#St Cajetan
portraitsofsaints · 2 months
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Saint Cajetan 1480-1547 Feast Day: August 7 Patronage: job seekers, the unemployed, workers, bankers, gamblers, Argentina, Italy
Saint Cajetan was born into a noble, Venetian (Italy), family. He studied law before he became a priest at 35. These were troubled times in the church with unscrupulous and uneducated priests and the start of the Protestant revolt. Instead of leaving the Church, he sought to reform it by forming a new order called the Congregation of Clerks Regular (Theatines). They established hospitals, lived in the spirit of monasticism and ministered to the poor and sick. He established a bank as an alternative to usury. (The Bank of Naples) The order made converts by their zeal and love for God and neighbor.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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PROPAGANDA FOR ST. CATEJAN 🗣️🗣️🗣️ PATRON OF THE UNEMPLOYED!!!! cmon we’ve all been that unemployed friend at 1pm on a tuesday, band together for st catejan and maybe you’ll get a call back about that application ;)
awwwww I would have loved to see him on the bracket but ALAS he did not get enough votes to make it to the bracket. he was nominated only once!
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vigilantkatholixx · 2 months
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clarythericebot · 5 months
it feels kinda weird to admit, but the job that did cause me to burn out bad did make me a better writer
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culturalarchitect · 8 months
Tips for Business Start Ups: introducing the Patron Saints of Business Start Up
Every religion has its God(s) and every human activity has its own patron saint to pray to: if you’ve lost your car keys, a prayer to St Anthony can help you find them. If you’ve joined a lost cause, best pray to St. Jude Thaddeus and if you’ve recently opened a coffee shop and can’t find your customers, a call to St. Drogo (patron saint of coffee house owners) might put you back on the right…
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a8ra · 11 months
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Theatine Church of St. Cajetan and Adelaide, Munich, Germany
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catholicpriestmedia · 2 months
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"Saint Cajetan of Thiene, Pray for Us!" #OraProNobis
📷 St Cajetan by Pedro Alonso de los Ríos outside St Emilian and St Cajetan Church, Madrid / Luis García / #Wikipedia (CC BY-SA 3.0) #Catholic_Priest #CatholicPriestMedia #SaintoftheDay
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devilofthepit · 3 months
before you post something stupid online, ask yourself: have i prayed to st. cajetan today?
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anastpaul · 2 months
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PRAYER – O God, Who bestowed upon St Cajetan, Thy Confessor, the grace to follow the apostolic way of life; grant us we beseech Thee, by his intercession and example, ever to trust in Thee and to long only for the things of Heaven.Through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son our Lord, Who lives and reigns with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. Amen (Collect).
(via One Minute Reflection – 7 August – ‘There is a kind of riches which sows death wherever it holds sway …’ – AnaStpaul)
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skippyv20 · 1 year
Dear Skippy, I had to resign from an awful job but have had no luck in finding another. So, I prayed to St Jude and also St Cajetan, the patron saint of job seekers. Out of the blue, I have been offered a job today! The power of prayer is a miracle, my grateful thanks to Saints Jude and Cajetan. Bless you for your blog that lifts my spirits every day. Much love to you all.
Wow!  Thank you so much for letting me know.  This is wonderful news!  Congratulations!  The Power of Prayer is indeed a miracle.  You sharing this gives hope to others.  A great gift!  Thank you God for prayers answered.  Thank you to St. Jude and St. Cajetan for intercession?  Thank YOU for staying with me.  God Bless you.  Sending love and hugs!  Good luck in your new job!🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️
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obsessedwithdavrick · 2 years
Patrick wasn’t as sure of himself as people thought.
He hadn’t just walked out the door from Rachel without looking back.
The call he made to Ray hadn’t been made in the spur of the moment.
Telling his parents, he was moving halfway across the country filled him with gut-churning dread.
However, some things just need to be done.
Walking into Rose Apothecary to tell his crush (he had a crush on a man!) that he wanted to go into business with him?
Fucking terrifying.
He took a deep-breath, sent a prayer out to St Cajetan and opened the door.
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portraitsofsaints · 1 year
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St. Cajetan 1480-1547 Feast Day: August 7 Patronage: job seekers, the unemployed, workers, bankers, gamblers, Argentina, Italy
Saint Cajetan was born into a noble, Venetian (Italy), family. He studied law before he became a priest at 35. These were troubled times in the church with unscrupulous and uneducated priests and the start of the Protestant revolt. Instead of leaving the Church, he sought to reform it by forming a new order called the Congregation of Clerks Regular (Theatines). They established hospitals, lived in the spirit of monasticism and ministered to the poor and sick. He established a bank as an alternative to usury. (The Bank of Naples) The order made converts by their zeal and love for God and neighbor.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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Let's go St Cajetan ! (Patron Saint of good luck, gamblers, etc.)
He's been added to the post-schism list!! But he's going to need a ton of votes and propaganda to make it to the bracket!!
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secretcatholicwitch · 11 months
Sorry, just wondering--I want to send my friend a spell jar, or something like that. Ideally, with a saint medal. Do you know of a shop that sells something like that? She's interviewing for a promotion.
Sometimes a local Catholic shop would sell metals or even online is a good choice as well if you need it ASAP, a good saint for job stuff is St. Cajetan and maybe add some orange peel to the bottle for luck. I hope this helps, good luck.💕
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cruger2984 · 1 year
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT CAJETAN Founder of the Theatine Fathers and Patron of Gamers Feast Day: August 7
"If you want Christ to love you and help you, you must love Him, and always make every endeavour to please Him. Do not waver in your purpose, because even if all the saints and every single creature were to abandon you, He will always be near you, no matter what your needs may be."
Are you losing your job during the pandemic? Are you always wasting your money because you're bad at banking? Are you losing some stuff due to pulling a better gacha? This priest and founder is the one who solve all of your problems. This is Cajetan, nicknamed the 'Hunter of Souls', and is well-known as the patron saint of the unemployed, bankers, and gamers.
He was born Gaetano dei Conti di Thiene, in Vicenza, Veneto, Republic of Venice (now in Italy) on October 1, 1480, and is the son of Gaspar, lord of Thiene, and Mary Porta, persons of the first rank among the nobility of the territory of Vicenza in the Veneto region. When Cajetan was two, his father died. Quiet and retiring in nature, he was predisposed to piety by his mother.
Having obtained a doctorate in law and receiving a degree as doctor utriusque juris (both civil and canon law) from the University of Padua at the age of 24, and he spent two years as a senator in his hometown. In 1506, he worked as a diplomat for Pope Julius II, with whom he helped reconcile the Republic of Venice. But he was not ordained a priest until 1516. With the death of Pope Julius II in 1513, Cajetan withdrew from the papal court. Unsatisfied by that kind of life, he pursued his vocation in Rome, where he was ordained in 1516. Recalled to Vicenza by the death of his mother he founded in 1522 a hospital for incurables there. His interests were as much or more devoted to spiritual healing than the physical kind, and he joined a confraternity in Rome called the 'Oratory of Divine Love'.
A new congregation was canonically erected by Pope Clement VII in the year 1524. One of his four companions was Giovanni Pietro Carafa, the bishop of Chieti, elected first superior of the order, who later became pope as Paul IV. From the name of the city of Chieti (Theate in Latin), arose the name by which the order is known, the 'Theatines', commonly known as the Congregation of Clerics Regular.
They were committed to teach catechism, to assist the poor, and reform the clergy. They were known as Theatines in honor of the bishop of Chieti who joined them.
The order grew at a fairly slow pace: there were only twelve Theatines during the sack of Rome in 1527, during which Cajetan was tortured by the Spanish soldiers of Charles V who had mutinied, and they managed to escape to Venice, where they opened new houses. There Cajetan met Jerome Emiliani, whom he assisted in the establishment of his Congregation of Clerks Regular (Somascan Fathers). In 1533, he founded a house in Naples. The year 1540, found him in Venice again and from there he extended his work to Verona. He founded a bank to help the poor and offer an alternative to usurers (who charged high interest rates), and it later became the Banco di Napoli.
The reason why Cajetan is the patron of gamblers is this story. His connection to gambling is obscure. Popular lore says the people would ask him for a favor, and bet him a rosary that he couldn't come through. Since he always came through, he was able to get people to pray more.
Worn out by his restless apostolate, St. Cajetan died peacefully on August 7, 1547 at the age of 66. Advised by his physician not to lie in a hardboard but on a mattress, he replied: 'My Savior died on a cross, allow me at least to die on wood.'
Cajetan is beatified by Pope Urban VIII in 1629 and canonized by Pope Clement X in 1671. The Jesuit missionary, Eusebio Kino, who in 1691, established the mission San Cayetano de Tumacácori in honor of Cajetan. It is now Tumacacori National Historical Park in Arizona.
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earlgreytea68 · 1 year
Haha--I am also Catholic in the superstitious way and agree that St. Anthony comes through when I lose stuff. It made me laugh to see you describe "the saint in charge of employment" (is that Joseph?) instead of calling him a patron saint--reminded me of the demons "in charge of" stuff like health insurance in your Crooked Love fic.
hahahaha! I guess that really is how I think of them!
When I Googled I also got St. Joseph for the result but I swear the candle was some kind of Italian saint with an Italian name I'd never heard of before, like, a completely random and obscure saint name. THIS IS IT. Not the candle I got -- mine had the picture of the saint on it -- but it's Saint Cajetan, that was the saint in charge of employment whose candle I lit lol
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