#Star trek tng minuet
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astralbondpro · 2 years ago
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Star Trek: The Next Generation // S01E15: 11001001
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sshbpodcast · 7 years ago
Episode 96: So Many Dreams & Breakthroughs
TNG: "Future Imperfect" and "Final Mission"
Time is creeping up on our heroes in this week's SSHB. First up, Riker apparently loses 16 years and has to cope with all the changes and his own future legend in "Future Imperfect." After that, Wesley Crusher's chance to join all the young dudes and ladies at the Academy has finally arrived in "Final Mission", but the titular jaunt is no game and goes sour when Picard is grievously injured by a proper space oddity, leaving Wes under pressure to solve the mystery and save his commander.
Also this week: always expecting Keiko, our favorite fan theory, and NY food snobbery.
NOTE: Discovery s.1 spoilers within!
Timestamps: synopses: 0:46; Future Imperfect: 9:48; Final Mission: 29:49
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curator-on-ao3 · 11 months ago
Again, cool response to the last question, so I'll let you pick from these options:
And there are things I have fan-fixed in my head to the point that I have to remind myself that the fix-it isn’t part of the actual canon: favourite one of these?
Your/a favourite part of actual canon. Like, maybe something little but it's just so lovely and fitting to you and you're just happy that it exists?
I’ve been a little down on Trek lately, so I’m going to type as fast as I can to brain-dump, in show order, the first things that pop into my mind that I absolutely love in Trek canon:
Kirk calling Nomad his son, the doctor
Christine Chapel’s snark to Roger Korby about schtupping the androids
Mark Leonard’s performance in Balance of Terror
the Horta (a great mama)
“Edith Keeler must die.”
Captain John Christopher, United States Air Force. Serial number 4857932.
the lesson of The Cloud Minders that we must have empathy and listen to others when they tell us about their lived experience in an environment unlike our own
the cheap-ass animation of TAS
Bynars and Minuet
Beverly Crusher’s frustration in Arsenal of Freedom (and the episode’s Good Ship Lollipop joke)
Picard shooting the other version of himself in Time Squared (to clarify: out of respect for those times when we have to stop ourselves from getting caught in loops/doing stupid stuff and we summon up the courage to break a bad cycle and move forward)
Picard out-lawyering the Sheliak
Rachel Garrett; Yar and Castillo
Lal (but I can’t watch the end anymore, it hurts too much)
the Shakespeare and “Set a course for Betazed. Warp 9.” comedy in Ménage a Troi
Best of Both Worlds, I and II (Shelby inclusive)
every conference table discussion in all of TNG
Beverly’s jump in Remember Me (such a damn good episode)
the reveal in Future Imperfect (which one? all of them)
The Dancing Doctor tap dancing with Data
Darmok. And Jalad. At Tenagra.
Ro Laren
Troi saying, “You could have easily been right” to Ro in Disaster
Hugh, Third of Five
the fact that The Next Phase has so many plotholes and they’re forgivable because the episode is so fun and great
Scotty on the holodeck version of the TOS bridge and Picard joining him
Deanna’s “Ancient West” outfit
the Jefferies tube music and make out session in Lessons
Attached. Oh, my heart.
the Enterprise with three nacelles … and that absolutely perfect last shot of the series
“You exist here.”
Sisko’s casual, everyday affection for Jake
“Old Man”
Rejoined. Lenara Khan. The love. That kiss. The emotional stakes. All of it.
the three Ferengi hitting their own heads to try to fix their universal translators so the 20th century Earth military people mimic the movement to try to communicate
every second of Trials and Tribble-ations including Sisko working overtime to stop fuckmaster Dax, tossing the tribbles, Sisko meeting Kirk, “We do not discuss it with outsiders,” and so much more
Kira blaming Bashir for putting the baby inside her when … you know … behind the scenes
The Sons of Mogh helping with the harvest in Children of Time
Far Beyond the Stars — some of the best if not the best science fiction I have ever seen
the monster fakeout (and kindness) in The Sound of Her Voice, even though the end makes me cry
“Computer, erase that entire personal log.”
Sisko and Kassidy discussing their comfort levels about a simulation in which the reality was segregation
Janeway waterfalling off the sofa to be closer to Mark on the screen
“Warp particles!”
the lizard babies
the two Janeways in Deadlock
Remember (a painfully good Holocaust episode that doesn’t get enough credit and, yes, I know the path the script took and I’m glad it ended up as a B’Elanna episode)
“I don't know what I'm seeking.” “Then I believe you are ready to begin.”
“The child you spoke of, the girl. Her favorite color was red.” Also, Tuvok’s meditation lamp in the window for Kes.
hot damn, Counterpoint, yaaas
everything in Relativity
“The Yankees, in six games.”
Janeway going after Seven in The Voyager Conspiracy
“This is Lieutenant Reginald Barclay at Starfleet Command.” “It's good to hear your voice, Lieutenant. We've been waiting a long time for this moment.” “The feeling is mutual. Unfortunately, the micro-wormhole is collapsing. We have only a few moments.” “Understood. We are transmitting our ship's logs, crew reports, and navigational records to you now.” “Acknowledged. And we're sending you data on some new hyper-subspace technology. We're hoping eventually to use it to keep in regular contact, and we're including some recommended modifications for your comm system.” “We'll implement them as soon as possible.” “There's someone else here who would also like to say something.” “This is Admiral Paris.” “Hello, sir.” “How are your people holding up?” “Very well. They're an exemplary crew, your son included.” “Tell him, tell him I miss him. And I'm proud of him.” “He heard you, Admiral.” “The wormhole is collapsing.” “I want you all to know we're doing everything we can to bring you home.” “We appreciate it, sir. Keep a docking bay open for us.”
“Nice hair.” (Live Fast and Prosper)
Janeway and Jaffen in Workforce
the spot-on legal concerns of Author, Author
“Set a course. For home.”
(Nothing from Enterprise or Prodigy only because I haven’t watched enough of Enterprise or any of Prodigy)
Burnham and Georgiou forming the delta with their footsteps
the CGI on only the shields protecting Burnham from space
“Are we in session? Because I didn't know you were practicing again. Because if I have your undivided attention for fifty minutes, I can think of a whole bunch of other things we could be doing.”
“That's as depressing a trait as I've ever heard.” “I don't give a damn … I still don't give a damn.”
Cornwell beaming in, phaser aimed, taking command of Discovery
Cornwell phasering the fortune cookies
Cornwell’s voice breaking: “So my Gabriel is dead.”
Detmer’s little bounce when Emperor-as-Captain Georgiou takes command
Pike beaming aboard and instantly being all like MOJAVE to prove to the audience he’s the guy from The Cage
New Eden. Everything. Oh my God (pun intended). The visuals. Owo’s backstory. Pollard patching Pike up after he’s shot. The light at the end. Oh my God, yes. That episode. Yes.
Number freaking One beaming aboard and having her lunch briefing with Pike (Chris and Una’s decades-long friendship wasn’t canon yet, but it shows here so beautifully)
Gabrielle Burnham
“In case the shit hit the fan.”
Michael Burnham on truth serum
Laira Rillak, everyone!
season 1 Raffi Musiker
Fleet Admiral and Commander-in-Chief Kirsten Clancy
“You owe me a ship, Picard.”
“You need a feather in your hat.”
Riker greeting Picard
Hugh greeting Picard
the separate trio of Raffi, Clancy, and Deanna all telling Picard he’s shit
Rios singing in Spanish
President Annika Hansen
everybody finding each other in the Confederation Universe
Liam Shaw — a character with incredible highs and lows
Majel Barrett as the computer voice when the crew gets to the Enterprise D
“Somehow I figured you might.”
everything in Ghosts of Illyria
Spock and La’an’s mind meld
Spock and T’Pring in Spock Amok
“You cannot resign. The loss to Enterprise would be unimaginable. To me.”
“If you’re going to steal a starship, do it correctly.”
Neera Ketoul
La’an normalizing needing to eat all the time as a teenager (especially important for girls to hear)
Pike and Una visually checking in with each other so often that it’s in their cartoon versions (that whole episode, actually, including, “Riker!”)
That’s scrolling through episode titles and jotting down stuff I love off the top of my head, fam.✨
Thank you so much for this ask, anon! ❤️ I needed this positive energy in my life.
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jonfucius · 1 year ago
Great Star Trek Rewatch - TNG Season 1
Originally posted on Twitter 17 March 2021 - 6 April 2021
Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 1 is up next in my Great Star Trek Rewatch. As with ENT, DSC, STX, TOS, TAS, and TOS FF, mini-reviews will document my progress.
Encounter at Farpoint: TNG's pilot is the weakest of the various series premieres. Saving graces are John DeLancie's fully-formed Q, the McCoy cameo, the visual effects, Patrick Stewart's commanding performance, and the greatest tag line: Let's see what's out there, indeed. 5/10
The Naked Now: This episode would have worked better once we knew our heroes a little better (perhaps after "The Arsenal of Freedom"). Since we're still getting to know them, this rehash of a superior TOS episode is flat on arrival. Fully functional, it ain't. 4/10
Code of Honor: It's a racist piece of dogshit. Next. 0/10
The Last Outpost: Man, these Ferengi that allegedly eat their enemies must be as bad the Klingons or the Romulans! Uh, no. They're bad, but not in the way we've been expecting. The T'Kon Empire is worthy of follow-up. 5/10
Where No One Has Gone Before: TNG’s first great episode. Reality powered by thought is a classic Trek idea. Kosinski and the Traveler are excellent guest characters. I’m not the biggest Wesley fan but I cheer every time he calls out Riker. 8/10
Lonely Among Us: There’s just not enough story here to sustain an entire episode. Also, justice for Engineer Singh, reduced to a wig on a chair in one scene. The Antican and Selay makeup, however, are very well done. 5/10
Justice: 90% of this episode is hot garbage. The remaining 10% goes to Picard’s speech about absolute justice (something governments still struggle with), and Crusher’s grief over losing her son. If the Edo really were this primitive, would Picard have stopped there at all? 3/10
The Battle: Wesley’s smugness (and the weak writing for Crusher and Troi) drags the score down a bit, but this is a fairly good first season effort. Learning more about the otherwise enigmatic Picard through a Ferengi’s quest for revenge works. 8/10
Hide and Q: Q’s return so soon after the pilot tries to do something interesting, but it’s not an engaging story. 6/10
Haven: Lwaxana Troi is a love her or hate her character, and I adore her. Wyatt’s chemistry with Troi makes him a believable rival with Riker for Troi’s affections. The Tarellian ship is a striking design. 7/10
The Big Goodbye: While this episode is responsible (for better or worse) for holodeck malfunction stories, this one has a reasonable amount of tension. The reaction to Whalen’s shooting is an excellent in-universe touch. Redblock is effortlessly malevolent. 8/10
Datalore: I would imagine this was the first time people really took notice of just how damn good Brent Spiner is. Evil twin plots aren’t new to Trek, but this is a good one. Glad to see both villains again at later dates. 7/10
Angel One: It’s a sexist piece of shit. Next. 0/10
11001001: The visuals are striking, as are the Bynars. The holodeck scenes with Picard, Riker, and Minuet are worth the price of admission. A solid mid-season installment. 7/10
Too Short a Season: Fountain of Youth episodes are corny at best. A combination of makeup and casting dooms this one from the start. The Iran-Contra parallels come through loud and clear. 4/10
When the Bough Breaks: The Aldeans' plight is sympathetic. I just get the feeling that there's not enough plot to sustain an entire episode each time I watch this one. It's not objectionable but it's not oustanding, either. It just is. 5/10
Home Soil: Some very subtle commentary on the ravages of colonization gets lost in the "ugly bags of mostly water" scene at the very end. Malencon's death is somewhat gruesome for Trek (at least until the airing of the season finale). 6/10
Coming of Age: An excellent first season effort, with Wesley's exam and Remmick's investigation serving as the impetus for the title. Will we see Quinn and Remmick again? Time will tell. 8/10
Heart of Glory: A strong Klingon episode that sows the seeds for RDM’s sublime “Sins of the Father”. All killer no filler. 8/10
The Arsenal of Freedom: Confining this episode to a soundstage limits the scope and stakes of this one, but I do enjoy Crusher and Picard’s scenes. I especially love the Lower Deckers on the bridge. Some good commentary on the military-industrial complex here. 7/10
Symbiosis: Did Nancy Reagan write this stinker? A bummer that this was one of Merritt Butrick’s final roles before his too-early death from AIDS. It could’ve been a great one, but it’s just mediocre. 5/10
Skin of Evil: The first time a series regular dies…for good. The behind-the-scenes tales are legendary, but aside from the goofy oil slick monster, Yar’s senseless death (randomly, in the line of duty) and touching funeral elevates this episode. 7/10
We’ll Always Have Paris: I don’t know why, but this one works for me. I like the sense of isolation as our heroes track down Manheim; and the time distortions are fun, even if the science doesn’t make sense. 7/10
Conspiracy: This episode's shocking climax still hits hard over thirty years later. The unnerving feel of the episode kicks in from the jump and is sustained through to the chilling tag. A shame that this wasn't followed up in live-action. 8/10
The Neutral Zone: The return of the Romulans is dramatic, but the best scenes for me are in the 5th act and the tag. Picard's speech to the refugees is an inspiring summation of Star Trek, and even after an uneven season, it's hard not to be energized for what's to come. 8/10
And with that, TNG Season 1 comes to an end in my Great Star Trek Rewatch. Final score: 5.84/10. Highest score(s): “WNOHGB,” “The Battle,” “The Big Goodbye,” “Coming of Age,” “Heart of Glory,” “Conspiracy,” “The Neutral Zone.” Lowest score(s): “Code of Honor,” “Angel One.”
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poziepod · 2 years ago
When I was a kid, I thought Kirk and Picard were the same person. Little me was CONVINCED that James Tiberius Kirk would have some bull shit event happen that would magic him into Jean-Luc Picard. Maybe ala-Doctor Who, maybe funky government plot.
As an adult I affectionately call it “The Baldening”
Had no idea that TNG was a thing, and at the time I had only seen 20 minuets of the first reboot movie and 1 (one) TNG rerun at 3 in the morning. I had no clue there were multiple “star treks”. It was the episode with LARP Sherlock-Data for those of you wondering
I also wondered why I never saw Spock in the same room as “that guy who was Sherlock that one time” and why are they fighting Klingons? Aren’t they friends?? Isn’t there one on the crew??? Little me was VERY confused
What's your embarrassing trek related story, I'll start. I actually thought, until not that long ago, that root beer wasn't a real thing and they invented it in ds9. I thought it was supposed to be an Earth thing but from the future. I wasn't until "Mug Root Beer" became a meme like a year ago that I realised it actually existed LMAO
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bulkrolli · 2 years ago
Star trek tng minuet
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#Star trek tng minuet upgrade#
When the situation has passed, Riker discovers that Minuet is gone, and can't be re-created. Now that that they understand the problem, Picard and Riker use the ship's computer to help rejuvenate the Bynars. They feared an electromagnetic pulse from a nearby nova would ruin their world's master computer, so they sought to "borrow" the Enterprise: the only mobile computer with enough memory, but the pulse has already hit. Picard and Riker set the ship to self-destruct, but when they arrive on the bridge, they discover the Bynars are dying. Carolyn McCormick as Minuet on Star Trek TNG StarTrek Minuet was a sultry female hologram and character created in the holodeck of the USS Enterprise-D. The Bynars steal the Enterprise and warp off to their home planet, Bynaus. They soon discover the reason why: the Bynars were using Minuet as a decoy, while faking a magnetic containment field breakdown to to empty the ship. For the longest time, my husband and I thought that she played Minuet in Star Trek: The Next Generation Minuet showed up in 3 different episodes in 1988.
#Star trek tng minuet upgrade#
Soon, Picard joins them, and he is amazed at the difference the Bynars' upgrade has made - Minuet is almost too good. Guest Stars Carolyn McCormick: Minuet Gene Dynarski: Commander Quinteros Katy Boyer: Zero One Alexandra Johnson: One Zero. Events of all kinds have been occurring in the Star Trek universe, from the release of TNG Blu-rays to a handful of full-cast convention. So, believe it or not, the 25th anniversary of the series that captured lightning in a bottle again, is upon us. There, he meets Minuet, the most realistic holodeck character he's ever seen. Star Trek: The Next Generation debuted in syndication the week of September 28, 1987. While the crew puts in for shore leave, Riker tries out a new holodeck program for a New Orleans jazz bar where he can play trombone. Star Trek: The Next Generation 11001001 Series: The Next Generation - (1987-1994) Season: 1. The Enterprise visits Starbase 74 for an upgrade to the ship's computer - a task to be performed by the Bynars, a race that has grown so dependent upon computers that they work in pairs and communicate directly in a binary language. Stardate 41365.9: Bynars take over the Enterprise
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lomodistribution · 2 years ago
Star trek tng minuet
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In this simulation, she had died in a shuttle accident in 2381. Riker, mother of Jean-Luc Riker and ship's counselor of the USS Enterprise -D in a holographic simulation of the future created in 2367 by the alien Barash. And click HERE and HERE to read part one and two of our cast interview. Minuet 'Min' Riker was the wife of William T. Visit again tomorrow, as the TNG cast discusses which TNG film they considered the best working experience. The two most popular characters get good gigs. Patrick and Brent got the good guest stars, and that’s understandable. I never got to work with Leonard Nimoy, which I would have loved to have done. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. So that was great, but I never got to work with Jean Simmons, which I would have loved to have done. He knew his lines, which can’t be said for some of the younger guest stars we had no names. He was such a delightful man, a sweetheart. Of course, I knew him from the Star Trek conventions and the Star Trek functions we’d been to together, etc. The only really spectacular guest star, or important Star Trek guest star that I got to work with was Jimmy Doohan. Marina Sirtis: If you look back, when they were really good guests stars on the show, someone didn’t work very much that week, and it was usually me. Along with being a joy to work with, you "saw" why they are stars. Andreas Katsulas, who plays Tomalak in this episode. Michael Dorn: I loved Jean Simmons, John Anderson, and John Colicos. Factoids - Rikers wife Minuet is actually the holographic woman from TNG: 11001001. In episodes, (we had) Stephen Hawking, who was brilliant and funny, Jean Simmons, who was very classy, and Madeleine Albright, who was super-smart and funny (when she visited the set). (We had) Malcolm McDowell, who’s an awesome actor, and Tom Morello, who’s an unbelievable guitarist. Gates McFadden: My two biggest thrills were in the movies.
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filmjunky-99 · 3 years ago
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s t a r t r e k t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n created by gene roddenberry 11001001 [s1ep15]
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saddlerfan · 4 years ago
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When you get a threesome invitation
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defconprime · 4 years ago
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Minuet from Star Trek Timelines, 2018.
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legowillriker · 4 years ago
Okay, having just written a romance between an AI and a human with my girlfriend, I absolutely love Minuet and I miss her too. 😔
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theodorebasmanov · 4 years ago
I’ve rewatched “11001001” (Star Trek: The Next Generation, season 1, episode 15). And I even remember that episode! It’s the one about an outstanding holographic lady with whom both Riker and Picard have fallen in love. (Spoilers!) The point is that some strange binary aliens took over Enterprise to make Captain and the First Officer help them restore their world. They also created the remarkable lady to get Picard’s and Riker’s attention and make all other crew evacuate from the ship and take control themselves. Well, when they received their help and left the ship the lady from the holodeck disappeared. If the memory serves this was also the first episode where we saw Riker playing the saxophone, which we’re going to see it more times during the series.
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trek-tracks · 5 years ago
You: *making a typo* I’ll be there in seven minuets
Will Riker: 
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spockvarietyhour · 6 years ago
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This feels like a meme format
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pegd-illustrations · 6 years ago
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STAR TREK TNG: S01E15 “11001001” . The Enterprise docks at a starbase for repairs where it is commandeered by a race of technologically-linked aliens intent on using the vessel for their own purposes. . Follow me on Instagram: @pedg_illustrations
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dream-beyond-the-fantasy · 6 years ago
Favorite Riker episodes? And bonus question: favorite Riker ships (since there are literally hundreds to choose from :D)
Sorry that it has taken so long to answer this.  I just haven’t watched TNG for at least a few, maybe two?  So, I had to look them up by season and summary.  There actually might be more.
Season 1: “Encounter at Farpoint”, “Hide and Q”, “Angel One”
Season 2: “A Matter of Honor” (one of my most favorite Riker eps), “The Icarus Factor”
Season 3: “A Matter of Perspective”, “Menage a Troi” (I love the Troi women and Will), “The Best of Both Worlds Part 1″
Season 4: “The Best of Both Worlds Part 2″, “Future Imperfect”, “First Contact”
Season 5: “The Outcast”
Season 6: “Frame of Mind”, “Second Chances”
Season 7: “Gambit Parts 1 & 2″, “The Pegasus”
**EDIT: I forgot the bonus question! My only true Riker ship is Will Riker & Deanna Troi.  But I did like Will and Minuet from “11001001″.
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