kid and he’s hiding from our dad, absolutely refusing to come out for anyone but Mom!”
Then Mike was crackling through the line, sounding already harried. “I now have two baby sisters and judging from the photos Mom keeps everywhere, I’d say Nancy is around four, which considering Holly is five, is just too weird, man. Over.”
“Well, fuck,” Dustin said bluntly. “Lucas was thinking that Robin and Eddie might be affected too.”
“What’s fuck?” Steve asked from the bed, looking a little too curious for Dustin’s nerves.
Dustin turned to the walkie talkie and just screamed: “HELP!”
Lucas managed to get everyone calmed down and it was decided that everyone meet up at Steve’s because there would be enough rooms for all of them to sleep in and they could keep it as quiet as possible. Especially since they didn’t didn’t know if this was Upside down related.
He also tried to Max to find Eddie and take him to her place before Wayne got home.
“No can do,” she replied. “He already knows and since we need someone to drive us around to get things for five four year olds as well as picking up Robin, it might as well be him.”
No one liked that plan, but what choice did they have when Wayne already knew his nephew was now a child?
They grudgingly agreed and allowed Wayne to ferry them all to Steve’s house, which he did so borrowing Eddie’s van.
Once they were all together (El had helped Jonathan come out from under the bed with her telepathy) Wayne patted Dustin on the shoulder.
“I have to go to work,” he said sternly. “I am trusting you older kids to take care of your friends. As best as we can tell they don’t have their adult memories, but if they do start to return, it will probably come in the form of nightmares.”
Mike and Lucas shared a glance. They knew. Night terrors were just a part of kids’ life at that age. They nodded.
“All right,” Wayne said with a sigh. “I’ll try and stop by Melvin’s on the way home for like food and stuff. The main thing they need right now are clothes that fit. The girls will be easy because they can borrow Holly’s things. But the boys are going to be tough unless your parents saved any of your clothes from that age.”
The four boys looked over at Steve, Jonathan, and Eddie all in clothes that were positively drowning them.
Dustin turned back to Wayne. “Even if my Ma did save my shit, they wouldn’t fit any of them. They’re all skinny!”
“Shit,” Eddie repeated with a giggle. “That’s a funny word.”
Wayne snorted. “Yes it is, but what did I say at the trailer, boy?”
Eddie looked up at Wayne, wide-eyed, almost as if he had forgotten he was there. “Swears are big people words.” He frowned for a moment. “But they say swears.” He pointed at Dustin specifically to Wayne’s utter delight.
Wayne just shook his head. “I can’t help it if their mama never raised them right.”
“You take that back!” Dustin cried. “My Ma is the best!” He put his hands on his hips.
Wayne just raised an eyebrow and ruffled Dustin’s hair. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. I’ve left the number to the plant on the fridge. When you call ask for Bill and then have Bill come get me. Anyone else and they’re gonna laugh in your face.”
“Aye, aye!” Lucas said brightly. “Hopefully we’ll be fine. We’ve already told our parents we’re having a movie night sleepover and to not expect us home tonight.”
“That still leaves what happens if this doesn’t resolve itself by tomorrow,” Mike groused. “But if it does, we have someone else we can call.”
El made a face. “I do not trust Dr. Owens,” she huffed, crossing her arms.
Mike rubbed her arm gently. “I know, but if it is Upside Down related, maybe he can help, okay?”
El nodded, but Wayne could see she didn’t like the idea. Wayne wasn’t a fan of the man himself, if he was being honest. Anyone who would experiment on children, no matter how nice they appeared was not someone to be trusted.
“Last resort only,” Wayne said with a nod. Then he said his goodbyes and left for work.
Dustin ran his hands over his face and groaned. “I don’t know how to talk to kids that age. I’m an only child.”
Lucas shrugged. “It’s not that difficult really. You just have to keep them fed, make sure they nap, and give them things to do. We’ll want to avoid the back though. Because I don’t how many of them would know how to swim at this stage.”
Steve was probably a good bet that he knew how to swim, Nancy too. But the other three? That was up in the air.
“So keep them away from the back, feed them, make sure they get enough sleep and try not kill them in the mean time?” Will asked, his voice high with concern.
“Pretty much,” Mike assured him. “There are more of us then there are of them, we should be fine.”
Max raised her hand slowly. “Uh, guys...um. I hate to ask but has anyone seen Steve?”
Dustin whirled around and quickly did a head count. Nancy, Robin, and Jonathan were all playing with a ball in the corner and Eddie had found a marker and was drawing on himself.
But Steve was nowhere to be seen.
Cliffhanger!!! Bwahahaha!!!
1- @itsall-taken @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @sadisticaltarts @dolphincliffs
2- @gregre369 @a-little-unsteddie @irregular-child @cryptid-system @kultiras
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @forgottenkanji @dreamercec @blondie1006
5- @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @genderless-spoon @fearieshadow @thesecondfate
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
8- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @just-a-tiny-void @w1ll0wtr33 @beelze-the-bubkiss
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hi! What are your predictions for stranger things 5? Who do you think could die? Really love your art, it’s really inspiring!
hi! i think a perfect ending would be no one dying but i think the stakes are at the highest they’ve ever been, so if i had to narrow it down, i’d say nancy or jonathan.
i don’t think will, el, max or hopper will die. not only have all four of them already “died�� in the show, but will and el especially have lost their childhoods to the UD, it would be a horrible ending to kill either of them. and i do think the duffers were honest about not wanting to kill characters off for shock value.
jonathan’s death is a possibility only because will has not lost someone close to him the way the rest of the party has. lucas lost max, dustin lost eddie, mike lost el, max lost billy and el lost hopper. but otherwise i think he’s safe.
nancy however,,, the way they’ve cornered her narratively makes me believe that she could be in danger. one of the wheelers is going to be in grave danger, and though vecna showed nancy a vision of karen, mike, and holly dying, ultimately i think it’s going to be nancy herself who dies saving one of them. they’re gonna have to figure out the stoncy love triangle one way or the other and i feel like it’s very possible for them to simply make steve and jonathan friends in the aftermath because of the grief they’re both experiencing.
this is going to sound silly, but i don’t think robin and steve are dying because they’ve got gay character and fan favourite character immunity. (OR steve might die for this exact reason. like iron man in endgame 💀)
i absolutely do not want to ever think about joyce, mike, dustin, lucas or erica dying so i’m just gonna pretend like that’s not even an option.
i think it’ll be really funny if they introduce linda hamilton’s character, make people empathise with her and then kill her. make her the only character that dies 😭 it’ll be on brand for the show and the best outcome
i ended up talking only about characters death,,, my general prediction is that will is vecna’s sleeper agent and he’s going to have powers! you can read more of my theory here!
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misha's masterlists

Hi, I'm Misha. Thank you for diving into my stories and supporting my writing :)
My fanfics [+this blog] are dedicated to Steve Harrington, along with Gator Tillman. All fanfic series, one-shots, blurbs, etc. listed below are written by me. Do not repost or share anywhere without proper credit. Thank you muchly.
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"Oh, so we DO love Steve..."
Steve Harrington x Bauman!fem!reader enemies to lovers, heavy angst, hurt/comfort, upside down mayhem, S2-S4, post S4 universe hot-take, end-of-the-world / dystopian setting, ugly fights turned smut (...but with hella plot). 18+
[Part IX - blurb] | [Part IX - full]
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"You're there. You've always been there."
Steve Harrington x OC!fem!reader Childhood friends to lovers. Sloooowburn. Angst. Romance. Smut with plot. Action. Told from second-person view, reader is Nicole (character from S1), different POV, hurt/comfort, upside down mayhem, pre-S1-S4, eventual post-S4 universe.
Summary: Steve Harrington was six years old when he met you: Nicole St. James, the girl who carries the other half of him. Since 1972, the two of you have been inseparably tethered by the soul. You give Steve a home in his big house with no parents, and he gives your introverted heart a longing for someone. The King of Hawkins High and princess of this small town, you tell each other absolutely everything...except that you are in love with each other.
Everything changes that one afternoon at school, when you catch the school's social outcast -- Jonathan Buyers -- has been stalking Steve, his posse and his girl, Nancy. Little do you both know, the monsters in your favorite fairytales are real. And you're both going to have to fight them together.
You both share the best days and worst days, through childhood and teen years, until you both find yourselves roped into the perils that exist beneath your feet in Hawkins.
But through it all, despite all the doubt, Steve knows one thing: you're there. You've always been there.
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"At the Chateau, We'll Be Alright."
Steve Harrington x Jonathan Byers x fem!reader A crossover au inspired by Saltburn and Call Me by Your Name. Additional Inso from Joe's theater performance as in Spring Awakening. Song Inso: "Chateau" by Djo
Strangers to best friends to lovers. Slowburn. Angst. Romance, with polyamory themes and schemes. Smut with hella plot.
[MULTI-PART SERIES] COMING SOON. Click here for a preview.
Summary: The reader lives with her parents at a fancy chateau, in France. This year, her father offers their home as a housing sanctuary to a select student or graduate. He decides to invite two graduate students to live with their family over the summer, coming from different working class backgrounds, and help with their academic paperwork as a professor of archaeology.
Steve Harrington: a rich kid from a swanky boarding school with a bad boy reputation and too much charm for his own good. Surprisingly, his grades say otherwise. A’s and B’s, his parents claim that is seeking one-on-one tutoring so that he can progress in his studies — but it sounds more like an excuse to ship him off for longer periods of time, giving them an out for having their son around during the summer. The pretty boy’s all about ladies…but that’s only because he hasn’t met a boy who awakens his bisexuality. Yet.
Jonathan Byers: a kid from the lower working class, excelling in his studies and AP programs at the same boarding school as Steve which he only got into because of community sponsorship and grants. Quiet wallflower, little to no friends, a bit cynical. A closeted gay, he’s more determined to stick with being perceived as “ace” than come out of the closet. Until he goes to stay at a chateau with a handsome boy, and a beautiful girl who understands him.
Twists, turns and terrifying risks, you all put your hearts on the line that summer at the Chateau. Add the reader's cousin Eddie into the mix, along with her best friend Robin, Steve's ex-girlfriend Nancy, Jonathan's estranged mother and your progressive parents alongside Steve's absent parents -- it's a cruel summer.
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American Teenagers
Read the synopsis here:
Gator Tillman x fem!reader A slow burn romance fueled by angst, dark comedy, unhinged thrill-packed action and heavy smut with even heavier plot. Inspired by and based on Fargo. Song Inspo: "American Teenager" by Ethel Cain
📁 {browse my fic file}
#steve harrington#steve harrington fanfic#steve harrington smut#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington angst#steve harrington imagine#steve harrington x you#steve harrington stranger things#stranger things fanfiction#mishas masterlists#oh so we do love steve#steve and bauman#gator tillman angst#gator tillman#enemies to lovers trope
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Biggest byler proof
the intended audience is weirdos and freaks. The main characters are written to break traditional and societal norms like Nancy wanting to break away from the expectations of a nuclear family, Jonathan being a social outcast while an extremely talented and kind, will and robin being queer in the 80s and so much more. People can talk about wills love being unrequited to be 'realistic' all they damn well please, el has superpowers, there is an alternate universe and Steve immediately accepted robin for being queer, no questions, in the 80s, and extremely unforgiving time for queer people. Why would the show choose a straight, socially expected, heteronormative relationship over a beautiful crafted, childhood best friends, queer relationship in such a cruel period of time? Stranger things breaks norms, they don't reinforce them. The same argument applies to stancy. Steve wants a big family, Nancy wants to be nothing like her parents. Steve and Nancy ending up together just reinforces the norm the duffers are trying to break with Nancy's character ark.
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i keep seeing milkvan shippers argue that mike cant show his love for eleven because of his parents less than romantic relationship, but i cant help but think how strange that is.
love isnt something you learn. mike shows love for all his friends, including el. its not like he grew up in a loveless household where no one cared about each other. its shown many times that mikes mother loves him and nancy very much and actively cares for all her children.
now, im not saying that platonic love and romantic love are the same thing. im just pointing out that mike isnt just someone whos never even heard the word love before.
you could also argue that el was never shown love in her childhood. if thats the case, then how can she love mike? she never had anyone who cared about her when she was in the lab, yet she knew in season 2+ that she loved mike.
nancy was another person used in the argument that the wheeler family cant show love. they use the example of her not being able to tell steve that she loves him to backup what they have to say about mike.
but its clearly shown that nancy loves jonathan!!!! like did they forget about that? even through their struggles she can still say that she loves him in s4. you can’t say the same for mike.
the reason mike can’t tell eleven that he loves her isnt because hes from some broken home. mike and els relationship is the only one that relies on the words “i love you.” most of the other relationships in st are based around actions and not words. ex: joyce saving hopper in russia, lucas sticking by maxs side while shes cursed and doing everything he can to save her, jonathan and nancy saving each other in the hospital
there are many more examples that dont include saving each other, but my point is that mike and els relationship is no longer portrayed in the same way as all the other canon ships are.
thanks for listening, your argument is trash 🤗
#byler#byler analysis#mike wheeler i know what you are#stranger things#milkvan is bones#mike wheeler
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Steve Harrington apocalypse 1.4k (part 1, part 2)
marauders post coming tomorrow btw! is this far too short for my liking? yes. but expect much more frequent updates because that is a goal of mine and if you want to scream at me to write more or write something you want to see please do
You'd been walking for hours, the sun an ever-rising beacon overhead. You just had to make it to sundown. Then you would all stop. Then you could rest. Nancy said the whole trip shouldn't take more than three days tops. Three hours was enough to have your side burning but at least your head wasn't spinning as bad as it had on your way back to camp with Steve.
Robin hadn't stopped talking for the last hour. To her credit she was doing so quietly especially after some thinly veiled sighs drifted from Nancy's station at the front. Steve and Jonathan held up the back and you thought it must kill Steve not to be at the front as he so often was.
"That was when I decided I hated camping," Robin said.
You nodded, hardly paying attention. You got the feeling Robin was talking less to have you listen to her and more to have something to do, which is why it surprised you so much when she leveled a very genuine and curious look your way.
"What were you like when you were little?" she asked.
"What?" You looked at her like she'd just spoken a different language.
"When you were little," she started again, "what were you like? Did you like horses? What did you want to be when you grew up?"
It seemed like a very redundant question now. There was no point in remembering who you were before, what you liked, what you wanted. It was all gone now, everything. You liked Robin. She always meant well, which is precisely why you couldn't say all of that to her.
"I don't really know," you shrugged and quickly regretted it as it pulled on your side which was growing increasingly sore. "I liked to read. I think I might have wanted to be a librarian."
You heard Steve snort behind you. "What about you then, pretty boy?" You threw at him, although you could have guessed exactly what kind of child he was.
"Firefighter," he said, his chest puffed out slightly, clearly he thought highly of the choice.
This time Robin snorted. "He wanted to be He-man," Robin said to you in mock secret. Steve made a childish sound but he didn't object.
"I think we would have been friends," Robin said, like it meant the world. "Don't tell anyone but I didn't have very many friends." She laughed but it sounded more like a sad sound.
For Robin's benefit you admitted, "I didn't either." You don't know why but you kept going. "My sister said it would get easier." Thinking about your childhood, your family, burned, like hot coffee scalding your tongue. You'd slipped. It had been so natural to say less than a month ago, to think of her. Now, it caught your breath at the top of your lungs.
"I know what you mean," Robin said, solemnly, like a condolence. Everyone here had lost someone, whether they were gone or truly lost. You never knew how much you had until you truly lost it all.
"We should stop for a minute, Nance," Jonathan called, cutting through the silence. Nancy was further ahead than she had been.
"I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry," Jonathan said with a soft smile. At that Nancy snapped into the here and now. You'd quickly learned that had it been anyone else she would have easily told them no, but she listened to Jonathan. It must have been love.
"We can stop for lunch," she said, dropping her bag onto the ground. "But not for too long, we were making good time." Jonathan pulled the oatmeal out of his bag and Steve groaned from beside him.
After lunch when conversation died and the steady rhythm of walking left the forest hollow, Steve did what he did best, tried not to worry.
He held up the rear alone now as Jonathan walked side by side with Nancy. His mind was tangled in a loop, caught between checking the surroundings for red skies or deformed creatures that spilled over from the upside down, that and the thing he tried to avoid most.
The last phone call he'd had with Dustin. It was so normal. He was counting the days for senior year to end. He said it'd be any day now that he'd get a flood of college acceptance letters. Steve knew he would. He was the smartest kid, smartest person, he knew.
Now where was he? Was he with the others? Was he alright? That was a dangerous question. One that made his chest tighten. It was the question that restarted the loop, that forced him back to the forest and watching his footing and counting heads. Which is exactly how he knew you were falling before it happened.
The terrain wasn't nearly as flat and open as it was closer to the barn. The forest was denser, wet from a rain you didn't see at camp. Your arm slid down the tree ripping bark with it as a root caught your shoe. Steve was close enough to grab your elbow, pulling you up before your face could collide with a rock.
He expected wide eyed shock or maybe even a hint of gratitude on your face, but there was neither. All he saw was a painful grimace as you gasped for a breath. Before he could even voice his concern you wrenched free from his grip taking a few unsteady steps forward.
"You guys alright?" Nancy asked, not turning around.
"No," Steve said at the same time you said "yes," voice tight.
The three in the front turned around, stopping to stare between the two of you. "Are you-"
"I just tripped," you said with a wave of your hand all the pain from before wiped from your face. "I'm fine, we can keep going."
"Good, we've been making okay time." Nancy said looking down between her watch and her map.
No, not good, Steve thought. Maybe before he could throw aside that nagging feeling that something was wrong, simply choose not to worry about you, but now, he knew something was well and truly wrong. He couldn't let you threaten the group. He couldn't take that chance. Now it would be on him if anything worse were to happen any of them.
He could tell you were walking quicker now, avoiding him, but as much as you liked to think so, he wasn't an idiot.
"What was that?" he hissed over your shoulder.
"What?" you said, the picture of innocence on your face.
"Don't what me. You know exactly what I'm talking about?" He could feel his face heating up, trying to real in his anger.
"I tripped at the store, a bruise remember. I mean told you just this morning you really must never listen, Harrington."
Yep you definitely thought he was an idiot, but if there was one thing Steve knew by now it was getting his ass kicked.
"A bruise," he said it like a question but it wasn't one. "Doesn't do that," he said pressing his finger into your side. It wasn't soft but he didn't press hard either and here you were sucking a breath through your teeth. A bruised rib maybe but he wasn't buying it.
"God, you're such an asshole," you said just loud enough for him to hear.
"Just tell me the truth."
"I. Am," you said through gritted teeth.
"Fine I guess we can see what Nancy thinks." He started walking towards the front. You grabbed his backpack, a weak pull holding him in place.
"Don't," you said it like you say everything to him, harsh and defensive if not mocking and derisive, but he saw the pleading slant of your eyes.
"Give me one good reason not to." He locked his eyes on yours but you refused to meet his.
"Guys," Robin called from a few yards ahead. When had she gotten so far? She beckoned you both forward. "Hurry up," she said, an urgency in her voice that tightened the ever present knot in Steve's chest.
He heard you exhale. "You're not off the hook," he said pointing a finger at you as he walked backwards, he almost tripped but he caught himself.
He found his place at Robin's side, and before he could ask he saw it for himself. Patches of red sky seeping into the blue. It spread dark as blood into pure white clouds. Lightning cracked through them. It spread like a sickness into everything it touched the sky, animals, people and now it was coming for them.
A/N: i have a plan for the next couple parts so they shouldn't be a month in between anymore sorry about that
#steve harrington fanfic#steve harrington fic#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington#stranger things#steve harrington au#stranger things au#steve harrington x you#steve harrington imagine#steve harrington angst#stranger things fic
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