Lizzie pizzie Ice cream queen
147 posts
Hello, I hope somebody is listening. She/her, sapphic. Dancing queen ! Just blogging whatever I think 🍓🐡🍦🍀🩰👗🎀⚔️👠🌊
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lizzieicecreamqueen · 2 days ago
Why are Raine fans so freaky? 😭
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lizzieicecreamqueen · 4 days ago
I just finished watching Mamma Mia with my little sister. If was her first time watching it and we laughed, danced, sang, teared up and laughed so much! It was such a beautiful experience I won't forget. Mamma Mia it's probably my favorite movie and I'm so happy to introduce it to her. She's 10 and the movie its for +13 but oh well... it was worth it! Who actually cares about age ratings anyways?
But yeah, it was so much fun! We literally jumped and screamed all across the living room our mum had to tell us to shut up 😭 Unforgivable moment! I love her so much <3
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lizzieicecreamqueen · 5 days ago
This 28th I WONT be available. Ari its releasing Eternal Sunshine Deluxe and Artms its releasing Burn. I will be busy streaming and screaming. Don't bother me. Thanks.
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lizzieicecreamqueen · 6 days ago
The the doctor simping trend its the Springtrap simping thing all over again 😭
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lizzieicecreamqueen · 7 days ago
I have such a maternal instinct towards baby Bill yall don't get it
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lizzieicecreamqueen · 12 days ago
This is so beautiful
My Greatest Critic
You didn’t do enough. You barely even tried. Insufferably selfish. Unjustified pride. Your words cut deep, said to cause pain, You still found reasons to complain. You paid no heed to those around, Saw not how mom in worries drowned.
For in your world there was just you, And in just your head — just were you. The others wrong, but you were right. You knew just how the world turned, right? The righteous king atop his throne, He knows it all — let it be known! But your peers didn’t seem to see, The genius that lied in thee. Pretentious, proud, and cruel to boot, You’ve rendered your whole message moot.
With time, though, true wisdom arrived, Your past would cut you like a knife. With ev’ry jab and selfish deed, The knife would twist, cause you to bleed. The words you said so easily, Would haunt you now, and frequently.
Like when your mother said to thee: “One day you’ll be the death of me”
I’m glad it hurts you to think back, I’m glad you finally see. But there’s no worth in senseless hurt, So let me set you free.
I hold you to this standard, ‘cause I know you in and out. And doing better, day by day, is what you’re all about.
But there’s no worth in senseless hurt, So please, put down the whip. Don’t flagellate yourself for your transgressions as a kid.
It’s good to be reflected; Reflect and do be good. By steady effort, day by day, And not by hook nor crook.
You’re doing quite a lot now, You always try your best. Reflected, just and selfless, So walk with a wide chest.
I hold you to this standard, ‘cause none else ever will. They see you as you are right now,
I see the young me, still.
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lizzieicecreamqueen · 12 days ago
The Owl House Winter
Amphibia Spring
Gravity Falls Summer
Over The Garden Wall autumn
This is how my life works
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lizzieicecreamqueen · 13 days ago
I've been without Internet for 2 full days. Worst experience ever, made me realise how much of an addict I am. 0/10 😀
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lizzieicecreamqueen · 16 days ago
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lizzieicecreamqueen · 16 days ago
Drawing by my little sister. Bill, Yarnaby, Freddy, Hooty, Polly & Shmebulock. She took some of my favorite things and combined them all in a picture, I love her sm 😭
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lizzieicecreamqueen · 19 days ago
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i havent animated in so long i miss it 😔
look at them theyre being goofy
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lizzieicecreamqueen · 19 days ago
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And then they had hot chocolate, with extra sprinkles.
Finally got around to finishing the Ford and Mabel mini comic! I’ve wanted to do something centered around them both worrying over the future, albeit with different reasons. Plus, I think they both have a special way to make each other feel better. From one alpha twin to another.
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lizzieicecreamqueen · 20 days ago
Lady Olivia looks like she would wear Louboutins and I love her for that
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lizzieicecreamqueen · 29 days ago
I personally hate when people portrait Sasha in a masculine way. One of the things that made me love her character (and relate to it) was the fact that she is a strong, total badass fighter while still being girly. I think it's such a cool contrast that we don't get to see thaaaaaaat often in tv so it frustrates me when people make her be boyish, like, Sasha is definitely a girlie girl and it's shown on the series! I get that people can have headcanons though, I just dislike this one
(Don't get offended by this, it's just my opinion)
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lizzieicecreamqueen · 1 month ago
This has me giggling and kicking my feet, it's so cute
"My dad has the hots for your dad!"
Amity can only stare as Hunter slams his hands down on the table she is working at. He glares at her with narrow eyes and a mouth pressed firmly into a thin line. The perfect picture of determination and confidence. 
"What. Did you just say?" 
He immediately deflates at her pointed and icy tone. His hands leave her table and fidget with his overalls and hair instead while he squirms from side to side, eyes averted and cheeks blushing. 
"I-uhm. I read that in one of Mama Camila's books. It- well, I mean, it means-" 
Amity cuts him off. "I know what it means. Didn't Camila forbid you from reading them?" 
Them being the small paperbacks with the half naked humans on the front. Usually a woman in distress with a very well built male, rescuing her from certain doom with wet hair and big abs. The first time Camila had caught Hunter reading one of them she'd almost burst a blood vessel and ripped it right out of his hands. 
"Nonononono," she had chanted and hugged a perplexed Hunter to her chest, carding a hand through his hair. "Those books are way too spicy for an innocent, cute boy like you!" 
Hunter huffs and puffs. "I'm an adult. She can't tell me what to read." At Amity's raised eyebrow he mutters "And she didn't find the one hidden under my mattress." 
He shakes his head and takes her shoulders to shake her a little. She allows it, 'cause she can see how agitated he is. "But that's not the point! Darius has… he likes your dad. As in like-like! And we gotta figure out how we feel about that." 
Amity thinks about Darius. The dashing rebel, who had been pulling the strings of an uprising in the shadows from the start. A headstrong abomination user. He would definitely be a big step up from Odalia, that's for sure. 
She imagines Darius as her father's new partner and discovers that she is more than okay with that. 
Amity is not naive. She knows her father needs a headstrong partner at his side, someone who is not afraid to take the reins in a relationship. Not like Odalia, who's taken that to mean that she should micromanage every facet of his life and turn him into someone he is not, but someone who reminds her father to eat and to leave work alone every once in a while. 
"I approve." Amity says and seeing Hunter's desolate expression narrows her eyes. "You got a problem with my dad?" 
"What?" Hunter lets her shoulders go as if they have burned him. "No, of course not! He's super cool! I just… Arrrrrg!" He rapidly runs his hands through his hair. "I just don't know if I can handle a second parental figure!"
He starts walking up and down in front of her, Waffles flying after him with happy little trills. "Things with Darius are good right now. He told me to call him Dad and it's… It's yeah, you know? But it's also a bit awkward sometimes, you know? The only father figure I ever had before… Well. And we are still trying to find our rhythm, you know? How am I supposed to deal with another parent right now?"
"Hunter!" Amity has to shout to get him to stop. She can't believe she is having this conversation right now. "Hunter. You do know that you have like, four parental adults in your life. Don't you?" 
He blinks at her and his blank face tells her everything she needs to know. She wants to face-palm so bad right now. "What?" 
Amity starts counting on her hand. "You call Camila Mama Camila." 
"Wha- But that's just-", he splutters. Amity talks right over him. 
"Eda calls you her Fledgling at least once a week and she and Raine are kinda a packaged deal. Grandma and Grandpa Clawthorne call you son so often, I don't even know if they know your real name. Every time Lilith fusses over your scars she mutters 'my poor boy' under her breath. And let's not forget Willow's parents who took one look at you and had the adoption papers ready." Amity looks at her hands, which have barely been enough to count on. "Oh look at that. Not four but eight, actually."
Hunter looks gobsmacked and not a little teary eyed. Amity pats his shoulders, just a little relieved that he has apparently forgotten about their parents budding romance over this new revelation. She'd rather not get involved in that for as long as possible. 
"Face it, Hunter. You are pretty much public son number one at this point." 
There is no reason for this except that I had the image of hunter saying "my dad has the hots for your dad" and me running with it
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lizzieicecreamqueen · 1 month ago
Kinnie bingo of some of my fav girlies
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lizzieicecreamqueen · 1 month ago
Here's a little silly fnaf headcanon I have that makes me giggle.
William its actually ginger but dyes his hair cause he's embarrassed; That's why Elizabeth has orange hair
Okay that's it
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