#Star Wars women
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ndekvart · 20 days ago
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I think she’s neat 💅🩵
Jedi Leia supremacyyyy
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virgosvoid · 11 months ago
Ladies and gentleman, Hera fucking Syndulla
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now-you-sound-like-a-jedi · 6 months ago
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Barbie (written by Greta Gerwig, delivered by America Ferrera)
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baaaaaaaam · 1 year ago
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teabeearts · 7 months ago
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Star Wars Happy AU | Older Anakin with Leia on Coruscant
A full illustration made by me of these two supporting Padme in the upcoming election.
Trust in Naboo representatives and senators fell drastically after Palpatines attempted rise to dictatorship.
Has that all changed 2 decades on?
Luke is supporting his mother offworld.
Art made by me!
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womeninfictionandirl · 11 months ago
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Sabine Wren by Brian Stelfreeze
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cassiansrebels · 13 days ago
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❝I'm Jyn Erso. Daughter of Galen and Lyra. You've lost.❞
❝Oh I have, have I?❞
She gets her strength from her mama💫 Trust the force...
A little something for women's day
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tonsillessscum · 1 year ago
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meshlact9901 · 13 days ago
Happy International Women's Day 💜
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servethelight · 10 months ago
One thing I love about Star Wars is that most of the Canon relationships consist of a man falling in love with a woman who told him he was stupid and / or tried to kill him once and has a degree in bad bitchology.
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revanknightwoman · 6 months ago
First time playing Old Republic DLC is like:
When you say star wars lacks powerful women characters:
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virgosvoid · 11 months ago
Women in Clone Wars>>>
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colleybri · 8 months ago
Cassian x Bix and Rebelcaptain: Please let these ships be friends !
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I ‘ship’ Cassian x Bix AND Cassian x Jyn. I see there has been some conflict in the past when the “new woman” was first brought in with the series, some that remains now, and I’m both saddened and bemused by that.
Rebelcaptain for me is a canon relationship… to a certain extent. I have no doubt that these brave heroes would have ended up together had they lived. That’s why I love it… the whole beautiful tragedy of what might have been, and the loyalty that binds people together when making a sacrifice like this. Were they actually in love, in canon? For me – no. Not yet. And that’s important for my personal enjoyment of Rogue One, especially its ending. As the novelisation stresses, Cassian dies without knowing Jyn as “There wasn’t the time”. And I simply don’t believe you can love someone without knowing them . But I enjoy the idea of exploring what would have happened had they lived. They are a perfect loyal “battle couple”, definitely my favourite fanon SW couple and great to imagine together. I see Rebelcaptain also as a way of giving them the happy ending they deserved. Oh - and the chemistry between Felicity Jones and Diego Luna on-screen is absolutely electric. In short and again: I have no doubt that they would have fallen in love had they lived and would have been perfect for each other. And they are a perfect fanon ship.
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(^^ And I I think this is the exact moment in canon when they both acknowledge the loss of what might have been. It’s just heartbreakingly beautiful… )
Cassian x Bix - I don’t even think of it as a ‘ship’ per se as it is a 100% canon relationship, and one that is currently ongoing as we wait for Andor S2.. It’s fascinating to me – 17 years of friendship that has occasionally blossomed into a romantic/sexual relationship. It’s a genuinely unusual set up too. I’ve read a few takes that they are “over each other” by the time of the start of the series, to which I want to say … watch again, closely! They certainly have moved on to date different people, but it’s also very clear from their interactions (especially in the intense scene in Ep 7) that there is still a lot of extremely deep feeling between them – even if some of it is very negative. In the S1 production notes, the show’s creator Tony Gilroy says that they “are meant to be together… but it’s been impossible all these years. Now, she’s done with him … he’s burnt every last bridge .” Why? The series also provides the answer – Cassian is in many ways an absolute mess at the start of the season and Bix was quite rightly fed up with him as a boyfriend. He’s completely unreliable, likes short-lived affairs (often with married women - so no risk of commitment!), isn’t working regularly and has debts all over the place. This largely stems from his “unresolved childhood trauma”. He has a fear of “leaving people behind” and despite having a lot of love to give “ is so scared of being loved”. But he and Bix nonetheless prove to be incredibly loyal friends and their love in this platonic sense clearly runs very deep indeed. They have known each other since he was 10 so she is also something like a sister figure. Bix is still very protective of Cassian and takes personal risks for him… and he finally comes to appreciate this and pay back his metaphorical debt to her in the finale. The question now is what season 2 holds for them, if anything.
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(^^ I love the way she is using her fingertips to push his hand off, as if to avoid the risk of too much touch. The gesture and look that says “Please don’t try and get close to me again because we both know how bad that is for us… but I’m such a total idiot when it comes to you that I will still very unwisely go out of my way to help you, especially when you look at me like that so please just don’t”)
Does loving their messy and complicated relationship mean that I want Cassian and Bix to ‘end up together’ ? No, and the obvious additional point is that they don’t! They are both going to be very different people at the start of S2 and over the following years of the story . Bix has been traumatised; Cassian has been radicalised. And that’s just the start. Perhaps they quickly drift apart. Perhaps some kind of betrayal is involved. Perhaps one or both of them will want to commit again to a relationship, but it’s impossible because of the demands of the rebellion (like Vel /Cinta). Perhaps Bix “ends up with” someone else (Brasso, ideally, especially if they both survive the season). Perhaps they will get back together at least for a while and enjoy a little last happiness before inevitable heartbreak. Perhaps all, some or none of these. But none of that stops me from loving and appreciating what they do have, what they have had up to now, and the intriguing dynamics of when they do interact on screen. Bix x Cassian attracts me as a fanfic ship because it’s all about exploring what is there and how it came to be, which is why I currently don’t write them beyond the present time of season 1. I’m waiting to see what happens next in Canon, as it were, because that to me is an important part of writing them. Meanwhile, I’m enjoying analysing the relationship by imagining them in the past.
So for me Bix x Cassian in no way impacts on Jyn x Cassian or vice versa, especially if you apply… real life principles rather than the ideals of fandoms: “soulmates” and OTPs. Many people – most people – will have a beautifully intense and loving relationship with more than one person at different times of their lives. I’m old – trust me on this one.
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^^ Both relationships in these two scenes go way beyond romance. In the first - many years of close and loyal friendship. In the second: a bond created through brave and selfless sacrifice together. And for both: Cassian’s absolute hatred of being “someone who leaves people behind”: the quality that I love best about him. And saving each other. Literally and metaphorically.
And oh… it’s beautiful. Both moments are beautiful.
Edit: here we go - another lovely link! Battle couple vibes and Cassian working with a strong woman. Perfect shipping material! I mean, they have to take a little time off from fighting fascists sometime, right? Riiight?
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teabeearts · 3 months ago
✨️Empress Padme humbles cocky Officer.✨️
HOW IS 2025 LITERALLY HERE WHAT EVEN!Happy Holidays and New Years my loves!Thank you so much for all your support.
Commissions open.⬇️
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now-you-sound-like-a-jedi · 6 months ago
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Hunter by Paris Paloma
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womeninfictionandirl · 11 months ago
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Sabine Wren by Jason Baroody
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