#Steve Carpenter
libraryofgage · 1 month
Stardew Valley AU where Eddie is a "burnt out at 27" former rock star who impulse buys a farm in Hawkins Valley for a change and finds he actually really enjoys fixing the place up and getting ridiculously wealthy on cauliflower
Steve is a local who had dreams of being a pro football player but they just...never went anywhere and he somehow ended up local carpenter instead because he likes seeing the appreciation on people's faces when he finishes a job for them
And obviously Eddie needs help fixing up the house, he doesn't know what he's doing there, and Steve spends the whole time talking about the locals until Eddie feels like he's also known them for years and not, like, a week
Anyway Eddie keeps finding increasingly ridiculous jobs around the farm that just can't be done without Steve's help and at some point they kiss about it
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cxrrodedcoffin · 3 months
me every time i see a picture of matthew gray gubler:
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d3cayingdolly · 4 months
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I heard that you're an actor, so act like a stand up guy
(my pinterest <3)
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creamecafe · 2 years
reading <character's name> x reader fanfics even though you haven't seen the show or movie they're are in >>>>>
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marie-swriting · 8 months
The Slut Of Hawkins - Steve Harrington [1/2]
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Emails I Can't Send Masterlist
Stranger Things Masterlist
Part two
Part one - two (French version)
Summary : You're paying for the consequences of dating Steve Harrington.
Warnings : italics are for flashbacks, Slutshaming, school bullying (reader getting bullied) (talk to someone if you're being bullied!), implied sex, Steve is a bit of a coward, bad relationship with parents, angst, sad ending, fighting.
Word count : 3.5k
Song inspiration : Because I Liked A Boy by Sabrina Carpenter
The laughs were filling the fresh air of the early night. Laying on your backyard trampoline, you were cuddling against Steve. You had been getting closer recently and you had to admit, it made you feel good to have someone to talk to, especially when your parents weren’t there - which was pretty often, that night was another proof.
Steve held you a bit tighter in his arms while you were talking about your favourite singers. You had said some names like Madonna, Bowie though, it was the mention of The Beatles that caught his attention.
“The album Help! is definitely my favourite.” Steve informed you.
“Same for me, I love all of the songs but You’re Going To Lose That Girl and It’s Only Love have a special place in my heart.” you said whilst Steve looked away. “Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, it’s just that It’s Only Love was our song, to me and Nancy.”
“You really loved her, didn’t you?”
“She was my first love. Unfortunately, it ended pretty badly. It became complicated after her best friend Barbara disappeared. Besides, I have to admit, I was at fault, too but I’m trying to be better.”
“I’m sure you will.” you affirmed hugging him a bit more against you. “You’re not the same Steve you used to be. We wouldn’t be here, otherwise. You’re a good person, Steve, don’t doubt it for a second.” 
“Thanks for what you just said.” Steve smiled at you.
“Anyway, what do you think of I Need You?”
“Not really my favourite.”
“Steve Harrington, I am appalled! How dare you say this kind of stuff?” you exclaim, faking shock.
“You asked for my opinion.”
“And you were supposed to agree with me.”
“I don’t like it, it’s not my fault.”
“You just don’t get this song. You’ll see, you’ll be a fan of it one day, I’ll make sure of it.” you stated looking at him right in the eyes.
“I’m dying to see that.”
Your lips were only a few inches away. You didn’t dare to make the first step, even if you were dying to, you were too afraid to have read too much in between the lines. You liked Steve a lot, but you weren’t sure he wanted the same thing. Steve looked at you with stars and tenderness in his eyes, yours were quite similar. You both were waiting to see which one would bend first. Steve was the one who ended up breaking the inches by pressing his lips against yours. Your lips were moving slowly, taking in this innocent moment of the beginning of your relationship.
Now, the innocence is gone. Once you close your locker door, the word “slut” is written in big letters, reminding you of the price you had to pay for this moment. Who knew cuddling on trampolines could be so reckless? 
Far away, Steve is watching you. However, the second you turn your head toward him, he looks down and goes in the opposite direction. It’s been the same thing for a month. You are called names and Steve turns a blind eye. You are accused of being a homewrecker and Steve receives sympathy for the pain you supposedly caused him.
During the day, you keep your head low, not wanting to draw more attention to you. Unfortunately, the insults just like the degrading pieces of paper keep coming your way. The only moment of peace you have is during lunchtime. 
At first, you hid in the bathroom then you ended up running into some girls who made you understand they weren’t on your side so you went to find a safe place in the janitor closet. At least, no one can bother you there. You don’t like the way you accepted the bullying however every time you tried to explain the situation, no one listened to you. So, now, you don’t say anything and you let people tell you who you are, hoping this story will end soon. 
In the afternoon, you have chemistry. As you got used to the past month, you sit at the end of the class, wanting to be far away from your classmates' judging look. You do your best to stay focused on the lesson but you have to admit since the beginning of the rumours, your grades have been falling. You keep your energy to survive the comments so you don’t have enough of it to keep your grades high.
While you finish writing what Mr. Kaminski just said, he announces you’ll work in pairs. Right away, your stomach twists and you want to throw up. You can’t work in pairs. You’ve never been a fan of group projects however now you hate it; it’s an open door to being called names nonstop for a whole hour. The teacher informs he’s already made the groups before saying them out loud. Like a convicted person, you wait for him to say your name. You’re part of the last group and you’re with Tucker Walker. At the mention of his name, you want to die. He’s part of the basketball team and he’s entitled. You don’t like him. You try to negotiate with your teacher to work alone but he insists.
“Come here, Y/L/N, I’m not gonna eat you.” Tucker laughs.
Reluctantly, you gather your stuff and go to his desk. You put as much distance as possible, wanting to avoid new rumours.
“I’m going to do the whole exercise and I’ll put your name on the sheet like this, you’ll have nothing to do.” you announce while starting to read what you have to do.
“Who said I didn’t want to work with you?”
“I don’t want to work with you.” you specify. “Now, do something else and let me work.”
“On the contrary, I’m sure I can be useful.” he contradicts, putting his hand on your knee.
“Take your hand off.” you say through gritting teeth.
“Your hand. I don’t like you and if I’m not mistaken, you’re with someone.”
“It didn’t stop you with Harrington.” he says before leaning in. “You can meet me behind school later.”
“You don’t have to play hard-to-get because we’re in class.”
“I’m not playing hard-to-get, I just don’t like you.” you repeat, trying to stay calm.
“That's what you say now.”
By some luck, Tucker takes his hand off and lets you work. You’re surprised to see him give up so easily. You know it’s hiding something else, from now on, you have to avoid him.
You finish the work sheet the same second the bell rings at the end of the class. You pack your stuff quickly and give the sheet to your teacher before leaving the room. Tucker doesn’t follow, allowing you to sigh in relief.
Walking by your locker, you discover the insult is gone. It’s one of the positive things with the janitor, he always erases the insults right away. Though, no matter how many times he erases them, he’s never reported it to the principal, leaving you on your own with the high schooler venom.
The moment you leave school, you walk to your car when you get stopped in your tracks. In front of you, there are four girls, Jessica - Tucker’s girlfriend - included. You try to not show anything, mentally preparing yourself for what she’s going to tell you.
“What makes you think you can hit on Tucker, my boyfriend?” she asks drily, “Being his chemistry partner and telling him to meet you behind school? That’s where you were going, weren’t you? He’s not coming. Unlike Steve, he won’t let the slut of Hawkins destroy our relationship.” Jessica affirms, you’re about to answer when she beats you to it. “Don’t even try to deny it, Tucker told me and Sarah heard you!”
“Well, she can’t hear correctly then and your boyfriend is lying. Tucker is the one who hit on me and I stopped him. He put his hand on my knee and told me to meet him behind school.” you retort, annoyed.
“You think I’m gonna believe you over my boyfriend and my best friend?”
“I know you’re not going to believe me. It’s so much easier to believe your boyfriend who tells you what you want to hear rather than the girl who shows you the true colour of your boyfriend. Don’t be too disappointed the day you’ll discover he’s cheated on you, if he hasn’t done it already.” you state with a fake smile.
“Take that back.”
“Why ? Everyone knows he’s a cheater.”
“He’s different with me.” Jessica insists and you shake your head.
“That's what he wants you to believe but the truth is, he’s sleeping around while keeping you under his hat.”
The sound of the slap resonates in the school parking lot. You look at Jessica with eyes wide open whilst you’re touching your cheek. For you, that’s your last straw, you answer to her attack by pulling at her hair. Jessica’s scream alerts the adults around while her friends try to separate you two. You keep giving her a piece of your mind when two arms wrap themselves around your body and gets you away from Jessica. Being separated doesn’t stop both of you from insulting one another and trying to go for the throat again until Mister Jenkins arrives.
“That’s enough! What is going on here?”
“She attacked me!” Jessica lies, pointing at you.
“What? You’re the one who slapped me first.”
“She’s lying, we saw her, sir!” a friend of Jessica adds.
“They’re lying, Jessica did hit her first.”
Looking behind you, you discover the one who is holding you back and who is defending you is none other than Eddie Munson. You didn’t even see he was around and you certainly didn’t expect him to defend you.
“Are you seriously going to believe what Munson is saying?” Jessica questions, faking tears. “He’s always against us! He’d say anything to get us in trouble. I’m the victim here-”
“You’re talking nonsense, you-” you cut her off before Jenkins gets your attention back.
“Enough! I have enough. Go to the principal, now!”
And that’s how you end up in Mister Higgins’ office for the first time. You can’t believe the situation got this bad. The worst part isn’t listening to the disapproving speech of the headmaster, it’s actually witnessing your mom’s disappointment beside you as he speaks.
While the principal is explaining to your mom and Jessica’s mom what happened, you look at your feet, holding back tears of anger. Once he’s done talking, Higgins catches your and Jessica’s attention.
“Do you have anything to add?”
“I didn’t attack her first.” you insist.
“Everybody saw you!” Jessica retorts.
“You’re the one who accused me of stealing your boyfriend. I did nothing wrong.”
“Yeah, just like you didn’t break Nancy and Steve’s relationship.”
“Sir,” you start, trying to keep a calm voice, “I’ve been receiving insults for more than a month now from everyone including Jessica. She called me a slut then she slapped me when I told her her boyfriend was cheating on her. Eddie Munson saw it, he told Mister Jenkins.”
“Munson,  the one leading a cult? What a reliable source!” Jessica’s mother states, rolling her eyes.
“Madam, please.” Mr. Higgins reprimands. “One witness against Jessica’s three friends doesn’t bring a lot to the table.”
“So you’re not even going to do something about the harassment I’ve been receiving?”
“Y/N.” your mom says drily.
“I’ve never heard anything about people being mean to you. However, your grades haven’t been going down for some reason.”
“If you cared a bit more about your student, maybe you’d know why.”
“Y/N, enough!” your mom orders you before turning to Mister Higgins. “I apologise. I guess Y/N will be punished?”
“Indeed, we can’t tolerate this kind of behaviour. Technically, this kind of situation can lead to expulsion though considering Y/N has always been a good student - until now -, we’ll just say she’s going through a bad phase. Y/N will have a month of detention and you will be doing an assignment on bullying.”
Before you can protest, your mom glares at you. You stay silent while your mom apologies once again for your behaviour. Your mom’s grip on your arm forces you to stand up and to leave the office. She doesn’t say anything until you arrive at your car where she orders you to get home right away.
Once you’re home, your mom informs you you’re not allowed to drive your car therefore, you have to take the bus to go to school before informing you to stay in your room until your father arrives.
The second you close the door, you finally let your tears of anger stream down your face. You’re frustrated by the whole situation and you have never felt this alone before. You lay down on your bed rolled up in a ball, searching for some comfort. As you search for that much-needed comfort, your mind takes you back to a time in your life when you had it without needing to make any effort.
At one point, you had this comfort with you. When everything was still going great, it wasn’t rare for Steve to come to your place and put on a smile on your face.
You had been a couple for three months and no one knew about your relationship. You preferred to not say anything, wanting to protect what you had. Thanks to your relationship, you both felt less alone, you finally felt like someone cared about you, that was why you felt so good with him. Therefore, you would see each other when your parents weren’t home. As you didn’t want to stay alone for another night, you had invited Steve to come. Knowing he was in the same situation, Steve had rang at your door thirty minutes later.
Laying on your bed, you were enjoying each other’s presence after your first intimate moment you had just shared. Steve had his arms wrapped around your hips, pressing your back against his torso.
“You know,” Steve started, whispering in your ear, “maybe you’re too late to be my first love, but you’ll always be my favourite. I like what we have.”
“Me too. I like you, Steve, a lot.” you told him, turning around to look at him.
“I like you a lot, too.” he replied, tenderly kissing you.
Your thoughts are interrupted by the harsh voice of your father ordering you to come downstairs. You fastly wipe the tears away from your cheeks and prepare yourself for what your parents are about to tell you. While you’re walking down the stairs, your father makes a sign to go to the kitchen. You sit whilst your parents stay on their feet on the other side of the table, a severe expression on their faces.
“Is it true what your mother told me? You’re getting into fights now?” your dad says, angry.
“I was only defending myself, Jessica attacked me first.”
“Why would she attack you? I know her dad, she’s a nice girl.”
“She called me a slut and she accused me of stealing her boyfriend when I didn’t do anything.”
“Why does she say you did then?” your mom questions, annoyed.
“Because she’s against me like everyone else in this school!”
“Lower your tone, young lady.” your father orders.
“It’s about what she said about Steve and Nancy, isn’t it?” your mother wants to know with accusing eyes.
“Yes, they accuse me of breaking their relationship when it’s not the truth.”
“Because you never did anything with Steve, didn’t you?”
“How do-” you start, shocked to discover she knows.
“It’s a small town and you really thought the neighbours wouldn’t see you sneaking in a boy in our own house?”
“You sneaked in a boy?” your father angers.
“And according to Miss Johnson, it went on for several months,” your mom specifies, “aren’t you ashamed of yourself?”
At this sentence, the tiny bit of hope you still had about your parents disappears. You can’t believe your own mother is against you. You’re getting used to the reputation people gave you but hearing your own mother implying you’re less than good because of your relationship is the final blow. You can’t understand how liking a boy could destroy everything.
“Steve and I got together after he broke up with Nancy, I almost wasn’t talking to him when he was still dating her. Steve was my boyfriend and we did nothing wrong!” you defend yourself, feeling the tears coming.
“Of course and you did nothing wrong when you attacked this poor Jessica.”
“Poor Jessica? She insulted me and hit me. I did nothing. Why don’t you want to believe me? I’m your own daughter and yet, you’d rather believe Jessica than me.”
“The facts are here!” Your father yells. “Besides, we should have reacted a long time ago, have you seen your grades? Do you really think you’re going to pass your year like this?”
“My grades are getting worse because I’m going through a living hell at school.”
“Stop playing the victim! We have enough of your behaviour. You have to do better and quickly. Go to your room right now! And don’t forget to apologise to Jessica.”
Tired of screaming in the void, you don’t answer your mother’s order and run to your room. Mad, you slam the door behind you. Normally, you’d be scared to hear more reproaches however at this moment, it’s the least of your concerns.
You throw yourself on your bed and you hold back a scream of frustration. You can’t understand why your own parents don’t have your back. They didn’t even try to listen to you, they only blame you some more. You know it’s stupid yet a part of you was hoping they would understand. You were wrong, no one is on your side; you didn’t think it possible, yet, you feel even more alone.
If you thought you already were the public enemy, the second you get back to school the following day, you realise it’s worse. Everyone is staring at you, you’re called even more names just like the whisperings got worse. You’re being even more discreet than usual - if it’s possible - wanting to keep to yourself.
In hindsight, you tell yourself you wouldn’t recommend dating boys with exes, it’s not worth all the pain and all the bullying that comes with it, in particular if the boy in question ignores you.
When you go to your last class of the day, you wish you could say you’re finally about to breathe but you still have detention. You have to stay at school a few more hours.
Sitting at your usual seat in your history class, you put your notebook on your desk. Your eyes land on the last page you wrote until they fall on the inscription carved on the desk: “the slut of Hawkins = Y/N.” It’s not the first time you see those words, it’s actually on this very table you discovered your life was about to change before you could do something about it. Despite the time, those words still feel like a knife in your chest. You distinctly remember the moment where everything fell apart.
You were behind the school building with Steve. You had been together for four months but contrary to the first three, it wasn’t going on so well between you two. You didn’t get along anymore. No matter your effort to hold him close, it was always ending in an argument. The main reason for it was that you were more invested in this relationship than Steve. You had noticed this the moment you had tried to get closer to him at school.
“I’m not asking for a lot, Steve! I’m not asking to make out with you in front of everyone, I just want to, at least, be able to talk with you without you ignoring me. I’m your girlfriend and yet, it looks like you don’t know me.”  you pleaded, mad and desperate.
“You said you wanted to keep our relationship for us.” Steve retorted, avoiding your eyes.
“That was before it became more serious between us. I like you and I want to say you’re my boyfriend.”
“I know but you know that with Nancy-”
“What are you bringing her into this? She moved on, unlike you! She’s with Jonathan, I don’t think she cares if you’re dating again. Why are you searching for an excuse? I thought you liked me, too.”
“It’s true.”
“Really? It doesn’t look like it!” you said, outraged. “I feel like I’m alone in this relationship. Everytime I take a step towards you, you push me away. I’m getting tired of it. I don’t even know why I even try to save our relationship when it’s clear you don’t care.” you finished, going inside the building.
“Y/N, wait-” he tried to hold you back.
“No, we’re done, Steve!”
That day, you ended your relationship with Steve, signing at the same time the end of your peaceful life in high school. While you were arguing, someone had heard you and had twisted the whole story. Before you could react, the rumours had started to fly a few days later at school that you had ruined the relationship with Nancy and Steve by seducing him. There was nothing you could do to correct the rumours. Just because you liked a boy, you got judged as a homewrecked and you had to accept your sentence.
Emails I Can't Send Masterlist
Stranger Things Masterlist
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veryberryjelly · 6 months
yo yo
so i've lost a bit of inspiration lately due to some mental health issues, but i love writing, so i am trying my best to get that inspo back.
to do this i have accumulated 34 lyric prompts and randomly assigned them to my 34 favourite characters to write for.
and y'all get to decide which you want to see first.
either comment/send in a number or character and i'll post that fic !
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prompt playlist
all these fics will be under the tag #*ੈ⸝⸝🦢⋆𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐣𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐝𝐩𝐭 so you can see which fics i’ve written !!
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littleashleylynn · 5 months
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Steve Harrington x Sabrina Carpenter (Espresso)🏖️
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brokehorrorfan · 2 months
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Fright-Rags has released eight hats from My Bloody Valentine, Maniac, Pieces, The Thing, Dawn of the Dead, Ghostbusters, and the Misfits. Designed by Steve Roman Jr., they’re $27 each.
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estelle-speaks · 1 month
RIP Steve Harrington, you would’ve loved Juno by Sabrina Carpenter
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astralbondpro · 1 year
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Escape From L.A. (1996) // Dir. John Carpenter
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biblio-smia · 4 months
v's 1000 follower celebration!
one thousand followers!!! that is crazy!! thank you to everyone who has supported this account - those who have been around from the beginning, those who have recently honored me with a follow, the consistent rebloggers & the lurkers <3 i appreciate all of you who stop and read any of the works i share!!
here's a special event now - please don't mention how similar it is to 800 ;)
this event will end promptly on sunday, june 23rd!
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EVENT #1 ! first, choose a prompt (from list 1, list 2, or list 3). next, add a character from the list below. optionally, add some more context if you’d like! then, submit your ask & i will write a short scenario. NOTES: only one prompt and one character per ask. you can submit multiple asks! EXAMPLE: “kissing their scars” with sam carpenter. CHARACTERS OPEN FOR THIS EVENT: peter parker (tasm) mike schmidt, clapton davis, ethan landry, glenn rhee, tara carpenter, sam carpenter, amber freeman, robin buckley, steve harrington, peter parker (mcu), peeta mellark, remus lupin (marauders).*
EVENT #2 ! short + sweet! give me a short idea/trope (please keep it to a few words max!) + a character, send an ask and i’ll tell write a short drabble! EXAMPLE: enemies to lovers with sam carpenter. CHARACTERS OPEN FOR THIS EVENT: peter parker (tasm) mike schmidt, clapton davis, ethan landry, glenn rhee, tara carpenter, sam carpenter, amber freeman, robin buckley, steve harrington, peter parker (mcu), peeta mellark, remus lupin (marauders).*
EVENT #3 ! let’s talk! send in any headcannons/thoughts/fic ideas you have/etc. about any characters i write for or from any fandoms below! FANDOMS OPEN FOR THIS EVENT: five nights at freddy's, detention (2011), scream (scream v/vi focus), the hunger games, marvel, the walking dead.
EVENT #4 ! send in any word and if i find it in any of my drafts, i’ll reveal the sentence!
EVENT #5 ! ask me something you’re curious about, or just stop by to chat!
EVENT #6 ! send in a number from 1-35 and i will write the corresponding non-event request in my inbox.
general notes !
-if you have sent in a request, please do not resend it during the event, even if it falls within one of the event categories! i will still be working on regular requests during the event.
-send as many asks as you’d like!
-please like & reblog if you can!
-this is a follower celebration but you are still welcome to participate if you’re not a follower! i appreciate everyone who has interacted with my fics!!
-all works for this celebration will be tagged under #v’s 1000 follower celebration for easier navigation.
-feel free to inbox me for any clarification on any aspect of this event!!!
thank you guys again & i hope i’ll see things from you soon!!
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*italicized characters are new characters i want to begin writing for - consider this a soft launch!
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skyesdaisys · 1 year
when the full length version of "pretty please" by joshua bassett is out, there are gonna be SO many smut fics with that song in some way (if it hasn't been used already for the released sample of it recently) i can feel it in my bones and i'm fully prepared for it all and i encourage it <3
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veryberryjelly · 1 year
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𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐲𝐣𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 { 𝟏/𝟏𝟎 - 𝟏/𝟏𝟏 }
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𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ✧ 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐢 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 ✧
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halloween approaches and since my last event got so much love from all of you i am holding another for the month of october !
this will be different to my cafe event as it will be halloween/fall themed
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i have 2 sets of 27 prompts each.
𝐩𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐭 + 𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐭
pick a prompt from each list + a character / pairing
send them into my inbox !
please include a prompt from each list of your request will be deleted !
make sure you include what prompt is from which list! you can add the 🎃 + 👻 emoji's if it's any help <3
i'm only writing a prompt once so get your requests in fast !
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i am doing mood boards, fics and headcanons for this event!
if you want a specific one please specify or i will choose what i think fits the prompts & character best !
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this entire event will be tagged with the #༊*·˚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭
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theshippirate22 · 1 month
rip Omega Steve Harrington you would’ve loved Juno
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chaotic-ace-arts · 2 months
Time to bake these guys.
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Can't wait to detail these and then gloss and add the chains ^-^
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