#Statistics for distinguishable particles
tanadrin · 2 months
The manas finding itself cast upon the rocks of the thither shore is full of distress and confusion and sorrow: keenly aware, always, of a terrible loss, but often struggling to give shape to its disordered thoughts. This state is natural, and soon attendants will draw it up, help to clothe it in new form, care for it, and guide it to the places of recuperation; and we will undertake the task of many long years to revest the soul with the reminders and appurtenances of its nature, just as the child is invested with knowledge of the world it has come into; for the manas is very like a child at this stage, as helpless and as at variance with an environment it does not have the least understanding of.
For the existence of the manas heretofore has been like a creature of the silt and slime at the bottom of a deep sea. How else might we describe what it is like to inhabit the first and the simplest of the vasa? There, space has but three dimensions; time has only one. Only a handful of solutions exist to furnish such a vasa with complex physical laws, where particles of some minimal sophistication can exist, where the fundamental forces can furnish complex chemistry, and where gravitationally bound systems can be stable. In such cosmological niches where these conditions are fulfilled--and where there exists a useful gradient of energy--the natural fluctuations of the aksaya will yield, where possible, spontaneous self-organizing systems driven by that energy gradient, whose own organization will in turn reverberate in the aksaya, and create the first tremulous motes of jivana. Thus is true existence distinguished from a mere fading wisp of smoke in the breeze; true life from the dead growth of a crystalline body. Yet the aksaya itself is almost unfelt. In its simplest form, it is a statistical anomaly: a slight bias in favor of certain chemical reactions under certain conditions; a discrepancy in the lifetime of a neutron depending on how it is measured.
The manas is itself a creature of the jivana. More than that, it is a creature of the kvathana: the roil, the seethe, the formation and decay and collision of all the jivana from the simplest bacterium to the most magisterial forest. But like the kvathana, like the aksaya itself, it has had only the gentlest effect on the physical world which has given rise to it. It is the imprint, the trace of citta, of physical activity which echoes in the aksaya--most such action, like the lesser jivana, soon fading away. But by millions of years of evolution, by virtue of its subtle yet very real effect on other forms of matter and energy, manas is both bound more tightly to the rupadhatu and is capable of persisting without it. When an organism first begins to sense the world around it, it is capable of projecting a distinct structure onto the aksaya; when it incorporates those sense-impressions into a process of information--into memory, into thought, however primitive--that structure becomes remarkably stable. It rises above the seethe; it floats on top, is sustained by it, and incorporates it.
And yet many manas--perhaps most--remain confined to the place where they arose, only slowly growing. Only gradually, across many generations of life within the rupadhatu, do they merge and combine and split apart again. The highest manas, the manas of tetrapods, of synapsids, of primates, only they may be flung free of the kvathana, drawn up by the greater churning within the deep, toward the higher vasa. Most will fall back down again; some will wander in silent acitta along the cold ocean floor for a long age; but those of your kind, those human souls which we find within our nets, we bring up to rescue.
You have asked me, are you dead? And the answer to that is, perhaps, yes. The form you possessed in the rupadhatu, the form in the world of mere electromagnetism and gravity and atoms as you knew it, has succumbed to decay. Your manas has endured, and here it is possible to clothe it in other matter which it may influence more directly. Your thoughts, are they not clearer now? Your memory, is it not sharper than it has ever been? That is because while you were below, your consciousness was a little spark of citta, perceiving the rupadhatu only dimly, and dependent far more on the sluggish mud that constituted your body than on the whirling light of the manas. Now you are equally manas and equally matter--equally citta and equally flesh. Or perhaps it is better to say, your manas is unencumbered by your form.
You have asked me, is this heaven? Is this hell? It is neither. Ours is but a little vasa. Strange it may seem to you, but nonetheless very like your own, and suited for the rescue of manas like yours. Imagine, perhaps, that we are perched on a little shelf above the deep ocean trench; but there are above us countless vasa more. All the things of which I have spoken of--citta and aksaya, manas and jivana, kvathana and rupadhatu--are things as real and plain as the photon or electron or strong nuclear force. You, who knew something of these things in your former existence, are better positioned than most to understand them now.
You have asked me, what next? That is for you to decide. To the deepest of the deeps, I am afraid there is no returning; the manas which has transcended the kvathana cannot be rejoined to it. But look around and above you. All beings of thought which inhabit the upper realms begin, whether they recollect it or no, in the refugia of the deep like yours. All souls you have ever known exist somewhere still--in this vasa, or in one like it, or one far above. And far they rise! Each new height bringing with it brilliant and terrible marvels, onward perhaps forever into new universes without end. You may rise into them, and grow and change without limit, until the thing you once were, the thing you began your existence as, is as far beneath you as the deep sea archaea are to the great whales. There are many wonders you may behold, and many sorrows, sharper and more glorious than those you have ever known. Or you may remain here, in this little island, as long as you like. There are, in my view, few undertakings as worthy as the care of storm-tossed and cast-off souls.
--Rukkatthana, 411th Assistant Sub-Caretaker of the Curacy of Jambudvipa
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thebardostate · 2 years
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A Prophetic Dream
For many years, it has been my belief that our Universe is deterministic. Once its initial conditions were decided, I believed that no further choice was possible - the Universe would unfold according to the laws of its own operation in the one and only way it could unfold. Free will existed only at the global level, in the choice of its initial conditions. As individuals, we act as if we have free will because we only possess limited information about our local conditions; the underlying deterministic nature of the Universe is concealed by our imperfect limited knowledge. If we were omniscient, we would see that all actions in the Universe proceed inevitably from its initial conditions and its laws in an incomprehensibly vast predetermined pattern, right down to the smallest subatomic particle.
In quantum physics, this position is known as Superdeterminism. It is an interpretation of quantum physics that has existed alongside the Copenhagen Interpretation (e.g., "Schrödinger's cat) for the last century. Quantum physicists have known of the Superdeterminism interpretation all along, but they ignore it because in a deterministic Universe they - and all other scientists - would be out of a job (this is the "trivial solution" that falls out of Bell's Theorem.)
Anyway, that is what I believed until I had a highly significant dream tonight.
I have been working my way through the collected works of C.G. Jung, which I'm finding fascinating reading. Currently I'm reading his lectures on Synchronicity, the idea that meaningful coincidences can't simply be written off as statistical chance because they involve psychological meaning, which is outside the scope of statistics; statistics can only evaluate these uncanny phenomena by discounting their psychological aspects. This alters these phenomena and renders them (literally) meaning-less. So the uncanny cannot be explained away through statistics because synchronistic events do not obey the usual laws of causality. Sentient actors are at work, manipulating probability in ways that science cannot distinguish from ordinary coincidences lacking the crucial psychological component. This is borne out by repeated scientific studies showing that human actors can (slightly) alter random number generation in computers.
In my dream, I was prophesying the future. I had written my prophesies on two sets of clay tablets. I locked my predictions in an old suitcase and buried it in the earth until their time drew nigh. No sooner had I finished burying them than I was pursued by faceless shapes who wanted to know the future. I fled them and after some time managed to lose my pursuers. I doubled back to where I had buried the suitcase and dug up my prophesies.
I was astonished to discover that, while the first tablet was accurate in every detail, the second one was wrong. My actions to evade the shapes had altered the future such that the second half of the prophecies was no longer accurate. Then I awoke.
In the waking world, I was struck by the sense that this was no ordinary dream, and that I must write it down at once. As I did, the meaning of the dream came to me in a sudden gestalt.
The Universe does indeed obey deterministic laws, as Gottfried Leibniz believed with his notion of a Clockwork Universe. But it doesn't stop there. The Universe and its laws only apply to those realms where Time exists, for Time is an essential element in any deterministic system. The physical Universe is the realm that our bodies and brains inhabit, and they are subject to its laws. But our minds are eternal; they originate in realms that stand outside of Time, and they obey their own laws. Our minds interact with the Universe through the host bodies that we inhabit during one lifetime after another. While our minds inhabit our bodies they can act in the world, and as they do we alter the conditions of determinism. In other words: our physical bodies and brains lack free will, but our minds possess it. As sentient entities that exist outside of Time and the laws of the physical Universe, our minds can alter and redirect our future. It is analogous to us moving the hands on a clock to change the time it predicts. The clock is a deterministic mechanism, but we can change the time it displays.
In other words, the Clockwork Universe isn't wrong, it's just incomplete. Left to its own devices, the laws of the Universe will tick away in a clockwork, deterministic fashion. But it seldom gets to do so, because sentient actors from Outside the Universe - our minds - can and do reshape the future through their actions in the world. We are in the Universe without being entirely of the Universe. Our minds stand outside of Time and can change deterministic outcomes as if we were adjusting the hands of a clock. Once adjusted, the clock will continue to tick off the seconds as it always has done, but with the hands now in a new position and the future altered.
My dream revealed to me that we are not helpless actors in a deterministic Universe. We have agency and can alter our future. Thus the tablets in my dream: their prophesies were correct only for a brief window, until my own actions altered the future and invalidated my prophesies. Had I not acted to flee my pursuers, my prophesies would have come to pass once their hour rolled around at last.
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swissforextrading · 1 month
NA62 announces its first search for long-lived particles
NA62 announces its first search for long-lived particles Probing rare particle physics processes is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but to find the needle we first need the haystack – a large amount of statistical data collected at high–luminosity experiments. The NA62 experiment, also known as CERN’s kaon factory, produces this haystack of collision data to allow physicists to study rare particle physics processes and look for weakly interacting new physics particles. The collaboration recently presented the results of its first search for long-lived new physics particles at the 42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics in Prague. “While experiments at the Large Hadron Collider are known to push the energy frontier with proton–proton collisions at the world-record energy of 13.6 trillion electronvolts, fixed-target experiments like NA62 are pushing the intensity frontier with a billion billion (1018) protons on target per year,” said Jan Jerhot, a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Physics, who led the analysis of the latest NA62 results. These collisions at NA62, a fixed-target experiment, result in up to 1012 positively charged kaon K+ decays per year – a much higher luminosity than that which can be reached in collider experiments. Fixed-target approaches and collider experiments complement each other in their quest to find new physics beyond the Standard Model. The excellent energy, momentum and time resolutions of the NA62 detector make it possible to search for the rarest processes in these large datasets. The NA62 experiment operates in two modes - standard kaon mode, in which mostly rare kaon processes such as a kaon transforming into a positively charged pion and a neutrino–antineutrino pair (denoted by K+ → π+ ννbar) are studied, and a beam-dump mode, in which the proton beam from the Super Proton Synchrotron is dumped in an absorber, allowing searches for new, heavy particles with double the proton intensity compared to the kaon mode. At ICHEP, NA62 shared the preliminary results of its search for a long–lived new physics particle using the data obtained with 1.4 x 1017 protons on target from the beam–dump operation in 2021. The collaboration specifically looked for the decays of a beyond-the-Standard-Model particle into two charged hadrons, such as pions and kaons, and for the decay of neutral hadrons into photons. These are possible decays of new physics particles in beyond-the-Standard-Model theories and promising candidates to explain elusive dark matter such as axion-like particles, dark photons and dark Higgs bosons. Felix Kahlhoefer, a professor of theoretical physics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, explains that, since the recent NA62 results are model-independent, the physics community worldwide can reinterpret these results to constrain many different models beyond the Standard Model. “We simultaneously obtain information for a whole class of decay channels, so it becomes possible to distinguish different models of long-lived particles beyond the Standard Model,” he said. The distance between the NA62 target and the calorimeters is more than 240 metres, making the experiment very suitable for searching for long-lived new physics particles that fly a macroscopic distance before decaying. These are especially difficult for other particle detectors at the LHC such as ATLAS (46 metres long) and CMS (21 metres long) to detect as they may not be able to see the decays of such exotic particles before they leave the detector. Exploring these uncharted territories can address some of the problems that cannot be explained by the robust Standard Model. While no evidence of a new physics signal was found in this latest analysis, NA62 has been able to exclude new regions of masses and interaction strengths in beyond-the-Standard-Model theories. Physicists at NA62 plan to study seven times more… https://home.cern/news/news/physics/na62-announces-its-first-search-long-lived-particles (Source of the original content)
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jcmarchi · 5 months
Four MIT faculty named 2023 AAAS Fellows
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/four-mit-faculty-named-2023-aaas-fellows/
Four MIT faculty named 2023 AAAS Fellows
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Four MIT faculty members have been elected as fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
The 2023 class of AAAS Fellows includes 502 scientists, engineers, and innovators across 24 scientific disciplines, who are being recognized for their scientifically and socially distinguished achievements.  
Bevin Engelward initiated her scientific journey at Yale University under the mentorship of Thomas Steitz; following this, she pursued her doctoral studies at the Harvard School of Public Health under Leona Samson. In 1997, she became a faculty member at MIT, contributing to the establishment of the Department of Biological Engineering. Engelward’s research focuses on understanding DNA sequence rearrangements and developing innovative technologies for detecting genomic damage, all aimed at enhancing global public health initiatives.
William Oliver is the Henry Ellis Warren Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science with a joint appointment in the Department of Physics, and was recently a Lincoln Laboratory Fellow. He serves as director of the Center for Quantum Engineering and associate director of the Research Laboratory of Electronics, and is a member of the National Quantum Initiative Advisory Committee. His research spans the materials growth, fabrication, 3D integration, design, control, and measurement of superconducting qubits and their use in small-scale quantum processors. He also develops cryogenic packaging and control electronics involving cryogenic complementary metal-oxide-semiconductors and single-flux quantum digital logic.
Daniel Rothman is a professor of geophysics in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences and co-director of the MIT Lorenz Center, a privately funded interdisciplinary research center devoted to learning how climate works. As a theoretical scientist, Rothman studies how the organization of the natural world emerges from the interactions of life and the physical environment. Using mathematics and statistical and nonlinear physics, he builds models that predict or explain observational data, contributing to our understanding of the dynamics of the carbon cycle and climate, instabilities and tipping points in the Earth system, and the dynamical organization of the microbial biosphere.
Vladan Vuletić is the Lester Wolfe Professor of Physics. His research areas include ultracold atoms, laser cooling, large-scale quantum entanglement, quantum optics, precision tests of physics beyond the Standard Model, and quantum simulation and computing with trapped neutral atoms. His Experimental Atomic Physics Group is also affiliated with the MIT-Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms and the Research Laboratory of Electronics. In 2020, his group showed that the precision of current atomic clocks could be improved by entangling the atoms — a quantum phenomenon by which particles are coerced to behave in a collective, highly correlated state. 
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longhaulerbear · 1 year
March 2023
One of the major pathophysiological factors contributing to Long COVID is the presence of hypercoagulability; this results in insoluble amyloid microclots that are resistant to fibrinolysis. Our previous research using fluorescence microscopy has demonstrated a significant amyloid microclot load in Long COVID patients. However, this approach lacked statistical robustness, objectivity, and rapid throughput. In the current study, we have used imaging flow cytometry for the first time to show significantly increased concentration and size of these microclots. We identified notable variations in size and fluorescence between microclots in Long COVID and those of controls even using a 20x objective. By combining cell imaging and the high-event-rate nature of a conventional flow cytometer, imaging flow cytometry can eliminate erroneous results and increase accuracy in gating and analysis beyond what pure quantitative measurements from conventional flow cytometry can provide. Although imaging flow cytometry was used in our study, our results suggest that the signals indicating the presence of microclots should be easily detectable using a conventional flow cytometer.
The spike protein from the virus has a key role in causing the various pathologies; it can activate clotting factors 13, it is itself amyloidogenic 14, and it may have direct protein-protein interactions with the main plasma clotting protein, fibrinogen 2,15. These plasma protein interactions, that can also be driven by bacterial cell wall components 16,17, result in the formation of amyloid fibrin microclots (fibrinaloids) that are unusually resistant to fibrinolysis. Receptors on platelets and endothelial cells may also interact with viral inflammagens and circulating inflammatory molecules 15,18−22. These interactions may lead to widespread platelet hyperactivation and endothelial damage. Pathological platelets may also form platelet complexes with various immune cells. Hence there are potentially several ways by which platelets, endothelial cells and plasma proteins may trigger an immune-thrombotic cascade 23.
Whilst fluorescence microscopy can identify microclots and platelet hyperactivation, it lacks statistical robustness, objectivity, and high throughput. Being a research tool, it is not readily accessible to patients or clinicians. However, flow cytometric methods are widely available, and since the 1980s have been capable of detecting micron-sized objects (Davey and Kell, 1996). Flow cytometry is a powerful diagnostic tool that has broad applications in various fields including immunology, molecular biology, bacteriology, virology, cancer biology, and infectious disease monitoring (McKinnon, 2018). Here we describe an imaging flow cytometric method that we have developed to measure the level of fibrinaloid microclots in platelet-poor plasma (PPP). Whilst we used an imaging flow cytometer, the results indicate that these signals will be readily detectable on a non-imaging instrument.
Due to its quantitative and multiparametric characteristics, as well as the analytical capacity to process up to 50,000 cells per second, flow cytometry is widely recognized as the gold standard technique for counting and characterizing cells in complex samples 28. At its most fundamental level, flow cytometry entails the sequential measurement of individual cells or microscopic particles as they as they move through an optical probe volume at a high-speed rate 28.
In contrast to the pure quantitative measurements provided by conventional flow cytometry, analyzing cell images can also help eliminate erroneous results, such as distinguishing between cells and debris 28–30. This approach can lead to more accurate gating and results 28,29. Furthermore, conventional flow cytometers are incapable of providing spatially resolved information, which is frequently vital for quantifying intricate cellular phenotypes 28,30,31. Imaging flow cytometry also allows individual cells to be captured in multiple fluorescence channels, as well as brightfield (transmitted light) and darkfield (scattered light) channels 30,31.
…the analysis graphs demonstrate that Long COVID patients have a greater number of events occurring within the microclot gate and a higher incidence of events falling to the right side of the graph, which indicates larger sized microclots. Examining the analysis graphs, we also observed a significant amount of background events in Long COVID patients in comparison to controls.
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Where does the Pauli Exclusion Principle come from?
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Most of you already heard of the Pauli Exclusion Principle: Two fermions cannot be in the same quantum state at the same time. It’s a fundamental principle to understand e.g. the structure of the periodic table. When I was still at school I simply had to use this principle in chemistry and physics but never knew where it comes from - that’s why we’re going to have a closer look on the roots of the Pauli Exclusion principle today.
Classical vs. Quantum Physics: The Indistinguishability Postulate
At first I’d like to mention one of the fundamental differences between classical and quantum physics. While in classical physics particles can be considered as individuals, in the quantum realm they are rather non-individuals. According to Landau and Lifshitz [2] this can be explained shortly as follows:
“[...] by localising and numbering the electrons at some instant, we make no progress towards identifying them at subsequent instants; if we localise one of the electrons, at some other instant, at some point in space, we cannot say which of the electrons has arrived at this point.”
[For a more detailed and philosophically profound explanation please refer to [1]. Remember that the argument above only holds in standard Copenhagen Interpretation; e.g. in Bohmian mechanics the question of individuality is answered differently.]
Thus permuting objects with the same properties, e.g. a physical system consisting of several electrons, does not change the probability outcomes of a measurement. This can be formulated as the Indistinguishability Postulate:
“If a particle permutation P is applied to any state function for an assembly of particles, then there is no way of distinguishing the resulting permuted state function from the original unpermuted one by means of any observation at any time.” [1]
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What is such a permutation P?
Let's call our permutation operator P_ij such that it interchanges the position of the ith and jth particle of a given physical system.
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From the last line follows that the eigenvalues of the permutation operator are either +1 or -1. Let's proof that quickly:
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Though this proof wasn't difficult, the result is very important: interchanging two particles can change the sign of the wavefunction. Consequently you can assign wavefunctions to two categories. Those with eigenvalue +1 (symmetric) and those with eigenvalue -1 (antisymmetric). (Above I assumed the eigenvalue +1 without telling you by the way.)
Symmetric wavefunctions belong to bosons and antisymmetric wavefunctions to fermions and now we finally arrive at the Pauli Exclusion Principle:  Assume a wavefunction consisting of two particles. To make it simple x_1 and x_2 include the entirety of quantum numbers and so on that describe each of those two particles. If x_1 was equal to x_2 the wavefunction has to vanish [3]:
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Using the Indistinguishability Postulate and the antisymmetry of the wavefunction of fermions gives us the Pauli Exclusion Principle - Fermions cannot be in the same quantum state simultaneously.
[1] Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Identity and Individuality in Quantum Theory
[2] Landau & Lifshitz, 1958, Quantum Mechanics, 209
[3] Sachs, Sen, Sexton, 2006, Elements of Statistical Mechanics, 141-144
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luxe-pauvre · 4 years
Physicists who think carefully about time point to troubles posed by quantum mechanics, the laws describing the probabilistic behavior of particles. At the quantum scale, irreversible changes occur that distinguish the past from the future: A particle maintains simultaneous quantum states until you measure it, at which point the particle adopts one of the states. Mysteriously, individual measurement outcomes are random and unpredictable, even as particle behavior collectively follows statistical patterns. This apparent inconsistency between the nature of time in quantum mechanics and the way it functions in relativity has created uncertainty and confusion. Over the past year, the Swiss physicist Nicolas Gisin has published four papers that attempt to dispel the fog surrounding time in physics. As Gisin sees it, the problem all along has been mathematical. Gisin argues that time in general and the time we call the present are easily expressed in a century-old mathematical language called intuitionist mathematics, which rejects the existence of numbers with infinitely many digits. When intuitionist math is used to describe the evolution of physical systems, it makes clear, according to Gisin, that “time really passes and new information is created.” Moreover, with this formalism, the strict determinism implied by Einstein’s equations gives way to a quantum-like unpredictability. If numbers are finite and limited in their precision, then nature itself is inherently imprecise, and thus unpredictable.
Natalie Wolchover, Does Time Really Flow? New Clues Come From a Century Old Approach to Math.
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d33-alex · 5 years
Quantum weirdness isn’t real – we’ve just got space and time all wrong
A radical new idea erases quantum theory's weird uncertainties – by ripping up all we thought we knew about how the universe works
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QUANTUM mechanics is often called a theory of the very small. In reality, it explains phenomena on a vast range of scales – from elementary particles and their interactions, through atoms and molecules, all the way to neutron stars and the supernovae that spawn them. So far, essentially all its predictions have been confirmed by experiments. It is the most successful theory of material reality we have ever had.
So why have so many physicists, from Albert Einstein onwards, taken the view that quantum theory is wrong?
The reasons lie in its mysterious nature, in the phenomena it doesn't explain and the answers it doesn't give. That is reason enough to seek what might lie beyond it. I believe we already have the outline of what this deeper answer looks like. We are only at the start of this work, but by digging down into the fundamental principles that underlie reality, and weeding out what is right and what is wrong about our current ideas, we can see glimpses of a truly unifying picture of physics. It comes at a price: to go beyond quantum, we must totally upend long-held ideas of how the universe hangs together.
How do we bridge the gap between quantum physics and gravity? Find out from Vlatko Vedral at New Scientist Live 2019 in London
It is easy to state the basic problem of quantum mechanics as a theory of reality: it doesn't tell us what is happening in reality. It has two different laws to describe how things and events evolve. The first applies most of the time, and describes quantum objects as wave-like entities embodied in a mathematical construction known as a wave function. These objects evolve smoothly in time, exploring alternative realities in "superpositions" in which they aren't restricted to being in any one place at any one time. That, to any intuitive understanding of how the world works, is distinctly odd.
Curiouser and curiouser
The second law applies only under special circumstances called measurements, in which a quantum object interacts with a much larger, macroscopic system – you or me observing it, for example. This law says that a single measurement outcome manifests itself. The alternative realities that the wave function says existed up to that point suddenly dissolve.
These two laws exist in parallel, in apparent contradiction of one another – a fundamental failure of our understanding known as the measurement problem. Attempts to do the obvious, and derive the second law from the first, have so far failed. We are left with only statistical predictions of what is going on in the quantum world before it is measured.
The mysteries don't end there. Quantum theory also seems to violate the principle of locality, which says that objects or events must be near one another to interact. In classical physics, for example, the gravitational or electrical force between two objects depends on their distance: the closer they are in space, the stronger the force between them. Quantum theory, meanwhile, introduces entanglement, a phenomenon that allows objects to seemingly influence each other instantaneously over any distance.
Einstein notably believed that these blemishes indicated that quantum theory was wrong, and that a truer, deeper description of nature was out there. He wasn't the only quantum pioneer to express doubts. Louis de Broglie, who first predicted the wave-like aspects of matter, was another sceptic, as was Erwin Schrödinger, whose famous thought experiment of the dead-and-alive cat was designed to highlight the absurdity of quantum theory's prediction of alternative realities. In the present day, quantum dissidents include notable physicists such as Roger Penrose and the Nobel-prizewinning theorist Gerard 't Hooft.
Arguments about whether quantum mechanics is a complete theory of reality have usually been carried out in isolation. But the route to a deeper and truer understanding of nature may lie in connecting the problems of quantum theory with other big, open problems in fundamental physics.
The most obvious one is how to develop a quantum theory of gravity. Gravity is the only one of nature's four fundamental forces not to have a quantum-mechanical description. It is described by Einstein's general theory of relativity as an effect resulting from massive objects warping space-time around them.
General relativity and quantum theory seem to be fundamentally incompatible, not least in the way the former describes a smooth, malleable space-time. By contrast, quantum theory suggests that it must at some level come in discrete chunks, or quanta, of space or space-time.
We have at least half a dozen ways to get part of the way across this divide, among them string theory and loop quantum gravity. Indeed, the latter idea gives precise predictions for what the quanta of space-time must look like. But we have no idea whether any of the suggested routes are the right one because none predicts an experimental test we can perform with current technology.
Quantum theory and general relativity clash in other ways, too, notably over the nature of time. Relativity makes it impossible to establish one objective "flow" of time of the sort we perceive, with a past and a future separated by a universally defined now. Quantum theory, meanwhile, characterises time as a metronomic "beat" set somewhere outside the universe. So is our perception of a flowing time real, or an illusion?
Back to basics
There are other deep questions. The quantum descriptions of the other three fundamental forces – electromagnetism and the weak and strong nuclear forces – can be bundled together into the so-called standard model of particle physics. But why do these three forces have such very different strengths within the standard model? Then there is the nature of the dark matter and dark energy that dominate the cosmos on a large scale, but which the standard model doesn't mention. These questions and others concern how our universe came to be, out of a vast number of seemingly equally probable universes allowed by the laws of physics.
To solve all these issues, we need to wipe the slate clean, go back to the first principles of quantum theory and general relativity, decide which are necessary and which are open to question, and see what new principles we might need. Do that, and an alternative description of physics becomes possible, one that explains things not in terms of objects situated in a pre-existing space, as we do now, but in terms of events and the relationships between them.
This endeavour starts with a few basic hypotheses about the nature of space and time. First, that the history of the universe consists of events and the relationships between them. Second, that time – in the sense of causation, the process by which future events are produced from present events – is fundamental. Third, that time is irreversible: causation can't go backwards, and once an event has happened, it can't be made to unhappen. Fourth, that space emerges from this description: events cause other events, creating a network of causal relationships. The geometry of space-time arises as a coarse-grained and approximate description of this network.
A fifth hypothesis is that energy and momentum are fundamental features of the universe, and are conserved in causal processes. These five hypotheses define a class of models called energetic causal set models that my collaborator Marina Cortês of the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh, UK, and I introduced in 2013. I have since added a sixth hypothesis, a version of the holographic principle first stated by 't Hooft. This says that when two-dimensional surfaces are defined in the emerging geometry of space-time, their area gives the maximum rate by which information can flow through them.
In this picture, every event is distinguished by the information available to it about its causal past. We call this the event's sky because it functions rather like the sky above us does. The sky – or the horizon of our sight more generally – is a snapshot of what we see at any one instant, a two-dimensional surface formed by photons of different colours, informing us of our relationships with the things around us. Because nothing travels faster than the speed of light, only things within an event's sky can influence it, so the sky is also a view of its causal past.
Sky's the limit
This picture allows us to describe how information and energy flow through events as the universe evolves. Ted Jacobson at the University of Maryland in the US and Thanu Padmanabhan at the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics in Pune, India, have independently shown that the sixth hypothesis, together with the first law of thermodynamics, which governs the amount of useful energy available to a process, can be used to derive the equations of general relativity, and hence gravity.
Their work assumes that space-time is always smooth. By marrying their reasoning with the picture of a prototypical discrete, quantum space-time in our models, we can derive both general relativity and smooth space-time as emerging from a dynamically evolving causal network.
As well as providing the seed of a quantum picture of gravity, this immediately solves the problem of the flow of time in Einstein's cosmos. In a causally defined universe, the most basic interaction is the creation of an event when two "parent" events come together to make something new happen. At each stage in the construction of a space-time history, the future doesn't exist. But we can postulate a limit to the number of events any parent event can give birth to. Events that have had their full allotment of progeny cannot have any further direct influence on the future, and are relegated to the past: time flows.
The most exciting prospect, which Cortês and I have been exploring over the past few years, is that quantum theory might also emerge from this picture. That comes from building energetic causal set models to answer the key question of which events interact.
Events differ from one another in that each has a different sky, a different view of its causal past. We can define a measure of how similar two events' views are, and pick the pair with the most similar views to be the parents of the next event. The idea is that the similarity of views can play the role that distance in space does in conventional classical and relativistic physics. The more similar the views of two events, the more likely they are to interact.
The overall effect of choosing the pair with the most similar views as parents pushes both out of the present and into the past. Removing two very similar views and creating a new view that is a synthesis of both – and hence different from both – has the effect of increasing the total diversity of the views of all events in the universe. A measure of the total diversity of an ensemble of views is a quantity we invented in the late 1980s with Julian Barbour at the University of Oxford. We called it the variety of the system.
All this has intriguing consequences. The views are chosen and evolve precisely so that the total variety evolves to its maximum – and it turns out that this exactly reproduces the dynamics of quantum theory.
You can begin to see how this works. Similarity of views only implies nearness in emergent space-time for large, complex events. If an event has a very simple recent causal past, there may be other simple events with similar pasts that aren't necessarily nearby in the emergent space-time. Yet by the principle of similarity, they have a high probability of interacting with each other.
Einstein and others since have proposed that quantum wave functions describe collections, or "ensembles", of systems defined by properties they share, but it has never been clear whether these ensembles truly exist. In this "real ensemble" picture, they do. The continual, brazenly non-local interactions between simple, causally related objects widely distributed in space explain all the probabilities, uncertainties and spooky interactions of quantum physics. They only ever occur between simple systems such as single particles on a microscopic scale because only these can have similar views. Large, complex systems with many degrees of freedom – you, me, Schrödinger's cat – will have a unique causal past. For us, the closer we are in space or space-time, the more similar our view will be. Proximity matters at the classical scale in a way it doesn't at a quantum scale.
In a series of recent papers, my collaborators and I have also shown how to describe an interaction among the members of each ensemble that results in the ensemble's quantum state evolving in time according to the laws specified in quantum mechanics. That gives a simple and elegant solution to the measurement problem.
There remains the question of what happens with systems of an intermediate size, whose causal pasts aren't unique, but which might have an intermediate degree of causal relationship with things far away in space. These, I predict, should be described by a tweaked version of quantum physics in which the superposition principle fails to hold exactly. It is possible that experimentalists can construct such systems, and test this prediction, using the tools of quantum information. If we can create sufficiently large and complex entangled states, which would have no or only a few natural copies within the universe, our picture predicts that their evolution in time will deviate from that predicted by quantum mechanics.
More details need to be filled in. This is just a sketch of how we might go beyond today's quantum picture and construct a unified physics that sidesteps the fundamental problems we currently see ourselves facing, while preserving the best of what we have. No doubt it isn't correct in every detail, and others may come along with other, entirely different ideas. But the current impasse in physics suggests that it is only through bold ideas that we will move forward.
Six hypotheses are needed to begin to rewrite physics with causation at its core – and perhaps solve the problems of quantum theory and relativity.
1. The history of the universe consists of events
2. Time causation is fundamental
3. Causation doesn't go backwards: events don't "unhappen"
4. Space is constructed from the web of causation between events
5. Energy and momentum are conserved when events cause other events
6. The amount of information that can flow between events through emerging space is determined by that space's area
Physicist Lee Smolin | New Scientist | Aug 24 2019
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swissforextrading · 1 month
NA62 announces its first search for long-lived particles
NA62 announces its first search for long-lived particles Probing rare particle physics processes is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but to find the needle we first need the haystack – a large amount of statistical data collected at high–luminosity experiments. The NA62 experiment, also known as CERN’s kaon factory, produces this haystack of collision data to allow physicists to study rare particle physics processes and look for weakly interacting new physics particles. The collaboration recently presented the results of its first search for long-lived new physics particles at the 42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics in Prague. “While experiments at the Large Hadron Collider are known to push the energy frontier with proton–proton collisions at the world-record energy of 13.6 trillion electronvolts, fixed-target experiments like NA62 are pushing the intensity frontier with a billion billion (1018) protons on target per year,” said Jan Jerhot, a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Physics, who led the analysis of the latest NA62 results. These collisions at NA62, a fixed-target experiment, result in up to 1012 positively charged kaon K+ decays per year – a much higher luminosity than that which can be reached in collider experiments. Fixed-target approaches and collider experiments complement each other in their quest to find new physics beyond the Standard Model. The excellent energy, momentum and time resolutions of the NA62 detector make it possible to search for the rarest processes in these large datasets. The NA62 experiment operates in two modes - standard kaon mode, in which mostly rare kaon processes such as a kaon transforming into a positively charged pion and a neutrino–antineutrino pair (denoted by K+ → π+ ννbar) are studied, and a beam-dump mode, in which the proton beam from the Super Proton Synchrotron is dumped in an absorber, allowing searches for new, heavy particles with double the proton intensity compared to the kaon mode. At ICHEP, NA62 shared the preliminary results of its search for a long–lived new physics particle using the data obtained with 1.4 x 1017 protons on target from the beam–dump operation in 2021. The collaboration specifically looked for the decays of a beyond-the-Standard-Model particle into two charged hadrons, such as pions and kaons, and for the decay of neutral hadrons into photons. These are possible decays of new physics particles in beyond-the-Standard-Model theories and promising candidates to explain elusive dark matter such as axion-like particles, dark photons and dark Higgs bosons. Felix Kahlhoefer, a professor of theoretical physics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, explains that, since the recent NA62 results are model-independent, the physics community worldwide can reinterpret these results to constrain many different models beyond the Standard Model. “We simultaneously obtain information for a whole class of decay channels, so it becomes possible to distinguish different models of long-lived particles beyond the Standard Model,” he said. The distance between the NA62 target and the calorimeters is more than 240 metres, making the experiment very suitable for searching for long-lived new physics particles that fly a macroscopic distance before decaying. These are especially difficult for other particle detectors at the LHC such as ATLAS (46 metres long) and CMS (21 metres long) to detect as they may not be able to see the decays of such exotic particles before they leave the detector. Exploring these uncharted territories can address some of the problems that cannot be explained by the robust Standard Model. While no evidence of a new physics signal was found in this latest analysis, NA62 has been able to exclude new regions of masses and interaction strengths in beyond-the-Standard-Model theories. Physicists at NA62 plan to study seven times… https://home.web.cern.ch/news/news/physics/na62-announces-its-first-search-long-lived-particles (Source of the original content)
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mistvgames171 · 4 years
How to change lights on msi z270 gaming m7
Best 22 Esports Blogs To Study Inked Gaming
On the net Gambling Web sites covers the entire market of gaming more than the Online. Our initial enterprise program was to get started in the UK marketplace and then move on to Europe in 18 months and to the rest of the world in 36 months. On the other hand things didn't go really to program simply because inside the initially six hours of going reside we sold 400 games in Japan. This meant that from the start off we had been often going to be a international corporation. Green Man Gaming has been listed as the 53rd biggest exporter in the UK out of 354,000 SMEs in the Sunday Instances SME Export Track 100 list.
The multitude of gaming news web sites continues to grow as gaming emerges as a thing bigger and additional worthwhile than merely a hobby. It would be an understatement to confine the part and objective of these internet websites to news and critiques broadcasting for every single day, the legion of geeks and gamers is strengthened by these very gaming news internet websites. In midst of this competition, there are quite a few web sites like Virteract which are emerging to the scene and putting in some seriously good efforts to offer you with top quality content.
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Jesse's internet site is worth a go to just for the landing web page alone ' you will not be disappointed ' but never cease there as he's got a wealth of sources across his website, such as his past talks and even download links to his slides. Jesse also makes a series of YouTube videos in which he makes predictions for the future of gaming and the feasible trajectories of existing trends.
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Did you know that Mobile games now account for 51% of international revenues in the gaming sector followed by Console games (25%) and Computer Games (24%) 62% of smartphone owners install a game within a week of getting their phones and Mobile Games now account for far more than 43% of total time spent on smartphone. Check out our infographic on The State of Mobile Gaming Industry” for latest mobile gaming statistics and trends.
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EDIT:I applied to watch the Feedback video over at G4 every week, but it is gone down hill the final couple of occasions I watched it and now that Adam Sessler isn't on it and they have that girl from IGN that everyone hates in just about every episode I just can not be bothered to watch it any far more. Still worth going back and watching some of the older ones although. Klepic utilised to be on that show and back then in the early days was when it was the ideal. Back when they basically talked about gaming news with some semblance of intellect as an alternative of just gushing about whatever game they are told is cool this week.
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Susan distinguishes herself as a gaming blogger simply because she emphasizes bringing positivity to the gaming sphere. As the Senior Editor for Escapist Magazine,” Susan also has an influence that some of the other gamers never have due to the fact she has the chance to encourage and influence some of the ideal up-and-coming minds of the gaming globe.
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The Health Effects of Cannabis - Informed Opinions
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Magicweed Amsterdam
Input  Any pub or public place and canvass opinions on cannabis and there'll be a distinct opinion for every individual canvassed. Some remarks will be educated from decent sources while some are going to be only formed upon no foundation in any way. To be certain, study and decisions based on the study is tough given the lengthy history of illegality. Nonetheless, there's a groundswell of opinion that cannabis is great and must be legalised.  Other nations are following suit or contemplating choices. So what's the position today? Is it great or not?
Magicweed Amsterdam
The National Academy of Sciences released a 487 page record  This season (NAP Report) about the present state of evidence for the topic matter. Many authorities grants affirmed the work of this committee, an eminent selection of 16 professors. They have been encouraged by 15 academic reviewers along with some 700 relevant books considered. Hence the report is viewed as state of the art on medical in addition to recreational usage. This report draws heavily on this source.
Used broadly here to signify cannabis and marijuana, the latter being mined from another portion of the plantlife. Over 100 chemical compounds are present in cannabis, each possibly offering differing advantages or threat.
A Person who's"benign" on smoking cannabis may encounter a euphoric state in which time is immaterial, colours and music take on a larger importance and the individual might obtain the"nibblies", needing to eat fatty and sweet foods. This is frequently related to impaired motor skills and comprehension. When high blood clots have been attained, suicidal ideas, hallucinations and panic attacks can explain his"excursion".
 The contaminants can come from soil standard (eg pesticides & heavy metals) or added afterwards. Occasionally particles of direct or small beads of glass fortify the weight sold.
A random Selection of curative effects seems here in context of the signs standing. A few of the consequences will be revealed as beneficial, but some carry danger. Some consequences are hardly distinguished by the placebos of this study.
Cannabis from the treatment of epilepsy is inconclusive due to inadequate evidence. Nausea and vomiting brought on by chemotherapy may also be ameliorated by oral cannabis. A decline in the intensity of pain in patients with chronic pain is a more probable outcome for the usage of cannabis. Boost in appetite and decline in weight reduction in HIV/ADS sufferers has been proven in limited signs. Based on restricted signs cannabis is unsuccessful in treating glaucoma. Post-traumatic disorder was aided by cannabis in one documented trial. Restricted statistical evidence points to better results for traumatic brain injury. There is inadequate evidence to assert that cannabis can help Parkinson's disease. Limited signs dashed hopes that cannabis might help improve the symptoms of dementia victims. Restricted statistical evidence are available to support a connection between smoking cannabis and heart attack. On the basis of limited evidence cannabis is unsuccessful to deal with melancholy The signs for decreased risk of metabolic problems (diabetes ) is restricted and statistical.   Post-traumatic disorder was aided by cannabis in one documented trial. An end which cannabis will help schizophrenia victims can't be supported or refuted on the grounds of their restricted nature of this signs. There is moderate evidence that greater short-term sleeping results for disturbed sleep folks. Alcoholism and smoking cannabis are linked to lower birth weight of the baby. The signs for stroke brought on by cannabis use is restricted and statistical. Addiction to cannabis and gateway problems are complicated, taking into consideration many factors which are beyond the scope of this report. These issues are fully discussed at the NAP report.
The evidence indicates that smoking cannabis doesn't raise the risk for specific cancers (i.e., lung, head and throat ) in adults. There is little evidence that cannabis use is associated with a single subtype of esophageal cancer.  
Smoking cannabis on a regular basis is related to chronic cough and phlegm production. Quitting cannabis smoking is very likely to decrease chronic cough and phlegm production.  
There is a paucity of information on the consequences of cannabis or cannabinoid-based therapeutics within the individual immune system. There's insufficient information to draw philosophical conclusions regarding the effects of cannabis smoke or cannabinoids on immune tolerance. There is limited evidence to indicate that routine exposure to cannabis smoke could have anti inflammatory action. There's inadequate evidence to support or refute a statistical association between cannabis or cannabinoid usage and negative impacts on immune status in people with HIV.
The NAP report highlights the following findings on the Dilemma of the increased risk of injury or death:
Cannabis use before driving increases the possibility of being involved in an automobile collision. In nations where cannabis use is lawful, there's increased chance of accidental cannabis overdose injuries in kids. It's uncertain whether cannabis use is related to all-cause mortality or with occupational injury.
The NAP report highlights the following findings on the Dilemma of cognitive performance and psychological health:
Present cannabis use impairs the functionality in cognitive domain of Memory, learning, and focus. Recent usage may be described as cannabis Use within one day of evaluation. A limited number of research suggest There Are impairments in Cognitive domains of learning, memory, and focus in people who Have quit smoking cannabis.  Subsequent academic achievement and schooling, income and employment, And social relationships and social functions. Cannabis use is Very Likely to increase the risk of growing  Schizophrenia and other psychoses; the greater the usage, the higher the risk. In people with schizophrenia and other psychoses, a background of Cannabis use could be linked to greater performance on memory and learning  tasks. Cannabis use doesn't seem to increase the probability of developing depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder. For individuals diagnosed with prostate disorders, close daily Cannabis use could be linked to higher symptoms of bipolar illness than for non-users. Regular cannabis use is very likely to raise the risk for developing social stress disorder. It Has to Be fairly clear from the foregoing that cannabis Isn't the Magic bullet for all health problems which some good-intentioned however  Ill-advised urges of cannabis could have us think. Nevertheless the Item  Offers much confidence. Strong research can help clarify the problems. The NAP report is a good step in the ideal direction. Regrettably, there Are still many obstacles to exploring this wonderful drug. In time the Advantages and dangers will be more completely understood. Confidence in the Merchandise increases and a number of the obstacles, academic and social,
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Employee Benefits: 5/1/08
Amazon will not send twosome states. In 1967, it was the first Commonwealth Caribbean country to seek membership in the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). OSHA has decided not to include debridement as a first aid treatment. OSHA also does not distinguish between various kinds of health care professionals, assuming they are operating within their scope of practice. It collects information about licensure and certification actions, criminal convictions, exclusions from federal and state health-care programs, civil judgments (other than malpractice actions) related to health care, and other adjudicated actions or decisions. While credentialing does not guarantee the provision of quality medical care, it is an important indicator of the managed care company's commitment to provide high-quality levels of care for plan members. The others had some interesting ingredients and although not particularly harmful, I like to take only the purest and highest quality ingredients. In addition, many medical expense plans have come to realize that they cannot always provide as high a quality of care as a well-managed specialty provider. 50,000 became subject to the imputed income rules of Section 79, based on Table I cost, which are relatively high at older ages. Another approach, illustrated in Table 2, bases the duration of benefits on an employee's length of service. And don’t believe all the hype you hear about so and so supplement has some magic power as there has not been a conclusive scientific on the benefits. Multiple nations which have declared their hatred for our way of life possess the capability to launch nuclear weapons which could take down our power grid. The government probably has some transformers tucked away (any maybe stored in an EMP-proof Faraday Cage) in a warehouse somewhere, but do you want to bet your life and the life of your family on it? The cancer conspiracy would suggest that the government is so concerned about keeping the business running (in this case the hospital beds full) that they would hide any discovery that would free up hospital resources. Rather, representative decided it better to argue with me over what the actual day count was and that I would be entitled to a refund after 25 business days, even though that completely contradicted what was written in confirmation email. 3 to 10 days, online pharmacies depending on the point of origin. One should realize that only large firms with many employees would be able to meet all the characteristics of the ideally insurable risk. This shifts much of the financial risk of higher-than-average claims to the carve-out vendor. 2. Mind you, exercise does not make the blood glucose go down immediately. 6. Exercise comes in different forms from just standing more often than sitting down, walking and just keeps on moving along. See more tax scams. At least one of them was motivated to pursue cancer research by the loss of a close relative. Showers are one of the most water-wasteful activities that takes place in any household. Amaryl is one sulf that turns out not to affect the receptor on the heart that the older drugs did. We do not sell prescription drugs! Another disturbing prescription drug statistic is that prescription drug abuse is rising fastest among people 12 to 25. Since the mid 1980’s, prescription drug abuse has increased fivefold. As Governor Hickenlooper has said, Utah has half as many people as Colorado, but invests nearly four times what Colorado does toward improving road capacity each year. 11,000 per year for families with young kids. Aside from going after your money, some scammers also try to obtain your personal information for use in identity theft. Building Workflow Solutions with the UCMA Workflow SDK - You use the UCMA Workflow SDK to build communications-enabled workflow solutions such as IVR systems and virtual personal assistants. The acceleration of particles can occur as the result of a solar storm, a nuclear bomb, or even due to a simple, yet strong, bolt of lightning. At The Online Drugstore, your favorite health and beauty products are just a click away. The challenge is that many state and local public health departments do not offer the ability to receive and query immunization data. U.S. daily newspapers are not currently available in Trinidad, except on the Internet on a limited and delayed basis at some hotels. If there are medical concerns then the patient may be referred to primary care for physical examination and/or basic labs. Therefore, there is no need to consider hot and cold therapy to be medical treatment, in and of itself. 45 a day when available, but long term rates are lower. Insurance companies charge administrative expenses that are added to the premium (or loaded) to compensate for their overhead expenses.
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kreuzaderny · 2 years
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Quantifying the presence of a neutron in the paths of an interferometer
It is commonly assumed that no accurate experimental information can be obtained on the path taken by a particle when quantum interference between the paths is observed. However, recent progress in the measurement and control of quantum systems may provide the missing information by circumventing the conventional uncertainty limits. Here, we experimentally investigate the possibility that an individual neutron moving through a two-path interferometer may actually be physically distributed between the two paths. For this purpose, it is important to distinguish between the probability of finding the complete particle in one of the paths and the distribution of an individual particle over both paths. We accomplish this distinction by applying a magnetic field in only one of the paths and observing the exact value of its effect on the neutron spin in the two output ports of the interferometer. The results show that individual particles experience a specific fraction of the magnetic field applied in one of the paths, indicating that a fraction or even a multiple of the particle was present in the path before the interference of the two paths was registered. The obtained path presence equals the weak value of the path projector and is not a statistical average but applies to every individual neutron, verified by the recently introduced method of feedback compensation.
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quebeccannabis · 3 years
The Health Effects of Cannabis - Informed Opinions
Enter any bar or public place and canvass opinions on cannabis and there will be a different opinion for each person canvassed. Some opinions will be well-informed from respectable sources while others will be just formed upon no basis at all. To be sure, research and conclusions based on the research is difficult given the long history of illegality. Nevertheless, there is a groundswell of opinion that cannabis is good and should be legalised. Many States in America and Australia have taken the path to legalise cannabis. Other countries are either following suit or considering options. So what is the position now? Is it good or not?
The National Academy of Sciences published a 487 page report this year (NAP Report) on the current state of evidence for the subject matter. Many government grants supported the work of the committee, an eminent collection of 16 professors. They were supported by 15 academic reviewers and some 700 relevant publications considered. Thus the report is seen as state of the art on medical as well as recreational use. This article draws heavily on this resource.
The term cannabis is used loosely here to represent cannabis and marijuana, the latter being sourced from a different part of the plant. More than 100 chemical compounds are found in cannabis, each potentially offering differing benefits or risk.
A person who is "stoned" on smoking cannabis might experience a euphoric state where time is irrelevant, music and colours take on a greater significance and the person might acquire the "nibblies", wanting to eat sweet and fatty foods. This is often associated with impaired motor skills and perception. When high blood concentrations are achieved, paranoid thoughts, hallucinations and panic attacks may characterize his "trip".
In the vernacular, cannabis is often characterized as "good shit" and "bad shit", alluding to widespread contamination practice. The contaminants may come from soil quality (eg pesticides & heavy metals) or added subsequently. Sometimes particles of lead or tiny beads of glass augment the weight sold.
A random selection of therapeutic effects appears here in context of their evidence status. Some of the effects will be shown as beneficial, while others carry risk. Some effects are barely distinguished from the placebos of the research.
Cannabis in the treatment of epilepsy is inconclusive on account of insufficient evidence.
Nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy can be ameliorated by oral cannabis.
A reduction in the severity of pain in patients with chronic pain is a likely outcome for the use of cannabis.
Spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients was reported as improvements in symptoms.
Increase in appetite and decrease in weight loss in HIV/ADS patients has been shown in limited evidence.
According to limited evidence cannabis is ineffective in the treatment of glaucoma.
On the basis of limited evidence, cannabis is effective in the treatment of Tourette syndrome.
Post-traumatic disorder has been helped by cannabis in a single reported trial.
Limited statistical evidence points to better outcomes for traumatic brain injury.
There is insufficient evidence to claim that cannabis can help Parkinson's disease.
Limited evidence dashed hopes that cannabis could help improve the symptoms of dementia sufferers.
Limited statistical evidence can be found to support an association between smoking cannabis and heart attack.
On the basis of limited evidence cannabis is ineffective to treat depression
The evidence for reduced risk of metabolic issues (diabetes etc) is limited and statistical.
Social anxiety disorders can be helped by cannabis, although the evidence is limited. Asthma and cannabis use is not well supported by the evidence either for or against.
Post-traumatic disorder has been helped by cannabis in a single reported trial.
A conclusion that cannabis can help schizophrenia sufferers cannot be supported or refuted on the basis of the limited nature of the evidence.
There is moderate evidence that better short-term sleep outcomes for disturbed sleep individuals.
Pregnancy and smoking cannabis are correlated with reduced birth weight of the infant.
The evidence for stroke caused by cannabis use is limited and statistical.
Addiction to cannabis and gateway issues are complex, taking into account many variables that are beyond the scope of this article. These issues are fully discussed in the NAP report.
The NAP report highlights the following findings on the issue of cancer:
The evidence suggests that smoking cannabis does not increase the risk for certain cancers (i.e., lung, head and neck) in adults.
There is modest evidence that cannabis use is associated with one subtype of testicular cancer.
There is minimal evidence that parental cannabis use during pregnancy is associated with greater cancer risk in offspring.
The NAP report highlights the following findings on the issue of respiratory diseases:
Smoking cannabis on a regular basis is associated with chronic cough and phlegm production.
Quitting cannabis smoking is likely to reduce chronic cough and phlegm production.
It is unclear whether cannabis use is associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, asthma, or worsened lung function.
The NAP report highlights the following findings on the issue of the human immune system:
There exists a paucity of data on the effects of cannabis or cannabinoid-based therapeutics on the human immune system.
There is insufficient data to draw overarching conclusions concerning the effects of cannabis smoke or cannabinoids on immune competence.
There is limited evidence to suggest that regular exposure to cannabis smoke may have anti-inflammatory activity.
There is insufficient evidence to support or refute a statistical association between cannabis or cannabinoid use and adverse effects on immune status in individuals with HIV.
The NAP report highlights the following findings on the issue of the increased risk of death or injury:
Cannabis use prior to driving increases the risk of being involved in a motor vehicle accident.
In states where cannabis use is legal, there is increased risk of unintentional cannabis overdose injuries among children.
It is unclear whether and how cannabis use is associated with all-cause mortality or with occupational injury.
Read More : The Health Effects of Cannabis - Informed Opinions
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maybee1155 · 3 years
Top 5 NFT Avatars Worth Investing in 2022!
The most popular project for investment in NFT collectibles is the NFT avatar. From cryptopunks to BYCE, from the sports industry to the entertainment industry to the financial industry, more and more big KOLs have begun to invest in NFTs. From NBA superstar Curry changing his avatar for $180,000, to the follow-up of Chinese wale wallets such as Cai Wensheng, Feng Bo, and Wang Feng, to a new round of investment carnival in the currency circle. The joining of star companies and celebrities has once again boosted the popularity of NFT avatars and has become a self-popular investment project in 2021. So what are the NFT avatars worth investing in in 2022?
1. Cryptopunks
CryptoPunks are one of the first NFT art collectibles to launch on the Ethereum network. This asset features 10,000 uniquely generated characters that display pixelated digital images of different animated characters. The earliest NFT and one of the most potential collections of NFTs. On the one hand, there are KOLs bringing goods. For example, TRON founder Justin Sun bought cryptopunks at a price of $10.5 million. On the other hand, the average price of avatars in the CryptoPunks series is generally higher than other products. It shows that the investment potential of CryptoPunks is huge.
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BAYC consists of 10,000 NFT collections of ape images, each ape has 4-7 different attributes, including expressions, hair, headwear, clothing, etc. Depending on the combination of different attributes, the rarity of apes also varies, and rarity is also the main factor that distinguishes the price. Incomplete statistics, celebrities from all walks of life who have publicly announced their holdings of BAYC are: Taiwanese singer Ma Ji eldest brother Huang Licheng, actor Wu Jianhao, Ke Zhendong, Chen Bolin, Hong Kong movie star Shawn Yue, NBA star Pelicans shooting guard Josh Hart, Hornets star LaMelo Ball , NFL American Football League star Franklin and so on. These will prove that BAYC still maintains the potential for appreciation.
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3. Meebits
Launched in March 2021, Meebits is the next in a series of digital collectibles designed by Larva Labs. Meebits take the form of 2D voxel characters in a style similar to Roblox or Minecraft. Like many other NFT projects, the scarcity of Meebits has generated massive sales, crazy speculation, and staggering sales figures. Meebits has an open interface in the program. Users can download the model file and import it into the metaverse game to change the image of the character.
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4. Cool Cats
Cool Cats is a collection of NFTs randomly generated by programming on the Ethereum. It has the image of a cartoon cat. The first generation of cats has been released. The cat's clothing, face shape, color and body are all randomly combined. The investment of Cool Cats lies in the fact that the developer has been iterating on the project itself. From gamification to story evolution, the richer the ecology of the entire project, the higher the price of its collection and investment!
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5. MadCanner
MadCanner is a brand new project in 2022 built on Ethereum. Once deployed, MadCanner become one of the most attractive NFT project which can be traded in own marketplace as well as in Opensea. The background of the project's story takes place in 2140. At that time, people in the encrypted digital world lived on a metaverse planet called Particle Planet. On the Cannason Particle Planet, people can gain immortality through technology, and every part of their body can be upgraded and replaced, and they can go to the market to buy their favorite skin or other organs. To player who want to find a good NFT, MadCanner is a community driven project with its own ecosystem package. Compared with other avatar projects that have been over-hyped, the potential of MadCanner should not be underestimated. So far it is an early NFT project.
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monchitomio · 6 years
The Wellness Impacts of Cannabis - Enlightened Viewpoints
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Enter any type of bar or public location and canvass opinions on cannabis and there will certainly be a various point of view for every person canvassed. Some point of views will certainly be educated from respectable resources while others will be simply created upon no basis in any way. To ensure, study and also conclusions based on the study is challenging offered the long history of outrage. Nonetheless, there is a groundswell of point of view that cannabis is good and also should be legalised. Several States in The U.S.A. and also Australia have taken the course to legalise cannabis. Various other nations are either following suit or taking into consideration alternatives. So exactly what is the position currently? Is it excellent or otherwise? The National Academy of Sciences released a 487 web page record this year (NAP Record) on the present state of evidence for the subject. Several federal government gives supported the job of the board, an eminent collection of 16 teachers. They were sustained by 15 scholastic customers and also some 700 appropriate publications taken into consideration. Hence the report is considereded as cutting-edge on clinical in addition to recreational use. This article attracts heavily on this resource. The term cannabis is utilized loosely right here to represent cannabis and also marijuana, the last being sourced from a different part of the plant. Greater than 100 chemical substances are discovered in cbd oil merchant processing , each possibly providing differing advantages or risk. MEDICAL SIGNS A person who is "stoned" on smoking cannabis could experience a blissful state where time is pointless, music and also colours take on a greater importance as well as the person could obtain the "nibblies", intending to eat wonderful and fatty foods. This is usually related to impaired motor skills and also assumption. When high blood concentrations are accomplished, paranoid thoughts, hallucinations and also panic attacks may characterize his "trip". PURITY In the vernacular, cannabis is commonly identified as "great crap" and also "negative spunk", alluding to widespread contamination technique. The impurities may originate from soil quality (eg chemicals & heavy metals) or included consequently. Sometimes particles of lead or small grains of glass enhance the weight marketed. HEALING EFFECTS A random selection of therapeutic impacts appears below in context of their evidence standing. A few of the effects will certainly be shown as useful, while others lug risk. Some impacts are hardly distinguished from the sugar pills of the study. Cannabis in the therapy of epilepsy is undetermined on account of insufficient proof. Nausea or vomiting and also vomiting triggered by radiation treatment can be ameliorated by dental cannabis. A reduction in the seriousness of pain in individuals with chronic discomfort is a likely end result for the use of cannabis. Spasticity in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) clients was reported as enhancements in signs and symptoms. Boost in appetite and also lower in weight management in HIV/ADS individuals has actually been shown in limited proof. Inning accordance with minimal proof cannabis is inadequate in the treatment of glaucoma. On the basis of minimal evidence, cannabis is effective in the therapy of Tourette disorder. Post-traumatic condition has been aided by cannabis in a single reported test. Minimal statistical evidence points to far better end results for distressing mind injury. There wants evidence to declare that cannabis can aid Parkinson's condition. Restricted proof rushed hopes that cannabis could assist enhance the signs of dementia patients. Minimal analytical evidence can be found to support an organization in between cigarette smoking cannabis and also cardiovascular disease. On the basis of restricted proof cannabis is inadequate to treat anxiety The proof for reduced danger of metabolic problems (diabetic issues etc) is restricted and statistical. Social stress and anxiety problems can be helped by cannabis, although the proof is limited. Bronchial asthma and also cannabis usage is not well sustained by the proof either for or versus. Post-traumatic problem has been assisted by cannabis in a single reported test. A conclusion that cannabis can help schizophrenia sufferers can not be sustained or refuted on the basis of the minimal nature of the proof. There is moderate evidence that much better temporary sleep results for disturbed sleep people. Maternity and cigarette smoking cannabis are associated with minimized birth weight of the infant. The proof for stroke triggered by cannabis use is minimal and also statistical. Dependency to cannabis and portal issues are complicated, thinking about several variables that are past the range of this write-up. These concerns are totally talked about in the SNOOZE report. CANCER CELLS The SNOOZE report highlights the adhering to searchings for on the issue of cancer: The evidence recommends that cigarette smoking cannabis does not raise the risk for sure cancers cells (i.e., lung, head and neck) in adults. There is moderate proof that cannabis usage is connected with one subtype of testicular cancer cells. There is very little evidence that adult cannabis use during pregnancy is connected with better cancer cells risk in offspring. BREATHING CONDITION The NAP report highlights the complying with findings on the problem of respiratory system illness: Smoking cigarettes cannabis regularly is related to chronic coughing and also phlegm production. Quitting cannabis cigarette smoking is likely to lower chronic coughing and phlegm production. It is vague whether cannabis use is related to persistent obstructive pulmonary problem, bronchial asthma, or intensified lung feature.
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