#St. Ailbe
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#OTD in Irish History | 12 September:
In the Liturgical calendar, it is the Feast day of St. Ailbe, Bishop of Emly, Tipperary. Mexico – Commemoration of the mass hanging of the Saint Patrick’s Battalion. 1653 – Ireland and Scotland are represented by six and five members respectively in the ‘Barebones’ parliament which is in effect from 4 July to this date. 1798 – United Irishmen Rebellion: Rebels attack Castlebar and are…

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#irelandinspires#irishhistory#OTD#12 September#1798 United Irishmen Rebellion#Benbulbin#Benwiskin#Bishop of Emly#Boston College#Dartry mountains#History#History of Ireland#Ireland#Irish Civil War#Irish History#Irish War of Independence#John McElroy#Mexico#Saint Patrick&039;s Battalion#St. Ailbe#Tipperary#Today in Irish HistoryEdit
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Okay, since we’re talking about St. Patrick and St. Gertrude, I gotta nominate my man St Ailbe.
This man is the patron saint of wolves, which automatically makes him a badass.
He was raised by a she-wolf growing up, and later defended that same she-wolf when he was man. He also raised her pups.
He predates St. Patrick, making him much closer to Celtic Catholicism than other saints.
He has his own church in Emly (which he supposedly built)
Some sources also say he baptized St David aka the patron saint of Wales, making him a big deal.
In conclusion: The Patron Saint of Wolves deserves recognition.
Also, St. Columba cannot be left out of the Irish Apostles.
ahhhh I would have loved to have included St Ailbe and St Columba (Columba was actually on the list) but the pre-schism bracket is almost over!!
Think of new saints for the post-schism, modern, and beatified brackets!
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OC time! This is Rosèmond St Ailbe (goes by Rose/Rosie).
He's v v eepy cause it's getting to be past his bedtime (its 9.30), won't someone take him home from this bar? A girl needs his beauty sleep, u know.
#thin book thick book meme about oc lore#he started life as my tma motw chara and now he is settled down in the dc-verse#he contains multitudes#rose core#arting with nik
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Happy Storyteller Saturday! With that recent snippet you shared of Saria cheating on Skalano with Iasis... how does this come about? Does she just really like these brothers (finding them both hot for familial facial features), did she want to court Iasis initially then ended up with Sakalano for political reasons, did she trip and fall into the wrong brother's bed etc? How did this go down initially?
Answered by @the-majestic-pterodactyl-senpai since Saria is actually his lady!
"So, Saria was originally courted by Skalono for political marriage reasons. She was Skal's last choice out of the 3 Cane sisters (Alexandria, Ailbe, and Saria), and so that kind of put things off to a bad start. Skal was still very kind to her and I believe he did come to love her as she loved him, but Skal was incredibly disloyal to Saria.
From the start, he was seeing Alexandria behind her back. He kept his affairs on the down low, but eventually word got out to Saria about his flings with different servants and aristocrats. It was probably his affair with Lilith that actually got him caught, lmao. I actually wouldn't doubt that Lilith was the one to tell Saria about it, she definitely seems like the type to do that.
She absolutely did, under the impression that she knew about his affairs. This affair however was something that Lilith had pressured and Sari actually ended up feeling bad for him when he told her that Lilith made him do it. (Really, he could've gotten out of there, but it would have angered the superior and caused issues for Anemoi.
Saria was incredibly hurt finding out Skal had been continuously disloyal to her throughout their marriage, and begged him to stop his affairs. He promised he would, and things were okay. But eventually, he began sneaking around again. Saria eventually catches him again, and the cycle repeats. A Gala rolls around 7 years after Saria found out about Skal's flings, and she tells him that she would like it if this night was just for them. She asked him to spend the night by her side, dance with her, hold her- And he promised he would do just that. If he could give her nothing else, he’d give her one night to pretend her husband wasn’t a cheating bastard. Skal quickly went back on his promise, though. He ended up spending the night drunk, across the room from Saria, holding another woman and working his charms on her. Right in front of Saria. This enraged her, and she was finally done. What she did next wasn’t right by any means, but at that moment it was the most rational thing she could come up with (the other option being to walk across the room and stick a broken glass in Skalono’s gut). She sought out Iasis (who was recently divorced and angry at the world), brought him upstairs, and the two spent the night together in the upstairs common room. From there, they saw each other as frequently as they could. Saria felt guilty, yes, and she knew that what she was doing to Skalono was just as bad as what he was doing to her, but for the time she pushed the guilt down and continued on with her own affair. Blah blah blah, Saria ends up getting caught with Iasis. Iasis and Skalono duel. Skalono loses epicly, and Iasis doesn’t wanna kill him in front of Saria even though it’s his right to do so, so he lets him live and just takes some of his hair as a prize. Saria stops seeing Iasis while Skal is recovering, taking care of him and staying by his side. She has hope that this might be a turning point for their relationship, but unfortunately Skal once again falls back on old habits the moment he’s feeling better. And so, she goes back to Iasis.
One more key event in the downfall of Skal and Saria’s marriage is the birth of Amara. It’s when Saria finds out about Skal and Alexandria, and it’s the final nail in the coffin for her. She loves Amara with all her heart, having no problem raising her as her own daughter, but she has no more love left for Skalono at that point.
She falls in love with Iasis throughout this period, and the affair continues until Skal dies. After that, they still keep their relationship out of the public eye for a couple years but eventually come out and get married."
Something we've talked about a few times is the fact that Skalono and Alexandria would have been way more compatible. Alex as Skalono's first pick- but she was married to Azaiah and even if she wasn't, she was in no circumstances to be taken as Skalono's wife. She would have been way more firm with him and kept him on a leash per say. Iasis and Saria are extremely compatible, with Iasis being loyal as a dog and Sari's personality complimenting Iasis' neurodivergent swag. Also note for those who read the Azaiah stuff: Alex is not Azaiahs sister by blood. She is the daughter of Aidana and a man called Stannes, and Azaiah is Sibora's and Zachariahs. Its still very taboo for them both and they both think its a horrid situation that only conveniences Zachariah
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Bishop Joseph Perry: Men's Spirituality
Note: This post is from the CMCS Blog archives: Mass Homily of Most Reverend Joseph N. Perry for the CMCS Bishop Perry Catholic Men’s Conference Chicago on April 2, 2016. St. Ailbe Church, Chicago, Illinois.

The prophet Isaiah said it first in the days of the Old Testament, before St. Peter ever did in the New Testament.
“Go away from me Lord, for I am a sinful man!”
The prophet Isaiah’s religious experience was also a theophany, in which the prophet perceives God on his heavenly throne. God’s majesty and transcendence overwhelm the prophet. He had a vision of a high throne and the hem of a garment that fills the Temple that evoked God’s universal kingship and splendor.
In this vision the seraphim archangels minister to God, praising God’s holiness and the glory that fills the earth. The seraphim angels also prepare the prophet for his mission. In response to Isaiah’s claims that he himself is unworthy, in his words, “a man of unclean lips living amidst a people of unclean lips,” a seraph places a burning coal on Isaiah’s lips, thus purifying him. Isaiah is now prepared to carry God’s message to the people since, as the passage says, his “guilt has been taken away” and his “sin is blotted out.”
Isaiah’s vocational call contrasts the majesty of God, holy, glorious and mighty with the human ordinariness of Isaiah who must be prepared to bear God’s message. Angels purify Isaiah so that he can prophecy for God.
Most of us do not experience visions and theophanies that overwhelm us with God’s might and transcendence. Most of us experience God in the mundane experiences of daily life, in the ordinary reality of conversing with our wives, engaging our children, of going to our places of employment, hanging out with friends, in the ups and downs of family life, walking the dog, seeing a movie, riding the subway or participating in a family reunion.
The ordinary work and leisure of everyday life are where God tends to reach out to meet us. God comes to us where we are, as we are.
Jesus met his first disciples at their places of work. When Simon, Andrew, James and John first meet Jesus in the gospels they were not overwhelmed by a vision but were fixed on their work. In fact, Jesus interrupted their work and the men may have found that a bit annoying. They were not expecting angels let alone a theophany; they were washing and mending their nets after a fruitless night of fishing.
Jesus, however, began to preach from Simon Peter’s boat using it as a pulpit for the day, a powerful image I dare say for God’s presence in the ordinariness of human life. Not in the Temple or a synagogue, where Jesus could also be found but in the boat of a few working men is where the encounter with the incarnate God took place.
After Jesus finished speaking to the crowd He turned to the work at hand, the work of fishing for a living. Indeed, a lot of fish had to be caught because Roman taxes laid against the fishing trade were heavy. And Simon Peter worried about this constantly – being able to pay his taxes.
Jesus teases Simon to “put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” Simon was reluctant to start the process again, especially when they had caught nothing the night before. But when he did put the nets back into the water the catch of fish was almost immediate; the nets straining with the bounty. There were so many fish that the nets began to break. They called for help to their companions, James and John. The boats were beginning to sink because of the weight of the catch.
It is in response to the sudden and overwhelming catch of fish that Simon Peter is suddenly overtaken by his sense of the presence of God in his fishing boat in the seemingly ordinary person of Jesus. Like Isaiah in God’s Temple, Simon’s sense of unworthiness in the presence of God overwhelms him. He trembles as “He fell down to his knees before Jesus, saying, ‘Go away from me Lord, for I am a sinful man!’” As if to say, ‘I am not worthy of what you have provided for me this day!’
A profound recognition of God incarnate took place not while Jesus was transfigured or enthroned in majesty but in the casting and drawing up of their fishing nets. In response to the miraculous catch, Simon recognizes God with him. For Peter and the other fishermen, the encounter was a call to a new adventure. “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will be catching men!” And the gospel tells us, they left their jobs and everything and committed their lives to Him!
God met Peter and God meets us where we are. Like Isaiah Peter initially felt unworthy, unready and unprepared for the encounter and for his new work but God sees us and wants us for who we are and where we are. God will purify us, prepare us for our tasks and make us ready to do our work, however ordinary or exalted this work might be that we’re doing. But our ordinariness will always be a part of who we are, not a place absent from God but where God meets us every day.
It’s a matter of finding God in the ordinariness of your life. It’s a matter of letting Christ enter the boat of your life and allowing Him to do some wonderful things for you despite how worthy or unworthy you deem yourself.It’s a matter of keeping focus gentleman, taking the lead over yourself with your life and leading your family if you are a family man. These are not easy times to be a religiously focused man. Some people snicker and make jokes of religion and piety. Some are skeptical about God and his church. Some are put off by the observation that religion doesn’t make you rich in material things. Some believe they can get along in life quite well without this religion thing.
People make the decision easily to attend a football or soccer game rather than attend Sunday Mass. People do this and sleep comfortably the same night thinking they can get up the next morning by their own strength. The sweep of the popular culture out there to live life with little or no reference to God or the Church is immensely attractive. It is an undertow that carries men and their families away from the grace of the Gospel and the sacraments.
Are you interested in saving your wife and your family? Are you interested in your own salvation?
I know a man who insists that every Sunday evening his family sits down and has dinner together. Nothing, absolutely nothing can interfere with that family-time. The teenagers in the family are welcome to bring a friend to dinner, but everything else must give way to the family being together at table for once in the course of a week. The chaotic schedules that bear down upon each of the family members makes coming together next to impossible on other days of the week. But this husband and father considers the Sabbath sacred for his family and underscores each one’s participation.
This same family man, once dinner is finished, leaves the dishes to the teenagers and takes his wife for a half-hour walk outside, just the two of them, to talk and share among themselves.
Most of us benefit from a “Plan of Life” that helps us live as a Christian man carrying forth what it is that God has ordained us to do. Living life haphazardly, bouncing from one thing to the next, one chore to the next, whatever-happens-happens kind of approach, from one surprise to the next, from one tragedy to the next, is not a careful way to live as a Christian. A Christian man takes each and every item of his life and analyzes it prayerfully in order to discover what God means for him and where God is leading him.
Our religion is a preoccupation that permeates everything we are and do, that infuses the thoughts we think, the choices we make, the sufferings we suffer and the joys we take delight in. The message of the Lord found in the gospels is the very constitution of our lives.
Therefore, it asks for certain steps taken on our part by way of a structured religious life, to make sure that we are responding to the Lord when he tells us to put out into the deep, to make sure that we have the spiritual armor to combat the onslaughts of despair and temptation and secularism that pushes God away from our lives, to make sure that we, like Peter, can fall to our knees and recognize God’s powerful presence in our homes and families. As Joshua, Moses’ deputy, is quoted as saying in the Old Testament:
“If it does not please you to serve the Lord, decide today whom you will serve… as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord!”
In a Catholic man’s plan of life, it helps to include:
Some regular prayer with your wife and in the home together – this can be done with use of a prayer book, or the rosary or spontaneous prayerful words from you or your wife.
Making sure Sunday Mass is a non-negotiable with your wife and your children – before sports or other things that amount to entertaining yourselves. We must entertain God first.
Making sure there are Catholic symbols in the home: a crucifix at a minimum, some statue or sacred picture or art that reminds you and visitors to your home what in your life is important. When I visit homes the first thing I look for is some sign or signs of people’s faith. Some people have no visible indications in their households of what they believe in. Reading solid Catholic literature is important in order to keep abreast of news and issues in our church – this can be done through requisite magazines by Catholic publishers or through Catholic outlets’ journalism through the internet. We can always make recommendations about wholesome Catholic literature when asked. There is a variety of Catholic reading material, from the average to the scholarly.
How about an occasional attendance at weekday mass or ten minutes in Eucharistic adoration at a parish chapel nearby?
How about family time marked off in the course of the week where you and your wife and children can spend time together and punctuate the beauty of what God has given you? If you don’t take charge of your family, some thing or someone else will.
Start out small with a plan – something to keep the graces showering upon yourselves. Don’t be afraid men to get on your knees before God and thank Him for the privileges of faith and insight. Don’t be afraid to shepherd your family in the ways of the Lord. Don’t be afraid to put out into the deep and lower your nets, for a catch.
It is not sufficient to merely utter that we are sinful men and rest there. Too many of us relish in the notion that we are sinful men. The Lord would like our friendship, our worship, our conversion of life and our loyalty to Him.
#bishop joseph n perry#men's spirituality#chicago#catholicism#male catholic spirituality#religion#male spirituality
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St. Ailbhe - Saint of the Day, September 12th, 2022
St. Ailbhe – Saint of the Day, September 12th, 2022
St. Ailbhe Facts Feastday: September 12 Patron: of wolves Death: 528 Bishop and preacher, one of the saints whose life has been woven into the myths and legends of Ireland. He was a known disciple of St. Patrick, and is called Albeus in some records. What is known about Ailbhe is that he was a missionary in Ireland, perhaps sponsored by King Aengus of Munster. He was also the first bishop of…

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A Fluffy Sterek Rec List
Because that’s the best way to break in your new blog!!
Some of these you might already know of, and some you won’t. Either way, all of these are beautiful in their own way and will make you smile :D
Some Things Should Really Just Stay In The Vault
By @fairytales-and-folklore
Words: 1.2k
Summary: "So…" he ventures with an air of casual nonchalance that fools absolutely no one. "You think they keep this vault on the premises, or—"
"Stiles, no."
"Stiles, yes."
"Stiles, you are not breaking into the secret Disney porn vault," Derek heaves a long-suffering sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose and rolling his eyes so hard he nearly gives himself a migraine. "That's not a sentence I ever thought I'd have to say, but here we are. This is my life now."
"Oh come on, Derek," Stiles whines, tugging at his shirtsleeve. "I'm not saying you'd have to break in with me. Just, you know…be the lookout."
Artistic License
By Katsolus (if they have a blog, please tell me, ty!)
Words: 464
Summary: Stiles has been writing in secret. Late one night he shares the wrong folder with Lydia....
Sweet Disposition
By Orchidaexa (if they have a blog, please tell me!)
Words: 386
Summary: Derek has a realisation and just kind of... wants to talk about it.
I Wanna Be Your Endgame
By LadySlytherin (I... don’t know most of the author’s blogs, or if they even have one, so... tell me?)
Words: 2.7k
Summary: There are a lot of things Derek, as a born wolf, doesn't understand about humans. Like just how much they can still hear, even with their 'dull human senses.' Stiles isn't above using that to his advantage.
By @kaistrex
Words: 4.3k
Summary: Snippets of the lives of four-year-old Derek and baby Stiles as they grow up together.
Standalone chapters. Forever ongoing.
he’s all that and more
By actuallygago
Words: 6.5k
Summary: One of the first things people learn in St. Ailbe's is that you don't mess with Stilinski.
At first he doesn't seem like much, just 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones, an hyperactive kid with gangly limbs that is unable to speak without some form of sarcasm, his first impression is harmless enough.
But that impression never lasts long.
Or 5 times Stiles showed he was more than he seems + 1 time he didn't need to.
A Fin-tastic Roe-mance
By @isthatbloodonhisshirt
Words: 13.2k
Summary: “What the fuck!” Stiles flailed away from hot lifeguard man, one leg still caught beneath the other’s tail—his fucking tail! Like, a real tail!—before he managed to pull it free and scramble back.
The man—merman? Fish-person!—sat up then as Stiles scrambled backwards, levelling him with an unimpressed look and letting some of his weight rest against his hands behind himself on the sand.
Stiles pointed at his face, then his tail, then back at his face. “You’re a—you’re a—you’re a—”
“You’re welcome,” hot lifeguard merman said, rolling his eyes and shifting so that his tail was bent and out towards the side, sitting up properly and eying Stiles with a critical eye. “You hit your head pretty hard. Are you okay?”
“Clearly not!” Stiles shouted. “I am obviously hallucinating!”
And that’s all for now! See ya later <3
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Alan Deaton, Lydia Martin, Vernon Boyd, Erica Reyes, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf) Additional Tags: 5+1 Things, Spark Stiles Stilinski, BAMF Stiles, Alternate Universe - Magic, Magic School, duels, Fluff, Not much of a plot, stiles and derek are the same age Summary:
One of the first things people learn in St. Ailbe's is that you don't mess with Stilinski.
At first he doesn't seem like much, just 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones, an hyperactive kid with gangly limbs that is unable to speak without some form of sarcasm, his first impression is harmless enough.
But that impression never lasts long.
5 times Stiles showed he was more than he seems + 1 time he didn't need to
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You’ll Hear Me Howling (Outside Your Door)
Chapter 11: Cleaning Up
Father Ben Solo has been a priest at St. Ailbe’s parish for the last two years. It’s a position that provides the structure and control he lacked in his youth, and maybe best of all, a way to wrangle his more unsavory urges as an Alpha. Rey Stafford has just moved to Ontario, hoping to advance at work and adjust to a new life across the Atlantic as an Omega living alone. When an unusual encounter in the confessional leaves them spiraling into a constant routine of advance and retreat, they both begin to struggle against their own baser urges and the ticking time bomb of years of repression.
Rated: E
Huge thank you to @capaldisrighteyebrow for your unfailing help with this in all things ABO, worldbuilding, brainstorming, betaing, and pretty much just being awesome. Thanks also to @flypaper-brain, @inmyownidiom, and @leofgyth for beta and brainstorm help!
#reylo#reylo fanfiction#reylo au#reylo abo#modern au#priest ben#alpha ben#omega rey#fic: yhmhoyd#the garbage fics will do
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#OTD in Irish History | 12 September:
#OTD in Irish History | 12 September:
In the Liturgical calendar, it is the Feast day of St. Ailbe, Bishop of Emly, Tipperary. Mexico – Commemoration of the mass hanging of the Saint Patrick’s Battalion. 1653 – Ireland and Scotland are represented by six and five members respectively in the ‘Barebones’ parliament which is in effect from 4 July to this date. 1798 – United Irishmen Rebellion: Rebels attack Castlebar and are…

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#irelandinspires#irishhistory#OTD#12 September#1798 United Irishmen Rebellion#Benbulbin#Benwiskin#Bishop of Emly#Boston College#Dartry mountains#History#History of Ireland#Ireland#Irish Civil War#Irish History#Irish War of Independence#John McElroy#Mexico#Saint Patrick&039;s Battalion#St. Ailbe#Tipperary#Today in Irish HistoryEdit
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St Ailbe of Emly (Ireland) is very underrated. A saint from pre-Patrick Ireland, raised by wolves, and then protected that same wolf years later? The man's awesome!
Putting in the same answer as I gave for St Ciarian!
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You'll Hear Me Howling (Outside Your Door)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KNQpfC
by HarpiaHarpyja
Father Ben Solo has been a priest at St. Ailbe's parish for the last two years. It's a position that provides the structure and control he lacked in his youth, and maybe best of all, a way to wrangle his more unsavory urges as an Alpha. Rey Stafford has just moved to Ontario, hoping to advance at work and adjust to a new life across the Atlantic as an Omega living alone. When an unusual encounter in the confessional leaves them spiraling into a constant routine of advance and retreat, they both begin to struggle against their own baser urges and the ticking time bomb of years of repression.
Words: 3625, Chapters: 1/9, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Rey & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Voice Kink, Masturbation, Masturbation in Shower, Forbidden Love, Roman Catholicism, Catholic Guilt, Improper Use of Catholic Rituals, Catholic Imagery, Confessional, Slow Build, Temptation, Canada, Eh B O, i can't help it sorry, Angst, Some Humor, Omega Rey (Star Wars), Alpha Ben Solo, Priest Ben Solo, Ransolm and Canady are priests too so get ready for that, The Last Temptation of Ben Solo, ABO Catholic Lore, Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Sexual Fantasy, Rey Stafford: Friendly Neighborhood Agnostic, It's not a conversion story y'all
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KNQpfC
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Dolores Mary Eileen O'Riordan, nota come Dolores O'Riordan (Ballybricken, 6 settembre 1971 – Londra, 15 gennaio 2018), è stata una cantautrice e musicista irlandese.
È stata la cantante, autrice e chitarrista dei The Cranberries. Dopo aver lasciato, seppur non ufficialmente, la formazione per intraprendere una carriera da solista nel 2003, tornò nel gruppo nel 2009.
Nata a Ballybricken, townland nella Contea di Limerick sita a 11 miglia dal capoluogo, era l'ultima di sette fratelli nati da Terence ed Eileen O'Riordan, che le hanno impartito un'educazione cattolica. Frequentò la Laurel Hill Coláiste FCJ del South Circular Roud di Limerick.
Dolores O'Riordan entrò a far parte dei Cranberries nel 1990 in sostituzione del cantante Niall Quinn, che lascia il gruppo che aveva contribuito a fondare nel 1989 assieme a Noel e Mike Hogan e Fergal Patrick Lawler.
La band pubblicò tre album: Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We? (1993), No Need to Argue (1994) (contenente la canzone Zombie, premiata agli MTV Awards come migliore canzone del 1995) e To the Faithful Departed (1996). Il 12 settembre 1995, a Modena, Dolores O'Riordan duettò con Luciano Pavarotti in occasione del Pavarotti & Friends. Nel 1999 uscì il nuovo album, Bury the Hatchet, a cui seguìun tour. Dopo altre due pubblicazioni, Wake Up and Smell the Coffee e il loro Greatest hits Stars - The Best of 1992 - 2002, i componenti della band si separarono, senza molto clamore e senza dichiarare ufficialmente lo scioglimento, nel 2003.
Morì improvvisamente all'età di 46 anni il 15 gennaio 2018. Venne trovata senza vita in un bagno di un hotel di Londra, città in cui si trovava per una breve sessione di registrazione. All'inizio di settembre dello stesso anno, vennero resi pubblici i referti autoptici, i quali attestano che la morte avvenne per annegamento, e che fu un tragico incidente causato dall'assunzione in dosi massicce di alcool. Dopo la scomparsa venne allestita la camera ardente nella chiesa di San Giuseppe a Limerick, dove centinaia di fan e amici della O'Riordan hanno reso omaggio alla cantante.[Nella chiesa della città natale dell'artista, la St Ailbe’s Church, amici e colleghi cantarono in coro "No Need to Argue": tra di loro c'era anche la moglie di Bono Vox, Ali Hewson, insieme ai componenti della band della O'Riordan. In seguito il feretro venne sepolto nel cimitero di Caherelly.
Da solista
2007 – Are You Listening?
2009 – No Baggage
Album in studio con i Cranberries
1993 – Everybody Else Is Doing It, So Why Can't We?
1994 – No Need to Argue
1996 – To the Faithful Departed
1999 – Bury the Hatchet
2001 – Wake Up and Smell the Coffee
2012 – Roses
2017 – Something Else
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an entirely un-lucid collage for Ailbe; barely a collage, more a quick collection of thoughts.
Hunger by Florence + the Machine
Dirge without Music by Edna St. Vincent Millay
Night at Dunkirk by Louis Aragon
South London Forever by Florence + the Machine
South London Forever by Florence + the Machine
Wilde’s Tomb by Michael Gessner
South London Forever by Florence + the Machine
Easter 1916 by William Butler Yeats
Arms and the Boy by Wilfred Owen
South London Forever by Florence + the Machine
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So sorry for all the typos. Was using the tiny old iPod so I could read on my phone and write whatever bullshit. That screen is so fucking thin omg.
And from what I remember after some drama with Rosalyn, dastien ends up biting her at the party cause the wolf inside him wanted her so bad he couldn’t help itttttt. OH I think that’s when she gets locked in her new dorm room at st ailbes. She wakes up there. I think it’s in the first book, she and dastien have a “you turned me im mad at you but our wolves are in love so we’re drawn to eachother and also Inlove” but before they get together, he’s her PE teacher. Lmfaoooo.
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Dolores O'Riordan's Funeral Held in Cranberries' Hometown
Dolores O'Riordan's bandmates, family and friends gathered to lay her to rest Tuesday in the band's hometown. The surviving Cranberries -- Noel Hogan, Mike Hogan and Fergal Lawler -- were in Limerick for her funeral service at St. Ailbe's Church ...…
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