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planet-gay-comic · 2 years ago
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Come to our fraternity
The situation for homosexual men has improved in many parts of the world in recent decades, but there are still significant variations depending on the country and region. In some countries, significant progress has been made to promote the rights and equality of homosexual men, while in others, discrimination and persecution still occur.
In many Western countries, homosexual men now have legal protections and equal rights. Same-sex marriage or civil partnerships are recognized in many countries, and anti-discrimination laws protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation. Additionally, homosexual men in many countries have the right to adopt children or form their own families.
However, challenges and obstacles remain. Homophobia, stigma, and prejudice continue to exist in many societies. In some countries, homosexual acts are still criminalized, and homosexual men may face discrimination, violence, or social exclusion.
The recognition and acceptance of homosexual men also vary significantly across different cultural, religious, and social contexts. In some conservative or religiously influenced societies, homosexual men are still stigmatized and discriminated against.
It is important to note, however, that progress is being made. LGBT+ rights are increasingly recognized and supported worldwide, and there is growing visibility and acceptance of homosexual men in many areas of public life. Organizations and activists continue to work towards combating homophobia, protecting the rights of homosexual men, and creating an inclusive society where every person is respected regardless of their sexual orientation.
The situation for homosexual men is complex and multifaceted, and it differs from country to country. It is important to acknowledge the progress that has been made but also to continue fighting for full equality and recognition of homosexual men in order to create a fair and inclusive society. (Chat GPT-3.5)
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nikoniclove · 1 year ago
You mentioned you like Stephen Fry! Be wary, he is a Yid and he is only friends with you to extract wealth, which is the primary objective of a Jew. He may seem nice to you but in reality all he wants is more sympathisers and your money. You can't trust a Jew as far as you throw it. No need to thank me, education on them should be mandatory not volentery. Dirty, evil creatures. Keep up the good work with the books.
Look, this is a bit embarrassing, but I’m afraid that I’m a fully-paid-up honest-to-goodness barmitzvahed-and-circumcised Jew myself. And while I would, of course, like sympathisers and money, I most certainly do not want yours.
Also, it’s spelled ‘voluntary’.
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Good King Wenceslas looked out on the Feast of Stephen, when the snow lay all about… 🎶. I’m fortunate enough to say this is not my view today. This was a few years ago. But today is The Feast of St. Stephen. St. Stephen was an early Christian deacon who worked with the poor. He’s the patron saint of bricklayers and stonemasons. He was stoned to death (executed by local religious authorities) for anti-semitic preaching. The song is fun. His work with the poor commendable. Sad he was stoned to death, but I don’t think he deserves being honored as a saint. His comments (which I will not repeat) are reprehensible. Meanwhile pray for those caught in this weekends snowstorms. Im sure they’re not singing lightheartedly as they dig out. #goodkingwenceslas #feastofstephen #stormof2022 #standupagainstantisemitism #standupagainsthate https://www.instagram.com/p/CmoxgiqrVgZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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myadventuresinalexandria · 5 years ago
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#happyhanukkah Night 8, 1 Chanukiah brightly shining Repeating my wishes from night 1 and hoping the glowing candles of tonight’s full chanukiot around the world will bring the light we so desperately need into our world for the next year and new decade. It’s hard to reconcile “the most wonderful time of the year” and the joy we celebrate during Hanukkah with the terrible news of anti-Semitic attacks across the country and around the world this past week. It’s breaking my heart to hear members of my community scared to be themselves. As we stand on the edge of a new year, let’s all agree that hatred of others simply because they’re different is wrong. Let’s open up dialogues to help create understanding and tolerance. We must all stand together against the hate our world is facing. Particularly for those of faith - Jews, Muslims and Christians - we all trace our roots to the same family tree. Let’s strive to unite our families in peace and understanding, advocate for each other and stand together against those seeking to hurt anyone in our family. #wereallinthistogether #shinealight #prayforpeace #standupagainsthate (at Fawn Lake Virginia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6rjWdqhoC2/?igshid=24xcrjmoei3v
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toliveisagreatadventure · 8 years ago
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#family #icomefromimmigrants #proudgermangirl #proudirishgirl #standupagainsthate
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disanddatmedia · 4 years ago
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Decided to make one of these of one of the organizers of @pridecorneronwhyte and have it give of chaotic good energy (orginal photo is on here about a few weeks before)
Taken with Canon T6I
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Taken: Summer 2021
Taken and edited by David William Paturel (Dis & Dat Media)
Edited with the software PhotoScape and ToolWiz Photos
All rights of photo(s) reserved to Dis & Dat Media (David Paturel) #disanddatmedia #photo #photography #toolwizphotos #yeg #edmonton #alberta #canada #canon #canonphotography #fearme #pridecorner #pridecorneronwhyte #whyte #whyteave #whyteavenue #meme #memes #memesofinstagram #chaoticgood #chaoticenergy #forfun #positivevibes #positivity #standuptohate #standupagainsthate #pride #art #artsy #artofinstagram (at Edmonton, Alberta) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSpmhvIhd19/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jerrster · 7 years ago
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✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾 #standupagainsthate #againsttrump
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authorklbelvin · 7 years ago
I stand with people of all colors and races. Yes I'm pro black, it doesn't mean I hate or dislike other people or races. We have to stand against those who offer hate as a solution to the current problems. We also can't stand quiet while lives are being shattered by this hate. Speak out against racial hatred, racial division, racial violence #standupagainsthate (at Delaware)
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bellerine · 7 years ago
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Spirit Day 2017 <3
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capricecorbett · 8 years ago
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THERE IS HOPE STILL... #NFL teams Jaguars and Ravens stood in solidarity against the #Hate filled taunting that exists worldwide. “All voices need to be heard. That's democracy in its highest form." #JacksonvilleJaguars #BaltimoreRavens #StandUpAgainstHate #solidarity #IAmCapriceCorbett #Football #NationalFootballLeague #ShadKhan #JohnHarbaugh #SteveBisciotti #Proud #Inspiration #StandForSomething
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printmatrix · 8 years ago
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We wanted to make sure that ALL of our students and community members know that they are welcome and valued here at PNCA, so we made a biggest print we could print and hung it from the 3rd floor balcony for all to see. We stand with our immigrant brothers and sisters. Resist! . . . #defenddaca #resist #resistnow #immigrantswelcome #standupagainsthate #mfa #pnca #mfaprintmedia #printmaking #printmakingstudio #printispower #portlandprints (at PNCA - Pacific Northwest College of Art)
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tantanatl · 8 years ago
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This caption on the wall says it all. "Silence and doing nothing is doing something; it is allowance, tolerance, and acceptance of hate, racism, and bigotry!!!" What will you do? #nohate #noracism #charlottesville #civilrights #ncrmuseum #standupagainsthate (at National Civil Rights Museum)
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Thankyou @uber for your email informing me that y'all ain't playing that sh*t either tonight😩👌🏾💯 #standupagainsthate 🙌🏾 (at Northeast Columbus, Columbus, Ohio)
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jadesexton-blog · 8 years ago
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I was showing my #Pride or love of NBC until that wind picked up and about blew me down, my hair clip had to come of before I took flight. #DaytonPride2017 #DaytonPride #Equality #LoveWins #StandUpAgainstHate #StandUpToHate #ShowGirl #InstaGay #QueensOfInstagram (at Montgomery County Courthouse)
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vanessasessence · 8 years ago
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Sarah Kendzior says it all in this quote. And remember, kindness is not weakness. Strength is shown by being kind when others aren't so kind to you. And standing up for others is bravery personified. #bekind #standupforothers #bravery #bebrave #standupagainsthate #youarenotalone #sarahkendzior #quotes (at Vanessa's Essence Natural Hair Care)
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thewomenscenters-blog · 8 years ago
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"Take action against hate in whatever way you can" at Philly #StandUpAgainstHate rally in response to anti-semetic attacks
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