Vanessa's Essence Natural Hair Care
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vanessasessence · 2 years ago
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Posted @withrepost • @vanessavandyke Earlier last month, I was given the opportunity to partner with @dove and @refinery29 to share my story of discrimination as a young girl in order to help influence the passing of @thecrownact on a Federal Level. Did you know that hair discrimination in the workplace as well as in schools is still legal nationally in 32 states? That means most of the United States still has not made The Crown Act officially a nationwide law that protects black women from experiencing natural hair discrimination. I am so glad I can make a stance and take part of influencing this law to pass in more states than what we are seeing now by using my story to help others. To view the full article go to and sign the petition to help pass The Crown Act, your voice matters and will ultimately help make such a tremendous impact on how we as a society view natural hair in the workplace. 🤍 #thecrownact #dove #refinery29 #passthecrown #endnaturalhairdiscrimination #naturalhair #mynaturalhairisdope #afro #curlyhair
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vanessasessence · 2 years ago
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Posted @withrepost • @vanessavandyke Ok, I know I’m a little late to the party, BUT #happyworldafroday I wanted to make this post to not only show appreciation for my natural hair, but others as well. Of course, many of you know I was bullied in 7th grade for wearing my natural hair in school. My hair was called a cactus, squirrel, and many other hurtful words to describe my hair by students. I even faced expulsion in 7th grade for refusing to tame my hair. From then to now, I can see how far I’ve come with embracing my hair, whereas before I was so self-conscious about wearing my hair, and that my identity was basically destroyed after becoming aware that my hair was not acceptable in a school or work environment. I continue to raise awareness about natural hair discrimination, and learning to love your hair because it is crucial in order to combat the stigma of natural hair in the work environment, and how natural hair should be accepted in every environment, especially on a professional level. With that being said, never stop embracing those crowns you were given, Happy World Afro Day! 👑 @thecrownact @worldafroday #naturalhair #naturalhaircommunity #afrolove #naturalhairmovement #embraceyournaturalhair
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vanessasessence · 2 years ago
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Posted @withrepost • @vanessavandyke Ok, I know I’m a little late to the party, BUT #happyworldafroday I wanted to make this post to not only show appreciation for my natural hair, but others as well. Of course, many of you know I was bullied in 7th grade for wearing my natural hair in school. My hair was called a cactus, squirrel, and many other hurtful words to describe my hair by students. I even faced expulsion in 7th grade for refusing to tame my hair. From then to now, I can see how far I’ve come with embracing my hair, whereas before I was so self-conscious about wearing my hair, and that my identity was basically destroyed after becoming aware that my hair was not acceptable in a school or work environment. I continue to raise awareness about natural hair discrimination, and learning to love your hair because it is crucial in order to combat the stigma of natural hair in the work environment, and how natural hair should be accepted in every environment, especially on a professional level. With that being said, never stop embracing those crowns you were given, Happy World Afro Day! 👑 @thecrownact @worldafroday #naturalhair #naturalhaircommunity #afrolove #naturalhairmovement #embraceyournaturalhair
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vanessasessence · 3 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @vanessavandyke Yup, the cat is out of the bag! I am SO excited to announce that I am the official Red Carpet host for Miss Black USA @officialmissblackusa on August 7th at 6pm EST! I’m so incredibly grateful for this opportunity, especially being apart of an organization that supports Black women embracing their hair and skin, something that I stand for as well. Washington, D.C. here I come! ✨ #redefinebeauty #fiftyshadesofbrown #missblackusa #officialmissblackusa
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vanessasessence · 3 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @vanessavandyke This past week, I was able to travel to Capitol Hill to speak to U.S. Senators regarding natural hair discrimination in the workforce, advocating to pass The Crown Act in the Senate while sharing my discrimination story with Congress. If you told me as a 12-year-old girl experiencing that situation, being introverted, and especially feeling as if I would never be enough with my hair never being respected in society, that I would eventually be traveling to Capitol Hill to speak not only about what happened to me, but advocating on behalf of other Black girls and Black boys experiencing the same issue, I would’ve told you to take a hike. It has been such an honor to be apart of Spelman On the Hill because I was able to be exposed to different opportunities to push for change in society with what I’m so passionate about. This experience has brought me so much joy knowing that I am one step further towards helping my community and those who do not have a voice. This is only the beginning of greater things in life and truly making a difference. This is just a reminder YOU can overcome anything. Who knows, I may be thinking of working on Capitol Hill in the future. 😉 @spelman_college @spelmanlane #naturalhaircommunity #naturalhairdiscrimination #iamvanessavandyke #capitolhill #spelmancollege #thecrownact We’re so proud!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰 (at Capitol Hill)
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vanessasessence · 3 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @vanessavandyke So, today kicks of the social media challenge for Miss Georgia USA. This first post of mine will get personal, but that’s ok. It is #thankfulthursday, and I would love to share one of the things I am most thankful for in my life. It’s called growth. Spoiler alert🚨:I wasn’t always this confident. I didn’t always portray what you see on this cover photo, it took me a long time, and a long journey to get to where I am today. Please slide through each photo, as this will show you the point where I was at rock bottom all the way up until now, where I’ve grown into the woman I am today. Even though I was smiling in some of these photos as a 12 year old girl, I was depressed. All of you already know what I’ve been through as a 12-year-old girl going through discrimination. These photos were taken around the time of this occurrence. I was shy, lacked self-esteem, and was even self-harming myself shortly after the hair story came out. I was the “awkward girl” in school and considered myself not like the crowd, or following the crowd. I remember my first, “Bring Out the Dolls” event I hosted alongside with @erickadunlap in 2013, I could barely speak infront of the crowd in attendance because I was super shy and HATED public speaking. I always tell my mom, “I really came a long way since then.” She always tells me how proud she is of me, and how I was able to overcome something so traumatic in my life as a girl who was still trying to figure out who she was. I am proud of me too, and I am still growing. This is only the beginning of my journey, and I am so thankful for how much I’ve grown throughout the years. @greenwoodproductions #thankful #pageantryreimagined #missgeorgiausa #missgausa #missuniverse #missusa #growth
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vanessasessence · 3 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @voguenaijaa The Essence . . . . Team : 💁🏽‍♀️: @mxchelle.m 📸: @kolapostudios 💄: @jmk_signature #voguenaijaa #brownskinafrica #lightskinnedmodel #londonphotographermodel #londonphotographersgallery #headshotphotographylondon #editorialphotographyshoot
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vanessasessence · 3 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @afroellemag "At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want."~▪Lao Tzu ▪ ▪ ▪ Muse : @dajiajay Photography : @justinmacala . . . #selflove #selfdiscovery #photography #beauty #blackwoman #afro
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vanessasessence · 3 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @vanessavandyke Bring Out the Dolls Atlanta 2021 was a true success! Little did I know that when this charity event was established in 2013 in Orlando, Florida by a group of women where I first hosted, that it would eventually lead to reaching many cities and states across the country, collecting hundreds of dolls annually so that little boys and girls could have something that brings them joy every Christmas who are in shelters and orphanages. Most importantly, I did not realize that my hair discrimination story in 2013 would create this much of an impact, resulting in this event inspiring many in the black community to be proud of their hair and skin, and how I am able to relay the message at these events to never alter or change their appearance no matter what anyone says. It means the absolute world to me that I have the opportunity every year to continue to share my story while encouraging those without a voice. Though sometimes I still do have my days where question if my hair is acceptable, too big, or too unprofessional, I believe representation does matter and as the years go by, I hope that this event will give those hope and courage in order to shine bright and embrace what God gave them. Also, on this very stage 2 years ago, I received a proclamation from the mayor and City Council of South Fulton County, Georgia, that every year on December 12th would be “Vanessa Van Dyke Bring Out the Dolls Day” in this city. I am proud to be representing Fulton County in the upcoming Miss Georgia USA pageant. @bringoutthedolls @reelectcarmalithagumbs @thatsmylawyer @natjackesq @alisiaesq (at St. James Live)
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vanessasessence · 4 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @himenatural One of those simple days 🕠 Beautiful curls @himenatural!!💕💕❤️❤️🥰🥰 (at New York, New York)
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vanessasessence · 4 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @vanessavandyke Wow, what a week!! I am overwhelmed with emotions as the Miss Georgia USA pageant has concluded. I am so happy to say that I placed TOP 15 among 51 gorgeous, determined, and strong women who played a huge role in making this week what it was and how I will cherish it for a very long time. I did not win, but this is one step closer towards making every single goal of mine come into fruition. I’m so proud that wearing my natural hair on stage will be something that little girls can look up to and know that natural hair can be elegant too. Thank you to everyone who supported me throughout my time as Miss Fulton County USA 2021, and thank you @greenwoodproductions for allowing me to use my story and take it to shine bright on this stage for others and myself. I will be back on that stage again. Peace out. *drops mic* She is the epidamy of grace and elegance. We are so proud of her!❤️❤️ (at McDonough, Georgia)
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vanessasessence · 4 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @miss_universe_fan Georgia! Georgia! Georgia! This ain’t fair... I normally pick a top five for each state pageant but this is impossible. The level is too strong! @GreenwoodProductions (owners of the Miss USA state titles in Georgia, Tennessee, and Mississippi) are looking to win the Miss USA crown for a second year in a row. Come on @MissUSA . Give Georgia their first crown already! It’s LONG overdo. Tomorrow night! @Alyssa_Beasley will crown Georgia’s new queen and representative to #MissUSA2021 ! Here are my favorites for the crown. I’m very excited to see who will walk away with the crown. Best of luck to all the finalists! 👑✨👏🇺🇸 #MissUniverse2021 #MissUSA #MissGeorgiaUSA #MissGAUSA #GreenwoodProductions (at McDonough, Georgia)
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vanessasessence · 4 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @spelman_college When she was 12-years-old, Vanessa Van Dyke, C’2023, experienced what she calls natural hair discrimination. Frustrated with the ongoing bullying she received for her natural hairstyle, she decided to notify the principal of her private school. "Instead of supporting me," said Van Dyke, "she told me I would either need to cut or straighten my hair in order for the bullying to stop." Today, she is the spokesperson for her own hair care line, @VanessasEssence. "I want to encourage every young girl and woman to wear their natural hair with pride in the workforce or school," she said. "I am majoring in economics so that I can be prepared to take on becoming the president/CEO of the company when I graduate. Our mission will always be to help young girls to be confident and fearless in all aspects of life."
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vanessasessence · 4 years ago
Posted @withregram • @blacknaps ALL Black-Owned - Unique - Premium - Curlfriend Approved Hair Care at #vanessasessence #knottykurl
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vanessasessence · 4 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @vanessavandyke To me, celebrating black history is needed every month, not just the month of February. However, this month is truly significant as we all recognize black people as those who continue to change the world and keep society thriving. From @amandascgorman becoming the youngest black poet to speak at the inauguration of President Joe Biden, to Cicely Tyson being remembered as one of the greatest black actresses who always stood up for what she believed in, which included refusing to play roles that portrayed black women as less than what we really are. I celebrate today and every day honoring the black women and men who aren’t afraid to stand their ground while breaking barriers that America has put around us. We are worthy, we are enough, and we are proud to be black! #bhm #blackhistorymonth #blackisbeautiful #shopblackowned #supportblackownedbusinesses #supportblackart #supportblack
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vanessasessence · 4 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @harlemtrends from @ebonymagazine - Powerful photo via @blkcelebgiving of #POTUS awarding #cecilytyson with the Medal of Freedom. All three are national treasures. RIP Queen!😔🥺
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vanessasessence · 4 years ago
Posted @withregram • @chaundra_temple Yesssss....Amanda Gorman is an American poet and activist from Los Angeles, California. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾💕💕💕#amandagormaninaugural2021 #amandagorman #blackgirlmagic Simply amazing!!❤️❤️❤️
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