#Star wars thanisson
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skylarstark4826 · 5 months ago
I loved this beautiful Fanart of the ship of Thanitaka or Mithanisson from the Star Wars movie The Force Awakens of the characters of Thanisson and Dolphen Mitaka together and above all because I imagined Thanisson with a pet that was a ferret or also a drell and that every time Mitaka tried to pet her she always ended up biting him and above all because I also find the idea that both always slept together in Thanisson's room or also in Mitaka's and also because I love that in this beautiful fanart Thanisson and Mitaka are dressed that way because it makes it seem like they sleep together but also because I imagine that if Thanisson had saved himself from Finn and Poe's escape then he and Mitaka both would have decided shortly after decided to desert from The First Order and would have decided to have their own life together and have problems and being free in every way and above all because I really would have liked that we had seen them for much longer together in the Star Wars movie The Force Awakens... sincerely
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By the way, these beautiful Fanarts of them are not mine and the credits are not for me, but I will let you know that right here I am going to leave you the link of the real creator on Tumblr
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hux-and-gay · 3 months ago
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I used to do this thing where I would take a list of characters that I liked (such as Star Wars characters) and then I would take a list of roles from a musical. Then I would get a random generator and use that generator to randomly select the characters I had chosen and cast them as random roles in the musical. As if they were being forced to play those characters and I had no control over who they were cast as.
Things could get pretty hilarious. you could have something like Han gets cast as the spouse of Vader and C3PO gets cast as their child.
So I thought I had never really done it with the sequels characters so I decided why not? I did it With Hamilton because that’s a musical most people know but I could do other ones in the future. It turned out even funnier then I could possibly have imagined.
Now without further ado
Our Star of the show is none other the Snoke
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And who is his rival that will eventually best him in a duel sending him to his death?
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Princess Leia Organa! And honesty? Good for her. (All the extras are storm troopers)
Now who is the famous, Faboulous, Marquis De Lafayette…. it’s Pryde… ugh
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Suddenly Lafayette is no longer cool
Now who are Snoke and Pryde’s Besties? Phasma is now Laurence (so she dies 😔) and Kylo is Mulligan, honestly I can see him as mulligan
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So this friend group is just the first order? Good to know
Now who is the responsible, put together, and not reckless at all, general to lead them all?
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It’s Han Solo playing George Washington! So in character right? Now he’s Snoke’s mentor and president of the United States… interesting
But there’s always a loyalist so who gets to be my beloved Samuel Seabury?
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Armitage Hux! I was actually very happy with this paring I literally a wrote a parody to farmer refuted from Hux’s POV a few weeks ago, it’s just so funny
Now who is the King that Hux is so graciously supporting, the antagonist of the whole story? Well it’s none other then Poe Dameron, everyone’s favorite imperialist
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And of course Snoke still needs more enemies, so who is the incompetent general that sucks so bad he gets left behind?
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Charles Lee is now Luke Skywalker! “I’m a general WEEEEEE” But I mean hey man not everyone can say they got shot by Phasma in a duel.
and of course we can’t forget Snoke’s big act 2 rival Thomas Jefferson who is being played by none other then C3PO!
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and Jefferson is nothing without his best friend James Madison played by Dopheld Mitaka!
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Honestly this one is a pretty good casting
Now here’s where it gets interesting… if it hasn’t already…
The Schuyler Sisters
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Yeah you saw that right, forget Angelica Eliza and Peggy, Now we have Palpatine Rey and Finn! So that not only makes them sisters but it also means that Snoke and Rey are married and have children which is a terrifying thought
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And not only that but it also means that Snoke and Palpatine were in love but Palpatine let him marry his sister instead but they still continue their emotional affair through the letters they send to eachother
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Aren’t snoke and Palpatine basically the same person technically???? I guess they have a type
but of course, we can’t forget the Schuyler sisters wonderful father Philip, oops sorry I meant Thanisson
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so yes somehow Thanisson is the father of Palpatine Rey and Finn. Makes sense? No? Perfect, moving on
Speaking of Philip, Snoke and Rey’s Aforementioned child of the same name, is now being played by Rose Tico
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Which means, as you can see in this photo here, she dies in her duel with George Eacker. But who might you ask is George Eacker?
It’s BB-8 of course!
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Because BB-8 decided to shit talk snoke he got in a duel with Rose, and won. BB-8 kills rose.
Now there’s something missing, we all know the story, Snoke can’t stay faithful to his wife. so who is the poor soul that has to play Mariah Reynolds? A woman being used by her husband to extort snoke by having her keep up an affair with him?
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It’s Cardinal, I’m so sorry. He isn’t prepared for this ���� this image is so cursed. Funny enough though Maria is known for wearing red.
Anyway who is Cardinal’s manipulative husband who is blackmailing snoke?
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It’s Brendol Hux, James Reynolds is Brendol Hux. I’m so sorry Cardinal but this is perfect casting. Truly and ass hole in every universe
and of course who is the doctor that is just trying to keep shit together through this whole play? BEHOLD THE MIGHTY GONK!
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(I couldn’t find any pictures on Google of the doctor)
If you got this far, I hope you enjoyed it and are severely disturbed!!! Let me know if you’re interested in me doing more.
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armitagehuxsleepschedule · 2 years ago
Thanisson: I need life advice.
Hux, on his 72nd hour of being awake, drinking an energy drink with crushed-up caffeine pills in it: Well, you came to the right person.
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year ago
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Media Star Wars The Force Awakens
Character Petty Officer Thanisson
Couple Thanisson X Reader (Rebel)
Rating SMUT AF!
Concept Forced recruitment
Smut prison guard x prisoner / semi nonconsentual / grinding/ humping / nudity/ clothes ripping/ 'good boy' / 'cutie' / cockwarming/ breast play / raw sex / suggestive speech / edging / reverse cowgirl /
I sighed as I stood on the finalizer's shiny floors outside the prison cell, this is not my job! why am I doing it! I am a goddam petty officer why am I on bloody guard duty! probably because that last attack took out half the stormtroopers and this prisoner had a reputation or so I had heard we had lost many guards because of escape attempts so at this point they just throwing anyone to guard the door regardless of rank just because we don't have anyone else. It was just me standing in the dark boring corridor given the officer who was meant to be helping me got shot yesterday by a malfunctioning blaster. 
I saw a trooper approach and it was about prisoner dinner time and he even had the tray in hand I was going to let him in but he stopped and offered me the tray, Oh hell no! This is not my job! 
"That's an order," he says 
"I'm a petty officer I don't get my orders from you"
"Higher up says so now take it"
"No. it's not my job to deliver food."
"Look man, do whatever but I'm not going in there with her again"
"Why not?"
"She nearly cut my fucking dick off man."
"Ohh so my dick is expendable"
"Not like you use it thanisson" He says "I'm not going in there with her so you figure it out" he says handing me the food tray and heading off back down the corridor 
"dick" I sighed I opened the door scanning my hand and headed inside the door shut behind me and I scanned my hand again to open the second door revealing the small black prison cell with a red bed and chair. The prisoner was some rebel girl I don't know who she was, but she lay on the bed facing away from me in the usual prisoner red jumpsuit but this one was uhhh... I think a little too small for her because whoa, I could see her every curve and fuck that ass looked good. But I shook my head out of it, focus! unless you want you're dick nearly cut off. I headed inside the room and set the food tray on the table beside the small chair "Dinner Prisoner" I said but no response "I said dinner" Still nothing so I moved a little closer "Hello?" I asked at this point almost leaning over her bed 
"Ummmm" she moans turning over a little to lay on her back with her knee up, her long braid sprawled on the pillow her chest almost popping out the jumpsuit's zip 
"Uh" I tried to speak but nothing arrived "Dinner" I said again which caused her eyes to flick open and she tried to kick me in the gut but luckily I moved back just in time, she tried to bolt but luckily I grabbed her wrist and forced her against the wall with all my strength pinning her there, holding her wrists above her head
"Ughh! Let me go!"
"You think I'm stupid! after what you just did to me"
"I didn't mean to"
"Didn't mean to? you think I'm dumb don't you!"
"I didn't know it was you, I thought it was that fucking bastard General back again"
"General Hux?"
"yeah that ginger dick"
"Well, why would you be trying to escape if it was him?"
"I wasn't trying to escape you dumb ass, I was trying to get him away from me. the bastard keeps coming in here and putting his hands where they don't belong"
"Ahh... I see" I nodded I didn't want to say anything to her but yeah General Hux did have a habit of getting 'handsy' with the female prisoners I wouldn't be surprised if he picked out that jumpsuit for her on purpose for exactly that reason "So you won't try and bolt if I let you go?"
"You swear?"
"I swear"
"Alright" I nodded letting her go "Dinner"
"Thanks" she sighed heading over and starting to pick at it 
"You don't... seem all that dangerous."
"Thanks," she says 
"I mean, having heard you've gone through so many guards kinda thought you'd be a lot scarier"
"I wouldn't have hurt any of the guards they kept their hands to themselves"
"That's fair" I nodded "What about the stormtrooper he said you nearly cut his dick off?"
"What was he doing with his dick out around me?"
"Fair enough" I nodded "So you're not dangerous?"
"I doubt it, not even meant to be locked up in here I'm innocent"
"That's what they all say"
"I'm not a rebel. I'm a cargo haulier,"
"You were caught with a whole ship of rebel tech"
"Yeah, Hauling it. I didn't know what was in the boxes, I didn't ask, they didn't tell me. picked it up from some guy in Mere's port and paid me to take it to New Loslin."
"You didn't question it?"
"Why would I? People ship a lot of weird shit." 
"why haven't you just explained that?"
"You think you're bosses give a shit what I have to say? Especially when they all seemed to be like Lismen's in heat around here" She explained 
I did feel bad, this wouldn't be the first time stuff like this happens normal people have a habit of ending up in the first-order crossfire. Soon enough she finished eating and handed back the tray to me 
"No problem,"
"Hey, you gonna be on guard all night?" she asks going to sit on her bed 
"Yeah, rest of the night"
"Well, if you get bored out there and fancy a conversation, Just a conversation mind you. not like I'm going anywhere" she says 
"I'll think about it, uhh?"
"Thanisson" I smiled before I scanned the door it opened up and I stepped in she didn't try to come at the door she even gave me a little wave as the door closed, once it was locked I scanned my hand again and headed out letting it close up behind me I sent the tray back to the kitchens and returned to just standing guard.
 I stood for a couple of hours before I was beyond bored out of my mind so I scanned my hand and headed inside when the second door opened she seemed surprised to see me 
"Ohh Hello there" she smiled
"Hi, I'm not disturbing am I?"
"Uhhh no I'm not busy she joked"
"You don't mind? it's insanely boring out there"
"Sure, just to warn you it's equally boring in here," she says 
"At least it's someone to talk to" I shrug going and sitting on the chair we chatted about little things for a while and honestly it was nice she laid on her bed dangling her head off the end I did my best not to look too much as the small zip was pretty much the only thing allowing her tits to defy gravity 
"You know, you're kinda cute for a first-order boy"
"I-I am?"
"Ummm" she nods 
"Uhh thanks, you're pretty cute too"
"Yeah the jumpsuit helps I think"
"I mean I wasn't gonna say it but-"
"But yeah?"
"But yeah... Sorry, kinda been away a long time"
"it's fine, I'm sure you miss your pretty girl back home"
"Ohh I don't have one, The first order doesn't like us having people waiting on us it's kinda shit but what can you do" 
"You can leave?"
"It's not that easy" 
"I don't know seems it" she shrugs "Don't agree with it just leave what are they gonna do?"
"Hunt me down and torture me" 
"Cunts" she sighed "So? how long have you been stuck on here?"
"Six years"
"Awww you poor thing, and no... pretty ladies in that time?" she asked sitting up on her bed 
"No, first-order regulations."
"Awwww no wonder you guys have been going crazy" she says getting up and resting her hands on her hips "You know, I wouldn't mind helping you out" she smiled coming over
"wha- what!"
"I wouldn't mind, you're cute" she smiled running her finger suggestively down my pants 
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh" was all that arrived at my mouth which made him giggle before she climbed onto my lap wrapping her legs around the chair sitting perfectly over my belt pressing her chest to mine and giving her tight jumpsuit and my cheap uniform... there wasn't much between us 
"Wouldn't that be nice Thanisson?" she cooed fixing my hair for me 
"uhhh yeah that uhh that would be nice" I blushed 
This is definitely not my job but I am not telling her no! 
she chuckled "You're so sweet" she cooes wrapping my arms around her and letting me sit my hands on her ass grinding herself against me and pushing her tits against me 
"Ughhhhh!" I groaned in shock from the overwhelming pleasure 
"Humm such a little cutie" she giggled kissing my neck 
"Ummm" I groaned relaxing into her sweet kisses 
"And stupid" she smirked 
"wha-" I began but I felt the cold of her knife from dinner against my neck 
"And utterly gullible" 
"Oh shit"
"Yeah, oh shit."
"You are a dangerous rebel girl aren't you?"
"Yeah" she nods 
"Oh damn it"
"Ohh hello Thanisson" she smirked "You guys really are repressed aren't you?"
"You sat on my lap! kissed my neck and called me cutie what did you expect!" 
"To not be impaled in five seconds" she laughs "Now be a good boy and unlock the door"
I knew I didn't have a choice so she forced us to stand and stood at my side knife to my neck I scanned the door it opened and we moved inside 
"what are you going to do to me?" I asked as it locked 
"Nothing providing you keep quiet" she warns 
I unlocked the next door and we headed out down the corridor she kept the knife close to my skin 
"docking bay 4. Lead the way Cutie" she smiled 
"Your ship won't be there, they'll have it down in impound by now"
"Fine, then take me to the nearest place I can get a ship" 
"Fine. But I don't know how you think you're gonna get away with this"
"Simple. anyone asks I'm a prisoner you're transporting me"
"That's not my job! I'm a petty officer. You'd at least have a trooper with you"
"Yeah well, short staff."
"No thanks to you"
"Now go" she demanded 
I did as she asked and lead her through the finalizer doing my best to avoid places I knew people corrugated and given how short-staffed we were got all the way to departure bay 2 without even coming across anyone, I hoped someone would see the cameras but she was damn smart as even I know its camera guard change over we'd be lucky to even be noticed 
"You lair" she whispered as she brought me over to a very small ship
"what is this thing?"
"This is the blackbird. My ship"
"You're ship! you said you were a hauler" I said this ship was smaller than even the tie fighters, all-black with a small but powerful landing gear I had seen similar like this used by rebels spy ships designed to sneak in under scans due to their small size and powerful shields and attach on to large ships like barnacles 
"Yeah I lied" she smirked "Now get in"
"I'm not going with you!"
"Yeah well, I don't trust you won't squeal cutie." she smirked "Relax I'll drop you off the first rock I find" she said forcing me inside the ship with her it was tiny some small equipment and one leather seat by the controls she shut the door but kept the knife on me "Now... how are we gonna do this?" she said more to herself she loosened the straps on the seat and forced me to sit there before then sitting on my lap herself this time her back against my chest before I could fight she had locked the straps around us "This is gonna bet bumpy, just shut the hell up and let me drive" she says starting the ship up it was almost silent putting her helmet on in order to actually fly it as there was no flight controls on the window meaning her visor of her helmet had to have them by now we had attached some attention but she tiny ship shot off like a bullet before anyone could do much of anything 
"You can't just expect me to sit here and let you kidnap me!" 
"Why not you seemed to be enjoying it" she laughs 
"I'll send a distress signal!" I said trying to touch the controls but she pushed me back mostly using her hips 
"Don't. touch. My. ship." she warns 
"Make me" I told her trying to undo the straps, press buttons, do anything I could to cause her as many problems as possible until she grabbed my hands 
"STOP!" she demanded "I think I've been really nice to you so far I could have cut you're throat when I got to my ship, I could have cut off your hand in my cell, I'm letting you live and when I get back to base you can fuck off wherever you want. but if you keep doing this I will not hesitate to kick you out the fucking airlock thanisson" 
"I don't want go to some stupid rebel base"
"You've been complaining all day about the first order,"
"So maybe try the other side for a bit maybe get a taste of freedom once in your life"
"No!" I pouted again trying to argue with her 
"Ughhhh! sit still!" She demanded
"I'll sit still when you turn us around and go back to the finalizer," I told her doing my best to be annoying 
"Ughhhh! Why don't I have anything in here to restain hands" she complained but she grabbed my hands and put them on her tits which I admit did stop me for a moment given she's sat on my lap with my erection between her ass and now my hands fully on her tits with only the jumpsuit between us "There happy now? if I let you keep your hands there will you shut the hell up?"
"I uhh I uhhh" I began trying to argue with her but my brain kinda turned to mush gently squeezing and rubbing a little feeling the weight of them in my hands gently fondling as she flew, ummmm boobs- No come on brain think for god sake! I know you're horny but we're being kidnapped! "No!" I argued moving my hands away "I cannot be distracted so easily!"
"Really because that was a good twenty minutes since you said anything"
"Twenty- oh my god what is wrong with me" 
"You're repressed thanisson. This happens to a lot of first-order boys you've been brainwashed to be soldiers you're whole life the first time you get a flash of skin it breaks your brain, relax rebels don't give a shit where you stick your dick. Go crazy"
"How do I know the rebels won't imprison me when we get to you're base?"
"Ohh they will, if you're being a dick about it. If you come willingly you'll be accepted with open arms especially if you have any intel" 
"So you'll use me"
"if that's how you wanna think about it" she says 
"Turn us around!" I complained kicking and trying to cause problems for her 
"My god you're like a freaking toddler!" 
"Turn us around and I might allow them to keep you alive"
"shut up and I might allow them to keep you alive. Hell I'll kill you if you don't shut the hell up"
"You can't silence me!" 
"Can't I?" she smirked as she set the ship up clearly to work mostly on its own and removed her helmet, she grabbed the fabric of my trousers hard so much so that as she ganked she ripped my uniform "Cheap ass first order?" she says "Whoa... Hi Thanisson" she giggled rubbing herself on my now exposed erection 
"I'm not going to be so easily manipu-" I began but she sat up a little and managed to rip her cheap jumpsuit at the crotch enough to expose her and as she sat back down she let me slip inside her "Oh holy- fuck"
"There, now you going to be a good little passenger thanisson?" she cooed gently moving her hips to ride me 
"Ughhhhhh ughhhh uuhhh" I moaned uncontrollably 
"I take that as a yes" she giggled "Now if you behave for me, I'll let my cutie cock warm me all the way to the base okay?" she cooes moving her hand back to stroke my hair 
"I uhhhh I ughhhh...okay" I nodded 
"Good" she smiled getting her helmet back on and continuing with things, she barely moved but she didn't need to just the feeling of sitting inside her feeling myself throb and feeling her tighten and wetten around me for a very long time so much so even just the little bounces and shifts she did was enough to almost make me cum,  I know I didn't exactly like being kidnapped by a rebel and being taken to a rebel base and all the madness that had happened over the last twenty-four hours but... she was breaking me, I think that was some of her intention not only to keep me quiet but to slowly manipulate me into melting for her which I was really struggling not to do! but so little of me had resistance against her now, maybe this is Stockholm syndrome? Ummm I don't care any girl that'll let me literally cock warm inside her for over two hours can't be all that bad can she? or if she is... I don't care! 
"Y/n?" I cooed nuzzling with her neck
"could I uhh? please?" I whined moving my hands in front of her chest 
"Will it keep you quiet?"
"Yes. I promise"
"Will you behave?"
"I will I promise"
"Alright then" she says 
I immediately took her tits back in my hands lost in my own world of slow and sensual pleasure having her ass against me, her tits in my hands and being inside her even if I was desperate for more but I milked it as long as I could enjoying us like this for another hour before I spoke up "Y/n?" I asked as sweetly as I could, rubbing my nose on her neck a little 
"Umm yes thanisson?" she laughs 
"I'll be extra good if maybe you bounced a little?"
"Would you now? would you give me some nice first-order secrets if I was to bounce?"
"Alright" she cooes gently moving on me 
"Ughhhh uuhhhhh!" I moaned trying desperately to thrust up 
"ah ah ah" she warns pushing her ass against me hard "Not too egar cutie"
"Uhhh y/n please, I'll behave I promise, I'll tell you anything you wanna know just - just let me cum"
"Too late" she smirked slipping off her helmet and I noticed we had landed- 
Oh. Guess I wasn't really paying attention she unstrapped us both and grabbed a different jumpsuit from a box behind us quickly changing which honestly almost made me cum just seeing a quick flash of her naked 
"Here" she says throwing me one too 
"Wait- you could have changed at any point on this journey?"
"Complaining?" she asks zipping hers up
"No" I sighed changing myself 
"Now, you can scamper off and find you're way back to the finalizer, or... my little cutie can stay here with me and help out the resistance?" she cooes wrapping her arms around my neck
"If I stay will we-"
"Yes, I'm more than happy to continue our snuggles thanisson if you stay."
"Well... I don't know the first order is my whole life"
"You can stay in my tent" she cooes kissing down my neck 
"for tonight?"
"for forever cutie" she cooes 
"Uhhhh ummmm tempting"
"Humm if you come with me and let us have you're first order intel I'll give you a very special reward when we get back to my tent?" she suggested rubbing her nose on mine 
"Yeah? what kinda reward? because my intel is very valuable I'm sure its a high market value to you rebel-" I began but she moved to her knees and licked my shaft through the jumpsuit while never breaking eye contact with me "uhhh yeah that'll do"
"umm good boy" she cooes grabbing my hand and basically dragging me out with her 
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findinyourkin · 4 months ago
hello! i am a fictive of petty officer thanisson from star wars: the force awakens looking for general hux, kylo ren, and dopheld mitaka. preferably other systems, but it doesn’t matter. bodily we are 24, so please be 21+ if you are interacting. i’m rather obscure, so i’m not holding out much hope here, and honestly, even if you don’t remember me, i’d love to chat. but like or reblog and i’ll get back to you.
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ao3feed-gingerpilot · 1 month ago
Call Me Maybe
Call Me, Maybe by irrationalgame Armitage Hux is a 9-1-1 call handler. Poe Dameron is a firefighter. A series of conversations over the phone lead to a connection. Words: 4319, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types, 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Poe Dameron, Armitage Hux, Kaydel Ko Connix, Dopheld Mitaka, Phasma (Star Wars), Rose Tico, Thanisson (Star Wars), Nastia Unamo, Minor Characters, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, mention - Character, Temmin "Snap" Wexley Relationships: Poe Dameron/Armitage Hux Additional Tags: 9-1-1 AU, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Kylux Mention, Domestic Violence, Fire
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nefastidies · 3 years ago
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Force-twins AU
part 42 (part 1 | 2 | 3 |  3.5 | 4 | 5 | 5.5 | 6 | 7 | 7.5 | 8 | 8.5 | 8.5 b | 9 | 10 | 11 | 11.5 | 12 | 13 | 13.5 | 14 | 15 |  15.b | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | b1 | 23.5 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | b2 | 38 | 38.5 | 39 | 40 | 41)
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fractured-spine · 3 years ago
Thanisson: General Hux gave me a get better soon card.
Mitaka: aw, that’s sweet.
Thanisson: I wasn’t sick. He just thought I could do better.
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diningwiththeasquiths · 4 years ago
Mitaka: For your information, there's a lot more to General Hux than people think.
Thanisson: Example?
Mitaka: Example... uh... General Hux is like an onion!
Thanisson: He makes you cry?
Mitaka: NO! Layers. They both have layers.
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skylarstark4826 · 5 months ago
I loved this beautiful publication of the LGBT ship of Thanitaka or Mithanisson of the Star Wars movie The Force Awakens of the characters of Thanisson and Dolphen Mitaka together and above all because I really love the theme of the MULTIVERSE AU that it has in it and above all because I imagine that in Star Wars there is also the theme of the multiverse and that in the yes Thanisson would have lived about then it would have happened that he and Mitaka then had discovered that in another life both had had a beautiful life in which both met but in which The First Order and The Resistance never existed and in which both are completely human in every sense but also and above all because I really would have liked that in the movie Thanisson had survived the escape of Finn and Poe together and that then he along with his beloved Mitaka would have escaped from The First Order so that in that way both would have had their own life together without having limits and without having rules in addition to not having any kind of problem for that but also and above all because I really would have liked that we had seen them for much longer together in the Star Wars movie The Force Awakens... sincerely
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By the way, these beautiful publication of them are not mine and the credits are not for me, but I will let you know that right here I am going to leave you the link of the real creator on Tumblr
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titichoux · 5 years ago
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I noticed that there was not a lot of Fanart between these two (and honestly it's normal) But I made a rp with this lil cute boy and I wanted to do something to illustrate the story.
So there it is Hux and the pretty officer Thanisson on a beautiful sunny planet after flee the First Order.
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teenagedirtbagbaby87-blog · 6 years ago
Things I want in the new Star Wars movie: Mitaka and Thanisson braiding Kylo's hair.
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armitagehuxsleepschedule · 11 months ago
Thanisson: Look under there! Mitaka: Under where? Thanisson: You fool. You absolute buffoon. You are such a monumental idiot that you don't even realize what you just said. I am a verbal magician--
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the-fiction-witch · 1 month ago
Willing Mode P2
Media - Star Wars The Force Awakens Character - Petty Officer Thanisson Couple - Thanisson X Reader Reader - Y/n Rating 17+ Semi Nudity/ Sexual discussion Word Count 1176
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Thannison went about his daily routine, working on the ship and tending to his duties. But every morning, after his shower, he made a point to visit Y/n's stasis pod. He would stand there, looking down at her peaceful face, reading her dreams and learning more about her with each passing day. Even though she couldn't hear him or respond, Thannison felt a deep connection to the girl before him. He would talk to her softly, sharing his own thoughts and feelings, hoping that somehow, somehow, she could hear him. And whenever he felt that familiar ache between his legs, he would reach out, touching himself as he imagined Y/n's body writhing beneath his own, He would bring them both to climax. Thannison knew that waking her up was not an option, only she could do that herself, but that didn't stop him from wishing for it every day.
He went down as usual this morning leaning on the freshly cleaned pod glass from yesterday's session. "Good morning Y/n… Humm what did you dream last night my angel?" Thannison's eyes widened as he read Y/n's dream, a soft smile on his lips. He couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for the life it described a house by a waterfall, children running around, playing and laughing. It was the kind of life he had always wanted, but had never quite found. “Ah Y/n,” he sighed, leaning closer to the pod.
“You have such beautiful dreams. I wish I could be in them with you.” For a moment, Thannison allowed himself to imagine what it would be like to live that life with Y/n by his side. “Every morning, I come here,” he whispered, his voice filled with emotion. “I watch you sleep, and I read your dreams. You're the most beautiful thing in my life, Y/n. I promise I'll make all your dreams come true.” Thannison leaned in closer, pressing his lips against the glass of the pod. “I love you,” he breathed, his words filled with sincerity and longing. He gave the glass above her head a kiss and pulled away from the pod, his lips still tingling from the kiss he had placed on the glass. He took one last look at Y/n, his heart aching with the desire to be with her, to hold her in his arms and make love to her until neither of them could breathe. With a heavy heart, Thannison turned and walked away from the pod, heading off to work.
As he went about his day, his mind was preoccupied with thoughts of Y/n. He imagined her waking up, opening her eyes and seeing him there, ready to start their life together. But for now, he would continue to visit her every morning, talking to her, making love to her in his mind, and dreaming of the day when they could finally be together.
Once done with his work he went back to his quarters and he sat in his room eating dinner just a plain bowl of pasta watching TV. But he suddenly got an alert.
Thannison's eyes widened as he read the alert on his watch. Motion detected. He knew that only one person could have triggered it - Y/n.
His heart raced with excitement and anticipation, wondering what she was doing, and if she was finally ready to wake up. Quickly, he stood up, tossing his bowl into the sink. He rushed over to her pod, his heart pounding in his chest as he approached. Thannison's eyes widened in shock as he entered the room, finding Y/n's pod empty. His heart raced with excitement and anticipation, wondering where she had gone and what she was doing. He followed the wet footprints on the floor, leading him out of the room and into the main area of the ship.
“Y/n?” he called out, his voice trembling with emotion. “Y/n, are you there?” He searched every corner of the ship, looking for any sign of her. Following any alerts the ship picked up.
Thannison's breath caught in his throat as he saw Y/n standing on the entertainment deck, her body dripping with water from the stasis pod. She was wearing only a long crew shirt, which clung to her wet skin, revealing every curve of her body. Her hair was damp and hung down, sticking to the shirt slightly.
“Hello Y/n,” he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper. “You're awake.”
"Hello?" Y/n turned to face him, tilting her head slightly in confusion. Her voice was soft and gentle, like a melody he had been waiting to hear for months.
“Hey there, beautiful,” he said, stepping closer to her. He reached out, gently brushing a strand of wet hair from her face, his fingers trailing down her cheek. “I've missed you so much, Y/n.”
"… Who are you?" Y/n asked rather puzzled,
Thannison's heart sank as he realized Y/n didn't recognize him. He had been so caught up in the moment that he hadn't even considered the fact that she had no idea who he is. “Uh, I'm Thannison,” he stammered, trying to compose himself. “I'm…well… kinda… your… your boyfriend.” He took a deep breath, trying to muster up the courage to tell her everything that had happened while she was in stasis. “I know it's a lot to take in, but I promise I'll explain everything. I just want you to be okay with me.”
"ooh… I don't recall having a boyfriend…" She said rather confused,
“Well I uhhh… I’ve been the one… you know… Playing around with you, while you’ve been in stasis.”
“…Oh!” It clicked, “That was you?”
“Yeah, you uhh you're not angry right?”
“…well, I guess not. I did put it on willing mode I just didn’t think anyone actually would.” she explained, “I did have alot of fun, So? You wanna be my boyfriend then?” she laughed,
“Trust me, Y/n,” he said, his voice dripping with confidence. “You and I were meant to be together. I know it might seem strange, but deep down, you must feel it too.” He took her hand in his, gently caressing her palm with his thumb. “Look, I know this is a lot to take in,” he said, his voice softening. “But I've been waiting for this moment for so long.” He took a step closer to her, his eyes locked on hers. “but please, just give me a chance.
without warning she grabbed him and kissed him
As their lips met, Thannison felt a surge of emotion wash over him. He had waited so long for this moment, and now that it was here, he knew that he couldn't let go. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. His tongue darted into her mouth, exploring every inch of hers.
she pulled back with a wide smile, "You're cute and very sweet. And I’d be more than happy to start this new life with a cute new boyfriend."
“I love you so much!” He screamed picking her up and spinning her around in his arms kissing all over her, “Come on, let's get you nice and cosy Y/n.”
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textsfromfirstorder · 7 years ago
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harlanhardway · 7 years ago
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I miss Mitaka and Thanisson.
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