#Stephanie Carr-Gomm
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alexesguerra · 4 months ago
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The Druid Plant Oracle: Working with the Magical Flora of the Druid Tradition [With Booklet] The Druid Plant Oracle: Working with the Magical Flora of the Druid Tradition Paperback – March 1, 2021 by Philip Carr-Gomm (Author), Stephanie Carr-Gomm (Author), Will Worthington (Illustrator) ---Brand New--- Bring ancient Druid plant and herb lore into your life. The Druids revered certain plants—trees, herbs and fungi—and attached special meanings to them. This stunning deck of 36 cards presents many of the most significant plants and describes their associated folklore and mythology. Will Worthington’s rich images depict each plant in its natural habitat in exquisite detail, while Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm’s enlightening text reveals the virtues and qualities of each species and shows how the cards can be used as an oracle from which you can gain wisdom, guidance, and inspiration. About the Author Philip Carr-Gomm is Chief of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. Philip is the author of a number of works on Druidry, and since the publication of his first book in 1991 he has been in demand worldwide for radio, television and newspaper interviews. Stephanie Carr-Gomm studied at Bath Academy of Art before travelling extensively. After returning to the UK she trained as a scenic artist at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, and has since worked as a freelance artist for many theatre, opera and ballet companies. Stephanie administers the training programme of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids. Will Worthington is a Grove leader of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids who has worked as an illustrator for the last 30 years. His interest in the ancient past and in Arthurian and Celtic mythology is reflected in his painting and drawing. Publisher : Red Wheel (March 1, 2021) Language : English Paperback : 144 pages ISBN-10 : 1590035194 ISBN-13 : 9781590035191 Reading age : Baby and up Item Weight : 1.67 pounds
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wintermoonsworld · 2 years ago
From The Druid Animal Oracle Deck by Stephanie Carr-Gomm
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rad-lightning-boy · 1 year ago
Here are some of my book recs!!
If there's a movie too then I'll colour the title.
Sad books about teens.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky. Please look up a list of TWs for this if you ever read it.
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe - Benjamin Alire Sáenz. Cute book about a young queer relationship.
Aristotle and Dante Dive into the Waters of the World - Benjamin Alire Sáenz.
The Miseducation of Cameron Post - Emily M. Danforth. Be warned, this one starts off cute and gets very sad.
Simon Vs the Homosapiens Agenda - Becky Albertalli. I read the book before watching the movie. It's a chill read.
Dead Posts Society - Nancy H. Kleinbaum. I haven't actually read the book but I am obsessed with the movie and 100% will be reading this soon.
A Series of Unfortunate Events - Daniel Handler. I read these as a 10/12 year old, I never finished them but I definitely recommend. They're an easy read and I'd love to re read them when I find the time.
The Color Purple - Alice Walker. This book broke me in ways I can't explain. Please look up a TW before reading.
Dear Evan Hansen - Val Emmich. One of my favourite musicals and it's honestly a pretty solid book for what it is. The movie sucks but just ignore that. Look up TWs for this.
Golden Boys - Phil Stamper. Young queer guys go out into the world. Cute.
Fantasy books/ Supernatural Fiction.
Lord of the Rings - J.R.R Tolkien. Haven't finished the books yet because they're so long, but so far it's a fun read. Movies are also amazing.
The Hobbit - J.R.R Tolkien. The movies were okay, the books have a lot of songs. These probably aren't worth reading unless you love LOTR.
Gothic! The Original Dark Tales. - Multiple Authors.
Interview With a Vampire - Anne Rice. I haven't read it but my dad is obsessed with the movie.
Twilight - Stephanie Meyer. Movies are a favourite of mine, the books are definitely something.
Comics/ Graphic Novels.
The Umbrella Academy - Gerard Way. I prefer the show over the comics but as a fan they're still fun to read.
Watchmen - Alan Moore. A social commentary on the government and power. Great read and the movie is amazing.
Scott Pilgrim vs the World - Brian Lee O'Malley. Such a fun graphic novel series and the movie is amazing.
I Am Not Okay With This - Charles Forsman. Cute style but a tragic story.
Social commentaries/ Serious books.
1984 - George Orwell. Good read, it's a little slow at times but overall, it's pretty good.
Animal Farm - George Orwell. It's short, it gets to the point almost immediately. A good read if you're into politics.
Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk. One of my top 10 books and movies of all time. Extremely misunderstood story. The book goes into a lot more detail than the film.
Biographies/ Autobiographies.
Sorry Not Sorry - Naya Rivera. As a Glee fan, I love this book so much. If you like behind the scenes TV show drama, you'll adore this.
Lives of the Artists: Frida Kahlo - Hettie Judah. Friday was an incredible artist and an advocate for many political causes. Great read.
I'm Glad My Mom Died - Jennette McCurdy. This one really got to me.
Art/ Music.
Romanticism in Art - William Vaughan.
The High Renaissance and Mannerism - Linda Murray.
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music - Percy A. Scholes. I haven't read through it all but as a musician its very helpful.
Music in the Life of Albert Schweitzer.
Supernatural History. (I bought these when I was in my BuzzFeed Unsolved era.)
The Book of English Magic - Philip Carr-Gomm & Richard Heygate.
The Witches: Salem 1692: A History - Stacy Schiff.
Conspiracy Theories - James King.
A Natural History of Ghosts - Roger Clarke.
Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science - Jeff Meldrum.
I hope this helps! I've read most of these and I personally think they're great. I tried giving a variety since I don't really know what you're into. Have a nice day :D
Does anyone have any book recommendations, I want to get back into reading but K can't find anything and booktok is full of porn addicts who swear they aren't because it's on paper.
(Please I'm desperate I will take anything)
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forest-faerie-witch · 6 years ago
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littleraventarotnook · 6 years ago
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Ivy and Cat. Cat and Ivy.
Cat represents guardianship, detachment and sensuality. Cat (Gaelic: Cat) being a strong symbol of the goddess, is telling us that we must remain grounded and present. Be in the now. Not the past. Not the future. But right now.
Ivy represents prophecy, connection, rebirth, ambivalence, tenacity, and support.
Ivy (Gaelic: Eidheann) tells us to seek healthy ways to channel our destructive nature and to seek creativity. Perhaps a creative outlet is how that occurs. And again requires remaining grounded and balanced. Keep a clear mind. Let go of the thoughts and worry. Find time to relax and make time for yourself.
Druid Animal Oracle
by Phillip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm
Illustrated by Bill Worthington
Druid Plant Oracle
by Phillip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm
Illustrated by Bill Worthington
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babylon-crashing · 5 years ago
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(... from, Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm’s The Druid Animal Oracle, pages 50-53)
The card shows a tawny owl in an oak tree covered in ivy. A full moon shines between the winter-bare branches of the trees. Hung on the tree are votive offerings to the Cailleach (crone or hag-goddess) of a Celtic head and the spiral of death and rebirth.
Cailleach-oidhche teaches us the wisdom of turning a disadvantage into an advantage. For most birds, the coming ofdarkness renders it impossible for them to feed, but the owl's exceptional hearing enables it to pick out and swoop on unsuspecting prey during the night. Twilight has been described as owl-light, and going for a quiet walk in the woods at this shimmering time of twilight is an excellent way to develop a sensibility to the Otherworld and the inner soul of Nature. You may feel drawn to a study of esoteric lore or clairvoyancy. Working with the owl as your ally will help you to do this.
Dawn reversed, this card may indicate that you need to be wary of withdrawing too much from the world. An ability to be detached and discerning is an asset, unless it becomes a defence against being fully alive with all the vulnerability this entails. Perhaps there is not such a need for secrecy or holding back. The owl can signal a time of change, of initiation, of new beginnings. It can portend the death of one thing, but also the birth of another. An old Sussex saying is, “When owls whoop at night, expect a fair morrow.” Expect a bright dawn and it will surely come.
I am coeval with the ancient oak
Whose roots spread wide in yonder moss,
Many a race has passed before me,
And still I am the lonely owl of Srona
(Domhnull Mac Fhionnlaidh)
The Bardic colleges survived in Scotland until the beginning of the eighteenth century. A collection by Maclean Sinclair entitled, “Gaelic Bards from 1411 to 1715,” includes the poem, “The Hunter and the Owl,” one of whose verses is quoted above.
The idea that the owl is ancient—that “many a race has passed before me”—is also found in Welsh tradition. In the story of Culhwch and Olwen, the earliest of tales to speak of King Arthur and his knights, Gwrhyr Interpreter of Tongues—a man who could speak the languages of birds and beasts—together with three others, goes on a journey to seek the Oldest Animals, in the hope that they will know where the Divine Youth Mabon can be found. They come first to a blackbird, who directs them to an older animal still—the stag. The stag leads them to one who is even older—the Owl of Cawlwyd. Gwrhyr speaks to the owl, saying, “We are King Arthur's messengers. We have come to you since we know of no animal older than you. What can you tell us of Mabon?” The owl replies, “I know nothing of Mabon, but I will be your guide and will lead you to an animal that God made before me.” The owl then leads the party to the Eagle of Gwernaby, who in his turn leads them finally to the oldest animal of all-the salmon, who them to the castle where Mabon is imprisoned.
The owl is shown in this story as one of the five totem animals central to British tradition. Arthur's party encounters first the blackbird Druidh Dubh and then moves ever closer to the source of wisdom—the salmon. As a fish, the salmon swims in the River of Life, the Ocean of Being—his wisdom comes from an intimate participation in life. The owl imparts a different wisdom—one of objectivity and detachment. Like the figure of the Hermit in the Tarot, the owl watches and waits—in mined castles, in church towers, in barns, in ivy bushes. Adept at disappearing from view and favoring the night, the owl is the animal that symbolizes esoteric wisdom and secrecy.
Because the owl is sacred to the Goddess in her crone-aspect, one of its many Gaelic names is Cailleach-oidhche (Crone of the Night). The barn owl is Cailleach-oidhche gheal, “white old woman of the night.” The Cailleach is the goddess of death, and the owl's call was often sensed as an omen that someone would die. It was seen as a bird that calls for the soul, or that catches or takes it away. From Berne in Switzerland there comes a belief that the screech of an owl foretells either the birth of a child or the death of a man-pointing to the owl as a bird of the Goddess who is both taker and giver of life.
Knowing of an impending death or birth suggests that the owl is able to foretell the future, and the owl is indeed the totem bird of clairvoyance and astral travel. The veils which surround the normal boundaries of space and time can be pierced, if you take the owl as ally.
In later times, all that was sacred to the Goddess and the, “Secret Faith,” was denigrated and labeled as evil by the Church in an attempt to convert people from their traditional ways. We see this process of denigration clearly in the folklore of the owl. Originally a embodying wisdom and discernment, it gradually came to be seen only as a bird of ill-omen. Farmers would nail their bodies to barn doors or walls; the fern owl was named “Puck” or “Puck-bird”—an old word for the devil; and owls in general were called “constables from the dark land.” It became a common saying that the owl was a transformation of one of the servants of the ten kings of hell.
The owl features strongly in the Welsh story from the Mabinogion, Math, Son of Mathonwy. Because it was written down from oral tradition in the twelfth or thirteenth century, it is hard to disentangle the pre-Christian from the Christian influences. Certainly in this tale the owl is considered an unfavorable bird. Arianrhod, the mother of Lieu Llaw Gyffes (the Bright One of the Skillful Hand), swears that Lieu will never take a human wife. But, eager for a companion. Lieu and the magician Gwydion fashion from the flowers of oak, broom, and meadowsweet, a woman called Blodeuwedd. A while later, Blodeuwedd falls in love with a hunter, and together they attempt to murder Lieu, who escapes in the form of an eagle. Gwydion eventually finds the eagle and, striking it with his wand, returns Lieu to human form. He then pursues Blodeuwedd, and rather than killing her, transforms her into an owl, saying: “And because of the dishonor thou hast done to Lieu Llaw Gyffes thou art never to dare show thy face in the light of day, and that through fear of all birds; and that there be enmity between thee and all birds, and that it be their nature to mob and molest thee wherever they may find thee; and that thou shalt not lose thy name, but that thou be for ever called Blodeuwedd.”
The owl is a bird set apart. She stands on the threshold of the Otherworld, reminding us of the ever-present reality of death. But death is the great initiator and as the owl hoots to us from the trees we may come to realize in the depths of our being that our death in reality marks a beginning and not an end.
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circe-poetica · 6 years ago
Cernnunos - Ancient Celtic God
by J. M Reinbold
Cernnunos Sleeps (2) The Old God sleeps down in the dark, moist, odorous underfoot, Waiting for us To put down our roots.
The God In The Wild Wood (3) At the Sacred Centre, in the Grove of all Worlds, He sits with legs crossed beneath an ancient Oak. Entranced, connecting the three worlds Earth, Sea, and Sky, and the worlds behind the worlds, the god and the Great Tree are One, His immense limbs widespread, stretching into distant sky and starry space.
His massive trunk, spine of the Middleworld, is the heart of the Ancient Forest around which all Life, all worlds turn; His limitless root web growing deep into secret earth and Underworld; above him the great turning circles of Sun, Moon, and Stars. All around Him subtle movements of the leaves in melodious, singing air; everywhere the pulsing, gleaming Green awash in drifts of gold and shimmering mist; beneath Him soft moss creeping over the dark, deep, moist of spawning earth. At His feet is the great Cauldron from which the Five Rivers Flow.
Through the forest stillness they come, whispering wings and secret glide, rustling leaves, and silent step, the first Ancestors, the Oldest Animals, to gather around Him: Blackbird, Keeper of the Gate; Stag of Seven Tines, Master of Time; Ancient Owl, Crone of the Night; Eagle, Lord of the Air, Eye of the Sun; and Salmon, Oldest of the Old, Wisest of the Wise leaping from the juncture of the Five Springs. He welcomes them and blesses them, and they honour Him, Cernnunos of the nut brown skin and lustrous curling hair; the god whose eyes flash star-fire, whose flesh is a reservoir of ancient waters, His cells alive with Mystery, original primeval essence. Naked, phallus erect, He wears a crown of antlers limned in green fire and twined with ivy. In his right hand the Torq of gold, testament of his nobility and his sacred pledge; in his left hand the horned serpent symbol of his sexual power sacred to the Goddess. Cernnunos in His Ancient Forest, His Sacred Temple, His Holy Grove, Cernnunos and His children dream the Worlds.
The Origins of Cernnunos Cernnunos, a nature and fertility god, has appeared in a multitude of forms and made himself known by many names to nearly every culture throughout time. He is perhaps best known to us now in his Celtic aspects of the untamed Horned God of the Animals and the leaf-covered Green Man, Guardian of the Green World, but He is much older. Cernnunos worked his magic when the first humans were becoming. Our prehistoric ancestors knew him as a shape-shifting, shamanic god of the Hunt. He is painted in caves and carved everywhere, on cliffs, stones, even in the Earth Herself. Humans sought to commune with Him and receive his power and that of his animal children by dressing themselves in skins and skulls, adorning themselves with feathers and bones, by dancing His dance. Yet He is older still. In the time of the dinosaurs, the great swamps and subtropical forests of cycads, seed ferns and conifers, and later in the time of the deciduous plants and flowers, when the pollinators came and the first tiny mammals were creeping up from beneath the ground, Cernnunos was the difference and diversity of life, the frenzy and ferment of evolution. But, He is much older still. He is oldest of the Ancient Ones, first born of the Goddess. At the time of First Earth, Cernnunos grew in the womb of the All Mother, Anu, waiting to be born, to come forth to initiate the everlasting, unbroken Circle of Life.
The Many Faces & Natures Of Cernnunos Cernnunos, as The Horned God, Lord of the Animals is portrayed as human or half human with an antler crown. Though he wears a human face his energy and his concerns are non-human. He is protector of animals and it is Cernnunos who is the law-sayer of hunting and harvest. While He is recognized most often through his connection to animals and our own deeply buried, dimly recalled, instinctual animal natures, Cernnunos is also a tree, forest, and vegetation god in his foliate aspect of The Green Man, Guardian of the Green World. His branching antlers symbolize the spreading treetops of the forest as well as his animal nature. As Master of the Sacrificial Hunt, His is the life that is given in service of new life. His wisdom is that the old must pass away to make way for the new.
In his Underworld aspect Cernnunos is The Dark Man, the god who dwells in the House Beneath the Hill, the Underworld. He is the one who comforts and sings the souls of the dead to their rest in the Summerlands of the Otherworld. Cernnunos, as Master of the Wild Hunt, who pursues the souls of evil doers, is not associated with a biblical or even modern morality, but with the protection and continuance of the Land and Nature and the spirits that dwell therein.
Pan, lusty Satyr god of the Greeks is another aspect of the Horned God. ‘Pan is a proud celebration of the liberating power of male erotic energy in its purest and most beautiful form.’ (5) He is portrayed as playful and cunning, but He also has a darker, dangerous nature. The panic or terror often associated with Pan is not related to human violence, but to the Life and Death of the natural world. In this form he is called the "All Devourer." However, Pan, as Protector of the Wilderness and as a god prone to fits of madness and violence, can induce panic or wild fear in those who threaten his domain.
Cernnunos appears again in Elizabethan England, and is mentioned by Shakespeare, as Herne the Hunter, the demon and guardian of Windsor Forest, the Royal Wood. In this aspect it is said that he appears as Guardian of the Realm during times of National emergency and crisis. In modern times he is often called the God of the Witches and embodies uncorrupted masculine energy. A masculine energy that is fully-developed and in balance with the natural world
Cernnunos & The Sacred Wheel Of The Year We celebrate and honour Cernnunos as the Green Man in spring and summer, the light half of the year and as the Dark One or the Dark God in autumn and winter, the dark half of the year. He appears in spring as the young Son, child of the Goddess, embodiment of the budding, growing, greening world. In summer He is the Green Man, vibrant, pulsing with life essence, the consort of the Green Lady Goddess. It is in autumn, the dying time, that perhaps we see the Horned God most clearly. He is the sacrificed one, who, wounded unto death begins his journey to the Underworld, returning to the Earth from which he was born and where the seeds of light released from his decaying body will quicken Her womb with a new Sun once again.
The Path To Cernnunos The path to Cernnunos is both through the natural world: seeking out the wild places and a deep understanding of the processes of growth, bounty, decay, rest, and rebirth, and through Otherworld journeys to the Middleworld forest of which he is guardian. One may experience this both actually and symbolically by following the path that disappears over the horizon into the distance and moves away from the ‘civilized’ world and into the heart of the Wild Wood. Often experienced as traveling away from the centre to the perimeter, this is in actuality a return to the Centre. When the seeker reaches the god's forest the track ends, and her/his pathways are found by other means. After entering the Wildwood the seeker cannot be followed, nor can s/he follow another. Whatever pathways are discovered disappear in passing, and the Wood is trackless once again, for each one's way is different. In the Forest of Cernnunos there is a stillness, an otherworldly feeling, as if one has passed out of time. Here the mind is not supreme. It is instinct, the innate wisdom of the body that guides us to Him.
The Way Of Cernnunos The way of Cernnunos is the way of the shaman or any person who truly seeks Communion with the Land. Yet, one cannot speak of Cernnunos without speaking of Anu or Don, the All Mother who gave Him birth. The way of Cernnunos is through the One. Like Her, Cernnunos is a Being or Power that existed before time and before the gods, the Shining Ones. Together they are First Mother and First Father, All Mother and All Father who brought the gods into being. Limitless and everlasting His energy permeates Her matter through every aspect of life to the sub-atomic. As Lord of the Dance He is present in the billions and billions of infinitely small movements that make up the seemingly chaotic Dance of Life, the Dance of Making and Unmaking. He is truly the Life that never, never dies, for even as nothingness he is self-originating. He is triple as She is triple. He is Cernnunos: Father, Son, and Wild Spirit.
Cernnunos Chant Cern-nu-noh-oh-oh-oh-os Stag Horned Hunter, Hunted One Join Us Now Cer-nu-noh-oh-oh-oh-os Greenwood Lord of Life and Death Join Us Now Cern-nu-noh-oh-oh-oh-os Herne and Pan and Every Man Join Us Now (6)
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOURCES Anderson, William. Green Man: The Archetype of our Oneness with the Earth. London: HarperCollins Publishers Limited, 1990. Carr-Gomm, Philip & Stephanie. The Druid Animal Oracle: Working with the Sacred Animals of the Druid Tradition. New York: Simon & Schuster Inc., 1994. Conway, D. J. By Oak, Ash, & Thorn: Modern Celtic Shamanism. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1995. Corrigan, Ian. The Portal Book: Teachings and Works of Celtic Witchcraft. Cleveland Heights, OH: Chameleon Press, 1996. Knight, Sirona. Greenfire: Making Love With the Goddess. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1995. Matthews, Caitlín. Singing the Soul Back Home: Shamanism In Everyday Living. Shaftesbury, Dorset, United Kingdom: Element Books Limited, 1995. Matthews, John. The Celtic Shaman: A Handbook. Shaftesbury, Dorest, United Kingdom: Element Books Limited, 1991. Matthews, Caitlín and John. The Encyclopædia of Celtic Wisdom. Shaftesbury, Dorset: Element Books Limited, 1994. Stewart, R. J. The Way of Merlin: The Prophet, the Goddess, and the Land ¬ Techniques of Transformation from the Merlin Tradition. London: The Aquarian Press, 1991. Zell, Morning Glory. ‘Pan.’ Green Egg: A Journal of Awakening Earth Vol. 27, No. 104, Spring 1994: 12-13, 49.
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septentrionsea · 6 years ago
There is definitely some resistance and mixed maturity lol. Can I go on an request that second/clarity card? —V.C.
Absolutely, it is my pleasure. Regarding your Totem Card; From The Druid Animal Oracle, by Phillip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm. Illustrated by Bill Worthington.The Water Dragon (Draig-uisge) came forward. 
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Key words: Passion, Depth, Connection The card shows the Stoor Worm, a great sea-dragon whose “head was like a mountain and his eyes like round lochs, very dark and deep.” Living off the coast of northern Scotland, he could only be appeased with the offering of seven virgins, bound hand and foot and laid on a rock beside the shore each Saturday. A young man called Assipattle killed him by riding a boat into his body and setting fire to his liver. As the dragon died, the crashing of his tongue made the Baltic Sea. As his teeth fell out, they made the Orkneys, the Shetlands, and the Faeroe Islands. Finally, he coiled himself up tightly and crashed into the sea–and old folk say that Iceland is his body, the liver still burning beneath it’s smoldering crust. Like the Moon in Tarot, Draig-uisge is about that which is hidden and bringing it to light. The metaphor of the fish or the whale or in this case, the worm, is ancient. We see it in the Bible with Jonah. It’s a metaphorical vehicle for your subconscious. Water is the realm of the subconscious and emotion. My suggested action is to meditate with your totem, and really search your subconscious here. Find balance, and do not fear the destructive, dark side of the psyche.  Ultimately, V.C., I think you know what you know. Remember that. 
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morwennastower · 2 years ago
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Happy Solstice (7 of pentacles card from a Druid Tarot pack, showing Druid in green cloak reaching up to cut a bunch of mistletoe with his golden sickle). The Tarot pack is by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, and is illustrated by Will Worthington. Philip Carr-Gomm was the leader of the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids until he retired.
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msdarkstar · 2 years ago
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miselleany · 3 years ago
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Today's #meditativemessage ... #onewordoracle ~ inhibited. 🔮 The stream is blocked and the water has become stagnant. While Salmon knows the way instinctively to go back to it's source if the way is blocked that doesn't matter much. There is a lack of flow and creativity here. The access to abundance is missing and you may be feeling bereft. It's important to identify and clear blocks so you can resume your natural progress. 🔮 *What is blocking your flow right now? *What is most natural to you? *How can you reconnect with that pathway? 🔮 #CardoftheDay #oraclereading #cartomancy #cartomanticoracle #MessageswithMeaning #animalwisdom #Salmonmedicine #totemanimal #spiritguide #Druid #Celtic #Celticwidom #crystalmagick #crystalwisdom #crystalmedicine #SnowflakeObsidian #SmokyQuartz #Sodalite #Obsidian #Quartz 🔮 Druid Animal Oracle by Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm https://www.instagram.com/p/CeRtlHjuIRE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seagoatapothecary · 3 years ago
Daily Insight Jan 18, 2022 - Mint
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Daily Insight for January 18, 2022
Mint tells us to take a breath of fresh morning air and go into the day focused and with a clear head. There can be moments or days where we feel out of focus or misguided, which is normal. It is important to find ways to help open our mind back up and pay attention to the tasks at hand. Exercise, meditation, morning routines that stimulate the body and spirit all can help with this. You will notice that when you open your mind and go about your day being aware and open to new opportunity there is progress or inspiration in the places you might have once thought dull or dormant. Be patient with yourself and your relationships both romantic and work related. You may have been trying to force an opinion or been/felt highly critical lately but this behavior doesn't allow for you to see new ways presented if you have dirtied lenses always on. Splash some water on your face and go back in with a renewed outlook and notice that this gives others the room to present a fresh version of themself or steps begin to be made towards what you've been asking for. Mint says: Be cool and focus😎
Card from the Druid Plant Oracle by Stephanie Carr-Gomm & Will Worthington
Photo credit to https://images.app.goo.gl/Ah16Wr1wpqyMhRHz9
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aena-blue · 7 years ago
Hello :) may I request a reading on my life path? Just some guidance if possible. Thanks so much ❤ N
Sorry for the delay, but of course you may! I’m using the Druid Craft tarot deck by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, (illustrated by Will Worthington). Well then. I had five cards jump out all at the same time: The Lovers, Six of Wands, the Lady (the Empress), the Hanged Man and the Three of Swords.
First impression: Giving birth to new ideas, seeing things from a different perspective, (The Lady and the Hanged Man). The Three of Swords in this deck speaks about pain that leads to knowledge. With the Lovers, I see painful experiences with others, that leads to inner wisdom and knowledge.
I see an ability to get through dark times, possibly for yourself, but could be for others. It is quite possible you hold a gift to be able to help others heal and get through dark times in their lives. The Lady is a motherly energy, healing, caring, warm, nurturing. I see an ability to transmute pain into happier/better experiences.
In this deck the Hanged Man look very trapped indeed, I feel he’s a bit unsure on how to move forward. I see your gift as an ability to help him do just that. The Six of Wands is not just a card about victory, but this is a person who leads others on the right path, towards victory.
Long story short: I see your life path as an ability to guide people on to their path toward victory, to heal and to help people gain insight from their pain and hard times. Your natural caring nature and energies helps heal people, whether or not you are aware of it.
I hope this reading makes sense to you and helps.Love and light
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tylluangreenwitch · 5 years ago
Os Nossos Professores Animais
«Os nossos antepassados reverenciavam cada aspecto do mundo natural e consideravam cada parte deste mundo capaz de ser um aliado, um guia e um professor. O Druida de hoje é capaz de obter inspiração, direcção e assistência de cada reino do mundo natural, mas nos tempos antigos talvez isso fosse mais simples e menos incomum – havia menos “coisas” entre nós e o mundo da Natureza e a mundovisão predominante considerava que cada parte dela estava imbuída de vida espiritual e significado. Os animais, em particular, eram reverenciados pelas suas qualidades e eram vistos como sagrados à Deusa ou aos deuses.
Diz-se que um certo número de tribos ou clãs descenderam de animais, tais como o “povo dos gatos” na Escócia e as “tribos do lobo”, assim como os “cabeças de cão”, na Irlanda. Também se diz que algumas famílias tinham antepassados animais. A foca, por exemplo, era o antepassado original de pelo menos seis famílias na Escócia e na Irlanda. A maior parte das tribos tinha os seus animais totémicos, claramente demonstrados nos seus nomes, como os Caerini e os Lugi em Sutherland (“Povo das Ovelhas” e “Povo dos Corvos”), os Epidii de Kintyre (“Povo dos Cavalos”), os Tochrad (“Povo dos Javalis”), os Taurisci (“Povo dos Touros”) e os Brannovices (“Povo dos Corvos”).
As famílias também tinham animais totémicos, visíveis nos seus nomes, nos seus brasões ou nas suas tradições familiares. Todos conhecemos sobrenomes ingleses que são claramente nomes de animais, tal como Fox (“Raposa”), e a maior parte de nós conhece o animal que está relacionado com os nomes de origem clássica, tal como Philip, oriundo do grego e que significa “amante de cavalos”. Porém, muitos nomes em gaélico vêm directamente do reino animal e tentámos mencionar tantos quanto possível no Capítulo Dois.
Aprender que nomes como “Filho de Raposa” ou “Pequeno Lobo” eram comuns na tradição nativa britânica faz-nos sentir mais próximos dos nossos irmãos e irmãs da tradição nativa americana.
Os nossos antepassados adoravam e respeitavam os animais de tal forma que escolhiam ser enterrados com eles, para os ter como guias e companheiros no Outro Mundo. Usavam os seus ossos e os seus dentes como amuletos. Usavam as suas peles para se vestirem e fazerem os seus leitos, para fazerem os seus escudos, tambores e gaitas-de-foles.
Aceitavam as suas peles, os chifres, os cascos e a carne como dádivas e faziam uso de todas as partes dos animais – até mesmo os excrementos eram por vezes utilizados para efeitos de cura.
Quando caçavam, pediam permissão à Deusa, antes de se aventurarem a tirar a vida de qualquer criatura. A caça em si era considerada sagrada e tinha uma série de tabus para proteger tanto o caçador como a caça.
O elo existente entre os nossos antepassados e os animais era tão extraordinariamente rico que estes se relacionavam não só com os
animais selvagens, mas também com os guardiães, guias neste mundo e no próximo, curandeiros, amigos e professores. Não é de espantar que eles os considerassem sagrados e companheiros dos deuses. Apenas nós, uma humanidade recente e bidimensional, é que vemos os animais como sendo meramente criaturas “menores”, de inteligência inferior e de pouco valor, para além do facto de servirem de alimento.»
Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm
in "O Oráculo Animal dos Druidas"
📌 https://zefiro.pt/o-oraculo-animal-dos-druidas
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amethystlibra · 7 years ago
free readings!
i’m offering up free card readings to celebrate the beginning of october (which is when, personally, i mark as the beginning of fall). simple 2-3 card pulls with whichever deck you ask for, depending on your question. please include any initials about whoever you’re asking for/about. (ex: how is my month going to go? HK)
tarot decks: Sun and Moon - Vanessa Decort OR 76 card pokemon deck (experimental one, but i’m interested in trying it out!)
oracle decks: Druid Animal - Philip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm
i’ll start answering in about 10 minutes!
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homeboyandlonk · 8 years ago
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Love this deck. The Druid Animal Oracle by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm
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