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manyimaginativemuses · 9 months ago
There was a thud, and not a delicate one either. Homelander landed in front of Lestat’s lair, part of him hating himself for even wanting to willingly confide in the leech. However, this was of the utmost importance and he wanted all eyes and ears on the city and beyond. No matter who they belonged to.
A bloodied gloved fist knocked on the door as the Supe stood, head to toe drenched in blood. Both old and new. This would be the first break he’d taken since his hunt began. He hadn’t stopped to eat nor sleep…or bathe. All meaningless tasks.
Lestat would be greeted with dangerously dark eyes and a set jaw. Homelander meant business and he wasn’t in the mood for any tricks or jokes. For all intents and purposes, he was dead inside with his reason for existence being taken from him.
[ @hom3land3r ]
Lestat and Stacee had been relaxing on the bus, with Lestat halfway through writing a new song, when he heard a slamming knock on the door.
“What the fuck?” Stacee said, shooting upright to answer the loud banging. When he opened the door, he was face to face with a bloody, exhausted, and angry Homelander.
“Who the fuck are you? I’m not interested in donating to the Neo-Nazi of America fund if that’s why you’re here.” Stacee said bluntly. Unless Gazelle had told Homelander about her husband, the man standing before Homelander looked like an identical copy of Lestat, albeit brunette, covered in tattoos, and with a far worse attitude than Lestat. He also wore a black leather vest with matching pants.
“Stacee who’s at the door?” Lestat called.
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“Some cosplay weirdo who’s wearing an American flag as a cape.” Stacee replied and Lestat snorted a laugh.
“Tell him to fuck off, I’m not interested in dealing with his nonsense today.” Lestat said and Stacee turned with a fanged smile.
“You heard him. Fuck off.”
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manyimaginativemuses · 19 days ago
“Putain de merde…” Lestat cursed and shook his head. His heart ached at the sight of his husband completely strung out. James was so high he couldn’t even stand upright properly. They were lucky the concert had just ended, as they were heading back to the green room anyway, so Lestat grabbed James by the back of his shirt and hauled him down the hallway with them like a wet kitten. He practically threw him onto the couch once they entered the green room, running both hands through his hair as he tried not to cry from all the emotions flooding his head.
He couldn’t help but feel responsible for the whole thing. After all, James wouldn’t have felt the need to seek out Lucifer if Lestat hadn’t been so busy. But then again, James was usually content to entertain himself, so there must’ve been something else that caused him to act this way.
As Lestat began removing his makeup, Stacee sat down next to James on the couch.
“So uh…. What does it feel like, exactly? Do you think if I tasted some of your blood I could get a sense of it?” Stacee whispered, leaning over to James. He hadn’t been able to get high or drunk really since he was made a vampire, so to have the ability to indulge in his vices again was something Stacee was absolutely going to take advantage of.
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“Not just a little break, you need to quit cold turkey!” Lestat hissed, standing upright now so when James reached out and grabbed his leg, he could only stare down at him with pity.
“I apologize for making you feel neglected enough that you felt the need to go do this, but I’m not going to support this kind of behavior because I know you, James Norrington. I know the real you who would scoff at himself if he found out he was doing this sort of thing. It you were doing it to participate in my rocker lifestyle, that would be one thing. But this…. This is just self harm.” He snarled, not touching him at all as he wanted to show him he was not happy with this behavior.
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oliviatom · 3 months ago
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I'm so proud that Tom received such praise from the original singer. 🙌
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leuke-rants · 18 days ago
Webtoon characters I am supposed to hate/dislike but I love/like instead:
1) Rashta Iskua (The Remarried Empress):
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Even before we meet Rashta we are suppose to hate her, Laura talks very poorly about her and even the comments call her demeaning names and say how much of an awful person she is.
After we properly meet Rashta the author goes out of their way to present her as this evil mastermind who is out to ruin Navier's as well as all of her allies lives (example, when she smirks as Laura gets drugged away to the dungeon)
And this is pretty much what happens throughout the comic, Navier gets praised for just existing and her flaws are either ignored or are not presented as flaws while Rashta gets blamed for almost anything bad happening in the story with her flaws being exaggerated.
Now don't get me wrong, I am aware that Rashta has done some horrible and unforgivable things (and I am not gonna try and justify them), but so did Heinry, Ergi and other characters who get immediately forgiven.
Rashta is an illiterate, traumatized and naive young girl who got enslaved as a child, she got traumatised by all of the horrible things Alan and his family have done to her and yet I am suppose to scorn her for not understanding how things work in her new life and for wanting a better future for her and her baby, all the while I am suppose to coddle an empress who was born with a silver spoon on her mouth amd cheer for her psychopath husband who commits atrocities in her name.
Rashta is is not a good person and I won't make any excuses for her, but I can't help but feel so bad for her. She deserved so much better, both in terms of writing and how the fandom treats her.
2) Lady Krista (The Remarried Empress):
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Krista is another female character from TRE who deserved so much better.
All she ever wanted was to keep her position as a queen,aka the same thing that Navier wanted, but because she doesn't kiss the MC's ass she is the villain.
Yes, working with Kuffman ( or whatever his name is) and trying to go after her brother in law aren't exactly the best things to do, but like as said earlier all she ever wanted as not to be replaced.
This poor woman lost her husband, she got replaced as queen by a foreign woman, most of her ladies in waiting abandoned her and her family turned their back at her to avoid Heinry's wrath. She ended up taking her life just like Rashta did and just like Rashta no one cared.
Hell, people started liking her, so to remedy that, the author turned her into a ped* who went after a much younger man, but even that doesn't mean anything when Navier married said younger man.
This woman deserved so much better, I hope she and Rashta can find peace in the afterlife.
3) Stace (Down To Earth)
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The moment we are introduced to Stace we are suppose to dislike him because he annoys the MC Kade and that dislike slowly turns into hate because Stace is trying to get with the FL Zaida (I think this is how you write her name).
People will say that Stace is a creepy weirdo who tries to steal the MC's girl, even though Kade and Zaida weren't dating at the time, the dude just tried to shoot his shot after Zaida herself told him that she and Kade weren't dating.
I see a lot of people bringing up the fact that Stace is a photographer who wanted Zaida to be a model and take pictures of her and therefore he is a creep, completely ignoring the fact that Stace is a manager at Spencers and the reason he is looking for models is because he wants to advertise the shop.
"But he put her in lingerie so he is a creep", again, he is manager at SPENCERS, lingerie is not something unusual in that shop. Besides, Stace didn't force anything on Zaida, the moment she said she wanted to change because she felt uncomfortable, he allowed it without any problem. Stace didn't even force Zaida to take the job, he and Suzy suggested it so that Zaida can be more independent from Kade and have her own life and money.
And speaking of Kade, I'd argue he is the actual creep. The only reason he saved Zaida is because he found her sexy and beautiful, he even said how he would kick her out if she turned out to be a child. He is the one who made the "No feelings rule" yet he constantly sexualises Zaida and is clearly attracted to her. Also, he bought her lingerie as nightwear when they knew eachother for one week. Kade didn't ask Zaida what she would like to wear or if she'd feel comfortable wearing lingerie but he bought it anyway so he can ogle her.
Even so, people find it cute when Kade does these things, but god forbid Stace breaths the same air as the MCs without getting flammed in the comments.
And yes, I am aware that Stace called Zaida a monster, but if the girl I had a crush on suddenly grew horns and his eyes started glowing, I'll freak out as well.
Stace should fire both Kade and Zaida and find some real friends, cause he deserves so much better.
4) Thanatos (Lore Olympus)
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People hated Thanatos in the beginning of the story because he tried to get Persephone fired and for exposing her crimes later on.
Honestly speaking I never hated him, in fact he has always been one of my favourites.
Thanatos had every right to want Persephone gone, she had zero experience in the field she was suppose to be working on and she got special treatment from Hades, aka her boss.
Imagine if this was real life for a second, imagine your 40 year old boss bringing in a barely legal girl to work for him, who has zero prior experience in working and gets special treatment on top of that.
Not only is this pretty gross but also very unfair to the other employees who had to work their asses off to get the job they have and never got any benefits form their boss. It's even more unfair to Thanatos who is Hades's adoptive son and never got treated any different than the other employees, but this inexperienced child gets the VIP treatment from Hades.
Thanatos geta treated horribly throughout the comic especially from his so called father. Hades ignores, belittles and in general doesn't care about him. Hades reaches out to Thanatos only because he needs his help not because he cares about his adoptive son. The "apology" Hades gave was Bakugou levels bad and it was basically Hades going "I am a traumatized uwu emo boy so you can't hate me".
Thanatos gets victim blamed because he was a "difficult child" that didn't make things easier for Hades, a grown ass adult. And before anyone says "but Hades was not ready to become a father at the time", true, but he could have at least tried to pay attention to this abandoned child or he could ask for help raising him.
His also has a pretty shitty girlfriend. Daphne tells him how Hades giving Persephone special treatment is not a big deal and he should stop whining about it. She also invites Hades into their home even though Thanatos told her how he doesn't want to talk to him.
My boy deserves a rise for putting up with all of this bullshit.
5) Demeter (Lore Olympus)
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I feel so bad for Demeter. She is constantly demonized in every Hades and Persephone retelling and LO is no different.
This woman has done so much and received so little.
She fulfilled her role as a daughter, sister and fighter exceptionally well and yet no one acknowledged her for anything.
Zeus told her that he'll make her queen of the gods if they sleep together, only for him to choose Hera instead. He didn't even make her queen of the mortal realm, despite Demeter being the reason the realm is alive and flourishing, he just tossed her aside and forgot about her. The only time Zeus remembers her existence is when he needs something from her and then throws a tantrum when she declines.
Hades treats her the worst. First, he refuses to give her the volcanos, they are important to him but he never told her why they are so important. Second, he constantly belittles and demeans her because "she is an annoying helicopter mom", because god forbid a mother doesn't want an old, dusty man with bad reputation near her teenage daughter.
Like, Demeter has every right to be concerned and guess what, she was right! Persephone hasn't been to Olympus for one month and she gets drugged, kidnapped and SA'ed. Demeter was right about the other gods being assholes and Olympus being dangerous.
Anyway, I can go on and on about Demeter but I am pretty sure you get my point. This woman should disown Persephone and go live her life with the nymphs and her son, far away from the rest of the gods.
6) Minthe (Lore Olympus)
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Ah yes, the infamous Minthe. Even people who have never read the comic recognize her as the "Trashta" of LO.
Minthe is proof that it doesn't matter whether you are the side chick or the main girl, what matters is that you are the main character.
Persephone is a homewrecker but because she is the FL it's ok for her to steal Minthe's man.
Yes, Minthe and Hades's relationship was toxic af and although I am not trying to justify Minthe's abusive behaviour, Hades is no better
He himself financially abused Minthe, he emotionally cheated on her with barely legal girl and never bothered to defend her against his racist family.
Hell, he was going to propose to her until he saw a younger and more vulnerable girl and he completely forgot about his girlfriend.
Minthe exposing Persephone was petty af, but I don't see the problem here. Persephone committed a crime, so even though Minthe did it for selfish reasons I don't see a problem with a mass murder getting consequences.
Again, I can go on an on about Minthe but I have more characters to talk about.
Girl should go and live her life with that one mortal who thought she was a goddess, far away from any god, cause she deserves a good life after what she has been through.
Also, an honourable mention to Leuce, Alex and every other character who got screwed over by the gods, they all deserved so much better.
7) Prince Bavilo (The Princess's Jewels)
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Ok, Bavilo is not the same as the others, mainly because you are not suppose to hate him after a certain point, but I still wanted to talk about him.
We are suppose to hate him by the moment we see him because he is mean to the perfect FL Arianna. People call him jealous and spiteful because he isn't as perfect as his sister but Bavilo's anger towards Arianna makes perfect sense.
For one thing, he was right about Arianna setting a bad example to other women. She is a princess who collects men like Pokémon for her harem without caring about anyone else but herself.
She took away a general from another country and she basically kidnapped a dude after she threatened to start a war with his country if he didn't submit to her.
This doesn't just set a bad example for young girls who will definitely try to imitate Arianna but will definitely cause problems for the kingdom, Bavilo has every right to be against his sister.
His life is absolutely shit, his mother physically and emotionally abuses him on a daily basis, she is using him to gain more power and generally doesn't really care about him, his brothers don't seem to think highly of him, no matter how hard he tries to get his father's approval the king will never acknowledge him or love him as he loves Arianna and on top of all of that the queen (aka Arianna's mother whose name I don't remember and don't care to look up) is manipulating him, she wants Bavilo on her side to get back at his mother but just like everyone else she doesn't care about him.
His anger towards Arianna is completely valid, he suffers so much while his spoiled sister gets all the love and attention not only from their father but from literally anyone who knows her.
This boy should run away from his shitty and toxic family and cut all ties with them and marry a woman who would truly love him, become king and start his own family. He deserves a happy ending.
8) Queen Phoebe and Lord Demeter (This Isekai Maid is Forming a Union)
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Though these two are pretty similar, so I decided to put them together.
First of all, both are actual villains and not demonized characters like the rest of the people in the list.
And second, both of them are well written characters, with goals and motivations instead of hate sinks to make the MC look better.
Both of them are a deconstruction of manhwa tropes, Phoebe is the MC who dies and gets reincarnated as a scorned young noblewoman and Marinus is the ML who is a straight up a psycho that can only be fixed by the FL's love.
But unlike stuff you'd see in a generic manhwa, these two actually face consequences for their actions and are not glazed by the author.
Phoebe is an elitist and racist woman who abused her power, she doesn't care about anyone other than herself and her family and is a horrible human being who mistreates her servants and will do extremely messed up stuff to get what she wants . This is pretty much how every OI protagonist acts like, the difference is the author doesn't let Phoebe get away scott free just because she suffered, she gets a very deserved karma and is forced into hiding after the commoners started a coup against her and her family.
Marinus is written is a similar way. Despite his tragic backstory,the narrative does not excuse his actions because of his trauma. Marinus committed mass murder, he killed the MC Bridgette in the first timeline and her fellow servants ( who were all minorities btw) after they tried to protect her. Then he pretended to have amnesia so that Annette (the FL) won't be mad at him. He was an awful father, he killed his own wife after she wanted to divorce him and poisoned his own daughter because he liked to feel needed (also he was a huge asshole to his son)
Yet, despite all of this, Phoebe and Marinus are my favourite characters. They are very well written and interesting, they move the plot forward without being plot devices and the author gave them a reason as to why the act and think the way they do without justifying any of their horrible actions.
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faunandfloraas · 1 year ago
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Eternity, Bang Chan - 2024 // Eternity, Arthur Stace - 1932 to 1966.
In 1932, residents all over the city of Sydney started noticing something interesting, the word “Eternity” written on the pavement or wall, over and over again. The word was seemingly written by the same person each time, in a beautiful copperplate script. The mystifying and intriguing presence of graffiti before graffiti was commonplace had Sydney residents pondering who this "Eternity man" could be. In 1956, the mystery was solved- Arthur Stace, a former soldier and alcoholic, turned man of faith, had inscribed the word over Sydney's suburbs more than half a million times between 1932 and 1966. He chose to write the word in the early hours of the morning, when few people were around, managing to keep his identity a secret for over 20 years. Something about the word eternity, written in fleeting chalk on the ever-changing city streets, seemed to compel locals- Newspaper writers published account after account speculating on the identity of this unknown man and the occasional false confession helped to maintain the air of wonder and mystery that surrounded the anonymous "Eternity man". Even after his identity had been revealed, Mr. Eternity, as he came to be dubbed, continued writing his eponymous "Eternity" across the walkways and walls of Sydney for another decade, becoming a beloved character in the city until his passing at the age of 82, in 1967. Now, nearly 60 years after the final "Eternity" by Arthur Stace was written, his message of eternity still manages to permeate the minds of Sydneysiders- becoming a representative word of the city.
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itsicecold · 4 months ago
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helloitstsyu · 2 years ago
dangerous woman | stacee jaxx [18+]
My masterlist
Pairing : stacee jaxx x fem¡reader
Warning : smut, masturbation, nsfw language, sex toy, minors dni!
Requested by my dear friend @elenavampire21 hope you like this ❤️
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Something bout you, makes me wanna do things i shouldn't
Have you ever wanted something so bad knowing you shouldn't? Have you ever dreamed of something so bad knowing it is bad for you?
Stacee Jaxx.
Yes, the famous singer Stacee Jaxx. The man who is able to have hundreds of girls drooling for him. For a while, you really thought you weren't those girls. Those girls who are stupidly do as whatever he told. Those girls who would've died just for their stupid celebrity crush.
He does have an amazing singing voice, yes, and you can't lie to yourself that you quite like his songs too. But Stacee wasn't really much of a respective gentleman, so the idea of having respect, let alone worshiping him is not in your cart. You loathe asshole, specifically those who do as whatever they're please and not give a damn shit about anything else other than themselves. That pretty much sums up Stacee Jaxx's character.
Ever since you first met him in The Bourbon Club, he has shown you nothing but pain in the ass kind of attitude. He constantly thinks that he could have anything he desires easily because he's just the Stacee Jaxx.
Every conversation you exchanged with him is like a dreadful memory printed on your mind. Stacee Jaxx is the living example of vexation for you. But here you are again, completely possessed by the alluring charm of his as he performs Pour Some Sugar On Me. The way his body moves. Those flexing toned exterior of his, the way his skin glistening underneath the light. Oh, you're so feeling hot yourself.
Stacee knows what he's doing. He's totally meant to do it all to capture your very attention. Ever since he first laid his eyes on you, he knew he wanted you instantly. From your rare beauty to your smart mouth, he knew he's a goner for you. But what intrigued him more is your ability to resist him. No girl ever has done that to him, and to win you over will be his personal accomplishment he'd be proudly gloat on.
"Y/N!" Cherry, your boss calls you out as the music bangs louder at the end of the song.
You awake from your daydreaming thoughts and turn your head towards her. "Yes?"
"What are you doing here, i paid you for something, girl. Get to work and clean up upstairs!" She tells in your ear.
She's right. You shouldn't stay here and watch Stacee all night. It'll only make him believe that you're one of his admiring fans and make him be more overconfidently proud of himself. To which you'll hate more of him.
So you go upstairs, passing every one of the people in this crowded club. Meeting your colleague, she tells you she got the floor covered and asks you to just take care the VIP room. Entering the VIP room, you're surprised that no one is here, but the room is for sure messy as hell with bottles and glasses everywhere. So you decide to clean it up that way you won't have to stay late to work.
Working as a server in one of the biggest club in the city wasn't really on your new year'sresolutions, but this is your way to make a living so you just gotta do what you gotta do. It wasn't a dream job of course. You often get misunderstood, but you can survive each night. And you find each night to have its own interesting thing. Say you always have that dark, playful side of you. Something about the life of the night and the vibe of the club awakes something naughty inside of you.
As you're tidying the sofa area, underneath the pile of pillows, you find something.... A vibrator.
"Jeez.." you shake your head.
Taking the little pink toy, you nearly toss it to the bin. But before your finger let go of the item, you think for a moment. Something in you wanting to know. And for some reason, your mind decided to replay the memory of every encounter you have with Stacee. You're contemplating yourself, trying to fight every urge in yourself to play with the pink toy you found.
Looking around to find no one is around, you lay down on the sofa. Eyeing the stranger toy in your hand, you press the on button, and it starts to vibrate with a little buzzing noise. Biting your lip, you slowly draw the toy to your chest. It feels good as it makes contact with your skin. Slowly, you drag the toy across your breast and down across your body. The moment the vibrator hits your clit from above your jeans, you whimper.
Biting your lip, you chuckle to yourself. It feels so good, and you don't care if it's so wrong to do.
You unbutton your jeans, hands slipping underneath it as you bring the toy to meet your clit. Again, you press the on button. The moment it vibrates on your clit, you fight back a loud moan to spill out. As you close your eyes the picture of Stacee is still playing in your mind.
"F–fuuck—!" You whimper. Eyes fluttering open and close as you feel the building heat inside of you.
Feeling like someone is watching you, you look up, finding his reflection in the mirror. "Stacee," You gasp and jump in a scare. Turning your face around you meet him leaning against the door, hands on his pocket. He doesn't say anything. He just stares at you still, doesn't even move.
"Wouldn't you like to watch me,"
Stacee chuckles darkly, and he walks slowly towards you. "Don't let me interrupt you," he takes a bottle of scotch on the table in front of you and takes a seat on the sofa in front of you. He takes a sip of the scotch with his eyes still locked on you the whole time.
"So you're just going to watch?" You ask.
Stacee's slowly nods.
You have no idea where this confident comes from, but right in this moment, you're feeling dangerously confident. You for sure not going to chicken out the moment you're going to have your pleasure. There's just something about Stacee that makes you wanting to be like a dangerous woman. You lay down again on the sofa. Turning the little toy on again, you slip it again underneath your jeans to your clit. Stacee watches you with darkened, lustful eyes. Your whimper get louder by the seconds you press the toy on your clit. Hands traveling all around your own body, you grip onto the sofa as your body bends upwards. "Ahhh—!" You moan.
Stacee could feel himself hardening and losing room on his crotch. The way your legs jerking, body twitching, it nearly make him wanting to take out his cock and jerk himself too. The filthy moans slip out of your perfect little mouth sounds like the best music to his ear. He wanted to kiss and devour your mouth for so long that he has lost count how many times he had dreams of you.
And soon enough, you're spilling all over. You're moaning hard, body bending off the sofa, your toes curling, and digging the leather of the sofa. Opening your eyes toward him again, his breath is just as messy as yours. You stand up and strut your way towards him. You lean down onto him, face stays inches away from his. You look deeply into his eyes.
Stacee clenches his jaw, yet his deep intense glare never falters. A second past with silence with you just exchanging wordless conversation by eyes alone with the rockstar. "Well," you break the silence, eyes instinctively just drops down you could see the effect you put on him. The evidently tent on his crotch makes your breath stalled.
Eyes peering back up meeting his green orbs, You hand him the used vibrator to his chest. He grabs back your hand, a sly smirk appears on his face.
"That was fun," you devilishly smirk at him.
You could see the flickers in his eyes. That's the switch being pulled off. Just as you're about to stand straight and turn your back to him, Stacee grabs your face and pulls you to his lips. He pulls you onto his lap, your legs straddling his hips. Quickly, he finds a way to slip his tongue to meet yours. He hungrily kisses and devours you, his hands traveling all around you, slipping through your hair, grazing along your back. His touches send burning traces on your skin.
Stacee moves to kiss your neck. Wet sloppy kisses go all over your skin. He's trying to find your sweet spot, which he finds effortlessly. You're whimpering as he nibs the spot, you instinctively just grind on his hard center. "Ohh, Stace—" you whimper.
"You drive me crazy, Y/N," his deep voice growls in your ear.
Looking back to his eyes. You cup his face, "So beautiful," he whispers as he caresses your face gently.
His eyes light up with excitement, quickly he undress you. One by one, all of your clothes are tossed to the floor. You unbutton his pants, his hard cock springs free slapping his abs. Impatiently needing all of him, you push him inside of you.
"OH!" You moan as you feel his shaft spreading your tight walls.
"Fuck—!" He groans to you. His hands gripping you hard. "Fuck, baby!" He groans.
The fullness of him sends dizziness of pleasure to your mind. Slowly you start grinding on him, fucking him in a slow set pace.
"Oh, you feel so fucking good," Stacee holds your face. He rests his forehead on yours. Eyes are lost in the pool of pleasure. "So... tight..." he cooes.
Stacee rocks his hips upwards too, meeting you halfway, he fucks you back. "Stace..." you whimper.
"Darling—" he murmurs. With his hands gripping on each side of your hips, you fuck him harder, grinding even harder on him, you could feel him starts to throbbing inside of you.
His eyebrows furrowing, his breath ragging. You could see the sweat starting to collect on his chest, and his skin starts to turn into flush red. He's close, you know he's close. "What?" You tease him mischievously.
"P-please," he breathlessly beg you.
You giggle, "Oh he knows how to say please now."
The cocky asshole who do whatever as he pleases now is practically begging you. "Y/N!" He shut his eyes close and grip tightly on your hips.
"Don't cum yet, Stace!"
You chuckle, liking the way you have him right now. He's so.... babygirl, unlike the way he usually presents himself to everyone else.
You kiss his neck. Nibbling and sucking his skin, you leave your love mark there so that everyone knows you're the only one who's able to make him like this, be like this.
"F-fuck... Y/N—!" he groans.
Stacee pulls you even tighter, closer to his body as if there's more gap between the two of you. His hand wraps around you possessively. His eyes deeply look at you. You could feel yourself coming close to your edge too. With no warning, your pussy clench around him. You bury your face on the crook of his neck, nails raking his back that you're sure you have left a scar on him.
With your clenching walls, that is the end of Stacee. He couldn't keep himself even longer. You feel his seeds spreading inside of you. His body stills, he's breath ragging as he empties himself into you.
You push yourself from the crook of his neck, eyes meeting him again, Stacee is glowing with post-sex glow. He smiles and gently peck your lips. His fingers softly brushing through your hair. He leans closer to you and peck your forehead.
"That..." he pants, "That could be a record," he mutters.
He's so gentle that it melts your heart. You feel your cheek burning up, so you hide your face to his neck.
Stacee just holds you there gently, caressing your bare back affectionately. Then the snap of realization occurs to you, this is wrong. You shouldn't have done this.
"This is a mistake," you say as you climb off him.
"No..." he quietly says, "Y/N," you ignore him, you just pick your clothes on the floor and quickly leave him before he could even stop you.
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catkidjekyll · 3 months ago
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*vine voice* wow
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manyimaginativemuses · 1 year ago
"Stacee dear, please do not antagonize James and Lestat." Gazelle was still smiling at her husband. "You know that only causes trouble."
“Baby I’m not ANTAGONIZING them! All I did was borrow a hair tie! Lestat is the one throwing a bitch fit!” Stacee whined in reply, turning around to face his wife with a pout.
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manyimaginativemuses · 1 year ago
“Yes! That was the first place I looked!” He called back just as Stacee walked back onto the bus after hunting with Gazelle.
“What’s he bitching about this time?” Stacee asked, licking the blood off his fingers as he turned to look where Lestat was walking around. As he turned, James could see very clearly the scrunchie Lestat was looking for in Stacee’s hair.
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“James my love, have you seen that one scrunchie I really love? The bright blue one with the ribbon around it?” Lestat called from the back of the tour bus, digging through his drawers trying to find the hair tie.
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James was in the middle of reading and didn't bother to even look up as Lestat searched. " Have you tried the chest at the foot of the bed darling?" turning the page without batting an eye.
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oliviatom · 4 months ago
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My rock star, Stacee Jaxx!
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pilvimarja · 2 years ago
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topperscumslut · 9 hours ago
went and saw a local performance of rock of ages two nights in a row and the entire time i couldn’t stop coming up with dnp related memes chat how cooked am i
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kai-in-the-korner · 7 months ago
for those of you who have seen my ‘outsiders/rock of ages’ post…
here’s what ive brainstormed so far
ponyboy as drew
johnny as sherrie
twobit as lonny
darry as dennis
steve as stacee
sodapop as constance
dally as justice
i have yet to assign other characters but this is what i have so far
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torchflies · 7 months ago
(In the Tommy AU) Do you think the first time Ice sees Maverick, he freaks out a bit because he might’ve just found Stacee Jaxx’s lovechild?
AHHHH STACEE JAXX 😂😂😂 Oh no, it’s actually soooo much worse. He and Stacee had a thing. Hence the matching pistol tattoos 👀 Mav looking like Stacee is because Ice has a type, 😂😂😂
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rabbit-ina-trenchcoat · 8 months ago
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