#Stanley loves Patty
fresh-and-funky · 5 months
I have a funny and nonsensical IT headcanon… I think it would be hilarious if Richie and Patty were cousins.
IT’s magic kept the losers from meeting, but Richie and Patty had a standing once-a-month call they never missed. Somehow he never met his cousin’s husband. Missed the wedding too, flight got canceled last minute….
I think it would stress Stan out and I love that.
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incorrect-losers · 4 months
Stan: You get no context but I'm a stupid fucking bitch, you already knew that but I'm confirming
Eddie: What happened?
Stan: Nothing just I am
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greenpidge101 · 2 months
No one asked but here are some fics I think nail the losers personalities
The Losers Being Dumbasses for * Fics Straight by curry_munch3r
These fics make me scream laugh
Description: This is basically just the fanfic format of those celebrity YouTube compilations. But with the Losers--what a twist, I know
Nor Rivers Drown It by theparadigmshifts
I will forever hype this fic up, it’s one of my all times favorites
Description: "We promised to confide in each other, and cherish each other, and sustain each other, and all that jazz.”
Stan stares at her, blinks twice.
"And right now, that means going back to your horror-show hometown, and facing your trauma, and potentially killing a demon. Together.
Or: When Mike calls from Derry, Patty answers the phone instead.
Or maybe there's plenty of time by Liilaac
Another one of my all time favorites, the relationship between Stan, Richie and Patty is everything
Description: A fix-it series in (hopefully) three parts focusing on Richie and Stan's friendship. What if Richie and Stan met again before going back to Derry? What would have changed and how would the situation have evolved? First part takes place before chapter two, second part during, and third part (hopefully) after.
go west by ssstrychnine
If you love reddie you have to read this fic, it’s mandatory
Description: 1996: richie and eddie finish school, drive to san francisco, change their lives ft. hair braiding, a fake las vegas wedding, waterfalls, bumper cars, and approx. 3300 miles.
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“I’m so young and you’re so old
This my darling I’ve been told
I dont care just what they say
Cause forever I will pray
You and I will be as free
As the birds up in the trees…”
Some StanPat bc I keep thinking abt how Stan can do an eerily good Paul Anka impression AND because StanPat is ADORABLE.
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cwcthzl · 2 months
as a part of their routine patty laying on stanley's chest on bed at night where stan is reading - he is holding his book with one hand and playing with patty's hair with the other - as patty listens to his heartbeat. stanley kissing patty's forehead occasionally just to feel her smile against his skin.
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talkshowboyluvr · 5 months
when u pull up to the most cringy it fan in 2017 competition but i'm there
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turtlecult89 · 5 months
Stanpat thoughts(because I just read pattys chapter in the book): Stan quoting romantic gone with the wind quotes at her.
Accepted. I live for wifeguy Stan. That man worships the ground that Patty walks on, and she loves him so much in return 😭
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darkcrowprincess · 5 months
Patty Uris yelling at Maturin the turtle about Stan: You bring him back! You bring him back! You brought him into my life so you bring him back!
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
(i think i’ve already posted this before but idc) ok a stanpat au where stanley gets lost in the woods while birdwatching, and after walking around for hours he finally comes across this little cottage in the woods, and when he goes to ask for directions, he meets patty: a witch who lives in that cottage. 
she invites stanley in and gives him some food and water and a place to sit down for a while, and he’s a bit skeptical at first- after all, he’s read hansel and gretel- but once he realizes that patty isn’t a murderer and that she hasn’t poisoned the bread she gave him, he starts to relax a bit, but not fully... he’s still nervous, but it’s not because of the fact that he’s sitting in a stranger’s home. no, he’s nervous because patty is the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen in his life, with a warm smile and a sweet laugh that makes his heart beat faster. plus, she seems genuinely fascinated when he tells her that he was out in the forest birdwatching, and asks him about all the birds he’s seen. stanley could have talked to her for hours. 
patty, on the other hand, is just so ecstatic because she’s never been allowed to talk to a regular human before. it’s always been very strict, keeping the magical and normal worlds apart, hence why patty was sent to live in a cottage so far away from the closest town that no one should have been able to stumble upon her. and if anyone ever did find her, she was under firm orders to turn them away and erase their memories. 
but with stanley... well, she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. he was so kind and funny (and handsome), and he was just the perfect company that she needed after so long of being alone in that little cottage. when he got up and thanked her for her kindness and told her that he probably should start making his way back before it got dark, she was a little disappointed. but she bid him goodbye with some more of her homemade bread in case he got hungry again, and silently hopes that she will see him again. 
...and she does. the next time stanley goes birdwatching in those woods he happens to... “get lost” again, and “somehow” ends up back at the cottage. this time, patty is out in the front, planting flower seeds in the garden when he arrives (thank goodness he hadn’t come only a few minutes earlier, when patty had been using her magic to pick fruit from her trees- that would have been a challenge to explain). patty invites him inside again, as she does again the week after, and the week after that, and every week when stanley makes the journey through the forest to see her. 
stanley had never been in love before, but he suspects that what he feels when he’s with patty may very well be love. patty knows that it’s love, because how could she not love stanley? she knows that the chances of being able to be with him are slim to none (after all, he still didn’t know that she was a witch... and she had no idea how to tell him), but she tries not to let that change things. instead, she tries to just focus on the now, to enjoy all of stan’s little visits while she still can.
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saltygilmores · 7 months
So I had seen this Charity Dance Marathon gimmick on an episode of the Golden Girls (an episode which aired in 1987) and I feel as if I’ve seen it on other shows as well. (fun fact I just learned this week: Gilmore Girls and Golden Girls both shared at least one writer). Were these ever real things or is this just a gimmick made up for sitcoms? Are there real people out there shaking their moneymakers til they drop? Who can actually dance for 24 hours with only minimal breaks? It seems incredibly uncomfortable. See also: Charity bachelor auctions (Seen this gimmick on The Golden Girls again, and The Simpsons). Stars Hollow could never auction off a date with a hunky bachelor because Miss Patty keeps all the eligible single men and teenage boys chained up in her basement. I may have to do some research on these phenomenons.
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I already can't stop saying Shug and Shuggy and Shugar at random intervals after seeing Land of Bad yesterday, and Babette is not helping, lol. Maybe on a different timeline, she was Shug's Momma (actually...maybe I shouldn't wish that for dear Babette).
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I just want to point out the sign in the background reading: "All students riding a school bus home after school must wait in the gym." Who is so far away they're taking a bus to school in Stars Hollow? Stars Hollow is like four feet long. Maybe there are so few teenagers in The Hollow they have to consolidate with other districts and bus in students from other towns, like seat fillers. Those poor kids, deprived of an education like that.
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Everything reminds me of Captain John "Sugar/Shug" Sweet. Sookie informs Lorelai that under duress, she reluctantly agreed to her husband's "four in four" plan (four kids in four years, what is she, a dog?) and now she can't back out or have a conversation with him about it so she has no choice but to lay down and accept his sperm, lest she cause any conflict in their newlywed marriage where things are still bright and shiny and they enjoy sniffing each other in the morning, or something like that.
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Tell that to Liz Danes.
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That's rich and creamy coming from Ms. "I Almost Married Max Medina Without Discussing Where We Were Going to Live".
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This is a janky medical operation we've got going on here. Medical examinations being performed next to open containers of food, no gloves being worn by medical personel or kitchen staff, and massage therapists walking around wearing tshirts saying "Masseuse" on them, because it's important to establish who you're getting massaged by. If it doesn't say Masseuse on the shirt, you might end up getting a rubdown from an unsanctioned random weirdo.
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Alexis's is sneering like, "I'm here working 14 hours day in the Los Angeles heat in a heavy coat with a bunch of DORKS when I could be home boinking MY NEW BOYFRIEND MILIO VENTIMIGLIA and touching his BIG WANG! But maybe we can sneak in a quickie behind craft services later"
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Mrs Kim is the real star of this episode.
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Oh hey Mrs. Stanley Appleman.
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If you keep drinking all that coffee, you're going to turn into a Coffee. Or probably have back to back heart attacks.
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The clock is ticking to Shane's imminent demise. Hopefully her collapse from excessive blood loss won't get in the way of the other dancers, because Jess is going to butcher her behind the school without any witnesses. He is home sharpening his axe. #MurderOnTheDanceFloor #BetterNotKillTheGroove How the hell did they rustle up 156 couples/ 312 people for this thang anyway?
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I love Luke in this episode :)
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Pretty rich and creamy coming from you, Miss No Car, No Job, No Pet, One Friend, Butthead Boyfriend, Goes Home From College Every Weekend to Visit Mommy. Kirk has a thousand careers, he will eventually have a pet and a girlfriend, and what reason would you need a car in The Hollow? Except to escape it. Kirk easily has the most interesting life in The Hollow, save for Miss Patty, maybe (who has the most interesting past). He seems pretty content with his life. I love that there's a "security" guard back there. I guess he was sleeping on the job when Shane's cries of agony rang out into the cold Connecticut sky.
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Says Miss Lonely Pathetic Existence Also Attending The Same Marathon With Lonely Pathetic Mother And Every Other Lonely Pathetic citizen of the entire town.
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If Lane doesn't stop causing so much friction in Hep Alien, she might be replaced with this guy. I'm sure he will get paid equally as much drumming for a group of teenagers as he's currently getting paid to drum for a small town twerk-till-you-drop charity event.
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Remember when swing music had a brief resurgence in the late 90s? Those were the days, oh some days they were. But since time stands still in The Hollow, they're actually still on the 1930's wave. This is too much fun and so cute and whimsical and joyous and what a wonderful episode it is. Can't even snark too hard about the dancing. Lowering snark cannons.
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They're going to go home and have unbelievable amounts of sex.
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You know who else is going to go home after the DM and have an unbelievable amount of sex? I'm sorry. You came to The Thing, Dean! You did the bare minimum! You paid your girlfriend and her mother an uninspired compliment! For that Lorelai will stare at you like a hungry dog salivating over the last scrap of meat on a bone.
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riveatstoes · 1 year
For Your Consideration, Some Terrible Losers Club Headcanons**
**Mostly Eddie cus I think he’s silly
When they got married, Eddie and Myra’s wedding colors were teal and white
Their wedding song was “A Thousand Years” from the Twilight soundtrack — Eddie thinks it’s the most beautiful song to ever be written
Richie uses Apple Music (saw this in a fanfic somewhere, couldn’t unsee it)
Eddie’s the type of guy to mansplain the “true message of” Hamilton to the women in his workplace/Myra
After Derry 2016, Bill sends all of his books to Beverly so she can approve/veto the endings. She’s usually a good neutral party
The Losers meet once a month at least for dinner and to catch up
Richie gives them all VIP passes to his future shows and they never fail to show up (even when he ends up relentlessly bullying them on stage)
Bill and Richie definitely kissed in front of paparazzi once “for the bit” (Audra approved of this and thought it was hilarious)
Eddie was a huge fan of Twilight but didn’t admit it because he saw himself as “above” the other fans
They welcomed Patty Uris as an honorary Loser after Stan’s funeral. She and Mike get along the most of all of them
Despite not being a millennial, Eddie certainly acts like a stereotypical one and you cannot convince me otherwise (hence the Twilight and Hamilton references)
Eddie’s the type of guy to say “don’t talk to me before I’ve had my coffee”*
*If he doesn’t have his coffee then Eddie’s a little bit agitated throughout the day, BUT if Beverly doesn’t have her coffee she will kill someone. Stan is somewhere between them
Mike adopted a Pomeranian after leaving Derry. Richie is sometimes horrified of it
The others bring up Eddie frequently in a joking way, but rarely (at first) does Richie participate. Somehow nobody notices that he gets quiet when they bring the topic up
The Losers got famous on social media after reconnecting, purely because of how weird they seem together. Beverly’s personal accounts quickly turned into everyone’s source for Losers content
I’m sorry but Ben seems like the type of guy to go to a family event and ask “where’s my hug? :D”
Bill would want to make his son a junior to “carry on his family name” but also, I feel like if he were to have kids he’d be graced with all girls. Girldad Bill…hm
Richie being their universe’s Bill Hader is so silly to me because, and ONLY because of Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. I feel like the Losers would relentlessly bully him for that shit
Not a headcanon but I love Patty and Audra, I’m quite possibly their biggest fan
Audra, Patty, and Bev best girlboss unit. I love the idea of them hanging out maybe I should write a fanfic about it
Obviously I’m a huge fan of the idea that Stanley and Eddie never died but that’s not exactly a headcanon so. Um. They’re still alive in my heart
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blackoutbugza · 9 months
hey beetles!
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hey there! my name’s blackoutbugza. 
“what do i call you?”
you can call me by my username, or you can call me by my nicknames: bugza, bob, and cam. :)
“who is your target audience?”
my blog is mostly ages 13+ for explicit language, in-character art which may involve sensitive content such as blood, knives, scissors, cuts, scars, suicide, sexual innuendo, injuries, or even death. this sounds like an ad for medicine. of course, i will have warnings on my posts if any of these apply to them. 
(note: 13+ DOES NOT mean 18+. please keep this in mind, im still a minor too.)
“what fandoms are you in?”
in order from most to least currently hyperfixated:
sanders sides
bfdi/osc community
bee and puppycat
south park
spooky month
five nights at freddy’s
scott pilgrim
stanley parable
^i’m more than happy to talk about any of these fandoms if you’re interested!
“do you support multishippers?”
yes! i find no harm in shipping someone with more than one person (if they’re not anyone from real life). in fact, i’m a multishipper myself!
“do you take art requests?”
you betcha! any day, any time. but i do have some rules however for what i can and cannot draw for you:
i’m totally okay with ship art. as long as it’s not anything involving p*dophelia, inc*st, r*cism, some kind of f*tish, or anything else falling under that umbrella.
following that “ship art” thing, poly ships are just as valid too. follow the the rules as rule 1 please.
although i may post this art from time to time on my own, i will not do any personal OCs or AUs. i love them very much and you have interesting characters, but this is basically the equivalent to asking, “can you draw me?”
i can draw theories as long as they’re not harmful ones, and as long as they at least make sense.
i won’t take requests for any fandom outside of the list i have above. (however of course, let’s if you wanted a sanders sides art request and you asked for emile picani or remy sleep, that would be fine since sanders sides, the sleep shorts, and cartoon therapy are all in the same universe.)
“who’s on your DNI list?”
p*dophiles, inc*sts, pro-lifers, anyone who will go out of their way to hate on furries or alterhumans (or claims they are the same), harmful f*tish artists/enjoyers, NSFW artists/enjoyers, r*cists, misogynists and misandrists, ableists, homophobes, transphobes, or anyone pro-israel. ^anyone who interacts with me who’s on this list WILL be unfollowed/blocked, and will not receive any sort of contact from me.
“what if i have a question you don’t answer in this introduction post?”
my “send art requests!” button also works as an answering service for any further questions you may have.
“what sanders sides ships will you and will you not do art requests for?”
(not in order from favorites)
karrot kings
literally anything else as long as it’s not in the wont list
what’s your favorite color(s)?”
peach, ivory, mango orange, and taupe :)
“why do you only talk in lowercase?”
because i can
“dogs or cats?”
“what’s your favorite holiday?”
i like my birthday!
“are you dating someone?”
nope ;_;
“what’s your favorite object show(s)?”
hfjone, happy star’s gtos, xfohv/the subscriber count, tdos, and the nightly manor
“who’s your favorite sanders sides character(s)?”
logan and c!joan (it may seem like it’s remus but he’s just the funnest to draw)
“why do you take so long to answer art requests?”
i’m lazy (and dried of motivation)
“what’s your favorite pattycake style?”
peppermint patty
“what’s your favorite pokémon?”
mimikyu (basic autism stuff ik)
“oh! do you have autism?”
“what’s your favorite breakfast food?”
“how do you color your art?”
i make 3 layers. top layer is for outline, bottom layer is for the coloring, and the middle layer is for potential shading or watermarks i may want to remove.
“why did you make a tumblr acc?”
i wanted to post my art on a platform where sanders sides is fairly known and the fandom is stable.
“what’s your favorite book series?”
i don’t like reading :/ if i had to choose one it would probably be the fazbear frights books
“favorite musical artist(s)?”
jack stauber, madilyn mei, tally hall, thomas sanders (if he counts-)
“friends you wanna tag?”
(anyone who wants to be added/removed just message me & i’ll do it)
i think that’s all. you know the drill.
drink water, eat a snack, take a shower, brush those teeth, and love yourself so much you can shatter the multiverse with just how much you can say “i love me” and mean it. (that would be funny if that actually happened be the one to do it pls)
seriously though. love you.
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incorrect-losers · 10 months
Stan's flirt style https://youtube.com/shorts/KGUROBAMIQ8?si=DxsLwOJZAPFDFJGb
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Stanley 3 minutes in to his first meeting with Patty and he has already mentioned 7 different types of warblers
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Patty already falling for this bird obsessed goofball
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greenpidge101 · 11 months
It’s spooky season so that means….
Richie: Peewee Herman
Richie probably looked up to Paul Reubens as a kid and wanted to honor him. He had Bev make the costume so that it was spot on.
Eddie: Nurse
Eddie isn’t the biggest fan of dressing up but Richie begged him and he couldn’t say no. He grabbed some scrubs he had laying around and now Richie won’t stop calling him McSteamy.
Stanley and Patty: Dj Crazy Times and Ms Biljana Elctronica
Stanley and Patty have been doing Halloween costumes together since they started dating. Patty has recently gotten TikTok and is obsessed with planet of the bass and somehow convinced Stan to be DJ Crazy Times and Ms Biljana Electronica. She recreated the video and posted it on TikTok and it went viral due to Richie and Beverly dancing in the background.
Beverly: Marie Antoinette
Bev has been working on a new line based off of different era of clothing. Since she was already working on Rococo era, she decided to be Marie Antoinette. It took her months but she has the everything from the giant hoop skirt to the wig.
Ben and Mike: Ryan and Shane
Mike goes all out for Halloween and got Ben to do a costume with him. They’re dressed as Ryan and Shane from the watcher/buzzfeed unsolved. (I feel like Mike is Ryan and Ben is Shane) Mike loves their videos and got Ben hooked on them.
Bill: Himself
he couldn’t be bothered to dress up for Halloween so he went to the party as “famous author William Denbrough.” When he arrived at the party, Bev forced him to wear cat ears.
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careful what you wish for stannyboy
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cwcthzl · 21 days
stanley coming home late after a celebration at work, clearly has more alcohol on his system than usual, stumbling into he and patty's room and finding his wife in front of her mirror taking her makeup off. his lips curls into a love-dazed smile as he slowly approaches patty with a soft "hey," and make the woman turn to look at him.
patty looks at him for a moment chuckling at her husband's state while stanley is taking note of every detail of her face, because, god, she gets more and more beautiful as the days pass.
"hi," patty replies. still kinda amused by stan's dumb expression. "looks like someone had a good time."
"'m having a better one now," stan makes out words almost sheepishly. he takes one look at the makeup wipe in patty's hand, and on her face, and on the makeup wipe again.
"can i help with that?" he says with his eyes gesturing to the wipe in patty's hand.
and just a minute later patty is on stan's lap, eyes closed, a slight blush across her cheeks as stanley gently rubs the makeup off of his wife's face and tells her, with his slightly slurred words, how beautiful she is and how he wishes to know how to paint just so centuries later people can experience how it feels to look at pure beauty.
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